04 13 2021 Yelm City Council Agenda PacketEST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Pride of the Prairie" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA April 13, 2021 Please register for the April 13, 2021 Yelm City Council meeting on April 13, 2021, 6:00 PM PDT at: 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC COMMENT *Complete a blue speaker's card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) March 23, 2021 Minutes 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Water Rights Overview Update — Grant Beck, Community Development Director b) Resolution No. 612, Repealing Resolution No. 379 Which Established the Rail Advisory Committee Motion to approve Resolution No. 612, repealing Resolution No. 379 in its entirety. c) Resolution No. 613, Adding the Advisory Boards and Commissions Roles & Responsibilities to the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual as Appendix 13 Motion to approve Resolution No. 613 adding the Advisory Boards and Commission Roles & Responsibilities to the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual as Appendix 13. d) Ordinance No. 1073, Amending the Yelm Municipal Code as it relates to Boards and Commissions Motion to approve Ordinance No. 1073 amending Yelm Municipal Code sections 2.32 Parks Advisory Committee, 2.34 Tree Advisory Board, 2.35 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, 2.40 Yelm Arts Commission, 2.51 Police Advisory Committee, 2.63 Yelm Library Advisory Board, 18.04 Planning Commission and 18.05 Historic Preservation Commission. 106 2111 ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597. 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider 7. OLD BUSINESS a) Request to Circulate a Petition for Annexation A request to initiate the annexation for a 10 acre parcel of land located at the end of Vancil Road into the City of Yelm S. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 10. ADJOURN Page 2 of 3 MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed at.www.velmwa.gov or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Emergency Operations Board Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Yelm Public Safety Committee South Sound Military and Community Partnership Yelm General Government Committee Regional Housing Council Board - Risk Management Services Agency Councilmember James Blair Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Public Works Committee Yelm Finance Committee Intercity Transit Authority Yelm Homelessness Task Force Thurston County Law and Justice Council Councilmember EJ Curry Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Southeast Thurston Fire Authority Yelm Senior Center liaison Yelm Emergency Operations Board South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Admin Board of Director(s) for TRPC Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Public Works Committee Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Homelessness Task Force Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Finance Committee Nisqually River Council Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Thurston Thrives Coordinating Council Page 3 of 3 VIRTUAL YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2021 MINUTES 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll Call Present: Molly Carmody, EJ Curry, Tracey Wood, Tad Stillwell, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. James Blair was absent. 21-032 MOTION BY TERRY KAMINSKI EXCUSING JAMES BLAIR FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED BY JOE DEPINTO. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 2. Agenda Approval 21-033 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY AMENDING THE AGENDA TO ADD DISCUSSION AND NEXT STEPS ON REPLACING COUNCILMEMBER STILLWELL. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember James Blair joined the meeting at 6:09 p.m. Special Presentations - February Student of the Month - Lenna Miskimens Presentation by Association of Washington Cities on Advanced Certification of Municipal Leadership for Councilmember Joe DePinto 4. Public Comment - Reni Storm shared concerns about the heavy traffic in Yelm. 5. Consent Agenda - a. March 9, 2021 Minutes b. February Financials $1,743,442.60 21-034 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Discussion on replacing Councilmember Stillwell's Position No. 4 21-035 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO ADVERTISE AND ACCEPT APPLICATIONS FOR COUNCILMEMBER STILLWELL'S POSITION NO. 4. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Request to Circulate a Petition for Annexation 21-036 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO TABLE THE DISCUSSION UNTIL THE APRIL 6, 2021 STUDY SESSION. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 5-2 (NO -EJ CURRY AND JOE DEPINTO). MOTION CARRIED. c. Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering Services - 2021 Water Main Improvements - Parametrix, Inc. 21-037 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN A PROFESSIONAL AGREEMENT WITH PARAMETRIX, INC. IN THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $223,470.50 FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE 2021 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. March 23, 2021 Page 1 1 7. Old Business - None Scheduled 8. UPDATES - City Administrator - Michael Grayum - No report 9. Executive Session - None scheduled 21-038 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:19 p.m. JW Foster, Mayor Attest: Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. March 23, 2021 Page 1 2 i f 6'.5r. 192 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: April 13, 2021 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION NO. 612, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 379 which established the Rail Advisory Committee and is no longer needed. PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution No. 612, repealing Resolution No. 379 in its entirety - KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Resolution No. 379 was approved by the City Council on November 24th 1998 to acquire the railroad branch line that was owned by Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company. This resolution also created a Rail Advisory Committee to advise the city on the use, operation and development of the acquired property and to provide guidance to the Public Works Director on how to proceed. Over time, the rail line has become infeasible due to the cost of repairing the rail bed, tracks, and significantly, the bridge. The Rail Advisory Committee is no longer necessary. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution No. 612 • Resolution No. 379 Respectfully Submitted: Kathy Linnem er Executive Assistant/Custom r Service Manager RESOLUTION No. 612 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 379 WHEREAS, on November 24, 1998, the Yelm City Council approved Resolution No. 379 which stated the guiding principles for the acquisition and use and operational oversight of the railroad branch line and created a Rail Advisory Committee to advise the city on the use, operation and development of the acquired property; and to provide guidance to the Director of Public Works on how to proceed; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm had indicated its interest in acquiring all property interests that were held by Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) in its Yelm Branch Line for general public welfare, economic development and investment purposes; and WHEREAS, over time, the rail line has become infeasible due to the cost of repairing the rail bed, tracks, and significantly, the bridge; and WHEREAS, a Rail Advisory Committee is no longer needed by the City of Yelm; now, therefore; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington, that Resolution No. 379 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Approved this 13th day of April, 2021 JW Foster, Mayor Attest: Lori Lucas City Clerk/HR Manager CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO. 379 A RESOLUTION To state the guiding principles for the acquisition and use and operational oversight of the railroad branch line, the Yelm Branch Line, currently owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company; to create a Rail Advisory Committee to advise the city on the use, operation and development of the acquired property; and to provide guidance to the Director of Public Works on how to proceed; and WHEREAS, The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) currently operates over a railroad corridor called the Yelm Branch Line which extends from Milepost 8.55 near Lakeview on the north to mile post 25.55 in the City of Yelm on the south and has indicated its interest in discontinuing rail service over at least a part of that branch line; and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm has indicated its interest in acquiring all property interests now held by the BNSF in its Yelm Branch Line for general public welfare, economic development and investment purposes; and WHEREAS, The City of Roy has expressed its interest in participating with the City of Yelm in setting public policy for the use and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch, insofar as such use operation and development affects the City of Roy; and WHEREAS, The Yelm Chamber of Commerce has actively been supporting the public acquisition of the Yelm branch; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, THE MAYOR CONCURRING: Section 1. The Council endorses the following guiding principles in acquisition, operation and development of the BNSF Yelm Branch Line (formerly known as the Northern Pacific's Prairie Line): All BNSF property interests its Yelm Branch Line, should be acquired by the City of Yelm and after such acquisition the line of railroad shall be referred to as "The Prairie Line." The preservation and vitality of businesses located along the BNSF's Yelm Branch Line should be preserved, and additional businesses should be encouraged to locate along the line. The exploration and development of commuter rail and other passenger uses in conjunction with development of the acquired property should be encouraged. The interests of the City of Roy and its citizens will be considered in any use or development of the BNSF's Yelm Branch line, and appropriate interlocal agreements or contracts may be entered into by the two Cities to achieve and carry out mutual interests and apportion ownership, as necessary. RESOLUTI/RES.98.RES379.DOC Section 2. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee is established to assist and advise the City of Yelm in acquiring, operating and developing the acquired rail property, "The Prairie Line." (a) The Committee shall be composed of the Mayor of Yelm, the Mayor of Roy, or their designees, and three persons appointed by the City of Yelm and two person appointed by the City of Roy, to serve at the pleasure of the respective appointing Mayor. The Mayor of Yelm may designate one of the appointed members to serve as chairperson: (b) The committee members will receive no additional compensation, except that the City may reimburse any travel or administrative expenses of the appointees out of the marketing fund established herein, under the guidelines established by the City. .x. Section,3. Rail Marketing Fund. The Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee shall advise the Public,Works Director on an annual marketing budget as determined by the City of Yelm of up to 1/2 of 1% of any rents, profits or other payments received by the City of Yelm for use or uses of any part of the Prairie Line. This fund to be created annually as part of the operating budget of the Department of Public Works, and its use shall be subject to review and audit. The fund shall be used -to promote the use of the Prairie Rail Line. Section 4. The Director of Public Works shall: (a) Negotiate the acquisition of BNSF's Yelm Branch Line and appurtenant property with appropriate BNSF officials and submit to the council a proposal for such acquisition. (b) Develop in consultation with the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee created herein, and submit to the Council for approval, a proposed rail policy which will encourage and promote freight and commuter rail service, provide for safe and economical development and use of all property in the acquired branch line, and prepare a prudent and business -like property management plan for the acquired property. (c) Assist the Prairie Line Rail Advisory Committee in preparing an appropriate budget for its operating expenditures and other such uses of the rail Marketing Fund created in Section 3, and, as part of the Public Works' normal budgeting process. (d) Create a proposed bid requirement to solicit appropriate offers from competent rail operators to contract with the City for engaging in common and contract carrier freight rail service over the Prairie Line. The qualifications for a contract rail operator should emphasize financial responsibility and rail operation experience, and ability to meet current rail customer's transportation requirements. RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC 2 (e) Develop an Operating Agreement which the City may use to engage the services of a competent rail operator, or operators, ensuring that such agreement will provide an operator or operators who will meet the reasonable service requests of businesses who desire common carrier rail service, that the City will remain in overall control of the properties, and that such operators will be able to bear the full expense and risk attendant with such rail operations. (f) Develop a program of active oversight of future rail operations and other property uses in the Prairie Line to ensure all such uses are in compliance with contract, safety and public use requirements. j (g) Prepare and file on behalf of the City any documents necessary to carry out the acquisition and operation of The Prairie Line with the Surface Transportation Board, the Federal Railroad Administration, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the Washington Department of Transportation, the .Association of American Railroads, or any similar agencies or organizations. Section 5. The Council supports all progressive and safe -uses of the acquired property which will benefit the general public and directs the Mayor to explore all reasonable opportunities for The Prairie Line to yield a return on the City's investment; Provided, however, that such uses must be consistent, and not interfere, with the general acquisition purpose of providing freight and passenger rail service, so long as there is a reasonable demand or potential need for such services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Yelm, that RESOLUTION 379 is hereby approved and adopted. ADOPTED this 9 Id day of November 1998. A P, Wl� I' • /�,' ATTEST: AC&ES P. BENNICK, CITY CLERK RESOLUTI/RES.98/RES379.DOC EST. 1924 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: April 13, 2021 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION NO. 613, ADDING THE ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PROTOCOL MANUAL AS APPENDIX 13. PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution No. 613 adding the Advisory Boards and Commission Roles & Responsibilities to the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual as Appendix 13. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Advisory Boards and Commissions Roles & Responsibilities were created to establish consistency and continuity for all boards and commissions. Integrating the important role they have for providing community feedback and participation with establishing and updating policies in partnership with the City Council. Incorporating the Roles & Responsibilities into the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual will allow for timely and efficient, cost effective updates as necessary. • Council Committees discussed the need for each Advisory Board and Commission in February. • Council discussed rules of procedure including membership qualifications, meeting management, recruitment of members, attendance requirements, staffing support and meeting notification process at the March 2021 Study Session. a The General Government Committee reviewed the Roles & Responsibilities in March and April 2021. • Feedback from Council is reflected in this document and includes: 4 year terms, 5 member Boards and Commissions, Mayor appoints and Council confirms appointments (unless there are statutory requirements). o These changes are also consistent with the Yelm Municipal Code changes which are part of the next item on the City Council Agenda. ATTACHMENTS: ■ Resolution No. 613 • Appendix 13 Respectfully Submitted: U�-�SLs Kathy Unnemeyer Executive Assistant/Customer Service Manager RESOLUTION No. 613 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON ADDING ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES, TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PROTOCOL MANUAL AS APPENDIX 13 WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council have determined it appropriate to adopt procedures and policies for the operation and conduct of business; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual was adopted in 2002 via Resolution No. 432 and updated in 2005 via Resolution No. 453 and updated in 2020 via Resolution No. 608; and WHEREAS, creating Roles and Responsibilities for the Advisory Boards and Commissions will integrate the important role that they have for providing community feedback and participation with establishing and updating policies and partnership with the City Council; and WHEREAS, including the Boards and Commissions Roles & Responsibilities in the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual will allow for cost effective periodic updates as necessary and helps create consistency and continuity for all boards and commissions, while recognizing the individual requirements for the Boards and Commissions with statutory requirements; and WHEREAS, Advisory Boards and Commissions Roles & Responsibilities has been reviewed by the General Government Committee on March 2, 2021 and on April 6, 2021 and discussed by the entire Council at March 2021 and April 2021 Study Sessions; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington, that the Boards and Commissions Roles and Responsibilities, is hereby added to the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual as Appendix 13. Approved this 13th day of April, 2021 JW Foster, Mayor Attest: Lori Lucas, City Clerk/HR Manager Appendix 13 Resolution No. 613 Adopted April 13, 2021 Advisory Boards & Commissions Roles & Responsibilities Appendix 13, Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual The General Role of Yelm's Advisory Boards and Commissions Advisory boards and commissions are a structured way for individual residents of the City of Yelm to share opinions and perspectives, study issues, and develop recommendations in a focused, small group structure. The primary purpose of advisory committees is to provide thorough judicious advice from the perspective of Yelm residents to the City Council and Mayor. Advisory committee activities may include study of critical issues, hearing public testimony, independent research, and reviewing staff reports and recommendations — all of which is intended so that the committee is prepared to discuss, formulate, and forward well-developed, thoughtful recommendations to the City Council in a timely manner. Policy Setting and Decision Making In making decisions, the Yelm City Council considers general citizen comment, advisory committee recommendations, staff recommendations, priorities and goals, research and background information, and individual Councilmember perspectives. The City Council expects to receive recommendations from advisory committees that reflect the individual and collective knowledge and thinking of the committee, and results of committee meetings. Boards and Commission recommendations may be transmitted as part of the staff report or as a distinct memo or report either attached to the staff report or transmitted separately to the City Council. The staff liaison for your committee can assist with this effort; and in all cases, a copy of your recommendation or report should be filed with both the staff liaison for your committee, advisory board committee members and with the City Council as it is a public record. It is expected that committee members and City staff will present recommendations from a professional perspective. There may be times when the professional opinions and recommendations of City staff differ in part or in whole from that of the committee, and that is okay. Differences of perspective are inherent in policy formulation and deliberation work of an organization that welcomes diverse perspectives. There also may be times when the advisory committee's recommendations will not prevail or will be modified by the City Council. It is important to recognize that this is not a rejection of the thoughtfulness or integrity of the recommendation but is an inevitable part of the process of municipal decision making where a variety of views, perspectives, and recommendations are considered. 1IPage Advisory Committee Work Plans and Meeting Schedule Each committee is expected to provide an annual work plan and meeting schedule to the City Council for consideration by March 31ST each year. Committees will also provide periodic progress reports and an annual report to the City Council. In developing the work plans, committees are to consider: • City Council established or adopted goals and priorities, including the City's Comprehensive Plan, annual Council goals, master plans, budget, and so on. • Resource availability— budget, staff support, committee member time. • Departmental work priorities. • Committee member knowledge, interest, and expertise. The work plans are formally reviewed and adopted by the City Council. When the plans are transmitted, each must be accompanied by a letter from: • The committee chair outlining the past year accomplishments and highlighting the top two proposed priorities and meeting schedule. • The respective department director or staff liaison addressing resource availability to accomplish the work items and relationship of the proposed items to planned departmental activities for the year. During its review, the City Council may change or modify a committee's proposed work plan so that it reflects City Council priorities, available resources, and emerging issues. Once adopted by City Council, the work plan serves as the basis for a committee's focus and effort during the year, although the City Council may, from time -to -time, refer other issues to the committee during the course of a year. Responsibilities and Expectations for Advisory Committee Members The General Government Committee has adopted Rules of Procedure for Yelm's advisory board and commissions. It is expected that: • All meetings are to be conducted in public session and noticed in accordance with State law, unless otherwise advised by City of Yelm's attorney. • Boards and committee minutes and information presented will be posted on the City website and available to all. • Committees will provide periodic updates throughout the year at City Council study sessions or business meetings as appropriate based on the information being provided. • Committee members are encouraged to attend City Council meetings whenever possible. • Individual committee members and the collective group will be fair, impartial and respectful of the public, staff, and each other. • Committee members will respect the limitations of their individual and collective authority. The role of the committee is to advise the City Council and/or staff. Please keep in mind that committee appointment does not empower you to make final decisions, unless authorized by State law or the group's enabling ordinance, or to supervise staff. • Members will strive to appreciate differences in approach and point of view, whether from each other, the community, the City Council or staff. 21 Page • Each member will participate in the group's discussions and work assignments, without dominating the discussion or activity of the committee. • The committee Chair will ensure that all members have a fair, balanced and respectful opportunity to share their knowledge and perspectives. • The committee will attempt to reach consensus on issues. If consensus is not possible, strong differing opinions such as "minority" opinions should be recorded and acknowledged in the committee's report to the City Council. • There are "no surprises" from the Committee either in nature of the work being undertaken by the committee or the method and timing for conveyance of recommendations to the City Council. The staff liaison fulfills an important role in assisting the committee in this regard. • Programs and expenses shall be funded from grants, donations, admission charges and/or from monies appropriated by the City Council, in an amount that the City Council determines appropriate. Committee members should encourage donations, grants and other support for items that are approved in the work plan. Please be careful not to deliberate about committee work and issues via e-mail or in unnoticed "side meetings or gatherings" as these actions may be in violation of open meetings laws. The City attorney is available to consult with or provide advice to committees in this regard and on any other legal issue. Required Open Government Training All City of Yelm elected and appointed officials, including advisory boards and commission members are required to receive Open Government Training including but not limited to, Public Records Act and Open Public Meetings within 90 days of appointment and a refresher training every 2 years. Each committee's staff liaison will work with new members to schedule training. Committee Chair The committee shall select its own chairperson from its membership. The Chair of the committee is responsible for: • Leadership and Vision — Providing leadership and conveying the City Council's vision to the team and other stakeholders. • Authority— Having the ability to start and end all meetings on time and ensure that the agenda is followed throughout the meeting. • Discussions — Monitoring discussions to ensure that they are relevant and useful. • Conflict Management — Mitigating any conflicts that occur during a meeting. • Designation of Replacement — Arranging for another member to take over these duties in case the chair is absent from a meeting. • Agenda Setting - Work with the staff liaison to establish the meeting agenda. Staff Support Each City of Yelm advisory board, commission or committee has an assigned staff liaison and a staff member from appropriate departments; (e.g., Public Works, Police, and Finance). 31 Page While the City of Yelm's staff liaisons have some differing duties, depending on past committee practice, time availability, and departmental resources, in general Yelm's staff liaison are responsible for: • Serving as a communication link between the committee, City administration, departments, and the City Council, as appropriate. • Providing professional guidance, issue and analysis and recommendations. • Assisting the committee with research, report preparation, and correspondence in keeping with the committee's Council -approved work plan and depending on their workload and time availability. • Making sure the intent of the advisory committee is not lost after a decision, and that it is conveyed to the City Council in a timely manner. • Assisting the advisory committee in staying on track and focused. • Presenting the advisory committee recommendations to the City Council, if requested to do so by either the committee or the City Council. • Maintaining a positive working relationship with the Chair and committee members. In addition to a staff liaison, each committee will be provided administrative support from the Customer Service Team who will be responsible for: • Ensuring that meetings, notifications and recordkeeping occurs consistent with applicable State laws. • Tracking expiration dates of terms of committee advisory members. • Advertising committee vacancies. • Preparing and distributing agendas and supporting documentation to committee members. • Taking minutes at meetings. Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings of all meetings, findings and determinations, which minutes shall be made available to the public at City Hall during normal business hours. • Ensuring proper archiving of all committee records. The liaisons are staff professionals with significant work responsibilities in addition to their committee liaison activities. In general, the liaisons are individuals who have significant staff responsibilities that relate to the same work area as the committee. The liaisons do not work "for" or "at the direction of" the committee. They are professionals who work with the committee to develop information and recommendations for City Council consideration. Meetings and Attendance Frequency Advisory boards and commissions will meet at least quarterly each year. They may choose to hold additional meetings, particularly at the beginning of the year, if it is considered necessary for to carry out responsibilities effectively. Scheduling Meetings will be announced at the last meeting of the year for the following year. For additional meetings, advisory board and committee members will be polled by the coordinator to determine availability. The final date will be announced at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The yearly meeting schedule will be posted on the City of Yelm website. 41 Page Meeting Location All agency meetings will be held at a specified location in a City of Yelm facility, unless otherwise scheduled and noticed by the agency's support staff on behalf of the chair. In the case of an alternative meeting location, the support staff shall notify in writing the agency's members, the City Administrator, and any other pertinent City staff. All meetings shall be open to the public and comply with the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) as provided in Chapter 42.30 RCW. For the purpose of this policy "in writing" includes messages sent via electronic mail. Attendance Members must provide notification of their anticipated attendance at meetings to the coordinator. Members who miss three consecutive meetings without notification will be requested to reconsider their commitment to the board or commission. Members may be removed from the committee for conduct that undermines the credibility and/or viability of the committee. Terms The term of office for the first appointive members appointed shall be designated in such manner as to provide that the fewest possible terms will expire in any one year. All terms of membership shall begin on the date of appointment and end on December 31ST of the final year of appointment. Vacancies Public notice of available positions shall be provided for at least two weeks. Applicants for vacant positions shall apply electronically on the City of Yelm website. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by the City Council. Interviews will be conducted if necessary. Compensation All members shall serve without compensation. The Yelm City Council's General Government Committee prepared this document. The most recent review and update was 03/02/2021 and 04/06/2021. 51 Page COMMITTEE INDEX Committees WITHOUT Statutory Requirements Parks Advisory Committee Tree Advisory Board Historic Preservation Commission Yelm Library Advisory Board Arts Commission Yelm Police Advisory Committee Committees WITH Statutory Requirements Yelm Planning Commission Yelm Civil Service Commission Yelm Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Yelm Salary Commission 61 Page Committees WITHOUT Statutory Requirements PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 2.32 Membership Term Length Appointing Residency Requirements Authority 5 4 Year Term Mayor/Council Resident of Yelm Area Confirm Purpose - The Yelm Parks Advisory Committee was created and established to advise the City Council on specific Park -related matters regarding planning and development of public recreational facilities and recreational programs. • To schedule and coordinate the use of park facilities for community events and to provide rules and regulations for the use thereof, and to carry out any other and further park related projects assigned by the Mayor or the City Council. • To make recommendations to the City Council on ordinances, rules and regulations regarding use of parks and other recreational facilities to best serve the interests of the public. • To carry out any other further park related projects assigned by the Mayor or the City Council. TREE ADVISORY BOARD Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 2.34—Ordinance No. 586 Membership Term Length Appointing Residency Requirements Authority 5 4 Year Term Mayor/Council Resident of Yelm Area Confirm Purpose — The Tree Advisory Board was created to maintain the Tree City status and to advise the City Council on specific tree -related matters. The Tree Advisory Board shall have the following powers and duties: • To develop a comprehensive community tree management program for the care of trees on public property. • To obtain public testimony and/or input as deemed necessary and to make recommendations to the City Council concerning trees on public property. • To make recommendations to the City Council on ordinances, rules and regulations regarding trees on public property to best serve the interests of the public; and • To carry out any other and further tree -related projects assigned by the Mayor or City Council. 71 Page HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 18.05 Membership Term Length Appointing Authority Residency Requirements 5 4 Year Term Mayor/Council Resident of Yelm Area. When Confirm possible, the commission shall include at least two professionals selected from among the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, historic preservation, planning, cultural anthropology, archaeology, cultural geography, American studies, law, and real estate. It is preferred that such persons have experience in identifying, evaluating, and protecting historic resources. Purpose - The major responsibility of the Historic Preservation Commission is to identify and actively encourage the conservation of Yelm's historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties; to raise community awareness of the City's history and historic resources, and to serve as the City's primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation. 81 Page YELM LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 2.63 Membership Term Length Appointing Authority Residency Requirements 5 4 Year Term Mayor/Council Three of the members Confirm appointed shall either be a resident of the City of Yelm or shall own property inside the City limits or shall have a current City of Yelm business license. The remaining two members shall reside within either the Yelm or Rainier school districts. Purpose It is the responsibility of the Yelm Library Advisory Board to make studies, reports, and recommendations and serve as an advisory body to the Mayor and City Council in all matters relative to: • The need for acquisition, utilization, care, maintenance and disposition of the library building or buildings and all property or equipment pertaining to or associated with library purposes which is or is intended to be owned by the City of Yelm. • Periodically evaluate, advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council regarding the relationship between the City of Yelm and Timberland regional library district (TRL). Such evaluation, feedback and recommendations shall be relative to the scope and quality of library services provided through various programs, budget, operational and strategic plans of the Timberland regional library district. • Evaluate legislative issues before the Washington State Legislature related to library matters, which may impact the City of Yelm, property owners within the City of Yelm, and/or patrons of the Timberland Regional Library District. • Review, advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council on rules and regulations governing the use of the library, its building(s) and grounds, and such equipment owned by the City of Yelm. The Yelm Timberland librarian will serve as Timberland Regional Library board liaison to the Yelm Library Advisory Board. 91 Page ARTS COMMISSION Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 2.40 Membership Term Length Appointing Residency Requirements Authority 5 4 Year Term Mayor/Council Resident of Yelm Area Confirm Purpose - The primary duty of the Yelm Arts Commission is to identify and actively encourage the development and sustainability of the arts in the City by serving as the City's primary resource in matters of public art and culture. The term "artwork" as used in this chapter shall include, without limitations, paintings, murals, stained glass, sculptures, bas-reliefs, monuments, fountains, arches or other structures of a permanent or temporary character intended for ornament or commemoration or any such graphic display as may be incorporated into the design and construction of public improvements deemed to illustrate historical, tribal, cultural or artistic impression. The commission shall be responsible for: • Developing policies for the acquisition, display and presentation/placement of public artwork. • Identifying projects that can benefit from artists' involvement. • Selecting artists to be commissioned, provided they are consistent with the venue, community standards, plans of the City and within the commission's current budget, to be approved by the City Administrator. • Providing advice to the City Administrator regarding appropriate maintenance of public artwork after the work is in place. To the extend reasonably possible the City shall seek representation on the commission from as many as possible of the following arts and professions: painting, sculpture, music, literature, architecture and landscape architecture, preforming arts, tribal or city historian and education, as well as lay members who have an interest in artistic, tribal, and cultural development of the City. 10 1 Page POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 2.51 Membership Term Length Appointing Residency Requirements Authority 5 4 Year Term Mayor and Resident of City of Yelm, Police Business Owner or employed Chief/Council in the City of Yelm Confirm Purpose - The Police Advisory Committee was created as part of the City of Yelm Police Department accreditation process. The committee is a community sounding board and advisory body for the Yelm Police Department to further its efforts toward community policing and provide periodic input on police issues to the Mayor, City Administrator and City Council. Youth members are appointed for one-year terms. To the extent reasonably possible the City shall seek representation on the committee to assure that key elements of the community are represented. Among the groups to be considered are: • Community members/neighborhood associations. • Business community/chamber of commerce. • Schools (high/middle schools). • Senior citizens. • Youth (high/extension school). • Police Chief/Commander. • City Council Member/police liaison The Police Advisory Committee shall serve a number of functions, including but not limited to, the following: • Serve as a communication link between community groups and agencies and the Yelm Police department. • Assist in setting community and problem -oriented policing priorities and strategies. • Provide community input to the Chief of Police and the Police Department on department practices, activities and services. • Serve as a community voice for presenting concerns about police operations, community livability and public safety. • Assist in educating the public about police issues. • Provide feedback to the City Council on police issues. 111 Page Committees WITH Statutory Requirements YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Yelm Municipal Code 18.04 RCW 35A.63 and 36.706 Membership Term Length Appointing Authority Residency Requirements 7 4 Year Term Mayor/Council Resident of Yelm Area Confirm growth area as defined in the Purpose — Planning Commission is mandatory when planning under Growth Management and advises the City Council on all planning and development issues including the preparation and revision of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and local land use regulations. Number of members not specified by RCW; not more than one-third of may be ex officio members (RCW 35.63.030.) YELM SALARY COMMISSION Yelm Municipal Code 2.07 RCW 35.21.015 Membership Term Length Appointing Authority Residency Requirements 3 4 Year Term Mayor/Council Reside in the Yelm urban Confirm growth area as defined in the most current City of Yelm comprehensive plan. Purpose —The Salary Commission shall review and establish the salaries of city elected officials, including salary, health benefits, and retirement plans. Number of members not specified by RCW. May not include any officer, official, or employee of the City or any immediate family member. Is established by charter or ordinance. 12 1 Page YELM LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 2.35 RCW 67.28.1817 Membership Term Length Appointing Authority Residency Requirements 5 4 Year Term Mayor/Council • 2 members minimum Confirm representative of business required to collect the tax • 2 members minimum involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received from the tax • 1 member elected official of municipality who will serve as chair of committee. • May include 1 non- voting member who is an elected official of the county where city is located. Membership requirement as directed by RCW 67.28.1817 Purpose — Any city or town with a population of 5,000 or more that imposes any lodging tax must also establish a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) to review applications and make funding recommendations to the legislative body for the purpose of determining how lodging tax revenues may be used for tourism promotion or supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism -related facilities owned or operated by the City of Yelm. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local Lodging Tax advisory Committee. Responsibilities of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: • Adopt policies and procedures. • Advertise funding opportunities and deadlines. • Follow the criteria established by the state statute RCW 67.28.1816 for selection of applicants eligible to receive tax revenue. • Provide a list of such candidates and recommended amount of funding to the municipality for final determination. • Attend meetings as scheduled and meet deadlines as established in the application process and those of required reporting. 13 1 Page YELM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 2.48 RCW 41.12 Membership Term Length Appointing Authority Residency Requirements 3 6 Year Term Mayor/Council RCW 41.12.030 City of Yelm Confirm resident for at least three years immediately preceding appointment, citizen of United States, elector of the Thurston County. Purpose — Required for Cities with a Police Department with three or more full-time officers to carry out provisions of Chapter 41.12 RCW 14 1 Page Advisory Board and Commission Member Agreement Name: Title (if applicable): Organization (if applicable): Mailing Address: Email: Phone: I have read the terms outlined in the Advisory Boards and Commissions Roles & Responsibilities and I understand what is expected of me as a member of Name (printed): Signature: Date: 15 1 Page WASHINGTON Meeting Date: April 13, 2021 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 1073 AMENDING YELM MUNICIPAL CODE AS IT RELATES TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to approve Ordinance No. 1073 amending Yelm Municipal Code sections 2.32 Parks Advisory Committee, 2.34 Tree Advisory Board, 2.35 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, 2.40 Yelm Arts Commission, 2.51 Police Advisory Committee, 2.63 Yelm Library Advisory Board, 18.04 Planning Commission and 18.05 Historic Preservation Commission. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Appendix 13 of the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual contains the Advisory Boards and Commissions Roles & Responsibilities that includes information on membership qualifications, meeting management, recruitment of members, attendance requirements, staffing support and meeting notification process. Removing items from Yelm Municipal Code that have already been incorporated into the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual as Appendix 13, allowing for timely, efficient and cost effective updates as necessary. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 1073 • Exhibit A— Redline Copy Updated Yelm Municipal Code Respectfully Submitted: Kathy Linneme Executive Assis ant/Customer Service Manager ORDINANCE NO. 1073 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, AMENDING YELM MUNICIPAL CODE 2.32 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 2.34 TREE ADVISORY BOARD, 2.35 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 2.40 YELM ARTS COMMISSION, 2.51 POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 2.63 YELM LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD, 18.04 PLANNING COMMISSION AND 18.05 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, to create consistency and continuity for all Advisory Boards and Commissions, the Yelm City Council has reviewed and formally adopted Resolution No. 613 incorporating the Advisory Boards and Commissions Roles & Responsibilities as Appendix 13 to the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual . WHEREAS, information that is included in the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual as Appendix 13, is duplicated in the Yelm Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council routinely reviews and makes the appropriate updates to the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual; and WHEREAS, removing items from Yelm Municipal Code that are duplicated in Appendix 13 of the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual allows for timely, efficient and cost effective updates; now, therefore, list&ey.,7_�1►1��1=3'i�:T �IiIiP►L�II>�i73�:T �Iii'Li73'1 > ►�_��3iI>�>�il�i�� Section 1. Yelm Municipal Code sections 2.32 Parks Advisory Committee, 2.34 Tree Advisory Board, 2.35 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, 2.40 Yelm Arts Commission, 2.51 Police Advisory Committee, 2.63 Yelm Library Advisory Board, 18.04 Planning Commission and 18.05 Historic Preservation Commission are hereby amended as set forth on the attached Exhibit A. Adopted by the Yelm City Council at the regular meeting this 13th day of April, 2021. JW Foster, Mayor ATTEST: Lori Lucas, City Clerk PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 Chapter 2.32 Parks Advisory Committee 2.32.020 ;"embeFshi^ tmeRt— Removal —GempeRsati^^.Purpose A. w,ayeF eF feF ^ thFee yeaF teFw, ..,h.^h.,"^" fir^ eE;E;w"^ There is established a parks advisory "l Commented [KL1]: Parks Advisory Committee Table J committee with the primary purpose to provide thorough Judicious advice from the perspective of Yelm residents. to the citv council and mavor. All advisory committee roles & resoonsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. n nRy ., i:Rber ,.,h., f2il; t., attpnd thrpp ^ eutiye R;ee Ings Gf the 9@rks @d„Ir^r” ^......... itte., that @r^ Ret .,xe Hsed shall be Feplaeed immediately by fHFtheF ....ayeF4 !' n^., .. beF may be r Rted a4eF the lapse of @ y th Fee yeaF t.,Fm i effice h., the mayeF. The mayeF shall fill as they may eE;E;6iF, @Rd @Ry peFseR se appeiRted shall th Fee yeaF t.,FR f6 ds as appFeyed by vete of the ^ t., E;e6l E;il (nr,r act § 1999; nr r aao § Joon Commented [KL2]: Meetings and Attendance oFgaRi•ztF9n — Reve;dr Q neelori#e nqiRHtes shall be kept of the p .,.JiRgs of all m etiRgs fiHdiRgs H }� Commented [KL3]: Staff Support 2.32.040 Authority — Powers and duties. The parks advisory committee shall have the following powers and duties: 11 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 A. To obtain public testimony and/or input as deemed necessary and to make recommendations to the city council concerning future park, playground, and recreation resources of the city through the planning and development of a parks capital improvement plan, and amendments thereto, as from time to time required; B. To make recommendations to the city council regarding planning and development of public recreational facilities and recreational programs; C. To cooperate and coordinate with any and all departments or commissions of the city, including but not limited to its building official(s) and planning commission, and with public school authorities, Thurston County, the state of Washington, with other cities and towns in the surrounding area and with private entities, all in furtherance of a well-rounded parks and recreation program; D. To make recommendations to the city council on ordinances, rules and regulations regarding use of parks and other recreational facilities to best serve the interests of the public; E. To schedule and coordinate the use of park facilities for community events, and to provide rules and regulations for the use thereof, including but not limited to application forms, rules of conduct, proof of insurance and/or release/waiver forms; and to otherwise serve as liaison between users of park facilities and the mayor and city council; F. To carry out any other and further park -related projects assigned by the mayor or the city council. (Ord. 338 § 4, 1987). "( Commented [KL4]: Policy Setting and Decision Making Commented [KLS]: Meetings and Attendance Commented [KL6]: Advisory Committee Work Plans and Meeting Schedule .� "�Commented [KL7]: Responsibilities and Expectations for Advisory Committee Members 11 21 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 2.32.060 Tax — Budget A. The city council is hereby authorized and empowered to levy a tax not to exceed one mill on all taxable property in the city for the purpose of maintaining and improving any park or parks, or the purchase thereof. The proceeds of the levy shall be deposited into and constitute a special fund to be known as the park fund, and moneys therefrom shall be disbursed only when authorized by the city council. 19. The parks advisep� Gemmittee shall 21RRYallysubrnit to the rity Glerk-Areasurer its proposed -� Commented [KL8]: Advisory Committee Work Plans and Meeting Schedule Chapter 2.34 Tree Advisory Board 2.34.010 Purpose. A tree advisory board is created and established to advise the city council on specific tree related matters as enumerated in this chapter. (Ord. 586 § 1, 1996). 2.34.020 Membership — Appointment — Removal — Compensation. A -There is established a tree advisory board with the primary purpose to provide thoroueh judicious advice from the perspective of Yelm residents, to the city council and maw Membership, appointment, compensation and roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the citv council as an appendix to the mavor and citv council protocol manual ", Commented [KL9]: Tree Advisory Board Table 31 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 n nnd„c.hd„-,; efthe hei;rdJ ;hill ,itheldt ed.m.,e RsatieR. r,-,..,ided hd.,.,dyeF +h-a++he 4�easeHable expew;p,; Ag thp logapd @Rd it-; :APP;l;PF,; shall be plcevided �elc by budgeted 91 -Rd.; applceyed h.,. ete d.F+he +., eeHHeil (OrdJ 937 § 1 2005; QFd 623 § 1 1999. QFd 621§ 1 1999; n.,r coc § 1996).1 ooc1 Commented [KL10]: Meetings and Attendance 0.34-030 QFgai izatialm — RPG(4Fdr Hlatie% Fd.. the of 4,; hiisiRess; i;Rd the l(ee. iRg e f 4,; (9 Pec­ePd,;. B n6;6;wF@+d, tee shall be kept d.F+he p .,.JiR@s of all m .bids fi...JiRgs @R dJetelcmiRed by the b9aFdJ Rd 6616h etmR ff Shall be e R +d. the p6lblid- (gFd 4]7 § 1 2999. Qrdi csc § tooct Commented [KL77]:Staff The tree @dvi,; lcy hd.@.dJ shall have the felld.wi..d...d.w eFs @RdJ dJu+md,,. ja-whli .+. Q Te ebtaiR pHblie +d,s+i....eRy @HdJ elc Ht as dJd,d,p;edJ .. RdJ +d.Make +t Fees eR pub ,iE; plcd.i�per+ej'-r+mbest 5e., d, +hT1..+d,ppstseFfthhe pwbP Rd n Td. E;@FFy eHt any d.+heF @RdJ fwtheF tF a Fel-atedJ plcejeets assigned) by the ....ayeF d.. G;+., E;e6l RE;il (n.,r goc&n jooci Commented [KL72]: Tree Advisory Board Table h Qn 999 Budget UP #PP adyi-;AFy beak.) shall have the felld...,iRg p rd dJwtie,. P61bliE;plcepelctyl- 41 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 IRGil (n.,r 996 § n 10061 1 Commented [KL13]: Advisory Committee Work Plans and Meeting Schedule Chapter 2.35 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2.35.010 Purpose. There is hereby established an advisory committee for the purpose of determining how lodging tax revenues may be used for tourism promotion, directly by a municipality or indirectly, through tourism marketing; operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; supporting the operations of tourism -related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations as described under USC 501(c)(3) and 26 USC 501(c)(6) of IRS code of 1986 or supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism -related facilities owned or operated by municipality. (Ord. 993 § 2, 2015). All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. 2.35.020 Membership and term. Appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the legislative authority. Membership requirement as directed in RCW 67.28.1817. The appointing authority shall review the membership of the committee annually and make changes as appropriate. A. Minimum number of five -member committee B. Minimum of two members who are representative of businesses required to collect the lodging tax. C. Minimum of two members who are involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received from the tax. 51 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 D. One member shall be an elected official of the municipality who shall serve as chair of the committee. E. Committee may include one nonvoting member who is an elected official of the county in which the city is located. (Ord. 993 § 3, 2015) 2.35.030 Role of lodging tax advisory committee. Select candidates from amongst applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. (Ord. 993 § 4, 2015). 2.35.040 Responsibilities of lodging tax advisory committee. A. Adopt policies and procedures. B. Advertise funding opportunities and deadlines. C. Follow the criteria established by the state statute RCW 67.28.1816 for selection of applicants eligible to receive tax revenue. D. Provide a list of such candidates and recommended amount of funding to the municipality for final determination. E. Attend meetings as scheduled and meet deadlines as established in the application process and those of required reporting. (Ord. 993 § 5, 2015). Chapter 2.51 Police Advisory Committee 2.51.010 intentPurpose. There is established a police advisory committee. The police advisory committee is a community sounding board and advisory body for the Yelm police department to further its efforts toward community policing and provide periodic input on police issues to the mayor, city administrator and city council. All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be 61 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. (Ord. 663 § 1, 1999). (n.,r 663 § Commented [KL15]: Advisory Committee Work Plans to 71 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 n c en Citi E. YeHth r_ r+., Ee6irEl1 ...... belc/pelk;e liaises (QFd 669 § -boo)Commented [KL16]: Police Advisory Table 0.91-099 ;"embeFship — Neminati.... and ...d, ,.-....F A D. ...J. ' to Fe,;ted R-,; Rd da+. ,111 I;e dye I.. p ed .. I..+....,1..w,; will hp C Rdl-c#Rd IF.. Commented [KL77]: Meetings and Attendance be empleyed it the E;it , 44el„ I Commented [KL18]: Police Advisory Committee table . Commented [KL19]: Police Advisory Table F TeRwFe 4 AppeiR+, eRt All +.,... -; AF. ;l;PFship s-h:li.rrab egi ieR Sept•,•c-rrr elc }'4t givlel- y1e@- shall h.........."Pd F...... -;.,..,1. F.......Rpalatk;ipa+1.... Commented[KL20]: Meetings and Attendance 81 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 0001 n .�. Commented [KL27]: Chair (g Fd cco § 1 Chapter 2.40 Arts Commission 2.40.010 Arts commission established. , .. "Commented [KL22]: Staff Support An arts commission is hereby established to perform the following functions. (Ord. 1052 § 1, 2019). All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. 2.40.020 Purpose, function and construction. The city recognizes that support for artists and arts organizations, development and stewardship of public art, arts education and cultural development are public necessities and essential for the continuing growth and development of Yelm's citizens, economy, and quality of life. The primary duty of the Yelm arts commission is to identify and actively encourage the development and sustainability of the arts in the city by serving as the city's primary resource in matters of public art and culture, as provided for in this chapter. (Ord. 1052 § 1, 2019). 0.49.999 Gemmission established memlbeMhip. -12 membeFs,appeiRted SubsequeRt appeiRtppeRts shall be appeiRted %9 a three year term er te fill aRy uRexpired term. 91 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 b Hsi ess rnrrl 1052 '1'- 2019) Commented [KL23]: Arts Commission table :2 AQ Q4Q R,Aiac of n ednre FPE;(;Fd-; ..f all c .. lopard r eFts @Rrl TL... pi-lp-; ..f tppi:...f thP-; , 49iep-; -;hall lop f..r e @ddlFess Feeeipt @Rd plceeessi g of cit' -,.R elc..pesals @Rd Feel ester (Ord. 1092 f. 1, 2019).j Commented [KL24]: Advisory Committee Work Plans and Meeting Schedule and in Meetings and Attendance 2.40.050 Authority and responsibilities. A. The commission is an advisory body to the city administrator and city council on issues relating to artwork and art endeavors in the city of Yelm. 101 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 B. The term "artwork" as used in this chapter shall include, without limitations, paintings, murals, stained glass, sculptures, bas-reliefs, monuments, fountains, arches or other structures of a permanent or temporary character intended for ornament or commemoration or any such graphic display as may be incorporated into the design and construction of public improvements deemed to illustrate historical, tribal, cultural or artistic impression. C. The commission shall be responsible for: 1. Developing policies for the acquisition, display and presentation/placement of public artwork; 2. Identifying projects that can benefit from artists' involvement; 3. Selecting artists to be commissioned, provided they are consistent with the venue, community standards, plans of the city and within the commission's current budget, to be approved by the city administrator; 4. Providing advice to the city administrator regarding appropriate maintenance of public artwork after the work is in place. D. The commission is authorized to take the following actions 1. Advise the city administrator on the receipt of and/or purchase of artwork to be placed on municipal property; 2. Review and make recommendations to the city administrator on all artwork acquired by the city; 3. Gather information, perform studies and do whatever is deemed necessary to acquire a sufficient basis to adequately advise the city administrator as to the appropriate cultural and artistic development for the city, including, but not limited to, the acquisition and construction of cultural facilities and/or projects such as museums, performing art centers and convention facilities; 4. Provide recommendations to the city administrator in connection with cultural and artistic endeavors, projects, acquisitions of funds and expenditures in which the city becomes involved and will act as representative of the community in such matters; 5. Encourage, conduct, sponsor or cosponsor public programs to further the development and public awareness of, and interest in, the arts and Yelm's cultural and tribal heritage; 111 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 6. Encourage donations, grants and other support to further expand the arts and cultural services and programs available to the citizens of Yelm, including obtaining private, local, state and federal funds; 7. Develop cooperation and coordination with Yelm and Nisqually Tribal schools and local, regional and national arts organizations; 8. Provide public information about art, cultural and tribal activities in the city or affecting the city; 9. Serve as the "point of contact' for all individuals and groups in the Yelm community to bring their concerns and ideas concerning the arts; 10. Explore, promote, provide encouragement and aid to arts -related projects and events that provide an economic benefit and/or beautify and enhance the image of the city; 11. To take such other actions as the city administrator may direct from time to time. E. The commission shall not incur any indebtedness on behalf of the city without express approval of the city administrator. (Ord. 1052 § 1, 2019). �. Ue GGR;R;iSSiAA ;hall mppt rpgularly, at least GRGe per quarter, at a date, time @Rd pl@Ge te .. to all Pn . bL-rs A f *h., n II .,+�....� ��+ h., .. .,rl., ....+h. -.,d a d Ge Fl plies Ree with the 9peR o61hli.- d [KL25]: Advisory Committee Work Plans and Meeting Schedule and Meetings and Attendance Q The eity ad R;iRi#res+..r shall be . sihle F..r P VidiRg ae1R;iRis*res+i.,., aR IaFeyide r„r.,lcp,; tp +h., .-,..,.—n-n Commented [KL26]: Staff Support 0. The ^^'SSiAR ;hallwake a Ft to theeity eeuReilat least II., Af @4i„i+i.,S Fr,r +hPfAlP+h. AFRi.... year. (9rd 19[2 §' 9 7no1 j Commented [KL27]: Advisory Committee Work Plans and Meeting Schedule 121 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 Commented [KL28]: Responsibilities and Expectations for Advisory Committee Members Commented [KL29]: Meetings and Attendance withiR five days ,.t th., ,peetir..s (94 1992 § 1 294 Q\ I. " Commented [KL30]: Support Staff Chapter 2.63 Yelm Library Advisory Board 2.63.010 Purpose. There is established an advisory board to the mayor and city council (hereafter referred to as the Yelm library advisory board) to advise the mayor and council on specific library matters as enumerated within. (Ord. 665 § 1, 1999). All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual n 13e@Fd r,.Rgp(;,;4it.r city ofy.,l..q eF shall ..wR .... peFt., iRside the city limits eF shall hamye R c-1-irrent city ofy.,l.... Commented [KL37]: Library Advisory Board Table 131 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 ' be@F J (9 669 &- J-0-0-0-1 Commented [KL32]: Library Advisory Board Table 03.939 M^eetiRgs — Rules of p ,.d -we bylaws adepted by the be@Fd @Rd ;hi;ll cpeet Ret less freqHeRtly th@R eveFy 90 days. Bylaws jqf evid-e that -all b_ R -@Fd meetiRgs shall be epeR te the pwb!iE; @Rd E;ewply with pFevisigw; p9the he filed . ,ith the eity eleFk tFeasi„.,. � Commented [KL33]: Meetings and Attendance - Chair o Commented [KL34]: Staff Support it is the . Sihilit.' of the 4e!Rq Ph.@.y adyiseFy be@F J +..make studies Fepe4s, Rd .plati. p to 141 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 v„ lw libFaF , adyiseFy be@F r (94 669 § 1, 1999)-j 000) Commented [KL36]: Library Board Table 10 7 Ga non Gift; 151 Page Chapter 18.04 Planning Commission 18.04.010 Members and terms of office. ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 There is created a city planning commission consisting of seven members who shall be appointed by position by the mayor of the city subject to confirmation by the city council. The term of office of the members shall be s- four years. All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 08.04.020 Vacancy filling. Vacancies on the planning commission shall be filled by appointment of the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council for the unexpired terms. Members may be removed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance in office, or for failing to attend three consecutive meetings that are not excused. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 08.04.030 Rules of procedure and officers. The planning commission shall adopt rules of procedure consistent with state law to guide its activities and shall designate one of its members to serve as chair for a term to be specified in the rules of procedure. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 18.04.040 Quorum. A majority of the members of the planning commission constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the planning commission, shall be deemed and taken as the action of the planning commission. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 161 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 18.04.050 Powers and duties. A. The planning commission shall have all of the powers, and shall perform all of the duties specified by the laws of the state including, but not limited to, Chapters and 36.706 RCW. B. The planning commission may prepare a comprehensive plan for the physical and other generally advantageous development of the city. C. For any and all such purposes the city council, on recommendation of the planning commission, may divide the municipality or any portion thereof into districts of such size, shape and area, or may establish such official maps or development plans for the whole or any portion of the municipality as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this chapter and within such districts as may regulate and restrict the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or use of buildings, structures or land. D. The city council may refer to the planning commission for its recommendation and report of ordinances, resolution or other proposal relating to any of the matters and subjects authorized by state law. The planning commission shall promptly report to the city council all of such matters referred to them, making such recommendations as it may deem proper. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). Commented [KL37]: Meetings and Attendance Compensation t(Commented [KL38]: Staff Support J Chapter 18.05 Historic Preservation Commission 18.05.010 Membem and to ;s of effi ePurpose. There is created a Yelm historic preservation commission to identify and actively -encourage the conservation of Yelm's historic resources by initiatine and maintainine a reeister of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties; to raise community awareness of the city's history and historic resources, and to serve as the city's primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation. All advisory committee roles & responsibilities 171 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. .-,.4i patieR by the city E;e RE;il The tpFP.. Af A gie„ Af th,, ,,..,,,,..bPF-; shall be six yeaF I(Ord. 995 Commented [KL39]: Historic Preservation Commission § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). Table _ Commented [KL40]:Meetings and Attendance - Vacancies ,-.II Commented [KL47]:Meetings and Attendance - Attendance s..eelfied the F les of IaFe ed� �.,, (gFd 999 § 124),t, n) 2915).j. Commented [KL42]: Roles and Responsibilities and Chair 18.05.040 Quorum. A majority of the members of the historic preservation commission constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the historic preservation commission, shall be deemed and taken as the action of the historic preservation commission (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 18.05.050 Powers and duties. The major responsibility of the historic preservation commission is to identify and actively encourage the conservation of the city's historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties; to raise community awareness of the city's history and historic resources, and to serve as the city's primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation. In carrying out these responsibilities, the historic preservation commission shall engage in the following: A. Conduct and maintain the inventory of historic resources within the boundaries of the city known as the Yelm historic inventory ("inventory"); publicize and periodically update inventory results. Properties listed on the inventory shall be separate and distinct from the "national register," "state register" and "local register"; 181 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 B. Maintain the Yelm Register of Historic Places ("Register"). This official register shall be compiled of buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts identified by the historic preservation commission as having historic significance worthy of recognition by the city. The object may be a thing of functional, aesthetic, cultural, historical or significant historic value. A district shall possess a significant concentration, linkage of sites or structures united by past events, aesthetic or physical development; C. Review Nominations to the Register. The historic preservation commission shall consider the merits of the nomination according to criteria in YMC 18.15.060; D. Issue a certificate of appropriateness, with or without mitigating conditions, for proposals to change, alter, modify, remodel, move, or significantly affect properties or districts on the register, certifying the changes do not adversely affect the historic characteristics of the property that contribute to its designation; E. Cause the removal of a site, building, object, or district from the register according to criteria in YMC 18.15.070; F. Promote, conduct, and participate in information, educational and interpretive programs which pertain to historic resources; G. Establish liaison support, communication and cooperation with federal, state, and other local government entities which will further historic preservation objectives; H. Review and comment to the city council on land use, housing and redevelopment, municipal improvement and other types of planning and programs undertaken by any agency of the city, other neighboring communities, the county, the state or federal governments, as they relate to historic resources of the city; I. Advise the city council generally on matters relating to Yelm's history and historic preservation; J. Officially recognize excellence in the rehabilitation of historic buildings, structures, sites and districts, and new construction in historic areas, and encourage appropriate measures for such recognition; K. Submit nominations to the state and national registers of historic places, as deemed appropriate; L. Investigate and report to the city council on the use of various federal, state, local or private funding sources available to promote historic resource preservation in the city; 191 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 EXHIBIT A Approved April 13, 2021 M. Serve as the local review board for the purpose of approving applications for special property tax valuation per Chapter 84.26 RCW and for the purpose of entering into agreements with the property owner for the duration of the special valuation during which time the review board monitors the property for continued qualification for the special valuation per requirements of Chapter 84.26 RCW. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). nll ..,.,..,h.,.< shall';PP'P '.44hPlAt G.,..,.,eRsatieR (Qui 99C § 12 (C).h ) 7n1 cl Commented [KL43]: Meetings and Attendance - Compensation 08.05.070 Commission staff. Commission and professional staff assistance shall be provided by the community development department with additional assistance and information to be provided as necessary to aid the historic preservation commission in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under this chapter. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 201 Page Chapter 2.32 Parks Advisory Committee 2.32.020 Purpose ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 A. There is established a parks advisory committee with the primary purpose to provide thorough judicious advice from the perspective of Yelm residents, to the city council and mayor. All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. 2.32.040 Authority — Powers and duties. The parks advisory committee shall have the following powers and duties: A. To obtain public testimony and/or input as deemed necessary and to make recommendations to the city council concerning future park, playground, and recreation resources of the city through the planning and development of a parks capital improvement plan, and amendments thereto, as from time to time required; B. To make recommendations to the city council regarding planning and development of public recreational facilities and recreational programs; C. To cooperate and coordinate with any and all departments or commissions of the city, including but not limited to its building official(s) and planning commission, and with public school authorities, Thurston County, the state of Washington, with other cities and towns in the surrounding area and with private entities, all in furtherance of a well-rounded parks and recreation program; D. To make recommendations to the city council on ordinances, rules and regulations regarding use of parks and other recreational facilities to best serve the interests of the public; E. To schedule and coordinate the use of park facilities for community events, and to provide rules and regulations for the use thereof, including but not limited to application forms, rules of conduct, proof of insurance and/or release/waiver forms; and to otherwise serve as liaison between users of park facilities and the mayor and city council; F. To carry out any other and further park -related projects assigned by the mayor or the city council. (Ord. 338 § 4, 1987). 1IPage ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 2.32.060 Tax — Budget A. The city council is hereby authorized and empowered to levy a tax not to exceed one mill on all taxable property in the city for the purpose of maintaining and improving any park or parks, or the purchase thereof. The proceeds of the levy shall be deposited into and constitute a special fund to be known as the park fund, and moneys therefrom shall be disbursed only when authorized by the city council. Chapter 2.34 Tree Advisory Board 2.34.010 Purpose. A tree advisory board is created and established to advise the city council on specific tree - related matters as enumerated in this chapter. (Ord. 586 § 1, 1996). 2.34.020 Membership — Appointment — Removal — Compensation. There is established a tree advisory board with the primary purpose to provide thorough judicious advice from the perspective of Yelm residents, to the city council and mayor. Membership, appointment, compensation and roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. Chapter 2.35 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2.35.010 Purpose. There is hereby established an advisory committee for the purpose of determining how lodging tax revenues may be used for tourism promotion, directly by a municipality or indirectly, through tourism marketing; operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; supporting the operations of tourism -related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations as described under USC 501(c)(3) and 26 USC 501(c)(6) of IRS code of 1986 or supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism -related facilities owned or operated by municipality. (Ord. 993 § 2, 2015). All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. 21 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 2.35.020 Membership and term. Appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the legislative authority. Membership requirement as directed in RCW 67.28.1817. The appointing authority shall review the membership of the committee annually and make changes as appropriate. A. Minimum number of five -member committee. B. Minimum of two members who are representative of businesses required to collect the lodging tax. C. Minimum of two members who are involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received from the tax. D. One member shall be an elected official of the municipality who shall serve as chair of the committee. E. Committee may include one nonvoting member who is an elected official of the county in which the city is located. (Ord. 993 § 3, 2015) 2.35.030 Role of lodging tax advisory committee. Select candidates from amongst applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. (Ord. 993 § 4, 2015). 2.35.040 Responsibilities of lodging tax advisory committee. A. Adopt policies and procedures. B. Advertise funding opportunities and deadlines. C. Follow the criteria established by the state statute RCW 67.28.1816 for selection of applicants eligible to receive tax revenue. D. Provide a list of such candidates and recommended amount of funding to the municipality for final determination. 31 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 E. Attend meetings as scheduled and meet deadlines as established in the application process and those of required reporting. (Ord. 993 § 5, 2015). Chapter 2.51 Police Advisory Committee 2.51.010 Purpose. There is established a police advisory committee. The police advisory committee is a community sounding board and advisory body for the Yelm police department to further its efforts toward community policing and provide periodic input on police issues to the mayor, city administrator and city council. All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. (Ord. 663 § 1, 1999). Chapter 2.40 Arts Commission 2.40.010 Arts commission established. An arts commission is hereby established to perform the following functions. (Ord. 1052 § 1, 2019). All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. 2.40.020 Purpose, function and construction. The city recognizes that support for artists and arts organizations, development and stewardship of public art, arts education and cultural development are public necessities and essential for the continuing growth and development of Yelm's citizens, economy, and quality of life. The primary duty of the Yelm arts commission is to identify and actively encourage the development and sustainability of the arts in the city by serving as the city's primary resource in matters of public art and culture, as provided for in this chapter. (Ord. 1052 § 1, 2019). 2.40.050 Authority and responsibilities. A. The commission is an advisory body to the city administrator and city council on issues relating to artwork and art endeavors in the city of Yelm. 41 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 B. The term "artwork" as used in this chapter shall include, without limitations, paintings, murals, stained glass, sculptures, bas-reliefs, monuments, fountains, arches or other structures of a permanent or temporary character intended for ornament or commemoration or any such graphic display as may be incorporated into the design and construction of public improvements deemed to illustrate historical, tribal, cultural or artistic impression. C. The commission shall be responsible for: 1. Developing policies for the acquisition, display and presentation/placement of public artwork; 2. Identifying projects that can benefit from artists' involvement; 3. Selecting artists to be commissioned, provided they are consistent with the venue, community standards, plans of the city and within the commission's current budget, to be approved by the city administrator; 4. Providing advice to the city administrator regarding appropriate maintenance of public artwork after the work is in place. D. The commission is authorized to take the following actions: 1. Advise the city administrator on the receipt of and/or purchase of artwork to be placed on municipal property; 2. Review and make recommendations to the city administrator on all artwork acquired by the city; 3. Gather information, perform studies and do whatever is deemed necessary to acquire a sufficient basis to adequately advise the city administrator as to the appropriate cultural and artistic development for the city, including, but not limited to, the acquisition and construction of cultural facilities and/or projects such as museums, performing art centers and convention facilities; 4. Provide recommendations to the city administrator in connection with cultural and artistic endeavors, projects, acquisitions of funds and expenditures in which the city becomes involved and will act as representative of the community in such matters; 5. Encourage, conduct, sponsor or cosponsor public programs to further the development and public awareness of, and interest in, the arts and Yelm's cultural and tribal heritage; 51 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 6. Encourage donations, grants and other support to further expand the arts and cultural services and programs available to the citizens of Yelm, including obtaining private, local, state and federal funds; 7. Develop cooperation and coordination with Yelm and Nisqually Tribal schools and local, regional and national arts organizations; 8. Provide public information about art, cultural and tribal activities in the city or affecting the city; 9. Serve as the "point of contact" for all individuals and groups in the Yelm community to bring their concerns and ideas concerning the arts; 10. Explore, promote, provide encouragement and aid to arts -related projects and events that provide an economic benefit and/or beautify and enhance the image of the city; 11. To take such other actions as the city administrator may direct from time to time. E. The commission shall not incur any indebtedness on behalf of the city without express approval of the city administrator. (Ord. 1052 § 1, 2019). Chapter 2.63 Yelm Library Advisory Board 2.63.010 Purpose. There is established an advisory board to the mayor and city council (hereafter referred to as the Yelm library advisory board) to advise the mayor and council on specific library matters as enumerated within. (Ord. 665 § 1, 1999). All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. Chapter 18.04 Planning Commission 18.04.010 Members and terms of office. There is created a city planning commission consisting of seven members who shall be appointed by position by the mayor of the city subject to confirmation by the city council. The term of office of the 61 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 members shall be four years. All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 08.04.020 Vacancy filling. Vacancies on the planning commission shall be filled by appointment of the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council for the unexpired terms. Members may be removed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance in office, or for failing to attend three consecutive meetings that are not excused. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 08.04.030 Rules of procedure and officers. The planning commission shall adopt rules of procedure consistent with state law to guide its activities and shall designate one of its members to serve as chair for a term to be specified in the rules of procedure. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 18.04.040 Quorum. A majority of the members of the planning commission constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the planning commission, shall be deemed and taken as the action of the planning commission. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 18.04.050 Powers and duties. A. The planning commission shall have all of the powers, and shall perform all of the duties specified by the laws of the state including, but not limited to, Chapters and 36.7013 RCW. B. The planning commission may prepare a comprehensive plan for the physical and other generally advantageous development of the city. C. For any and all such purposes the city council, on recommendation of the planning commission, may divide the municipality or any portion thereof into districts of such size, shape and area, or may establish such official maps or development plans for the whole or any portion of the municipality as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this chapter and within such districts as may regulate and restrict the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or use of buildings, structures or land. D. The city council may refer to the planning commission for its recommendation and report of ordinances, resolution or other proposal relating to any of the matters and subjects authorized by state law. The planning commission shall promptly report to the city council all of such matters referred to them, making such recommendations as it may deem proper. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015) 71 Page Chapter 18.05 Historic Preservation Commission 18.05.010 Purpose. ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 There is created a Yelm historic preservation commission to identify and actively encourage the conservation of Yelm's historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties; to raise community awareness of the city's history and historic resources, and to serve as the city's primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation. All advisory committee roles & responsibilities will be defined and approved by the city council as an appendix to the mayor and city council protocol manual. .(Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 18.05.040 Quorum. A majority of the members of the historic preservation commission constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the historic preservation commission, shall be deemed and taken as the action of the historic preservation commission. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 18.05.050 Powers and duties. The major responsibility of the historic preservation commission is to identify and actively encourage the conservation of the city's historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties; to raise community awareness of the city's history and historic resources, and to serve as the city's primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation. In carrying out these responsibilities, the historic preservation commission shall engage in the following: A. Conduct and maintain the inventory of historic resources within the boundaries of the city known as the Yelm historic inventory ("inventory"); publicize and periodically update inventory results. Properties listed on the inventory shall be separate and distinct from the "national register," "state register" and "local register"; B. Maintain the Yelm Register of Historic Places ("Register"). This official register shall be compiled of buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts identified by the historic preservation commission as having historic significance worthy of recognition by the city. The object may be a thing of functional, aesthetic, cultural, historical or significant historic value. A 81 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 district shall possess a significant concentration, linkage of sites or structures united by past events, aesthetic or physical development; C. Review Nominations to the Register. The historic preservation commission shall consider the merits of the nomination according to criteria in YMC 18.15.060; D. Issue a certificate of appropriateness, with or without mitigating conditions, for proposals to change, alter, modify, remodel, move, or significantly affect properties or districts on the register, certifying the changes do not adversely affect the historic characteristics of the property that contribute to its designation; E. Cause the removal of a site, building, object, or district from the register according to criteria in YMC 18.15.070; F. Promote, conduct, and participate in information, educational and interpretive programs which pertain to historic resources; G. Establish liaison support, communication and cooperation with federal, state, and other local government entities which will further historic preservation objectives; H. Review and comment to the city council on land use, housing and redevelopment, municipal improvement and other types of planning and programs undertaken by any agency of the city, other neighboring communities, the county, the state or federal governments, as they relate to historic resources of the city; I. Advise the city council generally on matters relating to Yelm's history and historic preservation; J. Officially recognize excellence in the rehabilitation of historic buildings, structures, sites and districts, and new construction in historic areas, and encourage appropriate measures for such recognition; K. Submit nominations to the state and national registers of historic places, as deemed appropriate; L. Investigate and report to the city council on the use of various federal, state, local or private funding sources available to promote historic resource preservation in the city; M. Serve as the local review board for the purpose of approving applications for special property tax valuation per Chapter 84.26 RCW and for the purpose of entering into agreements with the property owner for the duration of the special valuation during which time the review 91 Page ORDINANCE NO. 1073 Updated Yelm Municipal Code Approved April 13, 2021 board monitors the property for continued qualification for the special valuation per requirements of Chapter 84.26 RCW. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 08.05.070 Commission staff. Commission and professional staff assistance shall be provided by the community development department with additional assistance and information to be provided as necessary to aid the historic preservation commission in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under this chapter. (Ord. 995 § 12 (Exh. A), 2015). 10 1 Page To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Pride of the Prairie" From: Tami Merriman, Associate Planner Date: March 12, 2021 (for March 23, 2021 Council Meeting) Subj: Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings RECOMMENDATION Reject the request to circulate a petition for annexation. BACKGROUND Glenn Schorno has requested Council approval to circulate an annexation petition to annex a 10 -acre parcel of vacant land located on Vancil Road. The application includes a request to increase the proposed density of the parcel from Low Density Residential (R-4) to Moderate Density Residential (R-6). Annexation Process The annexation process starts with a request to circulate a petition for annexation. The City Council, at a public meeting, determines whether to accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation, whether it inquires the simultaneous adoption of the comprehensive plan, and whether it shall require the assumption of all or a portion of existing City indebtedness. If the Council accepts the request to circulate a petition, the applicant then obtain sufficient signatures on the petition. A Hearing is then scheduled before the City Council on the proposed annexation. The Council may then adopt an ordinance which annexes the property into the City. The proposed annexation is then submitted to the Thurston County Boundary Review Board for review. The Board can invoke jurisdiction or affected Governments or members of the public can request the Board review the proposed annexation at public hearing. The Board can approve or reject the proposed annexation based on the factors found in Section 36.93.170 RCW. The Cite of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider Property Description The proposed annexation area is currently zoned Rural Residential 1 unit per 5 acres by Thurston County and pre -zoned as Low Density residential (R-4) by the City upon annexation. Pre -zoned development potential is four units per acre, for a possible 40 dwelling units. The applicant has not provided any water right claim for the property, nor is the property not part of the Sewer Local Improvement District. Consistency with City Polices and Regulations The 2009 Water Comprehensive Plan Updated states in Service Area Policy 1.9.1: Until adequate water rights are secured, annexation of properties in the retail service area will not be allowed with the exception of parcels within an existing (as of the adoption date of this WSP) sewer LID area; or unless the owner/developer of those properties and the City complete a water rights agreement that outlines the terms of a water rights transfer to the City that provides at least enough water rights to the City to allow service of the property seeking annexation. Once the water rights are developed and approved by the appropriate state and local authorities, including the City, the water rights shall be conveyed to the City. The Yelm Comprehensive Plan states in Land Use Policy 7.7: Defer annexation unincorporated lands shown on the Future Land Use Map until the property can be served by the City water and sewer systems. Analysis The proposed annexation does not meet the policies adopted by City Council in the Water System Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. The current water rights portfolio held by the City of Yelm (817 AF with an additional 77 AF pending transfer) are not sufficient to serve all potential development within the existing City limits. Additionally, the proposed annexation extends a "peninsula" of incorporated land into unincorporated Thurston County exacerbating a current illogical City Boundary. When the Washington Department of Ecology approves additional water rights for Yelm, it would make sense for the applicant to request a larger annexation which minimizes the current "peninsula". The request for a change to the pre -zoning of the property requires an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County and cannot be accomplished through the annexation process. An application to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan could be considered as part of the docket for the 2022 plan update. Page 2 of 3 CURRENT SITUATION As the proposal is not consistent with the policies of the Water System Plan and Comprehensive Plan, the City Council should reject the request to circulate the annexation petition. If the Council approves the request to circulate the petition, it should include written findings which show how the proposal is consistent with the adopted policies. Page 3 of 3 ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING Personalized Engineering Services February 11, 2021 City of Yelm 106 2" Street SE Yelm, WA 98597 RE: Request for Annexation Proceedings XXX Vancil Road - Tax Parcel No 22730410300 Dear Mayor, Council and Staff: Thank you for taking the time to review the attached application and Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings for GES Land LLC. The subject property is located on Vancil Road within the City's Urban Growth Boundary and adjacent to the City subdivisions of Timber Estates and Autumn Hills. We are requesting that the City allow this property to be annexed into the city limits and also request an R-6 zoning instead of the current R-4 designation. Today's building trends are more in line with the city's R-6 zoning and the current growth trends of Thurston County. Todays trends are to create building lots that are 50' wide lots instead of the typical 60' wide lots of the R-4 district. The increase in density would allow the project to include some townhomes/duplex or condominium options for a greater selection of housing options offered. We are available for discussions or to provide any additional information that may be requested for the application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact meat 360.951.1454 or email at JEGibsonConsulting@gmail.com. Respectfully 9imGibson PE JE Gibson Engineering and Consulting Inc. CC: Glenn Schorno, GES Land LLC Enc: Notice of Intention Annexation Annexation Application (Site Plan Review) Adjacent Property Owners List Adjacent Property Owners Map P.O. Box 178 Tenino, WA. 98589 - Phone (360) 951.1454 - JEGibsonConsulting@gmail.com cityle,sir to NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMEf ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS 'EST.1 24 TO: The City Council of the City of Yelm The undersigned are owners of not less than ten percent in acreage of the property as described below. We hereby advise the City Council of the City of Yelm that it is the desire of the undersigned property owners of that area to commence ann xation proceedings: The property referred to is described on Exhibit "A": attached hereto and as shown by the attached map: It is requested that the City Council of the City of Yelm set a date not later than sixty days after receipt of this request for a meeting with the undersigned t determine: 1. Whether the City Council will accept the annexation as proposed; 2. Whether the City Council will geographically modify the proposed annexation (and accept the proposed annexation as modified) or; 3. Whether the City Council will reject the annexation. By accepting a proposed annexation, the City Council is not com itting itself to ultimately annexingthe territory proposed when a sufficient_ petition is presented to it. The decision to accept merely allows the annexation to go forward procedurally. If the City Council rejects the proposed annexation, the initiating parties have no right to z ppeal. The City Council must also decide whether or not it will require a proposed zoning regulation, and whether or not it will require the assumption of all or any pc 'rtion of existing indebtedness by the area to be annexed. This page is one of a group of pages containing identical text material and is intended by the signers of this Notice of Intention to be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention and may be filed with the other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. 2/08/2021 Glenn "`Schorno Applicant's Signature Date Print Name XXX Vancil Rd SE Yelm WA 98597 2273 410300 Site Address Parce Number The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider Notice of intent To Commence Annexation Proceedings WARNING Every person who signs this petition with any other than his true name, or who knowingly signs more than ,one of these petitions, or signs a petition seekin an election when he is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Property Owner 2273041030 nature Parcel No. - GES Land LLC - Glenn Schorno 10.00 Print Name Assessor's Acr age Assessor's Value Signature Parcel No. Print Name Assessor's Acreage Assessor's Value- Signature Parcel No. Print Namel Assessor's Acreage Assessor's Value Signature Parcel No. Print Name Assessor's Ac eage Assessor's Value Signature Parcel No. Print Name Assessor's Ac' eage Assessor's Value Signature Parcel No. Print Name Assessor's Acreage Assessor's Value Page 2of2 Cn f31FKL-A,ND-ST- F.L V�=. �I JI �I T 7TT ANIClAV CITY LIMITS V)I � PALOUSE AVE SE �I �I UI CITY LIMITS SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION PARCEL AND CITY LIMITS JIGIBSON LOCATION VANCIL ROAD ANNEXATION ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING GES LAND LLC Personalized Engineering Services