06 27 2023 Regular Meeting MinutesEST. 1924
TUESDAY, June 27, 2023
Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Roll Call: Amanda Johnstone, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Holly
Smith, Brian Hess, Ashley Brooks, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe
Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Public
Services Director Cody Colt, Finance Director Stephanie Nanavich and
Police Chief Rob Carlson
APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Brian Hess to approve the agenda as presented
AGENDA Seconded by Terry Kaminski
Motion carried 7-0
PUBLIC COMMENT: Rachel Haskins feels the City has not been following the laws
regarding businesses.
Harry Miller stated that the parade was awesome, wants a voice and
seat at the table for residents with a 98597 zip code, asked how much
it cost the City to hold the Pride and Drag Queen event and asked
Councilmember Hess about his opinion of the 2020 elections.
CONSENT AGENDA: a) May 23, 2023, June 6, 2023 and June 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Motion by Terry Kaminski to approve the consent agenda as
Seconded by Amanda Johnstone
Motion carried 7-0
NEW BUSINESS: Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of Olympia, Lacey and
Yelm for implementing Deschutes water rights mitigation strategy
Phase VI
Motion by Brian Hess to authorize the City of Yelm to enter into an
Interlocal Agreement for implementing Deschutes water rights
mitigation strategy Phase VI.
Seconded by Joshua Crossman
Motion carried 7-0
Ordinance No. 1098 - Adopting City of Yelm Housing Action Plan
Motion by Terry Kaminski to approve Ordinance No. 1098 adopting
the City of Yelm Housing Action Plan.
Seconded by Brian Hess
Motion carried 7-0
Ordinance No. 1099 - Budget Amendment
Motion by Brian Hess to approve Ordinance No. 1099 a budget
amendment to purchase property located at 15425 SR 507 Yelm, WA
for the amount of $225,000.
Seconded by Holly Smith
Motion carried 6-1
Ordinance No. 1100 — Amending Yelm Municipal Code 5.32
Fireworks Holly Smith to approve Ordinance No. 1100 amending
Chapter 5.32 of the Yelm Municipal Code with the full adoption of
RCW 70.77 and the addition of the emergency ban under extreme fire
Seconded by Terry Kaminski
Motion carried 4-3 with a roll call vote.
Public Services Committee — Met on June 27, 2023 and discussed: a grant for wheelchair
assessable swings, communication board for non-verbal or non-English speaking citizens at
the park, city sponsored events, Dog Park updates, Comp Plan updates, Housing Action
Plan, new roundabouts in our area, Splash Pad hours and the posting of a new Operations
Manager position.
City Administrator — Announced that interviews will be held soon for the Assistant Planner
position and that the Police Department will be holding interviews on Thursday.
Mayor DePinto —
• Employee Appreciation lunch will be held tomorrow.
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Y e l .r: C "
d Attended the AWC Annual Conference last week
e Council Retreat will be scheduled for July 30th, it will be held within 1.5 hours from
Yelm and he will email details to Councilmembers tomorrow.
® He will report on the cost of Pride Fest and Prairie Days at the August Study Session.
• Ground breaking for the Dog Park will be held at the end of the month.
Councilmember Johnstone — Attended Community Conversations and helped bag food for
the 10 Weeks of Summer Lunch Program with the Rotary Club.
Councilmember Richardson — Stated that the parade was good.
Councilmember Crossman — Enjoyed the parade, encouraged people to refrain from
lighting fireworks until the 4th, asked the status of Agents for Discovery and stated that the
agenda states that comments are welcome for items on the agenda.
Councilmember Smith — Attended Prairie Days and the Car Show,
Councilmember Hess —Attended the Intercity Transit Authority and the Regional Housing
Council meetings.
Councilmember Brooks — Attended the AWC Annual Conference and announced that the
Community Resource Fair will be held on Thursday.
Councilmember Kaminski — Attended the Nisqually River Council meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Holly Smith to adjourn the meeting at 6:46PM.
Seconded by Amanda Johnstone
Motion carried 7-0
G -
po)OPinto, Mayor
Kathy Linnem er, City Clerk
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June 272C
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