06 13 2023 Regular Meeting Minutesclic
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TUESDAY, June 13, 2023
Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Roll Call: Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Brian Hess, Ashley Brooks,
Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto.
Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Public
Services Director Cody Colt, Finance Director Stephanie Nanavich and
Police Chief Rob Carlson
APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Brian Hess to approve the agenda as presented
AGENDA Seconded by Terry Kaminski
Motion carried 5-0
PRESENTATIONS: Mayor DePinto read the Juneteenth Proclamation into the record.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Rachael Haskins spoke about concerns she had regarding the Pride
Fest and Drag Show event.
Harry Miller Would like to find a way to have a stronger voice and be
partners with the City.
CONSENT AGENDA: a) April 2023 Check Register and Position Budget Summary
b) Confirmation of Appointments to the City of Yelm Homelessness
Motion by Brian Hess to approve the consent agenda as presented
Seconded by Ashley Brooks
Motion carried 4-1 with a roll call vote
NEW BUSINESS: City Council Applicant Interviews
Applicants addressed Council to present their credentials and
Councilmembers followed up with additional questions. The following
applicants were interviewed: Lucas Fuller, Robert Isom, Amanda
Johnstone, Stephanie Kangiser, Kathy Thomas, Tracey Wood.
Executive Session
Mayor DePinto adjourned the meeting to go into executive session at
6:57 PM to evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment
to elected— Mayor DePinto called the meeting to order at 7:27 PM.
Election of Council Applicant
City Council held a ranked choice voting process to determine the
Council Applicant who will fill vacant position No. 1 with Amanda
Johnstone as the top candidate. 3-2
Mayor DePinto administered the Oath of Office to Amanda Johnstone
and she took her seat as a Councilmember.
Interlocal Agreement to Establish the Budd/Deschutes Watershed
Environmental Stewardship Coalition
Motion by Ashley Brooks to authorize the City of Yelm to enter
into an Interlocal Agreement to establish the3 Budd/Deschutes
watershed environmental stewardship coalition.
Seconded by Joshua Crossman
Motion carried 6-0 with a roll call vote.
Purchase property located at 15425 State Route 507 Yelm, WA,
County tax parcel number 21724440500
Motion by Terry Kaminski to approve the purchase of real estate
located at 15425 State Route 507 Yelm, WA County Tax Parcel
Number 21724440500 for the amount of $225,000.00
Seconded by Brian Hess
Motion carried 5-1 with a roll call vote.
Public Safety Committee — Brian Hess announced that the Public Safety Committee met
and Chief Carlson briefed them on HB 5536 and the Spring Terrorism Group, the Yelm Police
Department has a third officer in the SWAT Program, the SRO deferral program is going well
and they received updates from Municipal Court.
City Administrator— Prairie Days will be held next week.
Mayor DePinto — Congratulated Amanda Johnstone, attended the TRPC Meeting and will
attend the AWC Annual Conference next week.
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June 13, 2023 City of Yelm Regular Council Meeting. These rninutes record the official actions of the
Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the City of Yelm's You Tube Channel.
Councilmember Richardson — Attended SWAC meeting and the Chamber Forum
Councilmember Crossman — Asked if it is too soon to get the cost of the June 10th event and
asked who is footing the bill. He announced that Flag Day is tomorrow and June is Man's
Health month.
Councilmember Hess — Attended the Intercity Transit Authority meeting, the Pride Event
held over the weekend was a great event, tomorrow is the Army's birthday and also Flag
Day and gave Juneteenth history.
Councilmember Brooks — Community Conversations will be held tomorrow at Pizza Hut,
attended Yelm Community Schools mock interviews, met with Habitat for Humanity and is
excited for the Homelessness Committee.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Brian Hess to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 PM.
Seconded by Joshua Crossman
Motion carried 6-0
Joe into, Mayor
Kathy Linne yer, City Clerk'
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June 13, 2023 City of Yelm Regular Council Meeting. These minutes record the official actions of the
Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the City of Yelm's You Tube Channel.