01 23 2024 Yelm City Council Agenda Packet1 _ EST, 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 23, 2024 6:00 PM Yelm City Council meetings are held in-person at 106 2nd St SE Yelm, WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom. Registration is required to attend virtually; please use the link below to register. https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN 74iFPkJ7ROCfDalaN6ylrw 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDAAPPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) YMCA Presentation b) 2023 City of Yelm Employee of the Year — Line Roy c) 2023 Community Events Updates d) Kindness Week Proclamation 4. PUBLIC COMMENT—COMPLETE A BLUE SPEAKER'S CARD OR RAISE HAND VIRTUALLY 5. CONSENTAGENDA a) December 19, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes and January 2, 2024 Study Session Minutes b) October 2023 Check Register and Position Summary c) November 2023 Check Register and Position Summary d) Purchase of Mini Excavator and Rough Terrain Vehicle e) Vista at Mill Pond Plat Alteration 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Region 3 Omnibus Mutual Aid Agreement (6 month addendum) Motion to authorize Mayor DePinto to sign the Region 3 Omnibus Mutual Aid Agreement (6 month addendum). b) M365 Implementation Motion to move forward with the purchase of Microsoft 365 in the amount of $40,000 as approved in the 2024 budget. c) Amendment No.1 of the Professional Services Agreement with RH2 for Construction Management of the Southeast 1.55 Million Gallon Reservoir Authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign Amendment No. 1 of the Professional Services Agreement with RH2 for design of the Southeast 1.55 MG Reservoir in the not to exceed amount of $237,464.00 for construction management. 106 2nd ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider d) Public Services Contract with Tapani Inc. for the Construction of the SE Reservoir Authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign the Public Services Contract with Tapani Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $6,367,107.55 for construction of the 1.55 million gallon SE Reservoir. 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 8. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Safety Committee b) Public Services Committee c) Finance Committee 9. MAYOR/CITY ADM IN ISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS 10. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 12. ADJOURN MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed at www.yelmwa. ov or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. Public Comment Guidelines: The City reserves up to five members of the public to address the Council at the beginning of regular business meetings on topics that are not on the agenda. Each speaker will be given 3 minutes and may be asked follow up questions by the Mayor or Council. Further public comment may be allowed on agenda topics as time permits. We ask that speakers use respectful language and remember they are speaking to fellow citizens of Yelm who are committed to listening and responding appropriately to citizens' concerns. Members of the public engaging in disruptive behavior may be removed or blocked from the meeting. Page 2 of 2 WASHINGTON s. City of Yelm Proclamation Kindness Week LST. 192/1 WHEREAS, the City of Yelm recognizes the value of acts of kindness that are performed without prompting or reason and how these acts can positively impact the person offering kindness, the person receiving the act of kindness, and those witnessing; and, WHEREAS, The Great Kindness Challenge was piloted with three Carlsbad public schools and has now expanded to all 50 states with nearly 17 million students participating; and WHEREAS, kind individuals can create a more caring community and help to perpetuate genuine acts of kindness within their city, state, and even throughout the world; and WHEREAS, Yelm Community Schools proudly demonstrate their commitment to improved school climate and increased student engagement by participating in The Great Kindness Challenge and inviting local businesses and organizations to join them as YCS Kindness Certified Companies; and WHEREAS, YCS Kindness Certified Companies are dedicated to creating a culture of kindness at their businesses, supporting the Yelm community, and creating a kinder and more compassionate world; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Joe DePinto, Mayor of the City of Yelm, do hereby recognize January 22-26, 2024 as The Great Kindness Challenge Week where KINDNESS MATTERS in the City of Yelm and beyond. SIGNED IN THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, THIS 23rd DAY OF January 2024. Joe DePinto, Mayor City of Yelm FST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, December 19, 2023 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Holly Smith, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski and Mayor Joe DePinto. Staff Present: City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, City Administrator Todd Stancil APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Holly Smith to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Brian Hess Motion carried 7-0 OLD BUSINESS: Confirmation of Mayor DePinto's Appointments to the Boards and Commissions Motion by Joshua Crossman to move that we table the vote for tonight, have a Study Session and discuss, and come up with a new way of how we make these appointments and which ones should be voted in by Council and which ones should be Mayor only appointment and confirmation. Seconded by Tracey Wood Motion carried 5-2 with a roll call vote. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: Mayor DePinto — Wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Crossman — Wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Councilmember Smith — Wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Councilmember Palmer — Wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Councilmember Kaminski — Wished everyone a Happy New Year. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Brian Hess to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 PM. Seconded by Holly Smith Motion carried 7-0 Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, January 2, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Pro -Tem Holly Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Holly Smith, Brian Hess, Terry Kaminski, and Joe DePinto. Trevor Palmer, Excused Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, IT Director Jason Hardy and Public Services Director Cody Colt DISCUSSION ITEMS Yelm Community Schools Presentation — Chris Woods, with Yelm Community Schools gave a presentation to inform Council about the replacement levy. Office 365 Discussion — IT Director Jason Hardy gave a presentation on converting to Microsoft 365 that explained the benefits of converting and the costs associated with converting. Education and Innovation Center (EIC) Discussion — Public Services Director Cody Colt gave a presentation on the timeline of the EIC Library/Museum. Discussion held about whether to move forward with the construction of an EIC building or not. SE Reservoir — Public Services Director Cody Colt explained the need for a SE Reservoir and shared the bid tabulation. A contract for the lowest responsive bid will come before the Council for action at the second regular meeting in January. Mayor Report — Met with members of the library to get feedback on what they want in their building, announced that the Council Retreat will be held April 26-27, 2024 and asked Councilmembers to let him know right away if you can't make it, he also explained the recommended process moving forward in appointing volunteers to Boards & Commissions. COUNCIL INITIATIVES Tracey Wood — Need to have a more in depth discussion about roads and surface streets. Joshua Crossman — Potholes can be reported on the City of Yelm website. Asked if the City receives a monitory benefit for being a Tree City or if it costs the City money. He also asked Mayor DePinto what action he is expecting from Council regarding a YMCA. Announced that he will be attending the Council Retreat on April 26th and not on April 27tH Holly Smith — Has a friend who works with a non-profit group in Thurston County that collects fishing items to donate to kids, and would like to tie it into a Yelm event. Brian Hess — Would like to find a way to get a marker to show the history of trains in Yelm, and incorporate the gateway mural of Mt. Rainier at the trailhead. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, Januar)l Council meeting: Payroll Total Expense $ 684,259.29 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 2,661,687.45 Debt Service $ TOTAL $ 3,345,946.74 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 10/01/2023 through 10/31/2023: Voucher Check Numbers 11468-11604 Certification: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that for any claim listed herein the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described, or that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for a full or partial fulfillment of a contractual obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the City of Yelm, and that I am authorized to authentLcate and certify said claim. i , Au`ditineb icer Date The above checks approved and signed by a majority of th Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this,RK day of January. rr 6 f ayor-Joe DePinto Council member -Josh Crossman Council member -Trevor Palmer ii member -Joseph Richardson Council member- Holly Smith Council member - Terry Kaminski zl?� /�— / vov� Council member - Brian G. Hess Coun I member -Tracey Wood CITY CLERK: ATTEST: VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, Januaryy,024 Council meeting: Payroll Total Expense A/P Checks, EFTs, & Drafts Debt Service TOTAL Timberland Bank Checks Issued 11/01/2023 through 11/30/2023: Voucher Check Numbers 11605-11770 708,479.37 3,504,526.97 848,987.25 $ 5,061,993.59 Certification: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that for any claim listed herein the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described, or that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for a full or partial fulfillment of a contractual obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the City of Yelm, and that I am authorized to authen icat and certify said claim. Auditing Offi , r Date The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by1A at a regular council meeting held thi a ¢ay of January, I.Pyor - Joe DePinto Council member -Josh Crossman Council member - Trevor Palmer J Counci member - Joseph Richardson C"L-Incil member - Holly Smith Council member - Terry Kaminski _-;7 // _D v _ Council member - Brian G. Hess Coun it member - Tracey Wood CITY CLERK: ATTEST: G1 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, January 9, 2024 Council meeting: Payroll Total Expense $ 684,259.29 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 2,661,687.45 Debt Service $ - TOTAL $ 3,345,946.74 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 10/01/2023 through 10/31/2023: Voucher Check Numbers 11468-11604 Certification: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that for any claim listed herein the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described, or that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for a full or partial fulfillment of a contractual obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the City of Yelm, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Auditing Officer Date The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 9th day of January. Mayor - Joe DePinto Council member -Josh Crossman Council member -Joseph Richardson Council member - Holly Smith Council member- Brian G. Hess CITY CLERK: ATTEST: Council member -Trevor Palmer Council member - Tracey Wood Council member - Terry Kaminski CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 1 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 10524 10/04/2023 Claims 1 EFT STELLAR J CORPORATION 1,654,310.15 INVOICE - PAY APP 08 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For PAY APP 08 1,642,505.75 PROJECT # 22016 - WFF PHASE 2 UPGRADES - PAY APP 008- PERIOD COVERED 2023 0801 - 0831 PAY APP 08 11,804.40 PROJECT # 22016 - WFF PHASE 2 UPGRADES - PAY APP 008- PERIOD COVERED 2023 0801 - 0831 10525 10/04/2023 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 140.58 INVOICE - INV2710685 Invoices Amount PO For INV2710685 140.58 COPIER RENTAL - PD - CONTRACT# NASPO-CN28347-01 - BASE RATE 2023 0923 - 1022 CONTRACT OVERAGES - 2023 0823 - 0922 10526 10/04/2023 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 108.81 INVOICE - INV2711987 Invoices Amount PO For INV2711987 108.81 CITY HALL COPIER OVERAGE CHARGES - NASPO-CN26252-01 - OVERAGE CHARGES BILLING PERIOD 2023 0827 - 0926 10527 10/04/2023 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 271.38 INVOICE - INV2712563 Invoices Amount PO For INV2712563 271.38 200651-P - COPIER RENTAL - COURT, PD, PW - 2023 0903 (SERVICES RANGING FROM 2023 0805 - 0917) 10528 10/04/2023 Claims 1 EFT DANIEL B. HAVIRCO, JR. 10,000.00 INVOICE - 2023 0929 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 2029 0929 10,000.00 38 CASES AT $250 PER CASE PLUS $500 ARRAIGNMENT FEE IN SEPTEMBER 2023 - YELM MUNICIPAL COURT 10529 10/04/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 33.40 INVOICE - 3742-271170 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-271170 33.40 21PUV WIPER BLADE QTY 1; 26PUV WIPER BLADE QTY 1 - INVOICED $34.08 PAID $33.40 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 10530 10/04/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 34.25 INVOICE - 3742-270058 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-270058 34.25 GAL50/50 1 GAL ANTIFREZ QTY 2 - INVOICED $34.95 - PAID $34.25 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 10531 10/04/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 163.79 INVOICE - 3742-270292 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-270292 163.79 BXT65-850 BATTERY QTY 1 10532 10/04/2023 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) needs to be split 10540 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,706.25 September Hours 10541 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,704.53 September Hours 10542 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,472.16 September Hours 10543 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,242.42 September Hours 10544 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,302.95 September Hours 10545 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,291.02 September Hours 10546 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 September Hours 10547 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,864.24 September Hours 10548 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,469.18 September Hours 10549 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,584.50 September Hours CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 2 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 10550 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,588.20 September Hours 10551 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,454.41 September Hours 10552 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,323.37 September Hours 10553 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 8,524.18 September Hours 10554 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,843.25 September Hours 10555 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,494.10 September Hours 10556 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 September Hours 10557 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,204.82 September Hours 10558 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,902.09 September Hours 10559 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,424.90 September Hours 10560 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,291.44 September Hours 10561 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,136.53 September Hours 10562 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,152.22 September Hours 10563 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,072.46 September Hours 10564 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,581.86 September Hours 10565 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,352.50 September Hours 10566 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,303.89 September Hours 10567 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,271.95 September Hours 10569 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,800.72 September Hours 10570 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,221.95 September Hours 10571 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,802.48 September Hours 10572 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 445.92 September Hours 10573 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,358.92 September Hours 10574 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,139.03 September Hours 10575 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,773.01 September Hours 10576 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,966.63 September Hours 10577 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 September Hours 10578 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,997.49 September Hours 10579 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 707.87 September Hours 10580 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,683.69 September Hours 10581 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,234.67 September Hours 10582 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,368.65 September Hours 10583 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,895.04 September Hours 10584 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,191.52 September Hours 10585 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,028.09 September Hours 10586 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,491.50 September Hours 10587 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,514.71 September Hours 10589 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,885.51 September Hours 10590 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,395.90 September Hours 10591 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,819.06 September Hours 10592 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,429.00 September Hours 10593 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,876.36 September Hours 10594 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 8,577.35 September Hours 10595 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,157.64 September Hours 10596 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,570.62 September Hours 10597 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,780.74 September Hours 10598 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,134.30 September Hours 10599 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,929.20 September Hours 10600 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,421.60 September Hours 10601 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,550.38 September Hours 10602 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 September Hours 10603 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,343.92 September Hours 10604 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,460.02 September Hours 10605 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,539.54 September Hours 10606 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,604.59 September Hours 10607 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 600.66 September Hours 10608 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,871.14 September Hours 10609 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 10,328.42 September Hours 10610 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,892.63 September Hours 10611 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,152.62 September Hours City Of Yelm Trans Date Type Acct # 1061210/05/2023 Payroll 1 10613 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 1061410/05/2023 Payroll 1 10615 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 1061610/05/2023 Payroll 1 1062910/05/2023 Payroll 1 1063010/05/2023 Payroll 1 10631 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 1063210/05/2023 Payroll 1 10633 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 1063410/05/2023 Payroll 1 10635 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 1063610/05/2023 Payroll 1 1063710/05/2023 Payroll 1 1063810/05/2023 Payroll 1 1063910/05/2023 Payroll 1 1064010/05/2023 Payroll 1 10641 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 1085910/12/2023 Claims 1 Invoices Amount CHECK REGISTER 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Chk # Claimant EFT CITY HALL COPIER OVERAGE CHARGES - NASPO-CN26252-01 - EFT OVERAGE CHARGES BILLING PERIOD 2023 0627 - 0726 - PAYMENT 2 OF EFT EFT DILLE LAW, PLLC (EFT) 7,833.70 INVOICE - 14289; INVOICE - EFT 14290; INVOICE - 14291 EFT PO For EFT TEAMSTERS EFT WASHINGTON STATE 14290 4,000.00 SUPPORT REGISRY EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S 14291 1,898.70 GUILD 0 AFLAC 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - PFMLA 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - PFMLA 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0 LABOR & INDUSTRIES EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) PO For Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 3 Amount Memo 7,031.60 September Hours 3,151.18 September Hours 1,803.73 September Hours 6,028.16 September Hours 4,174.72 September Hours 1,623.50 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Teamsters PW 1,360.61 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Garnishments 322.50 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Police Guild Dues 578.94 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Aflac Pre Tax; Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Aflac Post Tax 38,413.10 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - PERS 2 12,630.39 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - PERS 3 21,056.26 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - LEOFF 2 5,043.27 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Deferred Comp 3,758.49 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - WA PFMLA 1,514.49 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - WA Cares 997.14 4th Quarter Unemployment: 10/01/2023 - 10/05/2023 119,018.66 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 - 10/05/2023 13,011.41 4TH Quarter L&I: 10/01/2023 - 10/05/2102 5.93 INVOICE - INV2682206.2 INV2682206.2 5.93 CITY HALL COPIER OVERAGE CHARGES - NASPO-CN26252-01 - OVERAGE CHARGES BILLING PERIOD 2023 0627 - 0726 - PAYMENT 2 OF 10860 10/12/2023 Claims 1 EFT DILLE LAW, PLLC (EFT) 7,833.70 INVOICE - 14289; INVOICE - 14290; INVOICE - 14291 Invoices Amount PO For 14289 1,935.00 CIVIL ADVISEMENTS - MATTER: COY - GENERAL BUSINESS - SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0927 14290 4,000.00 DILLE LAW LLC. - MATTER: COY - PROSECUTOR SERVICES: PROSECUTOR COURT DAYS: 2023 0914, 0928 14291 1,898.70 CIVIL ADVISEMENTS - MATTER: COY - STATE ROUTE 507 PROPERTY PURCHASE - SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0929 10861 10/12/2023 Claims 1 EFT RICK KNOPF DBA: PUBLIC 343.66 INVOICE - 0002487 FINANCE INC (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 0002487 343.66 LID MANAGEMENT COSTS - 4TH QUARTER 2023 - LID ADMINISTRATION: KILLION ROAD BASE FEE: $60 PER MONTH; ACCOUNT SERVICING: 1-25 ACCOUNTS @ $47 PER MONTH PLUS US POSTAGE FEE; OVER DUE NOTICE QTY 1 @ $22.00 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 4 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 10862 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 130.67 INVOICE - 3742-272481 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-272481 130.67 ITEM SC1307 BATT CHARGER QTY 1 INVOICED $133.34 PAID $130.67 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 10863 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 194.34 INVOICE - 3742-273788 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-273788 194.34 ITEM 4133 BATTERY QTY 1; CORE CHARGE QTY 1; CORE EXCHANGE CREDIT QTY 1 - INVOICED $198.31 PAID $194.34 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 10864 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 54.15 INVOICE - 768252132 Invoices Amount PO For 768252132 54.15 SCOTT JR JUMBO RL RIS 9" WHT 2000 QTY 1 10865 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 122.99 INVOICE - 768252140 Invoices Amount PO For 768252140 122.99 RENOWN TWL M/F WHT 9-1/8X9-1/2 QTY 1; SCOTT C FOLD TWL WHT 10.125" QTY 1; KITCHEN TWL 2 PLY 11X9 WHT QTY 1; SMART STRAW SPRAY 8OZ QTY 1; SUPERSTITCH BLEND MOP QTY 1 10866 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 73.97 INVOICE - 768252157 Invoices Amount PO For 768252157 73.97 STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER POLISH AERO QTY 1 10867 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) needed to be split out 10868 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 WA STATE DEPT OF 33,713.49 2023 09 USE/EXCISE TAX*** REVENUE (D) DRAFT 2023 1010 Invoices Amount PO For 202309 33,713.49 2023 09 USE/EXCISE TAX*** DRAFT 2023 1010 10869 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 WA STATE DOL - DRIVING 15.00 INVOICE - 2023 1002 RECORDS (D) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1002 15.00 DRIVERS ABSTRACT FOR NEW HIRE - PUBLIC SERVICES STREETS 10870 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 2,255.60 INVOICE - INV-XPR005281 Invoices Amount PO For INV-XPR005281 2,255.60 XPRESS BILLPAY SEPTEMBER 2023 - INVOICE INV-XPR005281 DATED 2023 0930 10876 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) need to rebatch 10894 10/12/2023 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) needs to be netted with a credit 11155 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 461.75 October Draw 11156 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 908.92 October Draw 11157 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,639.67 October Draw 11158 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 October Draw 11159 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 October Draw 11160 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,023.40 October Draw 11161 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 461.75 October Draw 11162 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,183.47 October Draw 11164 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,172.96 October Draw 11165 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 872.70 October Draw CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 5 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 11166 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,811.23 October Draw 11167 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 669.86 October Draw 11168 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,007.78 October Draw 11169 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,108.20 October Draw 11170 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,385.25 October Draw 11171 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,810.17 October Draw 11172 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,280.45 October Draw 11173 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,380.66 October Draw 11174 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,308.75 October Draw 11175 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,296.92 October Draw 11176 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,394.94 October Draw 11177 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 923.50 October Draw 11178 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,610.07 October Draw 11226 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 AUTOZONE (D) 40.86 INVOICE - 3731349786 Invoices Amount PO For 3731349786 40.86 DURALAST FLEX WI 22" WIPER BLADE QTY 1; DURELAST FLEX WI 26" WIPER BLADE QTY 1 11227 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 AUTOZONE (D) 62.10 INVOICE -3731359620 Invoices Amount PO For 3731356920 62.10 STP IOW -30 STP SYNTHETIC IOW -30 MOTOR OIL QTY 2 11228 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 CONSOLIDATED 2,135.11 INVOICE - 2023 1015 COMMUNICATIONS (D) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1015 2,135.11 ACCOUNT 0100836792 ALL LINES - SERVICE DATES 2023 1015 - 1114 11229 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 510.69 INVOICE - 17392426SI83 Invoices Amount PO For 17392426SI83 510.69 ACT# 2183-1152350-001 CITIZEN RECYCLING BINS AT 901 RHOTON ROAD SE - DATES OF SERVICE 2023 0901 - 0930 11230 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 298.72 INVOICE - 17391482SI83 Invoices Amount PO For 17391482SI83 298.72 301 2ND ST SE (YCC) - LEMAY - GARBAGE BILL FOR YCC - BILLING PERIOD: 2023 0901-0930 11231 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 365.16 INVOICE - 17391039S 183 Invoices Amount PO For 17391039SI83 365.16 GARBAGE BILL FOR CITY OF YELM PARK AT 16820 CANAL ROAD SE - BILLING PERIOD: 2023 0901 - 0930 11232 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 60.00 INVOICE - 4812992SI85 Invoices Amount PO For 4812992S 185 60.00 CITY HALL DOCUMENT SHREDDING - BILLING PERIOD 2023 0901 - 0930 11233 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 12.93 INVOICE - 2023 1009 (2391) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1009 (2391) 12.93 PSE ACCT 2391 - 212 2ND ST NE #PUMP - SERVICE DATES 2023 0908 - 1006 11234 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 10,875.92 INVOICE - 2023 1009 (5276) Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 6 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1009 (5276) 10,875.92 PSE ACCOUNT 5276 - SERVICE DATES 2023 0901 - 1002 11235 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 742.09 INVOICE - 2023 1009 (9590) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1009 (9590) 742.09 PSE ACCOUNT 9590 - 106 2ND ST SE - SERVICE DATES 2023 0908 - 1006 11236 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 10.00 INVOICE - 2023 1001 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1001 10.00 RAINIER CONNECT DOMAIN POINTER - ACCOUNT #9020611 - SERVICE DATE 2023 1001 - 1031 11237 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 87.81 INVOICE - 769492224 Invoices Amount PO For 769492224 87.81 UTILITY SCRUB BRUSH QTY 1; UTILITY SCRUB BRUSH 12PK QTY 1; 3" PLASTIC PUTTY KNIFE QTY 1; 1-1/2" PUTTY KNIFE QTY1; 1-1/4" PUTTY KNIFE QTY 1; KITCHEN ROLL TOWELS QTY1; MICFBR CLTH QTY 1 11238 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 THURSTON CO TITLE 223,105.63 WIRE TRANSFER PAYMENT COMPANY (D) - 2023 1019 - TH40441 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1019 - TH4( 223,105.63 ESCROW NO: TH40441 - 15425 STATE ROUTE 507 SE YELM, WA - SETTLEMENT DATE 2023 1019 - PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 11239 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 VERIZON WIRELESS (D) 1,587.14 INVOICE - 9945769055 (2618) Invoices Amount PO For 9945769055 (261 1,587.14 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONES - 9940958967 (2618) - STATEMENT DATES 2023 SEPT 02 - OCT 01 11240 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 VERIZON WIRELESS (D) 504.44 INVOICE - 9945978974 (3503) Invoices Amount PO For 9945978974 (350 504.44 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONES - 9943561222 (3503) - STATEMENT DATES 2023 SEPT 04 - OCT 03 11241 10/19/2023 Claims 1 0 VERIZON WIRELESS (D) 1,470.32 INVOICE - 9945807347 (2673) Invoices Amount PO For 9945807347 (267 1,470.32 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONES - 9943392113 (2673) - STATEMENT DATES 2023 SEPT 02 - OCT 01 11242 10/19/2023 Claims 1 EFT YELM, CITY OF - WATER 15,008.59 WATER BILL - SEPTEMBER BILL (D) 2023 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1018 15,008.59 CITY OF YELM WATER BILL - ALL LOCATIONS - 2023 SEPTEMBER 11309 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 7,145.63 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 10/20/2023 - 10/20/2023 11311 10/23/2023 Payroll 1 0 LABOR & INDUSTRIES 1.43 2023 Q3 Rounding Difference In L&I System 11446 10/24/2023 Claims 1 EFT EMPLOYMENT SECURITY -15.00 Unemployment Q3 2023 DEPT Rounding Difference CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 7 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 11796 10/26/2023 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 10.18 INVOICE - INV2722433 Invoices Amount PO For INV2722433 10.18 200651-P - COPIER - WWTP - CONTRACT OVERAGE CHARGES: 2023 0916 - 1015 11797 10/26/2023 Claims 1 EFT RI -12 ENGINEERING, INC. 2,118.42 INVOICE - 93022 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 93022 2,118.42 PROJECT: 0220046.00 SE RESEVOIR - FINAL DESIGN - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1001 11798 10/26/2023 Claims I EFT RI -12 ENGINEERING, INC. 12,815.02 INVOICE - 93024 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 93024 12,815.02 PROJECT: 0210191.00 WATER SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE AND AWIA COMPLIANCE - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1001 11799 10/26/2023 Claims I EFT STELLAR J CORPORATION 2,500.00 INVOICE - 23003-004-004 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 23003-004-004 2,500.00 FILTER REPAIR WELDING - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 11800 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 60.00 INVOICE - 4811853SI85 Invoices Amount PO For 4811853SI85 60.00 COURT DOCUMENT SHREDDING - BILLING PERIOD 2023 0901 - 0930 11801 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 18.52 INVOICE - 3742-275581 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-275581 18.52 AIR FILTER QTY I INVOICED $18.90 PAID $18.52 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 11802 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 38.49 INVOICE - 3742-275551 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-275551 38.49 1 QT MOTOROIL QTY 6 - INVOICED $39.28 PAID $38.49 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 11803 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 61.98 INVOICE - 3742-275104 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-275104 61.98 FLOOR DRY QTY 2; 14OZ BRAKE CLEAN QTY 12 - INVOICED $63.24 PAID $61.98 11804 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 20,681.07 INVOICE - 2023 1020 (4915) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1020 (4915) 20,681.07 PSE ACCOUNT 4915 - ALL LOCATIONS - SERVICE DATES 2023 0907 - 11805 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 143.18 INVOICE - 770688455 Invoices Amount PO For 770688455 143.18 PURELL SQUEEZE BOTTLE QTY 1; RENOWN TWL QTY 1; DAWN HVY DUTY 32OZ 6EAC QTY 1; RENOWN LNR IO/ROLL QTY 1 11806 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 7.64 INVOICE - 770927481 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Invoices Amount PO For Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 8 Amount Memo 770927481 7.64 91N NYLON UTILITY SCRUB BRUSH 12 QTY 1 11807 10/26/2023 Claims 1 0 WA STATE DOL - DRIVING 15.00 INVOICE - 2023 1024 RECORDS (D) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1024 15.00 DRIVING ABSTRACT - PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER 12204 10/31/2023 Claims I EFT THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 42.23 INVOICE - 771837648 Invoices Amount PO For 771837648 42.23 PURELL SQUEEZE BOTTLE W/ FLIP CAP QTY 1 12763 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 229.35 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND 2.73 VISA CLOSE - STANCIL Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0816 22.37 THE DAVENPORT GRADF & SPOKANE 2023 0817 21.28 DOWNTOWN ONION 2023 0819 38.55 TEXAS ROADHOUSE #2674 2023 0818 147.15 THE DAVENPORT GRAND 12765 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 23.30 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND Amount PO For VISA CLOSE - LINNEMEYER Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0821 12.57 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALT 2023 0905 2.73 DOLLAR TREE 2023 0905 8.00 SAFEWAY #1619 12766 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 19.31 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - DEPINTO Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0817 19.31 SQ *THE SHIP LAP SHOP 12767 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 196.24 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - RAMIREZ Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0823 196.24 WAL-MART #3705 12768 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 649.51 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - BENNETT Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0816 100.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSO 2023 0817 34.19 WAL-MART #3705 2023 0822 295.00 WWW.JOBSGOAT.COM 2023 0824 8.73 AMZN MKTP US*T34UX5F 12 2023 0824 146.07 WWW COSTCO COM 2023 0831 21.83 AMZN MKTP US*T34NL28J1 2023 0830 43.69 AMZN MKTP US*T33AC07Q0 12769 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 9,978.11 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - HARDY Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0829 7,049.39 PST*IC REALTIME 2023 0830 474.30 AMXN MKTP US*T35A78YL2 2023 0905 2,321.53 B&H PHOTO CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 9 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0826 30.00 MXTOOLBOX 2023 0901 13.12 GOOGLE LLC GSUITE_YELM 2023 0901 36.00 PLAYSIGNAGE.COM 2023 0906 19.00 MURF.AI 2023 0905 9.62 MSFT*E05000XRSR 2023 0909 25.15 MSFT*E05000ZV4V 12770 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 107.11 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - ROY Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0830 107.11 VISTAPRINT 12771 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 221.08 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - DICE-MCKENZIE Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0905 221.08 THURSTON COUNTY RSRC S 13162 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 1,535.47 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - COLT; 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE -COLT Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0829 -100.17 CAMPBELLS LODGE 2023 0815 107.38 ATTORNEY & NOTARY SUPP 2023 0815 109.29 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS32 2023 0815 40.00 DOL - PROFESSIONAL LIC 2023 0817 100.00 ATTORNEY & NOTARY SUPP 2023 0907 3.21 WAL-MART #3705 2023 0907 67.00 JURASSICPARLIAMENT.COM 2023 0908 20.00 ASCE PURCHASING 2023 0912 693.76 THE UPS STORE 4105 2023 0913 375.00 EVERGREEN RURAL WATER 2023 0912 120.00 SQ *YELM CAMBER OF CO 13163 10/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 109.64 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - CARLSON; 2023 0915 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - CARLSON Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1003 -23.50 TRITECH FORENSICS 2023 0816 26.46 RIVER'S EDGE 2023 0825 30.47 END OF THE TRAIL IV 2023 0907 48.62 MR DOUGS FAMILY RESTAU 2023 0913 27.59 THE UPS STORE 4105 10449 10/03/2023 Claims 1 11468 POORMAN PRODUCTIONS, 100.00 INVOICE - 2023 0822 LLC Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0822 100.00 DEPOSIT 10% - DAKOTA POORMAN PERFORMANCE 2023 1111 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 10 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 10488 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11469 AMAZON CAPITAL 621.07 INVOICE - SERVICES INC 1HJC-MRNG-4YNG; INVOICE - 1KKL-C9VY-4YKG; INVOICE - 1CVH-3LCG-9DGP; INVOICE - 1N9F-WV6H-DLGJ; INVOICE - 1WMY-W4JI-FVQ9; INVOICE - 1NJL-FTNM-G94J; INVOICE - 1LR6-1K93-W7LR Invoices Amount PO For 1HJC-MRNG-4Y 87.43 LOGITECH MX ANYWHERE 3S COMPACT WIRELESS MOUSE QTY 1 1KKL-C9VY-4Y 98.16 LOGITECH MK540 FULL SIZE WIRELESS SCISSOR KEYBOARD AND MOUSE BUNDLE QTY 2 1CVH-3LCG-9D, 48.43 2024 CALENDARS - EXECUTIVE - 16 MONTH DESK 22X17 QTY 1; 16 MONTH 12X17 QTY 1; 16 MONTH DESK 17X12 QTY 1 1CVH-3LCG-9D, 20.00 2024 CALENDARS - FINANCE - 12 MONTH 12X17 QTY 1; 12 MONTH 9X8 QTY 1 1CVH-3LCG-9D, 80.11 DOG DAY - PUPPY PAW TABLE CLOTH QTY 1; PAW PRINT DOG BANNER/CUTOUTS QTY 1; DOG FIRE HYDRANT DECOR QTY 1; DOG BANNER AND BACK DROP QTY 1; DOG PAW TREAT BAGS 150 PCS QTY 1 1N9F-WV6H-DL 92.91 HVACSTAR ENGINE BLOCK HEATER 1500 WATT 120 VOLT 100-120F COOLANT PRE -HEATER QTY 1 1 WMY-W4J1-F` 67.96 MALDEN 8X10 MATTED PICTURE FRAME QTY 1 1NJL-FTNM-G9z 85.76 BROTHER GENUINE TN227BK HIGH YIELD TONER CARTRIDGE REPLACEMENT BLACK TONER YEILD 3,000 PAGES QTY 1 1LR6-1K93-W7L 40.31 YOTOO AIR COMPRESSOR ACCESSORIES KIT, HEAVY DUTY 20 PIECE 1/4", 25FT HYBRID AIR COMPRESSOR HOSE KIT WITH 100 PSI QTY 1 10489 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11470 BEV REINHOLD 500.00 INVOICE - 1886; INVOICE - 1895 Invoices Amount PO For 1886 250.00 2023 0721: PRE-EMPLOYMENT POLYGRAPH D. STEPHAN 1895 250.00 2023 0729: PRE-EMPLOYMENT POLYGRAPH R. REHON 10490 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11471 BIO RECYCLING 5,412.50 INVOICE - 38432 CORPORATION Invoices Amount PO For 38432 5,412.50 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL - PUMPED BY CITY TRUCK - 31,035 @ $0.1744 PER GALLON - INVOICE DATED 2023 0930 10491 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11472 DANIEL CAROLUS 337.63 04-8680.0 - 9934 BOURBON ST SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15516 337.63 10492 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11473 CENTURY COMMUNITIES OF 220.18 12-00069.0 - 15165 PRESCOTT WASHINGTON LOOP SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15532 220.18 10493 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11474 CITIES DIGITAL 3,587.18 INVOICE - 58259 Invoices Amount PO For 58259 3,587.18 LASERFICHE AVANTE FULL USER QTY 5; LASERFICHE AVANTE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE QTY 2.3497 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 169.70 Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 Claims 1 11481 JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC. 5,689.21 INVOICE - 924060; CREDIT 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 11 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 924060 6,789.20 CHLORINE 150LB CYLINDER QTY 10; SULFUR DIOXIDE 150LB 10494 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11475 CODE PUBLISHING CO 830.00 INVOICE - GCO0122477 Invoices 10501 10/04/2023 Amount PO For GCO0122477 830.00 CUSTOMER YE4701 - ANNUAL WEB FEES $650.00; WEB UPDATE Amount PO For 166426 ANNUAL FEE $180.00 10495 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11476 DATABAR 659.45 INVOICE - 263548; INVOICE - 10502 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11483 CARCHRICAM INC. DBA: 219.32 INVOICE - 42322 263578 Invoices MINUTEMAN PRESS Amount PO For 263548 42322 616.01 STATEMENT PRODUCTION: LATE AND DELINQUENT SEPTEMBER 2023 - VEHICLE TAG - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX QTY 573 (#/).355 & POSTAGE $332.00, AND DIGITAL FILE 263578 43.44 COMPOSITION CHANGES TO REGULAR STATEMENTS - STOCK 10496 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11477 FAY FULLER BUILDING 4,901.68 INVOICE - 0000570 -IN; CONDO ASSOC INVOICE - 0000568 -IN Invoices Amount PO For 0000570 -IN 2,760.86 LIBRARY UTILITIES AND DUES - UTILITIES BILLING FOR AUGUST 2023 0000568 -IN 2,140.82 LIBRARY UTILITIES AND DUES - DUES BILLING FOR OCTOBER 2023 10497 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11478 CHARLES OR VICTORIA 437.41 09-1930.0 - 10708 PALISADES FROHLICH ST SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15515 437.41 10498 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11479 HACH COMPANY 5,049.12 INVOICE - 13757648 Invoices Amount PO For 13757648 5,049.12 ACCOUNT #203342 AS950 CONTROLLER ONLY, AWRS, BASIC ASA CXXX QTY 1 - INVOICE INCLUDED TAX AND SHIPPING 10499 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11480 HOMEMAKERS NW 2 LLC 169.70 05-8024.0 - 15429 107TH LP SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15542 169.70 10500 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11481 JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC. 5,689.21 INVOICE - 924060; CREDIT MEMO - 924063 Invoices Amount PO For 924060 6,789.20 CHLORINE 150LB CYLINDER QTY 10; SULFUR DIOXIDE 150LB CYLINDER QTY 2 - INVOICE INCLUDES CONTAINER DEPOSIT AND TAX 924063 -1,099.99 CONTAINER RETURN - 10 CL2 CYLS; 1 SO2 CYL 10501 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11482 KENNEDY/JENKS 3,491.25 INVOICE - 166426 CONSULTANTS, INC. Invoices Amount PO For 166426 3,491.25 PROJECT: 1997004*00 - YELM - WATER RIGHTS - COCHRANE PARK REHAB - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0825 10502 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11483 CARCHRICAM INC. DBA: 219.32 INVOICE - 42322 MINUTEMAN PRESS Invoices Amount PO For 42322 219.32 CN:2176 - 200 NCR- NOTICE OF TRESSPASS FORMS; 200 LABELS- 7X4 VEHICLE TAG - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 12 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 10503 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11484 BRET MONTGOMERY 131.32 05-5570.0 - 15874 104TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15549 131.32 10504 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11485 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 108.73 INVOICE - 2309-350414 Invoices Amount PO For 2309-350414 108.73 STRUST SATIN WHITE 120Z QTY 6; SPRAY PAINT 2X FLAT BLACK QTY 6 10505 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11486 SKYLAR NEWTON 512.85 01-2527.0 - 9433 PRAIRIE WIND ST SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15537 512.85 10506 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11487 NORTH AMERICA RESCUE 1,500.26 INVOICE - IN742789 LLC Invoices Amount PO For IN742789 1,500.26 LITTER, QUIK - RESPONDER QTY 20; KIT, RANGE TRAUMA HARD CASE QTY 1; HEMOSTATIC BANDAGE, COMBAT GAUZE QTY 20 - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 10507 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11488 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN 304.00 INVOICE - 25352 AIR AGENCY Invoices Amount PO For 25352 304.00 ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE - FILE# 186 COUNTY 67 SOURCE 100 - CLASSIFICATION 5 - 08/01/2023 10508 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11489 SHADOW OSTAS 225.06 03-3095.0 - 16628 RAINIER VIEW DR SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15530 225.06 10509 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11490 PARAMETRIX INC 70,372.76 INVOICE - 48307; INVOICE - 48306 Invoices Amount PO For 48307 63,736.55 PROJECT: 216-1781-045 - WRF PHASE 2 UPGRADES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - CM#11 - LIQUIDS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0826 48306 6,636.21 PROJECT: 216-1781-045 - WRF PHASE 2 UPGRADES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - CM#12 BIOSOLIDS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0826 10510 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11491 PARK WAREHOUSE, LLC 4,007.14 INVOICE - 15009467 Invoices Amount PO For 15009467 4,007.14 RECYCLED PLASTIC WALK-THRU PICNIC TABLE - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX AND SHIPPING 10511 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11492 PARKER PACIFIC 37.84 80-2100.0 - 901 RHOTON RD NW Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15531 37.84 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 518.86 Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10515 10/04/2023 Claims 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 13 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 10512 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11493 CHRISTOPHER AND 217.25 07-0260.0 - 16143 VANCIL LP 2023-15553 BRYANA REYNOLDS SE Invoices Amount PO For 11497 SOUTH SOUND 83.58 INVOICE - 30932 2023-15571 217.25 INTERPRETING & SERVICES 10513 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11494 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY 900.26 INVOICE - 6003404609 (1763); 30932 CORP INVOICE - 3003374036 (4524); INVOICE - 6003583302 (1763); 10517 10/04/2023 Claims 1 INVOICE - 6003586521 (1763) Invoices Amount PO For PO For 6003404609 (176 257.28 SEWAGE TREATMENT MONITORING 07/01/2023 - 09/30/2023 3003374036 (452 111.30 YCC MONITORING ALARM - SERVICE DATES 07/01/2023 - 09/30/2023 6003583302 (176 257.28 SEWAGE TREATMENT MONITORING 10/01/2023 - 12/31/2023 6003586521 (176 97.74 YCC MONITORING ALARM - SERVICE DATES 10/01/2023 - 12/31/2023 6003586521 (176 176.66 PW / WWTP MONITORING - 10/01/2023 - 12/31/2023 10514 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11495 SHELTON, CITY OF 518.86 INVOICE - INVOI116 Invoices Amount PO For INV01116 518.86 SLUDGE LOAD TICKETS - 3344 10515 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11496 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 145.99 10-00212.0 - 14358 99TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15553 145.99 10516 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11497 SOUTH SOUND 83.58 INVOICE - 30932 INTERPRETING & SERVICES Invoices Amount PO For 30932 83.58 INTERPRETING SERVICE - DATE OF SERVICE 2023 0914 - M. RAMOS NUNIO 10517 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11498 DEBBIE STILLWELL 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1007 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1007 500.00 YCC REFUND FOR 2023 1007 10518 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11499 TAGS AWARDS & 31.15 INVOICE - 224363 SPECIALTIES Invoices Amount PO For 224363 15.57 CYELM - 2X10 WOODGRAIN NAME PLATE ENGRAVED - J. CAMPEAU, T. STEVENS 224363 15.58 CYELM - 2X10 WOODGRAIN NAME PLATE ENGRAVED - J. CAMPEAU, T. STEVENS 10519 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11500 THURSTON REGIONAL 1,495.76 INVOICE - PLANNING COUNCIL GMAYELM-2023-07; INVOICE - GMAYELM-2023-08 Invoices Amount PO For GMAYELM-202: 419.67 PROJECT #30443 GMA HOUSING SERVICES FROM 2023 0701-0731 GMAYELM-202: 1,076.09 PROJECT #30443 GMA HOUSING SERVICES FROM 2023 0801-0831 10520 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11501 USA BLUEBOOK 1,001.42 INVOICE - INV00145355; CREDIT MEMO - SCN009878 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 14 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For INVO0145355 1,750.07 HACH DR300 CHLORINE; F&T QTY 1; SPECCHECK LR DPD CHLORINE SECONDARY QTY 1 - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX AND FREIGHT SCN009878 -748.65 CREDIT ON INVOICE - INVO0124237 - ORION ROSS ULTRA PH TRIODE SEALED QTY 1; ORION ROSS ULTRA PH ELECTRODE WITH BNC GLASS QTY 1 10521 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11502 WA STATE TREASURER - 2,733.13 2023 09 - A8 YELM COURT REMITTANCES REMITTANCE DOC#85002560 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 09 - A8 2,733.13 YELM COURT REMITTANCE - 2023 SEPTEMBER 10522 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11503 WEST COAST 565.63 INVOICE - 14062 MECHANICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC Invoices Amount PO For 14062 565.63 CITY OF YELM PUBLIC WORKS - AC NOT WORKING - LABOR & MATERIALS 2.5 @ $145; TRUCK CHARGE QTY 1 @ $75.00; INTENT 1363362 AFFIDAVIT 1241150 ADMIN FEE $80.00 10523 10/04/2023 Claims 1 11504 YOUNGLOVE & COKER, 1,925.00 INVOICE - 00433 PLLC Invoices Amount PO For 00433 1,925.00 CITY OF YELM PRO TERM JUDGE SERVICES 2023 0928 MUNICIPAL COURT CALENDAR QTY 7 HOURS 10568 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11505 4,999.65 September Hours 10588 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11506 3,412.52 September Hours 10745 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11507 AWC 98,806.69 Pay Cycle(s)10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Medical Benefits; Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Supplemental Life 10746 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11508 NATIONAL FRATERNAL 1,057.00 Pay Cycle(s) 10/05/2023 To ORDER OF POLICE 10/05/2023 - FOP Police 10747 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11509 WA STATE COUNCIL OF 824.48 Pay Cycle(s)10/05/2023 To COUNTY & CITY EMPL 10/05/2023 - AFSCME 10748 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11510 WACOPS 212.50 Pay Cycle(s)10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - WACOPS 10749 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11511 WESTERN STATES POLICE 920.00 Pay Cycle(s)10/05/2023 To MEDICAL TRUST 10/05/2023 - Western States Police Trust 10750 10/05/2023 Payroll 1 11512 YELM, CITY OF 466.30 Pay Cycle(s)10/05/2023 To 10/05/2023 - Police Car Use 10834 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11513 AMAZON CAPITAL 602.80 INVOICE - 1KV1-6N67-TC4J; SERVICES INC INVOICE - 1H6Q-3RQR-Y44G; INVOICE - 1CR4-WYFC-CPPX; INVOICE - 1XNN-QMWP-C1K6; INVOICE - lYWY-GDXG-F66Y; INVOICE - 1CGQ-X9TF-JMKQ Invoices Amount PO For 1KV1-6N67-TC4 43.72 HERETOM 2PCS SFF-8654 TO SFF-8643 CABLE QTY 1 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 15 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 1H6Q-3RQR-Y4, 92.91 HVACSTAR TPS151GTIO-000 590-893 ENGINE BLOCK HEATER 1500 WATT 120 VOLT QTY 1 1CR4-WYFC-CP 63.61 SHARPIE PERMANENT MARKERS 36 CT QTY 1; POST IT SUPER STICKY NOTES 15 PACK QTY 1; SCOTCH MOUNTING FASTENING POSTER TAPE 3 PK QTY 1 1XNN-QMWP-C 7.20 MINI DESK CALENDAR 2023-2024 QTY 1 IYWY-GDXG-F, 122.12 FALCON DUST -OFF ELECTRONICS COMPRESSED GAS DUSTER 10 OZ QTY 2; AT -A -GLANCE 2024 MONTHYL ERASABLE CALENDAR QTY 2 1CGQ-X9TF-JM] 273.24 FELLOWES JUPITER 125 LAMINATOR 5215801 QTY 1 10835 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11514 ANIMAL SERVICES 3,750.00 INVOICE - 2023 1003 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1003 3,750.00 ANIMAL CARE - SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF YELM SEPTEMBER 2023 10836 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11515 KAREN T BENNETT 81.00 PER DIEM - 2023 1005 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1005 81.00 PER DIEM REQUEST - WELLNESS CONFERENCE 2023 RICHLAND/PASCO 2023 1017-1019 10837 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11516 CONFLUENCE 25,030.00 INVOICE - 16786 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY Invoices Amount PO For 16786 25,030.00 PROJECT: YELM HCP - HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN PROJECT - INV DATE 2023 1006 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE THROUGH 2023 0930 10838 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11517 DATABAR 2,486.29 INVOICE - 263685 Invoices Amount PO For 263685 2,486.29 STATEMENT PRODUCTION - MONTHLY UTILITY STATEMENTS 2,837 @.355; POSTAGE 1,328.71; DIGITAL FILE $51.95 - SEPTEMBER 2023 10839 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11518 SHELBY D DENNY employee did not go to event 10840 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11519 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 30.53 INVOICE - 742533 Invoices Amount PO For 742533 30.53 PART 40-130 9 EDGER BLADE QTY 7 @ 3.99 10841 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11520 K & L SUPPLY INC 2,330.78 INVOICE - 46008; INVOICE - 46009 Invoices Amount PO For 46008 855.72 4 CASES BLUE LOCATE PAINT; 4 CASES WASP INSECTICIDE - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 46009 1,475.06 100LB CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE QTY 1; CASES 6-7 NITRILE GLOVE QTY 2; CASES GREEN LOCATE PAINT QTY 4; CASES 4 MIL LAB GLOVES QTY 2; CASE PUREL HAND SANITIZER QTY 1 10842 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11521 TRACY MARQUIS 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 0923 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0923 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 0923 10843 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11522 MIKE MCCLUNG 74,651.90 INVOICE - PAY APP 01 CONSTRUCTION CO. Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Invoices Amount PO For Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 16 Amount Memo PAY APP 01 74,651.90 PROJECT # 2306 - YELM DOG PARK PHASE 2 - PAY APP 01 - PERIOD COVERED 2023 0901-0930 10844 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11523 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 57.89 INVOICE - 2310-354093; INVOICE - 2310-354833 Invoices Amount PO For 2310-354093 49.17 MAG TAPE MEASURE 25'2 PK QTY 1 2310-354833 8.72 GROUNDING PLUG 15A-ORG QTY 2 10845 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11524 MOUNTAIN MIST 155.33 INVOICE - 2023 0930 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0930 23.89 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP #1: 931 NORTHERN PACIFIC RD SE - SEPTEMBER 2023 2023 0930 61.60 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP #2: 901 RHOTON RD SE - SEPTEMBER 2023 2023 0930 34.92 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP 0:106 2ND ST SE - SEPTEMBER 2023 2023 0930 34.92 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP #4:206 MCKENZIE AVE - SEPTEMBER 2023 10846 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11525 STEPHANIE A NANAVICH 123.75 PER DIEM - 2023 1005 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1005 123.75 PER DIEM REQUEST - SPRNGBROOK CONFERENCE LAS VEGAS 2023 1025-1028 - MEALS WHILE TRAVELING 10847 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11526 NISQUALLY VALLEY NEWS 153.28 INVOICE - 128614 (127684) Invoices Amount PO For 128614 153.28 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD# 127684 RUN DATE 2023 0928 - NOTICE OF HEARING CITY OF YELM PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 10848 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11527 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 32.02 10-00211.0 - 14352 99TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15669 32.02 10849 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11528 TAMMY BARACONI STONEY 1,522.93 INVOICE - 2023001 BEACH CONSULTING LLC Invoices Amount PO For 2023001 1,522.93 CONSULTING SERVICES 2023 0921-1001 - DISCUSS PROJECTS; REVIEW DOCS; WORK ON PRESUB GROVE & ASSOC; LIBERTY GROVE SUBDIVISION 10850 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11529 TAGS AWARDS & 20.22 INVOICE - 224782 SPECIALTIES Invoices Amount PO For 224782 20.22 CYELM - 2X10 WOODGRAIN - WHT NAME PLATE ENGRAVED - ANDREW KOLLAR 10851 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11530 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 96.75 INVOICE - 3090251 Invoices Amount PO For 3090251 96.75 ACCT: 104040 - EXCAVATION NOTIFICATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2023 - QTY 75 10852 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11531 WA STATE DEPT OF 41.70 INVOICE - 731127732 ENTERPRISE SVCS CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 17 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 731127732 41.70 BUSINESS CARDS 250 EACH - STEPHAN 10853 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11532 WA STATE DEPT OF 337.68 INVOICE - 9171260 NATURAL RESOURCES Invoices Amount PO For 9171260 337.68 CN: 1038877 - 2023 FOREST LAND ASSESSMENT: FFPA FPA FUND 1 EA (a, $201.18 USD; FFPA LOC FUN 1 EA (a, $136.50 USD 10854 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11533 WA STATE PATROL 840.00 INVOICE - T2400009 Invoices Amount PO For T2400009 840.00 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL DRIVE COURSE AT THE WSP ACADEMY IN SHELTON 2023 0928 QTY 1 10855 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11534 MIKE WULFEKUHLE 237.37 03-1460.0 - 8629 XERXEX CT SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15668 237.37 10856 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11535 YELM COMMUNITY 8,690.65 INVOICE - 431 SCHOOLS Invoices Amount PO For 431 8,690.65 FUEL INVOICE - ALL DEPARTMENTS - YCS PUMPS - JULY 2023 10857 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11536 YELM SENIOR CENTER 1,500.00 INVOICE - 2023 1002 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1002 1,500.00 CONTRACT FEES FOR YELM SENIOR CENTER - SEPTEMBER 2023 10858 10/12/2023 Claims 1 11537 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC 252.35 INVOICE -44805 Invoices Amount PO For 44805 252.35 NO PARKING ANY TIME 12X18 QTY 3; DO NOT BLOCK GATE QTY 3 11163 10/20/2023 Payroll 1 11538 708.00 October Draw 11194 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11539 AMAZON CAPITAL 1,815.60 INVOICE - 1XFF-XCGI-XJH3; SERVICES INC INVOICE - 1JL3-LRHQ-HXJD; INVOICE - 14FV-FHFF-HPMN; INVOICE - 1JYM-D7FK-N9JP; INVOICE - 16PG-NYPL-JFQC; INVOICE - 16JP-3XLX-HYKH; INVOICE - 1CTL-6HKL-H9QV; INVOICE - I ITJ-G31 Invoices Amount PO For 1XFF-XCGI-XJI 162.82 NOBLEWELL OFFICE CHAIR, DESK CHAIR WITH 2" ADJUSTABLE LUMBAR SUPPORT, HEADREST, 2D ARMREST QTY 1 1JL3-LRHQ-HXJ 59.36 STAR STRING LIGHTS LOFT 20 LED FAIRY LIGHTS BATTERY OPERATED WATERPROOF CHRISTMAS LIGHTS QTY 4; GARDEN SOLAR LIGHTS CRACKED GLASS BALL WATERPROOF LED DECORATIONS QTY 1 14FV-FHFF-HPN 102.82 ORZLY ACCESSORY BUNDLE KIT FOR NINTENDO SWITCH QTY 1; CUSTOMIZABLE TROPHY CUP QTY 1; 1JYM-D7FK-N9] 120.20 LOGITECH C920S HS WEBCAM, FULL HD 108OP/30FPS QTY 2 16PG-NYPL-JFQ 48.36 8GB DDR4 320OMHZ PC4-25600 1.2V 1RX8 LAPTOP RAM MODULE MEMORY M471AIK43DBA-CWE QTY 3 16JP-3XLX-HYK 7.63 MR.PEN LINED INDEX CARDS 3X5 100 CARDS QTY 1 1CTL-6HKL-H9( 14.08 NOTARY JOURNAL LOG BOOK 7X10 QTY 1 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 18 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 11TJ-G31G-T76( 1,123.47 BE SMART GET PREPARED FIRST AID KIT 250 PIECE QTY 16; AMEREX B500 ABC DRY CHEMICAL CLASS A,B,C FIRE EXTINGUISHER QTY 3 1K9M-V696-TH` 13.11 RETTACY SPIRAL GRAPH PAPER NOTEBOOKS 3 PACK - A5 GRAPH JOURNAL NOTEBOOK QTY 1 1661-6NTF-TMN 9.61 WHITE AND BLACK PAINT PENS PAINT MARKERS 6 PACK QTY 1 113Q-MFGY-NC 79.36 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TI -36X PRO ENGINEERING/SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR QTY1; MOZART MECHANICAL PENCIL SET WITH CASE - 4 SIZES QTY 1; MR PEN PROFESSIONAL LARGE COMPASS QTY 1; CRIME SCENE TRAFFIC TEMPLATE QTY 1 IYNP-DTVH-Vn 47.38 DRAFTING TRAINAGLE 12" 30/60 DEGREE QTY 1; 12" PROFESSIONAL TRIANGLE RULER 45/90 QTY 1M9V-TYVG-XE 27.40 BLACK RIFLE COFFEE COMPANY FREEDOM FUEL QTY 1 11195 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11540 BEYLER CONSULTING LLC 1,250.50 INVOICE - 13823; INVOICE - 13822 Invoices Amount PO For 13823 1,039.50 PROJECT 21.00195.000 - CITY OF YEL, ON-CALL SERVICES - CROSS ROADS AT YELM BLA - PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR - BILLING THROUGH 2023 0923 13822 211.00 PROJECT 21.00195.000 - CITY OF YELM ON-CALL SERVICES - THE SUMMIT AT THOMPSON CREEK - PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR; PROJECT COORDINATOR - BILLED THROUGH 2023 0923 11196 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11541 BRINCKEN SAFE & LOCK 566.17 INVOICE - 017053 Invoices Amount PO For 017053 566.17 YELM POLICE DEPT - 1ST TRIP INSTALL TEMP LOCK; 2NS TRIP INSTALL SERVICE CALL, INSTALL LOCK AND COVER HOLES, MARKS 19517261) STOREROOM FUNCTION LOCK VANDALISM RESISTANT CLUTCH, KEY IN KNOB CYLINDER 11197 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11542 CANON FINANCIAL 843.31 INVOICE - 31413485; SERVICES, INC. INVOICE - 31413484; INVOICE - 31413483 Invoices Amount PO For 31413485 142.28 WWTP - IMAGE RUNNER ADVANCE C5540i III - CONTRACT#06619 - 2023 1001-1031 31413484 199.33 PW COPIER LEASE - SN 2JV03898 - SERVICE DATES 2023 1001 - 1031 31413483 501.70 CITY HALL - IMAGE RUNNER ADVANCE C7565I II - CONTRACT#05214/3091 - 2023 1001 - 1031 11198 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11543 D ZINES 172.05 INVOICE - 5647 Invoices Amount PO For 5647 172.05 COUNCIL MEMBERS ORDER - MERCER+METTLE WOMENS SOFT SHELL QTY 1; RED KAP SHORT SLEEVE RIPSTOP CREW SHIRT QTY 1; DIRECT TO GARMENT PRINTING QTY 2; SHIPPING JOES SHIRTS 11199 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11544 DELL MARKETING LP 707.02 INVOICE - 10703509853 Invoices Amount PO For 10703509853 707.02 DELL DOCK - WD19S 130W POWER DELIVERY - 18OW AC QTY 3 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 19 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 11200 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11545 DRAIN -PRO, INC. 12,874.10 INVOICE - 128091; INVOICE - 128089; INVOICE - 128092; INVOICE - 128093; INVOICE - 128108; INVOICE - 128109; INVOICE - 128110; INVOICE - 127993 Invoices Amount PO For 128091 2,030.70 INVOICE DATES 2023 1003 - BOBS BAR 108 YELM AVE E SEPTIC PUMPING QTY 3,953 128089 1,962.89 INVOICE DATED 2023 1003 - TACO BELL SEPTIC 1310 E YELM AVE SEPTIC PUMPING QTY 3,821 128092 2,080.53 INVOICE DATED 2023 1004 - MCDONALDS 505 W YELM AVE SEPTIC PUMPING QTY 3,446 TRUCK 1; QTY 604 TRUCK 2 128093 891.29 INVOICE DATED 2023 1004 - THE LOCAL 307 E YELM AVE SEPTIC PUMPING QTY 1,735 128108 672.45 INVOICE DATED 2023 1004 - PHO YELM 201 E YELM AVE SEPTIC PUMPING QTY 1,309 128109 525.53 INVOICE DATED 2023 1005 - SHIP LAP 112 E YELM AVE SEPTIC PUMPING QTY 1,023 128110 3,358.12 INVOICE DATED 2023 1005 - PUMP FOR MAINT 16502 106TH ST SE SEPTIC PUMPING QTY 2,716 TRUCK 1; QTY 3,821 TRUCK 2 127993 1,352.59 INVOICE DATED 2023 0927 - CITY OF YELM 931 N.P. RD TV LABOR TO LOCATE UNDERGROUND LINE 11201 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11546 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 21,295.19 INVOICE - FBN4859888 Invoices Amount PO For FBN4859888 21,295.19 ENTERPRISE MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES - ALL DEPARTMENTS - OCTOBER 2023 11202 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11547 GOOD VIBES 2,405.40 INVOICE - 2023 1018 - LTAC ENTERTAINMENT MUSIC PROGRAM ACA REIMBURSEMENT Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1018 2,405.40 2023 LTAC REIMBURSEMENT FOR GOOD VIBES ENTERTAINMENT 11203 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11548 HD FOWLER COMPANY 225.53 INVOICE - I6542149 Invoices Amount PO For I6542149 225.53 6.63X2" IP 202 SADDLE BODY QTY 1; 6.63 S S STRAP WITH NUTS QTY 2; 2: SCH 80 PVC ELBOW QTY 1; 2X6 SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE QTY 1; 2" PVC BALL VALVE QTY 1; 2" PVC BALL VALVE QTY 2 11204 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11549 JIM HELMS 30.30 05-5080.0 - 15815 YELM TERRA WAY SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15708 30.30 11205 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11550 KING TECHNOLOGICS, PLLC 2,099.12 INVOICE - 2023 1010 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1010 2,099.12 PROJECT: ADA TRANSITION PLAN - INVOICE DATED 10/10/2023 - ADA COMPLIANCE SIDEWALK RAMP - PROFESSTIONAL SERVICES MONTHS AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2023 11206 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11551 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 23.52 INVOICE - 2310-357993 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 20 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2310-357993 23.52 ONE SIDED KEY QTY 8 11207 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11552 NISQUALLY VALLEY NEWS 608.87 INVOICE - 128418 (127599); INVOICE - 128963 (127752); INVOICE - 128962 (127750); INVOICE - 128965 (127754); INVOICE - 129075 (127794); INVOICE - 128964 (127753) Invoices Amount PO For 128418 189.76 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD # 127599 RUN DATE 2023 0928 1005 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2024 AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX 128963 60.33 LEGAL ADVERTISING AD# 127752 RUN DATE 2023 1005 ORIDINANCE NO 1102 128962 51.30 LEGAL ADVERTISING AD# 127750 RUN DATE 2023 1005 ORIDINANCE NO 1101 12865 58.18 LEGAL ADVERTISING AD# 127754 RUN DATE 2023 1005 ORDINANCE NO 1104 129075 198.00 LEGAL ADVERTISING AD# 127794 RUN DATE 2023 1005 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONE OF ONE PARCEL 128964 51.30 LEGAL ADVERTISING AD# 127753 RUN DATE 2023 1005 - ORDINANCE NO 1103 11208 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11553 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND 3,311.79 INVOICE - 51806 EQUIPMENT INC Invoices Amount PO For 51806 3,311.79 DUMOR 76-24D/S-2-47" SQUARE PEDESTAL TABLE, 4 SEATS, PLATES, 2X4 DOUR FIR SURFACE MOUNT - INVOICE INLCUDES FREIGHT AND SALES TAX 11209 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11554 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 101.62 INVOICE - 336393636001; LLC INVOICE - 336398673001 Invoices Amount PO For 336393636001 73.21 8.5XAA.75 LGL PAD DOZ QTY 1; SCISSORS FSK STRAIGHT 8" QTY 1 336398673001 28.41 HEAVY DUTY DUSTERS KIT QTY 1 11210 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11555 OLYMPIC MOVING & 382.50 INVOICE - 189976 STORAGE INC Invoices Amount PO For 189976 382.50 PERMANENT STORAGE W/ COMMISSION - MUSEUM ARTIFACTS - SERVICE DATES 2023 1101 - 1130 11211 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11556 PAPE MACHINERY INC. 77.38 INVOICE - 14836537 Invoices Amount PO For 14836537 77.38 TCU15881 BLADE QTY 3; AM125424 OIL FILTER QTY 1 11212 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11557 PCI PEST CONTROL INC 214.23 INVOICE - 161924; INVOICE - 160791 Invoices Amount PO For 161924 160.67 QUARTERLY PREVENTATIVE PEST CONTROL - 106 2ND ST SE 160791 53.56 LOCATION: 301 2ND ST SE - DATE OF SERVICE 2023 1001 - ALL SEASON PROTECTION 11213 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11558 PROFORCE LAW 1,244.20 INVOICE - 530491 ENFORCEMENT CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 324.30 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - 2023 SEPTEMBER Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 Claims 1 11564 SOUTH SOUND YMCA 2,500.00 INVOCIE - 70318596 Invoices 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 21 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 530491 11565 THURSTON COUNTY 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1012 1,244.20 PRO -FORCE REPLACEMENT SBA HW68 A7 MALE PANEL SET BAIRD, DEMOCRATS Invoices Amount BRIAN QTY 1; SBA M SERIES CONCEAL CARRIER BLACK QTY 1; SBA 2023 1012 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1012 HARDWIRE TRMA PLT 7X9 QTY 1 11214 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11559 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING 256.00 INVOICE - 2023 1184 Invoices Invoices Amount PO For 2023-1184 6,553.10 256.00 SUBSCRIPTION FEES - Q3 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 - RECRUITING FINANCIAL AUDIT 9HR @ $128.10; AUDIT# 64655 ACCOUNTABILITY; ASSISTANCE, APPLICATION PROCESSING, WRITTEN & PHYSICAL PERIOD 22-22 9HR @ 128.10 11222 10/19/2023 Claims 1 ABILITY TESTING: POLICE OFFICER 11215 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11560 RAINIER LIGHTING & 230.62 INVOICE - 580959-1; INVOICE ELECTRIC SUPPLY - 581112-1; INVOICE - 581113-1 Invoices Amount PO For 580959-1 134.44 11W PAR30 CCT 60 DEGREE QTY 12 581112-1 48.09 100W MED BASE MH S5858 QTY 2 581113-1 48.09 150W MH MED S5860 QTY 2 11216 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11561 REBECCA RUTLEDGE 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1008 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1008 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1008 11217 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11562 SE THURSTON FIRE 13,072.68 FIRE IMPACT FEES - 2023 05 AUTHORITY Invoices Amount PO For 202305 13,072.68 FIRE IMPACT FEES COLLECTED DURING PERIOD MAY 2023 11218 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11563 SOUND LANDSCAPE 324.30 INVOICE - 07839 PROFESSIONALS INC Invoices Amount PO For 07839 324.30 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - 2023 SEPTEMBER 11219 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11564 SOUTH SOUND YMCA 2,500.00 INVOCIE - 70318596 Invoices Amount PO For 70318596 2,500.00 ACCOUNT # 3782499 - 2023 1017 - 06 HOLDING ACCOUNT PARTIAL SHARE OF COST FOR YELM YMCA CONCEPT BOARD 11220 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11565 THURSTON COUNTY 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1012 DEMOCRATS Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1012 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1012 11221 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11566 WA STATE AUDITOR'S 6,553.10 INVOICE -L157079 OFFICE Invoices Amount PO For L157079 6,553.10 AUDIT NO: 58642 - PERIOD 22-22 - FEDERAL AUDIT 33HR @ $128.10; FINANCIAL AUDIT 9HR @ $128.10; AUDIT# 64655 ACCOUNTABILITY; PERIOD 22-22 9HR @ 128.10 11222 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11567 WALTS POINT S 40.99 INVOICE - 112508 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 22 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 112508 40.99 87-3474041 - STANDARD FLAT REPAIR QTY 1 11223 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11568 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB 428.00 INVOICE - 215278 INC Invoices Amount PO For 215278 428.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1011 - BOD & TSS QTY 4 - TEST DATED 2023 0914, 2023 0919 11224 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11569 WHH NISQUALLY FEDERAL 106,271.55 INVOICE - 5 (CP12023); SERVICES LLC INVOICE - PAY APP 01; INVOICE - PAY APP 01 Invoices Amount PO For 5 (CP12023) 76,271.55 PROJECT NO:CP12023 - PAY AP #5 CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACTED SERVICES - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0930 PAY APP 01 15,000.00 YELM CITY PARK STRUCTURE DEMO - PERIOD ENDING 2023 0930 PAY APP 01 15,000.00 YELM CITY PARK - CONCRETE DEMO & RESTORATION - PERIOD ENDING 2023 0930 11225 10/19/2023 Claims 1 11570 YELM COMMUNITY 63,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - 2023 SCHOOLS 05 Invoices Amount PO For 202305 63,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACTED FEES COLLECTED 2023 MAY 11762 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11571 AMAZON CAPITAL 176.96 INVOICE - SERVICES INC 1HKK-MTCM-I IPM; INVOICE - 1N3M-3MQW-4LGC; INVOICE - 1RKN-N7C9-6L99; INVOICE - 16RK-FDW9-7GXD; CREDIT MEMO - 1D1X-9LRG-7VCC; CREDIT MEMO - 1VYW-FHLY-7QQP; CREDIT MEMO - 1VL3-4T44-9C9Q Invoices Amount PO For 1HKK-MTCM-1: 215.26 KIDDE BASIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 6 PACK QTY 2 1N3M-3MQW-4I 415.32 VIEWSONIC VX3276-MHD 32" 1080P WIDESCREEN IPS MONITOR QTY 2 1RKN-N7C9-6LS 26.21 DISPOSABLE BOOT AND SHOE COVERS 200 PACK QTY 1 16RK-FDW9-7G: 32.18 PANASONIC 20 CR123A INDUSTRIAL LITHIUM BATTERIES QTY 1 1D1X-9LRG-7V( -170.67 INVOICE # 16K4 -3H I M-CDDD - DELL DOCK WD19S USB -C 18OW POWER DELIVERY QTY 1 1VYW-FHLY-7( -170.67 INVOICE #16K4-3H1M-CDDD - DELL DOCK WD19S UAB -C 18OW POWER DELIVERY 1VL3-4T44-9C9( -170.67 INVOICE #16K4-3H1M-CDDD - DELL DOCK WD19S USB -C 18OW POWER DELIVER 11763 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11572 AMERICALL 299.00 INVOICE - C34655231018 INTERNATIONAL, INC. Invoices Amount PO For 034655231018 299.00 C34655 - REMOTE RECEPTIONIST - SERVICE DATES 2023 1018 - 1114 11764 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11573 BIO RECYCLING 7,838.76 INVOICE - 38476 CORPORATION CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 417.60 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD#421459 RUN DATE 2023 1011 1018 - Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS YELM PRAIRIE TRAIL LINE 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 23 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount Amount PO For 38476 20.76 7,838.76 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL - PUMPED BY CITY TRUCK - 44,947 @ $0.1744 PER Claims 1 11581 GILLIARDI LOGGING & 724.11 INVOICE - 23S-8468 GALLON - INVOICE DATED 2023 1015 11765 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11574 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF 90.00 MAYOR'S CUP DONATION - Amount PO For THURSTON COUNTY 2023 1017 Invoices 724.11 Amount PO For 2023 1017 90.00 MAYOR'S CUP DONATION TO THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF YELM 11766 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11575 CANON FINANCIAL 172.38 INVOICE - 31415059 Amount PO For SERVICES, INC. Invoices 250.00 Amount PO For 31415059 1 172.38 PSB - COLOR COPIER - CONTRACT # 06619 - 2023 1001 - 1031 11767 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11576 CODE PUBLISHING CO 1,372.00 INVOICE - GCO012228 Invoices Amount Amount PO For GCO012228 1,372.00 MUNICIPAL CODE - WEB UPDATE - 56 NEW PAGES 11768 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11577 VAN LIEROP FARMS, LLC 518.90 INVOICE - 477756 DBA COUNTRY GREEN TURF FARMS Invoices Amount PO For 477756 518.90 PERFECT BLEND QTY 1,100 - INVOICE INCLUDES PALLET FEE AND TAX 11769 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11578 D ZINES 945.45 INVOICE - 5638 Invoices Amount PO For 5638 945.45 360'X41' FULL COLOR BANNER QTY 1; 3'X5' BANNER QTY 4 11770 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11579 DAILY JOURNAL OF 417.60 INVOICE - 3393340 (42159) COMMERCE Invoices Amount PO For 3393340 (421459 417.60 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD#421459 RUN DATE 2023 1011 1018 - ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS YELM PRAIRIE TRAIL LINE 11771 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11580 GALLS, LLC 20.76 INVOICE - 023005242 Invoices Amount PO For 023005242 20.76 SPORT-TEK DRY ZONE L/S RAGLIN T-SHIRT QTY 1 11772 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11581 GILLIARDI LOGGING & 724.11 INVOICE - 23S-8468 CONSTRUCTION INC Invoices Amount PO For 23S-8468 724.11 TICKET #1074677 2023 1013 SUPPLY AND DELIVER BARK 25 TONS @ $26.50 PER TON - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 11773 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11582 GORDY HARRIS 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1015 Invoices Amount PO For 203 1015 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1015 11774 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11583 HD FOWLER COMPANY 10,084.86 INVOICE - I6542681; INVOICE -I6544618 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 24 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For I6542681 9,814.54 DOGPARK - 2" SCH 40 3000LF; 1-1/2" SCH 40 500LF; 1-1/4" SCH 40 500LF; 2" TAPE QTY 3; 18 GA WIRE QTY 3; 4" ROTOR QTY 40; 1/2" SWING PIPE; 1" QCK CPL VALVE QTY 8; 14X19 VALVE BOX; 1"-2" BUSHINGS 150 QTY I6544618 270.32 2" SCH 40 40 LF; 2" SCH 40 MALE ADPT QTY 6; 2" SCH 40 FEMALE ADPT QTY 6; 2" SCH 40 90 QTY 6; S STRAP QTY 2; 2" SCH 40 CPL QTY 6; 2" SCH 40 PLUG QTY 2; WHT SEAL PIPE DOPE QTY 2 11775 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11584 I I M C 185.00 INVOICE - 2023 1003 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1003 185.00 ID #22423 - K. LINNEMEYER - INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS 2024 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 11776 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11585 INTOXIMETERS, INC. 234.72 INVOICE - 746183 Invoices Amount PO For 746183 234.72 DRYGAS 34L/223PPM QTY 1 - 102023 - SPARKUHL 11777 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11586 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 45.88 INVOICE - 743967 Invoices Amount PO For 743967 45.88 B C OIL GALLONS 4/C QTY 2 11778 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11587 JULIE'S CONSTRUCTION, 226.73 INVOICE - 85389; INVOICE - 85391 Invoices Amount PO For 85839 64.78 3 -WAY GARDEN MIX PICKED UP QTY 2 85391 161.95 3 -WAY GARDEN MIX PICKED UP QTY 5 INVOICE INCLUDES TAX 11779 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11588 KENNEDY/JENKS 572.50 INVOICE - 167005 CONSULTANTS, INC. Invoices Amount PO For 167005 572.50 PROJECT: 1997004*00 - YELM - WATER RIGHTS - COCHRANE PARK REHAB - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2023 0826 - 2023 0929 11780 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11589 EVA MILLER Requested by KJ for UCP 11781 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11590 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 222.42 INVOICE - 2310-359044; INVOICE - 2310-359479; INVOICE - 2310-359762; INVOICE - 2310-359640; INVOICE -2310-360166 Invoices Amount PO For 2310-359044 130.02 BRASS TEE 1" QTY 2; ELBOW HYDRANT 3/4X1 QTY 1; HYDRANT 2' BURY LEAD FREE QTY 1 2310-359479 21.85 4X4 10 PRESSURE TREATED QTY 1 2310-359762 2.82 STRAP RIGID 2HOLE 1-1/4" QTY 1; STRAP RIGID 2HOLE 3/4" QTY 1 2310-359640 12.95 ELBOW 90 1/2" SCH 40 QTY 5; 1/2" SCH 40 QTY 10 LF 2310-360166 54.78 DRIVER BIT 5PK QTY 1; FUEL BUTANE RONSON QTY 2; LIME RUST REMOVER QTY 2; CPL HOSE BARB QTY 2; CPL HOSE CLIP QTY 1 11782 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11591 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 13,729.87 CREDIT MEMO - 36942; INVOICE - 37004; CREDIT MEMO - 37015 Invoices Amount PO For 36942 -2.31 PRISONER CARE - NISQUALLY JAIL - INMATE PHARMACEUTICAL REIMBURSEMENT FOR JULY 2023 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 PO For 20366214 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 25 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 37004 14,273.76 PRISONER CARE - NISQUALLY JAIL - INCARCERATION & BOOKING EXPM BIGTOP SCR QTY 1; EXPM BIGTOP SCR QTY 1 - INVOICE FEES SEPTEMBER 2023 37015 -541.58 PRISONER CARE - NISQUALLY JAIL - INMATE PHARMACEUTICAL Claims 1 REIMBURSEMENT FOR SEPTEMBER 2023 11783 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11592 NISQUALLY VALLEY NEWS 1,032.22 INVOICE - 1292814 (127880); CARSTAR YELM Invoices INVOICE - 1292665 (127839); Amount PO For INVOICE - 1292815 (127877); 5,303.19 INVOICE - 128417 (127601); INVOICE - 1292770 (127870); INTERCEPTOR #3569 - CLAIM # 2023001210 11786 10/26/2023 INVOICE - 129175 (127818) Invoices Amount PO For 1292841 (127880 235.56 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD# 127880 RUN DATE 2023 1012 1019 - Invoices ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS YELM PRAIRIE TRAIL LINE 1292665 (127839 140.16 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD# 127839 RUN DATE 2023 1012 - NOTICE OF 2,610.00 PROJECT - TAHOMA TERRA - SERVICES 2023 0911 - 2023 0927 - PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING 1292815 (127877 242.01 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD# 127877 RUN DATE 2023 1012 - NOTICE OF 11787 10/26/2023 Claims APPLICATION 128417 (127601) 185.90 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD# 127601 RUN DATE 2023 1012 1019 - NOTICE AUTHORITY OF FINAL PUBLIC HEARING 2024 AD VALOREM PROPERTIES 1292770 (127870 157.51 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD# 127870 RUN DATE 2023 1012 - NOTICE OF 202306 PUBLIC HEARING 129175 (127818) 71.08 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD# 127818 RUN DATE 2023 1012 - NOTICE OF 1 11597 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY 111.30 INVOICE - 6003636175 (4524) APPLICATION SHIP LAP COFFEE HOUSE 11784 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11593 PACWEST MACHINERY LLC 1,306.93 INVOICE - 20366214; Invoices INVOICE - 20366275 Invoices Amount PO For 20366214 692.68 EXPM BIGTIO SCR QTY 1; GB WIRE SEGMENT QTY 2 - INVOICE INCLUDES TAX AND FREIGHT 20366275 614.25 EXPM BIGTOP SCR QTY 1; EXPM BIGTOP SCR QTY 1 - INVOICE INCLUDES TAX AND FREIGHT 11785 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11594 PREMIER COLLISION 5,303.19 INVOICE - 4079 CARSTAR YELM Invoices Amount PO For 4079 5,303.19 REPAIRS FOR INCIDENT ON 2023 0725 - 2021 FORD POLICE INTERCEPTOR #3569 - CLAIM # 2023001210 11786 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11595 SCHEIBMEIR, KELLY & 2,610.00 INVOICE - 24931 NELSON, P.S. Invoices Amount PO For 24931 2,610.00 PROJECT - TAHOMA TERRA - SERVICES 2023 0911 - 2023 0927 - HEARINGS EXAMINER 11787 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11596 SE THURSTON FIRE 16,748.28 FIRE IMPACT FEES - 2023 06 AUTHORITY Invoices Amount PO For 202306 16,748.28 FIRE IMPACT FEES COLLECTED DURING PERIOD 2023 JUNE 11788 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11597 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY 111.30 INVOICE - 6003636175 (4524) CORP Invoices Amount PO For 6003636175 (452 111.30 YCC MONITORING ALARM - SERVICE DATES 10/01/2023 - 12/31/2023 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Page: 26 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 11789 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11598 STEPHEN M LANGER, 700.00 INVOICE - 2023 0927 PHD.PS Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0927 700.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION - S. SIEG 2023 0927 11790 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11599 PUGET SOUND 114.98 INVOICE - 212199 LANDSCAPING THE PLANT PLACE Invoices Amount PO For 212199 114.98 PYRUS C. 'CLEVELAND SELECT' QTY 1 - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 11791 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11600 THURSTON REGIONAL 529.16 INVOICE - PLANNING COUNCIL GMAYELM-2023-09 Invoices Amount PO For GMAYELM-202: 529.16 PROJECT #30443 GMA HOUSING SERVICES FROM 2023 0901-0930 11792 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11601 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB 4,376.00 INVOICE - 215450; INVOICE - INC 215388; INVOICE - 215626 Invoices Amount PO For 215450 428.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1016 - BOD & TSS QTY 4 - TEST DATED 2023 0921 0926 215388 2,805.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1013 - TEST DATE 2023 0808 - DIOXIN, POSTAGE, CHROMIUM, CYANIDE, HG, SVOC 625, ORGANIC COMPOUNDS, HG 215626 1,143.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1021 - BOD & TSS QTY 2 2023 0928; BOD & TSS, FOG, QTY 2 2023 1003; OIL & GREASE (FOG), AMMONIA NITROGEN QTY 12023 1005 11793 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11602 WENTWORTH PROPERTIES 5,000.00 BEAUTIFICATION GRANT - 2023 1018 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1018 5,000.00 BEAUTIFICATION GRANT - JENNIFER WENTWORTH, WENTWORTH PROPERTIES 313 W YELM AVE 11794 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11603 WEX BANK 115.72 INVOICE -92481589 Invoices Amount PO For 92481589 115.72 CHEVRON/TEXACO INVOICE - FUEL IN PD VEHICLES 11795 10/26/2023 Claims 1 11604 YELM COMMUNITY 81,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - 2023 SCHOOLS 06 Invoices Amount PO For 202306 81,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES COLLECTED 2023 JUNE 10787 10/11/2023 Claims 6 0 US BANK (D) 118.00 SAFEKEEPING - 2023 0927; SAFEKEEPING - 2023 0930 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0927 80.00 2023 08 US BANK SAFEKEEPING FEE - 2023 0801 - 0831 2023 0930 38.00 2023 09 US BANK SAFEKEEPING FEE - 2023 0901 - 0930 001 General Fund 964,373.59 101 Municipal Street Fund 33,369.47 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:28:41 Date: 12/27/2023 10/01/2023 To: 10/31/2023 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 107 Tourism Promotion 202 Killion Road LID 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 630 Yelm Fiduciary Fund * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Page: 27 2,405.40 343.66 193,237.99 2,099.12 27,670.68 143,804.77 6,930.62 177,131.91 1,724,682.91 34,986.24 30,677.25 4,233.13 Claims: 3,345,946.74 Payroll: 2,661,687.45 684,259.29 2023 BUDGET POSITION TOTALS City Of Yelm Months: 01 To: 10 Time: 16:44:31 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 1 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 13,507,457.00 13,036,815.63 96.5% 10,155,290.32 7,719,804.61 76% 101 Municipal Street Fund 793,533.20 552,258.01 69.6% 662,510.01 580,537.66 88% 104 Cumulative Reserve 441,437.11 400,192.18 90.7% 0.00 0.00 0% 107 Tourism Promotion 334,984.08 371,451.93 110.9% 40,000.00 6,905.40 17% 112 Affordable Housing Support 25,000.00 13,093.24 52.4% 25,000.00 3,218.38 13% 119 Deposts & Retainage 8,413.00 8,164.86 97.1% 8,144.00 8,144.01 100% 120 Transportation Facility Charge 218,739.86 722,597.90 330.3% 0.00 0.00 0% 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 495,658.15 492,414.03 99.3% 469,076.00 33,237.50 7% 202 Killion Road LID 71,573.00 364,153.61 508.8% 294,578.00 1,065.81 0% 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 284,781.19 279,205.11 98.0% 173,026.00 86,513.00 50% 204 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve 447,204.55 434,382.82 97.1% 0.00 0.00 0% 302 Municipal Building Fund 1,846,453.00 1,022,336.69 55.4% 1,164,158.00 362,547.35 31% 316 Road & Street Construction 2,078,076.77 1,649,077.63 79.4% 278,973.00 268,853.39 96% 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 911,136.74 1,053,622.60 115.6% 397,312.00 275,062.56 69% 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 7,774,104.66 8,292,976.58 106.7% 5,277,110.83 2,507,070.97 48% 402 Utility Consumer Deposits 100,969.61 95,598.86 94.7% 0.00 0.00 0% 404 Water Capital Improvements 5,019,666.00 2,678,481.12 53.4% 900,445.00 610,769.58 68% 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemptior 749,427.46 1,114,207.60 148.7% 597,168.02 184,103.42 31% 406 Water Revenue Debt Reserve 562,610.14 532,286.60 94.6% 0.00 0.00 0% 412 Sewer Utility Fund 6,551,069.20 6,205,638.54 94.7% 5,463,007.59 2,521,333.48 46% 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 18,899,737.00 12,753,893.46 67.5% 17,709,161.00 12,595,194.76 71% 415 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve 225,466.00 221,362.74 98.2% 0.02 0.00 0% 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 984,951.00 846,426.81 85.9% 514,548.00 410,593.10 80% 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 1,842,892.80 1,622,720.64 88.1% 337,820.00 324,948.90 96% 630 Yelm Fiduciary Fund 76,780.00 45,137.39 58.8% 58,940.00 43,327.37 74% 64,252,121.52 54,808,496.58 85.3% 44,526,267.79 28,543,231.25 64.1% VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, January 9, 2024 Council meeting: Payroll Total Expense $ 708,479.37 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 3,504,526.97 Debt Service $ 848,987.25 TOTAL $ 5,061,993.59 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 11/01/2023 through 11/30/2023: Voucher Check Numbers 11605-11770 Certification: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that for any claim listed herein the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described, or that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for a full or partial fulfillment of a contractual obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the City of Yelm, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Auditing Officer Date The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 9th day of January. Mayor - Joe DePinto Council member -Josh Crossman Council member -Joseph Richardson Council member - Holly Smith Council member- Brian G. Hess CITY CLERK: ATTEST: Council member -Trevor Palmer Council member - Tracey Wood Council member - Terry Kaminski CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 1 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 12150 11/02/2023 Claims I EFT STELLAR J CORPORATION 1,224,750.71 INVOICE - PAY APP 09 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For PAY APP 09 1,169,236.75 PROJECT # 22016 - WFF PHASE 2 UPGRADES SCHEDULE A - PAY APP 009 - PERIOD COVERED 2023 0901 - 0930 PAY APP 09 55,513.96 PROJECT # 22016 - WFF PHASE 2 UPGRADES SCHEDULE B- PAY APP 009 - PERIOD COVERED 2023 0901 - 0930 12199 11/02/2023 Claims I EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 130.27 INVOICE - INV2725431 Invoices Amount PO For INV2725431 130.27 COPIER RENTAL - PD - CONTRACT# NASPO-CN28347-01 - BASE RATE 2023 0823 - 0922 CONTRACT OVERAGES - 2023 1023 - 1122 12200 11/02/2023 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 267.17 INVOICE - INV2726785 Invoices Amount PO For INV2726785 267.17 200651-P - COPIER RENTAL - COURT, PD, PW - 2023 1025 (SERVICES RANGING FROM 2023 0905 - 1017) 12201 11/02/2023 Claims I EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 161.43 INVOICE - INV2727599 Invoices Amount PO For INV2727599 161.43 CITY HALL COPIER OVERAGE CHARGES - NASPO-CN26252-01 - OVERAGE CHARGES BILLING PERIOD 2023 0927 - 1026 12202 11/02/2023 Claims 1 EFT DANIEL B. HAVIRCO, JR. 7,750.00 INVOICE - 2023 1027 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1027 7,750.00 29 CASES AT $250 PER CASE PLUS $500 ARRAIGNMENT FEE IN OCTOBER 12203 11/02/2023 Claims I EFT SUMMIT LAW GROUP, PLLC 328.00 INVOICE - 148993 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 148993 328.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - BARGAINING / LABOR RELATIONS - ACTIVITY THROUGH 2023 0930 12257 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,922.96 October Hours 12258 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,714.66 October Hours 12259 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,027.03 October Hours 12260 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,240.39 October Hours 12261 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,427.86 October Hours 12262 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,267.26 October Hours 12263 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 October Hours 12264 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,861.14 October Hours 12265 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,087.41 October Hours 12266 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,575.50 October Hours 12267 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,591.73 October Hours 12268 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,448.73 October Hours 12269 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,315.95 October Hours 12270 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 8,519.64 October Hours 12271 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,844.06 October Hours 12272 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,286.12 October Hours 12273 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 October Hours 12274 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,210.06 October Hours 12275 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,900.95 October Hours 12276 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,536.45 October Hours CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 2 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 12277 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,292.51 October Hours 12278 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,136.53 October Hours 12279 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,154.99 October Hours 12280 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,118.02 October Hours 12281 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,578.17 October Hours 12282 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,327.58 October Hours 12283 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,534.32 October Hours 12284 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,314.33 October Hours 12286 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,801.49 October Hours 12287 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,220.01 October Hours 12288 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,171.83 October Hours 12289 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 445.92 October Hours 12290 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,023.30 October Hours 12291 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,709.93 October Hours 12292 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,137.40 October Hours 12293 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,917.62 October Hours 12294 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,964.59 October Hours 12295 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 October Hours 12296 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,229.19 October Hours 12297 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 707.87 October Hours 12298 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,679.63 October Hours 12299 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,981.49 October Hours 12300 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT October Hours 12301 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,369.67 October Hours 12302 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,123.88 October Hours 12303 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,047.61 October Hours 12304 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,156.16 October Hours 12305 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,034.75 October Hours 12306 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,474.49 October Hours 12307 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,505.49 October Hours 12309 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,023.59 October Hours 12310 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,580.89 October Hours 12311 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,709.00 October Hours 12312 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,909.05 October Hours 12313 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 8,577.35 October Hours 12314 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 7,438.77 October Hours 12315 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,642.01 October Hours 12316 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,142.15 October Hours 12317 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,128.60 October Hours 12318 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,923.92 October Hours 12319 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,430.10 October Hours 12321 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,391.42 October Hours 12322 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 745.92 October Hours 12323 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,312.72 October Hours 12324 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,455.95 October Hours 12325 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,450.50 October Hours 12326 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,147.97 October Hours 12327 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 600.66 October Hours 12328 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,636.38 October Hours 12329 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 10,323.64 October Hours 12330 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 5,721.74 October Hours 12331 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,110.36 October Hours 12332 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,844.47 October Hours 12333 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 3,144.09 October Hours 12334 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,809.41 October Hours 12335 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 6,022.06 October Hours 12336 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 4,210.78 October Hours 12754 11/09/2023 Claims 1 EFT DILLE LAW, PLLC (EFT) 2,627.50 INVOICE - 14642 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 3 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 14642 2,627.50 CIVIL ADVISEMENTS - MATTER: COY - GENERAL BUSINESS - SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1030 12755 11/09/2023 Claims I EFT DILLE LAW, PLLC (EFT) 4,000.00 INVOICE - 14643 Invoices Amount PO For 14643 4,000.00 DILLE LAW LLC. - MATTER: COY - PROSECUTOR SERVICES: PROSECUTOR COURT DAYS: 2023 1012, 2023 1026 12756 11/09/2023 Claims I EFT DILLE LAW, PLLC (EFT) 1,076.00 INVOICE - 14644 Invoices Amount PO For 14644 1,076.00 CIVIL ADVISEMENTS - MATTER: COY - STATE ROUTE 507 PROPERTY PURCHASE - SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1025 12757 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 26.75 INVOICE - 3742-278632 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-278632 26.75 WIRE CRIMPER QTY 1; 12V TESTER QTY I - INVOICED $27.30 - PAID $26.75 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 12758 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 PITNEY BOWES INC. (D) 176.87 INVOICE - 1024162725 Invoices Amount PO For 1024162725 176.87 SEND PRO C200/C300/C400 RED INK CTG QTY 3 12759 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 QUILL CORPORATION (D) 24.69 INVOICE - 35409803 Invoices Amount PO For 35409803 24.69 2024 HOD DESK PAD CALENDAR 12760 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 242.96 INVOICE - 772978003 Invoices Amount PO For 772978003 242.96 SOFT SOAP QTY 1; SCOTT 2PLY TOILET TIS QTY 1; KITCHEN TWL 2PLY QTY 1; ENVISION 2PLY BATH TIS QTY 1; RENOWN LNR WTY 1 12761 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 38.03 INVOICE - 772978011 Invoices Amount PO For 772978011 38.03 SCOTT C -FOLD TWL 1PLY QTY 1 12762 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 56.30 INVOICE - 772978029 Invoices Amount PO For 772978029 56.30 MR CLEAN MAGIC ERASER QTY 1; WEDGE DOOR STOP QTY 1; KITCHEN TWL 2PLY QTY 1; SUPERSTITCH BLEND MOP QTY 1 12764 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) needs to be netted to credit 12772 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) needs to be netted to credit 12773 11/09/2023 Claims 1 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 2,268.04 INVOICE - INV-XPR006087 Invoices Amount PO For INV-XPR006087 2,268.04 XPRESS BILLPAY OCTOBER 2023 - INVOICE INV-XPR006087 DATED 2023 1031 12778 11/05/2023 Payroll I EFT TEAMSTERS 1,774.00 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Teamsters PW City Of Yelm Trans Date Type 1277911/05/2023 Payroll 1278011/05/2023 Payroll 12781 11/05/2023 Payroll 1278211/05/2023 Payroll 12783 11/05/2023 Payroll 1278411/05/2023 Payroll 12785 11/05/2023 Payroll 1278611/05/2023 Payroll 1278711/05/2023 Payroll 1278811/05/2023 Payroll 1278911/05/2023 Payroll 1279011/05/2023 Payroll 1299611/15/2023 Claims Invoices 93357 12997 11/15/2023 Claims Invoices CHECK REGISTER 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 EFT WASHINGTON STATE SUPPORT REGISRY 1 EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD 1 0 AFLAC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Amount 7,284.78 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - PFMLA 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - PFMLA 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0 LABOR & INDUSTRIES EFT RI -12 ENGINEERING, INC. (EFT) PO For Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 4 Amount Memo 2,165.32 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Garnishments 344.00 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Police Guild Dues 578.94 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Aflac Pre Tax; Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Aflac Post Tax 38,854.50 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - PERS 2 13,199.62 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - PERS 3 21,691.83 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - LEOFF 2 5,285.63 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Deferred Comp 3,851.59 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - WA PFMLA 1,601.28 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - WA Cares 1,020.02 4th Quarter Unemployment: 11/01/2023 - 11/05/2023 120,963.98 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 - 11/05/2023 14,956.94 4TH Quarter L&I: 11/05/2023 - 11/05/2023 7,284.78 INVOICE - 93357 PROJECT: 0210191.00 WATER SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE AND AWIA COMPLIANCE - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1029 1 EFT RI -12 ENGINEERING, INC (EFT) Amount PO For 14,396.30 INVOICE - 93360 93360 14,396.30 PROJECT: 0220046.00 SE RESEVOIR - FINAL DESIGN - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1029 12998 11/15/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 56.49 INVOICE - 3742-280262 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-280262 56.49 5QTMOTOROIL QTY 1; 1QTSYNTHCOIL QTY 1; OIL FILTER QTY 1 - INVOICED $57.64 - PAID $56.49 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 12999 11/15/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 85.58 INVOICE - 3742-280588 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-280588 1300011/15/2023 Claims Invoices 35484397 85.58 140Z GREASE QTY 5; RUST PENTRNT QTY 5 - INVOICED $87.33 - PAID $85.58 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 1 0 QUILL CORPORATION (D) 677.64 INVOICE - 35484397 Amount PO For 677.64 FELLOWES JUPITER2 125 LMINATR QTY 1; BROTHER TN2234PK 4PK QTY 1 13001 11/15/2023 Claims 1 0 US BANK (D) 120,906.25 INVOICE - 2413791 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 5 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2413791 15,906.25 ACCOUNT #: YELLTGOREF 12 - CITY OF YELM LIMITED TAX GENERAL Payroll OBLIGATION AND REFUNDING 2012 BONDS 2413791 105,000.00 ACCOUNT #: YELLTGOREF 12 - CITY OF YELM LIMITED TAX GENERAL 1 EFT OBLIGATION AND REFUNDING 2012 BONDS 13002 11/15/2023 Claims 1 0 US BANK (D) 413,100.00 INVOICE - 2411846 Invoices Amount PO For 2411846 123,100.00 ACCOUNT #: YELWATREV20 - CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON WATER 460.95 November Draw 13036 11/20/2023 REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS 2020 2411846 290,000.00 ACCOUNT #: YELWATREV20 - CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON WATER 13037 11/20/2023 Payroll REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS 2020 13031 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 461.75 November Draw 13032 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 908.92 November Draw 13033 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,639.67 November Draw 13034 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 November Draw 13035 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 November Draw 13036 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,023.40 November Draw 13037 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 461.75 November Draw 13038 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,183.47 November Draw 13040 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,172.96 November Draw 13041 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 872.70 November Draw 13042 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,811.23 November Draw 13043 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,788.26 November Draw 13044 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 669.86 November Draw 13045 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,007.78 November Draw 13046 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,274.43 November Draw 13047 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,385.25 November Draw 13048 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,810.17 November Draw 13049 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,280.45 November Draw 13050 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,380.66 November Draw 13051 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 2,308.75 November Draw 13052 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,296.92 November Draw 13053 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,394.94 November Draw 13054 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 923.50 November Draw 13055 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 EFT 1,610.07 November Draw 13304 11/30/2023 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST (EFT) 10.97 INVOICE - INV2738483 Invoices Amount PO For INV2738483 10.97 200651-P - COPIER - WWTP - CONTRACT OVERAGE CHARGES: 2023 1016 -1115 13305 11/30/2023 Claims 1 EFT COY ENGINEERING REVIEW 200.00 INVOICE - COY INV 18 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For COY INV 18 200.00 COY PSA 2023 - DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2023 1120 QTY 4 HRS 13306 11/30/2023 Claims 1 EFT DANIEL B. HAVIRCO, JR. 3,750.00 INVOICE - 2023 1121 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1121 3,750.00 13 CASES AT $250.00 PER CASE PLUS $500.00 ARRAIGNMENT FEE IN NOVEMBER 2023 13307 11/30/2023 Claims I EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL 291.51 INVOICE - 2810 COMMUNICATIONS INC CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 6 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2810 291.51 BUSINESS CARDS - FULL GLOSS FRONT COLOR 500 PER NAME: A. KOLLAR; O. MORA; T. STEVENS 13308 11/30/2023 Claims I EFT SKILLINGS, INC. ( EFT) 14,088.15 INVOICE - 13994 Invoices Amount PO For 13994 14,088.15 PROJECT: 18113 YELM - COCHRANE PARK WETLAND PARK RECONSTRUCTION - PHASE 2 - INV #13994 - SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1025 13309 11/30/2023 Claims I EFT SKILLINGS, INC. ( EFT) 13,540.74 INVOICE - 13993 Invoices Amount PO For 13993 13,540.74 YELM - PROJECT: 21085 YELM - WRF ACCESS ROAD AND SITE GRADING / DOG PARK AND RESTROOM DESIGN - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1025 13310 11/30/2023 Claims 1 EFT STELLAR J CORPORATION 1,073,785.93 INVOICE - PAY APP 10 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For PAY APP 10 651,603.58 PROJECT # 22016 - WFF PHASE 2 UPGRADES SCHEDULE A - PAY APP 10 - PERIOD COVERED 2023 1001 - 1031 PAY APP 10 422,182.35 PROJECT # 22016 - WFF PHASE 2 UPGRADES SCHEDULE B- PAY APP 10 - PERIOD COVERED 2023 1001 - 1031 13311 11/30/2023 Claims I EFT SUMMIT LAW GROUP, PLLC 1,641.70 INVOICE - 149670 (EFT) Invoices Amount PO For 149670 1,641.70 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - BARGAINING / LABOR RELATIONS - ACTIVITY THROUGH 2023 1031 13312 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 CHASE BANK (D) 314,981.25 INVOICE - 0000001494 Invoices Amount PO For 0000001494 314,981.25 COMMERCIAL LOAN INVOICE - 0000001494 (452022339001) BILLING PERIOD - 2023 0601 - 1130 13313 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 CONSOLIDATED 2,145.20 INVOICE - 2023 1115 COMMUNICATIONS (D) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1115 2,145.20 ACCOUNT 0100836792 ALL LINES - SERVICE DATES 2023 1115 - 1214 13314 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 298.60 INVOICE - 17548745S 183 Invoices Amount PO For 17548745SI83 298.60 301 2ND ST SE (YCC) - LEMAY - GARBAGE BILL FOR YCC - BILLING PERIOD: 2023 1001 - 1031 13315 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 570.97 INVOICE - 17549670SI83 Invoices Amount PO For 17549670SI83 570.97 ACT# 2183-1152350-001 CITIZEN RECYCLING BINS AT 901 RHOTON ROAD SE - DATES OF SERVICE 2023 1001 - 1031 13316 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 365.04 INVOICE - 17548307S I83 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 7 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 17548307SI83 365.04 GARBAGE BILL FOR CITY OF YELM PARK AT 16820 CANAL ROAD SE - BILLING PERIOD: 2023 1001 - 1031 13317 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 60.00 INVOICE - 4815736SI85 Invoices Amount PO For 4815736S 185 60.00 COURT DOCUMENT SHREDDING - BILLING PERIOD 2023 1001 - 1031 13318 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 60.00 INVOICE - 4816862SI85 Invoices Amount PO For 4816862S 185 60.00 CITY HALL DOCUMENT SHREDDING - BILLING PERIOD 2023 1001 - 1031 13319 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 231.53 INVOICE - 3742-281634 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-281634 231.53 BATTERY QTY 1 - CORE CHARGE - INVOICED $236.26 - PAID $231.53 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 13320 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 14.98 INVOICE - 3742-283524 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-283524 14.98 30OPCWIRETIE QTY 1 - INVOICED $15.29 - PAID $14.98 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 13321 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 14.98 INVOICE - 3742-283721 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-283721 14.98 30OPCWIRETIE QTY 1 - INVOICED $15.29 - PAID $14.98 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 13322 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS (D) 13.67 INVOICE - 3742-282024 Invoices Amount PO For 3742-282024 13.67 GL -WIPER FLD QTY 4 - INVOICED $13.95 - PAID $13.67 WITH EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 13323 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 PITNEY BOWES INC. (D) 521.00 INVOICE - 2023 1112 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1112 521.00 PURCHASE POWER CITY HALL - METER REFILL 2023 1016 - 1017 13324 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 23,944.46 INVOICE - 2023 1113 (4915) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1113 (4915) 23,944.46 PSE ACCOUNT 4915 - ALL LOCATIONS - SERVICE DATES 2023 1007 - 1106 13325 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 10,967.68 INVOICE - 2023 1110 (5276) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 11105276) 10,967.68 PSE ACCOUNT 5276 - SERVICE DATES 2023 1003 - 1031 13326 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 13.23 INVOICE - 2023 1107 (2391) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1107 (2391) 13.23 PSE ACCT 2391 - 212 2ND ST NE #PUMP - SERVICE DATES 2023 1007 - 1106 13327 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 905.75 INVOICE - 2023 1107 (9590) Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 8 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1107 (9590) 905.75 PSE ACCOUNT 9590 - 106 2ND ST SE - SERVICE DATES 2023 1007 - 1106 13328 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 683.79 INVOICE - 2023 1102 (8268) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1102 (8268) 683.79 PSE ACCOUNT #220033888268 TAHOMA BLVD SE ST LIGHTS 2 SERVICE DATES - 2023 0803 - 1031 13329 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 24.97 INVOICE - 2023 1107 (2615) Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1107 (2617 24.97 PSE ACCOUNT - 15425 ST ROUTE 507 SE - SERVICE DATES 2023 1025 - 1106 13330 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 QUILL CORPORATION (D) 456.91 INVOICE - 35707777 Invoices Amount PO For 357047777 456.91 2 HOLE PUNCH QTY 1; EXPO CHISEL QTY 1; 24X36 YR QTY 1; SEASONAL HOLIDAY DESK QTY 1; WALL CLEAN QTY 1; SHARPIE HIGHLIGHTER PK; PM .7 QTY 2; FOOT REST QTY 3; SUPER PEN QTY 1; TISSUE 6PK QTY 1; PAPER 13331 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 QUILL CORPORATION (D) 17.48 INVOICE - 35713347 Invoices Amount PO For 34713347 17.48 RY24 WHAT FLY FISH 12X12 QTY 1 13332 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 QUILL CORPORATION (D) 55.71 INVOICE - 35688708 Invoices Amount PO For 35688708 55.71 WATERFALLS 2024 SQUARE QTY 1; BONNIE MARCUS 2024 DESK PAD QTY 1; ADORABLE PUPPIES 2024 18M QTY 1 13333 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 QUILL CORPORATION (D) 57.92 INVOICE - 35689415 Invoices Amount PO For 35689415 57.92 MVD TOOL PEN FP BK QTY 1 13334 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 QUILL CORPORATION (D) 27.10 INVOICE -35803692 Invoices Amount PO For 35803692 27.10 DISPLAY LUXURY TRIPOD STAND QTY 1 13335 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 10.00 INVOICE - 2023 1101 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1101 10.00 RAINIER CONNECT DOMAIN POINTER - ACCOUNT #9020611 - SERVICE DATE 2023 1101 - 1130 13336 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 554.74 INVOICE - 776534455 Invoices Amount PO For 776534455 554.74 C -FOLD PAPER TOWELS QTY 1; KITCHEN TOWEL 2 -PLY QTY 2; RENOWN TWL QTY 2; SCOTT 2 PLY BATHROOM TISSUE QTY 1; SCOTT JUMBO ROLL QTY 1; CLOROX TOILET BOWL CLEANER QTY 1; SOFT SOAP QTY 3; DAWN QTY 1; PINE S CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 5,779.65 WATERBILL - OCTOBER Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 PO For 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 9 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 13337 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 WA STATE DEPT OF 930.47 2023 10 - USE TAX (Purchases -0.01 2023 1120 Payroll Rounding SERVICE REVENUE (D) Outside Of WA Where Tax Was EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 325.69 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND Not Paid) Invoices Amount PO For DBA: FREED G7 502.20 DBA: FREED GALLERY, FREED PLANNING OF OREGON. Invoice: 2023 13867 11/03/2023 Claims 1 0710. Use Tax Calculation: $5,400.00 X 0.093 = $502.20. CRUST BUSTER 212.04 CRUST BUSTERS, SCHMIT. Invoice# 14949. Use Tax Calculation: $2,280.00 X VISA CLOSE - 0.093 = $212.04. HOLIDAY OUT] 216.23 HOLIDAY OUTDOOR DECOR. Invoice# INV 10576. Use Tax Calculation: Invoices Amount $2,325.00 X 0.093 = $216.23 13338 11/30/2023 Claims 1 0 WA STATE DEPT OF 29,593.41 2023 10 USE/EXCISE TAX*** PARKRITE REVENUE (D) DRAFT 2023 1127 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 10 29,593.41 2023 10 USE/EXCISE TAX*** DRAFT 2023 1127 1333911/30/2023 Claims 1 Invoices Amount 2023 1121 5,779.65 1377211/20/2023 Payroll 1 13773 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 13865 11/03/2023 Claims 1 Invoices Amount 0 YELM, CITY OF - WATER 5,779.65 WATERBILL - OCTOBER BILL (D) PO For 295.12 CITY OF YELM WATER BILL - ALL LOCATIONS - 2023 OCTOBER 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 7,675.71 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 11/20/2023 - 11/20/2023 0 INTERNAL REVENUE -0.01 2023 1120 Payroll Rounding SERVICE Difference In BIAS To IRS 941 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 325.69 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND Amount VISA CLOSE - RAMIREZ PO For 2023 1010 2023 0921 30.57 AMZN MKTP US*TX3GI6M71 2023 0923 295.12 AMZN MKTP US*T11PN3V52 13866 11/03/2023 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 140.00 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - STANCIL Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1010 140.00 SQ *YELM CHAMBER OF CO 13867 11/03/2023 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 1,820.33 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - DICE-MCKENZIE Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0919 35.00 PARKRITE 2023 0920 9.21 TST* 1201 BAGELS 2023 0920 75.00 WASHINGTON FINANCE OFF 2023 0920 695.00 WASHINGTON FINANCE OFF 2023 0922 561.24 DOUBLETREE HOTELS 2023 0927 35.00 EVENT 8 PROCUREMENT SER 2023 1005 96.88 SQ *MASONRY CAFE CATER 20231005 409.88 CALL -EM -ALL 2023 1006 -96.88 SQ *MASONRY CAFE CATER 13868 11/03/2023 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 699.17 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - LINNEMEYER Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 10 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0922 223.72 HILTON GARDEN INN 2023 0929 200.00 WPY*WAPRO 2023 0927 75.00 ASSOCIATION OF WASHING 2023 1002 200.45 8883084415* BESTWESTER 13869 11/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 689.77 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - CARLSON Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0915 335.17 TRITECH FORENSICS 2023 0915 22.38 THE UPS STORE 4105 2023 0919 286.53 HILTON GARDEN INN 2023 1005 45.69 MR DOUGS FAMILY RESTAU 13870 11/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) needs to be netted with credit 13871 11/03/2023 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 799.32 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - HARDY Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0920 169.61 ADOBE 2023 0926 30.00 MXTOOLBOX 2023 0927 502.75 EASYBADGES, LLC 2023 1001 13.12 GOOGLE GSUITE_YELMWA 20231001 36.00 PLAYSIGNAGE.COM 20231006 19.00 MURF.AI 2023 1006 28.84 MSFT * E0500PC8TU 13872 11/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 412.13 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - ROY Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0927 27.33 DOLLAR TREE 2023 1011 24.80 STEWARTS MEATS YELM 2023 1012 360.00 SQ *VIP MOBILE GAMING 13873 11/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 447.17 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - DEPINTO Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0913 101.32 UPTOWN LOUNGE 2023 0922 224.81 OLIVE GARDEN 0021448 2023 1011 121.04 BERTOGLIOS PIZZA 13879 11/03/2023 Claims I EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 5,143.96 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - COLT; 2023 1015 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE -COLT Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1103 -100.00 EVERGREEN RURAL WATER 2023 1103 -72.50 EVERGREEN RURAL WATER 2023 0914 1,143.58 TEC TACOMA 2023 0914 209.31 THURSTON COUNTY AUDITO OLYMPIA 2023 0925 211.35 THURSTON COUNTY AUDITO OLYMPIA 2023 0926 104.00 PSI SERVICES INC 2023 0926 104.00 PSI SERVICES INC 2023 0929 25.14 INT'L CODE COUNCIL INC 2023 0928 226.14 HOLIDAY INN YAKIMA CON 2023 0928 7.35 SAFEWAY #1619 2023 0930 664.94 LOWES #02738* CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Amount PO For IYC6-HHLG-171 Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 3LB BUNDLE OF CANDY QTY 1; 100 COUNT AA BATTERIES QTY 1; 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: II Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices 17.51 Amount PO For 61.81 20231005 1 WMG-HVMN-E 1,649.95 WWW.FAIRYBELL.US 20231006 MONTHS QTY 1 81.00 FLAGSUSA LOGITECH S150 USB SPEAKERS QTY 2; LOGITECH MK540 WIRELESS 2023 1010 644.00 INT;L CODE COUNCIL INC 32.77 2023 1011 91.20 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOL32 YELM 12169 11/02/2023 Claims 2023 1011 11608 BRINCKEN SAFE & LOCK 120.23 INVOICE - 017074 150.00 WA ST DEPT AGRICULTURE PO For 2023 1011 120.23 4.50 WA AGR*SERVICE FEE 13938 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 0.02 2023 1105 Payroll Rounding Amount PO For 263950 SERVICE Difference In BIAS To IRS 941 12166 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11605 ADVANCED ANALYTICAL 368.18 INVOICE - 35049 SOLUTIONS, LLC. Invoices Amount PO For 35049 368.18 TOTAL COLIFORM/FECAL COLIFORM/E.COLI COUNT, BENCHMARK, WP; RESIDUAL CHLORINE, DISOLVED OXYGEN, PH, FED EX - QTY 1 TEST 12167 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11606 BARZANA ALEEXANDRA 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1022 SOLIS Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1022 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1022 12168 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11607 AMAZON CAPITAL 591.26 INVOICE - SERVICES INC IYC6-HHLG-17WQ; INVOICE - 1PWV-PXWD-C4D7; INVOICE - 1G33-YVLY-3PRF; INVOICE - 1 WMG-HVMN-6LPW; INVOICE - 1LTP-NQQX-7CYC; INVOICE - 19TN-GT34-DR77 Invoices Amount PO For IYC6-HHLG-171 282.70 3LB BUNDLE OF CANDY QTY 1; 100 COUNT AA BATTERIES QTY 1; SHARPIE HIGHLIGHTERS QTY 1; LEGAL NOTEPADS QTY 1; MAGNETIC SIGN HOLDER QTY 1; HALLOWEEN SLAP BRACELETS QTY 1; RING POPS QTY 1; GOLDFISH CRACKER 1PWV-PXWD-C, 17.51 PILOT GEL ROLL PENS PACK OF 14 QTY 1 1G33-YVLY-3PF 61.81 POOPY POUCH PET WASTE BAGS 2000 CARTON QTY 1 1 WMG-HVMN-E 26.21 2023-2024 DESK CALENDAR -LARGE DESK CALENDAR 22X17 18 MONTHS QTY 1 1LTP-NQQX-7C- 170.26 LOGITECH S150 USB SPEAKERS QTY 2; LOGITECH MK540 WIRELESS KEYBOARD/MOUSE BUNDLE QTY 2 19TN-GT34-DR7 32.77 BATTERY OPERATED MOTION SENSOR LIGHT OUTDOOR/INDOOR QTY 1 12169 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11608 BRINCKEN SAFE & LOCK 120.23 INVOICE - 017074 Invoices Amount PO For 017074 120.23 2023 1023 - SERVICE CALL, LABOR TO REINSTALL CYLINDER - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 12170 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11609 DATABAR 589.34 INVOICE - 263950 Invoices Amount PO For 263950 589.34 STATEMENT PRODUCTION: LATE AND DELINQUENT OCTOBER 2023 - QTY 613 g.355 & POSTAGE $289.82 AND DIGITAL FILE CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 102.28 Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 12 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 12171 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11610 DELL MARKETING LP 339.37 INVOICE - 10706380037 Invoices Amount PO For 10706380037 339.37 DELL PERFORMANCE DOCK - WDI9DCS 12172 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11611 DRAIN -PRO, INC. 3,883.43 INVOICE - 128381 Invoices Amount PO For 128381 3,883.43 YELM COMMUNITY CENTER LABOR, MATERIALS, FUEL 2023 1012 - 12180 11/02/2023 Claims 1 INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 12173 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11612 RENEE FAIRCHILD 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1029 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1029 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1029 12174 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11613 MATTHEW GOLAS 236.71 05-5140.0 - 15769 YELM 2310-362080 78.20 TERRA WAY SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15820 Claims 236.71 11620 STEPHANIE A NANAVICH 55.77 REIMBURSEMENT - 2023 12175 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11614 GRADUATION AUTOBAHN 2,557.62 INVOICE - 0001948 INC Invoices Amount PO For 0001948 2,557.62 POLE BANNER DBL SIDE HD VINYL 24X60 $85.00 EACH QTY 27, POLE BRACKETS SET OF 2 QTY 1, INVOICE INCLUDES TAX AND SHIPPING 12176 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11615 HACH COMPANY 5,685.78 INVOICE - 13792833 Invoices Amount PO For 13792833 5,685.78 ACCOUNT #203342 - FIELD INSTRUMENT EVALUATION QTY 2; FLD SVC QTY 4; BENCH PLUS QTY 1; NON HACH LAB BALANCE & SCALES QTY 1 12177 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11616 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 102.28 INVOICE - 744886 Invoices Amount PO For 744886 102.28 REPAIR FOR BACKPACK BLOWER - REPLACED ROPE GUIDE BRACKET ASSEMBLY AND TEST RUN 12178 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11617 MASTER METER, INC. 1,750.00 INVOICE - 265718 Invoices Amount PO For 265718 1,750.00 RSS-MLK-A-READ-DB MLINK VEHICLE READING SOFTWARE SUPPORT QTY 1 - 12/01/2023 - 11/30/2024 12179 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11618 CHERL MCCLAIN 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1028 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1028 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1028 12180 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11619 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 122.68 INVOICE - 2310-361492; INVOICE - 2310-362080; INVOICE - 2310-362305 Invoices Amount PO For 2310-361492 27.31 POP-UP COMPLETE CHROME ACE QTY 1 2310-362080 78.20 TUBE BRAID 3/8ID X 5/80D QTY 45 2310-362305 17.17 PROPANE QTY 4.5 GAL 12181 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11620 STEPHANIE A NANAVICH 55.77 REIMBURSEMENT - 2023 1101 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 13 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1101 55.77 REIMBURSEMENT - SPRINGBROOK CONFERENCE AIRPORT PARKING 12182 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11621 NISQUALLY VALLEY NEWS 242.01 INVOICE - 1293084 (127997) Invoices Amount PO For 1293084 (127997 242.01 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #127997 RUN DATE 2023 1026 - NOTICE OF APPLICATION LIBERTY GROVE 12183 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11622 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 86.26 INVOICE - 338410737001 LLC Invoices Amount PO For 338410737001 86.26 LABEL CC #785422 QTY; LABEL CC #760494 QTY 1; LABEL CIC 7939562 QTY 7 12184 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11623 OMIGA SOLUTIONS LLC 6,050.00 INVOICE - 1088 Invoices Amount PO For 1088 6,050.00 SOFTEARE MAINTANCE FEE - BILLING PERIOD 2022 1101 - 2023 1031 12185 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11624 PACWEST MACHINERY LLC 625.50 INVOICE -20366310 Invoices Amount PO For 20366310 625.50 EXPM BIGTOP SCR QTY 1 - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX AND FREIGHT 12186 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11625 PARAMETRIX INC 69,597.33 INVOICE - 49461; INVOICE - 49464; INVOICE - 49463 Invoices Amount PO For 49461 894.50 PROJECT 216-1781-036 - YELM ON CALL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0930 49464 61,224.08 PROJECT: 216-1781-045 - WRF PHASE 2 UPGRADES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - CM#13 - LIQUIDS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0930 49463 7,478.75 PROJECT: 216-1781-045 - WRF PHASE 2 UPGRADES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - CM#13 - BIOSOLIDS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 0930 12187 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11626 ROSEMARY PUA 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1030 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1030 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1030 12188 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11627 SE THURSTON FIRE 9,990.36 FIRE IMPACT FEES - 2023 07 AUTHORITY Invoices Amount PO For 202307 9,990.36 FIRE IMPACT FEES COLLECTED DURING PERIOD 2023 JULY 12189 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11628 SHUR-KLEEN CAR WASH, 190.00 INVOICE -09.30.141; INC INVOICE - 09.30.142 Invoices Amount PO For 09.30.141 180.00 BASIC WASH QTY 17; DELUXE WASH 1 - FLEET DISCOUNT -$5.00 - SEPTEMBER 2023 09.30.142 10.00 BASIC CAR WASH QTY 1 - SEPTEMBER 2023 12190 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11629 TAGS AWARDS & 60.12 INVOICE - 225083 SPECIALTIES CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Amount Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 OP-24COX8979 135.00 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 14 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 225083 60.12 CYELM - MAGNET BACK 1.5X3 NAME BADGE PROOFS; 2X10 BLK-WHT OP-24PEREZ933 135.00 NAME PLATE DEAN NORTON, SHLEBY DENNY; 2X10 ENGRAVED WOODGRAIN NAME PLATE DEAN NORTON 12191 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11630 THURSTON CO. PUBLIC 7,564.58 2023 Q3 - AFFORDABLE HEALTH AND SOLI. SER HOUSING SUPPORT OP-24CAMPEA7 135.00 REMITTANCE Invoices Amount PO For 2023 Q3 7,564.58 2023 Q3 SHB 1406 PAYMENT FOR OFFICE OF HOUSING AND HOMELESS PREVENETION - AFFORDABLE HOUSING SUPPORT 12192 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11631 USA BLUEBOOK 1,251.00 INVOICE - INVO0178228 Invoices Amount PO For INVO0178228 1,251.00 NITRATE TNT 25/PK QTY 1; TNT+AMMONIA TEST 25/PK QTY 1; 2023 10 - A8 2,684.14 TOTALCHLORINE REAGENT SET QTY 9; LDPE DROPPER QTY 5; 12195 11/02/2023 Claims 1 PURGE/SAMPLING PUMP QTY 1 12193 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11632 WA STATE DEPT OF 810.00 INVOICE - OP-24COX8979; Invoices Amount ECOLOGY INVOICE - 215708 550.00 OP-24BENNET9265; INVOICE - OP-24PEREZ9330; INVOICE - 12196 11/02/2023 Claims 1 OP-24MITTEL9251; INVOICE - OP-24CAMPEAT8471; Invoices Amount INVOICE - OP-24MCCLEL7684 Invoices Amount PO For OP-24COX8979 135.00 2024 WASTER WATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATION RENEWAL - RYAN COX OP-24BENNET9 135.00 2024 WASTER WATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATION RENEWAL - BRUCE BENNETT OP-24PEREZ933 135.00 2024 WASTER WATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATION RENEWAL - JUSTIN DANIEL PEREZ OP-24MITTEL92 135.00 2024 WASTER WATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATION RENEWAL - GARRETT MITTELSTAEDT OP-24CAMPEA7 135.00 2024 WASTER WATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATION RENEWAL - JEREMY CAMPEAU OP-24MCCLEL7 135.00 2024 WASTER WATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATION RENEWAL - ARISTOTLE MCCLELLAND 12194 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11633 WA STATE TREASURER - 2,684.14 2023 10 - A8 COURT REMITTANCES REMITTANCE DOC#85002650 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 10 - A8 2,684.14 YELM COURT REMITTANCE - 2023 OCTOBER 12195 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11634 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB 550.00 INVOICE - 215708 INC Invoices Amount PO For 215708 550.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1025 - BOD & TSS QTY 2 FOG QTY 4 2023 1005 12196 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11635 DOUG WILLS 1,553.70 10-0046.0 - 14939 TERRA VIEW ST SE Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: INCLUDES DIAL - IN NUMBER AND Refund Permit Deposit For 2023.0868.AP0001 - RETURN OF DEPOSIT FOR Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 AUDIO - SERVICE DATES 2023 0922 - 1021 12285 11/05/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 15 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 11640 2023-15868 1,553.70 Claims 1 11641 ADAM KATZ 12197 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11636 YELM COMMUNITY 22,500.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - 2023 2023.0868.AP0001 Invoices SCHOOLS 07 Invoices Amount PO For 38486 202307 22,500.00 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL - PUMPED BY CITY TRUCK - 58,044 @ $0.1744 PER 12198 11/02/2023 Claims 1 11637 ZOOM VIDEO 120.23 INVOICE - INV220148638 Claims 1 COMMUNICATIONS INC. Invoices Amount PO For Invoices INV220148638 120.23 ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: INCLUDES DIAL - IN NUMBER AND Refund Permit Deposit For 2023.0868.AP0001 - RETURN OF DEPOSIT FOR AUDIO - SERVICE DATES 2023 0922 - 1021 12285 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11638 4,999.65 October Hours 12308 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11639 3,411.70 October Hours 12320 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11640 5,419.58 October Hours 12725 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11641 ADAM KATZ 1,167.95 Refund Permit Deposit For 1 11643 BIO RECYCLING 10,122.87 INVOICE -38486 2023.0868.AP0001 Invoices Amount PO For 2023.0868.AP000 1,167.95 Refund Permit Deposit For 2023.0868.AP0001 - RETURN OF DEPOSIT FOR HEARING EXAMINER THAT WAS CANCELED 12712 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11642 ANIMAL SERVICES 3,750.00 INVOICE - 2023 1103 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1103 3,750.00 ANIMAL CARE - SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF YELM - OCTOBER 2023 12713 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11643 BIO RECYCLING 10,122.87 INVOICE -38486 CORPORATION Invoices Amount PO For 38486 10,122.87 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL - PUMPED BY CITY TRUCK - 58,044 @ $0.1744 PER GALLON - INVOICE DATED 2023 1031 12714 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11644 LEXIE AND EMILY 224.56 04-1660.0 - 16405 CASCADIAN BLAKESLEE AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15940 224.56 12715 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11645 REBEKAH BORWARD 335.01 05-5330.0 - 15708 104TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15946 335.01 12716 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11646 CENTURY COMMUNITIES OF 288.73 12-00025.0 - 15081 IVERSON WASHINGTON LOOP SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15939 288.73 12717 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11647 VAN LIEROP FARMS, LLC 546.39 INVOICE - 478345 DBA COUNTRY GREEN TURF FARMS CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Invoices Amount PO For Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 16 Amount Memo 478345 546.39 SEED - 80/20 50LB BAG QTY 2 - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 12718 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11648 DATABAR 2,524.67 INVOICE - 264145 Invoices Amount PO For 264145 2,524.67 STATEMENT PRODUCTION - MONTHLY UTILITY STATEMENTS 2,882 @ $0.0355; POSTAGE $1,349.63; DIGITAL FILE $51.95 - OCTOBER 2023 12719 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11649 FAY FULLER BUILDING 4,527.05 INVOICE - 0000574 -IN; CONDO ASSOC INVOICE - 0000572 -IN Invoices Amount PO For 0000574 -IN 2,386.23 LIBRARY UTILITIES AND DUES - UTILITIES BILLING FOR SEPTEMBER 2023 0000572 -IN 2,140.82 LIBRARY UTILITIES AND DUES - DUES BILLING FOR NOVEMBER 2023 12720 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11650 HOLIDAY OUTDOOR DECOR 2,325.00 INVOICE - INVIO576 Invoices Amount PO For INVIO576 2,325.00 PENGUINS PHOTO OP BUNDLE - PENGUINS WITH CROWN, SANTA HAT, AND TOP HAT QTY 1 - INVOICE DOES NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX; INCLUDES SHIPPING 12721 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11651 HWY 95 EVENTS LLC 2,513.90 INVOICE - 2023 1047 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1111 2,513.90 STAGE FOR 2023 VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION - 2023 1111 12722 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11652 J&E CONCRETE LLC 7,104.50 INVOICE - 1154 Invoices Amount PO For 1154 7,104.50 CLEAN AND STRIP AREAS TO BE REPAIRED; APPLY 3-4 COATS OF DRY LOCK WHITE SEMI IMPERMEABLE COATING QTY 1 12723 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11653 JESUS NAME PENECOSTAL 5,000.00 BEAUTIFICATION GRANT - CHURCH 2023 1107 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1107 5,000.00 BEAUTIFICATION GRANT 2023 - JESUS NAME PENECOSTAL CHURCH 204 JEFFERSON AVE NW 12724 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11654 JULIE'S CONSTRUCTION, 64.78 INVOICE - 85839 Invoices Amount PO For 85839 64.78 3 WAY GARDEN MIX PICKED UP QTY 2 12726 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11655 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 112.17 INVOICE -2310-364140; INVOICE - 2310-364547; INVOICE - 2311-365464 Invoices Amount PO For 2310-364140 55.45 MISC BOLTS QTY 1; MISC BOLTS QTY 2; PULLEY SGL SWVL 1" QTY 1; SNAP BOLT QTY 1; CLEAT QTY 1; BOLT EYE QTY 1; QUICK LINK QTY 1; ROPE NYLON QTY 60 FT 2310-364547 17.48 MISC BOLTS QTY 2; CABLETIE 100 PK QTY 1 2311-365464 39.24 BUSHING PVC 40 QTY 10 12727 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11656 MOUNTAIN MIST 160.79 INVOICE - 2023 1031 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 17 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1031 24.98 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP #1: 931 NORTHERN PACIFIC RD SE - OCTOBER 2023 2023 1031 65.97 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP #2: 901 RHOTON RD SE - OCTOBER 2023 2023 1031 34.92 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP #3:106 2ND ST SE - OCTOBER 2023 2023 1031 34.92 MOUNTAIN MIST STOP #4:206 MCKENZIE AVE - OCTOBER 2023 12728 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11657 NISQUALLY VALLEY NEWS 140.23 INVOICE - 129796 (128099); INVOICE - 129783 (128085) Invoices Amount PO For 129796 (128099) 82.05 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #128099 RUN DATE 2023 1102 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KATZ K9 KENNELING 129783 (128085) 58.18 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #128085 - RUN DATE 2023 1102 - ORDINANACE NO. 1107 12729 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11658 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 20.32 INVOICE - 338411783001 LLC Invoices Amount PO For 338411783001 20.32 LABEL, CC SGL DGT#250RL RD QTY 1 12730 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11659 POORMAN PRODUCTIONS, 900.00 INVOICE - 2023 0822 LLC Invoices Amount PO For 2023 0822 900.00 VETERANS DAY 2023 - DAKOTA POORMAN PERFORMANCE 2023 1111 12731 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11660 KEVIN OR MEREDITH REED 514.03 05-5620.0 - 15849 104TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15945 514.03 12732 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11661 ROCK MOORE, LLC 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2023 1111 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1111 1,000.00 HOGUE & MOORE BAND VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION - 2023 1111 12733 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11662 RUSH RESIDENTIAL INC 99.53 05-9055.0 - 15538 BERGH CT SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15937 99.53 12734 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11663 SCHEIBMEIR, KELLY & 2,070.00 INVOICE - 24988 NELSON, P.S. Invoices Amount PO For 24988 2,070.00 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - SUB DIVISION - REVIEW STAFF REPORT 2023 0907; PREPARE FOR/ATTEND HEARING 2023 1009; PREPARE DECISION 2023 1012 12735 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11664 SE THURSTON FIRE 34,079.90 FIRE IMPACT FEES - 2023 08 AUTHORITY Invoices Amount PO For 202308 34,079.90 FIRE IMPACT FEES COLLECTED 2023 AUGUST 12736 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11665 SHELTON, CITY OF 6,414.10 INVOICE - INV01121 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Invoices Amount PO For Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 18 Amount Memo INV01121 6,414.10 SLUDGE LOAD TICKETS - 3361, 3362, 3363, 3364, 3367, 3368, 3369, 3370, 3371, 3373, 3374 12737 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11666 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 136.54 10-00211.0 - 14352 99TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15938 136.54 12738 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11667 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 158.00 10-00285.0 - 14373 100TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15920 158.00 12739 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11668 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 65.93 10-00293.0 - 14377 LOCKWOOD LN SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15921 65.93 12740 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11669 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 164.14 10-00294.0 - 14371 LOCKWOOD LN SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15922 164.14 12741 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11670 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 236.48 10-00390.0 - 14348 98TH WAY SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15923 236.48 12742 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11671 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 193.70 10-00391.0 - 14356 98TH WAY SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15924 193.70 12743 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11672 MICHAEL STEWARD 179.61 09-1170.0 - 15216 105TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15878 179.61 12744 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11673 TAMMY BARACONI STONEY 1,125.00 INVOICE - YEL2301 BEACH CONSULTING LLC Invoices Amount PO For YEL2301 1,125.00 CONSULTING SERVICES 2023 1011 - 2023 1031 - GROVE RD SUBDIVISION; COUNTRY MEADOWS 1 & 2 12745 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11674 VALYNDA TEGGE 275.00 01-1720.0 - 204 VAN TRUMP ST NW Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15941 275.00 12746 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11675 THURSTON CO AUDITOR 4,732.78 INVOICE - 10846-10849 Invoices Amount PO For 10846-10849 4,732.78 2023 AUGUST PRIMARY ELECTION - ELECTION SERVICES CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 19 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 12747 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11676 THURSTON CO CENTRAL 328.99 INVOICE - 38-2311-639 SERVICES Invoices Amount PO For 38-2311-639 328.99 2022 AERIAL PHOTO SECTION - 2022 AERIAL IMAGERY, 12 SECTIONS, YELM AND UGA , TIFF OR OTHER FORMAT 12748 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11677 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 87.72 INVOICE - 3100251 Invoices Amount PO For 3100251 87.72 Acct: 104040 - EXCAVATION NOTIFICATIONS FOR OCTOBER 2023 - QTY 68 12749 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11678 WA STATE DEPT OF 41.70 INVOICE - 731128424 ENTERPRISE SVCS Invoices Amount PO For 731128424 41.70 BUSINESS CARDS 250 EACH - SIEGMUND 12750 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11679 WALTS POINT S 43.72 INVOICE - 112837 Invoices Amount PO For 112837 43.72 2017 RAM 1500 #5248 - STANDARD FLAT REPAIR QTY 2 12751 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11680 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB 428.00 INVOICE - 215880 INC Invoices Amount PO For 215880 428.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1028 - BOD & TSS 2023 1010 QTY 2; BOD & TESS 2023 1023 QTY 2 12752 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11681 YELM CHAMBER OF 15,000.00 INVOICE - 2023 1107 - LTAC COMMERCE PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1107 15,000.00 2023 LTAC REIMBURSEMENT FOR YELM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - NISQUALLY VALLEY BBQ RALLY 12753 11/09/2023 Claims 1 11682 YELM COMMUNITY 162,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - 2023 SCHOOLS 08 Invoices Amount PO For 202308 162,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES COLLECTED AUGUST 2023 12791 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11683 AWC 106,130.67 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Medical Benefits; Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Supplemental Life 12792 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11684 NATIONAL FRATERNAL 1,132.50 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2023 To ORDER OF POLICE 11/05/2023 - FOP Police 12793 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11685 WA STATE COUNCIL OF 802.75 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2023 To COUNTY & CITY EMPL 11/05/2023 - AFSCME 12794 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11686 WACOPS 225.00 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - WACOPS 12795 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11687 WESTERN STATES POLICE 977.50 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2023 To MEDICAL TRUST 11/05/2023 - Western States Police Trust CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 20 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 12796 11/05/2023 Payroll 1 11688 YELM, CITY OF 445.48 Pay Cycle(s)11/05/2023 To 11/05/2023 - Police Car Use 12961 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11689 AMAZON CAPITAL 416.52 INVOICE - 1473-9YJF-39WV; SERVICES INC INVOICE - 1PGY-49J6-1QLG; CREDIT MEMO - 1411-QMH7-F9GC; INVOICE - 1F7J-VC7N-1X7Q; INVOICE - 1 K6M-WPHW-44NY; INVOICE - 1GQL-VMKF-J6LT; INVOICE - Invoices Amount PO For 1473-9YJF-39W` 7.64 INK REFILL SELF INKING STAMPS QTY 1 1PGY-49J6-1QL( 17.48 1PHONE 13 CASE - DIACLARA FULL BODY RUGGED CASE QTY 1 1411-QMH7-F9C -26.21 CREDIT MEMO ON INVOICE 1 WMG-HVMN-6LPW - 2023-2024 DESK CALENDAR -LARGE DESK CALENDAR 22X17 18 MONTHS QTY 1 1F7J-VC7N-1X71 49.16 24X36 POSTER FRAME BLACK WITH OUT MAT QTY 1 1K6M-WPHW-4, 45.84 12PK FLUORESCENT FLAGGING TAPE QTY 1; 12PK FLUORESCENT FLAGGING TAPE QTY 1; 1GQL-VMKF-J6 30.59 2PK DESK DRAWER ORGANIZER TRAY QTY 1 1KQM-J6YG-KV 292.02 HEAT SHRINK TUBING KIT QTY 1; SOCKET ADAPTER QTY 1; C BATTERIES QTY 1; HEAT SHRINK TUBING QTY 1; D BATTERIES QTY 1; IMPACT SOCKET ADAPATER QTY 1; COMPRESSED GAS DUSTER QTY 1 12962 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11690 BIG LOVE BAND 900.00 INVOICE - 2023 1111 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1111 900.00 BIG LOVE LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCE VETERANS DAY 2023 12963 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11691 BILL'S TOWING & 486.39 INVOICE - 12093 RECOVERY Invoices Amount PO For 12093 486.39 DOOR #1 REPLACED LATCH GAURD; DOOR #2 & 3 INSTALLED NEW OFFICE LOCKS AND REPAIRED ELEC ROOM LOCK WITH SHAFT KIT 12964 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11692 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF 45.00 INVOICE - 1075783 WASH INC Invoices Amount PO For 1075783 45.00 PROJECT - 2023-003647 - PUBLISH PROJECT ONLINE 2023 1009 - PRAIRIE LINE TRAIL PH 2 12965 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11693 CRIMINAL JUSTICE 200.00 INVOICE - 201138823 TRAINING COMMISSION Invoices Amount PO For 201138823 200.00 TRAINING - B. MOONEY - COLLISION INVESTIGATION - ADVANCED 2023 1016-1026 12966 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11694 FAY FULLER BUILDING 3,074.86 INVOICE - 0000576 -IN CONDO ASSOC Invoices Amount PO For 0000576 -IN 3,074.86 LIBRARY UTILITIES AND DUES - UTILITIES BILLING FOR OCTOBER 12967 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11695 GALLS, LLC 445.00 INVOICE - 026185271; INVOICE - 026197656; CREDIT MEMO - 026221225 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 21 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 026185271 437.17 MS V2 TCTCL PANT QTY 3; SPORT-TEK DRY ZONE L/S QTY 1; CREWNECK SWEATSHIRT QTY 1; NAME HEAT PRESS QTY 6; HANES BEEFY S/S QTY 2; 5.11 L/S POLO QTY 1; SUPPLIED EMBLEM QTY 1 026197656 65.75 MENS PERFORMANCE S/S POLO QTY 1; SUPPLIED EMBLEM QTY 1 026221225 -57.92 CREDIT MEMO - PERFORMANCE L/S POLO QTY 1 12968 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11696 GLOBAL SECURITY & 8,645.47 INVOICE - 4586853 COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Invoices Amount PO For 4586853 8,645.47 CUSTOMER NO: 27105 - 301 2ND ST SE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM 50% DOWN INVOICE DATE 2023 1110 12969 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11697 HD FOWLER COMPANY 2,258.22 INVOICE -16561471; INVOICE -I6559470 Invoices Amount PO For I6561471 822.88 LID SCREW 5/16"2" QTY 100; LID BOLT QTY 100; 1-1/4"X1"SS CHECK VALVE QTY 9; 1" SCH 40 PVC ELBOW QTY 50 I6559470 1,435.34 12" HYMAX FLIP GASKET COUPLING QTY 2; 14" ABRASIVE CUT OFF BLADE 20MM SIZE QTY 2 12970 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11698 JULIE'S CONSTRUCTION, 129.56 INVOICE - 85930 Invoices Amount PO For 85930 129.56 3 -WAY GARDEN MIX PICKED UP QTY 4 @ $29.99 - INVOICE INCLUDES SALES TAX 12971 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11699 JACQUELINE KILPATRICK 199.27 08-9016.0 - 14908 91ST AVE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-15968 199.27 12972 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11700 MIKE MCCLUNG 196,794.65 INVOICE - PAY APP 02 CONSTRUCTION CO. Invoices Amount PO For PAY APP 02 196,794.65 PROJECT #2306 - YELM DOG PARK PHASE 2 - PAY APP 02 - PERIOD COVERED 2023 1001 - 1031 12973 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11701 MULLINAX FORD OF 79.17 INVOICE - 333172; INVOICE - OLYMPIA 332858; CREDIT MEMO - CM332858 Invoices Amount PO For 333172 79.17 BB5Z*7820554*AC - MOULDIN 224 332858 78.95 BB5Z*7820555*BC MOULDIN SO QTY 1 CM332858 -78.95 CREDIT MEMO ON INVOICE 332858 12974 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11702 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 12,878.18 INVOICE - 37322 Invoices Amount PO For 37322 12,878.18 PRISONER CARE - NISQUALLY JAIL - INCARCERATION & BOOKING FEES OCTOBER 2023 12975 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11703 NISQUALLY VALLEY NEWS 155.43 INVOICE - 127466 (127117) Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 1 11709 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 CORP 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 22 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices 176.66 Amount PO For 127466 (127117) YELM MUSEUM MONITORING - 2023 0701 - 2023 0930 155.43 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #127117 - RUN DATE 2023 0810 - NOTICE OF 11710 JENNIFER D SHERWOOD 109.38 10-8615.0 - 14477 100TH AVE PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS 12976 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11704 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL INC 2,918.32 INVOICE - 267629 Invoices Amount PO For 267629 2,918.32 SODIUM BISULFITE 38% QTY 500 SHIP DATE 2023 1106 12977 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11705 PAPE MACHINERY INC. 3,275.72 INVOICE - 14888394; SAFETY INC Invoices INVOICE - 14889618 Invoices Amount PO For 14888394 2,183.81 HRX21K6HYA MOWER QTY 2 - MAMA -1644794, MAMA -1644793 14889618 1,091.91 HRX21K6HYA MOWER QTY 1 - MAMA -1644753 12978 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11706 PCI PEST CONTROL INC 518.08 INVOICE - 166409; INVOICE - 166416; INVOICE - 166420 Invoices Amount PO For 166409 196.74 QUARTERLY PREVENTATIVE PEST CONTROL - 206 MCKENZIE AVE SE 166416 160.67 QUARTERLY PREVENTATIVE PEST CONTROL - 207 3RD ST SE 166420 160.67 QUARTERLY PREVENTATIVE PEST CONTROL - 901 RHOTON RD SE 12979 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11707 SCJ ALLIANCE 10,412.50 INVOICE - 74244 Invoices Amount PO For 74244 10,412.50 PROJECT # 22-000742 - CITY OF YELM - YELM PRAIRIE LINE TRAIL: INVOICE 74244 DATED 2023 1102 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2023 1001 - 1028 12980 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11708 SE THURSTON FIRE 6,917.04 FIRE IMPACT FEES - 2023 09 AUTHORITY Invoices Amount PO For 202309 6,917.04 FIRE IMPACT FEES COLLECTED SEPTEMBER 2023 12981 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11709 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY 274.40 INVOICE - 6003407948 (1763) CORP Invoices Amount PO For 6003407948 (176 176.66 PW / WWTP MONITORING - 2023 0701 - 2023 0930 6003407948 (176 97.74 YELM MUSEUM MONITORING - 2023 0701 - 2023 0930 12982 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11710 JENNIFER D SHERWOOD 109.38 10-8615.0 - 14477 100TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-16026 109.38 12983 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11711 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC 173.41 INVOICE - 45553 SAFETY INC Invoices Amount PO For 45553 173.41 2023 1109 REPLACED DOCK AND POWER SUPPLY; INSTALLED SUPPLIED DOCK VIN # NNA09540 12984 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11712 TACOMA DIESEL & 4,486.77 INVOICE - 139996; INVOICE - EQUIPMENT INC. 140005; INVOICE - 139997; INVOICE - 14004 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 23 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 139996 2,071.24 #2 WWTP 2 - ANNUAL SERVICE - CHANGED OIL FILTERS, FUEL FILTERS, COOLANT FILTERS ON TWO GENSETS 140005 896.26 #5 PALISADES BOOSTER PERFORM ANNUAL SERVICE - CHANGE OIL FILTER, FUEL FILTERS, FUEL/WATER SEPERATOR 139997 896.26 #1 WWTP - ANNUAL SERVICE - CHANGE OIL FILTERS, FUEL FILTERS, COOLANT FILTERS ON TWO GENSETS 14004 623.01 #8 CITY HALL - PERFORM ANNUAL SERVICE - CHANGE OIL, OIL FILTER, CHECKED AIR FILTER 12985 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11713 TAGS AWARDS & 77.10 INVOICE - 225362; INVOICE - SPECIALTIES 225437 Invoices Amount PO For 225362 55.20 CYELM - 1.5X3 WHITE BADGE - O. MORA; A. KOLLAR; K. JUHL; C. WIEBE 225437 21.90 CYELM 2X10 BLK WHT DESK NAME PLATE - R. REHON; D. STEPHAN 12986 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11714 THURSTON CO 958.00 INVOICE - 2023 1103 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1103 958.00 WATER BACTERIA SAMPLE TESTING ON: 2023 0905 7 SAMPLES; 2023 0912 8 SAMPLES; 2023 1003 8 SAMPLES 12987 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11715 THURSTON REGIONAL 1,499.90 INVOICE - PLANNING COUNCIL GMAYELM-2023-10 Invoices Amount PO For GMAYELM-202: 1,499.90 PROJECT #30443 GMA HOUSING SERVICES FROM 2023 1001-1031 12988 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11716 WA STATE AUDITOR'S 9,351.30 INVOICE -L157523 OFFICE Invoices Amount PO For L157523 9,351.30 AUDIT NO: 64655 - PERIOD 22-22 - ACCOUNTABILTY AUDIT 73 HR @ $128.10 12989 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11717 WABO 105.00 INVOICE - 14574 Invoices Amount PO For 14574 105.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - JERISDICTIONAL MEMBER - POPULATION UNDER 50,000 (THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2024) 12990 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11718 JOHN WALTER WAIBEL 49.41 05-5600.0 - 15892 104TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-16013 49.41 12991 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11719 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB 877.00 INVOICE - 216072 INC Invoices Amount PO For 216072 877.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1104 - BOD & TSS 2023 1017 QTY 2, 2023 1019 QTY 2; NITROGEN, TDS, CL, F, ACID, HARDNESS QTY 12023 1019 12992 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11720 WHH NISQUALLY FEDERAL 174,508.70 INVOICE - 6 (CP12023) SERVICES LLC CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1105 - TCYFL MINOR RED 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 24 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 6 (CP12023) 174,508.70 PROJECT NO:CP12023 - PAY APP #6 CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACTED PO For 2023 1109 SERVICES - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1031 12993 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11721 YELM COMMUNITY 33,750.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - 2023 Claims 1 SCHOOLS 09 Invoices Amount PO For 202309 33,750.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES COLLECTED SEPTEMBER 2023 12994 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11722 ZOOM VIDEO 120.23 INVOICE - INV224304187 COMMUNICATIONS INC. Invoices Amount PO For INV224304187 120.23 ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: INCLUDES DIAL - IN NUMBER AND Claims 1 AUDIO - SERVICE DATES 2023 1021 - 1121 12995 11/15/2023 Claims 1 11723 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC 540.46 INVOICE - 45184; INVOICE - 1120 Invoices 45315; INVOICE - 257420; Amount PO For INVOICE - 45314 Invoices Amount PO For 45184 236.96 SCHOOL 24X8 QTY 3 - STRAIGHT LEG BRKT WBOLT QTY 10 45315 101.34 NO ANIMALS ALLOWED YMC 9.68.030 12X18 QTY 1 257420 149.70 WILKENSEN RD SE 42X9 QTY 1 45314 52.46 NO PARKING SYM W/TIMES 12X18 QTY 1 13022 11/16/2023 Claims 1 11724 BRADEN 100.00 FLAG FOOTBALL REFUND - CASTLEBERRY-TAYLOR 2023 1115 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1115 100.00 TURKEY BOWL FLAG FOOTBALL REFUND - 2023 1115 - RECEIPT #40325 13023 11/16/2023 Claims 1 11725 BRIGUTTTE GALICIA 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1021 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1021 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1021 - GALICIA BIRTHDAY 13024 11/16/2023 Claims 1 11726 KILE GARRETT 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1105 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1105 500.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1105 - TCYFL MINOR RED TORANDOS 13025 11/16/2023 Claims 1 11727 RYAN JEWELL 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1109 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1109 500.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1109 - TCYFL 13026 11/16/2023 Claims 1 11728 AMBER MCDONALD 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1112 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1112 500.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1112 - RALLY POINT PROPERTIES 13039 11/20/2023 Payroll 1 11729 708.00 November Draw 13165 11/22/2023 Claims 1 11730 CHRISTOPHER A SEYMOUR 50.00 REMIBURSEMENT - 2023 1120 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 25 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1120 50.00 REIMBURSMENT FOR 12.197 GALLONS OF GAS - SAFEWAY YELM - FUEL FOR PATROL VEHICLE 13166 11/22/2023 Claims 1 11731 ANTHONY SPARKUHL 185.00 PER DIEM - 2023 1120 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1120 185.00 PER DIEM REQUEST - FORCE ENCOUNTERS TRAINING TEST - 2023 1119 - 1121 13265 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11732 AMAZON CAPITAL 1,316.56 INVOICE - 1VXC-CGFP-RY64; SERVICES INC CREDIT MEMO - I ICH-WHPW-14FW; INVOICE - IYNX-HLRL-4LNG; INVOICE - 1FJ9-PX43-4WKY; INVOICE - 1F3J-GV7J-9XCX; INVOICE - 1VLG-6XK7-IXKF; INVOICE - 1KJM-FPXG-JT7G Invoices Amount PO For 1VXC-CGFP-RY 1,151.27 EPSON T314XL922-S QTY 5; EPSON T312XL220-S QTY 5; EPSON T312XL320-S QTY 6; EPSON T312XL120-S QTY 4; EPSON T312XL420-S QTY 5; PHOTO PAPER QTY 1; EPSON PHOTO PRINTER XP -15000 QTY 1 I ICH-WHPW-14 -273.24 CREDIT MEMO ON INVOICE - 1CGQ-X9TF-JMKQ - FELLOWES JUPITER 125 LAMINATOR QTY 1 LYNX-HLRL-4L 136.08 RAVEN - NITRILE GLOVES XL CASE QTY 1 1FJ9-PX43-4WK 6.55 THANKSGIVING STICKERS 100 PACK QTY 1 1F3J-GV7J-9XC1 14.70 HERITAGE PRODUCTS CAST IRON SEASONING OIL - QTY 1 1VLG-6XK7-1X1 53.31 TIONCY 20PC PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES FOR KIDS QTY 1 1KJM-FPXG-JT7 227.89 MILWAUKEE 2771-21 M18 TRANSFER PUMP QTY 1 13266 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11733 AMERICALL 491.31 INVOICE - C34655231115 INTERNATIONAL, INC. Invoices Amount PO For 034655231115 491.31 C34655 - REMOTE RECEPTIONIST - SERVICE DATES 2023 1115 - 1212 13267 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11734 HAYLEE AXLEN 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1118 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1118 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1118 13268 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11735 DENNY BALASCIO 250.00 Refund Permit Deposit For 2023.0969.00016 Invoices Amount PO For 2023.0969.00011 250.00 Refund Permit Deposit For 2023.0969.00016 13269 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11736 BIO RECYCLING 4,507.19 INVOICE - 38534 CORPORATION Invoices Amount PO For 38534 4,507.19 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL - PUMPED BY CITY TRUCK - 25,844 @ $0.1744 PER GALLON - INVOICE DATED 2023 1115 13270 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11737 CANON FINANCIAL 1,015.69 INVOICE -31587572; SERVICES, INC. INVOICE - 31587570; INVOICE - 31587571; Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 26 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 31887572 142.28 WWTP - IMAGE RUNNER ADVANCE C5540i III - CONTRACT#06619 - 2023 1101-1130 31587570 501.70 CITY HALL - IMAGE RUNNER ADVANCE C7565I II - CONTRACT#05214/3091 - 2023 1101 - 1130 31587571 199.33 PW COPIER LEASE - SN 2JV03898 - SERVICE DATES 2023 1101 - 1130 31589137 172.38 PSB - COLOR COPIER - CONTRACT # 06619 - 2023 1101 - 1130 13271 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11738 DAILY JOURNAL OF 792.00 INVOICE - 3394340 (422522) COMMERCE Invoices Amount PO For 3394340 (422522 792.00 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD # 422522 - RUN DATE 2023 1115, 2023 1122 - REQUEST FOR BIDS SE 1.5MG RESERVOIR 13272 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11739 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 20,338.11 INVOICE - 2023 1104 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1104 20,338.11 ENTERPRISE MONTHLY LEASE CHARGES - ALL DEPARTMENTS - NOVEMBER 2023 13273 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11740 FAY FULLER BUILDING 2,140.82 INVOICE - 0000578 -IN CONDO ASSOC Invoices Amount PO For 0000578 -IN 2,140.82 LIBRARY UTILITIES AND DUES - DUES BILLING FOR DECEMBER 2023 13274 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11741 HENRY AND LINDA 35.26 03-0795.0 - 15913 86TH AVE GOOKINS SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-16106 35.26 13275 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11742 GRAY & OSBORNE INC 8,160.39 INVOICE - 10 (13579.01) Invoices Amount PO For 10 (13579.01) 8,160.39 YELM PROJECT NO: 13579.01 - SW MOSMAN AVE. PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT-STPUS-Y341 (001) - INVOICE # 8 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FROM 2023 1008 - 1104 13276 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11743 TANNY HART 75.20 10-0065.0 - 14935 99TH AVE SE; 10-0065.0 - 14935 99TH AVE SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-16035 67.16 2023-16137 8.04 13277 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11744 HD FOWLER COMPANY 1,000.74 INVOICE - I6574860; INVOICE -I6569521 Invoices Amount PO For I6574860 326.46 17"X30" HDPE METER BOX SOLID COVER BLACK QTY 1; 14"X30"X12" HDPE METER BOX BASE BLACK QTY 1 I6569521 674.28 6" ALPHA WIDE RANGE RESTRAINT COUPLING QTY 1; 10' OD TAPE MEASURE QTY 4 13278 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11745 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 1,238.26 INVOICE - 747292; INVOICE - 747414 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Amount PO For Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 29.50 PADLOCK LAM 1-9/16" 4PK QTY 1 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 27 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 2311-371909 747292 145.27 9" 4 TOOTH EDGER BLADE QTY 5; 9" 4 TOOTH EDGER BLADE QTY 2; 10.47 BIT DRILL #7 WIRE GA CD QTY 1; TAP CARDED 1/4X20 NC QTY 1 BELT PREMIUM WRAP 1/2X28" QTY 2 747414 1,092.99 HONDA MOWER HRX BBC HYDRO - MAMA - 1620861 QTY 1 13279 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11746 PETER MEAVAO 28.17 06-1160.0 - 16112 PRAIRIE INVOICE - 131303 (128234); CREEK LP SE Invoices Amount PO For Amount 2023-16121 28.17 235.56 LEGAL ADVERTISING - RUN DATE 2023 1109 - NOTICE OF APPLICATION 13280 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11747 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 177.52 INVOICE - 2311-369592; 2023.006.PR0012 131303 (128234) INVOICE - 2311-3704708; LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #128234 - RUN DATE 2023 1116 - NOTICE OF INVOICE - 2311-370607; 131407 (128253) 845.80 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #128253 - RUN DATE 2023 1116, 2023 1123 - INVOICE - 2311-370757; REQUEST FOR BIDS SE 1.5MG RESERVOIR 13282 11/30/2023 Claims INVOICE - 2311-371909; 11749 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 253.41 INVOICE - 341499585001 INVOICE - 2311-371926; Invoices Amount PO For INVOICE - 2311-371950 Invoices Amount PO For 2311-369592 29.50 PADLOCK LAM 1-9/16" 4PK QTY 1 2311-370408 6.54 600 SPT 6' EXTENSION CORD QTY 2 2311-370607 58.91 CABLETIE 8"75# BLK 100PK QTY 4; CORD EXTN 16/2PT-2 6 WHT QTY 6 2311-370757 19.58 ALUMINUM DUST PAN 17w QTY 1; NO SEEP #10 QTY 1 2311-371909 27.29 STEP BIT 1/2" 6 STEP QTY 1 2311-371926 10.47 BIT DRILL #7 WIRE GA CD QTY 1; TAP CARDED 1/4X20 NC QTY 1 2311-371950 25.23 MISC BOLTS QTY 1; SPRYPNT PRO BRT GLV CMPD QTY 2 13281 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11748 NISQUALLY VALLEY NEWS 1,383.70 INVOICE - 131116 (128186); INVOICE - 131408 (128257); INVOICE - 131303 (128234); INVOICE - 131407 (128253) Invoices Amount PO For 13111 (128186) 235.56 LEGAL ADVERTISING - RUN DATE 2023 1109 - NOTICE OF APPLICATION 131408 (128257) 79.68 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #128257 - RUN DATE 2023 1116 - NOA 2023.006.PR0012 131303 (128234) 222.66 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #128234 - RUN DATE 2023 1116 - NOTICE OF APPLICATION GROVE RD MINI STORAGE 131407 (128253) 845.80 LEGAL ADVERTISING - AD #128253 - RUN DATE 2023 1116, 2023 1123 - REQUEST FOR BIDS SE 1.5MG RESERVOIR 13282 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11749 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 253.41 INVOICE - 341499585001 LLC Invoices Amount PO For 341499585001 253.41 PAPER 10 -REAM QTY 2; TONER CANON BLACK QTY 1: BINDER WHITE 1.5" QTY 3 13283 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11750 OLYMPIC MOVING & 382.50 INVOICE - 192095 STORAGE INC Invoices Amount PO For 192095 382.50 PERMANENT STORAGE W/ COMMISSION - MUSEUM ARTIFACTS - SERVICE DATES 2023 1201 - 1231 13284 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11751 PARAMETRIX INC 60,191.15 INVOICE - 50260; INVOICE - 50261 Invoices Amount PO For CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Invoices Amount PO For Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 28 Amount Memo 50260 6,155.00 PROJECT: 216-1781-045 - WRF PHASE 2 UPGRADES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - CM#14 - BIOSOLIDS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1028 50261 54,036.15 PROJECT: 216-1781-045 - WRF PHASE 2 UPGRADES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - CM#14 - LIQUIDS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH 2023 1028 13285 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11752 PCI PEST CONTROL INC 53.56 INVOICE - 165344 Invoices Amount PO For 165344 53.56 LOCATION: 301 2ND ST SE - DATE OF SERVICE 2023 1101 - ALL SEASON PROTECTION 13286 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11753 ROCHELLE REYES OR 160.26 01-5006.0 - 14939 MOUNTAIN PHILIP KUJAWA VIEW CT SE Invoices Amount PO For 2023-16124 160.26 13287 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11754 PNW KITCHEN PROS LLC 573.80 INVOICE - 649 Invoices Amount PO For 649 573.80 SEMI ANNUAL HOOD INSPECTION IN YCC KITCHEN SERVICE DATE 2023 1206, INVOICE INCLUDES COMPLIANCE REPORTING AND TAX 13288 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11755 SCHEIBMEIR, KELLY & 1,687.50 INVOICE - 25139 NELSON, P.S. Invoices Amount PO For 25139 1,687.50 SHELM MEADOWS SUBDIVISION - REVIEW STAFF REPORT 2023 1020 - MAKE SITE VISIT PREPARE FOR AND ATTEND HEARING PREPARE DECISION 2023 1026 13289 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11756 SE THURSTON FIRE 7,472.88 FIRE IMPACT FEES - AUTHORITY OCTOBER 2023 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 10 7,472.88 SE THURSTON FIRE IMPACT FEES COLLECTED IN OCTOBER 2023 13290 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11757 SHIELD AND ARMOR 131.16 INVOICE - 002175 Invoices Amount PO For 002175 131.16 INTERIOR DETAIL OF 2018 FORD EXPLORER 13291 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11758 SOUTHGATE FENCE INC 210.24 INVOICE - 112023-4 Invoices Amount PO For 112023-4 210.24 COUNTER RECEIPT # 33627 - 2 7/8 X 24" STRUC POST - CHRISMTAS 13292 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11759 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC 115.61 INVOICE -45509 SAFETY INC Invoices Amount PO For 45509 115.61 INSTALL SUPPLIED DOCK VIN#52255 2022 FORD POLICE INTERCEPTOR 13293 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11760 TACOMA DIESEL & 4,530.50 INVOICE - 140041; INVOICE - EQUIPMENT INC. 140037; INVOICE - 140038; INVOICE - 140039 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 29 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For 140041 568.36 #3 PUBLIC WORKS 10.5KW MILLER BOBAT 250 - PERFORM ANNUAL SERVICE CONTRACT 140037 1,120.33 #6 PUMP HOUSE 20OKW CUMMINS DGFC - PERFORM ANNUAL SERVICE CONTRACT 140038 1,120.33 #7 PUMP HOUSE 20OKW KOHLER 20OREOZJD - PERFORM ANNUAL SERVICE CONTRACT 140039 1,721.48 #4 SW WELL 450KW CUMMINS DFEJ - PERFORM ANNUAL SERVICE CONTRACT 13294 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11761 TRUGREEN COMMERCIAL 156.46 INVOICE - 185658636 Invoices Amount PO For 185658636 156.46 DATE OF SERVICE 2023 1003 - INSECT & DISEASE CONTROL SERVICE - LOCATION CITY OF YELM 105 WEST YELM AVE W 13295 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11762 USA BLUEBOOK 273.21 INVOICE - INV00194990; INVOICE - INVO0197415 Invoices Amount PO For INVO0194990 29.45 COTTON SWAB APPLICATOR 6-1/2" WOOD SHAFT 1000/PK QTY 1 INVO0197415 243.76 ELITE PH POCKET TESTER QTY 1; HACH NITRITE TNT 25 PK QTY 1 13296 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11763 WAPRO 25.00 INVOICE - 8320 Invoices Amount PO For 8320 25.00 WAPRO ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP - 2023 1201 - 2024 1130 13297 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11764 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB 642.00 INVOICE - 216306 INC Invoices Amount PO For 216306 642.00 AY282R - INVOICE DATED 2023 1115 - BOD & TSS QTY 2 - 2023 1024, 1026, 1031 13298 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11765 WEX BANK 235.93 INVOICE - 93121587 Invoices Amount PO For 93121587 235.93 CHEVRON TEXACO FUEL FOR PERIOD 2023 1016 - 1115 13299 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11766 WHH NISQUALLY FEDERAL 1,765.57 INVOICE - 2023 1106 SERVICES LLC Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1106 1,765.57 EMERGENCY SEWER REPAIR - REPAIR SEWER LINE 2023 1012 13300 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11767 WLRCA 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2023 1104 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1104 250.00 YCC REFUND FOR EVENT HELD ON 2023 1104 13301 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11768 YELM COMMUNITY 27,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - 2023 SCHOOLS 10 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 10 27,000.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES COLLECTED OCTOBER 2023 13302 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11769 ZOOM VIDEO 143.27 INVOICE - INV224892544 COMMUNICATIONS INC. CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 16:37:54 Date: 12/27/2023 11/01/2023 To: 11/30/2023 Page: 30 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo Invoices Amount PO For INV224892544 143.27 ZOOM ONE ANNUAL PRORATION 2023 1026 - 2024 0621 13303 11/30/2023 Claims 1 11770 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC 305.39 INVOICE - 45410; INVOICE - 45548 Invoices Amount PO For 45410 155.99 SPECIAL YELM WA SIGN 18X12 'BUSINESS ACCESS <-----" 45548 149.40 SPECIAL YELM PARK HOURS 18X12 13146 11/21/2023 Claims 6 0 US BANK (D) 38.00 SAFEKEEPING - 2023 1031 Invoices Amount PO For 2023 1031 38.00 2023 10 US BANK SAFEKEEPING FEE - 2023 1001 - 1031 001 General Fund 849,454.07 101 Municipal Street Fund 39,594.75 107 Tourism Promotion 15,000.00 112 Affordable Housing Support 7,564.58 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 435,887.50 302 Municipal Building Fund 403,947.06 316 Road & Street Construction 8,160.39 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 27,810.63 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 141,797.15 404 Water Capital Improvements 15,607.63 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 413,100.00 412 Sewer Utility Fund 190,434.10 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 2,441,518.77 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 36,352.70 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 29,830.12 630 Yelm Fiduciary Fund 5,934.14 Claims: 4,353,514.22 * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts 5,061,993.59 Payroll: 708,479.37 2023 BUDGET POSITION TOTALS City Of Yelm Months: 01 To: 11 Time: 16:45:42 Date: 12/27/2023 Page: 1 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 13,507,457.00 13,851,865.20 102.5% 10,155,290.32 8,662,653.26 85% 101 Municipal Street Fund 793,533.20 586,174.68 73.9% 662,510.01 626,130.08 95% 104 Cumulative Reserve 441,437.11 430,192.18 97.5% 0.00 0.00 0% 107 Tourism Promotion 334,984.08 371,451.93 110.9% 40,000.00 21,905.40 55% 112 Affordable Housing Support 25,000.00 13,093.24 52.4% 25,000.00 10,782.96 43% 119 Deposts & Retainage 8,413.00 8,164.86 97.1% 8,144.00 8,144.01 100% 120 Transportation Facility Charge 218,739.86 742,358.30 339.4% 0.00 0.00 0% 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 495,658.15 492,414.03 99.3% 469,076.00 469,125.00 100% 202 Killion Road LID 71,573.00 364,153.61 508.8% 294,578.00 1,065.81 0% 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 284,781.19 279,205.11 98.0% 173,026.00 86,513.00 50% 204 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve 447,204.55 434,382.82 97.1% 0.00 0.00 0% 302 Municipal Building Fund 1,846,453.00 1,055,067.75 57.1% 1,164,158.00 766,494.41 66% 316 Road & Street Construction 2,078,076.77 1,681,808.69 80.9% 278,973.00 277,013.78 99% 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 911,136.74 1,092,229.94 119.9% 397,312.00 306,380.81 77% 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 7,774,104.66 8,596,143.02 110.6% 5,277,110.83 4,783,754.56 91% 402 Utility Consumer Deposits 100,969.61 95,598.86 94.7% 0.00 0.00 0% 404 Water Capital Improvements 5,019,666.00 4,799,431.26 95.6% 900,445.00 626,377.21 70% 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemptior 749,427.46 1,114,207.60 148.7% 597,168.02 597,203.42 100% 406 Water Revenue Debt Reserve 562,610.14 532,286.60 94.6% 0.00 0.00 0% 412 Sewer Utility Fund 6,551,069.20 6,535,287.24 99.8% 5,463,007.59 5,154,073.97 94% 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 18,899,737.00 15,120,774.46 80.0% 17,709,161.00 15,036,713.53 85% 415 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve 225,466.00 221,362.74 98.2% 0.02 0.00 0% 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 984,951.00 895,145.96 90.9% 514,548.00 446,338.80 87% 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 1,842,892.80 1,729,136.87 93.8% 337,820.00 354,779.02 105% 630 Yelm Fiduciary Fund 76,780.00 46,387.39 60.4% 58,940.00 49,261.51 84% 64,252,121.52 61,088,324.34 95.1% 44,526,267.79 38,284,710.54 86.0% AGENDA ITEM: EST, 1924 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: 1/23/2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington Purchase of a Mini -Excavator and Rough Terrain Vehicle (RTV) ACTION REQUESTED Authorize Public Services Department to purchase a Mini -Excavator and RTV from J&I Power Equipment in Yelm, Washington. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The Public Services Department received a Stormwater grant in the amount of $130,000 for equipment to assist with stormwater maintenance and operations, this grant can only be used for Stormwater. This grant is reimbursable and requires no city match. These two items were deemed as essential needs for the Public Services Department. Multiple quotes were obtained, and J&I was deemed the best fit for the needs of the city. A budget amendment will follow during our first quarter budget amendment process. ATTACHMENTS: • Invoice (Quote) RTV • Invoice (Quote) Mini -Excavator Respectfully Submitted: Cody Colt Public Services Director 1IPage Part Number Yelm 77700-VC5043 Invoice 751855 o a 16510 106th Ave SE Yelm, WA 98597 KUBP Labor Thank you for shopping at J & I. Family owned and operated since 1974. We appreciate your business and love our customers. Items must be returned within 7 days in original package and may be subject to 15% restocking fee. AL 360.400.6000 Model Generators are non-refundable. Special orders, electrical and non-stocking RTV-X 1140 WL -H $1,120.00 VIN A5KD2GDBKPG066450 items are not returnable. Due to many unforeseen circumstances in Mechanic Description equipment manufacturing, we regret that we can only provide you with Time Amount estimated not promised delivery dates. Your understanding is greatly $120.00 0:45 appreciated. Line Bill To Sticker Pay Off Ship To City Of Yelm KUBU Kubota Utility Vehicle 4 Passenger $23,500.00 106 2nd St SE $22,890.00 $22,890.00 Yelm, WA 98597 Customer Contact lCustomer Tax Numberl Phone Cell Phone Transaction PO Number 21208 1 (360) 458-3244 (360) 480-6514 Charge 595 30 64 0-400 Counter Person Sales Person Invoice Date Reference Email Address Department Jessica Jenkins Jessica Jenkins 01/08/24 1 1037967 yelmap@yelmwa.gov Sales Counter Retail Part Number Line 77700-VC5043 KUBP 77700-VC5025 KUBP Labor Line AL $815.00 Model WINDSHIELD TEMPERED G 1 RTV-X 1140 WL -H $1,120.00 VIN A5KD2GDBKPG066450 Description Ordered B/O'd Shipped List Net Each Amount PLASTIC CANOPY BLACK 1 1 $815.00 $815.00 $815.00 WINDSHIELD TEMPERED G 1 1 $1,120.00 $1,120.00 $1,120.00 Mechanic Description Rate Time Amount Assembly Labor $120.00 0:45 $90.00 Line Description Sticker Pay Off Net Amount KUBU Kubota Utility Vehicle 4 Passenger $23,500.00 $0.00 $22,890.00 $22,890.00 Year 2023 Installed Factory and Dealer Packages Code Description 77700-VC5044 Metal Canopy Description Line Reference Kubota State Contract Discount STATE CONTRACT PDI Qty Source 1 Factory Quantity Net Each Amount -1 $2,382.00 ($2,382.00) 1 $180.00 $180.00 Invoice Total $22,713.00 Tax Type Tax Rate Tax Amount 3407-Yelm 9.3000% $2,112.31 Sales Tax Total $2,112.31 Grand Total $24,825.31 Thank you for shopping local. We appreciate your business! Notes: ' I Customer acknowledges receipt thereof: i J & I Power Equip Inc (Yelm) Invoice # 751855 - City Of Yelm Page 1 of 1 Section 1 Cab with heat and A/C, hyd thumb, 24" bucket and 4 way angle blade Part Number Line Yelm List Invoice 751880 o a 16510 106th Ave SE Yelm, WA 98597 K7872A KTCP KX71-040 Q/C 12" Bucket 1 1 Thank you for shopping at J & I. Family owned and operated since 1974. We appreciate your business and love our customers. Items must be returned within 7 days in original package and may be subject to 15% restocking fee. $1,416.00 360.400.6000 Model Generators are non-refundable. Special orders, electrical and non -stocking Pay Off Net Amount items are not returnable. Due to many unforeseen circumstances in KUBU Kubota Excavator Cab A/B $73,100.00 $0.00 $73,100.00 equipment manufacturing, we regret that we can only provide you with VIN KBCDZ15CCP3F49866 Year 2024 estimated not promised delivery dates. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Bill To Ship To City Of Yelm 106 2nd St SE Yelm, WA 98597 Customer Contact lCustomer Tax Numberl Phone Cell Phone Transaction PO Number 21208 1 (360) 458-3244 1 (360) 480-6514 Charge 595 30 64 0-400 Counter Person Sales Person Invoice Date Reference Email Address Department Jessica Jenkins Jessica Jenkins 01/08/24 1 1073338 yelmap@yelmwa.gov Sales Counter Retail Section 1 Cab with heat and A/C, hyd thumb, 24" bucket and 4 way angle blade Part Number Line Description Ordered B/O'd Shipped List Net Each Amount K7872A KTCP KX71-040 Q/C 12" Bucket 1 1 $1,416.00 $1,416.00 $1,416.00 Model Line Description Sticker Pay Off Net Amount KX040-4R3A KUBU Kubota Excavator Cab A/B $73,100.00 $0.00 $73,100.00 $73,100.00 VIN KBCDZ15CCP3F49866 Year 2024 Code K791 OA k7875A K7870A Description Line Kubota GOVT Discount Installed Factory and Dealer Packages Description K7910A HYDRAULIC THUMB KIT K7875A 24" QA TRENCHING BUCKET K7870A Quick Coupler Reference Qty Source 1 Factory 1 Factory 1 Factory Quantity Net Each Amount -1 $8,772.00 ($8,772.00) Invoice Total $65,744.00 Tax Type Tax Rate Tax Amount 3407-Yelm 9.3000% $6,114.19 Sales Tax Total $6,114.19 Grand Total $71,858.19 Thank you for shopping local. We appreciate your business! Notes: 11111WIRi Customer acknowledges receipt thereof: J & I Power Equip Inc (Yelm) Invoice # 751880 - City Of Yelm Page 1 of 1 M I Y w Z O O SEE Nnd m $ 3 Y 6 6 Q} a = a W ^ µ'k p r o m I U Z I wwr z O � W N w I C��O a 3 0 = o JPjys Y r' 2 I r = 300 J O V U P�6 p l a I O I 0.=u cn i I I U zz NNW z < r W I O a� 0� �a3cir m ¢ I I I o I I � NOzr aw � s i c .. O o 0 o w I 0 ¢O f' oU��r�mN 2 v� c r¢ ra a a Fa a} V) C FW Q �Qo��Zi3 N 0 0 0 o zW. o [- a NS Jo V �zUrma2a or Z 3 >� 0 Naop r ww z z Qzw�wo3 W w xr I W - rx fn0 QjO._<ozN r 0, < N m HU t� W NH 03 �Z d00� ¢OW 2 K 6 h WO = 0¢ wW¢ O Q0 W - W W N ¢J ,N�{{ to "' UN3 Wr U U rmONd W �y� 0 ? 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A& i -oz -co jo . IWNFN_ 10 m aF waw'$mvlac�a 00 _ C19tyFST. 1924 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: January 23, 2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: REGION 3 OMNIBUS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT (6 MONTH ADDENDUM) PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to authorize Mayor DePinto to sign the Region 3 Omnibus Mutual Aid Agreement (6 month Addendum). KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The Region 3 Mutual Aid Agreement is made and entered into by counties, cities, tribes, political subdivisions and state institutions of higher education located in Washington State Homeland Security Region 3 counties. The counties are comprised of Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific and Thurston. The original 5 year agreement, dated January 10, 2019, was established due to expressed interest from the members to facilitate supplies and services to other members in the event of an emergency. Due to the original agreement expiring January 2024, the addendum (6 month extension) is to bridge the gap between the original agreement and the newly revised agreement, which is being actively worked on and expected to be completed on or before June 30, 2024. ATTACHMENTS: e Region 3 Omnibus Mutual Aid Agreement (6 month addendum) Respectfully Submitted: Rob Carlson Chief of Police 11 Page Region 3 Omnibus Mutual Aid Agreement Omnibus Agreement This Addendum ("Addendum") is made and entered into on January 1, 2024, by and between the undersigned parties to the Region 3 Mutual Aid Agreement Omnibus Agreement ("Omnibus Agreement") dated January 10, 2019, specifically addressing the extension of the contract term. WHEREAS, the parties/signatories below entered into the Region 3 Mutual Aid Agreement Omnibus Agreement on January 10, 2019, and; WHEREAS, Article 29- TERM AND TERMINATION of the Omnibus Agreement allows for extension of the Omnibus Agreement in five (5) year increments by consent of the parties, unless otherwise agreed upon, and; WHEREAS, the original Omnibus Agreement is attached to this Addendum and is incorporated by this reference; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the parties/signatories to the original Omnibus Agreement, below and attached hereto, Consent and Agree to extend the Omnibus Agreement for a specified six (6) months from the original authorized termination date of December 31, 2023, to now terminate on June 30, 2024. This extension represents a limited duration and does not constitute a five (5) year term extension, but rather a specified additional six (6) months beyond the original expiration date. Jurisdiction: Dated: Attest: By: (Title) Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Addendum — December 2023 Signature Title Region 3 Mutual Aid Agreement Omnibus Agreement This OMNIBUS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by the undersigned counties, cities, tribes, political subdivisions, and state institutions of higher education located in or contiguous with the Washington State Homeland Security Region 3 counties of Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston — hereafter referred to as "Members" - to enable them to provide assistance to each other as requested. WHEREAS, the Members have expressed a mutual interest in the establishment of an Omnibus Agreement to facilitate and encourage assistance among Members to this agreement; and WHEREAS, in the event of an emergency, a Member to this Omnibus Agreement may need assistance in the form of supplemental personnel, equipment, materials or other support; and WHEREAS, each Member may own and maintain equipment, stock materials and employ trained personnel for a variety of public services and shall, under certain conditions, lend its supplies, equipment and services to other Members in the event of an emergency; and WHEREAS, the proximity of the Members to each other enables them to provide expedited assistance to each other. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, each undersigned Member agrees as follows: Article 1 - APPLICABILITY This Omnibus Agreement is available for execution to all counties, cities, tribes, other political subdivisions, and state institutions of higher education located within, or contiguous with, the counties mentioned above. Execution of this Omnibus Agreement shall occur when the Member signs an identical version of this Omnibus Agreement. Article 2 - DEFINITIONS A. Asset means anything that has value to the organization. Assets are defined, but not limited to, any function or department, including, but not limited to Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Public Works, Health Services, Social Services, Building Officials, Engineers, Information Services, Adult Detention, and Craft or Tradesmen. B. Assistance means employees, services, equipment, materials, or supplies offered during incidents, emergencies or disasters by the Lender and accepted by the Borrower to assist in maintaining or restoring normal services when such service has been disrupted by acts of the elements, equipment malfunctions, accidents, tefforisiii/sabotage and other occurrences where assistance from other Members is necessary or advisable, as Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Page 1 mutually determined by the lending Member and requesting Member. Assistance may also be offered to support training, drills and exercises. C. Assistance Costs means any expenses that extend beyond the first eight (8) hours (usual and customary costs) incurred by the Lender in providing any asset requested. After eight (8) hours, the borrower incurs all costs associated with the borrowed asset(s). For this Agreement, the computation of time begins when the lending agency agrees to provide resources by mobilizing the same. Further agreements regarding costs are addressed herein in Article 11, "Payment for Services and Assistance". D. Borrower means a member county, city, tribe, other political subdivision, or state institution of higher education that has adopted, signed and subscribes to this Omnibus Agreement and has made a request for Emergency Assistance and has received commitment(s) to deliver Emergency Assistance pursuant to the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. E. Contact Person(s) means the person or persons designated by each Member to request Emergency Assistance from or grant Emergency Assistance to another Member pursuant to the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. F. C ou-13.lerparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and by facsimile signature with the same force and effect as if all original signatures were set forth in a single document. The Regional Lead Coordinating Agency shall maintain an original and/or a copy of each signature sheet for each participant. G. De. j hated representative shall be identified and designated by each Member to serve as the representative of their respective Member in any meeting to work out the language or implementation issues of this Omnibus Agreement. H. I Auerg Icy includes, but is not limited to, any human -caused or natural event or circumstance within the area of operation of any participating Member causing or threatening loss of life, damage to the environment, injury to person or property, human suffering or financial loss, such as: fire, explosion, flood, severe weather, drought, earthquake, volcanic activity, spills or releases of hazardous materials, contamination, utility or transportation emergencies, disease, infestation, civil disturbance, riots, act of terrorism or sabotage; said event being or is likely to be beyond the capacity of any affected Member or Members, in terms of personnel, equipment and facilities, thereby requiring assistance. Emergency Contact Information Form is the form to be submitted to the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency and Designated Representative by each Member listing names, addresses, and 24 hour phone numbers of the Contact Person(s) of each Member. Alternatively, the phone number of a dispatch office staffed 24 hours a day that is capable of contacting the Contact Person(s) is acceptable. Event refers to an incident, emergency, disaster, training, drill or exercise which causes a Borrower to request assistance from a Lender under this Omnibus Agreement. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement —January 2019 Page 2 K. Execution means an action, whereupon the occurrence of which comes after a Member has followed an approved legal process. L. Institution of higher education means a state university, regional university, The Evergreen State College, community college, or technical college authorized under Title 28B RCW of the State of Washington, Higher Education. M. Lender means a Member who has subscribed to this Omnibus Agreement and has agreed to deliver assistance to another Member pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Omnibus Agreement. N. Omnibus Agreement means identical agreements executed in counterparts, which bind the executing Member to its terms and conditions to provide and receive assistance. The terms and conditions of the Omnibus Agreements are all identical and the execution of an Omnibus Agreement by a Member binds that Member to all other Members who have executed an identical Omnibus Agreement in counterparts. To be effective for purposes of receiving assistance, this Omnibus Agreement must be fully executed and received by the Subscribing Member's Designated Representative. O. Member as a term used in this Agreement refers to any function, agency, department, county or city government and their departments and agencies, tribes, other political subdivisions, and state institutions of higher education, including, but not limited to, Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Public Works, Health Services, Social Services, Building Officials, Engineers, Information Services, Adult Detention, and Craft or Tradesmen. P. Political Subdivision includes, but is not limited to, any county, city or town, tribe, fire district, port, public utility district, or school district. 0. f:Lpc�sitory ;\,gencv is the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency, or Thurston County, in the absence of a regional organization. This agency shall maintain records, lists, etc. relative to this Omnibus Agreement. R. Termination Date is the date upon which this Agreement terminates pursuant to Article 29, herein. Article 3 - PARTICIPATION Participation in this Omnibus Agreement is purely voluntary. Execution of this Agreement is therefore not legally binding on a Member until the Member agrees to become a lender or borrower in accordance with its terms. Once this Omnibus Agreement is executed, Members are obliged to disclose the qualification(s) and training level of personnel identified to provide assistance. No Member shall be liable to another Member for, or be considered to be in breach of or default under this Omnibus Agreement on account of any delay in or failure to perform any obligation under this Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Page 3 Omnibus Agreement, except to make payment if applicable, as specified in Article I I of this Omnibus Agreement. However, Members who execute the Omnibus Agreement are encouraged to: A. Ensure that other Members have their organization's most current Emergency Contact Information, and possess a good understanding about how to request assistance under this Agreement. B. Participate in scheduled meetings, coordinate training, as well as plan for operations and implementation issues to the extent possible. C. Operate under the principles of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). Article 4 - ROLE OF DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE OF MEMBERS Members agree to identify a Designated Representative who shall serve on behalf of their respective Member to clarify language or implementation issues of this Omnibus Agreement. The Designated Representative of each Member shall: A. Participate in any meetings convened on the implementation of this Omnibus Agreement. B. Obtain and communicate to relevant Member departments the discussion items and decisions of the meeting, as they bear on interoperability among Members. C. Maintain a copy of this Omnibus Agreement (including amendments) and a list of the Members. The Designated Representative of the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency shall maintain a master copy of the agreement and accompanying original Member signature pages. D. The Designated Representative of the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency shall ensure that each Member has a copy of the signature page of newly executed Omnibus Agreement(s). E. The Designated Representative of the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency shall provide each Member with copies of the Emergency Contact Information Forms provided by the other Members. The Designated Representative of each Member shall ensure that the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency has current Emergency Contact Information for their respective Member. F. The Designated Representative of each Member shall notify the Lead Coordinating Agency in writing upon their Member's termination of participation in this Omnibus Agreement. In turn, the Designated Representative of the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency shall notify all Members whenever a Member terminates its participation in this Omnibus Agreement. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement —January 2019 Page 4 G. Maintain and distribute checklists to assist Members in the planning details associated with being a Borrower or Lender under the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. Article 5 - REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE A Member may request assistance of other participating Members in preventing, mitigating, responding to and recovering from incidents, emergencies, disasters, or in concert with drills or exercises. Requests for assistance shall be directed to the designated contact person(s) on the contact list provided by the Members. Verbal requests shall be followed up with a written request as soon as practical or within thirty (30) days. The extent to which the Lender provides any assistance shall be at the Lender's sole discretion. In the event the emergency impacts a large geographical area that activates either Federal or State emergency laws, this Agreement shall remain in effect until or unless this Agreement conflicts with such Federal and State laws. Article 6 - GENERAL NATURE OF ASSISTANCE Assistance shall be in the form of resources, such as equipment, supplies, and personnel or the direct provision of services. The execution of the Omnibus Agreement shall not create any duty to respond on the part of any Member. A Member shall not be held liable to any other Member for failing to provide assistance. A Member has the absolute discretion to decline to provide any requested assistance and to withdraw resources it has provided at any time without incurring any liability. Resources are "borrowed", with reimbursement (if applicable) and terms of exchange varying with the type of resource as defined in Articles 7 and 8. The Members hereto recognize that time is critical during an emergency and diligent efforts shall be made to respond to a request for resources as rapidly as possible, including any notification(s) that requested resources are not available. A subscribing Member maintains the option of submitting a request for assistance directly to the State or Federal government or through any other mutual aid agreement or compact the Member agency is party to. Article 7 - LOANS OF EQUIPMENT At the sole discretion of the Lender, equipment may be made available upon request of a Member. Equipment and tool loans are subject to the following conditions: A. Assets and equipment of a Lender shall continue under the command and control of the Lender, but shall be under the operational control of the appropriate officials within the incident management system of the Borrower. B. At the option of the Lender, loaned equipment may be loaned with an operator. See Article 8 for terms and conditions applicable to use of borrowed personnel. C. Loaned equipment shall be returned to the Lender upon release by the Borrower, or immediately upon the Borrower's receipt of an oral or written notice from the Lender for the return of the equipment. When notified to return equipment to a Lender, the Borrower shall make every effort to return the equipment to the Lender's possession within 14 hours following notification. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Page 5 D. Borrower shall, at its own expense, provide consumable supplies needed to operate equipment unless mutually agreed upon otherwise. The Borrower shall take proper precaution in its operation, storage and maintenance of Lender's equipment. Members are responsible to ensure that Equipment shall be used only by properly trained and supervised operators. Lender shall endeavor to provide equipment in good working order. All equipment is provided "as is", with no representations or warranties as to its fitness for particular purpose. E. Lender's cost related to the transportation, handling, and loading/unloading of equipment shall be borne by the Borrower unless mutually agreed upon otherwise. Lender shall provide copies of invoices for such charges where provided by outside sources and shall provide hourly accounting of charges for Lender's employees who perform such services. F. Without prejudice to a Lender's right to indemnification under Article 12, in the event loaned equipment is lost or damaged while being dispatched to Borrower, or while in the custody and use of the Borrower, or while being returned to the Lender, Borrower shall reimburse the Lender for the reasonable cost of repairing said damaged equipment. If the equipment cannot be repaired within a time period indicated by the Lender, then Borrower shall reimburse Lender for the cost of replacing such equipment with equipment that is of equal condition and capability. Any determinations of what constitutes "equal condition and capability" shall be at the discretion of the Lender. If Lender must lease or rent a piece of equipment while the Lender's equipment is being repaired or replaced, Borrower shall reimburse Lender for such costs. Borrower shall have the right of subrogation for all claims against persons other than Members to this Omnibus Agreement who may be responsible in whole or in part for damage to the equipment. No Member shall be liable for damage caused by the sole negligence of another Member's operator(s). Article S - LOANS OF PERSONNEL Any Lender personnel providing assistance to Borrower shall remain under the command and control of the Lender, to include medical protocols, standard operating procedures and other protocols. The organizational units shall be under the operational control of the appropriate authorities within the incident management system of the Borrower. Lender shall not be liable for cessation or slowdown of work if Lender's employees decline or are reluctant to perform any assigned tasks if said employees judge such task to be unsafe. A request for loaned personnel to direct the activities of others during a particular response operation does not relieve the Borrower of any responsibility or create any liability on the part of the Lender for decisions and/or consequences of the Borrower's response operation. When supervisory personnel are loaned, the lender may make stipulations on the scope and duties of supervisory personnel loaned. Any valid licenses, certifications, or other permits issued to Lender personnel by Lender or Lender's state, evidencing qualification in a professional, mechanical or other skill, may be recognized by the Borrower during the term of the event and for purposes related to the event. When notified to return personnel to a Lender, the Borrower shall make every effort to return the personnel to the Lender immediately after notification. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement —January 2019 Page 6 The Lender must ensure that loaned personnel have the ability, skill, and certification necessary to perform the work required and may be obliged to disclose the qualification(s) and training level of personnel identified to provide assistance. The Members' Designated Representative shall develop planning details associated with being a Borrower or Lender under the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. Article 9 - RECORD KEEPING Time sheets and/or daily logs showing hours worked and equipment and materials used or provided by the Lender shall be recorded on a shift -by -shift basis by the Lender and/or the loaned employee(s) and shall be provided to the Borrower as needed. If no personnel are loaned, the Lender shall provide shipping records for materials and equipment, and the Borrower is responsible for any required documentation of use of material and equipment for state or federal reimbursement. Under all circumstances, the Borrower remains responsible for ensuring that the amount and quality of all documentation is adequate to enable disaster reimbursement. Article 10 - INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Lender shall be and operate as an independent contractor of Borrower in the performance of any assistance. Employees of Lender shall, at all times while providing assistance, continue to be employees of Lender and shall not be deemed employees of Borrower for any purpose. Wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment of Lender shall remain applicable to all of its employees who provide assistance. Lender shall be solely responsible for payment of its employees' wages, any required payroll taxes and any benefits or other compensation. Borrower shall not be responsible for paying any wages, benefits, taxes, or other compensation directly to the Lender's employees. The costs associated with borrowed personnel are subject to the reimbursement process outlined in Article 11. In no event, shall Lender or its officers, employees, agents, or representatives be authorized (or represent that they are authorized) to make any representation, enter into any agreement, waive any right or incur any obligation in the name of, on behalf of or as agent for Borrower under or by virtue of this Omnibus Agreement. Article 11 - PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND ASSISTANCE When a request for assistance is made, the Lender and Borrower will determine if reimbursement for services will be requested. Optimally, payment terms and conditions will be negotiated and agreed on at the time of the initial request, but if more time is necessary, any payment terms must be agreed upon within thirty (30) days of the request. In many cases, the Lender and Borrower will agree no reimbursement is necessary. When reimbursement has been negotiated, the Borrower shall pay the Lender for all valid and invoiced Assistance Costs within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Lender's invoice. If this presents a hardship, the Borrower can make a request to the Lender to revise the payment timeframe. In the event Lender provides equipment, supplies or parts, the Lender shall have the option to accept payment of cash or in kind for the equipment, supplies or parts supplied. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Page 7 Verbal requests shall be followed up with a written request as soon as practical or within thirty (30) days. Article 12 - INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY A. INDEMNIFICATION. Except as provided in section B, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Borrower releases and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend each Lender, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all costs, including costs of defense, claims, judgments or awards of damages asserted or arising directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with providing assistance to the Borrower, whether arising before, during or after performance of the assistance and whether suffered by any of the Members or any other person or entity. The Borrower agrees that its obligation under this section extends to any claim, demand and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any of its employees or agents. For this purpose, the Borrower, by mutual negotiation, hereby waives, as respects any indemnity only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industrial Insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW of the State of Washington. B. ACTIVITIES IN BAD FAITH OR BEYOND SCOPE. Any Member shall not be required under this Omnibus Agreement to indemnify, hold harmless and defend any other Member from any claim, loss, harm, liability, damage, cost or expense caused by or resulting from the activities of any Member's officers, employees, or agents acting in bad faith or performing activities beyond the scope of their training or duties. C. LIABILITY FOR PARTICIPATION. In the event of any liability, claim, demand, action or proceeding, of whatever kind or nature arising out of rendering of assistance through this Omnibus Agreement, the Borrower agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend, to the fullest extent of the law, each signatory to this Omnibus Agreement whose only involvement in the transaction or occurrence which is the subject of such claim, action, demand, or other proceeding, is the execution and approval of this Omnibus Agreement. D. DELAY/FAILURE TO RESPOND. No Member shall be liable to another Member for, or be considered to be in breach of or default under this Omnibus Agreement on account of any delay in or failure to perform any obligation under this Omnibus Agreement, except to make payment as specified in this Omnibus Agreement. E. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURES. Each Member seeking to be released, indemnified, held harmless or defended under this Article with respect to any claim shall promptly notify the Borrower of such claim and shall not settle such claim without the prior consent of Borrower, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such Member shall have the right to participate in the defense of said claim to the extent of its own interest. Member's personnel shall cooperate and participate in legal proceedings if so requested by the Borrower, and/or required by a court of competent jurisdiction. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Page 8 Article 13 - SUBROGATION A. BORROWER'S WAIVER. Borrower expressly waives any rights of subrogation against the Lender, which it may have on account of, or in connection with, the Lender providing assistance to the Borrower under this Omnibus Agreement. B. LENDER'S RESERVATION AND WAIVER. Lender expressly reserves its right to subrogation against the Borrower to the extent the Lender incurs any self-insured, self- insured retention or deductible loss. The Lender expressly waives its rights to subrogation for all insured losses only to the extent the Lender's insurance policies permit such waiver. Article 14 - WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYEE CLAIMS Lender's employees, officers or agents, made available to Borrower, shall remain the general employee of Lender while engaged in carrying out duties, functions or activities pursuant to this Omnibus Agreement, and each Member shall remain fully responsible as employer for all taxes, assessments, fees, premiums, wages, withholdings, workers' compensation and other direct and indirect compensation, benefits, and related obligations with respect to its own employees. Likewise, each Member shall provide worker's compensation in compliance with statutory requirements of the State of Washington. Article 15 - GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY This Agreement is subject to laws, rules, regulations, orders, and other requirements, now or as amended, of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the events covered by this Omnibus Agreement. A Member and its employees providing assistance under this Agreement shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities from liability as are authorized by the Washington Emergency Management Act, Chapter 38.52 RCW and Federal law. Article to - NO DEDICATION OF FACILITIES No undertaking by one Member to the other Member under any provision of this Omnibus Agreement shall constitute a dedication of the facilities or assets of such Member, or any portion thereof, to the public or to the other Member. Nothing in this Omnibus Agreement shall be construed to give a Member any right of ownership, possession, use or control of the facilities or assets of the other Member. Article 17 - NO PARTNERSHIP This Omnibus Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture or partnership among the Members or to impose any partnership obligation or liability upon any Member. Further, no Member shall have any undertaking for or on behalf of, or to act as or be an agent or representative of, or to otherwise bind any other Member. Homeland Security Region 3 Mulual Aid Omnibus Agreement —January 2019 Page 9 Article 18 - NO THIRD MEMBER BENEFICIARY Nothing in this Omnibus Agreement shall be construed to create any rights in or duties to any third party, nor any liability to or standard of care with reference to any third party. This Agreement shall not confer any right, or remedy upon any person other than the Members. This Omnibus Agreement shall not release or discharge any obligation or liability of any third party to any Member. Article 19 - ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement, though prior agreements of the Members may take precedent over certain concepts outlined in this Agreement. Article 20 - SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Omnibus Agreement is not transferable or assignable, in whole or in part, and any Member may terminate its participation in this Omnibus Agreement subject to Article 29. Article 21 - GOVERNING LAW This Omnibus Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Article 22 - VENUE Any action which may arise out of this Omnibus Agreement shall be brought in the courts of the State of Washington. Article 23 - TORT CLAIMS It is not the intention of this Omnibus Agreement to remove from any of the Members any protection provided by any applicable Tort Claims Act. However, between Borrower and Lender, the Borrower retains full liability to the Lender for any claims brought against the Lender as described in other provisions of this Omnibus Agreement. Article 24 - WAIVER OF RIGHTS Any waiver at any time by any Member of its rights with respect to a default under this Omnibus Agreement, or with respect to any other matter arising in connection with this Omnibus Agreement, shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter arising in connection with this Omnibus Agreement. Any delay in asserting or enforcing any right, except those related to the statutes of limitations, shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver. Article 25 - SEVERABILITY Should a court of competent jurisdiction rule any portion, section or subsection of this Omnibus Agreement invalid or nullified, that fact shall not affect or invalidate any other portion, section or subsection; and all remaining portions, sections or subsections shall remain in full force and effect. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Page 10 Article 26 - NON EXCLUSIVENESS AND ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS This Omnibus Agreement is not intended to be exclusive among the Members. Any Member may enter into separate assistance agreements with any other entity. No such separate agreement shall terminate any responsibility under the Omnibus Agreement. To the extent that prior agreements between Members are inconsistent with this Agreement, prior agreements for assistance between the counties, cities, tribes, other political subdivisions, or state institutions of higher education hereto shall supersede this Omnibus Agreement, until and unless any inconsistencies of the prior agreements are reconciled by the Members. Article 27 - MODIFICATIONS No provision of this Omnibus Agreement may be modified, altered, or rescinded by any individual Member without 2/3 affirmative concurrence of the Members to this Agreement. Modifications to this Omnibus Agreement must be in writing, must be approved by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the Members, and must be signed by the Designated Representative of each Member. Article 28 - NOTICES Any notice, demand, information, report, or item otherwise required, authorized, or provided for in this Omnibus Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be deemed properly given if (i) delivered personally, (ii) transmitted and received by telephone facsimile device and confirmed by telephone, or (iii) sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid, to the Designated Representative or equivalent for all Members at the address designated in the organization's Emergency Contact Information Form. Article 29 - TERM AND TERMINATION A. This Omnibus Agreement is effective upon execution by two or more Members commencing January 10`y, 2[+019, and shall remain in effect until December 31, 2023. Thereafter, unless otherwise agreed upon, the agreement may be extended in five (5) year increments upon concurrence of the signatory Members. B. A Member opting to terminate this Omnibus Agreement shall provide written termination notification to the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency for all Members. Notice of termination becomes effective upon receipt by the Regional Lead Coordinating Agency. Any terminating Member shall remain liable for all obligations incurred during its period of participation, until the obligation is satisfied. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement — January 2019 Page 11 SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Member hereto has caused this Omnibus Agreement for Emergency Assistance to be executed by duly authorized representatives as of the date of their signatures. ADOPTED: (Date) ATTEST: By: (Title) APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: (Title) AGENCY NAME: Signature Title Signature Title Signature Title Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement —January 2019 Page 12 T 1 ES .Z WASHINGTON Meeting Date: 1/23/2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: Microsoft 365 Implementation PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to move forward with the purchase of Microsoft 365 in the amount of $40,000 as approved in the 2024 budget. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: • Yelm City Council discussed the why's during the January 2nd study session. • Purchasing and roll out will be conducted in stages with stage one consisting of 25 Licenses totaling $14,310.40. • M365 Offers, increased security, functionality, and collaboration. ATTACHMENTS: • SHI Quote-24247867.pdf Respectfully Submitted: Jason Hardy I.T. Director 1IPage SF11 WA -City of Yelm Jason Hardy 106 2nd street SE Accounts Payable Yelm, WA 98597 United States Phone: Fax: Email: jasonh@Yelmwa.gov All Prices are in US Dollar (USD) Product 1 M365 G3 FUSL GCC Sub Per User Microsoft - Part#: AAD -34704 Contract Name: NASPO Cloud Solutions Contract #: AR2488 Subcontract #: 05116 Coverage Term: 1/1/2024 — 12/31/2024 2 M365 G5 GCC Sub Per User Microsoft - Part#: AAL -45735 Contract Name: NASPO Cloud Solutions Contract #: AR2488 Subcontract #: 05116 Coverage Term: 1/1/2024 — 12/31/2024 3 Defender 0365 P2 GCC Sub Per User Microsoft - Part#: GLN-00001 Contract Name: NASPO Cloud Solutions Contract #: AR2488 Subcontract #: 05116 Coverage Term: 1/1/2024 — 12/31/2024 4 Defender Endpoint GCC Sub Per User Microsoft - Part#: 7KB-00001 Contract Name: NASPO Cloud Solutions Contract #: AR2488 Subcontract #: 05116 Coverage Term: 1/1/2024 — 12/31/2024 Additional Comments Pricing Proposal Quotation #: 24247867 Reference #: Net New EA Created On: 12/5/2023 Valid Until: 12/31/2023 Inside Account Manager Tyler Henderson 290 Davidson Ave SomersetNJ, 08873 Phone: 732-529-2148 Fax: Email: tyler—henderson@shi.com Qty Your Price Total 24 $412.17 $9,892.08 1 $652.61 $652.61 24 $48.66 $1,167.84 24 $57.51 $1,380.24 Subtotal $13,092.77 *Tax $1,217.63 Total $14,310.40 *Tax is estimated. Invoice will include the full and final tax due. Please note, if Emergency Connectivity Funds (ECF) will be used to pay for all or part of this quote, please let us know as we will need to ensure compliance with the funding program. Hardware items on this quote may be updated to reflect changes due to industry wide constraints and fluctuations. Thank you for choosing SHI International Corp! The pricing offered on this quote proposal is valid through the expiration date set above. To ensure the best level of service, please provide End User Name, Phone Number, Email Address and applicable Contract Number when submitting a Purchase Order. SHI International Corp. is 100% Minority Owned, Woman Owned Business. TAX I D# 22-3009648; DUNS#61-1429481; CCR#61-243957G; CAGE 1HTF0 The products offered under this proposal are resold in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract referenced under that applicable line item. a Uity of Yelm EST. 1921 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: 01-23-2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: AMMENDMENT NO.1 OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RH2 FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OF THE SOUTHEAST 1.55 MILLION GALLON RESERVOIR ACTION REQUESTED Authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign Amendment No. 1 of the Professional Services Agreement with RH2 for design of the Southeast 1.55 MG Reservoir in the not to exceed amount of $237,464.00 for construction management. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Background The SE Reservoir project is a project recommended in the City of Yelm's Water System Plan to meet the City's storage requirements. The proposed reservoir will provide additional fire flow storage, and increased water demand to accommodate Yelm's anticipated growth of our City. Current Situation RH2 has completed 100% plans and specifications. We are now ready to move to the construction phase. A detailed scope of work for construction management is attached as exhibit A. Staff recommends approval to authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign Amendment No. 1 of the Professional Services Agreement with RH2 in the not to exceed amount of $237,464.00 including Washington State sales tax, for the construction management of the 1.55 MG SE Reservoir. ATTACHMENTS: • Amendment No.1 PSA • Scope of Work Respectfully Submitted: Brad Chatwood Projects & Programs Manager 1IPage EST, 1924 WASHINGTON Public Services Department Physical Address: 901 Rhoton Road SE Mailing Address: 106 Second Street SE Yelm, WA 98597 (360)458-8406 Fax: (360) 458-8417 Web: www.ci.velm.wa.us AMENDMENT NO 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Southeast 1.55 Million Gallon Reservoir — Construction Management In accordance with our Professional Services Agreement for the Southeast 1.55 MG Reservoir, dated 3/22/2022, this is an authorization to revise the project Scope of Work as described below. The work will be performed and invoiced using the terms and conditions listed in the original agreement, plus previous amendments and/or agreements. The Term of the Agreement is hereby modified as follows: This amendment includes all aspects of construction management The following items are hereby added to the Scope of Work and are detailed in attached Exhibit A: Amendment No. 1 City of Yelm Southeast 1.5 MG Reservoir Services During Construction The Compensation Amount of the Agreement is hereby modified as follows: $237,464.00 EST, 1924 WASHINGTON IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF YELM: Joe DePinto, Mayor DATE: 01-23-2024 ATTEST: Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk Date: 01-23-2024 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brent Dille, City Attorney Date 01-23-2024 Lam IM Printed Name: Geoffrey G. Dillard, PE Title: Director EXHIBIT A Scope of Work Amendment No. 1 City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Services During Construction January 2024 Background The City of Yelm (City) retained RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) to perform design of the proposed Southeast 1.5 Million Gallon (MG) Reservoir project. The final design documents prepared by RH2 were submitted to the City and the Washington State Department of Health and have been approved for construction. Competitive bids for construction were opened on December 20, 2024, and a contractor has been selected. This Scope of Work provides tasks for RH2 to assist the City with services during construction. Task 1— Project Management Objective: Manage RH2's projectteam and maintain regular client communications, including phone calls, emails, and progress meetings. Prepare monthly invoices and budget status summaries. Approach: 1,1 Provide direction, coordination, and oversight to the RH2 project team. 1.2 Prepare monthly invoices and budget status summaries. RH2 Deliverables: • Electronic invoices submitted each month in electronic format (PDF). Task 2 — Construction Contract Management Assistance Objective: Assist the City with construction contract administration by attending biweekly construction meetings, keeping meeting minutes, and preparing requests for payment, statement of working days, change order proposals, and closeout punch lists. Receive, disseminate, and log submittals and requests for information (RFI). Approach: 2.1 Attend pre -construction meeting. 2.2 Attend biweekly (every two (2) weeks) construction meetings, document and prepare meeting minutes, and distribute meeting minutes to relevant parties. 2.3 Review contractor's monthly schedule of values and prepare monthly pay estimates and statement of working days. 1 12/27/2023 1:05:56 PM Z:\PROJECTS\DATA\YELM\22-0046\00 CONTRACT\AMEND NO. 1\AMEND NO. 1 -SOW -SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR-SDC.DOCX City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Exhibit A — Scope of Work Amendment No. 1 2.4 Review contractor's change order proposals and prepare change order approval documentation. 2.5 Receive contractor submittals and RFls, disseminate submittals and RFls to the appropriate reviewer, send responses to relevant parties, and maintain submittal and RFI logs. Assumptions: • Biweekly construction meetings will be held on site or via Microsoft Teams. • Biweekly construction meetings will be paired with periodic construction observation (subtask 4.1). The fee for travel and mileage associated with biweekly construction meetings (if held on-site) is included in subtask 4.1. The fee shown in Exhibit B for subtask 2.1 is associated with preparing meeting agendas and meeting minutes, attending meetings, and coordination with meeting attendees. RH2 Deliverables: • Biweekly construction meeting minutes, pay estimates, statement of working days, change order forms, submittal log, RFI log, and project close out punch lists in electronic format (PDF). Task 3 — Document Reviews Objective: Review submittals/ shop drawings, and RFls. Prepare plan revisions resulting from RFls as requested by the City. Approach: 3.1 Review submittals, shop drawings and RFls. Review and accept or reject shop drawings, equipment submittals, specifications, schedules, and construction sequence for conformance to the project documents. 3.2 Prepare plan revisions resulting from document review if requested by the City. Assumptions: • The City and RH2 will simultaneously receive all construction documents. RH2 will take the lead on reviewing documents. The City will be included in all communications and RH2 will request for the City's input where necessary. RH2 Deliverables: • Submittals, shop drawings, and RFI responses in electronic format (PDF). • Plan revisions in electronic format (PDF). 01 12/27/2023 1:05:56 PM Z:\PROJECTS\DATA\YELM\22-0046\00 CONTRACT\AMEND NO. 1\AMEND NO. 1 -SOW -SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR-SDC.DOCX City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Exhibit A — Scope of Work Amendment No. 1 Task 4 — On -Site Construction Observation and Special Inspections Objective: Perform periodic construction observations and special inspections. Approach: 4.1 Perform periodic construction observations to document construction conditions and confirm work observed is in accordance with the plans and specifications. Prepare a site observation report for each site visit. 4.2 Perform special inspections as required by the International Building Code (IBC) and other project requirements including structural subgrade inspections, and structural steel and concrete inspections. Prepare a site observation report for each special inspection. Assumptions: • The City will provide a materials testing inspector for specific specialized activities. This will include testing of compaction of backfill and hot mix asphalt, and compressive strength testing of concrete and concrete masonry units. • The City will provide a certified National Association of Corrosion Engineers inspector for surface preparation and coating inspections. • These services shall be performed up to the level included in the attached Fee Estimate, which is estimated as five (5) hours per site visit including a site observation report. If additional effort is needed or requested, RH2 and the City will mutually determine that extra work. The Fee Estimate (Exhibit B) reflects a total of one (1) on-site observation by an RH2 engineer each week for the duration of the three hundred (300) working day contract, and ten (10) special inspections as required by the IBC and specifications. • RH2 is not responsible for site safety or for determining means and methods or directing the contractor or any subcontractors in their work. RH2 Deliverables: • Construction observation reports in electronic format (PDF). Task 5 — Software Development, Startup, and Testing Objective: Provide control software development services for the operator interface (OI) and programmable logic controller (PLC) equipment. Coordinate with the City's integrator, Parametrix, Inc. Attend field testing, startup, and commissioning services. Approach: 5.1 Develop a data tag point spreadsheet for the development of a human machine interface (HMI) by Parametrix. This information will identify data to be transmitted and received from the pump station controller. 5.2 Provide PLC ladder logic software development, as required, for monitoring and controlling the equipment at the Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir. 3 12/27/2023 1:05:56 PM Z:\PROJECTS\DATA\YELM\22-0046\00 CONTRACT\AMEND NO. 1\AMEND NO. 1 -SOW -SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR-SDC.DOCX City of Yelm Exhibit A — Scope of Work Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Amendment No. 1 5.3 Provide OI software development for the Southeast 1.51MG Reservoir. 5.4 Coordinate with Parametrix, to integrate the facility controls into the existing SCADA system. 5.5 Attend factory witness testing of the control panel. Attend field tests for PLC, OI, and communications equipment for end-to-end data transmission integrity and accuracy. Attend field tests for OI screens for connectivity, detail, and accuracy of information displayed. Attend field tests for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) alarm, navigation, and intrusion security configurations and functions. 5.6 Attend startup and commissioning and develop associated reporting. 5.7 Develop SCADA system operations and maintenance (O&M) material updates. 5.8 Provide eight (8) hours of on-site training on manual, programming, communications, and software operation aspects of the system utilizing the O&M manual as a training aid. Assumptions: • Startup and testing is assumed to take place over three (3) days and will be attended by an electrical engineer, a control specialist, and the project manager. • Software development, data points, and graphical displays will be defined and approved by RH2 and the City. • RH2-s Fee Estimate (Exhibit 8) for Task 5 assumes a certain level of cooperation and timeliness from the contractor and any third parties required for testing. If additional hours are needed to accomplish Task 5 due to events beyond RH2-s control, RH2 will notify the City in advance of such additional hours needed, and a contract modification shall be mutually negotiated. • RH2 will provide eight (8) hours of training to City staff. If the City requires assistance above and beyond the fee amount associated for subtask 5.8, the City and RH2 will mutually agree upon an additional fee amount for continued training. RH2 Deliverables: • Data tag point spreadsheet. • PLC software and OI screen designs developed in subtasks 5.2 and 5.3. • Final startup and commissioning reports completed during subtask 5.6. • One (1) electronic copy of PLC and OI software. • One (1) electronic copy of the following items: o Project spreadsheet file that includes information about the software configuration, addressing, data point names, alarms, control loops, and descriptions. o O&M material for SCADA system software. 4 12/27/2023 1:05:56 PM Z:\PROJECTS\DATA\YELM\22-0046\00 CONTRACT\AMEND NO. 1\AMEND NO. 1 -SOW -SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR-SDC.DOCX City of Yelm Exhibit A — Scope of Work Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Amendment No. 1 Task 6 — Record Drawings Objective: Prepare record drawings after project completion. Approach: 6,1 Prepare record drawings at the end of the project. The City will collect construction records from the contractor and provide them to RH2. Assumptions: • RH2 will rely on the accuracy and completeness of the Contractors construction records/plan markups. Provided by the City: • Construction records from the contractor in electronic format (PDF). RH2 Deliverables: • Project record drawings in electronic format (PDF). Task 7 — Supplemental Services Objective: Provide additional services as requested by the City. Approach: 7,1 Provide additional services for the project as requested and authorized by the City. RH2 shall submit a budget estimate for supplemental services upon City's request. The City shall provide written authorization to proceed with the supplemental services prior to commencing work. RH2 Deliverables: • Budget estimate for additional services. • Other deliverables as requested by the City under an authorization for additional services. Anticipated Project Schedule February 2024—July 2025. 5 12/27/2023 1:05:56 PM Z:\PROJECTS\DATA\YELM\22-0046\00 CONTRACT\AMEND NO. 1\AMEND NO. 1 -SOW -SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR-SDC.DOCX EXHIBIT B Fee Estimate Amendment No. 1 City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir - SDC Dec -23 Total I Total Labor Total Expense I Total Cost Description Hours Task 1 Project Mana ement 66 $ 18,756 $ 478 $ 19,234 1.1 Provide direction, coordination, and oversight to the RH2 projectteam 40 $ 11,840 $ 301 $ 12,141 1.2 Prepare monthly invoices and budget status summaries 26 $ 6,916 $ 177 $ 7,093 Task 2 Construction Contract Management Assistance 156 $ 37,524 $ 1,481 $ 39,005 2.1 Attend pre -construction meeting 16 $ 3,224 $ 326 $ 3,550 2.2 Attend biweekly construction meetings and distribute meeting minutes 40 $ 9,800 $ 354 $ 10,154 2.3 Review monthly schedule of values, prepare pay estimates and statement of working days 20 $ 4,900 $ 227 $ 5,127 2.4 Review change orders and prepare approval documentation 40 $ 9,800 $ 287 $ 10,087 2.5 Receive and respond to contractor's submittals and RFIs 40 $ 9,800 $ 287 $ 10,087 Task 3 Document Reviews 164 $ 33,664 $ 1,217 $ 34,881 3.1 Review submittals, shop drawings and RFls 138 $ 28,096 $ 949 $ 29,045 3.2 Prepare plan revisions resulting from document review 26 $ 5,568 $ 269 $ 5,837 Task4 On -Site Construction Observation and Special Inspections 352 $ 76,483 $ 4,238 $ 80,721 4.1 Perform periodic construction observations to document construction conditions 302 $ 65,243 $ 3,369 $ 68,612 4.2 Perform special inspections as required by IBC and other project requirements 50 $ 11,240 $ 869 $ 12,109 Task 5 Software Development, Startup, and Testing 210 $ 45,986 $ 2,280 $ 48,266 5.1 Develop a data tag point spreadsheet for Parametrix's HMI development 10 $ 2,524 $ 63 $ 2,587 5.2 Provide PLC ladder logic software development 38 $ 7,536 $ 216 $ 7,752 5.3 Provide OI software development 16 $ 3,920 $ 98 $ 4,018 5.4 Coordinate with Parametrix 4 $ 980 $ 25 $ 1,005 5.5 Attend factory witness testing of the VFD's and field testing 40 $ 8,568 $ 569 $ 9,137 5.6 Attend startup and commissioning and develop associated reporting 76 $ 16,874 $ 1,039 $ 17,913 5.7 Develop SCADA system O&M material updates 14 $ 2,644 $ 66 $ 2,710 5.8 Provide eight (8) hours of on-site training of the control system 12 $ 2,940 $ 205 $ 3,145 Task 6 Record Drawings 24 $ 4,867 $ 489 $ 5,356 6.1 Prepare record drawings at the end ofthe project 24 $ 4,867 $ 489 $ 5,356 Task 7 Supplemental Services $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 7.1 Provide additional services for the project as requested and authorized by the City I- $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 PROJECT TOTAL 1 972 1 $ 217,280 1 $ 20,184 1 $ 237,464 Z:\Projects\Data\YELM\22-0046\00 Contract\Amend No. 1\Amend No. 1 -FEE -Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir -SDC k. 12/27/2023 1:13 PM EXHIBIT C RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. 2024 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES RATE LIST RATE UNIT Professional $168 $/hr Professional 11 $186 $/hr Professional 111 $207 $/hr Professional IV $227 $/hr Professional $245 $/hr Professional VI $259 $/hr Professional VII $282 $/hr Professional Vill $296 $/hr Professional IX $314 $/hr Technician 1 $132 $/hr Technician 11 $144 $/hr Technician 111 $162 $/hr Technician IV $177 $/hr Technician V $193 $/hr Technician VI $213 $/hr Technician VII $231 $/hr Technician Vill $243 $/hr Administrative 1 $88 $/hr Administrative 11 $103 $/hr Administrative 111 $123 $/hr Administrative IV $144 $/hr Administrative V $166 $/hr CAD/GIS System $27.50 $/hr CAD Plots - Half Size $2.50 price per plot CAD Plots - Full Size $10.00 price per plot CAD Plots - Large $25.00 price per plot Copies (bw) 8.5" X 11" $0.09 price per copy Copies (bw) 8.5" X 14" $0.14 price per copy Copies (bw) 11" X 17" $0.20 price per copy Copies (color) 8.5" X 11" $0.90 price per copy Copies (color) 8.5" X 14" $1.20 price per copy Copies (color) 11" X 17" $2.00 price per copy Technology Charge 2.50% % of Direct Labor Night Work 10.00% % of Direct Labor Mileage $0.6550 price per mile (or Current IRS Rate) Subconsultants 15% Cost + Outside Services at cost Rates listed are adjusted annually. a Uity of Yelm EST. 1921 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: 01-23-2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: PUBLIC SERVICES CONTRACT WITH TAPANI INC. FOR THE CONSTUCTION OF THE SE RESERVOIR ACTION REQUESTED Authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign the Public Services Contract with Tapani Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $6,367,107.55 for construction of the 1.55 million gallon SE Reservoir. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Background The SE Reservoir project is a project recommended in the City of Yelm's Water System Plan to meet the City's storage requirements. The proposed reservoir will provide additional fire flow storage and increased water demand to accommodate Yelm's anticipated growth of our City. Current Situation We have 100% plans and specifications and are ready to move onto construction. A request for bids from general contractors was solicited on November 15, 2023. Sealed bids were opened on December 20, 2023 at 2:30pm at the Public Services Building, a total of three bids were received. All bids were reviewed for completeness and accuracy. Tapani Inc. of Battle Ground, WA was determined to be the lowest qualified bidder. The final bid tabulation is attached herewith. Staff recommends approval to authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign a Public Services Contract with Tapani Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $6,367,107.55 including Washington State sales tax, for construction of the 1.55 million gallon SE Reservoir. ATTACHMENTS: • Public Services Contract • Final Bid Tabulation • Plans & Specifications Respectfully Submitted: Brad Chatwood Projects & Programs Manager 1IPage PUBLIC SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR THIS PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT (" Contract's is dated effective this 23 day of January , 2024 and is made by and between the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation ("City or Owner'l, and Tapani Inc. , a Corporation ("Contractor's. A. The City desires to retain an independent contractor to furnish all labor and materials necessary to perform work necessary to Complete the construction of a 1.5 MG Reservoir located at 17021 103rd Ave SE Yelm Washington ("Property") B. The Contractor has the requisite skill and experience to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties ("Parties'l agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. SERVICES BY CONTRACTOR 1.1 Description of Work. Contractor shall perform all work and furnish all tools, materials, supplies, equipment, labor and other items incidental thereto necessary for the construction and completion of the work, more particularly described as the SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR project, including without limitation: The construction of the Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir, a 1.5 Million Gallon (MG) welded steel reservoir. Work will consist of mass excavation for foundation and stormwater _pond, backfill, paving, and landscaping among other site work; site utilities including water, stormwater, electrical and telemetry:_a 1.5 MG welded steel reservoir 46 feet in diameter and 128 feet shell height; and a Concrete Mases Unit (CMU electrical/control building ("Work'o, in accordance with and as described in the Contract Documents, which include without limitation, this Contract, Request for Bids, Bidder's Checklist, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Signature Page, Bid Bond Form, Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract attached as Exhibit A, Contractor's Retainage Agreement attached as Exhibit B, Retainage Bond to City of Yelm Way attached as Exhibit C, Performance / Payment Bond attached hereto as Exhibit D, current Prevailing Wage Rates attached as Appendix A, and 2021 WSDOT / APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction ("Standard Specifications'o and all other Appendices attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, (collectively the "Contract Documents'o, which Work shall be completed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. 1.2 Completion Date. The Work shall be commenced within five (5) days of receipt by the Contractor of the City's Notice to Proceed. The Work shall be completed in 300 working days. In the event the Work is not substantially completed within the time specified, Contractor agrees to pay to the City liquidated damages in the amount set forth in the formula included in Section 1.3 of this Contract. The Work shall not be deemed completed until the City has accepted the Work and delivered a written Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A". SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 41 1.3 Liquidated Damages. Time is of the essence of the Contract. Delays inconvenience the public and cost taxpayers undue sums of money, adding time needed for administration, inspection, and supervision. It is impractical for the City to calculate the actual cost of delays. Accordingly, the Contractor agrees to pay liquidated damages calculated on the following formula for its failure to complete this Contract on time: (1) To pay (according to the following formula) liquidated damages for each working day beyond the number of working days established for completion, and (2) To authorize the City to deduct these liquidated damages from any money due or coming due to the Contractor. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FORMULA LD = 0.15C T Where: LD = Liquidated damages per working day (rounded to the nearest dollar). C = Original Contract amount. T = Original time for completion. When the Work is completed to the extent that the City has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from an operational and safety standpoint, the City may determine the Work is complete. Liquidated damages will not be assessed for any days for which an extension of time is granted. No deduction or payment of liquidated damages will, in any degree, release the Contractor from further obligations and liabilities to complete this entire Contract. 1.4 Performance Standard. Contractor shall perform the Work in a manner consistent with accepted practices for other properly licensed contractors. 1.5 Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with all applicable federal, state and City laws, including but not limited to all City ordinances, resolutions, standards or policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended, and obtain all necessary permits and pay all permit, inspection or other fees, at its sole cost and expense. 1.6 Change Orders. The City may, at any time, without notice to sureties, order changes within the scope of the Work. Contractor agrees to fully perform any such alterations or additions to the Work. All such change orders shall be in the form of a Contract Change Order Agreement, which shall be signed by both the Contractor and the City, shall specifically state the change of the Work, the completion date for such changed Work, and any increase or decrease in the compensation to be paid to Contractor as a result of such change in the Work. Oral change orders shall not be binding upon the City unless confirmed in writing by the City. If any change hereunder causes an increases or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or time required for, the performance or any part of the Work under this Contract, an equitable adjustment will be made and the Contract modified in writing accordingly. If the Contractor intends to assert a claim for an equitable adjustment hereunder, it shall, within five (5) days after receipt of a written change order from the City or after giving the written notice SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 42 required above, as the case may be, submit to the City a written statement setting forth the general nature and monetary extent of such claim; provided the City, in its sole discretion, may extend such five (5) day submittal period upon request by the Contractor. The Contractor shall supply such supporting documents and analysis for the claims as the City may require to determine if the claims and costs have merit. No claim will be allowed for any costs incurred more than five (5) days before the Contractor gives written notice as required. No claim by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment hereunder will be allowed if asserted after final payment under this Contract. 1.7 Work and Materials Omitted. The Contractor shall, when directed in writing by the City, omit work, services and materials to be furnished under the Contract and the value of the omitted work and materials will be deducted from the Total Compensation and the delivery schedule will be reviewed if appropriate. The value of the omitted work, services and materials will be a lump sum or unit price, as mutually agreed upon in writing by the Contractor and the City. If the parties cannot agree on an appropriate deduction, the City reserves the right to issue a unilateral change order adjusting the price and the delivery schedule. 1.8 Utility Location. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the Work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of Chapter 19.122 RCW, as amended. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with Chapter 19.122 RCW, including utilization of the "one call" locator system before commencing any excavation activities. 1.9 Air Environment. Contractor shall fully cover any and all loads of loose construction materials including without limitation, sand, dirt, gravel, asphalt, excavated materials, construction debris, etc., to protect said materials from air exposure and to minimize emission of airborne particles to the ambient air environment within the City of Yelm Way. 2. TERM This Contract shall commence on the effective date of this Contract and continue until the completion of the Work, , and the expiration of all warranties contained in the Contract Documents ("Term'. 3. WARRANTY 3.1 Requisite Skill. The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite skill to complete the Work, and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to being registered to do business in the City of Yelm Way by obtaining a City of Yelm Way business registration. Contractor represents that it has visited the site and is familiar with all of the plans and specifications in connection with the completion of the Work. 3.2 defective Work. The Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, correct all Work which the City deems to have defects in workmanship and material discovered within one (1) year after the City's final acceptance of the Work as more fully set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract; provided, however, that this warranty may extend beyond this time period pursuant to the warranties attached hereto as Appendix C and incorporated by this reference. This warranty shall survive termination of this Contract. Conducting of tests and inspections, review of specifications or plans, payment for goods or services, or acceptance by the City does not constitute waiver, modification or exclusion of any express or implied warranty or any right under this Contract or law. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 43 4. COMPENSATION 4.1 Total Compensation. In consideration of the Contractor performing the Work, the City agrees to pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed $6,367,107 and 55 /100 Dollars ($ ), which amount shall constitute full and complete payment by the City ("Total Compensation'o. 4.2 Contractor Responsible for Taxes. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Contract. 4.3 Nonpayment. The City shall have the right to withhold payment to the Contractor for any of the Work not completed in a satisfactory manner, in the City's sole discretion, which shall be withheld until such time as Contractor modifies or repairs the Work so that the Work is acceptable to the City. 4.4 Method of Payment. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work performed according to the contract and as specified for payment. Payments will be made for work and labor performed and materials furnished under the contract according to the price in the proposal unless otherwise provided. Partial payments will be made once each month, based on partial estimates prepared by the Engineer and signed by the Contractor. Failure to perform any obligation under this Contract may be adequate reason for the City to withhold payments until the obligation is performed. Upon completion of all work and after final inspection, the amount due the Contractor under the contract will be paid based upon the final estimate made by the Engineer and signed by the Contractor. Payment to the Contractor for partial estimates, final estimates, and retained percentages shall be subject to controlling laws. 4.5 Retainage. Pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW, five percent (5%) of the Total Compensation shall be retained by the City to assure payment of Contractor's state sales tax as well as payment of subcontractors, suppliers and laborers. Upon execution of this Contract, Contractor shall complete, execute and deliver to the City the Contractor Retainage Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B" or execute the Retainage Bond attached hereto as Exhibit "C". No payments shall be made by the City from the retained percentage fund ("Fund'o nor shall the City release any retained percentage escrow account to any person, until the City has received from the Department of Revenue a certificate that all taxes, increases, and penalties due from the Contractor and all taxes due and to become due with respect to the Contract have been paid in full or that they are, in the Department's opinion, readily collectible without recourse to the State's lien on the retained percentage. Upon non-payment by the general contractor, any supplier or subcontractor may file a lien against the retainage funds, pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW. Subcontractors or suppliers are required to give notice of any lien within forty-five (45) days of the completion of the Work and in the manner provided in RCW 39.08.030. Within sixty (60) days after completion of all Work on this Contract, the City shall release and pay in full the money held in the Fund, unless the City becomes aware of outstanding claims made against this Fund. 5. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER In all Contractor services, programs or activities, and all Contractor hiring and employment made possible by or resulting from this Contract, there shall be no discrimination by Contractor or by SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 44 Contractor's employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creed, national origin, marital status or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. Any material violation of this provision shall be grounds for termination of this Contract by the City and, in the case of the Contractor's breach, may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR/ CONFLICT OF INTEREST 6.1 It is the intention and understanding of the Parties that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; provided, however, that such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. 6.2 If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this is a contract with an individual, the contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. 7. CITY'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT 7.1 Termination Without Cause. Prior to the expiration of the Term, this Contract may be terminated without cause upon oral or written notice delivered to Contractor from the City. Upon termination, all supplies, materials, labor and/or equipment furnished prior to such date shall, at the City's option, become its property. In the event Contractor is not in breach of any of the provisions of this Contract, Contractor will be paid for any portion of the Work which has been completed to the City's satisfaction, calculated by the percentage amount that portion of the Work completed and accepted by the City bears to the Total Compensation. 7.2 Termination For Cause. The City may immediately terminate this Contract, take possession of the Property and all materials thereon and finish the Work by whatever methods it may deem expedient, upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: (1) If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt. (2) If the Contractor should make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 45 (3) If a receiver should be appointed on the account of insolvency of Contractor. (4) If Contractor should persistently or repeatedly refuse or fail to supply a sufficient number of properly skilled workmen or proper materials for completion of the Work. (5) If the Contractor should fail to complete the Work within the time specified in this Contract. (6) If the Contractor should fail to complete the Work in compliance with the plans and specifications, to the City's satisfaction. (7) If the Contractor should fail to make prompt payment to subcontractors or for material labor. (8) If Contractor should persistently disregard laws, ordinances or regulations of federal, state, or municipal agencies or subdivisions thereof. (9) If Contractor should persistently disregard instructions of the Mayor or his or her representative. (10) If Contractor shall be in breach or violation of any term or provision of this Contract, or (11) If the Work is not being performed pursuant to RCW 49.28.050 or 49.28.060. 7.3 Result of Termination. In the event that this Contract is terminated for cause by the City, the City may do any or all of the following: (1) Stop payments. The City shall cease any further payments to Contractor and Contractor shall be obligated to repay any payments it received under this contract. (2) Complete Work. The City may, but in no event is the City obligated to, complete the Work, which Work may be completed by the City's agents, employees or representatives or the City may retain independent persons or entities to complete the Work. Upon demand, Contractor agrees to pay to the City all of its costs and expenses in completing such Work. (3) Take Possession. The City may take possession of the Property and any equipment and materials on the Property and may sale the same, the proceeds of which shall be paid to the City for its damages. (4) Remedies Not Exclusive. No remedy or election under this Contract shall be deemed an election by the City but shall be cumulative and in addition to all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 46 S. INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Contract to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Contractor's breach of this Contract. Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. 8.2 City Indemnification. The City agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licenses, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Contract to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City, its employees or agents. 8.3 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 9. INSURANCE 9.1 Minimum Limits. The Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating which is satisfactory to the City: (1) Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; (2) Commercial general liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, products liability and property damage. (3) Automobile liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death and property damage. 9.2 Endorsements. Each insurance policy shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers and agents shall each be named as additional insured. (2) Coverage may not be terminated or reduced in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the City. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 47 (3) Coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of Contractor's insurance. (4) Coverage shall apply to each insured separately against whom claim is made or suit is brought. (5) Coverage shall be written on an "occurrence" form as opposed to a "claims made" or "claims paid" form. 9.3 Verification. Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance evidencing the coverage required by the Section. The City reserves the right to require complete certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. 9.4 Subcontractors. Contractors shall include all subcontractors as additional insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 9.5 Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be disclosed by Contractor and approved in writing by the City. At the option of the City, Contractor shall either reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions or procure a bond guaranteeing payment for any amounts not covered by the insurance by reason of such deductibles or self-insured retentions. 9.6 Asbestos Abatement or Hazardous Materials. If asbestos abatement or hazardous materials work is performed, Contractor shall review coverage with the City's Risk Manager and provide scope and limits of coverage that are appropriate for the scope of Work and are satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall not commence any Work until its coverage has been approved by the Risk Manager. 9.7 Termination. The Contractor's failure to provide the insurance coverage required by this Section shall be deemed to constitute non-acceptance of this Contract by the Contractor and the City may then award this Contract to the next lower bidder. 10. PERFORMANCE PAYMENT BOND Pursuant to RCW 39.08.010, Contractor shall post a Performance/Payment Bond in favor of the City, in the form attached to this Contract as Exhibit "D" and incorporated by this reference, in a dollar amount satisfactory to the City; to guarantee Contractor's performance of the Work to the City's satisfaction; to insure Contractor's performance of all of the provisions of this Contract; and to guarantee Contractor's payment of all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material persons. Contractor's obligations under this Contract shall not be limited to the dollar amount of the bond. 11.AS FETY Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work site and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal safety and health laws and codes, including without limitation, all OSHA/WISHA requirements, Safety and Health Standards for Construction Work (Chapter 296-155 WAC), General Safety and Health Standards (Chapter 296-24 WAC), SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 48 and General Occupational Health Standards (Chapter 296-62 WAC). Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, all necessary guards, barricades, signals and other safeguards at all unsafe places at or near the Work for the protection of its employees and the public, safe passageways at all road crossings, crosswalks, street intersections, post danger signs warning against any known or unusual hazards and do all other things necessary to prevent accident or loss of any kind. Contractor shall protect from danger all water, sewer, gas, steam or other pipes or conduits, and all hydrants and all other property that is likely to become displaced or damaged by the execution of the Work. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain a safe storage place for its materials and equipment and is solely responsible for the same. 12. PREVAILING WAGES 12.1 Wages of Employees. This contract is subject to the minimum wage requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 49.28 RCW (as amended or supplemented). On Federal -aid projects, Federal wage laws and rules also apply. The Hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits are listed in Appendix A. When Federal wage and fringe benefit rates are listed, the rates match those identified by the U.S. Department of Labor's "Decision Number" shown in Appendix A. The Contractor, any subcontractor, and all individuals or firms required by Chapter 39.12 RCW, Chapter 296-127 WAC, or the Federal Davis -Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) to pay minimum prevailing wages, shall not pay any worker less than the minimum hourly wage rates and fringe benefits required by Chapter 39.12 RCW or the DBRA. Higher wages and benefits may be paid. When the project is subject to both State and Federal hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits and when the two rates differ for similar kinds of labor, the Contractor shall not pay less than the higher rate unless the state rates are specifically preempted by Federal law. The Contractor shall ensure that any firm (Supplier, Manufacturer, or Fabricator) that falls under the provisions of Chapter 39.12 RCW because of the definition "Contractor" in Chapter 296-127-010 WAC, complies with all the requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW. 12.2 Exemptions to Prevailing )A ee. The prevailing wage requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW, and as required in this Contract do not apply to: (1) Sole owners and their spouses; (2) Any partner who owns at least 30% of a partnership; (3) The President, Vice President and Treasurer of a corporation if each one owns at least 30% of the corporation. 12.3 Reporting Requirements. On forms provided by the Industrial Statistician of State L&I, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following for itself and for each firm covered under Chapter 39.12 RCW that provided work and materials of the contract: (1) A copy of an approved "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" State L&I form number F700-029-000. The City will make no payment under this contract for the work performed until SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 49 this statement has been approved by State L&I and a certified copy of the approved form has been submitted to the City. (2) A copy of an approved "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid," State L&I form number F700-007- 000. The City will not release to the contractor any funds retained under Chapter 60.28.011 RCW until all of the "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid" forms have been approved by State L&I and a certified copy of all the approved forms have been submitted to the City. The Contractor shall be responsible for requesting these forms from the State L&I and for paying any approval fees required by State L&I. Certified payrolls are required to be submitted by the Contractor to the City, for the Contractor and all subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors. 12.4 Disputes. In the event any dispute arises as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for work of a similar nature and such dispute cannot be resolved by the City and the Contractor, the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industries of the State of Washington and the decision therein shall be final and conclusive and binding on all parties involved in the dispute. 13. FAILURE TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS In the event the Contractor shall fail to pay any subcontractors or laborers, fail to pay for any materials, or fail to pay any insurance premiums, the City may terminate this Contract and/or the City may withhold from the money which may be due the Contractor an amount necessary for the payment of such subcontractors, laborers, materials or premiums. 14. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media, all finished or unfinished documents or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall become the property of the City and shall be delivered to the City at its request. 15. CONFIDENTIALITY Any records, reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to or prepared or assembled by the Contractor under this Contract will be kept as confidential and shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Contractor without prior written approval of the City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of this Contract and such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Contract. These records shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Contract. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 50 17. CLEAN UP At any time ordered by the City and immediately after completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from the Work. In the event the Contractor fails to perform the necessary clean up, the City may, but in no event is it obligated to, perform the necessary clean up and the costs thereof shall be immediately paid by the Contractor to the City and/or the City may deduct its costs from any remaining payments due to the Contractor. 18. CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY: 18.1 Contractor Verification. The Contractor verifies that it has a certificate of registration with the State of Washington; has a current state unified business identifier number; is not disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3); has industrial insurance as required by Title 51 RCW, if applicable; has an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW, if applicable; has a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW, if applicable; possesses a valid electrical contractor license as required by chapter 19.28 RCW, if applicable; and possesses an elevator contractor license as required by chapter 70.87 RCW, if applicable. 18.2 Subcontractor Contracts. The Contractor shall include the language of this section in each of its first tier subcontracts, and shall require each of its subcontractors to include the same language of this section in each of their subcontracts, adjusting only as necessary the terms used for the contracting parties. Upon request of the Owner, the Contractor shall promptly provide documentation to the Owner demonstrating that the subcontractor meets the subcontractor responsibility criteria below. The requirements of this section apply to all subcontractors regardless of tier. 18.3 Subcontractor Verification. At the time of subcontract execution, the Contractor shall verify that each of its first tier subcontractors meets the following bidder responsibility criteria: Have a current certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW, which must have been in effect at the time of subcontract bid submittal; Have a current Washington Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number; Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3); Have Industrial Insurance (workers' compensation) coverage for the subcontractor's employees working in Washington, as required in Title 51 RCW, if applicable; A Washington Employment Security Department number, as required in Title 50 RCW, if applicable; A Washington Department of Revenue state excise tax registration number, as required in Title 82 RCW, if applicable; An electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW, if applicable; An elevator contractor license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW. 19. GENERAL PROVISIONS 19.1 Entire Contract. The Contract Documents contain all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Contract and no prior agreements or understandings pertaining to any such matters shall be effective for any purpose. 19.2 Modification. No provisions of this Contract, including this provision, may be amended or added to except by agreement in writing signed by the Parties or their respective successors in interest. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 51 19.3 Full Force and Effect. Any provision of this Contract, which is declared invalid, void or illegal, shall in no way affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 19.4 Assignment. The Contractor shall not transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. In the event the City consents to any such assignment or transfer, such consent shall in no way release the Contractor from any of its obligations or liabilities under this Contract. 19.5 Successors In Interest. Subject to the preceding Subsection, this Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties' successors in interest, heirs and assigns. 19.6 Attorney Fees. In the event the City or the Contractor defaults on the performance of any terms in this Contract, and the Contractor or City places the enforcement of the Contract or any part thereof, or the collection of any monies due, or to become due hereunder, or recovery of possession of any belongings, in the hands of an attorney, or file suit upon the same, each Party shall pay all its own attorneys' fees, costs and expenses. The venue for any dispute related to this Contract shall be King County, Washington. 19.7 No Waiver. Failure of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection with, shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. 19.8 Governing Law. This Contract shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 19.9 Authon . Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of the Contractor or City. 19.10 Notices. Any notices required to be given by the City to Contractor or by the Contractor to the City shall be delivered to the Parties at the addresses set forth below. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth herein. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. 19.11 Captions. The respective captions of the Sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect in any respect any of the provisions of this Contract. 19.12 Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Contract. 19.13 Compliance with Ethics Cade. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation and/or performance of this Contract, this Contract may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 52 19.14 Conflicting Provisions. In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of any of the Contract Documents, the Mayor or his or her designee shall issue an interpretation of the controlling document, which interpretation shall be final and binding. DATED the day and year set forth above. CITY OF YELM By: ATTEST: Kathy Linnemeyer City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Brent Dille Joe DePinto , Mayor City of Yelm, 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 Tapani, Inc. (Contractor's Name) By: le,- - (Signature) 47 Lance Tapani, Lead Estimator/Owner (Name) 1705 SE 9th Avenue/P.O. Box 1900 Battle Ground, WA 98604 (Address) 360-687-1148 (Phone) .. ' Jply r i dF SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 53 STAFF SELECT APPROPRIATE NOTARY BLOCK FOR APPLICANT [Individual Notary] STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss - On ss. COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me, , to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and on oath swore that he/she/they executed the foregoing instrument as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of [Corporate Notary] STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Clark ) 20 (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires On this day personally appeared before me Lance Tapani , to me known to be the Lead Estimator/Owner of _Tapani, Inc. that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN my hand and official seal this 10th day of January , 20— Charlotte M. Dwonch (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires 2/6/2028 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 54 N 16 C N LL NN E 11X o� �o N) R15 .6 0 Ncm gti o W Z O M np CC LU Z _ o o U w a O LV W �-_ W LLI BE o o J H W cn � a LL w O t T5 �'_ H = ILC Q �3a i-oo 0 J N V O 10 W cc Z Q Oy LL J J W J i J a c� - a O U W W F O o 7Z oO W = U -b = O W W 'O soy, �_� o� v ¢ o a a / < o - - opo N W F- 0 O z J Q cc W Z W 0 S31ON ltla3N3J aiona3s3H OW sL-LSV3Hlnos 3 5 SNOISI/l3H wtw ��•�•+ e ® s000 ii o. wren �� eaoa WIN3,w3. owr d3 Wl3A 30 Allo o w- o -�_ <w - -_ mho - - -- �g=��oo �zo- oQo- Fa ooJ _w UOF - w -opo =g- <'-< �o_ o T- og� «oo o a a o�F=� a < _ oQ 2,Eo -o- -�s< olo EE— - IE mo aw �a��� 8 « �« � 8 m =�oow < _o — _ — — o�� o� ooo 05o o - -z¢g o �o <9a� __ =—=o<�� o o — 0 Eo 5-F� w �¢o — — — 03 — 050 0� — �w w� o �� �o how j�o o a ��� �_ �0 �Q�o �Ua o -I o- s m - 5< w �w o00 '< oao 00 co Z O U W cc W LL W cc J H W Z Q Z O H U w Q ZLLIo i OEo3� o �g o jQoX oQ - o< / Os e2 - cc - - oco 1 L Q UJo o H- Jogo - a� - - Z LLJ o lo lo Hu lo I -Ll a sus sus ��� W cc W LL W cc J H W Z Q Z O H U w Q OEo3� �g o jQoX oQ - o< / Os e2 NVId 311S JNIISIX3 aeYMi� ap ia� 8 aiona3s3a �w s 1sv3Hlnos ter: .� ® SNOISI/l3H '` -•— IN13A 30 A110 e v. nn � I Y W I,, ., ✓ W WW P w W fA 4i. cc y a a LU #" W w ka o o J ` F - O J - _Eq N wLLj ` z¢ o a e P If 0 0 = J ` cc ` 0cc If 0 = H LU NVId OS31 4NV NOIlIlOW34 aeYMi� ap ia� 8 aiona3s3a �w s 1sv3Hlnos ter: .� .� ® SNOISI/l3H '` -•— IN13A 30 A113 o w - oog - s - - o - w Cl) - s= og �g�im - sg - �o - z o - ~O_ o �� _ o, j Z og o Q Z = �Q s¢¢o Q O o� o 1 F oa000 - E -o- - - - mg Vis= - o 1 - �-,o_<__ - oo - -lo ,o <� <m of m o, lo =olo m o -o o o -9zw o _- _ p a o fl on Lu J p UQ III �1 �I 1 S/J +I I �l hV� i/`,✓ I�\�a 5 ' "I'll cc N A1'Lu- o ol p i 44 J o I 1 NVld JNlaVH!D NoiionHISNOO sem$ �c aeYMi� ap ia� 8 aiona3s3a DW TL 1sv3Hlnos •r�'•,o� y 3 _® s000� o„ SNOISI/l3H �zu� o oN 3.ro� owr m a r, IN -13A=10 AllO i o o o Q o LU po< Yol po CC 0oa 000 a - - - U� w HE oH o <u� o �m, w� i N SNO1103S ONI(WHO NOIlOnHISNOO aaMI�apia� ` 8 $ 1ilOAH3S3H `JW S'L ISV3Hlnos ter: .� .� ® SNOISI/l3H v '` -•— IN -13A 30 Allo ouI 1 I h. 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J T Mo 5 CI ol o Z SIItl134 IVOINVH33W t a;aY` pi�npia�o.8 aiona3s3a �w s 1sv3Hlnos o ® SNOISI/l3H -•�-•— IN -13A 30 Alli oo o� z o zi oC O m� 2 m CU /1) 2 �- o. � �� of to i o so 3 _ _Jo cc 0 0 Q o o y o 000 z ID a O o �5 mooo oo= \\\ CC 0 Y o=m I\ J� OQs W z 000 LLI - J o � � M o� a NO LU _ J ti fA J „ 11J W J CL Z LL, —1 2 Z 2 N W o $ - C'3 Q g¢YF ou N I N i 0 LU Ej oa u= r r LUoo cc I -T) 3 0 446 Ury w o a y • Z J ¢g � U 5 o N � N !I\ JI0 g a o i o 3 _ _Jo - 0 0 Q o o o o 3 ID a o �5 mooo oo= \\\ ads _ U W z 000 -, J o 21 M o� J ti �w W J CL w < 2 ool N N 4 � two o _ _Jo - 0 0 Q o w J m 2 W N Q 2 LLIZ Z ccF W cc N W cc d z Q W 0 Q 0 I oo o o 0 0 Q W z ZLU J o M 0 J Z W J CL 2 N N Z O F U LU y W cc N Z LU W n Z J 0 Z J d Q N 1 -11 i . i -- � I �, - N 4N3J31 1t101alO313 M j aiona3s3H ow TL -LSV3Hlnos sNoisin3d W13A 30 ALIO o s000 u o, o _T oT Z a � �UU,J(J a 4 OOOOO o o4 �l ��` (,/ �1` a l i o Z a � �UU,J(J a 4 OOOOO o o4 Z a � �l (,/ �1` �7 y 3NII-3NOIVOW13313 \©� 9 : Hl m@a _ «LGA &m, SNOISIA3Up g ` w3A =10 A113 o ;(} }Z} u, o \ (}}o o \� \o2o E o2 u \ / \\ : : : : ƒ � �} q§ olw � ®` Z� \ o �--`---\\--\—><—�—\--\----� � � � \ r �w � $ , � }\ F-5 - — ) / N9 1: ) - ` �� : i Z (\ « � 6 � 2 \ c_ }} < \ N NVld 311S 1VOIH13313 3 j aiona3s3H ow TL ISV3Hlnos SNoIsIn3H IN13A 30 A113 o oo o i ; Z W U w ____________.—._— o 1 1 J o o lo ol J z o M Eoo Eo --o Po'a o a w o 00 N NVld IVOW13313 JNimin8 IOHINOO aiona3s3H DW TL lsv3Hlnos SNOISIn3d W13A 30 Alli o o o R o 77m o o o o w _ w o= <o illim w J =w uo w �� w a —o J r o o o — U 9 w �' *4 $..... — ti ti Q E 5 o z o a —- w w am oi � u=`J` u- sp l a I,n Z > w� 3 o" o o lm w a o u w 0 cc o Z , 0 --o F Q u5 - W o J F o a LU w 2 Z o 5l - o o o 27 '8i o o a f� > o ou o -ou a o J _ �)� Z , oll cc cc w J'� _ w w a ;J o os x - w g N L SNVld IVOIH13313 HIOAH3S3H aiona3S3H DW TL ISv3Hlno: SNOISIn3d W13A 30 Allo voou.—I C606 -IN o sw iso Ix i �o )i,) ' w = w = a U o J ww W w w m z m w wo o 0 LU a o r m z w U � wwa o _` b _ o LU w w f\ W 1-72 _ O ' y OC J �Po _aiai i u < o > -" < -o y lo R o o o o< LLI LU y �I,r z� a b � O N J 2 v L�o o �o //�� o ol o O. o o G%%% (QLki¢ J' o z o 'o o= - - - w o w�� u—*o N Z SNVld IVOIH13313 HIOAH3S3H aiona3s3H DW TL lsv3Hlnos SNOISIn3d W13A 30 Allo o o o J LU o o F U U Ucn m<v 0Muu3o0 c �¢ oz w Z v m vuo u L L Z w w W w > _ max. wawa" oF� as J <awzo ori __< Q U o� 3�0 o= �� �� x o 5 5-o �O -- m m o w- �Q �— uo m w� x�o w o w z - 0 3u I azo llo< m O o= w io=o Z Z ` oc T 2 o LU o g So ao 2 w o J o Jz -o a� o om lo Awa J�UI Y v �ww < �C -)o o� z W xgouu -o o - Su o< -- J <8 w o o �� 5 aza w z o o o a o Q • • w xo Ap cc C3 o 5 Q J Q 00 oF� o F i w �o J W J o p Q oC)wcc —,D) ¢ Jc ww wo V 0 LU w cc 2 0 _. �. W w w o 0 0 s �o Z o= oo W LLI Jz o o x w u<< r �. 1 2 u< < - oow� � op0 Mu, <g 1= ��_lo o R "g o N sWVH!E) /Ia OIJOI loalNOO cc Ft 2 o To o oa� oa� z z 5 () go' aiona3s3H ow TL -LSV3Hlnos IN -13A 30 Allo ® O o F z o o o sNoisin3d Q 4 4 4\ 1 U U Q - o I W ou =og og w 2 O a y o -- J W I Z I � Z J - U 2 U z o- Z C~=i 2 oO OC o LU x W o t, Z co m _ Q CC o Q o o H cc Ft 2 o To o oa� oa� z z 5 () go' o O o F z o o r P P 2 Q J Q 4 4 4\ 1 U o li o 0 w 2 O a y o -- I � Z - U 2 U z o- Z C~=i 2 oO OC o LU x W o t, Z co m _ Q CC o Q o o I I J m H C) 2 U cc /o Q 4 4 4\ 1 U o li W 0 w O a y o -- Z I I J m N Sl I V134 1 VOIH13313 aiona3s3H ow TL -LSV3Hlnos SNoIsIn318 3 j IN-13A 30 Alf � o s o LU Qo m go— Q a) a o9ao oo { e o z lo - F o. o�o Jo U��o �a W - _F - _�� II II �I II l cc F it V =D00o IM Ou W Y . Q I e I 2 rr-rr------ 0 00 N �ry 0=10� 910 01 00 LU 0 J Qo - F a _ J U F 99� QQo W N / ONcc o cc 0"U ( -�J1s� W `N cc _ w wm z �S�o �z Z2 ow (O�'3 _ �z 0 o mo w w o z o� �� w o O= amo o �o Teo 03 s O �' =o �� <cc- silnaNaz>=�Q J J ( ��� zv�a3snavwlad u Q Q 5 aO�XVW B?NIW BE F �0 o f 9 0 0 3 (S w It o Q Ou0 30u 0 '•. I -LU cc u n 10 I cc cQi _woOu 0 90Ou a , / LU 61 w p5 a�� w o��- o \\ m opo ww mw )nooe>)Nlw.ez\ W J U_ ow �m o 1. 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Hughes, PE, City Engineer 901 Rhoton Road Yelm, WA 98597 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PUBLIC NOTICE — REQUEST FOR BIDS SECTION 1: INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION 2: BID DOCUMENTS SECTION 3: AWARD DOCUMENTS SECTION 4: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 GENERAL............................................................................................................ 1-1 1.10 GENERAL................................................................................................................................1-1 1.10.16 Definitions....................................................................................................................1-1 1.11.00 Summary of Work........................................................................................................12 1.11.02 Reuse of Documents.....................................................................................................12 1.11.03 Electronic Data.............................................................................................................12 1.13 Permits and Licenses.........................................................................................................1-3 1.14 Work Restrictions..............................................................................................................1-3 1. 14.19 Use of5ite...................................................................................................................1-3 1.14.22 Cold Weather Work......................................................................................................1-3 1.20 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES................................................................................................1-4 1.21.29 Quantity Allowances.....................................................................................................1-4 1. 21.55 Cost Increases for Materials..........................................................................................1-4 1.25.00 Substitution Procedures................................................................................................1-4 Substitutions Prior to Bid Opening.............................................................................1-5 Substitutions After Contract Execution.......................................................................1-5 1.30 ADMINISTRATIVE......................................................................................................................1-5 1.31 Project Management and Coordination...............................................................................1-5 1.31.01 Contractor's Responsibility............................................................................................1-5 1.31.19 Progress Meetings........................................................................................................1-6 1. 32.13 Scheduling of Work......................................................................................................1-6 1.32.16 Construction Progress Schedule.....................................................................................1-6 1. 32.29 Periodic Work Observation............................................................................................1-7 1.33 Submittals........................................................................................................................1-7 1. 33.23 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples...................................................................1-7 1.40 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................1-9 1. 42.19 Reference Standards.....................................................................................................1-9 1.43.20 Warranty.....................................................................................................................1-9 1.45.16 Field Quality Control Procedures..................................................................................1-10 1.50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS.......................................................................................1-11 1.51 Temporary Utilities..........................................................................................................1-11 1.52.00 Construction Facilities.................................................................................................1-11 1. 52.20 Locks and Keys..........................................................................................................1-11 1.54 Construction Aids............................................................................................................1-12 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 3 1.55.26 Trak Control............................................................................................................1-12 1.60 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................1-12 1. 61.31 Integrated (or Package) Products................................................................................1-12 1.70 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................1-13 1.71 Examination and Preparation...........................................................................................1-13 Construction 5urveying..........................................................................................1-13 Surveying Requirements for Reservoir Site..............................................................1-13 1.74 Cleaning and Waste Management....................................................................................1-14 1. 74.23 Final Cleaning.............................................................................................................1-14 1.75 Starting and Adjusting.....................................................................................................1-14 1.75.16 Startup Procedures.....................................................................................................1-14 Start[up..................................................................................................................1-14 Startup and Testing Coordination............................................................................1-15 Testing..................................................................................................................1-16 Scheduling of Owner Review for Testing.................................................................1-16 Electrical and Control Systems Testing....................................................................1-17 Reservoir Testing and Disinfection..........................................................................1-17 Reservoir Leakage Warranty...................................................................................1-19 Steel Reservoir Leakage Test..................................................................................1-19 Reservoir Soak Test...............................................................................................1-19 1.78 Closeout Submittals.........................................................................................................120 1. 78.23 Operation and Maintenance Data.................................................................................120 1. 78.39 Project Record Documents..........................................................................................122 1.79 Demonstration and Training.............................................................................................122 1.79.10 Training.....................................................................................................................122 1.80 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................1-23 1.81 Facility Performance Requirements...................................................................................123 1. 81.30 Seismic Restraint and Anchorage.................................................................................123 1. 81.40 Pressure Ratings.........................................................................................................123 1. 81.45 Location Designations.................................................................................................123 1. 81.50 Materials in Contact with Domestic Water....................................................................124 DIVISION 2 SITEWORK......................................................................................................... 2-1 2.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................2-1 2.05 Common Work for Exterior Improvements..........................................................................2-1 2.07 Geotechnical Investigations...............................................................................................22 2.08 Special Inspections for Earth Work.....................................................................................22 2.10 SITE PREPARATION...................................................................................................................2-3 2.10.2 Clearing and Grubbing....................................................................................................2-3 2.10.4 Dewatering....................................................................................................................2-4 2.10.5 Temporary Access Roads................................................................................................2-5 2.11 Earthwork Materials ...........................................................................................................2-5 2.11.1 Common Work for Earthwork Materia/s............................................................................2-5 2.11.2 Genera/ Fill....................................................................................................................2-6 2.11.3 Structural Fill ..................................................................................................................2-6 2.11.4 Pipe Bedding..................................................................................................................2-7 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 4 211.5 Trench Backfill...............................................................................................................2-8 211.6 Gravel Backfill for Drains.................................................................................................2-8 211.7 Gravel Base Course........................................................................................................2-9 211.8 Gravel Top Course..........................................................................................................2-9 211.10 Sand............................................................................................................................2-9 211.11 Pea Gravel.................................................................................................................2-10 211.20 Geotextile Fabric........................................................................................................ 2-10 212 Road Surfacing...............................................................................................................2-11 2122 Cement Concrete Pavement..........................................................................................2-11 2123 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) /Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP)............................................2-11 21210 Pa vement Marking/Striping......................................................................................... 2-12 213 Tree and Shrub Preservation............................................................................................2-12 213.3 Selective Tree and Shrub Removal................................................................................2-13 2.20 EARTH MOVING......................................................................................................................2-13 223 Excavation......................................................................................................................2-13 225 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control..................................................................2-14 225.2 Contractor Provided Certified Erosion and Sedimentation Control Lead............................2-14 225.3 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SWPPP Reference).................................2-15 225.5 Filter Fabric Fence........................................................................................................ 2-15 2.30 SITE IMPROVEMENTS...............................................................................................................2-16 231 Fencing and Gates..........................................................................................................2-16 231.1 Common Work for Fencing............................................................................................2-16 231.2 Temporary Construction Security Fence.........................................................................2-16 231.3 Chainlink Fence............................................................................................................2-17 2.50 EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION......................................................................................2-20 251 Contractor Designed Shoring...........................................................................................2 20 261 Contaminated Materials...................................................................................................2 21 2.61.2 Toxic Spill or Release Contact Requirements..................................................................2 21 2.90 LANDSCAPING........................................................................................................................2-21 290.1 Common Work for Landscaping.....................................................................................2 21 290.2 Landscape Grading.......................................................................................................2 24 2.90.3 Soil Amendments.........................................................................................................2 25 290.3.1 Commercial Fertilizer.................................................................................................2 25 290.3.3 Mulch.......................................................................................................................2 25 290.3.4 Mulch and Amendments - Post -Construction Soil Quality and Depth (Source: 2019 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington).........................................................................2 26 290.10 Topsoil.......................................................................................................................2 28 290.11 Hydroseed.................................................................................................................2 29 290.12 Potted Plants and Trees..............................................................................................2-31 290.20 Landscape Accessories................................................................................................2-32 290.21 Erosion Control Matting...............................................................................................2-33 292 Landscape Irrigation........................................................................................................2-34 2922 Contractor Designed Irrigation System...........................................................................2-34 29230 Weed Control.............................................................................................................2-36 DIVISION 3 CONCRETE.......................................................................................................... 3-1 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 5 3.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................3-1 3.05 Common Work for Concrete...............................................................................................3-1 3.06 Maintenance of Concrete...................................................................................................3-4 Resurfacing of Cast-in-P/ace Concrete.......................................................................3-4 3.10 FORMING AND ACCESSORIES........................................................................................................3-5 3.11 Formwork.........................................................................................................................3-5 3.11.13 Structural Cast in Place Forming....................................................................................3-5 3.15 Concrete Accessories.........................................................................................................3-6 3.15.02 Premolded Joint Filler...................................................................................................3-6 3.15.03 Expansion Joints...........................................................................................................3-7 3.15.05 Pipe Penetrations through Concrete...............................................................................3-7 3.15.19 Concrete Anchors.........................................................................................................3-8 3.20 REINFORCING..........................................................................................................................3-9 3.21 Reinforcement Bars...........................................................................................................3-9 3.21. 11 Plain Steel Reinforcement Bars......................................................................................3-9 3.22.13 Galvanized Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcement.............................................................3-10 3.30 CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE.......................................................................................................3-11 3.30.05 Common Work for Cast in Place Concrete.................................................................... 3-11 3.31 Structural Concrete......................................................................................................... 3-13 3.31.30 Thrust Blocks, Driveways, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalks, Equipment Pads, and Fence Posts .... 3-14 3.31.32 Hydraulic Concrete..................................................................................................... 3-14 3.31.36 Concrete for Mass Structures....................................................................................... 3-15 3.34 Low Density Concrete......................................................................................................3-16 3.34.13 Controlled Density Fill(COF)........................................................................................ 3-16 3.34.16 Concrete Fill............................................................................................................... 3-17 3.35 Concrete Finishing........................................................................................................... 3-17 3.35.05 Common Work for Surface Finishing............................................................................ 3-17 3.35.50 Ordinary Wall Finish.................................................................................................... 3-I8 3.35.54 Floated Finish.............................................................................................................3-I8 3.35.56 Light Brush Finish.......................................................................................................3-19 3.35.58 Sacked Wall Finish......................................................................................................3-19 3.39 Concrete Curing.............................................................................................................. 3-19 3.40 PRE -CAST CONCRETE..............................................................................................................3-20 3.48 Pre -Cast Concrete Specialties........................................................................................... 3-20 3.48.50 Utility Structures......................................................................................................... 3-20 3.48.52 Precast Gravity or Thrust Blocks..................................................................................3 21 3.60 GROUTING............................................................................................................................3-22 3.62 Non -Shrink Grouting........................................................................................................ 3-22 3.62.13 Non -Metallic Non -Shrink Grout....................................................................................3 22 DIVISION 4 MASONRY........................................................................................................... 4-1 4.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................4-1 4.05 Common Work for Masonry............................................................................................... 4-1 4.20 UNIT MASONRY........................................................................................................................4-1 4.22 Concrete Unit Masonry...................................................................................................... 4-1 DIVISION5 METALS.............................................................................................................. 5-1 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 6 5.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................5-1 5.05 Common Work for Metals..................................................................................................5-1 5.05.23 Bolts and Other Connectors For Structural Elements.......................................................5-5 5.50 METAL FABRICATIONS................................................................................................................5-6 5.51 METAL STAIRS......................................................................................................................... 5-6 5.51.05 Common Work for Stairs and Ladders............................................................................5-6 5.51.19 Metal Grating Stairs......................................................................................................5-7 5.52 METAL RAILINGS......................................................................................................................5-7 5.52.05 Common Work for Railings............................................................................................5-7 5.53 METAL GRATINGS.....................................................................................................................5-8 5.53.05 Common Work for Gratings...........................................................................................5-8 5.53.13 Bar Gratings.................................................................................................................5-9 DIVISION 6 WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES............................................................... 6-1 6.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................6-1 6.05 Common Work for Wood, Plastics, and Composites............................................................. 6-1 6.10 ROUGH CARPENTRY...................................................................................................................6-1 6.11 Wood Framing..................................................................................................................6-1 6.12 Wood Structural Panels..................................................................................................... 6-3 6.17 Shop Fabricated Structural Wood.......................................................................................6-3 6.17.53 Wood Trusses.............................................................................................................. 6-3 6.20 FINISH CARPENTRY...................................................................................................................6-4 6.20.05 Common Work for Finish Carpentry...............................................................................6-4 6.22 Millwork............................................................................................................................6-5 6.22.13 Standard Pattern Wood Trim.........................................................................................6-5 DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION........................................................... 7-1 7.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................7-1 7.05 Common Work for Thermal and Moisture Protection............................................................7-1 7.20 THERMAL PROTECTION...............................................................................................................7-2 7.21 Thermal Insulation............................................................................................................7-2 7.21.16 Blanket Insulation.........................................................................................................7-2 Foam Board Insulation.............................................................................................7-3 7.21.30 CMU Wall Insulation.....................................................................................................7-3 7.24 Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems................................................................................7-4 7.24.32 Exposed Small Piping Insulation....................................................................................7-4 7.26.30 Roof Vapor Retarders...................................................................................................7-4 7.27Air Barrier.........................................................................................................................7-5 7.40 ROOFING AND SIDING PANELS.....................................................................................................7-5 7.42.93 Soft Panels.................................................................................................................7-5 7.60 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL.......................................................................................................7-6 7.61 Sheet Metal Roofing..........................................................................................................7-6 7.61.05 Common Work for Metal Roofing...................................................................................7-6 7.61.13 Standing Seam Sheet Metal Roofing..............................................................................7-9 7.62 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim...........................................................................................7-9 7.70 ROOF AND WALL SPECIALTIES...................................................................................................7-10 7.72 RoofAccessories.............................................................................................................7-10 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 7 7.72.05 Common Work for Roof and Wall Specialties................................................................7-10 7.90 30INT PROTECTION.................................................................................................................7-10 7.92.13 Elastomeric Joint Sealants........................................................................................... 7-10 DIVISION 8 OPENINGS.......................................................................................................... 8-1 8.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................8-1 8.05 Common Work for Openings..............................................................................................8-1 8.065chedu/es for Openings.....................................................................................................8-1 8.10 DOORS AND FRAMES.................................................................................................................8-1 8.10.05 Common Work for Doors and Frames............................................................................ 8-1 8.11 Metal Doors and Frames....................................................................................................8-4 8.11.13 Ho/%w Metal Doors and Frames.................................................................................... 8-4 8.11.16 Aluminum Doors and Frames........................................................................................ 8-4 8.30 SPECIALTY DOORS....................................................................................................................8-6 9-9 8.31 Access Doors and Panels...................................................................................................8-6 9-10 8.31.20 Vault Hatches...............................................................................................................8-6 (Exposed Indoors and Outdoors)............................................................................................. 8.31.22 Reservoir Roof Hatch....................................................................................................8-7 System 8: Galvanized Metal Surface Repair............................................................. 8.70 HARDWARE.............................................................................................................................8-8 - System 9: Galvanized Iron and Non -Ferrous Metal (non -immersion) ....................... 8.71 Door Hardware.................................................................................................................8-8 - System 11: Gypsum Wallboard - Interior, Painted.................................................9-13 8.71.05 Common Work for Door Hardware.................................................................................8-8 - System 13: Wood - Interior, Painted.................................................................... 8.71.20 Hardware for Man-Doors...............................................................................................8-9 9.91.33 Submerged and Buried Metals Painting........................................................................ 8.90 LOUVERS AND VENTS...............................................................................................................8-11 - System 14: Metals in Contact with Drinking Water (Steel pipe, and Stainless Steel pipe) 8.90.05 Common Work for Louvers and Vents.......................................................................... 8-11 8.91 Louvers.......................................................................................................................... 8-12 8.91.19 Fixed Louver..............................................................................................................8-12 DIVISION 9 FINISHES........................................................................................................... 9-1 9.00 GENERAL................................................................................................................................9-1 9.20 PLASTER AND GYPSUM BOARD.....................................................................................................9-1 9.21.23 Gypsum Board for Low Occupancy Areas.......................................................................9-1 9.90 PAINTING AND COATING.............................................................................................................9-2 9.90.05 Common Work for Painting and Coating.........................................................................9 2 9.90.13 Unpainted Items...........................................................................................................9-8 - System 1: Metals - Exterior and Wet Conditions including Doors, Windows, and Frames ............................................................................................................................................... 9-8 - System 2 - Powder Coating for Steel and Aluminum Handrail and Other Architectural Features ............................................................................................................................................... 9-9 - System 5: Metals - Metal in Contact with Concrete, Masonry or Dissimilar Metals.... 9-10 - System 6.- Ferrous Metal Pipe and Supports including Steel, Cast Iron, and Ductile Iron (Exposed Indoors and Outdoors)............................................................................................. 9-11 System 8: Galvanized Metal Surface Repair............................................................. 9-12 - System 9: Galvanized Iron and Non -Ferrous Metal (non -immersion) ....................... 9-12 - System 11: Gypsum Wallboard - Interior, Painted.................................................9-13 - System 13: Wood - Interior, Painted.................................................................... 9-13 9.91.33 Submerged and Buried Metals Painting........................................................................ 9-14 - System 14: Metals in Contact with Drinking Water (Steel pipe, and Stainless Steel pipe) ............................................................................................................................................. 9-14 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 8 - System 15: Stainless Steel in Contact with Drinking Water (Welded or bo/ted to steel tank) ............................................................................................................................................. 9-15 9.97.23 Concrete and Masonry Coatings.................................................................................. 9-16 - System 25: Concrete Vault Exterior - Bottom and Walls ........................................ 9-16 - System 26.- Concrete and CMU Wall - Interior, Non Immersion, Mild Condition ...... 9-16 System 27A: Anti -Graffiti Coating and Water Repellent on CMU and Concrete Exterior9-17 9.98 Steel Reservoir Coating.................................................................................................... 9-I8 9.98.05 Common Work for 5teel Reservoir Coating................................................................... 9-I8 New Welded Steel Reservoir Interior and Steel Pipe Interior in Contact with Potable Water ............................................................................................................................................. 9-20 New Welded Steel Reservoir Exterior...................................................................... 9-22 - System 32: Steel Pipe Field Repairs (Potable and Non -Potable Water) .................... 9-24 DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES.................................................................................................. 10-1 10.00 GENERAL............................................................................................................................10-1 10.05 Common Work for 5pecia/ties.........................................................................................10-1 10. 06.10 Schede/es for Signage...............................................................................................10-1 10.10 INFORMATION SPECIALTIES.....................................................................................................10-2 10. 14.23 Pane/ Signage...........................................................................................................10 2 10.40 SAFETY SPECIALTIES..............................................................................................................10-3 10.45 Facility Fall Protection....................................................................................................10-3 10. 45.13 Ladder Safety Climb System......................................................................................10-3 10. 45.14 Ladder Extension Post...............................................................................................10-3 DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT................................................................................................... 11-1 11.00 GENERAL............................................................................................................................11-1 11.05 Common Work for Equipment........................................................................................11-1 11. 12.10 Sump Pump.............................................................................................................11-1 11.90 OTHER EQUIPMENT...............................................................................................................11-1 11.95 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning.......................................................................11-1 11. 95.05 Common Work for HVAC...........................................................................................11 2 11. 95.34 HVAC Fans...............................................................................................................11 2 Wall Ventilators.....................................................................................................11 2 11.95.80 Decentralized HVAC Equipment.................................................................................11-3 Radiant Space Heaters.........................................................................................11-3 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL................................................................................................. 15-1 15.00 GENERAL............................................................................................................................15-1 15.05 Common Work for Mechanica/........................................................................................15-1 15.10 BURIED PIPE INSTALLATION....................................................................................................15-3 15.11 Open Trench Pipe Installation........................................................................................15-4 15.11.11 Pressure Pipe Installation..........................................................................................15-4 15.11.41 Storm Drain Installation............................................................................................15-6 15.13 Above Grade Mechanical Installation ..............................................................................15-6 15.13.02 Exposed Piping Installation ........................................................................................15-6 15.18 Buried Piping Inspection and Testing..............................................................................15-8 15.18.02 Buried Pressure Pipe Inspection and Testing..............................................................15-8 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 9 15.18.03 Valve Testing.........................................................................................................15-10 15.20 PIPE AND FITTINGS............................................................................................................. 15-10 15.21 Common Work for Pipe and Fittings..............................................................................15-10 15.21.02 Shackle (Threaded Rod) Restraints..........................................................................15-11 15.22 Metal Pipe and Fittings................................................................................................15-13 15.22.02 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings...................................................................................15-13 15.22.03 Steel Pipe and Fittings.............................................................................................15-15 15.22.04 Stainless Steel Pipe and Fittings...............................................................................15-20 15.22.06 Copper Pipe and Fittings.........................................................................................15-21 15.22.08 Brass/Bronze Pipe and Fittings.................................................................................15-22 15.23 Non -Metal Pipe and Fittings.........................................................................................15-23 15.23.05 PVC Pipe and Fittings - Solvent Weld.......................................................................15-23 15.23.06 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings for Gravity Sewer - Push on Joint..............15--23 15.23. 10 Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe..................................................................................15-24 15.23.11 Underdrain Pipe......................................................................................................15-24 15.23.12 PVC Pipe for Drain, Waste, and Vent(D WV) .............................................................15-25 15.30 VALVES............................................................................................................................15-25 15.31 Common Work for Valves.............................................................................................15-25 15.32 Isolation Valves...........................................................................................................15-26 15.32.02 Resilient Wedge (Seat) Gate Valves.........................................................................15-26 15.32.07 Gate Valves - Small Diameter..................................................................................15-27 15.33 Check Valves...............................................................................................................15-27 15.33.02 Swing Check Valves................................................................................................15-27 15.33.09 Duckbill Elastomeric Check Valves............................................................................15-28 15.34 Pilot -Operated Control Valves.......................................................................................15-29 15.34. 01 Common Work for Pilot -Operated Control Valves......................................................15-29 15.34.12 Seismic Solenoid Shut-off Valve - Pilot -Operated Control...........................................15-31 15.40 PIPING SPECIALTIES............................................................................................................ 15-31 15.40.02 Expansion Joint......................................................................................................15-31 15.40.04 Dielectric Fittings and Adapters................................................................................15-32 15.40.08 Valve Box - Cast Iron.............................................................................................15-33 15.40.11 Joint Restraints - Wedge Style................................................................................15-33 15.50 FLOW METERS...................................................................................................................15-35 15.50.05 Common Work for Flow Meters................................................................................15-35 15.51 Flow Meter Readout Head............................................................................................15-36 15.51.05 Digital Read Head with Electronic Output.................................................................15-36 15.53 Electronic Flow Meters.................................................................................................15-37 15.53.03 Electromagnetic Flow Meters...................................................................................15-37 15.60 PRESSURE MEASUREMENT..................................................................................................... 15-38 15.60. 01 Common Work for Pressure Measurement................................................................15-38 15.61 Pressure Gauges.........................................................................................................15-38 DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL................................................................................................... 16-1 16.00 GENERAL............................................................................................................................16-1 16.05 Common Work for Electrical...........................................................................................16-1 16.10 ELECTRICAL SITE WORK.........................................................................................................16-7 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 10 16. 10.1 Common Work for Electrical Site Work.........................................................................16-7 16.10.2 Underground Marking Tape (Detectable Type).............................................................16-8 16.10.3 Handholes and Pull Boxes...........................................................................................16-8 16.15 Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems.................................................................16-9 16.20 UTILITY SERVICE................................................................................................................ 16-11 16.21 Electrical Service.........................................................................................................16-11 16.21.2 Electrical Utility Meter Enclosure................................................................................16-12 16.30 BASIC PANEL EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES.................................................................................... 16-12 16.36.1 Surge Protection Device (SPD)..................................................................................16-12 16.50 PANELBOARDS....................................................................................................................16-13 16.52 Panelboards................................................................................................................16-13 16.555witches and Protective Devices...................................................................................16-17 16.55.16 Molded Case Circuit Breakers..................................................................................16-17 16.55.17 Instantaneous Magnetic Trip Breakers.....................................................................16-17 16.60 CONDUCTORS.................................................................................................................... 16-18 16.61 Low Voltage Wire and Cable........................................................................................16-I8 16.63 Signal Cable................................................................................................................16-20 16.70 RACEWAYS, BOXES, AND FITTINGS.......................................................................................... 16-21 16.71 Raceways...................................................................................................................16-21 16.72 Boxes and Enclosures..................................................................................................16-24 16.72.2 Outlet and Junction Boxes.........................................................................................16-24 16.72.3 Watertight Enclosures...............................................................................................16-25 16.75 Wiring Devices............................................................................................................16-26 16.75.1 Common Work for Wiring Devices.............................................................................16-26 16.75.2 Receptacles..............................................................................................................16-27 16.75.4 HOA (Hand -Off -Auto) Lighting Switches.....................................................................16-27 16.75.5 Plates......................................................................................................................16-28 16.85 Lighting......................................................................................................................16-28 16.85.1 Common Work for Lighting Fixtures...........................................................................16-28 16.85.3 Fixtures...................................................................................................................16-29 16.95 Testing.......................................................................................................................16-29 16.95.1 Common Work for Testing........................................................................................16-29 16.95.3 Conductor Test Report..............................................................................................16-31 16.95.4 Ground Electrode Resistance Test Report...................................................................16-32 DIVISION 17 AUTOMATIC CONTROL................................................................................... 17-1 17.00 GENERAL............................................................................................................................17-1 17.05 Common Work for Automatic Control..............................................................................17-1 17.06 Control System Integrator..............................................................................................17-7 17.07 Control System Programmer (Control System Programmer Contracted Directly by Owner)17-10 17.08 System Description......................................................................................................17-10 17.10 PANELS............................................................................................................................17-12 17.12 Equipment Panels........................................................................................................17-12 17.20 PANEL COMPONENTS........................................................................................................... 17-13 17.20.3 Terminal Blocks........................................................................................................17-13 17.21 Power Supply and Protection........................................................................................17-14 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page I I 17.21.2 Normal Power Supply...............................................................................................17-14 17.21.3 Backup Power Supply...............................................................................................17-15 17.21.5 Line Protection Units - Low Current...........................................................................17-15 17.21.6 Line Protection Units - High Current..........................................................................17-16 17.22 Wire and Cable...........................................................................................................17-16 17.22.2 Wiring......................................................................................................................17-16 17.22.3 Cables.....................................................................................................................17-17 17.24 Switches and Relays....................................................................................................17-17 17.24.2 Selector Switch.........................................................................................................17-17 17.24.3 Pushbuttons.............................................................................................................17-17 17.24.4 Panel Relays.............................................................................................................17-I8 17.25 Indicating Lights and Readouts....................................................................................17-20 17.25.2 Pilot Lights...............................................................................................................17-20 17.25.2 Process Display........................................................................................................17-20 17.30 INTELLIGENT CONTROL UNITS................................................................................................ 17-20 17.31.2 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) System.............................................................17-20 17.33 Network Equipment and Computers.............................................................................17-24 17.33.1 Industrial Network Equipment...................................................................................17-24 17.40 REMOTE COMMUNICATION DEVICES......................................................................................... 17-25 17.41 Radio Systems............................................................................................................17-25 17.50 SENSORS AND CONTROLS...................................................................................................... 17-25 17.50.1 Common Work for Sensors and Controls....................................................................17-25 17.51 Emergency Sensors and Controls.................................................................................17-26 17.51.2 Smoke Detectors......................................................................................................17-26 17.51.4 Intrusion Alarm Switch..............................................................................................17-27 17.52 Pressure and Level Sensors and Controls......................................................................17-27 17.52.2 Flood Liquid Level Switches.......................................................................................17-27 17.52.4 Clean Water Level Float Switches..............................................................................17-28 17.52.10 Gauge Pressure Transmitter....................................................................................17-29 17.52.11 Submersible Level Transmitter (Clean Water)...........................................................17-30 17.53 Environmental Sensors and Controls.............................................................................17-31 17.53.2 Wall -Mounted Cooling Thermostat.............................................................................17-31 17.53.3 Wall -Mounted Heating Thermostat............................................................................17-31 17.90 TESTING, STARTUP, AND TRAINING......................................................................................... 17-32 17.90.1 Common Work for Testing, Startup, and Training.......................................................17-32 17.91 Tests and Inspections..................................................................................................17-33 17.92 Startup.......................................................................................................................17-36 17.93 Training......................................................................................................................17-37 17.94 Documentation............................................................................................................17-38 17.94.2 Operations and Maintenance Manuals........................................................................17-38 DIVISION 18 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT..................................................................... 18-1 18.0 GENERAL..............................................................................................................................18-1 Bid Item 1 - Mobilization, Demobilization, Site Preparation, and Cleanup ................................... I8-1 Bid Item 2 - Excavation Safety and Shoring............................................................................. I8-1 Bid Item 3 - Temporary Sedimentation and Erosion Control......................................................18-1 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 12 BidItem 4 - Site Work............................................................................................................18 Z BidItem 5 - Earthwork...........................................................................................................18 Z Bid Item 6 - Landscaping, Irrigation, and Site Restoration........................................................18 Z BidItem 7 - Site Utilities.........................................................................................................18 Z Bid Item 8 - Unscheduled Excavation...................................................................................... I8-3 Bid Item 9 - Unscheduled Imported Structural Backfill.............................................................. I8-3 Bid Item 10 - Crushed Surfacing Base Course.......................................................................... I8-3 Bid Item 11 - Crushed Surfacing Top Course............................................................................18-3 Bid Item 12 -Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)....................................................................................... I8-4 Bid Item 13 - Contractor Designed Reservoir Design Plans and Structural Calculations ............... I8-4 Bid Item 14 - Reservoir Foundation.........................................................................................18-4 Bid Item 15 - Reservoir Floor, Shell, and Roof..........................................................................18-4 Bid Item 16 - Reservoir Appurtenances................................................................................... I8-4 Bid Item 17 - Reservoir Finishes..............................................................................................18-5 Bid Item 18 - Full Containment Structure for En vironmental Control..........................................18-5 Bid Item 19 - Reservoir Mural.................................................................................................18-5 Bid Item 20 - Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Building Complete.................................................18-5 BidItem 21 - Electrical...........................................................................................................18-5 Bid Item ZZ - Telemetry and Automatic Control....................................................................... I8-6 Bid Item 23 - Construction Records and O&M Manuals.............................................................18-6 Bid Item 24 - Testing, Startup and Training.............................................................................18-6 BidItem 25 - Minor Change....................................................................................................18-6 APPENDIX A — Prevailing Wages and Benefit Code Key APPENDIX B — City Standard Details APPENDIX C — Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 13 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 14 CITY OF YELM REQUEST FOR BIDS Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Notice is hereby given that the City of Yelm, Washington, will receive sealed bids through December 13th, 2023, until 2:00 p.m., at the City Public Services Office or by US Mail at 901 Rhoton RD NW Yelm, 98597. Proposals received after 2:00 p.m. on said date will not be considered. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid deposit by a cashier's or certified check, or Bid Bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into a contract and furnish satisfactory Performance Bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid deposit or bond shall be forfeited to the City of Yelm. This Contract provides for the construction of the Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir, a 1.5 Million Gallon (MG) welded steel reservoir. Work will consist of mass excavation for foundation and stormwater pond, backfill, paving, and landscaping among other site work; site utilities including water, stormwater, electrical and telemetry; a 1.5 MG welded steel reservoir 46 feet in diameter and 128.5 feet shell height; and a Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) electrical/control building. The Contractor shall complete all work within 300 calendar days from the Sitework Notice to Proceed. A Procurement Notice To Proceed will be given to allow the Contractor to proceed with document review and materials procurement prior to site work beginning. Physical work shall begin within 30 days of the Sitework Notice to Proceed. The estimated construction cost is $6,000,000 to $7,000,000. A voluntary pre-bid walkthrough of the project site will be conducted on Thursday November 30th, 2023 at 10:00 AM. A City representative will meet prospective bidders on-site at 17021 103rd Avenue Southeast, Yelm, WA. To be considered qualified, the Bidder itself must have successfully completed at least three new welded steel AWWA D100 reservoir projects of at least 1.0 MG each. All bid proposals shall be in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and all other contract documents. Any questions concerning the description of the work contained in the contract documents must be directed in written form only to Clayton Posey, P.E., by email at cposey(�Drh2.com prior to bid opening date. Any questions concerning the bid documents, award documents, bonds, insurance must be directed in written form only to Brad Chatwood., by email at BradC yelmwa.aov prior to bid opening date. Free -of -charge access to project bid documents (plans, specifications, addenda, and Bidders List) is provided to Prime Bidders, Subcontractors, and Vendors by going to www.bxwa.com and clicking on "Posted Projects", "Public Works", and "City of Yelm". This online plan room provides Bidders with fully usable online documents with the ability to: download, view, print, order full/partial plan sets from numerous reprographic sources, and a free online digitizer/take-off tool. It is recommended that Bidder's "Register" in order to receive automatic e-mail notification of future addenda and to place themselves on the "Self -Registered Bidders List". Bidders that do not register will not be automatically notified of addenda and will need to periodically check the on- line plan room for addenda issued on this project. Contact Bidders Exchange of Washington at (425) 258-1303 should you require assistance with access or registration. The City, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49 C.F.R., Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally - assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 23 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award. The City encourages minority and women - owned firms to submit bids consistent with the City's policy to ensure that such firms are afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to compete for and obtain public contracts. The Contractor will be required to comply with all local, State, and Federal laws and regulations pertaining to equal employment opportunities. The City of Yelm reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any informalities or minor irregularities in the bidding, and determine which bid or bidder meets the criteria set forth in the bid documents. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. Dated the 15th day of November, 2023. Dates of Publication: Nisqually Valley News: November 15th, 2023 November 291h, 2023 Daily Journal of Commerce: November 15th, 2023 November 291h, 2023 SECTION 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 17 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 18 SECTION 1: INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1-1 Time and Place for Submission and Opening of Bids Sealed bids must be submitted by 2:00 p.m. local time on December 13th, 2023, to the Purchasing Office of the City of Yelm (the "City"), located at City Hall, or received by US Mail at City of Yelm, 106 Second St SE. The City's Purchasing Coordinator must receive the sealed bid before the time and date specified in order to be considered. Telex or facsimile bids will not be accepted. The bidder accepts all risks of late delivery of mailed bids or of mis-delivery regardless of fault. Late bids will be returned unopened. 1-2 Bid Form Bids shall be made on the "Bid Form" issued by the City as part of these contract documents, without reservation or amendment. Bids must be typewritten or printed in ink. Upon completion, the Bid Form and the bid bond or certified check and any requested information shall be placed in a sealed envelope. On the outside of the envelope, place the bid name, bid number and the time bids are due. 1-3 Bid Signature All bids shall give the total bid price and shall be signed in ink by the bidder or their authorized representative, with the address. If the bid is made by an individual, the name, signature, and address must be shown. If the bid is made by a firm or partnership, the name and address of the firm or partnership and the signature of at least one of the general partners must be shown. If the bid is made by a corporation, the bid shall show the title of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the corporation, his or her title and the address. The City reserves the right to request documentation showing the authority of the individual signing the bid to execute contracts on behalf of anyone, or any entity, other than himself/herself. Refusal to provide such information upon request may cause the bid to be rejected as nonresponsive. 1-4 Bid Withdrawal Due to Error Bids may not be withdrawn due to a claim of error in a bid unless written notice of such claim and supporting evidence for such claim including cost breakdown sheets are delivered to the City within forty-eight (48) hours prior to the opening of bids. 1-5 Modification of Bid A modification of a bid already received will be considered only if the modification is received prior to the time announced for bid opening. All modifications shall be made in writing, executed and submitted in the same form and manner as the original bid. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 19 1-6 Examination of Bid and Contract Documents — Bidder Responsibilities The submission of a bid shall constitute an acknowledgment upon which the City may rely that the bidder has thoroughly examined and is familiar with the bid and contract documents and has reviewed and inspected all applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and resolutions dealing with or related to the equipment and/or services to be provided herein. The failure or neglect of a bidder to examine such documents, statutes, regulations, ordinances or resolutions shall in no way relieve the bidder from any obligations with respect to the bidder's bid or the contract documents. No claim for additional compensation will be allowed which is based upon a lack of knowledge of any contract documents, statutes, regulations, ordinances or resolutions. Bidders shall visit delivery and service locations(s) as required. Bidders shall become familiar with and verify any environmental factors, which may impact current or future prices for this requirement. 1-7 Interpretation of Bid and Contract Documents No oral interpretations will be made to any bidder as to the meaning of the bid or contract documents and no oral communications will be binding upon the City. Requests for an interpretation shall be made by facsimile, or by mail and delivered to the Purchasing Coordinator of the City at the address indicated in Section 1-1, at least ten (10) days before the date announced for opening the bids. Any interpretation deemed necessary by the City will be in the form of an addendum to the bid documents and when issued will be sent as promptly as is practical to all parties to whom the bid documents have been issued. All such addenda shall become part of the bid. 1-8 Addenda Each bid shall include acknowledgment of receipt and review of all addenda issued during the bidding period on the Bid Form. 1-9 Bid Price The bid price shall include everything necessary for the completion of the contract including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, freight charges, facilities and all management, superintendence, labor and service, except as may be provided otherwise in the contract documents. All Washington State sales tax and all other government taxes, assessments and charges shall be included in the various Bid item prices as required by law. The offer shall remain in effect ninety (90) days after the bid opening. In the event of a discrepancy between a unit price and an extended amount and/or the total price, the unit price will govern and the extended amount and/or total price will be corrected accordingly. However, downward correction of a bid, which would displace the apparent low bidder, will only be permitted if the error made and the intended bid price can be determined solely from the bid documents. 1-10 Postponement of Bid Opening The City reserves the right to postpone the date and time for the opening of bids by announcing such postponement at any time prior to the date and time announced in these documents. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 20 1-11 Rejection of Bids A. The City reserves the right to reject any bid for any reason including, but not limited to, the following: any bid which is incomplete, obscure, irregular or lacking necessary detail and specificity; any bid which omits a price on any one or more items on the Bid Form and Bid Schedule; any bid in which prices are unbalanced in the opinion of the City; any bid accompanied by insufficient or irregular bid bond; any bid from bidders who (in the sole judgment of the City) lack the qualifications and/or responsibility necessary to perform the work after considering the elements in Section 1-14.B; any bid for which a bidder fails or neglects to complete and submit any qualifications information within the time specified by the City and as may be otherwise required herein; and, any bid submitted by a bidder who is not registered or licensed as may be required by the laws of the State of Washington. B. The City further reserves the right to reject any portion of any bid and/or to reject all bids. In consideration for the City's review and evaluation of its bid, the bidder waives and releases any claims against the City arising from any rejection of any or all bids. 1-12 Alterations to Documents Prohibited Any addition, limitation or provision attached to the bid may render it informal or nonresponsive and cause its rejection. Alteration by erasure or interlineations must be explained or noted in the bid form over the signature of the bidder. No oral, telegraphic or telephonic bids or modifications will be considered. 1-13 Disqualification of Bidder If, in the opinion of the City, there is reason to believe that collusion exists among bidders, none of the bids of the participants in such collusion will be considered. All bidders are required to submit the Affidavit of Non -Collusion with their bids. 1-14 Evaluation of Bids It is the intent of City to award a contract to the lowest responsive bid by a responsible bidder as evaluated by the City. The bidder may be required by the City to submit documentation demonstrating compliance with the criteria. A. Responsiveness — The bidder must complete all required forms and bid documents and provide all required and requested information. Refusal to provide such information may cause the bid to be rejected. The City will consider all the material submitted by the bidder to determine whether the bid is in compliance with the bid terms and documents and responsive to the requested work. B. Responsibility —The City will consider all the material submitted by the bidder, and other evidence it may obtain including information from previous project owners, to determine whether the bidder is responsible. The bidder must meet the following bidder responsibility criteria and supplemental bidder responsibility criteria to be considered a responsible bidder: 1. Mandatory Bidder Responsibility Criteria SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 21 a. Have a current certificate of registration as a contractor in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW, which must have been in effect at the time of bid submittal; b. Have a current Washington Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number; C. If applicable: i. Have Industrial Insurance (workers' compensation) coverage for the bidder's employees working in Washington, as required in Title 51 RCW; ii. Have a Washington Employment Security Department number, as required in Title 50 RCW; iii. Have a Washington Department of Revenue state excise tax registration number, as required in Title 82 RCW; d. Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065(3). 2. Supplemental Bidder Responsibility Criteria a. The bidder shall not have a record of excessive claims filed against the retainage, payment, or performance bonds for public works projects during the previous three years, that demonstrate a lack of effective management by the bidder of making timely and appropriate payments to its subcontractors, suppliers, and workers, unless there are extenuating circumstances acceptable to the City. b. The bidder shall have a reasonable history of successfully completed projects of a similar size and scope as required by the contract documents for this project. The City will evaluate whether the projects were "successfully completed" and of a Alsimilar size and scope." c. The bidder shall have evidence that it is able to begin and complete the work, and complete it in a timely fashion. 2. As evidence that the bidder meets the supplemental bidder responsibility criteria in paragraph (B)(2) above, the apparent low bidder must submit the following documentation to the City within 48 hours of the bid opening. The City reserves the right to request such documentation from other bidders also. Refusal to provide such information upon request may cause the bid to be rejected. a. The bidder shall submit a list of the public works projects completed within the previous three years and include for each project the following information; the owner and contact information for the owner; a list of claims filed against the retainage, payment, or performance bond for any of the projects listed; a written explanation of the circumstances surrounding each claim and the ultimate resolution of the claim. b. The bidder shall submit a list of projects of similar size and scope to this project and include information about each project, including the following: the owner and contact information for the owner; the awarded contract amount; the final contract amount; a description of the scope of the project and how the project is similar to this project; the bidder's assessment of its performance of each project. The information should include any information regarding performance in the following areas; quality control; safety record; timeliness of performance; use of skilled personnel; management of subcontractors; availability of and use of appropriate equipment; compliance with contract documents; management of submittals process, change orders, and close-out. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 22 c. The bidder shall furnish acceptable evidence of the bidder's current ability to perform, such as firm commitments by subcontractors, equipment, supplies and facilities, and the bidder's ability to obtain the necessary personnel. d. The bidder shall obtain a City of Yelm Business Registration. The registration may be obtained at: http://dor.wa.gov. 4. If the City determines the bidder does not meet the bidder responsibility criteria in paragraph (B)(2) above and is therefore not a responsible bidder, the City shall notify the bidder in writing with the reasons for its determination. If the bidder disagrees with this determination, it may appeal the determination within 24 hours of receipt of the City's determination by presenting additional information to the City and meeting the requirements of section 1-20(B). The City will consider the additional information before issuing its final determination. If the final determination affirms that the bidder is not responsible, the City will not execute a contract with any other bidder until two business days after the bidder determined to be not responsible has received the final determination. C. Lowest Bid — The lowest bid shall be determined as set forth on the Bid Form. The acceptance of a bid will be evidenced by a Notice of Award. No other act of the City shall constitute acceptance of a bid. Within ten (10) days after receipt of Notice of Award, the bidder whose bid is accepted, shall furnish the required performance bond, certificate of insurance, execute the contract and perform all other acts required by the bid and contract documents as conditions precedent to formation of the contract. 1-15 Procedures When Only One Bid is Received In the event only a single responsive bid is received, the City reserves the right to conduct a price and/or cost analysis of such bid. The sole bidder shall provide such information, data and other documentation as deemed necessary by the City for such analysis. The City reserves the right to reject such bid. 1-16 Bid Documents Bidders are required to submit with the bid package the following: A. Bid Form B. Bid Proposal Sheet C. Bid Signature Page D. Bid Bond Form E. Subcontractor List F. Contractor Certification of Wage Law Compliance SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 23 G. Non—Collusion Declaration 1-17 Conflicts of Interest and Noncompetitive Practices By submitting a bid, the Contractor agrees as follows: A. Conflict of Interest — That it has no direct or indirect pecuniary or proprietary interest, that it shall not acquire any interest which conflicts in any manner or degree with the work, services, equipment or materials required to be performed and/or provided under this contract and that it shall not employ any person or agent having any such interests. In the event that the Contractor or its agents, employees or representatives hereafter acquires such a conflict of interest, it shall immediately disclose such interest to the City and take action immediately to eliminate the conflict or to withdraw from this contract, as the City may require. B. Continaent Fees and Gratuities That no person or selling agency except bona fide employees or designated agents or representatives of the Contractor have been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract with an agreement or understanding that a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee would be paid; and 2. That no gratuities in the form of entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Contractor or any of its agents, employees or representatives, to any official, member or employee of the City or other governmental agency with a view toward securing this contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending, or the making of any determination with respect to the performance of this contract. 1-18 Bid Security No bid will be considered unless accompanied by either a cashier's or certified check in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Total Bid Price as indicated on "Bid Form", or a letter of credit for a like amount. The check or bond shall be payable to the City; it shall be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder fails, neglects or refuses to enter into a contract for the faithful performance of said work (including the providing of any evidence of insurance and/or performance bond required herein), in the event the contract is awarded to them, within ten (10) days after the award is made. If a bid bond is submitted in lieu of a check, it shall be executed by a corporate surety authorized to transact business in the State of Washington and "Bid Bond". If a letter of credit is offered in lieu of a check or bidder's bond, it shall be issued as an irrevocable documentary letter of credit drawn on a banking institution licensed to do business in the State of Washington. The letter of credit shall include instruction and provisions prescribed in "Bid Bond". Any questions as to the qualification of the banking institution or instruction shall be submitted to the City at least ten (10) days prior to the bid submittal date. The check, bidder's bond or letter of credit shall be attached to the bid form. The City further reserves the right to hold all bids (and the accompanying bid security) from the date of the bid opening until the contract and any performance/payment bond are executed, SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 24 provided that such period does not exceed ninety (90) days, and each bid shall remain effective during that period. 1-19 Performance/ Payment Bond The bidder to whom the City has awarded this Contract will remove the Performance/Payment Bond attached to the Public Works Contract and deliver it to the City fully executed by the bidder and a surety company in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price as security for the faithful performance of the work including the payment of all persons furnishing materials and performing labor on the work and all payments arising from the performance of the work due the State of Washington pursuant to Titles 50 and 51 RCW. Such bond must be executed by a duly licensed surety company, which is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and the surety's name shall appear in the current Authorized Insurance Company List in the State of Washington, published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. The scope of the Performance/Payment Bond shall in no way affect or alter the liabilities of the Contractor to the City under Section 8 "Indemnification" of the Public Works Contract. The City may require the surety company to appear and qualify itself upon the bond. If, at any time, the City determines in its sole judgment that the surety company is insufficient, the City may require the Contractor to furnish additional surety in form and arrangement satisfactory to the City and in an amount not exceeding that originally required. The Contractor shall submit a performance bond complying with the requirements of this paragraph within ten (10) days after the award is made. Payments will not be made on the Contract until sufficient surety as required is furnished. 1-20 Bid Dispute A. Any actual or prospective bidder, including sub -contractors and suppliers showing a substantial economic interest in this contract who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of this contract, may protest to the City in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. Protests based on the specifications or other terms in the contract documents, which are apparent prior to the date established for submittal of bids, shall be submitted not later than ten (10) calendar days prior to said date, or shall be deemed waived. All other protests shall be accepted only from actual bidders and shall be submitted within five (5) calendar days after the aggrieved person knows or should have known of the facts and circumstances upon which the protest is based; provided, however, that in no event shall a protest be considered if all bids are rejected or after the award of this contract. B. In order to be considered, a protest shall be in writing and shall include: (1) the name and address of the aggrieved person; (2) the RFB number and contract title under which the protest is submitted; (3) a detailed description of the specific grounds for protest and any supporting documentation; and (4) the specific ruling or relief requested. The written protest shall be addressed to: SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 25 City of Yelm, 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 Attention: Bid Protest — SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR C. Upon receipt of a written protest, the City will promptly consider the protest. The City may give notice of the protest and its basis to other persons, including bidders involved in or affected by the protest; such other persons may be given an opportunity to submit their views and relevant information. If the protest is not resolved by mutual agreement of the aggrieved person and the City, the City will promptly issue a decision in writing stating the reasons for the action taken and informing the aggrieved person of his or her right to appeal the decision to the Mayor or his or her designee. A copy of the decision shall be mailed (by certified mail, return receipt requested) or otherwise promptly furnished to the aggrieved person and any other interested parties who requested a copy of the decision. The decision will be considered final and conclusive unless appealed within five (5) calendar days after receipt of the decision to the Mayor or his or her designee. If the decision is appealed, then the subsequent determination of the Mayor or his or her designee shall issue within five (5) days of the Mayor's receipt of the appeal and shall be final and conclusive. D. Failure to comply with these protest procedures will render a protest untimely or inadequate and shall result in rejection thereof by the City. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 26 SECTION 2 BID DOCUMENTS SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 27 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 28 BIDDER'S CHECKLIST The bidder's attention is especially called to the following forms, which must be executed in full as required and submitted as part of the bid. Failure to comply shall result in rejection of any bid not so complying. ❑ BID FORM The Bid Form shall be completed and fully executed, including filling in the total bid amount. ❑ BID SIGNATURE PAGE The Bid Signature Page shall be filled in and fully executed by the bidder. ❑ BID BOND FORM This form is to be executed by the bidder and the surety company unless a certified check is submitted with the bid. The amount of this bond or certified check shall not be less than five percent (5%) of the total bid amount and shall be shown in both words and figures. ❑ SUBCONTRACTOR LIST The Subcontractor List shall be filled in by the bidder. ❑ CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION WAGE LAW COMPLIANCE ❑ NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 29 CITY OF YELM SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR BID FORM Schedule of Prices Item Description Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price 1. Mobilization, Demobilization, Site Preparation, and Cleanup LS 1 _ $------------ =$ $------2. - — — — — — 2. Excavation Safety and Shoring LS 1 _ $------------ =$ $------3. - — — — — — 3. Temporary Sedimentation and Erosion Control LS 1 4. Site Work LS 1 _ $------------ =$ $------5. - — — — — — 5. Earthwork LS 1 _ $------------ =$ $---------- - — — — — — — — — — - 6. 6. Landscaping, Irrigation, and Site Restoration LS 1 _ $------------ =$ $------7. - — — — — — 7. Site Utilities LS 1 _ $------------ =$ $------8• - — — — — — 8. Unscheduled Excavation CY 100 _ $------------ =$ $------9• - — — — — — 9. Unscheduled Imported Structural Backfill TN 200 _ $------------ _ $---------- 10. Crushed Surfacing Base Course TN 880 _ $------------ _ $---------- 11. Crushed Surfacing Top Course TN 130 _ $------------ _ $---------- SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 30 Schedule of Prices Item Description Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price 12. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) TN 180 _ $------------ _ $---------- 13. Contractor Designed Reservoir Design Plans and Structural Calculations LS 1 = $_----------_ _ $---------- 14. Reservoir Foundation LS 1 _ $------------ _ $---------- 15. Reservoir Floor, Shell, and Roof LS 1 _ $------------ _ $---------- 16. Reservoir Appurtenances LS 1 _ $------------ _ $---------- 17. Reservoir Finishes LS 1 _ $------------ _ $---------- 18. Full Containment Structure for Environmental Control LS 1 19. Reservoir Mural LS 1 20• Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Building Complete LS 1 21. Electrical LS 1 22. Telemetry and Automatic Control LS 1 23. Construction Records and 0&M Manuals LS 1 24. Testing, Startup and Training LS 1 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 31 Schedule of Prices Item Description Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price 25. Minor Change FA 1 = $ 100,000 _ $ 100,000 SUBTOTAL (Items 1-25) Sales Tax @ 9.3% TOTAL BID AMOUNT $________ $________________ Bidder: To City Council Members City of Yelm, 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 Date: Pursuant to and in compliance with your advertisement for bids for construction of the SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR and other documents relating thereto, the undersigned has carefully examined all of the bid and contract documents as the premises and conditions affecting the delivery, supply and maintenance of the SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and perform all work as required in strict accordance with the contract documents, for the above -referenced amount, inclusive of Washington State sales tax and all other government taxes, assessments and charges as required by law. The required bid security consisting of a certified check, bid bond, or cashier's check in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount bid is attached hereto, which it is agreed shall be collected and retained by the City as liquidated damages in the event this bid is accepted by the City within forty- five (45) calendar days after the day of the bid opening and the undersigned fails to execute the SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Public Works Contract and to provide the required certificate of insurance to the City, under the conditions thereof, within ten (10) calendar days after the Notice of Award; otherwise said Bid Security will be returned to the undersigned. Bond or Certified Check Dollars ($ ) The Bidder shall complete this entire Bid Form or this bid may be considered non-responsive. The City may correct obvious mathematical errors. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 32 The City of Yelm reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any informalities or minor irregularities in the bidding, and determine which bid or bidder meets the criteria set forth in the bid documents. Receipt of the following Addendums is hereby acknowledged: Addendum No. Date Issued: Addendum No. Date Issued: Addendum No. Date Issued: Corporation/Partnership/Individual Firm Name (Delete Two) Bidder's State License No. Signature Bidder's State Tax No. Title SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 33 BID SIGNATURE PAGE Date: The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to deliver the equipment and/or services pursuant to the SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR and comply with all other terms and conditions of the contract and bid documents. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the day of bid opening. The required bid security consisting of a certified check, bid bond, or cashier's check in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount will be delivered to the City. The undersigned individual represents and warrants that he or she is dully authorized to execute the bid and all bid documents on behalf of any partnership, joint venture or corporation. Corporation/Partnership/Individual Company 61-9-- Two) By: (Signature) (Printed Name) Its: (Title) (Address) (Telephone Number) SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 34 BID BOND FORM Herewith find deposit in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, cash, or bid bond in the amount of $ , which amount is not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid. BID BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that we, , as Principal, and , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Yelm, as Obligee, in the penal sum of and X100 dollars ($ ), for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs and executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. for: The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR According to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefore, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall be, and remain in full force and effect, and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee as penalty and liquidated damages, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS DAY OF , 2023. Principal Surety Date: , 202_. Received return of deposit in the sum of $ SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 35 SUBCONTRACTOR LIST Prepared in Compliance with RCW 39.30.060 SOUTHEAST 1.51MG RESERVOIR As required by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 39.30.060, bids of $1,000,000 or more for any public works contract require each bidder to submit the names of the subcontractors who will be performing the work in the areas of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing (as defined in chapter 18.106 RCW), electrical (as defined in chapter 19.28 RCW), structural steel installation, or rebar installation, or to name itself for the work. If the subcontractor names are not submitted with the bid, or within 1 hour of the bid time (HVAC, plumbing, electrical), within 48 hours of the bid time (structural steel and rebar), the bid shall be considered non-responsive (void). Subcontractors that are proposed to perform the work of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, electrical as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW, AND structural steel and rebar installation must be named below, or name the bidder for the work. The bidder verifies that each first tier subcontractor, and every subcontractor of any tier that hires other subcontractors, has a current certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW; a current Washington Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number; has Industrial Insurance (workers' compensation) coverage for the subcontractor's employees working in Washington, as required in Title 51 RCW, if applicable; has a Washington Employment Security Department number, as required in Title 50 RCW, if applicable; has a Washington Department of Revenue state excise tax registration number, as required in Title 82 RCW, if applicable; has an electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW, if applicable; has an elevator contractor license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW. The following listed bid items (listed in numerical sequence) for this project have been proposed for subcontracting to subcontractors as indicated. SUBCONTRACTOR ITEM NUMBERS ESTIMATED AMOUNT WMBE QUALIFIED? NAME (Y/ N) SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 36 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named; and further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure him/herself an advantage over any other bidder or bidders. Contractor/Business Name Signature of Bidder/Contractor STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 2023. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. Residing at My Commission Expires: SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 37 AML Washi rigton State V, Department of Transportation Contractor Certification Wage Law Compliance - Responsibility Criteria Washington State Public Works Contracts FAILURE TO RETURN THIS CERTIFICATION AS PART OF THE BID PROPOSAL PACKAGE WILL MAKE THIS BID NONRESPONSIVE AND INELIGIBLE FOR AWARD I hereby certify. under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, on behalf of the firm identified below that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this firm has NOT been determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction to have willfully violated, as defined in RCW 49.48.082, any provision of RCW chapters 49.46. 49.48, or 49.52 within three (3) years prior to the date of the Call for Bids. Bidder Name: By: Name of Contractor/Bidder - Print full legal entity name of Firm Signature of authorized person Print Name of person making certifications for firm Title: Date: Place: Title of person signing certificate Print city and state where signed SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 38 SECTION 3: AWARD DOCUMENTS SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 39 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 40 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT FOR SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR THIS PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ("Contract") is dated effective this day of , 202_ and is made by and between the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation ("City or Owner'), and , a _ ("Contractor'). A. The City desires to retain an independent contractor to furnish all labor and materials necessary to perform work necessary to provide for safety improvements throughout the City of Yelm by replacing identified sections of sidewalk that present tripping hazards and or limited protection from adjacent traffic; and B. The Contractor has the requisite skill and experience to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties ("Parties') agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. SERVICES BY CONTRACTOR 1.1 Description of Work. Contractor shall perform all work and furnish all tools, materials, supplies, equipment, labor and other items incidental thereto necessary for the construction and completion of the work, more particularly described as the SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR project, including without limitation: The construction of the Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir, a 1.5 Million Gallon (MG) welded steel reservoir. Work will consist of mass excavation for foundation and stormwater pond, backfill, paving, and landscaping among other site work; site utilities including water, stormwater, electrical and telemetry; a 1.5 MG welded steel reservoir 46 feet in diameter and 128 feet shell height; and a Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) electrical/control building. ("Work'), in accordance with and as described in the Contract Documents, which include without limitation, this Contract, Request for Bids, Bidder's Checklist, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Signature Page, Bid Bond Form, Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract attached as Exhibit A, Contractor's Retainage Agreement attached as Exhibit B, Retainage Bond to City of Yelm Way attached as Exhibit C, Performance / Payment Bond attached hereto as Exhibit D, current Prevailing Wage Rates attached as Appendix A, and 2021 WSDOT / APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction ("Standard Specifications") and all other Appendices attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, (collectively the "Contract Documents'), which Work shall be completed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. 1.2 Completion Date. The Work shall be commenced within five (5) days of receipt by the Contractor of the City's Notice to Proceed. The Work shall be completed in 300 working days. In the event the Work is not substantially completed within the time specified, Contractor agrees to pay to the City liquidated damages in the amount set forth in the formula included in Section 1.3 of this Contract. The Work shall not be deemed completed until the City has accepted the Work and delivered a written Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A". SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 41 1.3 Liquidated Damages. Time is of the essence of the Contract. Delays inconvenience the public and cost taxpayers undue sums of money, adding time needed for administration, inspection, and supervision. It is impractical for the City to calculate the actual cost of delays. Accordingly, the Contractor agrees to pay liquidated damages calculated on the following formula for its failure to complete this Contract on time: (1) To pay (according to the following formula) liquidated damages for each working day beyond the number of working days established for completion, and (2) To authorize the City to deduct these liquidated damages from any money due or coming due to the Contractor. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FORMULA LD = 0.15C T Where: LD = Liquidated damages per working day (rounded to the nearest dollar). C = Original Contract amount. T = Original time for completion. When the Work is completed to the extent that the City has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from an operational and safety standpoint, the City may determine the Work is complete. Liquidated damages will not be assessed for any days for which an extension of time is granted. No deduction or payment of liquidated damages will, in any degree, release the Contractor from further obligations and liabilities to complete this entire Contract. 1.4 Performance Standard. Contractor shall perform the Work in a manner consistent with accepted practices for other properly licensed contractors. 1.5 Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with all applicable federal, state and City laws, including but not limited to all City ordinances, resolutions, standards or policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended, and obtain all necessary permits and pay all permit, inspection or other fees, at its sole cost and expense. 1.6 Chanae Orders. The City may, at any time, without notice to sureties, order changes within the scope of the Work. Contractor agrees to fully perform any such alterations or additions to the Work. All such change orders shall be in the form of a Contract Change Order Agreement, which shall be signed by both the Contractor and the City, shall specifically state the change of the Work, the completion date for such changed Work, and any increase or decrease in the compensation to be paid to Contractor as a result of such change in the Work. Oral change orders shall not be binding upon the City unless confirmed in writing by the City. If any change hereunder causes an increases or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or time required for, the performance or any part of the Work under this Contract, an equitable adjustment will be made and the Contract modified in writing accordingly. If the Contractor intends to assert a claim for an equitable adjustment hereunder, it shall, within five (5) days after receipt of a written change order from the City or after giving the written notice SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 42 required above, as the case may be, submit to the City a written statement setting forth the general nature and monetary extent of such claim; provided the City, in its sole discretion, may extend such five (5) day submittal period upon request by the Contractor. The Contractor shall supply such supporting documents and analysis for the claims as the City may require to determine if the claims and costs have merit. No claim will be allowed for any costs incurred more than five (5) days before the Contractor gives written notice as required. No claim by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment hereunder will be allowed if asserted after final payment under this Contract. 1.7 Work and Materials Omitted. The Contractor shall, when directed in writing by the City, omit work, services and materials to be furnished under the Contract and the value of the omitted work and materials will be deducted from the Total Compensation and the delivery schedule will be reviewed if appropriate. The value of the omitted work, services and materials will be a lump sum or unit price, as mutually agreed upon in writing by the Contractor and the City. If the parties cannot agree on an appropriate deduction, the City reserves the right to issue a unilateral change order adjusting the price and the delivery schedule. 1.8 Utility Location. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the Work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of Chapter 19.122 RCW, as amended. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with Chapter 19.122 RCW, including utilization of the "one call" locator system before commencing any excavation activities. 1.9 Air Environment. Contractor shall fully cover any and all loads of loose construction materials including without limitation, sand, dirt, gravel, asphalt, excavated materials, construction debris, etc., to protect said materials from air exposure and to minimize emission of airborne particles to the ambient air environment within the City of Yelm Way. 2. TERM This Contract shall commence on the effective date of this Contract and continue until the completion of the Work, , and the expiration of all warranties contained in the Contract Documents ("Term'). 3. WARRANTY 3.1 Requisite Skill. The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite skill to complete the Work, and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to being registered to do business in the City of Yelm Way by obtaining a City of Yelm Way business registration. Contractor represents that it has visited the site and is familiar with all of the plans and specifications in connection with the completion of the Work. 3.2 Defective Work. The Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, correct all Work which the City deems to have defects in workmanship and material discovered within one (1) year after the City's final acceptance of the Work as more fully set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract; provided, however, that this warranty may extend beyond this time period pursuant to the warranties attached hereto as Appendix C and incorporated by this reference. This warranty shall survive termination of this Contract. Conducting of tests and inspections, review of specifications or plans, payment for goods or services, or acceptance by the City does not constitute waiver, modification or exclusion of any express or implied warranty or any right under this Contract or law. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 43 4. COMPENSATION 4.1 Total Compensation. In consideration of the Contractor performing the Work, the City agrees to pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed and 00/100 Dollars ($ ), which amount shall constitute full and complete payment by the City ("Total Compensation'). 4.2 Contractor Responsible for Taxes. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Contract. 4.3 Nonpayment. The City shall have the right to withhold payment to the Contractor for any of the Work not completed in a satisfactory manner, in the City's sole discretion, which shall be withheld until such time as Contractor modifies or repairs the Work so that the Work is acceptable to the City. 4.4 Method of Payment. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work performed according to the contract and as specified for payment. Payments will be made for work and labor performed and materials furnished under the contract according to the price in the proposal unless otherwise provided. Partial payments will be made once each month, based on partial estimates prepared by the Engineer and signed by the Contractor. Failure to perform any obligation under this Contract may be adequate reason for the City to withhold payments until the obligation is performed. Upon completion of all work and after final inspection, the amount due the Contractor under the contract will be paid based upon the final estimate made by the Engineer and signed by the Contractor. Payment to the Contractor for partial estimates, final estimates, and retained percentages shall be subject to controlling laws. 4.5 Retainage. Pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW, five percent (5%) of the Total Compensation shall be retained by the City to assure payment of Contractor's state sales tax as well as payment of subcontractors, suppliers and laborers. Upon execution of this Contract, Contractor shall complete, execute and deliver to the City the Contractor Retainage Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B" or execute the Retainage Bond attached hereto as Exhibit "C". No payments shall be made by the City from the retained percentage fund ("Fund') nor shall the City release any retained percentage escrow account to any person, until the City has received from the Department of Revenue a certificate that all taxes, increases, and penalties due from the Contractor and all taxes due and to become due with respect to the Contract have been paid in full or that they are, in the Department's opinion, readily collectible without recourse to the State's lien on the retained percentage. Upon non-payment by the general contractor, any supplier or subcontractor may file a lien against the retainage funds, pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW. Subcontractors or suppliers are required to give notice of any lien within forty-five (45) days of the completion of the Work and in the manner provided in RCW 39.08.030. Within sixty (60) days after completion of all Work on this Contract, the City shall release and pay in full the money held in the Fund, unless the City becomes aware of outstanding claims made against this Fund. 5. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER In all Contractor services, programs or activities, and all Contractor hiring and employment made possible by or resulting from this Contract, there shall be no discrimination by Contractor or by SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 44 Contractor's employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creed, national origin, marital status or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. Any material violation of this provision shall be grounds for termination of this Contract by the City and, in the case of the Contractor's breach, may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR/CONFLICT OF INTEREST 6.1 It is the intention and understanding of the Parties that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; provided, however, that such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. 6.2 If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this is a contract with an individual, the contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. 7. CITY'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT 7.1 Termination Without Cause. Prior to the expiration of the Term, this Contract may be terminated without cause upon oral or written notice delivered to Contractor from the City. Upon termination, all supplies, materials, labor and/or equipment furnished prior to such date shall, at the City's option, become its property. In the event Contractor is not in breach of any of the provisions of this Contract, Contractor will be paid for any portion of the Work which has been completed to the City's satisfaction, calculated by the percentage amount that portion of the Work completed and accepted by the City bears to the Total Compensation. 7.2 Termination For Cause. The City may immediately terminate this Contract, take possession of the Property and all materials thereon and finish the Work by whatever methods it may deem expedient, upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: (1) If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt. (2) If the Contractor should make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 45 (3) If a receiver should be appointed on the account of insolvency of Contractor. (4) If Contractor should persistently or repeatedly refuse or fail to supply a sufficient number of properly skilled workmen or proper materials for completion of the Work. (5) If the Contractor should fail to complete the Work within the time specified in this Contract. (6) If the Contractor should fail to complete the Work in compliance with the plans and specifications, to the City's satisfaction. (7) If the Contractor should fail to make prompt payment to subcontractors or for material labor. (8) If Contractor should persistently disregard laws, ordinances or regulations of federal, state, or municipal agencies or subdivisions thereof. (9) If Contractor should persistently disregard instructions of the Mayor or his or her representative. (10) If Contractor shall be in breach or violation of any term or provision of this Contract, or (11) If the Work is not being performed pursuant to RCW 49.28.050 or 49.28.060. 7.3 Result of Termination. In the event that this Contract is terminated for cause by the City, the City may do any or all of the following: (1) Stop payments. The City shall cease any further payments to Contractor and Contractor shall be obligated to repay any payments it received under this contract. (2) Complete Work. The City may, but in no event is the City obligated to, complete the Work, which Work may be completed by the City's agents, employees or representatives or the City may retain independent persons or entities to complete the Work. Upon demand, Contractor agrees to pay to the City all of its costs and expenses in completing such Work. (3) Take Possession. The City may take possession of the Property and any equipment and materials on the Property and may sale the same, the proceeds of which shall be paid to the City for its damages. (4) Remedies Not Exclusive. No remedy or election under this Contract shall be deemed an election by the City but shall be cumulative and in addition to all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 46 S. INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Contract to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Contractor's breach of this Contract. Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. 8.2 City Indemnification. The City agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licenses, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Contract to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City, its employees or agents. 8.3 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 9. INSURANCE 9.1 Minimum Limits. The Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating which is satisfactory to the City: (1) Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; (2) Commercial general liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, products liability and property damage. (3) Automobile liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death and property damage. 9.2 Endorsements. Each insurance policy shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers and agents shall each be named as additional insured. (2) Coverage may not be terminated or reduced in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the City. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 47 (3) Coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of Contractor's insurance. (4) Coverage shall apply to each insured separately against whom claim is made or suit is brought. (5) Coverage shall be written on an "occurrence" form as opposed to a "claims made" or "claims paid" form. 9.3 Verification. Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance evidencing the coverage required by the Section. The City reserves the right to require complete certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. 9.4 Subcontractors. Contractors shall include all subcontractors as additional insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 9.5 Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be disclosed by Contractor and approved in writing by the City. At the option of the City, Contractor shall either reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions or procure a bond guaranteeing payment for any amounts not covered by the insurance by reason of such deductibles or self-insured retentions. 9.6 Asbestos Abatement or Hazardous Materials. If asbestos abatement or hazardous materials work is performed, Contractor shall review coverage with the City's Risk Manager and provide scope and limits of coverage that are appropriate for the scope of Work and are satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall not commence any Work until its coverage has been approved by the Risk Manager. 9.7 Termination. The Contractor's failure to provide the insurance coverage required by this Section shall be deemed to constitute non-acceptance of this Contract by the Contractor and the City may then award this Contract to the next lower bidder. 10. PERFORMANCE/ PAYMENT BOND Pursuant to RCW 39.08.010, Contractor shall post a Performance/Payment Bond in favor of the City, in the form attached to this Contract as Exhibit "D" and incorporated by this reference, in a dollar amount satisfactory to the City; to guarantee Contractor's performance of the Work to the City's satisfaction; to insure Contractor's performance of all of the provisions of this Contract; and to guarantee Contractor's payment of all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material persons. Contractor's obligations under this Contract shall not be limited to the dollar amount of the bond. 11. SAFETY Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work site and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal safety and health laws and codes, including without limitation, all OSHA/WISHA requirements, Safety and Health Standards for Construction Work (Chapter 296-155 WAC), General Safety and Health Standards (Chapter 296-24 WAC), SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 48 and General Occupational Health Standards (Chapter 296-62 WAC). Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, all necessary guards, barricades, signals and other safeguards at all unsafe places at or near the Work for the protection of its employees and the public, safe passageways at all road crossings, crosswalks, street intersections, post danger signs warning against any known or unusual hazards and do all other things necessary to prevent accident or loss of any kind. Contractor shall protect from danger all water, sewer, gas, steam or other pipes or conduits, and all hydrants and all other property that is likely to become displaced or damaged by the execution of the Work. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain a safe storage place for its materials and equipment and is solely responsible for the same. 12. PREVAILING WAGES 12.1 Wages of Employees. This contract is subject to the minimum wage requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 49.28 RCW (as amended or supplemented). On Federal -aid projects, Federal wage laws and rules also apply. The Hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits are listed in Appendix A. When Federal wage and fringe benefit rates are listed, the rates match those identified by the U.S. Department of Labor's "Decision Number" shown in Appendix A. The Contractor, any subcontractor, and all individuals or firms required by Chapter 39.12 RCW, Chapter 296-127 WAC, or the Federal Davis -Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) to pay minimum prevailing wages, shall not pay any worker less than the minimum hourly wage rates and fringe benefits required by Chapter 39.12 RCW or the DBRA. Higher wages and benefits may be paid. When the project is subject to both State and Federal hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits and when the two rates differ for similar kinds of labor, the Contractor shall not pay less than the higher rate unless the state rates are specifically preempted by Federal law. The Contractor shall ensure that any firm (Supplier, Manufacturer, or Fabricator) that falls under the provisions of Chapter 39.12 RCW because of the definition "Contractor" in Chapter 296-127-010 WAC, complies with all the requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW. 12.2 Exemptions to Prevailing Wage. The prevailing wage requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW, and as required in this Contract do not apply to: (1) Sole owners and their spouses; (2) Any partner who owns at least 30% of a partnership; (3) The President, Vice President and Treasurer of a corporation if each one owns at least 30% of the corporation. 12.3 Reporting Requirements. On forms provided by the Industrial Statistician of State L&I, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following for itself and for each firm covered under Chapter 39.12 RCW that provided work and materials of the contract: (1) A copy of an approved "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" State L&I form number F700-029-000. The City will make no payment under this contract for the work performed until SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 49 this statement has been approved by State L&I and a certified copy of the approved form has been submitted to the City. (2) A copy of an approved "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid," State L&I form number F700-007- 000. The City will not release to the contractor any funds retained under Chapter 60.28.011 RCW until all of the "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid" forms have been approved by State L&I and a certified copy of all the approved forms have been submitted to the City. The Contractor shall be responsible for requesting these forms from the State L&I and for paying any approval fees required by State L&I. Certified payrolls are required to be submitted by the Contractor to the City, for the Contractor and all subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors. 12.4 Disputes. In the event any dispute arises as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for work of a similar nature and such dispute cannot be resolved by the City and the Contractor, the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industries of the State of Washington and the decision therein shall be final and conclusive and binding on all parties involved in the dispute. 13. FAILURE TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS In the event the Contractor shall fail to pay any subcontractors or laborers, fail to pay for any materials, or fail to pay any insurance premiums, the City may terminate this Contract and/or the City may withhold from the money which may be due the Contractor an amount necessary for the payment of such subcontractors, laborers, materials or premiums. 14. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media, all finished or unfinished documents or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall become the property of the City and shall be delivered to the City at its request. 15. CONFIDENTIALITY Any records, reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to or prepared or assembled by the Contractor under this Contract will be kept as confidential and shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Contractor without prior written approval of the City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of this Contract and such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Contract. These records shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Contract. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 50 17. CLEAN UP At any time ordered by the City and immediately after completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from the Work. In the event the Contractor fails to perform the necessary clean up, the City may, but in no event is it obligated to, perform the necessary clean up and the costs thereof shall be immediately paid by the Contractor to the City and/or the City may deduct its costs from any remaining payments due to the Contractor. 18. CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY: 18.1 Contractor Verification. The Contractor verifies that it has a certificate of registration with the State of Washington; has a current state unified business identifier number; is not disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3); has industrial insurance as required by Title 51 RCW, if applicable; has an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW, if applicable; has a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW, if applicable; possesses a valid electrical contractor license as required by chapter 19.28 RCW, if applicable; and possesses an elevator contractor license as required by chapter 70.87 RCW, if applicable. 18.2 Subcontractor Contracts. The Contractor shall include the language of this section in each of its first tier subcontracts, and shall require each of its subcontractors to include the same language of this section in each of their subcontracts, adjusting only as necessary the terms used for the contracting parties. Upon request of the Owner, the Contractor shall promptly provide documentation to the Owner demonstrating that the subcontractor meets the subcontractor responsibility criteria below. The requirements of this section apply to all subcontractors regardless of tier. 18.3 Subcontractor Verification. At the time of subcontract execution, the Contractor shall verify that each of its first tier subcontractors meets the following bidder responsibility criteria: Have a current certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW, which must have been in effect at the time of subcontract bid submittal; Have a current Washington Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number; Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3); Have Industrial Insurance (workers' compensation) coverage for the subcontractor's employees working in Washington, as required in Title 51 RCW, if applicable; A Washington Employment Security Department number, as required in Title 50 RCW, if applicable; A Washington Department of Revenue state excise tax registration number, as required in Title 82 RCW, if applicable; An electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW, if applicable; An elevator contractor license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW. 19. GENERAL PROVISIONS 19.1 Entire Contract. The Contract Documents contain all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Contract and no prior agreements or understandings pertaining to any such matters shall be effective for any purpose. 19.2 Modification. No provisions of this Contract, including this provision, may be amended or added to except by agreement in writing signed by the Parties or their respective successors in interest. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 51 19.3 Full Force and Effect. Any provision of this Contract, which is declared invalid, void or illegal, shall in no way affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 19.4 Assignment. The Contractor shall not transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. In the event the City consents to any such assignment or transfer, such consent shall in no way release the Contractor from any of its obligations or liabilities under this Contract. 19.5 Successors In Interest. Subject to the preceding Subsection, this Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties' successors in interest, heirs and assigns. 19.6 Attorney Fees. In the event the City or the Contractor defaults on the performance of any terms in this Contract, and the Contractor or City places the enforcement of the Contract or any part thereof, or the collection of any monies due, or to become due hereunder, or recovery of possession of any belongings, in the hands of an attorney, or file suit upon the same, each Party shall pay all its own attorneys' fees, costs and expenses. The venue for any dispute related to this Contract shall be King County, Washington. 19.7 No Waiver. Failure of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection with, shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. 19.8 Governing Law. This Contract shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 19.9 Authority. Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of the Contractor or City. 19.10 Notices. Any notices required to be given by the City to Contractor or by the Contractor to the City shall be delivered to the Parties at the addresses set forth below. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth herein. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. 19.11 Captions. The respective captions of the Sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect in any respect any of the provisions of this Contract. 19.12 Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Contract. 19.13 Compliance with Ethics Code. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation and/or performance of this Contract, this Contract may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 52 19.14 Conflicting Provisions. In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of any of the Contract Documents, the Mayor or his or her designee shall issue an interpretation of the controlling document, which interpretation shall be final and binding. DATED the day and year set forth above. CITY OF YELM By: ATTEST: Lori Lucas, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: <on file> City Attorney, Brent Dille JW Foster, Mayor City of Yelm, 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 (Contractor's Name) By: (Signature) (Name) (Address) (Phone) SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 53 STAFF SELECT APPROPRIATE NOTARY BLOCK FOR APPLICANT [Individual Notary] STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day personally appeared before me, , to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and on oath swore that he/she/they executed the foregoing instrument as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires [Corporate Notary] STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day personally appeared before me , to me known to be the of that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of , 20_. (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 54 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ Original 4 ❑ Revised # NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Date: Contractor's UBI Number: Name & flailing Address of Public Agency Department Lse Only Assigned to: Date Assigned: UBI Number: Noiire is hnrehv elven relative to the rnmnletinn nfratttraef nr nraiert de.srrihed helmv Project Name Contract number Job Order Contracting ❑ Yes ❑ No Description of Work Donelfnclude Jobsite Address(es) Federally funded transportation project? ❑ Yes ❑ No (if yes, provide Contract Bond Statement below) Contractor's Name Email .kddress Affidavit ID* Contractor Address Telephone # If Retainage is not withheld, please select one of the following and List Surety's Fame & Bond Number. ❑ Retainage Bond ❑ Contract/Payment bond (valid for federally funded transportation projects) Name: 113ond Number: Date Contract Awarded Date Work Commenced Date Work Completed Date Work Accepted Were Subcontracters used on this project? If so, please complete Addendum A. ❑Yes ❑ No Affidavit 1W - No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. Contract Amount Additions ( + ) Reductions (- ) Sub -Total Sales Tax Rate % (If various rates apply, please send a breakdown) Sales Tax Amount TOTAL $ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 wwc: mese nvo rorats muss ne Liquidated Damages $ Amount Disbursed S Amount Retained $ TOTAL S 0.00 S tic IIS, Ui l w m", OII i. 111"l 1 111, notice iiio icccptanee ofthe work done under this contract. NO 11.A) MEN I SHAI I til: MADL I ROM I ( I AINFD FUNDS until rccipt of all release certificates. Submitting Form. Plc-, submit the eompl.: .onn by email to all for i cit- hdow. Contact Name: Email Address: Department of Revenue wa, I --soot Dia _ or CPublic Works Section Labor & Industries (360)704-5650 Contract Release PWC@dcr.wa.gov (855)545-8163, option#4 ContractRelease@LN I. W A.GOV REV 31 0020e (10128115) F215-038-000 10-2014 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 55 Title: Phone Number: Employment Security Department -� Registration, Inquiry, Standards & Coordination Unit (360)902-9450 EXHIBIT B CONTRACTOR'S RETAINAGE AGREEMENT City of Yelm Bid/Contract Number 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 360.458.8499 IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Title Contractor Representative Bid No. Date Administering Department City Representative Funding Source Project Authority RETAINAGE FORMULA In accordance with applicable State Statutes, the following provisions will be made for the disposition of the retainage held for investment: All investments selected below are subject to City approval. Retainage under this agreement will be held in escrow by the herein as the Bank), the terms of which are specified by separate escrow agreement. investment program and the risk thereof is to be borne entirely by the contractor. (referred to The cost of the The final disposition of the contract retainage will be made in accordance with applicable statutes. CONTRACTOR'S INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to RCW 60.28.010 I hereby notify the City of Yelm of my instructions a to invest a not to invest the retainage withheld under the terms of this contract. If the investment option is selected, please provide the following information: Name of Bank, Mutual Fund, or Savings & Loan Association: Address: Account #: Contractor: By: Address: Fed ID #: CITY APPROVAL Approval of Investment Program and Retainage Agreement CERTIFICATION FOR RELEASE OF CONTRACT RETAINAGE Contract No. Project Title: Contact Person: Date: Title: Phone: Est. Completion Date: Finance Director Date I hereby certify, as Contract Administrator for this Contract representing the City of Yelm, that all work required by the above cited contract was completed on and final acceptance by the City was granted on I also certify that no liens have been received within 30 days from the above date from any person, persons, mechanics, subcontractors or materialman who has performed any work or provided any material of subject contract. Contract Administrator Director of Administering Department SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 56 Also, please find attached certifications by the applicable state agencies of the receipt of: 1) Washington State Business Taxes (Washington State Dept. of Revenue); 2) Industrial Insurance Premiums (State Dept. of Labor & Industries); and 3) Employment Security, Unemployment Insurance Premiums (State of Washington Employment Security Dept.) SOUTHEAST 1.51MG RESERVOIR Page 57 EXHIBIT C RETAINAGE BOND TO CITY OF YELM SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned, as principal ('Principal"), and a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of as a surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as surety ('Surety"), are jointly and severally held and firmly bonded to the City of Yelm ('City") in the penal sum of: ($ ) for the payment of which sum we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. A. This obligation is entered into in pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances, regulations, standards and policies of the City, as now existing or hereafter amended or adopted. for the Pursuant to proper authorization, the Mayor is authorized to enter into a certain contract with the Principal, providing Project, which contract is incorporated herein by this reference ('Contract"), and C. Pursuant to State law, Chapter 60.28 RCW, the City is required to reserve from the monies earned by the Principal pursuant to the contract, a sum not to exceed five percent (5%), said sum to be retained by the City as a trust fund for the protection and payment of any person or persons, mechanic, subcontractor or materialmen who shall perform any labor upon such contract or the doing of such work, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, and the State with the respect to taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW which may be due from said Principal. Every person performing labor or furnishing supplies towards completion of said improvement or work shall have a lien on said monies so reserved, provided that such notice of the lien of such claimant shall be given in the manner and within the time provided in RCW 39.08.030 as now existing and in accordance with any amendments that may hereafter be provided thereto; and D. State law further provides that with the consent of the City, the Principal may submit a bond for all or any portion of the amount of funds retained by the public body in a form acceptable to the public body conditioned upon such bond any proceeds therefrom being made subject to all claims and liens and in the same manner and priority as set forth retained percentages pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW; and E. The Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the Contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth, for the amount of $ ; and F. The City is prepared to release any required retainage money previously paid by the Principal prior to acceptance and successful operation and fulfillment of all other terms of said contract upon being indemnified by these presents, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform all the provisions of the Contract in the manner and within the time period prescribed by the City, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the Contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men or women, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and if the Principal shall pay to the State all taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW which may be due from such Principal as a result of this contract then and in the event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. And the Surety, for value received, hereby further stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Contract or to the Work. The Surety hereby agrees that modifications and changes may be made in the terms and provisions of the Contract without notice to Surety, and any such modifications or changes increasing the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this Retainage Bond in a like amount, such increase, however, not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the original amount of this bond without consent of the Surety. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 58 Within forty-five (45) days of receiving notice that the Principal has defaulted on all or part of the terms of the Contract, the Surety shall make written commitment to the City that it will either: (a) cure the default itself within a reasonable time period, or (b) tender to the City, the amount necessary for the City to remedy the default, including legal fees incurred by the City, or (c) in the event that Surety's evaluation of the dispute is not complete or in the event the Surety disputes the City's claim of default, the Surety shall notify the City of its finding and its intent, if any, to interplead. The Surety shall then fulfill its obligations under this bond, according to the option it has elected. Should Surety elect option (a) to cure the default, the penal sum of the Bond shall be reduced in an amount equal to the costs actually incurred by the Surety in curing the default. If the Surety elects option (b), then upon completion of the necessary work, the City shall notify the Surety of its actual costs. The City shall return, without interest, any overpayment made by the Surety and the Surety shall pay to the City any actual costs which exceed the City estimate, limited to the bond amount. Should the Surety elect option (c), the Parties shall first complete participation in mediation, described in the below paragraph, prior to any interplead action. In the event a dispute should arise between the Parties to this Bond with respect to the City's declaration of default by the Principal, the Parties agree to participate in at least four hours of mediation in accordance with the mediation procedures of United States Arbitration and Mediation ('USA&M"). The Parties shall proportionately share in the cost of the mediation. The mediation shall be administered by the Seattle USA&M office, 4300 Two Union Square, 601 Union Street, Seattle, Washington 98101-2327. The Surety shall not interplead prior to completion of the mediation. The parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals this day of , 20, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party hereto affixed, and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. CORPORATE SEAL: PRINCIPAL By: Title: Address: CORPORATE SEAL: SURETY By: Attorney -i n- Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) Title: Address: SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 59 CERTIFICATES AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, was of said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary of Assistant Secretary I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Surety in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the Surety, was of the said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary of Assistant Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: < on file > Brent Dille, City Attorney SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 60 EXHIBIT D CITY OF YELM PERFORMANCE/ PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS: We, the undersigned , ("Principal") and , the undersigned corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and legally doing business in the State of Washington as a surety ("Surety"), are held and firmly bonded unto the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation ("City') in the penal sum of Dollars and no/100 ($ ) for the payment of which we firmly bind ourselves and our legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. This obligation is entered into an Agreement with the City dated , 20 for NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform all the provisions of the Agreement in the manner and within the time period prescribed by the City, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the Agreement, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men or women, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall hold the City, their officials, agents, employees and volunteers harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the part of the Principal, or any subcontractor in the performance of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in the Agreement within a period of one (1) year after its final acceptance thereof by the City, then and in the event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. And the Surety, for value received, hereby further stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work. The Surety hereby agrees that modifications and changes may be made in terms and provisions of the Agreement without notice to Surety, and any such modifications or changes increasing the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this Performance Bond in a like amount, such increase, however, not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the original amount of this bond without the consent of the Surety. Within forty-five (45) days of receiving notice that the Principal has defaulted on all or part of the terms of the Agreement, the Surety shall make a written commitment to the City that it will either: (a) cure the default itself within a reasonable time period, or (b) tender to the city, the amount necessary for the City to remedy the default, including legal fees incurred by the City, or (c) in the event that Surety's evaluation of the dispute is not complete or in the event the Surety disputes the City's claim of default, the Surety shall notify the City of its finding and its intent, if any, to interplead. The Surety shall then fulfill its obligations under this bond, according to the option it has elected. Should Surety elect option (a) to cure the default, the penal sum of the Bond shall be reduced in an amount equal to the costs actually incurred by the Surety in curing the default. If the Surety elects option (b), then upon completion of the necessary work, the City shall notify the Surety of its actual costs. The City shall return, without interest, any overpayment made by the Surety and the Surety shall pay to the City any actual costs which exceed the City estimate, limited to the bond amount. Should the Surety elect option (c), the Parties shall first complete participation in mediation, described in the below paragraph, prior to any interplead action. SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 61 In the event a dispute should arise between the Parties to this Bond with respect to the City's declaration of default by the Principal, the Parties agree to participate in at least four hours of mediation in accordance with the mediation procedures of United States Arbitration and Mediation ("USA&M'). The Parties shall proportionately share in the cost of the mediation. The mediation shall be administered Washington Arbitration & Mediation Service (WAMS) — 3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Suite 304, Tacoma, WA 98424 The Surety shall not interplead prior to completion of the mediation. DATED this _ day of , 20_. CORPORATE SEAL OF PRINCIPAL: PRINCIPAL By: (Name of Person Executing Bond) Its: (Title) (Address) (Phone) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, was of the said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. CORPORATE SEAL OF SURETY: Secretary of Assistant Secretary SURETY By: Attorney -in -Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) (Name of Person Executing Bond) (Address) (Phone) SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 62 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brent Dille, City Attorney (For LLC's with one officer only, use the notary block below and DELETE Certificate of Corporate Seal) STATE IF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the of that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the uses and purposed therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of , 20_. Notary's signature Notary's printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires CORPORATE SEAL OF SURETY SURETY BY: Attorney -in Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) (Name of Person Executing Bond) (Address) (Phone) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brent Dille SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 63 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 64 SECTION 4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 65 SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 66 Division 1 General 1.10 GENERAL Sections in these specifications titled "Common Work for . . ." shall apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. Sections in these specifications titled "Related Sections" shall be read as integral to the specification as if they were fully detailed within. All work and materials described in such sections shall be provided and performed by the Contractor. 1.10.16 Definitions [CSI 0142161 Approximate: Generally, as shown or described, but has not been verified, or may require adjustment. No level of accuracy is implied or should be assumed. Contract Documents: Contract Documents shall consist of the following, and in case of conflicting provisions,the first mentioned shall have precedence: • Change Orders, Supplemental Drawings, or Instructions after the agreement is signed • Addenda • Public Works Contract • Instructions to Bidders • WSDOT Division 1 • Plans • Technical Specifications • WSDOT Divisions 2-9 • Owner's Standard Details • General Conditions • Performance and Payment Bond Or Equal (Or Approved Equal): An alternate product, assembly, or method that the Owner's Representative has reviewed based on information provided by the Contractor and determined to provide functional equivalence, or better, than that specified. Such determination does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility should the product, assembly, or method fail to perform as needed. Owner's Representative: Person(s) authorized by the Owner to observe the work, administer the contract, approve tests, make decisions, and otherwise act as an agent of the Owner. The terms Engineer, Owner's Observer, Owner's Inspector, and Owner are generally interchangeable with the term Owner's Representative. Proposed: The word refers to work that is part of the Contract, to be performed by the Contractor. The word "proposed" does not need to show up to indicate work by the Contractor. Unless work is specifically noted to be performed by others, all work is to be performed by the Contractor. 1-1 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene tdocs 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 1.11.00 Summary of Work [CSI 0111001 The SE Reservoir project consists of the construction of a 1.5 MG welded steel reservoir and CMU control building, site work including excavation, backfill, grading, stormwater detention pond, asphalt, and associated utilities. 1.11.02 Reuse of Documents [CSI 0111301 Contractor and any Subcontractor or Supplier shall not: 1. Have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications, or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of Engineer or its consultants, including electronic media editions; or 2. Reuse any such Drawings, Specifications, other documents, or copies thereof on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of Owner and Engineer and specific written verification or adaptation by Engineer. 3. The prohibitions of this Paragraph will survive final payment, or termination of the Contract. Nothing herein shall preclude Contractor from retaining copies of the Contract Documents for record purposes. 1.11.03 Electronic Data [CSI 0131261 1. Unless otherwise stated in the Supplementary Conditions, the data furnished by Owner to Contractor, or by Contractor to Owner, that may be relied upon are limited to the printed copies (also known as hard copies). Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or other types are furnished only for the convenience of the receiving party. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies govern. 2. Because data stored in electronic media format can deteriorate or be modified inadvertently or otherwise without authorization of the data's creator, the party receiving electronic files agrees that it will perform acceptance tests or procedures within 30 days, after which the receiving party shall be deemed to have accepted the data thus transferred. Any errors detected within the 30 -day acceptance period will be corrected by the transferring party. 3. When transferring documents in electronic media format, the transferring party makes no representations as to long term compatibility, usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by the data's creator. 4. Computer Aided Design (CAD) files will not be made available to the Contractor. This includes AutoCADTM, C1vil3DTM, or other similar file types. Only printed hard copies or electronic representations of hard copies (e.g. PDF) will be provided. 1-2 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Genezat.do— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 1.13 Permits and Licenses [CSI 0141261 The Owner will pay all costs for (unless stated otherwise) and secure the following permits: • Permits currently complete: o Building Permit The Contractor shall acquire and pay all costs for all other necessary permits which may include: • Electrical Permit A copy of permits the Owner has acquired are available at the Owner's office for examination by bidders. Conform to the requirements of these permits and all other permits issued for this project. Permits the Owner will acquire after the bid opening will be made available when received by the Owner. 1.14 Work Restrictions [CSI 0114 001 1.14.19 Use of Site [CSI 0114191 The Contractor shall not perform work activities, store materials or equipment, move equipment through, or disturb in any way the areas outside the "Construction Limits" shown unless approved by the Owner in writing. The Contractor shall provide, maintain, and adjust erosion control fencing, surface covering, and sediment traps for storm -water runoff as shown on the plans prior to beginning any work activities within this area. 1.14.22 Cold Weather Work [CSI 0114 221 Any costs associated with cold weather work which may include but not be limited to tenting; heating of workspace or materials; wind protection; snow/ice removal; testing; and removal/replacement of frozen work will be borne by the Contractor with no additional cost to the Owner. If temperature at any time drops below freezing, the Contractor must provide freeze protection for temperature sensitive work. All costs are incidental. 1-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 1.20 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES [CSI 0120 00] 1.21.29 Quantity Allowances [CSI 012129 If more or fewer materials are needed when the construction quantity is within plus or minus 25 percent of the bid quantity, costs for restocking of unused materials, or handling and delivery costs on additional materials shall be incidental to the bid price and no additional payment will be made. 1.21.55 Cost Increases for Materials [CSI 012155j There will be no allowance for additional payment should the cost of any materials go up during the original contract timeframe, or during any approved contract time extensions. The Contractor is responsible for securing prices at the time of bid. 1.25.00 Substitution Procedures [CSI 125 001 Any product or construction method that, in the opinion of the Owner, does not meet these specifications will be considered a substitution. Substitutions must be approved prior to incorporation into the project. The Owner has the right to reject any request for substitution. Incomplete requests will not be reviewed. Requests shall include an explanation of why the request is being made along with drawings, details, specifications, and samples sufficient to allow the Owner to evaluate the proposed substitute. Requests shall include any change necessary in construction methods with a detailed description and related drawings of the proposed methods. Provide an itemized comparison of each proposed substitution with the specified product or method. If the Contractor believes there are no variations from the bid documents, include a statement to that fact in the request for substitution. In making a request for a substitution, the Contractor represents that they have investigated the proposed product or method and has determined that it provides equal or superior form and function to the product specified. The Contractor shall coordinate incorporation of accepted substitutions into the work, making changes that may be required for the work to be completed. The Contractor waives all claims for additional costs and time related to substitutions. The Owner reserves the right to charge the Contractor for the Owner's time required for incorporating the substitution into the work which may include but not be limited to observation, requests for information, and commissioning. No guarantee is made that product model numbers included in the specifications or on the plans are current at the time of bidding. The bidder shall provide pricing in their proposal for current versions of discontinued models. If the bidder is uncertain of the correct replacement 1-4 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1unca1s\1Gene tdocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 model, or feels there is a price discrepancy, the bidder shall request a substitution following the requirements of section Substitutions Prior to Bid Opening. Requests for price increases after award will not be accepted. Substitutions Prior to Bid Opening [CSI 12513101 Before opening bids, the Owner may consider written requests from product suppliers or prime bidders for substitutions. All requests for substitution must be received by Owner a minimum of 7 working days prior to bid opening. Approval of substitutions will be only by addendum. The bidder shall include in their proposal all costs for any modifications required to adopt the substitute. Substitutions After Contract Execution [CSI 1251315] After contract execution, the Owner will consider requests for a substitution of products or methods in place of those specified. Submit electronically, or two hard copies of each request for a substitution. Submit requests early enough for the Owner to review the request without affecting the schedule. The Owner will review with reasonable promptness and will provide a response within 15 working days after receipt of all information required for the review, unless the complexity of the proposed substitution requires, in the Owner's sole opinion, additional review time. If the Owner approves a request for substitution, and the Contractor subsequently requests an alternate substitution for the same or similar work, the Owner reserves the right to charge the Contractor for the costs required to review the alternate substitution. 1.30 ADMINISTRATIVE [CSI vI .av U& 1.31 Project Management and Coordination [CSI 013100% 1.31.01 Contractor's Responsibility [CSI 0131011 The work included in this contract is shown on the contract plans and described in these project specifications. All work incidental and necessary to the completion of the work described and shown shall be performed by the Contractor. In submitting a bid for this project, the Bidder warrants that they are an expert in this and related work, that they understand the process and functions shown, and that various work and processes not shown but necessary for the successful operation of this project will be provided by the Contractor. The General (or Prime) Contractor is fully responsible for providing the subcontractors and suppliers with all relevant portions of the plans and specifications necessary to bid and construct the improvements. 1-5 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene tdocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Damage to existing utilities or property shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at the discretion of the Owner. The Contractor and each of the Subcontractors are responsible for coordinating the required inspections. There are specific requirements for inspection responsibilities and the advance notice that must be given to minimize construction delays. It is the Contractor's responsibility to be familiar with these requirements, include the coordination necessary in this estimate of project costs and schedule, and to comply with the requirements during construction. Failure to follow proper inspection and notification procedures may result in on-site work stoppages and removal or demolition of unapproved structures or systems, all at the Contractor's expense. See Starting and Adjusting section for details. Do not start work on this project or on any public or private right-of-way or easement until clearance is given by the Owner. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to comply with the requirements of any permit for the project. Do not hinder private property access without a 24-hour notice to the private property owner, and do not hinder access for more than an 8 -hour period. Do not disrupt emergency aid access to private property. The Contractor is solely responsible for all elements of site safety. Inspections performed by the Owner are only to monitor and record that project plans and specifications are being complied with and construction is consistent with the design intent. The Contractor is responsible for managing, coordinating, and overseeing its subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers' representatives, or any other persons performing Work. The Contractor shall designate and have a competent person, familiar with the project and work being performed, on site at all times when work is being performed.. 1.31.19 Progress Meetings [CSI 013119 231 The Contractor shall schedule and hold regular on-site progress meetings at least every two weeks and at other times as requested by the Owner or as required by progress of the work. The Contractor, Owner, and all Subcontractors active on the site must attend each meeting. 1.32.13 Scheduling of Work [CSI 0132131 Where the plans or specifications mention notification periods in hours or days, these time periods are assumed to be working days unless specifically stated otherwise. For example, a requirement of 48 -hours notification for work desired to be performed at 1:00 pm Monday requires notification be provided no later than 1:00 pm the preceding Thursday. 1.32.16 Construction Progress Schedule [CSI 0132161 Contractor is responsible for providing an up to date construction schedule with each monthly pay estimate and at other times as requested by the Owner or as required by progress of the work. If the current schedule is still in-line with the previous schedule, the Contractor shall inform the Owner with each pay estimate. Non -working day requests shall also be submitted 1-6 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 by the Contractor with each monthly pay estimate. Owner may delay monthly progress payments if Contractor fails to submit updated schedule and non -working day requests. 1.32.29 Periodic Work Observation [CSI 0132 29] The Owner may elect to have an observer on site to monitor, observe and record construction progress. The Contractor maintains complete responsibility to verify construction is meeting the design intent and is being constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications. It is not the responsibility of the Owner's observer to address neither means and methods issues nor direct safety issues. The Owner's observer does not have the authority to stop work if unsafe conditions are observed. 1.33 Submittals [CSI 0133 001 1.33.23 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples [CSI 0133 231 Submittals are required for all items installed on this contract. Address submittals to: RH2 Engineering, Inc. 1201 Pacific Avenue, Suite 1750 Tacoma, WA 98402 Attn: Clayton Posey Email: cposey@rh2.com Submittals may be provided in electronic format (preferred) or hard copy. Owner reserves the right to require the Contractor to provide hard -copy submittals at no additional cost to the Owner. When hard -copy submittals are provided, submit three (3) copies; one set will be returned to the Contractor after review. Electronic submittal via email is acceptable, however the Contractor shall follow up with the Owner to verify that the submittal was received. The Owner assumes no responsibility for emails that do not make it to the recipient. In the case of electronic submittals, only one copy will be returned to the Contractor, either electronically or hard copy at the Owner's discretion. Submittal data shall contain sufficient information on each item to determine if it complies with the contract requirements. Submittal cutsheets and datasheets shall be annotated by the Contractor to clearly indicate the equipment and materials that will be provided, including any options or additive items. No generic cutsheets or datasheets will be accepted. Items installed in the work that have not been approved through the submittal process shall be removed and an approved product shall be furnished, all at the Contractor's expense. Shop drawing review will be limited to general design requirements only and shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions, or responsibility for consequences due to deviations from the contract documents. No changes may be made in any submittal after it has been reviewed except with written notice and approval from the Owner. 1-7 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Shop drawings shall be submitted on 8'/2 -inch by 11 -inch, 11 -inch by 17 -inch, or 22 -inch by 34 -inch sheets and shall contain the following information: • Project Name as it appears on the Document Cover. • Prime Contractor and Applicable Subcontractor. • RH2 Engineering. • Owner's Name (City of Yelm). • Applicable Specification and Drawings Reference. • A stamp or statement that the Contractor has checked the equipment for conformance with the contract requirements, coordination with other work on the job, and dimensional suitability. • A place for the Engineer to respond. (Engineer may elect to respond using the Engineer's standard forms.) Submittals that do not comply with these requirements may be returned to the Contractor for re -submittal. The Contractor shall revise and resubmit as necessary. Acceptable submittals will be reviewed as promptly as possible and transmitted to the Contractor not later than 20 working days after receipt by the Engineer. Delays caused by the need for re -submittal shall not be a basis for an extension of contract time or delay damages. Shop drawings and submittals shall contain the following information: 1. Drawings, dimensions, and weights. 2. Catalog information. 3. Model number, including descriptions for option and accessory codes. 4. Manufacturer's specifications. 5. Special handling instructions. 6. Maintenance requirements. 7. Wiring and control diagrams. 8. List of contract exceptions. For integrated or package systems (see also 1.61.31), the components, shop drawings, instructions, and other elements may be submitted and reviewed individually. But the initial submittal must include the complete proposed system, and the final submittal must also be for the complete system clearly indicating all changes made during the submittal process. The Contractor warrants that they have determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, and have checked and coordinated each submittal with the requirements of the work and of the contract documents. The Owner will pay the costs and provide review services for a first and second review of each submittal item. Additional reviews shall be paid by Contractor by deducting up to $200 for each hour of review time from the next scheduled payment. NOV J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Teduucals\1Gene Ldo— 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 The Contractor is responsible for identifying the shop drawings and submittals required for this project. Specific submittal requirements may be listed in each section of these specifications. Contractor shall keep a complete and up to date copy of all submittals and review responses at the job site readily available to the Owner for inspection. 1.40 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS [CSI 0140 001 1.42.19 Reference Standards [CSI 0142191 Work under this contract shall be performed in accordance with applicable sections of the current Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, Washington, hereafter referred to as the Standard Specifications. Certain other referenced standards used in this specification are from the latest editions of- City £ City of Yelm Municipal Code • IBC International Building Code • UPC Uniform Plumbing Code • IMC International Mechanical Code • IFC International Fire Code • NEC National Electrical Code • AWWA American Water Works Association • ANSI American National Standards Institute • ASA American Standards Association • ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials • WSEC Washington State Energy Code 1.4 .20 Warranty JU,V UI 4.3 LUf The Contractor shall warrant all work and products for a period of two (2) year following the warranty start date except for those components and listed warrantees below. The warranty start date is the date the final payment (not retainage payment) is sent to the Contractor from the Owner. Warranty does not cover damage due to misuse by the Owner or conditions outside of the Owner or Contractor's control or exceptional events (force majeure) including war, strikes, floods (water exceeding normal high water mark), rainfall in excess of 100 year storm event, fire, earthquakes, high winds (over 85 mph for 3 seconds peak gust), freezes below 10 degrees Fahrenheit (Western Washington), freezes below minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit (Eastern 1-9 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene tdocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Washington), governmental restrictions, vandalism, utility power failures, or utility power surges (unless due to Contractor provided surge suppressor failure). The Contractor has control over workmanship, third party subcontractors and parts and materials used to complete the project. Warranties in addition to this warranty are listed in the following sections: • Division 2.13.1 Vegetation Protection • Division 2.90.1 Landscaping • Division 7.05 Roof systems • Division 7.51.3 Three ply roofing • Division 8.11.1 Access doors • Division 8.34.2 Access hatches • Division 9.98.1 Steel reservoir coating systems • Division 17.05 and 17.90.1 Telemetry systems 1.45.16 Field Quality Control Procedures [CSI 0145161 Unless otherwise noted on the plans or within these specifications, provide 48-hour notice to the Owner and appropriate reviewing agency for all inspections required. 48-hour notice is defined as two complete working day notice. Time is not counted on weekends and holidays (inspections required on a Monday or the day after a holiday shall be scheduled a minimum of 48 hours in advance not including the holiday hours or weekend hours.) Contractor shall schedule and arrange for the following inspections and tests with the appropriate reviewing agency and testing company. • Special Inspections as required per IBC Division 17 and as noted on the drawings • Any additional inspections required by the Building Department, or other approval agency • Soils and crushed rock compaction • Asphalt materials and compaction • Steel tank welds • Steel tank coatings • Paint thickness and finished quality • Pressure testing • Water quality testing • Concrete Testing 1-10 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Teduucals\1Gene tdocs 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir • CMU Testing 1.50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS [CSI UI JU dt" 1.51 Temporary Utilities [CSI 01.5-1 Uvy Fall 2023 Division 1 Provide all necessary water for construction -related fire protection and utilities required by this contract, or by laws and regulations. Sanitary facilities adequate for all workers shall comply with all codes and regulations. At the close of this contract, the Contractor shall pay all utility bills that are outstanding, remove all temporary electrical, sanitary, gas, telephone and water facilities, and any other temporary service equipment that may remain. In addition, the Contractor shall arrange for the transfer of electrical and water accounts to the Owner's name. The Contractor shall be responsible for an adequate temporary electrical system. This system shall be arranged by and all costs paid by the Contractor. The Contractor shall make arrangements for and provide all necessary facilities for the necessary water supply for construction at their own expense unless otherwise provided. 1.52.00 Construction Facilities [CSI 0152 00] Construct and locate all field offices, all necessary gates and barricades, fences, handrails, guard rails, and securities required by this contract, or by laws and regulations. Provide shelters and dry facilities for the workers as required. Provide all guards, marks, shields, protective clothing, rain gear, and other equipment required by law, ordinance, labor contracts, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, and other regulations for the maintenance of health and safety. Provide first aid kits and equipment as required by law. 1.52.20 Locks and Keys [CSI 0152 20] Contractor shall provide dedicated construction locks, or Owner's standard lock with removable construction core, for site and facility security during construction. Contractor shall provide Owner with two construction key(s) for all temporary locks. Owner may "double lock" any padlocks at their discretion. All devices requiring locks, including but not limited to doors, gates, access hatches, convenience hatches, electrical enclosures, etc. shall be configured to match Owner standard lock and keys. The Contractor shall provide and install the mortise cylinders. The Owner shall provide the cores. The Owner uses a Best 1E series mortise cylinder and Best 7 -pin interchangeable core. J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene tdocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 1.54 Construction Aids [CSI 0154 00] The Contractor or product manufacturer may include work, materials, or components to aid in shipping, storage, installation, or other work for their convenience. Such items shall be removed prior to final project acceptance if they may interfere with the operation or maintenance of permanent work. Some examples include, but are not limited to: • Lifting eyes: Remove only if a safety concern, obstruction, or directed by Owner. • Picking holes: Plug holes of buried and exterior items, or if safety concern. • Intermediate or shipping bracing: Remove and dispose. • Protective shipping adhesives, coatings, or covers: Remove and clean residue. 1.55.26 Traffic Control [CSI 0155 26] Any traffic control activities required during construction shall be consistent with the Uniform Traffic Control Manual, latest edition and applicable local codes. If flaggers are used, orientation meetings per WAC 296-155-305 of the Standard Specifications shall be held each time a new flagger is introduced to the site or if site conditions change significantly. The Contractor is responsible for scheduling such meetings. 1.60 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS [CSI 0160 001 1.61.31 Integrated (or Package) Products [CSI 0161311 Products specified as integrated or packaged must be administered with a single point of responsibility from a producer who regularly furnishes such products and is qualified to address and resolve issues during submittals, fabrication, installation, commissioning, and operation. These responsibilities will not be transferred to any other party without written approval by the Engineer. Products that fall under this category may include but are not limited to the following (when specified as packaged or integrated). • HVAC systems • Control systems 1-12 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene Ldocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 1.70 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS [CSI 0170 00] 1.71 Examination and Preparation [CSI 0171001 Construction Surveying [CSI 017123161 The Contractor is responsible for surveying and staking and shall stake out the locations of the permanent easements, temporary easements, rights-of-way, and all major facilities shown on the Plans and establish bench marks at locations designated by the Owner. The Contractor shall protect all stakes and marks in their original conditions. If stakes and markings are destroyed or defaced before their use is ended, the cost of replacing them will be at the Contractor's expense. All stakes, points, and marks shall be administered and approved by a registered professional land surveyor licensed in the State of Washington. Provide approved and stamped survey notes, and control points to the Owner for as -built purposes. Surveying Requirements for Reservoir Site [CSI 017123 20] The Contractor shall provide a construction benchmark in a location that will not be disturbed during construction. Provide notification to the Owner when subgrade is prepared and ready for crushed surfacing. Owner will inspect subgrade and may elect to provide their own survey of the subgrade to check elevation. The Owner will have 24 hours, scheduled for a standard working day, to perform their inspections. Prior to placement of any foundation form work, the subgrade elevation shall be surveyed by a licensed Professional Surveyor hired by the Contractor to confirm the subgrade is at the proposed elevation as shown on the plans. The reservoir subgrade shall be within a tolerance of plus or minus one inch (± 1 inch). Provide written results of the elevation confirmation to the Owner prior to formwork and rebar placement of the reservoir foundation. If tolerance exceeds the limits specified, the Contractor shall regrade the subgrade to within these limits at their expense. Contractor shall permanently mark four places on the top of the reservoir foundation at quarter -points and provide a benchmark on site. The Owner must approve the benchmark location. Contractor shall hire a licensed Professional Surveyor to survey the elevation of the four reservoir foundation marks relative to the benchmark before and after filling the reservoir. The marks shall be brass or stainless steel caps each engraved with a unique identifier. The site benchmark shall also include an engraved elevation. Markers to be epoxied to the foundation and embedded in concrete for the site marker. Contractor shall issue a report to the Owner describing the location of the benchmark and reservoir foundation marks with an accurately scaled vicinity map and the results of the survey. The Contractor may perform 1-13 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 the surveying in lieu of a Professional Surveyor only if approved by the Owner. Report elevations to the 1/100" of a foot using the same datum as the project. 1.74 Cleaning and Waste Management [CSI 0174 00] 1.74.23 Final Cleaning [CSI 0174 23] All areas impacted by the work shall be restored to at least original condition, unless specifically identified otherwise in the plans or specifications. All costs are incidental. Clean up debris and unused material and remove from the site and any buildings. If vehicle traffic causes ruts, repair asphalt (new or existing) in paved areas. In non -traffic areas back track with dozer or excavator and repair to final surface condition including necessary hydroseed, mulch, and landscaping. Eliminate weeds within the construction area prior to project closeout. Buildings shall be broom clean and all foreign damage or markings removed or repaired. Equipment shall be washed clean using appropriate methods. Unpainted exposed concrete structures shall be cleaned to a consistent bare concrete surface finish. Remove extraneous substances such as efflorescence, leakage residue, and excess repair materials. Remove existing equipment or materials identified in the contract documents or that interfere with the work. Dispose of all such existing equipment or materials unless the Owner requests items to be salvaged for their use. Owner has first right of salvage. 1.75 Starting and Adjusting /651 01 79 001 1.75.16 Startup Procedures I (;S-1 U1 79 16J Startup 1(_5_1 U1 7116 101 See the Automatic Control section for control system startup. Startup shall consist of a simulated operation of all equipment and controls. The purpose of startup shall be to check that all equipment will function under operating conditions, that all interlocking controls and sequences are properly set, and that the facility will function as an operating unit. Startup shall not occur on a Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Friday, on an Owner recognized holiday, or the day before or after an Owner recognized holiday unless approved in advance by the Owner. 1-14 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Technically qualified product representatives shall be present for the startup phase. All representatives shall be trained, qualified, and have experience in troubleshooting and fixing field issues. The startup shall continue until it is demonstrated that all functions, controls, and equipment are functioning correctly. Authorized manufacturer's representatives shall be provided for the following items: • Pilot -operated hydraulic control valves • Field sensors (electrician may qualify if approved by manufacturer) Startup and Testing Coordination [CSI 01751612] The Contractor shall conduct all testing and startup. Testing and startup shall not be a cause for claims for delay by the Contractor and all expenses for testing and startup shall be incidental to this contract. The placing of all improvements in service shall consist of three parts: "testing", "startup", and "operation". Not less than 21 calendar days before the anticipated time for beginning testing, the Contractor shall notify and submit to the Owner for approval, a complete plan for the following: 1. Schedules for tests: A. Telemetry Panel Factory Demonstration Test (at panel shop) B. Control system C. Meter calibration 2. Detailed schedule of procedures for startup. 3. Complete schedule of events to be accomplished during testing. 4. An outline of work remaining under the contract that will be carried out concurrently with the operation phases. Failure to provide proper notification to the Owner may lead to liquidated damages if schedule cannot be maintained. If rescheduling is required because components are not ready for testing, the notification requirements are reset as needed to provide 21 calendar days advance notice to reserve the Owner Representatives' time. The Contractor shall arrange for all materials, supplies, and labor necessary to efficiently complete the testing, startup, and operation. Measuring devices must be functional, accurate, legible, and scaled appropriately for the test. The Owner has the right to reject or require verification for any measuring device the Owner suspects in its accuracy. 1-15 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene tdocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Testing [CSI 01751620) The Contractor may periodically request preliminary testing for items that must be covered or tested before other work can proceed. In these cases, do not cover up or test the work without timely notice to the Owner of its readiness for testing. Should any work be covered up without notice, approval, or consent, it must, if required by the Owner, be uncovered for examination at the Contractor's expense. All necessary equipment shall be set up and the work given a preliminary test so that defects may be discovered and repaired prior to calling out the Owner to witness the test. Final testing consists of individual tests and checks made on equipment intended to provide proof of performance, operation, and control in the presence of the Owner. Assure proper alignment, size, condition, capability, strength, adjustment, lubrication, pressure, hydraulic test, leakage test, and all other tests deemed necessary by the Owner to determine that all materials and equipment are of specified quality, properly situated, anchored, and in all respects ready for use. Any certificates required in these specifications by the manufacturer's representatives shall be supplied to the Owner prior to startup. All piping shall be tested as required by specifications and applicable codes. Tests on individual items of equipment shall be as necessary to show proper system operation. During testing, the Contractor shall correct any defective work discovered. Startup shall not begin until all tests required by these specifications have been completed and approved by the Owner. Not less than five working days before the anticipated time for beginning the testing, the Contractor shall provide a list of representatives that will be attending the testing. The Owner may request additional representatives at no additional cost if said representatives are identified in these specifications. Qualified product representatives to be on site for the following equipment, at a minimum: • Pilot -operated hydraulic control valves Additional representatives required may be identified elsewhere in these specifications. Scheduling of Owner Review for Testing [CSI 01751622] See Division for scheduling and notification requirements. The Contractor shall provide notification two working days and two working hours (to confirm readiness) of the scheduled test(s) to the Owner confirming that the Contractor has successfully completed all preliminary testing and that all equipment, tools, materials, labor, subcontractors, manufacturer's representatives, and all other items required for witnessed testing are available and fully functional. Failure to provide advance notification and confirmation or meet any of the testing requirements will constitute a failed test in accordance with the section Inspection and Tests of the General Conditions. 1-16 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene tdocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 A detailed testing schedule shall be provided by the Contractor and updated as needed to be at least 48 hours ahead of actual testing. If testing requires downtime in order to perform repairs due to failed test, the Contractor shall pay the Owner in the amount of $200 per hour per Owner Representative on site (minimum of $400 per scheduled visit) for downtime lasting longer than 2 -hours required to complete repairs to verify the complete construction is ready for startup and operation. This amount will be deducted from the appropriate bid item that relates to the finished construction and documented by the Owner at their discretion. The Contractor must have all systems pre -tested prior to calling the Owner for formal testing. Schedule shall include control system testing starting on Mondays or Tuesdays so that the remainder of the week can be used to identify the stability of the control system for the SCADA system. Control system testing shall not start on a Thursday, Friday, or the day before an Owner recognized holiday. Electrical and Control Systems Testing [CSI 017516 40 or 25 08 00 or 26 08 001 See also the applicable electrical sections for electrical system testing. See also the applicable automation sections for automatic control system testing. The following is a list of components that shall be tested prior to project completion. This list is intended as a general guide and is not necessarily complete: • Pressure sensors and alarms • Flow sensors and alarms • Temperature sensors and alarms • Smoke alarms • Intrusion sensors and alarms • Motion sensors • Photovoltaic sensors • HVAC controls • Local control Automatic control Reservoir Testing and Disinfection [CSI 017516 50 or 33 0810 or 33 0110.59] It is estimated that it may take 7 days to fill and 7 days to drain the reservoir. These time periods are included in the contract timeframe, assuming that the initial testing passes. Should a leak test or disinfection test fail and require draining, the contractor must anticipate these time periods during scheduling and understand that they may result in liquidated damages. Prior to disinfection, hose down surfaces with potable water and sweep up debris and sediment. Do not wash debris into the drain pipe. 1-17 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Follow the procedures of AWWA C652 Chlorination Method 2, as modified herein, before placing the facility in service. Disinfect all interior surfaces including walls, floor, piping, ceiling, columns, ladders, stairs, and appurtenances. Apply a chlorine solution containing not less than 200 PPM of chlorine using spray equipment or brushes. Chlorine solution may be re -circulated during disinfection unless it becomes contaminated or drops below 100 PPM. Open and close all valves several times during the chlorination. Liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, or calcium hypochlorite may be used for disinfection purposes. Disinfected surfaces shall remain in contact with the strong chlorine solution for at least 30 minutes. Fill drain pipe with 10 ppm solution. If it will be more than 24 -hours (calendar) between initial disinfection and filling, wash chlorine solution off any stainless steel using potable water no less than 30 minutes nor more than 12 hours after disinfection. Following initial disinfection, fill to overflow with potable water. Filling must occur as soon as practical after disinfection and the 30 -minute waiting period. If filling is delayed for more than one week, the disinfection shall be repeated. Purge the water in the drain pipe prior to complete filling of the reservoir (dechlorinated if necessary). Water with a chlorine residual shall be stored and aerated or otherwise neutralized until it can be safely disposed of in accordance with all applicable regulations. All disposal shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Water containing a chlorine residual shall not be disposed of into the water system, stormwater system, or any surface watercourse. Let the water sit for 24 hours. A water sample will then be taken by the Owner from the reservoir and from the existing water supply for reference. A laboratory certified by the Washington State Department of Ecology will be retained by the Owner to perform a bacteriological test of the sample. The reservoir shall not be placed in service until passing test results have been received and approved by the Owner and the necessary documents have been submitted to the Washington State Health Department. Test for the following parameters, minimum. • Chlorine residual (tested at the site). o After 24 hours, the water must have a chlorine residual of 2.0 ppm or 50% of the chlorine residual present in the distribution system when the tank was filled, whichever is less. If the value is less, the reservoir shall either be re -dosed with chlorine, or drained and re -sterilized, at the Owner's discretion. • Coliform (absence required) • pH (6.5 to 8.5) • Alkalinity • Turbidity • Conductance (700 Umhos/cm max) • See Reservoir Soak Test section for additional test parameters. 1-18 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene Ldocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Alkalinity and turbidity do not have fixed values to meet but should be near those of the water used for filling. The Owner will determine if the values are acceptable. The Owner will provide water for the initial testing of the reservoir at no cost to the Contractor. Should the initial test not pass, or the water sits in the reservoir and becomes unusable, the costs for additional water and tests shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Exercise special care when draining the reservoir to avoid damage to surrounding properties. Reservoir Leakage Warranty The Contractor shall repair any leaks, running water, wet spots, etc., appearing within the warranty period stated in division 1.43.20. Zero leakage is the standard for steel reservoirs. Steel Reservoir Leakage Test [CSI 017516 54 or 33 08101 A leakage test of the completed tank installation shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide a watertight tank with no leakage. Any water appearing outside of the tank will not be accepted. The Owner will provide water for the initial testing of the tank delivered through the tank inlet piping at no cost to the Contractor. The Contractor will be charged for additional water at the Owners unit rate for service. Disposal of test water, if required, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. For bolted tanks with factory -applied coating systems, the disinfection procedure may be performed concurrently with water testing. Test water shall be introduced into the distribution system rather than wasted subject to (1) a satisfactory leakage test, (2) satisfactory bacteriological testing and (3) the chlorine residual limitation of the particular disinfection method as described in AWWA C652. Reservoir Soak Test [CSI 012.E M56"33 va iq A soak test shall be performed to check the level of chemical contaminants in the field, in compliance with the Washington State Department of Health 2019 Water System Design Manual Appendix G. Following a 7 -day soaking period, the water in the reservoir shall be sampled by the Owner to determine the level of any leached chemicals. Samples of the water shall be analyzed by a laboratory certified by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Cost of initial test shall be borne by the Owner. The samples shall be tested for normal domestic water quality plus the following additional constituents. • Complete Inorganic Chemical sample (IOC) • Volatile Organic Chemical analysis (VOC) • General Synthetic Organic Chemical analysis (SOC) 1-19 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 A report of the test results shall be sent to the Washington Department of Health regional office for evaluation and approval before delivering water from the reservoir. The report shall include the word "Investigative" in the title or purpose section. Re -testing is required when contamination exceeding the maximum contaminant level or trigger level is found. At the Owner's discretion, the Owner may elect to put the facility in operation if the trigger level is exceeded but the maximum contaminant level is not. The soaking period shall imitate actual operating conditions. Therefore, in some cases, longer or shorter soaking periods may be specified, depending upon an evaluation of field conditions encountered. The Contractor shall pay for the water wasted due to soak test failure. Labor, expenses and laboratory certification for soak re -test shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.78 Closeout Submittals [CSI 0178 00] 1.78.23 Operation and Maintenance Data [CSI 0178 23] Failure to provide acceptable final documentation including operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals and as -built drawings will result in non-payment of the appropriate bid item in the schedule of prices. See also the Automatic Controls section for additional requirements for automatic control systems manuals. Detailed requirements for specific equipment and systems may also be included in their respective specification sections. Remove and preserve all tags and instructions that come packaged with or attached to equipment. Deliver all such documents to the Owner bound in a three-ring binder or with the O&M Manual. Insert documents in sleeves if they cannot be punched. Scan all such documents to Adobe PDF format and provide with the O&M Manual. Prior to the receipt of payment for more than 90 percent of the work, deliver to the Owner acceptable manufacturer's instructions covering equipment and systems O&M procedures, for coatings furnished under this contract, and any additional items indicated by the Owner. The operating and maintenance instructions shall include, as a minimum, the following data for each coating and equipment item: Products A. Identification including brand name, model number, and serial numbers. B. Date of manufacture and date of installation on job site. C. Complete as -built elementary wiring and one -line diagrams. D. Complete parts list, by generic title and identification number, complete with exploded views of each assembly. 1-20 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Maintenance A. Recommended spare parts. B. Lubrication schedule including the applicable lubricant designation available from the Standard Oil Company of California. C. Recommended preventive maintenance procedures and schedules. Schedule shall be provided for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually maintenance. D. Disassembly and re -assembly instructions including parts identification and a complete parts breakdown for all equipment. E. Weights of individual components of each item of equipment weighing over 50 pounds. F. Name, location, and telephone number of the nearest suppliers and spare parts warehouses. G. All manufacturers' warranties. Include name, address, and telephone number of the manufacturer's representative to be contacted for warranty, parts, or service information. H. Cleaning, repair, and maintenance instructions for each coating system. L Provide USB flash drive or DVDs utilized in the manufacturer's instruction program. Operation A. Recommended trouble -shooting and startup procedures. B. Recommended step-by-step operating procedures. C. Emergency operation modes, if applicable. D. Normal shutdown procedures. E. Long term shutdown (mothballing) procedures. F. Equipment specifications and guaranteed performance data. G. General manuals which describe several items not in the contract will not be accepted unless all references to irrelevant equipment are neatly eradicated or blocked out. Provide 3 hard copies of O&M manuals (2 for Owner, 1 for RH2). A duplicate USB or DVD copy may be provided but shall not substitute for a hard copy unless approved by the Owner. Bind each set of instructions into multiple volumes; each volume to be complete with an index and bound in a suitable, hard -covered binder. Binders shall be hardback construction with full-length metal hinge. 3 -inch to 5 -inch width as appropriate for the quantity of O&M documentation. More than one binder may be required for large projects. Binders equal to Wilson Jones WLJ344 series or WLJ369 series or Specialty Loose Leaf models 87784, 98085, 98086, or 98984. Manuals shall be assembled and indexed so that information on each coating and piece of equipment can be readily found. 1-21 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 The Contractor shall secure and deliver to the Owner all equipment warranties and other warranties and guarantees required for all equipment and processes. Delivery shall be done at one time covering all major and minor equipment warranties. Copies of the warranties shall be included in each O&M Manual. See Division 1.43.20 for details regarding required warranties for specific components. 1.78.39 Project Record Documents [CSI 0178 391 Prior to receiving final payment for the work, deliver a complete set of "As -Constructed" records (also called as -built, or record plans) to the Owner. The Owner has sole discretion to determine if the records provided are legibly and accurately presented and may request revisions, which shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost. Records shall be made as follows or as approved by the Owner: • Yellow markings or highlights = deleted items • Red markings = new or modified items Provide "as -constructed" information on all items and work shown on the plans showing details of the finished product including dimensions, locations, outlines, changes, manufacturers, etc. The information must be in sufficient detail to allow the Owner's personnel to locate, maintain, and operate the finished product and its various components. See also electrical plan requirements in Division 16.05. 1.79 Demonstration and Training [CSI 0179 001 1.79.10 Training [G'51 U1 7J 10, See the Automatic Control section for automatic control systems training. At the time that the facility is ready to be put into operation, the Contractor is to conduct an operation and maintenance training meeting with the Owner to explain in detail the operation and maintenance requirements of each of the facility's components. The training meeting shall not occur on the same days as a startup. Operation of the facility shall commence immediately after completion of testing, startup, and training and after satisfactory repairs and adjustments have been made. 1-22 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 1.80 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS [CSI 0180 00] 1.81 Facility Performance Requirements [CSI 0181001 1.81.30 Seismic Restraint and Anchorage [CSI 0181301 Fall 2023 Division 1 Install seismic restraints when called for in the contract or recommended by the product manufacturer. Install in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements as applicable. Seismic restraint systems shall be installed so as not to interfere with normal operations and maintenance of the equipment and other components as shown on the plans. Interference with normal operations and maintenance shall be as determined by the Owner. Drilled -in anchors for non -rotating equipment shall be Concrete Anchors unless otherwise specified. 1.81.40 Pressure Ratings [CSI 0181401 Fittings, valves, pipe, and other fluid systems shall have pressure ratings equal to or greater than the pressures identified herein, unless specifically called out otherwise in the plans or specifications. Pressures listed are gauge pressure, unless specified otherwise. The pressure class of pipelines and appurtenances shall comply with the Owner's standards for minimum pressure class or the pressure class that meets the requirements of this section, whichever is greater. Equipment Type or Function Normal Pressure Working Pressure Test Pressure All Piping and fittings 55 psi 150 psi 250 psi Normal Pressure: The maximum pressure anticipated under normal operating conditions. This value is provided for the Contractor's information, but typically is lower than the required pressure rating of the equipment. Working Pressure: Manufacturer's rating of maximum pressure during extended operation. Test Pressure: Maximum pressure during project specific testing. 1.81.45 Location Designations [CSI 018145 The following location designations shall be used except where otherwise noted on the plans: Dry Locations: Indoor continually dry areas including office, laboratory, blower, and electrical rooms. 1-23 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1 Gene Ado— 11/10/23 3:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 1 Wet Locations: All locations exposed to the weather, whether under a roof or not, or within channels, basins or tanks. Damp Locations: Process areas; areas containing pumps, valves, and major piping; all spaces wholly or partially underground, or having a wall or ceiling forming part of a channel or tank, unless otherwise designated on the Plans. Any areas which do not fall within the definitions for dry, wet, or corrosive shall be considered damp. Corrosive Locations: Areas where chlorine gas under pressure, sulfuric acid, or liquid polymer are stored or processed, sewer wetwells and sewer manholes. Immersed or Submerged Locations: Areas which are periodically, or continuously submerged in, or contain a liquid. 1.81.50 Materials in Contact with Domestic Water [CSI 018150] All devices, components, and materials substantially in contact with potable water shall be certified by NSF International to comply with NSF/ANSI 61 (leachable materials) and NSF/ANSI 372 (lead content). Certification of compliance shall be supplied in writing at the time of the submittal process. See exceptions in WAC 246-290-220(1). 1-24 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30Specs\Tec1uuca1s\1Gene tdocx 11/10/233:06 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 2 Sitework 2.00 GENERAL [CSI 32 00 001 Sections in these specifications tided "Common Work for . . . " shall apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 2.05 Common Work for Exterior Improvements [(—,,v Jz UJ UUf This division covers the work for providing materials and performing all sitework as described in these specifications and as shown on the Plans. Part 1— General Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan • Erosion Control Fence Fabric • Erosion Control Mat • Dewatering Plan • Shoring Plan and Calculations • General Fill • Structural Fill • Pipe Bedding • Trench Backfill • Gravel Backfill for Drains • Crushed Surfacing • Rock; Rip Rap; Quarry Spalls • Paving • Plants • Sod • Hydroseed • Planting Schedule • Fencing 2-1 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir • Fertilizers • Topsoil • Anti -Desiccant Other items listed in this section or required by the Owner. 2.07 Geotechnical Investigations [CSI 02 32 001 Fall 2023 Division 2 An exploration of subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the project site were performed by RH2 Engineering Inc. Test pit results of the investigation are included in the plans. 2.08 Special Inspections for Earth Work [CSI 3108 20,1 Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control Special inspections including visual, probing of subgrade, and compaction effort (nuclear densometer or probe) are required for the following locations: • Trench backfill crossing roads and parking areas (visual, probe and nuclear densometer testing) • Road and parking area fill and native subgrade (visual, probe, and nuclear densometer testing if found necessary by the Owner) • Crushed surfacing under roads, parking areas, and structures (visual, probe, and nuclear densometer testing) • Native (and fill if any) subgrade of vaults, footings, foundations, and floors (visual and probe) • Finished excavation of detention pond prior to seeding (visual and probe) • Pond berm native subgrade, fill placement, and compaction (visual, probe and nuclear densometer testing) • Roadway embankment cut native subgrade (visual and probe) • Roadway fill embankment subgrade (visual, probe and nuclear densometer testing at various lifts) Areas where fill (either native or non-native) is being placed shall be tested for compaction compliance by a special inspector. The Owner will pay for the initial testing. If tests indicate failure of compaction requirements, the Contractor shall pay for subsequent tests until tests indicate compliance with the specifications. Areas of native undisturbed subgrade shall be visually inspected by the Owner prior to placement of any material overtop. Contractor shall 2-2 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 coordinate with the Owner a minimum of two (2) full working days prior to inspection being needed. The Contractor shall fully cooperate with the special inspector, including providing safe access to the testing areas. No extra compensation will be provided for cooperation with and facilitation of inspections. Utilitv Trench Testing Testing will occur at the following locations at a minimum: • One test within 30 feet of start. • One test every 300 feet or at road intersections, whichever comes first. • One test whenever soil conditions change, per the direction of the Owner. The Contractor shall schedule with Owner for visual and probe review of earthwork activity. Contractor shall schedule with Owner and special inspection agency for nuclear densometer testing. Deliver test results to the Owner and to the roadway jurisdiction if different than the Owner. 2.10 SITE PREPARATION 2.10.2 Clearing and Grubbing [CSI 3-111 oul Part 3 — Execution Construction Clearing and grubbing shall be performed by the Contractor to remove and dispose of unwanted debris, vegetative matter, and other items noted on the Plans within the construction limits and shall conform to Section 2-01 of the Standard Specifications. Protect trees and tree roots, structures and foundations, utilities, fences, and all other existing improvements not being removed regardless if shown to be protected on the Plans. Remove and relocate permanent improvements that are within the construction limits, such as mailboxes and traffic signs. Locate mailboxes to preserve mail service during construction. Return facilities to original location, or plan location, at completion of local work. Do not remove organic material including plants, grasses, trees, and native topsoil unless directed on the Plans. Where the Contractor is allowed to clear areas to facilitate construction but is not required to, restore any areas disturbed by construction to existing or better condition including matching surface restoration with seed, sod, or plantings as shown in adjacent areas required to be modified by the Plans. Restoration shall be completed at no additional cost to the Owner. 2-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 2.10.4 Dewatering [CSI 3123191 Part 1— General Submittals The Contractor is to determine the scope, type, size, quantity, method of installation, operation, and removal of the dewatering system necessary to keep excavations de -watered to an elevation below the base of the excavation sufficient to stabilize the soils in the excavation and the surrounding areas, and to prevent flotation of partially completed structures. Prepare a detailed dewatering system plan and submit to the Owner for review prior to the installation of any dewatering system. This plan shall include, as a minimum, the scope, type, size, quantity, method of installation, operation, and removal of all dewatering systems. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Dewatering systems must be positioned away from all building and utility construction so as to not become a part of the permanent facility. Furnish, install, and operate all necessary machinery, appliances, and equipment to meet these water control requirements. De -water and dispose of the water so as not to cause injury to property or a nuisance to the public. Maintain sufficient pumping equipment and machinery in good working condition for all ordinary emergencies, including power outages, and have competent personnel available at all times to operate the equipment. The dewatering system shall not be shut down between shifts, on holidays, weekends, or during work stoppages. Field Quality Control The quality of all water discharged from the site shall meet all State and local requirements. Employ all means necessary to remove suspended solids, oils, trash, and other deleterious materials from water prior to discharging. Control groundwater and surface water to prevent the softening of the bottom of excavations, or formation of quick conditions or boils during excavation. Lower ground water to 3 feet below the base of the excavation. The Owner will determine if soil conditions are unsuitable for supporting the improvements. The Contractor will determine soil conditions are unsuitable for performing work, placing materials, and proceeding with construction activities. When the dewatering system does not meet the specified requirements, and as a consequence there is a loosening or disturbance of the foundation soils, instability for the slopes, or damage to the foundation or structures occur, the Contractor shall at its own expense, supply all materials, labor, and equipment, and perform all work required for the restoration of foundation soil, slopes, or structure to the satisfaction of the Owner. Restoration Remove and backfill dewatering wells in accordance with applicable Federal and State regulations. 2-4 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 2.10.5 Temporary Access Roads [CSI 0155131 Part 1— General Summary Provide temporary site access and maintain vehicular site access at all times. Access shall be of a quality to permit Contractor's forces and outside inspector's safe and convenient ingress/egress. Unless specifically provided for in other bid items, the cost of building and maintaining construction access shall be incidental with no separate payment. Any bid items for aggregate materials (e.g. crushed rock, ballast, etc.) shall not relate to construction access unless the description of that bid item specifically states inclusion of the construction access. Part 3 — Execution Repair/ Restoration Maintain all construction accesses during construction. The cost of such maintenance is incidental to the bid price. Maintenance includes repairing settled and damaged areas and providing dust control. Cost for maintenance due to rain, snow, wind, or other weather conditions is incidental to the bid price. Cleaning Wherever construction vehicle access routes intersect paved roads, make provisions to minimize the transport of sediment onto the paved road. Remove all dirt, mud, rocks, vegetation, or other deleterious material from all construction equipment prior to leaving the site. This may include spray washing, sweeping, or other physical methods needed to remove materials. If sediment or other debris is transported onto a paved road surface, clean the road thoroughly by the end of the workday. Remove debris from roads by shoveling or sweeping. Street washing will be allowed only after debris has been removed in this manner. 2.11 Earthwork Materials 2.11.1 Common Work for Earthwork Materials [CSI 3105 00] Part 1— General Acceptance at Site Owner will review the site near the end of each pay period to determine the equivalent percentage of earthwork completed compared to the total earthwork lump sum price. Contractor will be paid based on the Owners judgement of percentage completed. 2-5 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 2 — Products Source Quality Control All imported fill material shall be free of hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline, diesel, oil, etc.), pesticides, herbicides, hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs). Provide certification to the Owner that the fill is free of these chemicals. 2.11.2 General Fill [CSI 3123 23.511 Part 1— General Summary All fill not specifically defined as another type shall be "General Fill". References Section 9-03.14(3) Common Borrow of the Standard Specifications. Part 2 — Products Components General fill shall be soil free of organics, debris, and other deleterious materials, with no individual particles having a maximum dimension larger than 5 inches. The moisture content of the material and weather conditions at the time of placement will be used to determine the suitability of native materials for backfill as general fill. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Compact general fill in uniform layers not exceeding 12 inches in loose thickness and to at least 90 percent maximum dry density based on the ASTM D-1557 (modified) test procedure or 95 percent maximum dry= density based on the ASTM D-698 (standard) test procedure. 2.11.3 Structural Fill [CSI 3123 23.521 Part 1— General Summary All fill placed below and against building components, building structures, vaults, manholes, handholes, slabs, sidewalks, and drives shall be "Structural Fill" unless other fill materials are specifically shown on the Plans. The structural fill material has been selected to support the weight of the structure in combination with the existing native material and to prevent adverse movement during an earthquake. Take particular care to maintain the integrity of the design by using structural fill where shown. 2-6 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir References Fall 2023 Division 2 Structural fill for foundation subgrades, or where free drainage is not required through the structural fill shall conform with 9-03.14(2) "Select Borrow" of the Standard Specifications. Part 2 — Products Components When structural fill will be used around pipes, 100 -percent of the material shall pass a 1 -inch sieve. Structural fill shall be soil free of organics, debris, and other deleterious materials. The Owner will determine if native on-site materials are suitable for use as structural fill. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction The moisture content of the material and weather conditions at the time of placement will be used to determine the suitability of native materials for backfill as structural fill. Structural fill shall bear on firm base and be placed in uniform layers not exceeding 12 inches in loose thickness. The backfill area must be free of standing water and the subgrade soils must be stable. Each layer of structural fill shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum dry density based on the ASTM D-1557 (modified) test procedure or 98 percent of its maximum dry density based on the ASTM D-698 (standard) test procedure. 2.11.4 Pipe Bedding [CSI 3123 23.531 Part 1— General Summary Fill placed below and around buried utilities. The bedding material has been selected to support the weight of the utility by distributing the load so that the completed utility and backfill system does not weigh more than the native material. The grain size has been selected so that the bedding will not migrate into the bottom of the trench. Take care to maintain the integrity of the utility design by using the appropriate pipe bedding material where shown. References Pipe bedding used must be sand. Rounded gravels and pea gravel are not acceptable. Silty sands may be used with the Owner's approval but may require additional length of restrained joint pipe. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Bedding material shall surround the pipe and conduits to the limits shown on the Plans and provide uniform support along the entire length. Excavate bell holes to prevent concentrated loading at joints or bridging of the pipe. All bedding material shall bear on firm subgrade and be compacted to firm and unyielding condition. 2-7 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 2.11.5 Trench Backfill [CSI 3123 23.54 or 3123 33] Part 1— General Summary All fill placed above the pipe bedding in a trench shall be "Trench Backfill". The trench backfill material has been selected to distribute surface loads over the utility. The grain size has been selected so that the trench backfill will not migrate into the pipe bedding or trench walls. Take particular care to maintain the integrity of the utility design by using the appropriate trench backfill material where shown. References Trench backfill shall consist of materials conforming to Section 9-03.19 "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill" of the Standard Specifications or as approved by the Owner. Part 3 — Execution Installation/Construction Place and compact trench backfill above the pipe bedding to finished grade elevations in unrestored areas or to subgrade elevations in restored areas. In unimproved or landscaped areas place trench backfill in uniform layers not to exceed 12 inches in loose thickness. Each lift is to be compacted to at least 90 percent of its maximum dry density based on the ASTM D-1557 (modified) test procedure or 92 percent of its maximum dry density based on the ASTM D-698 (standard) test procedure. In areas where the trench will support roadways or vehicle access areas, trench backfill shall be placed in uniform layers not to exceed 8 inches in loose thickness. Each lift is to be compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum dry density based on the ASTM D-1557 test procedure (modified proctor) from 0 to 4 feet below finished surface and 90 percent below 4 feet. 2.11.6 Gravel Backfill for Drains /U51.J12123.55] Part 1— General Summary All fill placed around drain pipes in a trench shall be "Gravel Backfill for Drains" to provide drainage for stormwater runoff. References Gravel backfill for drains shall conform with Section 9-03.12(4) of the Standard Specifications. M14V J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 2.11.7 Gravel Base Course [CSI 32 1123. 101 Part 1— General Summary All fill placed directly under and against paving, foundations, and structures shall be "Gravel Base Course" unless otherwise called out on the Plans. References Aggregate for gravel base course under structures, and foundations shall conform to Section 9-03.10 Aggregate for Gravel Base or 9-03.9(3) Crushed Surfacing Base Course of the Standard Specifications. Aggregate for gravel base course under roadways, paved areas, sidewalks, and for gravel areas shall conform to Section 9-03.9(3) Crushed Surfacing Base Course of the Standard Specifications. 2.11.8 Gravel Top Course [CSI321123.111 Part 1— General Summary Gravel travelled surfaces shown on the Plans shall be "Gravel Top Course". Gravel top course may also be required directly under paving by the road jurisdiction or if shown on the plans. References Aggregate for gravel top course shall conform to Section 9-03.9(3) Crushed Surfacing Top Course and Keystone of the Standard Specifications. 2.11.10 Sand J S'133 05 09 51 "3211501 Part 1— General Summary Sand used for filling annular spaces between carrier pipe and casing. 2-9 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir References 2.11.11 Pea Gravel [CSI33 05 09 52 "3211511 Part 2 — Products Materials Fall 2023 Division 2 Pea Gravel shall be clean, free -draining, durable uncrushed rock, meeting the following grading requirements: Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/8" 85-100 #4 10-30 #8 0-10 #16 0-5 #200 <1 2.11.20 Geotextile Fabric [CSI 313219.16" 313419.16] Part 1— General Delivery, Storage, and Handling Ship, store, place, overlap, and secure fabric based on manufacturer requirements. Part 2 — Products Materials Chose geotextile fabric to meet the requirements based on place and purpose of use. Geotextile fabric called out on the Plans to separate drain rock or French drains from surrounding soils shall be equal to Tencate Mirafi 140N. Geotextile fabric placed between quarry spalls and fill to separate soil fines shall be equal to Tencate Mirafi 160N. Geotextile fabric called out to drain behind a wall without the use of drain rock shall be equal to Tencate Mirafi G100W. Geotextile fabric for embankment stabilization shall be equal to Mirafi Miramat TM8. Geotextile fabric placed below crushed rock in road subgrade shall be equal to Tencate Mirafi 50OX Other locations may require a specialized geotextile fabric and if so shall either be identified in the Plans or geotechnical report. 2-10 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 2.12 Road Surfacing [CSI 3210 00] 2.12.2 Cement Concrete Pavement [CSI 321313 Part 1— General References Fall 2023 Division 2 Cement concrete pavement, sidewalks, curb and gutter shall meet the requirements of Division 3. Construction shall comply with Section 5-05 of the Standard Specifications. Part 3 — Execution Examination Evidence of pavement damage such as surface cracking, ponding, or other variations in surface consistency shall be investigated by the Contractor and reported to the Engineer. Construction Pavement areas damaged by construction activities shall be removed and reconstructed at the Contractor's expense to the road agency's standards. Adjust manhole covers, valve covers, survey markers, and other existing surface features to the finished grade of the new surfacing in conformance with the local road agency standards. Otherwise, set as follows: • Storm sewer grates: 0.10 foot below finished grade. • Valve boxes, manhole covers, survey markers: 0.00 to 0.01 foot below finished grade. 2.12.3 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) / Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) [CSI 3212161 Part 1— General Definitions The Plans and specifications may call out Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) or Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP). The terms are synonymous. References Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) shall comply with Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications. All HMA shown on the Plans shall be Commercial HMA unless otherwise noted. Furnish, place, spread, and compact to the thickness shown on the Plans. HMA used for road paving and patching shall comply with Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications for HMA Class '/2 -inch. HMA used for driveways and parking lots shall be HMA Class %-inch. Furnish, place, spread, and compact to the thickness shown on the Plans. 2-11 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 2.12.10 Pavement Marking/ Striping [CSI 32.17.23] Part 1— General References Install pavement marking in accordance with 8-22 of the Standard Specifications and any Owner standards more stringent than the Standard Specifications. Part 3 — Execution Repair/Restoration Replace pavement marking damaged or removed during construction. Cost is incidental to the contract unless a pay item is provided. Installation/ Construction Provide markings on all new pavement per the local traffic agency's requirements. Pavement marking shall match existing marking at the site unless noted otherwise on the Plans or within these specifications. 2.13 Tree and Shrub Preservation [CSI 32 01 rv.ssl Part 1— General Warranty Trees or shrubs to be protected that become damaged or die within one year of acceptance shall be remedied or replaced by the Contractor at the discretion of the Owner with plants of the same species and size. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Individual trees, shrubs, and areas shown and/or described to remain on the site shall be protected by high visibility construction fence. Install fencing before site preparation, grading and clearing and grubbing operations. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor, for convenience, or ease of construction, or any other reason not approved by the Owner, remove existing trees that are not designated to be removed. No work may commence until protective fencing is in place and approved by Owner's Representative. Prior to installation, stake the location of protection fencing for approval by the Owner. Location stakes or marking shall be placed not greater than 20 (twenty) feet on center. Fencing shall be constructed and located to protect vegetation from physical or chemical damage, flame, smoke, heat, and damage to, or compaction of roots. 2-12 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PNI © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Construction access, vehicle or equipment parking, material storage or material disposal will not be allowed within drip lines of existing trees to remain. Excavate within drip line of trees only where shown. Where trenching for utilities is required within drip line, tunnel under or around roots by methods that do not tear or compromise the health of the roots. Do not cut main lateral roots or tap roots. Where pruning is shown on the plans, or allowed by the Owner, cut branches with sharp and clean pruning instruments, and do not break or chop. Prune flush with trunk surface. Field Quality Control The Contractor shall notify the Owner prior to cutting roots over 4 inches in diameter. Treat cut roots over 1 -inch in diameter and cut branches 2 -inch and larger with asphaltic pruning paint. 2.13.3 Selective Tree and Shrub Removal [CSI 3113131 Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Trees and shrubs which are to be removed as indicated on Plans shall be removed completely including roots, stumps, branches, and stems, or as directed by Owner unless shown otherwise on the Plans. 2.20 EARTH MOVING [CSI 3120 OUB 2.23 Excavation [CSI312s Ib, Part 1— General Summary Excavate as necessary to construct the improvements shown. The City has provided a permanent export/ stockpiling location that may used for all excavated materials adjacent to the Public Services Department facility at 901 NW Rhoton Rd, Yelm, WA 98597. Part 2 — Products Materials Remove all excavated material from the project site unless approved as general fill by the Owner. The Contractor must provide a sieve analysis to obtain approval. Approval of material as general fill will be made the moment before placement of the material as general backfill. Weather conditions may make previously excavated material unsuitable for backfill requiring the material to be removed from the project site. Excavated material shall not be used as structural fill. 2-13 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 3 — Execution Installation/Construction Excavation includes the digging, scraping, and removing existing native material, abandoned or interfering utilities, abandoned or interfering structures, and any other obstacles necessary for the construction of the improvements. Excavation includes utility excavation, structural excavation, and grading excavation. Perform utility excavation to the depths necessary to complete the utility work shown. Perform structural excavation to the limits shown and established by the Owner. Extend the base of the excavation laterally a minimum of 2 feet beyond the structure unless specified otherwise on Plans. Excavated material may be stockpiled on-site as space allows. Temporary stockpiling of excavated material will not be permitted outside the construction limits at any time. Excavated material may be transported to the City provided permanent stockpile location or disposed of by the Contractor in some other manner. Examination The Owner will evaluate the base of the excavation to determine if it is suitable for backfilling. The Owner will evaluate the stability of the base of excavation by determining if all significant organic soils or other unsuitable materials have been removed. Construction Perform excavation required by the Owner that is beyond the depth shown, per the direction of the Owner. The Contractor will be reimbursed for additional excavation as specified in Division 18, "Measurement and Payment" or by force account if not specified. 2.25 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control [CS10197 IJIJ 2.25.2 Contractor Provided Certified Erosion and Sedimentation Control Lead [CSI 015713.10 Part 1— General Summary Provide a Certified Erosion and Sedimentation Control Lead (CESCL) as part of the regular work force for the project. This person shall be a site superintendent, project manager, or site laborer regularly on the project site during earthwork operations. Submittals Provide documentation of the Certification to the Owner and reviewing authority if applicable with a copy of such certification always available in the job shack. State Department of Ecology 2-14 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Certification shall be valid and up to date for this person throughout the duration of the earthwork operations of the project. 2.25.3 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SWPPP Reference) [CSI 015713.121 Part 1— General Quality Assurance Comply with the requirements set forth in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and the Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) notes and details in the construction Plans. The SWPPP and TESC Plans are the minimum requirements for the anticipated site conditions. The Contractor shall add additional TESC facilities or processes as necessary to ensure that erosion and sedimentation problems do not occur. The Contractor is responsible for the day-to-day control of the site, and shall update TESC Plans, the SWPPP, and TESC measures as necessary to maintain the site as work progresses. The Contractor shall inspect the TESC facilities as specified in the SWPPP, and maintain TESC measures as necessary to prevent off-site damage. Additional work, materials, or fines incurred as a result of failure of TESC measures shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor, including all related costs. Comply with all federal, state, and local stormwater requirements, as detailed in the SWPPP. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been prepared by the Owner and is included as an appendix in these specifications. 2.25.5 Filter Fabric Fence [CSI 015713 " 0157231 Part 2 — Products Materials Filter fabric per section 8-01.3(9)A2 and section 9-33.2(1), Table 6, of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Install a filter fabric fence to allow the collection and passage of surface water through the fabric before discharge off site. When joints are necessary, splice filter fabric together at a support post with a minimum overlap of six inches. Secure both ends of the fabric to the post. Install the filter fabric fence following the contours of the existing grade where feasible. Drive the fence posts securely into the ground a minimum of 30 -inches and spaced apart at a maximum of six feet. Fasten a wire mesh support fence securely to the uphill side of the posts using heavy-duty wire staples at least one inch long, tie wires, or wire rings. Extend the wire into the trench a minimum of four inches and not more than 36 inches above the existing surface. Excavate an 8 -inch by 12 -inch trench on the uphill side of the fence for securely 2-15 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 2 burying the lower edge of the fabric fence. Extend at least 20 inches of the filter fabric fence continuously into the trench. Extend the filter fabric fence 36 -inches above the existing grade. Secure the filter fabric placed in the trench with backfill material of three-quarter inch washed rock. Place the backfill material in the trench and on either side of the fence as shown on the construction Plans. Field Quality Control Inspect the filter fabric fence immediately after each rainfall and at least once daily during periods of prolonged rainfall. Repair or replace sections of the filter fabric fence that are not filtering surface water. The filter fabric fence may be removed after the threat of off-site contamination has passed. 2.30 SITE IMPROVEMENTS [CSI 32 30 001 2.31 Fencing and Gates [CSI 32 3100] 2.31.1 Common Work for Fencing [CSI 32 3105] Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 1.52.20 Locks and Keys • Division 3 Concrete • Division 10.14.23 Signage • Division 11.40 Gates Part 3 — Execution Preparation Clear the area along the fence path, remove surface irregularities and grade earth smooth and continuous prior to fence installation. 2.31.2 Temporary Construction Security Fence [CSI 0156 261 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 10.14.7 Signage 2-16 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 2 — Products Materials Provide warning signage at the site entrance for the duration of the project. Sign(s) to be no smaller than 2 -feet square with language of (or similar) "Construction Site, No Trespassing". Provide high -visibility construction fencing around the site when not on site. Support construction fencing to resist wind damage but make an access section easily removable for Owner's personnel. Provide padlocks for all gates and least two keys to the Owner. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Provide a 6 -feet tall temporary construction fence surrounding the construction site. Space fence posts at a maximum of 12 feet on center. Maintain fence during construction and secure fence after each workday. Install posts securely directly into the ground or set in temporary concrete base blocks. Attach chain link securely to the fence posts. 2.31.3 Chainlink Fence [CSI 32 3113 Part 1— General Summary This section describes the requirements for the chainhnk fence located as shown and detailed on the Plans and these specifications. Related Sections • Division 2.31.1 Common Work for Fences • Division 3.31.3 Post Footings References Chainlink Fence Manufacturers Institute Product Manual Specifications DOT Standard Specifications Section 8-12 ASTM F626, A392, A817, F668, F1043, F1083, A121, F567 Submittals Galvanizing information, steel quality standards, hardware quality standards. Dimensional drawings including details, finishes, accessories and foundations. Part 2 — Products 2-17 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Materials Fall 2023 Division 2 Obtain chain link fences and gates, including accessories, fittings, and fastenings, from a single source. Chain -Link (woven wire fabric) fencing shall be commercial grade, as detailed on the Plans and in accordance with Section 8-12 of the Standard Specifications of the Standard Specifications except as modified herein. Components Fence Fabric: Galvanized wire: ASTM A392 - 1.2 oz./sf. Wire Spec -A817, Type and class per use and location of the project. Size: Helically wound and woven to height of as indicated on drawings with 2 -inch diamond mesh and core wire gauge of 9. Polymer coating gauge of 8, if required, shall not be included in the wire size measurement. Selvage of fabric: twisted and barbed at top and twisted at bottom unless noted otherwise on the Plans. Steel Fence Framework: Steel pipe - Type I: ASTM F1083, standard weight schedule 40 (ASTM F1043 Group IA); minimum yield strength of 30,000 psi. Outside diameter (OD) sizes as shown on the Plans. Hot -dipped galvanized with minimum average 1.8 oz./ft2 of coated surface area. Accessories Chain link fence accessories per ASTM F626 Provide items required to complete fence system. Galvanize each ferrous metal item and finish to match framing. Post caps: Formed steel weather tight closure cap for pipe posts. Provide one cap for each post. Cap to have provision for barbed wire when necessary. Top rail and rail ends: Pressed steel per ASTM F626, for connection of rail and brace to terminal posts. Top rail sleeves: 6 -inch (178 mm) expansion sleeve with a minimum 0.137 -inch wire diameter and 1.80 -inch length spring, allowing for expansion and contraction of top rail. Wire ties: 9 -gauge galvanized steel wire for attachment of fabric to line posts. Thirteen gauge for rails and braces. Brace and tension (stretcher bar) bands: Pressed steel, minimum 300 -degree profile curvature for secure fence post attachment. Tension (stretcher) bars: One piece lengths equal to 2 inches less than full height of fabric with a minimum cross-section of 3/16 inch by 3/4 -inch. Provide tension (stretcher) bars where chain link fabric meets terminal posts. Tension wire (used when top rails are not required): Polymer Steel Tension Wire ASTM F1664 class 2B, fused and adhered, 6 gauge, with tensile strength of 75,000 psi. Hog ties are permissible. Tie rod, truss rods, and tightener: Steel rods with minimum diameter of 3/8 -inch. Capable of withstanding a tension of minimum 2,000 lbs. 2-18 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduncals\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Barbed wire: ASTM A121 Class 3, zinc coated steel wire double -strand, 14 gauge twisted line wire with galvanized steel, 4 point barbs spaced approximately 5 inches on center. Barbed wire supporting arms: Pressed steel arms with provisions for attaching three rows of barbed wire. Arms shall withstand 250 lb. downward pull at the outermost end of arm without failure. Provide six strands double "V" arms. Provide intermediate arms with hole for passage of top rail. Nuts and bolts to be galvanized. Privacy Slats: FIN/SLAT "1000" self-locking slats. All slats are manufactured from a combination of color pigments, quality high density virgin polyethylene with ultraviolet inhibitors. Finishes Colors shall be available for owner selection including dark green, olive green, brown, and black in compliance with ASTM F934. All fence components shall be coated including mesh, posts, caps, clips, and rails. Fabrication Fence frames that require welding shall be hot dipped galvanized in the shop unless approved otherwise by the Owner. Part 3 — Execution Installers Installers shall have a minimum of two years of experience. References from three previous projects shall be submitted for review during shop drawing submittal. Examination Verify areas to receive fencing are completed to final grades and elevations. Ensure property lines and legal boundaries of work are clearly established. Perform complete utility locates within the areas of fencing to verify conflicting utilities. Fence posts may require adjustment to avoid utilities by a minimum of 2 -feet. Installation/ Construction Chainlink Fence Framing Installation: A. Install chain link fence in accordance with ASTM F567 and manufacturer's instructions. B. Locate terminal post at each fence termination and change in horizontal or vertical direction of 30 degrees or more. C. Space line posts uniformly at 10 -feet on center maximum and to avoid utilities by 2 - feet minimum. D. Concrete set terminal and gate posts: Drill holes in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. Trowel finish around post. Slope to direct water away from posts. Footings shall be sized per schedule on the Plans. 2-19 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 2 E. Check each post for vertical and top alignment and maintain in position during placement and finishing operations. F. Bracing: Install horizontal pipe brace at mid -height for fences 8 -feet tall and over, on each side of terminal posts. Firmly attach with fittings. Install diagonal truss rods at these points. Adjust truss rod, ensuring posts remain plumb. G. Tension wire: If shown on the Plans, install tension wire before stretching fabric and attach to each post with ties. Secure tension wire to fabric with 12'/2 gauge hog rings 24 inches O.C. H. Top rail: If shown on the Plans, install lengths, 21 -feet. Connect joints with sleeves for rigid connections for expansion/ contraction. I. Brace Rails for fabric height 8 -feet and over. Install brace rails between terminal posts and adjacent line posts with fittings and accessories. Install brace rails at each gate post and each corner post with angle change exceeding 30 degrees. J. Bottom Rails: If shown on the Plans install bottom rails between posts with fittings and accessories. Chain Link Fabric Installation A. Fabric: Install fabric on side facing outward from site and attach so that fabric remains in tension after pulling force is released. Leave no more than 3 -inches between finish grade and bottom selvage. Attach fabric with wire ties to line posts and tension wire at 15 -inches on center and to rails and horizontal braces at 24 -inches on center. B. Tension (stretcher) bars: Pull fabric taut; thread tension bar through fabric and attach to terminal posts with bands or clips spaced maximum of 15 -inches on center. Hog ties are allowed. Accessories A. Tie wires: Bend ends of wire to minimize hazard to persons and clothing. B. Fasteners: Install nuts on side of fence opposite fabric side for added security. C. Barbed wire: Uniformly space parallel rows of barbed wire on security side of fence. Pull wire taut and attach with clips or in slots of each extension. D. Slats: Install slats in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 2.50 EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION [CSI 3150 00] 2.51 Contractor Designed Shoring [CSI 315010/ 2-20 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 1— General Summary Where shoring, sheet piling, sheeting, bracing, lagging, or other supports are necessary to prevent cave-ins or damage to existing structures, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to design, furnish, place, maintain, and remove supports in accordance with applicable laws, codes, and safety requirements. References Chapter 296-155 of WAC, "Safety Standards for Construction Work, Part N, Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring". OSHA Quality Assurance Where the Contractor is required to provide the shoring design, it shall be prepared by a competent person as defined by WAC 296-155-650. Before beginning any excavation that is governed by the shoring requirements, the Contractor shall submit their stamped shoring plan and calculations to the Owner for approval. The stamp must be present on all Plans and calculations, and all submittals must be approved by the Owner prior to starting work. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Design, planning, installation, and removal of sheeting, shoring, sheet piling, lagging, and bracing shall maintain the undisturbed state of soil below and adjacent to excavation. 2.61 Contaminated Materials 2.61.2 Toxic Spill or Release Contact Requirements [CSI 02 6140] Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control During construction, if there is any toxic substance spill or release discharged into the environment, report the location, quantity, date and time of the spill or release to Washington State Emergency Management at 1 (800) 258-5990 and the Owner's representative. Spills shall be monitored, contained, and cleaned up to applicable codes at the Contractor's expense. 2.90 LANDSCAPING [CSI 32 90 001 2.90.1 Common Work for Landscaping [CSI 32 90 051 2-21 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 1— General Submittals In addition to Division 2.05, provide the following information. • Hydroseed mix and recommended application rates for approval. • Written maintenance instructions recommending proper procedures for maintenance of plant materials. • Topsoil - Submit the data for topsoil to be used as determined by an approved testing lab. Data shall include percentage of organic content as determined by incineration process and recommendations on type and quality of additives required to establish satisfactory pH factor, organic content, and supply of nutrients to bring the soil to a satisfactory level for planting. • Nursery Material Plant Lists with quantities and sizes (pot volume, caliper size, and/or tree height) • Planting schedule, indicating approximate planting date. Delivery, Storage, and Handling Deliver fertilizers in original, unopened and undamaged containers that list weight, analysis. and name of manufacturer. Store in such a manner as to prevent wetting and deterioration. Take all precautions customary in good trade practice in preparing plants for transplanting. Spray deciduous plants in foliage with an approved "Anti -Desiccant" immediately after digging to prevent dehydration. Dig, pack, transport, and handle plants with care to ensure protection against injury. If plants cannot be planted immediately upon delivery, properly protect them with soil, wet peat moss, or in a manner acceptable to the Owner. Water plantings as necessary to keep them alive and in healthy condition. Provide dry, loose topsoil for planting bed mixes. Project/Site Conditions Prevent damage to existing features, pavement, utility lines, areas to receive planting and other features remaining as part of final landscaping and/or site improvements. Quality Assurance The Contractor, with the approval of the Owner will select a qualified testing laboratory to test and inspect operations under this Section at the Contractor's expense. Notify testing laboratory of times for inspections. Notify Owner if any undesirable conditions are met during construction so that supplemental recommendations can be made. Comply with sizing and grading standards of the latest edition of "American Standard for Nursery Stock." A plant shall be dimensioned as it stands in its natural position. Warranty Warrant trees, shrubs and ground cover for the period as stated in the Warranty section of Division 1 against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects 2-22 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 resulting from negligence by Owner, abuse or damage by others or unusual phenomena or incidents beyond the Contractor's control. Replace, in size and kind and in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, all plants that are dead or, as determined by the Owner, in an unhealthy or unsightly condition, or have lost their natural shape due to dead branches or other causes due to the Contractor's negligence. Such replacement(s) will be at Contractor's expense. Warranty shall not include damage or loss of trees, plants, or ground covers caused by fires, unusual floods, freezing rains, lightning storms, sustained winds over 75 miles per hour, or other catastrophic "Acts of God". Winter kill caused by extreme cold and severe winter conditions not typical of planting area, unanticipated acts of vandalism or negligence on the part of the Owner and damage caused by wildlife, shall not be covered under this warranty. Maintenance The plant establishment period is 365 days. Maintenance of landscaping installed as part of this contract is fully the responsibility of the Contractor during the plant establishment period. During the plant establishment period, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to ensure the continued growth of all plant materials. This care shall include, but not be limited to, the following: labor and materials necessary for removal of foreign materials, weeds, dead or rejected plant materials and lawn; irrigation and watering or plantings to foster establishment; the replacement of all unsatisfactory plant materials planted under this Contract in kind and size; and pruning and fertilizing to maintain a healthy growing condition and visually pleasing site. Water trees, plants, and groundcover within the first 24 hours of initial planting, and in sufficient amounts thereafter to keep plant materials in a healthy growing condition. Watering includes, but is not limited to, adjusting and/or repairing the onsite irrigation system to ensure proper watering of plantings; installation and removal of water bags for replacement trees; and spot watering, as needed to establish plantings. Provide maintenance reports to Owner's Authorized Representative monthly, indicating procedures, equipment adjustments, fertilizing, replacement of dead plantings and/or defective material, etc. Part 2 — Products Materials A complete list of plants, including a schedule of sizes, quantities and other requirements is shown on the Plans. If quantity discrepancies or material omissions occur in the plant materials Est, the planting Plans shall govern. All plants shall be nursery grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the project locale for a minimum of 2 years or transplanted from on-site. All potted plants shall be grown in the containers in which they are sold for a minimum of one year. Stock furnished shall be at least the minimum size indicated. Larger stock is acceptable, at no additional cost, providing that the larger plants will not be cut back to size indicated. Provide 2-23 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 plants indicated by two measurements so that only a maximum of 25 percent are of the minimum size indicated and 75 percent are of the maximum size indicated. Part 3 — Execution Examination Examine proposed planting areas and conditions of installation. Do not start planting work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected and approved by the Owner's Authorized Representative. Notify Owner's Authorized Representative at least 7 working days prior to installation of plant material. The Owner will make final inspection to determine acceptance of planted areas, upon Contractor's request. Provide notification at least 7 working days before requested inspection date. Planted areas will be accepted, provided all requirements, including maintenance, have been complied with and plant materials are alive and in a healthy, vigorous condition after final acceptance of the project. Upon one year after Substantial Completion, the Owner will assume plant maintenance. Installation Repair/Restoration Replace all dead plant materials within thirty (30) days of discovery. Re -set settled plants to proper grade and position. Restore mulch watering rings and adjacent material and remove dead material. Tighten and repair tree chains and stakes as required. Correct defective work as soon as possible after deficiencies become apparent and weather and season permit. Field Quality Control Provide plant material record Plans legibly recording actual construction indicating horizontal and vertical locations, referenced to permanent surface improvements. Identify field changes of dimension and detail any changes. Cleaning During landscape work, keep adjacent areas clean and work area in an orderly condition. Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, soil, debris, and equipment as instructed by Owner. Repair damage resulting from planting operations. Remove temporary irrigation systems when no longer needed and approval by the Owner. 2.90.2 Landscape Grading [CSI 32 91 19j 2-24 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Perform fine grading within Contract limits, including adjacent transition areas, to new elevations, levels, profiles, and contours indicated. Provide subgrade surfaces parallel to finished surface grades, unless specified otherwise. Provide uniform levels and slopes between new elevations and existing grades. All fills required to achieve subgrades shall be compacted per requirements of the fill type as noted above. For landscaping areas, all fill shall be compacted between 80 to 85 percent of modified proctor (ASTM D-1557) unless noted otherwise on the Plans. Perform grading, within branch spread of existing trees scheduled to remain, by hand methods to elevations indicated. Cut roots cleanly to depth 3 inches below proposed finish grade. Treat cut roots over 1 -inch in diameter with asphaltic pruning paint. 2.90.3 Soil Amendments Commercial Fertilizer [CSI 32 9.110/ Part 2 — Products Materials Each tree and shrub shall receive "AgSafe Tablet Fertilizer" (or equal). Plant tablets at the time of planting at the following rate: Plant Size Tablet Size No. of Tablets 1-2 Gallon 21 gram 1-2 3-5 Gallon 21 gram 2-3 Cal. Inch of tree 21 gram 2 per inch Height of tree 21 gram 2 per foot of height Provide fertilizer with not less than 20 -percent total nitrogen, 10 -percent available phosphoric acid and 5 -percent total potash. P and K to come from Controlled Release Polymer Coated -based nitrates. Mulch [CSI 32 9113.161 Part 2 — Products Materials Mulch for slopes less than 2H:1V: Shredded plant waste and wood fibers (e.g., "Hogfuel") Mulch shall be certified free of weed seed, such as Reed canarygrass. 2-25 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Mulch for slopes 2H:1V or steeper: Nutramulch compost or approved equal. Mulch shall meet the minimum MUM Standards established by the Washington State Department of Ecology per WAC 175-304-300 and 400. Part 3 — Execution Installation Shredded plant/wood waste: Spread to a uniform thickness of 2 -inches in thickness unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Blend into the soil. Nutramulch: Premix with soil at 1/3 mulch to 2/3 soil ratio for 3 -inch depth or apply 1.5 -inch depth and till into the soil. Mulch and Amendments - Post -Construction Soil Quality and Depth (Source: 2019 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington) [CSI 32 9113.161 Part 1— General Soil Retention Retain, in an undisturbed state, the duff layer and native topsoil to the maximum extent practicable. In any areas requiring grading, remove and stockpile the duff layer and topsoil on site in a designated, controlled area, not adjacent to public resources and critical areas, to be reapplied to other portions of the site where feasible. Soil Quality All areas subject to clearing and grading that have not been covered by impervious surface, incorporated into a drainage facility or engineered as structural fill or slope shall, at project completion, demonstrate the following: 1) A topsoil layer with a minimum organic matter content of 10% dry weight in planting beds, and 5% organic matter content in turf areas, and a pH from 6.0 to 8.0 or matching the pH of the undisturbed soil. The topsoil layer shall have a minimum depth of eight inches except where tree roots limit the depth of incorporation of amendments needed to meet the criteria. Subsoils below the topsoil layer should be scarified at least 4 inches with some incorporation of the upper material to avoid stratified layers, where feasible. 2) Mulch planting beds with 2 inches of organic material. 3) Use compost and other materials that meet the following organic content requirements: a) The organic content for "pre -approved" amendment rates can be met only using compost meeting the Compost for Post -Construction Soil Quality and Depth listed below. b) Calculated amendment rates may be met through use of composted material meeting (a.) above; or other organic materials amended to meet the carbon to 2-26 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 2 nitrogen ratio requirements, and not exceeding the contaminant limits identified in Table 220-13, Testing Parameters, in WAC 173-350-220. The resulting soil should be conducive to the type of vegetation to be established. Compost for Post -Construction Soil Quality and Depth To ensure that the BSM will support healthy plant growth and root development, contribute to biofiltration of pollutants, and not restrict infiltration when used in the proportions cited herein, the following compost standards are required. • Meets the definition of "composted material" in WAC 173-350-100 and complies with testing parameters and other standards in WAC 173-350-220. • Produced at a composting facility that is permitted by the jurisdictional health authority. Permitted compost facilities in Washington are included in a spreadsheet titled Washington composting facilities and material types — 2017 at the following web address: https://ecoloa.wa.Vov/Waste-Toxics/Reducing-rec, chng- waste /Organic -materials /Managing -organics -compost • The compost product must originate a minimum of 65 percent by volume from recycled plant waste comprised of "yard debris," "crop residues," and "bulking agents" as those terms are defined in WAC 173-350-100. A maximum of 35 percent by volume of "post -consumer food waste" as defined in WAC 173-350-100, including biosolids or manure, may be substituted for recycled plant waste. • Stable (low oxygen use and CO2 generation) and mature (capable of supporting plant growth) by tests shown below. This is critical to plant success in bioretention soil mixes. • Moisture content range: no visible free water or dust produced when handling the material. • Tested in accordance with the U.S. Composting Council "Test Method for the Examination of Compost and Composting" (TMECC), as established in the Composting Council's "Seal of Testing Assurance" (STA) program. Most Washington compost facilities now use these tests. • Screened to the following size gradations for Fine Compost when tested in accordance with TMECC test method 02.02-13, Sample Sieving for Aggregate Size Classification." • Fine Compost shall meet the following gradation by dry weight: o Minimum percent passing 2": 100% o Minimum percent passing 1": 99% o Minimum percent passing 5/8": 90% o Minimum percent passing 1/4": 75% 2-27 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduncals\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 2 • pH between 6.0 and 8.5 (TMECC 04.11-A). "Physical contaminants" (as defined in WAC 173-350-100) content less than 1% by weight (TMECC 03.08-A) total, not to exceed 0.25 percent film plastic by dry weight. • Organic matter content of 40% to 65% (TMECC 05.07-A "Loss on Ignition) • Soluble salt content less than 4.0 dS/m (mmhos/cm) (TMECC 04.10-A "Electrical Conductivity, 1:5 Slurry Method, Mass Basis") • Maturity indicators from a cucumber bioassay (TMECC 05.05-A "Seedling Emergence and Relative Growth) must be greater than 80%for both emergence and vigor") • Stability of 7 mg CO2-C/g OM/day or below (TMECC 05.08-13 "Carbon Dioxide Evolution Rate") • Carbon to nitrogen ratio (TMECC 05.02A "Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio" which uses 04.01 "Organic Carbon" and 04.02D "Total Nitrogen by Oxidation") of less than 25:1. The C:N ratio may be up to 35:1 for plantings composed entirely of Puget Sound Lowland native species and up to 40:1 for coarse compost to be used as a surface mulch (not in a soil mix). Part 3 — Execution Implementation Options The Soil Quality guidelines listed above can be met by using one of the methods listed below: 1. Leave undisturbed native vegetation and soil and protect from compaction during construction. 2. Amend existing site topsoil or subsoil either at default "pre -approved" rates, or at custom calculated rates based on tests of the soil and amendment. 3. Stockpile existing topsoil during grading and replace it prior to planting. Stockpiled topsoil must also be amended if needed to meet the organic matter or depth requirements, either at a default "pre -approved" rate or at a custom calculated rate. 4. Import topsoil mix of sufficient organic content and depth to meet the requirements. More than one method may be used on different portions of the same site. Soil that already meets the depth and organic matter quality standards, and is not compacted, does not need to be amended. 2.90.10 Topsoil [32 9119.201 Part 2 — Products Materials Import topsoil for seeding/planting areas. 2-28 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Import topsoil shall be naturally occurring surface soil with a maximum sand content of 60 percent. Topsoil shall have no evident rocks or debris over 1/2 -inch. Acidity pH range shall be between 5.0 and 6.5. Organic matter content shall be 10 to 20 percent by dry weight. Add dolomite limestone, if required, to obtain pH. Limestone, if used, shall be finely ground, passing a minimum of 90 percent through the U.S. Standard No. 8 sieve and 20 percent through the U.S. Standard No. 100 sieve. Add approved nutrients, if required, to bring nutrients to a satisfactory level for planting as recommended by a qualified testing laboratory (exclude nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus). Part 3 — Execution Installation In planter areas, soil excavated shall be mixed with topsoil in a ratio of 50percent organic topsoil to 50 percent native soil (i.e., approved general fill). In seeding areas, place topsoil and rake or blade to a smooth, consistent surface. Do not compact. Install 2 -inch depth topsoil unless specified otherwise on the Plans or within the specific seeding/ planting specification section. Dispose of excess soil per the Owner's instructions. 2.90.11 Hydroseed [CS132 9219.161 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 2.90.21 Erosion Control Matting Scheduling Apply hydroseed within the optimum seeding windows whenever possible. Hydroseed may be used for temporary erosion control only with the approval of the Owner. Time construction practices to minimize bare, cleared, and excavated areas so that surfaces are hydroseeded and seed germinates and grows stabilizing surfacing as soon as possible. The optimum seeding windows are April 1 through June 30 and September 1 through October 1. Seeding that occurs between July 1 and August 30 will require irrigation until 75 percent grass cover is established. Seeding that occurs between October 1 and March 30 will require a mulch layer 2 -inches thick until 75 percent grass cover is established. Maintenance Provide temporary irrigation, mulch or plastic sheeting (plastic sheeting for short term protection only, 7 days maximum) to hydroseeded areas as required for establishment and to protect the seed from construction activities at no additional cost to the Owner. 2-29 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Part 2 — Products Materials Fall 2023 Division 2 Hydroseed applications shall include a minimum of 1,500 pounds per acre of mulch with 3 percent tackifier. Mulch may be made up of 100 -percent: cottonseed meal; fibers made of wood, recycled cellulose, hemp, and kenaf; compost; or blends thereof. Tackifier shall be plant -based, such as guar or alpha plantago, or chemical -based such as polyacrylamide or polymers. Mulch or tackifier product used shall be installed per manufacturer's instructions. Areas that have seed applied by hand shall have a minimum 2 -inch thick layer of compost - based mulch or 1 -inch layer of topsoil. Slow-release fertilizers shall be used. Fertilizer shall not be agitated more than 20 minutes in the hydromulch machine before it is to be used. On 2:1 slopes and less, Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) or Mechanically Bonded Fiber Matrix (MBFM) products may be used in lieu of erosion control mat. BFM/MBFM products are applied with approximately 10 percent tackifier. BFM/MBFM shall be allowed to cure 24-36 hours before rainfall and shall not be installed on wet or saturated soils. Western Washington Hydroseed Mix The following seed mix and application rates are provided as a guide. Contractor to source and submit mix for approval by the Owner prior to seeding. Install seed, fertilizer, and mulch for hydroseed mix at the following application rates: Seed 80-120 pounds per acre Fertilizer 80 pounds per acre, 10-4-6 Nitrogen -Phosphorus -Potassium (N -P -K) Mulch 2,500 pounds per acre BFM/MBFM 3,000 pounds per acre (for 2:1 slopes and steeper) 2-30 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Ditch/Pond Seed Mix Name Proportion by Weight % Purity % Germination Tall or Meadow Fescue 65-70% 98% 90% Meadow Foxtail 10-15% 98% 90% Seaside/ Creeping Bentgrass 10-15% 92% 85% Redtop Bentgrass 5-10% 90% 80% All Other Areas Seed Mix Name Proportion by Weight % Puri % Germination Perennial R e rass 40% 92% 90% Colonial/ Creeping Bent ass 20% 92% 80% Red fescue 40% 98% 90% White Dutch Clover 10% 98% 90% 2-30 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 3 — Execution Preparation Install 2 -inches of import topsoil over areas that will be seeded. The seedbed should be firm and rough. All soil should be roughened regardless of slope. If compaction is required, slopes must be track walked before seeding. Backblading or smoothing of slopes greater than 4:1 is not permitted if they are to be seeded. Installation All disturbed surfaces within the project not otherwise covered by asphalt, gravel, quarry spalls, concrete, or other plant material/landscape items shall be hydroseeded, except ditches and swales may have seed applied by hand. Apply seed prior to installing erosion control blankets. Field Quality Control These specifications are the minimum requirements for the anticipated conditions. The Contractor is responsible to ensure seeded areas establish ground cover and to provide any additional measures necessary to establish ground cover in seeded areas. Any seeded areas that fail to establish at least 75 -percent cover (100 -percent cover for areas that receive sheet or concentrated flows) shall be reseeded at no additional cost to the Owner. Provide a temporary irrigation system until growth is established if hydroseeding is applied between April 15` and October 15` in Western Washington or Oregon, or for any work at any time in Eastern Washington. Remove temporary irrigation systems when no longer required. 2.90.12 Potted Plants and Trees [CS1 sz us v01 Part 1— General Scheduling Plant evergreen material between September 1 and December 1 or in the spring before new growth begins. If project requirements require planting at other times, plants shall be sprayed with anti -desiccant prior to planting operations. Plant deciduous materials in a dormant condition. If deciduous trees are planted in -leaf, they shall be sprayed with an anti -desiccant prior to planting operations. Plant bare root material between November 1 and March 1. Planting shall be performed only by experienced workers familiar with planting procedures under the guidance of a certified landscape Contractor with a minimum of 5 -years of experience. Locate plants as indicated or as approved by the Owner in the field after staking by the Contractor. If obstructions are met that are not shown on the Plans, do not proceed with planting operations until alternative plant locations have been selected or approved by the Owner. 2-31 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 2 — Products Materials Provide plants typical for their species or variety with normal, densely developed branches and vigorous, fibrous root systems. Provide only sound, healthy, vigorous plants free from defects, disfiguring knots, sun scald injuries, frost cracks, abrasions of the bark, plant diseases, insect eggs, borers and all forms of infestation. All plants shall have a fully developed form without voids and open spaces. Plants planted on rows shall be matched in form. Source Quality Control No pruning wounds shall be present with a diameter of more than 1 inch and such wounds must show vigorous bark on all edges. Evergreen trees shall be branched to the ground; double trunk trees are not acceptable. Part 3 — Execution Installation Bare root stock shall be dug and the earth removed without injury to fibrous root system necessary for full recovery of plant. Cover roots with thick mud coating by puddling and/or wrapping in wet straw, moss, or other suitable packing material immediately after digging. Keep plant protected until planted. Set plant material in the planting pit to proper grade and alignment, as shown on the planting details. Set plant material 2-3 inches above the finish grade. Filling will not be permitted around trunks. Ensure that native soils used in planting pits are free of rhizomes and roots. Add topsoil to native soil to produce a 50:50 mix for use in backfilling of planting pits. Backfill planting pit with the topsoil and native soil mixture. Form a ring of shredded plant and wood fiber mulch around the edge of each planting pit to retain water. Make provisions to allow drainage of excess water from ponding in planting pits to an approved source, if soil conditions are such that free drainage is not possible. Cleaning After plants are set, muddle planting soil mixture around bases of balls and fill all voids. Remove all wrapping from the tops of root balls. Remove completely all non -biodegradable wrapping from root balls. Mulch all planting beds with shredded plant and wood fiber mulch to a depth of 4 -inches or approved equal in areas with slopes 2 to 1 greater and 2 -inches in all other areas. 2.90.20 Landscape Accessories [CSI 32 94 001 2-32 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 2 — Products Materials Stakes and guys shall be made from new hardwood, treated softwood, or redwood, free of knot holes and other defects. Provide and install plastic tree chains as shown on Plans, as needed to maintain an upright position for planted trees. If trees can stand alone without staking, stakes may be omitted. Anti -Desiccant: Protective film emulsion providing a protective film over plant surfaces, permeable to permit transpiration; mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Weed Barrier Fabric: 5 oz. minimum (1.6 sf/oz.), woven polypropylene, needle punched fabric. DeWitt Pro -5 Weed Barrier or approved equal. Part 3 — Execution Installation Anchor weed barrier with 8 -gauge (minimum), 6 -inch long (minimum) steel anchor pins spaced no more than 3 feet apart. In areas without wind screening, secure prevailing wind side of fabric by burying leading edge 3 -inches into the soil. 2.90.21 Erosion Control Matting [(;S'13Z J116.161 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 2.90.11 Hydroseed Submittals Erosion control matting. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Erosion control blanket shall be equal to that manufactured by American Excelsior Company, Arlington, Texas or North American Green of Evansville, Indiana. Materials Disturbed areas with slopes 3H:1V to 2H:1V shall be equal to American Excelsior Curlex I or North American Green S150. Disturbed areas with slopes 2H:1V to 1.5H:1V shall be equal to American Excelsior Curlex II or North American Green SC 150. Swales and storm drainage ponds shall be covered with American Excelsior Curlex I, North American Green S150, or equal. Provide with biodegradable netting equal to American Excelsior Quick Mow or FibreNet. 2-33 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 2 Part 3 — Execution Preparation Apply hydroseeding prior to the application of the erosion control matting. Installation All areas disturbed during cons truction with final slopes at 3H:1V or steeper as shown on the plans including swales and storm drainage pond surfaces shall be covered with an erosion control blanket. Blanket shall be installed per the manufacturer's written recommendations including the use of landscape nails as necessary. 2.92 Landscape Irrigation [CSI 32 80 001 2.92.2 Contractor Designed Irrigation System [CSI 32 84 001 Part 1— General Summary Contractor shall provide design, equipment, labor, and materials for complete and fully functional irrigation systems as described on the Plans. Contractor shall furnish, install, and maintain watering bags for trees within the plant establishment period as described on the Plans. Submittals Submit design of irrigation system layout and anticipated equipment for approval. Submit specification Water sheet and equipment bid for watering bags. Performance Requirements Designed system to provide irrigation water from a minimum 40 psi source at the point of connection. Field verify existing supply pressure and adjust irrigation system design as necessary. Irrigation system to be designed and installed by Contractor (with approval by Owner) based on current industry standards to uniformly apply irrigation to newly planted vegetation at a rate of approximately one to two inches per week during the growing season depending on species' needs and expected evapo-transpiration rates. All valves shall be brass ball valves unless shown otherwise on the plans. Part 2 — Products Materials At a minimum, systems shall include: 2-34 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 2 • Automatic electronic controller. Rainbird ESP -Me, SST -1200s or approved equal. • Solenoid -operated control valves. Hunter PGV or equivalent • Pipe and tubing • Drip emitters (one per plant or tree) with 6 -inch riser stake for each. • Spray heads. Hunter PGJ or approved equal. • Pressure reducing valve • Double check valve assembly • Adequate drain valves to assure removal of all water for winterizing. • Handholes or boxes as required (valves and other appurtenances shall not be directly buried). Drain valves shall be easily accessible through 6 -inch PVC sleeve and key. • Unions to be installed on each side of valves All electrical valve wiring shall be irrigation control cable type "UF" direct burial. Control wires shall be a different color than ground wire. All wires shall be laid in mainline trenches. All wire size is #14 unless otherwise approved. Watering bags shall be sized to deliver a minimum of 15 gallons of water per week to all new tree plantings, made of polyethylene with reinforcement at seams, and contain straps for ease in installation. Bags shall be UV stabilized and able to withstand exposure to sunlight. All bags shall be supplied and sizes selected to accommodate the size of the installed trees. Part 3 — Execution Installation No rocks, boulders or extraneous materials to be used in backfilling of trenches. Irrigation lines shall be installed as to minimize damage and maximize irrigation efficiency. Notify Owner that the layout has been staked for approval prior to installation. Contractor shall provide controller and a 120 VAC power hookup. Coordinate with Owner for installation location of controller, clock, back flow prevention device and meter. Install valve boxes in landscaped areas with all necessary operational electrical wiring connections. Each valve shall be connected to a separate control wire. Install control valves in a valve box. Field Quality Control All lines shall be thoroughly flushed prior to installation of heads. Pressure test mainline and prove entire irrigation system functional after planting and prior to installation of mulch. All control valves to be properly adjusted for correct operating pressure, using factory kit. Adjust and relocate irrigation lines with Owner's approval as necessary to obtain full water coverage. 2-35 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Site riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 2 Contractor to refill and maintain water bags for the duration of the warranty period, in accordance with the timing specified on the Plans. Watering bags are anticipated to be reused by the City following the end of the Contractor warranty period. To this end, Contractor shall stockpile bags and provide to the Owner when initial and seasonal watering is complete. 2.92.30 Weed Control [CSI 32 0190.411 Part 1— General Definitions Weeds are defined as the common definition. An undesired plant. Grasses (other than ornamental grasses) growing within planter areas shall also be considered a weed. Weed Control means eradication of weeds by mechanical, chemical, or biological means that prevents regrowth for no less than 6 months. Performance Requirements Control weeds within the construction limits and any areas disturbed by construction activities. Submittals Submit documentation on chemicals or biological processes proposed for weed control. Scheduling Intermittent weed control activities should be expected during construction. Final weed control shall occur after final site cleanup and prior to project acceptance. Part 3 — Execution Installers Products used that are not consumer -purchasable at public retail stores may only be applied by an applicator with a Commercial Applicator or Commercial Operator license. Field Quality Control The Contractor is responsible for confining weed control products to the site. 2-36 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\2 Sit—riz docs 11/10/23 3:10 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 3 Concrete 3.00 GENERAL Sections in these specifications titled "Common Work for ." apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 3.05 Common Work for Concrete [CSI 03 05 001 Part 1— General This division covers that work necessary for furnishing and installing all concrete as described in these specifications and as shown on the Plans. References Materials shall conform to the following standards: • Cement - ASTM C150 • Coarse aggregate - ASTM C33 • Fine aggregate - ASTM C33 • Admixtures - ASTM C494 • Air -entraining admixtures — ASTM C260 • Fly Ash — ASTM C618 • Admixture and products in contact with potable water — NSF 61 Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Concrete mix design including aggregate gradation and substantiating strength data. • Admixture Data • Special placement procedures for hot or cold weather • Construction Joint Plan • Concrete anchors • Concrete anchor installer certification per ACI/CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification Program. • Schedule of surface finishes • Rebar mill certifications • Rebar placement shop drawings • Precast concrete items • Schedule of form inserts 3-1 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir • Grouts Embedded items Fall 2023 Division 3 Concrete mix designs shall be submitted to the engineer for approval a minimum of two weeks prior to placing any concrete. The mix design shall include the amounts of cement, fine and coarse aggregate, water and admixtures, as well as the water cement ratio, slump, concrete yield, aggregate gradation, and substantiating strength data in accordance with ACI 318, Chapter 5. A batch plant inspection may be required, the cost of which shall be paid by the Contractor. Review of mix submittals by the engineer of record indicates only that information presented conforms generally with contract documents. Contractor or supplier maintains full responsibility for specified performance. Part 2 — Products Components The nominal maximum size for aggregates is the smallest standard sieve opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is permitted to pass. Provide intermediate aggregate grades as required to achieve a well -graded mix. All concrete surfaces exposed to weather or standing water shall be air entrained. Total air content shall be in accordance with IBC requirements unless specified otherwise herein. Air shall be measured at the truck, unless otherwise agreed to. Water used in concrete shall be potable. Fly ash may be substituted for up to 15 percent of the required cement, except where noted. Any products that will be applied to the surface of the concrete and will be in contact with potable water must carry NSF 61 certification. Any concrete admixtures used in potable water storage structures must also carry NSF 61 certification. Mixes Concrete shall be mixed, conveyed, and proportioned in accordance with IBC section 1905. The concrete mix shall include the amount of cement, fine and coarse aggregate, including aggregate gradations, water, and admixtures as well as water cement ratio, slump, concrete yield, and sustaining strength data in accordance with these specifications, the requirements of the International Building Code Section 1905, and the requirements of ACI 318. Finishes Coat all aluminum in contact with concrete as specified in Division 9. Part 3 — Execution Inspection See Statement of Special Inspections on the Drawings for special inspection requirements. Provide two (2) full working day notice to Owner prior to needing the required inspections. Also comply with local building department and permit requirements for inspection and notification. 3-2 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 The Contractor shall repair, replace or modify, as appropriate, any items noted in the Special Inspector's inspection or the building department inspection. Testing Concrete strength tests shall be performed per section 1905.6 of the IBC and per the requirements noted herein. The Owner will provide and pay all costs of concrete testing. The Engineer shall be furnished with copies of all inspection reports and test results. Cylinders used for concrete strength tests shall be 6 by 12. Four by 8 cylinders may be used for mixes with maximum aggregates less than 1 -inch, however the testing lab must apply a 0.94 multiplier to the compressive strength test results unless data acceptable to the Engineer is presented that would justify a higher multiplier. All mixes utilizing aggregates over 1 inch shall be tested using 6 by 12 cylinders. When 4 by 8 cylinders are utilized AASHTO T23 requirements shall be followed, and the retainer used with neoprene pads when testing for compressive strength shall be constructed according to ASTM C1231. The Contractor will coordinate all concrete testing with the testing agency. Costs will be paid by the Owner. Give the Owner and testing agency 48-hour notice prior to concrete placement. If Contractor fails to provide the required notice, the Owner may elect to cancel the affected concrete placement. Contractor shall be responsible for costs and delays due to improper notification. If the Contractor schedules a concrete placement and does not notify the Owner and testing agency of a cancellation within 24 hours of the scheduled placement, the Contractor shall pay the testing agency costs for an unnecessary trip. If the Contractor fails to provide the testing agency with adequate notification and the testing agency cannot attend concrete placement, Contractor shall reschedule placement. Contractor shall be responsible for all associated delays. The Contractor shall provide all assistance and cooperation necessary to testing personnel to obtain the required concrete tests. Contractor and Owner will have access to testing results as soon as they are available. The testing agency shall take a minimum of four samples for every 50 yards of concrete placed (and a minimum of four per pour); one for a 7 -day test, two for 28 -day tests, and one for backup testing in case the other two samples do not meet design strength. Additional samples may be taken to verify strength prior to form removal at the Contractor's expense. 3-3 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 3.06 Maintenance of Concrete [CSI 03 0100] Resurfacing of Cast -in -Place Concrete [CSI 03 0130.611 Part 1— General Fall 2023 Division 3 This division covers that work necessary for repairing spalled and damaged concrete. Repair any areas with deterioration exceeding '/2 -inch, where rebar is exposed or where directed by the Owner. Part 2 — Products Materials CONCRETE REPAIR MATERIAL: SikaTop 111 PLUS or equal cement -based repair mortar. Mortar shall be ANSI/NSF Standard 61 approved if in contact with potable water and contain a corrosion inhibitor. See Manufacturer's Literature for primer and auxiliary products appropriate for use with the repair material. SILANE SEALER shall be alcohol based, 95 percent silane. No fillers, sterates or paraffins are allowed. Use DUR A PELL 100 as manufactured by Chemprobe Coating Systems or equal. Part 3 — Execution Preparation The Contractor shall be familiar with the product and methods and be prepared to discuss the repair procedure at the Preconstruction Meeting. High pressure power -wash the exposed structure to remove all loose, delaminated concrete to sound concrete. Surface Preparation: Remove loose, delaminated concrete to sound concrete. Where corrosion of the reinforcement exists, continue bulk removal along the reinforcing steel and adjacent areas with evidence of corrosion -induced damage Under -cut all exposed reinforcing steel by a minimum of 3/4 -inch. The shape of the prepared cavity should be square or rectangular in shape. The edges of the patches shall be saw -cut perpendicular to the surface to a minimum depth of '/2 -inch. Repair area shall be a minimum of '/2 -inch deep throughout. Use abrasive blasting to remove residual dust, debris, fractured concrete, and contaminants that prevent proper bonding. Following abrasive blasting, blow out repair areas with oil -free compressed air. The final surface texture should be rough with minimum'/8-inch amplitude. Treatment of exposed reinforcement: All signs of corrosion should be removed from exposed reinforcing steel by an abrasive blasting, wire wheel or needle scaler. If the cross- sectional area of the reinforcing steel has been significantly reduced, the engineer should be consulted. Prime reinforcing as recommended by the repair material manufacturer. 3-4 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Installation Fall 2023 Division 3 Surface Saturation: Saturate surface with potable water. The base concrete shall be in a saturated surface dry (SSD) condition prior to application of repair material to prevent a rapid loss of moisture from the repair material and into the substrate. Mixing and Application of Repair Material: Mixing and application shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the material with adequate pressure before the bond coat dries. Thoroughly consolidate the repair material into the corners of the patch and around any exposed reinforcement in the repair zone. If a second lift is required, thoroughly roughen the surface of the first lift by scoring the soft mortar to achieve an aggressive finish, similar in profile to the prepared concrete substrate. If the second lift will not be immediately applied, keep the first lift moist until application of the second lift. Finish to match existing surface. Cure using curing compound. Apply silane sealer as specified to exposed surfaces and edges of roof slab. 3.10 FORMING AND ACCESSORIES [CSI 0310 00] 3.11 Formwork [CSI 03 1100] 3.11.13 Structural Cast in Place Forming [CSI 0311131 Part 1— General The Contractor shall submit a construction joint plan to the Engineer for review prior to formwork and rebar installation if altered from that shown on the Plans. Modifications to the construction joints shall be submitted to the Engineer no less than 7 working days prior to placing the forms and rebar. Part 2 — Products Materials Unless otherwise directed, coat contact surface of forms with colorless, non -staining, mineral oil that is free from kerosene, or other approved suitable material, to permit satisfactory removal of forms without concrete damage. Form -release agent for interior of potable water storage structures shall be National Sanitation Foundation Standard (NSF) No. 61 approved for use in direct contact with potable water. Form construction for surfaces covered with backfill shall be made of steel, plywood, or dressed, matched lumber. Form construction for exposed surfaces shall be made of new plywood or steel without surface markings. Form ties for use in liquid containment structures shall be standard plastic cone snap -ties with 3/4 -inch diameter neoprene waterstop washer or removable taper ties. Use Greenstreak 3-5 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 X -plugs with removable taper ties or equal. Contractor shall submit to the Engineer form ties to be used for review prior to installation. Part 3 — Execution Installation/ Construction Concrete forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of concrete or mortar and shall be properly braced or tied together to maintain desired position and shape until removed. Conduits, pipes and sleeves of any material not harmful to concrete and within the limitations of ACI 318, Section 6.3 are permitted to be embedded in concrete with approval of the Engineer. Provide a 3/4 -inch chamfer or radius at all exposed corners and edges, unless specifically stated otherwise on the Plans. Forms shall remain in place until the concrete has developed sufficient strength to withstand imposed loads without damage or deflection. Wall and slab forms shall remain in place for a minimum of 24 hours after completion of the pour. Forms for beams and suspended slabs shall remain in place for a minimum of 14 days AND until concrete has developed 28 -day design strength, unless approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall coordinate with the testing lab to verify concrete strength prior to form removal. Do not allow water to flow through areas where forms are to be placed. During form construction and prior to placement of concrete, keep footings and floor slab areas free of standing water. Field Quality Control Variations from plumb, specified grade, conspicuous lines, and walls shall not exceed plus or minus '/4 -inch in any 10 -foot length and shall not exceed one inch over the entire length. Variations from dimensions shall not exceed plus or minus '/2 -inch. Closer tolerances shall be achieved by the Contractor as necessary to accommodate equipment and other permanent materials. 3.15 Concrete Accessories [CSI 0315 001 3.15.02 Premolded Joint Filler [CSI 0315 30 or 07 91261 Part 1— General References Premolded joint filler for expansion or through joint applications shall conform to the specifications for "Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction", AASHTO M 213, except the requirement for water absorption is not applicable. M J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 Part 2 — Products Materials The thickness and width of premolded joint filler shall be as indicated on the Plans. Where no premolded filler thickness is indicated, the thickness shall be 3/4 -inch. 3.15.03 Expansion Joints [CSI 0315 321 Part 2 — Products Materials Expansion Joint Dowels shall be epoxy -coated plain steel bars of the dimensions as shown on the Plans and shall meet the requirements of Section 9-07.5 of the Standard Specifications. Joint Sealant shall be MasterSeal CR 195 by as manufactured by Master Builders Technology and as provided by Degussa Construction Chemicals, or equal. Color to match concrete. Surface preparation and prime for water immersion shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide backer rod as recommended by the sealant manufacturer. The ends of the dowel bars embedded in the expansion side of the joint shall be coated with a parting compound such as grease, or other approved parting compound prior to concrete placement. 3.15.05 Pipe Penetrations through Concrete /uw U31.5 351 Part 1— General Summary Water holding structures and structures buried and subject to groundwater contact: As shown on the Plans. Structures not holding water or unburied structures: Unless identified on the Plans, all pipes larger than two inches passing through poured -in-place concrete floors and walls shall be isolated from the concrete. Part 2 — Products Materials Provide a Link -Seal system (or approved equal). Part 3 — Execution Examination Wrapping must be inspected and approved by Engineer prior to concrete pour. Gaps, tears, or looseness in wrapping will be cause for rejection. %IrA J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Installation Fall 2023 Division 3 Install Link -Seal per manufacturers instruction either within a cast -in-place sleeve or core drill a clean hole. 3.15.19 Concrete Anchors [CSI 0.) 1519 (cast-rn) or 05 0519 (drilled)] Part 1— General Quality Assurance Installation of adhesive anchors shall be performed by personnel certified in accordance with the ACI/CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification Program. In lieu of certification the installer shall attend on-site training held by the adhesive manufacturer prior to the installation of adhesive anchors. Part 2 — Products Materials Concrete Anchors shall be Hilti HIT 500-V3, Simpson SET -XP, or Powers PE1000+ Adhesive Anchors. CMU Anchors shall be Simpson SET -XP Adhesive Anchors. Anchorage into non -grouted, hollow masonry cells is not allowed unless specifically called out on plans. Where allowed, anchors in unreinforced masonry cells shall be Simpson SET - XP epoxy adhesive in conjunction with the Simpson Optimesh screen. Threaded rod shall be stainless steel except in dry locations. For wall mounted equipment weighing less than 250 pounds in grouted or non -grouted CMU cells, Simpson Titen-HD Screw Anchors may be used. Screw anchors may not be used for securing items subject to cyclic loads, such as walking surfaces or machinery. Part 3 — Execution Installation Install in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. Special Inspection in accordance with IBC, Section 17, must be provided. Provide a minimum of 48 hours' notice to Engineer prior to starting installation. Concrete anchors shall not be used to resist tension or fatigue loading without Owner's evaluation and approval. Use threaded rod or reinforcing bar as shown on the drawing, and meeting Manufacturer's recommendations. Provide minimum embedment as shown. Holes shall be drilled with carbide -tipped drill bit. Holes shall be cleaned of dust and debris. Adhesive shall be inserted with a mixing nozzle. J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 3.20 REINFORCING [CSI 03 20 001 3.21 Reinforcement Bars [CSI 03 2100] 3.21.11 Plain Steel Reinforcement Bars [CSI 03 2111 Part 1— General References ACI — American Concrete Institute- latest edition CRSI Manual of Standard Practice — latest edition Part 2 — Products Materials Grade — ASTM A706, Grade 60 ASTM A615, Grade 60 shall be permitted i£ Fall 2023 Division 3 (a) The actual yield strength based on mill tests does not exceed fy by more than 18,000 psi; and, (b) The ratio of actual tensile strength to the actual yield strength is not less than 1.25. Detailing - ACI 318 and ACI 315 Lap requirements - See schedule on Plans or as required by ACI 318 Tie wire - 16 gauge minimum Bar supports shall conform to "Bar Support Specification" CRSI Manual of Standard Practice, MSP -1-80. Provide Class 1, plastic protected bar supports. Use pre -cast concrete blocks to support bars off ground. Bar supports in water holding and buried structures shall be non-metallic. Bar supports for the bottom rebar mat of suspended slabs or beams in water holding structures must be point supports (chairs or dobbies), not continuous. Part 3 — Execution Installation Reinforcing steel shall be detailed in accordance with ACI 315and 318 and as shown on the Plans. Lap all reinforcements in accordance with "the reinforcing splice and development length schedule". Provide corner bars at all wall and footing intersections. Bend wire bar ties away from formwork to provide the same concrete clearance as shown on the Plans to the bars. 3-9 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 Welding of reinforcing steel shall not be performed unless specifically approved by the Engineer. If approved, Contractor will arrange and pay for all required Special Inspections associated with welding of reinforcing steel. Field Quality Control Reinforcing steel shall be free of rust and loose scale at time of concrete placement. Bars with kinks, improper bends, or reduced cross-section due to any cause will not be used. Bars shall not be field bent. Bars may not be tack -welded or otherwise heated. If, within the project warranty period, rust spots appear on the concrete due to failure to achieve proper clearance on the rebar or wire ties, the Contractor shall grind out and patch the areas using a method satisfactory to the engineer. 3.22.13 Galvanized Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcement [CSI 03 22131 Part 1— General Design Requirements Hook dimensions and diameters of bends shall be in accordance with the ACI 318. Fabrication tolerances shall be in accordance with the requirements of ACI 318. Welded wire reinforcement (WWR) shall conform to the latest edition of ASTM A185 or A497. Galvanizing shall conform with ASTM A 641/A 641M, for cold -worked wire, or ASTM A123, for hot -dipped galvanizing of welded wire sheets/mats. Plastic or wire bar supports, such as chairs and bolsters, shall conform to industry practice as described in the WRI "WWR-500, Manual of Standard Practice" or "TF 702 — Supporting WWR". Part 2 — Products Components For galvanized reinforcing, tie wires and metal clips shall be plastic coated or galvanized. Part 3 — Execution Preparation Wire reinforcement shipped in rolls shall be straightened into flat sheets before being placed. Construction Reinforcement shall be cut and bent to the shapes shown on the Plans. All reinforcement shall be cold bent, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent, except as shown on the Plans or permitted by the Engineer. Steel reinforcement shall be accurately placed as shown on the Plans and firmly held in positions during the placing and finishing of concrete. Reinforcement shall be lapped and tied around the perimeter of each sheet in order to maintain the proper positioning of the 3-10 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 reinforcement. Lap splices shall have a minimum of two ties per spliced length. With the exception of tie down bars, welding (tack welding) will not be permitted. Reinforcement shall be supported in its specified and proper position by use of precast blocks, plastic or wire/ bar supports, supplementary bars, side form spacers or other approved devices. Such devices shall be sufficiently strong and properly placed at frequent intervals so as to maintain the cover between the reinforcing and the surface of the concrete during concrete placement. 3.30 CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE [CSI 03 30 001 3.30.05 Common Work for Cast in Place Concrete [CSI 03 30 051 Part 1— General Scheduling Contractor shall schedule and attend a Concrete Placement meeting at least one week prior to placing concrete. The following shall attend: • Owner • Engineer • Contractor • Testing Laboratory Representative • Concrete Supplier The following shall be discussed at the meeting: • Safety (Contractor's sole responsibility) • Batching and Delivery, Adjustments to Mix; Site Dosing • Placement Rates and Anticipated Schedule of Placing and Finishing • Site Layout —Holding Area; Pump Truck Location; Truck Wash-out Area; Parking area • Equipment — Pumps and Appurtenances; Vibrators; Spare Equipment • Concrete Testing Procedures • Curing Delivery Concrete shall be transported in a truck mixer to the jobsite and discharged within 1.5 hours after cement has been added to water or aggregates. Rejected concrete will be at Contractor's expense. 3-11 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 Part 2 — Products Components If allowed, curing materials shall conform to ASTM C171 and liquid membrane -forming compounds shall conform to ASTM C309. When concrete is to be coated or stained, use UV -dissipating form release and curing compounds. Part 3 — Execution Preparation Do not place concrete during rain, sleet, or snow until water and freezing protection is provided. Position embedded items accurately, and support against displacement or movement during placement. Fill voids in sleeves, insets, anchor slots, etc., temporarily with readily removable materials to prevent entry of concrete into voids. Before beginning placement of concrete, remove hardened concrete and foreign materials from inner surface of mixing and conveying equipment. Before depositing concrete, remove debris from space to be occupied by the concrete. Secure reinforcement in position to prevent movement during concrete placement. At the beginning of the concrete pour for walls taller than 8 feet, place a 11/2 to 21/2 -inch thick grout pad prior to placing the concrete for the wall. Grout mix shall consist of fine aggregates, concrete and water in the same ratios as used in the wall concrete. The placement of the concrete shall proceed immediately after the grout placement so as to prevent any cold joints. At construction joints, thoroughly clean surface of existing concrete to remove laitance. Roughen existing concrete surface to expose aggregate uniformly and apply approved bonding agent to existing concrete in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Prior to placing fresh concrete, dampen joint and coat with grout mixture in accordance with ACI 301, Section 8.5. Installation Placement shall be in accordance with IBC, Section 1905. Place no concrete when air temperature is below or expected to be below 40 degrees during the 28 -day curing period unless a low temperature concrete mix has been approved by the Owner. Provide adequate equipment for heating materials and protecting concrete during freezing or near freezing weather. Keep materials, reinforcement, forms, and ground in contact with concrete free from frost at time of placement. Heat mixing water as required. Use no materials containing ice. Place no concrete when air temperature exceeds or is expected to exceed 85 degrees during the 28 -day curing period unless a high temperature placement plan has been approved, and unless adequate precautions are taken to protect work. Cool ingredients prior to mixing. Flake ice or crushed ice of a size that will melt completely during mixing may be substituted for all or part of water. Cool forms and reinforcing prior to placing concrete. 3-12 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 Handle concrete from mixer, ready -mixed truck, or from transporting vehicle to place of final deposit by methods which prevent separation or loss of ingredients. Under no circumstances shall concrete that has partially hardened be deposited. Place concrete in maximum lifts of 3 feet. Deposit concrete continuously so that no concrete will be deposited on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause formation of seams and planes of weakness within the section. If a section cannot be placed continuously, locate and reinforce construction joints at points as provided for in the Plans or as approved by the Owner. Maximum concrete drop shall be 5 feet. Consolidate concrete by vibration, supplemented by hand spading, rodding, forking, or tamping. Thoroughly work concrete around reinforcement, around embedded items, and into corners of forms to eliminate air or rock pockets which may cause honeycombing, pitting, or planes of weakness. Insert and withdraw internal vibrators at points approximately 18 inches in each direction and extend into the lower concrete lifts. At each insertion, the duration shall be sufficient to consolidate the concrete; but not sufficient to cause segregation. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete within forms. Consolidate slabs by utilizing vibrating screeds, roller pipe screeds, internal vibrators, or other approved methods. Have a spare vibrator available at jobsite during concrete placing operations. After removal of forms, cut out and patch defects in concrete surfaces. Remove form tie cones. Cut or snap off form ties to a depth of 3/4 -inch. Chip out rock pockets, holes from form tie removal, and other defects to solid concrete. Repair defects in accordance with Curing See section 3.39. 3.31 Structural Concrete [CSI 0s sl Jsr Part 1— General Summary All concrete shown in the contract documents including below -grade structures, and all other concrete items not specifically called out otherwise. Not to be used for mass concrete or liquid containment. Hydraulic Concrete may be substituted. Performance Requirements 28 -day compressive strength — 4,500 psi minimum Slump - Without plasticizers; 4 inches for floor and roof slabs, 7 inches for walls. With plasticizers, maximum 9 inches or as desired for placement. Use water reducers as required to achieve slump. Part 2 — Products Mixes Water/cement ratio - 0.40 maximum 3-13 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 Nominal maximum aggregate size —/4 -inch (AASHTO Grading No. 67) Entrained air ratio — 3.5 percent minimum to 6.5 percent maximum 3.31.30 Thrust Blocks, Driveways, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalks, Equipment Pads, and Fence Posts [CSI 03 3113.10 Part 1— General Summary All concrete for non-structural applications including thrust blocks, driveways, sidewalks, equipment pads, and fence post foundations. Hydraulic or Structural Concrete may be substituted. Performance Requirements 28 -day compressive strength — 4,500 psi minimum Part 2 — Products Mixes Water/cement ratio - 0.45 maximum Nominal maximum aggregate size — 3/4 -inch (AASHTO Grading No. 67) Entrained air ratio — 3.5 percent minimum to 6.5 percent maximum 3.31.32 Hydraulic Concrete ICS103 3113.12, Part 1— General Summary All concrete as shown on the Plans for liquid containment and below -grade structures except stem walls. Includes reservoir mat foundation and ringwall. Use water reducers for all concrete. Use super -plasticizers to achieve required slump. Performance Requirements 28 -day compressive strength — 4500 psi minimum Slump — Without plasticizers; 4 inches for floor and roof slabs, 7 inches for walls. With plasticizers, maximum 9 inches and as desired for placement. Part 2 — Products Mixes Water/cement ratio - 0.38 maximum Nominal maximum aggregate size — 11/2 -inch 3-14 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 3 Combined Grading Limits: Limits shown are for all course and all sand mixed together, (combined). Sieve Sizes Combined Grading Limits 1'/2" Max. 2" -100 11/2" 95-100 1" 65-85 3/4" 55-75 1/211 - 3/8" 40-55 No. 4 30-45 No. 8 23-38 No. 16 16-30 No. 30 10-20 No. 50 4-10 No. 100 0 - 3 No. 200 0 - 2 Entrained air ratio — 3.0 percent minimum to 6.0 percent maximum 3.31.36 Concrete for Mass Structures [CSI 03 3113.161 Part 1— General Summary This section includes all concrete as shown on the Plans for mass structures. Mass concrete shall be considered any concrete placement with a dimension in three directions of 3 feet or greater. Part 2 — Products Mixes Concrete mix for mass concrete shall be the same as Structural Concrete except for the following: • Class F Fly Ash shall be substituted for 25 percent to 35 percent of the cementitious material 3-15 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 3.34 Low Density Concrete [CSI 03 34 001 3.34.13 Controlled Density Fill (CDF) [CSI 03 34 13] Part 1— General Submittals Revisions to the mix design shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Performance Requirements Fall 2023 Division 3 CDF as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer shall be proportioned to be flowable, non -segregating, and excavatable, and shall conform to the following requirements: • Maximum Compressive Strength 300 (psi). • Minimum 28 -day compressive strength 100 (psi). Part 2 — Products Mixes • Pounds of cement per cubic yard (approx.) 50. • Pounds of fly ash per cubic yard (approx.) 250. • Pounds of dry aggregate per cubic yard (approx.) 3,200. If air containing or water reducing admixture is used for flowability, total water and aggregates may be adjusted for yield. Weights may be adjusted for flowability and pumpability. Part 3 - Execution Field Quality Control Protect CDF for at least 24 hours after placement or for a duration as necessary to prevent displacement by construction equipment or traffic. CDF placing may be started if weather conditions are favorable, when the temperature is a minimum of 34 degrees Fahrenheit and rising. At the time of placement, CDF must have a temperature of at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Placing shall stop when the temperature is 38 degrees Fahrenheit or less and falling. CDF shall not be placed on frozen ground. Cure CDF used for fill or pipe encasement for the following minimum durations prior to placement of any material directly over the CDF. If traffic must be restored prior to the duration stated, or the open excavation must be closed for safety, span the excavation with temporary plating appropriate for the anticipated loading. Cold weather may require more time. Curing accelerators may be used to reduce these times if approved by the Owner. • Pipe encasement: 4 hours. 3-16 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir • Non -traffic: 24 hours. • Permanent structures: 7 days. 3.34.16 Concrete Fill [CSI 03 34161 Part 1— General Fall 2023 Division 3 Summary Use for all concrete shown on the Plans as Concrete Fill. Use water reducers as required for flowability. Performance Requirements Slump —as required for placement. 28 -day compressive strength — 2,500 psi minimum Part 2 — Products Mixes Water/cement ratio - 0.50 maximum Nominal maximum aggregate size —/s -inch Entrained air ratio — 5.0 percent minimum to 8.0 percent maximum 3.35 Concrete Finishing [CSI 03 35 001 3.35.05 Common Work for Surface Finishing [CSI 03 35 051 Part 2 — Products Finishes Each concrete area that requires finishing shall conform to one of the following requirements: • Foundation (exterior) - Ordinary Wall • Foundation (interior) - Ordinary Wall • Interior Floors - Floated • Equipment Pads - Sacked Wall • Sidewalks — Light Brushed 3-17 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 Part 3 — Execution Preparation Do not place concrete which requires finishing until the materials, tools, and labor necessary for finishing the wet concrete are on the job and acceptable to the Owner. If rainfall is possible, tent the work area prior to the pour and maintain protection until the concrete is cured sufficiently= to resist damage. 3.35.50 Ordinary Wall Finish [CSI 03 35 501 Part 2 — Products Materials Ordinary Wall Finish requires the use of like -new forms and linings that will produce a uniform surface. Part 3 — Execution Construction After points have set sufficiently, grind or fill form marks and pointings to give a smooth surface even with flat wall surface. Fill all holes greater than 1/4 -inch with 1:2 mortar floated to an even, uniform finish. 3.35.54 Floated Finish [CSI 03 35 541 Part 3 — Execution Construction Consolidate, strike off, and level concrete; but do not work further until ready for floating. Begin floating when water sheen has disappeared and surface has stiffened sufficiently to permit floating operations. Consolidate surface with power -driven floats. Hand floating may be used if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Field Quality Control Check surface planeness during or after first floating. Cut down high spots and fill low spots to produce surface with tolerance of 1/4 -inch in 10 feet in any direction. Refloat to a uniform, smooth, sandy texture immediately after leveling. Unoel J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 3.35.56 Light Brush Finish [CSI 03 35 561 Part 2 — Products Finish When concrete has appropriately set, finish with light soft broom finish. Brush perpendicular to slab slope. Part 3 — Execution Construction Consolidate, strike off, and level concrete; but do not work further until ready for floating. Begin floating when water sheen has disappeared and surface has stiffened sufficiently to permit floating operations. Consolidate surface with power -driven floats. Hand floating may be used if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Field Quality Control Check surface planeness during or after first floating. Cut down high spots and fill low spots to produce surface with tolerance of '/4 -inch in 10 feet in any direction. Re -float to a uniform, smooth, sweat finish concrete. 3.35.58 Sacked Wall Finish [CSI 03 35 581 Part 1— General References Provide sacked finish in accordance with Section 6-02.3(14)A. 3.39 Concrete Curing [CSI 03 39 001 Part 2 — Products Materials Curing compounds are not recommended on surfaces that will receive coatings. If curing compounds are approved and used, the surface must be prepared per the coating manufacturer's instructions which may include blasting to remove the curing compound. All costs to be included in the contractor's bid price, there will be no additional compensation. Part 3 — Execution Installation All concrete for structures, sidewalks, drives, curbs, shotcrete (see section 3.37), and where directed by the Owner, shall be water -cured in accordance with ACI 308.1 unless approved in advance by the Owner. If allowed, curing compound shall be applied immediately after 3-19 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 finishing or form removal. When plastic or burlap covers are used to augment or protect curing, extend sheeting beyond the edges of the concrete and secure against wind lift. Inspect and adjust curing systems daily, including over weekends and holidays. Concrete structures that require differential backfill as shown on the Plans or as required for construction shall cure for a minimum of the following prior to placing backfill: • Backfill equal or greater than 24 inches: 7 days AND 28 -day strength requirements. • Backfill between 6 and 24 inches: 3 days AND 80 -percent of the 28 -day strength requirements. All exposed surfaces of mass concrete structures shall be cured using an approved curing compound. Curing compound shall be sprayed on the concrete surface in a uniform manner and according the manufacturer's recommendations immediately after the concrete has reached sufficient strength to support a person's weight without creating a visible footprint. 3.40 PRE -CAST CONCRETE [CSI 03 40 06 3.48 Pre -Cast Concrete Specialties [CSI 03 48 001 3.48.50 Utility Structures [CSI 03 48 50, 33 05 61, 33 05 631 Part 1— General Related Divisions • 13.39.13 Sanitary Sewer Manholes, Frames, and Covers Design Requirements All concrete structures identified on the Plans as being pre -cast, prefabricated, or not specifically detailed with reinforcing steel shall be pre -cast concrete. Pre -cast vaults shall conform to ACI 318 and be constructed to the equivalent dimensions and functional characteristics of the specific product identified on the Plans. Unless shown otherwise on the plans, round structures larger than 30 -inch inside diameter, or rectangular structures with longest interior side 30 -inches or longer, that utilize riser sections, shall be cast with an integral keyway for interlocking the riser sections. Performance Requirements Pre -cast structures shall be constructed to withstand anticipated construction loads that occur during transport, handling, and placement as well as the anticipated design loads. Design loads shall include the anticipated soil pressures, hydrostatic loads, and HL -93 traffic loading. 3-20 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 3 Part 2 — Products Materials Additional reinforcement shall be provided within the pre -cast concrete structure at all penetrations, openings, joints, and connections. The additional reinforcement shall be provided to prevent damage during shipping, handling and installation. All damaged units shall be rejected. All precast structures that consist of sections (base, riser, lid, etc.) shall have the joints sealed with rubber gaskets or mastic, of a material appropriate for the installation. Part 3 — Execution Cleaning Fill picking holes with grout flush to the structure surface, including those in vault lids. Cut, remove, and grind smooth shipping lifting hooks on the vault interior, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. 3.48.52 Precast Gravity or Thrust Blocks /G;W U348521 Part 1— General Design Requirements Concrete for precast gravity and precast thrust blocks shall be 4,000 psi minimum strength. Concrete must be cured 28 days prior to applying any load or thrust. Part 2 — Products Materials Unless specified otherwise, precast concrete gravity blocks shall be "Ecology Block" style with interlocking tongue and groove on top and side. 2 feet wide by 2 feet tall. 4 foot or 6 -foot length as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. Minimum block weight of 600 pounds per foot of length. Precast thrust blocks may be "Ecology Blocks" or custom reinforced concrete blocks provided they meet the minimum bearing area specified in the plans or the standard construction details. Custom reinforced blocks must meet the following minimum criteria: • 36 inches or less per side: 9 -inch minimum thickness. (5) #6 rebar @ 6 -inch OC EW. • 36 to 48 inches per side: 10 -inch minimum thickness. (7) #6 rebar @ 6 -inch OC EW. • 48 to 72 inches per side: 12 -inch minimum thickness. (9) #6 rebar @ 6 -inch OC EW. 3-21 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 3.60 GROUTING [CSI 03 60 001 3.62 Non -Shrink Grouting [CSI 03 62 001 3.62.13 Non -Metallic Non -Shrink Grout [CSI 03 62 13] Part 1— General Summary Fall 2023 Division 3 Use Precision Non -Shrink Grout for grouting all equipment base plates, pipe supports, and base plates for metalwork. Precision Non -Shrink grout may also be used for all other non - shrink grouting operations. General Purpose Non -Shrink grout may be used for any applications other than those noted for Precision Non -shrink Grout. Non -shrink grout shall be used to seal all new pipe and conduit penetrations (watertight) into and out of all concrete and CMU block walled structures. Storage and Handling Stockpile grout to prevent contamination from foreign materials and store admixtures to prevent contamination or damage from excess temperature change Part 2 — Products Materials Precision Non -Shrink Grout: Provide a high -precision, fluid, non -shrink, quartz or non -catalyzed metallic aggregate grouting material. Provide a ready -to -use grout that hardens free from bleeding, settlement, or drying shrinkage when mixed, placed and cured at any consistency — fluid, flowable, plastic or damp -pack. Provide precision, non -shrink natural aggregate grout that when cured produces the following properties: A. Compressive Strength at fluid consistency (ASTM C109 -Modified): 3500 psi (24 MPa) at 1 day, 7500 psi (52 MPa) at 28 days. B. Passes ASTM C1107 as a grade B grout when tested as temperature minimum and maximums of 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (8 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius) at a working time of 30 minutes. Grout must be tested at a fluid consistency per ASTM C939 and remain fluid at temperature range minimum and maximums for the 30 -minute working time. All materials including water must be mixed and tested at temperature minimum/maximums. C. Modulus of Elasticity at 28 days at fluid consistency (ASTM C469): 3.0 x 106 psi (20.7 GPa) minimum, 3.9 x 106 (27.0 GPa) maximum. 3-22 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 3 D. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for fluid consistency (ASTM C531): 7.5 x 10-6/ degrees Fahrenheit maximum (13.5 x 10-6/ degrees Celsius). E. Flexural strength at 28 days for fluid consistency (ASTM C78): 1300 psi (7.9 MPa). F. Resistance to rapid freezing — thawing (ASTM C666, Procedure A): 300 cycles- min RDF 90 percent. G. Split tensile strength at 28 days at fluid consistency (ASTM C496): 450 psi (3.1 MPa). H. Pass 24-hour grout test under stated temperature, time and fluidity constraints. See MBT Protection and Repair 24-hour Grout Form. Precision non -shrink grout shall be MasterFlow 928 or 885 Grout or approved equal. General Purpose Non -Shrink Grout: General Purpose Non -shrink grout shall meet the compressive strength and nonshrink requirements of CRD -C 621, Grades B and C; Corp of Engineers Specification for Non -shrink grout; and ASTM C1107, Grades B and C. General Purpose Non -shrink grout shall be MasterFlow 713, Dayton Superior 1107 Advantage, or approved equal. Provide curing compounds as recommended by the grout manufacturer. Water to be used in mixing the grout shall be potable. Mixes Comply with grout manufacturer's recommendations for mixing procedures. Adjust water temperature to keep mixed grout temperature in the range of 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius) minimum/maximum. Use cold or iced water to extend working time in hot weather or in large placements. Use warm water in cold conditions to achieve minimum as mixed temperatures. Part 3 — Installation Preparation Mechanically remove unsound concrete within the limits of the grout placement. Remove at least '/4 -inch (6mm) of existing concrete facing and continue removal as required to expose sound aggregate. Thoroughly clean the roughened surface of dirt, loose chips, and dust. Maintain substrate in a saturated condition for 24 hours prior to grouting. Surface should be saturated surface dry at time of grouting. Clean baseplates and other metal surfaces to be grouted to obtain maximum adhesion. Remove loose rust and scale by grinding or sanding. Comply with grout manufacturer's recommendations for form construction. Construct forms to be liquid tight. 3-23 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Installation Fall 2023 Division 3 Place grout mixture into prepared areas from one side to the other. Avoid placing grout from opposite sides in order to prevent voids. Work material firmly into the bottom and sides to assure good bond and to eliminate voids. Ensure that foundation and baseplate are within maximum/minimum placement temperatures. Shade foundation from summer sunlight under hot conditions. Warm foundation when foundation temperature is below 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius). Wet cure exposed shoulders for 48 hours followed by two coats of curing compound for best results. The minimal requirement is to wet cure until grout has reached final set, followed by two coats of curing compounds. 3-24 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\3 Conczete.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 4 Masonry 4.00 GENERAL This division covers that work necessary for furnishing and installing masonry as described in these specifications and as shown on the Plans. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Work for . . ." shall apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 4.05 Common Work for Masonry [CSI 04 05 001 This division covers that work necessary for providing materials and performing all masonry as described in these specifications and as shown on the Plans. Part 1— General Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Masonry Mortar • Masonry Grout • Reinforcing Steel Shop Drawings — Include plan view showing blocks and exact location of all vertical reinforcing. • Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) — Provide certification for all units. Provide samples for all colored and/or faced units. • Color Scheme • Waterproofing materials • Masonry Insulation • Masonry Accessories • Letter of Certification for Masonry Prism Testing as noted in the IBC 4.20 UNIT MASONRY [CSI 04 20 001 4.22 Concrete Unit Masonry [CSI 04 22 001 4-1 J:\Data\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\4 Masonry.docx 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Part 1— General Summary Fall 2023 Division 4 This division covers that work necessary for furnishing and installing all Concrete Unit Masonry as described in these specifications and as shown on the Plans. Masonry mortar shall be used to properly level, position, bond together, seal irregularities, and provide a weather -tight joint between the concrete masonry units (CMU). Masonry grout shall be used to fill all CMU cells that contain reinforcing steel. Related Sections • Division 7.21.30 CMU Wall Insulation • Division 9.05.00 Common Work for Finishes • Division 9.06 Color Schedule • Division 9.97.23 Concrete and Masonry Coatings: Interior walls • Division Exterior walls • Division Water repellant • Division Anti -graffiti References • 2012 International Building Code • TMS 602/ACI 530.1 /ASCE 6 Specifications for Masonry Structures • TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5 • ASTM A-615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon -Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement • ASTM C-33, Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates • ASTM C-67, Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile • ASTM C-90, Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units • ASTM C-144 Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar. • ASTM C-150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement • ASTM C-207, Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes • ASTM C-270, Standard Specification for Mortar for Unity Masonry • ASTM C-404, Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Grout. • ASTM C-476, Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry 4-2 J:\Data\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\4 Masonry.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 4 • ASTM C-744, Standard Specification for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units • ASTM C1019, Standard Test Method for Sampling and Testing Grout Design Requirements Compressive strength shall be determined using the unit strength method or the prism test method in accordance with IBC Section 2105.2.2. Net Area compressive strength shall be a minimum of 1500 psi. Mortar shall conform to section 2103.9 of the IBC for type "S" mortar with a minimum compressive strength of 1800 psi at 28 days. Masonry grout shall comply with Article 2.2 of TMS 602/ACI 530.1 /ASCE 6. Storage, Delivery, and Handling All blocks shall be covered and protected against wetting prior to use. Stockpile and handle grout and mortar to prevent contamination from foreign materials; store admixtures to prevent contamination or damage from excessive temperature changes. Water to be used in mixing the grout shall be free from foreign materials. Part 2 — Products Materials Concrete Masonry Units Concrete Masonry Units shall be hollow load-bearing type, conforming to ASTM C-90, Grade N, Type 1, 1900 psi minimum. Provide aggregates meeting ASTM C33. All units, unless otherwise noted, shall have normal weight aggregate having a uniform quality, texture, and color. Unit sizes and shapes shall be 8 inches high by 16 inches long by 8 inches wide (nominal). Masonry shall be ground face as shown on the drawings. All ground face concrete masonry units shall be Trendstone plus units manufactured by Trenwyth Industries or equal. Concrete Masonry Units for grinding shall conform to ASTM C90, Type 1. The ground surfaces shall be filled with a cementitious grout which shall have a minimum cured strength and durability equal to the substrate block. After polishing, the filled surface shall have a factory -applied, heat-treated, acrylic finish conforming to ASTM C- 744 with respect to adhesion, abrasion, color change, and resistance to crazing and ASTM C67 with respect to freezing and thawing. The provisions of ASTM C90 Paragraph 7.3.1 apply with regard to imperfections. Exterior face of masonry units upon which equipment (cabinets, electrical panels, awnings, anchor plates, etc.) will mount, may be smooth face or ground smooth in the field. Measure locations and size of equipment carefully. Smooth face may extend no more than 1 -inch past the equipment and must result in consistent, parallel lines. All concrete masonry units exposed to weather shall have an integral water repellant added to the block and mortar. Repellant admixture equal to Dry -Block as manufactured by W.R. Grace and Co. 4-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\4Masonry.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Masonry Mortar Fall 2023 Division 4 Cement shall meet ASTM C-150, lime shall meet ASTM C-207 and aggregates shall meet ASTM C-144. Proportion mortar by volume and mix in a standard mortar mixer operated in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Mix ingredients thoroughly in dry form and add water to bring the mixture to the proper consistency for use. Do not hand -mix mortar. Mortar proportioned in accordance with ASTM C270, Table 1 need not be tested. Where testing is required, mortar shall be laboratory tested prior to use in accordance with ASTM C270. Provide mortar pigment to match owner -selected color of concrete masonry units. Maso Grout Masonry grout components shall comply with ASTM C-150 for Portland cement and ASTM C-404 for aggregates. Per ASTM C-476 Fine Grout Standards, masonry grout shall consist of one -part Portland cement to three parts masonry sand and one-tenth part lime and shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2000 psi. Compressive strength of masonry grout shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C1019. Reinforcement Reinforcing steel bars shall be ASTM A-615, Grade 60. Provide bar lengths and sizes as shown on the Plans. Components Provide vertical reinforcement at all corners, on each side of openings 24 inches and larger than and at the intervals shown. Provide horizontal reinforcing at bond beams as shown on the Plans, and above and below all openings larger than 24 -inches. Accessories Where called out, anchors shall be dovetail anchor slots and anchors. Anchor slots shall be equal to Burke "Fleming" masonry anchor slot and anchors shall be equal to "AA Wire Products Dovetail Flex -O -Look Channel and Ties", or equal. Finishes/Colors The Owner shall develop a color schedule of colored CMU and grout after award of the contract unless already shown on the Plans. Block colors shall be limited to two in a pattern decided by the Owner unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Mortar color shall match one of the adjacent block course colors unless shown otherwise on the Plans. Coat the following surfaces with the products identified under "Related Divisions" above. • Interior walls 4-4 J:\Data\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\4 Masonry.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 4 • Exterior walls Part 3 — Execution Preparation When joining fresh masonry to set or partially set masonry construction, the Contractor shall clean the exposed surface of set masonry and remove loose mortar prior to laying fresh masonry. The Contractor shall protect sills, ledges, and offsets from mortar drippings or other damage during construction. The Contractor shall protect the adjoining work from mortar droppings, and newly -laid masonry from damage and from rain until the mortar has set. Installation Masonry construction shall comply with the requirements of IBC 2104 and with TMS 602/ACI 530.1 /ASCE 6. The cold weather construction provisions of TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6, Article 1.8 C, shall be implemented when the ambient temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). The hot weather construction provisions of TMS 602/ACI 530.1 /ASCE 6, Article 1.8 D, shall be implemented when the ambient air temperature exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius), or 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32.2 degrees Celsius) with a wind velocity greater than 8 mph (12.9 km/hr) The Contractor shall lay only dry masonry units. When masonry needs to be sawed, only masonry saws shall be used to cut and fit masonry units. All units shall be set plumb, true to line, and with level courses accurately spaced. The masonry unit shall be adjusted to final position while the mortar is soft and plastic. If the units are displaced after the mortar has stiffened, the Contractor shall remove the units, clean the joints or mortar, and relay with fresh and clean units. All joints shall be tooled and concave unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall remove mortar protruding into cells of cavities to be reinforced. All un -grouted concrete masonry units with an exterior face shall be insulated as shown on the Plans and detailed in Division 7. All masonry reinforcement and accessories shall be installed as shown on the Plans and submitted details. The Contractor shall not splice reinforcing except as shown on the Plans. The minimum splice, where not indicated, shall be 32 bar diameters or 24 inches, whichever is greater. All accessories shall be cleaned of all dirt, grease, oil, loose mill scale, excessive rust, or other foreign matter which may reduce bond with grout or mortar. Fill all vertical and horizontal cells that contain reinforcing and as detailed on the Plans with grout. Cells shall have an unobstructed vertical alignment. The Contractor shall provide grouted bond beams where required. Provide lintels made up of reinforced, grouted lintel sections over all wall openings as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall install horizontal and vertical reinforcing and hold in position as the work progresses to maintain the 4-5 J:\Data\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\4 Masonry.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 4 following clearance between the reinforcing and the block surface: 1'/2 exterior, 3/4 -inch interior. The maximum lift for grout pours shall be 4 feet. The Contractor shall make sure that the grout is consolidated with a vibrator immediately after pouring and re -consolidate after excess moisture has been absorbed; but before plasticity is lost. Provide clean -outs at the bottom of all grouted courses. Contractor may eliminate clean -outs at the Owner's discretion, if the bottoms of all cells are free of knocked -off mortar fins and dirt. The Contractor shall hold grout 1'/2 inches below the top of the upper most units when work stops for over one hour, and thoroughly clean and roughen the joint before proceeding with the work. The Contractor shall grout full -space -around door frames and other built-in items. Build in all work with the masonry including anchor bolts. Build in wall plugs, doors, windows, and accessories and plumbing appurtenances as erection progresses. At the stoppage of work at any time, the work shall be covered with tarpaulins or boards to prevent rain or snow from entering the cores of the block. The walls shall be adequately braced to support masonry. If mortar or grout has been misplaced, the Contractor shall have it immediately removed. Shore reinforced lintels a minimum of 14 days after grout placement or until a 28 -day strength is achieved. Prior to completion, fill all holes in joints. All defective joints shall be cut out and repointed. At the end of each day's work and after final pointing, dry -brush the masonry surface. Field Quality Control Variations from plumb, specified grade, conspicuous lines, and walls shall be plus or minus 'A inch in any 10 -foot length, not to exceed plus or minus 1 inch overall. Variations from dimension shall not exceed plus or minus '/2 inch. Special Inspection shall be in accordance with Table 1.18.3 (Level C Quality Assurance) of TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5. Also see Statement of Special Inspections on the Drawings. Provide 48-hour notice to Owner prior to needing the required inspections. Comply with local building department and permit requirements for inspection and notification. The Contractor shall repair, replace, or modify, as appropriate, any items noted in the Special Inspector's inspection or the building department inspection. The Contractor shall provide verification to the Engineer that site -produced mortar meets the required proportions using visual observations. Engineer reserves the right to require additional testing in accordance with ASTM C 270. Field testing of grout shall be meet the requirements of ASTM C1019. The testing agency shall take a minimum of three grout samples for every 5,000 square feet of wall placed (and a minimum of four per week); two for 28 -day tests, and one for backup testing in case the other two samples do not meet design strength. Additional samples may be taken to verify strength at the Contractor's expense. CSo J:\Data\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\4 Masonry.do— 11/10/23 3:11 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 5 Metals 5.00 GENERAL This division covers that work necessary for furnishing and installing metalwork as described in these specifications and as shown on the Plans. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Wlork for ... apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 5.05 Common Work for Metals [CSI 05 05 007 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 1.81.45 Location Designations • Division 9.90.00 Common Work for Painting and Coating • Division 9.90.01 Color Schedule • Division Metals in contact with Concrete • Division Exterior metals • Division Metals interior • Division Galvanized iron and nonferrous • Division 9.91.33 Submerged metals • Division 1.81.30 Seismic Restraint Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Shop Drawings showing details of Fabricated Metalwork including connections and welding • Metal Decking Design • Calculations and plans stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington for all Contractor- or Manufacturer -designed components or assemblies. • Handrail and guardrail • Welder certifications if applicable. For ASME Section IX certifications, and if requested by the Owner, provide a continuity log if the last certification was 6 months prior to the work being performed. 5-1 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Inspections Fall 2023 Division 5 Unless otherwise noted on the Plans, specifications, or building department requirements, special inspections related to metal fabrications, placement and welding shall be subject to 48- hour notice to the Engineer prior to the inspection time. 48-hour notice is defined in Division 1, Contractor Responsibility. Any Field welding shown on the Plans will require special inspections in accordance with section 1704.3 of the IBC and RISC 360. Quality Assurance Only prequalified welds (as defined by AWS) shall be used. Fabricator shall be registered and approved by American Institute of Steel Construction (RISC) to perform shop fabrication without special inspection. Submit certificate of compliance to the Owner at the completion of fabrication. Owner will forward this to the Building Official. If fabricator is not registered and approved, or the certificate of compliance is not received, the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for all Special Inspections required by the IBC on shop fabricated items. The Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for all Special Inspections required by the IBC for field welding not specifically shown on the Plans. Contractor shall alert Owner at least 30 calendar days in advance if such Special Inspections will be required in order to procure the services of a testing lab. Special Inspection by the Owner does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility of performing his own inspections and testing to ensure that all items are properly constructed. Welding of steel and stainless-steel fluid transport pipe that is not a structural member shall be performed by operators qualified for AWS B2.1, AWS D10.18 or the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX part A. Welders may also provide other certifications for review and approval by the Owner, though approval of other certifications should not be assumed. Part 2 — Products Materials Structural Steel Structural steel shall conform to the following requirements: Plates, shapes, angles, rods - ASTM A36 and A992, Fy >_ 36 ksi Special shapes, plates - ASTM A572, Fy >_ 50 ksi Pipe Columns - ASTM A53, Grade B Type E or S, Fy >_ 35 ksi (see Division 15.22 for steel pipe carrying fluids). Structural Tubing - ASTM A500, Grade B, Fy >_ 46 ksi Stainless Steel Stainless steel shall be type 304 (non -welded) or type 304L (welded) or as called out. 5-2 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 5 Plates - ASTM A240 Fasteners - ASTM F593 Extruded Structural Shapes - ASTM A276 Pipe - ASTM A240 or higher grade or as called out. See Section 15.22.4 for information on pipe used for mechanical applications. All stainless steel shall have a standard mill finish where concealed or No. 4 finish where exposed and shall be cleaned of all foreign matter before delivery to the job site. Aluminum Plates - ASTM B209, Type 6061-T6 Extruded Shapes - ASTM B308, Type 6061-T6 Pipe - ASTM B210 Type 6061 Architectural Applications - ASTM B210, Type 6063 Aluminum materials in contact with concrete or other metals or other masonry materials shall have surfaces coated per Division 9. Galvanized Steel Base metal shall be as specified for Mild Steel. Hot -dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A 924/A 924M. Finishes: For pieces that will NOT be painted, galvanize with zinc coating in accordance with ASTM A 653/A 653M. For pieces that WILL be painted, galvanneal with zinc/10 percent iron coating in accordance with ASTM A 653/A 653M. Manufactured Units Design of Contractor- or Manufacturer -designed components or assemblies shall meet the specific component requirements as provided here -in, as well as all applicable state and federal codes. Design shall include gravity loads and seismic loads in accordance with ASCE 7-10 Chapter 13 "Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components". Design criteria shall be as provided herein for components, and as provided on the Plans. Contractor -designed components and assemblies shall be shop welded and field bolted if possible. Field welding will NOT be allowed unless specifically shown, or there is no reasonable alternative. Finishes All steel fabrications shall be surface prepped, shop primed and field coated in accordance with Division 9. Shop priming shall be protected as required to prevent damage to the coating during shipping. Hold back shop priming from areas to be field welded. Isolate and coat dissimilar metals to prevent galvanic corrosion. Non -exposed structural steel: Mill finish or as shown on Plans Exposed structural steel (damp or wet locations): Division 9 5-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 5 Aluminum: Division 9 Galvanized steel: Division 9 Stainless steel: Uncoated or Division 9 Part 3 — Execution Fabrication All welding shall be in accordance with RISC and American Welding Society (AWS) standards and shall be performed by RISC and/or AWS certified welders using electrodes to match base material. Only prequalified welds (as defined by AWS) shall be used. Welding inspection shall be performed in accordance with the applicable AWS provisions and Chapter 17 of the IBC. Shop welding requiring inspection or testing per IBC Chapter 17 must be tested by an independent testing laboratory certified by AWS and approved by the owner at the Contractor's expense. Field welding, where required or allowed, will be inspected by a representative of the owner at the owner's expense. This does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility of performing his own inspections and testing to ensure that all items are properly constructed. All shop welds shall be ground smooth. Any shop paint on metal surfaces adjacent to joints to be field welded shall be wire brushed to remove the paint film prior to welding. Where steel items to be welded are galvanized, galvanizing must first be removed by grinding with a silicon carbide wheel, by grit blasting or by sand blasting. Any cutting or grinding equipment used on stainless steel must be new or only previously used on other stainless-steel material. All stainless-steel shop welds shall be pickled after welding to remove heat damage and contaminants. Field welds must be passivated using an Engineer approved product (Citrisurf 2210 or equal). If the metal will be in contact with potable water, pickling and passivation products must be citric acid based and thoroughly removed, or use a product approved by USDA or NSF. Installation Fabrications shall be installed as shown on the approved shop drawings. All members shall be accurately located and erected plumb and level. Metal fabrications shall be installed or erected as based on the American Institute of Steel Construction (RISC) "Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", latest edition, plus all referenced code requirements. Temporary bracing, such as temporary guys, braces, false -work, cribbing, or other elements, shall be provided by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of the "Code of Standard Practice", wherever necessary to accommodate all loads to which the structure may be subjected, including construction loads. Such bracing shall be left in place as long as may be required for safety. As erection progresses, the work shall be securely bolted or welded to compensate for all loads during construction. 5-4 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 5 No permanent bolting or welding shall be performed until the structure has been properly aligned. 5.05.23 Bolts and Other Connectors For Structural Elements [CSI 05 05 23, 0605231 Part 2 — Products Materials Bolts and other connectors not specifically called out otherwise shall be in accordance with the following. Under no circumstances shall the fasteners be of lesser strength or higher corrosion potential than the materials being connected. Connection bolts, nuts and washers for all materials in wet, damp or corrosive locations shall be Stainless Steel, alloy 304 in raw domestic or treated domestic water, alloy 316 in treatment process and sewage applications, and alloy 317 for acidic transport. Bolts and nuts shall meet ASTM F593B (bolts '/4 -inch to 1'/2 -inch in diameter with 30 ksi yield) and F594B (nuts). Use Nitronic_60 bolts and nuts for strong_chlorine_environments. Steel and cast-iron fabrications: Connection bolts for dry locations shall be ASTM A307 galvanized or zinc plated bolts. Structural Plastic Fabrications: Connection bolts shall be ASTM A307 galvanized in dry applications and Stainless Steel in wet, damp or corrosive locations. Aluminum Fabrications: Connection bolts shall be ASTM A307 galvanized. Aluminum fasteners may be allowed where high strength is not needed (e.g. mounting expanded metal screens, or louver fins), confirm with Engineer prior to use. Steel screws must be galvanized, or zinc plated. 300 Series stainless steel fasteners allowed only with the use of isolating washers. Stainless steel fabrications: Fasteners to match same stainless series as structure (e.g. 300 series fasteners with 300 series structure) Bolts installed into hardened concrete and CMU shall be Concrete Anchors per section 3.15.19. Bolts and studs shall be long enough that at least two threads extend beyond the face of the tightened nut. For pump anchor bolts, see Division 11. For mechanical pipe (non-structural) connections, see Division 15.21, "Common Work for Pipe and Fittings". Part 3 — Execution Installation All materials to be joined together shall be connected as shown on the Plans, specifications, as recommended by the manufacturer, or as required by standard industry practices if not otherwise specified. 5-5 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Dissimilar metals: Fall 2023 Division 5 In damp locations, isolate dissimilar metals using nylon isolation sleeves and washers, Cooper B -Line Nylon Headed Sleeve Kit or equal. For wet locations: avoid dissimilar metals unless specifically approved or shown. Use similar metals with welded connections. If approved or shown, use galvanized mild steel bolts installed into prepped and coated holes with additional field coating over the top of bolt. 5.50 METAL FABRICATIONS [CSI 05 50 00] 5.51 METAL STAIRS 1(-5-105 51001 5.51.05 Common Work for Stairs and Ladders #_51 v.7 51051 Part 1— General Related Sections This section also applies to section 6.72.23 Composite Stair Assemblies, and 6.72.33 Composite Ladders. Design Requirements Stair treads shall be pre- fabricated units that bolt on to stair side rails. Stair treads shall meet all ASCE 7, IBC, and OSHA Section 1910.24 requirements. Ladders shall meet the requirements set forth in the IBC, ASCE 7, OSHA 1910.27 and WAC 296-876. Safety cages, platforms, and fall prevention devices shall be provided as shown on the Plans. They shall comply with WAC Section 296-876-60065 through 296-876-60080. Ladders shall extend the full distance from base landing to top access plus extension. Ladders that are short shall be field extended by method approved by the Engineer or replaced with proper length ladder. Part 2 — Products Materials All ladders and ladder accessories shall be hot -dipped galvanized steel, aluminum, or fiberglass as indicated on the Plans. Fabrication Ladders shall be shop assembled, pre -drilled and prepared for field attachment of standoff clips, or as otherwise shown. 5-6 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 5 5.51.19 Metal Grating Stairs [CSI 05 5119, Part 2 — Products Materials Width shall be as shown on the drawings. Materials shall match adjacent grating, or stair material. Bearing bar and cross bar configuration shall match adjacent grating. If no adjacent grating, minimum 1 -inch by '/16 -inch bearing bars with cross bars spaced at 4 -inch on center, or as required to meet loading requirements. 5.52 METAL RAILINGS [CSI 05 52 001 5.52.05 Common Work for Railings [CSI 05 52 051 Part 1— General References Handrail and Guardrail systems shall be designed to meet the requirements of the IBC, ASCE 7, OSHA, and shall comply= with Section 296-24-750 of the Washington Administrative Code. Performance Requirements Handrails and guardrails shall be designed to withstand a 200 lbs. concentrated load applied in any direction at any point to the top rail. Handrails and guardrails shall also be designed to withstand a load of 50 lbs./foot applied horizontally to the top -rail. The two loads will not be applied simultaneously. The completed handrail installation shall prevent the passage of a sphere not more than 4 -inch in diameter in areas with public access or, in areas not open to the public, shall have at least a mid -rail and top -rail with 19 -inches maximum vertical space between. Part 2 — Products Components Handrail and guardrail systems shall be supplied and installed complete with posts, rails, toe - boards, connectors, plugs, end caps, bolts, nuts and washers, and other accessories as required for a complete installation. Post spacing shall be a maximum of 5 feet, 0 inches on horizontal runs and 4 feet, 0 inches on inclined runs, unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Post locations shall be no greater than 24 inches nor less than 9 inches from horizontal or vertical change in handrail direction. Posts shall not interrupt the continuation of the top rail at any point along the railing, including corners and end terminations. The top surface of handrail or guardrail shall be smooth and shall not be interrupted by a projecting fitting. (OSHA 1910.29(b), WAC 296-24-75011(1)) 5-7 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 5 Toe -board is required where shown on the Plans, and where there is a danger of tools, materials, or equipment falling and striking employees below and shall conform to OSHA standards. Toe -board shall be a minimum of 3.5 -inches tall. Toe -board shall begin '/4 -inch above the walking surface where the walking surface is a solid surface to allow for drainage (not required for grating walking surface). Openings in the rail shall be guarded by a self-closing gate (OSHA 1910.23 (e) (1)). Safety chains shall not be used unless specifically shown on the Plans. Handrail shall be face mounted to concrete unless specifically shown otherwise on the Plans. Finishes Steel rail systems shall be coated with the reservoir coating system described in Division 5.53 METAL GRATINGS [CSI 05 53 001 5.53.05 Common Work for Gratings [CSI 05 53 051 Part 1— General Related Sections This section also applies to section 6.74.13 Fiberglass Reinforced Gratings. Design Requirements Grating shall be selected for a '/4 -inch maximum deflection under a uniform live load of 100 psf or a point live load of 500 pounds at any point on the grating (whichever is more critical), unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Thickness shall be as needed to meet these requirements unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Panels shall be sized such that any single grating piece shall not weigh more than 50 pounds. The horizontal clearance between the grating and grating supports shall not be less than '/4 -inch nor greater than '/2 -inch. Contractor shall field measure grating supports as required to achieve required fit. Shop drawings shall be based on field dimensions as appropriate. Part 2 — Products Materials Unless shown otherwise, materials used for supporting members shall match the materials used for the grating except all embedded grating supports shall be stainless steel. Attachment between grating and supporting members below grating shall be made with a minimum of four clips per panel. All mechanical grating clips shall be manufactured of Type 316SS (stainless steel). J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fabrication Fall 2023 Division 5 Grating shall be fabricated in such a manner that field cutting and drilling is not required. Panels shall be fabricated and installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Part 3 — Execution Installation Cut notches around pipes, conduits and other penetrations in such a way that panel removal/installation will not impinge on said objects. The horizontal clearance around grating panels shall not be less than 1/8 -inch nor greater than 3/8 -inch. File and de -burr cut edges. Contractor shall field measure grating supports as required to achieve required fit. Shop drawings shall be based on field dimensions as appropriate. 5.53.13 Bar Gratings [CSI 05 53 13] Part 2 — Products Materials Steel grating shall be welded rectangular bar grating, maximum 4 -inch by 13/16 -inch bar spacing unless otherwise noted on the Plans. Grating shall have a minimum bearing bar thickness of 3/16 -inch. All edges of metal grating shall be banded with 3/16 -inch banding matching the depth of the grating. Depth of bars shall be as shown, or as required for loads and spans. 5-9 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\5 Metols.d— 11/10/23 3:12 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Division 6 Wood, Plastics, and Composites 6.00 GENERAL Sections in these specifications titled "Common Work for . . ." shall apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 6.05 Common Work for Wood, Plastics, and Composites [CSI 06 05 001 Part 1— General Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Trusses: Submit truss design drawings bearing the Professional Engineering seal and signature of the truss designer, placement diagram(s), permanent individual truss member restraint/bracing method and details, and any other structural details germane to the trusses. • FRP Data Sheets verifying specification requirements Part 3 — Execution Construction Provide temporary bracing, such as temporary guys, braces, false -work, cribbing, or other elements, in accordance with the requirements of the "Code of Standard Practice", wherever necessary to accommodate all loads to which the structure may be subjected, including construction loads. Leave bracing in place for as long as required for safety. Securely fasten the work as erection progresses to compensate for all loads during construction. Perform no permanent fastening until the structure has been properly aligned. 6.10 ROUGH CARPENTRY [CSI 0610 001 6.11 Wood Framing [CSI 0611001 Part 1— General References U.S. Department of Commerce/National Institute of Standards and Technology - American Softwood Lumber Standard PS 20. American National Standards Institute / American Forest and Paper Association National Design Specifications (ANSI/AF&PA NDS). 6-1 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecl-icals\6 Wood Plastics and Composites.d— 11/10/23 3:13 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 6 Part 2 — Products Components Structural lumber shall be of the nominal dimensions shown on the Plans and shall not exceed 19 percent moisture content when installed. All pieces shall be Kiln Dried Hem Fir or Spruce -Pine -Fir No. 2 grade or better unless otherwise specified on the Plans. Lumber and other wood members shall meet requirements of ANSI/AFPA NDS: National Design Specification for Wood Construction, American Forest & Paper Association/American Wood Council, current edition. If a different edition is called out on the plans, that edition will govern. Accessories including bolts with necessary nuts and washers, timber connectors, drift pins, dowels, nails, screws, spikes, and other metal fastenings shall conform to ASTM A-307. Provide bolts with malleable iron washers under nuts. Nails shall be round wire of standard form. Spikes shall be button -head boat spikes. Galvanize bolts, dowels, washers, spikes, and other hardware, including nails, in accordance with ASTM A-153. Preservative Treated Wood All wood members which contact concrete or masonry shall be naturally durable wood or preservative -treated wood using water -borne preservatives, in accordance with AWPA U1 (Commodity Specifications A or F) for above -ground use. Coat cut ends of pressure treated wood with copper naphthenate based wood preservative. • All fasteners in contact with preservative treated wood shall be hot -dip galvanized • All connectors in contact with preservative treated wood shall be hot -dip galvanized • Interior connectors in contact with preservative treated wood that are not exposed to the elements may be G185 galvanized. Part 3 — Execution Construction Accurately cut and frame all lumber so that joints will have a close fit over entire contact surface. Secure lumber and piles in their proper alignment. No shimming will be permitted in making joints, nor will open joints be accepted. Bore holes in small timbers for boat or wire spikes with a bit of the same diameter or smallest dimension of the spikes, when necessary, to prevent splitting. Counterbore for countersinking wherever smooth faces are required. Connectors and fasteners shall comply with the applicable provisions of IBC Sections 2304.9.1 through 2304.9.7. The number and size of fasteners connecting wood members shall not be less than that set forth in IBC Table 2304.9.1. 6-2 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\6 Wood Plastics and Composites.docs 11/10/23 3:13 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 6 6.12 Wood Structural Panels [CSI 0612 00, 0616 001 Part 1— General Design Requirements Wood structural panels shall conform to the requirements of Performance Standard for Wood -Based Structural Use Panels, DOC PSI or PS2, United States Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Thickness as shown on the Plans. Composite panels are not allowed. Wood structural panels shall meet requirements of ANSI/AFPA SDPWS: American Forest & Paper Association/American Wood Council Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic, current edition. If a different edition is called out on the plans, that edition will govern. Part 3 — Execution Construction Provide blocking at unframed panel edges where noted on the Plans. Nail sheathing as shown on the Plans. If not shown, provide nailing as follows, at a minimum: 8d nails at 6 inches on center at framed panel edges, trusses, and diaphragm boundaries and 12 -inches on center elsewhere. 6.17 Shop Fabricated Structural Wood [CSI 0617 00] 6.17.53 Wood Trusses [CSI 0617 53] Part 1— General References Wood trusses shall comply with IBC Section 2303.4. Trusses shall be metal -plate -connected meeting the design, manufacture, and quality assurance requirements of ANSI/TPI 1 as published by the Truss Plate Institute. Quality Assurance Prefabricated wood trusses and cross -bracing and blocking shall be designed and certified by the truss manufacturer to meet the loads shown on the Plans and the above requirements. Each individual truss design drawing shall bear the Professional Engineering seal and signature of the truss designer. Fabricator shall provide detailed fabrication and quality control procedures that provide a basis for inspection control of the workmanship and the fabricator's ability to conform to approved construction documents and referenced standards. 6-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\6 Wood Plastics and Composites.docs 11/10/23 3:13 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 6 In lieu of procedures noted, fabricator may provide documentation that they are registered and approved to perform such work without special inspection. At completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall submit a certificate of compliance to the building official stating that the work was performed in accordance with the approved construction documents. 6.20 FINISH CARPENTRY [CST 1)l 001 6.20.05 Common Work for Finish Carpentry [CSI 06 20 051 Part 1— General Summary Furnish all architectural woodwork shown on the Plans and specified herein. Architectural woodwork includes all exterior and interior non-structural woodwork exposed to view in finished project including shelving, millwork, trim, and plastic laminates. Related Sections • Division 9.90.05 Common Work for Paint and Coating • Division 9.90.06 Color Schedule • Division Exterior Wood • Division Interior Stain • Division Interior Paint References The "Quality Standards" of the Architectural woodwork institute (AWI) shall apply and, by reference, are hereby made a part of this specification. Any reference to premium, custom, or economy in this specification shall be defined as the latest edition of the AWI "Quality Standards". Part 2 — Products Quality Control Discard material with defects which might impair the quality of work, and units which are too small to fabricate the work with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement. Finish trim boards are to be selected for straight and un -warped / un -curled shape. Part 3 — Execution Installation Set carpentry work accurately to required levels and lines, with member plumb, true, and accurately cut and fitted. All exposed trim work is to be mitered at corners. Where long runs require more than one board, cut ends at 45 degrees. 6-4 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluncals\6 Wood Plastics and Composites.docs 11/10/23 3:13 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 6 Securely attach carpentry work to substrates by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized standards. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes. Use common wire nails or finishing screws, except as otherwise indicated. Use finishing nails for finish work. Select fasteners of size that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting of wood; pre -drill as required. Fill nail holes with putty prior to painting. Provide adequate end and edge distances. Install hardware specified or required to complete the project. Adjust movable parts to operate perfectly at time of final acceptance. Make further adjustments required during the guarantee period. 6.22 Millwork lu,v uv 22 001 6.22.13 Standard Pattern Wood Trim [CS! 0622131 Part 2 — Products Materials Trim board material as shown on the Plans. If not shown on the Plans, trim board shall have a smooth, untextured finish and be high density fiberboard (HDF), oak, or fir. Part 3 — Execution Installation Install trim board straight and true. Miter all corners. Caulk where gaps between the trim and the mating surface are unavoidable. 6-5 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\6 Wood Plastics and Composites.docs 11/10/23 3:13 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Division 7 Thermal and Moisture Protection 7.00 GENERAL This division covers furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for providing a structure that is completely weather -tight. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Work for . . ." shall apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 7.05 Common Work for Thermal and Moisture Protection U/ 05 001 Part 1— General Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Ceiling liner • Foundation drainage • Geocomposite foundation drainage • Sheet waterproofing • Thermal insulation • Ceiling insulation • Foundation insulation • CMU wall insulation • Piping insulation • Rigid insulation • Vapor barrier • Air barrier • Roofing System • Siding • Flashing and sheetmetal • Vents • Joint sealants • Caulk 7-1 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.docs 11/10/23 3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Warranty — Roofing System Fall 2023 Division 7 The roofing Contractor shall warrant the roof system provided under this contract against leakage, and defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years after date of project acceptance. The roofing system manufacturer shall provide a warranty for the roof system against leakage and defects in materials for a period of eighteen years after the roofing Contractor warranty expires. Following roof installation, supplier shall furnish services of a qualified manufacturer's representative to inspect the roof and inform Owner of any defects or concerns regarding condition of roofing system at the job site. Contractor shall provide repair as necessary to the satisfaction of the manufacturer representative at Contractor's expense. Upon resolution of any defects or concerns (if any), manufacturer's warranty shall then be in full effect. The finished roofing system shall be free from leaks, warps, permanent discoloration, and coating degradation for the warranty period. The roofing system manufacturer's warranty shall be non -prorated and in full effect (100 percent covered) for the full 2 years following project acceptance. The manufacturer's warranty shall be Non -prorated and in full effect (100 percent covered) for the full 18 years following the roofing Contractor's warranty. 7.20 THERMAL PROTECTION [CSI 0720 001 7.21 Thermal Insulation [CSI 07 2100] 7.21.16 Blanket Insulation [CSI 07 21161 Part 1— General Performance Requirements Insulation shall be Kraft -paper -faced batt with a minimum R value of 38. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Ceiling insulation shall be equal to Owens Corning. Part 3 — Execution Installation Provide and install ceiling insulation as shown on the project Plans. Place insulation with craft paper face down and as recommended by the manufacturer. Insulation shall be placed to the extents possible to cover the attic. Place baffles above the insulation as the slope of the roof meets the building edge. 7-2 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 7 Part 3 — Execution Installation The abutting joints shall be staggered so that no joint from the bottom layer of insulation lies directly below a joint from the top layer of insulation. The insulation shall be fastened using mechanical fasteners to the metal roof support deck as recommended by the manufacturer. Fasteners shall penetrate only the top ridges of the steel roof support deck. Foam Board Insulation [CSI 072113.-IiA Part 1— General Performance Requirements Provide a minimum R value of 10. Insulation for foundations shall be suitable for direct bury application. Unless shown otherwise on the plans, board against vertical foundation walls shall be minimum R-10 on interior face or R-12 on exterior face. Storage and Handling Protect insulation stored on the jobsite from physical damage and direct sunlight. Store off the ground and cover with a light color polyethylene film. Make sure the covered insulation is well ventilated to prevent excessive temperature build-up. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Insulation shall be Foamular 150 as manufactured by Owens Corning or equal. Part 3 — Execution Installation Extruded polystyrene insulation shall be placed as shown on the Plans. Do not damage insulation during installation and take adequate care to backfill soils to meet compaction standards while not damaging insulation. For foundations, finish top edge of insulation 1 -inch to 2 -inches below finished ground elevation. Install only as much insulation as can be covered, at least temporarily, during the same day. 7.21.30 CMU Wall Insulation [CSI 0721301 Part 1— General Performance Requirements All non -grouted exterior exposed CMU walls to be filled with vermiculite, or equivalent fill. 7-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 7 Part 2 — Products Materials Where the code exception noted in Part 1 applies, vermiculate or perlite may be used. Part 3 — Execution Installation Insulation shall be installed by methods and personnel approved by the block manufacturer. 7.24 Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems [CSI 0724 001 7.24.32 Exposed Small Piping Insulation [CSI 0724 321 Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Insulation shall be equal to S and S Industries. Part 3 — Execution Installation All exposed piping 1 -inch and less used to distribute hot, tepid, cold, potable, and non -potable water shall be insulated with closed -cell polystyrene insulation pre -slit and installed per manufacturer's written information. Insulation shall be sized to match the diameter of the piping. 7.26.30 Roof Vapor Retarders [CSI 07 26 301 Part 1— General Submittals Submit vapor barrier, including methods for attachment, for approval by the engineer. Performance Requirements The membrane shall be 45 Mils thick, uniform in appearance, and free from defects. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Vapor barrier shall be equal to GenFlex EPDM Elastomeric Membrane. 7-4 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 7 Part 3 — Execution Installation Work covered in this section consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment for vapor barrier membrane as shown on the Plans and as specified herein. Vapor barrier shall be attached below the insulation using GenFlex EPDM Fully Adhered Mechanical system or equal, attached as recommended by the manufacturer. Vapor barrier shall be applied in dry weather only. Follow all manufacturer's recommendations regarding product delivery, storage, and handling of materials. 7.27 Air Barrier [CSI 0727 00, or 0183 16] Part 1— General Performance Requirements A continuous air barrier shall be provided throughout the building thermal envelope. The thermal envelope of buildings shall comply with Sections C402.4.1 through C402.4.8 of the 2012 Washington State Energy Code, Commercial Provisions. Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control The completed building shall be tested by the Contractor. Their leakage rate of the building envelope shall not exceed 0.40 cfm/ft2 at a pressure differential of 0.3 inches water gauge in accordance with ASTM E 779 or an equivalent method approved by the Code Official. A report that includes the tested surface area, floor area, air by volume, stories above grade, and leakage rates shall be submitted to the building owner and the Code Official. If the tested rate exceeds that defined here, a visual inspection of the air barrier shall be conducted and any leaks noted shall be sealed to the extent practicable. An additional report identifying the corrective actions taken to seal air leaks shall be submitted to the building owner and the Code Official and any further requirement to meet the leakage air rate will be waived. 7.40 ROOFING AND SIDING PANELS [CSI 07 40 001 7.42.93 Soffit Panels [6-5107 42 931 Part 1— General Design Requirements The panels shall be able to withstand the wind loading identified in the Plans. 7-5 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Finishes Fall 2023 Division 7 Finish all panels as recommended by the manufacturer. Color shall be chosen by the owner from a minimum of 15 colors. Part 2 — Products Materials Steel panels shall be equal to AEP Span Prestige Series (PS -12) soffits. Panels shall have a Zincalume or Kynar finish. Vented and non -vented soffit panels shall have matching beads or groove widths and matching finishes. Provide venting per local building code requirements. All vents shall include aluminum or galvanized bird screens. Fiber Cement soffit panels shall be James Hardie Hardiesoffit or of equal. Install and finish all panels as recommended by the manufacturer. The panels shall be able to withstand the wind loading identified in the Plans. Provide venting per local building code requirements. All vents shall include aluminum or galvanized bird screens. Part 3 — Execution Installation Panels shall run perpendicular to rafters. Install panels next to transition between wall and eave as recommended by the manufacturer. 7.60 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL [CSI 07 60 001 7.61 Sheet Metal Roofing [CSI 07 61001 7.61.05 Common Work for Metal Roofing [CSI 07 6105] Part 1— General General Work covered in this section consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment for preformed metal roofing as shown on the Plans and as specified herein. Submittals Submit shop drawings detailing all edges, hips, valleys, eaves, rakes, other flashing and include fastener schedule and in accordance with Division 1.33. Prior to Engineer review, Contractor shall have the shop drawings reviewed and approved by the system manufacturer. The Roofer shall submit a list of a minimum of five (5) successfully completed projects with owner references, total roofing system square footage and roofing cost. The Roofer shall be regularly engaged in construction of metal roofing systems and approved to install metal ON J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 7 roofing by the accepted system manufacturer. Such approval shall be submitted in writing along with the shop drawings as specified below. Storage and Handling The Contractor is responsible for continuously maintaining materials subject to precipitation or weather damage in new condition. Replace warped or weathered plywood, insulation, or other materials damaged by climatic conditions. Follow all manufacturer's recommendations regarding product delivery, storage, and handling of materials. Part 2 — Products Materials Materials shall be purchased directly from the manufacturer's commercial department to verify that the Contractor is approved by the system manufacturer to install the roofing system specified. All materials shall be provided by one manufacturer, conform to the current IBC and the local building code. Roofing underlayment shall be Grace Ice and Water Shield® or approved equal. Material properties shall meet ASTM D412. Fasteners shall be as recommended by the roofing manufacturer; lengths as required. Other miscellaneous exposed fasteners shall be stainless steel or ZAC (exposed head of zinc/aluminum alloy). Fasteners shall be of the length to penetrate the top ridges of the steel decking only. Fasteners shall be inserted to penetrate only the top ridges of the steel roof support decking. Finishes The Owner shall select the roofing color from manufacturer's standard offering of not less than 15 colors. Color options shall be provided with the submitted shop drawings. Part 3 — Execution Examination Verify that work of other trades which penetrates the roof deck, or requires workers and equipment to traverse roof deck, has been completed. Examine surfaces for inadequate anchorage, foreign material, moisture, and unevenness which will prevent the execution and quality of application of roofing system as specified. Do not proceed with application of roofing until these defects are corrected. Preparation Provide temporary roof during inclement weather. Requests for use of alternate structural and/or base materials with superior weathering resistance, if approved by the Engineer, may be made in lieu of temporary roof replacement. Submit a description of each temporary roof system or alternate material schedule proposed. ON J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 7 Provide special protection from heavy traffic on completed work. Restore to original condition, or replace work or materials damaged during handling of roofing materials. Installation Apply roofing felt below waterproof roof paneling, single -ply, lapped shingle fashion, 3 -inch head laps and 6 -inch side laps. Install no more roofing felt than can be covered by metal roofing in the same day. Roof underlayment shall be dry and free of defects prior to the installation of metal roofing. Apply ice and water shield to manufacturer's requirements. Apply roofing only in dry weather and when the ambient temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Except as otherwise shown or specified, comply with recommendations and instructions of metal roofing manufacturer. Form and fabricate sheets, seams, strips, cleats, clips, hips, ridges, edge treatments, integral flashings, and other components of specified metal roofing to profiles, patterns, and drainage arrangement shown, and as required for permanent leak -proof construction. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction of work caused by ambient air temperature difference of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. All openings shall be sealed from weather and to prevent recessed areas that may attract nesting animals. Panel corrugations shall be sealed with the manufacturer's standard closed cell neoprene blocks conforming to the panel corrugation. Gaps created between corrugations and flashings shall be avoided whenever possible. Where such gaps occur, they shall be sealed with manufacturer's low pitch closures, or equal. All closures shall be installed as close to the face of the opening as possible to minimize any recessed areas. Provide uniform, neat seams with no exposure of sealant to ultraviolet light. Flashing with a drip edge shall be installed on all edges, corners and angle points. Unless otherwise noted on the Plans extend roofing and flashing below fascia with drip edge hanging below wood supports and fascia. Valley gutters shall be provided at all valleys. Field Quality Control Metal roofing and its flashing shall be weather -tight. Exposed surfaces shall be free of dents, scratches, abrasions, or other visible defects. Construction and fabrication of metal roofing shall comply with Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SM),CNA) recommendations for fabrication and construction of details, expansion joints, and installation procedures, except as shown or specified. Fabricate and install work true and accurate with lines and corners of exposed metal units. Form exposed faces and starter sections of seams flat and free of buckles, excessive waves, and avoidable tool marks considering temper and finish of metal. Hold-down attachments for roof shall be designed and spaced to resist uplift pressure due to Basic Wind Speed and Exposure as identified in the General Notes. Provide uniform, neat seams without tool marks or irregularities. J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 7 7.61.13 Standing Seam Sheet Metal Roofing [CSI 07 6113 Part 2 — Products Materials Preformed metal roof paneling shall be equal to Design Span HP as manufactured by AEP Span The metal roofing system shall consist of 24 -gauge, factory -formed, pre -finished panels with major ribs not less than 15/8 -inch in height. Shop -fabricate metal in conformance with manufacturer's pattern specifications to result in a minimum 1 -inch effective water dam height on both edges. Standing seam interval shall not exceed 16 inches with no stiffening ribs. Edges, hips, valleys, eaves, rakes, and miscellaneous flashing shall be finished with matching pre -finished pieces of 24 -gauge minimum, to form a weather -tight roofing system. Roofing panels shall be factory -prefabricated in accordance with manufacturer's standard pattern and design. Finishes Color options shall be provided with the submitted shop drawings. All panels and flashing shall be treated with a protective coating of Zincalume conforming to ASTM 792, AZ50, with factory -applied paint finish of Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000 with a total dry film thickness of 1 Mil. Reverse face shall be protected by a wash coat or primer. Part 3 — Execution Installation Panels shall be held down to the structure with concealed clips and fasteners. The fastening schedule shall be designed by the manufacturer to resist the loads identified in the General Notes. System shall extend to full extent of fascia boards and include a drip edge unless otherwise noted on the Plans. Extend panels from eaves to ridge in one piece. All final hand turning of seams at joints and junctions is to be of the same quality as the machine -produced seams. Practices and techniques described in the SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual are to be used as the standard of practice unless otherwise specified or shown on the Plans. 7.62 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim [CSI 07 62 001 Part 1— General Flashing shall be factory coated steel equal to Construction Metals Inc. Professional Grade Flashing. Gauge shall match flashing to be replaced or 26-guage minimum. Width shall match existing to be replaced. Provide color choices to Owner for approval. Minimum color choices are 10. r&J J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Part 3 — Execution Installation Install drip tight per manufacturer's requirements. 7.70 ROOF AND WALL SPECIALTIES [CSI 07 70 00] 7.72 Roof Accessories [CSI 07 72 001 7.72.05 Common Work for Roof and Wall Specialties [CSI 07 72 051 Part 1— General Design Criteria Fall 2023 Division 7 Attic ventilation shall be installed in accordance with IBC 1203. Contractor shall certify in writing that attic ventilation meets the IBC specification during the submittal process. Part 3 — Execution Installation Blocking shall be installed on all exterior eaves. Ventilation baffles shall be provided at all eave vents that provide a 1 -inch minimum air gap between the attic insulation and the roof sheathing. Gable end vents or roof vents shall be provided. 7.90 JOINT PROTECTION [CSI 07 90 001 7.92.13 Elastomeric Joint Sealants [CSI 07 9213] Part 1— General Submittals Submit schedule for caulk used on the project for approval prior to application. Part 2 — Products Materials Kitchen, Bath, Laboratory, and Other Wet Areas DAP® KWIK SEAL PLUS® Premium Kitchen & Bath Adhesive Caulk w/MICROBANV or equal. 7-10 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Protection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 7 Concrete and Masonry DAP® Premium Polyurethane Concrete & Masonry Sealant or equal. Wood or Concrete Board Siding DAP® ALEX PLUS® Acrylic Latex Caulk Plus Silicone or equal. Doors and Windows DAP® DYNAFLEX 2309 Premium Elastomeric Sealant or equal. Where necessary to provide a suitable backstop and bond breaker, tightly pack with polyethylene foam. Rope the back of grooves, leaving a minimum depth of '/4 -inch for sealant. Prime surfaces as recommended by manufacturer. Other Surfaces Contractor shall provide caulk appropriate to surface and reason for caulk application. Caulk shall be the most durable available (longest warranty) by DAP®, or equal. Part 3 — Execution Installation Caulk all joints and spaces necessary to provide a completely weather -tight product. Apply caulking in strict accordance with manufacturer's directions with regard to temperature at application and curing times, surface condition, moisture, and cleanliness. Apply after surfacing prime and prior to final coatings if surface is to be coated. If surface will not be coated, provide color choices to the Owner for approval prior to application. Clean all adjoining surfaces of excess sealant, smears, or marking due to application and leave joints with neat, uniformly -filled surfaces. 7-11 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\7 Thermal and Moisture Pzotection.d— 11/10/23 3:21 PM3:21 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Division 8 Openings 8.00 GENERAL Sections in these specifications titled "Common Wlork for..." apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 8.05 Common Work for Openings [CSI 08 05 001 Part 1— General Summary This division covers furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for providing all interior and exterior doors, frames, and windows. Related Sections • Division 5.05.23 Bolts and Other Connectors Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Doors • Hatches • Hardware • Locks • Keys 8.06 Schedules for Openings [CSI 08 06 001 See the contract Plans for schedule of doors and windows. 8.10 DOORS AND FRAMES ICS] 0810 001 8.10.05 Common Work for Doors and Frames I C'S'10810 051 Part 1— General Summary This specification covers the doors, frames, accessories, and hardware for both interior and exterior man doors. ROW J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Teduucals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 8 Related Sections 1.52.20 Locks and Keys Submittals Submittal information shall include the following: Manufacturer's product data and installation instructions for each type of door, frame, accessory, or hardware. Include both published data and any specific data prepared for this project. Door and frame shop drawing for approval prior to fabrication. Include detailed plans, elevations, details of framing members, required clearances, anchors, and accessories. Include relationship with adjacent materials. As requested by the Engineer, provide sample color chips representing specified colors and finishes. Performance Requirements Doors between rooms requiring a fire separation shall have a listed fire rating equal to or greater than the required room fire rating. See Plans for which rooms are required to be separated with a fire door. Doors and frames shall be listed and labeled for a minimum of 45 minutes. Doors between rooms requiring an acoustical separation (soundproof or sound rated door) shall have a minimum STC rating of 45. All exterior doors and frames shall be insulated for a maximum U -value of 0.60. Quality Assurance The manufacturer(s) shall be a minimum of ten (10) continuous years documented experience specializing in the manufacturing of doors, frames, accessories, and/or hardware of the type required for this project. At the request of the Engineer, the manufacturer shall provide testing and/or certification information demonstrating that the manufacturer shall design and construct all equipment to the latest applicable codes and standards. The manufacturer or their representative shall be available for consultation to all parties engaged in the project, including instruction to installation personnel. Scheduling The Contractor shall ensure that all approvals and/or shop drawings are supplied or returned to the manufacturer in time for fabrication without affecting construction progress schedule. In addition, they shall ensure that templates and/or actual hardware requested by manufacturer are available in time for fabrication without affecting construction progress schedule. Warranty The Manufacturer shall provide a one (1) year warranty against defects in workmanship and materials, including warping, rotting, decaying or bowing. The Installer shall warrant installation procedures and performance for a minimum of two (2) years from the point of substantial completion against defects due to workmanship and materials handling. [*elm J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.d— 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 8 Part 2 — Products Components Provide doors, frames, and accessories as noted on the Door Schedule. Provide door hardware as specified, as noted on the Door Schedule, and as required by the local building code. Contractor shall provide weather tight trim around all doors whether shown on the Plans or not. The frames shall be furnished with sufficient wall and head anchors to secure the jamb and door against all operating, wind, and seismic loads. Exterior door frames shall have an integral weather-strip at head and jambs. Frames shall be trimmed in the field to form a weather tight seal if shown on the Plans or not. Accessories Provide door accessories as noted on the Door Schedule. Hinges shall provide 180 -degree rotation of the door. Hinges which are exposed at building exterior shall be equipped with tamper -proof pins that cannot be removed. Hinges exposed at the interior of the building shall be removable. The manufacturer shall provide door stops; no screw -on stops will be accepted. Finishes Prime doors and frames at the factory according to requirements for metals in Division 9. Finishes shall be per the appropriate metal finishes in Division 9. Part 3 — Execution Installation Install doors and frames in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved shop drawings; set frames plumb, square, level, and aligned to receive doors. Anchor frames to adjacent construction in strict accordance with recommendations and approved shop drawings and within tolerances specified in manufacturer's instructions. Seal metal -to -metal joints between framing members using good quality elastomeric sealant, and all doorjambs with caulking as specified. Reinforce hinge and lock areas. Mount door using minimum of three (3) hinges. Hang door in the frames and apply hardware in a neat, secure manner so that the doors will operate without dragging or binding. Cleaning/Repair Upon completion of installation, thoroughly clean door and frame surfaces in accordance with AAM), 609. Do not use abrasive, caustic, or acid cleaning agents. Protect products of this section from damage caused by subsequent construction until substantial completion. If damage does occur, Contractor shall repair damaged or defective products to original specified condition in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Replace damaged or defective products that cannot be repaired to Owner's acceptance. 146W J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 8.11 Metal Doors and Frames [CSI 0811 n'? 8.11.13 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames [CSI 0811131 Part 2 — Products Components Fall 2023 Division 8 Doors and frames shall comply with ANSI/SDI A250.8 for level and model and A250.4 for physical performance level. All doors shall be 13/4 -inch thick and insulated with a solid polyurethane or urethane foam core. Exterior doors shall be Level 3 and Physical Performance Level A (Extra Heavy Duty), Model 2 (Seamless) and fabricated from 16 gauge steel minimum. Interior doors shall be Level 2 and Physical Performance Level B (Heavy Duty), Model 1 (Full Flush) and fabricated from 18 gauge steel minimum. Door frames shall be 14 -gauge galvanized steel, as manufactured or recommended by the door supplier specifically for the door installed. Frames shall be furnished with sufficient wall and head anchors to secure the jamb and door against all operating, wind, and seismic loads. Alternatively, door frames installed within CMU walls can be 16 -gauge galvanized steel, tied to the CMU with masonry wire clips. Fully grout CMU block within one length of a full-sized block measured from door frame. 8.11.16 Aluminum Doors and Frames [CSI 0811161 Part 1— General Summary This specification covers aluminum doors, frames, and accessories for both exterior and interior applications. Performance Requirements Aluminum doors shall be specifically designed for use in wastewater treatment facilities or other similarly corrosive environments. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The aluminum doors and frames supplied under this section shall be Series 100BE as manufactured by Cline Aluminum Doors, Inc. or approved equal. Components The manufacturer shall be responsible for selecting aluminum member alloy and temper as required for strength, corrosion resistance, and application of required finish. J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.d— 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 8 Flush aluminum doors shall be a 13/4 inches (44 mm), 5 -ply composite laminate system. No 3 -ply doors will be accepted. Face panels: Exterior and interior aluminum panels shall be one (1) piece of 0.040 -inch (1.02 mm) smooth 5005-H14 stretcher -leveled aluminum alloy each laminated edge -to -edge to one-piece oil -tempered hardboard substrate. Substrate: The door substrate shall include one (1) piece of 0.125 -inch (3.18 mm) oil -tempered hardboard bilaterally laminated edge -to -edge to Class I prestabilized ISO -25 polyisocyanurate foam core and internal hardware backup tube. Neither pegboard nor non -tempered hardboard shall be accepted. Core: Class I pre -stabilized ISO -25 polyisocyanurate formed foam shall be bilaterally bonded to facing substrate and to internal reinforcement system. The foam shall have a range of 750,000 — 1,000,000 closed cells per cubic inch, free of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)/ Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC), 2.0 pounds per cubic foot (32.4 kg/m3) density. No air pockets in core acceptable. No injected foams or poured -in-place foams acceptable to avoid air pockets and destabilization. Hardware Backup: Provide 4'/4 inches (108 mm) in width, 0.125 -inch (3.18 mm) minimum wall thickness aluminum tube. The internal tube shall reinforce the full internal door perimeter to allow for all specified and non-specified hardware. Beads and Trim: Wall Thickness of 0.050 -inch (1.25 mm) minimum. Replaceable door edge caps of 6063-T5 extruded aluminum alloy shall be provided with integral weather stripping. Use of integral door edging not acceptable. Bonding Agent: The bonding agent shall provide a minimum 350 pounds per square inch (24.6 kg/cm2) and meet EPA standards. Door perimeter shall receive mechanically locked 6063-T5 extruded aluminum alloy beveled edge to protect flush door edges and permit field replacement. Only nonferrous, non -rusting members shall be acceptable, including tie rods, screws, and reinforcement plates. All doors shall have replaceable weather stripping. All components and agents to meet EPA standards Aluminum door frames shall consist of an extruded 6063-T5 aluminum alloy tubular or channel with minimum wall thickness of 0.125 -inch (3.18 mm). Corners shall be cut square and joinery shall be mechanical with no exposed fasteners. Hinge and strike mounting plates shall be constructed of extruded aluminum alloy bar stock, 0.1875 -inch (4.75 mm) thick mounted in a concealed integral channel with no exposed fasteners. The manufacturer shall provide all necessary anchors and other hardware necessary to install frame within wall penetration. Accessories All fasteners shall be aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless steel, or other material warranted by manufacturer as non -corrosive and compatible with aluminum components. Do not use exposed fasteners. Manufacturer shall use high-strength aluminum units for brackets and reinforcements where feasible, otherwise, nonferrous stainless steel. Bituminous coatings shall be cold -applied asphaltic mastic, compounded for 30 Mil (0.76 mm) thickness per coat. J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Finishes Fall 2023 Division 8 Prime doors and frame with clear anodic coating; AA-M12C22A31 Class II mechanical finish, non -specular, with chemical medium -matte etch, minimum thickness 0.4 Mil (0.01 mm). Doors shall be finished per Division 9. Owner shall select color. 8.30 SPECIALTY DOORS [c,�r urs JU vv] 8.31 Access Doors and Panels [CSI 08 3100 8.31.20 Vault Hatches [CSI 08 3120] Part 1— General Summary Access hatches shall be of the dimensions and type shown on the project Plans. Related Sections 1.52.20 Locks and Keys Performance Requirements Access doors located in roadway or within wheel paths of driveways shall be rated for H-20 Continuous and Deliberate Traffic. Access openings shall not have any obstructions such as intermediate hatch support beams. Submittals Provide manufacturer's statement of load rating. For aluminum frames to be cast in concrete, provide submittal for frame coating. Locate gutter drain outlet location and routing of drain line to its intended location. Finishes Aluminum hatch frames shall be protectively coated prior to casting in concrete to prevent the accelerated corrosion that occurs when aluminum is in contact with concrete. Warranty Manufacturer shall guarantee against defects in material or workmanship for a period of five years. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Hatches shall be equal to Bilco. FIR J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Components Fall 2023 Division 8 Access hatches shall have aluminum diamond plate door leaf (or leaves), stainless steel spring lift, neoprene weather seal, stainless steel hardware, self -latching stainless-steel slam lock, and recessed padlock hasp with cover. An unkeyed internal lever shall open the latch to prevent accidental entrapment. Any drainage provision provided by the hatch or frame shall be routed to the vault or building sump or drain system using Sch 40 PVC anchored to the walls and ceiling unless shown otherwise on the plans. Frame shall be channel style with a full anchor flange around the perimeter and shall allow for controlled water drainage away from the opening. Compression spring operator lift system enclosed in telescopic tubes, expansion spring, or torsion springs shall be provided for smooth, easy and controlled door operation throughout the entire arc of opening and closing. Operation shall not be affected by temperature. The door shall automatically lock in the vertical position by means of a heavy steel hold -open arm with release handle. Access hatches in areas that receive regular vehicle traffic shall be provided with welded clips and hold down bolts to secure the hatch to the frame. Part 3 — Execution Installation Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Hatch gutter drain shall be connected to 2.5 -inch or larger Schedule 40 PVC pipe and routed to daylight or storm drain unless shown otherwise on the plans. Field Quality Control Frame shall be installed square and true without binding of door throughout the full arc of travel. Mis-operation of door shall be corrected by the Contractor. 8.31.22 Reservoir Roof Hatch /CSI 08 3122 or 07 72 33] Part 1— General Related Sections 1.52.20 Locks and Keys Submittals Submit grease certification for potable water contact, if applicable. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Roof Hatch as manufactured by Bilco, Nystrom, or approved equal. J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Components Fall 2023 Division 8 Reservoir roof hatch shall have an overlapping cover to prevent entry of wind -driven rain. Hatch, curb, and frame shall be of one material, either aluminum, stainless, or galvanized steel. Any drainage provision provided by the hatch or frame shall be routed to the exterior or drain system unless shown otherwise on the Plans. Hatch shall include spring assist opening and rubber gasket suitable for contact with domestic water. All hardware shall be stainless steel or aluminum. Provide a hold -open arm for hatches that do not open 180 degrees. Provide locking latch handle. Include integral padlock hasp. An internal lever shall open the latch to prevent accidental entrapment. Distance from top of curb to hatch top shall be no less than 4 inches. Size of hatch shall be as shown on the plans, but in no event shall be smaller than 24 inches by 24 inches. If the hatch includes grease -filled spring cylinders, the grease must be rated for contact with potable water. Acceptable standards are NSF 61, FDA H1, FDA H3, or NSF 116. 8.70 HARDWARE [CSI urs iv vv1 8.71 Door Hardware [CSI 08 it vt, 8.71.05 Common Work for Door Hardware [CSI 08 71 tl-?1 Part 1— General Summary This specification covers door hardware for interior and exterior doors. The Contractor shall provide all hardware necessary to install doors in a secure, weather -tight manner. Unless otherwise specified, all door hardware shall be according to this section. Related Sections 1.52.20 Locks and Keys Submittals Door hardware submittal information shall indicate that hardware is suitable for fire- and sound -rated applications, where applicable. Performance Requirements All door hardware shall be selected to meet local building and fire codes. 1:11:? J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.d— 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 8 Part 2 — Products Components Key cylinders shall utilize the Owner's standard core and key. The key cylinder shall fit all exterior locking hardware. A vandal -resistant cover plate shall be provided at exterior surface of doors to prevent exterior access to deadbolts or slam latches at gap between door and frame. All exterior, and fire- and sound- rated doors and frames shall have perimeter gasketing. Weather stripping shall consist of a vinyl, neoprene, or sponge neoprene strip mounted on an aluminum or stainless steel bracket which is fastened to the door or frame. Gasketing shall be Pemko or equal. 8.71.20 Hardware for Man -Doors [csl 0,5 /t 20] The Owner uses a PDK.IO system for door security and requires compatible electronic door hardware. Part 2 — Products Accessories Dead Bolt: Doors with dead bolt locks shall use a 1 -inch bolt throw, with concealed mounting screws, and a satin chrome finish. The dead bolt shall be thrown or retracted by a key on the outside and by a thumb knob on the inside. The dead bolt shall be equal to Schlage. Interior Door Locksets Passage Latch: Interior doors shall have a passage latch, unless otherwise noted (ANSI F75). Office/Privacy Lock Interior room doors shall have an office/entrance lock (ANSI F82). Interior turn handle shall have brushed stainless steel finish, or equal. Interior turn handle shall be ANSI A156.2 Series 4000 Grade 1, Schlage or equal. Exterior Door Lockset Exit Device (Emergency Exit): Exit devices shall be provided for exterior doors at fire -rated doors, emergency exits, chemical/hazard rooms, and elsewhere as shown in the Door Schedule on the Plans. Unless otherwise noted, exit devices shall only be provided on the active door of a double door. Exit devices shall be Dorma 9500 series mortise lock style with 3 -inch wide by 16 -inch high raised plate and rectangular pull with thumbpiece and cylinder hole, or equal. Panic exit hardware shall have a stainless steel satin finish and shall be equal to Yale 7130 with Yale 8700 Series Mortise Lock and be compatible with an PDK.IO security system. • Key cylinders shall be interchangeable and compatible with the Owner's preferred cylinder. 8-9 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 8 • Exterior doorknobs shall have brushed stainless steel finish, or equal. • Exterior doorknobs shall be ANSI A156.13 Series 1000 Grade 1, Schlage or equal. Closers: Door closers shall be provided for exterior doors, fire -rated doors, restroom, and locker room doors, and elsewhere as shown in the Door Schedule on the Plans. Door closers shall be surface mounted, parallel -arm type with an aluminum or stainless steel finish. Door closers shall be Donna 8600 or equal. Closer shall be UL -listed for fire door rating. Push/Pull Plates: The inactive door on a double door shall be equipped with push/pull hardware. The pull hardware shall be the rectangular pull style mounted on a 3 -inch -wide by 16 -inch -high plate. The push plate shall be 3 -inches wide by 16 -inches high. Push/pull hardware shall be fabricated from stainless steel. Doors with push/pull hardware shall be equipped with closer. Door Hinges: Door hinges shall be fabricated using polished and stainless steel and shall be equipped with permanently lubricated ball bearings. Hinges shall provide 180 -degree rotation of the door. Hinges which are exposed at building exterior shall be equipped with tamper -proof pins that cannot be removed. Hinges exposed at the interior of the building shall be removable. Hinges on exterior doors and the active side of an exterior double door will be electric hinges equal to ElectoLynx Hinge and shall be compatible with a PDK.IO security system. Thresholds: All interior and exterior doors shall have an extruded aluminum threshold. Thresholds shall be Pemko or equal. Door Bottoms: All sound rated doors shall have a non -handed full -mortise automatic door bottom with neoprene seal that is fire and sound rated. Automatic door bottom shall be Pemko 434ANBL or equal. All exterior and fire rated doors shall have vinyl or neoprene door -shoe or door -bottom sweep, Pemko or equal. Astragals: Provide flush extension bolts at the top and bottom of inactive double doors. Equip inactive doors with an overlapping astragal constructed of similar material to door. Astragals shall be Pemko or equal. Door Stops: All doors shall have a doorstop and holder fabricated from aluminum or stainless steel. Strike shall be wall- or floor -mounted and provide automatic doorstop and hold with quick release. Doorstop for interior doors shall be a wall -mounted concave rubber bumper with a stainless steel or aluminum mounting plate. Coordinator: All double doors shall have a coordinator to restrict the closing of one door before the other so that they close and lock properly. If not shown on the plans, Owner shall select which double door will be the primary and secondary door during the submittal stage of the project. Rain Drip: All exterior doors shall be equipped with an aluminum door -top rain -drip weather strip, mounted to the top edge of the door frame to prevent water intrusion. Rain drips shall be Pemko or equal. Finishes All hardware shall have the same finish and shall be satin nickel. rM J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 8.90 LOUVERS AND VENTS [CSI 08 90 001 8.90.05 Common Work for Louvers and Vents [CSI 08 90 051 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 17.08 - HVAC Functional Control System Description Ventilator shall be provided with explosion proof motors if noted in the Plans. Design and Performance Requirements Fall 2023 Division 8 See Louver and Damper Schedule on Plans and Functional Control description for design and performance requirements. Submittals Submit detailed product information including specifications, sizing information, dimensional drawings, coating systems, and available colors, and other information relevant to this project. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The following manufacturers are considered to be acceptable "or equals" unless otherwise noted on the Plans or elsewhere herein. • Pottorff • Cesco • Louvers & Dampers, Inc. Accessories Provide all accessories needed for a complete installation including wall and roof thimbles, backguards, and mounting sleeves. Components A filter frame and an insect screen shall be provided on the interior side of all intake louvers. The filter frame shall allow for easy installation and removal of standard size filters. Provide one set of filters. A rodent/bird mesh shall be provided on the exterior side of all louvers. Mesh shall not impede rotation of dampers, if any. Mesh shall be factory coated to match louver/damper color. The screen shall be corrosion resistant with maximum '/4 -inch openings. 8-11 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.d— 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Finishes Fall 2023 Division 8 All louvers shall be coated with factory Kynar, or powder coat finish, color to match exterior color scheme. In chemical rooms or other corrosive environments, all materials in contact with room air shall be fully resistant to attack from the interior environment. Part 3 — Execution Install per manufacturer's recommendations. Louver assembly shall be set flush with the wall exterior Operate all moving parts prior to installation. Any non-functional or binding parts shall be repaired or replaced prior to installation. Install so that blade linkages are accessible after installation to permit service and lubrication without requiring removal of wallboard or other structures. 8.91 Louvers [CSI 08 9100] 8.91.19 Fixed Louver [CSI 08 91191 Part 1— General Provide fixed louver(s) as shown on the Plans. Part 2 — Products Components Louver shall include channel frame mounted to the inside face of the wall. Height and width of louver and damper shall be as shown on the Plans. Depth of louver, filter, and screen assembly shall be set flush with the wall exterior and any intrusion into the interior wall supported by the frame. reM J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\8 Openings.docs 11/10/23 3:22 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 9 Finishes 9.00 GENERAL This division covers work necessary for providing all materials, equipment, and labor to coat all items in accordance with these specifications. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Vork for..."apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 9.20 PLASTER AND GYPSUM BOARD [CSI 09 20 06 9.21.23 Gypsum Board for Low Occupancy Areas [CSI 09 21 ,��l Part 1— General Summary This section covers work within infrequently occupied facilities, process, or industrial buildings. This section includes the following areas: 1. Electrical Room Related Sections • Division Interior Painting— Gypsum Wallboard Part 2 — Products Components Gypsum board shall be selected based on the installed application (see below) and as recommended by the Gypsum Association GA -223-96. Gypsum board shall be 5/S -inch thick, unless otherwise noted. Type Application ASTM Regular Interior Walls and Ceilings C1396 Type Xor C Fire -Rated Construction C1396 Soffit Board Exterior Soffits and Ceilings C931 Water -Resistant Gypsum Backing Board Tile Base C630 Joint treatment: U.S. Gypsum Company Perm -a -Tape or equivalent. Protect exposed corners with U.S. Gypsum Company Perm -a -Tape or equivalent moldings embedded in joint compound per manufacturer's recommendations. Finishes Finish -sand all areas to smooth, even surfaces suitable for paintings. 9-1 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 Part 3 — Execution Installation Provide and install all necessary components, including furring, as necessary to install gypsum board in accordance with local building code and Gypsum Associations standards (GA -216 and GA -600). Install gypsum board as needed to maintain fire and sound transmission rating. Apply square edge with the long dimension parallel with supports. Abut sides and edges to vertical framing members, top and bottom plates, or headers. Attach using nails spaced at 8 inches O.C. at all edges, and 8 inches O.C. on intermediate support. 9.90 PAINTING AND COATING [CSI 09 90 001 9.90.05 Common Work for Painting and Coating [CST 09 90 051 Part 1— General Scope The work specified in this Section covers the furnishing and installation of protective coating, complete in place. Shop coating and/or factory applied finishes on manufactured or fabricated items may be specified elsewhere. Regardless of the number of coats previously applied, at least two coats of paint shall be applied in the field to all coated surfaces unless otherwise specified herein. Submittals Before beginning any painting or coating, submit a list of coatings and manufacturers for review by the Owner. Include the application each coating is intended for, any surface preparation, number of coats, method of application, and coating thickness. Provide color choices with physical cards prepared by the coating manufacturer. Electronic (PDF, jpg, etc.) charts, and charts made from office printers or copiers are not acceptable. If the Owner elects to make preliminary selection from an electronic or printed chart, the Contractor must provide physical samples of the colors selected for the Owner's approval. Provide Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all materials including solvents. Provide NSF certification for finishes in potential contact with potable water. Submit this information according to the requirements regarding shop drawings included herein. Provide a schedule of coating operations and inspection timing. Coating inspections will be scheduled based upon Contractor -provided schedule, update schedule weekly or as necessary. Provide manufacturer's approval of coating system applicator. If submitted products are manufactured by a company other than the specified reference standard, provide complete comparison to specified projects including application procedures, coverage rates, and verification that product is appropriate for intended use. Provide 9-2 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 information that demonstrates the submitted products are equal to the performance standards of products manufactured by Tnemec Corporation, which is the reference standard. Performance Requirements All finishes potentially in contact with potable water shall be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) 61 or 600 certified for contact with potable water. Certification from the NSF or UL shall be supplied in writing at the time of the submittal process for Finishes. Verify the submitted coatings' current NSF requirements, restrictions, and applicability to the coated items. Verify finishes used on the project are compliant with primary and secondary standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Any violation shall be remedied at the Contractor's expense. The completed coating shall produce a minimum dry film thickness in accordance with the specifications as determined by the microtest thickness gauge or comparable instrument. In areas where this thickness is not developed, sufficient additional coats shall be applied to produce it. Quality Assurance The Contractor is responsible for compatibility of all shop and field applied paint products including the use of primer, intermediate, and top coats by different manufacturers if applicable. For any Contractor initiated substitutions, the Contractor shall verify complete compatibility between coatings provided for the project. If coatings are not compatible per manufacturer's review it is the Contractor's responsibility to remove incompatible coatings fully and replace with compatible coating systems. Paint used in the first field coat over shop painted or previously painted surfaces shall cause no wrinkling, lifting, or other damage to the underlying paint. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining written documentation from equipment/material manufacturers regarding the date at which shop prime coatings are applied and shall strictly adhere to the coating manufacturer's recommendations for recoat time intervals. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner such documentation upon request. Storage and Handling Bring all materials to the job site in the original sealed and labeled containers of the paint manufacturer. Materials are subject to inspection by the Owner. Store paint supplies as recommended by the manufacturer and as approved by the Owner. Waste Products Collect, contain, transport, and dispose all waste products generated for this project. Cleaning and disposal shall comply with all federal, state, and local pollution control laws. Provide acceptable containers for collection and disposal of waste materials, debris, and rubbish. Cleaning and disposal shall comply with all federal, state, and local pollution control laws. Provide appropriate containers for collection and disposal of waste, debris, and rubbish. 9-3 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The following coating system manufacturers are approved subject to compliance with the Specifications contained herein: 1. Tnemec Company 2. Sherwin Williams The specified coating establishes the type and quality of the coating desired. Other manufacturers' products will be accepted provided sufficient information is submitted to allow the Owner to determine that the coatings proposed are equivalent to those named. Proposed coating shall be submitted for review in accordance with Division 1. Requests for review of equivalency will not be accepted from anyone except the Contractor. Substitutions of the coatings of other manufacturers will be considered only if equivalent systems of coatings can be provided and only if a record of satisfactory experience with the system in equivalent applications is available. Offers for substitutions will not be considered which decrease film thickness, solids by volume or the number of coats to be applied, or which propose a change from the generic type of coating specified herein. All substitutions shall include complete test reports to prove compliance with specified performance criteria. Part 3 — Execution Preparation Take any measures necessary to prevent over -spray of structures and/or components in the field from both preparation and coating work. Should over -spray occur, the Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with any damage resulting from over -spray. Installers Contractor is responsible for quality assurance including the retention of a coating applicator with experience necessary to complete the work as specified. Applicator's personnel shall be adequately trained for application of specified coatings. Applicator must prove adequate experience with the coatings specified for this project. At the discretion of the Owner, the applicator must be approved to complete the coatings portion of the work. If the following requirements cannot be met, the applicator will not be approved on the project. Coatings applicator and personnel shall be in the business of applying protective coatings for a minimum of three (3) years. 2. Coatings applicator must provide a minimum of three (3) case histories of similar projects that have been applied within the past five (5) years. Provide current contact information of past projects for confirmation of successful installations. a. Project name and location. b. Name and phone number of owner. c. Name and phone number of Contractor. 9-4 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 d. Name and phone number of engineer. e. Name and phone number of coating manufacturer. f. Approximate area of coatings applied. g. Date of completion. 3. Coatings Manufacturer must provide a letter of "Approval" the coatings applicator is "Approved" to apply the coatings called out within the specification. Examination The Owner shall inspect and approve all surface preparations prior to application of any coating. Provide 24-hour notice prior to surface inspection needs. Preparation Prepare surfaces in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the coating to be applied to the surface, or the surface preparation requirements of these specifications, whichever are stricter. In general, all surface preparation shall meet Structural Steel Painting Council (SSPC) Surfacing Preparation (SP) guidelines, the National Association of Pipe Fitters (MAPF), American Water Works Association (AWWA) and/or the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (MACE) as noted herein unless more strictly described by coating manufacturer. Apply coatings only during weather meeting the coating manufacturer's recommendations. Air and surface temperatures, humidity, and all other environmental conditions shall be within limits prescribed by the manufacturer for the coating being applied, and work areas shall be reasonably free of airborne dust at the time of application and while coating is drying. Materials shall be mixed, thinned, and applied according to the manufacturer's printed instructions. Dry Film Thickness (DFT) shall be as stated herein or applied based on coverage rates of square feet per gallon (sq. ft./gal). Installation/ Construction Apply paint in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions except that coating thickness specified herein shall govern. Finished coating on all items shall be clean, undamaged, and of uniform thickness and color. Coat in a manner satisfactory to the Owner. The DFT listed in these specifications must be met, regardless of the applied film thickness or number of coats. Observe all safety precautions stated in the manufacturer's printed instructions. Provide adequate ventilation and lighting at all times. The manufacturer's recommended drying time shall be construed to mean "under normal conditions". Where conditions are other than normal because of weather, confined spaces, or other reason, longer drying times may be necessary. The manufacturer's recommendation for recoating time intervals shall be strictly adhered to. Pipe being coated shall be emptied of water for a minimum of 24 hours prior to surface preparation and painting. Pipe shall not be filled with water until coating is dry. If, in the Owner's opinion it is not practical to drain the pipe, the water must stand for at least 48 hours 9-5 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 to reach ambient temperature prior to coating the pipe. Do not allow water to flow for at least 24 hours after each coat. Field Quality Control The prime Contractor shall be completely responsible for coating quality. The Contractor shall provide both wet and dry film gauges and make such available to the Owner when requested. If coating inspector finds anomalies and/or defects requiring further testing or blasting and recoating, a meeting shall be held by all involved parties (coatings manufacturer representative, coating applicator, and primary coating inspector) to come to a complete resolution as to the cause of the defect. All such remedies to repair defects shall be paid for by the Contractor. If prime Contractor does not agree with coating inspector's recommendations (i.e. there is no defect) they may hire a second coating inspector at Contractor's expense to review the work. If second coating inspector agrees with first, the decision is final. If there is disagreement, a third coating inspector shall be hired and paid for at split 50 percent cost between prime Contractor and owner and that decision shall be final and all such remedies to defects shall be paid for by the Contractor. Acceptance of the completed coatings shall be based on the proper application and proper preparation of the coated surfaces, and a finished product that meets minimum thickness and does not contain runs, drips, surface irregularities, overspray, color variations, scratches, pinholes, holidays, and other surface signs that detract from the overall performance and/or appearance of the finished project. If, in the Owner's sole opinion, the finished color of exterior coatings does not match that of the submitted and approved colors, the Contractor will recoat as necessary to achieve the approved color at no additional cost to the Owner. Contractor's Record The Contractor shall maintain daily records showing: 1. Start date of work in each area. 2. Date of application for each following coat. 3. Moisture content and surface temperature of substrate; weather conditions including ambient air temperature and dew point. 4. Provision utilized to maintain temperature and humidity of work area within coating manufacturer's recommended ranges. Inspection For metals exposed to exterior atmospheric conditions, first coat of paint or primer must be placed within four hours of passing inspection. Bare steel must be reblasted and reinspected if not successfully coated within this four-hour time frame, at the Contractor's expense. Use the Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Painting Steel Surfaces (VIS -1) by the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) as a visual standard for inspection of surface preparation of metal surfaces. Test -Tex Tape may also be used to verify surface profile. Inspect each coat prior to application of the next coat. Areas found to contain runs, overspray, roughness, streaks, laps, sags, or other signs of improper application shall be repaired or Rao J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 recoated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Finish coats shall be uniform in color and sheen. Surface preparations and coatings not inspected and approved by the Owner will be uncovered for inspection and approval at no additional cost to the Owner. Contractor shall inspect the completed and cured coating on metal surfaces in the presence of the Owner for pinholes and holidays with a Tinker and Rasor or other low voltage (under 100 volts) holiday detector. Repair or recoat areas found to contain pinholes in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Provide 72 -hour notice to Owner prior to performing test. For special coatings the installed lining system shall be checked by high voltage spark detection in accordance with NACE RP0188-90 to verify a pinhole -free surface. NACE/AMPP Certified Inspector A NACE/AMPP Certified Inspector paid for by the Contractor shall inspect all shop/factory coatings related to: • Steel pipe • Steel Reservoir Panels A NACE/AMPP Certified Inspector paid for by the Owner shall inspect all field coatings related to: • Steel pipe • Steel Reservoir Interior • Steel Reservoir Exterior Provide 14 calendar day notice to the Owner to schedule the inspection. Initial inspection shall result in a written report. If defects are found not matching the specifications below for surface preparation, curing or coating type/thickness, remedies shall be completed by the Contractor at their expense. After remedies are complete and approved by the NACE Certified Inspector, shop coated items may be installed at the job site. If defects are found after the second inspection (initial and first defect remedy) for the same components by the NACE Inspector, subsequent NACE Inspector inspections shall be paid for by the Contractor. Contractor supplied NACE certified inspector shall be qualified for the coating work involved with this project and independent to the general contractor and coating subcontractor. Contractor shall submit credentials for approval by the Owner. Inspection report shall be approved for each coated component before shop/factory coated parts are shipped to the job site. Field coatings shall be approved prior to demobilization of coating applicator and coating equipment. Any defects found by the NACE certified inspector shall be addressed by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. Repair/Restoration The Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with any damage that occurs as a result of over -spray. Scratched, chipped, or otherwise damaged coatings, including factory coatings, shall be repaired before final acceptance will be given. RNA J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Cleaning Fall 2023 Division 9 If any cleaning of equipment at the site is performed with solvents, such work shall be done over leak -proof linings. Preparation or coating materials may not be disposed of onsite. 9.90.13 Unpainted Items [CSI 09 90 13] Part 1— General Summary Do not coat the following items unless specifically directed otherwise in these specifications or on the Plans. • Aluminum, plastic, or stainless-steel items. (This does not apply to stainless steel inside the reservoir, which must be coated.) • Brass and copper pipe, valves, and fittings for plumbing fixtures. • Nameplates, labels, or identification tags. • Sensors, switches, transmitters. • Pipe joint bolts, shackles, washers, and nuts. Field painting is not required for equipment listed below if they come with a factory finish epoxy, polyurethane, or powder coat. Items supplied with only a factory prime coat must be field coated. • Control valve pilot systems • Sensor piping systems • Valves • Flow meters • Electrical panels - System 1: Metals — Exterior and Wet Conditions including Doors, Windows, and Frames [CSI 09 9113131 Part 2 — Products 1. Tnemec a. Prime Coat: Series 27 Fast Cure Epoxy (3 to 5 Mil DFT) b. Finish Coat: Series 1095 EnduraShield (3 to 5 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams For products that are supplied in bare (unprimed) metal: PAZ J:AData\YFUd\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 9 a. Primer: Corothane 1 Galvapac Zinc Primer B65G11 (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT) b. Finish Coat: Acrolon 218HS B65-650 Series (3 to 5 Mil DFT) For products that are supplied with a shop prime coat: a. Primer: Shop b. Intermediate: Macropoxy 646FC B58-600 Series (5 to 8 Mil DFT) c. Finish Coat: Acrolon 218HS B65-650 Series (3 to 5 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation 1. Clean, dry, and free of all dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants. 2. For new work: SSPC-SP1 solvent cleaned. 3. For coating over existing painted surfaces: Remove all loose and damaged coatings. Prepare with SSPC-SP2 hand tool or SP3 power tool cleaning. 4. All hollow metal doors, windows, and frames shall be bonderized, pickled, or phosphatized, which will serve as a primer for and shall be compatible with the finish coat to be applied in the field — System 2 - Powder Coating for Steel and Aluminum Handrail and Other Architectural Features [CSI 09 9113 14] Part 1— General Performance Requirements The powder -coat shall have the following properties: 1. Adhesion: No less than 100 percent (cross hatch/tape adhesion test per ASTM D3359-97). 2. Color/Gloss Change: None below 80 percent over -bake (test per ASTM D2454-79). 3. Hardness: No less than 1H minimum (pencil hardness test per ASTM D3363-00). 4. Resistance to Impact: No less than 160 -inch lb. direct and inverted. (ASTM D2794) 5. Resistance to Bending: No visible cracking (1/4 -inch bending test per ASTM 522). 6. Resistance to Salt Spray: No more than'/8-inch scribe creep in 1000+ hours (salt spray test per ASTM 13117-73). 7. Resistance to Humidity: No visible red rust under 1,000+ hours (humidity test per ASTM D2247-68). 8. Degree of Gloss: No less than 60 percent (specular gloss test per ASTM D523-80). J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Part 2 — Products Fall 2023 Division 9 1. Polyester System a. Primer: 3M Scotchkote fusion bonded epoxy (2 to 4 Mil DFT) b. Finish Coat: Valmont polyester powder coating with UV stabilizers (2 to 4 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams Powder Coat System a. Primer: Powdura Gray Epoxy Primer (1.8 to 3 Mil DFT) b. Finish Coat: Powdura TGIC Powder Coating (2 to 3 Mil DM Part 3 — Execution Construction Cure in an oven at temperatures required by the powder coating manufacturer. Preparation Sandblast all parts and treat with iron phosphate and seal with non -chromic process. Field Quality Control Finished coating shall be smooth to the touch with no visible lumps, bumps, or cracks. - System 5: Metals - Metal in Contact with Concrete, Masonry or Dissimilar Metals. [CSI 09 9113191 Part 1— General This section applies to all non -submerged metal surfaces including aluminum, hot -dipped galvanized steel, or other metals, which are conducive to corrosion due to interaction of dissimilar metals or to chemical reaction due to embedment in concrete or masonry grout, and that are not covered as part of another coating system. Part 2 — Products 1. Tnemec a. First Coat: Series N69 Hi -Build Epoxoline II (4 to 6 Mils DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. First Coat: 646 FC B58-600 Macropoxy (4 to 6 Mils DFT) 3. AkzoNobel Devoe a. First Coat: Devran 201 Universal Epoxy (4 to 6 Mils DVT) 9-10 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation 1. SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning 2. Lightly sand to degloss and provide a surface profile. - System 6: Ferrous Metal Pipe and Supports including Steel, Cast Iron, and Ductile Iron (Exposed Indoors and Outdoors). [CSI 09 9113 20J Part 1— General This Section applies to all ductile/cast iron and ferrous metals, including bituminous coated pipe and materials unless specified otherwise. Do not coat stainless steel materials unless specified otherwise (this does not apply to stainless steel inside the reservoir, which must be coated.) This Section applies to all pipe materials and equipment, including manufacturer applied coating systems. For the purposes of this coating system, metals which are located below the top of the exterior wall within a water bearing structure or are located within a vault or manhole shall be considered as under immersion service conditions. Part 2 — Products 1. Tnemec a. Primer: Series 1 Omnithane (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT). b. Intermediate Coat: Series N69 Hi -Build Epoxoline II (6 to 8 Mil DFT) c. Finish Coat: Series 73 or 1095 Endura -Shield (3 to 5 Mil DVT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. Primer: Corothane 1 Mio-Zinc Primer (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DVT) b. Intermediate: Macropoxy 646FC B58-600 Series (6 to 8 Mil DFT) c. Finish: i. Indoors: Macropoxy 646FC B58-600 Series (6 to 8 Mil DFT) ii. Outdoors: Acrolon Ultra B65-830 Series (2 to 3 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Preparation 1. To prevent surface condensation, whenever possible the pipe should be empty and allowed to reach ambient temperature before coating. If condensation is present, dry thoroughly prior to coating. 2. Ferrous Metals a. SSPC-SP10 Near white blast cleaning 9-11 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 3. Ductile and Cast -Iron Materials Fall 2023 Division 9 a. It is strongly recommended that ductile iron and cast-iron pipe or materials to be field coated should be purchased factory primed without the standard asphalt coating. Field removal of asphalt coatings is extremely difficult and overly aggressive preparation can create a damaged surface unsuitable for coating. b. Remove all oils, grease, and other contaminants using solvent cleaning prior to abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning. Blemishes or staining on the prepared surface are acceptable if such items cannot be removed by light scraping with a knife. SSPC-SP10 blue -gray with surface profile of 2.0 Mil, minimum. Do not burnish the surface. Clean all surfaces of dust and loose residue immediately prior to coating. See NAPF 500-03-04/05. 4. Prepare and coat all exposed bolt heads, threads, washers, nuts, and tie rods with the same system as the pipe. System 8: Galvanized Metal Surface Repair [CSI 09 9123147 Part 1— General This Section applies to all galvanized surfaces which have received minor damage to the galvanized surface during construction and which require repair. Part 2 — Products 1. Tnemec a. First Coat: Series 90-97 Tneme-Zinc (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DVT) 2. Sherwin-Williams a. First Coat: Corothane 1 Galvapac B65G11 (2.5 to 3.5 Mil) Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation 1. SSPC-SP3 Power tool cleaning — System 9: Galvanized Iron and Non -Ferrous Metal (non -immersion) [CSI 09 912315] Part 1— General This section applies to galvanized iron or galvanized steel components as well as some non- ferrous metals. 9-12 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 Part 2 — Products Materials 1. Tnemec a. Two coats Series 30 Spra-Saf or 1029 Enduratone (2 to 4 Mil DFT each coat) 2. Sherwin Williams a. Two coats Spraylastic B42 Series (2 to 4 Mil DFT each coat) Part 3 — Execution Preparation Surface SSPC SP1 solvent clean. - System 11: Gypsum Wallboard — Interior, Painted [CSI 09 9123 17] Part 1— General 1. Gypsum wallboard ceilings, walls, and other similar surfaces located in a conditioned environment (i.e. building). Part 2 — Products 1. Tnemec a. Prime Coat: Series 151-1051 Elasto-Grip (180 to 400 square feet per gallon) b. Finish Coat: Series 113 Hi -Build Tneme-Tufcoat (4 to 6 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. Primer: PrepRite ProBlock Int/Ext Latex Primer Sealer B51 Series (180 — 200 square feet per gallon) b. Finish Coat: Pro -Industrial Water Based Catalyzed Epoxy B73 Series (4 to 6 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation Surface clean, dry and free of contaminates. - System 13: Wood — Interior, Painted [CSI 09 9123 19] Part 1— General Interior painted wood surfaces, including, but not limited to trim and other similar surfaces. Part 2 — Products 1. Tnemec 9-13 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 9 a. Primer: Series 115 Uni-Bond or 151-1051 Elasto-Grip (1.0 to 1.5 Mil DFT) b. Intermediate Coat: Series 1029 EnduraTone (2 to 4 Mil DFT) c. Finish Coat: Series 1029 EnduraTone (2 to 4 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. Primer: PrepRite ProBlock Int/Ext Latex Primer Sealer B51 Series (1.0 to 1.5 Mil DF -1) b. Intermediate Coat: Sher-Cryl HPA B66-350 Series (2 to 4 Mil DFT) c. Finish Coat: Sher-Cryl HPA B66-350 Series (2 to 4 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation Surface clean, dry and free of contaminates. 9.91.33 Submerged and Buried Metals Painting [CSI 09 9133 " 09 97 00] - System 14: Metals in Contact with Drinking Water (Steel pipe, and Stainless Steel pipe) [CSI 09 9133 13V Part 1— General Summary This section applies to metals in contact with potable drinking water. References Coatings shall be NSF 61/600 approved for use in direct contact with potable drinking water. The NSF approval shall be appropriate for the application at the time of submittal. Contractor is responsible for verifying the current NSF requirements and restrictions of submitted coating. Part 2 — Products Materials 1. Tnemec a. Valves >_ 11/2 -inch diameter; Pipe >_ 6 -inch diameter; Tanks >_ 25 gallons. i. Primer: None ii. Finish Coat: Series FC22 Epoxoline (16 to 20 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams (Pipes >_6 -inch diameter; Tanks >_100 gallons) a. Primer: None 9-14 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 b. Finish Coat: Sherplate PW (16 to 20 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation Ferrous Metal — SSPC SP1 followed by SP10 Near White Blast. Surface profile shall be 2.0 Mil, minimum. - System 15: Stainless Steel in Contact with Drinking Water (Welded or bolted to steel tank) [CSI 09 913314 &r 09 9713.241 Part 1— General This section applies to all stainless steel in contact with potable drinking water. Coatings shall be NSF approved for use in direct contact with potable drinking water. Part 2 — Products Materials 1. Tnemec a. Valves >— 11/2 -inch diameter; Pipe >— 6 -inch diameter; Tanks >— 25 gallons. i. Primer: None ii. Finish Coat: Series FC22 Epoxoline (16 to 20 Mil DFT) b. Fittings, Valves & Pumps >— 1/2 -inch diameter; Pipe >— 10 -inch diameter; Tanks >- 50 gallons. i. Primer: None ii. Finish Coat: Series 22 or FC22 Epoxoline (either one coat at 16 to 20 Mil DFT or two coats at 12 to 16 Mil DFT each coat) c. Fittings, Valves & Pumps >-4-inch diameter; Pipe >-18-inch diameter; Tanks >- 1,000 gallons. i. Primer: Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus or Series 141 Potapox 80 (6 to 8 Mil DFT) ii. Finish Coat: Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus or Series 141 Potapox 80 (6 to 8 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams (Pipes >>-6-inch diameter; Tanks >-100 gallons) a. Primer: None b. Finish Coat: Sherplate PW (16 to 20 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Preparation Scarify 100 percent of surface to provide a profile of 1.0-3.0 Mil. 9-15 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 9.97.23 Concrete and Masonry Coatings [CSI 09 97231 Part 1— General Scheduling Most coatings on concrete will require a 28 -day concrete curing period prior to coating. Schedule the work accordingly. No additional monetary or time compensation will be given for failure to plan for the required curing duration. — System 25: Concrete Vault Exterior — Bottom and Walls [CSI 09 97 23 20 or 0714161 Part 2 — Products Materials 1. Tnemec a. One coat: Series 46H-413 Hi -Build Tneme-Tar. (16 to 20 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. One coat: Hi -Mil Sher -Tar Epoxy. (16 to 20 Mil DF -1) 3. International Paint a. DevTar 5A High Solids Coal Tar Replacement Epoxy Coating. (16 to 20 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Preparation Allow 28 -days cure time for concrete, or until passing the ASTM D 4263 Plastic Mat Test. Surface shall be clean, dry, and free of contaminants. - System 26: Concrete and CMU Wall — Interior, Non -Immersion, Mild Condition [CSI 09 9723191 Part 1— General Summary Interior surface of concrete and CMU walls in a conditioned environment (i.e. building). Part 2 — Products Materials Concrete Masonry Unit (CML)) Walls 9-16 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 1. Tnemec a. Prime Coat: Series 1254 Epoxoblock (24 to 26 Mil DFT) Apply as needed to provide a smooth, continuous, pinhole -free, void -free film. b. Finish Coat: Series 280 Hi -Build Tneme-Glaze (8 to 12 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. Primer: Cement-Plex 875 (60-80 square feet per gallon) Apply as needed to provide a smooth, continuous, pinhole -free, void -free film. b. Finish Coat: Macropoxy 646FC, B58-600 Series (4 to 6 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation 1. Clean, dry and free of contaminants and passing a wet mat test in accordance with ASTM D4263 Plastic Mat test. 2. Substrate shall be grouted or otherwise filled prior to painting. System 27A: Anti -Graffiti Coating and Water Repellent on CMU and Concrete Exterior [CSI 09 9723 21 or 09 96231 Part 1— General Summary Exterior surface of above grade concrete and CMU walls. This coating system is intended to function as a clear water repellent and aid in the removal of graffiti. Part 2 — Products Materials 1. Tnemec a. First and Second Coat: 626 Dur A Pell GS i. CMU: 65 to 85 sq. ft./gallon each coat ii. Concrete: 150 to 200 sq. ft./gallon each coat 2. Sherwin Williams a. Anti -Graffiti Coating 1K i. CMU: Two coats 150-200 sq.ft./gallon each (first coat 10% reduced). ii. Concrete: One coat 150-200 sq.ft./gallon. 3. RainGuard a. First Coat: Micro -Seal i. CMU 60-80 sq.ft./gallon. 9-17 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 ii. Concrete: 125-150 sq.ft./gallon. b. Second Coat: VandlGuard (200-300 sq. ft./gallon depending on substrate) Part 3 — Execution Preparation Surface must be clean, dry, and in sound condition. Remove all oil, dust, grease, dirt, loose rust, and other foreign material to ensure adequate adhesion. Refer to SSPC-SP13/NACE 6, or ICRI 03732, CSP 1-3. Concrete and mortar must be cured at least 28 days at 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius). Remove all loose mortar and foreign material. Surface must be free of laitance, concrete dust, dirt, form release agents, moisture curing membranes, loose cement and hardeners. Fill bug holes, air pockets and other voids with Cement-Plex 875 or equal. Weathered masonry and soft or porous cement board must be brush blasted or power tool cleaned to remove loosely adhering contamination and to get to a hard, firm surface. Laitance must be removed. 9.98 Steel Reservoir Coating [CSI UY Y/ 13.241 9.98.05 Common Work for Steel Reservoir Coating [CS1 UJ J/ -I J.L4] Part 1— General Submittals Provide color choices with physical cards prepared by the coating manufacturer. Electronic (PDF, jpg, etc.) charts, and charts made from office printers or copiers are not acceptable. If the Owner elects to make preliminary selection from an electronic or printed chart, the Contractor must provide physical samples of the colors selected for the Owner's approval. For exterior reservoir coatings, the Contractor must provide physical samples for the Owner's approval of the Owner's color choice(s) using the actual coatings to be applied. Samples must be no smaller than 6 -inches by 6 -inches. Design Requirements All interior coatings are to be certified for contact with potable water per NSF 61. This includes coatings above the water line. Warranty Steel Reservoir Coating System provided under this contract shall be warranted against defects in workmanship for a period of two (2) years after date of project acceptance. Coating manufacturer shall warrant coating system from the end of year two (2) to the end of year five (5). Applicator shall warrant their work in full for two (2) years starting after project acceptance. The coatings manufacturer shall warranty the coating system in full from the end of year two (2) to the end of year five (5). If defects are from application by applicator, the applicator shall 01"461 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 pay for repair costs. If defects are from defective coating product the coating supplier shall pay for repair costs. If agreement is not found, a third -party coating inspector shall review defects and determine cause. Third party inspector's decision shall be considered final. Maintenance The Applicator shall provide, at no additional cost to the Owner, an inspection of the tank within the last month of the warranty period. Any defects, which are discovered during this inspection, shall be repaired by the Applicator in a manner acceptable to the Owner and coating supplier and at no additional cost to the Owner. Part 2 — Products Mixes Materials shall be mixed, thinned, and applied according to the manufacturer's printed instructions. Part 3 — Execution Preparation Prepare surface and touch up welds, burned, and abraded areas on shop primed steel with specified primer before applying field coats. Construction Allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying next coat. Provide adequate ventilation for tank interior to carry off solvents during dry phase. Field Quality Control Following surface preparation and coating application, Contractor shall furnish services of a qualified supplier/manufacturer's representative to inspect the surface and coatings and inform Owner of any defects or concerns regarding condition of surface preparation or coating system at the job site. The Contractor shall repair any defects to the coating supplier/manufacturer's satisfaction at Contractor's expense. The finished painting system shall be free of flaking, peeling, bubbling, cracking, permanent discoloration, or other physical defect in the work for the warranty period. The Certified Paint Manufacturer's Technical Representative employed by the Paint Manufacturer shall be approved by the Owner. All test results shall be approved by the Paint Manufacturer's Representative in writing (with Copy sent to the Engineer for review) prior to shop painting and field painting. Allow a minimum of seven days at 70 degrees Fahrenheit curing or pass ASTM D 5402 test for assessing the solvent resistance of organic coatings using solvent rubs, after application of final coat to tank interior before flushing, sterilizing, or filling with water. 9-19 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 9 New Welded Steel Reservoir Interior and Steel Pipe Interior in Contact with Potable Water [CSI 09 9713.24] Part 1— General Related Sections • Division Reservoir Disinfection • Division Soak Test • Division 9.98.05 Common Work for Steel Reservoir Coatings Submittals Coating manufacturer shall submit documentation that interior coating system is certified for contact with potable water per the National Sanitation Foundation Standard No. 61. Provide written documentation of shop primer application. Coating systems shall be compatible with submittal information stating as such by the manufacturer. A single manufacturer coating system shall be supplied for interior and exterior coatings. Part 2 — Products Materials (Shop) Prime all properly prepared surfaces with one coat: 1. Tnemec a. Series 91H2O or 94H2O (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. Corothane 1 Galvapac One Pack Zinc Primer (One coat 2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT) Materials (Field) Prime all properly prepared new steel, holdbacks, welded and abraded areas of shop primed surfaces with: 1. Tnemec a. Series 91H2O or 94H2O (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. Corothane 1 Galvapac One Pack Zinc Primer B65G11 (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT). Finish coat(s) all properly prepared shop primed or field primed surfaces with: 9-20 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 1. Tnemec a. Stripe Coat: Tnemec Series 21 Epoxoline b. Primary Coat: Tnemec Series 21 Epoxoline (10 to 12 Mil DFT) Or: 2. Sherwin Williams a. Stripe Coat: Macropoxy 550OLT or SherPlate 600 b. Intermediate Coat: Macropoxy 550OLT (5 to 8 Mil DFT) c. Finish Coat: Macropoxy 550OLT (5 to 8 Mil DFT) Minimum film thickness: 12.5 Mil DFT Fall 2023 Division 9 Contractor shall apply primer, first and finish coats utilizing different colors for ease of inspection. Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation (Shop) Shop preparation: All surfaces shall be SSPC SP1 solvent cleaned followed by sandblasting in strict accordance with SSPC SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning, 2-3 Mil profile. Surface Preparation (Field) For Full Field Installation: Prepare all internal surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP1, immediately followed by abrasive blast cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning, 2-3 Mil profile. Remove all surface contaminants prior to abrasive blasting. For Shop Primed Internal Surfaces: All holdbacks, welded and abraded areas which have been prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP1, shall receive a blast cleaning in accordance with SSPC- SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning, 2-3 Mil profile. Remove all surface contaminants to areas previously shop primed. Shop applied primers shall be evaluated for recoat window criteria and prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP7 if recoat window has elapsed for application of specified subsequent coating. Construction (Shop) Hold back coatings within 2 to 4 inches of edges or ends to be welded. Feather primer and paint out as required for a smooth finished product. Construction (Field) During application of either prime or finish coats, brush all welds seams with freshly sprayed paint. Minimum total dry film thickness shall be 13 Mils. Contractor shall apply primer, first and finish coats utilizing different colors for ease of inspection. 9-21 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 New Welded Steel Reservoir Exterior [CSI 09 9713.24] Part 1— General Contractor is responsible for applying the appropriate coating system depending on weather conditions. Submit at least two options depending on field conditions at time of application. Submittals Provide written documentation of shop primer application. Performance Criteria Abrasion: • Method: Fed. Test Method Std. No. 141, Method 6192, CS -17 Wheel, 1000 -gram load. • Requirement: No more than 95 milligrams loss after 1000 cycles. Adhesion: • Method: ASTM 4541 Type V adhesion tester • Requirement: Not less than 2,000 pounds per square inch pull, average of three trials. Graffiti Resistance for External Finish Coating: • Method: The following graffiti materials applied to coating and allowed to dry for seven days: acrylic epoxy -ester and alkyd spray paints, ballpoint ink, crayon, Markett marker, black shoe polish and lipstick. Removal first attempted with xylene, if graffiti remained then Methyl Ethyl Ketone was used. • Requirements: Complete and easy removal without loss of shine. Corrosion Weathering: • Method: ASTM D5894, 6 cycles, 2016 hours • Results: Rating 10 per ASTM D610 for Rusting • Results: Rating 10 per ASTM D714 for Blistering Part 2 — Products Materials (Shop) Includes interior ladder, plate, supports, anchor chairs and bolts, exterior handrails and supports (stair and platform tread shall be hot dipped galvanized): Prime all properly prepared surfaces with one coat: 1. Tnemec Series 91H2O or 94H2O (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT) 1. Sherwin Williams Corothane 1 Galvapac One Pack Zinc Primer B65G11 (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DF -1) 9-22 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Materials (Field) Fall 2023 Division 9 For properly prepared External Surfaces: Prime all properly prepared new steel, holdbacks, welded and abraded areas of shop primed surfaces with the following series of coatings: Minimum total dry film thickness shall be 9.5 Mil. 1. Tnemec a. One coat: Tnemec Series 91H2O or 94H2O (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT) b. One coat: Tnemec Series 27 FC TyPoxy (4 to 6 Mil DFT) c. One coat: Tnemec Series 73 or 1095 Endura Shield (3 to 5 Mil DFT) 2. Sherwin Williams a. One coat: Corothane 1 Galvapac One Pack Zinc Primer (2.5 to 3.5 Mil DFT) b. One coat: Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646FC (4 to 6 Mil DFT) c. One coat: Sherwin Williams Acrolon 218HS (3 to 5 Mil DFT) Part 3 — Execution Surface Preparation (Shop) All surfaces shall be SSPC SP1 solvent cleaned followed by sandblasting in strict accordance with SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning, 2-3 Mil profile. SP10shall be determined by engineer and/or third party coating inspector based on specific project conditions at the time of application. Shop applied primers shall be evaluated for recoat window criteria and prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP7 if recoat window has elapsed for application of specified subsequent coating. Exterior Containment Refer to — SSPC: The Society of Protective Coatings Technology Guide No. 6 Guide for Containing Surface Preparation Debris Generated During Paint Removal Operations. Containment for the reservoir exterior shall meet the following criteria, minimum: 1. Containment Type - Class 1A 2. Monitoring Method A 3. Containment Type A2, Flexible 4. Penetrability Type 131 Air -Impenetrable 5. Support Structure Type C1 — Rigid Support Structure 6. Treatment of Joints Type D1 — Full Seal 7. Entryways Type E2 — Resealable 8. Ventilation System Components Air Supply (Intake) Points — Type F1 — Controlled 9. Input Air Flow - Type G2 — Natural Air Flow 10. Air Pressure Inside Containment — Type H2 — Visual Verification 9-23 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 9 11. Air Movement inside Containment — Type I1 Minimum Specified 12. Exhaust Air flow/dust collection — Type J1 — Air filtration required If Owner's inspector identifies visual monitoring showing preparation or overspray escaping off site or onto adjacent structures on site operations shall cease and a remedy provided by the Contractor. Any cleaning, adjustment or fines shall be provided and paid for by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. This is enforceable even iffull containment is not required. Surface Preparation (Field) For Full Field Installation: Prepare all external surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP1, immediately followed by abrasive blast cleaning in accordance with SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning. Remove all surface contaminants prior to abrasive blasting. For Shop Primed External Surfaces: All welded and abraded areas which have been prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP1, shall receive a blast cleaning in accordance with SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning. Remove all surface contaminants to areas previously shop primed. — System 32: Steel Pipe Field Repairs (Potable and Non -Potable Water) [CSI 09 9713.301 Part 1— General Summary This Section applies to coating of steel pipe cut or welded in the field, exposing uncoated steel. Performance Requirements For potable water pipe, product must be NSF61 certified for potable water contact, and rated for immersion within 24 hours of application at 75°F. Part 2 — Products Materials 1. Tnemec Series FC22 Epoxoline (one coat at 20 Mil DFT). 6 -ounce tube "Field Kits" are available from TNW Inc, Seattle. Part 3 — Execution Preparation Follow manufacturer's instructions explicitly. Thoroughly clean exposed metal surfaces, remove rust and impurities. Roughen surface to 3 mil profile with wire or grinder wheel. SP11 power tool cleaning. Apply coating as early into the process as possible to allow the maximum time for the coating to cure prior to reassembly. 9-24 J:AData\YFLM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\9 Finishes.do— 11/10/23 3:24PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 10 Specialties 10.00 GENERAL This division covers that work necessary for fabricating and installing all furnishings and accessories as described in these specifications and as shown on the Plans. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Work for ." apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 10.05 Common Work for Specialties [CSI 10 05 00] Part 1— General Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Oil and Paint Cabinet • Horizontal Lifeline 10.06.10 Schedules for Signage [CSI 10 06 10.13,161 Part 2 — Products Materials Unless otherwise specified, text shall be white on a background color shown below. Purpose Plate Color General Black Warning Red Electrical Black Domestic Water Blue Raw Water Purple Waste Water Green Chemical Orange or Brown Part 3 — Execution Installation Install signs/markers directly on the devices in a location that does not interfere with the device operation or maintenance. If the device is too small or otherwise impractical to mount marker, locate marker as close as possible to the device on an adjacent surface. 10-1 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\10 Specialues.docs 11/10/23 3:25 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 10.10 INFORMATION SPECIALTIES [CSI 1010 001 10.14.23 Panel Signage [CSI 1014 231 Part 2 — Products Materials Equipment Signage Fall 2023 Division 10 1. Equipment signs shall be plastic -laminated 1 -inch high, by required length, by 1/8 -inch thick, with '/2 -inch high letters in N-2 Standard Gothic characters. Door Labels 1. Door labels shall be 2 -inch tall font, easily readable at 20 feet from door. Labels shall be engraved PVC, with blue plate and white lettering. Labels shall be securely attached to the exterior of all doors with stainless steel metal screws, at 5 feet from the bottom of the door. Electrical and Control Equipment 1. All components provided under this specification, both field- and panel -mounted, shall be provided with permanently -mounted nametags. The Engineer shall have complete control over the hardware to be labeled and the labeling provided. Provide labels as directed. 2. Provide a name tag for each piece of equipment and for each circuit and/or control device associated with the equipment. 3. Provide a nameplate for each control center unit door. 4. Electrical equipment name plates and service legends shall be phenolic -engraved, rigid, laminated plastic type with adhesive back. Letter height shall be '/16 -inch unless specified otherwise on the Plans. Labeling shall clearly identify the associate component. Color shall be black background with white letters. 5. Warning nameplates shall be provided on all panels and equipment which contain multiple power sources which may have energized circuits with the main disconnecting means in the off position. Lettering shall be white on red background. 6. Tags shall be securely attached. Adhesive backed tags shall also have at least two brass screws for positive fastening. 7. Provide engraved nameplates indicating load served, voltage, and phase for every circuit breaker, panel board, switchboard, motor control center, motor starter, disconnect switch, and fused switch. 10-2 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\10 Specialties.d— 11/10/23 3:25 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 10.40 SAFETY SPECIALTIES [CSI 10 40 00] 10.45 Facility Fall Protection [CSI 118100J 10.45.13 Ladder Safety Climb System [CSI 118129.13] Part 1— General Performance Requirements Fall 2023 Division 10 Manufacturer shall certify in writing that Safety Climb System is capable of holding two -300 lb. loads at any two locations along the ladder run. Safety Climb System shall meet the performance requirements of OSHA Federal Register 1910.27, FAA RR -S-001301 and ANSI A14.3-1992. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Fall Protection Equipment Kits shall be equal to Microwave Tower Service, Inc., Corrosion Control Products Company, or North Safety Products. Components Ladder Safety Climb System shall be provided as indicated on the Plans and shall comply with WAC Section 296-24-81. Safety Climb System shall be mounted to the ladder per manufacturer's design and written recommendation. The system shall be fabricated to match the height and end locations as shown on the plans. Provide a shock absorbing Y -lanyard compliant with ANSI Z359.1 in addition to the fall prevention system as required by rail material type. 10.45.14 Ladder Extension Post JUS1118129.14] Part 2 — Products Manufactured Products Ladder -mounted extension post with a spring assisted, 11/2 -inch square or round post riser. Aluminum, stainless steel, or powder coated steel. Post to extend no less than 42 -inches. Post must automatically lock in the extended position with a lever to release. Posts that turn to lock are not acceptable. Bilco, Babcock -Davis model BSP, or approved equal. 10-3 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\10 Specialties.d— 11/10/23 3:25 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 10 Part 3 — Execution Installation Install per the manufacturer's instructions, and in a location approved by the Owner. 10-4 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\10 Specialties.d— 11/10/23 3:25 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 11 Equipment 11.00 GENERAL Sections in these specifications titled "Common Wlork for..." apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 11.05 Common Work for Equipment [CSI 1105 00] Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 1.81.30 Seismic Restraint Requirements Submittals Provide submittal information to the Owner for the following items: • Sump Pump • Air Conditioners • Heaters • Ventilators 11.12.10 Sump Pump [CSI 2214 29.1ul Part 1— General Performance Requirements Minimum performance of 20 gpm at 20 foot lift. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Sump pump: equal to Myers MS Series sump pump, model MS33V. Materials Provide a sump pump with corrosion resistant material motor housing and an oil -filled motor with thermal overload protection. Solids handling up to 1/4 -inch solids. Dual ball-bearing motor and double lip shaft seal. Case iron volute case. Sump pump shall be controlled by integral float switch. 11.90 OTHER EQUIPMENT 11.95 Heating, Ventilating, and Air -Conditioning [CSI 23 00 001 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\11 Hquipment.d— 11/10/23 3:25 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 11 11.95.05 Common Work for HVAC [CSI 23 05 001 Part 3 — Execution Install HVAC units per strict conformance with manufacturer recommendations. Provide brackets and support frames to properly support the HVAC equipment meeting manufacturer requirements. 11.95.34 HVAC Fans [CSI 23 34 007 Wall Ventilators [CSI 23 34 13J Part 1— General Design and Performance Requirements See Ventilator Schedule on Plans and Functional Control description for design and performance requirements. Related Sections • Division 17.53.2 - Cooling Thermostat • Division 17.08 — HVAC Functional Control Submittals Detailed information including specifications, sizing information, performance curves, dimensional drawings, accessories, and other information relevant to this project. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The following manufacturers are acceptable "or equals" unless otherwise noted. • ACME • Fantech • Penn Ventilation Accessories Provide all accessories needed for a complete installation including wall and roof thimbles, back -guards, and mounting sleeves. Part 3 — Execution Install per manufacturer recommendations. Provide a disconnect switch for each unit. 11-2 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\11 Hquipment.d— 11/10/23 3:25 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 11.95.80 Decentralized HVAC Equipment [CST 23 80 001 Radiant Space Heaters [CSI 23 83 331 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 17.53.3 - Heating Thermostat Design Requirements Heater(s) shall be suitable for installation in the environment where installed. Furnish and install wall -mounted space heater(s) as shown on the Plans. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Heaters shall be as specified on the Plans. Equals will be accepted. Components Fall 2023 Division 11 Space heaters shall be electric air element type of the size and location shown on the Plans. Provide with a universal mounting bracket, a disconnect switch and mounting hardware. Provide contactors in heater to interface with control relays and 240V power supply. Provide with a built-in thermostat having an adjustable range from 40 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Set thermostat at 60 degrees Fahrenheit unless specified otherwise on the Plans. Part 3 — Execution Installation Mount bottom of heater(s) 6 -feet, 6 -inches from finished floor unless specified otherwise on the Plans. Provide clearance from walls, ceiling and obstacles as recommended by the manufacturer. 11-3 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\11 Hquipment.d— 11/10/23 3:25 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Division 15 Mechanical 15.00 GENERAL This division covers the work necessary for furnishing and installing mechanical appurtenances and accessories as described in these Specifications and shown on the Plans. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Work for . . ." shall apply to all following subsections whether directly referenced or not. 15.05 Common Work for Mechanical [CSI 33 05 001 Part 1— General Summary Provide the necessary piping, plumbing, fittings, and appurtenances to make all piping systems complete, tested, and ready for operation as specified herein and as shown on the Plans. Some fittings that are necessary for the complete piping system installation and operation may not have been shown. Provide fittings, pipe, and appurtenances necessary, whether shown on the Plans or not, to make all piping systems complete, tested, and ready for operation. Some pipe supports, thrust blocking, and tie rods are not shown on the Plans. Provide pipe supports, thrust blocking, and tie rods for pipes as required by accepted design criteria to support and restrain the loads encountered. Related Sections • Division 1.81.30 Seismic Restraint and Anchorage • Division 1.81.40 Pressure Ratings • Division 1.81.50 Materials in Contact with Drinking Water • Division 10.14.23 Panel Signage References All products in contact with drinking water to be low -lead (less than 0.25 percent) content in compliance with NSF/ANSI 372. Submittals Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Ductile iron pipe • Ductile iron fittings • Steel pipe and fittings • Copper pipe and fittings • ABS plastic pipe 15-1 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir • PVC pipe and fittings • Underdrain pipe • Isolation valves • Control valves • Backflow prevention assembly and certification from DOH • Floor drains and cleanouts • Hose bibs • Flow meters • Level sensors • Pressure gauges • Hose and rack Fall 2023 Division 15 • Other mechanical components listed in this division or required by the Engineer Part 2 — Products Materials All valves, meters, hydrants, specialties, appurtenances, and other such mechanical and plumbing components that are of similar purpose shall be of a single manufacturer and model line. Do not "mix and match" unless specifically stated otherwise or allowed by the Engineer. The intention of this requirement is to maintain consistency across all components installed on the project for function, maintenance, aesthetics, and details of installation. Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control Pressure gauges used for testing and commissioning shall be in good working order and scaled appropriately for the test. Scale range shall not exceed 200% of the test pressure. For example, for a 250 psi test, the gauge scale shall not exceed 500 psi. The Owner has the right to reject any gauges that are suspect in their accuracy. If any components that have been approved by the Owner are not rated for the specified system test pressure, remove or isolate those components during pressure testing in a method acceptable to the Owner. Said components must still be pressure tested in their permanent configuration at their individual test pressure rating. Cleaning Potable mater Systems After preliminary purging of the system, chlorinate entire potable water system in accordance with AWWA C651 for flushing and disinfecting water mains, and in accordance with all other pertinent rules and regulations. Operate each valve during chlorination period to provide contact. Upon completion of sterilizing, thoroughly flush the entire potable water system at a 15-2 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 velocity of 3 feet per second, allowing four complete exchanges of contents. Do not discharge chlorinated material to storm or surface water systems without thoroughly neutralizing the chlorine residual remaining in the water in accordance with AWWA C655 for field dechlorination. For pipe and fittings that cannot be disinfected as described above, such as those used for final connections to live systems, swab with 200 ppm chlorine solution or immerse in a 50 ppm chlorine solution. After final flushing and before the water pipe is connected to or placed in service, the Contractor shall request that the Owner arrange to have samples collected for bacteriological testing. At least one sample will be collected from each branch of the pipe. A copy of the test results shall be delivered to the Contractor for review. The Contractor shall not connect the water pipe to the existing distribution system prior to acceptance of the bacteriological test by the Engineer. The Owner will pay the laboratory fee for the initial bacteriological test. The Contractor will pay for future testing if the iiutial test results are unsatisfactory. 15.10 BURIED PIPE INSTALLATION [CSI 33 05 051 Part 1— General Site Conditions Existing soils are unclassified except where specifically identified on the Plans or specification. Part 3 — Execution Preparation Stringing of pipes in advance of pipelaying may occur but may not create a traffic hazard or block access to roads, driveways, or private property without approval from the local traffic authority and affected property owners. Pipe shall not be strung out more than two weeks in advance of installation. Any pipe or materials that will not be installed for two weeks must be stockpiled at a site procured by the Contractor or as provided in this contract. Pothole ahead of pipe -laying a sufficient distance at located utility crossings and where noted on the plans to allow room to make vertical adjustments as necessary to avoid existing utilities. Should the Contractor fail to pothole identified utility crossings, any subsequent adjustments necessary shall not be cause for cost or time claim. If the area potholed is in a travelled area and will be reopened to traffic more than one day in advance of pipelaying through the zone, the hole shall be patched with hot or cold mix, the cost of which shall be incidental. Provide the results of potholing to the Owner no less than two working days in advance of utility installation. Provide a written record of size, materials, and locations for found utilities to an accuracy of 0.5 foot horizontal and 0.1 foot vertical. Failure to record locations clearly and legibly will result in non-payment. 15-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Installation Fall 2023 Division 15 Install pipes to the depth shown on the trench detail, unless superseded by depth shown on the profile. Unless specified otherwise, install pipe to the following tolerances: • Pressure pipes: 0.5 feet horizontal, 0.2 feet vertical. Regardless of vertical tolerance, do not create new high points not otherwise shown on the plans. Gravity pipes: 0.5 feet horizontal, 0.03 feet vertical. Regardless of vertical tolerance, do not lay pipe with reverse slope. All non-metallic pipe, including service and air valve lines, shall include a tracer wire taped every 5 feet to the top of the pipe. Loop tracer wire to the surface in accessible locations such as valve boxes, meter vaults, or other surface access. If no access is available for more than 1,500 feet, provide a valve box specifically for the tracer wire. Wire shall be solid UF, 12AWG minimum for 2,000 foot runs and less, or 10AWG for runs longer than 2,000 feet. Keep openings in pipe closed during the progress of work. Install plugs to prevent water and debris from entering pipe. No payment will be made to clean pipes. 15.11 Open Trench Pipe Installation [r'qT 33 05 051 15.11.11 Pressure Pipe Installation [CSI 33 05 051 Part 1— General References Use materials and installation methods in accordance with the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code and local codes and regulations that are applicable. Scheduling Connections to live mains shall be made only after contacting the Owner 48 hours prior (not including weekends or holidays). Connections to live mains may only be performed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays unless permission is obtained otherwise from the Owner. Connections shall not be performed on Owner recognized holidays. Service to customers shall not be interrupted for more than 8 hours and must occur between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. The Owner will notify customers no less than 24 -hours in advance of service interruption. If, in the opinion of the Owner, the Contractor has not adequately scheduled the work to occur within these timeframes, the Owner may cancel the service interruption. No time or monetary compensation will be provided for such cancellation. 15-4 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Part 3 — Execution Installation Install pipes in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Use types and sizes of pipes as specified herein and/or as shown on the Plans. Where small pipe sizes are omitted from the Plans and not mentioned in the specifications, use sizes corresponding to code requirements and as required by equipment and plumbing fixtures and appurtenances. Properly size any undesignated pipe sizes for the functions to be performed. Lay pipe and supports at proper lines and grades. Follow the piping runs shown on the Plans as closely as possible, except for minor adjustments to avoid architectural and structural features. Make major relocations, if required, in a manner acceptable to the Owner. Keep openings in pipes closed during progress of work. Form thrust blocking so that bolts, joints, gaskets, and flanges of adjacent joints are clear of concrete allowing bolts and joints to be dismantled without removing concrete. All concrete blocking shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi unless identified otherwise in Division 3 or on the Plans. Pipe passing through concrete walls or slabs shall be made watertight. Trenches shall be excavated to a sufficient width to allow for pipe installation, compaction equipment, and shoring when necessary. Maximum trench width shall not exceed 36 -inch plus OD for 4 -inch and larger pipe, or 24 -inch plus OD for 3 -inch and smaller pipe for pay items or related materials including but limited to crushed surfacing, patching, import bedding, import backfill, and rock excavation. Bedding shall be mechanically compacted in lifts no greater than 8 -inches from base to springline and from springline to top of pipe using a jumping jack or sheepsfoot. Hoe -packs, sheepsfoots, and vibratory rollers shall not be used within 12 -inches directly above the pipe. Compact trench backfill in lifts not exceeding 18 -inches loose -thickness. Flanged Jo' Assemb# 1. Bolt holes of flanges shall straddle the horizontal and vertical centerlines of the pipe. Clean flanges by wire brushing before assembling. Clean flange bolts and nuts by wire brushing; lubricate bolts with graphite or oil. 2. Insert the nuts and bolts (or studs), finger tighten, and progressively tighten diametrically opposite bolts uniformly around the flange to the proper tension. Bolts shall have minimum of two threads showing beyond the nut. 3. Tighten joints carefully to prevent strain upon valves, pumps, and other equipment. 4. If flanges leak under pressure testing, loosen or remove the nuts and bolts, reset or replace the gasket, reinstall or re -tighten the bolts and nuts, and retest the joints. Replace the gasket if damaged. Field Quality Control Make no permanent connections to the existing water system until the new water main has been tested and approved by the Owner. No temporary connections of the untested, 15-5 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 unapproved new water main to the existing water system shall be made without the installation of a double check valve assembly between the new water main and the existing water system. The Contractor shall verify the size, material, and location of the existing main at the connection point prior to installing the new water main. The Contractor shall provide all labor and equipment for earthwork, traffic control, trench safety, and materials for connections. The Contractor will provide the labor to make the final connection to the existing water system. 15.11.41 Storm Drain Installation [CSI 33 05 051 Install storm drains in accordance with WSDOT 7-04. 15.13 Above Grade Mechanical Installation 15.13.02 Exposed Piping Installation [CSI 40 05 051 Part 1— General Summary This section is for exposed major pressure pipe systems such as booster stations, lift stations, treatment facilities, control valve vaults, etc. Testing of minor service plumbing systems shall follow the IPC/UPC. Part 3 — Execution Installation When systems include drain ports that operate automatically, provide ancillary drainage plumbing. Route pilot, air valve, pump seal, and other drains to the structure drain using schedule 40 PVC with diameter equal to the device drain outlet diameter, but no smaller than 1/2 -inch. Copper pipe may be used only with Owner approval. Multiple drain lines may be connected together if approved by the Owner. Secure to fixed structures or large pipe using pipe clamps. Do not install drain pipe where it will be a tripping hazard or interfere with normal maintenance. Slope downwards to termination. Terminate the outlet two times the drain pipe diameter above the drain grate or funnel and cover end with #24 stainless or aluminum screen. Install a union near the start of each drain pipe to allow disassembly without cutting. Preparation Provide all personnel and equipment required and complete all tests required to demonstrate the integrity of the finished installation for the approval of the Owner and all agencies having Jurisdiction. Secure the pipe and fittings to prevent movement under pressure. Furnish and install temporary blocking where permanent blocking is not required and remove it after testing. 15-6 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 All pumps, gauges, plugs, saddles, corporation stops, miscellaneous hose and piping, and other equipment necessary for performing the test shall be furnished and operated by the Contractor. Gauges used in the test may be required by the Owner to be certified for accuracy at a laboratory. Tests/ Inspection Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Test all water systems and appurtenances with a hydrostatic test pressure equal to that specified under Division 1.81.40 of these Specifications. If not stated, the hydrostatic testing pressure shall be 150 psi over working pressure or 250 psi, whichever is greater. The Owner has the right to require more stringent test criteria than stated in this specification or in the pressure rating section if the Owner determines that field conditions warrant such measures. Fill the piping systems with water and allowed to stand under pressure for a minimum of 24 hours to allow air to escape and allow the lining of the pipe to absorb water. The Owner will furnish the water necessary to fill the pipelines for testing purposes at a time of day when sufficient quantities of water are available for normal system operation. The Contractor is responsible for the proper disposal of any waste, including water. Visible leakage is unacceptable and shall be corrected. Should the test section fail to meet the specified pressure test successfully, the Contractor shall locate and repair the defects and then retest the pipeline at his own expense. Prior to calling out the Owner to witness the pressure test, the Contractor shall have all equipment completely set up and ready for operation and shall have successfully performed the test to assure that the pipe is in a satisfactory condition. The Owner shall witness the test. If the test does not pass inspection for any reason, additional trips required to witness another test shall be done at the Contractor's expense. Before applying the specified test pressure, expel air completely from the system. The test shall be accomplished by pumping the piping system up to the required pressure; stop the pump for a minimum of 15 minutes up to a maximum of 60 minutes as directed by the Owner, and then pump the system up to the test pressure again. During the test, the section being tested will be observed to detect any visible leakage. A clean container shall be used for holding water for pumping pressure on the system being tested. This makeup water shall be sterilized by the addition of chlorine to a concentration of 50 mg/l (ppm). Sections to be tested shall be isolated and pumped to test pressure. Test pressure shall be sustained for a minimum of 60 minutes with no loss in pressure throughout the test duration with Owner present and on site throughout test duration. If test results show drop of pressure, Contractor shall repair leaks and retest until testing is passed in presence of Owner. Owner shall bleed off pressure from pump to piping connection once test is passed to verify system piping was tested. 15-7 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 15.18 Buried Piping Inspection and Testing [CST 33 05 051 15.18.02 Buried Pressure Pipe Inspection and Testing [CSI 33 05 05, 33 05 05.31] Part 3 — Execution Preparation Fall 2023 Division 15 Provide all required personnel and equipment and complete all tests required to demonstrate the integrity of the finished installation for the approval of the Owner and all agencies having Jurisdiction. Backfill the pipeline trench sufficiently to prevent movement of the pipe under pressure. All thrust blocks shall be in place and sufficiently cured to reach design strength before testing. Furnish, install, and remove temporary blocking where permanent blocking is not required and remove it after testing. All pumps, gauges, plugs, saddles, corporation stops, miscellaneous hose and piping, and other equipment necessary for performing the test shall be furnished and operated by the Contractor. Gauges used in the test may be required to be certified for accuracy at a laboratory by the Owner. Gauge range shall not exceed 200 -percent of the test pressure. Tests/ Inspection Water Main Flushing The pipeline, valves and other components not already flushed by polypig shall be flushed or swept clean. Flushing shall allow four complete exchanges of water and remove any obvious debris. The following blow off or hydrant sizes are the minimum required for flushing with a supply pressure of 40 psi minimum and no more than 20 feet of hose is used, unless stated otherwise. Main Diameter Flow at 2.5 fps Blowoff and Backflow Device Diameter Hydrant Ports <- 20' Hose Hydrant Ports 21'— 100' Hose 8" 400 gpm (1) 2" (1) 2.5" (2) 2.5" 12" 900 gpm (2) 2" or (1) 3" (2) 2.5" or (1) 4" (1) 4" Hvdrostatic Pressure Testing Cover any exposed pressurized PVC pipe to protect from direct sunlight if the air temperature is above 70°F. Test all pipelines and appurtenances under a hydrostatic test pressure equal to that specified under Division 1.81.40 of these Specifications. If not stated, the hydrostatic testing pressure shall be 150 psi over working pressure or 200 psi, whichever is greater, measured at the low point of the test section. The Owner has the right to require more stringent test criteria than 15-8 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 stated in this Specification or in the pressure rating section if it is determined that field conditions warrant such measures. An acceptable test of pipe and fittings buried under or adjacent to concrete slabs or other structures must be performed prior to construction of the structure. The Owner will furnish the water necessary to fill the pipelines and for testing at a time of day when sufficient quantities of water are available for normal system operation. Fill the pipelines with water and allow to stand under pressure for a minimum of 24 hours to allow air to escape and allow the lining of the pipe to absorb water. The Contractor is responsible for the proper disposal of any waste, including water. Fittings and sections of pipe that cannot be pressure tested, such as connections to the existing system, shall be left exposed for a visual inspection under system pressure. Any visible leakage shall be corrected by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Owner regardless of the allowable leakage specified herein. Should the test section fail to meet the specified pressure test successfully, the Contractor shall locate and repair the defects and then retest the pipeline at their expense. Prior to calling out the Owner to witness the pressure test, the Contractor shall have all equipment completely set up, ready for operation, and have successfully performed the test to assure that the pipe is in a satisfactory condition. The Owner shall witness the test; if the test does not pass inspection for any reason, additional trips required to witness another test shall be done at the Contractor's expense. Before applying the specified test pressure, air shall be expelled completely from the pipe, valves, and appurtenances. The test shall be accomplished by pumping the main up to the required pressure; stop the pump for a minimum of 15 minutes up to a maximum of 60 minutes as directed by the Engineer, and then pump the main up to the test pressure again. During the test, the section being tested shall be observed for visible leakage. A clean container shall be used for holding water for pumping pressure on the main being tested. This makeup water shall be sterilized by the addition of chlorine to a concentration of 50 mg/l (ppm). Sections to be tested shall normally be limited to 1,500 feet. The Owner may require that the first section of pipe, not less than 1,000 feet in length, installed by each of the Contractor's crews be tested in order to qualify the crew and/or the material. Pipe laying shall not continue more than an additional 1,000 feet until the first section has been tested successfully. Sections to be tested shall be isolated and pumped to test pressure. Test pressure shall be sustained for a minimum of 60 minutes with less than 2 -percent (4 psi) loss in pressure throughout the test duration with Owner present and on site throughout test duration. If test results do not comply, Contractor shall repair leaks and retest until testing is passed in presence of Owner. Owner may bleed off pressure from pump to piping connection once test is passed to verify system piping was tested. 15-9 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 15.18.03 Valve Testing Part 3 — Execution Testing All valves shall be pressure tested. Do not exceed the rated working pressure of the valve when operating the valve. Bleed off test pressure prior to operating. Check all valve bonnet fasteners for tightness. Pre -Installation All buried butterfly and eccentric valves shall be pressure tested outside the trench on both sides of the closed seat. Valve clusters shall be pre -assembled and tested as a unit. Provide end plugs, blind flanges, assembly kits, and all appurtenances necessary for pressure testing. Valve testing shall use the following procedure. 1. Close the valve. 2. Install plug or flange (with test port). 3. Connect test apparatus and pump. 4. Pressurize to test pressure. 250 psi for gate valves, 150 psi for butterfly and eccentric valves, or manufacturer's listed test pressure if less. 5. There shall be zero drop in pressure or visible leakage for one minute. This includes leaking through the shaft packing. 6. If test fails, check for defects, correct, and retest. Valves that do not pass testing will be replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. Post -Installation Test all valves for water tightness under differential working pressure. To perform this test, pressurize pipe section with valve in place, close valve and relieve pressure on seat side of the valve. The valve shall not pass water during a 5 -minute test period. Operate all valves at least once from closed -to -open -to -closed positions while valve is under working (not test) pressure. 15.20 PIPE AND FITTINGS 15.21 Common Work for Pipe and Fittings [CSI 33 05 00 or 40 051 Part 2 — Products Components Under no circumstance shall the fasteners be of lesser strength or higher corrosive potential than the materials being connected. If dissimilar metals are adjacent (for example: stainless steel flange connecting to ductile iron flange) a dielectric insulation kit shall be used. 15-10 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Fasteners for pipe and fittings: Per AWWA standards unless otherwise specified. All relevant subsections of AWWA C100, C200, and C500. All bolts and studs shall be long enough so that no less than two threads extend beyond the face of the nut. Non -submerged flange bolts to be ASTM A307 Grade A, zinc plated. For submerged conditions, connection bolts shall be Nitrorlic 60 steel. Nuts and washers shall be Stainless Steel, minimum grade 304 in raw domestic or treated domestic water and minimum grade 316 in treatment processes and sewage applications. Minimum grade 317 for acidic transport. Bolts and nuts shall meet ASTM F593 and F594. Stainless steel shall not be used where in contact with chlorine or chlorine solutions. Stainless steel bolts may be used in lieu of Nitronic but must be assembled using appropriate lubricant or tape. For installations in domestic water, lubricant, or tape must be approved for domestic water service. Cobas Stainless Steel Thread Sealing Tape or approved equal. Finishes For conditions other than submerged, all nuts and bolts shall be zinc plated, and suitable for above and below grade locations as required. Where above grade/exposed piping is specially coated, the connecting nuts and bolts shall be coated using the same system unless directed otherwise by the Owner. Part 3 — Execution Construction All piping and related equipment to be joined shall be connected as shown on the Plans, specifications, as recommended by the manufacturer or as required by standard industry practices if not otherwise specified. Steel and stainless steel threads shall be protected against galling using steel thread sealing tape equal to Cobas steel thread sealing tape. Tape shall be specific to the steel type used. 15.21.02 Shackle (Threaded Rod) Restraints [CS'r jJ 05 09.331 Part 1— General Definitions Anchor fastener: The item which connects to the fitting and which the shackle rod passes through. Such as a 90° eye bolt or shackle plate. Weathering steel: Steel alloy designed to resist corrosion. Often referred to using the genericized trade name Cor -Ten. Design Criteria Unless shown otherwise on the plans, use the following shackle rod sizes for 250 psi test pressure. 15-11 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Eng-eezing, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 15 Pipe Size Minimum Number # and Diameter of Rods Corrosion Resistant Undocumented steel or SS (30 ksi minimumyield) SS cold drawn (35 ksi minimum yield) Weathering Steel (45 ksi minimum yield) 4" 2 at 1/2" 2 at 1/2" 2 at 1/2" 6" 2 at 3/4" 2 at 3/4" 2 at 3/4" 8" 3 at 3/4" or 2 at 1" 3 at 3/4" or 2 at 1" 2 at 3/4" or 2 at 1" 10" 5 at 3/4" or 3 at 1" 4 at 3/4" or 2 at 1" 3 at 3/4" or 2 at 1" 12" 7 at 3/4" or 4 at 1" 6 at 3/4" or 3 at 1" 4 at 3/4" or 3 at 1" Contact Engineer for other sizes or pressure. Submittals Provide submittal for anchor fastener which includes strength rating in pounds. For shackle plates, include dimensional drawing. For high strength rods (cold drawn or weathering steel), provide submittals showing rod material and yield strength. Part 2 — Products Components Anchor fasteners must be a steel alloy. Ductile iron, cast iron, or any material deemed brittle in the opinion of the Owner are not allowed. Verify anchor fastener is appropriate for anchor location. All buried shackled thrust restraint systems shall be stainless steel or weathering steel. Exposed shackles, such as in a vault or mechanical room, may be non -weathering steel but if so, must be coated with epoxy paint system. Clean rust prior to painting. Material * = weathering steel Yield Strength Corrosion Resistant Type 304/316 SS Low 30 ksi Yes ASTM A36 Low 36 ksi No ASTM A588 * Med 45 ksi Yes ASTM A709 GR 50W * Med 50 ksi Yes ASTM A242 * Med 50 ksi Yes ASTM A307 High 60 ksi No ASTM F3125 A325 Type 1 Hi h 90 ksi No ASTM F3125 A325 Type 3 * Hi h 90 ksi Yes 15-12 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 All components of any stainless steel or weathering steel system shall include only stainless steel or weathering steel components. Bolts, nuts, washers, rods, and other components shall be one material and not intermixed. Shackle systems must provide a mechanism to prevent unthreading. Exposed shackles shall use double nuts. Buried shackle systems may use double nuts, single nut with tack weld, or single nut with center punch on outside rod thread. Provide washers at anchor fasteners. Install anchor fasteners on the opposite side of the flange or mechanical joint from the rod. Part 3 — Execution Installation For standard elongation restraint, space shackles roughly equally around the pipe. When restraint is intended to allow deflection movement without expansion, such as at a pump or tank connection, concentrate rods along the neutral axis of deflection. In other words, if vertical deflection is allowed, place rods along horizontal axis. Confirm proper orientation with Owner. Nuts shall be finger tightened to snug, then tightened by wrench one full turn. Do not overtighten. Field Quality Control For high strength rod, labels from packaging showing rod material must be given to the Owner in the field. If package labels are not available, Owner has the right to assume rods are not high strength and may require installation of additional rods and field coating. 15.22 Metal Pipe and Fittings 15.22.02 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings [CSI 33 0519 or 40 05191 Part 1— General Design Requirements Ductile iron pipe shall have thickness designed in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 and shall be based on laying conditions and internal pressures to meet the requirements of Division 1.81.40 unless listed as more stringent below. The pipe thickness shall not be less than that of Class 50 pipe for non -flanged pipe. The pipe thickness for fire hydrant runs shall not be less than Class 52. Flanged joints shall conform to ANSI Standard B16.1 and be of the class shown on the plans. 15-13 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Part 2 — Products Manufactured Units Pipe shall be cement -lined and asphaltic coated in accordance with ANSI Standard A21.4 (AWWA C104) unless otherwise specified and shall conform to ANSI Standard A21.51 (AWWA C151). Rubber gasket pipe joints are to be push -on -joint (Tyton) or mechanical joint (MJ) in accordance with ANSI Standard A21.11 (AWWA C-111), unless otherwise specified. When requested, furnish certification from the manufacturer of the pipe and gasket being supplied that inspection and all of the specified tests have been made, and the results comply with requirements of this standard. Ductile Iron Fittings All fittings shall be ductile iron where possible. Steel fittings will not be accepted where ductile iron is called out on the plans. Ductile iron fittings shall be short -body, cement -lined, and for the pressure rating noted in Division 1.81.40. Metal thickness and manufacturing processes shall conform to applicable portions of ANSI Standards A21.20, A21.11, B16.2, and B16.4. Standard cement lining shall be in accordance with ANSI Standard A21.4 (AWWA C104). Mechanical joint (MJ), ductile iron, compact fittings 3 -inches through 24 -inches, and 54- inches through 64 -inches shall be in accordance with AWWA C153. Flanged pipe spools shall be fabricated from minimum Class 53 wall thickness pipe and conform to ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 with the exception that flanges shall be fabricated from ductile iron unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. Interior shall be cement lined. Ductile iron flange (FL) fittings shall be in accordance with AWWA C110 and fabricated from ductile iron unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents with a bolt pattern to match adjacent pipe. Gasket material for flanges shall be Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR, Buna-S), neoprene, nitrile rubber (NBR, Buna-N), chlorinated butyl, or cloth -inserted rubber. Gaskets shall be full -face type. Gaskets shall be a minimum 1/8 -inch thick. Do not use SBR, nitrile, or neoprene in fittings used for air transport in avasteavater treatment systems. Type of ends shall be specified as mechanical joint (MJ), restrained joint (RJ), true restrained joint (MJ), plain end (PE), or flanged (FL). Finishes For above grade and exposed pipes, including those inside structures, prepare surfaces and coat the exterior per Division Part 3 — Execution Installation Install ductile iron water mains in accordance with AWWA C600. Provide tools and equipment, including any special tools required for installing each type of pipe used. 15-14 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 15 The amount of deflection at each pipe joint shall not exceed 3 -degrees per joint (11 inches over 18 feet), or the manufacturer's printed recommended deflections, whichever is less. 15.22.03 Steel Pipe and Fittings [CSI 33 05 24.23 " 40 05 24.23] Part 1— General References Unless otherwise stated, the latest edition for any commercial standards and all manufacturing tolerances referenced therein shall apply. • ANSI/AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code- Steel • ANSI/AWS B2.1 Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification • ANSI/AWWA C200 Steel Water Pipe -6 In. (150 mm) and Larger • ANSI/AWWA C205 Cement -Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe – 4 In. (100 mm) and Larger- Shop Applied • ANSI/AWWA C206 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe • ANSI/AWWA C207 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service—Sizes 4 In. Through 144 In. (100 mm through 3,600 mm) • ANSI/AWWA C208 Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings • ANSI/AWWA C209 Cold -Applied Tape Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connections, and Fittings for Steel Water Pipe • ANSI/AWWA C210 Liquid -Epoxy Coating Systems for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines • ANSI/AWWA C214 Tape Coating Systems for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines • ANSI/AWWA C215 Extruded Polyolefin Coatings for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines • ANSI/AWWA C216 Heat -Shrinkable Cross -Linked Polyolefin Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connections, and Fitting • ANSI/AWWA C218 Liquid Coating Systems for the Exterior of Aboveground Steel Water Pipelines and Fittings • ANSI/AWWA C222 Polyurethane Coatings for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipe and Fittings • ASME Section IX International Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code: Welding and Brazing Qualifications • ANSI/ASME B36.10 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe • AWWA M11 Steel Water Pipe: A Guide for Design and Installation 15-15 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Design Requirements Fall 2023 Division 15 Pipe Pipe thickness as necessary to meet the pressure requirements in Division 1.81.40, and as follows: 1. Buried piping shall have a minimum pipe thickness of 0.25 -inches. 2. Aboveground piping shall be Standard Weight or greater Schedule as required for the pressure requirements. Construct welded steel pipe in accordance with the ASME Welding Code and as shown in the Plans. Steel pieces shall be constructed as dimensioned to exact tolerances of ± 3/32 -inch. Construction steel pipe in accordance with AWWA C200. Steel pipe shall be fabricated from steel manufactured to meet the requirements of ASTM A53, Type E or S, minimum Grade B. Design stress shall be half the yield stress of the steel. All longitudinal and girth seams, whether straight or spiral, shall be butt -welded using an approved electric -fusion -weld process. Buried piping shall be furnished principally in 50 -feet net laying lengths with shorter lengths, field trim pieces and closure pieces as required by plan and profile for location of elbows, tees, reducers and other in-line fittings or as required for construction. Where grooved joints are used, pipe thickness shall be modified accordingly to maintain the hydrostatic test pressure compliance. Aboveground steel pipe and fittings 26 inches in diameter and smaller shall conform to ANSI Standard D36.10. Fittings Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, all specials and fittings shall conform to the dimensions of AWWA C208. Pipe material used in fittings shall be of the same material and pressure class as the adjoining pipe. Buried elbows shall have a minimum radius equal to 2'/ times the pipe diameter and the maximum miter angle on each section of the elbow shall not exceed 11'/4 -degrees (one cut elbow up to 22'/2 -degrees). Aboveground elbows shall have a radius equal to 1 times the pipe diameter. If elbow radius is less than 2'/ times the pipe diameter, stresses shall be checked per AWWA M11 and the pressure class increased if necessary. Specials and fittings, unless otherwise shown on the Plans, shall be made of segmental welded sections from hydrostatically tested pipe, with ends compatible with the type of joint or coupling specified for the pipe. All welds made after hydrostatic testing of the straight sections of pipe shall be tested per the requirements of AWWA C200 Section Joints Rolled Groove or Carnegie Rubber Gasket Joint 1. The standard joint for buried piping shall be a rolled groove or Carnegie rubber gasket joint unless otherwise noted on the Plans. Joints and gaskets shall conform to AWWA C200 and as shown in Chapter 8 of AWWA M11. 15-16 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 15 2. The joint shall be suitable for a working pressure equal to the class of pipe furnished and shall operate satisfactorily with a deflection angle, the tangent of which is not to exceed 1.00/D where D is the outside diameter of the pipe in inches with a pull-out of 1 -inch. 3. Carnegie and rolled groove rubber gasket joints may be furnished only by a manufacturer who has furnished pipe with joints of similar design for comparable working pressure and pipe diameters that has been in successful service for a period of at least 5 years. Lap Weld 1. Lap weld joints shall conform to AWWA C200 and as shown in Chapter 8 of AWWA M11. 2. Use lap field welded joints where restrained joints are required or indicated on the Plans. The standard bell shall provide for a 2'/2 -inch lap. The minimum lap shall be f- inch. The maximum joint deflection or offset shall be a 1 -inch joint pull. 3. Lap welded joints shall be welded either externally or internally. Provide holdbacks for coating and linings as shown on the approved shop drawings. "Weld -after -backfill" of interior welds may be performed any time after joint completion and backfilling has been completed. 4. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, all field joints shall be lap welded for diameters 48 -inches and greater. Joints on pipe less than 48 inches in diameter may be lap - welded, rolled groove or Carnegie rubber gasket joints. Mechanical Couplings 1. Mechanical couplings where indicated on the Plans shall be Romac 400, Smith Blair Style 411, Baker Style 200, Victaulic Depend -O -Loc or equal. 2. Insulating mechanical couplings where indicated on the Plans shall be double insulated Romac IC400, Smith Blair Style 416, Baker Style 216, or equal for working pressures up to 150 psi only. 3. Couplings for buried service shall have all metal parts painted with epoxy paint and conform to AWWA C210. 4. Pipe ends for mechanical couplings shall conform to AWWA C200 and M11. The shop applied outside coating shall be held back as required for field assembly of the mechanical coupling or to the harness lugs or rings. Paint harness lugs or rings and pipe ends with one shop coat of epoxy conforming to AWWA C210. 5. Pipe for use with sleeve -type couplings shall have plain ends at right angles to the axis. Flanges 1. Steel flanges smaller than 4 -inch per ANSI B16.5, Class 150 or Class 300. Steel flanges 4 -inches and larger per AWWA C207. All flanges rated for the specified working and hydrostatic testing pressures, but in no case shall be less than Class D. Supply documentation that flanged ends welded to the steel pipe and welded pieces are capable of the hydrostatic testing pressure. 15-17 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 15 2. Shop lining and coating shall be continuous to the end of the pipe or back of the flange. Flange faces shall be shop coated with a fusion bonded epoxy coating. 3. Gaskets shall be 1/8 -inch thick minimum. Fasteners per Division 15.21. AWWA C207 Flanges Flange Class Diameter Working Pressure Maximum Test Pressure D 4 -inch to 12 -inch 175 psi 218 psi D 14 -inch and larger 150 psi 187 psi Submittals Shop drawings and calculations shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval prior to material order, including: 1. Wall thickness and diameter. Calculations for pipe design and fittings reinforcement and/or test data. 2. Layout showing the overall system with all major dimensions, stations, and elevations. Each piece shall be identified by mark number referenced to a pipe laying schedule and detail sheet. 3. Details of standard pipe, joints, specials, and fittings. 4. Calculations, details, and locations of joint restraint for thrust restraint. 5. Details of joint bonding and field welded joint restraint calculations. The Contractor shall submit previous experience of a minimum of five steel welding projects similar to this one. If requested by the Owner, supply specification of previous projects and written documentation that the construction met the specification. Part 2 — Products Source Quality Control Pipe cylinders, lining, coating, and fabrication of specials shall be the product of one manufacturer that has not less than 5 years successful experience manufacturing pipe of the type and size indicated. For projects containing 1,000 lineal feet or less of buried steel piping or for project involving both aboveground and buried steel piping, the products of up to two different manufacturers provided that each has not less than 5 years successful experience manufacturing pipe of the particular type and size indicated. The pipe manufacturer must have a certified quality assurance program, ISO 9001:2000 or other equivalent nationally recognized program as approved by the Owner. Welds shall be constructed in accordance with ASME Welding Code. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance to this tolerance and correct any dimensions or welding that does not meet this specification at their expense. All pipe shall be subject to inspection at the place of manufacture in accordance with the provisions of AWWA C200 and AWWA coating and lining standard as supplemented by the requirements herein. 15-18 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 15 Except as modified herein, all materials used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C200 and AWWA coating and lining standards. The Contractor shall perform required tests at no additional cost to the Owner. The Engineer shall have the right to witness all testing conducted by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 48 hours advance notice of any testing. All welding procedures used to fabricate pipe shall be qualified under the provision of AWS B2.1 or ASME Section IX. Skilled welders, welding operators, and tackers who have had adequate experience in the methods and materials to be used shall do all welding. Welders shall maintain current qualifications under the provisions of AWS B2.1 or ASME Section IX. Machines and electrodes similar to those in the work shall be used in qualification tests. The Contractor shall furnish all material and bear the expense of qualifying welders. Internal bracing shall be provided for shipment if needed to maintain pipe shape. Finishes Aboveground Steel Pipe and Fittings: Lining and coating per Division 9.90. Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings: Provide lining and coatings as follows: Liquid -Epoxy Lining Liquid -epoxy lining shall be per AWWA C210 to a minimum thickness of 16 mils, measured in accordance with SSPC-PA 2. Lining shall be continuous to the ends of the pipe except where field welding is indicated. 2. Lining repair shall be per AWWA C210 and manufacturer's recommendations. Cement -Mortar Coating 1. All pipe shown on the Plans to be cement -mortar coated shall be coated with 3/4 -inch minimum thickness of reinforced cement -mortar coating per AWWA C205. Part 3 — Execution Installation Buried piping shall be bedded and backfilled per the plan details or manufacturer's recommendations utilizing an E' value for design check per AWWA M11 Chapter 6. Rolled Groove Rubber Gasket Joint Clean, lubricate, and place gasket in grooved spigot and relieve tension by inserting a dull instrument under the gasket and completing at least two revolutions around the joint circumference. 2. Upon completion of insertion of spigot (including any angular deflection as shown on the approved shop drawing) and prior to releasing from slings, check the entire placement of the gasket with a feeler gauge per manufacturer's recommendations. If gasket has disengaged or rolled, immediately pull the joint apart and reinstall the joint with a new gasket if required. Again verify proper placement of gasket with feeler gauge. 15-19 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 15 Complete the interior of the joints with liquid epoxy per AWWA C210. Complete the exterior of the joints with heat -shrink sleeves per AWWA C216 and manufacturer's recommendations. Lap Field Wielded Joints 1. Clean exposed end of joint surfaces. 2. Provide a minimum overlap of 1 -inch at any location around the joint circumference. 3. Field welders and field weld procedures shall be certified in accordance with AWS D1.1. 4. At the Contractor's option, provide a full fillet weld per AWWA C206 either on the inside or outside of the pipe. Inside welding may be performed after backfilling in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 5. Testing of field welds shall be in accordance with AWWA C206. Complete the interior of the joints with liquid epoxy per AWWA C210. Complete the exterior of the joints with heat -shrink sleeves per AWWA C216 and manufacturer's recommendations. Field Quality Control The Contractor shall provide tools and equipment, including any special tools required for installing each particular type of pipe used. Pipe that is out -of -round shall be reshaped using methods provided by the pipe manufacturer. The Engineer reserves the right to reject pipe that is excessively out -of -round or damaged during reshaping. Testing For potable water pipe, disinfect and purity test per Division 15.05. Pressure test per Division 15.13 and 15.18. 15.22.04 Stainless Steel Pipe and Fittings [CSI 33 05 23 " 40 05 23] Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 5.05 Common Work for Metals Design Requirements Welding shall withstand the hydrostatic testing pressure as stated in Division 1.81.40 without leakage. The pipe wall thickness shall be as required by Division 1.81.40 and the following table and shall be at a minimum Schedule 40s. 15-20 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Working Pressure 101-200 psi 201-400 psi Fall 2023 Division 15 Pipe Wall Thickness (inches) Nominal PlDe Diameter 1" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 24" 30" 0.133 0.154 0.216 0.237 0.280 0.322 0.365 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0.179 0.218 0.300 0.337 0.432 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.625 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) Per Schedule 40s; (3) Per Schedule 80s Part 2 — Products Materials All stainless-steel pipe and fittings shown on the Plans in direct bury applications shall meet ASTM A312, Type 304L or 316L, Welded. All heat tints and chromium depleted layers caused by welding shall be removed by pickling prior to on-site delivery. Above -ground stainless steel piping and fittings shall meet ASTM A778 and A774 respectively, welded. ASTM A312 is also acceptable. Piping systems shall be pickled after welding and prior to on-site delivery. Fittings shall be beveled plain -end for welding, mechanical joint connection, or flange as shown on the Plans. Part 3 — Execution Installation Welding of pipe shall be per ASME Welding Code. Passivate field welds per Division 5.05. 15.22.06 Copper Pipe and Fittings [CSI 33 0517 or 40 05171 Part 1— General Design Requirements Copper piping and tubing shall meet the requirements of ASTM B-88. Solder fittings shall meet the requirements of ANSI B16.22. Flared fittings per ANSI B16.26 and allowed only for working pressure less than 150 psi. Lead content of solder shall be no more than 0.2 percent. Part 2 — Products Materials Buried, not under structures: Type K soft pipe with compression fittings (Ford Quick Joint, Mueller 110, or equal). Buried, under structures: Type K soft pipe with compression fittings (Ford Quick Joint, Mueller 110, or equal). Type K hard pipe with soldered fittings. 15-21 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Exposed, interior: Type K or L hard pipe with soldered fittings. Soft pipe may be used only where approved by the Owner or shown on the plans. Soldered fittings for all sizes. Flared fittings only on 1/2 -inch and smaller soft pipe. Concealed, interior: Type K or L hard pipe with soldered fittings. Type K or L soft pipe with soldered fittings (any size) or flared (1 /2 -inch and smaller). Fittings encased in concrete or CMU block: Soldered only. Part 3 — Execution Installation Under structures, use unbroken pipe lengths to avoid fittings whenever possible. Runs shall be parallel and perpendicular with floors and walls unless positive drainage is required. When Owner allows soft copper for exposed pipe, straighten any curved or bent pipe for straight sections longer than 6 -inches. 15.22.08 Brass/Bronze Pipe and Fittings [CSI 33 0512"40 05121 Part 1— General References Brass to be low -lead content in compliance with NSF/ANSI 372 to have no more than 0.25 percent lead content. Brass nipples: ASTM B687 Brass fittings: ANSI/ASME B16.15 (threaded) Class 125 lb. (up to 200 psi water), 250 lb. (up to 400 psi water); B16.18 (soldered). Part 2 — Products Materials Brass pipe, nipples, and fittings to have threaded ends. 15-22 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 15.23 Non -Metal Pipe and Fittings 15.23.05 PVC Pipe and Fittings — Solvent Weld ILJI s30531.13or400531.131 Part 2 — Products Materials Fall 2023 Division 15 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material for pipe fittings and couplings shall conform to ASTM D-1784, Type 1, Grade 1, with 2,000 psi design stress. Pipe shall be Schedule 40 or 80 in accordance with ASTM D-1785, as shown on the Plans. All pipe shall be white unless shown otherwise on the Plans. Part 3 — Execution Installation For exposed locations that will not be painted, primer and glue must be applied carefully and not allowed to run. Areas where primer/glue has run more than '/4 -inch past the joint will be cleaned, painted, or replaced by the Contractor at the discretion of the Owner. 15.23.06 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings for Gravity Sewer — Push on Joint [CSI 33 05 31.111 Part 1— General Design Requirements Pipe and fittings shall be solid green and meet the requirements of ASTM D3034 for 4 -inch to 15 -inch Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 26, and ASTM F679 PS 115 for 18 -inch to 48 - inch. Part 2 — Products Materials Provisions must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint with a rubber ring. The bell shall consist of an integral wall section with a solid cross-section rubber ring, factory assembled, securely locked in place to prevent displacement during assembly. Standard laying lengths shall be 20 feet and 14 feet plus or minus 1 -inch. At manufacturer's option, random lengths of not more than 15 percent of total footage of each size may be shipped in lieu of standard lengths. All fittings and accessories shall be as manufactured by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. 15-23 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 15.23.10 Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe [CSI 33 05 33.13] Part 1— General Design Requirements Size shall be as shown on the Plans. Piping shall be able to withstand AASHTO H-20 traffic loads with the soil bury depth. Corrugated polyethylene pipe (CPE) for storm pipe shall be dual -wall style and comply with APWA WSDOT Standard Specifications Sections 7-04 and 9-05.20. Part 3 — Execution Installation Installation shall comply with WSDOT 7-02 for culverts and WSDOT 7-04. for storm sewers unless shown otherwise on the Plans. 15.23.11 Underdrain Pipe [CSI 33 05 27.23, 33 05 31.27, 33 05 33.33] Part 1— General Design Requirements Underdrain (or footing drain) pipe shall be perforated and may be one of the materials in the following list, at the option of the Contractor. If no filter fabric around the gravel sump is shown on the Plans, the pipe shall be provided with a full-length filter sock. Perforated underdrain pipe shall meet the following requirements: • PVC plastic - ASTM D-1785, Schedule 40; • Corrugated high-density polyethylene dual wall, AASHTO designation M-252. Equal to ADS N-12 dual wall perforated corrugated HDPE pipe. If pipe materials above cannot be obtained with perforations from the manufacturer, the Contractor or supplier shall perforate the pipe with '/,6 -inch by 1 -inch slots, or'/Z-inch diameter holes located at 2:00 and 10:00 at 4 -inch spacing. Provide and install fittings if pipe cannot be bent around curved structures without kinking or collapsing. Part 3 — Execution Construction Lay perforated pipe with perforations down, with bedding and backfill as indicated on the Plans. Use care in placing gravel backfill material to prevent its contamination. Compact backfill as identified on the Plans. 15-24 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 15.23.12 PVC Pipe for Drain, Waste, and Vent (DWV) [CSI 221316j Part 2 — Products Design Requirements Polyvinyl chloride for drain waste and vent (PVC-DWV) material for pipe fittings and couplings shall conform to ASTM D-1784, Type 1, Grade 1, with 2,000 psi design stress. Pipe shall be Schedule 80 in accordance with ASTM D-1785 and D2665 as shown on the Plans. Pipe shall be dual labeled. Cellular core PVC is not allowed. Part 3 — Execution Installation Pipe bedding shall be clean granular material with no organics and no rocks larger than 1/2 -inch for angular rock or 3/4 -inch for round -rock. Any cellular core pipe that is damaged in any way shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe. 15.30 VALVES 15.31 Common Work for Valves [CSI 40 05 51 or 33 14 19] Part 1— General Design and Performance Requirements Valves noted on the Plans or in other parts of the Specifications shall meet the requirements herein. Valves shall be designed for the intended service. Valve suppliers shall review the design and certify that the valve provided in the submittal is appropriate for the application and will operate as shown and described. Any discrepancies from the design and the valves shall be brought to the Engineer's attention during the bidding process. Valves that do not operate as specified and per normal industry standards shall be replaced or modified so that they operate within the design parameters at the Contractor's expense. Pressure rating shall be per Division 1.81.40 unless shown otherwise. Part 2 — Products Components If shear pins are installed with any valve, the manufacturer shall certify the shear pin(s) to fail between 95 to 99 percent of the operator shaft failure torque. Provide concrete supports for operators where required, as shown on the Plans. Buried valves shall be equipped with an AWWA 2 -inch wrench nut with a minimum of 10 turns required to close the valve, unless otherwise noted on the Plans. Exposed valves shall 15-25 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 be equipped with lever actuator for valves 2 inches and smaller, or handwheel actuator for valves 3 inches and larger, unless otherwise noted on Plans. Valves located at elevations higher than 6 feet above the finished floor shall be equipped with chainwheel operator. Buried valves where the operator nut is more than 3 feet below the valve box lid shall be provided with a solid shaft valve nut extension to reach between 18 -inches and 30 -inches of the ground surface. Extension shall attach to the nut with a set screw. Diameter of extension shall be appropriate for the valve size and length of extension, but under no circumstances shall be less than 1 inch for 4 -foot -long extension rods, or 1.25 inch for rods longer than 4 feet. Extension shall function without excessive twisting. Part 3 — Execution Installation Install valves in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and as shown on the Plans. Verify alignment and adjustments after installation. Provide buried valves with all operators or valves boxes installed so that wrenches or operators perform freely and without binding or other interference. Bed and backfill buried valves according to the requirements of the pipe to which they are attached. 15.32 Isolation Valves 15.32.02 Resilient Wedge (Seat) Gate Valves /CSI 40 05 61.231 Part 1— General Gate valves shall be Mueller, M&H, Kennedy, Clow R/W, or Waterous Series 500. Design Requirements All gate valves for water lines 3 inches and larger shall be of the resilient, wedge -type, and shall meet or exceed the performance requirements of AWWA C509 or AWWA C515 - Reduced -Wall, Resilient -Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service, unless shown otherwise. Valves shall be suitable for installation with the type and class of pipe being installed. The wedge shall be fully encapsulated with vulcanized SBR rubber or EPDM. Ends as shown on the plans. Valve opening direction shall be counter -clockwise. Buried valves shall have non -rising stem (NRS). Non -buried valves on fire protection systems shall have outside stem and yoke (OS&Y). Other valves as shown on the plans. Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control Where buried valves will be installed in a horizontal orientation and for buried valves 16 -inch and larger in any orientation, operate the valve over the full range of travel in both directions prior to installation in the presence of the Owner to verify gate travels smoothly and without binding. Service or replace valves that do not travel smoothly. 15-26 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Installation Fall 2023 Division 15 Install valves in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as shown on the Plans. Verify alignment and adjustments after installation. Provide buried valves with all operators or valve boxes installed so that wrenches and operators perform freely and without binding or other interference. Bed and backfill buried valves according to requirements of the pipe to which they are attached. 15.32.07 Gate Valves — Small Diameter [CSI 40 05 61.131 Part 2 — Products Manufactured Units Gate valves 2 inches and smaller for steel or brass pipe shall be Crane No. 438 or equal with non -rising stem, screwed bonnet, solid wedge disc, bronze construction and threaded ends. Gate valves 2 inches and smaller for copper piping shall be Crane No. 1320 or equal with stem, screwed bonnet, solid wedge disc, bronze construction and solder or screw ends. 15.33 Check Valves 15.33.02 Swing Check Valves [CSI 40 05 65.23] Part 1— General Design Requirements The swing check valve shall function to permit flow in only one direction. The valve shall close tightly, without slamming, when the pressure on the discharge side exceeds the pressure on the inlet side. All swing check valves shall conform with AWWA C508 and the following specifications. The valve shall be constructed to withstand the pressures stated in Division 1.81.40. Flanges shall be drilled to ANSI B16.1, Class 125# or as specified in the Plans. Operating pressure range is 15 psi (low) to 100 psi (high). The manufacturer shall certify that the check valve will seal completely within the operational range. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The valve shall be equal to Golden Anderson Fig. 220-DS/US swing check valve or M&H Model 159 Swing Check Valve. Valve swing arm shall be weighted. Swing arm shall be oriented as shown on the plans. If not shown, swing arm shall be located to be free to move without restriction. 15-27 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Manufactured Units Fall 2023 Division 15 The swing check valve body shall be constructed with heavy cast iron or cast steel and have a bronze or stainless-steel seat ring, rubber clapper facing, a non -corrosive shaft and external counterweight attachment. See Plans for which side of the valve to locate the counterweight. A limit switch shall be included and mounted to the valve body for remote indication of valve position. The valve disc shall be constructed of cast iron or cast steel and shall be suspended from a non -corrosive shaft. The valve shall allow the equivalent flow area of the adjoining pipe. The shaft shall pass through a stiffing box and be connected to the swing arm in the outside of the valve. Finishes The interior and exterior of the valve body, bonnet and seal plate shall be coated with fusion - bonded epoxy meeting AWWA C-550 (latest revision). Interior coating shall be a minimum dry film thickness of 7 Mils, not including primer. Exterior coating shall be a minimum dry film thickness of 5 Mils, not including primer. Alternatively, exterior may be coated per Division 9.90. 15.33.09 Duckbill Elastomeric Check Valves [(,Jl 4U U. 71.13] Part 1— General Summary Duckbill Elastomeric Check Valves shall be provided on the reservoir inlet system and reservoir air gap. Submittals Submit product literature including information on performance and operation valve, materials of construction, dimensions/weight, elastomer, flow data, headloss data, and pressure ratings. Upon request, provide shop drawings that clearly identify the valve dimensions. Performance Requirements When line pressure inside the valve exceeds the backpressure outside the valve by no more than 6 -inches of head, the line pressure forces the bill of the valve open, allowing flow to pass. When backpressure exceeds the line pressure, the bill of the valve is forced closed. Valves shall seal upon flow reversal drip tight. The valve shall be designed to open with a minimum head pressure of 6 -inches of water column. Design Requirements All components shall be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 61 compliant. Flange ends shall conform to ANSI B 16.10, Class 150#. 15-28 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 For flat -bottom style, the flat bottom is required to allow the valve to be installed where minimal bottom clearance exists. Part 2 — Products Manufactured Unit Check Valves are to be all rubber and of the flow operated check type with a connection end as shown on the plans. The port area shall contour down to a duckbill, which shall allow passage of flow in one direction while preventing reverse flow. The valve shall be one-piece rubber construction. Valves must be self-supporting with no sag in both empty and filled conditions. The bill portion shall be thinner and more flexible than the valve body. The bill - slit -height of the duckbill valve must be larger than the nominal pipe diameter to allow for least restrictive full pipe flow area. Backup rings and any metal components shall be 316 stainless steel. Company name, plant location, valve size and serial number shall be bonded to the check valve. Manufacturer Valves shall be equal to those manufactured by ProCo, ProFlex 71 OTT Series ®. Part 3 — Execution Installation Valve shall be installed as shown on the plans or as directed in the field by rotating pipe flange connections. 15.34 Pilot -Operated Control Valves 15.34.01 Common Work for Pilot -Operated Control Valves [CSI 40 05 65.05, 40 05 67.051 Part 1— General Submittals Valve suppliers shall review the design and certify that the valve provided in the submittal will operate as described and within the conditions specified. Any discrepancies from the design and the specified valves shall be brought to the Owner's attention during the submittal process. Performance Requirements Valves shall be designed for the intended service. Install valves in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as shown on the Plans. Valves that do not operate as intended shall be replaced or modified so that they operate within the design parameters at the Contractor's expense. All valves shall be rated for the pressures shown in Division 1.81.40, unless stated otherwise within the individual valve specification. 15-29 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Part 2 — Products Manufactured Units Valves shall be diaphragm -actuated, hydraulically -operated valves and shall have a cover chamber sealed from the body by a flexible, synthetic rubber diaphragm. Control of the valve shall be from direct -acting, adjustable spring-loaded diaphragm valve(s) and/or solenoid valve(s) as appropriate for the valve function. Pilot controls shall be selected appropriately for the system operational pressure range. Double chamber valves shall be used where independent operating pressure or absolute speed control is required. Double chamber valves shall also be used where line pressure is insufficient to operate the pilot system and a second pressure source is available. All pump control valves shall be double chamber. Valves to be globe or angle style with flanged or threaded ends as shown on the Plans. Components Provide brass or SS nameplates on all valves indicating valve size, inlet side (or flow direction), valve model and control pilot adjustment ranges. Provide valves with all pilots, solenoids and controls preassembled to operate the valve in its intended function. Solenoids shall be powered by 120 VAC current. Provide each valve with stainless steel trim. Diaphragm shaft shall be stainless steel. Provide a Delrin® stem for all pilot operated control valves. Provide a single point valve position limit switch assembly for all pilot operated control valves. Limit switches equal to Cla-Val X105L (single) or X105L2 (dual) series. Mount on the valve position indicator. A strainer shall be provided on all valve pilots to prevent clogging by debris in the water. Finishes Provide all hydraulic control valves with an epoxy coating on the interior flow path and exterior body. Interior epoxy shall be certified for potable water use. Field Quality Control The valve manufacturer's representative shall inspect the installation prior to operating or field testing. A field test shall be conducted and/or supervised by the valve manufacturer's representative after the piping and controls have been installed. Upon completion of installation and testing, manufacturer's representative shall provide written certification that equipment is fully warranted installed. 15-30 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 15 15.34.12 Seismic Solenoid Shut-off Valve - Pilot -Operated Control [CSI 40 05 67.51] Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Valve shall be equal to Cla-Val Model 136G-41BCSYKCX solenoid control valve equipped for dual supply, ductile iron body, epoxy lined and coated, stainless steel trim, 150# flange, stainless steel tubing and fittings, opening and closing speed controls. KX = 24 VDC magnetic latching CS3 solenoid for seismic reaction. Manufactured Units The solenoid control valve shall be equipped for dual supply, ductile iron body, epoxy lined and coated, stainless steel trim, 150# flange, stainless steel tubing and fittings, opening and closing speed controls. KX = 24 VDC magnetic latching CS3 solenoid for seismic reaction. The solenoid(s) shall operate on 120VAC/60Hz power. Pressure will range from 15 to 60 psi. 15.40 PIPING SPECIALTIES 15.40.02 Expansion Joint [CSI 40 05 06.15 or 33 05 09.151 Part 1— General Design Criteria All expansion joints shall be suitable for use with potable water systems if in contact with potable water. Expansion joints shall be rated by the manufacturer for the working pressure as specified in Division 1.81.40. Special covers shall be applied when specified in the Plans to resist weather, ozone, corrosive fumes and direct bury applications. Connections shall be as shown on the Plans (flange, weld, threaded, or mechanical joint). Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Direct bury expansion joints shall be EBAA Iron TM Flex -Tend® Double Ball standard unit expansion joints or approved equal. Manufactured Units Direct Bury Expansion joints directly buried in the ground shall be suitable to external service conditions, including soil overburden and contact with saturated soils. Expansion joints larger than 2 -inches shall be ductile iron. Ends shall be flanged. 15-31 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Non -Direct Bury ()ault, Above Ground or within Casing Non -direct bury expansion joints shall be natural rubber. The ends of the expansion joint larger than 2 inches in nominal diameter shall be flanged. Expansion joints 2 inches and smaller in nominal diameter shall be slip-on, threaded, or flanged. Include retaining rings, anchoring, and extension limiting rods per the manufacturer's recommendations. 15.40.04 Dielectric Fittings and Adapters [CSI 40 05 06.171 Part 2 — Products Dielectric Isolating (Insulating) Flange Joints Flange insulation shall include a full -face insulating gasket, a full-length insulating sleeve for each bolt, and two insulating washers and two steel bearing washers for each flange bolt. Sleeves and llasbers Insulating sleeves and washers shall be Pyrox G-10. Both the insulating washers and the steel washers shall fit over the outside diameter of the sleeve and shall fit within the bolt facing of the flange. Gaskets Gaskets shall be full faced Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR), Nitrile (Buna-N), Neoprene, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), or compressed vegetable fiber. Gaskets shall have adequate dielectric properties, 200V/mil minimum, and shall be suitable for the operating and test pressures of the pipe system. Gaskets shall NSF -61 approved. No hard rigid gasket (e.g. phenolic or epoxy -fiberglass (G-10)), even if full-faced elastomeric coated (e.g. neoprene - coated phenolic) or with elastomeric sealing element such as an O-ring or flat band. For gaskets used at ductile iron pipe flange joints, provide American Toruseal Flange Gasket (yellow only) has sufficient dielectric characteristics to meet the 200V/mil minimum requirement. Dielectric Isolation Joint Assembly An insulating joint assembly shall consist of 2 flange by plain end or 2 flange by mechanical joint (FLG x PE or FLG x MJ) adapters, a full face insulating gasket, with full length insulating sleeves, 2 insulating washers, and 2 steel bearing washers for each flange bolt. Flange Connection Submittals for flange connections shall address suitability of gasket, bolts, washers, nuts, and flange characteristics for the specified pipe type and pressure, considering gasket compression, bolt strength, and required torque. 15-32 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 13MG Reservoir Part 3 — Execution Installation Fall 2023 Division 15 Provide dielectric adapters between dissimilar types of metal pipes, valves and fittings (e.g. copper to stainless steel). Flange isolating kits shall be used when dissimilar metal flanged pipe is connected. The following connections do NOT require dielectric isolators. Metal Connecting to Bronze/brass Copper or ductile iron Ductile iron Mild steel, bronze or brass 15.40.08 Valve Box — Cast Iron [CSI 33 05 81.231 See owner's standard detail. 15.40.11 Joint Restraints — Wedge Style [CSI 33 05 09.34] Part 1— General Summary This specification is for wedge -action (tooth) style restraints. This type of restraint shall not be used where the Plans or specifications require True Restrained Joints (TRJ). Other terms used for TRJ may include "Bead -locked" or "Fabricated Restrained Joints". Performance Requirements. All naturally unrestrained joints subject to unbalanced forces shall be restrained to resist testing and operational forces. Restraints shall be rated for the maximum testing and operational pressures. Restraints shall be designed specifically for the material and purpose of the pipe and joint. Provide the quantity of restraints required for fully restraining all working and testing forces. Submittals Provide manufacturer's information describing applicability and performance ratings. Quality Assurance The Contractor is responsible for verifying compatibility of the pipe and restraint system proposed in their bid. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Mechanical Joints: EBAA Iron "Mega -Lug", Romac "Romagrip", or approved equals. 15-33 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Push -on Joints: US Pipe Field -Lok 350 (ductile iron), Ransom ReiberLok (PVC), EBAA Iron 1900 (PVC), or approved equals. If the Owner has construction standards addressing the type of restraints allowed, those standards shall take precedent over this specification unless specifically identified otherwise on the Plans. Components Set -screw type restraints are not permitted. Finishes Restraints in all buried applications, and in exposed areas when not being field coated, shall be coated at the factory with fusion bonded polyester based coating (e.g. Romac Romabond, EBAA Mega -bond, Ford Armorguard E -Coat) or approved equal. Part 3 — Execution Preparation Verify that the pipe surface where the restraints will affix is not damaged or corroded prior to installation. Any such damaged pipe shall be cut off and disposed of. Clean any dirt or debris from the surface of the pipe. Installation/Construction Install per the restraint manufacturer's instructions. Bolted style restraints shall be tightened in an alternating pattern in stages, do not tighten circumferentially. If bolted restraint does not come with break -off head bolts, a torque wrench must be used. If pipes require deflection at the joints, perform the deflection prior to final tightening of the restraints. Do not exceed the manufacturer's maximum deflection recommendations. Iiutial setting of wedges may use any commonly used hand tools until the wedge touches the pipe surface. Impact tools are not allowed for wedge engagement and final torqueing. Installation of restrained joint push -on pipe that will be deflected must be installed per the manufacturer's instructions. In general, this requires the pipe to be inserted into the bell at a straight alignment, but not pushed home. The pipe can then be deflected. If the manufacturer's instructions provide differing, or additional instructions, those instructions shall be followed. Bedding material must sands and/or angular gravels for proper soil -to -pipe adhesion and shall not be a clay, rounded gravel, pea gravel, washed rock, or other poorly graded material. Compaction of bedding around restrained pipe shall be performed in maximum 9 -inch lifts using mechanical compaction equipment. Repair If restraints are removed for any reason, the restraints shall be disposed of and not reused. The section of pipe to which the restraints were secured shall be cut off and disposed of. 15-34 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 15.50 FLOW METERS [CSI 3319 00 or 40 71001 15.50.05 Common Work for Flow Meters [CSI 3319 05 or 40 71051 Part 1— General Design Criteria Fall 2023 Division 15 Meter body and register shall have a pressure rating in accordance with Division 1.81.40. Materials, coatings, and components shall be appropriate for the fluid being measured. Meters will be installed inside a below grade vault with an anticipated ambient temperature range between 40- and 110 -degrees Fahrenheit. Submittals Meter shall fit in the space provided on the Plans. Meters that do not fit in the space provided must be approved by the Engineer for acceptance along with the Contractor's proposed modifications to accommodate the meter. Provide information on meter assembly, available and selected options, readout head, remote transmitter, coatings, and dimensions of all equipment. Part 2 — Products Components Each meter shall be equipped with an indicator -totalizer device. • Outlet meter with Digital readout head with electronic output per Division 15.51.5 Part 3 — Execution Installation Install the meter in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Testing If a meter approved by the Owner is not rated for the system test pressure, a temporary spool, flange(s), or cap(s) must be installed in place of the meter. A visual leak test will be performed under working pressure with the meter in place. The Contractor shall prove correct meter and transmitter performance. Should performance not be acceptable, adjust or replace the unit at the Contractor's expense. 15-35 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 15.51 Flow Meter Readout Head [CSI 33 09 01, 3319 90 or 40 71901 15.51.05 Digital Read Head with Electronic Output [CSI33 09 01.33,33 " 94 or 40 71941 Part 2 — Products Components The totalizer shall read in units of thousands of gallons. Readout shall gallons per minute (gpm) for instantaneous flow. Fall 2023 Division 15 The transmitter shall provide a contact closure (digital pulse) switch and a loop -powered current output (analog) for connection to the instrumentation system. The pulse output shall be plus or minus 2 percent of actual flow with the range specified for each meter. The current output shall be a 4-20 mA signal that represents the rate of flow through the meter. Scale the transmitter as follows: 0 gpm minimum and 5,000 gpm maximum. The current output shall be plus or minus 0.5 percent of full scale of the instrument the transmitter is controlling. Transmitter electronics shall consist of easily accessible printed circuit boards for convenient maintenance in a wall mountable NEMA 4X (standard) enclosure and connected to the transducer by cable. The meter manufacturer shall supply an unspliced cable run from the transmitter to the meter tube. Tranmsitter shall be 24 VDC powered, remote mounted in telemetry panel. The transmitter shall display flow rate in gallons per minute, totalized gallons, and an empty pipe indicator. The electronics shall be NEMA 4X rated. Output shall be 4-20 mA into 800 Ohms with an isolated ground and non -interacting zero and span adjustments. Separate 24 VDC pulse outputs for forward and reverse flow shall also be provided. The display and output shall be user scalable for GPM, CFS, or MGD, and shall be password protected. The meter, electronics, and transmitter shall be RFI shielded to prevent interference from adjacent high noise electrical equipment such as variable frequency drives, electromagnetic starters, transformers, or transfer switches. Provide the necessary interface between remote instrumentation and the transmitter. Provide a meter with power and signal wiring as recommended by the manufacturer. Ground instrumentation shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. Part 3 — Execution Installation Connect outputs to telemetry or data logging system. 15-36 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 15 Install the remote readout head where shown on the Plans. If not shown on the Plans, confirm location with Engineer prior to installation. 15.53 Electronic Flow Meters 15.53.03 Electromagnetic Flow Meters [CSI 3319 23 or 40 7113.131 Part 1— General Related Sections • 15.51.05 Digital Read Head with Electronic Output Design Requirements Provide an electromagnetic flow metering system suitable for measuring and transmitting flow rate in a full -flowing pipe. The meter shall be suitable for either horizontal or vertical mounting. The system shall operate within the accuracy required over an ambient temperature range of -10 to +120 degrees Fahrenheit and a process temperature range of +15 to +120 degrees Fahrenheit. Meter and electronics shall be rated for Class 1 Division 2 service. Performance Requirements The flow meter system shall be microprocessor based, utilizing a DC bipolar pulsed coil that automatically re -zeroes after each pulse cycle. System accuracy shall be ± 1 percent of actual flow rate over a fluid velocity range of 1 to 30 feet per second (fps), and within 0.01 fps for velocities less than 1 fps. Repeatability shall be 0.1 percent of full scale or better. System accuracy shall be traceable to NIST using prototype meters of the same configuration. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The flow meter shall be Endress and Hauser Proline Promag W 400 or approved equal. Manufactured Units The meter tube and coil shall be mounted on the pipe between ANSI B16 pipe flanges and rated for working and test pressures as indicated in Division 1.81.40. The meter tube shall be 304 or 316 stainless steel. The meter and cable connection(s) shall be capable of complete submergence without damage. The meter shall include integral grounding electrodes, or 316 stainless steel or Hastelloy C grounding rings for installation at the inlet. The manufacturer shall verify that the grounding system is appropriate for the proposed use. All wetted parts shall be 316 stainless steel. When grounding rings are used, select gaskets with an inside diameter large enough that the gasket cannot wrap over the exposed edge of the grounding ring, blocking it from the process fluid. 15-37 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.d— 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Finishes Fall 2023 Division 15 The meter liner shall completely encapsulate all wetted areas except for electrodes. The liner shall be certified by the manufacturer as appropriate for the proposed use. The liner shall be Endress & Hauser: Hard Rubber, Polyurethane, PTFE (drinking water / wastewater). The meter supplier shall review the liner material specified and confirm that it is appropriate for this project fluid and process. Provide submittal information that the liner material is fully compatible with the liquid it is carrying. 15.60 PRESSURE MEASUREMENT [rsT 40 73 001 15.60.01 Common Work for Pressure Measurement [CSI 40 73 051 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 17 - Electronic Pressure and Level Devices Design Requirements Pressure and level measurement devices shall be scaled and rated for the application. Part 3 — Execution Installation All devices shall be installed to be field serviceable without taking the facility out of service. Readouts shall be positioned to be easily read from a standing position and central to the room, unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer. 15.61 Pressure Gauges [CSI 40 7313] Part 1— General References • ASME B40.100 (1340.1 Analog, B40.7 Digital) Performance Requirements Analog: Grade 2A (±0.5 percent of span) unless stated otherwise in the Products section. Digital: Grade 2A (±0.5 percent of span) or AR (±1 percent of reading) unless stated otherwise in the Products section. Submittals Provide catalog sheets showing dimensions, pressure range, accuracy and optional accessories. 15-38 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Marsh, 3D Instruments, or approved equal. Materials Fall 2023 Division 15 Provide gauges per the table below. Gauges completely suitable for measuring potable water with wetted parts of brass, bronze, or stainless steel. Location Vault Vault Full Scale 0-100 psi 0-100 psi Normal Operating 20-60 psi 20-60 psi Range Analog or Analog Digital Digital Surface or Stem Stem Stem Mount Connection 0.25" or 0.25" or 0.5" Size 0.5" Accuracy See Per£ See Perf. Grade Req'ts Req'ts Glycerin Glycerin fill or Dry Face Size 2.5" or 4.5" 4.5" Accessories Unless shown otherwise on the Plans, provide a block and bleed valve for each pressure gauge. Transcat 600/700 series, stainless steel, or approved equal. Do not use in chlorine rooms or chlorination systems. Part 3 — Execution Installation Install gauges where shown on the Plans. Support gauges adequately. Tighten only with the connection hex nut, do not twist the case. 15-39 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Field Quality Control Fall 2023 Division 15 Where a new gauge is connected directly to the plumbing of a pressure transmitter, the gauge must read within its accuracy grade compared to the transmitter, unless the transmitter is proven faulty. New gauges will be compared to each other in the field. Differences of more than 1.5% of the reading will be cause for rejection. Contractor to build a temporary testing manifold if the facility piping does not permit direct comparison of gauges in place. Replace or calibrate gauges that do not meet the accuracy requirements. 15-40 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\15 Mechanical.docs 11/10/23 3:32 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 16 Electrical 16.00 GENERAL The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, tools, equipment and services required to complete the furnishing, installation, wiring, connection, calibration, adjustment, testing and operation of all electrical equipment, devices and components as indicated and implied by the plans and specifications. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Wlork for..." shall apply to all following sections whether directly referenced or not. The Contractor shall reference Division 1.25 regarding substitutes and "or -equals". 16.05 Common Work for Electrical [CSI 26 05 001 Part 1— General Summary Plans are diagrammatic and indicate general arrangements of systems and equipment, except when specifically, dimensioned or detailed. The intention of the plans is to show size, capacity, approximated location, direction and general relationship of one work phase to another, but not exact detail or arrangement. Regulatory Requirements The Contractor shall coordinate and provide all permits, licenses, approvals, inspections by the authority having jurisdiction and other arrangements for work on this project and all fees shall be paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall include these fees in the bid price. Related Sections See the following sections for items that may be provided and/or installed with other electrical equipment. • Division 8.90 Motorized louvers/dampers • Division 10.14 Signs for electrical equipment • Division 11.95.34 Fans • Division 11.95.83 Space heater • Division 15.30 Valves with position indication and controls • Division 15.51 Flow meter transmitters • Division 17.50 Sensors and controls Codes and Standards Provide all electrical work in accordance with latest edition of National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, Washington State Electrical Code and local ordinances. If any 16-1 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 conflict occurs between government adopted code rules and these specifications, the codes are to govern. All electrical products shall bear a label from a certified testing laboratory recognized by the State of Washington. Recognized labels in the State of Washington are UL, ETL, and CSA -US. Definitions Dry Locations: All those indoor areas which do not fall within the definitions below for wet, damp, or corrosive locations and which are not otherwise designated on the Plans. Wet Locations: All locations exposed to the weather, whether under a roof or not, unless otherwise designated on the Plans. Damp Locations: All spaces wholly or partially underground, or having a wall or ceiling forming part of a channel or tank unless otherwise designated on the Plans. The words "plans" and "drawings" are used interchangeably in this specification and in all cases shall be interpreted to mean "Plans". The word "provide" shall be interpreted to mean furnish and install. Design Requirements Unless otherwise noted, provide enclosures as follows: 1. Indoors Unclassified Locations: NEMA Type 12 2. Outdoors and/or Wet Locations: NEMA Type 4X 3. Electrical Rooms: NEMA Type 1 Submittals Provide submittals of each item specified in this division to engineer for approval in accordance with Division 1 of these specifications. Submittals for control panels, instrumentation panels, and pump control panels shall include at a minimum: a wiring diagram or connection schematic, and an interconnection diagram. Wiring Diagram or Connection Schematic 1. Include all devices in a system and show their physical relationship to each other including terminals and interconnecting wiring in assembly. This diagram shall be in a form showing interconnecting wiring only by terminal designations (wireless diagram). Interconnection Diagram 1. Show all external connections between terminals of equipment and outside points, such as motors and auxiliary devices. Show references to all connection diagrams which interface to the interconnection diagrams. Interconnection diagrams shall be of the continuous line type. Show bundled wires on a single line with the direction of entry/exit of the individual wires clearly shown. Identify all devices and equipment. Show terminal blocks as actually installed and identified in the equipment complete with individual terminal identification. All jumpers, shielding and grounding termination details not shown on the equipment connection diagrams shall be shown on the interconnection diagrams. Show spare wires and cables. 16-2 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Provide submittal information for the following items: 1. Utility Meter Enclosure 2. Service Disconnect 3. Surge Protective Device (SPD) 4. Branch Circuit Panelboard 5. Circuit Breakers 6. Conduit and Fittings 7. Outlet and Junction Boxes 8. Electrical Handholes and Vaults 9. Wire and Cables 10. Switches and Receptacles Fall 2023 Division 16 11. Light Fixtures 12. Other Electrical Components listed in this Division and/or required by the Engineer. Construction Power See Division 1.51 Part 2 — Products Source Quality Control Provide adequate space and fit for the electrical installation, including, but not limited to, determination of access -ways and doorways, shipping sections, wall and floor space, and space occupied by mechanical equipment. Provide electrical equipment that fits in the areas shown on the Plans. All equipment shall be readily accessible for maintenance, shall have electrical clearances in accordance with National Electric Code (NEC) and shall be installed in locations which will provide adequate cooling. Do not use equipment exceeding dimensions indicated or equipment or arrangements that reduce required clearances or exceed specified maximum dimensions unless approved by the Owner. Identification of Listed Products Electrical equipment and materials shall be listed for the purpose for which they are to be used, by an independent testing laboratory. When a product is not available with a testing laboratory listing for the purpose for which it is to serve, the inspection authority may require the product to undergo a special inspection at the manufacturer's place of assembly. All costs and expenses incurred for such inspections shall be included in the original contract price. Materials Use equipment, materials and wiring methods suitable for the types of locations in which they will be located, as defined in Definitions above. 16-3 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 All materials and equipment specified herein shall, within the scope of UL Examination Services, be approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories for the purpose for which they are used and shall bear the UL label. Components Fasteners for securing to walls, floors, and the like shall meet the requirements of Division 5.05.23. Accessories Wire Identification 1. Identify each wire or cable at each termination and in each pull -box using numbered and lettered wire markers. All electrically common conductors shall have the same number. Each electrically different conductor shall be uniquely numbered. Identify panelboard circuits using the panelboard identification and circuit number. Identify other circuits as approved by the Engineer. Identify each wire or cable in each pull -box with plastic sleeves having permanent markings. Conductors between terminals of different numbers shall have both terminal numbers shown at each conductor end. The terminal number closest to the end of the wire shall be the same as the terminal number. Finishes Refer to each electrical equipment section of these specifications for painting requirements of equipment enclosures. Part 3 — Execution Installation General 1. Complete the wiring, connection, adjustment, calibration, testing and operation of mechanical equipment having electrical motors and/or built-in or furnished electrical components in accordance with electrical code, UL listing requirements and manufacturer's instructions. Install electrical components that are furnished with mechanical equipment. 2. Provide the size, type and rating of motor control devices, equipment and wiring necessary to match the ratings of motors furnished with mechanical equipment. 3. Complete the procurement, installation, wiring, connection, calibration, adjustment, testing and operation of all electrical devices, components accessories and equipment which is not shown or specified but which is nonetheless required to make the systems shown and specified properly functional. Workmanshi12 I. Assign a qualified representative who shall supervise the electrical construction work from beginning to completion and final acceptance. 2. Provide all labor using qualified craftsmen, who have had experience on similar projects. 3. Ensure that all equipment and materials fit properly in their installations. 16-4 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Field Services Fall 2023 Division 16 1. Provide field services of qualified technicians to supervise and check out the installation of the equipment, to supervise and check out interconnecting wiring, to conduct start-up and operation of the equipment, and to correct any problems which occur during testing and start-up. Installing Equipment 1. Provide the required inserts, bolts and anchors, and securely attach all equipment and materials to their supports. 2. Install all floor -mounted equipment on 3'/2 -inch high reinforced concrete pads. 3. Install all equipment and junction boxes to permit easy access for normal maintenance. Cutting, Drilling, and Welding 1. Provide any cutting, drilling, and welding that is required for the electrical construction work. 2. Structural members shall not be cut or drilled, except when approved by the Engineer. Use a core drill wherever it is necessary to drill through concrete or masonry. Perform patch work with the same materials as the surrounding area and finish to match. Metal Panels 1. Mount all metal panels, which are mounted on, or abutting concrete walls in damp locations or any outside walls '/4 -inch from the wall and paint the back side of the panels with a high build epoxy primer with the exception of stainless-steel panels. Film thickness shall be 10 Mils minimum. Seismic Requirements 1. See Division 1.81.30 Load Balance I. Balance electrical load between phases as nearly as possible on panelboards and other equipment where balancing is required. 2. When loads must be reconnected to different circuits to balance phase loads, maintain accurate record of changes made, and provide circuit directory that lists final circuit arrangement. Field Quality Control Minor Deviations 1. The electrical plans are diagrammatic in nature and the location of devices, fixtures, and equipment is approximate unless dimensioned. Based on this, the right is reserved by the owner to provide for minor adjustments and deviations from the locations shown on the Plans without any extra cost. Deviations from the Plans and/or specifications required by code shall also be done, subsequent to Owner's approval, without extra cost. 2. Plans indicate the general location and number of the electrical equipment items. When raceway, boxes, and ground connections are shown, they are shown diagrammatically only 16-5 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 16 and indicate the general character and approximate location. Layout does not necessarily show the total number of raceways or boxes for the circuits required. Furnish, install, and place in satisfactory condition all raceways, boxes, conductors, and connections, and all of the materials required for the electrical systems shown or noted in the contract documents complete, fully operational, and fully tested upon the completion of the project. Project Record Plans 1. A set of Plans shall be maintained at the job site showing any deviations in the electrical systems from the original design. A set of electrical Plans, marked in red to indicate the routing of concealed conduit runs and any deviations from the original design, shall be submitted to the Owner for review prior to final acceptance. 2. After testing and acceptance of the project the Contractor shall furnish in the O&M manuals an accurate connection schematic and interconnection diagram for every service entrance panel and instrumentation panel provided this project. Cleanup and Equipment Protection Equipment Protection 1. Always exercise care after installation of equipment, control panels, etc., to keep out foreign matter, dust debris, and moisture. Use protective sheet metal covers, canvas, heat lamps, etc., as needed to ensure equipment protection. Cleaning Equipment 1. Thoroughly clean all soiled surfaces of installed equipment and materials upon completion of the project. Clean out and vacuum all construction debris from the bottom of all equipment enclosures. Pa>�trng 1. Repaint any electrical equipment or materials scratched or marred in shipment or installation, using paint furnished by the equipment manufacturer. Final Cleanup 1. Upon completion of the electrical work, remove all surplus materials, rubbish, and debris that accumulated during the construction work. Leave the entire area neat, clean and acceptable to the Owner. 2. Lamps and fluorescent tubes shall be cleaned, and defective units replaced at the time of final acceptance. 16-6 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tectuucats\16 Flectricat.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PNI © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 16.10 ELECTRICAL SITE WORK 16.10.1 Common Work for Electrical Site Work [CSI 33 7119 Part 1— General Summary Fall 2023 Division 16 The work included in this section consists of furnishing and installing conduit, fittings, handholes, pull vaults, warning tape, cables, wires, and related items, complete as specified herein and as indicated on the Plans for a complete and functional underground electrical system. Special vaults, grounding, trench backfill requirements may be specified with the particular equipment or electrical system involved. Related Sections Wire and cable per Section 16.60. Raceways and conduit per Section 16.70. Design Requirements Materials and equipment shall conform to the respective specifications and standards; and to be the specifications herein. Electrical rating shall be as indicated on Plans. Part 3 — Execution Construction Provide all excavation, trenching, backfill, and surface restoration required for the electrical work. Excavate to depths as required by Code, particular installation, or as shown on the Plans. Trench width and length as required by the installation or as shown. Trench bottom shall be free of debris and graded smooth. Where trench bottom is rock or rocky or contains debris larger than 1 inch or material with sharp edges, over excavate 3 inches and fill with 3 inches of sand. Separation between new electrical utilities and other utilities shall be 12 inches horizontal and 6 inches vertical minimum, except gas line separation shall be 12 inches both vertical and horizontal. Cross concrete or asphalt only after surface material has been saw cut to required width and removed. Backfill around raceways shall be 3 -inches of pea gravel or sand for systems of 600 volt or less. Provide red marker tape over raceways below grade. Place backfill material to obtain a minimum degree of compaction of 95 percent of maximum density at optimum moisture content. Moisten backfill material as required to obtain proper compaction. Do not use broken pavement, concrete, sod, roots or debris for backfill. 16-7 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 16.10.2 Underground Marking Tape (Detectable Type) [CSI 33 05 97.23] Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Tape shall be Brady "Detectable Identoline — Buried Underground Tape", or equal. Materials Underground marking tape shall be for location and early warning protection of buried power and communication lines. Tape shall be detectable by a pipe/cable locator or metal detector from above the undisturbed ground. Tape shall be nominally 2 inches wide with a type B721 aluminum foil core laminated between two layers of 5 Mil thickness polyester plastic. The plastic color shall be red for electrical lines and orange for telephone lines. Part 3 — Execution Installation Unless noted otherwise on Plans, install approved underground marking tape 12 inches above and directly over the conduit or raceway in all trenches. 16.10.3 Handholes and Pull Boxes [CSI 33 7119.131 Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Handholes and Pull boxes shall be Oldcastle or approved equal unless specified otherwise on the Plans. Materials Provide handholes of reinforced precast concrete, or injection molded composite plastic material. Handholes shall include a base, a body, extensions and a cover. Provide handholes with a perimeter of 10 feet or more (e.g., 3 feet by 2 feet) with both pulling irons and cable racks. All hardware shall be stainless steel, or hot -dip galvanized after fabrication; cable racking and hardware, however, shall be non-metallic and corrosion resistant. If no handhole size is shown on the Plans, size units per NEC or provide 12 inches by 24 inches by 18 inches deep, whichever is larger. All handholes located in areas subject to vehicular traffic or where identified on Plans shall be ASSHTO, H-20 rated in accordance with ASTM C857. The lids to all pull boxes and vaults shall be permanently marked for its intended use, "signal" for all signal and instrumentation handholes and "electrical" for all power handholes. Letter shall be a minimum of 3 -inches high. 16-8 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 Part 3 — Execution Installation Conduits entering handholes shall have grounding bushings installed and the conduit ends shall be sealed with Permagum sealing compound. Where conduits enter through sides of handholes, the penetration shall be made watertight. Use a core drill wherever it is necessary to drill through concrete. Perform patch work with the same materials as the surrounding area and finish to match. Pull boxes shall be provided at least every 150 feet on long straight runs. Spacing shall be reduced by 50 feet for each 90 -degree bend. Install handholes flush with finished grade in all paved areas, roadways and walkways. All handhole edges shall be flush with final surface. 16.15 Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems [CSI 26 05 261 Part 1— General References Service and equipment grounding shall be per Article 250 of the NEC. Performance Requirements Verify that a low-resistance ground path is provided for all circuits so an accidental contact to ground of any live conductor will instantly trip the circuit. Part 2 — Products Components The grounding systems shall consist of the ground rods, grounding conductors, ground bus, ground fittings and clamps, and bonding conductors to water piping and structural steel as shown on the Plans. System components shall be as allowed in the NEC unless specified otherwise below: 1. Ground Rods: Ground rods shall be cone pointed copper clad Grade 40 HS steel rods conforming to ASTM B228. The welded copper encased steel rod shall have a conductivity of not less than 27 percent of pure copper. 2. Ground Conductors: Buried conductors shall be medium -hard drawn bare copper; other conductors shall be soft drawn copper. Sizes over No. 6 AWG shall be stranded. Coat all ground connections except the exothermic welds with electrical joint compound, non -petroleum type, UL listed for copper and aluminum applications. 3. Ground Rod Boxes: Boxes shall be a 9 -inch diameter precast concrete unit with hot -dip galvanized traffic cover. Boxes shall be 12 -inches deep minimum. Covers shall be embossed with the wording "Ground Rod". 16-9 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 Part 3 — Execution General Grounding Installation When available a UFER ground per latest edition of NEC shall be provided as the primary means to ground the electrical system. Ground electrical service neutral at service entrance equipment to supplementary grounding electrodes. Ground each separately derived system neutral to nearest effectively grounded building structural steel member or separate grounding electrode. Provide a ground rod box for each ground rod to permit ready access to facilitate testing. Provide a ground wire in every conduit carrying a circuit of over 110 volts to ground. Make embedded or buried ground connections, taps and splices with exothermic welds. Coat ground connections. Bond metallic water piping at its entrance into each building. Motor Grounding Installation Extend equipment ground bus via grounding conductor installed in motor feeder raceway. Connect to motor frame. When using nonmetallic flexible tubing install an equipment grounding conductor connected at both ends to noncurrent -carrying grounding bus. Vault and Handhole Grounding Exposed noncurrent -carrying metal parts of equipment, conductor supports or racks, conduits, and other metal appurtenances, including any metal cover and its supporting ring, shall be bonded together and connected to a common ground. The size of the grounding means shall be as prescribed in the NEC. Where the grounding means is exposed, the grounding conductor shall be not smaller than #8 AWG copper. Ground Connections Above grade ground connections shall be exothermic weld, mechanical, or compression -type connectors; or brazing. Below grade ground connections shall be exothermic weld. Install all ground connections is strict accordance with connector manufacturer's recommendations and methods. Testing Following completion of the grounding electrode system, if installed, measure ground resistance at each ground rod using the three -rod method. Submit results to engineer prior to final acceptance by the Owner. Perform testing per NETA Standard ATS paragraph 7.13. Testing methods shall conform to NETA Standard ATS using the three -electrode method for large systems. Conduct tests only after a period of not less than 48 hours of dry weather. 16-10 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 Furnish to the Engineer a test report with recorded data of each ground rod location. See Division 16.95.4. 16.20 UTILITY SERVICE 16.21 Electrical Service [CSI 262100] Part 1— General Description of Work Work consists of installation of new 100 -amp, 120/240 -volt, 1 -phase underground service, pad -mounted transformer and service entrance equipment. Scheduling Work with the Utility Company The Contractor shall be fully and completely responsible for all scheduling and coordination with the utility company. The Contractor shall coordinate and schedule power outages, power service for operation and construction, and power service as may be required prior to Certification of Occupancy. The Contractor shall make all necessary applications for service with the utility and shall notify the Owner in writing of any obligations that the Owner must fulfill for service to be started, installed, or modified. Contractor/Utility Interface Responsibilities The electrical utility providing service to these facilities is Puget Sound Energy. During design, contact was made with Customer Service Representative, John Singleton, who can be contacted by telephoning (360) 522-3156. The division of responsibilities stated below has been determined by coordination with the serving utility. The Contractor shall comply with all utility company standards and requirements. All utility charges for and related to the final permanent service to the facility will be paid by the Owner, directly to the utility company and not be included in the Contractor's bid price. Contractor shall notify the Owner of any changes to the responsibilities between the electrical utility and the Contractor as outlined in these specifications prior to submitting a bid. Any change(s) in responsibilities not brought to the attention of the Owner prior to bidding will not be cause for additional payment. The Contractor shall notify the Owner (in writing) of any obligations or forms that the Owner is responsible to provide for service. The Contractor shall: Provide and install proposed secondary power meter pole including excavation and restoration. Install new raceway and conductors for secondary service from the proposed meter pole location to the proposed utility meter including trenching, backfill, and restoration. Terminate service conductors at the utility meter enclosure. 16-11 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectricat.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 Install the service disconnect and lighting panel as shown on the Plans. Install utility meter enclosure, raceway, and conductors for utility revenue metering as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall meet all the standard requirements for working in the right-of-way which includes a utility representative on site during work within the right-of-way. The Contractor shall be responsible for paying all cost for the representative to be on site. The Utility Company shall: Extend proposed overhead secondary power from the existing primary service connection point to the proposed meter pole. Install a utility revenue meter in the proposed main revenue metering enclosure installed by the Contractor. Project Conditions Before submitting a bid, the Contractor shall become familiar with all the electrical service requirements that may affect the execution of their work. Standards and Codes Work involving service installation shall be done in accordance with the service utilities standards and the NEC. Service equipment shall be listed and labeled by UL as "suitable for use as service equipment". 16.21.2 Electrical Utility Meter Enclosure [CSI 262713] Manufacturers Meter enclosure shall be a Circle AW or equal and as required to meet the requirement of the serving utility. Installation shall be in vandal proof NEMA 3R enclosure with a lockable hinged door. Meter shall include a metal vandal screen that can be purchased from serving utility. Materials Contractor shall coordinate with Puget Sound Energy on the type of metering required and shall provide all labor and material necessary to meet Puget Sound Energy requirements. 16.30 BASIC PANEL EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES 16.36.1 Surge Protection Device (SPD) [CSI 26 4.31.3, 40 78 561 Part 2 — Products General The SPD shall be compatible with the electrical system voltage, current, system configuration, and intended applications. 16-12 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Manufacturers Fall 2023 Division 16 The Service Track series SPD shall be manufactured by the manufacturer of the panelboard. Manufactured Units Protect the electrical service with an SPD device as shown on the Plans. The SPD shall be mounted in the panelboard. The SPD shall meet the following: 1. Provide surge current withstand up to 50 kA per phase. 2. Short circuit current rating of 50 kAIC. 3. A ten-year free replacement warranty. 4. Enhanced UL 1283 Transient Tracking Filter. 5. Status indicator lights for each phase and one service LED. 16.50 PANELBOARDS 1(-5- 126 24 001 16.52 Panelboards j(_5_1 L6 L4 161 Part 1— General Description of Work This section covers the furnishing and installation of all panelboard equipment complete. Quality Assurance Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled as defined in NEC Article 100. Standards and Codes All materials and equipment specified herein shall, within the scope of UL Examination Services, be approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories for the purpose for which they are used and shall bear the UL label. All material and equipment specified herein shall conform with all applicable NEMA, ANSI, and IEEE standards. All materials and equipment specified herein, and their installation methods shall conform to the latest published version of the NEC. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Materials, equipment, and accessories specified in this section shall be products of - Eaton/ Cutler-Hammer £ Eaton/Cutler-Hammer • Schneider Electric/Square D Company 16-13 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 • Siemens Panelboards shall be of the same manufacturer as equipment furnished under Section 16.50, Low Voltage Motor Control. Components Panelboard Type 1. Panelboards shall be rated at proper voltage and current for intended use with bus bars of copper. Panels shall be 3-phase, 4 -wire, 100 percent neutral, with equipment ground bar unless noted otherwise. Panelboards shall be dead front. Wire Terminations Panelboard assemblies, including protective devices, shall be suitable for use with 75 degrees Celsius or greater wire insulation systems at NEC 7 degrees Celsius conductor ampacity in accordance with UL 486E. Load Current Ratings Unless otherwise indicated, load current ratings for panelboard assemblies, including bus and circuit breakers, are non -continuous as defined by NEC. Continuous rating shall be 80 percent of non -continuous rating. 2. Where indicated "continuous", "100 percent", etc., selected components and protective devices shall be rated for continuous load value shown. 3. The following interrupting capacity shall be considered minimum. Other ratings shall be as specified on the Plans. 240V and 208Y/120V Panelboards 22,000 AIC symmetrical Overcurrent Protective Devices In accordance with NEMA AB 1, NEMA KS 1, UL 98 and UL 489, protective devices shall be adapted to panelboard installation. 2. Panelboards shall be capable of device replacement without disturbing adjacent devices and without removing main bus. 3. Spare Spaces: Cover openings with easily removable cover. 4. When not identified on Plans, provide minimum of 18 single -pole breaker spaces. Circuit Breakers 1. Provide thermal -magnetic unless otherwise indicated, quick -make, quick -break, molded case, of indicating type showing ON/OFF and TRIPPED positions of operating handle. Mount breakers in all panelboards so that the breaker handles operate in a horizontal plan. 2. The bus connection shall be bolt -on circuit breakers in all panelboards. In power distribution panelboards, 225 -ampere frame sizes and greater may be plug-in type where individual positive locking device requires mechanical release for removal. 3. Trip Mechanism: a) Individual permanent thermal and magnetic trip elements in each pole. 16-14 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1unca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir b) Test button on cover. Fall 2023 Division 16 c) Variable magnetic trip elements with a single continuous adjustment 3X to 10X for frames greater than 100 amps. d) Two and three pole breakers shall have common trip. e) Automatic opens all poles when overcurrent occurs on one pole. 0 Calibrated for 40 degrees C ambient, unless shown otherwise. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter GFCI). 1. Where indicated, equip breaker as specified above with ground fault sensor rated to trip on 5-mA ground fault with 0.025 second (UL 943, class A sensitivity, for protection for personnel). 2. Ground fault sensor shall be rated same as circuit breaker. 3. GFCI shall have a push -to -test button and a reset button. Equipment Ground Fault Interrupter (EGFR 1. Where indicated, equip breaker as specified above with ground fault sensor rated to trip on 30-mA ground fault (UL listed for equipment ground fault protection). Cabinets for Each Panelboard 1. Cabinets shall be flush, or surface mounted as indicated on the Plans with tight closing doors without play when latched. Where two cabinets are located adjacent to each other in finished areas, provide matching trim of the same height. 2. Provide cabinets of sufficient dimensions to allow for future expansion and addition of circuit breakers within the panelboards as indicated on the Plans. 3. Provide locks for each cabinet door. All electrical distribution equipment locks are to be keyed identically. 4. Fasten panelboard with machine screws with oval countersunk heads, finish hardware quality, with escutcheons or approved trim clamps. Clamps assessable only when dead front door is open are acceptable. Surface mounted panelboards with fronts greater than 48 inches vertical dimension shall have trim hinged at the right side in addition to the hinged door over dead front. 5. Material for Type 1, Type 3R, and Type 3S cabinets shall be code -gauge, hot -dip galvanized sheet steel with reinforced steel frame. 6. Finish all enclosures with rust inhibitor primer followed by manufacturer's standard gray baked enamel or lacquer. Bus 1. Material for internal bus shall be full size copper throughout length. Provide for mounting of future protective devices along full length of bus regardless of number of units and spaces shown. Machine, drill and tap as required for current and future positions. 16-15 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Feeder Lugs Fall 2023 Division 16 1. Main and neutral feeder lugs shall be replaceable, bolted mechanical or crimp compression type. Equipment Ground Terminal Bus 1. Provide copper equipment ground terminal bus with suitably sized provisions for termination of ground conductors. The terminal bus shall be bonded to the enclosure. 2. Provide individual mechanical termination points no less than the quantity of breaker pole positions. 3. Provide individual termination points for all other grounding conductors such as feeder, grounding electrodes, etc. Neutral Terminal Bus 1. Provide copper neutral terminal bus with suitably sized provisions for termination of neutral conductors. The neutral bus shall be isolated from the enclosure. 2. Provide individual mechanical termination points no less than the quantity of breaker pole positions. 3. Provide individual termination points for all other neutral conductors. 4. Termination points shall be bolted crimp compression lugs for conductors 6 AWG or larger. Part 3 — Execution General Install in accordance with NECA 407, NEMP PB 1.2 and manufacturers' -,written installation instructions. Installation Install securely, plumb, in-line and square with walls. Install top of panelboard trim 72 inches above floor, unless otherwise shown. Install panelboard so tops of protective device operating handles are no more than 72 inches above the floor. Install filler plates in unused spaces. System of Numbering and Bus Arrangement System numbering and bus arrangement shall be as shown on the panel schedule on the Plans. Panelboard Nameplate Provide engraved plastic nameplate with 1/2 -inch high characters for panel identifications (for panel name) attached with screws to each panelboard front. Include voltage, phase and wire (i.e., 208Y/120, 3-phase, 4 -wire) in %-inch characters. 16-16 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectricat.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Circuit Index Fall 2023 Division 16 Provide as -built information for each branch circuit panelboard by circuit with its proper load designation. Ground Fault Protection Install panelboard ground fault circuit interrupter devices in accordance with installation guidelines of NEMA 289. 16.55 Switches and Protective Devices [CSI 2618 00 (medium voltage) 2628 00 (Iow voltage)] 16.55.16 Molded Case Circuit Breakers [CSI 26 28 16.141 Part 1— General Design Requirements Breakers shall have the interrupting rating and trip rating indicated on the Plans. All breakers shall be calibrated for operation in an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Part 2 — Products Manufactured Units Molded case circuit breakers shall be quick -make and quick -break type with wiping type contacts. Each breaker shall be provided with arc chutes and individual trip mechanisms on each pole consisting of both thermal and magnetic trip elements. Two and three pole breakers shall be common trip. Molded case circuit breakers shall be trip -free. Each breaker shall have trip indication independent of the "ON" or "OFF" positions. 16.55.17 Instantaneous Magnetic Trip Breakers [CSI 26 28 16. 151 Part 1— General Design Requirements The magnetic trips shall be adjustable and accessible from the front of all these breakers. Part 2 — Products Manufactured Units Breakers in motor circuits which are indicated but not sized, shall be provided with Manufacturer's recommended size based on the actual motor installed. Where indicated on the Plans and in the combination motor starter schedule, furnish instantaneous magnetic trip only circuit breakers for motor short circuit protection. 16-17 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 16.60 CONDUCTORS 16.61 Low Voltage Wire and Cable [CSI 26 09 19] Part 1— General Design Requirements This section is for power and control conductors for 600 volts or less. Fall 2023 Division 16 All conductors shall be copper. Wire or cable not shown on the Plans or specified, but required, shall be of the type and size required for the application and in conformance with the applicable code. Part 2 — Products Materials Conductors 1. Solid and stranded copper wire shall be 600 -volt Type THW, THWN, or THHW, Class B stranding, sizes #14 AWG, #12 AWG, and #10 AWG only. Use of THHN insulation shall not be allowed. Aluminum conductors shall not be allowed. 2. Stranded copper wire shall be 600 -volt Type XHHW, Class B stranding, sizes #8 AWG and larger. Aluminum conductors shall not be allowed. Splices 1. For Lighting Systems and Power Outlets: Wire nuts shall be twist -on type insulated connectors utilizing an outer insulating cover and a means for connecting and holding the conductors firmly. 2. All Equipment: Crimp type connectors shall be insulated type, suitable for the size and material of the wires and the number of wires to be spliced and for use with either solid or stranded conductors. 3. Division 16 Equipment and Power Conductors: Bolted pressure connectors shall be suitable for the size and material of the conductors to be spliced. 4. All Equipment: Epoxy splice kits shall include epoxy resin, hardener, mold, and shall be suitable for use in wet and hazardous locations. Terminations 1. Crimp type terminals shall be self -insulating sleeve type, with ring or rectangular type tongue, suitable for the size and material of the wire to be terminated, and for use with either solid or stranded conductors. 2. Terminal lugs shall be split bolt or bolted split sleeve type in which the bolt or set screw does not bear directly on the conductor. 3. Wire Markers shall be plastic sleeve type. Wire numbers shall be permanently imprinted on the markers. 16-18 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 16 Finishes Color Coding: Provide color coding for all circuit conductors. Insulation color shall be white for neutrals and green for grounding conductors. An isolated ground conductor shall be identified with an orange tracer in the green body. Ungrounded conductor colors shall be as follows: 1. 120/208 Volt, 3 Phase: Red, black and blue. 2. 120/240 Volt, 1 Phase: Red and black. Part 3 — Execution Location (Installment) Schedule Provide the following conductors for the following applications: 1. Use stranded copper conductors for all power and control circuits unless noted otherwise on plans or below. Size as noted on the Plans. 2. Contractor may use solid copper conductors for lighting and receptacle circuits using screw-type terminals. Size as noted on the Plans. 3. Size #14 AWG wire or smaller shall not be allowed on power circuits. Installation Conductor Splices 1. Splices: Install all conductors without splices unless necessary for installation, as determined by the Engineer. Splices when permitted shall be completed using an approved splice kit intended for the type of conductor and the application. The splice shall be in accordance with the splice kit manufacturer's instructions. 2. Underground Splices: All underground outdoor splices when approved by Engineer shall be completed in an accessible pullbox or handhole using an approved watertight epoxy resin splice kit rated for the application up to 600 volts. Splices will not be allowed to be direct buried. Conductor Identification 1. Except for interior lighting and receptacle circuits, identify each wire or cable at each termination and in each pullbox, junction box, handhole, and manhole using numbered and lettered wire markers. All electrically common conductors shall have the same number. Each electrically different conductor shall be uniquely numbered. Identify panelboard circuits using the panelboard identification and circuit number. Identify other circuits as shown in the circuit schedule as favorably by the Engineer. 2. Conductors between terminals of different numbers shall have both terminal numbers shown at each conductor end. The terminal number closest to the end of the wire shall be the same as the terminal number. 16-19 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectricat.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Testing Fall 2023 Division 16 Insulation Resistance Tests: For all circuits 150 volts to ground or more and for all motor circuits over '/Z horsepower, test cables per NETA Paragraph 7.3.1. The insulation resistance shall be 20 megohms or more. Submit results to Engineer for review. 16.63 Signal Cable [CSI 2715 OOj Part 2 — Products Materials Twisted Shielded Pairs (TSP) 1. Cable shall conform to IEEE 383, UL 13, and UL 83 and shall be type PLTC cable suitable for direct burial. Each TSP shall consist of two #16 AWG, 7 -strand copper conductors per ASTM B8 with 15 Mils PVC insulation and individual conductor jacket of nylon. Conductors shall be twisted with 2 -inch or shorter lay, with 100 percent foil shielding and tinned copper drain wires. The cable shall have an overall PVC jacket with a thickness of 35 Mils. The insulation system shall be rated at 90 degrees Celsius and for operation at 600 volts. Cat 5E Ethernet Cable 1. The Ethernet cable shall be shielded 600V UL rated. The use of a 300V rated cable is not acceptable. All Ethernet cable terminating outside of a telemetry panel shall be grounded at the telemetry panel only. 2. Ethernet cables shall be industrial type Ethernet cable and UL listed. Ethernet cables shall be Allen-Bradley Ethernet Cable with metal In -cabinet RJ45 Connectors, no substitutions. Special Cables 1. Use only coaxial cable recommended for specific applications such as radio antenna systems and computer networks as required by the manufacture or system supplier. 2. Special cables such as triaxial (coax), twin -axial, and low capacitance computer grade cables shall be supplied where shown on the Plans or as required by the manufacturer or suppler. Deviations must be favorably reviewed by the Engineer. Part 3 — Execution Installation Cable Installation 1. Cables shall be continuous from initiation to termination without splices. 2. Cable shielding shall be grounded at one end of the cable only. Bonding shall be to a single ground point only. Bonding from cable to cable in multiple run installations shall not be permitted. 3. Install instrumentation cables in separate raceway systems with voltages not to exceed 30 volts DC. 16-20 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 16 Conductor Identification 1. Except for interior lighting and receptacle circuits, identify each wire or cable at each termination and in each pullbox, junction box, handhole, and manhole using numbered and lettered wire markers. All electrically common conductors shall have the same number. Each electrically different conductor shall be uniquely numbered. Identify panelboard circuits using the panelboard identification and circuit number. Identify other circuits as shown in the circuit schedule as determined by the Engineer. 2. Conductors between terminals of different numbers shall have both terminal numbers shown at each conductor end. The terminal number closest to the end of the wire shall be the same as the terminal number. Testing Insulation Resistance Tests: Perform insulation resistance on all circuits. Make these tests before any equipment has been connected. Test the insulation with a 500 Vdc insulation resistance tester with a scale reading 100 mega ohms. The insulation resistance shall be 20 mega ohms or more. Submit results to Engineer for review. 16.70 RACEWAYS, BOXES, AND FITTINGS [CSI 26 05 331 16.71 Raceways [CSI 26 05 33.231 Part 1— General Design Requirements Conduit sizes not noted on Plans shall be in accordance with NEC requirements for the quantities and sizes of wire installed therein. Grounding of the raceway, junction boxes, fittings and any other boxes is the responsibility of the Contractor. Ground conductors, bushings, connections, clamps and other materials as needed to ground the raceway system is the responsibility of the Contractor. All raceways shall be grounded in accordance with the NEC. Part 2 — Products Components Conduit and Fittings 1. Galvanized Rigid Steel (GRS): Rigid conduit shall be steel, hot dipped galvanized inside and out. The GRS must meet USA Standards Institute C80-1 Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL6 and carry a UL label. Use cast threaded hub fittings and junction boxes for all rigid conduit except in locations not permitted by the NEC. 2. PVC Coated Rigid Steel Conduit (PVC-GRS): PVC coated conduit shall meet the GRS standard above plus have a 40 Mil PVC factory applied PVC coating. 16-21 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 16 3. Nonmetallic Conduit: Nonmetallic Conduit shall be rigid PVC, Schedule 40 (PVC -40) or 80 (PVC -80). PVC conduit installed above grade shall be Schedule 80 extra heavy wall 90 degree Celsius. UL listed for aboveground use and UV resistant. Conduit shall be gray in color. Fittings shall be of the same material as the raceway and installed with solvent per the Manufacturer's instructions. Conduit, fittings, and solvent shall all be manufactured by the same Manufacturer. 4. Flexible Metal Conduit (Flex -LT): Flexible conduit shall be interlocking single strip, hot dipped galvanized and shall have a polyvinyl chloride jacket extruded over the outside to form a flexible watertight raceway. Flexible conduit shall be American Brass Company Sealtite Type VA, General Electric Type UA or equal. 5. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): EMT shall be UL 797 and ANSI C80.3; steel tubing, hot dipped galvanized. EMT fittings shall be ANSI/NEMA FB 1; steel, rain tight, insulated throat, compression type. Conduit and Cable Supports 1. Conduit Supports: Hot dipped galvanized framing channel shall be used to support groups of conduit. Individual conduit supports shall be one -hole galvanized malleable iron pipe straps used with galvanized clamp backs and nesting backs where required. Conduit support for PVC or PVC coated rigid steel shall be one -hole PVC or epoxy coated clamps or PVC conduit wall hangers. 2. Ceiling Hangers: Ceiling hangers shall be adjustable galvanized carbon steel rod hangers. Unless otherwise specified, hanger rods shall be '/2 -inch all -thread rod and shall meet ASTM A193. Hanger rods in corrosive areas and those exposed to weather or moisture shall be stainless steel. Conduit Sealants 1. Moisture Barrier Types: Sealant shall be a non-toxic, non -shrink, non -hardening, putty type hand applied material providing an effective barrier under submerged conditions. 2. Fire Retardant Types: Fire stop material shall be a reusable, non-toxic, asbestos -free, expanding, putty type material with a 3 -hour rating in accordance with UL 1479. Provide products indicated by the manufacturer to be suitable for the type and size of penetration. Part 3 — Installation Raceway Applications Galvanized Rigid Steel (GRS) conduit shall be used in all locations unless noted otherwise below or on the Plans. ABOVE GRADE CONDUITS (non -corrosive areas) shall be: 1. GRS for power and control wiring. 2. GRS for instrumentation and telecommunications wiring. 3. EMT for above -grade lighting circuits. ABOVE GRADE CONDUITS (wet areas) shall be: 1. PVC-GRS for power and control wiring. 16-22 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 2. PVC-GRS for instrumentation and telecommunications wiring. CONCEALED ABOVE GRADE CONDUITS shall be: 1. GRS for all wire and cable types in wood stud frame walls. 2. PVC -40 for power and control wiring in concrete block or brick walls. 3. PVC -40 for instrumentation and telecommunications wiring in CMU or brick walls. BELOW GRADE CONDUITS IN DIRECT EARTH (not under slabs -on -grade) shall be: 1. PVC -40 for power and control wiring. a) Sweeps and risers for transition of PVC from below grade to above grade shall be PVC-GRS. 2. PVC-GRS for instrumentation and telecommunications wiring. UNDER SLABS -ON -GRADE CONDUIT shall be: 1. PVC -40 for power and control wiring a) Sweeps and risers for transition of PVC from below grade to above grade shall be PVC-GRS. 2. PVC-GRS for instrumentation and telecommunications wiring. ALL CONNECTIONS TO VIBRATING EQUIPMENT OR MOTORS shall be: I. Liquidtight flexible metallic conduit for indoor, non -corrosive areas. 2. Connection to equipment outdoors or in corrosive areas shall be with non-metallic liquidtight flexible conduit. Installation All conduits shall be concealed in the floor, walls, ceiling slab, or beneath the floor slab. Surface mounted conduit will not be accepted unless noted otherwise on the construction Plans. Size of Raceways: 1. Raceway sizes as shown on the Plans, if not shown on the Plans, then size in accordance with NFPA 70. 2. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the minimum raceway size shall be: a) Conduit: 3/4 -inch All raceways shall contain a separate grounding conductor. Spare conduits shall contain one '/,,inch diameter nylon pull rope. Conduit routing is shown diagrammatic on the Plans. Contractor is responsible for routing the conduits in a neat manner, parallel and perpendicular to walls and ceilings. Location of conduit ends are shown approximately. Contractor is responsible for ending conduits in location that will not conflict with electrical equipment. Route conduit ends to 16-23 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 facilitate ease of equipment maintenance. Conduits extending from the floor to a device shall be located as close as possible to avoid creating a hazard. Conduit shall not be routed on exterior of structures except as specifically indicated on the Plans. Where water cannot drain to openings, provide drain fittings in the low spots of the conduit run. Securely fasten raceways at intervals and locations required by NEC, or the type of raceway employed. Provide all required openings in walls, floors and ceilings for conduit penetration. 1. Do not install one (1) inch and larger raceways in or through structural members (beams, slabs, etc.) unless approved by Engineer. 2. New Construction: Avoid cutting openings, where possible, by setting sleeves or frames in masonry and concrete, and by requesting openings in advance. 3. Existing Construction: Core drill openings in masonry and concrete. Avoid structural members and rebar. Conduit encasement or embedment in the earth shall be separated from the earth by at least 3 -inches of concrete unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Plastic conduit spacers shall be located five feet on centers. The spacers shall be secured to the conduits by wire ties. The conduits shall be watertight. Analog signal conduits shall be separated from power or control conduits. The separation shall be a minimum of 12 -inches for metallic conduits and 24 -inches for nonmetallic conduits. Install explosion -proof seal -offs in hazardous areas shown on the Plans and as required by the NEC. Plastic raceway joints shall be solvent cemented in accordance with recommendations of raceway manufacturer. All conduit openings not encased in a panel shall be sealed with duct seal. 16.72 Boxes and Enclosures 16.72.2 Outlet and Junction Boxes [CSI 2o v3 33.161 Part 1— General Design Requirements In corrosive areas, all junction boxes shall be NEMA 4X. Outlet boxes and switch boxes shall be designed for mounting flush wiring devices. Outlet boxes shall not be less than 4 -inch square and 11/2 -inch deep. Ceiling boxes shall withstand a vertical force of 200 pounds for five minutes. Wall boxes shall withstand a vertical downward force of 50 pounds for five minutes. 16-24 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 Part 2 — Products Materials Use cast boxes with threaded hubs for all rigid and intermediate conduits. Steel boxes may be used with rigid and intermediate conduits where cast boxes are not allowed by the NEC. All boxes shall be of proper size to accommodate devices, connectors, and number of wires present in the box. Boxes shall be readily accessible. Cast box bodies and cover shall be cast or malleable iron with a minimum wall thickness of 1/8 -inch at every point, and not less than'/4-inch at tapped holes for rigid conduit. Bosses are not acceptable. Mounting lugs shall be provided at the back or bottom corners of the body. Covers shall be secured to the box body with No. 6 or larger brass or bronze flathead screws. Boxes shall be provided with neoprene cover gaskets. Outlet boxes shall be of the FS types. Boxes shall conform to FS W -C -586C and UL 514. Sheet metal boxes shall conform to UL 50, with a hot -dipped galvanized finish conforming to ASTM A123. Boxes and box extension rings shall be provided with knockouts. Boxes shall be formed in one piece from carbon -steel sheets. Non-metallic boxes shall be hot -compressed fiberglass, one-piece, molded with reinforcing of polyester material, with a minimum wall thickness of/8-inch. Finishes Where only cast aluminum is available for certain types of fixture boxes, an epoxy finish shall be provided. 16.72.3 Watertight Enclosures [CSI 26 05 33.171 Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The watertight enclosure shall be equal to Hoffman. Materials Watertight enclosures for vault electrical outlets shall be molded from fiberglass reinforced polyester material. A hinged cover shall be gasketed and opened with quick release latches. The conduit penetrations shall be sealed watertight. Part 3 — Execution Installation An epoxy plug shall be installed in the conduit to prevent the migration of water into the conduit. The enclosure shall be NEMA rated and installed per all applicable codes. 16-25 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 16.75 Wiring Devices [CSI 2627261 16.75.1 Common Work for Wiring Devices [CSI 2G272GJ Part 3 — Execution Installation Wiring Devices Fall 2023 Division 16 Position of Outlets: All outlets shall be centered with regard to building lines, furring and trim, symmetrically arranged in the room or outside the structure. Device outlets shall be set plumb and shall extend flush to the finished surface of the wall, ceiling or floor without projecting beyond the same. 2. Unless otherwise noted, wall mounted outlet devices shall generally be 24 -inches above the floor, 18 inches in architecturally treated areas, above process piping near process valve boards. Switches shall be 48 inches above the finished floor unless otherwise noted. Installation of Wall Plates Interior Dry Locations: Install plates so that all four edges are in continuous contact with the finished wall surfaces. Plaster filled will not be permitted. Do not use oversize plates or sectional plates. 2. Exterior and/or Wet Locations: Install plates with gaskets on wiring devices in such a manner as to provide a rain tight weatherproof installation. For receptacle devices, these plates shall maintain the weatherproof rating with an attachment plug inserted and be rated extra -duty. Cover type shall match box type. Testing After installation of receptacles, circuits shall be energized, and each receptacle tested for proper ground continuity, reversed polarity, and/or open neutral condition. GFI receptacles shall be tested with the circuits energized. Devices shall be tested with a portable GFI receptacle tester capable of circulating 7.5 milliamperes of current, when plugged in, between the "hot" line and "ground" to produce tripping of the receptacle. Resetting and tripping shall be checked at least twice at each GFI receptacle. Submit results of all field testing to the Engineer for review. 16-26 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 16.75.2 Receptacles [CSI 262719] Part 1— General Design Requirements Receptacles shall be heavy duty, high abuse, grounding type conforming to NEMA configurations, NEMA WD1 and UL 514 Standards. Part 2 — Products Materials Single and Duplex Receptacles 1. Indoor Clean Areas: Receptacles shall be duplex, 20 amp, NEMA 5-20R, and shall accept NEMA 5-15P and 5-15P plug caps. Receptacles shall be Hubbel 5362, General Electric 4108-2, or equal. Color shall be brown in industrial areas and ivory or white in office and laboratory areas. 2. Outdoor, Process, or Corrosive Areas: Receptacles shall be duplex, 20 amp, NEMA 5-20R, and shall accept NEMA 5-15P and 5-20P plug caps. Receptacle and plug caps shall be corrosion resistant, marine duty with yellow polycarbonate weatherproof lift covers. Receptacles shall be Hubbell 53CM62/53CM21 or equal. GFI Receptacles 1. Device shall be rated 20 amp, 2 -pole, 3 -wire, 120 -volt, conforming to NEMA WD1.10 configuration. Device shall have a test and reset push buttons. GFI device shall be Hubbell 5362 or equal. Surface Multiple Outlet Assemblies 1. Units shall have outlets on center -to -center spacing as shown on the Plans. Assembly shall conform to Article 353 of the NEC. 16.75.4 HOA (Hand -Off -Auto) Lighting Switches [CSI262726zil Part 2 — Products Manufacturers • Bryant No. 4925 or Equal Materials HOA Switch (Lighting): Switches shall be rated 20 amps at 120 volts AC, 3 -position toggle, positive action with "center -off' maintained contact, double pole. 16-27 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 16.75.5 Plates [CSI262726.31] Part 1— General Design Requirements Plates shall be of the style and color to match the wiring devices, and of the required number of gangs. Plates shall conform to NEMA WD1, UL 514, and ANSI C73. In noncorrosive indoor areas, device plates shall be made of sheet steel, zinc electroplated with chrome finish. Device plates in corrosive or outdoor areas shall be corrosion-resistant/marine-duty type with weather protective double doors. Device plates for explosion -proof equipment shall be factory provided with the equipment. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers As manufactured by • Crouse -Hinds • Appleton • Or Equal Components Device plates shall be provided with engraved laminated phenolic nameplates with 1/8 -inch white characters on black background. Nameplates for switches shall identify panel and circuit number and area served. Nameplates for receptacles shall identify circuit and voltage if other than 120 volts, single-phase. 16.85 Lighting [CSI 26 50 001 16.85.1 Common Work for Lighting Fixtures [CSI 26 50 051 Part 1— General Design Requirements Fixtures shall be a standard, cataloged item general description as called for on the Plans. All fixtures shall be UL approved and so labeled. Provide suitable supports and mountings. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers As shown on Plans. Equals will be accepted. 16-28 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PNI © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 16 16.85.3 Fixtures [CSI 26 06 50.16 or 26 50 06.161 Part 1— General Design Requirements Fixtures shall be of the types, wattages, and voltages shown on the Plans, comply with UL 57, and shall be UL classified and labeled for intended use. Fixtures for use in hazardous locations shall be UL listed per UL Standard 844. 16.95 Testing [CSI 26 08 001 16.95.1 Common Work for Testing [CSI 26 08 051 Part 1— General Submittals Test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to final acceptance in accordance with Division 1.33 of these specifications. Scheduling and Coordination The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in advance of testing in accordance with the requirements listed in Division 1 of these specifications. Prior to scheduling the testing, the Contractor shall have satisfied themselves that the project area is properly cleaned up; all patching and painting deemed necessary properly completed; and all systems, equipment and controls are functioning as intended. Part 2 — Products Source Quality Control Submit reports of factory tests and adjustments performed by equipment manufacturers to the Engineer prior to field testing and adjustment of equipment. These reports shall identify the equipment and show dates, results of test, measured values and final adjustment settings. Provide factory tests and adjustments for equipment where factory tests are specified in the equipment specifications. The Engineer may inspect the fabricated equipment at the factory before shipment to job site. Provide the Engineer with sufficient prior notice so that an inspection can be arranged at the factory. Part 3 — Execution Site Testing Test all circuits for continuity, freedom from ground, and proper operation during progress of the work. 16-29 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluncals\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 16 Insulation Resistance, Continuity, and Rotation: Perform routine insulation resistance, continuity and rotation tests for all distribution and utilization equipment prior and in addition to tests performed by the testing laboratory specified herein. Electric Motors: Perform voltage, current and resistance tests on all motors '/2 horsepower and larger installed this project. Insulation resistance readings shall be taken with a 500 -volt megger for 30 seconds with the circuit conductors connected to the motor. Verify that an overload condition does not exist. Conduct special test as required for service and/or system ground. Field Quality Control General 1. Conduct final test in the presence of Owner and/or their authorized representative. Contractor shall provide all testing instrumentation and labor required to demonstrate satisfactory operation of systems, equipment and controls. Operational Tests 1. Operational test all circuits to demonstrate that the circuits and equipment have been properly installed, adjusted and are ready for full-time service. Demonstrate the proper functioning of circuits in all modes of operation, and including alarm conditions, and demonstrate satisfactory interfacing with the data acquisition and alarm systems. 16-30 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 16.95.3 Conductor Test Report Fall 2023 Division 16 Refer to raceway and wire schedule and one -line diagram for description of feeder identified by label shown on this report 2. Visual Inspection — Check when completed 3. Continuity Test — Check when completed 16-31 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. [CSI 26 08 13]Conductor Test Report Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: OWNER: Contractor Co. Name: Tested by: Phone Number: Test Date: Race- V way Label 1 (2) C Operating Load Voltage Insulation Resistance - OHMS (3) VAB VCB VCA VAN VBN VCN AB B -C CA A -G B -G C -G A B C D E F G Refer to raceway and wire schedule and one -line diagram for description of feeder identified by label shown on this report 2. Visual Inspection — Check when completed 3. Continuity Test — Check when completed 16-31 J:AData\YELNI\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 16.95.4 Ground Electrode Resistance Test Report [CSI 26 08151 Fall 2023 Division 16 Ground Electrode Resistance Test Report PROJECT: OWNER: Contractor Co. Name: Phone Number: Tested by: Test Date: Test Meter Type: Test Distance -D: Soil Conditions: Measured Resistance: DESCRIPTION OF TEST PROCEDURE, CONDITIONS, RESULTS: 16-32 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\16 Flectrical.do— 11/10/23 3:33 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. Division 17 Automatic Control 17.00 GENERAL This division covers all work necessary for furnishing, installing, adjusting, testing, documenting, and starting -up the Instrumentation and Control (I&C) and Telemetry System. Programmable logic controller (PLC) shall provide local, automatic control of on-site well pumps and water treatment equipment. Computer-based telemetry system will provide remote control, alarm presentation, and data logging activities at the Owner's headquarters location. Sections in these specifications titled "Common Vork for..."shall apply to all following related subsections whether directly referenced or not. These specifications are an integral part of the contract documents for the I&C and Telemetry portion of this contract. The written descriptions of system performance contained herein are given to assist the Contractor in interpreting the contract plans but are not intended to be all-inclusive. The Contractor shall be aware that all automatic control systems do not require the same components and accessories for complete system operation. Therefore, these specifications do not include all accessories and appurtenances required for a complete system. The Contractor shall, however, provide all accessories and appurtenances to result in a completely operational system as required to meet the functional requirements of these documents. Where specific equipment specifications are given, they are used to represent the level of quality required by these documents. 17.05 Common Work for Automatic Control [CSI 40 60 05] Part 1— General Summary The work under this division covers construction specifically described in these specifications. Project Plans will be provided for this project. All work incidental and necessary to the completion of the project described herein shall be completed under the bid item listed in the bid proposal, and no other compensation will be allowed. The work generally consists of the following: • Detailed system layout and design for the particular equipment bid in accordance with these functional specifications. • Furnishing of I&C equipment including delivery, storage, software, programming, installation, testing, startup, and documentation. • Providing operator maintenance manuals for all equipment and devices provided by this Contract. • Providing system training to the operators of the proposed equipment. 17-1 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Related Sections • Division 16 Electrical References The project Plans are based on Instrument Society of America (ISA) standards numbers S5.1, S5.2, S5.3, and S5.4. The Contractor is encouraged to be familiar with these standards since the project plans do not contain wiring or ladder diagrams, but are based on the functional requirements of the ISA format. All equipment and materials shall conform to the latest revised editions of applicable standards published by the following organizations: • American National Standards Institute (ANSI). • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). • National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). • Underwriters' Laboratories (U/L). • Instrument Society of America (ISA) All equipment and materials, and the design, construction, installation, and application thereof shall comply with all applicable provisions of the National Electrical Code (NEC), the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and any applicable Federal, State, and local ordinances, rules and regulations. All materials and equipment specified herein shall be within the scope of Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) examination services, be approved by the UL for the purpose for which they are used and shall bear the UL label. All control panels shall bear a label by UL or by an approved testing authority for the completed assembled panel. Definitions Contractor: The Contractor, as distinct from the Control System Integrator, shall install panels and other materials furnished by the Control System Integrator and provide all materials and work necessary and thereby, satisfy all requirements that are within the scope of this section. Control System Integrator: A single company subcontracted by the Contractor, who shall design and furnish the system, provide the instrument panels; provide the PLCs, RTU ventilation control panel, startup, training services, and other instrument components. Control System Programmer: A single firm, pre -selected and contracted by the Owner, who shall furnish all programming, startup and training services related to programming. The Control System Programmer shall be RH2 Engineering, Inc. Submittals All submittals shall be complete, neat, orderly and indexed. Partial submittals will not be accepted. Submittal information shall be provided to the Owner for the following items: • Telemetry Panel • Ventilation Control Panel 17-2 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir • Wall Mounted Heating Thermostat • Cooling Thermostat • Photoelectric Smoke Detector • Float Switch • Submersible Level Transmitter • Pressure Transmitter • Intrusion Switches • Radio Equipment • Operation and Maintenance Manuals per Division 1.79.2 and Division 17.94 • Full size nameplate wording schedules, in lettering style proposed for use. Fall 2023 Division 17 In addition to the requirements of Division 1.33, the Contractor shall develop and submit the following information provided by the Control System Integrator. Hardware Submittals Before any components are fabricated, and/or integrated into assemblies, or shipped to the site, the Contractor shall prepare a complete hardware submittal. The Engineer shall require five (5) sets, including fully detailed shop drawing, catalog cuts, wiring connections, and such other descriptive matter and documentation as may be required to fully describe the equipment and to demonstrate its conformity to these Specifications. The decision of the Engineer, upon the acceptability of any submittal, shall be final. Catalog information shall be submitted for all components and equipment, regardless of whether or not it is of the same manufacture as that listed in the Specifications. System Plan Submittals Following approval of the hardware submittal, the Control System Integrator shall prepare complete system interconnect wiring diagrams and panel layout plans for approval. Plans The Control System Integrator shall develop all shop drawings required for design, fabrication, assembly and installation of the control system. Shop drawings shall include all plans required in manufacture of specialized components and for assembly and installation of them. Plans shall be prepared with a CAD program capable of exporting to AutoCAD format, and printed on 11 -inch by 17 -inch media. Plans shall have borders and title blocks identifying the project system, revisions to the plans, and type of plan. Each revision of a plan shall carry a date and brief description of the revisions. Diagrams shall carry a date and brief description of the revisions. Diagrams shall carry a uniform and coordinated set of wire numbers and terminal block numbers in compliance with panel work wiring. Additionally, one set of electronic .DWG files shall be provided to the Owner. 17-3 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Elementary Diagrams Fall 2023 Division 17 The Contractor shall provide elementary diagrams for all discrete loops. Loop diagrams shall be prepared in compliance with ISA S5.4 and shall be provided for all analog loops. Elementary diagrams and loop diagrams shall show circuits and devices of a system. These diagrams shall be arranged to emphasize device elements and their functions as an aid to understanding the operation of a system and maintaining or troubleshooting that system. Elementary and loop diagrams shall also show wire numbers, wire color codes, signal polarities, and terminal block numbers. Panel Fabrication and Arrangements Plans The Contractor shall provide arrangement plans of all panel front- and internal -mounted instruments, switches, devices, and equipment indicated. All panel mounting details shall be shown. Outer dimensions of all panels shall be included on the plan. Deviations from approved arrangements require approval prior to installation. Arrangement plans shall be drawn to scale using standard Architectural or Engineering scales. Site Conditions Specified instrumentation and control equipment shall be modified, if necessary, to make it suitable for operation in the ambient conditions specified in Division 16. Warranty In addition to any other warranties required by the specifications, the entire PLC system will be warranted against defects in materials, workmanship, and software functions for a period of one (1) calendar year following the successful completion of the Functional Acceptance Test (FAT). The Contractor or designated service organization will be available on 24-hour notice to correct any system problems without charge to the Owner during the warranty period. In addition, the Contractor will provide four 2 -day site visits during the warranty period to perform inspection and calibration of the equipment or other work at the request of the Owner. Extra Materials The Contractor shall supply sufficient spare parts, components, and assemblies to replace any defective or malfunctioning control component provided in this system. Control components are considered any device or combination of devices without which normal automatic control as outlined in this specification cannot be accomplished, and includes: 1. Two (2) spares of each part, component, or assembly, if more than ten (10) of those components are normally in use in the system. 2. One (1) box of each fuse type provided on this project. If ten (10) or more of a fuse type is provided for the project, then two (2) spare boxes shall be provided. 3. One (1) spare circuit breaker of each rating type provided on this project. 4. One (1) spare relay of each rating type provided on this project. 5. One (1) spare of each type of DC power supply and UPS module. 6. One (1) spare of each type of PLC module and processor. 17-4 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Spare part components shall be packaged for at ease of field installation by non -trained personnel, so that no soldering or special skills are required for installation. All spare parts shall be delivered in a hinged plastic box that is purposefully made for this contract. The box shall have a parts list permanently attached to the inside lid which lists all parts and refers to them by numbered code visible on the outside of the package. Fragile components shall be adequately protected with cut foam. Electronic components shall be wrapped in ultra -violet inhibiting file. The exterior of the box shall be labeled "Telemetry Spare Parts — Water Department." Provide the box with lifting handles. Part 2 — Products Components These Specifications list major instruments required to provide the process instrumentation system. All instrument functions specified on this list shall be provided by the Control System Integrator. Any additional instruments required to complete the instrument loops because of certain characteristics of the particular equipment selected by the Control System Integrator shall be provided. Such additional instruments shall be provided and included in the original contract price even though not specified in the instrument index or on the Plans. The following systems utilize automatic control: • Valve controls • Ventilator controls • Heater controls Accessories Provide all accessories required to furnish a complete control system that meets the requirements of the Plans and Specifications. Source Quality Control Material shall be new, free from defects, and of the quality specified. All equipment and materials utilized in the system shall be the products of Manufacturers with at least five (5) years of experience in the manufacture of similar equipment. Similar items in the system shall be the products of the same Manufacturer. All equipment shall be of industrial grade and of standard construction, shall be capable of long, reliable, trouble-free service, and shall be specifically intended for control and monitoring of operation of motor -driven pumps and equipment. All equipment shall be of modular design to facilitate interchangeability of parts and to assure ease of servicing. Part 3 — Execution Installers Installation shall be performed by the workers who are skilled and experienced in the installation of I&C and Telemetry systems. 17-5 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Installation Fall 2023 Division 17 Installation and testing procedures shall be as specified in these and subsequent sections of this division. The control system shall be installed in accordance with the installation plans and instructions prepared by the Control System Integrator. Installation shall include all elements and components of control system and all conduit and interconnecting wiring between all elements, components, sensors, and valve operators. Equipment shall be located so that it is readily accessible for operation and maintenance. Field Equipment Equipment shall be provided as specified on the Plans such that ports and adjustments are accessible for in-place testing and calibration. Where possible, equipment shall be located between 48 inches and 60 inches, unless specified otherwise on the Plans, above the floor or a permanent work platform. Instrumentation equipment shall be mounted for unobstructed access, but mounting shall not obstruct walkways. Equipment shall be mounted where shock or vibration will not impair its operation. Support systems shall not be attached to handrails, process piping or mechanical equipment except for measuring elements and valve positioners. Instruments and cabinets supported directly by concrete or concrete block walls shall be spaced out not less than 5/S -inch by framing channel between instrument and wall. Steel used for support of equipment shall be hot -dip galvanized after fabrication. Support systems including panels shall be designed in accordance with the Seismic Restraint and Anchorage section of Division 1.81 of these specifications and to prevent deformation greater than 1/8 -inch under the attached equipment load and an external load of 200 pounds in any direction. Electrical Power Connection Electric power wiring and equipment shall be in compliance with Division 16. Power disconnect switches shall be provided within sight of equipment and shall be labeled to indicate opened and closed positions and specific equipment served. "Within sight of is defined as having a clear unobstructed view from the equipment served and within 50 feet of the equipment served. Disconnect switches shall be mounted between 36 inches and 72 inches above the floor or permanent work platform. Where equipment location is such that the above requirements cannot be met by a single disconnect switch, two switches, one at the equipment and one at the work platform, shall be provided. Signal Connection Electrical signal connections to equipment shall be made on terminal blocks or by locking plug and receptacle assemblies. Jacketed flexible conduit shall be used between equipment and rigid raceway systems except that flexible cable assemblies may be used where plug and receptacle assemblies are provided and the installation is not subject to mechanical damage in normal use. The length of flexible conduit or cord assemblies shall not exceed 2 feet. Flexible cable, receptacle and plug assemblies shall be used only where specified. 17-6 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PNI © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 17.06 Control System Integrator [CSI 40 61131 Part 1— General Division of Responsibility All instrumentation and industrial electronic systems shall be provided under the supervision of a single Control System Integrator, chosen by the Contractor, which is regularly engaged in the design and installation of such systems of similar scope and complexity. The Control Systems Integrator shall be enjoined by the Contractor as a Subcontractor. The assignment of specific responsibilities herein to the Control System Integrator shall not, in anyway and under any conditions, diminish the Contractor's full and complete responsibility for all work performed and all materials installed under the contract. The contract between the Contractor and the Control System Integrator shall specifically require that the Control System Integrator conform to and meet all requirements specified in the contract documents. The assignment of a Control System Integrator that is an equipment supplier shall not be acceptable. Control System Integrator's Responsibility The Control System Integrator shall be solely and completely responsible for the final design and assembly of the entire control system. Responsibilities include: • Provision of, and the detailed design of, custom control panels and the motor control center. The plans show general layout of the control panels. The Integrator shall provide detailed scaled design of all components on and in the control panels and determine specific requirements. • The design of all interconnecting wiring of control equipment including remote control panels, packaged equipment panels, mechanical equipment with control components, etc. • Testing of the control panels in the Control System Integrator's shop. • Coordinate with the Contractor for specific requirements and locations of raceway penetrations and field wiring in control panels. • The Control System Integrator shall supply the Contractor with all necessary detailed installation plans and/or written instruction for installation of all control components and sensing devices for proper system operation. • Coordinate with the Control System Programmer who has been selected by the Owner and are under separate contract with the Owner, to allow in -shop testing of the programming of all control devices and to execute the functions listed in the control strategies. • Develop an assembly and testing schedule, with the Control System Programmer to allow for testing of all new programs in the Control System Integrator's shop. • Provide installation assistance. 17-7 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 • Provide Startup and Training Services. General and Electrical Contractor's Responsibilities The General and Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for the following equipment and services: • Review of the Control System Integrator's submittals and wiring diagrams for coordination with space requirements, raceway requirements of field wiring, etc. • Supply the Integrator with submittals of equipment related to the control system that the Integrator must include in their submittals and integrate. Such as motors, packaged control panels that the Integrator does not build, etc. • Installation of the control panels provided by the Control System Integrator. • Installation of the interconnecting wiring in accordance with these documents and the Control System Integrators wiring diagrams. • Installation of I&C and Telemetry System components in accordance with these documents and plans or instructions of the Control System Integrator. Part 3 — Execution Installers The Control System shall be designed, constructed, programmed and commissioned by full time employees with a minimum of 5 years of experience (minimum of 1 year with Integrator). Integrators List The Control System Integrator shall be selected by the Contractor from the following acceptable companies (Alphabetical Listing): • L2 Systems LLC — Everett, Washington • Quality Control Corporation (QCC) — Lynnwood, Washington • S&B Inc. (Stead & Associates) — Bellevue, Washington • Systems Interface Inc. — Bothell, Washington • Taurus Power and Controls, Inc. — Kent, Washington • Technical Systems, Inc. — Lynnwood, Washington Alternative Integrators Alternate Control System Integrators not listed above shall be considered for acceptability by the Owner based on following qualifications: 1. The Control System Integrator shall be an instrument and control system manufacturing company. 2. The Control System Integrator's manufacturing and assembly facility shall be located within a 100 -mile drive from Yelm, WA. [W&V J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 17 The Control System Integrator shall be specialized in the design, assembly, testing, installation and service of municipal water and wastewater control and communication systems in the Pacific Northwest for at least five years. 4. The Control System Integrator shall employ technicians and engineers with documented experience in the design, assembly, testing, installation, operation, calibration, trouble -shooting, service and repair of control, and communication systems for municipal water and wastewater utilities. The Control System Integrator shall have completed the design, assembly, testing and installation of control systems that include the instruments and devices cited on the Plans by specific manufacturer's name. An alternate Control System Integrator selected by the Contractor shall be subject to the approval by the Owner. Prior to placement of purchase orders for services and equipment, the Contractor shall provide the following information about the selected alternate Control System Integrator for review by the Owner: 1. Description of ownership and organization of Integrator. 2. Resumes of principals and/or key employees who will be working directly in the engineering, assembly, testing and commissioning of the system for this project. 3. Description of expertise in design, assembly, testing and installation of control systems for municipal utility facilities. 4. Description of municipal control systems designed, assembled and installed in the last 5 years. Description shall include: • Names of employees involved in each system. • Detailed description and plans of each system. • Cost of each system. • Names and telephone numbers of persons involved in operation and maintenance of each system. • Description of the service capabilities normally provided by the company including resumes of employees assigned to field service and listing of service equipment. • Additional information that may assist the Owner in ascertaining the company's general ability to perform the work. The acceptability of the Integrator will be determined solely by the Owner. Approval of Personnel and Alternatives The Contractor and the selected Control System Integrator shall anticipate that the Owner may withhold approval of the selected Integrator or employee if, in the opinion of the Owner, the Control System Integrator or employee does not have the experience, capability or an acceptable performance and execution record of similar projects in the past. Neither the Contractor or Control System Integrator or employee not approved by the Owner, shall be entitled to an extension of time or to any claim for damages because of extra and 17-9 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 unanticipated costs, hindrances, delays or complications caused by or resulting from the Owner not approving any Control System Integrator or employee for whatever reason. 17.07 Control System Programmer (Control System Programmer Contracted Directly by Owner) [CSI 40 68 661 Part 1 - General Division of Responsibility The Control System Programmer shall be selected and Contracted for the control system programming by the Owner. The Control System Programmer Contracted by the Owner is RH2 Engineering, Inc., who may be contacted at (425) 951-5386. It is the responsibility of the Control System Programmer to provide PLC programming that will accomplish control of the proposed and modified systems as described in the Specifications and Plans. Control System Programmer's Responsibility: The Control System Programmer Responsibilities include: • Develop a testing schedule to allow for testing of all new telemetry panel programs. • Notify the Control System Integrator of all components needed to test equipment panels. • Software testing of the control panels in the Control System Integrator's shop. • Programming of the PLC, operator interface, and HMI Computer System. • Provide required software startup, troubleshooting, and commissioning services needed to complete implementation of programs. 17.08 System Description [CSI 40 61961 Part 1— General Summary The I&C and Telemetry system functions required are specified on the Plans and in subsequent sections of this Division. Design and Performance Requirements The system shall be designed to provide the control capabilities and functions indicated and implied by the Plans and these Specifications and to provide trouble-free operation with minimum maintenance. The system shall readily enable manual operation of any and all functions in the event of failure of any one component. The control system shall be designed and assembled by the Control System Integrator to provide: 17-10 J:\Data\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.doca 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 • Control of motor driven pumps, equipment, and processes. • Monitoring of operation of motor driven pumps, equipment, and processes. • Indication of operating status of motor driven pumps, equipment, and processes. • Monitoring and indication of pressures, temperatures, levels, and flows, as indicated and implied by the Plans and Specifications. • The capabilities indicated and implied by the Plans and Specifications. The I&C and Telemetry System shall be designed and assembled by the Control System Integrator to be an integrated system composed completely of components which are specifically designed and used for and in conjunction with control and operation of motor -driven pumps and process control equipment. The Control System Integrator shall supply all interfacing equipment, appurtenances and accessories and all such devices that may be required for proper interfacing as part of the control system. Project Conditions The control system for the facility shall be a Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) based system that consists of existing and new RTUs linked to the existing Master Telemetry Unit (MTU) via fiber and radio communications. RTU sites included in this project are: 1. Southeast Reservoir Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The telemetry components of the RTU shall be manufactured by Allen-Bradley to be consistent with the Owner's existing system. Components The I&C and Telemetry System shall include the instruments, control devices, Remote Telemetry Unit, Human Machine Interface, input and output devices, sensors, interfacing devices, cabinets, enclosures and other components indicated and implied by the Plans and Specifications. The following is a list of the RTUs, Control Panels, Pressure and Level Assemblies, and Motor Control Centers to be provided by the Control System Integrator: • Telemetry Panel • Ventilation Control Panel Part 3 — Execution Preparation The Control System Integrator shall be responsible for the coordination and integration of control system with the motor control and other related equipment. The Control System Integrator shall communicate directly with the Manufacturer(s) and Supplier(s) of all related 17-11 J:\Data\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.doca 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 equipment to determine all details of the equipment, which may influence or affect the control system. The Control System Integrator shall determine all requirements for and shall cause integration of the control system into a unified operating system. The Control System Integrator shall define all requirements for all interfacing equipment and shall supply all appurtenances, accessories and all such devices, which may be required for proper interfacing as part of the control system. The Control System Integrator shall be responsible to obtain submittal information on equipment supplied by other disciplines and to integrate them into the control system to form a complete working package as outlined by the contract documents. Installation The system shall be completely assembled in the shop by the Control System Integrator. All components and equipment shall be prewired to the maximum extent possible. All Process Control shall be done within the control panels unless specifically listed on the Plans as other. 17.10 PANELS [CSI 40 67 001 17.12 Equipment Panels [CSI 40 6716, 40 67191 Part 1— General Related Sections Division 10.14.23 Panel Signage. All panels shall be labeled. References Panels shall meet the requirements of UL -508 for water systems and UL -913 for sewer systems. All panels shall bear the appropriate label. The provider of the panels shall be a UL - 508A certified facility. All field modifications shall be in conformance with UL -508 or UL - 913. Design Requirements Control equipment panels shall be enclosures conforming to the requirements of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and shall be NEMA 12 for indoor use and NEMA 4X SS. for outdoor use. Part 2 — Products Components • Enclosure shall be constructed of steel. • Minimal metal thickness shall be 14 -gauge. 17-12 J:\Data\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 17 • All doors shall be rubber-gasketed with continuous hinge and key locking latch mechanism. • Wherever practical, enclosures shall be a manufactured item. • All doors shall be provided with quick -release latches to secure cover. • Panels shall be sized to adequately dissipate heat generated by equipment mounted in or on the panel. • Enclosure shall include a backpan. • Enclosure shall be finished in ANSI 61 gray polyester powder coating inside and out over phosphatized surfaces. • The enclosure shall be oversized to accommodate future racks and auxiliary devices as required. • All outdoor enclosures shall be provided with a control panel heater and ventilation fan and filter with built-in thermostat to provide adequate climate control. Fabrication Panels should be completely fabricated, and instruments installed and wired in the manufacturer's factory (where possible). All wiring shall be completed and tested prior to shipment. All external connections shall be byway of numbered terminal blocks. Panel cutouts for instruments and devices shall be cut, punched or drilled and smoothly finished with rounded edges. 17.20 PANEL COMPONENTS [CSI 40 78 001 Part 1 - General Design Requirements All components shall be suitable for installation inside the I&C and Telemetry system panel enclosure. 17.20.3 Terminal Blocks /U51 4U 7tl 711 Part 1- General Design Requirements Terminal blocks shall be one-piece molded plastic blocks with screw-type terminals and barriers rated for 600 volts. Terminals shall be double -sided and supplied with removable covers to prevent accidental contact with live circuits. Terminals shall have permanent, legible identification, and be clearly visible with the protective cover removed. Fusible terminal blocks shall be provided with a LED blown fuse indicator for each terminal. 17-13 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PNI © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Part 3 - Execution Installation All wires between panel -mounted equipment and other equipment shall be terminated at terminal blocks. Switches shall be terminated at the terminal blocks with crimp -type, pre -insulated, ring -tongue lugs. Lugs shall be of the appropriate size for their terminal block screws and for the number and size of the wires terminated. 17.21 Power Supply and Protection 17.21.2 Normal Power Supply [CSI 40 78 591 Part 1 - General Design Requirements All equipment panels shall be provided with 120 -volt, 60 -Hz power. Make provisions for conduit entry and provide a terminal block for termination of the circuit wires. All electronic control panel components shall require a 120 VAC -24 VDC power supply. DC power supply shall be sized to provide at least 50 percent more current than the peak current demands of the control panel. DC power supply shall have UPS backup power capabilities as identified in Section 17.21.3. Protection equipment shall consist of circuit breakers and fuses to protect electrical circuits from short circuits and overloads. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers DC power supplies shall be Puls Inc., Sola Inc., Allen-Bradley, or approved equal. Fuses shall be Bussmann Manufacturing Model ABC or MDA rated for Branch circuit, or approved equal. Fuses provided shall match the fuses installed on the owner's existing telemetry system. Circuit Breakers shall be Allen-Bradley rated for Branch circuit, or approved equal. Circuit breakers provided shall match the circuit breakers installed on the owner's existing telemetry system. Part 3 — Execution Construction Branch circuits shall be individually fused with an indication of fuse opening. All fuse holders for the panel shall be grouped on a single sub -panel. They shall be so situated that when the panel door is opened there is a clear view of the indicators and clear access for replacement of the fuses. Provide DC power supplies as required to power instruments requiring external DC power of the appropriate voltages, with sufficient voltage regulation and ripple control to assure that the instruments being supplied can operate within their required tolerances. The power supplies at all RTUs shall include batteries for a backup power supply and charging equipment. 17-14 J:\Data\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 17.21.3 Backup Power Supply [CSI 40 67 631 Part 1— General Design Requirements All equipment panels shall have an Urlinterruptable DC Power Module that interfaces with the Normal DC Power Supply. The Uninterruptable DC Power Module shall be capable of powering the control panel equipment for a period of not less than 24 hours after normal power failure. Transfer shall be a non-mechanical, non -interruptible, smooth transfer to battery backup. Remote equipment batteries shall be sealed lead -acid batteries of sufficient ampere hour capacity to meet the above requirements. Performance Requirements The master console shall display power failure, and also a low battery condition alarm for the new equipment. A power failure alarm shall occur in the format currently used by the system. A low battery condition alarm shall cause the alarm indicator to flash but will not sound the audible alarm. The indicating light shall go off when the alarm condition is clear. Part 3 — Execution Installation Batteries, battery chargers, and necessary wiring shall be installed to meet the above specifications. 17.21.5 Line Protection Units — Low Current [CSI 40 78 56.151 Part 1— General Design Requirements The line protection unit shall isolate and protect the I&C electronics from current and voltage surges in the transmission lines. Each protection unit shall have: • An isolation transformer with a minimum of 1,500 volts AC isolation, primary to secondary, and a minimum saturation current of 100 milliamps (ma) S.C. or as required to protect the I&C equipment from damage. • Separate line -side and equipment -side terminal blocks. • Two clip -mounted, replaceable gas discharge tubes rated at 90 volts striking voltage and 5,000 ampere peak pulse current capacity and suitable ground strap. 17-15 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Part 2 — Products Manufactured Units The line protection unit shall be a complete unit, mounted on a separate chassis, and be field replaceable without soldering. The chassis shall be a 1/4 -inch thick plate. 17.21.6 Line Protection Units — High Current [CSI 40 78 56.17] Part 1— General Design Requirements The line protection unit shall isolate and protect the I&C electronics from current and voltage surges in the transmission lines. Each protection unit shall have: • A minimum continuous operating current rating of 30 amps or larger as required to protect the telemetry equipment from damage. • A minimum peak surge current rating of 80 KA. • Separate line -side and equipment -side terminal blocks. • LED indicator for circuit diagnostics. • A response time less than or equal to 1 nanosecond. The line protection unit shall be a complete unit available as a surface mount or DIN rail. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The line protector shall be an Allen-Bradley Model 4983-DC120-20 or equal. 17.22 Wire and Cable [CSI 40 67 331 17.22.2 Wiring [CSI 40 67 331 Part 1— General References All electrical wiring shall be in accordance with the NEC. Design Requirements Wires shall be 600 -volt class, PVC insulated, stranded copper and shall be the sizes required for the current to be carried but not less than No. 14 AWG conductor size. Wires for signal circuits shall be twisted shielded pairs not smaller than No. 18 AWG. 17-16 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Part 3 — Execution Installation All power wiring shall be supported on a sheet metal raceway or enclosed in a plastic wiring duct. Wiring for signal circuits shall be separated at least 6 -inch from any power wiring. 17.22.3 Cables [CSI 40 67331 Part 1— General Design Requirements Cables and connectors shall be industry standard, shielded, and shall be provided to connect all peripherals and equipment. 17.24 Switches and Relays [CSI 40 7819, 40 78 531 17.24.2 Selector Switch [CSI 40 7819.211 Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Heavy -Duty, Oil -Tight Type: Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, Type 12350T; Square D Co., Type K; Allen Bradley, Type 800T; General Electric Co., Type CR 104P. Heavy -Duty, Wlatertight, and Corrosion -Resistant Type: Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, Type E34; Square D Co., Type SK; Allen Bradley, Type 800H; General Electric Co., Type CR 104P. Manufactured Units Selector switches shall be NEMA type 4/4X/13, corrosion-resistant/watertight/oil-tight, type selector switches with contacts rated for 10 amperes continuous at proper operating voltage. Operators shall be black knob type. Units shall have the number of positions and contact arrangements and spring return function (if any) as shown on Plans. Units shall be single -hole mounting, accommodating panel thicknesses from'/16- inch minimums to'/4-inch maximum. 17.24.3 Pushbuttons [CSI 40 7819.23] Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Heavy -Duty, Oil -Tight Type: Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, Type 12350T; Square D Co., Type K; Allen Bradley, Type 800T; General Electric Co., Type CR 104P. 17-17 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Heavy -Duty, Vatertight, and Corrosion -Resistant Type: Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, Type E34; Square D Co., Type SK; Allen Bradley, Type 800H; General Electric Co., Type CR 104P. Manufactured Units Pushbuttons shall be NEMA type 4/4X/13, corrosion-resistant/watertight/oil-tight, type push buttons with momentary contacts rated for 10 -ampere continuous at proper operating voltage. Button color shall be as specified in control panels and shall have a full guard. Pushbutton contact arrangements shall be as shown on Plans. Size of pushbuttons as indicated on the Plans. Special Functions Pushbutton for "Emergency Help" applications shall have maintained contacts and red mushroom head operators. 17.24.4 Panel Relays [CSI 40 78 531 Part 1— General Design Criteria Relays shall be provided as necessary to perform switching functions required of control panels and other control circuits as shown on the Plans and described in the technical specifications. Appropriate relay type and associated contacts shall be selected based on the application from the control wiring diagrams or the functional description. Where timing relays and control relays require additional contacts, provide auxiliary control relays properly sized for the application. All contacts and relays shall be NEMA rated and UL recognized. The electrical life expectancy for the relay shall be over 500,000 operations at 120V AC, 10 amps; (over 200,000 operations at 120V AC, 10 amp for SPDT, 3PDT, and 4PDT). The mechanical life expectancy for the relay shall be over 50,000,000 operations. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Control Relays Square D Class 8501, Type K or R; Allen Bradley 700 Type HA or HB; IDEC RH Series; or equal. Time Delay and Timing Relas Allen Bradley 700 Type HR; IDEC GE1, RTE or GT3 Series; or equal. Manufactured Units Control Relays Relays for general purpose use shall be DPDT or 3PDT, 10 amp contacts with the appropriate coil voltage for the application. Relays shall be plug-in type with matching socket. All relays 17-18 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 shall have LED indicators to signal when the coil is energized. Relay coils shall be rated for continuous duty. Time Delay Relate Time delay relays shall be multi -function, multi -range with plug-in base, pin style terminations timing and timed out LED indicators, and calibrated scales. Relays shall have minimum 0.5 seconds to 60 minutes, 8 selectable timing ranges, 5 amp contacts. Select coil voltage for the application. Units shall be sealed to prevent entry of contamination in the form of dust, dirt, or moisture. Appropriate relay shall be selected based on application from the control wiring diagrams. Minimum accuracy (plus or minus) shall be as follows: 1. Repeat accuracy — '/Z percent. 2. Timing change over full voltage range — '/Z percent change over full temperature range. 3. Scale tolerance — 5 -percent. Timing Relate Timing relays shall be machine tool industrial relay with solid-state timer and external adjustment dial. Range shall be 0 to 120 seconds unless indicated otherwise on the Plans. Relay shall include an LED indictor and instantaneous and time -delay contacts rated at 10 amps, meeting NEMA A600 designation. Timing relays shall be "on delay" or "off delay" as indicated on the Plans. Units shall be sealed to prevent entry of contamination in the form of dust, dirt, or moisture. Appropriate relay shall be selected based on application from the control wiring diagrams. Minimum accuracy (plus or minus) shall be as follows: 1. Repeat accuracy — '/Z percent. 2. Timing change over full voltage range — '/Z percent change over full temperature range. 3. Scale tolerance — 5 percent. Part 3 — Execution Installation Provide adjustable time relays on all alarm and shut down circuits to prevent nuisance tripping of other alarm points. Time delay relays for these functions may not be shown on the Plans; however, provide as required on all circuits. Provide additional form C contacts over and above the number indicated on the Plans for all relays provided. 120 VAC relays shall not be interchangeable with other voltages to prevent a hazardous interchange of relay voltages. Provide DIN mounted or panel mounted type depending on application. 17-19 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 17.25 Indicating Lights and Readouts [CSI 40 7813, 40 78161 17.25.2 Pilot Lights [CSI 40 7816.211 Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Fall 2023 Division 17 Heavy -Duty, Oil -Tight Type: Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, Type 12350T; Square D Co., Type K; Allen Bradley, Type 800T; General Electric Co., Type CR 104P. Heavy -Duty, Vatertight, and Corrosion -Resistant Type: Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, Type E34; Square D Co., Type SK; Allen Bradley, Type 800H; General Electric Co., Type CR 104P. Manufactured Units Indicating lights shall be NEMA type 4/4X/13, corrosion resistant, water -tight, oil -tight, full voltage, push -to -test, high visibility 28 chips LED type. Pilot lights shall be rated for the proper operating voltage. Appropriate lens caps shall be provided as shown on Plans. 17.25.2 Process Display Part 1— General Design Criteria Process display shall be outdoor rated for the environment in which it is installed. Display shall be 4-20mA loop powered and capable of displaying up to 4 digits. Display shall be 1/32 DIN, minimum. Red LCD numbers, IP65 rated. Display refresh rate shall be 2 times/second minimum. Display shall be operable between 10 degrees F and 100 degrees F. Display shall be sunlight rated. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Automation Direct DPM1 or equal. 17.30 INTELLIGENT CONTROL UNITS 17.31.2 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) System [(;S-140 63 431 Part 1— General Summary Work involved in this contract includes providing new PLC equipment and programming to provide the functions shown on the Plans and described herein. 17-20 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Performance and Design Requirements • The PLC system modifications shall accomplish the control requirements of the loop descriptions, Plans, and Specifications. • The design application and installation of the PLCs shall conform to NEMA ICS 1.1. • PLC programming shall be documented. • All PLC control system components shall be capable of meeting or exceeding electromagnetic interference tests per ANSI/IEEE C37.90.2. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers PLC components added to this Contract shall be Allen-Bradley. No substitution. Refer to project Telemetry Panel plans for specific Allen-Bradley component numbers and quantities. Components Input/Output a/0) Modules a) Provide plug-in modular -type I/O racks with cables to connect to all other required PLC system components. b) Provide I/O system with: 1. I/O solid state boards with status lights indicating I/O status and board failure. 2. Electric isolation between logic and field device. 3. Interchangeable boards for similar I/O type to allow substitution of operating boards for failed units by the operator. 4. Capability of withstanding low energy common mode transient to 1500 V without failure. 5. Incorporate noise suppression design. 6. Capable of meeting or exceeding surge -withstand capability tests, per ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1. 7. Capable of meeting or exceeding electrical noise tests, NEMA ICS1-109.60- 109.66. c) Discrete I/O modules: 1. Interface to ON/OFF devices. 2. I/O status indicator on module front. 3. Voltage rating to match circuit voltage. 4. Output module current rating: a. Match maximum circuit current draw. 17-21 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 b. Minimum 1.5 A/point for 120 V AC applications. 5. Isolated modules for applications where one module interfaces with devices utilizing different sources of power. 6. Individually fused outputs with blown fuse indication. d) Analog I/O modules: 1. Input modules to accept signals indicated on Plans or Specifications. 2. 12 -bit minimum resolution. 3. I/O chassis supplied power for powering connected field devices. 4. Isolated (differential) inputs and outputs. 5. User configurable for desired fault -response state. 6. Provide output signals as indicated on Plans and Specifications. 7. Individual D/A converter for each output module. 8. Individual A/D converter for each input module. Data Highway Communications 1. All PLC controllers shall be capable of EtherNet/IP communications. Any additional industrial protocols shall be provided through protocol converters. PLC Peripheral Devices 1. PLC Peripheral Devices Graphical Operator Interface a. The data entry and display module shall consist of a 10 -inch color screen display. b. The unit shall be capable of reading PLC data table register values and pre -defined messages and writing into PLC memory to modify register values. c. The readout module will be used as a local operator interface device for entering operational parameters and reading out process data including display of all alarms by tag number. d. A complete index of parameters and corresponding memory locations and a complete cross reference of alarms will be permanently attached to each PLC enclosure. e. The unit will be self-contained, 24 VDC powered and rated minimum NEMA 12 suitable for panel mounting. f. Communications will be direct with the Ethernet Switch via shielded CAT 5E Ethernet Cable. g. The touch screen panel shall be an Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7 Standard Terminal, 10 -inch Color Display, Part Number 2711P-T10C22D9P, No Substitutions. 17-22 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Part 3 — Execution Installers Control System Integrator and programmers shall have had experience in design, installation, and start-up of at least three similar installations using the proposed hardware and software. Installation Provide a completely integrated distributed programmable controller system capable of analog and sequential control, data acquisition and display, alarm annunciation and communications using the PLC system. I/O cards and memory shall be added as necessary to complete work shown on the Plans and described in the specifications. The system shall provide true distributed control wherein each PLC is an intelligent stand-alone controller programmed for the specific functions required at its respective location. Certain information in the form of control commands, interlocks and data will be passed directly between the PLCs for use in executing the local control programs. Input/Output Connection Requirements 1. Make connections to I/O subsystem by terminating all field wiring on terminal blocks within the I/O enclosure. 2. Prewire I/O modules to terminal blocks. 3. Provide terminal blocks with continuous marking strip. 4. Size terminals to accommodate all active data base points and spares. 5. Provide terminals for individual termination of each signal shield. 6. Field wiring shall not be disturbed when removing or replacing an I/O module. PLC Installment 1. Component placement: a. Mount all components according to manufacturer's instructions. b. Locate incoming line devices (isolation or constant voltage transformers, local power disconnects, surge suppressors, etc.) so as to keep power wire runs within an enclosure as short as possible. c. If items such as magnetic starters, contactors, relays and other electromagnetic devices are located within the same enclosure as the PLC system components, provide at least 6 inches of separation between the magnetic area and the control area. d. Oversize enclosure to accommodate future racks and auxiliary devices as required. 2. Provide enclosure with a single quick disconnect of incoming power. Mount disconnect switch or breaker on enclosure exterior and label. 3. Enclosures shall comply with these specifications. 4. Enclosures shall be equipped with H2S inhibitor(s) suitable for the enclosed volume. 17-23 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 17.33 Network Equipment and Computers 17.33.1 Industrial Network Equipment / (_,,4 40 6 lsj Part 1— General Design Requirements Fall 2023 Division 17 All specified "industrial network equipment" shall comply with the following minimum specifications: 1. Rated for a 5-30VDC power supply. 2. UL listed. 3. Designed for an industrial environment. 4. Operating temperature of -40 degrees Fahrenheit to 176 degrees Fahrenheit. 5. IP66 rated water and dust resistant. 6. Control network device shall be capable of remote monitoring using OPC protocol. 7. All devices on fiber backbone shall have a minimum of two sets of transmit/receive ports. 8. Twisted pair network speed shall be a minimum of 100Base-TX. 9. Fiber optic network speed shall be a minimum of 100Base-FX. These requirements do not apply to non -industrial network equipment. Part 2 — Products Control Network Equipment Data highway communications shall be accomplished on a control network consisting of nodes, one at each PLC or computer workstation and a physical link layer consisting of cables and all interfacing hardware. Control Network equipment shall consist of the following devices. Unmanaged Ethernet Switch One (1) N-Tron 308TX Ethernet Switch. No Substitutions. Part 3 — Execution Installation All network equipment in Control Panels shall be installed as per Plans, specifications and product installation instructions. All components shall be suitable for installation in the environment where installed. All devices shall be installed as specified by the manufacturer. All devices shall be installed to be field serviceable without taking the facility out of service. Device displays shall be positioned to be easily read when viewing directly into control panels. 17-24 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 17.40 REMOTE COMMUNICATION DEVICES 17.41 Radio Systems Part 1— General Design Requirements All components shall be suitable for installation in the environment where installed. Part 2 — Products Radio Communication Equipment 1. One (1) General Electrical MDS TransNet Long Range, High Speed Serial radio. Model No. EL805-MD9XIAFCS0W. 900-928 MHz long range (up to 30 miles. FCC and IC approved. RS -232 serial interface. Network -wide diagnostics. No Substitutions. 2. One (1) PolyPhaser for Telemetry Panel. 3. One (1) 18 -inch Pigtail cable between the radio and the PolyPhaser. 4. One (1) LMR400 antenna cable with N -Male connectors. Cable shall be of length as required for connection between the antenna and telemetry panel. 5. One (1) 902-928 MHz 12 dB Yagi antenna w/mount. 6. One (1) Connector/ Splice Weatherproof kit for sealing all coax connections. Part 3 — Execution Installation All radio equipment shall be installed as per Plans, specifications and product installation instructions. All components shall be suitable for installation in the environment where installed. All devices shall be installed as specified by the manufacturer 17.50 SENSORS AND CONTROLS [CSI 40 70 001 17.50.1 Common Work for Sensors and Controls [CSI 40 70 051 Part 1— General Design Requirements Provide sensors and controls scaled and rated for their intended application. 17-25 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Part 3 — Execution Installation All devices shall be installed to be field serviceable without taking the facility out of service. Readouts shall be positioned to be easily read from a standing position, central to the room unless allowed otherwise by the Engineer. 17.51 Emergency Sensors and Controls 17.51.2 Smoke Detectors [CSI 28 46111 Part 1— General Design Requirements Provide all components suitable for installation in the environment where installed. Detector shall be provided complete with sensing head and mounting base. The photoelectric smoke detector shall be 24 -volt powered with a local audible alarm and Form C contacts for remote annunciation through two -wire connection to telemetry panel. The voltage requirement is dependent of the power source available at the telemetry panel. The detector shall detect both smoke particles and heat. The detectors shall have a latching alarm feature that resets only by a momentary power interruption. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The smoke detector shall be a System Sensor 4WTAR-B, or equal. Part 3 — Execution Examination The Contractor shall verify power supply before selecting the appropriate model. Site Testing Test each smoke detector with artificial smoke in a can per manufacturer's instructions. Test the thermal sensing units with a heat gun or blow dryer per manufacturer's instructions. Other testing methods will only be acceptable if approved by the manufacturer. Each failed smoke detector shall be replaced. 17-26 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 17.51.4 Intrusion Alarm Switch [CSI 28 3111.23) Part 1— General Design Requirements The switch shall be two -pole side plunger type switch with one normally open and one normally closed set of contacts. The switch shall be a Type C and NEMA rated. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Intrusion switches shall be as specified on the Plans, or equal. Components Provide with a standard box plug-in and connecting cable of significant length to reach a junction box located near the switch. Part 3 — Execution Installation The Contractor shall install intrusion alarm switches on all entrance doors and access hatches as shown on the Plans. All components shall be suitable for installation in the environment where installed. Mount the switch as shown on the Plans to detect the opening of each entrance door and access hatch identified on the Plans. Connect to the normally open contacts so that the switch is closed when the door is closed and open when the door is open. A factory provided cord shall be of significant length to reach from the device to a junction box. 17.52 Pressure and Level Sensors and Controls [CSI 40 72 00, 40 73001 17.52.2 Flood Liquid Level Switches [CSI 40 72 831 Design Requirements The switch shall be SPST rated for 20VA. The float shall be constructed on Buna-N material and the stem shall be constructed from brass. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Switches shall be Omega, LVN-20 or equal. 17-27 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Part 3 — Execution Installation The contractor shall install a liquid level switch as shown on the Plans. Mount the switch to the end of/Z-inch PVC Coated GRS or galvanized pipe, depending on the area classification. Provide threaded busing as necessary to provide a complete assembly. Secure pipe to wall with a minimum of two galvanized conduit hangers. Mount the liquid level assembly '/2 -inch above the finished floor. 17.52.4 Clean Water Level Float Switches [CSI 40 72 76.t.7/ Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The float switch shall be an NSF Standard 61 rated Model SJE MilliAmpMaster Float as manufactured by SJE Rhombus, or equal. Manufactured Units Float switch body shall be constructed of high impact, corrosion resistant, polypropylene housing measuring not less than 23/4 -inch in diameter. A long life, high reliability, potted SPST magnetic reed switch rated for not less than 100 VA at up to 250 Volts shall be mounted inside the float and connected to a multi -stranded, two (2) conductors plus ground, 18 gauge, CPE jacketed cable. The cord shall have fine strand conductors (Not more than 34 Gauge) made especially for heavy flexing service. The cable connection point shall be potted in epoxy providing a strong bond to the float and reed switch forming a water/moisture tight connection. Part 3 — Execution Installation Level switches shall be normally closed type and provided for the following: • Overflow level sensing The Contractor shall provide a high level backup float. A flexible Neoprene sleeve, not less than 1/8 -inch thick, shall be provided over the CPE jacketed cable extending not less than 5 inches from the top of the mounting bracket extending down through the cable mounting bracket hinge point to the top of the float switch body, providing cable stress point relief and extended operational life. 17-28 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 17.52.10 Gauge Pressure Transmitter [CSI 40 73 261 Part 1— General Design Requirements Fall 2023 Division 17 Provide transmitter with '/4 -inch or '/2 -inch process connections or as shown on the plans if different, and completely suitable for measuring pressure in potable water. Select ranges to provide a system that utilizes the largest percentage of available span for each transmitter. Transmitter shall transmit in pounds per square inch displayed at the device screen and throu h the 4-20mA output. Location Low end of range High end of range (minimum) High end of range (maximum) Outlet Pressure 0 psi 60 psi 100 psi Part 2 — Products Manufacturers Pressure transmitter shall be Foxboro IGP10, Endress+Hauser Cerabar S PMP71, Siemens Sitrans P DS III, or equal. Manufactured Units Pressure transmitters shall be all solid state with a 4-20ma output. All wetted parts shall be stainless steel. Transmitter shall be hermetically sealed to withstand submergence or an operating environment of 100 percent humidity for an indefinite period of time. Total error band shall not exceed 0.25 percent of full scale over a temperature range of 0-100 degrees Celsius. Voltage input shall be 9 to 20 VDC without more than a 0.12 percent change in output. Volumetric displacement of bridge from 0 psi to max -rated pressure shall be less than 0.01 cubic inches. Provide electronics with built-in protection against AC line transients and lightning spikes, and an R/F filter to reject external electrical and internal noise. Zero and span adjustments shall be non -interacting. A digital indicator with on -board pushbuttons shall be provided to display the measurement with a choice of units. The pushbuttons shall allow zero and span adjustments and local configuration without the need for a hand-held terminal. Part 3 — Execution Installation Transmitter installations shall be equipped with drain and bleed and isolation valves to remove air from transmitter diaphragm. Contractor shall be completely responsible for proper operation and interface of transmitter with other electronics provided on the project. 17-29 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 17.52.11 Submersible Level Transmitter (Clean Water) [CSI 40 72 43.21] Part 1— General Design Requirements The complete level transmitter assembly shall be completely rated for the environment for which it will be installed and shall be a totally submersible device with molded integral cable. The transduction principle shall be an integrated silicon strain gauge bridge with a two -wire 4-20 mA output signal. Voltage input shall be 9 to 30 VDC. The transmitter shall have stainless steel or titanium housing and shall be drinking water approved (NSF 61). The transmitter shall have a maximum OD of 1 inch and a maximum length of 10 inches. The transmitter shall be provided with enough submergence -proof cable to allow for an unspliced run from the transmitter mounting depth to the control electronics plus 10 percent. The submergence -proof cable shall be constructed of polyurethane sheathed cable with integral vent tube and Kevlar strain cord. Performance Requirements The operating pressure range of the device shall be up to 128.5 feet with an overpressure acceptance of two times the rated pressure. Total error band shall not exceed 0.25 percent of full scale over a temperature range of 30 degrees to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The accuracy shall be 0.1 percent of full scale for 1 psi to 900 psi range. The electronics shall have built-in protection against AC line transients and lightning spikes and an RFI filter to reject internal electrical and internal noise. Part 2 — Products Manufacturers The submersible level transmitter shall be a KPSI level transmitter 720 series, Endress-Hauser Waterpilot FNIX167 (water application), GE (Druck) PTX 1830, or equal with cable hanger and either aneroid bellows or terminal box with filter. Manufactured Units Part 3 — Execution Installation The transmitter shall be installed in location as described on the Plans. A weighted stainless 3/16 inch aircraft cable shall be provided for attachment of level transmitter. The aircraft cable with weight system shall be the length of the reservoir depth. 17-30 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PNI © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 17.53 Environmental Sensors and Controls 17.53.2 Wall -Mounted Cooling Thermostat [(,Jl L3 U913.13J Part 1— General Related Sections • Division 11.95.34 Fans Design Requirements Fall 2023 Division 17 All components shall be suitable for installation in the environment where installed. The thermostat shall be a snap action, SPDT line voltage air switch controller rated for a 16 -amp inductive load at 120 VAC. Part 2 — Products Manufacturer The Wall -Mounted Cooling Thermostat shall be a Honeywell Model No. T775A2009 or equal with a -30 to 100 -degree Fahrenheit range. Part 3 — Execution Installation Furnish and install wall -mounted cooling thermostat as shown on the Plans. Mount thermostat to ventilation control panel. Set thermostat at 75 degrees Fahrenheit. 17.53.3 Wall -Mounted Heating Thermostat [CSI 23 0913.131 Part 1— General Related Sections • Division Radiant Space Heater Design Requirements Provide a 24 volt, SPST wall mounted heating thermostat. All components shall be suitable for installation in the environment where installed. Thermostat shall be as recommended by the space heater manufacturer. Thermostat shall have an adjustable range from 40 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Set thermostat at 60 degrees Fahrenheit unless specified otherwise on the plans. Part 2 — Products Manufacturer The wall -mounted heating thermostat shall be a Honeywell TH611OD1005, or equal. 17-31 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yelm Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 Part 3 — Execution Installation Furnish and install wall -mounted thermostat as shown on the Plans. Mount thermostat 4 feet above finished floor in location shown on the Plans. 17.90 'TESTING, STARTUP, AND 'TRAINING 17.90.1 Common Work for Testing, Startup, and Training [LS"14U 61 21, 40 61 26 40 80 UUJ Part 1— General Summary Total system hardware start-up is the responsibility of the Control System Integrator. Maintenance The Control System Integrator shall be solely and completely responsible for all hardware maintenance of the system from time of start-up to the date of acceptance, by formal action of the Owner, of all work under the contract. The Control System Integrator shall perform all such work required or considered to be required by the Owner to cause and maintain proper operation of the system and to properly maintain the system. Warranty The Contractor shall cause the Control System Integrator to make any and all repairs, replacements, modifications and adjustments required to eliminate any and all defects in design, materials and workmanship which are disclosed within the one year guarantee period. The Control System Integrator shall begin all repairs, replacements, modifications and adjustments within twenty-four (24) hours of notification by telephone by the Owner and shall complete such repairs, replacements, modifications and adjustments within forty-eight (48) hours of notification. Should the Control System Integrator fail to begin the work within 24 hours or complete the work within 48 hours, the Owner may proceed to undertake or complete the work. In such event, the Contractor and his surety shall be liable for all costs incurred by the Owner. Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control Equipment Manufacturer's Support 1. The Control System Integrator shall pay for services of equipment manufacturer's field service representative(s) to: a. Inspect equipment covered by these Specifications. b. Supervise adjustments and installation checks. c. Conduct start-up of equipment and perform operational checks. 17-32 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 17 d. Provide Owner with a written statement that manufacturer's equipment has been installed properly, started up and is ready for operation by Owner's personnel. Repairs The Control System Integrator shall correct all deficiencies and defects and make any and all repairs, replacements, modifications, and adjustments as malfunctions or failures occur. The Contractor and the Control System Integrator shall anticipate that the Owner may delay acceptance of all work under the contract if, in the judgment of the Owner, malfunctions or failures in operation of the control system repeatedly occur after start-up. Both the Contractor and the Control System Integrator shall not be entitled to an extension of time or to any claim for damages because of hindrances, delays or complications caused by or resulting from delay by the Owner in accepting the work because of malfunctions or failures in operation of the control system. 17.91 Tests and Inspections [CSI 40 6121, 40 80131 Part 1— General Summary Materials, equipment, and construction included under this specification shall be inspected in accordance with the specifications. Testing shall be performed by the Control System Integrator in accordance with Division 16, and this and subsequent sections of this division. Testing shall be required to determine if installed equipment and system(s) will operate in the manner in which they are intended to operate. The decision of the Owner upon the acceptability of the test procedures and conformance shall be final. The work will not be accepted until all testing has been satisfactorily performed. Scheduling The Contractor shall prepare factory and field test procedures to demonstrate conformance of the complete system to this specification. The Contractor shall submit the detailed test procedures within four weeks after the notice to proceed for the Engineer's review and approval. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, instruments and services necessary to perform all specific functional testing of all installed equipment and systems at no additional cost. The Control System Integrator and Contractor shall notify the Owner and Engineer (Control System Programmer) of the factory testing date 30 days before testing. The Contractor and Control System Integrator shall include in the schedule 10 consecutive working days as part of the factory testing for the Control System Programmer to test the control system software with the hardware supplied by the Control System Integrator at the Control System Integrator's shop. The Control System Integrator and Contractor shall submit to the Engineer (Control System Programmer) a detailed field testing schedule identifying each day that both the Control 17-33 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 System Integrator and Control System Programmer will need to be on site for field testing of equipment. A preliminary schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for review 60 days before testing. A final schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for review 30 days before testing. The Contractor and Control System Integrator shall include in the construction schedule 10 consecutive working days between the completion of field testing and the startup phase for the Control System Programmer to perform field software testing. Startup shall not proceed until the software field testing is complete. Part 2 — Products Factory Testing All factory testing of control panels and computer systems shall be performed at the Control System Integrator's shop. The completed control system shall be tested in the shop by the Control System Integrator and the Control System Programmer. All motor control centers and VFD's supplied by the Control System Integrator shall be interconnected with the control system and powered with rated incoming voltage. Testing shall be conducted in two phases. The initial hardware testing shall include, but not be limited to, operation of all input and output (I/O) points, control devices and motor controllers. The subsequent testing shall include, but not be limited to, testing of RTU programming and Operator Interface provided by the Control System Programmer. The initial hardware testing of the control system shall include the following: 1. The entire assembled panels shall be meggered and tested to be free from grounds and shorts. 2. Energize each discrete input and output and simulating each analog input and output using a loop simulator and calibrator. Circuits not energized shall be tested for continuity. Discrete input signals shall be tested in both the "on" and "off' state. Analog signals shall be tested at a minimum of three values (4 mA,12 mA, and 20 mA). The test results shall be documented by the Control System Integrator in checklist format. The final test results shall be signed by both the Engineer and Control System Integrator prior to shipment of equipment to the job site. 3. Provide signal generators, multimeters, and other test equipment as required to verify proper operation of the assembled panels. 4. The Control System Integrator shall interconnect the control panels with the motor control centers and VFD's for both hardware and software testing phases. Control panels shall initially be hardware tested in one group. Similarly, the motor control centers and VFD's shall be hardware tested in another group. After both groups of hardware are confirmed to be operating correctly, the Control System Integrator shall interconnect the equipment with Ethernet cables and analog and discrete wiring as shown on the Plans. The equipment shall remain connected for the remainder of the factory testing period. 17-34 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Fall 2023 Division 17 5. Correct, replace, or repair control panel and motor control center wiring, and/or components until testing demonstrates proper operation. Control panels and motor control centers shall not be shipped to the job site until testing has demonstrated complete operation of the panels. 6. Provide updated and complete as -built drawings for the control panels and motor control centers at the time of final factory testing. The Engineer shall review the drawings against the panel construction at the time of final factory testing. Drawings which do not reflect the actual construction of the panel shall be revised and reviewed again by the Engineer. As -built drawings that require revisions shall be submitted to the Engineer for review prior to shipment of equipment to the job site. This review process shall be repeated as necessary so that as -built drawings reflect the actual construction of the panels and motor control centers at the time of shipment. Panels and motor control centers shall not be shipped to the job site until the as -built drawings are updated, complete, and reflect the actual as -shipped status of the equipment. Upon completion of the initial hardware testing, Control System Programmer shall conduct software testing for final inspection by the Owner. The Control System Integrator shall provide for time, equipment and support in their shop for Control System Programmer to completely demonstrate the functions of the entire control system. All control functions and all status and alarm monitoring and indication shall be demonstrated under simulated operating conditions. Simulating equipment shall be provided and wired into the control system for this testing. Testing shall be continued for the time period required by the Owner to observe and verify any revisions and as described above in the scheduling portion of this specification. Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control Following installation by the Contractor, the Control System Integrator will verify the correctness of the interconnecting wiring and energize all control equipment in the field. Each point at the controller(s) shall be checked for proper functional operation through communication with the central computer. Field Tests The Control System Integrator in conjunction with the Contractor shall conduct field tests of all panels, motor control centers, VFD's, and instrumentation in the presence of the Engineer after installation of the equipment at the site. Testing shall be conducted by physically actuating signaling devices, installing temporary jumpers, or artificially imposing signals on the field wiring. This shall be done to establish proper operation of the field devices, the integrity of the field wiring, and the proper connection of field devices to the panels. The Contractor and Control System Integrator shall coordinate with the Engineer to provide for as complete testing of the control system as is practical prior to placing the equipment on line for actual control and monitoring. The Contractor and Control System Integrator shall make corrections or repairs to the wiring and/or devices as necessary to provide proper operation of the system. 17-35 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 After the initial testing is complete, commissioning shall be accomplished by the Control Systems Integrator, Control System Programmer, and Contractor, with the Owner and Engineer present. Commissioning shall include operation and verification of all control components and features of the entire control system. Each function shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Owner. Repairs Should any part of the system fail during the test, the test shall be rescheduled and repeated to the satisfaction of the Owner after repairs. 17.92 Startup [CSI 40 80151 Part 1— General Summary All testing, startup and operation shall not be cause for claims for delay by the Contractor, and all expenses accruing therefrom shall be deemed to be incidental to this contract. The Contractor shall make arrangement for all materials, supplies and labor necessary to efficiently complete the testing, startup and operation. Startup shall consist of testing, by a simulated operation, all operational equipment and controls. The purpose of these tests shall be to check that all equipment will function under operating conditions, that all interlocking controls and sequences are properly set, and that the facility will function as an operating unit. Scheduling Factory representatives of all major units shall be present for the startup phase. The test shall continue until it is demonstrated that all functions of controls and machinery are correct. Part 3 — Execution Field Quality Control When the installation of the Control System is substantially complete, the Contractor shall commence with calibration and field testing. Testing shall determine that all system components connect up correctly to each other so that the system works as designed. Refer to section 17.91 for field testing requirements. All components of the control system shall be calibrated by the Control System Integrator after completion of installation. Each component shall be adjusted to be within the Manufacturer's required range and for the specific application. Components that cannot be properly calibrated or that are found to exceed the Manufacturer's specified range or accuracy shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. The control system shall be placed into operation by the Control Systems Integrator and Control System Programmer. The Control System Integrator shall calibrate all instruments, indicators, recorders, loops, etc. and shall provide a five -point calibration test results sheet for each calibrated instrument 17-36 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 supplied by the Control System Integrator. The five -point calibration shall include one point at: Minimum input range value, Maximum input range value, Midrange input value, no other point less than 25 percent of span to any other point. Test forms shall identify each instrument tested, input conditions vs. output signal results in tabulated form, and shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to final commissioning. Repairs All deficiencies observed during the start-up will be corrected by the Contractor. 17.93 Training [CSI 40 61261 Part 1— General Submittals Submit index of all training offered by PLC system equipment manufacturers including operation and maintenance. The Control System Integrator shall prepare and assemble specific instruction materials for each training session and shall supply such materials to the Owner at least 2 weeks prior to the time of the training. The Control System Programmer will provide additional training that is separate from this contract. Part 3 — Execution Hands -On Training The Control System Integrator shall conduct specifically organized training sessions in operation and maintenance of the control system for personnel employed by the Owner. The training sessions shall be conducted to educate and train the personnel in maintenance and operation of all components of the control system. Training shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Preventative maintenance procedures 2. Trouble -shooting 3. Calibration 4. Testing 5. Replacement of components One training session, at least 4 hours in duration, shall be conducted at the facility after start- up of the system. 17-37 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.d— 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir 17.94 Documentation 17.94.2 Operations and Maintenance Manuals #,Jl 4U cYU Z JJ Part 1— General Summary Fall 2023 Division 17 Two types of operation and maintenance manuals (O&Nl) will be required for the contract: 1. General manuals for use by the Water Department staff for daily operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. 2. Technical manuals for use by trained electronics technicians for technical and "board level" maintenance and repair. Submittals Prior to the receipt of payment for more than 50 percent of the work, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner five sets of acceptable manufacturer's operating and maintenance instructions covering each piece of mechanical and electrical equipment, or equipment assembly, furnished under this contract. Each set of instructions shall be bound into multiple volumes; each volume to be complete with and index and bound in a suitable hard -cover binder. Manuals shall be assembled and indexed so that information on each piece of equipment can be readily found. Any additional operating and maintenance instructions from the Control Systems Programmer will be submitted separately. Quality Assurance Manuals shall be purposefully made for this installation, and general manuals which are vague or have limited applicability will not be accepted. The manuals shall be written in a non- technical format suitable for reading by water system operators with no previous automatic control equipment experience. The decision of the Owner on the acceptability of the manual shall be final. Part 2 — Products Materials The Control System Integrator shall prepare and assemble detailed operation and maintenance manuals in accordance with the project general requirements. The manuals shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Name, location and phone number of nearest supplier and spare part warehouse. 2. Step by step operating procedures. 3. Narrative of overall system performance and operation. 4. Listing of all equipment setpoints. 5. Preventative maintenance procedures 6. Trouble -shooting of master and remote equipment. iyQG1:3 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 17 7. Calibration 8. Testing 9. Replacement of components 10. System schematics / shop drawings 11. As -built elementary and one -line diagrams 12. Catalog data and complete parts list for all equipment and control devices 13. Listing of recommended spare parts. 14. Listing of recommended maintenance tools and equipment. 15. Warranties. 16. Disassembly and reassembly instructions. All plans shall be provided on hard copy and in electronic form on disk. Electronic drawing files shall be provided in AutoCAD .DWG format with all "xrefs" bound. If "xrefs" are not bound, all "xref'.DWG files shall be provided unlinked with instructions to reestablish the links. Files shall be in AutoCAD 2010 or later format. 17-39 J:AData\YFUM\22-0046\30 Specs\Ted-icals\17 Automatic Control.docs 11/10/23 3:36 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Division 18 Measurement and Payment 18.0 GENERAL It is the intention of these specifications that performance of work under bid items shall result in complete construction, in proper operating condition, of improvements identified in these written specifications and accompanying plans. Work and material not specifically listed herein but required according to the plans and specifications and general practice shall be included in Contractor's bid price in the most closely applicable bid item. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item and the bidder's entry is less than the minimum specified amount, the Owner will unilaterally revise the price to the minimum specified amount and recalculate the total. The recalculated total will be used by the Owner for award purposes and to fix the contract price amount and the amount of the contract bond. If a maximum or fixed bid amount has been established for any item and the bidder's entry exceeds the maximum or fixed specified amount, the Owner will reduce the bid item price to the maximum or fixed specified amount and relocate the offsetting amounts to bid items of the Owner's choosing. Bid Item 1— Mobilization, Demobilization, Site Preparation, and Cleanup Lump sum price covers complete cost of furnishing, installing and testing, complete and in-place, all work and materials necessary to: move and organize equipment and personnel onto the job site; secure job site; traffic control for deliveries; provide and maintain necessary support facilities; obtain all necessary permits and licenses; prepare site for construction operations; maintain site and surrounding areas during construction, provide temporary security fencing, move all personnel and equipment off site after contract completion; cleanup site prior to final acceptance; and accomplish all other items of work not specifically listed in other divisions. No more than 80 -percent of bid amount for this item will be paid before final payment request, and this bid amount may not be more than 10 -percent of value of total contract. Bid Item 2 — Excavation Safety and Shoring Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of excavation safety and shoring including: all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the safety and shoring work as shown on the Plans, and detailed in the contract specifications, or as required by governing safety codes. Price includes design of the shoring system as required by applicable codes and standards, whether shown on the Plans or not. Bid Item 3 — Temporary Sedimentation and Erosion Control Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all temporary erosion and sedimentation control relating to construction of improvements as shown on the Plans and detailed in the Specifications and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Work includes, but is not limited to: silt fence, temporary trenching, temporary mulching, plastic sheeting, hydroseed, construction sedimentation control; control of water; dewatering and J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\18 Mea—canent and Pacment.docs 11/10/23 3:05 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 18 restoration of damage caused by storm events, and all other work necessary, for complete installation and maintenance of all temporary sedimentation and erosion control facilities. Bid Item 4 — Site Work Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all site work relating to construction of improvements as shown on the Plans and specified herein. Work includes, but is not limited to: construction survey; construction signing; clearing and grubbing; removal of existing trees and vegetation; removal of existing fence; removal of existing asphalt and concrete, removal of all items shown on the demolition plan; reservoir sand cushion, dewatering of foundation area; quarry spall pads and pond spillway; fencing and gates; and all other work necessary for a complete installation of all site work. Bid Item 5— Earthwork Lump sum price shown shall include all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for the earthwork relating to construction of improvements as shown on the Plans and specified herein. Work includes, but is not limited to: excavation; imported structural backfill, and compaction; site grading; shaping detention pond; disposal of excess material to the City's existing stockpile location; and all other work necessary for a complete installation of all earthwork. Lump sum price does not include excavation and backfill for utilities or utility structures, which is incidental to site utilities. The in ground "neat line" quantity is estimated to be 3,500 cubic yards of cut and 2,500 cubic yards of fill (less the reservoir mat slab, ring wall, and CSBC volume) as extrapolated from AutoCAD for the construction grading plan and final grading plan shown in the plans. Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to verify excavation and backfill quantities for the excavation method planned for by the Contractor. No additional compensation will be provided if the actual quantities vary from the estimate provided in this bid item description. The existing, construction grade, and final grade contours will be provided to bidders in AutoCAD 2023 format upon request. Bid Item 6 — Landscaping, Irrigation, and Site Restoration Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all landscaping shown on the landscaping plans, including all landscaping maintenance, until the project is accepted by the Owner. The lump sum price shall include the complete contractor designed irrigation system. The Lump Sum price shall include restoring all disturbed areas with topsoil and hydroseed that are not otherwise called out as paving, crushed surfacing, or landscaping. Bid Item 7 — Site Utilities Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for construction of the underground utilities as shown on the Plans and specified herein. Work includes, but is not limited to: potholing; trenching; disposal of excess material; rock excavation and removal; control of water; select bedding; backfill; compaction; vaults, vault piping, vault hatches, vault appurtenances, control valve and check valve within the vaults, flow meter, and all items shown within the vaults; materials and appurtenances for water, stormwater, reservoir footing drain; and all underground utilities except for electrical and telemetry utilities; and all other work necessary for a complete installation of all underground utilities including miscellaneous utilities such as the yard hydrant and service iE:1M J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\18 Mea—canent and Pacment.docs 11/10/23 3:05 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 18 line, vault drain lines, and pressure transmitter line. The price shall include all excavation, backfill, and materials for utility structures including stormwater Type 1 and Type 2 catch basins, reservoir air gap assembly, stormwater pond flow control structure, and vaults. The price does not include electrical and telemetry utilities which shall be included in the Electrical and Automatic Control bid items. The price shall include all water utilities outside the reservoir and up to and including the first fitting outside the reservoir stemwall foundation. Bid Item 8 — Unscheduled Excavation The unit price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for excavation and disposal that is beyond the depth shown on the project plans and is performed at the Owner's request. Excavated material shall be replaced with import structural fill. Price includes haul and disposal of excavated material. Measurement shall be per cubic yard as measured in place. For bidding purposes this quantity is estimated to be 100 cubic yards. Bid Item 9 — Unscheduled Imported Structural Backfill The unit price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for unscheduled imported structural backfill that is beyond the limits shown on the project plans and is performed at the Owner's request. Payment shall be per ton of material as measured in by truck weight tickets. For bidding purposes this quantity is estimated to be 200 tons. Bid Item 10 — Crushed Surfacing Base Course The unit price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for providing and installing crushed surfacing base course to the depth shown on the Plans. Price shall include: preparation of subgrade; crushed surfacing base course material; delivery and placement; watering; and compaction. Payment will only be for crushed surfacing described in Division 2.11.7 Gravel Base Course and used for driveway subgrade basecourse, permanent gravel road surfacing, and placement directly under foundations and structures. Payment shall be per ton as measured by truck weight tickets. Bid Item 11— Crushed Surfacing Top Course The unit price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for providing and installing crushed surfacing top course to the depth shown on the Plans. Price shall include: preparation of subgrade; crushed surfacing top - course material; delivery and placement; watering; and compaction. Payment will only be for crushed surfacing described in Division 2.11.8 Gravel Top Course and used for road subgrade top -course and permanent gravel road surfacing. Payment shall be per ton as measured by truck weight tickets. "FOO ? J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tecluucals\18 Mea—canent and Pacment.docs 11/10/23 3:05 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 18 Bid Item 12 — Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) The unit price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for providing and installing hot mix asphalt to the depth shown on the Plans. Price shall include: preparation of subgrade; removal and disposal of temporary surface patching, HMA; delivery and placement; and compaction. Price shall include HMA wedge curb. Payment shall be per ton as measured by truck weight tickets.. Bid Item 13 — Contractor Designed Reservoir Design Plans and Structural Calculations Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor and materials, necessary for a complete and PE stamped approved shop drawings and structural calculations of the elevated tank reservoir as shown on the Plans, and detailed in the contract specifications. Payment of 50 percent of the total bid item can be approved prior to the submittal process. The remaining 50 percent shall be paid once the submittal is approved by the Owner. Bid Item 14 — Reservoir Foundation Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for construction of the reservoir foundation as shown on the Plans and detailed in the specifications including forms, foundation, concrete, rebar, seismic anchors, as shown on the Plans and detailed in the Specifications. Payment shall be lump sum. Bid Item 15 — Reservoir Floor, Shell, and Roof Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for construction of the reservoir as shown on the Plans, and detailed in the contract specifications including foundation, floor, walls, roof, and other structural support members, as shown on the Plans and detailed in the contract specifications or as otherwise needed for a complete and operable reservoir. Bid Item 16 — Reservoir Appurtenances Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for construction of the reservoir appurtenances as shown on the Plans and detailed in the Specifications including major and minor piping, fittings, structures, and appurtenances that are located within the reservoir and between the reservoir stem wall foundation and first fitting outside the reservoir stemwall foundation. The price shall include the spiral staircase; handrails; inlet, outlet, drain, and overflow piping and supports within the reservoir; sample lines including sample lines casing within the reservoir and reservoir footprint; sample lines enclosure; platforms; access hatches; air vent; ladders; riser pipes; pipe supports; and all reservoir appurtenances as shown on the Plans and detailed in the Specifications. it:] K,! J:AData\YF12M\22-0046\30 Specs\Teel-icals\18 Mea—canent and Pacment.docs 11/10/23 3:05 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 18 Bid Item 17 — Reservoir Finishes Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the finish work on the reservoir as shown on the Plans and detailed in the Specifications, including all interior and exterior coating of the reservoir and reservoir appurtenances. Bid Item 18 — Full Containment Structure for Environmental Control Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for providing a Full Containment with Negative Pressure Class 1A Containment System for the purpose of environmental control necessary to protect the environment and general public from air pollution and provide a suitable environment for surface preparation, application of coating, and curing. Price shall also include removal of containment after finishes are complete and approved by the coating inspector as detailed in the Technical Specifications, Division 9. It is not anticipated that containment will be required for this project; however, the necessity to provide containment based upon environmental conditions at the time of coating application will be mutually agreed upon between the Contractor and City. Payment shall be lump sum. Bid Item 19 — Reservoir Mural Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the reservoir mural as shown on the Plans and detailed in the specifications, including mural design by artist hired by Contractor, the coating material for the mural and labor, materials, and equipment associated with the application of the mural to the reservoir. For purposes of bidding the reservoir mural shall be a tree/skyline design and shall be full height. Bid Item 20 — Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Building Complete Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for constructing the control building structure, and all other structural work complete as shown on the Plans and detailed in the Specifications including: cast -in- place concrete, miscellaneous metal work, ceilings, insulation, carpentry, roof, door and its accessories, waterproofing, coatings, patching, foundation, testing, and Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Bid Item 21— Electrical The lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the electrical work shown on the Plans, and detailed in the contract specifications. 18-5 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Tec1uuca1s\18 Mea—canent and Pacment.docs 11/10/23 3:05 PM © 2023 RH2 Engineenng, Inc. City of Yehn Fall 2023 Southeast 1.5MG Reservoir Division 18 Bid Item 22 — Telemetry and Automatic Control Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the automatic control system as shown on the Plans, and detailed in the contract specifications. Bid Item 23 — Construction Records and O&M Manuals Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all mark-up plans necessary for the Owner to create accurate as -built records as detailed in the specifications. The work includes surveying all structures and utilities to determine their as -constructed locations and elevations, records of all mechanical and electrical equipment for maintenance purposes, and operation and maintenance manuals. The minimum price for this work will be $10,000. Failure to comply with the as -built requirements and furnish acceptable as -built records will result in the deletion of this bid item by change order. To receive partial payments, the Contractor must provide evidence to the Engineer's satisfaction that record drawings are being kept current. No partial payments will be made until Engineer is satisfied with the record drawings. Bid Item 24 — Testing, Startup and Training Lump sum price shown shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor and materials necessary for testing and startup of the project as shown on the Plans, and detailed in the contract specifications. Payment shall be lump sum. Partial payment of up to 50 percent of the total bid item cost is allowed no earlier than first Contractor initiated testing date. Final 50 percent of payment shall not be paid until testing of the reservoir and control system is complete, and the facility is completely operational, and staff trained as determined by the Owner and Engineer. Minimum price for this bid item shall be $10,000. Bid Item 25 — Minor Change Payments or credits for minor change work amounting to $10,000 or less may be under the bid item "Minor Change" at the discretion of the City. For the purposes of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount of $100,000 for "Minor Change" in the Proposal to become part of the Bid by the Contractor. If no "Minor Change" agreements are entered into, no payments shall be paid for this bid item. 18-6 J:AData\YELM\22-0046\30 Specs\Technicals\18 Measurement and Paymentdo— 11/14/23 1:31 PM 0 2023 RH2 Engineering, Inc. APPENDIX A PREVAILING WAGES AND BENEFIT CODE KEYS SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 12/13/2023 *Risk County Trade Job Classification Wage Holiday Overtime Note Class Pierce Asbestos Abatement Workers Journey Level $59.07 5D 1 H View Pierce Boilermakers Journey Level $74.29 5N 1 C View Pierce Brick Mason Journey Level $69.07 7E 1 N View Pierce Brick Mason Pointer -Caulker -Cleaner $69.07 7E 1 N View Pierce Building Service Employees Janitor $22.29 5S 2F View Pierce Building Service Employees Traveling Waxer / Shampooer $23.24 5S 2F View Pierce Building Service Employees Window Cleaner (High Time) $31.24 5S 2F View Pierce Building Service Employees Window Cleaner (Non -High $29.74 5S 2F View Time) Pierce Cabinet Makers (In Shop). Journey Level $28.36 1 View Pierce Carpenters Acoustical Worker $74.96 15J 4C View Pierce Carpenters Bridge, Dock And Wharf $74.96 15J 4C View Carpenters Pierce Carpenters Floor Layer Et Floor Finisher $74.96 15J 4C View Pierce Carpenters Journey Level $74.96 15J 4C View Pierce Carpenters Scaffold Erector $74.96 15J 4C View Pierce Cement Masons Application of all Composition $72.87 15J 4U View Mastic Pierce Cement Masons Application of all Epoxy $72.37 15J 4U View Material Pierce Cement Masons Application of all Plastic $72.87 15J 4U View Material Pierce Cement Masons Application of Sealing $72.37 15J 4U View Compound Pierce Cement Masons Application of Underlayment $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Building General $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Composition or Kalman Floors $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Concrete Paving $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Curb Et Gutter Machine $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Curb Et Gutter, Sidewalks $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Curing Concrete $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Finish Colored Concrete $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Floor Grinding $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Floor Grinding/ Polisher $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Green Concrete Saw, self- $72.87 15J 4U View powered Pierce Cement Masons Grouting of all Plates $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Grouting of all Tilt -up Panels $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Gunite Nozzleman $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Hand Powered Grinder $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Journey Level $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Patching Concrete $72.37 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Pneumatic Power Tools $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Power Chipping Et Brushing $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Sand Blasting Architectural $72.87 15J 4U View Finish Pierce Cement Masons Screed Et Rodding Machine $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Spackling or Skim Coat $72.37 15J 4U View Concrete Pierce Cement Masons Troweling Machine Operator $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Cement Masons Troweling Machine Operator on $72.87 15J 4U View Colored Slabs Pierce Cement Masons Tunnel Workers $72.87 15J 4U View Pierce Divers Et Tenders Bell/Vehicle or Submersible $129.71 15J 4C View Operator (Not Under Pressure) Pierce Divers Et Tenders Dive Supervisor/Master $93.94 15J 4C View Pierce Divers Et Tenders Diver $129.71 15J 4C 8V View Pierce Divers Et Tenders Diver On Standby $88.94 15J 4C View Pierce Divers Et Tenders Diver Tender $80.82 15J 4C View Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $93.26 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 0-30.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $98.26 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 30.01 - 44.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $102.26 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 44.01 - 54.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $107.26 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 54.01 - 60.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $109.76 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 60.01 - 64.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $114.76 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 64.01 - 68.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $116.76 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 68.01 - 70.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $118.76 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 70.01 - 72.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Hyperbaric Worker - $120.76 15J 4C View Compressed Air Worker 72.01 74.00 PSI Pierce Divers Et Tenders Manifold Operator $80.82 15J 4C View Pierce Divers Et Tenders Manifold Operator Mixed Gas $85.82 15J 4C View Pierce Divers Et Tenders Remote Operated Vehicle $80.82 15J 4C View Operator/Technician Pierce Divers Et Tenders Remote Operated Vehicle $75.41 15J 4C View Tender Pierce Dredge Workers Assistant Engineer $79.62 5D 3F View Pierce Dredge Workers Assistant Mate (Deckhand) $79.01 5D 3F View Pierce Dredge Workers Boatmen $79.62 5D 3F View Pierce Dredge Workers Engineer Welder $81.15 5D 3F View Pierce Dredge Workers Leverman, Hydraulic $82.77 5D 3F View Pierce Dredge Workers Mates $79.62 5D 3F View Pierce Dredge Workers Oiler $79.01 5D 3F View Pierce Drywall Applicator Journey Level $74.96 15J 4C View Pierce Drywall Tapers Journey Level $74.50 5P 1 E View Pierce Electrical Fixture Maintenance Journey Level $17.76 1 View Workers Pierce Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer $88.45 5C 1G View Pierce Electricians - Inside Journey Level $82.57 5C 1G View Pierce Electricians - Inside Lead Covered Cable Splicer $94.34 5C 1G View Pierce Electricians - Inside Welder $88.45 5C 1G View Pierce Electricians - Motor Shop Craftsman $15.74 1 View Pierce Electricians - Motor Shop Journey Level $15.74 1 View Pierce Electricians - Powerline Cable Splicer $93.00 5A 4D View Construction Pierce Electricians - Powerline Certified Line Welder $85.42 5A 4D View Construction Pierce Electricians - Powerline Groundperson $55.27 5A 4D View Construction Pierce Electricians - Powerline Heavy Line Equipment $85.42 5A 4D View Construction Operator Pierce Electricians - Powerline Journey Level Lineperson $85.42 5A 4D View Construction Pierce Electricians - Powerline Line Equipment Operator $73.35 5A 4D View Construction Pierce Electricians - Powerline Meter Installer $55.27 5A 4D 8W View Construction Pierce Electricians - Powerline Pole Sprayer $85.42 5A 4D View Construction Pierce Electricians - Powerline Powderperson $63.50 5A 4D View Construction Pierce Electronic Technicians Journey Level $53.46 6Z 1 B View Pierce Elevator Constructors Mechanic $107.49 7D 4A View Pierce Elevator Constructors Mechanic In Charge $116.13 7D 4A View Pierce Fabricated Precast Concrete Journey Level $15.74 1 View Products Pierce Fence Erectors Fence Erector $50.07 15J 11 P 8Y View Pierce Fence Erectors Fence Laborer $50.07 15J 11 P 8Y View Pierce Flaggers Journey Level $50.07 15J 11 P 8Y View Pierce Glaziers Journey Level $79.16 7L 1Y View Pierce Heat Et Frost Insulators And Journey Level $87.15 15H 11 C View Asbestos Workers Pierce Heating Equipment Mechanics Journey Level $96.42 7F 1 E View Pierce Hod Carriers Et Mason Tenders Journey Level $62.49 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Industrial Power Vacuum Journey Level $15.74 1 View Cleaner Pierce Inland Boatmen Boat Operator $61.41 5B 1 K View Pierce Inland Boatmen Cook $56.48 5B 1K View Pierce Inland Boatmen Deckhand $57.48 5B 1 K View Pierce Inland Boatmen Deckhand Engineer $58.81 5B 1K View Pierce Inland Boatmen Launch Operator $58.89 5B 1K View Pierce Inland Boatmen Mate $57.31 5B 1K View Pierce Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Cleaner Operator, Foamer $15.74 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Operator Remote Control Pierce Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Grout Truck Operator $15.74 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control Pierce Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Head Operator $15.74 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control Pierce Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Technician $15.74 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control Pierce Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Tv Truck Operator $15.74 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control Pierce Insulation Applicators Journey Level $74.96 15J 4C View Pierce Ironworkers Journeyman $85.80 15K 11N View Pierce Laborers Air, Gas Or Electric Vibrating $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Screed Pierce Laborers Airtrac Drill Operator $60.90 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Ballast Regular Machine $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Batch Weighman $50.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Brick Pavers $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Brush Cutter $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Brush Hog Feeder $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Burner $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Caisson Worker $60.90 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Carpenter Tender $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Cement Dumper -paving $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Cement Finisher Tender $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Change House Or Dry Shack $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Chipping Gun (30 Lbs. And $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Over) Pierce Laborers Chipping Gun (Under 30 Lbs.) $59.07 15J 11P 8Y View Pierce Laborers Choker Setter $59.07 15J 11 P 8Y View Pierce Laborers Chuck Tender $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Clary Power Spreader $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Clean-up Laborer $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Concrete Dumper/Chute $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Operator Pierce Laborers Concrete Form Stripper $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Concrete Placement Crew $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Concrete Saw Operator/Core $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Driller Pierce Laborers Crusher Feeder $50.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Curing Laborer $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Demolition: Wrecking Et Moving $59.07 15J lip 8Y View (Incl. Charred Material) Pierce Laborers Ditch Digger $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Diver $60.90 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Drill Operator (Hydraulic, $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Diamond) Pierce Laborers Dry Stack Walls $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Dump Person $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Epoxy Technician $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Erosion Control Worker $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Faller Et Bucker Chain Saw $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Fine Graders $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Firewatch $50.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Form Setter $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Gabian Basket Builders $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers General Laborer $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Grade Checker Et Transit Person $62.49 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Grinders $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Grout Machine Tender $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Groutmen (Pressure) Including $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Post Tension Beams Pierce Laborers Guardrail Erector $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (Level $60.90 15J lip 8Y View A) Pierce Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (Level $60.15 15J lip 8Y View B) Pierce Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (Level $59.07 15J lip 8Y View C) Pierce Laborers High Scaler $60.90 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Jackhammer $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Laserbeam Operator $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Maintenance Person $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Manhole Builder-Mudman $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Material Yard Person $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Mold Abatement Worker $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Motorman -Dinky Locomotive $62.59 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers nozzleman (concrete pump, $62.49 15J lip 8Y View green cutter when using combination of high pressure air Et water on concrete Et rock, sandblast, gunite, shotcrete, water blaster, vacuum blaster) Pierce Laborers Pavement Breaker $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Pilot Car $50.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Pipe Layer (Lead) $62.49 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Pipe Layer/Tailor $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Pipe Pot Tender $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Pipe Reliner $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Pipe Wrapper $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Pot Tender $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Powderman $60.90 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Powderman's Helper $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Power Jacks $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Railroad Spike Puller - Power $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Raker - Asphalt $62.49 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Re-timberman $60.90 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Remote Equipment Operator $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Rigger/Signal Person $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Rip Rap Person $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Rivet Buster $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Rodder $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Scaffold Erector $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Scale Person $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Sloper (Over 20") $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Sloper Sprayer $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Spreader (Concrete) $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Stake Hopper $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Stock Piler $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Swinging Stage/Boatswain $50.07 15J lip 8Y View Chair Pierce Laborers Tamper Et Similar Electric, Air $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Et Gas Operated Tools Pierce Laborers Tamper (Multiple Et Self- $60.15 15J lip 8Y View propelled) Pierce Laborers Timber Person - Sewer (Lagger, $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Shorer Et Cribber) Pierce Laborers Toolroom Person (at Jobsite) $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Topper $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Track Laborer $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Track Liner (Power) $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Traffic Control Laborer $53.54 15J lip 9C View Pierce Laborers Traffic Control Supervisor $56.73 15J lip 9C View Pierce Laborers Truck Spotter $59.07 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Tugger Operator $60.15 15J lip 8Y View Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air 9B View Worker 0-30 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air View $184.50 Worker 30.01-44.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $190.20 15J Worker 44.01-54.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air 15J lip Worker 54.01-60.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air lip 9B Worker 60.01-64.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air 9B View Worker 64.01-68.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air View $203.32 Worker 68.01-70.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $62.59 15J Worker 70.01-72.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air 15J lip Worker 72.01-74.00 psi Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work-Guage and Lock lip 8Y Tender Pierce Laborers Tunnel Work -Miner Pierce Laborers Vibrator Pierce Laborers Vinyl Seamer Pierce Laborers Watchman Pierce Laborers Welder Pierce Laborers Well Point Laborer Pierce Laborers Window Washer/Cleaner Pierce Laborers - Underground Sewer General Laborer Et Topman View Et Water 15J Pierce Laborers - Underground Sewer Pipe Layer $60.15 Et Water lip Pierce Landscape Construction Landscape 15J lip Construction/ Landscaping Or View $79.01 Planting Laborers Pierce Landscape Construction Landscape Operator Pierce Landscape Maintenance Groundskeeper Pierce Lathers Journey Level Pierce Marble Setters Journey Level Pierce Metal Fabrication (In Shop), Fitter Pierce Metal Fabrication (In Shop), Laborer Pierce Metal Fabrication (In Shop), Machine Operator Pierce Metal Fabrication (In Shop), Welder Pierce Millwright Journey Level Pierce Modular Buildings Journey Level Pierce Painters Journey Level Pierce Pile Driver Crew Tender Pierce Pile Driver Journey Level Pierce Plasterers Journey Level Pierce Plasterers Nozzleman $175.79 15J lip 9B View $180.82 15J lip 9B View $184.50 15J lip 9B View $190.20 15J lip 9B View $192.32 15J lip 9B View $197.42 15J lip 9B View $199.32 15J lip 9B View $201.32 15J lip 9B View $203.32 15J lip 9B View $62.59 15J lip 8Y View $62.59 15J lip 8Y View $60.15 15J lip 8Y View $59.07 15J lip 8Y View $45.51 15J lip 8Y View $60.15 15J lip 8Y View $60.15 15J lip 8Y View $45.51 15J lip 8Y View $59.07 15J lip 8Y View $60.15 15J lip 8Y View $45.51 15J lip 8Y View $79.01 15J 3K 8X View $17.07 1 View $74.96 15J 4C View $69.07 7E 1 N View $15.74 1 View $15.74 1 View $15.74 1 View $15.74 1 View $76.51 15J 4C View $15.74 1 View $51.71 6Z 11J View $80.82 15J 4C View $75.41 15J 4C View $70.91 7Q 1 R View $74.91 7Q 1 R View Pierce Playground Et Park Equipment Journey Level$15.74 1 View Installers Pierce Plumbers Et Pipefitters Journey Level $85.72 5A 1 G View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Asphalt Plant Operator $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Assistant Engineer $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Barrier Machine (zipper) $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Batch Plant Operator: Concrete $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Bobcat $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Brokk - Remote Demolition $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Equipment Pierce Power Equipment Operators Brooms $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Bump Cutter $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cableways $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Chipper $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Compressor $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $80.33 15J 3K 8X View With Boom Attachment Over 42m Pierce Power Equipment Operators Concrete Finish Machine -laser $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Screed Pierce Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure Pierce Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $79.62 15J 3K 8X View With Boom Attachment Up To 42m Pierce Power Equipment Operators Conveyors $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes Friction: 200 tons and $86.48 7A 11H 8X View over Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes, A-frame: 10 tons and $78.95 7A 11H 8X View under Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 100 tons through 199 $84.77 7A 11H 8X View tons, or 150' of boom (including jib with attachments) Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 20 tons through 44 $83.20 7A 11H 8X View tons with attachments Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $85.66 7A 11H 8X View 250' of boom including jib with attachments Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 300 tons and over or $86.48 7A 11H 8X View 300' of boom including jib with attachments Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 45 tons through 99 $83.95 7A 11H 8X View tons, under 150' of boom(including jib with attachments) Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Friction cranes through $85.66 7A 11H 8X View 199 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Cranes: through 19 tons with $82.56 7A 11H 8X View attachments, A-frame over 10 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Crusher $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Deck Engineer/deck Winches $79.62 15J 3K 8X View (power) Pierce Power Equipment Operators Derricks: on building work $83.95 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Dozers D-9 Et Under $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Or Crane Mount Pierce Power Equipment Operators Drilling Machine $81.15 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Elevator and man-lift: $78.95 7A 11H 8X View permanent and shaft type Pierce Power Equipment Operators Finishing Machine, Bidwell And $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Gamaco Et Similar Equipment Pierce Power Equipment Operators Forklift: 3000 lbs and over with $82.56 7A 11H 8X View attachments Pierce Power Equipment Operators Forklifts: under 3000 lbs. with $78.95 7A 11H 8X View attachments Pierce Power Equipment Operators Grade Engineer: Using $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Blueprints, Cut Sheets,etc. Pierce Power Equipment Operators Gradechecker/stakeman $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Guardrail punch/Auger $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over Pierce Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Articulating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Locator Pierce Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Operator Pierce Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/boom trucks: 10 $78.95 7A 11H 8X View tons and under Pierce Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/boom trucks: over $82.56 7A 11H 8X View 10 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. Et $81.15 15J 3K 8X View Over Pierce Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Not Including 8 Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Plant Feed $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Locomotives, All $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Material Transfer Device $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Mechanics: all (Leadmen - $84.77 7A 11H 8X View $0.50 per hour over mechanic) Pierce Power Equipment Operators Motor patrol graders $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield Pierce Power Equipment Operators Oil Distributors, Blower $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Distribution Et Mulch Seeding Operator Pierce Power Equipment Operators Outside Hoists (elevators and $82.56 7A 11H 8X View manlifts), Air Tuggers, Strato Pierce Power Equipment Operators Overhead, bridge type Crane: $83.20 7A 11H 8X View 20 tons through 44 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Overhead, bridge type: 100 $84.77 7A 11H 8X View tons and over Pierce Power Equipment Operators Overhead, bridge type: 45 tons $83.95 7A 11H 8X View through 99 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Pavement Breaker $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Pile Driver (other Than Crane $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Mount) Pierce Power Equipment Operators Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Posthole Digger, Mechanical $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Power Plant $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Pumps - Water $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Quad 9, HD 41, D10 And Over $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Quick Tower: no cab, under $78.95 7A 11H 8X View 100 feet in height based to boom Pierce Power Equipment Operators Remote Control Operator On $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment Pierce Power Equipment Operators Rigger and Bellman $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Rigger/Signal Person, $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Bellman(Certified) Pierce Power Equipment Operators Rollagon $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Materials Pierce Power Equipment Operators Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Saws - Concrete $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Scraper, Self Propelled Under $79.62 15J 3K 8X View 45 Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators Scrapers - Concrete Et Carry All $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Yards And Over Pierce Power Equipment Operators Service Engineers: equipment $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe, $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $81.15 15J 3K 8X View Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $81.96 15J 3K 8X View Over 90 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Slipform Pavers $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Spreader, Topsider Et $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Screedman Pierce Power Equipment Operators Subgrader Trimmer $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Tower Bucket Elevators $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane: over 175' through $85.66 7A 11H 8X View 250' in height, base to boom Pierce Power Equipment Operators Tower crane: up to 175' in $84.77 7A 11H 8X View height base to boom Pierce Power Equipment Operators Tower Cranes: over 250' in $86.48 7A 11H 8X View height from base to boom. Pierce Power Equipment Operators Transporters, All Track Or Truck $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Type Pierce Power Equipment Operators Trenching Machines $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/Driver: 100 $83.20 7A 11H 8X View tons and over Pierce Power Equipment Operators Truck crane oiler/driver: under $82.56 7A 11H 8X View 100 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Vac Truck (Vactor Guzzler, $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Hydro Excavator) Pierce Power Equipment Operators Welder $83.95 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators Yo Yo Pay Dozer $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Asphalt Plant Operator $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Assistant Engineer $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Barrier Machine (zipper) $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Batch Plant Operator: Concrete $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Bobcat $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Brokk - Remote Demolition $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Equipment Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Brooms $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Bump Cutter $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Cableways $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Chipper $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Compressor $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water With Boom Attachment Over 42m Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Finish Machine -laser $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Screed Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - over Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - under Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - tons, or 150' of boom Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - attachments) Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - tons with attachments Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - 250' of boom including jib with Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - Cranes: 300 tons and over or Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - attachments Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - tons, under 150' of Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - attachments) Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - 199 tons Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators - attachments, A -frame over 10 Underground Sewer Et Water Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $79.01 15J Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $79.62 15J With Boom Attachment Up To 42m Conveyors $79.01 15J Cranes Friction: 200 tons and $86.48 over Cranes, A -frame: 10 tons and $78.95 under Cranes: 100 tons through 199 $84.77 tons, or 150' of boom (including jib with $78.95 7A attachments) Cranes: 20 tons through 44 $83.20 tons with attachments Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $85.66 250' of boom including jib with attachments Cranes: 300 tons and over or $86.48 300' of boom including jib with attachments Cranes: 45 tons through 99 $83.95 tons, under 150' of boom(including jib with attachments) Cranes: Friction cranes through $85.66 199 tons Cranes: through 19 tons with $82.56 attachments, A -frame over 10 tons Crusher $79.62 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 15J Deck Engineer/deck Winches $79.62 15J ( power) Derricks: on building work $83.95 7A Dozers D-9 Et Under $79.01 15J Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $79.01 15J Or Crane Mount Drilling Machine $81.15 15J Elevator and man -lift: $78.95 7A permanent and shaft type Finishing Machine, Bidwell And $79.62 15J Gamaco Et Similar Equipment Forklift: 3000 lbs and over with $82.56 7A attachments Forklifts: under 3000 lbs. with $78.95 7A attachments 3K 8X View 3K 8X View 3K 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View 3K 8X View 3K 8X View 11H 8X View 3K 8X View 3K 8X View 3K 8X View 11H 8X View 3K 8X View 11H 8X View 11H 8X View Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Grade Engineer: Using $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Blueprints, Cut Sheets,etc. Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Gradechecker/stakeman $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Guardrail punch/Auger $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Hard Tail End Dump $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Hard Tail End Dump $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Articulating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/directional Drill $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Locator Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/directional Drill $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Operator Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/boom trucks: 10 $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water tons and under Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/boom trucks: over $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 10 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. Et $81.15 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Over Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Not Including 8 Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Plant Feed $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Locomotives, All $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Material Transfer Device $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Mechanics: all (Leadmen - $84.77 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water $0.50 per hour over mechanic) Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Motor patrol graders $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Oil Distributors, Blower $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Distribution Et Mulch Seeding Operator Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Outside Hoists (elevators and $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water manlifts), Air Tuggers, Strato Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, bridge type Crane: $83.20 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 20 tons through 44 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, bridge type: 100 $84.77 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water tons and over Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, bridge type: 45 tons $83.95 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water through 99 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Pavement Breaker $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Pile Driver (other Than Crane $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Mount) Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Posthole Digger, Mechanical $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Power Plant $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Pumps - Water $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Quad 9, HD 41, D10 And Over $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Quick Tower: no cab, under $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 100 feet in height based to boom Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Remote Control Operator On $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Rigger and Bellman $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Rigger/Signal Person, $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Bellman(Certified) Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Rollagon $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi -lift $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Materials Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Roto -mill, Roto -grinder $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Saws - Concrete $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Scraper, Self Propelled Under $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 45 Yards Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers - Concrete Et Carry All $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Yards And Over Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Service Engineers: equipment $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $75.57 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe, $79.01 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: $80.33 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $79.62 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $81.15 15J 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Slipform Pavers $80.33 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Spreader, Topsider Et $80.33 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Screedman Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Subgrader Trimmer $79.62 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Tower Bucket Elevators $79.01 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Tower Crane: over 175' through $85.66 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 250' in height, base to boom Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Tower crane: up to 175' in $84.77 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water height base to boom Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Tower Cranes: over 250' in $86.48 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water height from base to boom. Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Transporters, All Track Or Truck $80.33 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Type Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Trenching Machines $79.01 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Truck Crane Oiler/Driver: 100 $83.20 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water tons and over Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Truck crane oiler/driver: under $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 100 tons Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $79.62 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Vac Truck (Vactor Guzzler, $79.62 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Hydro Excavator) Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Welder $83.95 7A 11H 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $75.57 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Equipment Operators- Yo Yo Pay Dozer $79.62 15J A 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Pierce Power Line Clearance Tree Journey Level In Charge $57.22 5A 4A View Trimmers Pierce Power Line Clearance Tree Spray Person $54.32 5A 4A View Trimmers Pierce Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Equipment Operator $57.22 5A 4A View Trimmers Pierce Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Trimmer $51.18 5A 4A View Trimmers Pierce Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Trimmer Groundperson $38.99 5A 4A View Trimmers Pierce Refrigeration Et Air Conditioning Journey Level $87.46 5A 1 G View Mechanics Pierce Residential Brick Mason Journey Level $27.02 1 View Pierce Residential Carpenters Journey Level $49.93 15J 4C View Pierce Residential Cement Masons Journey Level $45.99 1 View Pierce Residential Drywall Applicators Journey Level $74.96 15J 4C View Pierce Residential Drywall Tapers Journey Level $74.50 5P 1 E View Pierce Residential Electricians Journey Level $44.11 1 View Pierce Residential Glaziers Journey Level $79.16 7L 1Y View Pierce Residential Insulation Journey Level $24.52 1 View Applicators Pierce Residential Laborers Journey Level $33.97 1 View Pierce Residential Marble Setters Journey Level $29.29 1 View Pierce Residential Painters Journey Level $51.71 6Z 11.1 View Pierce Residential Plumbers Et Journey Level $85.72 5A 1 G View Pipefitters Pierce Residential Refrigeration Et Air Journey Level $85.72 5A 1 G View Conditioning Mechanics Pierce Residential Sheet Metal Journey Level $96.42 7F 1 E View Workers Pierce Residential Soft Floor Lavers Journey Level $57.11 5A 3.1 View Pierce Residential Sprinkler Fitters Journey Level $58.26 5C 2R View .(Fire Protection), Pierce Residential Stone Masons Journey Level $29.29 1 View Pierce Residential Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $15.74 1 View Pierce Residential Terrazzo/Tile Journey Level $21.96 1 View Finishers Pierce Residential Tile Setters Journey Level $25.98 1 View Pierce Roofers Journey Level $60.90 5A 3H View Pierce Roofers Using Irritable Bituminous $63.90 5A 3H View Materials Pierce Sheet Metal Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $96.42 7F 1 E View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair New Construction Boilermaker $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair New Construction Carpenter $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Crane$41.83 7V 1 View Operator Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair New Construction Electrician $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Heat Et Frost $87.15 15H 11C View Insulator Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Laborer $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair New Construction Machinist $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Operating $41.83 7V 1 View Engineer Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Painter $51.95 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair New Construction Pipefitter $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Rigger $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair New Construction Sheet Metal $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair New Construction Shipwright $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction$41.83 7V 1 View Warehouse/Teamster Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Welder / $51.85 7X 4.1 View Burner Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Boilermaker $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Carpenter $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair Ship Repair Crane Operator $45.06 7Y 4K View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Electrician $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Heat Et Frost$87.15 15H 11C View Insulator Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Laborer $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Machinist $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et ShipRepair Ship Repair Operating Engineer $45.06 7Y 4K View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Painter $51.95 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Pipefitter $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Rigger $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Sheet Metal $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Shipwright $51.85 7X 4J View Pierce Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Warehouse/ $45.06 7Y 4K View Teamster Pierce Sign Makers Et Installers Sign Installer $26.17 1 View .(Electrical), Pierce Sign Makers Et Installers Sign Maker $20.33 1 View .(Electrical), Pierce Sign Makers Et Installers (Non- Sign Installer $33.43 1 View Electrical), Pierce Sign Makers Et Installers (Non- Sign Maker $22.79 1 View Electrical), Pierce Soft Floor Lavers Journey Level $66.32 15J 4C View Pierce Solar Controls For Windows Journey Level $15.74 1 View Pierce Sprinkler Fitters (Fire Journey Level $93.99 5C 1X View Protection), Pierce Stage Rigging Mechanics (Non Journey Level $15.74 1 View Structural), Pierce Stone Masons Journey Level $69.07 7E 1N View Pierce Street And Parking Lot Sweeper Journey Level $21.69 1 View Workers Pierce Surveyors Assistant Construction Site $82.56 7A 11H 8X View Surveyor Pierce Surveyors Chainman $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Surveyors Construction Site Surveyor $83.95 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Surveyors Drone Operator (when used in $78.95 7A 11H 8X View conjunction with surveying work only) Pierce Surveyors Ground Penetrating Radar $78.95 7A 11H 8X View Pierce Telecommunication Technicians Journey Level $53.46 6Z 1B View Pierce Telephone Line Construction - Cable Splicer $40.11 5A 2B View Outside Pierce Telephone Line Construction - Hole Digger/Ground Person $26.67 5A 2B View Outside Pierce Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Equipment Operator $33.49 5A 2B View Outside (Light) Pierce Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Lineperson $37.90 5A 2B View Outside Pierce Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $62.36 7E 1N View Pierce Tile Setters Journey Level $62.36 7E 1N View Pierce Tile, Marble Et Terrazzo Finisher $53.19 7E 1N View Finishers Pierce Traffic Control Stripers Journey Level $89.54 15L 1K View Pierce Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix Over 16 Yards $74.95 15J 11M 8L View Pierce Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix To 16 Yards Pierce Truck Drivers Dump Truck Pierce Truck Drivers Dump Truck Et Trailer Pierce Truck Drivers Other Trucks Pierce Truck Drivers - Ready Mix Transit Mix Pierce Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Irrigation Pump Installer 8L Installers $74.95 Pierce Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Oiler View Installers Pierce Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Well Driller $15.74 Installers 1 $74.02 15J 11M 8L View $74.02 15J 11M 8L View $74.95 15J 11M 8L View $74.95 15J 11M 8L View $74.95 15J 11M 8L View $16.09 1 View $15.74 1 View $18.30 1 View Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Overtime Codes Overtime calculations are based on the hourly rate actually paid to the worker. On public works projects, the hourly rate must be not less than the prevailing rate of wage minus the hourly rate of the cost of fringe benefits actually provided for the worker. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. D. The first two (2) hours before or after a five -eight (8) hour workweek day or a four -ten (10) hour workweek day and the first eight (8) hours worked the next day after either workweek shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All additional hours worked and all worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. G. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays and the first ten (10) hours worked on a fifth calendar weekday in a four - ten hour schedule, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions or equipment breakdown) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. L All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall also be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. J. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid atone and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over ten (10) hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. M. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. N. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 1of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Overtime Codes Continued O. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays, holidays and after twelve (12) hours, Monday through Friday and after ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. P. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if circumstances warrant) and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Q. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and up to ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Christmas day) shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Christmas day shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Labor Day) shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. V. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. W. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays (except make-up days due to conditions beyond the control of the employer)) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. X. The first four (4) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first twelve (12) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. When holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the day before Saturday, Friday, and the day after Sunday, Monday, shall be considered the holiday and all work performed shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Y. All hours worked outside the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm (or such other hours as may be agreed upon by any employer and the employee) and all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day (10 hours per day for a 4 x 10 workweek) and on Saturdays and holidays (except labor day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. (except for employees who are absent from work without prior approval on a scheduled workday during the workweek shall be paid at the straight -time rate until they have worked 8 hours in a day (10 in a 4 x 10 workweek) or 40 hours during that workweek.) All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and Labor Day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Z. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid the straight time rate of pay in addition to holiday pay. 2of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Overtime Codes Continued 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. F. The first eight (8) hours worked on holidays shall be paid at the straight hourly rate of wage in addition to the holiday pay. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. M. This code appears to be missing. All hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays and all hours worked over sixty (60) in one week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over 12 hours in a day or on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. All hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All work performed on Sundays between March 16th and October 14th and all Holidays shall be compensated for at two (2) times the regular rate of pay. Work performed on Sundays between October 15th and March 15th shall be compensated at one and one half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay. J. All hours worked between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am, Monday through Friday, and all hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at a one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. Work performed in excess of eight (8) hours of straight time per day, or ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal 5 am to 6pm shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday and Holidays, and all hours worked in excess of twelve (12) hours in a single shift shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. When an employee returns to work without at least eight (8) hours time off since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until he/she shall have the eight (8) hours rest period. 3of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Overtime Codes Continued 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage C. On Monday through Friday, the first four (4) hours of overtime after eight (8) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay, unless a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek has been established. On a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek scheduled Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday through Friday, the first two (2) hours of overtime after ten (10) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay. On Saturday, the first twelve (12) hours of work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay, except that if the job is down on Monday through Friday due to weather conditions or other conditions outside the control of the employer, the first ten (10) hours on Saturday may be worked at the straight time rate of pay. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours in a day and all hours worked on Sunday and Holidays shall be paid at two (2) times the straight time rate of pay. D. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. Rates include all members of the assigned crew. EXCEPTION: On all multipole structures and steel transmission lines, switching stations, regulating, capacitor stations, generating plants, industrial plants, associated installations and substations, except those substations whose primary function is to feed a distribution system, will be paid overtime under the following rates: The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday of overtime on a regular workday, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours in excess of ten (10) hours will be at two (2) times the hourly rate of wage. The first eight (8) hours worked on Saturday will be paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays will be at the double the hourly rate of wage. All overtime eligible hours performed on the above described work that is energized, shall be paid at the double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten-hour weekly schedule, either Monday tiro Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The Monday or Friday not utilized in the normal four- day, ten hour work week, and Saturday shall be paid at one and one half (1'/z) times the regular shift rate for the first eight (8) hours. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The First eight (8) hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) per day on Saturdays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 4of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Overtime Codes Continued 4. J. The first eight (8) hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on a Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12) in a day, and all hours worked on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. All hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage, so long as Saturday is the sixth consecutive day worked. All hours worked over twelve (12) in a day Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. L. The first twelve (12) hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on a Saturday in excess of twelve (12) hours shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. All hours worked over twelve (12) in a day Monday through Friday, and all hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on a holiday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage, except that all hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. S. On a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek scheduled Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday through Friday, work performed in excess of (10) hours shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the hourly rate of pay. On Monday through Friday, work performed outside the normal work hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. shall be paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate, (except for special shifts or multiple shift operations). All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. When an employee returns to work without at least eight (8) hours time off since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. Multiple Shift Operations: When the first shift of a multiple shift (a two or three shift) operation is started at the basic straight time rate or at a specific overtime rate, all shifts of that day's operation shall be completed at that rate. Special Shifts: The Special Shift Premium is the basic hourly rate of pay plus $2.00 an hour. When due to conditions beyond the control of the employer or when an owner (not acting as the contractor), a government agency or the contract specifications require more than four (4) hours of a special shift can only be performed outside the normal 6am to 6pm shift then the special shift premium will be applied to the basic straight time for the entire shift. When an employee works on a special shift, they shall be paid the special shift premium for each hour worked unless they are in overtime or double-time status. (For example, the special shift premium does not waive the overtime requirements for work performed on Saturday or Sunday). U. The first four (4) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first twelve (12) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. (Except on makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather, then the first eight (8) hours on Saturday may be paid the regular rate.) All hours worked over twelve (12) hours Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 5of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Overtime Codes Continued 4. V. Work performed in excess of ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established or outside the normal shift (5 am to 6pm), and all work on Saturdays, except for make-up days shall be paid at time and one-half (1 '/2) the straight time rate. In the event the job is down due to weather conditions, then Saturday may, be worked as a voluntary make-up day at the straight time rate. However, Saturday shall not be utilized as a make-up day when a holiday falls on Friday. All work performed on Sundays and holidays and work in excess of twelve (12) hours per day shall be paid at double (2x) the straight time rate of pay. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. When an employee returns to work without a break of eight (8) hours since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. X. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Work performed outside the normal shift of 6 am to 6pm shall be paid at one and one-half the straight time rate, (except for special shifts or three shift operations). All work performed on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Shifts may be established when considered necessary by the Employer. The Employer may establish shifts consisting of eight (8) or ten (10) hours of work (subject to WAC 296-127-022), that shall constitute a normal forty (40) hour work week. The Employer can change from a 5 -eight to a 4 -ten hour schedule or back to the other. All hours of work on these shifts shall be paid for at the straight time hourly rate. Work performed in excess of eight hours (or ten hours per day (subject to WAC 296-127-022) shall be paid at one and one- half the straight time rate. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer, or when contract specifications require that work can only be performed outside the regular day shift, then by mutual agreement a special shift may be worked at the straight time rate, eight (8) hours work for eight (8) hours pay. The starting time shall be arranged to fit such conditions of work. When an employee returns to work without at a break of eight (8) hours since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. 11. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B After an employee has worked eight (8) hours, all additional hours worked shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. C The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, and all hours on Sunday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. All non -overtime and non -holiday hours worked between 4:00 pm and 5:00 am, Monday through Friday, shall be paid at a premium rate of 15% over the hourly rate of wage. 6of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Overtime Codes Continued 11. D. All hours worked on Saturdays and holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours, all additional hours worked shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. E. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday, the first ten (10) hours on Saturday, and the first ten (10) hours worked on Holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over ten (10) hours Monday through Saturday, and Sundays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours, all additional hours worked shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. F. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten-hour weekly schedule, either Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The Monday or Friday not utilized in the normal four- day, ten hour work week, and Saturday shall be paid at one-half times the hourly rate of wage for the first eight (8) hours. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. Work performed in excess of eight (8) hours of straight time per day, or ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal 5 am to 6pm shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday and Holidays, and all hours worked in excess of twelve (12) hours in a single shift shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of nine (9) hours or more. When an employee returns to work without at least nine (9) hours time off since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until he/she shall have the nine (9) hours rest period. H. Work performed in excess of eight (8) hours of straight time per day, or ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal 5 am to 6pm shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday and Holidays, and all hours worked in excess of twelve (12) hours in a single shift shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of ten (10) hours or more. When an employee returns to work without at least ten (10) hours time off since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until he/she shall have the ten (10) hours rest period. 7of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Overtime Codes Continued 11. J. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. On Monday through Friday hours worked outside 4:00 am and 5:00 pm, and the first two (2) hours after eight (8) hours worked shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate. All hours worked over 10 hours per day Monday through Friday, and all hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays worked shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. L. An employee working outside 5:00 am and 5:00 pm shall receive an additional two dollar ($2.00) per hour for all hours worked that shift. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. M. On Monday through Friday, the first four (4) hours of overtime after eight (8) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay, unless a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek has been established. On a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek scheduled Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday through Friday, the first two (2) hours of overtime after ten (10) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay. Work performed outside the normal work hours of 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m shall be paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate, (except for special shifts or multiple shift operations). When the first shift of a multiple shift (a two or three shift) operation is started at the basic straight time rate or at a specific overtime rate, all shifts of that day's operation shall be completed at that rate. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer or when contract specifications require that work can only be performed outside the regular day shift of 5:00 am to 6:00 pm, then a special shift may be worked at the straight time rate, plus the shift pay premium when applicable. The starting time of work will be arranged to fit such conditions of work. Such shift shall consist of eight (8) hours work for eight (8) hours pay or ten (10) hours work for ten (10) hours pay for four ten shifts. On Saturday, the first twelve (12) hours of work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday, all work performed over twelve (12) hours, and all work performed on holidays shall be paid at double the straight time rate of pay. Shift Pay Premium: In an addition to any overtime already required, all hours worked between the hours of 6:00 pm and 5:00 am shall receive an additional two dollars ($2.00) per hour. N. All work performed over twelve hours in a shift and all work performed on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid at double the straight time rate. Any time worked over eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid double the straight time rate, except employees assigned to work six 10 -hour shifts per week shall be paid double the straight time rate for any time worked on Saturday over 10 hours. O. All work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay. 8of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Holiday Codes 5. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (7). B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the day before Christmas, and Christmas Day (8). C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). D. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Day after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas (6). L Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (9). P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday And Saturday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). If A Holiday Falls On Sunday, The Following Monday Shall Be Considered As A Holiday. Q. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving Day, One -Half Day Before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day. (7 1/2). S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). 6. G. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve Day (11). H. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, New Year's Eve Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, The Day After Christmas, And A Floating Holiday (10). 9of15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Holiday Codes Continued 6. T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Last Working Day Before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (9). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). If a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be considered as the holiday. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered as the holiday. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any Holiday Which Falls On A Sunday Shall Be Observed As A Holiday On The Following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. D. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Unpaid Holidays: President's Day. Any paid holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any paid holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. E. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. F. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the last working day before Christmas day and Christmas day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. G. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas Day And Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. 10 of 15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Holiday Codes Continued Holidays: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Last Work Day before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. When Christmas falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Q. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the Day after Christmas, and A Floating Holiday (9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. V. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the day before or after Christmas, and the day before or after New Year's Day. If any of the above listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. W. Holidays: New Year's Day, Day After New Year's, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, the day after Christmas, the day before New Year's Day, and a Floating Holiday. X. Holidays: New Year's Day, Day before or after New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and the day before or after Christmas day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday or on a Friday that is the normal day off, then the holiday will be taken on the last normal workday. If the holiday falls on a Monday that is the normal day off or on a Sunday, then the holiday will be taken on the next normal workday. Y. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (8) If the holiday falls on a Sunday, then the day observed by the federal government shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. 11 of 15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Holiday Codes Continued 15. G. New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, the last scheduled workday before Christmas, and Christmas Day (9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. I. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas Day And Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. J. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. M. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Note Codes 8. D. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. L. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $0.75, Level B: $0.50, And Level C: $0.25. M. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows: Levels A & B: $1.00, Levels C & D: $0.50. N. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00, Level B: $0.75, Level C: $0.50, And Level D: $0.25. 12 of 15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Note Codes Continued 8. S. Effective August 31, 2012 —A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31, 2012. T. Effective August 31, 2012 — A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31, 2012. U. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows — Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, And Class C Suit: $1.00. Workers performing underground work receive an additional $0.40 per hour for any and all work performed underground, including operating, servicing and repairing of equipment. The premium for underground work shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who work suspended by a rope or cable receive an additional $0.50 per hour. The premium for work suspended shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who do "pioneer" work (break open a cut, build road, etc.) more than one hundred fifty (150) feet above grade elevation receive an additional $0.50 per hour. V. In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth and enclosure premiums shall be paid. The premiums are to be calculated for the maximum depth and distance into an enclosure that a diver reaches in a day. The premiums are to be paid one time for the day and are not used in calculating overtime pay. Depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more. Over 50' to 100'- $2.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet. Over 101' to 150'- $3.00 per foot for each foot over 101 feet. Over 151' to 220'- $4.00 per foot for each foot over 220 feet. Over 22 F- $5.00 per foot for each foot over 221 feet. Enclosure premiums apply when divers enter enclosures (such as pipes or tunnels) where there is no vertical ascent and is measured by the distance travelled from the entrance. 25' to 300' - $1.00 per foot from entrance. 300' to 600' - $1.50 per foot beginning at 300'. Over 600' - $2.00 per foot beginning at 600'. W. Meter Installers work on single phase 120/240V self-contained residential meters. The Lineman/Groundmen rates would apply to meters not fitting this description. X. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows - Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, Class C Suit: $1.00, and Class D Suit: $0.50. Special Shift Premium: Basic hourly rate plus $2.00 per hour. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer or when an owner (not acting as the contractor), a government agency or the contract specifications requires that work can only be performed outside the normal 5 am to 6pm shift, then the special shift premium will be applied to the basic hourly rate. When an employee works on a special shift, they shall be paid a special shift premium for each hour worked unless they are in OT or Double-time status. (For example, the special shift premium does not waive the overtime requirements for work performed on Saturday or Sunday.) Y. Tide Work: When employees are called out between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. to work on tide work (work located in the tide plane) all time worked shall be at one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay. Swinging Stage/Boatswains Chair: Employees working on a swinging state or boatswains chair or under conditions that require them to be tied off to allow their hands to be free shall receive seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour above the classification rate. 13 of 15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Note Codes Continued 8. Z. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. Special Shift Premium: Basic hourly rate plus $2.00 per hour. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer or when an owner (not acting as a contractor), a government agency or the contract specifications require that more than (4) hours of a special shift can only be performed outside the normal 6 am to 6pm shift, then the special shift premium will be applied to the basic straight time for the entire shift. When an employee works on a special shift, they will be paid a special shift premium for each hour worked unless they are in overtime or double- time status. (For example, the special shift premium does not waive the overtime requirements for work performed on Saturday or Sunday.) A. Workers working with supplied air on haz nat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. Special Shift Premium: Basic hourly rate plus $2.00 per hour. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer or when an owner (not acting as the contractor), a government agency or the contract specifications require that more than four (4) hours of a special shift can only be performed outside the normal 6 am to 6pm shift, then the special shift premium will be applied to the basic straight time for the entire shift. When an employee works on a special shift, they shall be paid a special shift premium for each hour worked unless they are in overtime or double- time status. (For example, the special shift premium does not waive the overtime requirements for work performed on Saturday or Sunday.) Certified Crane Operator Premium: Crane operators requiring certifications shall be paid $0.50 per hour above their classification rate. Boom Pay Premium: All cranes including tower shall be paid as follows based on boom length: (A) — 130' to 199' — $0.50 per hour over their classification rate. (B) — 200' to 299' — $0.80 per hour over their classification rate. (C) — 300' and over — $1.00 per hour over their classification rate. B. The highest pressure registered on the gauge for an accumulated time of more than fifteen (15) minutes during the shift shall be used in determining the scale paid. Tide Work: When employees are called out between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. to work on tide work (work located in the tide plane) all time worked shall be at one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay. Swinging Stage/Boatswains Chair: Employees working on a swinging stage or boatswains chair or under conditions that require them to be tied off to allow their hands to be free shall receive seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour above the classification rate. C. Tide Work: When employees are called out between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. to work on tide work (work located in the tide plane) all time worked shall be at one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay. Swinging Stage/Boatswains Chair: Employees working on a swinging stage or boatswains chair or under conditions that require them to be tied off to allow their hands to be free shall receive seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour above the classification rate. Effective August 31, 2012 — A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present onthe project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. These classifications are only effective on or after August 31, 2012. D. Industrial Painter wages are required for painting within industrial facilities such as treatment plants, pipelines, towers, dams, bridges, power generation facilities and manufacturing facilities such as chemical plants, etc., or anywhere abrasive blasting is necessary to prepare surfaces, or hazardous materials encapsulation is required. 14 of 15 Benefit Code Key — Effective 8/31/2023 thru 3/1/2024 Note Codes Continued E. Heavy Construction includes construction, repair, alteration or additions to the production, fabrication or manufacturing portions of industrial or manufacturing plants, hydroelectric or nuclear power plants and atomic reactor construction. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00, Level B: $0.75, Level C: $0.50, And Level D: $0.25. F. Industrial Painter wages are required for painting within industrial facilities such as treatment plants, pipelines, towers, dams, power generation facilities and manufacturing facilities such as chemical plants, etc., or anywhere abrasive blasting is necessary to prepare surfaces, or hazardous materials encapsulation is required. H. One (1) person crew shall consist of a Party Chief. (Total Station or similar one (1) person survey system). Two (2) person survey party shall consist of a least a Party Chief and a Chain Person. Three (3) person survey party shall consist of at least a Party Chief, an Instrument Person, and a Chain Person. 15 of 15 APPENDIX 6 CITY STANDARD DETAILS SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Page 70 APPROVED METER BOX LID - *FLUSH COVER WITH PLASTIC OR CAST IRON READ DOOR BOX- *OLD CASTLE BOX 1118BCF *OR PRE APPROVED EQUAL SERVICE SADDLE ROMAC 202S OR ROCKWELL 313 METER BOX z 1"x 1" FORD GRIP JOINT LLJ CORPORATION STOP TYPE FB LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt � 1101 LLL LLLLL LLL LLL ttt " O ttt 11 LLL LL ttt LLL LLL ttt LLL LLL 1" PLASTIC LINE (USE 200 PSI ����kg LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DR 7 PHILLIPS D R I S CO PIPE LLLLLLL LLLLLLL 5100 POLYETHYLENE PIPE) METER Oki CHECK VALVE 18 2% SLOPE TO BOX 24 TO EDGE OF BOX JX tt tCURB LLL LLL » 12 LLL O LL D O LL L L L L LL LL L L LL 14 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER TONING 12" WIRE WRAPPED AROUND THE PIPE (SEE GENE AL NOTES N 7) FORD B61 -444-G, GRIP JOINT A.Y. MCDONALD MFG. CO 720 221/2 BY LP THREADS. SERIES METER SETER 5/8"X3/4" + BRASS BUSHING 1 "X%" 15" TALL UFR METER SETTER WITH "X12" BRASS NIPPLE CHECK VALVE AND UNION NUT AND SWIVEL FOR CONNECTING 1" IRON PIPE OR EQUAL 1"x 1" FORD GRIP JOINT CORPORATION STOP TYPE NOTES: FB 1101 1. STAINLESS STEEL INSERTS REQUIRED SERVICE SADDLE FOR ALL PACK JOINTS AND GRIP. 2. ALL SERVICE SADDLES SHALL AND FITTINGS SHALL HAVE I.P. THREADS. CITY OF YELM APPROVED BY DWG. NO. 4-1 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 5/8" SINGLE METER SERVICE DES. �DWN -MKD CKDJEG -00 DATE 12/2016 . MKD j BROOK SERIES 36 CONCRETE #4 REBAR TO MEET ASTM A615 GRADE 60 FY=6000PSI .a •: •'4 -:4 : Vi a.: .• �Lr) P.r COMMERCIAL CONCRETE PAD 3' -8'x3'x4"(IF OUTSIDE �' ,... PAVED ROADWAY) 5 y'Lr� ; 5 ' 5-0" 1.5' 1.5' PAVEMENT--\6" MIN. METER BOX TRNC FLOW 250 WATER KUPFERLE #77 CONNECTION HYDRANT OR QUAL APPROVED EQUAL- 910 910 VB � VALVE BOX WITH 42" MIN. COVER LOCATE COVER SEE WIRE NOTE 1. 5'-0" 2" DIA. BRASS DUCTILE IRON 36" MIN. COMMERCIAL CONCRETE PIPE THRUST BLOCK 2" THREADED CAP WITH 2" I.P. FLANGE (TYP) THREADED TAP DRAIN ROCK SWING JOINT AT BASE FOR OF HYDRANT DRAINAGE 2" DIA. BRASS ............... PIPE BEDDING TO 2" 2" GATE VALVE SHALL BE EQUAL WITH 2" ABOVE PIPE THRUST BLOCK SQUARE M & H STYLE 4067 OR UNDISTURBED OPERATING NUT (COUNTER CLOCKWISE EARTH OPENING) SEE NOTE 2. NOTES: 1. VALVE BOX AND COVER SHALL BE PER YELM VALVE BOX DETAIL 6-11. 2. WATERMAINS WHICH WILL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE, THE VALVE WHICH OPERATES THE BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AND INSTALLED ON THE MAINLINE AND PROVIDED WITH A CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. CITY OF YELM APPROVED BY DWG. NO. 4-9 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE �40 n 2 BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY DATE CKDJEG DES. �DWN -MK 12/2016 MKD p 12" RECESSED HANDLE TYPE COVER INLAND FOUNDRY #248 VALVE 3' x 3' x 4" CLASS6 3/4" BOX WITH "WATER" CAST IN 3000 CONCRETE 10 8 3/4" LID OR OFCO 910 PAD SECTION FINISHED GRADE .. ..... ... .. .................. ......... ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ .. ............ ................... OUTSIDE PAVED AREA TRACER WIRE ci >� 10" OR 18" SEAL WITH AR400OW 6" SDR 21 PVC PIPE CONFORMING TO ASTM 3034. RISER PIPE TO ACP BE PLUMB AND CENTERED OVER 1.0,CSTC w VALVE STEM. C> => Lo BALLAST--/ VALVE STEM RISER uj Of 0.5' CONCRETE CL 3000 REQUIRED WHEN MAX. 36" IS EXCEEDED (LENGTH VARIES) INSIDE PAVED ROADWAY TRENCH BOTTOM NOTE: ALL VALVES MUST HAVE 14 GUAGE INSULATED COPPER TRA=CER WIRE TIED OFF AT VALVE BODY, EXTENDED OUTSIDE PVC RISER GATE VALVE SHOWN—SIMILAR PIPE THEN EXTENDED ONE FOOT TOP OF VALVE BOX. INSTALLATION REQUIRED FOR BUTTERFLY VALVES. VALVE STEM EXTENSION LEGEND VALVE OPERATING NUT OR 1 7/8" X 1 7/8" X 2" HIGH GRADE STEEL WELDED TO RISER SHAFT. NOTE: 3/16" Thk X 5 1/5" DIA STEEL GUIDE ALL WELDS TO SHAFT SHALL BE 1/4" FILLET PLATE WELDED TO RISER SHAFT. WELD ALL AROUND. 2"X2"X 3/16" SQUARE STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING TO FIT OPERATING NUT. LENGTH AS REQUIRED. CITY OF YELM APPROVED BY DWG. NO. STANDARD VALVE BOX 4-11 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE DATE DES. JDWN -MKD JCKD 'JEG 12/2016 MKD 4" SCHEDULE 40 STEEL OR REINFORCED CONCRETE MARKER POST STAMPED WITH "W" AND DISTANCE TO VALVE POST TO RECEIVE ONE PRIME COAT AND TWO COATS OUTDOOR OIL BASE ENAMEL TO MATCH HYDRAULIC COLOR CEMENT CONCRETE CLASS 3000 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 20 STEEL POST FILLED WITH CONCRETE CEMENT CONCRETE CLASS 3000 lia SIDE VALVE MARKER POST 4" DIA. (6" DIA. FOR HYDRANTS LOCATED IN COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONES) 3' i 2 1' HYDRANT BOLLARD NOTE: 1 • LOCATE POSTS 3' FROM HYDRANT DO NOT BLOCK HYDRANT PORTS 2. PIPE TO RECEIVE ONE PRIME COAT AND TWO COATS OUTDOOR OIL BASE ENAMEL (SAME COLOR AS HYDRANT- SEE DETAIL 6-7) VALVE MARKER POST & HYDRANT BOLLARD DETAIL FRONT APPROVED BY DWG. NO. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 4-12 )ES.MKD DWNMKD CKDJEG DATE 12/2016 Lxllz� \ / l/ \' z� 1/017<0 \ TOP VIEW �\ TOP VIEW TOP VIEW WYE SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW TEE CROSS GATE VALVE HORIZ. BEND TEE WITH CROSS WITH CROSS WITH PLUG OR CAP PLUG PLUG PLUGS 45' - 90' VERTICAL BEND NOTES: 1. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING TO BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH. 2. PLASTIC BARRIER SHALL BE PLACED BE- TWEEN ALL THRUST BLOCKS & FITTINGS. 3. ANCHOR REBAR SHALL BE 5/8" MINIMUM DIAMETER. `> ,f CITY OF YELM APPROVED BY DWG. NO. STANDARD BLOCKING DETAIL 4-13 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE DATE / 12 2016 DES. MKD DWN-MKD CKDJEG THRUST LOADS THRUST AT FITTINGS IN POUNDS AT 200 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH OF WATER PRESSURE PIPE DIAMETER 90° BEND 45° BEND 22-1/2° BEND 11-1/4° BEND DEAD END OR TEE 4" 3,600 2,000 1,000 500 2,600 6" 8,000 4,400 2,300 1,200 5,700 8" 14,300 7,700 4,000 2,000 10,100 10" 22,300 12,100 6,200 3,100 15,800 12" 32,000 17,400 8,900 4,500 22,700 14" 43,600 23,600 12,100 6,100 30,800 16" 57,000 30,800 15,700 7,900 40,300 NOTES: 1. BLOCKING SHALL BE CEMENT CONCRETE CLASS 3000 POURED IN PLACE AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH. FITTING SHALL BE ISOLATED FROM CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK WITH PLASTIC OR SIMILAR MATERIAL. 2. TO DETERMINE THE BEARING AREA OF THE THRUST BLOCK IN SQUARE FEET (S.F.). EXAMPLE : 12" - 90° BEND IN SAND AND GRAVEL 32,000 LBS = 3000 LB/S.F. _ 10.7 S.F. OF AREA 3. AREAS MUST BE ADJUSTED FOR OTHER PIPE SIZE, PRESSURES AND SOIL CONDITIONS. 4. BLOCKING SHALL BE ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND FULL TEST PRESSURE AS WELL AS TO CONTINUOUSLY WITHSTAND OPERATING PRESSURE UNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. THRUST LOADS SAFE SOIL BEARING LOADS FOR HORIZONTAL THRUSTS WHEN THE DEPTH OF COVER OVER THE PIPE EXCEEDS 2 FEET SOIL POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT MUCK, PEAT 0 SOFT CLAY 1,000 SAND 2,000 SAND & GRAVEL 3,000 SAND & GRAVEL 4,000 CEMENTED WITH CLAY HARD SHALE 10,000 APPROVED BY DWG. NO. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 4-14 )ES.MKD DWNMKD CKDJEG DATE 12/2016 RESTORATION DEPTH TRACE TAPE 12" TO 18" UNDER THE VARIES. FINAL GRADE. TRACER WIRE (SEE GENERAL /\ WATER NOTES NO. 7) TRENCH BACKFILL SAND, 6" SURROUNDING PIPE SEE NOTE 1, 2, 3 & 5 6 MIN 6" MIN. BEDDING MATERIAL SEE NOTE 4 UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 1. A MINIMUM COVER OF 3.5' SHALL BE MAINTAINED, EXCEPT AS REQUIRED AT CONNECTION POINTS. 2. NATIVE BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF CRUSHED, PROCESSED, OR NATURALLY OCCURRING GRANULAR MATERIAL. IT SHALL BE ESSENTIALLY FREE FROM VARIOUS TYPES OF WOOD WASTE OR OTHER EXTRANEOUS OR OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS. IT SHALL HAVE SUCH CHARACTERISTICS OF SIZE AND SHAPE THAT IT WILL COMPACT READILY COMPACT. 3. NATIVE TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE SORTED OR SCREENED SO THAT THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SHALL IS 4 -INCHES. 4. PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL BE SAND OR OTHER CITY APPROVED EQUAL. NO SUBSTUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CITY OF YELM. 5. WHERE NATIVE MATERIALS HAVE BEEN DEEMED UNACCEPTABLE BY THE CITY, TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL MEET THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PIPE TYPE BEING SPECIFIED. `>°f CITY OF YELM APPROVED BY DWG. NO. 4-15 TYPICAL WATER MAIN TRENCH & BEDDING PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE DA 12/2016 DES.MKD DWN-MKD CKDJEG 6„_ 8» 3» 3» 4 A d 4 O d. ° d d 4 d ' ° 6» d TOP VIEW ” UNIONS a (2 REQ'D.) a. NO GALVANIZED PIPE 6" MIN. INLET SIDE OF PLASTIC OR CEMENT d ASSEMBLY. SIDE VIEW METER BOX I IIH ° EXISTING RESILIENT SEATED II— e GROUND TEST COCKS 6" MIN. (4 REQ'D.) � SHUTOFF VALVES � 3„ 3" 8» MAX. (2 REQ'D.) a. e A . 0 0 ° p oo Op®p �®O° 0 ®ppO 000 ®O° o o0p� sp 0 p00 0 ° 0 0 o Oop ° Opppo° OO° �® p o ° o�ov g ��po�0 ° °moo 9 0 �o �0 3;�� p°O p 0�� ° o p / % � (BELOW GROUND INSTALLATION) GRAVEL 12" MIN. NOTE: ALL ITEMS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING. — APPROVED DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY SHALL LAY HORIZONTAL WITH GROUND. — DESIGNED FOR BACK SIPHONAGE AND BACK PRESSURE. — THOROUGHLY FLUSH LINES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF BACK FLOW PREVENTER — NO GALVANIZED PIPE BEFORE ASSEMBLY — THE DCVA MAY BE INSTALLED ABOVE OR BELOW THE GROUND PROVIDED ALL CLEARANCES ARE MET. — DO NOT INSTALL IN AN AREA SUBJECT TO FLOODING. — VALVE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM FREEZING CONDITIONS. — THE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE A CURRENT WASHINGTON STATE DEPT. HEALTH APPROVED MODEL. — A PLUMBING PERMIT IS REQUIRED. °t CITY OF YELM APPROVED BY DWG. NO. 4-16 DOUBLE CHECK VALVE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE ASSEMBLY 2" AND SMALLER TE DA 12/2016 DES. DWN-MKD CKDJEG 6„_ 8» 3» 3» 4 A d 4 O d. ° d d 4 d ' ° 6» d TOP VIEW ” O � d UNIONS a (2 REQ'D.) a. NO GALVANIZED PIPE 6" MIN. INLET SIDE OF PLASTIC OR CEMENT d ASSEMBLY. SIDE VIEW METER BOX APPENDIX C STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR SOUTHEAST 1.5MG RESERVOIR Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for The SE Reservoir Project Prepared for: City of Yelm Permittee / Owner Developer Operator / Contractor City of Yelm N/A TBD 17021 103rd Avenue SE, Yelm, WA 98597 Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Name Organization Contact Phone Number TBD TBD TBD SWPPP Prepared By Name Organization Contact Phone Number Clayton Posey RI -12 Engineering 253-797-7632 SWPPP Preparation Date April 2023 Project Construction Dates Activity / Phase Start Date End Date Excavation/ Foundation 09/2023 11/2023 Reservoir Erection 11/2023 06/2024 Site/ Utilities/ Paving 06/2024 09/2024 List of Appendices Error! Reference source not found.A. Error! Reference source not found. B. Error! Reference source not found. C. Error! Reference source not found. D. Error! Reference source not found. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym / Abbreviation Explanation 303(d) Section of the Clean Water Act pertaining to Impaired Waterbodies BFO Bellingham Field Office of the Department of Ecology BMP(s) Best Management Practice(s) CESCL Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead CO2 Carbon Dioxide CRO Central Regional Office of the Department of Ecology CSWGP Construction Stormwater General Permit CWA Clean Water Act DMR Discharge Monitoring Report DO Dissolved Oxygen Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ERO Eastern Regional Office of the Department of Ecology ERTS Environmental Report Tracking System ESC Erosion and Sediment Control GUILD General Use Level Designation NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units NWRO Northwest Regional Office of the Department of Ecology pH Power of Hydrogen RCW Revised Code of Washington SPCC Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure SU Standard Units SWMMEW Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington SWMMWW Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TESC Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control SWRO Southwest Regional Office of the Department of Ecology TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load VFO Vancouver Field Office of the Department of Ecology WAC Washington Administrative Code WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation WWHM Western Washington Hydrology Model Project Information (1.0) Project/Site Name: SE Reservoir Street/Location: 17021 103rd Avenue SE City: Yelm State: WA Zip code: 98597 Subdivision: Receiving waterbody: None Existing Conditions (1.1) Total acreage (including support activities such as off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas). Total acreage: 1.35 Disturbed acreage: 0.65 Existing structures: None Landscape topography: Sloping from northeast to southwest Drainage patterns: Infiltration/ dispersion Existing Vegetation: Forested deciduous and coniferous trees and thick underbrush. Critical Areas (wetlands, streams, high erosion risk, steep or difficult to stabilize slopes): High groundwater hazard area List of known impairments for 303(d) listed or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the receiving waterbody: None Table 1 includes a list of suspected and/or known contaminants associated with the construction activity. Table 1 — Summary of Site Pollutant Constituents Constituent Location Depth Concentration (Pollutant) N/A N/A N/A N/A Proposed Construction Activities (1.2) Description of site development (example: subdivision): Construction of 1.5 million gallon steel reservoir, 200 square foot Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) control building, and site utilities and paving. Description of construction activities (example: site preparation, demolition, excavation): Site preparation, clearing and grubbing, excavation/grading, backfill, construction of stormwater detention pond, foundation, utilities, paving, and structure construction. Description of site drainage including flow from and onto adjacent properties. Must be consistent with Site Map in Appendix A: Existing runoff disperse into native vegetation and infiltrates into existing soils. During saturated conditions, infiltration and or runoff may migrate southwest to the low point of the site which occasionally presents standing water. Description of final stabilization (example: extent of revegetation, paving, landscaping): All disturbed surfaces will be stabilized at the end of this project. Final surfacing will consist of buildings, asphalt paving, landscaping and undisturbed native vegetation. Landscaping/restoration of disturbed areas will consist of tree replacement at a rate of 2:1 and hydroseeding over BMP T5.13 Post Construction Soil Quality and Depth amended top soils. Contaminated Site Information: Proposed activities regarding contaminated soils or groundwater (example: on-site treatment system, authorized sanitary sewer discharge): There are no known contaminated soils on-site. Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) (2.0) The SWPPP is a living document reflecting current conditions and changes throughout the life of the project. These changes may be informal (i.e. hand-written notes and deletions). Update the SWPPP when the CESCL has noted a deficiency in BMPs or deviation from original design. The 13 Elements (2.1) Element 1: Preserve Vegetation / Mark Clearing Limits (2.1.1) Prior to beginning land disturbing activities, clearing limits will be clearly marked with high visibility plastic, metal, or stake wire fence. The duff layer and native top soil shall be preserved to the maximum degree possible. When feasible, the duff layer shall be stockpiled onsite and covered to prevent erosion and replaced immediately after disturbing the site. List and describe BMPs • BMP C101: Preserving Natural Vegetation • BMP C103: High Visibility Plastic or Metal Fence Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 2: Establish Construction Access (2.1.2) Construction vehicle access shall be limited to one route. Construction access will be stabilized with a pad of quarry spalls. If sediment is tracked offsite, the affected roadway (103rd Ave SE) will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day, or more frequently, as necessary. Sediment shall be removed from roads by shoveling, sweeping, or pick up, and shall be transported to a controlled sediment disposal area. Street washing shall be conducted only after sediment removal, as described above. Construction access restoration shall be equal to or better than the pre -construction condition. List and describe BMPs: • BMP C105: Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit • BMP C107: Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly and after storm events. Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 3: Control Flow Rates (2.1.3) Construction runoff shall be limited to maximum degree possible. Construction flow controls, such as straw wattles and silt fence, are called out on the construction plans. Other BM Ps such as nets and erosion control blankets, mulching, and check dams shall be implemented by the CESCL as necessary. Will you construct stormwater retention and/or detention facilities? Yes Will you use permanent infiltration ponds or other low impact development (example: rain gardens, bio -retention, porous pavement) to control flow during construction? No List and describe BMPs: BMP C120: Temporary and Permanent Seeding • BMP C121: Mulching • BMP C122: Nets and Blankets • BMP C233: Silt Fence • BMP C235: Wattles Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities and as necessary throughout construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly; during and after storm events. Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 4: Install Sediment Controls (2.1.4) Prior to discharge to and from the project site, stormwater runoff from disturbed areas and fully stabilized areas will pass through sediment retention devices such as silt fence and straw wattles. The CESCL shall monitor sediment controls on a weekly basis, before and after storm events. List and describe BMPs: BMP C233: Silt Fence Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities and as necessary for throughout construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly; during and after storm events. Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 5: Stabilize Soils (2.1.5) Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized by erosion control BMPs. Soils shall not remain exposed and unworked for more than the time periods set forth below: Soils and stockpiles shall be stabilized at the end of a shift, before a holiday, and before the weekend. The amount of soil exposed during construction and soil compaction shall be minimized. Stormwater volume and velocity shall be controlled within the site. Stabilization requirements shall apply to all soils onsite, whether at final grade or not. Dust will be controlled through the use of watering and/or vacuum sweepers. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest Season Dates Number of Days Soils Can Nets and Blankets • BMP C123: be Left Exposed During the Dry Season May 1 — September 30 7 days During the Wet Season October 1 — April 30 2 days Soils must be stabilized at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. Anticipated project dates: Start date: September 2023 End date: October 2024 Will you construct during the wet season? Yes List and describe BMPs: BMP C120: Temporary and Permanent Seeding • BMP C121: Mulching • BMP C122: Nets and Blankets • BMP C123: Plastic Covering • BMP C125: Topsoiling/Composting • BMP C130: Surface Roughening • BMP C140: Dust Control Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities and as necessary throughout construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly; during and after storm events. Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 6: Protect Slopes (2.1.6) The proposed project will include cut and fill slopes. Runoff will be prevented from causing sediment transport and erosion on slopes by using plastic sheeting or soil stabilization techniques. Disturbed slopes shall be stabilized according to Element 5. Slope runoff velocities shall be reduced by decreasing continuous lengths of slope, reducing slope steepness, and roughening slope surface. Divert upslope drainage and run-off waters with interceptors at the top of the slope. Off-site stormwater should be handled separately from stormwater generated onsite. Divert off-site stormwater around the site if applicable. Diverted flows shall be redirected to the natural drainage location at or before the property boundary. Contain downslope collected flows in pipes, slope drains, or protected channels. Check dams shall be used within channels that are cut down a slope. Provide drainage to remove groundwater intersecting the slope surface of exposed soil areas. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches, consistent with safety and space considerations. Will steep slopes be present at the site during construction? Yes List and describe BMPs: BMP C120: Temporary and Permanent Seeding BMP C121: Mulching BMP C122: Nets and Blankets Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities and as necessary throughout construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly; during and after storm events. Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets (2.1.7) There are no known drain inlets on-site or downstream of the site that will receive stormwater runoff from construction activities. All operable storm drain inlets shall be protected during construction so that stormwater runoff shall not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. Approach roads shall be kept clean. Sediment and street wash water shall not be allowed to enter storm drains without prior and adequate treatment. Inlets should be inspected weekly at a minimum, and daily during storm events. List and describe BMPs: BMP C220: Storm Drain Inlet Protection Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities and as necessary throughout construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly; daily during storm events. Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets (2.1.8) Temporary on-site stabilization techniques shall be used to prevent erosion from the expected peak flow velocity of the 10 -year, 24-hour design storm event. Quarry spall dispersion pads shall be located at all pipe inlets and outlets. Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches, will be installed at the outlets of all conveyance systems. List and describe BMPs: • BMP C202: Channel Lining • BMP C209: Outlet Protection Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities and as necessary throughout construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly; during and after storm events. Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 9: Control Pollutants (2.1.9) The following pollutants are anticipated to be present on-site: Table 2 — Pollutants Pollutant (and source, if applicable) Oils/gasoline products — Machinery Agriculture chemicals — Proposed landscaping Concrete Slurry — Foundation construction All pollutants, including waste materials, that occur during construction will be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause environmental contamination of stormwater. Cover, containment, and protection from vandalism shall be provided for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and non -inert wastes present on the site (refer to Chapter 173 304 WAC for the definition of "inert waste"). On-site fueling tanks shall have secondary containment. Application of agricultural chemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides, shall be conducted in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed loop recirculation or upland application, or to the sanitary sewer, with local sewer district approval. Use BMPs to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff by pH modifying sources. Adjust the pH of stormwater if necessary, to prevent violations of water quality standards. Adjust pH of stormwater if outside the range of 6.5 to 8.5 su. Obtain written approval from Ecology before using chemical treatment with the exception of CO2 or dry ice to modify pH. The contractor must provide a Spill Prevention Containment and Control Plan, designate a person as the responsible -in -charge, and be prepared to execute the plan. Will maintenance, fueling, and/or repair of heavy equipment and vehicles occur on-site? Yes Heavy equipment refueling, maintenance and repair will be conducted using spill prevention techniques. Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Spills shall be reported to the Washington Emergency Management Division at 1- 800-258-5990, National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802, and Ecology at 1-360-407-6300. A Spill Prevention Containment and Control Plan shall be submitted prior to construction activity and a spill prevention kit shall be on-site at all times. Will wheel wash or tire bath system BMPs be used during construction? Yes Will pH -modifying sources be present on-site? Yes Table 3 — pH -Modifying Sources None Bulk cement Cement kiln dust Fly ash x Other cementitious materials x New concrete washing or curing waters Waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing Exposed aggregate processes Dewatering concrete vaults x Concrete pumping and mixer washout waters Recycled concrete Other (i.e. calcium lignosulfate) [please describe] Concrete trucks must not be washed out onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Excess concrete must not be dumped on-site, except in designated concrete washout areas with appropriate BMPs installed. List and describe BMPs: BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage, and Containment Installation Schedules: Prior to land disturbing activities and as necessary throughout construction. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Weekly Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 10: Control Dewatering (2.1.10) It is not anticipated that de -watering will be required for this project. However, all water from dewatering, if required, shall be treated as stormwater and discharged to construction stormwater facilities. Highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water shall be handled separately from stormwater. Table 4— Dewatering BM Ps x Infiltration x Transport off-site in a vehicle (vacuum truck for legal disposal) x Ecology -approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies x Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval (last resort) x Use of sedimentation bag with discharge to ditch or swale (small volumes of localized dewatering) List and describe BM Ps: Prior to dewatering activities. Installation Schedules: Daily during dewatering activities. Inspection and Maintenance plan: [Insert text here] Responsible Staff: Contractor's CESCL Element 11: Maintain BMPs (2.1.11) All temporary and permanent Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to ensure continued performance of their intended function. Maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP specification (see Volume 11 of the SWMMWW or Chapter 7 of the SWMMEW). Visual monitoring of all BMPs installed at the site will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any stormwater or non-stormwater discharge from the site. If the site becomes inactive and is temporarily stabilized, the inspection frequency may be reduced to once every calendar month. All temporary ESC BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BM Ps are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be stabilized on-site or removed. Disturbed soil resulting from removal of either BMPs or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. Additionally, protection must be provided for all BMPs installed for the permanent control of stormwater from sediment and compaction. BMPs that are to remain in place following completion of construction shall be examined and restored to full operating condition. If sediment enters these BMPs during construction, the sediment shall be removed and the facility shall be returned to conditions specified in the construction documents. Element 12: Manage the Project (2.1.12) The project will be managed based on the following principles: • Projects will be phased to the maximum extent practicable and seasonal work limitations will be taken into account. • Inspection and monitoring: o Inspection, maintenance and repair of all BMPs will occur as needed to ensure performance of their intended function. o Site inspections and monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Special Condition S4 of the CSWGP. Sampling locations are indicated on the Site Map. Sampling station(s) are located in accordance with applicable requirements of the CSWGP. Maintain an updated SWPPP. o The SWPPP will be updated, maintained, and implemented in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4, and S9 of the CSWGP. As site work progresses the SWPPP will be modified routinely to reflect changing site conditions. The SWPPP will be reviewed monthly to ensure the content is current. Table 5 — Management x Design the project to fit the existing topography, soils, and drainage patterns x Emphasize erosion control rather than sediment control x Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed x Keep runoff velocities low x Retain sediment on-site x Thoroughly monitor site and maintain all ESC measures x Schedule major earthwork during the dry season Other (please describe) Element 13: Protect Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs (2.1.13) There are currently no low -impact development (LID) BM Ps on or near the project site. LID BMP T5.13: Post Construction Soil Quality and Depth will be utilized by the end of the project. On-site topsoil will be retained, protected, and reused to revegetate disturbed and proposed landscaped areas. Notes have been provided on the plans to protect the proposed detention pond area from construction vehicle traffic so as not to compact the infiltration surface area. Pollution Prevention Team (3.0) Table 7 — Team Information Title Names Phone Number Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Selected Contractor (TBD) TBD Resident Engineer Clayton Posey 253-797-7632 Emergency Ecology Contact DOE Report a Spill 1-800-424-8802 1-800-258-5990 Emergency Permittee/ Owner Contact Patrick Hughes 360-878-2042 Non -Emergency Owner Contact Patrick Hughes 360-878-2042 Monitoring Personnel CESCL TBD Ecology Regional Office Southwest Regional Office 360-407-6300 Monitoring and Sampling Requirements (4.0) Monitoring includes visual inspection, sampling for water quality parameters of concern, and documentation of the inspection and sampling findings in a site log book. A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements • Site inspections File a blank form under Appendix D. A sample site inspection form can be found in Appendix D. The site log book must be maintained on-site within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. Numeric effluent limits may be required for certain discharges to 303(d) listed waterbodies. See CSWGP Special Condition S8 and Section 5 of this template. Site Inspection (4.1) Site inspections will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours following any discharge from the site. For sites that are temporarily stabilized and inactive, the required frequency is reduced to once per calendar month. The discharge point(s) are indicated on the Site Map (see Appendix A) and in accordance with the applicable requirements of the CSWGP. Stormwater Quality Sampling (4.2) Turbidity Sampling (4.2.1) Requirements include calibrated turbidity meter or transparency tube to sample site discharges for compliance with the CSWGP. Sampling will be conducted at all discharge points at least once per calendar week. Method for sampling turbidity: Table 8 — Turbidity Sampling Method Turbidity Meter/Turbidimeter (required for disturbances 5 acres or greater in size) x I Transparency Tube (option for disturbances less than 1 acre and up to 5 acres in size) The benchmark for turbidity value is 25 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and a transparency less than 33 centimeters. If the discharge's turbidity is 26 to 249 NTU or the transparency is less than 33 cm but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9. Make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BM Ps as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BM Ps is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10 -day response period. 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. If the turbidity exceeds 250 NTU or the transparency is 6 cm or less at any time, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Telephone or submit an electronic report to the applicable Ecology Region's Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) within 24 hours. https://www.ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Get-involved/Report-an-environmental-issue • Central Region (Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, Yakima): (509) 575-2490 • Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400 • Northwest Region (King, Kitsap, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000 • Southwest Region (Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum,): (360) 407-6300 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BM Ps as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BM Ps is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10 -day response period 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 4. Continue to sample discharges daily until one of the following is true: • Turbidity is 25 NTU (or lower). • Transparency is 33 cm (or greater). • Compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity is achieved. 0 1 - 5 NTU over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTU 0 1 % - 10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTU or greater • The discharge stops or is eliminated. pH Sampling (4.2.2) pH monitoring is required for "Significant concrete work" (i.e. greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete over the life of the project).The use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement -treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD] or fly ash) also requires pH monitoring. For significant concrete work, pH sampling will start the first day concrete is poured and continue until it is cured, typically three (3) weeks after the last pour. For engineered soils and recycled concrete, pH sampling begins when engineered soils or recycled concrete are first exposed to precipitation and continues until the area is fully stabilized. If the measured pH is 8.5 or greater, the following measures will be taken: 1. Prevent high pH water from entering storm sewer systems or surface water. 2. Adjust or neutralize the high pH water to the range of 6.5 to 8.5 su using appropriate technology such as carbon dioxide (CO2) sparging (liquid or dry ice). 3. Written approval will be obtained from Ecology prior to the use of chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging or dry ice. Method for sampling pH: Table 8 — pH Sampling Method H meter H test kit x Wide range pH indicator paper Discharges to 303(d) or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waterbodies (5.0) 303(d) Listed Waterbodies (5.1) Is the receiving water 303(d) (Category 5) listed for turbidity, fine sediment, phosphorus, or pH? R•7 List the impairment(s): TMDL Waterbodies (5.2) Reporting and Record Keeping (6.0) Record Keeping (6.1) Site Log Book (6.1.1) A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements • Site inspections • Sample logs Records Retention (6.1.2) Records will be retained during the life of the project and for a minimum of three (3) years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with Special Condition S5.0 of the CSWGP. Permit documentation to be retained on-site: • CSWGP • Permit Coverage Letter • SWPPP • Site Log Book Permit documentation will be provided within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. A copy of the SWPPP or access to the SWPPP will be provided to the public when requested in writing in accordance with Special Condition S5.G.2.b of the CSWGP. Updating the SWPPP (6.1.3) The SWPPP will be modified if: • Found ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. • There is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. The SWPPP will be modified within seven (7) days if inspection(s) or investigation(s) determine additional or modified BMPs are necessary for compliance. An updated timeline for BMP implementation will be prepared. Reporting (6.2) Discharge Monitoring Reports (6.2.1) Cumulative soil disturbance is less than one (1) acre; therefore, Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) will not be submitted to Ecology because water quality sampling is not being conducted at the site. Appendix/Glossary A. Site Map B. BMP Detail C. Correspondence D. Site Inspection Form Appendix/Glossary A. Site Map 29 F 13 FIR �ouI v 1 A C t // PR PSEo�Noo TION TUTUNE V 1\E r `J ° �Q FSg� \\ \� L, / 1 T�✓/ 8 FIR 1 v RESEm,aR �uTP,DSUNE�� v �I" Fl; t A ��wFiP� a,11 iR 'Fie_�� r I 1—\ • �'`r /2 SITEWORMNGUMITS (BMPC101) 26„ FIS � . E / /� � V 11)P,FR�� A — L - - - - R 2fi FI a M I V /A, v. v J� 15" A _ �v�v v FR 17 FIR \ —� �.- a R 11 �I \ �e r Al , \ /y ,, v \ / A v v � �,r d 'FIR o v 27M�77 " o 7J. RREFo=— 0 y I SWPPP BMP SITE PLAN RH2 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCT ON ENTRANCE (BMP C105) 51L FENCE VIIIIIIII BMP C233 ) V ), FIR -�� 1 z Ek F 13 FIR �ouI v 1 A C t // PR PSEo�Noo TION TUTUNE V 1\E r `J ° �Q FSg� \\ \� L, / 1 T�✓/ 8 FIR 1 v RESEm,aR �uTP,DSUNE�� v �I" Fl; t A ��wFiP� a,11 iR 'Fie_�� r I 1—\ • �'`r /2 SITEWORMNGUMITS (BMPC101) 26„ FIS � . E / /� � V 11)P,FR�� A — L - - - - R 2fi FI a M I V /A, v. v J� 15" A _ �v�v v FR 17 FIR \ —� �.- a R 11 �I \ �e r Al , \ /y ,, v \ / A v v � �,r d 'FIR o v 27M�77 " o 7J. RREFo=— 0 y I SWPPP BMP SITE PLAN RH2 B. BMP Detail 30 BMP C101: Preserving Natural Vegetation Purpose The purpose of preserving natural vegetation is to reduce erosion wherever practicable. Limiting site disturbance is the single most effective method for reducing erosion. For example, conifers can hold up to about 50 percent of all rain that falls during a storm. Up to 20-30 percent of this rain may never reach the ground but is taken up by the tree or evaporates. Another benefit is that the rain held in the tree can be released slowly to the ground after the storm. Conditions of Use Natural vegetation should be preserved on steep slopes, near perennial and intermittent watercourses or swales, and on building sites in wooded areas. • As required by local governments. • Phase construction to preserve natural vegetation on the project site for as long as possible during the construction period. Design and Natural vegetation can be preserved in natural clumps or as individual Installation trees, shrubs and vines. Specifications The preservation of individual plants is more difficult because heavy equipment is generally used to remove unwanted vegetation. The points to remember when attempting to save individual plants are: • Is the plant worth saving? Consider the location, species, size, age, vigor, and the work involved. Local governments may also have ordinances to save natural vegetation and trees. • Fence or clearly mark areas around trees that are to be saved. It is preferable to keep ground disturbance away from the trees at least as far out as the dripline. Plants need protection from three kinds of injuries: • Construction Equipment - This injury can be above or below the ground level. Damage results from scarring, cutting of roots, and compaction of the soil. Placing a fenced buffer zone around plants to be saved prior to construction can prevent construction equipment injuries. • Grade Changes - Changing the natural ground level will alter grades, which affects the plant's ability to obtain the necessary air, water, and minerals. Minor fills usually do not cause problems although sensitivity between species does vary and should be checked. Trees can typically tolerate fill of 6 inches or less. For shrubs and other plants, the fill should be less. When there are major changes in grade, it may become necessary to supply air to the roots of plants. This can be done by placing a layer of gravel and a tile system over the roots before the fill is made. A tile system protects a tree from a raised grade. The tile system should be Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-3 laid out on the original grade leading from a dry well around the tree trunk. The system should then be covered with small stones to allow air to circulate over the root area. Lowering the natural ground level can seriously damage trees and shrubs. The highest percentage of the plant roots are in the upper 12 inches of the soil and cuts of only 2-3 inches can cause serious injury. To protect the roots it may be necessary to terrace the immediate area around the plants to be saved. If roots are exposed, construction of retaining walls may be needed to keep the soil in place. Plants can also be preserved by leaving them on an undisturbed, gently sloping mound. To increase the chances for survival, it is best to limit grade changes and other soil disturbances to areas outside the dripline of the plant. Excavations - Protect trees and other plants when excavating for drainfields, power, water, and sewer lines. Where possible, the trenches should be routed around trees and large shrubs. When this is not possible, it is best to tunnel under them. This can be done with hand tools or with power augers. If it is not possible to route the trench around plants to be saved, then the following should be observed: Cut as few roots as possible. When you have to cut, cut clean. Paint cut root ends with a wood dressing like asphalt base paint if roots will be exposed for more than 24 -hours. Backfill the trench as soon as possible. Tunnel beneath root systems as close to the center of the main trunk to preserve most of the important feeder roots. Some problems that can be encountered with a few specific trees are: • Maple, Dogwood, Red alder, Western hemlock, Western red cedar, and Douglas fir do not readily adjust to changes in environment and special care should be taken to protect these trees. • The windthrow hazard of Pacific silver fir and madrona is high, while that of Western hemlock is moderate. The danger of windthrow increases where dense stands have been thinned. Other species (unless they are on shallow, wet soils less than 20 inches deep) have a low windthrow hazard. • Cottonwoods, maples, and willows have water -seeking roots. These can cause trouble in sewer lines and infiltration fields. On the other hand, they thrive in high moisture conditions that other trees would not. • Thinning operations in pure or mixed stands of Grand fir, Pacific silver fir, Noble fir, Sitka spruce, Western red cedar, Western hemlock, Pacific dogwood, and Red alder can cause serious disease problems. Disease can become established through damaged limbs, trunks, roots, Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-4 and freshly cut stumps. Diseased and weakened trees are also susceptible to insect attack. Maintenance Inspect flagged and/or fenced areas regularly to make sure flagging or Standards fencing has not been removed or damaged. If the flagging or fencing has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or replaced immediately and visibility restored. If tree roots have been exposed or injured, "prune" cleanly with an appropriate pruning saw or lopers directly above the damaged roots and recover with native soils. Treatment of sap flowing trees (fir, hemlock, pine, soft maples) is not advised as sap forms a natural healing barrier. BMP C102: Buffer Zones Purpose Creation of an undisturbed area or strip of natural vegetation or an established suitable planting that will provide a living filter to reduce soil erosion and runoff velocities. Conditions of Use Natural buffer zones are used along streams, wetlands and other bodies of water that need protection from erosion and sedimentation. Vegetative buffer zones can be used to protect natural swales and can be incorporated into the natural landscaping of an area. Critical -areas buffer zones should not be used as sediment treatment areas. These areas shall remain completely undisturbed. The local permitting authority may expand the buffer widths temporarily to allow the use of the expanded area for removal of sediment. Design and • Preserving natural vegetation or plantings in clumps, blocks, or strips Installation is generally the easiest and most successful method. Specifications Leave all unstable steep slopes in natural vegetation. • Mark clearing limits and keep all equipment and construction debris out of the natural areas and buffer zones. Steel construction fencing is the most effective method in protecting sensitive areas and buffers. Alternatively, wire -backed silt fence on steel posts is marginally effective. Flagging alone is typically not effective. • Keep all excavations outside the dripline of trees and shrubs. • Do not push debris or extra soil into the buffer zone area because it will cause damage from burying and smothering. • Vegetative buffer zones for streams, lakes or other waterways shall be established by the local permitting authority or other state or federal permits or approvals. Maintenance Inspect the area frequently to make sure flagging remains in place and the Standards area remains undisturbed. Replace all damaged flagging immediately. Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-5 BMP C103: High Visibility Fence Purpose Fencing is intended to: 1. Restrict clearing to approved limits. 2. Prevent disturbance of sensitive areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left undisturbed. 3. Limit construction traffic to designated construction entrances, exits, or internal roads. 4. Protect areas where marking with survey tape may not provide adequate protection. Conditions of Use To establish clearing limits plastic, fabric, or metal fence may be used: • At the boundary of sensitive areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left uncleared. • As necessary to control vehicle access to and on the site. Design and High visibility plastic fence shall be composed of a high-density Installation polyethylene material and shall be at least four feet in height. Posts for Specifications the fencing shall be steel or wood and placed every 6 feet on center (maximum) or as needed to ensure rigidity. The fencing shall be fastened to the post every six inches with a polyethylene tie. On long continuous lengths of fencing, a tension wire or rope shall be used as a top stringer to prevent sagging between posts. The fence color shall be high visibility orange. The fence tensile strength shall be 360 lbs./ft. using the ASTM D4595 testing method. If appropriate install fabric silt fence in accordance with BMP C233 to act as high visibility fence. Silt fence shall be at least 3 feet high and must be highly visible to meet the requirements of this BMP. Metal fences shall be designed and installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. Metal fences shall be at least 3 feet high and must be highly visible. Fences shall not be wired or stapled to trees. Maintenance If the fence has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or Standards replaced immediately and visibility restored. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-6 BMP C105: Stabilized Construction Entrance / Exit Purpose Stabilized Construction entrances are established to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads by vehicles or equipment. This is done by constructing a stabilized pad of quarry spalls at entrances and exits for construction sites. Conditions of Use Construction entrances shall be stabilized wherever traffic will be entering or leaving a construction site if paved roads or other paved areas are within 1,000 feet of the site. For residential construction provide stabilized construction entrances for each residence, rather than only at the main subdivision entrance. Stabilized surfaces shall be of sufficient length/width to provide vehicle access/parking, based on lot size/configuration. On large commercial, highway, and road projects, the designer should include enough extra materials in the contract to allow for additional stabilized entrances not shown in the initial Construction SWPPP. It is difficult to determine exactly where access to these projects will take place; additional materials will enable the contractor to install them where needed. Design and See Figure 4.1.1 for details. Note: the 100' minimum length of the Installation entrance shall be reduced to the maximum practicable size when the size Specifications or configuration of the site does not allow the full length (100'). Construct stabilized construction entrances with a 12 -inch thick pad of 4 - inch to 8 -inch quarry spalls, a 4 -inch course of asphalt treated base (ATB), or use existing pavement. Do not use crushed concrete, cement, or calcium chloride for construction entrance stabilization because these products raise pH levels in stormwater and concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. A separation geotextile shall be placed under the spalls to prevent fine sediment from pumping up into the rock pad. The geotextile shall meet the following standards: Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D4751) 200 psi min. Grab Tensile Elongation (ASTM 30% max. D4632) Mullen Burst Strength (ASTM 400 psi min. D3786 -80a) AOS (ASTM D4751) 20-45 (U.S. standard sieve size) Consider early installation of the first lift of asphalt in areas that will paved; this can be used as a stabilized entrance. Also consider the installation of excess concrete as a stabilized entrance. During large concrete pours, excess concrete is often available for this purpose. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-7 • Fencing (see BMP C103) shall be installed as necessary to restrict traffic to the construction entrance. Whenever possible, the entrance shall be constructed on a firm, compacted subgrade. This can substantially increase the effectiveness of the pad and reduce the need for maintenance. • Construction entrances should avoid crossing existing sidewalks and back of walk drains if at all possible. If a construction entrance must cross a sidewalk or back of walk drain, the full length of the sidewalk and back of walk drain must be covered and protected from sediment leaving the site. Maintenance Quarry spalls shall be added if the pad is no longer in accordance with Standards the specifications. • If the entrance is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement, then alternative measures to keep the streets free of sediment shall be used. This may include replacement/cleaning of the existing quarry spalls, street sweeping, an increase in the dimensions of the entrance, or the installation of a wheel wash. Any sediment that is tracked onto pavement shall be removed by shoveling or street sweeping. The sediment collected by sweeping shall be removed or stabilized on site. The pavement shall not be cleaned by washing down the street, except when high efficiency sweeping is ineffective and there is a threat to public safety. If it is necessary to wash the streets, the construction of a small sump to contain the wash water shall be considered. The sediment would then be washed into the sump where it can be controlled. • Perform street sweeping by hand or with a high efficiency sweeper. Do not use a non -high efficiency mechanical sweeper because this creates dust and throws soils into storm systems or conveyance ditches. • Any quarry spalls that are loosened from the pad, which end up on the roadway shall be removed immediately. • If vehicles are entering or exiting the site at points other than the construction entrance(s), fencing (see BMP C103) shall be installed to control traffic. • Upon project completion and site stabilization, all construction accesses intended as permanent access for maintenance shall be permanently stabilized. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-8 Driveway shall meet the requirements of the permitting agency It is recommended that the entrance be crowned so that runoff drains off the pad I n: is Provide full width of ingress/egress area Figure 4.1.1 — Stabilized Construction Entrance Approved as Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP Equivalent C 105. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol — Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology's website at hllp://www.ecy.wa. gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/eqprograms/wd/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.html BMP C106: Wheel Wash Purpose Wheel washes reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads by motor vehicles. Conditions of Use When a stabilized construction entrance (see BMP C105) is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement. Wheel washing is generally an effective BMP when installed with careful attention to topography. For example, a wheel wash can be detrimental if installed at the top of a slope abutting a right-of-way where the water from the dripping truck can run unimpeded into the street. Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-9 Pressure washing combined with an adequately sized and surfaced pad with direct drainage to a large 10 -foot x 10 -foot sump can be very effective. Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed-loop recirculation or upland land application, or to the sanitary sewer with local sewer district approval. • Wheel wash or tire bath wastewater should not include wastewater from concrete washout areas. Design and Suggested details are shown in Figure 4.1.2. The Local Permitting Installation Authority may allow other designs. A minimum of 6 inches of asphalt Specifications treated base (ATB) over crushed base material or 8 inches over a good subgrade is recommended to pave the wheel wash. Use a low clearance truck to test the wheel wash before paving. Either a belly dump or lowboy will work well to test clearance. Keep the water level from 12 to 14 inches deep to avoid damage to truck hubs and filling the truck tongues with water. Midpoint spray nozzles are only needed in extremely muddy conditions Wheel wash systems should be designed with a small grade change, 6- to 1 -inches for a 10 -foot -wide pond, to allow sediment to flow to the low side of pond to help prevent re -suspension of sediment. A drainpipe with a 2- to 3 -foot riser should be installed on the low side of the pond to allow for easy cleaning and refilling. Polymers may be used to promote coagulation and flocculation in a closed-loop system. Polyacrylamide (PAM) added to the wheel wash water at a rate of 0.25 - 0.5 pounds per 1,000 gallons of water increases effectiveness and reduces cleanup time. If PAM is already being used for dust or erosion control and is being applied by a water truck, the same truck can be used to change the wash water. Maintenance The wheel wash should start out the day with fresh water. Standards The wash water should be changed a minimum of once per day. On large earthwork jobs where more than 10-20 trucks per hour are expected, the wash water will need to be changed more often. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-10 6" SEWER PIPE WITH BUTTERFLY VALVES-----_ 8'x8' SUMP WITH 5' OF CATCH 2% 5:1 SLOPE SLOPE 3" TRASH PUMP WITH FLOATS ON SUCTION HOSE 2" SCHEDULE 40 11 1-1/2" SCHEDULE 40 FOR SPRAYERS i MIDPOINT SPRAY NOZZLES, X5:1 i i IF NEEDED i SLOPE i 2% SLOPE 1.1 SLOPE 15' ATB APRON TO PROTECT A BALL VALVES - GROUND FROM SPLASHING WATER 6" SLEEVE UNDER PLAN VIEW 1 15' 1 15' 1 20' 1 15' 1 LOCATE INVERT OF TOP PIPE 1' ABOVE BOTTOM OF WHEEL WASH 8'x8' SUMP 5' DRAIN PIPE ELEVATION VIEW 18' WATER LEVEL SECTION A -A 12' -6 - 6- ATB CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ASPHALT CURB ON THE LOW ROAD SIDE TO DIRECT WATER BACK TO POND 50' � - CURB 6'° SLEEVE 3' 1:1 SLOPE NOTES: 1. BUILD 8'x8' SUMP TO ACCOMODATE CLEANING BY TRACKHOE. Figure 4.1.2 — Wheel Wash Notes: 1. Asphalt construction entrance 6 in. asphalt treated base (ATB). 2. 3 -inch trash pump with floats on the suction hose. 3. Midpoint spray nozzles, if needed. 4. 6 -inch sewer pipe with butterfly valves. Bottom one is a drain. Locate top pipe's invert 1 foot above bottom of wheel wash. 5. 8 foot x 8 foot sump with 5 feet of catch. Build so the sump can be cleaned with a trackhoe. 6. Asphalt curb on the low road side to direct water back to pond. 7. 6 -inch sleeve under road. 8. Ball valves. 9. 15 foot. ATB apron to protect ground from splashing water. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-11 BMP C107: Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization Purpose Stabilizing subdivision roads, parking areas, and other on-site vehicle transportation routes immediately after grading reduces erosion caused by construction traffic or runoff. Conditions of Use Roads or parking areas shall be stabilized wherever they are constructed, whether permanent or temporary, for use by construction traffic. • High Visibility Fencing (see BMP C103) shall be installed, if necessary, to limit the access of vehicles to only those roads and parking areas that are stabilized. Design and • On areas that will receive asphalt as part of the project, install the first Installation lift as soon as possible. Specifications A 6 -inch depth of 2- to 4 -inch crushed rock, gravel base, or crushed surfacing base course shall be applied immediately after grading or utility installation. A 4 -inch course of asphalt treated base (ATB) may also be used, or the road/parking area may be paved. It may also be possible to use cement or calcium chloride for soil stabilization. If cement or cement kiln dust is used for roadbase stabilization, pH monitoring and BMPs (BMPs C252 and C253) are necessary to evaluate and minimize the effects on stormwater. If the area will not be used for permanent roads, parking areas, or structures, a 6 -inch depth of hog fuel may also be used, but this is likely to require more maintenance. Whenever possible, construction roads and parking areas shall be placed on a firm, compacted subgrade. • Temporary road gradients shall not exceed 15 percent. Roadways shall be carefully graded to drain. Drainage ditches shall be provided on each side of the roadway in the case of a crowned section, or on one side in the case of a super -elevated section. Drainage ditches shall be directed to a sediment control BMP. Rather than relying on ditches, it may also be possible to grade the road so that runoff sheet -flows into a heavily vegetated area with a well-developed topsoil. Landscaped areas are not adequate. If this area has at least 50 feet of vegetation that water can flow through, then it is generally preferable to use the vegetation to treat runoff, rather than a sediment pond or trap. The 50 feet shall not include wetlands or their buffers. If runoff is allowed to sheetflow through adjacent vegetated areas, it is vital to design the roadways and parking areas so that no concentrated runoff is created. • Storm drain inlets shall be protected to prevent sediment -laden water entering the storm drain system (see BMP C220). Maintenance Inspect stabilized areas regularly, especially after large storm events. Standards Crushed rock, gravel base, etc. shall be added as required to maintain a Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-12 stable driving surface and to stabilize any areas that have eroded. Following construction, these areas shall be restored to pre -construction condition or better to prevent future erosion. Perform street cleaning at the end of each day or more often if necessary. BMP C120: Temporary and Permanent Seeding Purpose Seeding reduces erosion by stabilizing exposed soils. A well-established vegetative cover is one of the most effective methods of reducing erosion. Conditions of Use Use seeding throughout the project on disturbed areas that have reached final grade or that will remain unworked for more than 30 days. The optimum seeding windows for western Washington are April 1 through June 30 and September 1 through October 1. Between July 1 and August 30 seeding requires irrigation until 75 percent grass cover is established. Between October 1 and March 30 seeding requires a cover of mulch with straw or an erosion control blanket until 75 percent grass cover is established. Review all disturbed areas in late August to early September and complete all seeding by the end of September. Otherwise, vegetation will not establish itself enough to provide more than average protection. • Mulch is required at all times for seeding because it protects seeds from heat, moisture loss, and transport due to runoff. Mulch can be applied on top of the seed or simultaneously by hydroseeding. See BMP C121: Mulching for specifications. • Seed and mulch, all disturbed areas not otherwise vegetated at final site stabilization. Final stabilization means the completion of all soil disturbing activities at the site and the establishment of a permanent vegetative cover, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as pavement, riprap, gabions or geotextiles) which will prevent erosion. Design and Seed retention/detention ponds as required. Installation Install channels intended for vegetation before starting major Specifications earthwork and hydroseed with a Bonded Fiber Matrix. For vegetated channels that will have high flows, install erosion control blankets over hydroseed. Before allowing water to flow in vegetated channels, establish 75 percent vegetation cover. If vegetated channels cannot be established by seed before water flow; install sod in the channel bottom—over hydromulch and erosion control blankets. Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-13 • Confirm the installation of all required surface water control measures to prevent seed from washing away. • Hydroseed applications shall include a minimum of 1,500 pounds per acre of mulch with 3 percent tackifier. See BMP C 121: Mulching for specifications. • Areas that will have seeding only and not landscaping may need compost or meal -based mulch included in the hydroseed in order to establish vegetation. Re -install native topsoil on the disturbed soil surface before application. • When installing seed via hydroseeding operations, only about 1/3 of the seed actually ends up in contact with the soil surface. This reduces the ability to establish a good stand of grass quickly. To overcome this, consider increasing seed quantities by up to 50 percent. • Enhance vegetation establishment by dividing the hydromulch operation into two phases: 1. Phase 1- Install all seed and fertilizer with 25-30 percent mulch and tackifier onto soil in the first lift. 2. Phase 2- Install the rest of the mulch and tackifier over the first lift. Or, enhance vegetation by: 1. Installing the mulch, seed, fertilizer, and tackifier in one lift. 2. Spread or blow straw over the top of the hydromulch at a rate of 800-1000 pounds per acre. 3. Hold straw in place with a standard tackifier. Both of these approaches will increase cost moderately but will greatly improve and enhance vegetative establishment. The increased cost may be offset by the reduced need for: • Irrigation. • Reapplication of mulch. • Repair of failed slope surfaces. This technique works with standard hydromulch (1,500 pounds per acre minimum) and BFM/MBFMs (3,000 pounds per acre minimum). • Seed may be installed by hand if: • Temporary and covered by straw, mulch, or topsoil. • Permanent in small areas (usually less than 1 acre) and covered with mulch, topsoil, or erosion blankets. • The seed mixes listed in the tables below include recommended mixes for both temporary and permanent seeding. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-14 Apply these mixes, with the exception of the wetland mix, at a rate of 120 pounds per acre. This rate can be reduced if soil amendments or slow-release fertilizers are used. Consult the local suppliers or the local conservation district for their recommendations because the appropriate mix depends on a variety of factors, including location, exposure, soil type, slope, and expected foot traffic. Alternative seed mixes approved by the local authority may be used. Other mixes may be appropriate, depending on the soil type and hydrology of the area. Table 4.1.2 lists the standard mix for areas requiring a temporary vegetative cover. Table 4.1.2 Temporary Erosion Control Seed Mix % Weight % Puri % Germination Chewings or annual blue grass 40 98 90 Festuca rubra var. commutata or Poa anna Perennial rye - 50 98 90 Lolium perenne Redtop or colonial bentgrass 5 92 85 A rostis alba or A rostis tennis White dutch clover 5 98 90 Tri olium re ens Table 4.1.3 lists a recommended mix for landscaping seed. Table 4.1.3 Landscaping Seed Mix % Weight % Puri % Germination Perennial rye blend 70 98 90 Lolium perenne Chewings and red fescue blend 30 98 90 Festuca rubra var. commutata or Festuca rubra Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-15 • Table 4.1.4 lists a turf seed mix for dry situations where there is no need for watering. This mix requires very little maintenance. Table 4.1.4 Bioswale Seed Mix* Low -Growing Turf Seed Mix % Weight % Weight % Puri % Germination Dwarf tall fescue (several varieties) 45 98 90 Festuca arundinacea var. elation Dwarf perennial rye (Barclay) 30 98 90 Lolium perenne var. barclay Redtop bentgrass 5-10 90 Red fescue 20 98 90 Festuca rubra Colonial bentgrass 5 98 90 A rostis tennis Table 4.1.5 lists a mix for bioswales and other intermittently wet areas. Table 4.1.5 Bioswale Seed Mix* % Weight % Puri % Germination Tall or meadow fescue 75-80 98 90 Festuca arundinacea or Festuca elation Seaside/Creeping bentgrass 10-15 92 85 A rostis palustris Redtop bentgrass 5-10 90 80 A rostis alba or A rostis gigantea *Modified Briargreen, Inc. Hydroseeding Guide Wetlands Seed Mix Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-16 • Table 4.1.6 lists a low -growing, relatively non-invasive seed mix appropriate for very wet areas that are not regulated wetlands. Apply this mixture at a rate of 60 pounds per acre. Consult Hydraulic Permit Authority (HPA) for seed mixes if applicable. * Modified Briargreen, Inc. Hydroseeding Guide Wetlands Seed Mix Table 4.1.7 lists a recommended meadow seed mix for infrequently maintained areas or non -maintained areas where colonization by native plants is desirable. Likely applications include rural road and utility right-of-way. Seeding should take place in September or very early October in order to obtain adequate establishment prior to the winter months. Consider the appropriateness of clover, a fairly invasive species, in the mix. Amending the soil can reduce the need for clover. Table 4.1.6 Wet Area Seed Mix* % Weight % Puri % Germination Tall or meadow fescue 60-70 98 90 Festuca arundinacea or Festuca elation Seaside/Creeping bentgrass 10-15 98 85 Agrostis palustris Meadow foxtail 10-15 90 80 Ale ocurus pratensis Alsike clover 1-6 98 90 Tri olium h bridum Redtop bentgrass 1-6 92 85 Agrostis alba * Modified Briargreen, Inc. Hydroseeding Guide Wetlands Seed Mix Table 4.1.7 lists a recommended meadow seed mix for infrequently maintained areas or non -maintained areas where colonization by native plants is desirable. Likely applications include rural road and utility right-of-way. Seeding should take place in September or very early October in order to obtain adequate establishment prior to the winter months. Consider the appropriateness of clover, a fairly invasive species, in the mix. Amending the soil can reduce the need for clover. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-17 Table 4.1.7 Meadow Seed Mix % Weight % Puri % Germination Redtop or Oregon bentgrass 20 92 85 Agrostis alba or Agrostis ore onensis Red fescue 70 98 90 Festuca rubra White dutch clover 10 98 90 Trifolium repens Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-17 Roughening and Rototilling: • The seedbed should be firm and rough. Roughen all soil no matter what the slope. Track walk slopes before seeding if engineering purposes require compaction. Backblading or smoothing of slopes greater than 4H: IV is not allowed if they are to be seeded. Restoration -based landscape practices require deeper incorporation than that provided by a simple single -pass rototilling treatment. Wherever practical, initially rip the subgrade to improve long-term permeability, infiltration, and water inflow qualities. At a minimum, permanent areas shall use soil amendments to achieve organic matter and permeability performance defined in engineered soil/landscape systems. For systems that are deeper than 8 inches complete the rototilling process in multiple lifts, or prepare the engineered soil system per specifications and place to achieve the specified depth. Fertilizers: Conducting soil tests to determine the exact type and quantity of fertilizer is recommended. This will prevent the over -application of fertilizer. Organic matter is the most appropriate form of fertilizer because it provides nutrients (including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in the least water-soluble form. In general, use 10-4-6 N -P -K (nitrogen -phosphorus -potassium) fertilizer at a rate of 90 pounds per acre. Always use slow-release fertilizers because they are more efficient and have fewer environmental impacts. Do not add fertilizer to the hydromulch machine, or agitate, more than 20 minutes before use. Too much agitation destroys the slow-release coating. There are numerous products available that take the place of chemical fertilizers. These include several with seaweed extracts that are beneficial to soil microbes and organisms. If 100 percent cottonseed meal is used as the mulch in hydroseed, chemical fertilizer may not be necessary. Cottonseed meal provides a good source of long-term, slow-release, available nitrogen. Bonded Fiber Matrix and Mechanically Bonded Fiber Matrix: On steep slopes use Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) or Mechanically Bonded Fiber Matrix (MBFM) products. Apply BFM/MBFM products at a minimum rate of 3,000 pounds per acre of mulch with approximately 10 percent tackifier. Achieve a minimum of 95 percent soil coverage during application. Numerous products are available commercially. Installed products per manufacturer's instructions. Most products require 24-36 hours to cure before rainfall and cannot be installed on wet or saturated soils. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-18 Generally, products come in 40-50 pound bags and include all necessary ingredients except for seed and fertilizer. • BFMs and MBFMs provide good alternatives to blankets in most areas requiring vegetation establishment. Advantages over blankets include: • BFM and MBFMs do not require surface preparation. • Helicopters can assist in installing BFM and MBFMs in remote areas. • On slopes steeper than 2.5H: IV, blanket installers may require ropes and harnesses for safety. • Installing BFM and MBFMs can save at least $1,000 per acre compared to blankets. Maintenance Reseed any seeded areas that fail to establish at least 80 percent cover Standards (100 percent cover for areas that receive sheet or concentrated flows). If reseeding is ineffective, use an alternate method such as sodding, mulching, or nets/blankets. If winter weather prevents adequate grass growth, this time limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the local authority when sensitive areas would otherwise be protected. • Reseed and protect by mulch any areas that experience erosion after achieving adequate cover. Reseed and protect by mulch any eroded area. • Supply seeded areas with adequate moisture, but do not water to the extent that it causes runoff. Approved as Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP Equivalent C120. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol — Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology's website at hllp://www.ecy.wa. gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/eqprograms/wd/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.htinl BMP C121: Mulching Purpose Mulching soils provides immediate temporary protection from erosion. Mulch also enhances plant establishment by conserving moisture, holding fertilizer, seed, and topsoil in place, and moderating soil temperatures. There is an enormous variety of mulches that can be used. This section discusses only the most common types of mulch. Conditions of Use As a temporary cover measure, mulch should be used: • For less than 30 days on disturbed areas that require cover. • At all times for seeded areas, especially during the wet season and Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-19 during the hot summer months. • During the wet season on slopes steeper than 3H:1V with more than 10 feet of vertical relief. Mulch may be applied at any time of the year and must be refreshed periodically. For seeded areas mulch may be made up of 100 percent: cottonseed meal; fibers made of wood, recycled cellulose, hemp, kenaf, compost; or blends of these. Tackifier shall be plant -based, such as guar or alpha plantago, or chemical -based such as polyacrylamide or polymers. Any mulch or tackifier product used shall be installed per manufacturer's instructions. Generally, mulches come in 40-50 pound bags. Seed and fertilizer are added at time of application. Design and For mulch materials, application rates, and specifications, see Table 4.1.8. Installation Always use a 2 -inch minimum mulch thickness; increase the thickness Specifications until the ground is 95% covered (i.e. not visible under the mulch layer). Note: Thickness may be increased for disturbed areas in or near sensitive areas or other areas highly susceptible to erosion. Mulch used within the ordinary high-water mark of surface waters should be selected to minimize potential flotation of organic matter. Composted organic materials have higher specific gravities (densities) than straw, wood, or chipped material. Consult Hydraulic Permit Authority (HPA) for mulch mixes if applicable. Maintenance . The thickness of the cover must be maintained. Standards Any areas that experience erosion shall be remulched and/or protected with a net or blanket. If the erosion problem is drainage related, then the problem shall be fixed and the eroded area remulched. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-20 Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-21 Table 4.1.8 Mulch Standards and Guidelines Application Mulch Material Quality Standards Rates Remarks Straw Air-dried; free from 2"-3" thick; 5 Cost-effective protection when applied with adequate thickness. undesirable seed and bales per 1,000 Hand -application generally requires greater thickness than coarse material. sf or 2-3 tons per blown straw. The thickness of straw may be reduced by half acre when used in conjunction with seeding. In windy areas straw must be held in place by crimping, using a tackifier, or covering with netting. Blown straw always has to be held in place with a tackifier as even light winds will blow it away. Straw, however, has several deficiencies that should be considered when selecting mulch materials. It often introduces and/or encourages the propagation of weed species and it has no significant long- term benefits. It should also not be used within the ordinary high-water elevation of surface waters (due to flotation). Hydromulch No growth Approx. 25-30 Shall be applied with hydromulcher. Shall not be used without inhibiting factors. lbs per 1,000 sf seed and tackifier unless the application rate is at least doubled. or 1,500 - 2,000 Fibers longer than about 3/4-1 inch clog hydromulch equipment. lbs per acre Fibers should be kept to less than 3/4 inch. Composted No visible water or 2" thick min.; More effective control can be obtained by increasing thickness Mulch and dust during approx. 100 tons to 3". Excellent mulch for protecting final grades until Compost handling. Must be per acre (approx. landscaping because it can be directly seeded or tilled into soil produced in 800 lbs per yard) as an amendment. Composted mulch has a coarser size accordance with gradation than compost. It is more stable and practical to use in WAC 173-350, wet areas and during rainy weather conditions. Do not use Solid Waste composted mulch near wetlands or near phosphorous impaired Handling Standards. water bodies. Chipped Site Average size shall 2" thick min.; This is a cost-effective way to dispose of debris from clearing Vegetation be several inches. and grubbing, and it eliminates the problems associated with Gradations from burning. Generally, it should not be used on slopes above fines to 6 inches in approx. 10% because of its tendency to be transported by length for texture, runoff. It is not recommended within 200 feet of surface waters. variation, and If seeding is expected shortly after mulch, the decomposition of interlocking the chipped vegetation may tie up nutrients important to grass properties. establishment. Wood -based No visible water or 2" thick min.; This material is often called "hog or hogged fuel." The use of Mulch or Wood dust during approx. 100 tons mulch ultimately improves the organic matter in the soil. Straw handling. Must be per acre (approx. Special caution is advised regarding the source and composition purchased from a 800 lbs. per of wood -based mulches. Its preparation typically does not supplier with a Solid cubic yard) provide any weed seed control, so evidence of residual Waste Handling vegetation in its composition or known inclusion of weed plants Permit or one or seeds should be monitored and prevented (or minimized). exempt from solid waste regulations. Wood Strand A blend of loose, 2" thick min. Cost-effective protection when applied with adequate thickness. Mulch long, thin wood A minimum of 95 -percent of the wood strand shall have lengths pieces derived from between 2 and 10 -inches, with a width and thickness between native conifer or 1/16 and %-inches. The mulch shall not contain resin, tannin, or deciduous trees with other compounds in quantities that would be detrimental to plant high length -to -width life. Sawdust or wood shavings shall not be used as mulch. ratio. (WSDOT specification (9-14.4(4)) Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-21 BMP C122: Nets and Blankets Purpose Erosion control nets and blankets are intended to prevent erosion and hold seed and mulch in place on steep slopes and in channels so that vegetation can become well established. In addition, some nets and blankets can be used to permanently reinforce turf to protect drainage ways during high flows. Nets (commonly called matting) are strands of material woven into an open, but high -tensile strength net (for example, coconut fiber matting). Blankets are strands of material that are not tightly woven, but instead form a layer of interlocking fibers, typically held together by a biodegradable or photodegradable netting (for example, excelsior or straw blankets). They generally have lower tensile strength than nets, but cover the ground more completely. Coir (coconut fiber) fabric comes as both nets and blankets. Conditions of Use Erosion control nets and blankets should be used: • To aid permanent vegetated stabilization of slopes 2H:1 V or greater and with more than 10 feet of vertical relief. • For drainage ditches and swales (highly recommended). The application of appropriate netting or blanket to drainage ditches and swales can protect bare soil from channelized runoff while vegetation is established. Nets and blankets also can capture a great deal of sediment due to their open, porous structure. Nets and blankets can be used to permanently stabilize channels and may provide a cost- effective, environmentally preferable alternative to riprap. 100 percent synthetic blankets manufactured for use in ditches may be easily reused as temporary ditch liners. Disadvantages of blankets include: • Surface preparation required. • On slopes steeper than 2.5H:1 V, blanket installers may need to be roped and harnessed for safety. • They cost at least $4,000-6,000 per acre installed. Advantages of blankets include: • Installation without mobilizing special equipment. • Installation by anyone with minimal training • Installation in stages or phases as the project progresses. • Installers can hand place seed and fertilizer as they progress down the slope. • Installation in any weather. • There are numerous types of blankets that can be designed with various parameters in mind. Those parameters include: fiber blend, mesh strength, longevity, biodegradability, cost, and availability. Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-22 Design and • See Figure 4.1.3 and Figure 4.1.4 for typical orientation and Installation installation of blankets used in channels and as slope protection. Note: Specifications these are typical only; all blankets must be installed per manufacturer's installation instructions. • Installation is critical to the effectiveness of these products. If good ground contact is not achieved, runoff can concentrate under the product, resulting in significant erosion. • Installation of Blankets on Slopes: 1. Complete final grade and track walk up and down the slope. 2. Install hydromulch with seed and fertilizer. 3. Dig a small trench, approximately 12 inches wide by 6 inches deep along the top of the slope. 4. Install the leading edge of the blanket into the small trench and staple approximately every 18 inches. NOTE: Staples are metal, "U" -shaped, and a minimum of 6 inches long. Longer staples are used in sandy soils. Biodegradable stakes are also available. 5. Roll the blanket slowly down the slope as installer walks backwards. NOTE: The blanket rests against the installer's legs. Staples are installed as the blanket is unrolled. It is critical that the proper staple pattern is used for the blanket being installed. The blanket is not to be allowed to roll down the slope on its own as this stretches the blanket making it impossible to maintain soil contact. In addition, no one is allowed to walk on the blanket after it is in place. 6. If the blanket is not long enough to cover the entire slope length, the trailing edge of the upper blanket should overlap the leading edge of the lower blanket and be stapled. On steeper slopes, this overlap should be installed in a small trench, stapled, and covered with soil. • With the variety of products available, it is impossible to cover all the details of appropriate use and installation. Therefore, it is critical that the design engineer consult the manufacturer's information and that a site visit takes place in order to ensure that the product specified is appropriate. Information is also available at the following web sites: 1. WSDOT (Section 3.2.4): hlt 2://www.wsdot.wa. gov/NR/rdonlyres/3B41 E087-FA86-4717- 932D-D7A8556CCD57/0/ErosionTrainingManual.pdf 2. Texas Transportation Institute: hLtp://www.txdot.gov/business/doing business/product_ evaluation/ erosion control.htm Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-23 • Use jute matting in conjunction with mulch (BMP C121). Excelsior, woven straw blankets and coir (coconut fiber) blankets may be installed without mulch. There are many other types of erosion control nets and blankets on the market that may be appropriate in certain circumstances. In general, most nets (e.g., jute matting) require mulch in order to prevent erosion because they have a fairly open structure. Blankets typically do not require mulch because they usually provide complete protection of the surface. Extremely steep, unstable, wet, or rocky slopes are often appropriate candidates for use of synthetic blankets, as are riverbanks, beaches and other high-energy environments. If synthetic blankets are used, the soil should be hydromulched first. 100 -percent biodegradable blankets are available for use in sensitive areas. These organic blankets are usually held together with a paper or fiber mesh and stitching which may last up to a year. Most netting used with blankets is photodegradable, meaning they break down under sunlight (not UV stabilized). However, this process can take months or years even under bright sun. Once vegetation is established, sunlight does not reach the mesh. It is not uncommon to find non -degraded netting still in place several years after installation. This can be a problem if maintenance requires the use of mowers or ditch cleaning equipment. In addition, birds and small animals can become trapped in the netting. Maintenance Maintain good contact with the ground. Erosion must not occur Standards beneath the net or blanket. • Repair and staple any areas of the net or blanket that are damaged or not in close contact with the ground. Fix and protect eroded areas if erosion occurs due to poorly controlled drainage. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-24 Longitudinal Anchor Trench Terminal Slope and Channel Anchor Trench Stake at 3'-5' (1-1.5m) intervals. 14 Check slot at 25' (7.6m) intervals Isometric View Initial Channel Anchor Trench Intermittent Check Slot NOTES: 1. Check slots to be constructed per manufacturers specifications. 2. Staking or stapling layout per manufacturers specifications. Figure 4.1.3 — Channel Installation Slope surface shall be smooth before placement for proper soil contact. Stapling pattern as per manufacturer's recommendations. Min. 2" Overlap Do not stretch blankets/mattings tight - allow the rolls to mold to any irregularities. For slopes less than 31-1: 1V, rolls may be placed in horizontal strips. If there is a berm at the top of slope, anchor upslope of the berm. `Anchor in 6"x6" min. Trench and staple at 12" intervals. Min. 6" overlap. Staple overlaps max. 5" spacing. Bring material down to a level area, turn the end under 4" and staple at 12" intervals Lime, fertilize, and seed before installation. Planting of shrubs, trees, etc. Should occur after installation. Figure 4.1.4 — Slope Installation Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-25 BMP C123: Plastic Covering Purpose Plastic covering provides immediate, short-term erosion protection to slopes and disturbed areas. Conditions of Plastic covering may be used on disturbed areas that require cover Use measures for less than 30 days, except as stated below. • Plastic is particularly useful for protecting cut and fill slopes and stockpiles. Note: The relatively rapid breakdown of most polyethylene sheeting makes it unsuitable for long-term (greater than six months) applications. • Due to rapid runoff caused by plastic covering, do not use this method upslope of areas that might be adversely impacted by concentrated runoff. Such areas include steep and/or unstable slopes. • Plastic sheeting may result in increased runoff volumes and velocities, requiring additional on-site measures to counteract the increases. Creating a trough with wattles or other material can convey clean water away from these areas. • To prevent undercutting, trench and backfill rolled plastic covering products. • While plastic is inexpensive to purchase, the added cost of installation, maintenance, removal, and disposal make this an expensive material, up to $1.50-2.00 per square yard. • Whenever plastic is used to protect slopes install water collection measures at the base of the slope. These measures include plastic - covered berms, channels, and pipes used to covey clean rainwater away from bare soil and disturbed areas. Do not mix clean runoff from a plastic covered slope with dirty runoff from a project. • Other uses for plastic include: 1. Temporary ditch liner. 2. Pond liner in temporary sediment pond. 3. Liner for bermed temporary fuel storage area if plastic is not reactive to the type of fuel being stored. 4. Emergency slope protection during heavy rains. 5. Temporary drainpipe ("elephant trunk") used to direct water. Design and Plastic slope cover must be installed as follows: Installation 1. Run plastic up and down slope, not across slope. Specifications 2. Plastic may be installed perpendicular to a slope if the slope length is less than 10 feet. 3. Minimum of 8 -inch overlap at seams. Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-26 4. On long or wide slopes, or slopes subject to wind, tape all seams. 5. Place plastic into a small (12 -inch wide by 6 -inch deep) slot trench at the top of the slope and backfill with soil to keep water from flowing underneath. 6. Place sand filled burlap or geotextile bags every 3 to 6 feet along seams and tie them together with twine to hold them in place. 7. Inspect plastic for rips, tears, and open seams regularly and repair immediately. This prevents high velocity runoff from contacting bare soil which causes extreme erosion. 8. Sandbags may be lowered into place tied to ropes. However, all sandbags must be staked in place. • Plastic sheeting shall have a minimum thickness of 0.06 millimeters. If erosion at the toe of a slope is likely, a gravel berm, riprap, or other suitable protection shall be installed at the toe of the slope in order to reduce the velocity of runoff. Maintenance • Torn sheets must be replaced and open seams repaired. Standards Completely remove and replace the plastic if it begins to deteriorate due to ultraviolet radiation. • Completely remove plastic when no longer needed. Dispose of old tires used to weight down plastic sheeting appropriately. Approved as Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP Equivalent C 123. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol — Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology's website at hltp://www.ecy.wa. gov/programs/wg/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.htinl BMP C124: Sodding Purpose The purpose of sodding is to establish permanent turf for immediate erosion protection and to stabilize drainage ways where concentrated overland flow will occur. Conditions of Use Sodding may be used in the following areas: Disturbed areas that require short-term or long-term cover. Disturbed areas that require immediate vegetative cover. • All waterways that require vegetative lining. Waterways may also be seeded rather than sodded, and protected with a net or blanket. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-27 Design and Sod shall be free of weeds, of uniform thickness (approximately 1 -inch Installation thick), and shall have a dense root mat for mechanical strength. Specifications The following steps are recommended for sod installation: • Shape and smooth the surface to final grade in accordance with the approved grading plan. The swale needs to be overexcavated 4 to 6 inches below design elevation to allow room for placing soil amendment and sod. • Amend 4 inches (minimum) of compost into the top 8 inches of the soil if the organic content of the soil is less than ten percent or the permeability is less than 0.6 inches per hour. See httD://www.ecv.wa.izov/-Droizrams/swfa/orizanics/soil.html for further information Fertilize according to the supplier's recommendations. • Work lime and fertilizer 1 to 2 inches into the soil, and smooth the surface. • Lay strips of sod beginning at the lowest area to be sodded and perpendicular to the direction of water flow. Wedge strips securely into place. Square the ends of each strip to provide for a close, tight fit. Stagger joints at least 12 inches. Staple on slopes steeper than 3H: IV. Staple the upstream edge of each sod strip. Roll the sodded area and irrigate. • When sodding is carried out in alternating strips or other patterns, seed the areas between the sod immediately after sodding. Maintenance If the grass is unhealthy, the cause shall be determined and appropriate Standards action taken to reestablish a healthy groundcover. If it is impossible to establish a healthy groundcover due to frequent saturation, instability, or some other cause, the sod shall be removed, the area seeded with an appropriate mix, and protected with a net or blanket. BMP C125: Topsoiling / Composting Purpose Topsoiling and composting provide a suitable growth medium for final site stabilization with vegetation. While not a permanent cover practice in itself, topsoiling and composting are an integral component of providing permanent cover in those areas where there is an unsuitable soil surface for plant growth. Use this BMP in conjunction with other BMPs such as seeding, mulching, or sodding. Native soils and disturbed soils that have been organically amended not only retain much more stormwater, but they also serve as effective biofilters for urban pollutants and, by supporting more vigorous plant growth, reduce the water, fertilizer and pesticides needed to support Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-28 installed landscapes. Topsoil does not include any subsoils but only the material from the top several inches including organic debris. Conditions of Permanent landscaped areas shall contain healthy topsoil that reduces Use the need for fertilizers, improves overall topsoil quality, provides for better vegetal health and vitality, improves hydrologic characteristics, and reduces the need for irrigation. • Leave native soils and the duff layer undisturbed to the maximum extent practicable. Stripping of existing, properly functioning soil system and vegetation for the purpose of topsoiling during construction is not acceptable. Preserve existing soil systems in undisturbed and uncompacted conditions if functioning properly. • Areas that already have good topsoil, such as undisturbed areas, do not require soil amendments. • Restore, to the maximum extent practical, native soils disturbed during clearing and grading to a condition equal to or better than the original site condition's moisture -holding capacity. Use on-site native topsoil, incorporate amendments into on-site soil, or import blended topsoil to meet this requirement. • Topsoiling is a required procedure when establishing vegetation on shallow soils, and soils of critically low pH (high acid) levels. • Beware of where the topsoil comes from, and what vegetation was on site before disturbance, invasive plant seeds may be included and could cause problems for establishing native plants, landscaped areas, or grasses. • Topsoil from the site will contain mycorrhizal bacteria that are necessary for healthy root growth and nutrient transfer. These native mycorrhiza are acclimated to the site and will provide optimum conditions for establishing grasses. Use commercially available mycorrhiza products when using off-site topsoil. Design and Meet the following requirements for areas requiring disruption and Installation topsoiling: Specifications Maximize the depth of the topsoil wherever possible to provide the maximum possible infiltration capacity and beneficial growth medium. Topsoil shall have: A minimum depth of 8 -inches. Scarify subsoils below the topsoil layer at least 4 -inches with some incorporation of the upper material to avoid stratified layers, where feasible. Ripping or re- structuring the subgrade may also provide additional benefits regarding the overall infiltration and interflow dynamics of the soil system. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-29 • A minimum organic content of 10% dry weight, and 5% organic matter content in turf areas. Incorporate organic amendments to a minimum 8 -inch depth except where tree roots or other natural features limit the depth of incorporation. • A pH between 6.0 and 8.0 or matching the pH of the undisturbed soil. • If blended topsoil is imported, then fines should be limited to 25 percent passing through a 200 sieve. • Accomplish the required organic content and pH by either returning native topsoil to the site and/or incorporating organic amendments. To meet the organic content use compost that meets the definition of "composted materials" in WAC 173-350-220. This code is available online at- hlt2://E]2s.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=173-350-220. The compost must also have an organic matter content of 35% to 65%, and a carbon to nitrogen ratio below 25H: IV. The carbon to nitrogen ratio may be as high as 35H: IV for plantings composed entirely of plants native to the Puget Sound Lowlands region. For till soils use a mixture of approximately two parts soil to one part compost. This equates to 4 inches of compost mixed to a depth of 12 inches in till soils. Increasing the concentration of compost beyond this level can have negative effects on vegetal health, while decreasing the concentrations can reduce the benefits of amended soils. • Gravel or cobble outwash soils, may require different approaches. Organics and fines easily migrate through the loose structure of these soils. Therefore, the importation of at least 6 inches of quality topsoil, underlain by some type of filter fabric to prevent the migration of fines, may be more appropriate for these soils. The final composition and construction of the soil system will result in a natural selection or favoring of certain plant species over time. For example, incorporation of topsoil may favor grasses, while layering with mildly acidic, high -carbon amendments may favor more woody vegetation. • Allow sufficient time in scheduling for topsoil spreading prior to seeding, sodding, or planting. Take care when applying top soil to subsoils with contrasting textures. Sandy topsoil over clayey subsoil is a particularly poor combination, as water creeps along the junction between the soil layers and causes the topsoil to slough. If topsoil and subsoil are not properly bonded, water will not infiltrate the soil profile evenly and it will be difficult to Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-30 establish vegetation. The best method to prevent a lack of bonding is to actually work the topsoil into the layer below for a depth of at least 6 inches. • Field exploration of the site shall be made to determine if there is surface soil of sufficient quantity and quality to justify stripping. Topsoil shall be friable and loamy (loam, sandy loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam, and clay loam). Avoid areas of natural ground water recharge. • Stripping shall be confined to the immediate construction area. A 4 - inch to 6 -inch stripping depth is common, but depth may vary depending on the particular soil. All surface runoff control structures shall be in place prior to stripping. • Do not place topsoil while in a frozen or muddy condition, when the subgrade is excessively wet, or when conditions exist that may otherwise be detrimental to proper grading or proposed sodding or seeding. • In any areas requiring grading remove and stockpile the duff layer and topsoil on site in a designated, controlled area, not adjacent to public resources and critical areas. Stockpiled topsoil is to be reapplied to other portions of the site where feasible. • Locate the topsoil stockpile so that it meets specifications and does not interfere with work on the site. It may be possible to locate more than one pile in proximity to areas where topsoil will be used. Stockpiling of topsoil shall occur in the following manner: • Side slopes of the stockpile shall not exceed 2H: IV. • Between October 1 and April 30: • An interceptor dike with gravel outlet and silt fence shall surround all topsoil. Within 2 days complete erosion control seeding, or covering stockpiles with clear plastic, or other mulching materials. • Between May 1 and September 30: • An interceptor dike with gravel outlet and silt fence shall surround all topsoil if the stockpile will remain in place for a longer period of time than active construction grading. Within 7 days complete erosion control seeding, or covering stockpiles with clear plastic, or other mulching materials. When native topsoil is to be stockpiled and reused the following should apply to ensure that the mycorrhizal bacterial, earthworms, and other beneficial organisms will not be destroyed: 1. Re -install topsoil within 4 to 6 weeks. Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-31 BMP C140: Dust Control Purpose Dust control prevents wind transport of dust from disturbed soil surfaces onto roadways, drainage ways, and surface waters. Conditions of Use • In areas (including roadways) subject to surface and air movement of dust where on-site and off-site impacts to roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely. Design and • Vegetate or mulch areas that will not receive vehicle traffic. In areas Installation where planting, mulching, or paving is impractical, apply gravel or Specifications landscaping rock. Limit dust generation by clearing only those areas where immediate activity will take place, leaving the remaining area(s) in the original condition. Maintain the original ground cover as long as practical. • Construct natural or artificial windbreaks or windscreens. These may be designed as enclosures for small dust sources. • Sprinkle the site with water until surface is wet. Repeat as needed. To prevent carryout of mud onto street, refer to Stabilized Construction Entrance (BMP C105). Irrigation water can be used for dust control. Irrigation systems should be installed as a first step on sites where dust control is a concern. • Spray exposed soil areas with a dust palliative, following the manufacturer's instructions and cautions regarding handling and application. Used oil is prohibited from use as a dust suppressant. Local governments may approve other dust palliatives such as calcium chloride or PAM. • PAM (BMP C 126) added to water at a rate of 0.5 lbs. per 1,000 gallons of water per acre and applied from a water truck is more effective than water alone. This is due to increased infiltration of water into the soil and reduced evaporation. In addition, small soil particles are bonded together and are not as easily transported by wind. Adding PAM may actually reduce the quantity of water needed for dust control. Use of PAM could be a cost-effective dust control method. Techniques that can be used for unpaved roads and lots include: • Lower speed limits. High vehicle speed increases the amount of dust stirred up from unpaved roads and lots. • Upgrade the road surface strength by improving particle size, shape, and mineral types that make up the surface and base materials. • Add surface gravel to reduce the source of dust emission. Limit the amount of fine particles (those smaller than .075 mm) to 10 to 20 percent. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-40 • Use geotextile fabrics to increase the strength of new roads or roads undergoing reconstruction. • Encourage the use of alternate, paved routes, if available. • Restrict use of paved roadways by tracked vehicles and heavy trucks to prevent damage to road surface and base. • Apply chemical dust suppressants using the admix method, blending the product with the top few inches of surface material. Suppressants may also be applied as surface treatments. • Pave unpaved permanent roads and other trafficked areas. • Use vacuum street sweepers. • Remove mud and other dirt promptly so it does not dry and then turn into dust. • Limit dust -causing work on windy days. • Contact your local Air Pollution Control Authority for guidance and training on other dust control measures. Compliance with the local Air Pollution Control Authority constitutes compliance with this BMP. Maintenance Respray area as necessary to keep dust to a minimum. Standards BMP C150: Materials on Hand Purpose Keep quantities of erosion prevention and sediment control materials on the project site at all times to be used for regular maintenance and emergency situations such as unexpected heavy summer rains. Having these materials on-site reduces the time needed to implement BMPs when inspections indicate that existing BMPs are not meeting the Construction SWPPP requirements. In addition, contractors can save money by buying some materials in bulk and storing them at their office or yard. Conditions of Use Construction projects of any size or type can benefit from having materials on hand. A small commercial development project could have a roll of plastic and some gravel available for immediate protection of bare soil and temporary berm construction. A large earthwork project, such as highway construction, might have several tons of straw, several rolls of plastic, flexible pipe, sandbags, geotextile fabric and steel "T" posts. • Materials are stockpiled and readily available before any site clearing, grubbing, or earthwork begins. A large contractor or developer could keep a stockpile of materials that are available for use on several proj ects. • If storage space at the project site is at a premium, the contractor could maintain the materials at their office or yard. The office or yard must be less than an hour from the project site. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-41 Design and Installation Specifications Maintenance Standards Depending on project type, size, complexity, and length, materials and quantities will vary. A good minimum list of items that will cover numerous situations includes: Material Clear Plastic, 6 mil Drainpipe, 6 or 8 inch diameter Sandbags, filled Straw Bales for mulching, Quarry Spalls Washed Gravel Geotextile Fabric Catch Basin Inserts Steel "T" Posts Silt fence material Straw Wattles • All materials with the exception of the quarry spalls, steel "T" posts, and gravel should be kept covered and out of both sun and rain. • Re -stock materials used as needed. BMP C151: Concrete Handling Purpose Concrete work can generate process water and slurry that contain fine particles and high pH, both of which can violate water quality standards in the receiving water. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. Use this BMP to minimize and eliminate concrete, concrete process water, and concrete slurry from entering waters of the state. Conditions of Use Any time concrete is used, utilize these management practices. Concrete construction projects include, but are not limited to, the following: • Curbs • Sidewalks • Roads • Bridges • Foundations • Floors • Runways Design and • Wash out concrete truck chutes, pumps, and internals into formed Installation areas only. Assure that washout of concrete trucks is performed off - Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-42 Specifications site or in designated concrete washout areas. Do not wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Refer to BMP C154 for information on concrete washout areas. • Return unused concrete remaining in the truck and pump to the originating batch plant for recycling. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. • Wash off hand tools including, but not limited to, screeds, shovels, rakes, floats, and trowels into formed areas only. • Wash equipment difficult to move, such as concrete pavers in areas that do not directly drain to natural or constructed stormwater conveyances. • Do not allow washdown from areas, such as concrete aggregate driveways, to drain directly to natural or constructed stormwater conveyances. • Contain washwater and leftover product in a lined container when no formed areas are available,. Dispose of contained concrete in a manner that does not violate ground water or surface water quality standards. • Always use forms or solid barriers for concrete pours, such as pilings, within 15 -feet of surface waters. • Refer to BMPs C252 and C253 for pH adjustment requirements. • Refer to the Construction Stormwater General Permit for pH monitoring requirements if the project involves one of the following activities: • Significant concrete work (greater than 1,000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project). • The use of engineered soils amended with (but not limited to) Portland cement -treated base, cement kiln dust or fly ash. • Discharging stormwater to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH. Maintenance Check containers for holes in the liner daily during concrete pours and Standards repair the same day. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-43 BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage and Containment Purpose Prevent, reduce, or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to the stormwater system or watercourses from material delivery and storage. Minimize the storage of hazardous materials on-site, store materials in a designated area, and install secondary containment. Conditions of Use These procedures are suitable for use at all construction sites with delivery and storage of the following materials: • Petroleum products such as fuel, oil and grease • Soil stabilizers and binders (e.g. Polyacrylamide) • Fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides • Detergents • Asphalt and concrete compounds • Hazardous chemicals such as acids, lime, adhesives, paints, solvents and curing compounds • Any other material that may be detrimental if released to the environment Design and The following steps should be taken to minimize risk: Installation Specifications Temporary storage area should be located away from vehicular traffic, near the construction entrance(s), and away from waterways or storm drains. • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be supplied for all materials stored. Chemicals should be kept in their original labeled containers. • Hazardous material storage on-site should be minimized. • Hazardous materials should be handled as infrequently as possible. • During the wet weather season (Oct 1 — April 30), consider storing materials in a covered area. • Materials should be stored in secondary containments, such as earthen dike, horse trough, or even a children's wading pool for non-reactive materials such as detergents, oil, grease, and paints. Small amounts of material may be secondarily contained in "bus boy" trays or concrete mixing trays. • Do not store chemicals, drums, or bagged materials directly on the ground. Place these items on a pallet and, when possible, and within secondary containment. • If drums must be kept uncovered, store them at a slight angle to reduce ponding of rainwater on the lids to reduce corrosion. Domed plastic covers are inexpensive and snap to the top of drums, preventing water from collecting. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-45 If using self -installed washout facilities, verify plastic liners are intact and sidewalls are not damaged. • If using prefabricated containers, check for leaks. • Washout facilities shall be maintained to provide adequate holding capacity with a minimum freeboard of 12 inches. • Washout facilities must be cleaned, or new facilities must be constructed and ready for use once the washout is 75% full. • If the washout is nearingccapacity, vacuum and dispose of the waste material in an approved manner. • Do not discharge liquid or slurry to waterways, storm drains or directly onto ground. • Do not use sanitary sewer without local approval. • Place a secure, non -collapsing, non -water collecting cover over the concrete washout facility prior to predicted wet weather to prevent accumulation and overflow of precipitation. • Remove and dispose of hardened concrete and return the structure to a functional condition. Concrete may be reused on-site or hauled away for disposal or recycling. When you remove materials from the self -installed concrete washout, build a new structure; or, if the previous structure is still intact, inspect for signs of weakening or damage, and make any necessary repairs. Re -line the structure with new plastic after each cleaning. Removal of Temporary Concrete Washout Facilities • When temporary concrete washout facilities are no longer required for the work, the hardened concrete, slurries and liquids shall be removed and properly disposed of. • Materials used to construct temporary concrete washout facilities shall be removed from the site of the work and disposed of or recycled. Holes, depressions or other ground disturbance caused by the removal of the temporary concrete washout facilities shall be backfilled, repaired, and stabilized to prevent erosion. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-50 BMP C160: Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Purpose The project proponent designates at least one person as the responsible representative in charge of erosion and sediment control (ESC), and water quality protection. The designated person shall be the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) who is responsible for ensuring compliance with all local, state, and federal erosion and sediment control and water quality requirements. Conditions of Use A CESCL shall be made available on projects one acre or larger that discharge stormwater to surface waters of the state. Sites less than one acre may have a person without CESCL certification conduct inspections; sampling is not required on sites that disturb less than an acre. • The CESCL shall: • Have a current certificate proving attendance in an erosion and sediment control training course that meets the minimum ESC training and certification requirements established by Ecology (see details below). Ecology will maintain a list of ESC training and certification providers at: hLtp://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/cescl.html OR • Be a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC); for additional information go to: www.cpesc.net Specifications • Certification shall remain valid for three years. • The CESCL shall have authority to act on behalf of the contractor or developer and shall be available, or on-call, 24 hours per day throughout the period of construction. • The Construction SWPPP shall include the name, telephone number, fax number, and address of the designated CESCL. • A CESCL may provide inspection and compliance services for multiple construction projects in the same geographic region. Duties and responsibilities of the CESCL shall include, but are not limited to the following: • Maintaining permit file on site at all times which includes the Construction SWPPP and any associated permits and plans. Directing BMP installation, inspection, maintenance, modification, and removal. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-53 • Updating all project drawings and the Construction SWPPP with changes made. • Completing any sampling requirements including reporting results using WebDMR. • Keeping daily logs, and inspection reports. Inspection reports should include: • Inspection date/time. • Weather information; general conditions during inspection and approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection. • A summary or list of all BMPs implemented, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. The following shall be noted: 1. Locations of BMPs inspected. 2. Locations of BMPs that need maintenance. 3. Locations of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended. 4. Locations of where additional or different BMPs are required. • Visual monitoring results, including a description of discharged stormwater. The presence of suspended sediment, turbid water, discoloration, and oil sheen shall be noted, as applicable. • Any water quality monitoring performed during inspection. • General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance or installations made as a result of the inspection. Facilitate, participate in, and take corrective actions resulting from inspections performed by outside agencies or the owner. BMP C162: Scheduling Purpose Sequencing a construction project reduces the amount and duration of soil exposed to erosion by wind, rain, runoff, and vehicle tracking. Conditions of Use The construction sequence schedule is an orderly listing of all major land - disturbing activities together with the necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures planned for the project. This type of schedule guides the contractor on work to be done before other work is started so that serious erosion and sedimentation problems can be avoided. Following a specified work schedule that coordinates the timing of land - disturbing activities and the installation of control measures is perhaps the most cost-effective way of controlling erosion during construction. The removal of surface ground cover leaves a site vulnerable to accelerated Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-54 erosion. Construction procedures that limit land clearing provide timely installation of erosion and sedimentation controls, and restore protective cover quickly can significantly reduce the erosion potential of a site. Design • Minimize construction during rainy periods. Considerations Schedule projects to disturb only small portions of the site at any one time. Complete grading as soon as possible. Immediately stabilize the disturbed portion before grading the next portion. Practice staged seeding in order to revegetate cut and fill slopes as the work progresses. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-55 4.2 Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs This section contains the standards and specifications for Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs. Table 4.2.1, below, shows the relationship of the BMPs in Section 4.2 to the Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Elements described in Section 3.3.3. Table 4.2.1 Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs by SWPPP Element Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-56 EleMen t#1 Element 42 Element#5 Element#6 Element#S Element#9 Element#11 Element#12 Element#13 Preserve Establish Stabilize Protect Low BMPorElementNam Stabilize Protect Control Maintain Manage the VegetationlMark Construction Soils Slopes Channels Pollutants BMPs Project Impact Clearing Limits Access and Outlets Development BMPC101: Preserving Natural Vegetation ✓ BMPC102: Bufferlones ✓ ✓ BMPC103: High Visibility Plasticor Metal ✓ ✓ Fence BMPC105: Stabilized Construction ✓ Entrance i Exit BMP C106: Wheel Wash ✓ BMPC107: Construction RoadlParbng ✓ Area Stabilization BMP C120: Temporary and Permanent ✓ ✓ Seeding BMPC121: Mulching ✓ ✓ BMPC122: Nets and Blankets ✓ ✓ ✓ BMPC123: PlasticCovering ✓ BMP C124: Sodding ✓ BMP C125: TopsoilinglComposting ✓ BMP C126: Polyacrylandefor Soil Erosion ✓ Protection BMPC130: Surface Roughening ✓ ✓ BMPC131: 6 radient Terraces ✓ ✓ BMP C140: Dust Control ✓ BMP C150: Materials On Hand ✓ ✓ BMP C151: Concrete Handling ✓ BMP C152: Saweutting and Surfacing ✓ Pollution Prevention BMPC153: Material Delivery, Storage and ✓ Containment BMPC154: Concrete Washout Area ✓ BMP C160: Certified Erosion and ✓ ✓ Sed ImentControl Lead BMPC162: Scheduling ✓ Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-56 Standards accumulation during and after each runoff producing rainfall. Sediment shall be removed when it reaches one half the height of the dam. • Anticipate submergence and deposition above the triangular silt dam and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dam. Immediately repair any damage or any undercutting of the dam. BMP C209: Outlet Protection Purpose Outlet protection prevents scour at conveyance outlets and minimizes the potential for downstream erosion by reducing the velocity of concentrated stormwater flows. Conditions of use Outlet protection is required at the outlets of all ponds, pipes, ditches, or other conveyances, and where runoff is conveyed to a natural or manmade drainage feature such as a stream, wetland, lake, or ditch. Design and The receiving channel at the outlet of a culvert shall be protected from Installation erosion by rock lining a minimum of 6 feet downstream and extending up Specifications the channel sides a minimum of 1—foot above the maximum tailwater elevation or 1 -foot above the crown, whichever is higher. For large pipes (more than 18 inches in diameter), the outlet protection lining of the channel is lengthened to four times the diameter of the culvert. • Standard wingwalls, and tapered outlets and paved channels should also be considered when appropriate for permanent culvert outlet protection. (See WSDOT Hydraulic Manual, available through WSDOT Engineering Publications). • Organic or synthetic erosion blankets, with or without vegetation, are usually more effective than rock, cheaper, and easier to install. Materials can be chosen using manufacturer product specifications. ASTM test results are available for most products and the designer can choose the correct material for the expected flow. • With low flows, vegetation (including sod) can be effective. • The following guidelines shall be used for riprap outlet protection: 1. If the discharge velocity at the outlet is less than 5 fps (pipe slope less than 1 percent), use 2 -inch to 8 -inch riprap. Minimum thickness is 1 -foot. 2. For 5 to 10 fps discharge velocity at the outlet (pipe slope less than 3 percent), use 24 -inch to 48 -inch riprap. Minimum thickness is 2 feet. 3. For outlets at the base of steep slope pipes (pipe slope greater than 10 percent), an engineered energy dissipater shall be used. Filter fabric or erosion control blankets should always be used under riprap to prevent scour and channel erosion. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-78 New pipe outfalls can provide an opportunity for low-cost fish habitat improvements. For example, an alcove of low-velocity water can be created by constructing the pipe outfall and associated energy dissipater back from the stream edge and digging a channel, over - widened to the upstream side, from the outfall. Overwintering juvenile and migrating adult salmonids may use the alcove as shelter during high flows. Bank stabilization, bioengineering, and habitat features may be required for disturbed areas. This work may require a HPA. See Volume V for more information on outfall system design. Maintenance • Inspect and repair as needed. Standards . Add rock as needed to maintain the intended function. • Clean energy dissipater if sediment builds up. BMP C220: Storm Drain Inlet Protection Purpose Storm drain inlet protection prevents coarse sediment from entering drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area. Conditions of Use Use storm drain inlet protection at inlets that are operational before permanent stabilization of the disturbed drainage area. Provide protection for all storm drain inlets downslope and within 500 feet of a disturbed or construction area, unless conveying runoff entering catch basins to a sediment pond or trap. Also consider inlet protection for lawn and yard drains on new home construction. These small and numerous drains coupled with lack of gutters in new home construction can add significant amounts of sediment into the roof drain system. If possible delay installing lawn and yard drains until just before landscaping or cap these drains to prevent sediment from entering the system until completion of landscaping. Provide 18 -inches of sod around each finished lawn and yard drain. Table 4.2.2 lists several options for inlet protection. All of the methods for storm drain inlet protection tend to plug and require a high frequency of maintenance. Limit drainage areas to one acre or less. Possibly provide emergency overflows with additional end -of -pipe treatment where stormwater ponding would cause a hazard. Volume H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-79 Design and Excavated Drop Inlet Protection - An excavated impoundment around the Installation storm drain. Sediment settles out of the stormwater prior to entering the Specifications storm drain. • Provide a depth of 1-2 ft as measured from the crest of the inlet structure. • Slope sides of excavation no steeper than 2H: IV. • Minimum volume of excavation 35 cubic yards. • Shape basin to fit site with longest dimension oriented toward the longest inflow area. • Install provisions for draining to prevent standing water problems. • Clear the area of all debris. • Grade the approach to the inlet uniformly. • Drill weep holes into the side of the inlet. • Protect weep holes with screen wire and washed aggregate. • Seal weep holes when removing structure and stabilizing area. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-80 Table 4.2.2 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Applicable for Type of Inlet Emergency Paved/ Earthen Protection Overflow Surfaces Conditions of Use Drop Inlet Protection Excavated drop inlet Yes, Earthen Applicable for heavy flows. Easy protection temporary to maintain. Large area flooding will Requirement: 30'X 30'/acre occur Block and gravel drop Yes Paved or Earthen Applicable for heavy concentrated inlet protection flows. Will not pond. Gravel and wire drop No Applicable for heavy concentrated inlet protection flows. Will pond. Can withstand traffic. Catch basin filters Yes Paved or Earthen Frequent maintenance required. Curb Inlet Protection Curb inlet protection Small capacity Paved Used for sturdy, more compact with a wooden weir overflow installation. Block and gravel curb Yes Paved Sturdy, but limited filtration. inlet protection Culvert Inlet Protection Culvert inlet sediment 18 month expected life. trap Design and Excavated Drop Inlet Protection - An excavated impoundment around the Installation storm drain. Sediment settles out of the stormwater prior to entering the Specifications storm drain. • Provide a depth of 1-2 ft as measured from the crest of the inlet structure. • Slope sides of excavation no steeper than 2H: IV. • Minimum volume of excavation 35 cubic yards. • Shape basin to fit site with longest dimension oriented toward the longest inflow area. • Install provisions for draining to prevent standing water problems. • Clear the area of all debris. • Grade the approach to the inlet uniformly. • Drill weep holes into the side of the inlet. • Protect weep holes with screen wire and washed aggregate. • Seal weep holes when removing structure and stabilizing area. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-80 • Build a temporary dike, if necessary, to the down slope side of the structure to prevent bypass flow. Block and Gravel Filter - A barrier formed around the storm drain inlet with standard concrete blocks and gravel. See Figure 4.2.8. • Provide a height of 1 to 2 feet above inlet. • Recess the first row 2 -inches into the ground for stability. • Support subsequent courses by placing a 2x4 through the block opening. • Do not use mortar. • Lay some blocks in the bottom row on their side for dewatering the pool. • Place hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with �/z-inch openings over all block openings. • Place gravel just below the top of blocks on slopes of 2H: IV or flatter. • An alternative design is a gravel donut. • Provide an inlet slope of 3H: IV. • Provide an outlet slope of 2H: IV. • Provide al -foot wide level stone area between the structure and the inlet. • Use inlet slope stones 3 inches in diameter or larger. • Use gravel 1/2- to 3/4 -inch at a minimum thickness of 1 -foot for the outlet slope. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-81 entering the buffer, or additional perimeter protection must be installed. BMP C235: Wattles Purpose Wattles are temporary erosion and sediment control barriers consisting of straw, compost, or other material that is wrapped in biodegradable tubular plastic or similar encasing material. They reduce the velocity and can spread the flow of rill and sheet runoff, and can capture and retain sediment. Wattles are typically 8 to 10 inches in diameter and 25 to 30 feet in length. Wattles are placed in shallow trenches and staked along the contour of disturbed or newly constructed slopes. See Figure 4.2.14 for typical construction details. WSDOT Standard Plan I-30.30-00 also provides information on Wattles (hLtp://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Design/Standards/Plans.htm#Sectionl) Conditions of Use Use wattles: • In disturbed areas that require immediate erosion protection. • On exposed soils during the period of short construction delays, or over winter months. • On slopes requiring stabilization until permanent vegetation can be established. • The material used dictates the effectiveness period of the wattle. Generally, Wattles are typically effective for one to two seasons. • Prevent rilling beneath wattles by properly entrenching and abutting wattles together to prevent water from passing between them. Design Criteria Install wattles perpendicular to the flow direction and parallel to the slope contour. • Narrow trenches should be dug across the slope on contour to a depth of 3- to 5 -inches on clay soils and soils with gradual slopes. On loose soils, steep slopes, and areas with high rainfall, the trenches should be dug to a depth of 5- to 7- inches, or 1/2 to 2/3 of the thickness of the wattle. • Start building trenches and installing wattles from the base of the slope and work up. Spread excavated material evenly along the uphill slope and compacted using hand tamping or other methods. • Construct trenches at intervals of 10- to 25 -feet depending on the steepness of the slope, soil type, and rainfall. The steeper the slope the closer together the trenches. • Install the wattles snugly into the trenches and abut tightly end to end. Do not overlap the ends. • Install stakes at each end of the wattle, and at 4 -foot centers along entire length of wattle. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-95 • If required, install pilot holes for the stakes using a straight bar to drive holes through the wattle and into the soil. • Wooden stakes should be approximately 3/4 x 3/4 x 24 inches min. Willow cuttings or 3/8 -inch rebar can also be used for stakes. • Stakes should be driven through the middle of the wattle, leaving 2 to 3 inches of the stake protruding above the wattle. Maintenance • Wattles may require maintenance to ensure they are in contact with Standards soil and thoroughly entrenched, especially after significant rainfall on steep sandy soils. Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-96 3'-4' (1.2m) Straw Rolls Must Be Placed Along/VA Slope Contours] Adjacent rolls shall tightly abut 10'-25' (3-8m) r Spacing Depends on Soil Type and /���� Sediment, organic matter, Slope Steepness �'% and native seeds are captured behind the rolls. Live 3"-5" (75-125mm) 8"-10" DIA. (200-250mm) �-/ 1" X 1" Stake t to scale (25 x 25mm) NOTE: 1. Straw roll installation requires the placement and secure staking of the roll in a trench, Y-5" (75-125mm) deep, dug on contour. runoff must not be allowed to run under or around roll. Figure 4.2.14 — Wattles Volume II Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - August 2012 4-97 C. Correspondence Ecology EPA Lakewood Water District Contractor (TBD) 31 D. Site Inspection Form 32 Project Name Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Permit # Inspection Date Name of Certified Erosion Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) or qualified inspector if less than one acre Print Name: Approximate rainfall amount since the last inspection (in inches): Approximate rainfall amount in the last 24 hours (in inches): Current Weather Clear ❑ Cloudy ❑ Mist ❑ Rain ❑ Wind ❑ Fog ❑ A. Type of inspection: Weekly ❑ Post Storm Event ❑ Other ❑ B. Phase of Active Construction (check all that apply): Time Pre Construction/installation of erosion/sediment Clearing/Demo/Grading Infrastructure/storm/roads controls Concrete pours Vertical Utilities Construction/buildings Offsite improvements Site temporary stabilized Final stabilization C. Questions: 1. Were all areas of construction and discharge points inspected? Yes No 2. Did you observe the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, or oil sheen _ Yes No 3. Was a water quality sample taken during inspection? (refer to permit conditions S4 & S5) _ Yes No 4. Was there a turbid discharge 250 NTU or greater, or Transparency 6 cm or less?* _ Yes No 5. If yes to #4 was it reported to Ecology? _ Yes No 6. Is pH sampling required? pH range required is 6.5 to 8.5. _ Yes No If answering yes to a discharge, describe the event. Include when, where, and why it happened; what action was taken, and when. *If answering yes to # 4 record NTU/Transparency with continual sampling daily until turbidity is 25 NTU or less/ transparency is 33 cm or greater. Sampling Results: Date: Parameter Method (circle one) Result Other/Note NTU cm I pH Turbidity tube, meter, laboratory pH Paper, kit, meter Page 1 Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form D. Check the observed status of all items. Provide "Action Required "details and dates. Element # Inspection BMPs BMP needs BMP Action Inspected maintenance failed required (describe in yes no n/a section F) 1 Before beginning land disturbing Clearing activities are all clearing limits, Limits natural resource areas (streams, wetlands, buffers, trees) protected with barriers or similar BMPs? (high visibility recommended) 2 Construction access is stabilized Construction with quarry spalls or equivalent Access BMP to prevent sediment from being tracked onto roads? Sediment tracked onto the road way was cleaned thoroughly at the end of the day or more frequent as necessary. 3 Are flow control measures installed Control Flow to control stormwater volumes and Rates velocity during construction and do they protect downstream properties and waterways from erosion? If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, are they protected from siltation? 4 All perimeter sediment controls Sediment (e.g. silt fence, wattles, compost Controls socks, berms, etc.) installed, and maintained in accordance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters etc.) have been constructed and functional as the first step of grading. Stormwater runoff from disturbed areas is directed to sediment removal BMP. 5 Have exposed un -worked soils Stabilize been stabilized with effective BMP Soils to prevent erosion and sediment deposition? Page 2 Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Element # Inspection BMPs BMP needs BMP Action Inspected maintenance failed required yes no n/a (describe in section F) 5 Are stockpiles stabilized from erosion, Stabilize Soils protected with sediment trapping Cont. measures and located away from drain inlet, waterways, and drainage channels? Have soils been stabilized at the end of the shift, before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast? Has stormwater and ground water 6 been diverted away from slopes and Protect disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, Slopes pipes and or swales? Is off-site storm water managed separately from stormwater generated on the site? Is excavated material placed on uphill side of trenches consistent with safety and space considerations? Have check dams been placed at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope? 7 Storm drain inlets made operable Drain Inlets during construction are protected. Are existing storm drains within the influence of the project protected? 8 Have all on-site conveyance channels Stabilize been designed, constructed and Channel and stabilized to prevent erosion from Outlets expected peak flows? Is stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes and downstream conveyance systems? 9 Are waste materials and demolition Control debris handled and disposed of to Pollutants prevent contamination of stormwater? Has cover been provided for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other material? Has secondary containment been provided capable of containing 110% of the volume? Were contaminated surfaces cleaned immediately after a spill incident? Were BMPs used to prevent contamination of stormwater by a pH modifying sources? Page 3 Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Element # Inspection BMPs BMP needs BMP Action Inspected maintenance failed required yes no n/a (describe in section F) 9 Wheel wash wastewater is handled Cont. and disposed of properly. 10 Concrete washout in designated areas. Control No washout or excess concrete on the Dewatering ground. Dewatering has been done to an approved source and in compliance with the SWPPP. Were there any clean non turbid dewatering discharges? 11 Are all temporary and permanent Maintain erosion and sediment control BMPs BMP maintained to perform as intended? 12 Has the project been phased to the Manage the maximum degree practicable? Project Has regular inspection, monitoring and maintenance been performed as required by the permit? Has the SWPPP been updated, implemented and records maintained? 13 Is all Bioretention and Rain Garden Protect LID Facilities protected from sedimentation with appropriate BMPs? Is the Bioretention and Rain Garden protected against over compaction of construction equipment and foot traffic to retain its infiltration capabilities? Permeable pavements are clean and free of sediment and sediment laden - water runoff. Muddy construction equipment has not been on the base material or pavement. Have soiled permeable pavements been cleaned of sediments and pass infiltration test as required by stormwater manual methodology? Heavy equipment has been kept off existing soils under LID facilities to retain infiltration rate. E. Check all areas that have been inspected. ✓ All in place BMPs ❑ All disturbed soils ❑ All concrete wash out area ❑ All material storage areas All discharge locations ❑ All equipment storage areas ❑ All construction entrances/exits ❑ Page 4 Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form F. Elements checked "Action Required" (section D) describe corrective action to be taken. List the element number; be specific on location and work needed. Document, initial, and date when the corrective action has been completed and inspected. Element # Description and Location Action Required Completion Initials Date Attach additional page if needed Sign the following certification: "I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief" Inspected by: (print) Title/Qualification of Inspector: (Signature) Date: Page 5 (R) YELM COMMUNITY the Optimal Building Size THRIVING YMCA Central Location FORMULA FOR SUCCESS Utilitarian Program Spaces Community Co -Creation THRIVING YMCA $20,000,000 ) 30,000 sq/ft Local Philanthropy $1M - $2M Regional Foundations $'11111-$2M State Funding $3M Bonds $15M - $18M RIGHT PEOPLE Identifying and engaging with the individuals or organizations most likely to support your cause. RIGHT PR07ECT Presenting 'a compelling project or cause that aligns with the interests and values of potential donors. RIGHT AMOUNT Asking for a financial contribution that is appropriate to the donor's capacity and level of interest. RIGHT MIX Utilizing the most effective funding stack of private philanthropy, foundations, and government financing to complete the project. RIGHT TIMING Choosing the optimal time to ask for funding, considering factors like economic climate. personal circumstances, and community needs. Case for Building a YMCA in City of Yelm Introduction: Yelm offers a unique blend of serene landscapes and vibrant community life. Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, it's a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and a thriving hub for local culture and events. Yelm's welcoming atmosphere makes it a perfect destination for both adventure and relaxation. And yet we struggle with a shortage of resources and support, it's becoming increasingly difficult for families to find the help they need. Problem Statement: Our kids are struggling with rising rates of mental health issues, anxiety, bullying, and isolation. These challenges have a profound impact on their ability to succeed in school and beyond. At the same time, families are facing increasing difficulties in providing support and resources for their children, leading to growing stress and anxiety for everyone involved. The community is also grappling with issues of homelessness, division, violence, and scarcity, with a growing number of people in need of support and resources. These problems are complex and interrelated, and they require a comprehensive, community -wide solution. Solution: The YMCA is a well-established and respected organization that has been providing support and resources to communities across the country for over 180 years. With a focus on health and wellness, community building, and social responsibility, the Y is uniquely positioned to bring communities together so everyone can thrive! A YMCA in City of Yelm would provide a safe and welcoming space for kids, families, and community members to come together, build relationships, and access the resources and support they need. With programs focused on physical wellness, healthy living, and community engagement, the YMCA provides kids with the tools they need to overcome mental health issues, anxiety, bullying, and isolation. For families, the Y offers support and resources to help them navigate the challenges of raising children in today's world. With programs focused on family wellness, education, and financial stability, the YMCA would provide families with the tools they need to build strong, healthy, and resilient families. For the community, the YMCA provides a space for people to come together, build relationships, and work towards a common goal of creating a stronger, more connected community. For the community, the Y provides a space for people to come together, build relationships, and work towards a common goal of creating a stronger, more connected community. Stakeholder town halls and surveys will be conducted to get the exact YMCA that Yelm wants and needs. With programs focused on community engagement, volunteerism, and social responsibility, the Y brings people together to address the challenges of homelessness, division, violence, and scarcity, and work towards a brighter future for all. Why Now: The need for a Y in Yelm has never been greater. With rising rates of mental health issues, anxiety, bullying, and isolation among kids, struggling families, and growing social division and violence, the time to act is now. With so many lakes and rivers nearby, children have nowhere near to learn how to swim. Besides creating the first public swimming pool in Yelm, the Y provides new recreational and social activities for the entire family. By taking the request to the people to build a YMCA in Yelm, we have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of kids, families, and the community as a whole. 2023 / Yelm YMCA ietics & Attitude - Architecture JAL DESIGN th' E, bcra nd Floor Plan JAL DESIGN --77 Z pose Gymnasium c"T Stair t h 7XIVIV 11 bcra "ZIP �4 11 11 � - I TIP Cardio Cr �(,;- Natatorium