02 06 2024 Yelm City Council Study Session AgendaEST. 1924
February 6, 2024 6:00 pm
Study Sessions are held in-person at Yelm City Hall 106 2nd Street SE Yelm, WA 98597
and virtually on Zoom on the first Tuesday of each month.
Registration is required to attend virtually by selecting the link below:
haps://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN e3JbvD8sSLm3sGXA9s71 g
1. Discussion Items
a. Thurston Economic Development Council Presentation
b. Discussion — 640 Acres Updates
c. Prairie Line Trail 2B Contract
d. Boards & Commission Discussion
2. Mayor's Report
3. Councilmember Initiatives
Upcoming Meetings —
Virtual & In Person Council Meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 2024 and Tuesday, February 27, 2024 meeting Information.
All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed on YouTube, or a copy may be purchased
by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816.
It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person
with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government
processes or activities, please contact Kathy Linnemeyer, at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to the
scheduled event.
The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.velmwa.gov.
Current Practice
Mayor Appoints/Council
Parks Advisory Committee
Mayor Appoints/Council
Tree Advisory Board
Mayor Appoints/Council
Historic Preservation Commission
Mayor Appoints/Council
Yelm Library Board - Inactive
Mayor Appoints/Council
Arts Commission
Mayor Appoints/Council
Yelm Police Advisory Committee
Mayor Appoints/Council
Homelessness Committee
Mayor Appoints/Council
RCW 35.63.020 - appointed by the mayor or chair of the municipality and
Planning Commission
confirmed by the council or board.
RCW 41.12.030 - shall be appointed by the person or group of persons who,
Mayor Appoints/Council
iacting singly or in conjunction, as a mayor, city manager, council, common
Civil Service Commission
council, commission, or otherwise, is or are vested by law with the power and
_authority to select appoint, or employ the chief of a police department
RCW 67.28.1817 - appointed by the legislative body of the municipality. The
Mayor Appoints/Council
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
appointing authority shall review the membership of the advisory committee
annually and make changes as appropriate.
I Mayor Appoints/Council
RCW 35.21.015 - Shall be appointed by the mayor with approval of the city
Salary Commission
I RCWs > Title 35 =
41.12a020 41.12.040
PDF RCl►i1f 41.12.030
Civil service comR-nission _.Appointment—Terms--Removal—QLrortrm.
There is hRreby created in every city, town ;or rnr.rnirip�alit~y except those re -erred to in RC1N 41.12.010, having fully paid police officers �i civil service
comrriss!on which shall be composed of three persoris-
The members of such commission shall b-2 -appt;inted by the person r. -r -, ip ri- oersons who, acting singly or in conjunction, as a mayor. city
n,,anla2oi, council, c.-rrnmora council, or other%vi'- e. ar Jlfe v=-_ 1--, J iq lavi with the pov,,er and atrtnQr ity to select, appoint. Or employ the
Chief o" a Police department in any such rli `, Prior to Che er'actment O' chi: (_i -aptet . The meml eFS Of SUCh corrn-Ission shall SerVe withOUt
t_f]ri'pensitlon. NO person shall be appointeda member of sr_ Ch commission who is not a c1izen of the United State,:, a resident of st.rch city `car at least
three year} irrmediately preceding such al)pointment, varad an elector. a` the co�inty .vlterefn ne or sne resides. The term of office of such commissioners
shall be for six years, except that the first three members of such commission shall be appointer) fro,- different terms, as follows-. One to serve for a
period or two years, one to serve `cr a period of four vears. and one to serve `tar a perioc of six years. Any member of such commission may be
remover from office for incompetency, incomp,:;tibi1it/ or dereliction of clary, or T-aifeas ince in office, or other good cause! PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That
no member o" the cc+mrnission hail he remover) unui rharges have been preferred, in writing, due notice and a full hearing hid, The mernbers of Such
comirission shall devote due time and attention to the performance of tine eludes hereinafter siaeci`iecr and irnposed upOP them try this chapter. Two
rrembers of such commission shall constitute a clucrun- .and the votes of any two members of such commission concurring shall be sufficient for the
decis+on of all matters and the transaction cold all husiness to be decided or transacted by the commission under or lay virtue of the provisions of this
chapter. Confirrration of said appointment o,. appointments of rsoTmissioners by .any legis'�,tive body small not be required. At the time of any
appointment not more than t•Jvo com miss overs shall be adherents of t4,e sante political I}arty.
2007 c 218 § 11, 1937 C 13 § 3, RRS S SIS-Dd•a-3.1
RCWs > Title til = Chapter 67.28 section 67.28.1817 Print
67.28.1816 r 67.25.183
P101: RCW 67.28A817
Lodging tax advisory committee in large municipalities --Submission of proposal for imposition of or change in tax or use
(1 ) Before proposin} wpos!tion of i ne�A4 rax Under this r_.a._Ipter, ari inr�•r?ase in the rare of a tax imposed under this chapter, repeeal of an
exempuon from a tax imposed under this chapter, or a Change ire the :rse of revenue rece veci under this chapter, ; municipality with a population of five
thousand or more shall establish 3 lodging tax advisory committee under this section. A lodging tax advisory committee shall consist of at least five
members, appointed by the legislative body of the rrunidpality, unless the MUnicipality has a 0 ar`ter providing `or a different appointment authority.
The committee membership shall inrlude: (a) At least two mPm1)ers who are representative, of i,rrsine,ses required to collect tax under this chapter,
and (h) at least twomembers vvhn are persons Involved ir) activities Aphorized to be fr;i-ded by reVQnUe received under this chapter. Persons who are
eligible for appoints gent under (a) of this subsection are not eligible for appointment under (b) of this subsection. Persons who are eligible for
appointment under (b) of This=. subsection are not eligible For aopolntment under (.a) of this SUi3sectior.. organizations representing businesses reCluired
to collect tax under this chapter. organizations involved in activities authorized to lie runded by revenge received under this chapter, and local agencies
involved in tourism promotion may sr_rr)mit rer cirrmeitriations for membership ori the comtaaittee. The number of members who are representatives of
businesses recl.rrred to r:ollect tax Wider th's chapter shall �?(Iual the 1 -amber of meiW)ers who are inV0IVP_d ill aCtIVIties authorlZed to be funded by
revenue 1'eceIVE20 under this cl'ai)ter. One rriernber shall he ars elected official of the nmunfcli)ality .bloc) .small serve as chair of the Committee. An advisory
corr'rrittee for a coi_trt/ may-oclude one nonvoting memopr v4ho Is an elected off cial of a city or town iia the County. An advisory coii)mittee for a city or
town may 4-clude one nonvoting member v-iho ,s an elected o fic-a o` tyre courty in wHch the city or town is located. The appointing authority shall
review the membership of the Advisory cornrnittee annually And make changes as approprlate.
(2) finy municipality that proposes imposition o` a rax Under ti -;is chapter, an increase in the rate of a tax imposer: under this chanter, repeal of an
exemption from a tax in -too. -ed under this chariter. ora change ir' the j5e of reeren+_€e received t.tnder- this chapter shall suorrrit the prUaosal to the
lodging tax advisory committee ;or rev'ew and con-ment. The submission shall occur at least fortyflve Clay:, before final action oil or passage of the
proposal by the rn,.rniapaiity. The advisors} committee shall submit comments or: the proposal in a timely manner through generally applicable pubilC
comiren' procedures. The f_omments shall include an analysis of the extent to which the proposal will accommodate activities for tourists or increase
toorisrr, and the extent to which the proposal vvill affect the long term stanility n` the fund created Linder RCW 67.28.1815. Failure of the advisory
committee to subm;t commefits before final action or or passage of the proposal shall riot prevent the MUNCIpality `rom acting on the proposal. A
w-unicipality is not required to Submit an amended proposal to an advisory committee under this section.
(1998c35§ 3; 1997c452E5.1
RCWs r Title 35 > Chapter .35.21 Section 35.21.015
35.21.010 35.21.024
PDF RCC 35.21.015
Salary commissions.
(1) Salaries rrr electees officials of fo,&r.s and cities may he set hy salary commissions established In accordance wlth city charter or by ordinance
and in conforrrr-ity with this Section.
(2; The mernL er5 of such coirrn*sion s shall in accnrclalice with the provislors of a city] charter, or as specified in this subsection:
(a) Shall be appointed by tlw rrayor with approval of the city council:
(b) tvlay not be appointed to more than tiwo terris;
(c) klay only be removed during their- terms of o~fire for cause of incapacity, incompetence, neglect of dirty, or malfeasance in office or {or a
disquai+fying change of residence: and
(d) May riot include any officer, official, or employee a` rhe city or towil 01' ally of their immediate Family member s. "Immediate family member" as
used in this subsection means the parents, shouse, siblings, children, or dependent relatives of rhe officer, official, or employee, whether or riot living in
the hoi_iseholrl of the o`fir.er, official, or emplolvee.
(31 Any chane in salaiv shall be filed l)y the cr_ mmissinn t}J'th the city rlerk and shall becr�mr- effective and incorporated into this city or gown
budget without further action of the city council or salary cornn-rrs,ton.
(4; Salary increases e>tabkshed by the conarriission shalt be effective as to ,311 city or town elected officials. r•egarciless of their term, of office.
45) Salary decreases estaL)iished by the r_o rmission s ail tern ne effective as to Incumbent city or town elected officials at the commencement of
their -text subsequert terms of office.
06; Salary increases a-irl der-rpa yes shall be to ro4erenclum petition icy the people of the town or- city in the same manner as a city
ordinance upon filing of such petition v th the city clerk within th rty rlays alter Ilirg of the salary schedule. in the event of the filing of a valid
referendum petition, the :;a,'ary increase or, decrease sial: ret go into etfeCt Lint'I aPDI' rets by volts? of the People.
(7' Referendum rneasure. under this se£t'on Shalt be submitted to the votar_ of the city or town at the next following general ar municipal
election oc:cur•ring thirt�j days or irore <afrar the petition is Wed, and shall he otheivyrise governess oy the provisions of the state C.orstitution, or' city
charter, or laws gere•-ally AplAc.;ible to referendr.rm measures.
( ; The action Axing tine salary by a commission Qst,;iblished it) conforn7rty vilth th;s se(t=on sisal' supersede any other provision of state stature or
city or town ordinance related to ilutli=appal bucdget;5 or to the fixing of salaries.
(9) Salaries =or mayor) and councilrrlembers estahli;lied sander an ordinance or charter provislac in existence Cil J,,ily 22, 2001, that substantially
cowplips with this yect;on shall remail) ill effect rrrile ss and Until changed ir•i arcordanre with such charter- provision or ordiranre.
C 2001 t 73 § 4.1
Distributed to City Council during the Thurston EDC Presentation 02/06/2024
Yelm City Council Study Session
From: Thurston EDC
Date: February 6, 2024
RE: EDC Draft Work Plan and Discussion Points
The following is intended to provide a guide for a strategic discussion of developing and implementing a
scope of work in support of the City of Yelm's economic development strategies. It is noted that the
EDC operates a number of entrepreneurial platforms — these are found within the auspices of the EDC's
Center for Business & Innovation. For simplicity, and for the sake of ease of clarity, these are to be
considered as part of the work the umbrella organization, The Thurston Economic Development Council.
Each year, the Board of Directors adopts an operational budget and associated work plan that is based
on the three main concepts of "recruit investment and employers into the region," "retain the existing
employment and economic activities of the region," and "expand market and business
opportunities/knowledge and resources for our region." The following is tendered based upon these
three central work components of the organization.
Ongoing promotion of the region as a destination for the location of new employers seeking out to
invest/locate new operational facilities.
1. To facilitate this, the EDC does contract with a national site selector firm that provides leads and
direct contacts with decision makers and or site selectors. The EDC staff will ensure that Yelm
opportunities are part of the promotional efforts.
a. The EDC has a contractual relationship with the WA State Department of Commerce, as
the designated lead economic development agency for Thurston County, to receive and
process industrial/commercial leads that are pushed through the state system. The EDC
will ensure that Yelm resources and opportunities are represented within this work.
b. To ensure that the EDC team has the most up to date and current information of
development opportunities, will work with the city staff to create a working knowledge
set of such opportunities.
2. The EDC will utilize the commercial strategic plan that was commissioned by the City of the EDC,
and completed prior to target opportunities.
A significant component of the strategy of "retaining" businesses is the utilization of the strategic
entrepreneurial ecosystem. This work component has the platforms found within the CB&I.
1. Provide full spectrum entrepreneurial assistance that stimulates new enterprise development
and ensures continued success as businesses grow.
Utilize the operational platforms of the following identified platforms:
L WA Center for Women in Business — the focus of the WCWB is to mentor and
support through coaching and counseling women entrepreneurs.
ii. BEST— the program is Business Entrepreneurial Startup Training — will provide
a limited amount of scholarships to local entrepreneurs
iii. Business Resource Hotline — this hotline was established to provide real time
supportive direction Monday through Friday with an EDC/CB&I team member.
This hotline will need to be promoted through the different mechanisms of the
city and Yelm Chamber of Commerce.
iv. City of Yelm Business Growth and Support — will provide a limited number of
scholarships into the myriad of resources of the CB&I.
v. Green Business Startup Training — will provide a training tailored to the unique
aspects of starting an environmentally responsible/friendly business.
vi. Market Research —the EDC has the ability to provide market research that can
provide businesses access to economic data and subject matter expertise for the
local and regional economy. Research can provide businesses with anything
from setting employee wages to industry trends and consumer demand.
vii. ScaleUp Business Training - This advanced business training is delivered through
3 key components: The ScaleUp Washington online learning environment, live
instructional sessions with peer roundtable discussions, and direct mentorship
through our weekly Study Hall program.
Promotion and awareness of these programs must be a joint effort between the City, the EDC and the
local Yelm Chamber of Commerce. The EDC vJll work to 1211sure that the Chaniher of Commerce is well
aware of these programs and will when possible, work to co -brand these programs so that the local
business community has a local tie-in to the resources of the Chamber of Commerce.
The EDC has developed one the nation's premier government contracting program — designed to ensure
that local businesses have every opportunity to access and secure contracts at the federal, state and
local levels. This ro ram is the EDC's APEX Accelerator (formerly known as PTAC). The staff will be
available to the local business community — and will work to ensure that the program is broadcast to the
local community.
STEDI — South Thurston Economic Develo ment Initiative —this effort, launched by the EDC in 2012 is
focused on ensuring that resources are brought to the south -Thurston county communities. These
resources should be considered as a leverage tool that would enable the city pursue many of its goals
for a strong, vibrant and inclusive economy. The EDC has a staff member, George Sharp — Rural
Programs Manager — that will work to ensure that the agenda of the STEDI program is inclusive of the
priorities of Yelm. These could include grant development, rural conferences, workforce, inventory of
development or redevelopment parcels, WA CERB grants and or funding, business technical assistance
and other major components of community development the city is desirous of pursuing.
Worlc_with Yelm partners —the EDC will ensure that economic development activities and efforts are
coordinated with existing partners — either via STEDI or other efforts — inclusive and potentially with the
Port of Olympia, Agriculture Food Hub, WA State Department of Commerce, Yelm Chamber of
Commerce, county Commissioners, etc.
Review of the cit)(s Economic Develo meet Strategy — the EDC was asked to work with the city staff
several years ago to create an economic development strategy. This document is now four years old —
and should be refreshed. The EDC staff will work with the City to review and update the strategic
elements and implementation strategies. Where feasible and appropriate will begin to incorporate
components into the work effort.
Intro to Business
Pninit (Pearl) Yedidia
Intro to Business
Ronni Squire
Maureen Seymour
Jessica Whitney
Susie Kyle
Irene Bulindah
Joshua Crossman
Target Zone Startup Grant
Yen Ju Lin
TS: Small Biz Grant
Shannon Paulos
TS: Small Biz Grant
TS: Small Biz Grant
Richard Berry
TS: Small Biz Grant
Margaret Currie -Granger
TS: Small Biz Grant
Laurie Mcclelland
TS: Small Biz Grant
Sonya EI Debssi
TS: Small Biz Grant
Gary Rurup
TS: Small Biz Grant
Kellie Petersen
TS: Small Biz Grant
Nancy Montan
TS: Small Biz Grant
Michael Beadle
TS: Small Biz Grant
tracy I brumfield
TS: Small Biz Grant
Giorda Elie
TS: Small Biz Grant
Tammi Stewart
TS: Small Biz Grant
Annie Malone
TS: Small Biz Grant
Nhu T Nguyen
TS: Small Biz Grant
TS: Small Biz Grant
TS: Small Biz Grant
Lynda Kofford-Di Kofford-Di Cicco
TS: Small Biz Grant
Justice Anderson
TS: Small Biz Grant
Steve Kankaala
TS: Small Biz Grant
Rebecca Perry
TS: Small Biz Grant
Jeanie Do
TS: Small Biz Grant
Karla Broschinski
TS: Small Biz Grant
Heidi Smith
TS: Small Biz Grant
Maryse McCusker
TS: Small Biz Grant
Pascale McCusker
TS: Small Biz Grant
Denbie Dreher
TS: Small Biz Grant
Petra S Szigeth-Bronstein
TS: Small Biz Grant
TS: Small Biz Grant
Yen Ju Lin
TS: Small Biz Grant
Thanh Le
TS: Small Biz Grant
Seven Bertoglio
Business Name
That CBD Kitty
Local Flavors Market
Adult Family Home (Healthcare)
PTL Hardwood Floors LLC
Kawaii Donut House
Shannon Paulos LLC, dba The U Wellness Center
Berry Electronics
Toning By Margaret
Scentual Nature
Mindful Brain Games
Shiplap Shop & Coffee House
Gordon's Garden Center
MMB Marketing, Inc
pioneer window cleaners, inc
Giorda E Inc.
PT2Excel, PLLC
woddogs Ilc
QT Spa Salon LLC
Toboton Creek Farm
Anderson Window Cleaning & Pressure Washing
Ghost Dog Tattoo Studio
ReBecca's Magic For Hair
Red Nails LLC
Tree of Life Enterprises Inc dba Bee Forever Apiary
Classy Copy DBA Sunheart Writing
Maryse Hair Design
Belle Vue Lashes and Skincare
Aolani's Natural Nails & Pedicures
Naturally Beautiful
Loving and Learning Early Education Center LLC
Red Lantern Asian Fusion
Yelm Nail Spa
Bertoglio's Pizza
Additionally, there were 5 coaching sessions with businesses from Yelm, 1 new business start, 1 business that saw an
increase in profits, and 1 business that obtained a new contract.