03 05 2024 Yelm City Council Study Session AgendaEST. 1924
March 5, 2024 6:00 pm
Study Sessions are held in-person at Yelm City Hall 106 2nd Street SE Yelm, WA 98597
and virtually on Zoom on the first Tuesday of each month.
Registration is required to attend virtually by selecting the link below:
haps://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN e3JbvQ8sSLm3sQXA9s71 g
1. Discussion Items
a. Clear Gov Budget Software
b. Yelm Loop Updates
c. Education Innovation Center (EIC) Grant Updates
d. 640 Acres RFQ Update
2. Mayor's Report
3. Councilmember Initiatives
Upcoming Meetings—
Virtual & In Person Council Meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 2024 and Tuesday, February 27, 2024 meeting Information.
All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed on YouTube, or a copy may be purchased
by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816.
It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person
with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government
processes or activities, please contact Kathy Linnemeyer, at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to the
scheduled event.
The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.velmwa.gov.
I '
EST. 1924
Meeting Date:
City of Yelm, Washington
ClearGov Budget Software
ACTION REQUESTED Approval to Purchase
The City's current financial software (BIAS) provides limited budgeting tools to create the biennial budget. It was
intended to be used for single year budgeting. Staff must utilize a mix of Excel, BIAS, Word, and Adobe to create
the end product, the budget book. A single change creates a stream of updates that must flow through the
entire process again from Excel through to Adobe. This process is cumbersome and difficult to manage with
input coming from several directions, including staff, the management team, and Council. It is an extreme
balancing act that has become increasingly difficult with the fast growth of the City.
Currently, there is no need to replace the entire financial system (BIAS), but we do need a better, more reliable,
and transparent budgeting tool. Finance has researched what other cities are using, reviewed several options,
and would like to bring forward ClearGov for Council consideration. ClearGov is currently being used by several
Washington Cities including Stanwood, Buckley, Newcastle, East Wenatchee and SeaTac.
Implementation is three months and initially, costs would be about $20,000 the first year and 26,000 annually
thereafter. Replacement of the city-wide financial system would cost significantly more.
Two recent quotes from a comparable City to replace the entire financial system:
1. Implementation $175,000, Annual $46,000, total year one $221,000
2. Implementation $330,000, Annual $103,000, total year one $433,000
If approved by March 2024, it would be implemented in time to use for the 2025-2026 biennial budget kicking
off in August of 2024.
Respectfully Submitted:
Stephanie Nanavich
Finance Director
Request for Proposal
The City of Yelm owns property as described and depicted in Exhibit A. The City of Yelm is
seeking proposals from qualified commercial real estate firms to provide real estate consulting and
brokerage services to support the future disposition and development of the property. The primary
objective of the assignment is to maximize the value and potential of the land for the benefit of the
community and stakeholders. The first phase of the work will be consultative in nature and focus
the assembly of the available and readily knowable information that describes the existing
conditions of the property. Further, to inform prospective buyers, the work will involve working
with the City to identify unknowns and characterize the regulatory pathway that will lead to
development permitting and approval. The second phase of the assignment will be to represent the
City in the marketing and disposition of the property.
Phase 1 — Real Estate Consulting:
1. Existing Conditions:
a. Collect all available property information that describes the existing conditions of the
property, including, but not limited to, its title and encumbrances, topography,
environmental features, infrastructure availability, and legal considerations.
b. Work with the City and its consultants to characterize master planning regulatory
process and milestones or timelines towards project approval.
c. Review available property information and identify information gaps and property
strengths and weaknesses.
2. Preparation for Disposition
a. Work with the City to refine the property disposition goals.
b. Establish buyer selection criteria and proposal rating scheme.
Phase 2 - Real Estate Brokerage:
The City will enter into an exclusive listing agreement for the sale of the property with the
The property listing scope of work will include, but is not limited to:
1. Prepare property marketing and communication plan.
2. Prepare property disposition procedures and standard transaction documents.
3. Prepare marketing tools and materials — electronic and print media, and website.
4. Execute the property disposition as stipulated in the marketing plan, under the timelines
set forth.
5. Evaluate offers and support developer selection.
6. Work with the City to negotiate transaction terms and conditions.
7. Monitor and support transaction(s) through contingency period(s) and closing.
Solicitation Timeline:
- Proposals must be submitted no later than April 8, 2024.
- The selected vendor will be notified by May 1, 2024.
- The project is expected to commence on May 7, 2024 and be completed with a presentation
to City Yelm Council on or before September 3, 2024.
Proposal Requirements:
Interested firms are requested to submit their proposals containing the following:
Firm profile
a. Short firm profile.
b. Discussion about the firm's experience and capability to market commercial properties
c. Company website address.
2. Resumes of the key service providers.
Relevant experience of key individual service providers, including summaries of at least
three similar projects completed.
4. Proposed changes in methodology or approach to the scope of work.
5. Detailed project timeline and deliverables schedule.
6. Proposed fees including itemized fees for each phase of the project.
7. References from past clients for similar projects.
Proposal Evaluation
Proposals will be evaluated and scored according to the following schedule:
1. Firm Profile
30 points
2. Key Service Provider Experience
30 points
3. Project Timeline
15 points
4. Proposed Budget
15 points
5. References
10 points
100 points
Please submit your proposal electronically to Todd Stancil, City Administrator, at
todds@yelmwa.gov no later than April 8, 2024 no later than 5:00 p.m... Any inquiries regarding
this RFP should also be directed to the aforementioned contact.
The City of Yelm appreciates your interest in assisting us with this important initiative. We look
forward to receiving your proposal and partnering with a qualified firm to maximize the value of
our city -owned land.