03 12 2024 Yelm City Council Agenda Packet - UpdatedWASH ti EST. 1924 N GTO N CITY COUNCIL AGENDA March 12, 2024 6:00 PM Yelm City Council meetings are held in-person at 106 2nd St SE Yelm, WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom. Registration is required to attend virtually; please use the link below to register. httns://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN u88iZLpPS W6fkEwlaTU2w 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDAAPPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS — NONE SCHEDULED 4. PUBLIC COMMENT—COMPLETE A BLUE SPEAKER'S CARD OR RAISE HAND VIRTUALLY 5. CONSENTAGENDA a) February 6, 2024 Study Session Minutes, February 13, 2024 and February 27, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes b) ClearGov Budget Software Approve to Purchase for $25,125 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Professional Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance for Design of the Prairie Line Trail Phase 2B Authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign the Professional Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance in the not to exceed amount of $352,815.47 for design services of the Prairie Line Trail Phase 2B. b) City Council Applicant Interviews 7. OLD BUSINESS — NONE SCHEDULED 6. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Safety Committee b) Public Services Committee c) Finance Committee 9. MAYOR/CITYADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS 10. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION —NONE SCHEDULED 12. ADjoURN 106 2nd ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed at www.yelmwa. ov or a copy maybe purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. Public Comment Guidelines: The City reserves up to five members of the public to address the Council at the beginning of regular business meetings on topics that are not on the agenda. Each speaker will be given 3 minutes and may be asked follow up questions by the Mayor or Council. Further public comment may be allowed on agenda topics as time permits. We ask that speakers use respectful language and remember they are speaking to fellow citizens of Yelm who are committed to listening and responding appropriately to citizens' concerns. Members of the public engaging in disruptive behavior may be removed or blocked from the meeting. Page 2 of 2 EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, February 6, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Pro -Tem Joshua Crossman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Holly Smith, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski, and Joe DePinto. Absent — Tracey Wood Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, and Public Services Director Cody Colt DISCUSSION ITEMS Thurston Economic Development Council Presentation — Heidi McCutcheon, George Sharp, Sean Moore and Even Parker gave a presentation and talked about the benefits of partnerships with cities, programs offered by the Economic Development Council and asked what the top priorities are for Yelm. 640 Acres Discussion — City Administrator Todd Stancil informed Council that the City would like to go out for a Request for Proposal (RFP) to receive recommendations on the path forward, the best uses for the property and how it can be best utilized. City Attorney Brent Dille gave a summary of how the City of Yelm acquired the property. Prairie Line Trail — Public Services Director Cody Colt reported on phase 1 Prairie Line Trail construction status. He also reported that the City of Yelm has received a grant for engineering of Phase 2B that will take the trail over the Nisqually River and into Pierce County. Boards & Commission Discussion — Council held a discussion on the appointment and selection process for volunteers who serve on City of Yelm Boards & Commissions. The City Council expressed that they would like more information on the candidates before confirming Mayor DePinto's appointments to include the application, a bio on the candidate and information on the Mayor's selection process. Mayor DePinto agreed to provide additional information on each applicant and on his selection process. Mayor Report — Mayor DePinto asked for feedback for the Council Retreat and stated that he would like to discuss updating the Mayor/Councilmember Handbook and Vision Planning. COUNCIL INITIATIVES Holly Smith —Announced her resignation from the City Council as of February 14, 2024 due to moving out of Yelm city limits. Brian Hess — Wants to start a Washington State Food is Free program in Yelm. Trevor Palmer— Would like to bring back the General Government committee to review the Mayor/Councilmember handbook and would like to review committees and which ones to keep and which ones to get rid of. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk FST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, February 13, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Holly Smith, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer and Public Services Director Cody Colt. APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Tracey Wood to add a discussion under New Business on the process to fill the vacant Council position #4. Seconded by Brian Hess Motion carried 6-1 Motion by Brian Hess to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0 CONSENT AGENDA: a) January 9, 2024 and January 23, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes b) December 2023 Check Register and Position Summary Motion by Brian Hess to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Holly Smith Motion carried 7-0 NEW BUSINESS: Ordinance No. 1110 Dog Park Rules Motion by Brian Hess to approve Ordinance No. 1110 amending Chapter 9.68 and adding the Off -leash Dog Park rules to the Yelm Municipal Code to be defined later. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0 Public Services Contract with C.H.G. Building Systems Inc. Motion by Tracey Wood to authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign the Public Services Contract with C.H.G. Building Systems Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $168,511.13 for the construction of a 10,400 square foot steel vehicle storage building at the Yelm Water Reclamation Facility. Seconded by Brian Hess Motion carried 7-0 Public Services Contract with Sphere Solar Motion by Trevor Palmer to authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign the Public Services Contract with Sphere Solar in the not to exceed amount of $316,800 including Washington State sales tax for the equipment, materials and installation of the Yelm Community Center solar and battery back-up system. Seconded by Holly Smith Motion carried 7-0 Filling Vacant Council Position #4 Motion by Brian Hess to utilize the ranked choice voting system to choose the appointment for position #4. Seconded by Joseph Richardson Motion failed with a roll call vote 2-5 Motion by Terry Kaminski to choose a candidate using a simple majority vote. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried with a roll call vote 6-1 STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Committee — Councilmember Smith reported that the Finance Committee met and discussed new software for budgeting. Public Safety Committee — Councilmember Hess reported that the Public Safety Committee met and discussed Yelm 101 presentations, wellness program, Flock camera system, new officers and received an update from the Fire Department. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator — City Administrator Todd Stancil reported that the Police Department participated in a joint training with the Nisqually Police Department and that they have hired two officers. He also gave the following updates from the Public Services Department: SE Reservoir construction will start in April, Phase 2 of the Yelm-Tenino trail has been completed, the dog park is nearing completion and that we are waiting for Puget Sound Energy to move power for the stage completion. Mayor DePinto — Gave a State of the Community at the Yelm Chamber of Commerce meeting today, toured a new adult family home, announced that there will be more discussions on the 640 acres in the next few months, Community Conversations is tomorrow and announced that Representative Marilyn Strickland will visit Yelm on the 26tH COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Wood —TCOMM 911 is desperately hiring people. Councilmember Richardson —Attended the Chamber Forum and expressed appreciation for Councilmember Holly Smith. Councilmember Crossman — Toured the new section of the Yelm-Tenino trail, will not be able to attend the STEDI meeting on Friday and thanked Holly Smith for her service as a Councilmember. Councilmember Smith —Attended the Public Safety Committee meeting and the Finance Committee meeting. Holly thanked everyone and stated that she appreciated working with everyone. Councilmember Palmer—Attended the Regional Housing Council and the Solid Waste Advisory meeting. Councilmember Kaminski —Attended the Chamber Lunch, Thanked Tracey Wood for hosting the meeting with Joe Kent and attended the Finance Committee meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Holly Smith to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 PM. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0 Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk FST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, February 27, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Absent—Terry Kaminski Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer and Public Services Director Cody Colt. APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Brian Hess to approve the agenda as amended. AGENDA: Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 5-0 PUBLIC COMMENT: Stephanie Kimball spoke against building homeless shelters and feels homeless needs are being met in our community. John Snaza spoke about the Regional Housing Authority tax that is collected, that Olympia has resources for homeless and that there aren't resources available in Yelm for long-term help and care. Sherry Short feels that Yelm needs more homeless outreach. Morgan Gosney stated that homelessness is an issue, asked about the Homelessness Committee and asked Councilmember Wood why he is against the committee. Suzie LeFurgey spoke in supporting homelessness and talked about Love Abounds. Tom Parkinson thought the City already went through this (Homeless Task Force) a few years ago and stated that there are programs in Thurston County. Ashley Brooks spoke about her appointment to the Planning Commission and talked about her volunteer history and the appointment process. Kayla Russell asked about the goal of the Homelessness Committee and feels that Love Abounds is meeting the goals of Homelessness. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Community Event: City Wide Easter Egg Hunt Motion by Tracey Wood to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Joshua Crossman Motion carried 5-0 NEW BUSINESS: Amendment No. 1 to the Public Services Agreement with Tapani Inc. for the Construction of the SE Reservoir. Motion by Tracey Wood to authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Public Services agreement with Tapani Inc. to add the Washington State Sales Tax as a separate line item for the construction of the South East Reservoir. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 5-0 Confirmation of Planning Commission Appointment — Anne Wahrmund Motion by Brian Hess to confirm Mayor DePinto's appointment of Anne Wahrmund to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Joseph Richardson Motion carried with a roll call vote 5-0 Confirmation of Planning Commission Appointment — Ashley Brooks Motion by Brian Hess to confirm Mayor DePinto's appointment of Ashley Lea Brooks to the Planning Commission. Motion failed for a lack of a second Confirmation of Planning Commission Appointment — David Johnstone Motion by Tracey Wood to confirm Mayor DePinto's appointment of David Johnstone to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Joseph Richardson Motion carried with a roll call vote 5-0 Confirmation of Planning Commission Appointment —Austin Walker Motion by Trevor Palmer to confirm Mayor DePinto's appointment of Austin Walker to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Tracey Wood Motion carried with a roll call vote 3-2 STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Services Committee — Councilmember Crossman reported that the Public Services Committee met and discussed the sign code, Veterans Memorial Park ideas, upcoming transportation projects and the Prairie Line trail. He also reported that the goal to complete the new parking lot is June 22, 2024. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator —Announced that Becky Jackson is retiring, her last day is Thursday and that announced that the City of Yelm received the Well City award and will receive a 2% discount on medical premiums for 2024. He also recognized City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer for achieving the designation of Master Municipal Clerk from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks and for being accepted as a Paul Craig Athenian Fellow in the Athenian Leadership Society. Mayor DePinto — Discussed Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland's visit to Yelm yesterday and tour of the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), thanked the public for showing up, announced that the next Quarterly Business Meeting will be held March 28th and that there will be evening sessions for the Community Conversations so that additional people will have an opportunity to attend. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Wood —Attended Transportation Policy Board. Councilmember Richardson —Appreciates Council discretion. Councilmember Hess —Attended Intercity Transit meeting. Councilmember Palmer—Attended the EMS meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Joseph Richardson to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 PM. Seconded by Joshua Crossman Motion carried 5-0 Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk WASHINGTON EST. 1924 Meeting Date: _3/12/24 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: ClearGov Budget Software ACTION REQUESTED Approval to Purchase KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The City's current financial software (BIAS) provides limited budgeting tools to create the biennial budget. It was intended to be used for single year budgeting. Staff must utilize a mix of Excel, BIAS, Word, and Adobe to create the end product, the budget book. A single change creates a stream of updates that must flow through the entire process again from Excel through to Adobe. This process is cumbersome and difficult to manage with input coming from several directions, including staff, the management team, and Council. It is an extreme balancing act that has become increasingly difficult with the fast growth of the City. Currently, there is no need to replace the entire financial system (BIAS), but we do need a better, more reliable, and transparent budgeting tool. Finance has researched what other cities are using, reviewed several options, and would like to bring forward ClearGov for Council consideration. ClearGov is currently being used by several Washington Cities including Stanwood, Buckley, Newcastle, East Wenatchee and SeaTac. Implementation is three months and initially, costs would be about $20,000 the first year and 26,000 annually thereafter. Replacement of the city-wide financial system would cost significantly more. Two recent quotes from a comparable City to replace the entire financial system: 1. Implementation $175,000, Annual $46,000, total year one $221,000 2. Implementation $330,000, Annual $103,000, total year one $433,000 If approved by March 2024, it would be implemented in time to use for the 2025-2026 biennial budget kicking off in August of 2024. Respectfully Submitted: Stephanie Nanavich Finance Director 11 Page Created by Hunter Burdick Contact Phone 508-308-2820 Contact Email hburdick@cleargov.com Order Date Feb 27, 2024 Order valid if signed by Mar 15, 2024 Customer Information Customer City of Yelm Contact Todd Stancil Billing Contact Stephanie Nanavich Address 106 Second St. SE Title City Administrator Title Finance Director City, St, Zip Yelm, WA 98597 Email todds@yelmwa.gov Email stephanien@yelmwa.gov Phone 360-458-3244 PO # (If any) The Services you will receive and the Fees for those Services are... Period Start Date End Date Set up Services Tier/Rate Apr 1, 2024 Service Fees ClearGov Setup: Includes activation, onboarding and training for ClearGov solutions Tier 2 $ 8,100.00 ClearGov Setup: BCM Bundle Discount - Discount for bundled BCM solutions Tier 2 $ (2,025.00) Total ClearGov Setup Service Fee - Billed ONE-TIME $ 6,075.00 Subscription Services Tier Service Fees ClearGov BCM Operational Budgeting - Civic Edition Tier 2 $ 13,300.00 ClearGov BCM Personnel Budgeting - Civic Edition Tier 2 $ 12,100.00 ClearGov BCM Digital Budget Book - Civic Edition Tier 2 $ 8,100.00 ClearGov BCM Bundle Discount: Discount for bundled BCM solutions Tier 2 $ (8,375.00) Total ClearGov Subscription Service Fee - Billed ANNUALLY IN ADVANCE $ 25,125.00 ClearGov will provide your Services according to this schedule... Period Start Date End Date Description Setup Apr 1, 2024 Apr 1, 2024 ClearGov Setup Services Pro -Rata Apr 1, 2024 Dec 31, 2024 ClearGov Subscription Services Initial Jan 1, 2025 Dec 31, 2027 ClearGov Subscription Services To be clear, you will be billed as follows... Billing Date(s) Amount(s) Notes Apr 1, 2024 $ 6,07S.00 One Time Setup Fee Apr 1, 2024 $ 18,843.7S 9 Month Pro -Rata Subscription Fee Jan 1, 2025 $ 2S,12S.00 Annual Subscription Fee Additional subscription years and/or renewalswill be billed annually in accordance with pricing and terms set forth herein. Billing Terms and Conditions Valid Until Mar 15, 2024 Pricing set forth herein is valid only if ClearGov Service Order is executed on or before this date. Payment Net 30 All invoices are due Net 30 days from the date of invoice. Initial Period Rate Increase 3% per annum During the Initial Service Period, the Annual Subscription Service Fee shall automatically increase by this amount. Rate Increase 6% per annum After the Initial Service Period, the Annual Subscription Service Fee shall automatically increase by this amount. General Terms & Conditions Customer Satisfaction During the first thirty (30) days of the Service, Customer shall have the option to terminate the Service, by providing Guarantee written notice. In the event that Customer exercises this customer satisfaction guarantee option, such termination shall become effective immediately and Customer shall be eligible for a full refund of the applicable Service Fees. ClearGov and Customer mutually agree to the ClearGov Service activation and onboarding process set forth in the attached Statement of Work Statement of Work. Please note that ClearGov will not activate and/or implement services for any Customer with outstanding balance past due over 90 days for any previous subscription services. The Service Fees and Billing amounts set forth above in this ClearGov Service Order DO NOT include applicable taxes. In Taxes accordance with the laws of the applicable state, in the event that sales, use or other taxes apply to this transaction, ClearGov shall include such taxes on applicable invoices and Customer is solely responsible for such taxes, unless documentation is provided to ClearGov demonstrating Customer's exemption from such taxes. Subject to the termination rights and obligations set forth in the ClearGov BCM Service Agreement, this ClearGov Service Order commences upon the Order Date set forth herein and shall continue until the completion of the Service Period(s) for Term & Termination the Service(s) set forth herein. Each Service shall commence upon the Start Date set forth herein and shall continue until the completion of the applicable Service Period. To be clear, Customer shall have the option to Terminate this Service Order on an annual basis by providing notice at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of the then current Annual Term. After the Initial Period, the Service Period for any ClearGov Annual Subscription Services shall automatically renew for Auto -Renewal successive annual periods (each an "Annual Term), unless either Party provides written notice of its desire not to renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of the then current Annual Term. The signature herein affirms your commitment to pay for the Service(s) ordered in accordance with the terms set forth in Agreement this ClearGov Service Order and also acknowledges that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the ClearGov BCM Service Agreement found at the following URL: http://www.ClearGov.com/terms-and-conditions. This Service Order incorporates by reference the terms of such ClearGov BCM Service Agreement. Customer Signature I Name I Todd Stancil I I Title I City Administrator I ClearGov, Inc. Signature Name Bryan A. Burdick Title President Please e-mail signed Service Order to Orders@ClearGov.com or Fax to (774) 759-3045 Customer Upgrades (ClearGov internal use only) This Service Order is a Customer No If Yes: Original Service Order Date Upgrade This Statement of Work outlines the roles and responsibilities by both ClearGov and Customer required for the activation and onboarding of the ClearGov Service. ClearGov will begin this onboarding process upon execution of this Service Order. All onboarding services and communications will be provided through remote methods - email, phone, and web conferencing. ClearGov Responsibilities - ClearGov will activate ClearGov Service subscription(s) as of the applicable Start Date(s). ClearGov will create the initial Admin User account, and the Customer Admin User will be responsible for creating additional User accounts. - ClearGov will assign an Implementation Manager (IM) responsible for managing the activation and onboarding process. ClearGov IM will coordinate with other ClearGov resources, as necessary. - ClearGov IM will provide a Kickoff Call scheduling link to the Customer's Primary Contact. Customer should schedule Kickoff Call within two weeks after the Service Order has been executed. - If Customer is subscribing to any products that require data onboarding: - ClearGov IM will provide a Data Discovery Call scheduling link to the Customer's Primary Contact. Customer should schedule Data Discovery Call based on the availability of Customer's staff. ClearGov will provide Customer with financial data requirements and instructions, based on the ClearGov Service subscription(s). ClearGov will review financial data files and confirm that data is complete, or request additional information, if necessary. Once complete financial data files have been received, ClearGov will format the data, upload it to the ClearGov platform and complete an initial mapping of the data. - After initial mapping, ClearGov will schedule a Data Review call with a ClearGov Data Onboarding Consultant (DOC), who will present how the data was mapped, ask for feedback, and address open questions. Depending upon Customer feedback and the complexity of data mapping requests, there may be additional follow-up calls or emails required to complete the data onboarding process. - ClearGov will inform Customer of all training, learning, and support options. ClearGov recommends all Users attend ClearGov Academy training sessions and/or read Support Center articles before using the ClearGov Service to ensure a quick ramp and success. As needed, ClearGov will design and deliver customized remote training and configuration workshops for Admins and one for End Users - via video conference - and these sessions will be recorded for future reference. - ClearGov will make commercially reasonable efforts to complete the onboarding/activation process in a timely fashion, provided Customer submits financial data files and responds to review and approval requests by ClearGov in a similarly timely fashion. Any delay by Customer in meeting these deliverable requirements may result in a delayed data onboarding process. Any such delay shall not affect or change the Service Period(s) as set forth in the applicable Service Order. Customer Responsibilities - Customer's Primary Contact will coordinate the necessary personnel to attend the Kickoff and Data Discovery Calls within two weeks after the Service Order has been executed. If Customer needs to change the date/time of either of these calls, the Primary Contact will notify the ClearGov IM at least one business day in advance. - If Customer is subscribing to any products that require data onboarding: - Customer will provide a complete set of requested financial data files (revenue, expense, chart of accounts, etc.) to ClearGov in accordance with the requirements provided by ClearGov. - Customer's Primary Contact will coordinate the necessary personnel to attend the Data Discovery and Data Review calls. It is recommended that all stakeholders with input on how data should be mapped should attend. Based on these calls and any subsequent internal review, Customer shall provide a detailed list of data mapping requirements and requested changes to data mapping drafts in a timely manner, and Customer will approve the final data mapping, once completed to Customer's satisfaction. Customer will complete recommended on -demand training modules in advance of customized training & configuration workshops. Customer shall be solely responsible for importing and/or inputting applicable text narrative, custom graphics, performance metrics, capital requests, personnel data, and other such information for capital budget, personnel budget, budget books, projects, dashboards, etc. a Uity of Yelm EST. 1921 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: 3-12-2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SCJ ALLIANCE FOR DESIGN OF THE PRAIRIE LINE TRAIL PHASE 2B ACTION REQUESTED Authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to sign the Professional Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance in the not to exceed amount of $352,815.47 for design services of the Prairie Line Trail Phase 2B. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Yelm was awarded a grant from Recreation and Conservation Office on 6/28/2023 in the amount of $1,292,000.00 for design and construction with a 20% match, leaving the City's obligation of $323,000.00 that has been budgeted for in the 302 Municipal Building Fund. A Request for Qualifications was advertised on 12/21/2023 with a deadline of 01/18/2024. We received two Statements of Qualifications, one from SCJ Alliance, and one from Skillings Inc. It was determined that SCJ Alliance was the most qualified for this project. This agreement will allow for design to be completed to extend the trail over the Nisqually River into Pierce County. ATTACHMENTS: • Professional Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance for design Services • Design Scope & Fee • Nisqually River Bridge Photo Respectfully Submitted: Brad Chatwood Projects & Programs Manager 1IPage EST. 1924 WASHINGTON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Yelm Prairie Line Trail Phase 211 This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made between the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Shea, Carr & Jewell, Inc. (dba SCJ Alliance), a Washington corporation ("Consultant" or "Service Provider"). ("Contractor"). The City and Contractor (together "Parties") are located and do business at the below addresses which shall be valid for any notice required under this Agreement: SCJ Alliance CITY OF YELM Patrick Holm Brad Chatwood 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 106 2nd Street SE Lacey, WA 98516 Yelm, WA 98597 360.352.1465, ext. 102 (telephone) 360-890-0904 (telephone) 360-352-1509 (facsimile) 360-458-4348 (facsimile) Patrick.holm(a scjalliance.com bradc@yelmwa.gov The Parties agree as follows: TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the effective date of this Agreement, which shall be the date of mutual execution, and shall continue until the completion of the Work, but in any event no later than December 31St, 2025 ("Term"). This Agreement may be extended for additional periods of time upon the mutual written agreement of the City and the Contractor. 2. SERVICES. The Contractor shall perform the services more specifically described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Services"), in a manner consistent with the accepted professional practices for other similar services within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed, performed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite training, skill, and experience necessary to provide the Services and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to obtaining a City of Yelm business registration. Services shall begin immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Services shall be subject, at all times, to inspection by and approval of the City, but the making (or failure or delay in making) such inspection or approval shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for performance of the Services in accordance with this Agreement, notwithstanding the City's knowledge of defective or non -complying performance, its substantiality or the ease of its discovery. 3. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth above. The City may terminate this \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx Agreement immediately if the Contractor fails to maintain required insurance policies, breaches confidentiality, or materially violates Section 12; and such may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. 4. COMPENSATION. 4.1 Amount. In return for the Services, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed a maximum amount and according to a rate or method as delineated in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. The Contractor agrees that any hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for the Term. Except as otherwise provided in Exhibit "B", the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Agreement. 4.2 Method of Payment. On a monthly basis, the Contractor shall submit a voucher or invoice in the form specified by the City, including a description of what Services have been performed, the name of the personnel performing such Services, and any hourly labor charge rate for such personnel. The Contractor shall also submit a final bill upon completion of all Services. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis by the City only after the Services have been performed and within thirty (30) days after receipt and approval by the appropriate City representative of the voucher or invoice. If the Services do not meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Contractor will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement. The City may withhold payment for such work until the work meets the requirements of the Agreement. 4.3 Non -Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this Agreement for any future fiscal period, the City will not be obligated to make payments for Services or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will terminate upon the completion of all remaining Services for which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision applies. 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives; resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, the Contractor's liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. Contractor shall ensure that each sub- contractor shall agree to defend and indemnify the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers to the extent and on the same terms and conditions as the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. 5.2 Industrial Insurance Act Waiver. It is specifically and expressly understood that the Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State industrial insurance act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx programs. The Parties acknowledge that they have mutually negotiated this waiver. 5.3 City Indemnification. The City agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, agents, representatives, and sub -contractors harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City. 5.4 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 6. INSURANCE. The Contractor agrees to carry insurance for liability which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the services or work by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors for the duration of the Agreement and thereafter with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination as follows: 6.1 Minimum Limits. The Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating that is satisfactory to the City: a. Commercial general liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products - completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury, bodily injury, death, property damage, products liability, advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract with limits no less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. b. Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; c. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non -owned, hired and leased vehicles with a minimum combined single combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. d. Professional liability insurance with limits no less than $2,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 policy aggregate for damages sustained by reason of or in the course of operation under this Agreement, whether occurring by reason of acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor. 6.2 No Limit of Liability. Contractor's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 6.3 Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability, Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: a. Insurance coverage required hereunder shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. b. Insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 6.4 Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current AM. Best rating of not less than ANII. 6.5 Additional Insured, Verification. The City shall be named as additional insured on all commercial general liability insurance policies. Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance for all commercial general liability policies attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by this reference. At City's request, Contractor shall furnish the City with copies of all insurance policies and with evidence of payment of premiums or fees of such policies. If Contractor's insurance policies are "claims made," Contractor shall be required to maintain tail coverage for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date this Agreement is actually terminated or upon project completion and acceptance by the City. 6.6 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY. All information regarding the City obtained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential subject to applicable laws, unless withholding such information would violate the law, create the risk of significant harm to the public or prevent the Service Provider from establishing a claim or defense in an adjudicatory proceeding. Breach of confidentiality by the Contractor may be grounds for immediate termination. All records submitted by the City to the Contractor will be safeguarded by the Contractor. The Contractor will fully cooperate with the City in identifying, assembling, and providing records in case of any public records disclosure request. 8. WORK PRODUCT. All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall belong to the City upon delivery. The Contractor shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City and shall deliver all needed or contracted for work product upon the City's request. At the expiration or termination of this Agreement, all originals and copies of any such work product remaining in the possession of Contractor shall be delivered to the City. Any reuse of the data, documents, and/or files by the City for a different project shall be without liability to the Service Provider. 9. BOOKS AND RECORDS. The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of the Work and maintain such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Agreement. These records shall be subject, at all reasonable times, to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Agreement. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Parties intend that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained underthis Agreement. The City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at Contractor's own risk, and Contractor shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due except as specifically provided in Section 4. Industrial \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with an individual, the Contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; however, such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. Contractor confirms that Contractor does not have a business interest or a close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the Contractor's selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration, or evaluating the Contractor's performance. 12. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. In all services, programs, activities, hiring, and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement or any subcontract, there shall be no discrimination by Contractor or its subcontractors of any level, or any of those entities' employees, agents, subcontractors, or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement shall apply, but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor shall comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 21, 21.5 and 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 13.1 Interpretation and Modification. This Agreement, together with any attached Exhibits, contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement and no prior statements or agreements, whether oral or written, shall be effective for any purpose. Should any language in any Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. The respective captions of the Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. Any provision of this Agreement that is declared invalid, inoperative, null and void, or illegal shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Any act done by either Party prior to the effective date of the Agreement that is consistent with the authority of the Agreement and compliant with the terms of the Agreement, is hereby ratified as having been performed under the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement, including this provision, may be amended, waived, or modified except by written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties. 13.2 Assignment and Beneficiaries. Neither the Contractor nor the City shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. If the non -assigning parry gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. Subject to the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the Parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs and assigns. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto. No other person or entity shall have any right of action or interest in this Agreement based on any provision set \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx forth herein. 13.3 Compliance with Laws. The Contractor shall comply with and perform the Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, local, and city laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, rules, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter amended, adopted, or made effective. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation or performance of this Agreement, this Agreement may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. 13.4 Enforcement. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates set forth in the description of the Services is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Agreement. Any notices required to be given by the Parties shall be delivered at the addresses set forth at the beginning of this Agreement. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. Failure or delay of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. This Agreement shall be made in, governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the Parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference, or claim, shall be by filing suit under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the Thurston County Superior Court, Thurston County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative process. If the Thurston County Superior Court does not have jurisdiction over such a suit, then suit may be filed in any other appropriate court in Thurston County, Washington. Each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Thurston County, Washington and waives any objection that such courts are an inconvenient forum. If either Party brings any claim or lawsuit arising from this Agreement, each Party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees and expenses incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, however nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the Parties' rights to indemnification under Section 5 of this Agreement. 13.5 Execution. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and with the same effect as if all Parties hereto had signed the same document. All such counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one instrument, but in making proof hereof it shall only be necessary to produce one such counterpart. The signature and acknowledgment pages from such counterparts may be assembled together to form a single instrument comprised of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all signature and acknowledgment pages. The date upon which the last of all of the Parties have executed a counterpart of this Agreement shall be the "date of mutual execution" hereof. [Signature page follows] \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF YELM: Joe DePinto, Mayor DATE: ATTEST: City Clerk, Kathy Linnemeyer APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Brent Dille SHEA, CARR & JEWELL, INC. (dba SCJ Alliance) By: Printed Name: Title: Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the of that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of , 20 Notary's signature Notary's printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx EXHIBIT "A" SERVICES \\yelmfs.ci.yelm.wa.us\PublicServices\Administration\Forms & Templates\Professional Services\PSA\PSA (Rev BFD).docx SCJ ALLIANCE CONSULTING SERVICES Exhibit A Scope of Work YELM PRAIRIE LINE TRAIL 213 YELM, WA Prepared For: Brad Chatwood, Projects & Programs Manager Prepared By: Patrick Holm, Project Principle/Senior Project Manager Sam Rowswell, Project Manager Date Prepared: February 20, 2024 Overviei, The City of Yelm purchased the segment of the Prairie Line Railroad from Burlington Northern Railroad in 2000 with Federal Surface Transportation Program grant funds. This transaction acquired the railroad right-of-way and underlying property from SR 510 to the Town of Roy in Pierce County. The City of Yelm won Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) grant funds to convert the railroad to a shared use path from the Centralia Power Canal north to the Nisqually River Bridge Trestle. This project will extend the trail from the completed Yelm Prairie Line Trail Phase 2 project (ending approximately 500 feet from the Nisqually River Trestle) to just past the Nisqually River Trestle. SCJ Alliance will prepare design of the rails to trails project including plans, specifications, and estimate. The work included in this project will consist of the following phases: 1. Project Management 2. Topographic Survey (MNT2COAST) 3. Geotechnical Report (Sage Geotechnical) 4. Structural Engineering Services (Sargent Engineers) 5. Cultural Resources (HRA) 6. Wetland Delineation (Confluence Environmental Company) 7. Environmental Permitting 8. Trail Design 9. Landscaping Understanding: 1. No Right -of -Way is required. 2. Stormwater design will rely on USDA Web Soil Survey Infiltration Recommendations. 3. Cultural Resources will be from the north half of the Nisqually River Trestle to 100 feet past where the Trestle ends on north side of the Nisqually River. 11101111- Yelm Prairie Line Trail 213 SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 2 of 19 Phase 1 Project Management This task includes tasks to plan, manage, and administer the work; attend project meetings; and provide quality assurance/quality control. I ask i Project Management 1) Management: Manage the project by directing and supervising staff and reviewing work for the duration of the project. This management is for the overall work rather than specific tasks. 2) Monthly Progress Reports: Review and verify monthly project charges. Prepare and submit a monthly progress report. Monthly progress reports will show: (1) work performed last month, (2) work planned this month, (3) schedule and budget status (including a 3 -line earned value chart), (4) a summary of scope changes/added value, and (5) items needed from the City and/or others 3) Progress Billings: Prepare a monthly progress bill with weekly progress reports attached. Bills will show staff hours for each task (i.e., Task 1: Project Management). 4) Subconsultant Administration: Execute and administer subagreements. Review and approve monthly invoices. �Ipjert moo+;rr 1) Management Meetings: Attend up to two Management Team meetings in Yelm. The meetings will be attended by the City, the SCJ Project Manager, and the SCJ Principal -in -Charge Weekly Conference Calls: Conduct a bi-weekly 15 -minute conference calls between the 2) City Project Manager, and the SCJ Project Manager to review the project status and schedule. Prepare minutes for each meeting. 1) Quality Control: Provide senior level review of task deliverables before submittal to the City. 2) Quality Assurance: Audit quality check activities and documentation on a periodic basis. Phase 1 Understanding • Project management will be provided over a 7 -month time frame and the estimated number of meetings and project coordination is reflected in the budget. • Progress billings will be submitted monthly to the City. • Timelines and milestones will be outlined in a master schedule using Microsoft Project and will be updated for each progress billing. • Budget for peer checks for Quality Control is included in tasks budget for performing the work to be checked. Phase 1 Deliverables • Monthly Progress Report submitted via email in PDF format. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com SCJ ALLIANCE CONSULTING SERVICES • Progress billings submitted monthly via email in PDF format and via US Mail. • Minutes for Management Meetings submitted via e-mail in PDF format. Phase 2 W opographic survey (MNT2COAS1) Task 1 Right -of -Way (ROW) Establishment Yelm Prairie Line Trail 213 February 20, 2024 Page 3 of 19 1) MTN2COAST, LLC (M2C) will complete the necessary field and office work to establish the Right - of -Way lines of the project railroad bead based upon record information available. M2C will not be completing a property survey of adjacent lots or showing easements on those properties. No corners will be set by M2C. Task 2 Topographic Survey 1) M2C will complete a Topographic Survey of the site as shown on the attached Survey Limits Exhibit. The topographic survey will include the following: 4, One -foot contours with tops, toes, and breaks. ♦ Buildings and other structures on site with finished floor elevation. ♦ Other visible improvements such as curbs, mailboxes, light poles, etc. ♦ Hard surfaces such as concrete, pavement and gravel. ♦ Trees 6" and larger dbh with diameter and species measured. ♦ Map location and elevation of the TOP of the structural steel members that are currently supporting the railroad ties. M2C will hire and coordinate a utility locator service to paint the buried conductible utilities. M2C will then field map the utilities paint marks and surface appurtenances. We will also open and measure utility structures and measure pipe sizes, types, and invert elevations. 2) The Survey will be completed on the Washington State Plane Coordinate System and NAVD 88 vertical datum. Phase 2 Understanding: • M2C will not map depths of river and will only map to edge of water. • M2C will map 30' past toe of slope on either side of railroad bead. Phase 2 Deliverables: • Topographic Survey Map in pdf form. • ACAD electronic drawing file of the project by email. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com _qW -40- 01- Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 4 of 19 Phase 3 Geotechnical Report (Sage Geotechnical) Sage Geotechnical LLC (Sage) will provide geotechnical engineering for the project. Geotechnical elements for the project may include earthwork (cut, fill, and material recommendations) and wall design recommendations to support existing railway embankment widening on the north and south side of the bridge. The souths side of the bridge will be a fill, and the north side of the bridge could involve a cut or fill to facilitate widening. Sage's proposed scope of work is summarized as follows. �.�c'� 1 (�pr7tpr'�tr?r'{7l iAe�r�eipr^f M(7P?ffrfpr'+ 1) Attend up to four design team meetings. 2) Prepare progress reports and invoices. 3) Manage subcontractors. Task 2 Geolot7ir Rpr- )""giccrrnr 1) Perform a reconnaissance of geologic features, including signs of embankment or native soil cut instability. 2) Complete a one -call utility locate. 3) Advance and log 6 to 10 hand -augured borings on the north and south side of the bridge Task 3 Geotechnical lnuestiaotion 1) Subcontract an excavator to dig 4 to 6 test pits along the embankment south of the bridge. 2) Perform up to four index tests (Sieve Analyses) on soil samples recovered from the test pits or hand -augured borings. Task 4 Geotechnical Relvorting 1) Sage will prepare a draft technical memorandum with the following information: A description of the geologic reconnaissance and geotechnical investigation, including boring logs and results of the laboratory tests. Recommendations for reuse of onsite soils, import structural fill, and temporary and permanent slopes. Wall design parameters for cast -in-place walls, gravity block walls, and mechanically stabilized earth walls. Steep slope critical area reporting requirements for Thurston County and Pierce County. After receipt of comments on the draft memorandum from the design team and the City, Sage will prepare a final memorandum, signed and sealed by the project engineer. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com 11101111- Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 5 of 19 Phase 3 Understanding: • Test pits will be backfilled with spoils and tamped with the excavator bucket. No other site restoration will be required. Small brush may be destroyed by the excavator. • Test pits may undermine the existing ties. Sage assumes this is not a problem because the existing rail track will be demolished. • No soil or groundwater contamination is present. • Fieldwork can occur during standard business hours. • Seismic design is not required for the fill slopes or walls (walls will be less than 10 ft tall). • Rights of entry will be provided by others. Sage assumes it will be permissible to access the site via the trail, or via the forest road/driveway at the toe of the west side of the south embankment. Phase 3 Deliverables • Geotechnical Report in PDF emailed to SCJ Alliance. Phase 4 Structural Engineering Services (Sargent Engineers) Task 1 Preliminary Plans (30%) 1) Attend a maximum of four (4) one-hour virtual team meetings. 2) Data Collection Perform a site visit (with survey in hand) and collect photographs to confirm existing conditions. 3) Preliminary Plan (30%): Develop a maximum of three (3) alternative rail panel options for review and selection by Owner. Develop structural calculations as needed to support this phase of the design. Trestle Section and Proposed Rail Panel Elevation (1 Sheet) 4) Preliminary Cost Estimate Develop quantities based on the preliminary plans. Assign unit costs for quantified items and assign lump sum costs to other items based on professional judgment. Develop a preliminary design (30%) construction cost estimate that includes a 30% contingency. Task 2 1) Attend a maximum of four (4) one-hour virtual team meetings. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com _qW -40- 01- Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 6 of 19 2) 60% Progress Meeting: Consultant will submit a progress "60%" set of drawings to SCJ. Consultant will attend a meeting in Yelm to review and discuss design and plan progress with the City between Preliminary Design and 90% PS&E. Develop structural calculations as needed to support this phase of the design. 3) 60% Cost Estimate: Develop quantities based on the 60% progress plans. Assign unit costs for quantified pay items and assign lump sum costs to other items based on professional judgment. Develop a 60% construction cost estimate. Task 901 Tern Snerials, and Esti ert 1) The following plans are likely to be prepared: ♦ Trestle Plan and Elevation (1 Sheet) ♦ Precast Panel Layout Plan (1 Sheet) ♦ Precast Panel Details (2 Sheets) ♦ Trestle Sections (1 Sheet) ♦ Trestle Railing Plan (1 Sheet) ♦ Trestle Railing Details (1 Sheet) ♦ Misc. Structural Details (2 Sheets) 2) 90% Engineer's Estimate: Develop quantities based on the 90% plans. Assign unit costs for quantified pay items and assign lump sum costs to other items based on professional judgment. Develop a 90% construction cost estimate. 3) 90% Contract Documents: Write special provisions for all non-standard items. Task 4 Final Plans, Specials, and Estimate Task 1) Final Plans: Update the plans per the 90% review and constructability review comments. 2) Final Engineer's Estimate: Update the quantities to reflect the plan updates. Prepare Unit Price Worksheet including item descriptions, unit, quantity and cost. Update the engineer's estimate with revised quantities. 3) Final Special Provisions: Update the special provisions to reflect plan updates and 90% review comments. 4) Final Structural Calculation: Provide one stamped set of calculations. 1) Addendum: Sargent will provide SCJ with structural input as needed for SCJ to create up to 2 Addendums for this project. The Addendums will include request for information questions and any plan, specifications, and estimate revisions required for the Addendums. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com SCJ ALLIANCE CONSULTING SERVICES Phase 4 Understanding: Yelm Prairie Line Trail 213 February 20, 2024 Page 7 of 19 • All design work will be completed per the requirements of the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Design will be for pedestrian loading, including the approach and bridge railing which will not be designed for vehicle impact loading. • Geotechnical design data will be provided for our use in designing the retaining walls. • Survey data will be provided for our use in laying out the precast concrete deck panels. Survey data will also include top of steel elevations for the different spans of the bridge. • Original bridge plans will be provided if they can be found. Phase 4 Deliverables.- 0 eliverables: • 30% Drawing in PDF format submitted via email. • Structural Plans (60%, 90% and Stamped Final) in PDF format submitted via email. • Stamped Structural Calculations in PDF format submitted via email. • Special Provisions (90% and Stamped Final) in Word format submitted via email. • Engineer's Estimate (30%, 60%, 90% and Stamped Final) in PDF format with 90% and Final in Excel format submitted via email. • CAD Files to the City in DWG format. Phase S Cultural Resources (HRA) T(7ck 1 Project Management 1) The project management task includes those internal items necessary for completion of project tasks, such as progress meetings, invoice review, and progress reports to the client. Conference calls and project kick-off meetings are also included in this task. HRA values open communication with our clients, which is essential to establishing and meeting expectations throughout a project. Tr,7Fk ? Racknpnfm,1 Reser7rr 1 1) HRA staff will conduct a records search using the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation's (DAHP's) WISAARD database to identify previous studies conducted in and near the APE. This research will identify previously recorded cultural resources, including local, state, and nationally eligible buildings, structures, sites, objects, and historic districts within the project vicinity. HRA will conduct additional background research, as needed, through the Thurston and Pierce County Archives and HRA's own library, as well as through online resource collections of historic maps, aerials, photos, and newspapers. Background research will be sufficient to support HRA's eligibility recommendations for all surveyed built -environment resources under all criteria for listing in the NRHP. Task S Health and Satety Plan 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com � _411811� Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 8 of 19 1) Prior to initiating field work, HRA's Health and Safety Coordinator will prepare a Health and Safety Plan (HASP) to be followed by the field crew while in the field. Task 4 Archaeological Pedestrian Survey of the Project Limit from the Phase 2b APE to Roy, Washington 1) RCO has not defined the APE for the entire project limit beyond the Phase 2b APE. As a result, the area to be surveyed is based upon maps provided by SCJ. Preliminary research indicates that there are two previously documented archaeological sites within the project limit. One archaeological site, 45PI443 (Graiville Railroad Site), has not been evaluated for listing in the NRHP. The other archaeological site, 45TN550, was determined not eligible for listing in the NRHP. HRA archaeologists will conduct pedestrian survey along either side of the 2.7 -mile -long rail line, from the south end of the Phase 2b APE to the project limit in Roy, Washington. If identified, any previously unrecorded archaeological sites will be documented and photographed according to DAHP guidelines. No additional documentation of Site 45TN550 will occur because the site has already been determined not eligible for listing in the NRHP. 2) If any archaeological materials associated with Site 45PI443 are identified, their location will be noted using a GPS instrument, and they will be documented on a Washington Archaeological Site Inventory Update form. Photographs will be taken with a digital camera to accompany the form and a sketch map will be prepared showing any intrasite resource patterns and the site in relation to the surrounding topography and developments. If completed, the form will be included as an appendix to the report. 3) If any archaeological materials not associated with Site 45PI443 and outside of the 45TN550 site boundary are identified, their location will be noted using a GPS instrument, and they will be documented on a Washington Archaeological Site Inventory form. Photographs will be taken with a digital camera to accompany the form and a sketch map will be prepared showing any intrasite resource patterns and the site in relation to the surrounding topography and developments. Forms for any recorded resources will be included as appendices to the report. Task 5 Built -environ,,:; ent Survey of the Project Limit from the Phase 2b APE to Roy, Washington 1) As project activities and the boundaries of the APE have not yet been defined for optional tasks, HRA assumes that the APE would include a one -parcel buffer around the railroad right-of-way (ROW). Initial research indicates that the expanded APE would require the survey and inventory of up to seven built -environment resources on parcels adjacent to the rail ROW. 2) Upon notice to proceed (NTP), HRA's architectural historians, who meet or exceed the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualifications for architectural history, will conduct survey and inventory of all resources in the APE constructed in 1980 or earlier, as these resources are likely to be 50 years or older (i.e., old enough to qualify for listing in the NRHP) by the time the Project is complete. During survey, HRA's architectural historians will record all character -defining features, materials, and evidence of alteration in field notes and digital photographs. Field data 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com � -411811� Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 9 of 19 will be sufficient, when paired with archival research results, to support full physical descriptions, integrity assessments, and NRHP evaluations for the surveyed resources, which will be used in reporting and in the preparation of HPIs in DAHP's WISAARD database. Task 6 Draft and Final Cultural Resources Inventory Repot 1) If Fieldwork and Reporting Option 2 is authorized, HRA will prepare a cultural resources technical report following the completion of the expanded fieldwork. A draft report will be submitted to SCJ and the City of Yelm for comment in electronic format (Word and Adobe pdf). HRA will make any necessary revisions to the draft report in response to comments. HRA will produce a second draft report for submittal to RCO for comment in electronic format. HRA will make any necessary revisions to the second draft report in response to RCO comments. HRA will produce a third draft report for submittal to agencies and the affected Tribes in electronic format. HRA will make any necessary revisions to the third draft report in response to agency or Tribal comments. Once finalized, HRA will submit an electronic final cultural resources inventory report for submittal to the client and RCO in electronic format. The report will be revised if RCO has any further comments. The report will include: A description of the Project and applicable laws and regulations; A summary of the results of the background literature and records research (derived from previously completed desktop review report) ♦ The methods used during the fieldwork and the results; ♦ A description of any cultural resources identified; ♦ A physical description, integrity assessment, and NRHP evaluation for each surveyed built - environment resource; A physical description, integrity assessment, and NRHP evaluation for Site 45PI443 (if feasible based on the results of the pedestrian survey); A summary assessment of potential effects to any identified historic properties, based on our knowledge of the resource type, soil conditions, and extent to which the proposed project may affect the resource; Recommendations for completion of any additional cultural resources compliance obligations stemming from the results of our study; A summary of project procedures that should be followed in the event of an unanticipated discovery of buried cultural materials or human remains during construction; References cited; and Appendixes, as required, including HPIs and an updated site form for Site 45PI443 from DAHP's WISAARD database. The report will also include such tables, maps, photographs, and other graphics as are needed to depict the scope of the study and results 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com SCJ ALLIANCE CONSULTING SERVICES Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B February 20, 2024 Page 10 of 19 Phase 5 Understanding HRA's cost proposal is made with the following assumptions in mind, deviations from which may require a scope or cost modification: • The City of Yelm and/or RICO will be responsible for all consultation with DAHP and the affected Tribes. • The Project will be completed in 2024 using current 2024 labor rates. If the Project extends into the 2025 calendar year, a cost modification may be required. HRA rates will automatically adjust each calendar year. • This cost estimate and schedule is valid for up to 30 days. Any delays in accepting the bid and executing a contract could result in changes to the cost estimate and schedule. • The City will provide access to the property, coordinate safe access to the project area, clear any modern debris that obscures the ground surface, and provide safety personnel while HRA conducts field efforts, as needed and appropriate. • Field investigations may necessitate special accommodations to ensure the health and safety of our staff, including requiring staff to travel in separate vehicles, providing appropriate cleaning supplies for equipment, and enacting protocols and procedures by the Field Director and HRA's Health and Safety Manager. HRA reserves the right to delay field investigations for a reasonable amount of time due to health and safety-related impediments beyond our control, for example, extreme weather, mandates restricting travel, or outbreaks of contagion in the project area that put our staff at elevated health and safety risks. HRA will remain in close contact with SCJ throughout the fieldwork planning and execution stages to ensure any potential delays are communicated early, thoroughly, and with complete transparency. • Soils and sediments in the project vicinity are not known to have increased likelihoods of containing regulated hazardous materials. As a result, this SOW assumes that no HAZWOPER training is required; that personal protective equipment (PPE) beyond basic Level D protection is not required; and that a HAZWOPER-level HASP will not be necessary. If conditions change and/or these items are required, HRA will approach SCJ for a change order and will be given up to 10 days to prepare a HAZWOPER HASP. If a HAZWOPER HASP is needed, SCJ will furnish all information necessary for HRA's contracted industrial hygienist to prepare the document within 5 days. • All ground disturbance will occur within the existing railbed. If the project design changes to include ground -disturbing activities outside of the existing railbed, the SOW and budget will be revised to accommodate the potential need for additional archaeological survey. • No DAHP permit will be required for the pedestrian survey through previously recorded archaeological sites 45PI443 and 45TN550. • No subsurface survey (shovel probes) will be conducted as part of this scope. • No artifacts will be collected. • HRA will not update the existing site form for archaeological site 45TN550 because the site was recorded in October 2022 and determined not eligible for listing in the NRHP in January 2023. • No previously unrecorded archaeological resources will be identified and documented during the archaeological survey. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com � _411811� Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 11 of 19 • The City will select either Fieldwork and Reporting Option 1 or Fieldwork and Reporting Option 2 at the time of contracting, so that the background research, fieldwork planning and mobilization, and reporting will be conducted in one round. • The cultural resources survey work will occur from the south end of the Phase 2b APE defined by RCO to the project limit in Roy, Washington; the pedestrian archaeological survey will be conducted along the 2.7 -mile -long railroad ROW; and the architectural survey will consider resources on parcels adjacent to the railroad corridor. If the APE defined by RCO includes a larger area, a scope and budget amendment will be required. • HRA will survey and inventory up to eight built -environment resources. Should the final APE expand to include additional built -environment resources, a budget amendment will be required. • The entirety of previously recorded archaeological site 45PI443 will fall within the archaeological survey corridor; the eligibility of the site for listing in the NRHP will be reassessed by the archaeological crew, based on the results of the pedestrian survey; no shovel probe survey will be required in order to evaluate the eligibility of Site 45PI443 for listing in the NRHP. • No human remains, archaeological resources, or potential archaeological resources requiring additional investigations, permits, or treatment will be investigated under this contract. Any additional archaeological investigation that may be needed to resolve the Project's potential impact will require a contract modification or new contract. • There will be no in-person meetings, except for on -location meetings that may occur during the survey; teleconferences with the City of Yelm, DAHP, or other entities such as RCO will not exceed two hours over the term of the Project. • SCJ will provide a text description of the proposed project for HRA to use in its report. • SCJ will provide maps (GIS shapefiles are preferred) of the APE and design plans of the proposed project to HRA in a format that can be adapted for use in its report. • Reporting will not include preparation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation. • Reporting will not include the preparation of agreement documents (e.g., Memoranda of Agreement). • For each round of review, SCJ or RCO will provide HRA with a single, compiled list of comments to be addressed on the relevant draft report. Phase 6 Wetland Delineation (Confluence Environmental Company) Task! P ,5ktop Analysis 1) Confluence will review Thurston County Code (TCC) Chapter 24 and Pierce County Code (PCC) Chapter 18E to determine the standard buffer requirements for wetlands and streams and will search online databases for the documented presence and classification of wetlands and streams on or within 300 feet of the property. It is necessary to search within 300 feet to determine whether wetland buffers from off-site wetlands encroach onto the property (300 feet is the largest wetland buffer identified in TCC 24). The following databases will be searched: 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com -400- _411811� SCJ ALLIANCE CONSULTING SERVICES Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B February 20, 2024 Page 12 of 19 ♦ Thurston County GIS ♦ Pierce County iMAP ♦ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory ♦ Washington Department of Natural Resources Water Type GIS ♦ Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Priority Habitats and Species ♦ WDFW SalmonScape The data obtained from this task will be used to develop a strategy for conducting field investigations. i ask 1 C'riticai Areas Site investigation 1) Confluence will conduct a site investigation to assess, delineate, and characterize any wetlands and streams on-site. We will also conduct a reconnaissance of off-site properties within 300 feet of the property to determine if off-site wetlands or streams are present whose buffers could encroach onto the property. Wetlands: If visual indicators of wetland vegetation or standing water are identified on-site during the site visit, Confluence will determine whether the area is a wetland and delineate the wetland boundary. Confluence will delineate wetland boundaries using the Routine Determinations method described by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Corps 1987) and the local Regional Supplement (Corps 2010) to comply with local and federal regulations. Confluence will flag the wetland boundary and record the flag locations using a differential Global Positioning System (GPS; e.g., Trimble Geo XT). However, with a dense tree canopy, the GPS may not be able to record the locations of the wetland boundary flagging to sub -meter accuracy. If this is the case, you will need to hire a surveyor to conduct a site visit and record the locations of the wetland boundary flags placed by Confluence. If visual indicators of wetland vegetation or standing water are observed off-site within 300 ft of the property, Confluence will conduct a reconnaissance of the wetlands and determine their approximate location. Confluence will document the presence or absence of wetlands with field data forms. Streams As required by the TCC 24 and OCC 18E, Confluence will assess the stream according to the Washington Administrative Code. We will delineate the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) following the methods described in Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark for Shoreline Management Act Compliance in Washington State (Anderson et al. 2016). We will mark the OHWM with flagging and record the flag locations using a differential GPS. However, with a dense tree canopy, the GPS may not be able to record the locations of the OHWM flagging to 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com � _411811� Yelm Prairie Line Trail 213 SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 13 of 19 sub -meter accuracy. If this is the case, you will need to hire a surveyor to conduct a site visit and record the locations of the OHWM flags placed by Confluence. Confluence will document the presence or absence of OHWM indicators with field notes. Cost Estimate Based on our preliminary assessment of the property, we estimate that the delineation can be completed by 2 biologists within 24 hours, including travel time. Our cost estimate for this task is based on the following assumptions: If conditions differ from our assumptions, additional scope may be needed to complete the task, and we will coordinate a contract amendment prior to conducting the work. ras k 3 Critical Areas Report 1) Once we complete Tasks 1 and 2, we will prepare a Critical Areas Report following the guidelines provided by TCC 24 and PCC 18E. Confluence will provide 1 electronic copy of the draft report for your review. We will incorporate your comments into a final report. An electronic copy of the final report will be provided. Confluence will also provide a shapefile of the location of critical areas and their buffers. The Critical Areas Report will include a figure showing the location of critical areas (i.e., wetlands and/or streams) determined to be present during Task 2. The wetland section will include the delineated wetland boundary and the wetland buffer according to TCC 24 and PCC18E. If wetlands are present, the report will also include the wetland rating determination using the 2014 Wetland Rating System (Hruby 2014), as required by TCC 24 and PCC 18E. We estimate that we can prepare the Critical Areas Report within 36 hours, including GIS analysis, report writing, and report production. Our cost estimate for this task is based on the following assumptions: (a) The critical area study does not include a mitigation plan. If a mitigation plan is needed, a contract modification will be needed and the mitigation plan will be prepared as a separate report. (b) Only 1 round of revisions will be required prior to finalization of the report Phase 6 Understanding • Travel time will be less than 6 hours total. • If flagging is surveyed by a licensed surveyor, Confluence will provide the surveyor with the GPS data collected so that Confluence will not need to be on-site during the survey. With this GPS data, the surveyor can locate flagging themselves. • The surveyor will provide Confluence an electronic file of the recorded flagging locations in a georeferenced shapefile format, and Confluence will not have to rectify data or export data to a shapefile format. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com t Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 14 of 19 • The site will not be overgrown by dense vegetation such that navigating the site will be difficult and time consuming. • Wetlands may be present on the site, but the site is not encumbered by a wetland mosaic. A wetland mosaic is an area with a concentration of multiple small wetlands in which each patch of wetland is less than 1 acre; on average, patches are less than 100 ft from each other; and areas delineated as vegetated wetland are more than 50% of the total area of the entire mosaic, including uplands and open water. Phase 7 NEPA Compliance Task 1 NEPA Compliance 1) Agency Coordination: The Consultant will meet with City, RICO and STB Environmental staff, and other agencies as required, to coordinate on required environmental documentation and process. After project kick-off, an initial meeting with RICO and STB will be critical to confirm the NEPA Lead Agency, the level of NEPA documentation, and any technical analyses required for this project. It is assumed a Documented Categorial Exclusion (DCE) will be the appropriate level for this project. Coordination also may be required with other state and federal agencies. 2) NEPA Documentation. Consultant will complete the NEPA documentation following CEQ procedures. This will include preparation of a NEPA DICE and coordination with the City and the federal Lead Agency. Preliminary Draft, Draft, and Final DCEs will be prepared for internal team, City and NEPA Lead Agency review, respectively. 3) Environmental Justice Technical Memorandum. Consultant will prepare an Environmental Justice (EJ) Technical Memorandum. The EJ memo will identify and address potential disparate impacts and disproportionate high and adverse effects associated with the project on underserved populations. Preliminary Draft, Draft, and Final EJ Technical Memoranda will be prepared for internal team, City and NEPA Lead Agency review, respectively. ask z SEPA Compliance 1) SEPA Documentation: The Consultant will meet with City to determine the appropriate level of SEPA documentation for the project. It is assumed that the City will adopt the NEPA DICE for SEPA purposes. The Consultant will assist the City with preparation of a Determination of Non - Significance (DNS) and Notice of Adoption (NOA). Preliminary Draft, Draft, and Final notices will be prepared for internal team and City review and publication. ask 3 Permitting Assistance 1) Early Coordination: The Consultant will support the City, RICO and STB during early coordination with resource agencies by compiling technical information for meetings and communications. Up to two (2) Consultant staff will attend two (2) meetings with the resource agencies. The environmental and design team will coordinate to identify specific impacts, quantities, and 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com Yelm Prairie Line Trail 213 SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 15 of 19 construction information as needed to plan the environmental permit strategy. The permit strategy will be documented in a Permit Matrix containing permit type, trigger, application requirements, timing, and status. The Permit Matrix will be updated periodically throughout the permitting phase, as needed. 2) Section 404/401 Water Quality Certification (Optional): If it is determined that the project will require discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the US, including wetlands, the Consultant will prepare a Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (DARPA) for submittal to the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). The Consultant will determine specific impacts, quantities, and provide mitigation strategies in the JARPA form, including drawings in compliance with Corps standard specifications. A Coastal Zone Management (CZM) application will be included with the JARPA submittal to Ecology. Preliminary Draft, Draft, and Final JARPA packages will be prepared for internal team, City/NEPA Lead Agency, and Corps/Ecology review, respectively. One revised JARPA package will be prepared to incorporate Corps and Ecology comments. 3) Hydraulic Project Approval (Optional): If required, the Consultant will prepare a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) application for submittal to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). The Consultant will determine specific impacts, quantities, construction methods, and provide mitigation strategies consistent with those submitted in the JARPA (if applicable). The HPA materials will include the DARPA, JARPA drawings, and other technical reports as attachments. The Consultant will submit the HPA application materials as the Authorized Agent for the City via WDFW's online portal. Phase 7 Understanding • Up to two (2) one-hour long Agency meetings are estimated to coordinate the environmental review process. • Based on the current project description, it is assumed this project would qualify for a Documented Categorical Exclusion (CE). If an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement are required, this scope and budget would be amended. • No technical reports, other than those described in this scope of work, will be required to complete the NEPA DCE and SEPA notices. • Up to two (2) one-hour long resource agency meetings are estimated to coordinate the permitting process. Phase 7 Deliverables • Preliminary Draft, Draft, and Final DCE in Word and PDF • Preliminary Draft, Draft, and Final SEPA DNS and NOA in Word and PDF • Preliminary Draft, Draft, and Final Environmental Justice Technical Memorandum in Word and PDF • Permit Matrix, updated periodically • Preliminary Draft, Draft, Final, and Revised Final JARPA package in Word and PDF 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com _qW -40- 01- Yelm Prairie Line Trail 213 SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 16 of 19 • Preliminary Draft, Draft, Final, and Revised Final HPA materials, submitted online Phase 8 Trail Design Task 1 Trail Desiqn 1) Data Collection Perform a site visit (with survey in hand) and collect photographs to confirm trail alignment and existing conditions. 2) Horizontal Layout Define alignment data (bearing and curve data) for the trail. 3) Vertical Layout ♦ Develop trail profile based on topographic survey. ♦ Establish edge of pavement grades for trail. ♦ Develop preliminary cut/fill lines to estimate earthwork quantities. ♦ Develop preliminary retaining wall profiles. ♦ Review Workshop with City: Conduct one design review workshops (up to two hours) in Yelm to review work in progress. Provide workshop minutes to the City in PDF format. Task 2 Stormwater 1) Basin Analysis: Establish existing and proposed basin boundaries and create PDF exhibits. 2) Modeling: Prepare a hydrologic model of the existing and proposed land use conditions for the limits of disturbance to determine the treatment and flow control requirements. Determine preliminary footprint size of flow control facilities. 3) Downstream Analysis: Calculate pre- and post -project runoff volumes tributary to the existing outfalls and evaluate the hydraulic capacity of the conveyance system and outfalls. 4) Layout: Prepare plan and profile sheets to a preliminary design level for the stormwater improvements. Show the plan view footprint of flow control facilities. 5) Draft Stormwater Site Plan: Prepare a draft Stormwater Site Plan (drainage report) per City of Yelm's requirements. 1) Preliminary Plans (30%): Prepare the following plan types at 1"=20' scale (unless noted otherwise). Incorporate plans types prepared by subconsultants as noted in the listing below. The number of plan sheets per plan type is shown in parentheses. ♦ Cover Sheet (1 Sheet) ♦ Summary of Quantities (1 Sheet) ♦ Horizontal Alignment Plan (2 Sheets) 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com -400- _411811� SCJ ALLIANCE CONSULTING SERVICES Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B February 20, 2024 Page 17 of 19 ♦ Trail Section (1 Sheet) ♦ Trestle Section (1 Sheet) ♦ Removal/Excavation/Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (2 sheets) ♦ Trail Plan and Profile (4 sheets) ♦ Retaining Wall Plan and Profile (2 sheets) 2) Preliminary Cost Estimate Develop quantities based on the preliminary plans. Assign unit costs for quantified items and assign lump sum costs to other items based on professional judgment. Develop a preliminary design (30%) construction cost estimate that includes a 30% contingency. T,7.1 f r-n°a ProgmFF Aleetin ,, 1) 60% Progress Meetings: Consultant will not submit a formal 60% submittal. Instead, Consultant will attend a meeting in Yelm to review design and plan progress with the City between Preliminary Design and 90% PS&E. 2) 60% Cost Estimate: Develop quantities based on the 60% progress plans. Assign unit costs for quantified pay items and assign lump sum costs to other items based on professional judgment. Develop a 60% construction cost estimate. Task 5 Constructability Review TR,sk 6 90% P!,7- ChpetF F tirn{7te r7nrl Cnerfir r7tir7; 1) 90% Plans: The following plans will be prepared: ♦ Cover Sheet (1 Sheet) ♦ Summary of Quantities (1 Sheet) ♦ Horizontal Alignment Plan (2 Sheets) ♦ Trail Section (1 Sheet) ♦ Trestle Section (1 Sheet) ♦ Removal/Excavation/Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (2 Sheets) ♦ Removal/Excavation/Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Details (1 Sheet) ♦ Trail Plan and Profile (4 Sheets) ♦ Trail Details (1 Sheet) ♦ Retaining Wall Plan and Profile (2 sheets) ♦ Retaining Wall Details (2 sheets) 2) 90% Engineer's Estimate: Develop quantities based on the 90% plans. Assign unit costs for quantified pay items and assign lump sum costs to other items based on professional judgment. Develop a 90% construction cost estimate. 3) 90% Contract Documents: Write special provisions for all non-standard items. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com 11101111- Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B SCJ ALLIANCE February 20, 2024 CONSULTING SERVICES Page 18 of 19 Task 7 Final Comment Resolution 1) Final Comment Resolution: Respond to 90% review comments in a matrix format. Attend one meeting with the City to resolve comments from the 90% review. 2) City Constructability Review: Respond to City Constructability Review comments in a matrix format. Attend one meeting with the City to resolve comments from the review. ask 8 Final PS&E Package 1) Final Plans: Update the plans per the 90% review and constructability review comments. 2) Final Engineer's Estimate: Update the quantities to reflect the plan updates. Prepare Unit Price Worksheet including item descriptions, unit, quantity and cost. Update the engineer's estimate with revised quantities. 3) Final Special Provisions: Update the special provisions to reflect plan updates and 90% review comments. 1) Addendum: SCJ will create up to 2 Addendums for this project. The Addendums will include request for information questions and any plan, specifications, and estimate revisions required for the Addendums. Phase 8 Understanding: • There will be no 60% submittal. Project team will meet with the City between 30% and 90% to review comments and progress. Phase 8 Deliverables: • Stormwater Site Plan in PDF format submitted via email. • SWPPP in PDF format submitted via email. • Special Provisions (90% and Final) in Word format submitted via email. • Engineer's Estimate (90% and Final) in PDF and Excel format submitted via email. • Plans (90% and Final) in PDF submitted via email. • CAD Files to the City in DWG format. • ROM in Excel format and Google Sheet format if requested. Phase 9 Landscaping Task 1 Fdrir ntinnnf Sign Attachment 1) Educational Sign Attachment: Investigate how to attach educational signs to the bridge rail. Task 2 tlisualizatE�,.. 1) Create visualization of the bridge. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com SCJ ALLIANCE CONSULTING SERVICES 2) Revise visualization up to two (2) times to address City comments. Phase 9 Understanding • Signs will be mounted on bridge railing. • Signs size is 24"x36" • Mounts will be the same as in Yelm Prairie Line Trail Phase 2A Phase 9 Deliverable Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B February 20, 2024 Page 19 of 19 • Memo with the recommendation how to attach the educational signs to the bridge railing. • Visualizations of the bridge in PDF emailed to the City of Yelm. 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200 * Lacey, WA 98516 * Office 360.352.1465 * Fax 360.352.1509 * scjalliance.com Consultant Fee Determination Summary SCJ Alliance Client: City of Ylem Project: Yelm Prairie Line Trail 2B Job #: 23-001045 File Name: YPLT2B Fee 20240220.xism Consultant Fee Determination Classification Principal E4 Engineer E3 Engineer T2 Technician Senior Technician Senior Consultant PM1 Project Manager L4 Landscape TOTAL SALARY COST SUBCONSULTANTS MNT2COAST Sage Geotechnical Sargent Engineers HRA Confluence Environmental Company REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Hours Fully Burdened Rate 56.0 $231.00 163.0 $172.00 160.0 $138.00 144.0 $110.00 0.0 $160.00 106.0 $247.00 8.0 $162.00 24.0 $136.00 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Subconsultant Fee Subtotal: Subconsultant Markup: $0 10% i' SCJ ALLIANCE Template Version: 8/17/2023 Contract Type: Billing Rate Schedule Amount $12,936.00 $28,036.00 $22,080.00 $15,840.00 $0.00 $26,182.00 $1,296.00 $3,264.00 Total Salary Cost $109,634.00 Topographic Survey (MNT2COAST) Geotechnical Report (Sage Geotech Structural Engineering Services (Sar, Cultrual Resources (HRA) Wetland Delineation (Confluence Er $13,680 $21,300 $105,560 $35,684 $16,350 $192,574.00 $19,257.40 Copies, Printing, etc. 1.0% oftheTotal Salary Costs $1,096.34 Mileage 200 miles at $0.655 per mile $131.00 Expenses Subtotal: $1,227.34 Expenses Markup: 10% $122.73 SUBTOTAL (SALARY, SUBCONSULTANTS AND EXPENSES) Subtotal (Salary, Subconsultants and Expenses) $322,815.47 MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND (MRF) Management Reserve: $30,000 $30,000.00 Total Estimated Budget: $352,815.47 2/20/2024 Page 1 W f�0 ZE a 7C Z L a S O O O O O w O O w O O l0 O O N O O w O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 N O Io m ca m cl r m N Io m cl m W n O .ti N I N ti vt m a 0 N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o6N O W cO O O O� N NO a v c y J � c v J d CO L O bq o � a y c Os0+ � L C d V c_ Cd C C O • 'C •C c y L � d Y ~ u d C O m L > OC v � OoO C C d d C O O O O O N `C M o w CO o w CO o `.y° o a o a CO o m c -I � N O `^ 16 � _ E 3 vl 3W z° y a o `,y° o w o w o w o a E o o o u a m C o W o N o N O o O N o N o N o 4 o O N o O o O o o O N o N o O L H m N `^ O � ` L d O H F a $ o c N o � � C ~ N m C ¢ O iOo V to c w o - c v w m h O. m v T ° y v c 01 N V N y m L Ul0�0 O y - _ _ 04 O a •_ •o o m O •o .T, - - EL 4 1 6 2 V1 maj V ci ci F O ~ti W N M W d ci N m F c -I N F c -I N d a d F W m ZE a 7C Z ` d 0 0 0 0 0 Oci N N I� Ol a u h a 3 O O O O O 2 0 p a V m N N w .a a v c y J � c v J E d O C L O w � a y c C O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 � L d O V o6 06 c_ Cd C C O C E O c d L Ol Y ~ u d C O m L > OC v � C C � d d C E � N W W O O O O d E 3 d `s N 3 0 4Y a ci N N �fl L0E C a` T 0 O N m CLE O �n V Wd C C a W E W u W O D o C VnW C a VV V O Q i —O N W A N -I O LM tlq V O S O L UW Cl L O. N y O 'i+ f0 W c c O - w c O N D: C i O N VO a m d - - W c V E m W o Q E E a $ E v m c V o u o w F- F- E F- F- F- v f0 Q u > o o v o p O 7 t �+ ai d Qa v ¢ a > a a a c� n 75 u 3 z z a z w W a Ln ko n Cl Z d d d d d Y Y ai f0 f0 f0 f0 (p c -I N M �Il c -I N M W f0 ZE a 7C Z L a S O 0 l0 O 0 l0 O o cO O O O O O 14 o N O o 1p O O O O O l0 O O l0 O O N O O V r m c -I n m c -I O O O c -I n N � c -I O1 N m c -I c -I m 1p O c -I a �+ O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 N O a ' V cO c6 O O cO N ci 4 O O 4 W � N � a v c y J � c v t0 d CO L O bq 0 � a O y c O O dm °= C o O O N O O o O L s v V m .� �n o y io aA c_ C c y L � d Y ~ l0 u CF O � L l0 l0 O O O O W O O O � F N C C � d d C O O O O O O N W W O O O CO O O O CO — d d d O O o N 3 W N N r N W N N E x° Y a a C a` 0 O O N 09 O ' H L d O H 0 O — O N 0 O O N C O Q O O N V T - Cl � O Q O v > O Ci y w n C C > > a Q LIO m 0 o v h T m M ci N h «_ �°� h h p c° 0 3 Q 9 E T O "6 9 9 •N _ 4 to 6 to L V h OI O 00, M 13 N F ci N m �I1 d F ci N m F c -I 4 W m ZE d ;� z O 0 O 0 N O 0 N O 0 O 0 1p O 0 O 0 N O 0 1p O 0 N O 0 w O 0 O O 0 w O 0 w O 0 O O 0 l0 o 0 O Cci O vt vt vt vt O ci cl N w cl N m w O w ci O cO a u h a 3 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O � a v c y J � c v t0 d � CO L O bq � a y c Os0+ � L C d V c_ Cd C O c y L � d Y ~ O N u d O. C O u_ N •c ~ L O NW m O o6 O O � O N O 'i O N O N O N > OC v � O C C d d O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � N W cO o 0 0 W 0 cO 0 0 cO 0 cO 0 cO 0 N 0 N 0 d E 3 N z° d a E x° Y a a C a` 0 O O 9 O N 0 O O 9 O N C O UW N 0 O O 9 O N ne\° 0 O O 9 O N � d � C Vh O O O O N h E E O O >, m m .• v w � � � w h W h v `w N ty m E w E E a` O a O a m a a w o v O V o v t o oa .vww 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c a o o a a a m m m m S 4 W f�0 ZE a 7C Z L a S O O O O O Ow O O O O w O O N O O w O O N O O N o N M O O O O O O O O O O O N O O w w Io N m a m n l0 Lr r Io r Io M O O a Io IR M l0 cl a 3 0 O N p O OO O O O O 0 O O O O Z O O N O O N O O O M o p O O O O a v 0 t0 d � t0 ' a y c Os0+ � L C d V C_ d O O .O •C y L d Y ~ O N � d O t0 C N u f t O N O � O W O cO O cO O cO O O c; O � OC f N C C d d O O O O O O O O O O � � N W ryl N cO cO cO N W cO O1 O N N o o o o — d d d O O E x° Y a a C a` O N o O N o O H 9 L d O H O N O N 3 d � v L N � m 72 i � v mu u ° EL ° h aj N ra V N U1 'a m m wm d N F ci N M F c -I d F ci F c -I N a ` rn ` Ln m k2� o o o o a I ] S r , so ® 6 ao o E % �) ` `o 2] / / \ \� �o o o `A J E o o \ Ul \ > )o )! § - a!; ) f ` ® §7/$/ u Roo \ 4 o o \ k\ k o w k / o o { )o x / _ , -o - ] E / e 2 k � k �) k) Ory ,i'p.. ;Y �+"L5 ", �S r,yw� k. `+'"irk i. �r � ✓ w � :w, > V i a is w j a44 r � n I: ham` Awa � i �r.'.+1� � ,,��I �.,• i�t'' "' .i� - } + ti le- -- x°� a � . r., r x R +''. mow► i; ` , � � � ''_� .'' `� � x. A! i `• , y4 y y v ,f T' ¢e✓J t i +''1 yl �� T a ti- �i Iti'l. iw WASHINGTON NanWFirst Last): * Robert isom Horne Address: * street Address city Yelm Postal / Zip Code 98597 Phone #: Email: Occupation: Retired State / Province f Region Washington Signature: * I attest that I have resided within the city limits of the City of Yelm for at least one year and that I am a registered voter in the City of Yelm- Date: 2/12/2024 Eligibility, RCW 35A.12/030: Each candidate must be a registered voter of the City of Yelm and must have been a resident of the City for a period of at least one year preceding appointment. Position Description- City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at &DO p.m. Council Study Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Additional meetings are held as necessary. Each councilmember is expected to serve on at least two subcommittees which may meet as often as monthly, and to represent the interests of Yelm at one or more local or regional meeting. Compensation: $818.U0 per monthly. Mayor and Clty Council Protocol Manual City Council Roles and Responsibilities: Specific information can be found on the City of Yelm website in the Mayor and City Council protocol manual that documents duties, responsibilities and provides a summary of important aspects of Mayor and City Council activities. Additional information about City Council is available on the City website. https://www.yelmwa.gov/government/city_council/index.ph p Why are you interested in serving on the Yelm City Council? Give hack to a community that has given so much to me - Please list applicable experience, education background and community involvement. 15 years on city council. 35 years fiscal management with state of Washington- 20 years grants management - What are your three highest priorities for the future of the City of Yelm and how would you approach completing them? Public Safety Infrastructure Transportation What strengths would you bring to the governing body of the City of Yelm? Fiscal responsibility 15 years of experience Knowledge of committee issues What areas of expertise do you have that would positively contribute to the budget and policymaking decisions for the Yelm City Council? 33 years grants management and review of federal and state finances and policies. City (if Yell WASHINGTON Name{First Lastl: * Roy Putra Home Address: * Street Address City Yelm Postal I Zip Code 98597 Phone #: Email: Occupation: Teacher State I Province I Region Washington Signature: * I attest that I have resided within the city limits of the City of Yelm for at least one year and that I am a registered voter in the City of Yelm. F�!W&ffihw Date: 3/2/2024 Eligibility, RCW 35A.12/030: Each candidate must be a registered voter of the City of Yelm and must have been a resident of the City for a period of at least one year preceding appointment. Position Description: City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Council Study Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Additional meetings are held as necessary. Each councilmember is expected to serve on at least two subcommittees which may meet as often as monthly, and to represent the interests of Yelm at one or more local or regional meeting. Compensation: $818.00 per monthly. Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual City Council Rales and Responsibilities: Specific information can be found on the City of Yelm website in the Mayor and City Council protocol manual that documents duties, responsibilities and provides a summary of important aspects of Mayor and City Council activities. Additional information about City Council is available on the City website. https://www.yelmwa.gov/government/city_council/index.php Why are you interested in serving on the Yelm City Council? I have been a resident of Yelm for 15 years now. I have seen it change and grow so much in that short period of time and I believe I can contribute greatly to the forward progress of our city. I understand the community and the needs people have, and I have the confidence to make choices that will contribute to a stronger community. It would be a great opportunity to help support our city by making decisions to promote economic development and business relations that foster positive growth. I would be honored to serve the needs of those around me that call Yelm home dust as I do. have chosen Yelm to raise my family and I have grown to love this city. Please list applicable experience, education background and community involvement. I am a small business owner and have owned successful businesses for the past decade. I currently own Toddler Tech Academy near Yelm City Park and teach there full time. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree with a dual major in Psychology and History. Community involvement is a large part of my life and walk. I believe I have been called to help support the ones I live around regardless of their situation. I teach Sunday school and I have been a Young Life leader for the past four years. I volunteer at Yelm High School and Rainier Middle School working with the youth. I have served in numerous food banks in our city for years as well. I have been a part of numerous community events in our city promotiong community relations and supporting family events. I have also gone out on a consistent basis to meet the needs of those around me by provide basic needs, such as clothing, food, and first aid. What are your three highest priorities for the future of the City of Yelm and how would you approach completing them? My three highest priorities for the future of our city would be: Economic growth, infrastructure care/repair, and community outreach and involvement. When it comes to economic growth I believe it is necessary to support small businesses and encourage the growth of new businesses. Our city can promote businesses on various levels and engage them in community events the help build community relations as well as provide exposure for them. I do believe it is also important to not limit our city's growth by creating an environment that does not support big business. As our city grows it is only beneficial to the population to bring in companies that can fulfill the needs of a larger population. I would love to see small business and big business flourish in our city. When it comes to our city's infrastructure it's important to understand that as the city's population grows so does the need to take care and improve the functionality of our roads, buildings, signage, parks etc. Things wear down and become outdated. As technology improves our city needs to improve as well - it truly fosters healthy growth. As the population increases, the stress put on roads and traffic is only going to become a bigger issue and so discussion and planning needs to take place to foreshadow changes and set in place plans to guide our city in a good direction. This will minimize issues as we grow. Community outreach is crucial to a city's identity. I want Yelm to be known for its compassion and kindness shown to its fellow citizen. I want to engage with one another to celebrate the special moments, to promote family time and events, as well as support those in need to find ways to improve their lives so they don't fall though the cracks and become a strain on our city. I believe a strong police force is necessary to uphold the laws of our city and to protect our people. I also believe in supporting first responders and ensuring that we recognize and support the military community that call Yelm home. As a son of a 24 year army veteran, I am proud that there are men and women that live in our communtiy and serve our country and I want them to know their families are appreciated. What strengths would you bring to the governing body of the City of Yelm? The strengths I believe I would contribute to the governing body of the City of Yelm is strong leadership and the willingness to compromise. It is important to hear both sides of every story and then approach that story from a perspective that brings resolution. Not everyone will always be happy and get exactly want they want in the end but with the right approach and team work everyone can come into agreement to move forward. I am a person of understanding and compassion, I want what is best for the majority and I check my self-interest at the door. I believe that is the key to serving the needs of others. I believe it is also important to be fully committed when you have given your word. I will stand strong on my word to be seen as someone dependable who can be counted on. I will show up on time and do the work. I will give, at a minimum, a 100 percent effort everytime. What areas of expertise do you have that would positively contribute to the budget and policymaking decisions for the Yelm City Council? I have served on the board of a non-profit and so I understand the red tape associated with funding and spending. I understand the importance to follow the law exactly as it instructs us to do so. When you are entrusted with a budget and are responsible for making decisions on spending it is important to weigh all sides and then make decisions that are carefully planned and overly reviewed. Being a small business owner who has employed individuals I understand the importance of budgeting and managing money. I understand the importance of supporting, notjust my own family, but the livelihood of people that have placed their trust in me to be a good and honest employer. Policy making is crucial to the development and functionality of our city. It is important to support the needs of the people so that they enjoy their life and the city they call home. It is also crucial that policies are put into place that safeguard our city and provide a safe environment to live and grow a family. This occurs on many levels and involves a consistent observance of current policies, out -dated policies, and new policies. Bottom line is, it is a team effort and the opinions and perspectives of our peers should help steer us in the direction to creating what is needed the meet the needs of our city. City (if yell WASHINGTON Name{First Lastl:* Ryan Cruz Home Address: * Street Address City Yelm Postal I Zip Code 98597 Phone #_ Email: Occupation: Used Auto Delaer State I Province I Region Washington Signature: * I attest that I have resided within the city limits of the City of Yelm for at least one year and that I am a registered voter in the City of Yelm. Date: 2/12/2024 Eligibility, RCW 35A.12/030: Each candidate must be a registered voter of the City of Yelm and must have been a resident of the City for a period of at least one year preceding appointment. Position Description: City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Council Study Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Additional meetings are held as necessary. Each councilmember is expected to serve on at least two subcommittees which may meet as often as monthly, and to represent the interests of Yelm at one or more local or regional meeting. Compensation: $818.00 per monthly. Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual City Council Rales and Responsibilities: Specific information can be found on the City of Yelm website in the Mayor and City Council protocol manual that documents duties, responsibilities and provides a summary of important aspects of Mayor and City Council activities. Additional information about City Council is available on the City website. https://www.yelmwa.gov/government/city_council/index.php Why are you iinterested in serving on the Yelm City Council? i find my self in deep reflection on this question_ there are many WHYS I am a true Yelm ite of 35 years born in raised know what he sprit of yelm is It hasn't felt like home lately i hope the I have two children i want to raise here I have had many people say that i have the right character type i want to see this community thrive Please list applicable experience, education background and community involvement. i would like to say i have more experience then just 35 years of living in Yelm. i feel we all have something great to offer this experience called life. i feel my experiences are naturally progressing me to this direction to be on this team of city leaders Yelm high school class 2007 fundraiser runs with the gym donated to Yelm HS Auto Tech class i would like to do more maybe this is one way to. What are your three highest priorities for the future of the City of Yelm and how would you approach completing them? 1) to keep that small town feel but with amenities by promoting business growth through community enrolment to know the owner 2) safety and well being of the communities by have strong relations with PD and FD see what their thoughts are and make win win. 3) make a positive difference by voting sensibly on what i feel is best for the community and what the community wants What strengths would you bring to the governing body of the City of Yelm? leadership skills positive growth mindset solutions oriented pragmatic thinker level headed balanced individual resourceful ambitious What areas of expertise do you have that would positively contribute to the budget and policymaking decisions for the Yelm City Council? I feel my expertise is in problem solving from a business perspective. i have owned and operated a dealership in the area i have built 7 homes from the ground up in this community and surrounding areas. co -owned freedom training center as for policymaking i have a take it all in approach and think 10 steps ahead to see how it may affect outcomes. i would take the most logical decision and move that direction get as must feed back as possible and make changes as necessary. liaCity (if Yelm WASHINGTON Name{First Lastl: * Home Address: * Phone #: Email: Occupation: Signature: * MT73, Stephanie Kangiser Street Address City Yelm Postal I Zip Code 98597 Business Owner State 1 Province 1 Region WA I attest that I have resided within the city limits of the City of Yelm for at least one year and that I am a registered voter in the City of Yelm. 3/6/2024 Eligibility, RCW 35A.12/030: Each candidate must be a registered voter of the City of Yelm and must have been a resident of the City for a period of at least one year preceding appointment. Position Description: City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Council Study Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Additional meetings are held as necessary. Each councilmember is expected to serve on at least two subcommittees which may meet as often as monthly, and to represent the interests of Yelm at one or more local or regional meeting. Compensation: $818.00 per monthly. Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual City Council Rales and Responsibilities: Specific information can be found on the City of Yelm website in the Mayor and City Council protocol manual that documents duties, responsibilities and provides a summary of important aspects of Mayor and City Council activities. Additional information about City Council is available on the City website. https://www.yelmwa.gov/government/city_council/index.php Why are you interested in serving on the Yelm City Council? I am interested in serving on the City Council because I care about our City, our citizens that support it and the appropriate growth of our city getting bigger I have lived in Yelm for over 21 years and raised my 3 boys here_ Yelm is my home, I am proud of it and strive to continue to take care of it. Please list applicable experience, education background and community involvement. I was born and raised in Tacoma. I went to a private school, Tacoma Baptist, through my junior high and High School years. After graduating, I went on to Gene Juarez Academy, the best beauty school in the state at the time. I fell in love with the art and science of Cosmetology. This was supposed to be a 'fall back' career for me, but my career grew from there and I worked for several years in wonderful salons and now have my own employee based Aveda Salon in McKenna. We have been open for 12+ years now and our Mission Statement vows to be involved in the community in a way that no salon ever has been. The community takes care of us as a small business and I believe it is our duty to give back in the same way. I currently serve on the Yelm Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, I am Secretary for Yelm Dollars for Scholars and am active in the Rotary Club of Yelm. I facilitate a nonprofit collaboration group that was started through the Yelm Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of this organization is to create connection points of those in need and to avoid overlapping resources as Yelm grows. As my children have grown, I have become increasingly more involved in the community. The biggest thing I have discovered by being involved is that our growing city has some very BIG hearts and I absolutely love that I get to experience that wonderful feeling of giving and receiving. I believe the City of Yelm would benefit greatly from my service on Council because of my heart to serve and my involvement in our community. What are your three highest priorities for the future of the City of Yelm and how would you approach completing them? My highest priorities for the future of the City of Yelm would be appropriate, sustainable growth, showing all citizens of Yelm how their voice can be heard -inside or outside of city limits and continuing to support and recognize our small business community. Each of these priorities are inherent to me and it all goes together for the best of our infrastructure. I will continue to be involved in our community and learn all that I can to keep Yelm growing physically with reasonable, sustainable growth. I will seek the opinions of our citizens and vote on the initiatives carefully and according to the majority of opinions and information in front of me. I do not take this responsibility lightly and will carefully weigh out each situation with merit. What strengths would you bring to the governing body of the City of Yelm? My job and volunteer work immerses me into the community in many different ways. I believe the strength in this is the ability to see things from different angles. This is helpful in making tough decisions about building, maintenance and growth because I am in the middle of seeing how Council decisions impact our citizens and businesses immediately and for future generations to come. What areas of expertise do you have that would positively contribute to the budget and policymaking decisions for the Yelm City Council? I have worked as an employee within our community and am currently working in and own a small business that contributes to our community. My experience in balancing both aspects of the business contributes greatly to understanding a strong foundation and balanced growth. I have created and followed budgets and see the direct impact it makes on the big picture. I have reasonable common sense that has been created from building business and maintaining it by working within the business as well. I would bring that institutional knowledge to our City Council and keep our Council moving in the right direction for growth and prosperity. a ti- �i Iti'l. iw WASHINGTON NanWFirst Last). * Griselda Arias Horne Address: * street Address city Yelm Postal / Zip Code 98597 Phone #: Email: Occupation: Program Manager Department of Health State / Province f Region Washington Signature: * I attest that I have resided within the city limits of the City of Yelm for at least one year and that I am a registered voter in the City of Yelm- Dais: 3/7/2024 Eligibility, RCW 35A.12/030: Each candidate must be a registered voter of the City of Yelm and must have been a resident of the City for a period of at least one year preceding appointment. Position Description: City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:DO p.m. Council Study Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Additional meetings are held as necessary. Each councilmember is expected to serve on at least two subcommittees which may meet as often as monthly, and to represent the interests of Yelm at one or more local or regional meeting. Compensation: $818.U0 per monthly. Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual City Council Roles and Responsibilities: Specific information can be found on the City of Yelm website in the Mayor and City Council protocol manual that documents duties, responsibilities and provides a summary of important aspects of Mayor and City Council activities. Additional information about City Council is available on the City website. https://www.yelmwa.gov/government/city_council/index.ph p Why are you interested in serving on the Yelm City Couincil? I am deeply committed to the prosperity and well-being of Yelm, a town I've proudly called home for the past three years and served indirectty for four more- My professional background in community health, public health, and environmental health has not only honed my skills in addressing complex issues but has also ignited a passion for education and fostering an informed electorate- Leading the Sea Mar Community Health Center in Yelm allowed me to intimately understand our community's unique needs and opportunities- As a current employee of the State Department of Health and an active participant in local govemment activities, I bnng a wealth of expenence and a fresh perspective to the table- My goal is to leverage this background to contribute to Yelm's growth, enhance our community's health and education, and ensure our town remains a vibrant, inclusive place for all- I am eager to learn more and work eolllaborativety towards the continuous improvement of our beloved Yelm- Please list applicable experience, education background and community involvement. US Army National Guard- 1 tour of duty Iraq OEF, B.S in Public Health, Masters in Health Administration, Manager of the State Acute Pesticide Illness Surveillance & Prevention Program. I will admit my community involvement has been limited as I am newer to the community but this is part of my desire to participate in the Yelm city council. What are your three highest priorities for the future of the City of Yelm and how would you approach completing them? 1. Community Health and Environmental Sustainability: Leveraging my background in public and environmental health to implement and support policies that enhance the city's environmental sustainability and public health initiatives. 2. Education and Community Engagement: Focusing on education and creating opportunities for community engagement to ensure an informed electorate. This could involve collaborating with local schools, community centers, and public forums to enhance civic engagement and educational outreach. 3. Infrastructure and Growth Management: Addressing the city's growth with a sustainable approach to infrastructure, including transportation, housing, and public spaces. My experience could be invaluable in planning for responsible development that balances growth with environmental preservation and community needs. Approach for completion: *Collaboration: Work closely with city departments, local organizations, and residents to ensure policies reflect community needs. *Data -Driven Decision Making: Utilize my background in health to implement evidence -based policies, especially in public health and environmental sustainability. *Public Engagement: Encourage active participation from the Yelm community in decision-making processes through forums, surveys, and town hall meetings. What strengths would you bring to the governing body of the City of Yelm? 1. Comprehensive Community Health Experience: My background in overseeing a health center and working in public and environmental health for the state provides a strong foundation for addressing community health challenges and promoting wellness. 2. Commitment to Education and Informed Electorate: My passion for education and ensuring an informed electorate aligns with the needs for civic engagement and community empowerment in Yelm. 3. Proven Leadership and Collaboration: My experience in leading the Sea Mar Community Health Center and actively participating in legislative sessions showcases my ability to collaborate effectively and lead initiatives that benefit the community. These strengths, combined with my dedication to Yelm's growth and improvement, position me well to contribute meaningfully to the City Council's efforts to enhance the quality of life for all residents. What areas of expertise do you have that would positively contribute to the budget and policymaking decisions for the Yelm City Council? 1. Public Health and Safety: My experience can guide decisions on allocating resources towards community health services, emergency preparedness, and environmental health initiatives. 2. Sustainable Development: My environmental health background can inform policies that balance growth with conservation, impacting land use, housing, and infrastructure projects. 3. Community Engagement: My history of active participation and leadership in local government can enhance strategies for public engagement and education, ensuring policies reflect community needs and priorities. My unique blend of skills and experiences positions me well to contribute to informed, health -focused, and sustainable policymaking in Yelm. 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