06 04 2024 Yelm City Council Study Session Agendaes,r.1924 YELM CITY COUNCIL - STUDY SESSION AGENDA June 4, 2024, 6:00 pm Study Sessions are held in-person at Yelm City Hall 106 2nd Street SE Yelm, WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom on the first Tuesday of each month. Registration is required to attend virtually by selecting the link below: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN e3JbvD8sSLm3sGXA9s71 g 1. Discussion Items a. Puget Sound Energy, Electric Vehicle Pole Chargers Presentation b. Gambling Taxes c. Review of Boards & Commissions d. City of Yelm Centennial Celebration Updates e. 640 Acres Contract Discussion f. General Government Committee Appointments 2. Mayor's Report 3. Councilmember Initiatives All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed on YouTube, or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Kathy Linnemeyer, at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. SIliiad'e d h II 111(0 Need different title and date for this audience and meeting purpose I(jr ing, K 1r gyri,) 3 i) Q1 )0 14 V)0 )'I'7 S|[dm2 11111(0 Made edits for audience and clarity GQ1 added abullet tocover GIS, Local needs and Partnership slides. 11111(0 This slide and the next can be combined into a more high level slide for this audience GQ8O agreed, justthe first bullet here GII)O1 Done oom,oepo,zoz^0 17rzz4al7�7y GD2 PSE Up & Go Electric Current Opportunities Launched in 2023 G DO Can we cut this? h q Jrrip, 04'» 1500 414°320 Cllt1 Added a new tile to help us focus on Empower as soon as possible - it felt missing from the original slide previously which is probably before "Empower Mobility" had a name. Not married to the text! GIl)2 Colors all aligned with product slides through deck Public EV chargers help serve drivers without access to a private charger. m b41, Rmq flamollim 1� z A igy nc 1� clolo Chargers attached t PSE u tility poles janc innovative and resourceful P.Iternative. Fa e require space and/or can be prohib!itfiEely expensive. * PUGET SOUND ENERGY Duce: C N UI IIq 1, li 'I, I I , I "d uuuuuuuu ..................................... , ..... , ............. Ad IJ IAP gaud l t U ulp ]10 .eci,(Nl A (loi,jiwill t i k ii I 1111VOY a11 "H! 1)" ly u 0 "Wil'.'' IN I a I V 111)(Imq c( lid if i( I ej 0 cul ft,lol Fa e require space and/or can be prohib!itfiEely expensive. * PUGET SOUND ENERGY Eye Level Elevated Unive=rsity of North Carolina Charlotte: Curbside-Charpinp for Electric Vehicles for Planned Urban Growth * PUGET SOUND ENERGY GIM Do we have any pics from partners in Oregon or closer yet? h q Jrr£m, 04 01-0£3I 0, W 0 8 CII1:10 0 slide was to show the two different concepts and explain why we will be focusing on the elevated concept di)( j, 'aul )0,)4 0,) 09I 0 °W) °)66 G11)11 Can we provide basics on how long it takes to charge with these chargers? L2 vs DC fast, hours, etc CII1:111 0 will address as need as this is basic facts at this point di)( j, j'aul )0,)4 0,) 1161 1 , `, le 6G0 High Vulnerable Populations Low v,ithC�/c�eo Vulnerable Populations o/nund1hern:PSE poles with �Medium Streetlights onthem ^ �haded�ed Slide GQ8 Pbceho|dercurrently showing Oe8uno IV V1 add inkey for dots Partnership We are e I[-, e it e, 0 u umu I u uuuuuuu u Partner Community Community Location Construction Launch & Meetings Outreach Input Selection & Connection Utilization Planning Priority- Gain community input in siting decisions • Expand on PSE's past community engagement work • Give the community, especially historically marginalized community members, opportunities to influence decisions ® Survey residents and businesses using virtual map ® Attend in person events to co -present on pro r�rrr PUGET • SND ENOUERGY H KO • PUGET SOUND ENERGY SIliiad'e 10 h II 111(0 added slide as a starting point - need to confirm these and additional steps needed to move forward I(J( in(J, 1(,!1(, )0') 3 IG )QP0 I )') d6,)5 IIDO 0 Recalling we wanted to do an initial pass with some data overlays right? Present some initial feasibiilty-level location options based on neighborhood or block perhaps? Also to help us focus on Empower goals and charging deserts h q )(( m, )0,)4 0 1 081 I Iii I 'S& GAMBLING TAXES CITY OF YELM CITY OF YELM • RCW 9,46,110 State Iaw aUt[)orIIzes dtIIes ar)d COUrffies to tax gari�bkr)g actMtIIes. Rani 9.46.110 sets 0)e ria)6RILAIM rates at Mft[) dtIIes, towir)s, ar)d COLArffies Ir iay tax garibkr)g actMtIIes. 1 [)e ria)6R1LjR1 rates vary deper)&r)g or) M)e0)eir 0)e gariIbkIre g actMty us coIre dUcted Iby coiqiiqierci4I StilRlLflar)t operators (I.e., for-profit bLJS1r)esses) or" by 0)arII4be or rmir)profit orgar)IIzatIIor)s. NOTE — The State of Washington does not collect gambling tax, only at the local level. CITY OF YELM i,YELM MUNICIPAL CODE MC 3.40.020 Levy rate. E. Punchboards and Pull Tabs. In the amount of the gross receipts from the operation, use, or patronage of the punchboards or pull tabs themselves, multiplied by the rate of three percent; F1ER RCW 9.46.110 1 he If1YTla) VIRIaIf1YTl aIIo abe If"c:Gtes on gaIf1YTlbIVing actVvVtIIes by coIf1YTlIf1YTleIf"c4I stIIIRllaIIaInt opeIf"c:Gtw"s c:GIf"e as folio s •Punrhboard, pull tab, up to 5% of gross receipts or up to '1.0% of net receipts Councilman Palmer received a request to change our MC from 3% of Gross Receipts to 10% of Net Receipts. CITY OF YELM • Three operators • Surrounding Cities vary between Gross and Net • Average annual revenue is approximately $20,000 Example Gross Receipts $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 Prizes $ 500 $ 400 $ 350 $ 300 Net Receipts $ - $ 100 $ 150 $ 200 3% of Gross $ 15 $ 15 $ 15 $ 15 10% of Net $ - $ 10 $ 15 $ 20 Difference $ 15 $ 5 $ - $ (5)