06 11 2024 Yelm City Council Agenda PacketX" EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA June 11, 2024 6:00 PM Yelm City Council meetings are held in-person at 106 211tl St SE Yelm, WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom. Registration is required to attend virtually, please use the link below to register. hU:p //us06webzoacm i.i�/webiriar/regisi:er/WN lekzU ni )1IiuXIYiICQEdgjg 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLLCALL 2. AG ENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) None Scheduled 4. PUBLIC COMMENT --COMPLETE A BLUE SPEAKER'S CARD OR RAISE HAND VIRTUALLY 5. CONSENTAGENDA a) May 14, 2024 and May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Amendment #5 of the Public Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance for the One -Way Couplets, Parking Lot and Activated Alley -Way Project. Motion to authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to approve Amendment #5 to the Public Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance in the not to exceed amount of $59,877.00 for coordination and design of utilities. b) Public Services Agreement - Kidder Matthews Motion to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Kidder Mathews for Consulting and Marketing of the 640 -acre parcel. 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 8. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Safety Committee b) Public Services Committee c) Finance Committee 106 2otl ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider 9. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS 10. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 12. ADJOURN MEETING INFORMATION All regularYelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed atw.W.w,y rnwa.t:gt�v or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. Public Comment Guidelines: The City reserves up to five members of the public to address the Council at the beginning of regular business meetings on topics that are not on the agenda. Each speaker will be given 3 minutes and may be asked follow up questions by the Mayor or Council. Further public comment may be allowed on agenda topics as time permits. We ask that speakers use respectful language and remember they are speaking to fellow citizens of Yelm who are committed to listening and responding appropriately to citizens' concerns. Members of the public engaging in disruptive behavior may be removed or blocked from the meeting. Page 2 of 2 F as EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, May 14, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Stephanie Kangiser, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Planning and Building Manager Gary Cooper and Public Services Director Cody Colt. APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Brian Hess to approve the agenda. Seconded by Tracey Wood Motion carried 7-0. CONSENT AGENDA: a) April 9, 2024, and April 23, 2024, Meeting Minutes b) January 2024 Check Register & Position Summary c) February 2024 Check Register & Position Summary Motion by Tracey Wood to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0. NEW BUSINESS: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the Cities of Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and Yelm regarding a housing displacement and racially disparate impacts analysis. Motion by Tracey Wood to approve the MOU between the cities of Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and Yelm regarding a housing displacement and racially disparate impacts analysis. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety Committee—Tracey Wood announced that the Public Safety Committee met and received updates from the Court. Finance Committee - Terry Kaminski reported that the Finance Committee met and reviewed the check register, gambling tax and purchasing a John Deere mower. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator Stancil —Spring Clean Up will be held on Saturday, Splash Pad will open on May 24th, the IT Department installed new speakers in the Council Chambers, and he attended the Chamber lunch. Mayor DePinto —June 12th Community Conversations will be held in the evening at 6PM at the Community Center and he attended the AWC Labor Relations Institute last week. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Wood — Attended the Transportation Policy meeting. Councilmember Richardson —Attended the Chamber Forum. Councilmember Crossman —Stated that the new wrap on the utility box looks good, attended the Dog Park ribbon cutting and attended the Sough Sound Military and Communities Partnership (SSMCP) breakfast. Councilmember Kangiser— Attended the Yelm Cemetery meeting, Career Fair, AWC Public Hearing and Social Media trainings, Jurassic Parliament Roberts Rules training, Chamber of Commerce meeting and reminded everyone that the Chamber is holding a chili drive. Councilmember Hess — Will attend the Intercity Transit Authority meeting on Friday. Councilmember Palmer — Attended the Regional Housing Committee meeting. Councilmember Kaminski —Attended the Finance Committee meeting and the Thurston County Chamber 100 -year celebration. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Joshua Crossman to adjourn the meeting at 6:24 PM. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0. Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk F as EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, May 28, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Stephanie Kangiser, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, and Public Services Director Cody Colt. APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Tracey Wood to approve the agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Seconded by Brian Hess Motion carried 7-0. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Mayor DePinto presented Washington State Representative JT Wilcox with a Recognition of Service certificate and thanked him for his 14 years of service. Representative Wilcox stated that it was a privilege to serve his neighbors and that he didn't have to change who he was to serve. He encouraged the city to plan ahead for Capital Budget requests and to be more demanding of those who come after him. CONSENT AGENDA: a) April 26-27, 2024 Special Meeting and May 7, 2024 Study Session Meeting Minutes b) March 2024 Check Register & Position Summary c) Purchase of John Deere Mower with 72 -inch mowing deck $39,012.93 Motion by Brian Hess to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Tracey Wood Motion carried 7-0. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Services Committee— Councilmember Crossman reported that the Public Services Committee met and discussed the mower purchase, Longmire Park upgrades, Spring Clean Up and Intercity Transit bus stops. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator Stancil — Administrator Stancil reported that the Court Administrator Sonia Ramirez attended the District and Municipal Court Management (DMCMA) conference, Police Chief Rob Carlson and Assistant Chief Atkins attended the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs (WASPC) conference and that City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer attended the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) conference. He also reported that union negotiations continue, IT department has completed 80% of the Microsoft 365 implementation, Finance Department has submitted the Annual Financial report to the State Auditors Office, the Splash Pad is now open for the season, construction is in progress for the new parking lot and that utilities are being moved in preparation for construction of the Yelm Loop. Mayor DePinto— Attended the Thurston Economic Development Council meeting and announced that union negotiations are in progress. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Richardson — Met with Jeanie at the Senior Center and they are very close to paying off their mortgage. Councilmember Hess—Attended the Intercity Transit Authority meeting and stated that Representative Wilcox has been a great source of mentorship. He also thanked the Veterans Service Organization (VSO) for their Memorial Day services. Councilmember Palmer— Asked about the status of a fence at Yelm City Park and asked if the city can lean on the state regarding enforcement of the McCleary decision in funding schools. Councilmember Kaminski —Attended the Nisqually River Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trevor Palmer to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 PM. Seconded by Terry Kaminski Motion carried 6-0. Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk ^�AST 1924 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: 06-11-2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: Amendment #5 of the Public Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance for the One -Way Couplets, Parking Lot and Activated Alley -Way Project. ACTION REQUESTED Authorize Mayor Joe DePinto to approve Amendment #5 to the Public Services Agreement with SCJ Alliance in the not to exceed amount of $59,877.00 for coordination and design of utilities. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: As SCJ is working on design of the alley way, it would be a wise decision to replace the water main between 1" St. and 2"d St. before we resurface, due to the age of the water main. This piece of main has been determined a high priority for replacement in our water system plan. This amendment allows SCJ to provide us with design and specifications for these water main improvements as well as coordinating with PSE, Consolidated, Comcast, etc. on undergrounding overhead utilities to use common ditches where possible to really keep the alley way clean looking and give us the ability to add proper lighting. You will see in the added scope that we have added potholing to locate all utilities to assist with design, and eliminate the potential of hitting any anything and causing unexpected outages. ATTACHMENTS: • Public Services Agreement Amendment #5 • Amendment #5 (Scope of Work & Fee) • Conceptual Sketch of Alley Way Respectfully Submitted: Brad Chatwood Projects & Programs Manager 1111ge City of Yelm Public Services Department Physical Address: 901 Rhoton Road SE Mailing Address: 106 Second Street SE Yelm, WA 98597 (360)458-8406 Fax: (360) 458-8417 Web: www.ci.yelmma.us AMMFNDMFNT NO 5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Washington St & McKenzie Ave One -Way Couplets, Parking Lot and Activated Alley -Way Project Utility Coordination In accordance with our Professional Services Agreement for the Washington St & McKenzie Ave One -Way Couplets, Parking Lot and Activated Alley -Way Project, dated 5/09/2023, this is an authorization to revise the project Scope of Work as described below. The work will be performed and invoiced using the terms and conditions listed in the original agreement, plus previous amendments and/or agreements. The Term of the Agreement is hereby modified as follows: Coordination of undergrounding overhead utilities as well as design of watermain replacement, potholing etc. The following items are hereby added to the Scope of Work and are detailed in attached Exhibit A: The Compensation Amount of the Agreement is hereby modified as follows: $59,877.00 IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF YELM Mayor Joe DePinto DATE: 06-11-2024 CITY OF YELM City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer DATE: 06-11-2024 SCJ Alliance By: Printed Name: Aaron Knight Title: Principal Date: 06-11-2024 EXHIBIT " A" Scope of Work Additions '. SCJ Ar..X16.........16.........IIIAIII C1"1=. Cd,',NSUI'ING SERMCES AMENDMENT #5 SCOPE OF WORK for Washington St & McKenzie Ave Activated Alleyway Project Utility City of Yelm, WA for completion of the Activated Alleyway Undergrounding of Overhead Utilities and Design of Watermain Prepared For: Brad Chatwood, Projects & Programs Manager City of Yelm 901 Rhoton Road NW Yelm, WA 98597 Prepared By: Aaron Knight, PE Date Prepared: May 16`^, 2024 Overview Amendment #5 addresses the additional work required to design and coordinate the undergrounding of power in the alleyway between Washington Avenue and SR 507 (Yelm Avenue) from 1" Street and 3rd Street and the design of a water and sewer main between 1" Street and 2"d Street to replace the existing water and sewer main and tie into previous water and sewer main improvements in the alleyway at 2"d Street. Proposed Improvements o Undergrounding of existing power through the downtown alleyway from 1" Street to 3'd Street o Water and sewer main replacement from 1" Street to 2"d Street. Assumptions • Project duration will extend four (4) months from original schedule, through February 2025. • Additional survey will be required to tie into power and water at 1" Street. Information Provided By The City • As -built drawings for the project area for water, sewer, and storm. 2121 H o I I yeroY sIANC 2dW a (digI-Iarlbor \A/A4985i 5 a OFF Icc 2>i 200:1 0/// a I1°ax i60 152.1 509 a ,qaI I i a it C'C" coIri City of Yelm Parking Lot and Activated Alleyway Scope of Work Amendment #5 May 16, 2024 Phase 1: Project Management The tasks in this Phase are amended to extend the project duration as stated in the Assumptions herein. Task 1 Management and Administration The level of effort for Management and Administration of the project has been revised to include added scope associated with additional plans, specifications, and cost estimations resulting from the utility work described herein. Task 2 Design Review Meetings (additional work) Task 2.4 Progress meetings (additional work): • SCJ will host two (2) comment resolution meetings for 90% Alleyway and 100% Alleyway Design. These meetings are added because Parking Lot and Alleyway design is split into two different timelines. Task 3 Progress Meetings Task 3.1 Progress meetings (additional work): Project will extend four months longer than original contract and will require four (4) additional monthly progress meetings. Assume two (2) consultant staff will attend each meeting. Assumptions • Additional meeting notes and progress billings and reports will be submitted to the City. Deliverables • Progress Reports and Billings submitted via email in PDF format. • Updated MS Project baseline schedule submitted via email in PDF format. • Meeting notes for progress meetings and utility coordination meetings will be submitted via email in PDF format. Phase 2: Conceptual Design No Changes. Phase 3: Traffic Analysis No Changes. Phase 4: Right of Way Consulting No Changes. 1-1 ca ye rn Y',uI :C',2,12,1' 7 ' ,0! a r,i ? -I arlbnr, \A/A 98:5 t a OF2'FI rr 5i 2,0:1 r!//i a I1°ax N60! i 52.: 1. 50! d a ,qa I I i a i r rr~.5; o I ri 'ut rrrY City of Yelm Parking Lot and Activated Alleyway Scope of Work Amendment #5 May 16, 2024 Phase 5: Topographic Survey and Right of Way Determination (additional work) Please see the attached scope of work from Mtn2Coast. Phase 6: Utility Coordination The scope of this task includes coordination with public and private utility companies associated with the new task of undergrounding of overhead utilities and replacement of the watermain. Additional work included under this task is as follows: Task 1 Utility Notification Letters No Change. Task 2 On -Going Utility Coordination (additional work) The current scope of work includes one (1) utility coordination meeting. SCJ will host two (2) additional utility coordination meetings to coordinate the design of the water and joint utility trench with impacted utility companies. Assume two (2) Consultant staff in attendance. Task 3 Potholing Coordination (New Task) Coordinate with the professional service provider for potholing required to aid in design of the watermain and joint utility trench (JUT). Task 4 Utility Conflict Exhibit (New Task) • SCJ will produce a preliminary utility conflict exhibit with concept plans for the water and sewer line and joint utility trench and provide conflict points with existing utilities for the city to comment on layout. • After review from the City, SCJ will prepare a final utility conflict exhibit with any changes to the horizontal layout requested by the City. Any additional work to address requests for horizontal changes to utilities horizontal layout will require an amendment to the contract. The exhibits will be color -coded with colors representing each type of utility. This will aid in coordination discussions and will be provided at the utility coordination meetings. Exhibit can be updated and brought to each meeting throughout the coordination process. Assumptions • Utility potholing is included as an expense. See attached cost proposal from Applied Professional Services (APS). • Traffic control and the right of way permit for utility potholing will be completed by the City. Phase 7: 30% Design No Changes. The 30% design of the Alleyway has been completed. Incorporation of the utility undergrounding and watermain replacement into the Plans will begin with the 90% design. 1-1 ca ye rn Y',uI :C',2,12,1' 7 ' ,0! a r,i ? -I arlbnr, \A/A 98:5 t a OF2'FI rr 5i 2,0:1 r!//i a I1°ax N60! i 52.: 1. 50! d a ,qa I I i a i r rr~.5; o I ri 'ut rrrY City of Yelm Parking Lot and Activated Alleyway Scope of Work Amendment #5 May 16, 2024 Phase 8: 90% Design Task 1 Parking Lot No Change. Task 2 Alleyway (additional work) Task 2.1 Response to Comments No Change. Task 2.2 90% Plans (additional work) Added plan sheets for the water main, sewer, and joint utility trench design: Title Number of Sheets Water Plan/Profile 2 Water Details 1 Sewer Plan/Profile 2 Sewer Details 1 Joint Utility Trench Plan 4 Joint Utility Trench Sections 1 Joint Utility Trench Details 2 TOTAL 13 Task 2.3 90% Design Cost Estimate (additional work) Prepare 90% design quantities for water, sewer, and joint utility trench design. It is assumed that work for utilities will be quantified as separate bid schedules from the roadway surface improvements. Task 2.4 Stormwater No change. Task 2.5 Electrical Design No change. Task 2.6 Design Report (additional work) Include 90% design information for the joint utility trench, water and sewer main design and design decisions. Task 2.7 90% Project Manual (additional work) Include 90% joint utility trench, water and sewer main specifications. 1-1 ca ye rn Y',uI :C',2,12,1' 7 ' ,0! a r,i ? -I arlbnr, \A/A 98:5 t a OF2'FI rr 5i 2,0:1 r!/// a I1°ax N60! i 52.: 1. 50! d a ,qa I I i a i r rr~.5; o I ri 'ut rrrY City of Yelm Parking Lot and Activated Alleyway Scope of Work Amendment #5 May 16, 2024 Deliverables (additional items) • 90% plan sheets, specs and estimate for water, sewer, and joint utility trenching will be added to the complete 90% submittal package. Phase 9: 100% Design The Consultant shall provide 100% Design Plans, Specifications and Estimates for review by the City. This will be the final review before issuance of Bid Documents. Task 1 Parking Lot No Change. Task 2 Alleyway (additional work) The level of effort in the fee estimate has been revised to include added scope associated with additional plans, specifications, and cost estimations resulting from the utility work described herein. Phase 10: Bid Documents The level of effort in the fee estimate has been revised to include added scope associated with additional plans, specifications, and cost estimations resulting from the utility work described herein. Phase 11: Assistance During Bidding Task 1 Parking Lot No Change. Task 2 Alleyway No Change. 1-1 ca ye rn Y',uI :C',2,12,1' 7 ' ,0! a r,i ? -I arlbnr, \A/A 98:5 t a OF2'FI rr 5i 2,0:1 r!//i a I1°ax N60! i 52.: 1. 50! d a ,qa I I i a i r rr~.5; o I ri 'ut rrrY Consultant Billing Rate Schedule SCI Alliance Client: City ofVelm Project: Amend#5- Alleyway Utility Work Job #: 22-000630 File Name: 2024-0515Velm Couplets_Fee Amend 5NIsm Date: 5/16/24 LI IAfJC P Hourly Rate Table Format Billing Rate Schedule Allowable Overhead Rate: WA Negotiated Fixed Fee: N/A Labor Template Verson: 2/2/2024 Billing Rate Schedule Total Hourly Total Hourly Job Classifications - - Billing Rates Billing Rates Minimum NTE Principal - - $200.00 $405.00 Senior Consultant - - $175.00 $400.00 Senior Project Manager - - $190.00 $325.00 PM3 Project Manager - - $165.00 $270.00 PM2 Project Manager - - $150.00 $255.00 PM1 Project Manager - - $135.00 $240.00 Senior Engineer - - $155.00 $240.00 E4 Engineer - - $145.00 $215.00 E3 Engineer - - $125.00 $185.00 E2 Engineer - - $105.00 $160.00 El Engineer - - $100.00 $145.00 Senior Landscape Architect - - $135.00 $185.00 L4Landscape - - $125.00 $175.00 L3 Landscape - - $115.00 $165.00 L2 Landscape - - $105.00 $140.00 Ll Landscape - - $100.00 $130.00 Senior Planner - - $165.00 $250.00 P4 Planner - - $125.00 $180.00 P3 Planner - - $115.00 $170.00 P2 Planner - - $105.00 $160.00 PI Planner - - $90.00 $145.00 Senior Technician - - $120.00 $200.00 T4Techniaan - - $110.00 $160.00 T3Techniaan - - $100.00 $150.00 T2Techniaan - - $90.00 $140.00 T1 Technician - - $80.00 $125.00 Construction Inspector - - $0.00 $0.00 Senior Construction Manager - - $185.00 $290.00 RE 3 Construction Resident Engineer - - $170.00 $250.00 RE 2 Construction Resident Engineer - - $145.00 $230.00 RE Construction Resident Engineer - - $140.00 $190.00 Construction Office Engineer - - $145.00 $230.00 Cl 4 Construction Inspector - - $170.00 $250.00 Cl3 Construction Inspector - - $145.00 $230.00 Cl 2 Construction Inspector - - $120.00 $165.00 CI1 Construction Inspector - - $100.00 $155.00 Graphic Designer - - $100.00 $170.00 PC 3 Project Coordinator-CMOnly - - $125.00 $165.00 PC 2 Project Coordinator - - $115.00 $155.00 PC Project Coordinator - - $100.00 $140.00 Project Accountant - - $100.00 $200.00 IT Specialist - - $0.00 $0.00 Senior Marketing Coordinator - - $0.00 $0.00 Marketing Coordinator - - $0.00 $0.00 Communications Manager - - $0.00 $0.00 Information Services Manager - - $0.00 $0.00 Cmwltrit labor HDur Esdmebe SCI Alliance 0. CkyaY.W lu.pble Mn W: rrdme Amrsdda-Nlrywylkilky WNY Tn...d Tma lls.meesdehk 3hk 22aoogaa No N:•e: aW6ss.ebm.. eJ ammmdsdm Phox& Phme BTmk Tkle TmkNo. Pdndpl sardor P.J" Manager MEnon•r r2En 1. Perk Amud.m romf DkeaY lobw HORN& Cort Taral cmt PHASE O2 PROZECr MANAGEMENT T•skel M.naar:nrdand Adminld:ation 1 Management 2 Schedule (no change) 3 Pra®ex Repart(assume4) 4 Progress Bllling(assume 4) &0 0.0 6.0 AO &0 Aa fa.0 $ 2,om.aa $ - $ 1,036... $ 2,a90.aa Subtdd Hours: Igo 40 22.0 $ 5,202.00 Tarkm oesim kedewm.inp 1 3" D.a , Reales M.etm,(n. shah') 2 9"Dea ,Reales Meiling 3 A"Dea ,Rede. Meiling 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.D 6.D $ - $ 1,310.00 $ 1,310.00 Subtotd Hours: 6.0 6.0 12.0 $ 2,62&OD T.hm Prom Maidny 1 Pragess Meetop(amame 4) 40 0.0 &D $ 1,252.0. Subtatd Hours: 40 40 fl0 $ 1,252.0 Total Phase Hours 280 10.0 40 42.0 42.0 Total Phase Dbed Labor. $2,252.00 $1,M0.00 $540.00 $9,5@.00 $ 9,582.00 PHASE OS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND NGHT OF WAY DETERMINATION T.hU1 T.p.C.phl. Survayand N ht l Way DlarnlnRl.n 1 Topographic Survey and Right of My Determinllon See Submnsultants Subtatd Hours: I See Submnsultants Total Phase Hours $ Total Phase Dbed Labor. $ - PHASE 06 UTIUTYCDORDINATION T.h U1 U&Iky N.N cadomW r.(No Clvnea) 1 lltllby NotDlration Leters(NG ChWW) $ - Subtatd Hours: $ - T.hm Gn4aingitlllty CoardlMlen(•ddklomi saerN 1 Utllby CaardMllon MeetMg(amme 3 meetings) 2 @Ilby CaardMllon Traddng Subtdd Hours: 6'06.0 10.0 6.0 16.0 12.0 fa.0 22.0 $ 2,62&aa $ 1,J9a.aa $ 4,41&00 Tahm Pd .Iine CaardiMien 1 PDth.IMe CD.rdinli.n $ - Subtotd Hours: 1 1$ - Task" U&Iky<rMld E.hlbk lN.T•.W 1 U[Ilby Conflict ErhlbR(N. Task) 2.0 4.0 20.0 30.0 $ 4,354.00 Subtatd Hours: 2.0 40 20.0 1 1 30.0 $ 0.350... Total Phase Hours &0 20.0 240 52.0 $ 52.0 Total Phase Dbed Labor. $2,071.00 $3,5&1.00 $3,120.00 $&22200 $ 8,28.00 1 14 91612024 CmmIl dabs HmrEedmBee SCJ Alliance rank Ck aYdn lugnlwnW: a/ 9[24 Naiw.e Am.nd BS-Ml.yuwy lkilaYWrY m...d Twa rLalahsdwbk a.b. auegeaD Me raw aaa4ass Tr. a.gnlaeA.aasan. Phase& Fail Phme BTmk Tkde Pdnd,dI Srla Pnps MEndn.n IMEn l .w Perk Aamuaaa rami Ulrc4t labow HounB cm idol cmt PHASE 08 BOX DESIGN T.r01 PwkJnBlatlN.OanW 1 No Cham $ Subtdd Hours: $ - Tasked NI.FMmy(addNlnal worij 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 Response to Comments (No Dwnp) 90%Plansladdttlana1warkl 90% DesIV Cost Estmre(additional work) Stormwater(No Mange) Eledaal Deal, (No Manes) Design Report (additional work) 90% Prayed Manual (additional work) Subtotd Hours:1 40 1.0 1.0 8.0 1 140 16.0 3.0 3.0 8.0 38.0 36.0 8.0 440 56.0 11.0 3.0 16.0 86.0 $ - $ B,50.00 $ 1,657.aa $ - $ - $ 617..00 $ 3,50400 $ 14358.00 Taal Phase Hours 140 38.0 440 86.0 $ 86.0 Taal Phew Deed Labor. $3,636.00 $5,013.00 $5,]10.00 $1435840 $ 14358.00 PHASE 1009 DESIGN T.sk1 100%Ded, 1 100%Desl, 8.0 16.0 384 -.a $ 81576.00 Subtotd H.urs:j I80 16.0 290 53.0 $ B,59.00 Taal Pham Hours Bo 16.0 38.0 53.0 $ 57.0 Taal Pham Deed Lobar. $3,0]1.00 $3,85400 $3,640.00 $8,59.00 $ %576.00 PHASESO BIDDMMENTS T.ske1 Bid D..". 1 old Dommeas 8.0 8.0 13.0 310 $ 5,06400 Subtotd H.urs:j I80 8.0 13.0 384 $ 5,06400 Taal Pham Hours Bo 8.0 13.0 384 $ 300 Taal Pham Deed Lobar. $3,0]1.00 $1,433.00 $1,560.00 $5,06400 $ 5,06400 Total Hours All Phases 66.0 83.0 108.0 40 360.0 760.0 Tad Deed Labor Estimate All Phases $17,09400 $1469.00 $14040.00 $540.00 $46,353.00 4 46,252.110 Indiren Cm4 Submnsult.as: Subconadtaa S.kdal: Submnsukant Mania, Subrnrha Ta•I: Rdmburwble EiPen Egerses Subtotal: Expenses Mwla:P: d .r Ta.I: Management Reserve: Torted Indlnr Care Total: MNUGoast 300.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 765.00 Caples, Println&dc APSPMhaling Mil.W $ - $ 7,960.00 $ 7,960.00 $ $ 7,sa0.m $ - $ 19,535.00 $ 59,00/.00 114 916/2024 Consultant Fee Determination Summary SCI Alliance 0.0% oPthe Total Salary Costs Client: City of Yelm APSPotholing Project: Amend#5- Alleyway Utility Work $7,960 Mileage Job #: 22-000630 miles at $0.670 per mile $0.00 File Name: 2024-0515 Yelm Couples Fee Amend 5.xlsm Consultant Fee Determination Expenses Markup: oY W7WWtW:CT SAI d@7tV"C S'.V" $0.00 SVd"SUJy;V Al (St0.d✓-0RY MJW$CJlNS1dW �AWV N, ANO d KPI ':SlSIS) Classification Hours Fully Burdened Rate Principal 0.0 $350.00 Senior Project Manager 66.0 $259.00 E4 Engineer 82.0 $179.00 E2 Engineer 108.0 $130.00 Project Accountant 4.0 $135.00 MJiOCJ,",NSW � ANIS MNl W8W W ,fl'VJRS.AiV l KPI SlSW:':S PHASE05 Subconsultent Fee Subtotal: Subconsultent Markup: $o 5%, TatplM Wr+an: ]/]/1024 CaRnC Typa: Billing W. BNatlula Amount $0.00 $17,094.00 $14,678.00 $14,040.00 $540.00 Total Salary Cost $46,352.00 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND RIGHT $5,300 $5,300.00 $265.00 Copies, Printing, etc. 0.0% oPthe Total Salary Costs $0.00 APSPotholing Potholing Sections for Alley -Way $7,960 Mileage 0 miles at $0.670 per mile $0.00 Expenses Subtotal: $7,960.00 Expenses Markup: oY $0.00 SVd"SUJy;V Al (St0.d✓-0RY MJW$CJlNS1dW �AWV N, ANO d KPI ':SlSIS) Subtotal(Salary, Subconsultants and Expenses) $59,877.00 NV10.WVY10.4nW:,AV N! W8W Sd RVI ': W 1JNO (MW) Management Reserve: $0 $0.00 Total Estimated Budget: $59,877.00 6/16/2024 Page 4 City ofyelm Washington St McKenzie Ave One -Way Couplets Contract Amendment Summary Amendment#3 Amendment#2 Management Construction Amendment#5 Original Amendment#1 (Parking Lot and Reserve Management Utility 5/16/2024 =vc O1 Project Management $ 7,522.00 $ - $ 19,725.00 $ - $ 800.00 $ 9,582.00 $ 37,629.00 02 Conceptual Design $ 26,582.00 $ 7,165.00 $ - $ - $ 33,747.00 03 Traffic Analysis $ 8,094.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 8,094.00 06 Utility Coordination $ - $ - $ 5,945.00 $ - $ 8,772.00 $ 14,717.00 07 30% Design and Estimate $ - $ - $ 48,145.00 $ - $ 48,145.00 08 90% Design and Estimate $ - $ - $ 76,090.00 $ - $ 14,358.00 $ 90,448.00 09 100% Design and Estimate $ - $ - $ 19,280.00 $ - $ 8,576.00 $ 27,856.00 10 Bid Documents $ - $ - $ 12,695.00 $ 9,361.00 $ 5,064.00 $ 27,120.00 11 Assistance During Bidding $ - $ - $ 3,030.00 $ - $ 3,030.00 12 Construction Observation $ 10,800.00 $ 10,800.00 13 Construction Administration $ 16,200.00 $ 16,200.00 Subtotal $42,198.00 $7,165.00 $184,910.00 $9,361.00 $27,800.00 $46,352.00 $317,786.00 l 04 Right of Way Consulting (Epic Lend Solutions) $ 4,724.00 $ - $ 36,835.00 $ - $ 41,559.00 05 Topographic and Right of Way Determination $ - $ 7,400.00 $ 17,600.00 $ - $ 5,300.00 $ 30,300.00 14 Materiel Testing Consultants $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 Subconsultant Markup $ 236.20 $ 370.00 $ 2,721.75 $ 200.00 $ 265.00 $ 3,792.95 Subtotal 99 Reimbursable Expenses 5 3,321.94 5 - 5 163.75 5 - 5 389.20 5 7,960.00 5 11,834.89 Subtotal $3,321.94 $0.00 $163.75 $0.00 $389.20 $7,960.00 $11,834.89 Note: Amendment N4 was executed as a time extension only, extending the contract through September 2024 May 14, 2024 SCJ Aaron Knight SCJ Alliance Aaron.knight@scjaIIiance.com Professional ILarnd Surveyors Where Sound Practice. Innovation and Client Service Calllllide 2320 Mottlmran Road SW, Suite 110,6. Tuurnwatem, WA 985112. (368) 668-1949 • voww.mtn2coast.corcn Re: Yelm City Hall — ROW Establishment, Boundary Survey, and Topographic Survey Dear Aaron: Thank you for the opportunity to provide professional surveying services. Sctai°,v,r ROW Establishment MTN2COAST, LLC (M2C) will do the appropriate field and office work to establish the right-of-way for the additional mapping area in the survey limits exhibit. Topographic Survey M2C will complete a topographic survey of the additional mapping area as highlighted in attached Survey Limits Exhibit. The topographic survey will include the following: • One -foot contours with tops, toes and breaks. • Buildings and other structures on site with finished floor elevation. • Other visible improvements such as curbs, mailboxes, light poles, etc. • Hard surfaces such as concrete, pavement and gravel. • Trees 6" and larger dbh with diameter and species measured. • M2C will hire and coordinate a utility locator service to paint the buried conductible utilities. M2C will then field map the utilities paint marks and surface appurtenances. We will also open and measure utility structures and measure pipe sizes, types and invert elevations. The Survey will be completed on the Washington State Plane Coordinate System and NAVD 88 vertical datum. Deliverables M2C will deliver the following: Professional ILarnd Surveyors Where Sound Practice. Innovation and Client Service Calllllide • Record of Survey Map in pdf form. • Topographic Survey Map in pdf form. • ACAD electronic drawing file of the project by email. 2320 Mottlmran Road SW, Suite 110,6. Tuurnwatem, WA 985112. (368) 668-1949 • voww.mtn2coast.corcn Fac M2C fee for completing the survey shall be lump sum as follows: ROW Establishment $ 860 Lump Sum Topographic Survey $3,570 Lump Sum Utility Locator Service $ 870 Lump Sum M2C's General Conditions of Contract, attached, are included as part of this Agreement for professional services. Please sign a copy of this letter and return to M2C as notice to proceed. Please feel free to contact me at Seth@mtn2coast.com or by phone at 360.688.1949 if you have any questions. Best regards, MTN2COAST, LLC Seth E. Prigge, PLS Survey Manager Proposal and General Conditions of Contract Accepted SCJ Alliance Signature Date: Professional ILarnd Surveyors Where Sound Practice, Innovation and Client Service Calllllide 2320 Moltimran Road SW, Suite 110,6. Tuurnwatem, WA 965112. (368) 888-1949 r voww.mtln2coast.carcn Survey Limits Exhibit Applied Professional Services, INC. May 16, 2024 APS VAC # 7055 Project Scope: Potholing APS, Inc. will utilize our Air Vacuum Excavation System to verify utilities at selected test -hole locations determined by SCJ Alliance. This process is being performed to obtain utility and depth information for the projects design. • APS, Inc. shall air vacuum excavate for (1) day to expose as many utilities as possible. • Scope assumes that the utility will be between 0' and 10' in depth. • If a test -hole falls in the hard surface APS, Inc. shall jackhammer the existing asphalt or concrete. • APS, Inc. shall backfill all test -holes with a material approved by the local jurisdiction (5/8" select, sand or pea gravel). • CDF backfill and permanent asphalt repair are excluded from this scope. If the local jurisdiction requires CDF backfill and/or permanent asphalt repair additional fees will be required. • Collect utility and test -hole data, and photograph all found utilities. • This estimate is based on design engineering rates in which case prevailing wages do not apply. • Restoration is assumed at this time to be 5/8" crushed rock back fill or native fill and an EZ -street patch, which carries a 2 -year warranty from the date the test -hole was completed. • Grind and overlay of the existing roadway is not covered in this scope. Should the local jurisdiction require additional restoration, other than what is included in the scope, then additional fees will be required. • All bonding and/or ROE will be obtained prior to APS arriving on site. Deliverables: Potholing • Test -hole data sheets, which include Top, Bottom, Width, Diameter and Direction of the utility. • Excel spread sheet containing all test -hole data for the project. • All field notes with offsets shown in a hand drawn sketch. • Photo of all Found Utilities. • One and a quarter inch zinc washer left at grade where utility was found with measurements stamped into it. SERVICE PROVIDED COST/ UNIT I EST. HRS/UNITS TOTAL COST AIR VACUUM POTHOLING (poI1al4o-portal) $ 355.00 14 $ 4,970.00 PROJECT COORDINATION $ 110.00 6 $ 660.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS $ 200.00 1 $ 200.00 CONDUCTABLE LOCATES $ 115.00 4 $ 460.00 NON CONDUCTABLE LOCATES $ 245.00 6 $ 1,470.00 DUMPING FEE (per hole) $ 25.00 8 $ 200.00 TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATE $ 7,960.00 Project Site Address • 2nd St SE & Washington St SE. Yelm, WA Contact Information: CLIENT: SCJ Alliance David Rowland 8730 Tallon Lane NE #200 Lacey, WA 98516 (360)352-1465 Authorization to Proceed The undersigned hereby acknowledges the terms and conditions of this agreement and authorizes APS, Inc. to proceed according to the project scope and cost. SCJ Alliance Job # 7055 Name: Date: cm YELM ALLEY MARCH 25i 2024 mx�euxo ma�m�� r�i if i�% ` PST 1724 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH KIDDER MATHEWS ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize Mayor DePinto to sign the Professional Services Agreement with Kidder Mathews for Consulting and Marketing of the 640 acre parcel. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Request for Proposals for consulting and marketing services of the 640 acre parcel were distributed March 14" and once again on March 21", 2024. Atotal of three (3) interested parties submitted proposals. The Mayor assembled a committee on April 23" to review the proposals and make a selection. The committee selected Kidder Mathews to provide the requested services. A Professional Services Agreement was created after review and input from the RFP Review Committee, Yelm City Attorney Brent Dille, representatives from Kidder Mathews and City of Yelm staff. Kidder Mathews will begin work immediately upon authorization and signature of the Mayor and Yelm City Council. ATTACHMENTS: • Professional Services Agreement • City of Yelm Request for Proposal (Exhibit A) • Kidder Mathews Proposal (Exhibit B) • Allocation of Hours for Consulting (Exhibit C) Respectfully Submitted: Todd Stancil City of Yelm, City Administrator 1111ge CITY OF YFLM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT For Real Estate Consulting and Consultantage Services 1. Parties. This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement') is entered into as of the Effective Date specified below between the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation having its principal place of business at 106 Second Street SE., Yelm, Washington 98597 ("City"), and Kidder Mathews ("Consultant'). 2. Recitals. 2.1 City desires to obtain professional services for work related to provide professional real estate consultant services. 2.2 City has solicited for such professional services as required by law, including chapter 39.80 RCW if applicable. 2.3 Consultant represents that it is available and able to provide qualified personnel and facilities necessary for the work and services contemplated herein, and Consultant further represented that it can accomplish the work and services within the required time period and in accordance with City's specifications and professional standards. 2.4 Consultant agrees to perform the work and services specified herein in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and promises set forth herein, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: 3. Terms and Conditions. 3.1 Scoye of Work The contractor shall provide Real Estate Consulting and Brokerage Services to the City (the "Work"), as more particularly described in City's Request for Proposal, first advertised on March 14th and again on March 21 2024. ("RFP"), and Contractor's Proposal, dated April 8, 2024 ("Proposal"). The RFP and Proposal are attached to this Contract as Exhibit A and Exhibit B and are hereby incorporated by reference. In the event of inconsistencies between this Contract and Exhibits A and B, the provisions of this Contract shall control. In the event of inconsistencies between Exhibit A (the RFP) and Exhibit B (the Proposal), the provisions of Exhibit A shall control. Compensation for this Scope of Work and certain stipulations on that compensation are described in Section 3.2 and in the table set forth in the listing agreement contained in Exhibit B, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Professional Servies Agreement Page 1 of 11 3.2 Pavment. 3.2.1 Consulting Fees. The City agrees to pay Contractor $275.00 per hour (up to a maximum of $25,000) for consulting services and disposition fee as set forth in Exhibit B. This amount is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement and shall not be exceeded without prior written authorization from City in the form of a negotiated and executed supplemental agreement. 3.2.2 Marketing and Disposition Fee. The Contractor's fee schedule for marketing and selling the Property and representing the City in the property disposition is set forth in Exhibit B. The fee will be all inclusive, consistent with the scope of work outlined in the City's Request for Qualifications. 3.2.3 General Provisions. Contractor shall submit monthly billings for work performed. The billings shall describe all work performed with particularity, by whom it was performed and shall itemize and explain all expenses for which reimbursement is claimed. The City shall not be bound to pay amounts or rates of reimbursement or compensation in excess of those specified in an exhibit incorporated into this Agreement. City shall pay Contractor for the amount billed each month within thirty (30) days after receiving Contractor's billing. City shall not pay any amount in excess of the compensation or reimbursement amounts set forth above nor shall City pay Contractor any fees or costs that City reasonably disputes until or unless the dispute is resolved. Acceptance of any payment by Consultant shall constitute a release of all payment claims against City arising under this Agreement as to such portion of the Services. No payment to Consultant, whether periodic or final, shall constitute a waiver or release by City of any claim, right, or remedy it may have against Consultant regarding performance of the Services as required by this Agreement. 3.3 Subconsultants. In the event subconsultants are required to complete the assignment, Contractor will retain the subconsultants as selected and approved by the City. Costs for subconsultants shall be included in the Contractor's Marketing and Disposition Fee, unless specifically agreed to by City through a formal amendment to this agreement. 3.4 Time of Performance. Consultant agrees that the Work comprised of the consulting services shall begin immediately upon the Effective Date or City's issuance of a Notice to Proceed, whichever is applicable, and Consultant shall continue to perform the Work with due diligence. In no event shall completion of the Work be delayed beyond December 31, 2024. An allocation of hours for the consulting portion of the Work is set forth in Exhibit C. The marketing and disposition portion of the work shall commence immediately after the consulting services portion is complete. Consultant's commission fee and time for performance of the Work shall not be increased because of any delays or costs attributable to Consultant. In the event of a delay not attributable to Consultant, which could not be reasonably anticipated and which results in an increase in costs to perform the Work, City may at its discretion, through the execution of an amendment or supplemental agreement, increase the commission fee and/or time for performance Professional Servies Agreement Page 2 of 11 of the Work. 3.5 Relationship of Parties. Consultant is an independent contractor under this Agreement, and the parties intend that an independent contractor -client relationship is the only relationship created by this Agreement. No employee, agent, representative, or sub -Consultant of Consultant shall be or shall be deemed to be the employee, agent, representative, or sub Consultant of City. Consultant has no authority, and will not represent itself to have authority, to legally bind City or otherwise act for City or on City's behalf. None of the compensation or other benefits provided by City to its employees shall be available to Consultant's employees, agents, representatives or sub -Consultants. Consultant shall be solely responsible for all compensation, taxes, withholding, and other benefits due to its employees, agents, representatives, and sub - Consultants. Consultant shall be solely responsible for its acts and omissions and for the acts and omissions of Consultant's agents, employees, representatives, and sub -Consultants during performance of this Agreement. On or before the Effective Date, Consultant shall file, maintain, and/or open all necessary records with the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Washington, and as may be required by RCW 51.08.195, to establish Consultant's status as an independent contractor. 3.6 Work Performed at Consultant's Risk. Consultant shall take all precautions reasonably necessary to perform the Work and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents and sub -Consultants in the performance of the Work. 3.7 Supervision. Inspection and Performance. 3.7.1 Even though Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the Work, the Work must meet the approval of City and shall be subject to City's general right of inspection and supervision to secure the satisfactory completion of this Agreement. 3.7.2 Consultant represents that it has or will obtain all personnel necessary to perform the Work and that such personnel shall be qualified, experienced, and licensed as may be necessary or required by applicable laws and regulations to perform the Work. All Work shall be performed by Consultant, its employees, or by sub -Consultants whose selection has been authorized by City; provided that City's authorization shall not relieve Consultant or its sub Consultants from any duties or obligations under this Agreement, or at law, to perform the Work in a satisfactory and competent manner. Consultant shall ensure that all contractual duties, requirements and obligations that Consultant owes to City shall also be owed to City by Consultant's subconsultants retained to perform the Work. 3.7.3 Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical adequacy, accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of the Work and all plans, designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other work performed pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall perform the Work in accordance with the standard of care of its profession in the same or similar localities at the time work are performed. Consultant shall be responsible for the professional standards, performance, and actions of all persons and firms performing the Work under this Agreement. Consultant shall, without additional compensation, correct any specific Professional Servies Agreement Page 3 of 11 breach of a contractual obligation in the Work and revise any errors or omissions in any plans, designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other products prepared under this Agreement. 3.8 Termination of Agreement. 3.8.1 Termination by City for Consultant's Default. City may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part and at any time, in writing if Consultant substantially fails to fulfill any or all of its material obligations through no fault of City. If City terminates all or part of this Agreement for default, City shall determine the amount of Work satisfactorily performed to the date of termination and the amount owing to Consultant using the criteria set forth below; provided that (a) no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed Work or other work, and (b) any payment due to Consultant at the time of termination may be adjusted to the extent of any additional costs City incurs or will incur because of Consultant's default. In such event, City shall consider the actual costs incurred by Consultant in performing the Work to the date of termination, the amount of Work originally required which was satisfactorily completed to the date of termination, whether the Work or deliverables were in a form or of a type which is usable and suitable to City at the date of termination, the cost to City of either completing the Work itself or employing another firm to complete the Work in addition to the inconvenience and time which may be required to do so, and other factors which affect the value to City of the Work performed to the date of termination. Under no circumstances shall payments made under this provision exceed the Schedule of Charges. This provision shall not preclude City from filing claims and/or commencing litigation to secure compensation for damages incurred beyond that covered by withheld payments. 3.8.2 Termination by City for Convenience. City may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part and at any time, for the convenience of City. City shall terminate by delivery to the Consultant a notice of termination specifying the extent of the termination and the effective date of termination. If City terminates this Agreement for convenience, City shall pay Consultant the amount otherwise due in accordance with this Agreement for Work satisfactorily performed to the date of termination. 3.8.3 Termination by Consultant. Consultant may terminate this Agreement in the case of a material breach and upon failure of City to remedy said breach within ten (10) days of written notice by the Consultant of such breach. Consultant may also terminate the Agreement if key personnel and/or facilities are lost due to an act of God or other catastrophe creating a situation under which Consultant is physically unable to perform. Consultant's notice of termination shall be in writing. 3.9 Discrimination. When hiring of employees to perform Work, and in any subcontract arising hereunder, Consultant, its sub Consultants, or any person acting on behalf of Consultant or sub Consultant shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, age, sex, national origin or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, veteran status, or sexual orientation, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the Work to which the employment relates. 3.10 Indemnification and Compliance with Law. Professional Servies Agreement Page 4 of 11 3.10.1 The indemnification and defense obligations specified in this Section 3.9 ("Indemnity Obligations") have been mutually negotiated and shall survive the expiration, abandonment, or termination of this Agreement. The Indemnity Obligations shall extend to claims that are not reduced to a suit and to any claims that may be compromised prior to the culmination of any litigation or the institution of any litigation. Inspection, acceptance or payment by City of Yelm or for any Work performed by Consultant shall not be grounds for avoidance of any Indemnity Obligations. 3.10.2 Consultant's duty to indemnify the City under this Agreement varies, as more particularly set forth below, depending on the circumstances that give rise to the obligation of indemnity. However, the Consultant's indemnity obligation shall extend - under any and all such circumstances -to all liability, claims, damages, losses, and expenses incurred by the City, whether direct, indirect, consequential, and specifically including (but not limited to) any attorneys' and Consultants' fees and other expenses of litigation or arbitration (for convenience, these are collectively referred to as "losses") that arise from the particular act or omission giving rise to the indemnity obligation. General Indemnity. Except to the extent that one of the more specific indemnity obligations set forth below applies, Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, including its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers, from any and all losses and claims including any and all claims for personal injury, bodily injury, including death, or damage to property that are caused or alleged to be caused, in whole or in part, by any act or omission of Consultant. This obligation of indemnity includes negligent acts (whether concurrent, contributory, or both) by the City. The obligation of indemnity under this Subparagraph does not, however, extend to losses caused by the sole negligence of the City. Professional Errors and Omissions. For any losses that arise from the exercise of Consultant's professional judgment in the performance of architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, or land surveying services such that RCW 4.24.115 would apply, Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from all such losses to the extent caused or alleged to be caused by any violation of law, including state, federal, or municipal law or ordinance, or by any negligent act, omission, breach of contract, or willful or intentional misconduct of Consultant. The obligation of indemnity under this Subparagraph does not, however, extend to losses caused by the negligence (whether sole, concurrent, or contributory) of the City. 3.10.3 In any and all claims against the City by any employee of Consultant, the indemnification obligations set forth above shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages or compensation benefits payable by or for Consultant under the applicable worker's or workmen's compensation, benefit, or disability laws (including but not limited to the Industrial Insurance laws, Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington). Consultant expressly waives any immunity Consultant might have under such laws and, by entering into this Agreement, acknowledges that this waiver has been mutually negotiated. Professional Servies Agreement Page 5 of 11 3.10.4 The obligations of this Paragraph shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or otherwise reduce any other right or obligation which would otherwise exist as to any person or entity described in this paragraph. 3.10.5 For purposes of this Paragraph only, the terns "City" shall mean and include the City and its council members and other elected officials, other officers, employees, and agents, and the terns "Consultant' shall mean and include Consultant, all of its Sub Consultants and suppliers at all tiers, agents, and any other person directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 3.10.6 The parties recognize that one party may have unique knowledge or involvement in the acts that certain claims are based on; therefore, the parties agree that upon receipt or service of a claim arising out of or related to the work or project which is the subject of this Contract, the parties hereto will cooperate in good faith in the defense of any claim. The intent and purpose of this subsection is to ensure the good faith cooperation of both parties in the defense of any claim initially so that all necessary knowledge and personnel are made available to each other in order achieve the best claim defense possible. The parties agree that they each have the right to tender the defense of any third party claims to the other party without violating the provisions of this section. However, notwithstanding any other provision in this section, in the event that either party fails to accept tender from the other party, the parties agree that it is their intent that they will cooperate and initially defend any claims arising out of, in connection with, or incident to their own acts, regardless of the type or characterization of the act(s) and each party is free to assert such defenses, claims, counterclaims and third party claims as they deem appropriate. At the time that liability for any disputed claim is ultimately determined by agreement, as a result of any agreed or mandatory dispute resolution process, or by final order of a court of competent jurisdiction, the parties will reimburse each other for any defense costs and claims costs and payments or judgment satisfaction that may have been incurred pursuant to the provisions of this subsection and which would not have been required of that party under the provisions of this Agreement if their initial tender of defense had not been improperly rejected. 3.11 Insurance. Unless otherwise stated in Exhibit A, the following insurance requirements shall apply. 3.11.1 Insurance. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. 3.11.2 No Limitation. Consultants maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Consultant to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. Professional Servies Agreement Page 6 of 11 3.11.3 Minimum Scope of Insurance. Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: A. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non -owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. B. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The City shall be named as an additional insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. C. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. D. Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. 3.11.4 Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: A. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. B. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. C. Professional Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit. 3.11.5 Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability, Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: A. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. B. The Consultant's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice Professional Servies Agreement Page 7 of 11 by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. In the event that such endorsement cannot be obtained from Consultant's insurance carrier, Consultant shall be responsible for providing notice in accordance with the terms of this provision. 3.11.6 Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than ANII. 3.11.7 Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work, which is attached and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit A ("Consultant's Certificate(s) of Insurance"). 3.12 Records. Documents, and Audits. 3.12.1 Original documents, drawings, designs and reports developed under this Agreement, whether in written or electronic format, shall belong to and become the property of City, and shall be promptly delivered to City as required by the Work or at the termination of this Agreement. All written information submitted by City to Consultant in connection with the Work will be safeguarded by Consultant to at least the same extent as Consultant safeguards like information relating to its own business. If such information is publicly available, is already in Consultant's possession or known to it, or is rightfully obtained by Consultant from third parties, Consultant shall bear no responsibility for its disclosure, inadvertent or otherwise. 3.12.2 City acknowledges that the documents prepared by Consultant are prepared specific to the project described herein. If City modifies or uses any of said documents for other projects or purposes without the written approval of Consultant, City releases Consultant from all responsibility for any errors or omissions therein with respect to such modification or other use. 3.12.3 Consultant and its sub Consultants shall maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence directly pertinent to performance of the Work in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices consistently applied. City or any duly authorized representative shall have access to and be permitted to inspect such books, records, documents, and other evidence for the purpose of audit, examination and copying for a period of six (6) years after completion or termination of the Agreement, whichever is later. Audits conducted under this Section 3.11 shall be in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and established procedures and guidelines of the reviewing or auditing agency. 3.13 Disputes and Remedies. 3.13.1 Choice of Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The Superior Court of Thurston County, Washington, shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any legal action arising under this Agreement. 3.13.2 Dispute Resolution. All claims, counterclaims, disputes, and other matters Professional Servies Agreement Page 8 of 11 in question between City and Consultant arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be referred to the City Administrator or a designee for determination, together with all pertinent facts, data, contentions, and so forth. The City Administrator shall consult with Consultant's representative and make a determination within thirty (30) calendar days of such referral. Should the claims, counterclaims, or disputes not be resolved by the City Administrator's decision, the parties shall refer the matter to professional mediation, which shall be conducted within thirty (30) calendar days of the City Administrator's decision. The cost of mediation shall be shared equally. No civil action on any claim, counterclaim, or dispute may be commenced until thirty (30) days following such mediation. In the event of litigation between Consultant and City to enforce the rights under this Agreement, reasonable attorney fees and expenses shall be allowed to the prevailing party. 313.3 Remedies. City's rights and remedies in this Agreement are in addition to all other rights and remedies provided by law. City may exercise such rights and remedies in any order and at any time as it determines necessary or appropriate. 3.13.4 Amendments. This Agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto, shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented, extended or amended, in any manner whatsoever, except by written instrument, executed by both parties. Such waiver, alteration, modification, supplement, extension or amendment, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given. The parties acknowledge and agree that, to the extent permitted by law, this Agreement may be amended to specifically provide for additional Consultant services that are within or directly related to the Scope of Work. 3.14 Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed below, or at such other address as given pursuant to this Section, and shall be effective on the next business day if sent by registered or certified mail or deposited with an overnight delivery service. City of Yelm Attn: Todd Stancil 106 Second St SB Yelm, WA 98597 Kidder Mathews Attn: Blair Howe, CCIM 601 Union Street, Suite 4270 Seattle, WA 98101 3.15 Entire Agreement. The written terms and provisions of this Agreement, together with all referenced Exhibits, supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of, or altering in any manner whatsoever, this Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is contained in this Agreement and the referenced Exhibits. Professional Servies Agreement Page 9 of 11 3.16 Priority of Documents. In the event that the language and provisions of this Agreement are contrary to or conflict with any language or provisions set forth in any exhibit to this Agreement, the language and provisions of this Agreement shall control, and the contrary or conflicting language or provisions of the exhibit(s) shall be disregarded and shall be considered void. 3.16 Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of City and Consultant. 3.17 Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by Consultant without the prior written consent of City shall be void. 3.18 Waiver. A waiver of any breach by either party shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach. 3.19 Third -Party Beneficiaries. There are no third -party beneficiaries to this Agreement. 3.10 Counterparts. This Agreement shall be signed in duplicate or triplicate and may not be signed in counterparts. 3.11 Authorized Signatures. By their signatures below each party represents that it has taken all necessary steps and is fully authorized to sign for and on behalf of the named principal above. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective on the last date entered by the parties below. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS IMMEDIATELY] Professional Servies Agreement Page 10 of 11 CITY OF YELM Joe DePinto Date Its: Mayor ATTEST Kathy Linnemeyer Date City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Brent Dille Date City Attorney CONSULTANT KIDDER MATTHEWS By: Date Its: Professional Servies Agreement Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT A City of Yelm Request for Proposal (See Attached) Professional Servies Agreement Exhibit A EXHBIBT B Kidder Matthews Proposal (See Attached Professional Servies Agreement Exhibit B EXHIBIT C Allocation of Hours for Consulting (See Attached Spreadsheet) Professional Servies Agreement Exhibit B Request for Proposal The City of Yelm owns property as described and depicted in Exhibit A. The City of Yelm is seeking proposals from qualified commercial real estate firms to provide real estate consulting and brokerage services to support the future disposition and development of the property. The primary objective of the assignment is to maximize the value and potential of the land for the benefit of the community and stakeholders. The first phase of the work will be consultative in nature and focus the assembly of the available and readily knowable information that describes the existing conditions of the property. Further, to inforni prospective buyers, the work will involve working with the City to identify unknowns and characterize the regulatory pathway that will lead to development permitting and approval. The second phase of the assignment will be to represent the City in the marketing and disposition of the property. Phase 1 — Real Estate Consulting: 1. Existing Conditions: a. Collect all available property information that describes the existing conditions of the property, including, but not limited to, its title and encumbrances, topography, environmental features, infrastructure availability, and legal considerations. b. Work with the City and its consultants to characterize master planning regulatory process and milestones or timelines towards project approval. c. Review available property information and identify information gaps and property strengths and weaknesses. 2. Preparation for Disposition a. Work with the City to refine the property disposition goals. b. Establish buyer selection criteria and proposal rating scheme. Phase 2 - Real Estate Brokerage: The City will enter into an exclusive listing agreement for the sale of the property with the Company. The property listing scope of work will include, but is not limited to: 1. Prepare property marketing and communication plan. 2. Prepare property disposition procedures and standard transaction documents. 3. Prepare marketing tools and materials — electronic and print media, and website. 4. Execute the property disposition as stipulated in the marketing plan, under the timelines set forth. 5. Evaluate offers and support developer selection. 6. Work with the City to negotiate transaction terms and conditions. 7. Monitor and support transaction(s) through contingency period(s) and closing. Solicitation Timeline: Proposals must be submitted no later than April 8, 2024. The selected vendor will be notified by May 1, 2024. The project is expected to commence on May 7, 2024 and be completed with apresentation to City Yelm Council on or before September 3, 2024. Proposal Requirements: Interested firms are requested to submit their proposals containing the following: 1. Firm profile a. Short firm profile. b. Discussion about the firm's experience and capability to market commercial properties nationally. c. Company website address. 2. Resumes of the key service providers. 3. Relevant experience of key individual service providers, including summaries of at least three similar projects completed. 4. Proposed changes in methodology or approach to the scope of work. 5. Detailed project timeline and deliverables schedule. 6. Proposed fees including itemized fees for each phase of the project. 7. References from past clients for similar projects. Proposal Evaluation Proposals will be evaluated and scored according to the following schedule: 1. Firm Profile 30 points 2. Key Service Provider Experience 30 points 3. Project Timeline 15 points 4. Proposed Budget 15 points 5. References 10 points Total 100 points Please submit your proposal electronically to Todd Stancil, City Administrator, at todds(a yelmwa.gov no later than April 8, 2024 no later than 5:00 p.m... Any inquiries regarding this RFP should also be directed to the aforementioned contact. The City of Yelm appreciates your interest in assisting us with this important initiative. We look forward to receiving your proposal and partnering with a qualified firm to maximize the value of our city -owned land. Todd Stancil City Administrator todds@yelmwa.gov 360.458.3244 City of Yelm 106 Second St SE Yelm, WA 98597 Dear Mr. Stancil, Kidder Mathews is pleased to present its proposal to provide real estate consulting and brokerage services to the City of Yelm. Kidder Mathews believes the City ofYelm's property is a unique asset situated in a highly desirable market. Kidder Mathews is excited about the opportunity to help the City of Yelm and leverage its resources to achieve maximum public benefit. Kidder Mathews proposal demonstrates its; understanding of the scope of work, experience providing real estate services for public entities, its ability to deliver projects on time and on budget, its experience completing complex transactions, and its abilityto communicate with stakeholders. Kidder Mathews has a long track record of helping its clients close complex, high-value property transactions and its professionals are ready to deliver the firm's resources, relationships, and knowledge to help the City of Yelm achieve its goals. Do not hesitate to contact us with questions or comments at 360.480.6680, ryan.haddocl<@I<idder.com or 206.963.0894, blair.howe@I<idder.com Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ryan Haddock Blair Howe, CCIM { DD_R MAT-EWS .E3- C 4� COO 'S G is SROKRAGE Sc _S - i.. -Y � Y +:_ 2 :» b 11 RYAN HADDOCK BEmRHOWE, my 0,\ 2 : : - : : E : 2 ,E -EVA MT :xr:2:M c: 04 «rr:G«cn 0 DV. E E \ E<<cnEourE ■__— Kidder KDDER=v Mathews o -�--- �7������<? xv, NPI THELM L_'IN YOUR MARKET To o-Ve1 .5 years, Ki-��,�4�e1'_'rJanhe-U-7.4 ha..4 pro- �-��,��-��,� ��r.-��,�����t'���r.� counsel btr I null ed expo is it"ho are y1 urent. tr e1t. rep eneu11£c-1 spi n. The s.rm £c11 £cyy of real es. a. e ser -Vices. Thelfirm is a if arke- leade1' {c1 dpri` es CO v ERC AL BROKERAGE o a2 A' -A pa\SaCTo 'io-vi, ,A l" A- SE e A S, U R SE-'E_CES Commerciai Brokeraae Asset Services Vauation Advisory Debt & Equity Finance A 5 5 E- V.'= LUA N SERV CES ADV SRY 50 0 600 1M B-'o,A�"Ac M 3iEAS S. '-QAC o -:-A-E:; V-A 1A c I" App2A ,".S MA Commerciai Brokeraae Asset Services Vauation Advisory Debt & Equity Finance =v AL _v v= _ KEY _ OUR SUCCESS Kidder Mathews platform, combined with a streamlined management structure and independent mindset make just about anything possible. The firm's professionals work in an environment with limited process or bureaucracy that's characteristic of other large firms. Theyfind the platform is empowering and accelerates success for the firm's clients. The firm's culture is built on mutual respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to doing the best for its clients AW D-_ . - SERV __- With 610+ awards & recognitions the firm's secret to success is simple. It builds a culture of excellence that attracts the highest caliber of professionals dedicated to client service. RE5PEC-ED CL E-- BASE Kidder Mathews serves individuals and organizations, both large and small. Some of its more well known clients are shown below. AL E X A N D R t A. —IiiLOA090 - it re BLacKRoci< VL LINKL 7Y RoErAo M�nou nuveen PROMR II PROLOGIS UTI A2IM Cu���rmu { DD_R MAT-EWS .c3- S-4; COO 'S G is SROKR3Gc Sc -S - i.. -Y Oc Yn:_ 6 SCOPE OF SMWCES BROKERAGE Kidder Mathews helps its clients capitalize on market trends in the most competitive real estate markets. The firm's brokers complete more than 500 brokers performing $10 billion in transactionsannually(3-year average). Since we see more transactions, our clients benefitfrom superior marketknowledge and transaction expertise. The brokerage division focuses its expertise in the following areas of specialization: Industrial, Office, Retail, Investment, Multifamily, Technology, Life Sciences, R&D, and Corporate Services. In each specialty, the firm's experienced professional can heap you with your reai estate requirements ocaily, nabonaily, and mternationa y. Asia-Pacific Services Multifamily investments Corporate Services Net Lease investments Healthcare Office Hospitality Office Tenant Advisory industrial Religious & Educational --acilities investment Retail Land & Agribusiness Seniors Housina Life Science Manufactured Housina & Rv ASS SERA, ES The Kidder Mathews commercial asset services manages 51 million square feet of industrial, office, retail, and medical/research properties, for a diverse clientele including institutional and private investors, public agencies, corporations, and non-profit organizations. The firm's managed portfolio represents over 750 assets under management. Kidder Mathews knows that every client has unique investment and ownership objectives. From a platform combining the best in talent, systems and technologies, the firm has the capacity to deliver the scope of services to meet any corporate reai estate objective. Project & Construction Management Property Management Development Management Distressed Assets Building Enaineerina Services Sustainability Practices Client Accountina Services K SS_a w:A. F WS ._ cc.- c a _.- _ __ __ - C.- _._ VA 3A , NADV _SORY Kidder Mathews provides comprehensive comme; cia# ; ea# estate va#uation, advisory, consulting, and cost segregation services for a wide variety of property types. Kidder Mathews' leverages it professional affiliations to expand its geographic reach by connecting with other profess;onai around the world. Mary ofits p; ofessiona#s are member s of CCIM, SIOR, CRE, CBA, MAI, FRICS, MRICS, BOMA, CPA, CPM, FMA, LEEDAP, and RPA.The increase market awareness firm leverages industry leading services such as Costar, Rea; Capita# Markets, and the Comme; da# Brokers Association. The firm's appraisers are members of the Appraisal Institute and Counselor of Real Estate (CRE), and are active with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and hold the MAI, FRICS, and MRICS desianations. Arbitration & Mediation Eminent Domain Estate & Gift Valuations Mortaaae Lendina Valuations Rural, Natural Resource & Environmental Valuations Tax & Financial Reporting Cost Seareaation Litigation Services Data Center Services Partial interest & Discount Valuation Services »3. &ErQU F FNANCE The Kidder Mathews debtand equity finance group specializes in the placement of commercial mortgage debtthat meets its client's specific needs. Its focus is on recourse, non-recourse, multifamily, hospitality, industrial, retail, office, and owner/user ioans. (Kidder Mathews offers these services to both iostitutiona and vocal investors. Life company loans for lower Itv non-recourse transactions CMBS - commercial mortaaae backed securities for higher Itv non-recourse transactions SBA and Non -SBA for owner/aser loans Large and small bank placement financing Credit union loans with no prepayment penalty Bridge financing for the acquisition of transitional/value-add properties Government agency loans for apartments Private money placement Construction financing, both recourse and non-recourse, for all propertvtvpes Private lender financing for accelerated closings K SS_a rv:A, F WS ._ cc.- c a _.- . c_ __ __ - CIT _._ 3 The Kidder Mathews consulting group offers an alternative to typical transaction - based real estate services, providing independent, third party services for both private and public sector organizations. The consultative approach involves working collaboratively with the client to create, document, and execute its real estate strategies and tactics to achieve specific business objectives. The Kidder Mathews consulting group takes a personalized approach that leverages the firm's comprehensive servicesto optimize real estate resources. It brings its experience, relationships, and resources to organizations that are looking for ways to plan thoughtfully, reduce costs, maximize value, and improve efficiency. Strategic and tactical planning Master planning & catalyst projects Predevelopment & feasibility Market & site analysis Acquisition/disposition planning &execution On-call real estate consulting GLOBALlREACH Kidder Mathews has a global strategic alliance with Binswanger (in-depth knowledge of 103 markets in 34 countries) to provide leasing, sales, asset management, consulting, and corporate advisory services for industrial, office, retail, investment, life science, and technology properties worldwide. Binswanger serves a vast number of Global 1,000 companies and completed over $11 billion transactions last year. For more information, visit www.binswanger.com. Kidder Mathews Asia-Pacific Services facilitates strategic capital partnerships between U.S. developers/investors and our Asian -Pacific clients. Our deep market knowledge and longstanding relationships with U.S. developers and investors, along with our extensive network of Asian -Pacific clients, allows the firm to create exceptional investmentand development opportunities. Kidder Mathews' leverages it professional affiliations to expand its geographic reach by connecting with other professional around the world. Many of its professionals are members of CCIM, SIOR, CRE, CBA, MAI, FRICS, MRICS, BOMA, CPA, CPM, FMA, LEED AP, and RPA. The firm's network includes accessto industry leading services such as Costar, Real Capital Markets, and the Commercial Brokers Association. { DD_R MAT-EWS .E3- C 4� COO 'C G is SROKRAGE Sc _S = i.. -Y � Y +:_ G PUBL C SEC OR EXPER E C-_ Kidder Mathews has a long history of providing real estate services for the public sector. The firm has or is currently serving regional planning authorities, states, port authorities, transit agencies, counties, cities, and other government and non-profit entities. The following public sector entities are representative list of the firm's pacific northwest clients. Port ' OWN Z of Seattle Nael a a Re,;C4 C CU m- "' City of Seattle fiFrFSoutvPTRmsrr -j isro kg King County METRO CF, C ESHA of � pity of Bothell t CALIFORNIA High -Speed Rm1 Authority _ - M { DD_' MAT-EWS .Ea- ES -a, . CO`'S G & SRO aGE ScR -S - C. -t Oc t'c-,:_ le � , , Ryan Haddock specializes in acquisitions, sales, land development, and leasing of projects throughout Western Washington. He began his career in commercial real estate in May of 2005. He quickly became one of the most active Thurston County commercial brokers, not only representing some of the most prominent listings in the area but also serving as a tenant broker to several national retail chains. In the past few years, he has worked in a consulting role as well as a resource for municipalities, national developers and tenants who rely on his expertise of the market. Before entering the real estate industry, Ryan worked as an electrician, with projects in both the private and public sector. Which has allowed him to build his contact base and extensive connections throughout the community. His background and experience in the construction industry has proven to be extremely valuable when evaluating commercial real estate projects and redevelopment opportunities for his clients. Ryan is strategically aligned with a core group of high-level landlord and tenant brokers, granting him inside information and insight about or regarding unique opportunities that lead to optimal returnsfor his clients. This network, combined with Kidder Mathews' full-service marketing platform, allows him to position properties in the marketplace that ultimately lead to multiple offers and much higher returns for his clients. Aaron's Advance Auto Parts Black Bear Diner Business Property Development Cartridge World Denny's Fred Meyer H&R Block Hand & Stone Massage & Spa Port of Centralia Powell Development Ruby Tuesday Shea, Carr and Jewell Wig Properties WinCo Foods { DD_' MAT-EWS .Ea- ES -a, . CO`'S G & SRO aGE ScR -S - C. -t Oc t'c-,:_ 12 BLAIR HOWE, ccim V:ce..v,u...' .rsu.'. Blair Howe guides Kidder Mathews consulting services practice; a team -oriented practice that deliversadvice, guidance, and assistance in real estate mattersthat is personalized, objective and solution -oriented. Services include project management, strategic planning, consensus building, project feasibility and planning, market and location analysis, risks and needs analysis, acquisition and disposition planning and execution, master planning, public/private partnerships, and transit oriented development. Between 1998 and 2001, Blair was a corporate services and valuation advisory provider for Kidder Mathews. Between 1995 and 1997, Blairwasthe managing member of Good branch, L.L.C.; a residential real estate development company administering family-owned projects located in Pierce County, Washington. In 1988, Blair was employed by Gateway Associates as an owner's representative forth e AT&T Gateway Tower (now Municipal Tower), located in Seattle. He was as a member of the team responsible for the construction and leasing of the one million square foot mixed-use real estate project. AL LA _ Member of National Association of Realtors Member of Commercial Investment RE Institute Member of Commercial Brokers Association Member of Washington Association of Realtors Licensed WA Real Estate Managing Broker BA, Management in the Public Interest, Evergreen State College Additional Education includes CCIM -250 hours, Al -240 hours, other RE Courses -200 hours SEL =C CL EN_ =,S- Aiken St. Louis Fairfield Residential Grealic Parking by Design Harris Trust Jergins Painting KPFF Mithun Nicholson Manufacturing Perteet REEFE Schenbachler Enterprises Short Cressman & Burgess Stevedoring Services ofAmenca Tin Rock Development US Bancorp The Wolff Company Wood Stone Credit Union Young & Associates GOV=RNM= NS -_ 0 A? Cities: Puget Sound Regional Council Seattle, WA Renton, WA Des Moines, WA Bothell, WA Bunch, WA Hillsboro, OR Snoqualmie, WA Portland, OR Bellevue, WA Milwaukie, OR Lakewood, WA Colorado Springs, CO Shoreline, WA GOV=RNM= NS -_ 0 A? King County, WA Puget Sound Regional Council Kitsap County, WA Washington State Ferries Pierce County, WA Washington State General Administration K DD_' MAT-EWS REAS Es a: E -CnsU� s 3",CK RAGE sE", s - -!- ^.i S3 Cordata Master Planning Ca-hcar_ Masser Planning Terminal 91 Master Planning Onn-Call Real Esate Services Onn-Call Real Estate Services Onn-Call Real Estate Services Onn-Call Real Estate Services Onn-Call Real ESate Services Onn-Call Real Estate Services Onn-Call Real Estate Services Onn-Call Real Estate Consulting Colorado Springs Airport, Dev. Consulting Northeast Redevelopment Area Consulting Snoqualmie Ridge Development Consulting Great Falls Airpor Development Consulting Por of Pasco Development Consulting City Hall Stn. Development Feasibility Study Angle Lake Stn. Transit Garage Design Build Right Sized Parking Project Lynnwood Link Corridor 1 OD Study SDCT Mercer Mega Block Dispo. Consulting Broadway Retail Study Vancouver City CenmrTOD Study Bellingham, WA Snohomish County, WA Por_ of Seattle. WA Sound Transit, Seattle, WA King County Metro, Seattle, WA City of Hillsboro, OR Qty O.'- "Portland OR Pierce County, Tacoma, WA Por of Sea Ie, Seattle, WA Portland Community College CA High Speed Rail, Sacramento, CA Co. Springs, GC Burien, WA Snoqualmie, WA Great Falls, MT Pasco, WA Gresham, OR SeaTaq WA King County, Seale, WA Seattle/Lynnwood, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Vancouver, WA Port of Seattle, WA Port of Friday Harbor, WA Port of Pasco, WA Great Falls Airport Authority Qverlake Hospital King County Hospital Dist n4 Federal Way School Dist. Seattle Dwtn. Emergency Service Center Seattle Monorail Project Sound Transit Energy Northwest D SPOS ON ASS GNMEN S 52,250,088 Sumner, WA scco'coo Renton, WA Red Apple Property Disposition Renton Library Site Acquisition Seattle, WA Seattle Monorail Project Dispos. (33 Properties) x23,&00,080 Seattle, WA, WA State Liquor Control Board Dist Center x'2,750,988 Bothell, WA WA Downtown Development Site Disposition Richland, WA Energy Northwest Office Building Disposition x5,500.088 Seattle, WA DESC Development Site Acquisition 54,000,000 Gig Harbor, WA Pierce County Public Works Land Swap 53,400,088 Hillsboro, OR Library Property Disposition x2,888,000 Gig Harbor, WA Peninsula Light Headquarters Site Acquisition 52,500.000 Hillsboro, OR Hillsboro Public Works Site Acquisition 52,250,088 Sumner, WA scco'coo Renton, WA Red Apple Property Disposition Renton Library Site Acquisition . >:. w. w. 610 INTA LN N V 91DITA 1110NO H I NONIRTA IN 1161 UVAWall IN 01UM RUM , HauksPrairie "Lacey Gateuay Kidder Mathews worked with multiple owners of the 250 -acre property known as Lacey Gateway. The initial engagement involved working with the property's lenders to help dispose of the asset. Kidder Mathews worked with the City of Lacey and leveraged its International Council of Shopping Centers connections to identify prospective buyers. After selling the land in 2012, Kidder Mathews consulted with property stakeholders to explore paths to development, with a focus on national retailers, auto malls as well as Outlet centers. Kidder Mathews worked with the Port of Centralia to assemble. 53 parcels near Exit 81 over a period of 11 years. The first development of the property is underway with a 10 -acre sale to Wince Foods that includes WSDOT's new overpass to access the property. Working through funding challenges and WSDOT processes and many starts/stops for 8 years the sale concluded positively for the Port of Centralia. { DD_' MAT-EWS .Ea- ES -a, . CO`'S G & SRO aGE ScR -S - C. -t Oc t'c-,:_ 16 aey ,i€jai7 l _' e '>' Kidder Mathews was retained to market prime property in the Lacey Triangle development. The effort resulted in the development of a new mixed-use complex with 200 apartment units built around 23 Kitchens. The long-term ownership structure, including multiple parties, adding complexity to the transaction. The development gained national attention that has created additional interest in the project. hursi n Count area Derel pment H] Experience includes 8.8 acres in Lacey that has land use approval for 241 residential apartments, an 8.87 -acre parcel in Tumwaterthat will include Wendys, Valvoline, Starbucks, Chipotle, Tesla Super Charging Station, and a Marriot branded hotel. Both are in process of breaking ground in 2024- 2025. Additional projects movingthrough land use include a 113,000 SF mini storage facility in Tumwater as well as a 6.4 -acre site in NE Laceythat are likely to break ground in 2026. { DD_' MAT-E`,"S .Ea- ES a,. CO`'S G & SRO aGE ScR -S - C. -t c Y !-,_ 17 Z m D GAV v °' s -D' D h:;F s s c -o m o s 6 m p oo oo A m `° 0 m ;,oIF v .. o -o m �.r�i-po m S `° ° v F AI"II O SZ 5,, �, I.II si 3 o z �. �. N o_� o z r,l' 'm 3 'm m m m m o m r.'I� S o Q N n m ° c s m O O m M1.,.S=° p° ''I � Q 3 Q c '• � -O Q 3 O. .p C �, i O y lII � p � � A 'hii � � C p C � .... .,i m T m< hill cm m o m o n '< n,lll o m a D °- hill p O 03 'II 3 N N '^ Oil N 3 O i N° N 0 0 p v �0� 0 0 0 3hill O m e n Iy 6 p N O Q .-N-.. N 3 o vOi h"II n n �'i� F O z m i���' N O .. n. n v �' v 0 v l4 �^ x O n 3 6 0 i o N N O l0 p < c O S+ m c ''I — �• m� m m :;ou' 3 3 `^.' v F c 1 v fl�'I, m �. m v m a .,m� m m ,� v m m s o_ c l0 S v S m ° O° m O T` - ;,p4 .�'. m m' 6 v° m ;,„Im, .c. c m p _ l0 m c� ° v .�D+ km 3 3 -nom' 3 W m �liui ,< hillm S N .c. tZ m m .lira is .�^. 3 J 4 Vi C N 3 -6 N 14 3 O m< m 3 c N m° p ° hill a SZ 'T W d �mmi� hill ° v m 3 N m W S A o. �. v 3 o s N' n- •'^• c< D< Mtvle,>€c I W1111€i1>. 1,`11* ala. Nero t Will. H -i. Cordata is a master planned community conceived in the 1980s to meet anticipated demand for new or expand ingbusinessesinBellingham,WA. Kidder Mathews' client, the owner of 55 acres of undeveloped land within Cordata, sought an independent assessment of the property and recommendations about how to maximize its value. Kidder Mathews prepared a strategic real estate plan for the property. Its recommendations included the repositioning of the propertyfor residential uses and the pursuit of a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning reclassification. The work resulted in an adopted master plan forthe property paving the wayfor the creation of new a new urban village. i €enc C-1111 . �. IT110fig` i f ,. wps W, 0 #! €11 €U-4; Pierce County Public Works and Utilities provides a broad range of services to County residents including transportation, solid waste and recycling, sewer and water, and storm water. The department entered into an agreement with Kidder Mathews to assist in the management of its real estate portfolio. Assignments included; strategic planning, disposition analysis and positioning for the County's 60 -acre Elk Plain property and the 40 -acre Peacock Hill property, land acquisition analysisfor 120 acres located adjacenttothe Narrows Airport in support of the County's possible acquisition of the airport, rent studies for certain Thur Field Airport properties, and leasing assignments for surplus land and buildings located at Thun Field. { DD_' MAT-EWS .Ea- ES 4� COO 'S G is SRO aGE ScR _S - i.. -Y � Y +:_ 1. a- SCOPE OF WORK Gd der Mathews does not propose chanaesto the scope of work outlined in the Request for Proposals, however additional detail is provided for clarity as follows. PfIASE R -AL -5_A__ CONSUL— NG 1, Existing Conditions a. Collect all available property information thatdescribesthe existing conditions of the property, including, but not limited to, its title and encumbrances, topography, environmental features, infrastructure availability, and local considerations. The data becomesthe basisfor buyers` due diligence efforts. The more thor ouch the information is, the easier it is for prospective buyers to formulate offers. EX 5 NG CON=_- ONS REV _Ev'4 b. Work with the City and its consultants to characterize master planning regulatory process and milestones or timelines towards project approval. The purpose of which is to create predictability for prospective buyers, thereby reducing the perceived risks associated with the acquisition and development. The result is areater lever age and value for the City. c. Review available property information and identify information gaps and property strengths and weaknesses. Identifying gaps in the information helps prospective buyers complete their due diligence by knowing what they don't know. Understanding the strengths of the property is importantfor marketing the property. Knowing and recognizing its weaknesses can inform actions that can be taken to improve the offering and help to manage expectations. Title report with easement mapping Imagery -satellite, oblique, ground plane Archaeological Survey - ALTA with topographic profile Geotech -soil bearing capacity, slopes Utilities- location, capacity, and mapping Comprehensive plan summary Environmental Transportation - ingress/egress, impacts, pedestrian, bicycle, transit Zoning code analysis Hydrology - subsurface, surface, storm water Site and building improvements-as-builts Neighborhood plan Sensitive Areas - wildlife/endangered Appraisals species, vegetation Site tour observations Air, noise Other d. Work with the adjoining property owner to identify the opportunities to facilitate future development. The discussion will encompass the range of possible solutions, such as agreement to work together on specific issues, agreement to a joint marketing effort, agreement to sell to one another, etc. The objective being to outline potential pathsforward forthe City and/or for other development partners in the future. 2. Preparation for Disposition a. Work with the Cityto refine the property disposition goals. The disposition goals guide the property offering from beginning to end. The market plan is aimed at achieving the goals, the buyer/developer selection is based on the goals, and final approval is a measure of the success of achieving the goals. b. Establish buyer selection criteria and proposal rating scheme. Once the property offering goals are established the buyer selection criteria is created to measure and compare offers. The City will enter into an exclusive listing agreement forthe sale of the property with the Company. The property listing scope of work will include, but is not limited to: 1. Prepare property marketing and communication plan. The marketing plan will reflect the findings for the seller due diligence effortcompleted during the first phase of the assignment, identify the target audiences or likely buyers, specify the marketing channels, and details the activities the marketing team perform. The marketing plan will also describe the protocolsfor internal and external communications. 2. Preparation focuses on two activities. The first is the preparation of the property disposition procedures and standard transaction documents. The disposition procedures inform prospective buyers about how they resolve questions and submit offers. Preparation also includesthe creation of standard transaction documents (purchase and sale agreements, development agreements, etc.) that characterize nature of the contemplated transaction or that can be used by buyers to submit offers. The second activity is the preparation of the marketing tools and materials - electronic and print media, and property website. 4. Executethe property disposition as stipulated in the marketing plan, under the timelines set forth. Conduct a call for offers at the time stipulated in the marketing plan and disposition procedures. 5. Evaluate offers and support developer selection. Summarize the offers an array them against the rating criteria and project goals. Present the offering documents, the offer summary and ratings to the stakeholders as directed by City staff. b. Work with the City to negotiate transaction terms and conditions. 7. Monitor and support transaction(s)through contingency period and closing. .Ea- cS a,. CO`_t G & 5°Gk aGE ScR -t = C. -Y Oc Y *:_ 22 N 05 Mathews Completing the assignment calls for Phase 1 - Real Estate Consulting will begin on May 7th and be completed With a presentation to City Council Juiy 4-2024. Phase Marketing can begin following the Council Meeting, PROPOSEDWith completon of the marketing effort prior to the 2024 holiday season. The timeline below shows the schedule �IMELINE in greater detail. -v F F TE_v REAL SE'if'CES 'P» v NARY SCNEDJ» .c,kna-,_ aria• .. € -. Phase 1 - Rea[ Estate Consulting 9 2 Start Up iia Confirm Project Goals 94 Seller Due Diligence iia Prepare Marketing Plan 96 City Council Meeting '.. €i- Phase 2 - Marketing '.. 9e Marketing Preparation 99 Marketina Launch 0 Onaoina Marketina Call for Offers Buyer Selection =3 Council Approval 4 Contract Execution Ea Buyer Due Diligence y Waiver ofContinaencies ,- Permittina & Closings TBD r_b.uc.• KSS_aMA. F'S cc.-_ a__c___.- C.. _.- 24 _OtI`t11r.ttjg and #7f,�#,{fir{f CONSUIL— NG Consulting services will be provided on an hourly basis, notto exceed $25,000. The fully burdened hourly rates for each service provider are presented in the table below. Hourly Billing Rates Schedule Detailed descriptions of the work conducted will be provided. Invoices will be submitted monthly and will be payable within 30 days. Kidder will provide monthly progress reporting to document the work completed and budget status forthe period. NIAIRKE— NG Kidder and the City will este; into an exc#us ve Irsting agreement, in the form of the attached agreement identified as Exhibit B, to carry out the property disposition on behalf of the City. Kidder will prepare for and widely market the property to maximize the City's aoas. It will its relationships and professional real estate networks to create awareness and interest. The marketing campaign will feature the best -in -class marketina content delivered across mutipe platforms. Kidder w;## prepare and the City will approve a marketing p#an that details the wore Kidder will do to manage activities from inception to completed transaction. Property Disposition Fee Schedule $275.00 2YA' -A^_^_OCK 5275.00 Detailed descriptions of the work conducted will be provided. Invoices will be submitted monthly and will be payable within 30 days. Kidder will provide monthly progress reporting to document the work completed and budget status forthe period. NIAIRKE— NG Kidder and the City will este; into an exc#us ve Irsting agreement, in the form of the attached agreement identified as Exhibit B, to carry out the property disposition on behalf of the City. Kidder will prepare for and widely market the property to maximize the City's aoas. It will its relationships and professional real estate networks to create awareness and interest. The marketing campaign will feature the best -in -class marketina content delivered across mutipe platforms. Kidder w;## prepare and the City will approve a marketing p#an that details the wore Kidder will do to manage activities from inception to completed transaction. Property Disposition Fee Schedule In the event of a completed sa#e, while wor kma on behalf of the City of Ye#m, a sales commission will be paid to Kidder based upon the sales price of the property as set forth in the schedule below. The commissions paid will be calculated as demonstrated in the following example. If the sale price is $6.75million, the total commission payable to Kidder would be 4.014% or $271,250 (5% of $1 Million, Pius 4% of $4 Million, p#us 3.5% of $1,750,000). 5% 3.5% 3% In the event of a completed sa#e, while wor kma on behalf of the City of Ye#m, a sales commission will be paid to Kidder based upon the sales price of the property as set forth in the schedule below. The commissions paid will be calculated as demonstrated in the following example. If the sale price is $6.75million, the total commission payable to Kidder would be 4.014% or $271,250 (5% of $1 Million, Pius 4% of $4 Million, p#us 3.5% of $1,750,000). SECTION 07 REFERENCES - �__ > �<-- �z � a_«� «_©«- � � � �� )/ �) «`! \ L0\\ G— TRM �,ELA � S W � ` )|s Ser« zw«rwxm=sr«> , §\ ^ y r S J:wv WIG mzmnav««nr ma es�m\ /°©--:�z JEANNIE ASH v>: acme m=«r 47,11 - 81: 24 + � gymRa MIKE READ m -e\ . co) 480-91 C7 »=r y£■~ G* - :cow KIRKPa m c< m»:mz ewer zzm:ev w\ CK7 z Eo BROOKS Sunset y ƒr V Of. I jltf# (sal i# t ,11W 's 0/if, tflf f (f.3 r'#(; not('- 10tI 11# i1ft,` #?t`�t`� f'tiff. b f a I ei7#� 1 i�fIt�/�� ;6n (##�f#..i, camf 10 (a/012.:f`osstt_ �1,0-(d (sf101 L?of1 Off #i LM (,.ff f#,fif(,.. t1. £. l (j7t� (,ppotl %.a f`{?(sof ga ff.- - "I have worked with Kidder Mathews for several years. The firm is a team player and a pleasure to work with. Their real estate knowledge, professionalism, and creativity benefited the design and launch of King County Metro's Park & Ride Partnership program, a first of its kind project, Right Sized Parking." .A i L ROtt`r'L rce ea c cvaEcg ;*etc "I am writing to let you know how pleased the Seattle Monorail Project (SMP) has been with the services Kidder Mathews provided in connection with the sale of the 33 properties which SMP sold over the last seven months. At every step, the professionals of Kidder Mathews took time to explain their recommendations to the SMP staff and Board, exercised extraordinary patience with selected purchasers and SM ' and did what was necessary to reach SMP's goal of maximizing the return to the taxpayers. I believe the hard work and professionalism ofthe Kidder Mathewsteam that leadto SMP receiving 350 offers totaling $o& million, or more than $11 million dollars above what it paid. SMP is most appreciative of Kidder Mathews' efforts and is pleased to tell others of our satisfaction with the services provided." i0 N . .A N u,u.,.RR rF �? R�ra'n�?ii�er &General Guns=, tva??la Kidder Mathews has served the City of Hillsboro, Oregon for almost 20 years. The firm delivered professional on-call real estate consulting and brokerage services to support a broad range of operational requirements. Kidder Mathews and its partner firms completed 45 assignments for the City involving, property disposition and acquisition, right-of-wayacquisition, leasing, consulting, appraisal, title, survey, inspection, geo-tech, environmental, and archaeological services. "Working in the public arena requires a special mindset. Kidder Mathews has the knowledge and experience needed to help its public sector client's achieve their goals. It was a pleasure working with the professionals at Kidder Mathews and I would gladly recommend them to anyone who is engaged in real estate activities in the public sector. ._ PLUNKE cgy a= & ..bf_ _ye _ct OR KDD_aw:A. FWS __c ___.- - CIT _._ 29 "Kidder Mathews` strategically planned and executed the disposition of 220,000-squarefoot Liquor Control Board Distributor Center on behalf of Washmaton State. Noteworthy to this successful disposition was the fact Seattle's real estate market was still recovering from a recent downturn. Equally important was the fact that Costar Inc, a rational provider of website data for commercial real estate information, analytics, sales and marketing services was quoted as reporting: "At $104 per square foot, this is one of the highest priced warehouse or distribution building sales ever recorded in King County". As a corporate real estate professional, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Kidder Mathews for a Job weii done. Their actions resulted in the transfer a large non- productive real estate assetto a productive business enterprise. The sale generated over $23 million in revenue for Washington State, created newjobs, and under private ownership, generated tax revenue. This type of result is one the State of Washington continually strives for, a true win-win. I'm proud of the accomplishment Kidder Mathews achieved on behalf of the citizens of Washington State" D 1 A_j B "The real estate plan nina effort that Kidder Mathews facilitated helped the Evergreen Business Capital Board of Directors evaluate the alternatives and resulted in unanimous consensus to move our headquarters to its newocation" "Kidder Mathews Js an outstandma commercial real estatefirm. The team worked to understand Bothell's specific needs and then successfully sold two ofthe city's surplus properties. Their expert guidance and advice through the process -from marketing to Jmp ementation of contracts - was Jnva uab e. 1_ S KDD_a w:AFFWS cc.-_ a__c___.- C.. _._ _u Yelm Real Estate Consulting Scope and Budget Tasks 1. Start-up a) KM to Prepare for and attend start up meeting with City Staff. KM and City to review scope of work and schedule, establish communication channels and protocols, identify roles and responsibilities. b) KM site tour with City. Howe 2. Confirmation of Project Goals a) KM and City will prepare and prioritize a draft list of project goals. Based on the preliminary list, City will work with Council to confirm goals. Revise goals based on preliminary feedback. 3. Seller Due Diligence 21 a) KM will make an initial assemblage of the available due diligence information (already completed even if outdated) and identify any gaps: Title report with easement mapping, survey - ALTA with topographic profile, comprehensive plan summary, neighborhood plan summary, zoning code analysis, development fee summary, site tour observations, imagery - satellite, oblique, ground plane, geotech - soil bearing capacity and slopes, environmental phase 1 & phase 2, hydrology -subsurface - surface - stromwater including wetlands, sensitive areas - wildlife -endangered species - vegetation, air, noise, archeological, utilities -location-capacity-mapping, transportation - ingress/egress-impacts-pedestrian-bicycle-transit, site and building Improvements —as- builts, appraisals, market analyses, feasibility studies, other. b) City will review initial due diligence information and work to fill gaps. c) KM and City will identify additional unknowns and additional work. City will conduct or contract for additional work if deemed necessary. d) City will draft a document that summarizes the regulatory requirements needed to permit development of the property. Recognizing that the nature of the development application will dictate the requirements, describe the implications of phasing and identify key milestones (check list) to the successful permitting of the project(s). e) KM will draft a technical memo that summarizes the key due diligence findings and present the marketing strategy, as described in Task 4. 4. Prepare Marketing Plan a) Based on the prior work completed, KM will prepare a property disposition strategy, identify the key tasks, and prepare the disposition schedule. b) KM will engage with market participants to obtain their perspective on the potential property offering. c) The balance of the marketing plan will be created as part of the marketing effort. KM will conduct the work and be compensated through the commission fee structure. 5. Meeting/Open House with Stakeholders a) City will organize and conduct the meeting. KM will prepare for and attend the stakeholders meeting. 6. Town Hall Meeting with Citizens a) City will organize and conduct the meeting. KM will prepare for and attend the citizens meeting. Presentation to City Council (Study Session and Regular Council meeting) a) City will organize and conduct the meeting. KM will prepare for and attend either one or both the Council study session and regular meetings as desired. Total Hours 45 Hourly Rate $275 Total Fee $12,375 5/6/2024 Haddock Total 21 42 16 12 45 90 $275 $275 $12,375 $24,750 Not to Exceed - $25,000 SPEAKERS CARD DATE: 4/ f arta a resident of a� he City of `Y"elm 4) Thurston county (Please circle Oneb residing I wish to