08 13 2024 Yelm City Council Agenda PacketEST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 13, 2024 6:00 PM Yelm City Council meetings are held in-person at 106 2^d St SE Yelm, WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom. Registration is required to attend virtually, please use the link below to register. httPS7//usO6web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN Tu83E9XHSESQmJizzilm2g 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLLCALL 2. AG EN DA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS — NONE SCHEDULED 4. PUBLIC COMMENT --COMPLETE A BLUE SPEAKERS CARD OR RAISE HAND VIRTUALLY 5. CONSENTAGENDA a) July 2, 2024 Study Session Minutes, July 23, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes, and August 6, 2024 Study Session Minutes 6. NEW BUSINESS a) ORDINANCE NO. 1119 —SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR WATER Motion to approve Ordinance No. 1119 special irrevocable power of attomey and waiver of annexation for water. b) ORDINANCE NO. 1120 —SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR SEWER Motion to Approve Ordinance No. 1120 special irrevocable power of attomey and waiver of annexation for sewer. c) ORDINANCE NO. 1121 —SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR RECLAIMED WATER Motion to approve Ordinance No. 1121 special Irrevocable power of attorney and waiver of annexation for reclaimed water. d) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR CEMP/COOP PLAN DEVELOPEMENT AND COMPLETION Motion to authorize Mayor DePinto to sign the Professional Service Agreement with Erika Katt to develop and complete the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Emergency Management plan at the cost of $15,000. e) RESOLUTION NO. 648 106 2^d ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider Motion to approve Resolution No. 648 declaring city -owned property surplus and allowing the sale thereof. 7. OLD BUSINESS - NONE SCHEDULED 8. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Safety Committee b) Public Services Committee c) Finance Committee 9. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS 10. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION - NONE SCHEDULED 12. ADJOURN MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed at www.velmwa.¢ov or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. Public Comment Guidelines: The City reserves up to five members of the public to address the Council at the beginning of regular business meetings on topics that are not on the agenda. Each speaker will be given 3 minutes and may be asked follow up questions by the Mayor or Council. Further public comment may be allowed on agenda topics as time permits. We ask that speakers use respectful language and remember they are speaking to fellow citizens of Yelm who are committed to listening and responding appropriately to citizens' concerns. Members of the public engaging in disruptive behavior may be removed or blocked from the meeting. Page 2 of 2 *,,ity ®f Yelm HST. 1924 JL iAi WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, July 2, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Pro -Tem Joshua Crossman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Stephanie Kangiser, Brian Hess, Terry Kaminski, and Joe DePinto. Absent: Trevor Palmer Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Public Services Director Cody Colt, City Engineer Pat Hughes DISCUSSION ITEMS Kidder Mathews Introductions — Blair Howe and Ryan Haddock with Kidder Mathews introduced themselves and informed Council of the process for the consulting phase for the 640 acres property and decisions that Council will be asked to make upon completion of the consulting phase. Capital Projects Updates — City Engineer Pat Hughes gave a summary of current and upcoming capital projects. YMCA Funding Discussion — Mayor DePinto led a discussion on funding options to build a YMCA in Yelm and stated that there will be two readings on a Resolution on whether to place a $10,000,000 bond on the November ballot. Mayor Report — Mayor DePinto thanked Council for their discussions. COUNCIL INITIATIVES Tracey Wood — Announced that he will not be at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Joe De Pinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, July 23, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Stephanie Kangiser, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, and Public Services Director Cody Colt. Mayor DePinto requested that Council amend the agenda to remove Ordinance No. 1118. APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Stephanie Kangiser to approve the agenda with AGENDA: removing Item D, Ordinance No. 1118. Seconded by Terry Kaminski Motion carried 7-0 with a roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: Brad Brim spoke about considerations in making a decision prior to making a motion for a public vote. He urged Councilmembers not to make a decision tonight on Ordinance No. 1118. CONSENT AGENDA: a) July 9, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes b) May 2024 Check Register & Position Summary Motion by Brian Hess to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0 NEW BUSINESS: Resolution No. 649 — Accept two Federal Highway Administration grants from the Washington Department of Transportation for Rhoton Road Motion by Trevor Palmer to approve Resolution No. 649 accepting two Federal Highway Administration grants from the Washington Department of Transportation for the Rhoton Rd NW reconstruction project. Seconded by Tracey Wood Motion carried 7-0 Interlocal Agreement between Thruston County and City of Yelm to participate and receive funds under the Federal Community Development Block Grant Program Motion by Brian Hess to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Thurston County and City of Yelm to participate and receive funds under the Federal Community Development Block Grant Entitlement program. Seconded by Stephanie Kangiser Motion carried 7-0 Memorandum of Understanding for Governance, Decision Making and Administration of the Community Development Block Grant program. Motion by Tracey Wood to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for governance, decision making and administration of the Community Development Block Grant program. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0 STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Services Committee- Councilmember Crossman announced that the Public Services Committee met and discussed bridge updates, development updates, and budget requests. General Government Committee - Councilmember Kangiser reported that the General Government Committee met and reviewed Chapters 1-2 of the Mayor/Councilmember Protocol Manual. MAYOR/CITYADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator Stancil — Police Department participated in active shooter training, Finance Department is working with the State Auditors on the annual audit, Public Services is preparing for the BBQ Rally, IT Department is working to complete the new reader board, and the HR Department is working on labor negotiations. Mayor DePinto —The City will hold an open house at the Community Center for projects on August 14, 2024, at 6:00 PM COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Kangiser—Attended the General Government Committee meeting and the SE Thurston Fire Authority meeting. Councilmember Hess — Attended the Intercity Transit Authority meeting, thanked the administration for adding information about the 640 Acres to the website and asked if Council contact information could be added to the page. He is looking forward to the BBQ Rally this weekend. Councilmember Kaminski — Attended the Nisqually River Council and the Law & Justice meetings. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Joshua Crossman to adjourn the meeting at 6:26 PM. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 7-0 Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk *,,ity ®f Yelm EST. 1924 JL iAi WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, August 6, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joseph Richardson, Stephanie Kangiser, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski, and Joe DePinto. Absent: Joshua Crossman Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Public Services Director Cody Colt DISCUSSION ITEMS Experience Olympia & Beyond — Annette Pitts gave a presentation on the Thurston County 10 -Year Destination Master Plan Overview. Veterans Memorial Presentation — Public Services Director, Cody Colt gave a presentation on a Yelm Veterans Memorial park and shared a site plan photo. Activated Alley -Way Discussion — Public Services Director, Cody Colt gave a presentation on an Activated Alley -Way and shared conceptual photos. 640 Acres Consulting and Real Estate Updates — City Administrator, Todd Stancil gave Council a n update on the status of the consulting and real estate process for the 640 Acres. Mayor Report —The City will host an Open House on August 14, 2024, at 6:00 PM to give the public an opportunity to learn about ongoing projects and ask questions about them. The Open House will be held at the Community Center. Mayor DePinto encouraged everyone to turn in their ballots and thanked those who attended National Night Out. COUNCIL INITIATIVES Tracey Wood — Would like to start having conversations about building a pool. Brian Hess — Requested that potential upcoming projects be added to the website Learn About City Projects FAQ page. Trevor Palmer—Asked when lines will be painted on streets. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:21 PM Joe De Pinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk WASHINGTON EST. 1924 Meeting Date: 08/10/2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City ofYelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 1119—SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR WATER PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to approve Ordinance No. 1119 to SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR WATER KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The Yelm Municipal Code currently lacks a specific application process for providing water services to properties in Yelm's Urban Growth Area (UGA). Consequently, to facilitate the establishment of new water connections for properties located outside the corporate limits of the City but within the UGA, it is necessaryto introduce revised language into Chapter 13.04 of the ordinance. This amendment wil I address and accommodate the requirements for extending water services to these areas. ATTACHMENTS: ORDINANCE NO. 1119 SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION YMC Chapter 13.04 Track Changes Respectfully Submitted: J2= L-' Reza R. Roukerd Civil Review Engineer 11 Page CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1119 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 13.04.330 WATER SYSTEM ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS, OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, the current annexation requirements do not specify premises for consumers requesting water service must be located within the Yelm urban growth area; and WHEREAS, the current annexation requirements do not specify how payment will be made for water extension; and WHEREAS, the Yelm City Council has determined that a special irrevocable power of attorney and waiver of annexation must be signed in order to specify the procedure for receiving water service in the Yelm urban growth area; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TH E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM AS FOLLOWS: Chapter 13.04 Water System, Section 13.04.330 is hereby amended 13.04.330 Annexation requirements. A. Premises lying within the Yelm urban growth area (UGA) shall annex to the City as a condition of water connection. Alternately, the City may elect to defer annexation and require execution of an agreement described in subsection B of this section. B. Premises not annexed as a condition of water service may receive such service only upon entering into an appropriate agreement with the City containing a waiver of protest to annexation and/or power of attorney authorizing annexation at such time as the City determines the premises is to be annexed to the City. 1. Application fees as established by the City Council must be paid upon the submittal of a signed agreement requesting water service for premises outside the City; 2. The cost of the water extension must be borne in whole by the applicant for such services, subject to any provisions in effect at the time of connection for latecomer reimbursement; 3. The agreement may not be executed prior to the time formal application is made for approval of the project for which utilities are requested. The term of said agreement shall terminate at the time any project application or approval expires or is revoked for any reason. A new agreement is required for any extension of project applications or approvals or when in the opinion of the Director of Public Services, a substantial change or addition is made to the project. C. Following execution, such agreement must be recorded by the City in the chain of title for such premises in the records of the Thurston County Auditor. Adopted by the Yelm City Council at the regular meeting this 13' day of August 2024. Joe DePinto, Mayor ATTEST: Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AGREEMENT TO ANNEX (UGA PRIVATE) THIS AGREEMENT is made and executed by and between the City of Yelm, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and hereinafter referred to as "Owner". WHEREAS, Owner holds record title of the following described Property (the "Property') located within Thurston County, Washington: SEEATTACHMENT'A WHEREAS, said Property lies within the City urban growth area, thereto, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Ownerthat said Property be served with water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service from the City of Yelm and hereby makes application therefore, or is already served by City utilities, and WHEREAS, Section(s) of the Yelm Municipal Code requires that an Agreement executed whereby the owner of the above described Property covenants that they would annex said Property to the City of Yelm at such time as the Property becomes contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Yelm, or is otherwise eligible for annexation to Yelm, and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the Owner grant to the Yelm Public Services Director a special power of attorney to effect said annexation at the time the Property becomes contiguous to Yelm or is otherwise eligible for annexation to Yelm. IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES as follows: 1. That Yelm hereby provides water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service to the above described Property in accordance with Title 13 of the Yelm Municipal Code 2. In consideration of Yelm providing said utility service, the Owner hereby grants and conveys to the Yelm Public Services Director or his successor in interest or designee a Special Power ofAttorneyto exercise any and all rights said Owner, their heirs or assigns and any successors in interest to said Owner, including any purchasers, mortgage holders, lien holders or other persons who may claim an interest in said Property hereinafter referred to as "Successors in Interest" to accomplish the following: (a) To petition to Yelm for annexation of any part or all of the Property described above, which petition shall conform to the provisions of paragraph (b) herein. (b) To accomplish all steps necessary or proper for the annexation of said Property under RCW 35A.14 and the ordinances and regulations of the City of Yelm for annexation of Page 1 of 3 Property to the City of Yelm with zoning consistent with the ordinances of the City of Yelm and with the condition that Owner or its Successors in Interest will be required to assume no more than a fair share of Yelm's bonded indebtedness. (c) To sign any and all letters, petitions, and other documents necessary to accomplish said annexation on behalf of any successors in interest as defined above. (d) This Power of Attorney shall be considered a power coupled with an interest and may not be terminated except at such time as the above described Property is no longer served by water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service through Yelm or Yelm's utility facilities. 3. If the City of Yelm resolves to annex the above-described Property pursuant to RCW 35A.14.295-.299, the Owner or its Successor in Interest covenants not to challenge same by referendum or other methods. This Agreement and Power of Attorney touches and concerns the real Property described above and so long as the said Property is served by water, reclaimed water, and/orsewer service from the City of Yelm through the Yelm water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer system, shall bind the land and shall run with the land, binding the Owner's assigns, heirs, transferees, Successors in Interest and all who derive an interest therein. 4. This agreement is effective upon the date of the last signature of both the grantor and grantee. THIS AGREEMENT shall be recorded in the Thurston County Auditor's Office and shall be referenced upon any deed or other instruments conveying an interest in said Property. Dated in Yelm, Washington this day of 20 go (Owner) CITY OF YELM (Signature) (Title) BY: (Signature) ITS: (Title) Page 2 of 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OFTHURSTON ) On this day of 20_, personally appeared before me , known to be the individual(s) described, and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OFTHURSTON ) On the day of , 20_, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the Public Services Director of the City of Yelm, a municipal corporation, who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath states that is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires Page 3 of 3 Chapter 13.04 WATER SYSTEM* Sections: 13.04.010 Regulations generally. 13.04.020 Definitions. 13.04.025 Use of municipal water. 13.04.040 Comprehensive plan. 13.04.050 Design standards. 13.04.060 Ownership of mains and service connections. 13.04.090 Inspection of premises. 13.04.095 Damaging or interferingwith water system. 13.04.096 Wasting water prohibited. 13.04.097 Water shortageprovisions. 13.04.100 Service -Application. 13.04.110 Service - Connection - General requirements. 13.04.115 Expired. 13.04.120 Service -Connection -System development charge and meter charge. 13.04.130 Service - Connection -Temporary. 13.04.140 Service - Connection - Master meter. 13.04.150 Construction cost assessment. 13.04.160 Construction chargepayment. 13.04.170 Substandard mains. 13.04.180 Service - Connection - Installation of main. 13.04.190 Main extension charge. 13.04.200 Water meters. 13.04.210 Service - Reconnection. 13.04.220 Cross -connection and backflow control program. 13.04.230 Unauthorized turn -on. 13.04.240 Turn-off fees. 13.04.250 Water consumption rates. 13.04.255 Adjustment of utility bills. 13.04.260 Revealed. 13.04.270 Service. 13.04.280 Billing and payments. 13.04.285 Utilitv contracts. 13.04.300 Repealed. 13.04.310 Repealed. 13.04.315 System development charge and meter charge waiver and deferral -Established. 13.04.320 Rate reductions and system development and meter charges waiver and deferrals -Application procedure. 13.04.330 Annexation requirements. 13.04.340 Violations -Penalties. *Prior legislation: Ord. 166 as amended by Ords. 183, 195, 205, 262, 273 and 331. For statutory authority for towns to provide forwater supplies and to control, regulate and manage the same, see RCW 35.21.210 and 35.27.370(3). 13.04.010 Regulations generally. The rates and regulations set out in this chapter are established for the control of the municipal water supply system of the city. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.020 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter: A. "City" meansthe city of Yelm, Washington, or as indicated bythe context, may mean the water department, water superintendent, city clerk/treasurer, engineer or other employee or agent representingthe city in the discharge of his duties. B. "City engineer" meansthe professional engineer regularly employed or retained bythe city. C. "Comm ercialwater service" means water service provided top rem isesutilized for business or industrial purposes. D. "Consumer" means an individual dwelling unit or individual business which receiveswater through an individual meter or master meter. E. "Council" means the city council of the city of Yelm. F. "Disabled citizen" means a permanently disabled head of household whose income from all sources whatsoever does not exceed the median income as established or amended by resolution of the city council. G. "Mains" means waterlines designed or used to serve more than one premises. H. "Master meter" means a meter of any size serving more than one consumer. I. "Person," "customer," "owner" and "occupant" include natural persons of either sex, associations, copartnerships and corporations, whether acting individually or by a servant, agent or employee; the singular number shall be held to include the plural and the masculine pronoun to include the feminine. J. "Premises" means a continuous tract of land, building or group of adjacent buildings under a single controlwith respect to use of water and responsibility for payment therefor. Subdivisions of such use or responsibility shall constitute a division into separate premises as defined in this chapter. K. "Public works director" meansthe public works director, or his/her delegated representative in charge of the city of Yelm department of public works. L. "Residential water service" means domestic water service (including lawn and garden sprinkling) provided to a residential living unit. M. "Senior citizen" means a head of household over the age of 65 who is retired and is below the median income as established bythe city. N. "Service connection" means that portion of the citywater supply system connectingthe supply system on the premisesto the citywater distribution main includingthe tap into the main, the water meter and appurtenances and the service line from the main to the meter and from the meterto the property line. "Service connection" includes connections for fire protection as well as for domestic, commercial and industrial uses. O. "Standard or permanent mains" means mainswhich conform to the standard specifications of the citywith respectto materials and minimum diameters. P. "Standard specifications" meansthe specifications set forth in the current volume of "Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction" prepared and distributed jointly bythe Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and bythe Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the current "Standards" of the American Water Works Association (AWWA). Q. "Substandard or temporary mains" means mains which do not conform to the standard specifications of the city with respect to materials and/or minimum diameter. R. "Superintendent" means the person duly appointed by the mayor of the city as the superintendent of the water department and who is in responsible charge of all day-to-day activities. (Ord. 868 § 1, 2007; Ord. 778 § 1, 2003; Ord. 512 § 1, 1994; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.025 Use of municipal water. A. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct a well within the city of Yelm's retail water service area, except that a well may be constructed for the purpose of: 1. Providing potable water to a single dwelling unit on a lot legally created prior to 1992 when the nearest water and sewer mains are located over 200 feet from the closest property line; or 2. Providing potable water to any development when the well and water system is approved by the city of Yelm as a satellite water system. B. Upon connection to the city of Yelm water system, all existing wells serving the property connecting to the water system shall be abandoned and decommissioned pursuant to Chapter 18,104 RCW. C. The city shall have the right to consolidate water rights for exemptwells abandoned pursuant to subsection B of this section accordingto RCW 90.44.105. D. It shall be unlawfulfor any person to construct a newwell on any propertywhich contained a well previously decommissioned pursuant to subsection B of this section. (Ord. 920 § 1, 2010). 13.04.030 Service types defined. Whenever used in this chapter: A. "Regular service" means performance bythe city of the following: tapping of the main, installation of the service pipe from the main to the yoke, installation of the yoke, the meter, the meter box and installation of necessaryvalves and appurtenances. B. "Duplex service" means performance bythe city of the following: regular service as defined above and in addition thereto, a pipe of sufficient size to serve two meters, installations of two meters, two meter boxes, two yokes and two sets of necessaryvalves and appurtenances. C. "Pretapped and preplumbed service" means performance bythe city of the following: placement of the meter in the meter yoke. D. "Pretapped only service" means performance by the city of the following: installation of the valves, meteryokes, meter and meter box. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.040 Comprehensive plan. A comprehensive water system plan shall be prepared forthe city bythe city engineer and three copies of the same shall be maintained on file in the office of the city clerk/treasurer. The comprehensive plan shall be submitted to and approved bythe Department of Social and Health Services. Such plan shall contain, as a minimum, the location and specifications of the existing facilities of the system, recommendations for correction of existing deficiencies and for improvement of the existing system, and proposed locations, standards and specifications of facilities if the system is expanded in the future. The comprehensive water system plan shall be reviewed and updated as deemed necessary bythe council but in any event not less than once every five years. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.050 Design standards. The design standards shall be adopted from time to time bythe council upon the recommendation of the water superintendent and the city engineer and three copies of the same shall be maintained on file at the office of the city clerk/treasurer. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.060 Ownership of mains and service connections. A. The ownership of all mains, service connections and appurtenances in the public street or utility rights-of-way shall be vested fully in the city and the person responsible forthe construction of such mains shall relinquish, by bill of sale, or other appropriate instrument of conveyance, all interest in the ownership of such mains upon acceptance bythe city; provided, however, that all private systems existing at the time of the passage of the ordinance codified herein shall remain under private ownership unless dedicated to the city provided the private system is constructed to the minimum standards of the city underthe provisions of this chapter. B. The city shall operate, control and maintain all approved and accepted components of the city water system in the public streets or utility rights-of-way up to and includingthe meter, but shall not be responsible beyond the meter. The owner of the property served shall be responsible for maintenance of all pipe and fittingsfrom the meterto his premises. No alteration shall be made to any connection nor shall any connection be made to the citywater system without the approval of the superintendent. All connections or alterations shall be made bythe citywater department or by contract supervised bythe superintendent. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.070 Abandonment of connection. Any connection remaining unused for a period of five years is deemed abandoned and a new connection shall be applied forwhen renewal of service is requested. Where such reconnection requires new construction from the property line to the main, but in the same location, the fee for such service shall bathe same as identified in YMC 13.04.120. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.080 Administration and enforcement. A. The public works director or designated representative is charged with administration and enforcement of this chapter. Water service to any premises served bythe citywater system may be discontinued for anyviolation or abridgement of the provisions of this chapter after due notice thereof. B. In the event water service is discontinued for failure to comply with provisions of this chapter it shall remain terminated forthe duration of such noncompliance. (Ord. 778 § 2, 2003; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.090 Inspection of premises. Authorized employees of the water department, properly identified, shall have free access at reasonable hours of the day, to all premises served bythe citywater system forthe purpose of ascertaining conformityto this chapter. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.095 Damaging or interfering with water system. It is unlawfulfor any person to wilfully disturb, break, deface, or damage anyfire hydrant, water meter, gate valve, water pipe or otherwaterworks appurtenance togetherwith the buildings, grounds and improvements thereon belongingto or connected with the water system of the city in any manner whatsoever. It is unlawfulfor any person to open, close, turn or interfere with, or attempt to, orto connect with anyfire hydrant, valve, or pipe belongingto the city unless authorized bythe superintendent in writing; provided, that this rule shall not applyto members of the city department or such otherfire department duly authorized to operate fire hydrants while acting in such capacity. It is unlawfulfor any person to throw refuse or any substance into any city reservoir orto throw any deleterious matter in or upon any part of the city'swatershed orwater supply system. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.096 Wastingwater prohibited. It is unlawfulfor any person to allowwaterto be wasted at any point beyond the curb -cock or meter by imperfect, faulty or leaking stop -cocks, valves, pipes, closets, faucets or otherfixtures and appliances orto use water closetswithout self-closing valves orto allow anyfixtures or appliances to run open for lack of repairs, to permit freezing or to use waterfor any other purpose otherthan that set forth in the application upon which charges forwater are based, or to use water in violation of the rules and regulations as set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 778 § 3, 2003). 13.04.097 Water shortage provisions. The city reserves the right in the case of shortage of waters, or for any other cause, to make any order regulating, forbidding or restrictingthe use of waterfor irrigation or sprinkling or any other nonessential outside usage. (Ord. 778 § 4, 2003). 13.04.100 Service—Application. A. All applications forwater service shall be made at the office of the city clerk/treasurer or at such other place as the council may hereafter designate by resolution and upon such form as may be prescribed by the superintendent. B. Every such application shall be made bythe owner of the propertyto be furnished, or by its authorized agent, and the applicant shall state fully and truly allthe purposes for which the water may be required. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.110 Service — Connection — General requirements. A. Except as otherwise provided for herein, no premises shall be connected to the water supply system of the city after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter unless there is a standard main owned by the city in the public right-of-way adjacent thereto. B. When a permit has been obtained forth installation of water service, the superintendent shall cause the premises described in the application to be connected with the water system by a service pipe extending from the main to the property line and a stopcock and water meter placed within the right-of-way. Every separate premises shall have its own separate meter. C. Service connections shall be installed bythe city at the expense of the property owner, which shall be the prevailing cost of such installation at the time thereof. In case of replacement of new service, no service smallerthan three-fourths inch shall be installed. D. All connections to city service shall conform to the standard specifications and regulations of the city. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.115 Water service — Limitations on connections. Expired. (Ord. 931 § 1, 2010). 13.04.120 Service — Connection — System development charge and meter charge. A. All persons connecting to the water system of the city shall pay, in advance of connection to the water system, a system development charge and meter charge in accordance with the schedule set forth below in this section. In every case, title to the water meter, meter box and service connection lines shall be and remain with the city. 1. The system development charge shall be $5,036 per equivalent residential unit as calculated in subsection C of this section. The system development charge shall be adjusted every January 1 st by the most recent edition of the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index (ENR -CCI). 2. The meter charge shall be as follows: Meter Size Regular* Duplex* Pretapped and Preplumbed 5/8 x 3/4" $600.00 $750.00 $300.00 1" 760.00 985.00 400.00 1-1/2" 1,600.00 650.00 2" 2,500.00 1,000.00 3" Cost, plus 15% Meter Size Regular* Duplex* Pretapped and Preplumbed 4" Cost, plus 15% 6" Cost, plus 15% 8" Cost, plus 15% *Includes installation of meter box, water meter and service connection line from a water main in the water system to a meter site on or in the public right-of-way adjacent to the propertyto be served which is not more than 50 feet distant from the water main. Where the water meter site lies more than 50 feet distantfrom the water main, the charge set forth above shall be increased by $25.00 for each additionalfoot of service line required. B. A charge for street crossings will be added to the above fees as determined bythe city. C. "Equivalent residential unit (ERU)" means the unit of measurement determined bythat quantity of flow associated with a single residential household defined as follows: 1. ERU measurement shall be an equivalent flow of 875 cubic feet, or less, per month, based on water meter in -flow. 2. With respect to each residential structure, the number of ERUs and associated "base flow" (figured in cubic feet) will be based on Table 1. Table 1 No. Base Type of Unit ERUs/unit Flow Single-family 1.00 875cf residence Duplex dwelling unit 1.00 875cf Triplex dwelling unit 0.90 788cf Fourplex dwelling 0.80 700cf unit Residential 0.75 657cf structures > four units 3. With respect to uses other than residential, one ERU shall be designated fore a ch 875 cubic feet or less of water consumed per month. 4. Awater capital improvement fund shall be maintained where collected system development charges will be placed to be utilized for emergency repairs, capital improvement projects and acquisition of water rights. D. Irrigation Meters. If a meter is installed separately and solelyforthe purpose of irrigation, the established water connection fee (ERU) will apply plus the cost of the meter will be paid at the time of application. Monthly base fees will applywhen the meter is active and readyfor use, regardless of consumption duringthis period. The meter will be read and billed on a monthly basis and charged accordingto the established water rates as set bythe city council. Irrigation meters shall be locked bythe city at the end of the irrigation season as determined bythe city. Service shall be restored by requesting utility service at the start of the irrigation season. Irrigation meters shall have a double checkvalve assembly, approved bythe city, and approved for installation in Washington State. (Ord. 988 § 1, 2014; Ord. 927 § 1, 2010; Ord. 926 § 1, 2010; Ord. 778 §§ 5, 6, 2003; Ord. 748 §§ 3, 5-8, 2001; Ord. 645 § 1, 1999; Ord. 553 § 1, 1995; Ord. 504 §§ 1 —3, 1994; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.130 Service — Connection —Temporary. A. Water service may be supplied to premises on a temporary basis during the construction of a building thereon or during the construction of a standard main to service such premises. Applications for temporary service shall state fully the purposes for which temporary service is requested. All water shall be metered, and costs required for installation and removal of such temporary service shall be paid by the applicant prior to approval of such application. B. Upon cessation of the need for which the temporary service was requested, the owner shall immediately notify the superintendent thereof and such temporary service shall forthwith be terminated or converted to permanent service. The meter shall be read and the owner of the temporary service shall be billed accordingly for the water used. (Ord. 778 § 7, 2003; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.140 Service — Connection — Master meter. A. The public works director or designated representative may authorize water service to a community or group of individual consumers to be furnished through a common master meter upon findingthat service through individual meters is not practicable. Where service through a common master meter is authorized, the master meter shall thereafter be maintained, owned and controlled by the city. B. Application for water service under the provisions of this section shall be made on the forms furnished by the city for that purpose, which shall include as a minimum, a detailed description of the premises to be served, the name and nature of the person or entity to be responsible for the service and connection charges, the circumstances precluding service by individual meters and such other information asthe council may deem necessary. C. Detailed plans of all communitywater systems to be served by a master meter, and all modifications thereof, shall, prior to connection, be submitted for review bythe city engineer. D. Community water service as provided for in this section shall be limited to those premises described in the application therefor. Service to additional premises shall require a separate application and approval. E. The ownership, operation and maintenance of a communitywater system beyond the master meter shall be vested in and the responsibility of the members of such group so serviced. F. Monthly charges as currently established or hereafter amended shall be applied to each compound ortraditional meter serving as a master meter and shall include for each account the following monthly fees: 1. One service fee correspondingto the size of the master meterfrom the monthly base rate charges table in YMC 13.04.250(A), shall be applied monthlyto each master meter; and 2. One monthly service fee shall be applied to each built dwelling or individual business unit connected to the water line served bythe master meter. The monthlyfee shall be applied at the rate charged forthe smallest diameterwater line listed in the base rate table in YMC 13.04.250(A); and 3. Water use charges shall be applied to the registered consumption or usage amount for each master meterfrom the monthly consumption chargestable in YMC 13.04.250(B). (Ord. 832 § 1, 2005; Ord. 778 § 8, 2003; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.150 Construction cost assessment. A. Each premisesto be served bythe water supply system shall be assessed its proportionate share of the cost of design and construction of a standard main in the street right-of-way, or easement, abutting such property. B. Priorto approval of an application forwater service, the city clerk/treasurer shall determine whetherthe premises have previously contributed or been assessed their proportionate share of the construction costs. If such assessment or contribution has not previously been paid, the applicant shall paythe same prior to the approval of the application. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.160 Construction charge payment. The standard main construction charge may be paid either in cash at the time of application or pursuant to a deferred payment contract with the city in such form as may be approved bythe council. Such contract may provide for interest on any unpaid balance, for discontinuance of service in the event of default in payment, and for the creation of a lien upon the premises covered thereby. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.170 Substandard mains. No substandard or temporary mains shall be installed and connected to the water supply system after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. Existing substandard mains shall not be extended to service additional customers. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.180 Service — Connection — Installation of main. A. Whenever application is made for water service to premises with no main in the adjacent street, a standard main must be installed prior to connection. The installation of such standard mains shall conform to the comprehensive water plan fort he city. B. A standard main maybe installed by and at the expense of the owner(s) of the premises to be served thereby, pursuant to plans reviewed by the superintendent and approved by the city engineer. In such cases the city will contract with the owner(s) to provide for reimbursement of the costs of design and construction of such main over a period not to exceed 15 years pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 35.92 RCW. The actual cost must be approved by the city showing the method of determining benefit cost. The contract shall be recorded in the office of the county auditor upon acceptance of construction of them a in by the council C. The owner may elect to have a standard main installed by the city upon making payment to the city of the appropriate main extension charges as provided for in this chapter. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.190 Main extension charge. Whenever a main is installed within the corporate limits of the city as provided in this chapter, the main extension charge to be paid bythe owner(s) of the premises so served shall be determined by the council on the advice of the city engineer based upon the actual costs for design of the necessary material, labor and equipment required, and in accordance with current practices and the comprehensive water plan, based upon the acreage orfront footage to be served or a combination of acreage and the front footage to be served. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.200 Water meters. A. All service connections to the city system shall be metered. Water meters shall be sized to provide adequate domestic water to the customer. Minimum water meter sizes shall ordinarily be determined from the number of units served as follows: All water meters shall be American Water Works Association (AWWA) approved 1. 1 unit 3/4" meter 2. 2units 1"meter 3. 3-10 units 1-1/2" meter 4. 11 —20 units 2" meter B. All requests for service to more than 20 units through a single meter shall be subject to approval bythe council upon review and recommendation of the city engineer. C. Water meters for services larger than 20 units shall be sized by developer's engineer and reviewed bythe superintendent and approved bythe city engineer. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.210 Service — Reconnection. A. A service reconnection initiated by application of an owner desiringto increase the size or change the location of an existing connection shall be deemed an original connection and the cost thereof shall be borne by the owner of the premises served by such connection. B. A service reconnection necessitated by the installation of anew main in the vicinity of a premises served by an existing main shall be made by the superintendent after notifying the owner or tenant thereof, without charge to the owner served by such connection and at the same time the old service connection shall be removed. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.220 Cross -connection and backflow control program. The purpose of this section is to protect the health of the user and the potability of the water in the water system, by requiringthe inspection and regulation of all actual or potential cross - connections between potable and nonpotable water systems in order to minimize the danger of contamination or pollution of the public water supply. Controlling and preventing cross -connection is accomplished by either installing an approved backflow prevention assembly or removingthe cross -connection. A. Authority. 1. The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 and the statutes of the State of Washington RCW Title 43 and Chapter 248-54 WAC require purveyors to "protect public water systems from contamination due to cross -connections." 2. This section prohibits the presence of cross -connections. 3. The city of Yelm's water comprehensive plan includes cross -connection requirements. B. Definition of Responsibilities. The city shall require the installation of backflow prevention devices on any premises being served by the water system when in the judgment of the public works director or designated cross -connection control specialist the nature and extent of activities on the premises would present an immediate and/or dangerous hazard to health should a cross - connection occur C. Definitions. The followingterms are defined for purposes of this chapter 1. "Air gap separation" means the physical vertical separation between the free flowing discharge end of a potable water supply pipe line and the open or nonpressure receiving vessel. The air gap is to be twice the diameter of the supply piping measured verticallyfrom the overflow rim of the receiving vessel. 2. "Approved backflow prevention assembly" means an assemblywhich has been approved bythe state of Washington and the city of Yelm for preventing backflow. 3. "Atmospheric vacuum breaker" (also known as an "anti -siphon valve") means a device consisting of a single check valve in the supply line that opens to the atmosphere when the pressure in the line drops to atmospheric. 4. "Auxiliary water supply" means any supply of water used to augment the supply obtained through the purveyor's water system which serves the premises in question. 5. "Backflow" means the flow of water or other fluids in the direction opposite to the normal flow 6. "Backflow prevention assembly tester" means an individual who is certified by the state of Washington and approved by the city of Yelm to test backflow prevention assemblies. 7. "Check valve" means a valve that permits flow in only one direction. 8. "Contaminant" mean any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in waterwhich may renderthe water nonpotable, accordingto Washington State regulations. 9. "Cross -connection" means any link or channel between pipingwhich carries potable drinking water and the pipingfixtures which carry nonpotable water or other substances. 10. "Cross -connection control program" means a program included in the overallwater comprehensive plan which fulfillsthe requirements of the state of Washington cross -connection regulations and is approved bythe city of Yelm. 11. "Cross -connection specialist" means an individual certified bythe state of Washington and approved bythe city of Yelm to inspect for cross -connections. 12. "Customer system" means all plumbing, piping, and appurtenances on the customer's side of the point of metering or connection. 13. "Public works director" means the public works director, or his/her designated representative. 14. "Double checkvalve assembly" means an assembly of two independently acting checkvalves with a shut-off valve on each side of the two checkvalves. The assembly also hastest ports for checking the watertightness of each checkvalve. Backflow prevention assemblies must be approved for installation in Washington State. 15. "Double detector checkvalve assembly" means the same as a double checkvalve assembly with the addition of a water meter and an additional double checkvalve assembly bypassingthe main line assemblyforthe purpose of measuring low or proportional flow. Backflow prevention assemblies must be approved for installation in Washington State. 16. "Facility survey" means an on-site review of the water source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance forthe purpose of evaluatingthe hazardsto the drinkingwater supply. 17. "Owner" means any person who has legaltitle to or license to operate or occupy a property upon which a cross -connection inspection will be made or upon which a cross -connection is present. 18. "Pressure vacuum breaker assembly" means a mechanical assembly consisting of one spring loaded checkvalve in the supply line and a spring loaded air inlet on the downstream side of the checkvalve which will open to atmosphere when the pressure in the assembly drops below one pound per square inch. The complete assembly consists of two shut-off valves and two test ports for checking watertightness of the checkvalve. Backflow prevention assemblies must be approved for installation in Washington State. 19. "Reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly (RP)" means an assemblyfor preventing backflow incorporating two checkvalves, a differential relief valve located between the two check valves, two shut-off valves, one oneach end of the assembly, test ports for checking water tightness of the checkvalves and the operation of the relief valve. Backflow prevention assemblies must be approved for installation in Washington State. 20. "Reduced pressure detector assembly (RPD)" meansthe same as RP assemblywith the addition of a water meter and an additional RP assembly bypassingthe main line assemblyforthe purpose of measuring low or proportional flow. Backflow prevention assemblies must be approved for installation in Washington State 21. "Safe drinking water (potable water)" means water which has sufficiently low concentrations of microbiological, inorganic chemical, organic chemical, radiological or physical substances so that individuals drinkingwater at normal levels of consumption will not be exposed to disease organisms or other substances which may produce harmful physical effects. 22. "Secondary contaminant" means a contaminant which at levels generallyfound in drinking water does not present unreasonable risksto health, but does adversely affect taste, odor, and color. 23. "Service connection" means the point of delivery of water at or nearthe property line, generally at the water meter. D. Cross -Connection Program Requirements. The city will operate a cross -connection control program which fulfills the requirements of the state of Washington cross -connection regulations and is approved by the city of Yelm. 1. The owners shall allow their property to be inspected for possible cross -connections and shall follow the provisions of the city's program if a cross -connection is permitted. 2. If the city requires that the public supply be protected by containment, the owner shall be responsible for water quality and for thermal expansion protection beyond the outlet end of the containment device and should utilize fixture outlet protection for that purpose. Fixture outlet devices shall be installed in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. A plumbing permit and inspections may be required. 3. On new installations the citywill provide on-site evaluation and/or inspection of plans in orderto determine the type of backflow preventor, if any, that will be required. In any case, a minimum of a meter setter checkvalve will be required on any new construction. 4. For premises existing priorto the start of this program, the citywill perform evaluations and inspections of plans or premises and inform the owner by letter of any corrective action deemed necessary, the method of achievingthe correction, and the time allowed forthe correction to be made. Premises will be inspected on or afterthe expiration date of required action to correct a cross - connection. Premises failingto comply with the city's request shall receive written notice that water service to the premises will be terminated within a period not to exceed 30 calendar days. In the event the owner informs the city of extenuating circumstances as to whythe correction has not been completed, the city may grant a time extension up to 30 days. 5. The city will not allow any cross -connection to remain unless it is protected by an approved backflow preventorfor which a permit has been issued and which will be regu [arty tested to ensure satisfactory operation. 6. If the city determines at any time that a threat to the public health exists, the water service will be terminated immediately. 7. The city shall perform inspection of all backflow devices. Inspection shall include the on-site reviews of existing installations, after any repairs or maintenance, and after any relocation. The owner is required to submit to the city a copy of the initialtest report, as well as annualtesting reports completed by a certified backflow assemblytester. 8. When the initial installation or annualtest identifies an improperly operating backflow device, the owner shall correct the malfunction as directed bythe city. The owner shall contact the city after correctingthe malfunction for inspection. E. Owner. The owner shall be responsible forthe elimination or protection of all cross -connections on their premises. 1. The owner, followingthe receipt of a letterfrom the city, shall, at their own expense, install any and all backflow preventors requested. 2. The owner shall correct any malfunction of the backflow preventorwhich is revealed by periodic citytesting. 3. The owner shall inform the city of any proposed or modified cross -connections and also any existing cross -connections of which owner is aware. 4. The owner shall install only city -approved backflow preventors 5. Any owner having a private well or other private water source shall not cross -connect to the city's system. 6. The owner shall provide access to premises to the city at the city's request. Failure to provide accessto inspect facilities shall be grounds fortermination of water service. 7. The owner shall be responsible forthe payment of allfees for permits, annual or semi-annual device testing, retesting in the case that the device fails to operate correctly, and any reinspections for noncompliance with city requirements. F. Failure to Comply. Any person, firm or corporation who willfully violates any provisions and requirements of the cross -connection control manual shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and further shall be subject to discontinuance of supply of waterto the premises. Discontinuance of the city potable water supplyto the premises shall remain in effect until corrective action as required bythe public works director is completed, tested, and approved. G. Installation and Testing. Installation and testing of all backflow protection devices shall be in accordance with the American Water Works Association Cross -Connection Control Manual accepted procedures and practices. The latest edition shall be used. 1. In addition, all backflow protection shall be installed at a location that is easily accessible for inspection and testing. Devices located in vaults shall have adequate clearances and depths to allow the city to inspect and test. Devices that cannot be easily and readily inspected shall be required to be relocated and replum bed as required by the city. The owner shall contact the city for applicable installation requirements and standards. H. Applicability. The city recognizes there are varying degrees of risks associated with different types of uses and will considerthis when determining if a cross -connection exists and applicable backflow prevention devices. I. Existing Backflow Prevention Devices. Any existing backflow protection device in use can continue to be used providing: 1. The devices are functioning properly based on inspection and approved test reports received by the city. 2. The degree of protection is satisfactory for protection of the city's potable water system as determined bythe public works director or designated cross -connection control specialist. 3. Backflow devices that do not meet the above conditions shall be replaced with new approved devices. (Ord. 778 § 9, 2003). 13.04.230 Unauthorized turn -on. Should the owner or occupant of any premises turn on the water or suffer or cause the same to be turned on after it has been shut off at the curb cock bythe water department, water service may again be turned off bythe water department and a penalty of $60.00 shall be accessed. Thereafter, a reconnect fee of $50.00 shall be assessed before restoration of service can be made. (Ord. 897 § 1, 2008; Ord. 748 § 9, 2001; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.240 Turn-off fees. When a verbal or written request is made which may be responded to during regular working hours for any discontinuance of water service to a premises for the convenience of the occupant or owner, the response thereto shall be classified as special service, and no charge shall be made. Such service outside regular working hours shall be at the rate of $50.00 per call. (Ord. 778 § 10, 2003; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.250 Water consumption rates. A. Monthly Base Rate Charges. The monthly base rate charges for all consumers will be: 2021-2022 Rate Table Meter Size Meter Charge 5/8 inch (Typical Residential) $37.84 1inch $94.61 2021-2022 Rate Table Meter Size Meter Charge 1-1 /2 inch $189.20 2inch $302.72 3inch $605.45 4inch $946.01 6inch $946.01 5/8 inch (Outside City Limits) $61.30 Senior/Low Income $18.93 Irrigation Meter $37.84 Reclaimed Irrigation Meter $37.84 It is recommended that city council reviews the water utility base rates in September of 2022 during the budget planning process and every subsequent September in tandem with the biennium budget. B. Monthly Consumption Charges. The monthly consumption charges for all commercial, residential and irrigation meters will be: 2021-2022 Rate Table Water Usage (Cubic Feet) included in Base Charge Tier 1 Tier 2 0-400 401-1,500 1,501+ Residential (units in cubic feet) $0.00 $4.31 per 100 CF $6.46 per 100 CF Commercial (units in cubic feet) $9.41 per 100 CF Irrigation (units in cubic feet) $15.24 per 100 CF It is recommended that city council reviews the water utility consumption charge in September of 2022 duringthe budget planning process and every subsequent September in tandem with the biennium budget. C. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. All buildings with an automatic fire sprinkler system connected to the citywater distribution system shall paythe ready -to -serve charge based on the pipe size as substituted for equal meter size in the rate schedule. No water shall be used through such connections or sprinkler system except for actualfire control. If the consumer is found using waterthrough an unmetered specialfire or sprinkler service connection for otherthan fire protection, then each such connection shall be equipped with a conventional -type meter at the expense of the property owner. D. Outside City Corporate Limits. Charges for the use of water outside the corporate limits of the city shall be the meter rate identified in the "outside" schedule. E. Temporary Water Service. Temporary water service for construction of any building, street, utility or similar project shall be provided at the rate identified in the rate schedule in subsection A or B of this section dependent upon location of project. A construction meter shall be required and application shall be made at the office of the public works director identifying location and reason for use of water. A deposit of $800.00 for each construction meter shall be collected. Upon completion of the project, return of construction meter and charges for consumed water paid for, return of deposit shall be made to consumer. (Ord. 1070 § 1, 2020; Ord. 1024 § 3, 2018; Ord. 1036 § 1, 2017; Ord. 988 § 1, 2014; Ord. 963 § 1, 2013; Ord. 920 § 2, 2010; Ord. 918 § 1, 2010; Ord. 905 §§ 1, 2, 2009; Ord. 891 § 1, 2008; Ord. 778 §§ 11 —15, 2003; Ord. 748 § 1, 2001; Ord. 593 § 1, 1997; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.255 Adjustment of utility bills. A. The city administrator, or his designee, is empowered to resolve billing disputes upon receipt of request to do so from a city utility customer. Upon receipt of such notice from the customer, the city administrator, or his designee, shall reviewthe billwith the customerto see if the amount is justly owed. The customer shall have the right to have a meetingto bringforth reasons and evidence why such bill should not be due and owing. B. When any customer in any given billing period has used, accordingto the water meter, a quantity of waterwhich is more than double the average amount of water used on such premises in similar billing periods in prioryears, and the water consumption is solely caused by a broken water pipe on the user's premises, the customer may make an application to the treasurer in writingfor a reduction of the billing. 1. If the application states a broken pipe on the customer's premises caused a large consumption of water, the existence of a broken pipe shall be verified by inspection bythe public works employees. If it is established by presenting acceptable documentation demonstratingto the city that such broken pipe has been repaired, a reduction of the water billto an amount that isthe average of the priorfour months plus one-half of the difference between the average and the existing disputed bill. 2. The reduction provided for in this section shall not be allowed if such excess water consumption is due to a customer's neglect or failure to repair the broken pipe. A reduction in billing shall not be permitted if such excess consumption is due simply to lea kyfaucets or other plumb ingfixtures. C. Irrigation systems are specifically excluded from any adjustments due to leakage. D. In newly developed property which does not have a prior service record, the appropriate water service charge will be based upon the charges for a simi[artype of water service and occupancy for the preceding year. E. The application by the customer shall be on the forms provided by the city. (Ord. 809§ 1, 2004). 13.04.260 Fire hydrants. Repealed by Ord. 778. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.265 Sprinkling during fires prohibited. It is unlawfulfor any person to knowingly use waterfor a lawn or garden sprinkling or irrigating purposes on any premises duringthe progress of a fire or disasterwithin the citywater system. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.270 Service. Water consumers shall be required to complete an application for utility service and provide photo identification with the city clerk/treasurer's office to start service forwater at the address listed on their application. (Ord. 897 § 1, 2008). 13.04.280 Billing and payments. Monthly statements of chargesforwater service shall be due and payable at the office of the city clerk/treasurer or at such other place or places designated by him/her on or before the fifteenth of the month and are deemed delinquent thereafter. Statements shall cover service chargesforthe period shown thereon and the water consumption charges from the meter readingforthe period from last meter read. Statements shall be forwarded to the customer as soon as practicable after each service period. (Ord. 897 § 1, 2008; Ord. 566 § 1, 1995; Ord. 384 § 1, 1990). 13.04.285 Utility contracts. A. In cases of high water consumption as defined by the city finance department policy, which results in a large utility bill making it difficult to pay the full amount of the current bill, the finance department ("department") shall have the discretion of reinstating or continuing service to a delinquent account upon receipt and department approval of a satisfactory deferred installment payment plan forthe payment of the overdue amount. Notwithstandingthe foregoing, the department is under no obligation to enter into any installment plan with any customerwho has not fully and satisfactorily complied with terms of any previous installment plan. B. A deferred installment payment program shall be based upon a number of factors, including but not limited to: 1. The dollar amount of the delinquent account; 2. The time the bill has been owed; 3. The customer's ability to pay; 4. The utility payment history of the customer; 5. Other relevant factors presented bythe customer. C. A deferral shall: 1. Be on such terms and may include such security (including recorded restrictive covenant or other security) as determined bythe city administrator that protects the payment of the fee; 2. Not exceed a period of deferral of more than one year, or sale of property, whichever occurs first; 3. Not include deferral of any costs of notices, publications, and other costs to the city; 4. Include repayment in fullwith interest thereon at a rate of two percent computed annually on the unpaid balance as a prerequisite to enter into the contract. Interest calculated pursuant to this section shall not be compounded. (Ord. 1025 § 1, 2017). 13.04.290 Nonpayment of charges. A. Water service terminated for nonpayment shall not be restored to the nonpaying occupant until all delinquent charges, together with a service fee of $50.00 for restoring services, are paid. The city will not refuse to turn on a discontinued service to a new tenant in any building due to the nonpayment of a prior tenant. Upon completion of a utility service application and proof of identification, the new service shall be restored. Restoration of service shall in no way comprise the existing debt or the responsibility of the owner for payment. B. Water service to commercial and non -owner -occupied units shall be contracted for by the owner (landlord) of the premises served. The city will agree to divide services among a number of units and to bill the owner for each of the designated units separately. Liability for all bills to rental units shall be joint and several between the tenant, the owner of the premises, and any other party identified on the original service request. C. The citytreasurer or authorized representative shall have the authorityto refer delinquent accounts of the citywater utility and refuse collection system to an agencyfor collection and to write off accounts that are over one year old in an amount not to exceed $500.00 per account. This write-off option shall be utilized only after it has been determined bythe treasurerthat the account is uncollectible and is not referable to a collection agency. The city may also elect to referthe matterto counselfor collection through an appropriate civil action. In either event, all costs of collection shall be paid bythe defaulting party. (Ord. 897 § 1, 2008; Ord. 778 § 17, 2003; Ord. 566 § 2, 1995). 13.04.300 Rate reduction — Established. Repealed by Ord. 1024. (Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.310 Rate reduction — Eligibility. Repealed by Ord. 1024. (Ord. 868 § 2, 2007; Ord. 512 § 2,1994; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.315 System development charge and meter charge waiver and deferral — Established. A. The system development charge and meter charge imposed byYMC 13.04.120 shall be deferred for low-income families where: 1. The total maximum household income of the residents of the dwelling unit shall not exceed 50 percent of the most recent Thurston County median household annual income, as determined by the United States Housing and Urban Development Department. 2. The dwellingtype is a detached, single-family residential unit. 3. The dwelling is occupied bythe owner of the property. 4. The property owner submits a deed restriction in a form approved bythe city attorneyto be recorded with the Thurston County auditor guaranteeing fulfillment of the criteria set forth in this section. 5. The property owner submits a deed restriction in a form approved bythe city attorneyto be recorded with the Thurston County auditor requiringthe deferred system development charge and meter charge be repaid to the city in the event the property is sold within 10 years of the date of the deferral. If the property is not sold within the 10 -year deferral period, the deferral shall convert to a waiver. B. Amortization of system development charge may be authorized bythe city administrator if a business with high water usage of more than three equivalent residential units can show that the connection charges are a barrier to economic development. Upon authorization of amortization of system development charges, the business owner and property owner must enter into a repayment agreement with the city. The agreement must: 1. Have a term of no more than 24 months with equal monthly payments. 2. Require the property ownerto grant and record a lien against the property in favor of the city in the full amount of the amortized system development charges. 3. Include interest at a rate established bythe finance director. 4. Include an administrative fee to coverthe cost of administration of the contract, as established bythe finance director. (Ord. 1026 § 3, 2018; Ord. 979 § 1, 2013). 13.04.320 Rate reductions and system development and meter charges waiver and deferrals — Application procedure. To qualifyfor the reduction in water service charges orwaiver and deferral of system development charges and meter charges set forth in this chapter, every eligible subscriber (or if married, then either spouse) shallfile with the city clerk/treasurer his or her statement, under oath, on such form as may be prescribed bythe city clerk/treasurer, that he, she orthey meet the eligibility requirements set forth in YMC 13.04.310 or 13.04.315 and that such applicant or applicants promise to forthwith notifythe city of any circumstances or change in conditions which would make the applicant or applicants ineligible to receive the reduction. (Ord. 979 § 2, 2013; Ord. 337, 1987). 13.04.330 Annexation requirements. A. Premises lying within the Yelm urban growth area (UGA) shall annex to the City as a condition of reclaimed water connection. Alternately. the City may elect to defer annexation and require execution of an agreement described in subsection B of this section. B. Premises not annexed as a condition of reclaimed water service may receive such service only upon entering into an appropriate agreement with the City containing a waiver of protest to annexation and/or a special irrevocable power of attorney authorizing annexation at such time as the City determines the premises is to be annexed to the City. 2. The cost of the reclaimed water extension must be borne in whole by the applicant for such services, subject to any provisions in effect at the time of connection for latecomer reimbursement; 3. The agreement may not be executed priorto the time formal application is made for approval of the project for which utilities are requested. The term of said agreement shall terminate at the time anyproiect application or approval expires or is revoked for any reason. A new agreement is required for any extension of project applications or approvals or when in the opinion of the Director of Public Services, a substantial change or addition is made to the project Following execution. such agreement must be recorded bvthe Citv in the chain of title for such 0. .0 ViolatioTs — PeTalties. A. Civil Penalties 1. Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be liable to the city for any expense, loss, damage, cost of inspection or cost of correction incurred by the city by reason of such violation including any cost to the city incurred in collection from such person such loss, damage, expense, cost of inspection or cost of correction, including necessary reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. 2. Any person who shall make an unauthorized connection to the city's water system shall be charged a minimum fine of $250.00, or such other fines and penalties as may be adopted from time to time by city ordinance, for each unauthorized connection. B. Criminal Penalties. 1. Any person, firm or corporation who willfully violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to discontinuance of supply of citywaterto the premises. Discontinuance of the city potable water supply shall remain in effect until corrective action as required bythe public works director is completed. Furthermore, any willful violation by a person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 778 § 18, 2003). WASHINGTON EST. 1924 Meeting Date: 08/10/2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City ofYelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 1120—SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR SEWER PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to approve Ordinance No. 1120 to SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR SEWER KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The Yelm Municipal Code currently lacks a specific application process for providing sewer services to properties in Yelm's Urban Growth Area (UGA). Consequently, to facilitate the establishment of new sewer connections for properties located outside the corporate limits of the City but within the UGA, it is necessary to introduce new language into Chapter 13.08 of the ordinance. This amendment will address and accommodate the requirements for extending sewer services to these areas. ATTACHMENTS: ORDINANCE NO. 1120 SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION YMC Chapter 13.08 Track Changes Respectfully Submitted: 1=L WP - Reza R. Roukerd Civil Review Engineer 11 Page CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1120 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, ADDING A NEW SECTION 13.08.108 ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS, TO CHAPTER 13.08 SEWER SYSTEM OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Chapter 13.08 does not currently contain a provision outlining annexation requirements for consumers requesting sewer service; and WHEREAS, there is currently no application process outlined in the ordinance by which premises within the Yelm Urban Growth Area may obtain sewer services; and WHEREAS, the Yelm City Council has determined the Yelm Urban Growth Area can be serviced with a sewer connection after signing a waiver of protest to annexation by the City and a special irrevocable power of attorney; and WHEREAS, the Yelm City Council has determined the following ordinance will be added to Chapter 13.08 SEWER SYSTEM of the Yelm Municipal Code; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM AS FOLLOWS: Section 13.08.108 is hereby added to the Yelm Municipal Code as follows: Section 13.08.108 Annexation requirements. A. Premises lying within the Yelm urban growth area (UGA) shall annex to the City as a condition of sewer connection. Alternately, the City may elect to defer annexation and require execution of an agreement described in subsection B of this section. B. Premises not annexed as a condition of sewer service may receive such service only upon entering into an appropriate agreement with the City containing a waiver of protest to annexation and/or a special irrevocable power of attorney authorizing annexation at such time as the City determines the premises is to be annexed to the City. 1. Application fees as established by the City Council must be paid upon the submittal of a signed agreement requesting sewer service for premises outside the City. 2. The cost of the sewer extension must be borne in whole by the applicant for such services, subject to any provisions in effect at the time of connection for latecomer reimbursement. 3. The agreement may not be executed prior to the time formal application is made for approval of the project for which utilities are requested. The term of said agreement shall terminate at the time any project application or approval expires or is revoked for any reason. A new agreement is required for any extension of project applications or approvals or when in the opinion of the Public Services, a substantial change or addition is made to the project. C. Following execution, such agreement must be recorded by the City in the chain of title for such premises in the records of the Thurston County Auditor. Adopted by the Yelm City Council at the regular meeting this 13' day of August 2024. Joe DePinto, Mayor ATTEST: Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AGREEMENT TO ANNEX (UGA PRIVATE) THIS AGREEMENT is made and executed by and between the City of Yelm, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and hereinafter referred to as "Owner". WHEREAS, Owner holds record title of the following described Property (the "Property') located within Thurston County, Washington: SEEATTACHMENT'A WHEREAS, said Property lies within the City urban growth area, thereto, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Ownerthat said Property be served with water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service from the City of Yelm and hereby makes application therefore, or is already served by City utilities, and WHEREAS, Section(s) of the Yelm Municipal Code requires that an Agreement executed whereby the owner of the above described Property covenants that they would annex said Property to the City of Yelm at such time as the Property becomes contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Yelm, or is otherwise eligible for annexation to Yelm, and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the Owner grant to the Yelm Public Services Director a special power of attorney to effect said annexation at the time the Property becomes contiguous to Yelm or is otherwise eligible for annexation to Yelm. IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES as follows: 1. That Yelm hereby provides water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service to the above described Property in accordance with Title 13 of the Yelm Municipal Code 2. In consideration of Yelm providing said utility service, the Owner hereby grants and conveys to the Yelm Public Services Director or his successor in interest or designee a Special Power ofAttorneyto exercise any and all rights said Owner, their heirs or assigns and any successors in interest to said Owner, including any purchasers, mortgage holders, lien holders or other persons who may claim an interest in said Property hereinafter referred to as "Successors in Interest" to accomplish the following: (a) To petition to Yelm for annexation of any part or all of the Property described above, which petition shall conform to the provisions of paragraph (b) herein. (b) To accomplish all steps necessary or proper for the annexation of said Property under RCW 35A.14 and the ordinances and regulations of the City of Yelm for annexation of Page 1 of 3 Property to the City of Yelm with zoning consistent with the ordinances of the City of Yelm and with the condition that Owner or its Successors in Interest will be required to assume no more than a fair share of Yelm's bonded indebtedness. (c) To sign any and all letters, petitions, and other documents necessary to accomplish said annexation on behalf of any successors in interest as defined above. (d) This Power of Attorney shall be considered a power coupled with an interest and may not be terminated except at such time as the above described Property is no longer served by water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service through Yelm or Yelm's utility facilities. 3. If the City of Yelm resolves to annex the above-described Property pursuant to RCW 35A.14.295-.299, the Owner or its Successor in Interest covenants not to challenge same by referendum or other methods. This Agreement and Power of Attorney touches and concerns the real Property described above and so long as the said Property is served by water, reclaimed water, and/orsewer service from the City of Yelm through the Yelm water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer system, shall bind the land and shall run with the land, binding the Owner's assigns, heirs, transferees, Successors in Interest and all who derive an interest therein. 4. This agreement is effective upon the date of the last signature of both the grantor and grantee. THIS AGREEMENT shall be recorded in the Thurston County Auditor's Office and shall be referenced upon any deed or other instruments conveying an interest in said Property. Dated in Yelm, Washington this day of 20 go (Owner) CITY OF YELM (Signature) (Title) BY: (Signature) ITS: (Title) Page 2 of 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OFTHURSTON ) On this day of 20_, personally appeared before me , known to be the individual(s) described, and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OFTHURSTON ) On the day of , 20_, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the Public Services Director of the City of Yelm, a municipal corporation, who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath states that is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires Page 3 of 3 Chapter 13.08 SEWER SYSTEM Sections: 13 08 040 STEP sewer connection permit 13.08.050 Collection lines. 13 08 060 Inspections and compliance with standards 13.08.070 Unlawful acts. 13.08.080 Prohibited uses. 13.08.090 Sewer service charges. system developmen 13.08.095 Monthly sewerfees. 13 08 105 Adjustment of sewer bill 13.08.107 System development charge and inspection fee waiver and deferral. 13 08 108. Annexation requirements _ Formatted: Hyperlink, Font: Bold, Complex Script Font Bold 13.08.010 Definitions "As -built" or "as -built drawing" means a drawing showing the horizontal and vertical location ofthe improvements as actually constructed; showing invert elevations, slopes of pipes, location of the pipes, tanks, controls, valves, depths of cover, type of material and any other feature different than shown on the design drawing. "Assess" means to establish an amount or rate for the value of required improvements, fees or charges that are duefor services provided which may become a lien on the property receiving such improvements or services. "BOD" is the abbreviation for "biochemical. oxygen demand"which means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20 degrees centigrade, expressed in parts per million by weight; provided, that, in the event an alternative definition is utilized by orwithin theterms of a permit issued by a governmental agency underwhich the treatment system is required to operate, then such definition shall be deemed incorporated herein by reference. "City of Yelm department of public works" or"public works" means the sewer function of the city and the rules, regulations, boundaries, etc., relating to such sewer function. See "director." "City standards" means the official design and engineering specifications of the city adopted by the city council and applyingto the construction of facilities underthe city's jurisdiction. "Collection lines" means a pressure or gravity sewage conveyance line and appurtenances as defined from time to time by the city standards. Commercial Waste. See "industrial/commercial waste." "Cover" means the depth of earth material lying between the top of the sewer and the finished grade immediately above it. "Director," when utilized within this chapter, refers to the director of public works/health officer or his/her designee. "Disabled citizen" means a permanently disabled head of household whose combined income from all sources does not exceed income levels as established or amended by resolution of the city council. "Down spout" means the leader, whether pipe, chain or otherwise, above ground which is installed to conduct water from the roof gutter. "Drain" means anytype of conduction of waste or surplus liquids. "Equivalent residential unit" or"ERU" means the unit of measurement determined bythat quantity of flow associated with a single residential household as defined by YMC 13.08.095. "Garbage" means solid waste which includes, but is not limited to, matter originating from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food; from handling, sale and storing of produce; from public places orfrom private ownership. "Health officer" means the official responsible for the public health ofthe citizens of Yelm or his/her designee. See "director." "House drain" or "building drain" means the pipe used for conveying sewagefrom the buildingto the clean-out arta a pointtwo and one-halffeet beyond the outer line of anyfooting, piling, building support or porch underwhich it may run; whether such drain consists of one line extendingfrom the building or oftwo or more such lines. "Ind ustrial/com mercia l waste" meansthewastes from an industrial or commercial process, as distinguished from sanitary sewage. "Licensed sewer contractor" means any contractor licensed by the state of Washington who is duly registered as a specialty contractor or a general contractor, and as such is licensed to construct, install, repair, reconstruct or excavate any sewers and to connect any building sewer to such public sewers, and who possesses a valid city business license. Maintenance Manager. See "director." "Municipal sewer service area" or "sewer service area" means the geographic area defined in the city's comprehensive sewer plan in which sewer service is currently available and planned to be served with sewer service in the future. "Municipal sewer system" means the city's sewer system and includes collectively: the STEP system, collection lines, treatment plant, discharge piping and outfall piping. "NP DES" is an abbreviation for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System which is a federal wastewater discharge permitting system that establishes discharge limits for facilities discharging wastewater to waters oft he United States of America. "Occupant" means any person in physical possession of the building or structure to which sewer service is available, whether the owner, tenant or other person holding a possessory interest. "On-site" means that the majority of the component parts of a wastewater cc Motion or soil absorption system are located on the private property where the wastewater is generated. "Owner" means any person who holds fee title to the subject property. "Person" means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group. "pH" means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution. "Pretreatment ordinance" means an ordinance adopted by the city addressing the type or level of treatment that maybe required prior to the disc h arge of sanitary sewage into the STEP system. "Primary treated wastewater" means wastewater that has been treated by the septic tank. "Public place" or "public area" means any space dedicated to or acquired for the use of the general public or utilized with the permission of the owner or occupant on a continuing basis by the general public. "Rate reduction application procedure" means the application procedure set forth in YMC 13.04.320. "Sanitary sewage" means the combination of the water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions, commercial and industrialestablishments, which wastes contain polluted matter subject to treatment at the sewage treatment plant, i.e., sanitary sewer. "Sanitary sewer system" means an integrated system of piping, pumps, valving and related structures constructed for the purpose of collecting and conveying domestic wastewater from sources to points of treatment. "Septic tank" means a tank designed to provide primary treatment of the wastewater, and sized according to the city's Technical Specifications STEP Onsite System. See "STEP tank." "Sewer" means a pipe or conduit for conveyance of wastewater, and may be either gravity or pressureflow. Sewer Collection System. See "sanitary sewer system." Sewer Service Area. See "municipal sewer service area." "Sewer system" means the treatment plant, outfall, collection lines and STEP system as defined herein. Shall—May. For purposes of this code, "shall" shall be deemed to be mandatory and "may" permissive, unless the circumstances of the utilization thereof mandate otherwise. "Side sewers" means the sewer pipe from the buildingd rain to the STEP or septic tank serving the particular building, beginning at a single discharge point two and one-half feet outside the foundation wall, or at the clean-out if closerthan two and one-half feet outside the found ation wall but still outside the foundation wall and ending at the inlet to the STEP or septic tank. "Site plot" or "site map" means a map of the side sewer location retained by the city in conjunction with any permit; the site plot or site map shall serve as a record of all matters pertaining to such permit. "Slug" means any discharge of water, sewage or cc mmerciaVindustrialwastewaterwhich, for any period longer than 15 minutes, has a flow rate or concentration of any given constituent that exceeds more than five times the average 24-hour flow rate or concentration of normal operation. "Soil absorption system" means a system designed to percolate primary treated wastewater into so ilthrough the use of ad rainfied, mound system or other land disposal system approved by the Thurston County health department. "Standard participation contract" means the form of contract required bythis codeto be entered into before properties which have not yet been connected to or assessed for sewers or do not otherwise q ualify fo r sewer service may nevertheless use the public sewers of the city. "STEP system" means allfacilities from the buildingdmin to the sewer collection lines including: the STEP tank, pump, screens, controls, alarms, electrical breakers, the effluent line, includingthe pipe, valves and valve box, and all miscellaneous appurtenances from the STEP tankto the sewer collection line. "STEP tank" means a septic tank effluent pump tank and appurtenances as defined bythe city standards. "Suspended solids" means solidsthat either float on the surface of or are in suspension in water, sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by the application of a treatment process. "Treatment plant" means the structures, equipment and facilities required to receive, treat and reclaim wastewater, includingthe outfall piping and structures. (Ord. 868 § 3, 2007; Ord. 505 § 1, 1994). 13.08.020 Use of municipal sewer. A. It is unlawfulfor any person to place, deposit or permitto be placed or deposited, any human or animal excrement, sanitary sewage or other o bjectic nab le waste, by any naturalor nonnatural means in any manner, upon property of the city or private propertywithin the city sewer boundaries, or in any area under the jurisdiction ofthe city, except through the city's sewage collection system or through an approved on-site system as provided in this chapter. B. Except as provided in this chapter, it is unfawfu Lto constructor maintain any privy, privyvauLt, cesspool or other facility intended or used for the dis posal. of sewage and to install or use any on- site soil absorption systems in such cases where the city's sewer collection system is available for service as provided herein. For purposes of this code, the sewer collection system shall be deemed available when the premises are within 200 feet of the city's collection lines; provided, that the city's treatment plant holds sufficient unused capacity to treat the expected sewage from the premises. The 200 -foot distance shall be calculated by measuring from the lot line closest to the existing portion ofthe city's collection system. C. For the purpose of this code, when the sewer is not available as defined in this section, primarily treated wastewater may bed is posed of on-site with a treatment and disposal system that meets the approval of the health officer. All components shall be designed and constructed to meet the city's STEP system standards. The city shall establish the standards under which all components of the system will be constructed, including: side sewers, tanks, pumps, pump controls and associated appurtenances for both the municipal system and on-site soil absorption systems that will be converted for use in the transport of effluent to the YeLm municipal cc flection system at such time as sewer is avaiLabLe. D. The owner(s) of any premises upon which any building is Located within the city's sewer service area shaLL connect to the city's municipal. sewer system if: (1) the city's sewer co Loction system is available to the premises, as defined in subsection A ofthis section; (2) the Thurston County health department has determined thatthe interests of public health and safety require a connection to the city's municipal. sewer system. W here the sewer co Loction system is available and as such, a property owner is required to connectto such system, such connection shaLL be made within the Lesser of: (1) two years from May 1, 1994, or (2) when in the opinion of the health officer, the on -the - site system on the premises requires repair or replacement. Such connections shaLL be made at the safe expense of the owner within 30 days after notification by the city that service is available. This section shaLL appLyto new buildings constructed within the city on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. E. The director may authorizethe connection of more than one structure on the premises, whether residential, commercial. or industriaLto a single septictankor STEP system instal ation servingthe property. Any muLtipfe connection must receive priorwritten approvaLfrom the director before a construction permitwiLL be issued. F. In the eventthat property is nottimeLy connected to the municipal. coLLection system within the time period prescribed by subsection B of this section, the director is authorized and directed to make such a connection to the system and to notifythe city cork/treasurer ofthe total. costthereof. Thereupon, awarrant shaLL be issued and drawn upon the city's sewer fund for payment of such total. cost. A statement of such total cost shaLL be filed with the auditor ofthe county of Thurston, as weLL as the treasurer ofthe county of Thurston, and such amount, together with interest at the rate as mayfrom time to time be established for judgments on thetotal. amount ofthe costs, shaLL be assessed against the property and shaLL become a Lien thereon as provided in this chapter. G. Any building hereafter constructed or made availablefor human occupation and use, or parcel of real estate to which the sewer collection system is available as provided in subsection A of this section, shall, within 60 days after an application for aside sewer permit is received by the city, or prior to occupancy of the premises, whichever event first occurs, be connected to the municipal sewer system of the city. H. The owners of property within the corporate limits of the city, which property has not been connected to sewers, may, with the city's consent, connect to the municipal sewer system of the city and obtain sewer service by entering into an assessment agreement provided for by YMC 13.08.040(A). Property located outside the corporate limits of the city shall not be permitted to connect to the city's municipal sewer system at anytime unless: 1. The property is included within the boundaries of the sewer service area; and 2. Either the property is annexed to the city or the owners thereof enter into a binding agreement with the city, agreeing the property shall be annexed to the city at such time as the city may request, and that the property owner waives any protest to the annexation. (Ord. 505 § 2, 1994). 13.08.030 Application for sewer service. A. Properties that are located within the city's sewer service area, as that area may from time to time be modified, and are not connected to the municipal sewer system and otherwise do not qualify for sewer service under the terms of this chapter, may be eligible to be connected to the city's municipal sewer system and be served thereby when the owner thereof executes an application for sewer service and the city concurs therewith. Upon the concurrence by the city, the application and all of its terms become a binding contract on all parties named therein. The application shall be filed and recorded with the Thurston County auditor. B. The application for sewer service shall contain such terms, conditions and requirements as may be from time to time established by the public works director. At a minimum, it shall provide the following: 1. That the property owner warrants that he/she is the owner of that property with full authority to bind the property with the covenants and conditions contained in the application; 2. That the property owner shall subject his/her property to the terms of the application and shall use the city's mu nicipal sewer system in accordance with the rules and regulations of the city as they may be amended from time to time, and that the property shall be subject to the regular schedule of sewer service charges of the city as may from time to time be fixed by the city for its use classification, including, if the city so provides, a reasonable split or special rate for properties in particular areas; 3. That the property described in the application shall be the only property served with sewer service pursuant to the terms in the application; 4. That the property subject to the application shall be subject to liens, penalties and interest for nonpayment of sewer service charges to the same extent as any other property served by the city; 5. Thatthe property owner and his/her successors in interest shall not objectto any annexation to the city or the formation of any utility local improvement district, the areas of which may include the property subject to the a pplicatio n; 6. That owners haLLprovide all necessary easements prior to the commencement of installation of collection lines on-site and all collection and STEP system materials and equipment shall be approved by the city and the ownership of such equipment and materials shall meet the specifications and approval of the city, including, but not limited to, atransfer of ownership to the city at the city's request; 7. The owner shall agree to pay, prior to connection, any connection fee which may from time to time be assessed, as well as any monetary amount that maybe expended by the city pursuant to this chapter and YMC 13.08.095. Such charges shall constitute a lien upon the properties and be subject to collection as provided in YMC 13.08.020(F). C. Charge in Lieu of Assessment. The property owner must pay to the city, in addition to any connection fee, application fee or other charge which maybe due, an amount of money which shall constitute a charge in-lieu of assessment which maybe determined by the use of an assessment formula used by the city. The charge in-lieu of assessment must be paid in full before connection to the city's municipal sewer system is permitted. This charge in-lieu of assessment shall be deemed to take into consideration, among other factors, the reduction incapacity of the collection system and/or treatment plant, resulting from the connection, which shall be in such amount as may from time to time be established by the director pursuant to the provisions of YMC 13.08.100. D. Other Terms. To protect the interests of the city, the city may require that other conditions and provisions be inserted into the application for sewer service as the individual case may warrant. E. Develo per Agreement. In addition to authority provided in this chapter, the city may also enter into contracts with the owners of real estate to the extent allowed by law. (Ord. 505 § 3, 1994). 13.08.040 STEP sewer connection permit. A. It is unlawfulfor any person to make connection to the city's municipal sewer system without cc mplying with all of the provisions of this code and having first procured a permit to do so from the city. B. Applications for the STEP sewer connection permit shall be obtained from the office of the public works director and shall be fi led therewith. The application shall be on such form as may from time to time be established by the public works director and shall require such information as from time to time maybe established by the public works director, including, but not limited to, the name and address of the owner or owners, the correct address and proper legal description of the property to be served, the anticipated use of the property to be served, and the name, address and contractor's number of the contractor who will be doing the work. The director or his/her designee may meet with the owners of the property o r their representatives to approve the proposed location of the STEP tank and manner of connection. The application will then be submitted to the city along with such fee as may from time to time be established, forfinal consideration. The permit shall not be issued until the application has been approved by the director or his/her designee. No sewer connection shall be made untilsuch STEP sewer connection permit has been issued. C. No contractor shall commence sewer work within the corporate limits of the city or the sewer service area as defined by the latest sewer comprehensive plan, engineering report or facility plan, until proof has been submitted to the citythatthe contractor is a licensed contractor as defined in YMC 13.08.010. D. Upon completion of the installation of the STEP system, tank and associated appurtenances, the owner shall be responsiblefor ensuring that the contractor provides to the city an as -built drawing to the satisfaction of the director. The as -built drawing shall be prepared on a site map showing the Location of the STEP tank, the point of connection with the house or building, the grade of the side sewer, the location of all piping and electricalwiring and such other information as shall be deemed pertinent by the director. Records of all sewer connections, as -bunts and inspection reports of completed work shall be kept on file in the city public works office, along with the STEP sewer connection permits. E. Upon approvalof an application for a STEP sewer connection permit, and any drawing related thereto, it is unlawfulto installthe permitted improvements in any manner otherthan as provided for in the permit, without the priorwritten approvalof the director. Duringthe course of construction ofthe improvements, the installation shall be inspected and approved bythe director or his/her designee, both before the installation is covered and upon final completion. Newark other than that covered bythe permit shall be done withoutthe prior approval of the city. The installation or repair of any portion ofthe STEP system between the house drain and the sewer collection system shall be considered to be an installation pursuantto this chapter. F. It is unlawful for any person to break, alter or tamper with any city sewer collection line, except that property owner or his or her representative or contractor may con nect to an existing wye, saddle or tee which exists for that specific purpose, with the prior approvalof the director; provided, that any such connection shall be inspected and approved bythe approvalof the director before the installation is covered. G. It is unlawfulto disconnect any side sewer, STEP system or other connection to the city's sewer collection system or remove any portion of a STEP system without securing priorwritten approval bythe director. The discontinued service shall be turned off or sealed in such a manner as may be acceptable to the director, whether at the curbstop cr otherwise. All expenses for disconnecting from the sewer collection system shall be borne bythe property owner. H. The approvalof the design and installation of a STEP system are city sewer collection system by the city shall not relievethe property owner ofthe responsibility for obtaining such other permits or Licenses as may be required bythe city, county, state cr other agency, nor shall it be deemed to be a statement by the city that the installation was performed without defect in workmanship, parts or material. It shall bathe responsibility of the sewer contractor to contact other utility service providersto determine the location of other utilityfacilities before commencing work and they shall have the responsibilityfor protectingsuch other facilities duringthe course of construction. I. The property owner shall, prior to issuance ofthe STEP system connection permit, provide an easementto the cityforthe purpose of operation and maintenance ofthe STEP system, in a form as may from time to time be required by the director. (Ord. 505 §4, 1994). 13.08.050 Collection lines. A. The director shall not allow any substandard or temporary collection lines to be installed or connected to the city's sewer collection system. B. Whenever application is made for sewer service to premises with no collection line in the adjacent street, a collection line must be installed prior to connection. The installation of such lines shall conform to the comprehensive sewer plan for the city. A collection line shall be installed by, and at the expense of, the owner(s) of the premises to be served thereby, pu rsuant to plans approved by the director. In such cases, the city may contract with the owner(s) to provide for reimbursement of the costs of design and construction of such collection lines in a manner consistent with Chapter 35.91 RCW. The owner(s) may elect to request that the collection line be installed by the city u Pon making payment to the city of the appropriate collection line extension charges, as provided by this chapter. C. Whenever a collection line is installed within the city's sewer service area as provided in this chapter, the collection line extension charge to be paid by the owner(s) of the premises so served shall be determined by the city council on the advice of the director, based u Pon the actual costs for design, and the cost of the necessary material, labor and equipment required for the construction in accordance with current standards and the comprehensive sewer plan. The charge shall be based upon the acreage or front footage of the property to be served or a combination of acreage and the front footage of properties to be served, or on the basis of equivalent residential units (ERUs) as defined in YMC 13.08.095. (Ord. 505 § 5, 1994). 13.08.060 Inspections and compliance with standards A. The director and his/her assistant and the city council, bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter upon all and any premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurements, samplings, testing of sewers and sewage waste and performing all other acts or duties required by the provisions of this code. It is unlawful for any person to prevent any such entrance or obstruct or interfere with any such officer or employee so engaged. B. Allwork performed pursuant to any permit granted as provided by this chapter, includingthe quality of materialand manner of construction, shall be subjectto the inspection and approvalof the director. C. No excavation undertaken for purposes of the installation, connection, repair or replacement of a collection tank, side sewer or other portion of the STEP system or any collection line shall be back-filled or any sewer covered until the work has been inspected and approved by the director or his/her designee. D. It shall be the responsibility of the person performingwork underthe authorization of a permit issued pursuamto the provisions of this chapterto notifythe directorwhen the workwill be ready for inspection and that person shallspecify in such notification the location ofthe premises. The director or his/her designee shall make such inspection within 48 hours after receipt of the notice, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. E. When such work authorized by a permit pursuant to this chapter is performed by a contractor, either the contractor or competent representative shall be available to meet the city representative on the premises when so directed. F. If the director or respective designee finds that anywork or materials used are not in accordance with any applicable code, ordinance, rule, specification or regulation, the director or designee shall notify the person doing the work and also the owner or occupant of the premises by posting a written notice, and such posted notices haLL be all the notice required to be given with regard to defects in the work or materials found in such inspection. G. All work within the limits of any public area shall be prosecuted to completion with due diligence. If any excavation is left open beyond a time reasonably necessary to back -fill the same, the city may cause the same to be back-filled and the public area restored forthwith at the expense of the property owner, occupant, or contractor, as the case maybe. Any such work shall be protected by appropriate warning signs and barricades. The director may, if deemed necessary and appropriate to insure the completion of work, require the posting of a bond in favor of the city in such form as may from time to time be approved by the director in such amount as maybe equal to one and one-half times the value of the work to be done. H. Under any of the circumstances set forth in subsection I of this section, and after written notice has been provided by the director, or his/her designee, the contractor, owner or person doing the work, as the case maybe, shall properly corrects uch work by performing the necessary construction or repair, or by otherwise taking the steps necessary to remedy the circumstances, within the time specified in the notice. In the event the contractor, owner or responsible person fails to properly correct such work within the specified time, then the city may perform such work as maybe necessary to remedy such circumstances, and the cost of such work so done shall be charged to the property owner, occupant or contractor, as the case maybe, and shall become immediately payable to the city upon written notice of such being delivered to such owner, occupant or contractor or charged against the construction bond as provided for herein. Any Licensed sewer contractor, and any contractor performing work pursuant to a permit issued under this chapter, who refuses to modify, remove, replace or complete any portion of the work when so instructed by the director, shall by such refusal, forfeit his or her city license for construction of sewers or drains in the city. I. The circumstances under which the provisions of this section shall apply areas follows 1. When any work performed in the construction, installation, repair or modification of a sewer is not performed in accordance with the provisions of any applicable code, includingth is chapter, or any plans, specifications or permits approved by the city; 2. When the health officer or responsible city official determines that a collection system, STEP system or other portion of the sewage disposal system is obstructed, broken or inadequate and is a menace to the public health or is likely to cause damage to either public or private property; 3. The provisions of YMC 13.08.070 have been violated by no ncompletion; 4. The STEP system serving any property has been shut-off from its service of electrical power as a result of delinquent payment for such service, or any other reason. J. Any moneys expended by the city pursuant to the taking of any action by the city under the provisions of this section shall be subject to a lien and enforcement as provided in YMC 13.08.020(F). (Ord. 505 § 6, 1994). 13.08.070 Unlawful acts. A. No person shall d ischarge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, coolingwater or unpolluted commercial/industrial process water to a connection, STEP system, or any portion of the collection system, and no yard drains, or any exterior drains of any type shall be connected to the sanitary sewers in any manner. B. It is unlawfulto drain large volumes of waste directly into the sewer and thereby cause surcharge of sewer lines withoutthe prior approval of the director. Swimming pools, public or private, shall not be directly connected to the sewer. Only upon authorization of the director, swimming pools may be drained into the sewer system by a pumped discharge. To prevent surcharges or excessive flows in the sewer line, the director may require reduced pumping rates, the utilization of smaller discharge pipe and/or throttled valves, and/or limited times of the day when pumping will be allowed. C. It is unlawfulto tamperwith the municipalsewer system, arta break, damage, destroy, deface, alter ortamperwith any structure, appurtenance or equipmentwhich is part of the municipal sewer system, or without authority from the city, to break, damage, destroy or deface any public walk, curb or pavement, arta make openings or excavations in a public area for the purpose of connecting to the city municipal sewer system. D. It is unlawfulto disconnect or cause to be disconnected the electrical power source from the STEP tank, whether such tank is designed to serve multiple buildings or a single building, whilethe buildingor buildings are occupied and subjectto continuing utilization orwhile the plumbing facilities in any of the connected structures are in use subjectto continuing use. This prohibition shall not apply to gravity tanks that do not require electrical power for conveyance of the effluent. Nor shall it be deemed to applyto the sections ofthe electrical utility providing powerto thetank, when such disconnection is necessitated by a failure of the responsible person to pay the electrical charges, orwhen the utility determinesthat such disconnections are necessary for the public safety. (Ord. 505 §§ 7.01 — 7.04, 1994). 13.08.080 Prohibited uses A. No person shall d ischarge or cause to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to any city sewers: 1. Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive or liquid, solid or gas; 2. Anywaters orwastes containingtoxic or poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, that injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, create a public nuisance, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the waters of the sewage treatment plant, including, but not limited to, cyanide in excess of two mg/Las CN in the wastes as discharged to the city sewer system; 3. Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or in excess of 9.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the sewage works; 4. Solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works such as, but not Limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, unground garbage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, paper dishes, cups or milk containers, either whole or ground by garbage grinders. B. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged the following described substances, materials, waters or wastes if it appears likely, in the opinion of the director, that such wastes can harm either the sewers, sewage treatment process (lagoons) o r equipment, have an adverse effect on the receiving stream, or can otherwise endanger life, limb, public property or constitute a nuisance. In forming his opinion as to the acceptability of these wastes, the director will give consideration to such factors as the quantities of such wastes in relation to flows and velocities in the sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, nature of sewage treatment lagoons, degree of treatability of wastes in the lagoons, and other pertinent factors. The substances prohibited are: 1. Any liquor or vapor having a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees centigrade); 2. Any water or waste containing fats, wax, grease or oils, whether emulsified or not, in excess of 300 mg/l or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit (zero and 65 degrees centigrade); 3. Any garbage that has not been properly shredded to meet such specifications as may from time to time be established by the director. The installation and operation of any garbage grinder equ ipped with a motor of three-fourths horsepower (0.76 hp metric) or greater shall be su bject to the review and approval of the director; 4. Any waters or wastes containing strong acid iron pickling wastes or concentrated plating solutions whether neutralized or not; 5. Any waters or wastes containing heavy metals including, but not limited to, iron, chromiu m, copper, zinc and similar objectionable or toxic substances; or wastes exerting excessive chlorine requirements to such degree that any such material received in the composite sewage at the water reclamation facility exceeds the limits established by the city for such materials; 6. Any waters or wastes containing phenols or other taste- or odor-producing substances, in such concentrations exceeding limits which may be established by the director as necessary after treatment of the composite sewage to meet the req uirements of state, federal, or other public agencies or jurisdiction for such discharge to the receiving waters; 7. Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration as may exceed limits which may be established by the director in compliance with the applicable state or federal regulations; 8. Materials which exert or cause: a. Concentrations or inert suspended solids (such as, but not limited to, Fuller's earth, lime slurries and lime residues) or of dissolved solids (such as, but not limited to, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate), b. Excessive discoloration (such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanni ng solutions), c. Excessive BOD, chemical oxygen demand or chlorine requirements in such quantities as to constitute a significant load on the sewage treatment works, d. Unusualvolu me of fewer concentration of wastes constituting"slugs" as defined herein; 9. Waters or wastes containing substanceswhich are not amenable to treatment or reduction by sewage treatment processes employed; or 10. Any discharge that would be a violation of the city's NP DES permit. (Ord. 1026 § 1, 2018; Ord. 505 § 7.05, 1994). 13.08.090 Sewer service charges, system development charge, and inspection fee. A. All persons connectingto the sewer system ofthe city shall pay, in advance of connection to the sewer system, a system development charge and inspection fee in accordance with the schedule set forth below in this section. In every case, title to the STEP tank, valve boxes, and service connection lines shall be and remain with the city. 1. Sewer system development charges (SDC) charges are hereby established as follows: a. Sixthousand three hundred ninety-four dollars per equivalent residential unitfor development outside local improvement district No. 1. b. Three thousand two hundred sixty-nine dollars per equivalent residential unitfor development inside local improvement district No. 1. 2. An inspection fee of $145.00 per equivalent residential unit. B. Service Rates. Service rates, billings and collection procedures shall be governed bythe applicable provisions ofthis code, as now existingor hereafter amended or supplanted. C. Delinquent Charges. All delinquent chargesfor sewer service, for electrical service paid for by the city, and for the costs of sewer system connection, together with the penalties and interest thereon as provided in this chapter, shall be a lien upon the property upon which such connection is made or sewer or electrical service furnished, superior to all other liens or encumbrances except those for generaltaxes and special assessments. Enforcement of such lien or liens shall be in the manner provided bythis chapter and by other laws forthe enforcement of the same and for delinquent sewer service and electrical service charges. (Ord. 981 § 1, 2013; Ord. 979 § 3, 2013; Ord. 505 § 8, 1994). 13.08.095 Monthly sewer fees. A charge for sanitary sewage d isposal shall be levied against all accounts and premises connected to a sewer line at the rate established by this section or as amended hereafter. A. Sewer Charge. There is established and charged a monthly sewer fee to be collected by the city using the following procedures and rates. B. Definitions. "Base flow" means the flow associated with an equivalent residential unit. "Equivalent residential unit (ERU)" means the unit of measurement determined bythat quantity of flow associated with a single residential household, defined as follows: 1. ERU measurement shall be an equivalent flow of 875 cubic feet, or less, per month, based on water meter in -flow, or sewer effluent meter when installed by owner with approval of the Yelm sewer department. 2. With respectto each residentialstructure, the number of ERUs and associated "base flow"will be based on Table 1. Table 1 Type of Unit No. ERUs Base Flow Single-family residence 1.00 875 of Duplex dwelling unit 1.00 875 of Triplex dwelling unit 0.90 788 of Fou rplex dwelling unit 0.80 700 of Residential structures > four units 0.75 657 of 3. With respect to uses other than residential, one ERU shall be designated for each 875 cubic feet of water consumed per month or sewage discharged as measured at source; provided, that for volumes in excess of 875 cubic feet per month, the service charge shall be computed at the rate established on Table 2. 4. With respect to accounts consisting of both residential and nonresidential uses, or combination thereof, the residential uses shall be charged as in Table 2 of this section and each nonresidential connection shall be charged an additional ERU plus a charge, as established in subsection C of this section, for each cubic foot of flow over the base flow. C. Sewer Rates and Structure. The sewer rate for the city is established per the rates as identified in Table 2. Table 2 Established Sewer Rate per Unit Years 2018 to 2020 Table 2-2018 Rates City -Owned Electrical Meter Private Electrical Meter With Meter No Meter Type of Unit One single-family on onetank $64.56 $63.97 $64.56 Two single-family on one tank $64.56 $63.38 $64.56 Three single-family on one tank $64.56 $62.78 $64.56 Duplex units $64.56 $63.38 $64.56 Triplex units $58.10 $57.51 $58.10 Fourplex units $51.65 $51.05 $51.65 Residentialwith morethan four units $48.41 Nonresidential units $64.56+0.0717 per cubic footforflow in excess of 875 cubic feet per month Table 2-2019 Rates City -Owned Electrical Meter Private Electrical Meter with Meter No Meter Type of Unit One single-family on one tank $70.53 $69.89 $70.53 Two single-family on onetank $70.53 $69.24 $70.53 Three single-family on one tank $70.53 $68.59 $70.53 Duplex units $70.53 $69.24 $70.53 Triplex units $63.47 $62.83 $63.47 Table 2-2020 Rates City -Owned Private Electrical Meter Table 2-2019 Rates No Meter Type of Unit Electrical Meter with Meter No Meter Type of Unit $76.35 $77.05 Two single-family on onetank Fourplex units $56.43 $55.78 $56.43 Residentialwith more than four $52.89 units Duplex units Nonresidential units $70.53+0.0783 per cubic footforflow in excess of 875 cubic feet $77.05 per month Table 2-2020 Rates City -Owned Electrical Meter Private Electrical Meter with Meter No Meter Type of Unit One single-family on one tank $77.05 $76.35 $77.05 Two single-family on onetank $77.05 $75.64 $77.05 Three single-family on one tank $77.05 $74.93 $77.05 Duplex units $77.05 $75.64 $77.05 Triplex units $69.34 $68.64 $69.34 Fourplex units $61.65 $60.94 $61.65 Residentialwith more than four units $57.78 Nonresidential units $77.05+0.0856 per cubic footforflow in excess of 875 cubic feet per month Unless otherwise abrogated bythe city council, beginning January 1, 2021, and each year thereafter, the sewer utility rates levied in 2020 shall continue with an annual adjustment each year in January by an inflationary factortied to the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers (CPI -U), Seattle -Tacoma -Bellevue index. The inflationary factor shall be calculated and rates shall be adjusted by the finance director in September of each year using 12 prior months of Consumer Price Index data. D. Payment of Sewer Bills. The rates, fees and/or charges shall bed ue and payable at the office of the city clerk/treasurer for the city, on the fifteenth day of the month following use of Yelm's sewer system. Any payments not paid as specified herein shall be considered delinquent. E. Application for Service. Sewer customers shall be required to complete an application for utility service and provide photo identification with the city clerk/treasurer's office to startservice for sewer at the address listed on their application. (Ord. 1024§ 4, 2018; Ord. 1034§ 1, 2017; Ord. 978 §§ 1, 2, 2013; Ord. 933 § 2, 2011; Ord. 927 § 2, 2010; Ord. 915 § 1, 2009; Ord. 810 § 1, 2004; Ord. 719 § 1, 2000; Ord. 683§ 1, 1999; Ord. 567§ 1, 1995; Ord. 547§ 1, 1995; Ord. 527§§ 1 —3,1995; Ord. 506 §§ 1 —5,1994). 13.08.100 Operational authority. A. In addition to the authority granted to the director to make rules and regulations, the city council may make rules and regulations implementingthe provisions of this chapter and may amend the same from time to time, but not in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this code. In the event of an inconsistency between a rule or regulation established bythe director and one established bythe city council pursuant to the provisions ofthis section, the rule or regulation established bythe city councilshall be deemed to control. B. The director shall be authorized to issue such rules or regulations as he or she mayfrom time to time determine appropriate in relation to matters of methodology, standards, techniques and materials to be utilized in relation to the connection, repair and replacement of systems upon individual properties. The authority granted bythis section shall be deemed supplementalto any authority granted to the director pursuamto any other ofthe provisions of this chapter. C. The director is authorized to establish by rule or regulation, such construction standards, rules and regulations as may be necessary to govern the installation, improvement, repair, replacement or operation of the sanitary sewer system of the city. The standards may include, but are not limited to, specification of materials and installation requirements, limitations upon materialsto be permitted to enter the sewer system from a building served bythe system, collection system and treatment plant capacity and such other matters as may be deemed necessary bythe director. D. Any proposed rule or regulation to be issued bythe director shall be submitted to the council priorto its implementation. The council shall have 21 days followingthe date of its initial submission to the councilat a regular meetingto approve, disapprove or modify any proposed rule or regulation. In the eventthe council does in fact so act, such action shall be deemed to be effective immediately upon approvalor modification bythe council. In the event of no action bythe city council, unless the time period established by this section is extended by affirmative action of the council, the proposed rule or regulation shall become effective upon thetwenty-second day following date of submission. (Ord. 644 § 1, 1998; Ord. 505 § 9, 1994). 13.08.105 Adjustment of sewer bill. A. The city administrator, or her designee, is empowered to resolve billing disputes upon receipt of request to do so from a city sewer utility customer. Upon receipt of such noticefrom the customer, the city administrator, or her designee, shall reviewthe billwith the customerto see if the amount is justly owed. The customer shall have the right to have a meeting to bring forth reasons and evidence why such bill should not be due and owing. B. When any customer in any given billing period has used, according to the customer's water meter or metered sewer effluent, a quantity of water or effluentwhich is more than double the average amount of water used or effluent discharged on such premises in similar billing periods in prior years, and the water consumption or effluent is solely caused by a broken water pipe on the user's premises, the customer may make an application to the treasurer in writing for a reduction of the billing. 1. If the application states a broken pipe on a customer's premises caused a large consumption or Large discharge of effluent, the existence of a broken pipe shall beverified by inspection by public works employees. If it is established by presenting acceptable documentation demonstratingto the city that such broken pipe has been repaired, a reduction of the sewer utility billto an amountthat isthe average of the prior four months plus one-half ofthe difference between the average and existing disputed billshall be made. 2. The reduction provided for in this section shall not be allowed if such excess effluent discharge is due to the customer's neglect orfailure to repairthe broken pipe. A reduction in billingshall not be permitted if such excess discharge is due simply to leaky faucets or other plumbingfixtures releasingwastewater through the system. 3. This section only appliesto those customers otherthan flat-rate sewer customers. 4. In newly developed propertywhich does not have a prior service record, the appropriate sewer utility chargewill be based upon the charges for a similartype of sewer service and occupancyfor the precedingyear. 5. The application by the customer shall be on the forms provided by the city. (Ord. 921 §§ 1, 2, 2010). 13.08.107 System development charge and inspection fee waiver and deferral. A. The system development charge and inspection fee imposed by YMC 13.08.090 shall be deferred for low-income families where: 1. Thetotal maximum household income of the residents ofthe dwelling unit shall not exceed 50 percent ofthe most recent Thurston County median household annual income, as determined by the United States Housingand Urban Development Department. 2. The dwellingtype is a detached, single -family residential unit. 3. The dwelling is occupied bythe owner ofthe property. 4. The property owner submits a restrictive covenant in a form approved by the city attorney to be recorded with the Thurston County auditor guaranteeing fulfillment of the criteria setforth in this section. 5. The property owner submits a restrictive covenant in a form approved by the city attorney to be recorded with the Thurston County auditor requiringthe deferred system development charge and meter charge be repaid to the city in the event the property is sold within 10 years of the date of the deferral. If the property is not sold within the 10 -year deferral period, the deferral shall convert to a waiver. B. To qualify for the waiver and deferral of system development charges and inspection fee set forth in this chapter, every eligible subscriber (or if married, then either spouse) shallfile with the city clerk his or her statement, under oath, on such form as maybe prescribed by the city clerk, that he, she or they meet the eligibility requirements set forth in this section and that such applicant or applicants promise to forthwith notify the city of any circumstances or change in conditions which would make the applicant or applicants ineligible to receive the reduction. C. Amortization of system development charge maybe authorized by the city administrator if a business with high water usage of more than three equivalent residential units can show that the connection charges area barrier to economic development. Upon authorization of amortization of system development charges, the business owner and property owner must enter into a repayment agreement with the city. The agreement must: 1. Have a term of no more than 24 months with equal monthly payments. 2. Require the property owner to grant and record a lien against the property in favor of the city in the full amount of the amortized system development charges. 3. Include interest at a rate established by the finance director. 4. Include an administrative fee to cover the cost of administration of the contract, as established by the financed irector. (Ord. 1026 § 2, 2018; Ord. 979 § 3, 2013). 13.08.108 Annexation requirements. A Premises l in within the Yelm urban growth area MGM shall annex to the City as a condition of sewer connection. Alternately. the City may elect to defer annexation and require execution of an agreement described in subsection B of this section B. Prem) ses not annexed as a condltl On Of sewerserylcc may race Ne such seryl cc Only upon enter ng into an appropriate agreement with the City containing a waiver of protest to annexation and/or a special irrevocable powerof attorney authorizing annexation at such time as the City determines the premises is to be annexed to the City. 1. Application fees as established by the Cily Council must beap id upon the submittal of a signed agreement requesting sewer service for premises outside the Citv. subject to any provisions in effect atthe time of connection for latecomer reimbursement 3. The agreement may not be executed prior to the time formal application is made for approval agreement is required for any extension of pro ect applications or approvals or when in the opinion ofthe Public Services. a substantial change or addition is made to the project. Follow i ngexecutionsuch agreement must be recorder premises in the records of the Thurston County Auditor 13.08.110 Violations—Penalties. A. Civil Penalties. 1. Any person who shallviolate any provision ofthis code orthe city's NPDES permit, or cause such NPDES permit to be violated, shall be liable to the city for any expense, loss, damage, cost of inspection or cost of correction incurred bythe city by reason of such violation including any costto the city incurred in collectingfrom such person such loss, damage, expense, cost of inspection or cost of correction, including necessary reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. 2. Any person who shall make an unauthorized connection to the city's municipal sewer system shall be charged a minimum fine of $250.00, or such otherfines and penalties as may be adopted from timeto time by city ordinance, for each unauthorized connection. 3. Any person found to be violating any provision of this chapter shall be served bythe citywith written notice statingthe nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease allviolations and make all necessary corrections. 4. Any person who shall continue any violation beyond thetime limit provided in such notice shall be disconnected from use of the city's municipal sewer system until such violation has been corrected and certified bythe director or his/her designee. Such discontinuance of sewer service will be reported to the Thurston County health department and a reconnection fee of $250.00 will be assessed againstthe property. B. Criminal Penalties. Any person violating a provision of this chapter shall, in addition to any other penaltywhich may be imposed pursuantto the chapter, be subjectto, upon conviction of such violation, a penalty as provided in this code. The first citation within any 12 -month period issued a person alleging any particularviolation shall be deemed to be an infraction. The person, upon a findingthatthe violation was committed, shall be subjectto the allowable penalties, up to $250.00. Any second or subsequent violation within any 12 -month period issued to a person for a particular violation shall constitute a criminalviolation and be deemed to be a misdemeanor. (Ord. 505 § 10, 1994). WASHINGTON EST. 1924 Meeting Date: 08/10/2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City ofYelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 1121—SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to approve Ordinance No. 1121 to SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FOR RECLAIMED WATER KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The Yelm Municipal Code currently lacks a specific application process for providing reclaimed water services to properties in Yelm's Urban Growth Area (UGA). Consequently, to facilitate the establishment of new reclaimed water connections for properties located outside the corporate limits of the City but within the UGA, it is necessary to introduce new language into Chapter 13.24 of the ordinance. This amendment will address and accommodate the requirements for extending reclaimed water services to these areas. ATTACHMENTS: ORDINANCE NO. 1121 SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WAIVER OF ANNEXATION YMC Chapter 13.24 Track Changes Respectfully Submitted: L==41 424-q A Reza R. Roukerd Civil Review Engineer 11 Page CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1121 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, ADDING A NEW SECTION 13.24.090 ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS, TO CHAPTER 13.24 RECLAIMED WATER, OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Chapter 13.24 does not currently contain a provision outlining annexation requirements for consumers requesting reclaimed water service; and WHEREAS, there is currently no application process outlined in the ordinance by which premises located within the Yelm urban growth area may obtain reclaimed water; and WHEREAS, the Yelm City Council has determined the Yelm urban growth area can be serviced with reclaimed water after signing a waiver of protest to annexation by the City and a special irrevocable power of attorney; and WHEREAS, the Yelm City Council has determined the following ordinance will be added to Chapter 13.24 RECLAIMED WATER of the Yelm Municipal Code; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TH E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM AS FOLLOWS: Section 13.24.090 is hereby added to Chapter 13.24 of the Yelm Municipal Code as follows: Section 13.24.090 Annexation requirements. A. Premises lying within the Yelm urban growth area (UGA) shall annex to the City as a condition of reclaimed water connection. Alternately, the City may elect to defer annexation and require execution of an agreement described in subsection B of this section. B. Premises not annexed as a condition of reclaimed water service may receive such service only upon entering into an appropriate agreement with the City containing a waiver of protest to annexation and/or a special irrevocable power of attorney authorizing annexation at such time as the City determines the premises is to be annexed to the City. 1. Application fees as established by the City Council must be paid upon the submittal of a signed agreement requesting reclaimed water service for premises outside the City; 2. The cost of the reclaimed water extension must be borne in whole by the applicant for such services, subject to any provisions in effect at the time of connection for latecomer reimbursement; 3. The agreement may not be executed prior to the time formal application is made for approval of the project for which utilities are requested. The term of said agreement shall terminate at the time any project application or approval expires or is revoked for any reason. A new agreement is required for any extension of project applications or approvals or when in the opinion of the Director of Public Services, a substantial change or addition is made to the project. C. Following execution, such agreement must be recorded by the City in the chain of title for such premises in the records of the Thurston County Auditor. Adopted by the Yelm City Council at the regular meeting this 13' day of August 2024. Joe DePinto, Mayor ATTEST: Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: SPECIAL IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY AGREEMENT TO ANNEX (UGA PRIVATE) THIS AGREEMENT is made and executed by and between the City of Yelm, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and hereinafter referred to as "Owner". WHEREAS, Owner holds record title of the following described Property (the "Property') located within Thurston County, Washington: SEEATTACHMENT'A WHEREAS, said Property lies within the City urban growth area, thereto, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Ownerthat said Property be served with water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service from the City of Yelm and hereby makes application therefore, or is already served by City utilities, and WHEREAS, Section(s) of the Yelm Municipal Code requires that an Agreement executed whereby the owner of the above described Property covenants that they would annex said Property to the City of Yelm at such time as the Property becomes contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Yelm, or is otherwise eligible for annexation to Yelm, and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the Owner grant to the Yelm Public Services Director a special power of attorney to effect said annexation at the time the Property becomes contiguous to Yelm or is otherwise eligible for annexation to Yelm. IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES as follows: 1. That Yelm hereby provides water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service to the above described Property in accordance with Title 13 of the Yelm Municipal Code 2. In consideration of Yelm providing said utility service, the Owner hereby grants and conveys to the Yelm Public Services Director or his successor in interest or designee a Special Power ofAttorneyto exercise any and all rights said Owner, their heirs or assigns and any successors in interest to said Owner, including any purchasers, mortgage holders, lien holders or other persons who may claim an interest in said Property hereinafter referred to as "Successors in Interest" to accomplish the following: (a) To petition to Yelm for annexation of any part or all of the Property described above, which petition shall conform to the provisions of paragraph (b) herein. (b) To accomplish all steps necessary or proper for the annexation of said Property under RCW 35A.14 and the ordinances and regulations of the City of Yelm for annexation of Page 1 of 3 Property to the City of Yelm with zoning consistent with the ordinances of the City of Yelm and with the condition that Owner or its Successors in Interest will be required to assume no more than a fair share of Yelm's bonded indebtedness. (c) To sign any and all letters, petitions, and other documents necessary to accomplish said annexation on behalf of any successors in interest as defined above. (d) This Power of Attorney shall be considered a power coupled with an interest and may not be terminated except at such time as the above described Property is no longer served by water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer service through Yelm or Yelm's utility facilities. 3. If the City of Yelm resolves to annex the above-described Property pursuant to RCW 35A.14.295-.299, the Owner or its Successor in Interest covenants not to challenge same by referendum or other methods. This Agreement and Power of Attorney touches and concerns the real Property described above and so long as the said Property is served by water, reclaimed water, and/orsewer service from the City of Yelm through the Yelm water, reclaimed water, and/or sewer system, shall bind the land and shall run with the land, binding the Owner's assigns, heirs, transferees, Successors in Interest and all who derive an interest therein. 4. This agreement is effective upon the date of the last signature of both the grantor and grantee. THIS AGREEMENT shall be recorded in the Thurston County Auditor's Office and shall be referenced upon any deed or other instruments conveying an interest in said Property. Dated in Yelm, Washington this day of 20 go (Owner) CITY OF YELM (Signature) (Title) BY: (Signature) ITS: (Title) Page 2 of 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OFTHURSTON ) On this day of 20_, personally appeared before me , known to be the individual(s) described, and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OFTHURSTON ) On the day of , 20_, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the Public Services Director of the City of Yelm, a municipal corporation, who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath states that is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires Page 3 of 3 Chapter 13.24 RECLAIMED WATER Sections: 13.24.010 Findings. 13.24.020 Water reclamation policx 13.24.030 Definitions. 13.24.050 Use of reclaimed water. 13.24.060 User agreements. 13.24.070 Reclaimed water service, hookup and meter charge. 13.24.080 Legal requirements. 13.24.090 Annexation requirements. 13.24.010 Findings. The policies described above are in the best interest of the city of Yelm. This chapter is necessary to protect the water supply of the region, which is vital to public health and safety, and to prevent endangerment of public and private property. The city of Yelm is dependent on ground water sources and limited water rights. The abilityto obtain additionalwater rights in the future is uncertain. Developing and utilizing reclaimed water can reduce the need for additional potable water. In light of these circumstances, certain uses of potable water may be considered where reclaimed water is available or production of potable water is unduly impaired. To encourage the use of reclaimed water in lieu of potable water the city desires to sell the reclaimed water at a fraction of the established potable water rates. (Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 1, 1999). 13.24.020 Water reclamation policy. It is the policy of the city of Yelm to reclaim 100 percent of the wastewater generated by the city and that reclaimed water shall be used within the jurisdiction wherever its use is economically justified, financially and technically feasible, and is consistent with legal requirements of Chapter 90.46 RCW, for the preservation of public health, safety and welfare, and the protection of the environment. (Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 2, 1999). 13.24.030 Definitions. The followingterms are defined for purposes of this chapter: "Agronomic rate" means the amount of water required to sustain and promote plant and vegetation growth without saturation of the underlying soils. "Agricultural purposes" means and includes the growing of field and nursery crops, row crops, trees, and vines and the feeding of fowl and livestock. "Beneficial use" means the use of reclaimed water, which has been transported from the point of production to the point of use without an intervening discharge to waters of the state, for a beneficial purpose. "City" means the city of Yelm, Washington, or as indicated bythe context, may mean the public works director, treatment plant operator, water department, water superintendent, city clerk/treasurer, engineer or other employee or agent representingthe city in the discharge of his duties. "City engineer" means the professional engineer regularly employed or retained bythe city. "Commercial office buildings" means any buildingfor office or commercial uses with water requirements which include, but are not limited to: landscape irrigation, fire protection, toilet and urinalflushing and decorative fountains. "Commercial water service" means reclaimed water service provided to a premises utilized for business or industrial purposes. "Council" means the council of the city of Yelm. "Department" meansthe Washington State Departments of Ecology and Health. "Greenbelt areas" includes, but is not limited to, golf courses, cemeteries, parks and landscaping. "Infiltration basins" means a basin, pond or area specifically designed forthe controlled application of reclaimed water by surface percolation forthe purpose of replenishing ground water. "Irrigation" means watering by sprinkling or dripping through orifices at normal agronomic rates. "Industrial process water" meanswater used by any industrial facility with process water requirements which include, but are not limited to, rinsing, washing, cooling and circulation, or construction process. "Nonrestricted recreational impoundment" means a body of reclaimed water in which no limitations are imposed on body-contact water sports activities. Examples may include but are not limited to recreational lakes, waterfeatures, ponds and fishponds. "Off-site facilities" means reclaimed waterfacilities from the source of supplyto the point of connection with the on-site facilities, normally up to and includingthe water meter. "On-site facilities" means reclaimed waterfacilities underthe control of the owner, normally downstream from the reclaimed water meter. "Plan" means the city of Yelm's facility plan or comprehensive water reclamation plan. "Potable water" means ground waterthat is used or intended to be used as, or is suitable for, a source of a water supplyfor domestic purposes and has been classified as a source of drinking water bythe Department of Health. "Reclaimed water" means effluent derived in any part from sewage from a wastewater treatment system that has been adequately and reliably treated, so that as a result of that treatment, it is suitable for a beneficial use or a controlled use that would not otherwise occur and is no longer considered wastewater. As used herein, reclaimed water shall be classified as Class A reclaimed water as defined in Chapter 90.46 RCW and the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards. "Reclaimed water distribution systems" means a piping system intended for the delivery of reclaimed water separate from and in addition to the potable water distribution system. "Reclaimed water user agreement" means a binding agreement between the city of Yelm and the owner of a use area outliningthe conditions for use of reclaimed waterto ensure that construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring meets all requirements of the Washington Departments of Ecology and Health and the city. "Reuse" means the use of reclaimed water, in compliance with Washington Departments of Ecology and Health regulations, for a beneficial use. "Residential service" means reclaimed water service for lawn and/or vegetable garden irrigation provided to a residential living site. "Service connection" means that portion of the city's reclaimed water supply system connecting the city's reclaimed water distribution main includingthe tap into the main, the water meter and appurtenances and the service line from the main to the meter and from the meter to the user's property line. "Service connection" includes connections for fire protection as well as for irrigation, commercial and industrial uses. "Spray irrigation" meansthe application of reclaimed waterto land by spraying it from sprinklers of orifices in piping. "Standard specifications" meansthe specifications set forth in the current volume of "Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction" prepared and distributed jointly bythe Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and bythe Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the current "Standards" of the American Water Works Association (AWWA). "Surface percolation" meansthe controlled application of waterto the ground surface for the purpose of replenishing ground water. "Use area" means anyfacility, building, or area approved for use of reclaimed water as evidenced by an executed user agreement. "Water reclamation and reuse standards" means standards developed bythe Washington State Departments of Ecology and Health dated September 1997 and as may be amended from time to time. (Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 3, 1999). 13.24.040 Comprehensive water reclamation plan. A. General. The city of Yelm has prepared and adopted a Water Reuse Facilities Plan pursuant to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and the Washington State Department of Ecology as part of the city's update of the wastewater treatment facilities and implementation of the reuse plan. Updates to the facilities plan shall be prepared in the form of a comprehensive water reclamation plan. The city engineer shall prepare the plan for the city and three copies of the same shall be maintained on file in the office of the city clerk/treasurer. The plan shall be submitted to and approved bythe Departments of Ecology and Health. B. Uses of Reclaimed Water. The facilities plan identified any use that meets the standards for Class A reclaimed water as a planned or potential use of reclaimed waterwithin the city's service area. Reclaimed water uses may include, but are not limited to, the irrigation of food and nonfood crops, landscape irrigation, impoundments, fish hatchery basins, decorative fountains, flushing of sanitary sewers, street cleaning, dust control, fire fighting and protection, toilet and urinalflushing, washing aggregate and concrete production, industrial cooling and industrial processes. Referto Table 1 * for additional uses and regulations pertainingto those uses. C. Contents of the Reclamation Plan. The comprehensive water reclamation plan shall be updated from time to time as deemed necessary bythe city council, but in any event not less than everyfive years. The plan shall include the following: 1. Plants and Facilities. Proposed location and size of the reclamation treatment plant, distribution pipelines, pump stations, reservoirs, and other related reuse facilities. 2. Reclaimed Water Service Areas. A designation of the boundarywithin the city of Yelm service area that can or may in the future use reclaimed water in lieu of potable water, including reuse areas and ground water recharge infiltration basins. An evaluation of reuse sites, estimated volume of waterto be reused, means of application, application rates, water balance, expected agronomic uptake, potentialto impact ground water or surface water at the site, background water quality and hydrogeological information necessaryto evaluate potentialwater quality impacts shall be addressed in the plan. Contingency Plans. The plan shall address a contingency plan to ensure that no untreated or inadequately treated wastewater will be delivered to a use area. 4. Cross -Connection Control. The plan shall discuss cross -connection control and inspection program, includingwho will be responsible for compliance and testing of cross -connection control devices. 5. Design Standards. The plan shall identify design standards, which shall be adopted from time to time bythe council and three copies of the same shall be maintained on file at the office of the city clerk/treasurer. (Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 4, 1999). *Code reviser's note: Table 1 is on file in the city clerk/treasurer's office 13.24.050 Use of reclaimed water. A. Identification of Pipe and Appurtenances. All reclaimed water pipelines, valves, outlets, and other appurtenances, including all irrigation systems pipelines, valve and control boxes shall be color -coded purple (Pantone 622 or other shades of purple acceptable to the city). The piping shall be embossed or integrally stamped or marked "Caution: Reclaimed Water— Do Not Drink," and be installed with a purple (Pantone 512 or other shades of purple acceptable to the city) identification tracertape. The pipe and tape shall have the warning stamped on opposite sides of the pipe and tape and be repeated every three feet or less. Identification tracer tape shall be consistent with the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards. Signs for notification of reclaimed water connections shall read "Reclaimed Water— Do Not Drink." Signs for notification of irrigation use areas shall read "For Water Conservation, This Property Is Irrigated with Reclaimed Water — Do Not Drink." Signs shall be color -coded purple (Pantone 522 or other shades of purple acceptable to the city) with black lettering. Sleeves over standard water pipe will not be permitted. B. Ownership of Mains and Service Connections. The ownership of all mains, service connections and appurtenances in the public street or utility rights-of-way shall be vested fully in the city and the person responsible forthe construction of such mains shall relinquish, by bill of sale, or other appropriate instrument of conveyance, all interest in the ownership of such mains upon acceptance by the city. The city shall operate, control and maintain all approved and accepted components of the city water reuse system in the public streets or utility rights-of-way up to and includingthe meter, but shall not be responsible beyond the meter. The owner of the property served shall be responsible for maintenance of all pipe and fittingsfrom the meterto his premises. No alteration shall be made to any connection nor shall any connection be made to the city's reclaimed water system without the approval of the city. All connections or alterations shall be made bythe city's public works department or by a contractor supervised bythe city. C. Cross -Connection Control. There shall be no cross -connections between the reclaimed water and potable water systems. The city shall coordinate with the water department to establish and obtain approvalfrom the Washington State Department of Health a cross -connection control and inspection program pursuant to WAC 246-290-490. Where both reclaimed water and potable water are supplied to a reclaimed water use area, a "reduced pressure principle backflow" prevention device, or an approved "air gap separation" shall be installed at the potable water service connection to the reuse area. The cost of such device and the installation thereof shall be borne bythe owner of the premises affected. The installation and periodic testing shall conform to the provisions of WAC 248-54-500. No interconnection with private wells is allowed and inspection bythe cityto verify disconnection is required for continued reclaimed water service. An independent testing laboratory shall submit a test report indicatingthe backflow prevention device has been tested and is in conformance with this section. Annualtesting and reporting shall be required. D. Dwelling Unit. Reclaimed water shall not enter a dwelling unit or a building containing a dwelling unit except as specifically provided in the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards. E. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. All buildingswith an automatic fire sprinkler system connected to the city's reclaimed water system shall paythe same fees and rates as identified in the water ordinance. No reclaimed water shall be used through such connections or sprinkler system except for actual fire control. F. Temporary Water Service for Construction. Temporary reclaimed water service from a reclaimed waterfire hydrant for construction of any building, street, utility or similar project shall be provided at 80 percent of the lowest potable water rate tier as established bythe city or as amended from time to time. A construction meter shall be required and application shall be made at the office of the public works department identifying location and reason for use of the reclaimed water. A deposit shall be collected as identified in the water ordinance. Upon completion of the project, return of construction meter and charges for consumed reclaimed water are paid for, return of the deposit shall be made to consumer. The city shall provide a separate "purple meter" for connection to the reclaimed water system. Information shall be provided with the meter indicating the use of reclaimed water pursuant to the requirements of the reclaimed water and reuse standards. Temporary connections to the reclaimed water system otherthan directlyto a reclaimed waterfire hydrant shall not be allowed. G. Tank Trucks. Tanktrucks and other equipment used to distribute reclaimed water shall be clearly identified with advisory signs. The tanktrucks used to transport reclaimed water shall not be used to transport potable water that is used for drinking or other potable purposes. The tanktrucks used to transport reclaimed water shall not be filled through on -board piping or hosesthat may subsequently be used to filltankswith waterfrom a potable water supply. Tanktrucks used to transport reclaimed water shall be inspected and approved for such use bythe city priorto transporting reclaimed water. H. Mandatory Reclaimed Water Use. The facilities plan update and subsequent comprehensive water reclamation plan identifies existing and planned reuse areas for consumptive beneficial use and ground water recharge areas. This information shall be used by city off icialsto mandate construction of reclaimed water distribution systems or otherfacilities in new and existing developments for current orfuture reclaimed water use as a condition of any development approval or continued potable water service if future reclamation facilities are proposed in the facilities plan indicating reclaimed water could adequately serve the development. I. Conversion of Existing Potable Water System. Based upon the comprehensive water reclamation plan the city may require an existing potable water userto convert their irrigation and/or other nonpotable uses of waterto the use of reclaimed waterfor potable water conservation purposes. J. Implementation. Should a determination be made to convert an existing potable water use to reclaimed water, cityversus user costs associated with the required connection shall be identified in the required execution of the user agreement. Once connected, the user shall paythe cost of reclaimed water consumed based on the terms of this chapter. K. Objections — Appeals. The water customer may file a notice of objection with the city within 30 days after any notice of determination to comply is delivered or mailed to the customer, and may request reconsideration of the determination or may request a modification of the proposed conditions or schedule for conversion. The objection must be in writing and specifythe reasons for the objection. The preliminary determination shall be final if the customer does not file a timely objection. The city administrator or designee shall reviewthe objection with the objector, and shall confirm, modify or abandon the preliminary determination. Such decision may be appealed to the city councilwithin 30 days. L. Conditions. Upon application by a developer, owner or water customer (herein referred to as "applicant") for a land use approval, or other development project as defined by this code, staff shall reviewthe facilities plan and any subsequent reclaimed water comprehensive plan and make a preliminary determination whether the subject property is required to be served with reclaimed water or to include facilities designed to accommodate the use of reclaimed water in the future. Based upon such determination, use of reclaimed water and provisions of a reclaimed water distribution system or other facilities for the use of reclaimed water, and an application for a user agreement for such use shall be required as a condition of approval of any such application, in addition to any other conditions of approval. M. Alterations and Remodeling. On a case-by-case basis, upon application for an alteration or remodeling of multifamily, commercial or industrial structures (including, for example, hotels), staff shall reviewthe facilities plan or subsequent comprehensive water reclamation plan update and make a preliminary determination whetherthe subject property shall be required to be served with reclaimed water orto include facilities designed to accommodate the use of reclaimed water in the future. Based upon such determination, use of reclaimed water and provision of reclaimed water distribution systems or otherfacilities forthe use of reclaimed water, and application for a user agreement for such use, may be required as a condition of approval of the application. (Ord. 779 §§ 11 2, 2003; Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 5, 1999). 13.24.060 User agreements. A. Requested Service. On a case-by-case basis, upon application for a user agreement to use reclaimed water on a property not covered byYMC 13.24.050, staff shall review the facilities plan and any subsequent comprehensive water reclamation plan and make a determination whether the subject property shall be served with reclaimed water. Based upon such determination, the application forthe user agreement shall be accepted and processed. B. User Agreement Conditions. The user agreement shall specifythe design, construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring requirements forthe applicant's planned use, based on the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter and shall require compliance with the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Health requirements (see Chapter 90.46 RCW), and requirements of the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards. The staff shall review plans forthe reclaimed and nonreclaimed water distribution systems forthe parcel and a field inspection conducted before the user agreement is granted. Reclaimed water shall not be supplied to a property until inspection by staff determines that the applicant is in compliance with the user agreement conditions. C. Application. All applications for reclaimed water service shall be made at the office of the city public works department or at such other place as the council may thereafter designate by resolution and upon such form as may be prescribed by the city. Every such application shall be made by the owner of the property to be furnished reclaimed water, or by its authorized agent, and the applicant shall state fully and truly all the purposes for which the reclaimed water may be used. Reclaimed water service shall only be granted for use meeting the water reclamation and reuse standards and upon the execution of a reclaimed water user agreement. D. Reclaimed Water User Agreement Process. Upon completion of the reuse agreement conditions, the agreement shall be scheduled for city council consideration. E. Connection — General Requirements. When a permit has been obtained forthe installation of reclaimed water service, the city shall cause the premises described in the application to be connected with the reclaimed water system by a service pipe extendingfrom the reclaimed water main to the property line and a shutoff valve and reclaimed water meter placed within the right-of- way. Every separate user and premises shall have its own separate meter All connections to city's reclaimed water service shall conform to the standard specifications and regulations of the city. F. Temporary Use of Potable Water. At the discretion of the city, potable water may be made available on a temporary basis until reclaimed water is available. Before the applicant receives temporary potable water, a water reclamation user agreement must be obtained for all reuse facilities. Prior to commencement of reclaimed water service, an inspection of the on-site facilities will be conducted to verify that the facilities have been maintained and are in compliance with the reclaimed water user agreement and current requirements for service. Upon verification of compliance, reclaimed water can be served to the parcel for the agreed upon use. If the facilities are not in compliance, the applicant shall not receive potable or reclaimed water service. Priorto making reclaimed water available, the potable water connection shall be removed and the on-site distribution system field tested to verify no cross -connections with the potable water system exist. G. Installation of Main. Whenever application is made for reclaimed water service to a premises with no reclaimed water main in the adjacent street, a standard reclaimed water main must be installed priorto connection. The installation of such standard mains shall conform to the comprehensive reclaimed water plan. A reclaimed water main shall be installed by and at the expense of the owner(s) of the premisesto be served thereby, pursuant to plans reviewed bythe city and approved bythe city engineer. In such casesthe citywill contract with the owner(s) to provide for reimbursement of the costs of design and construction of such main over a period not to exceed 15 years pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 35.92 RCW. The actual cost must be approved bythe city showingthe method of determining benefit cost. The council shall record the contract in the office of the county auditor upon acceptance of construction of the main. The owner may elect to have a reclaimed water main installed bythe city upon making payment to the city of the appropriate main extension charges as provided for in the water ordinance. H. Water Meters. All service connections to the city reclaimed water system shall be metered. Reclaimed water meters shall be sized to provide adequate flow of reclaimed waterto the customer. Minimum water meter sizes shall ordinarily be determined from the maximum flow requirements for the user as determined by an engineering study. Allwater meters shall be American Water Works Association (AWWA) approved. (Ord. 779 § 3, 2003; Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 6, 1999). 13.24.070 Reclaimed water service, hookup and meter charge. A. Reclaimed Water Rate. The rate charged for reclaimed water shall be set at 80 percent of the lowest potable water rate tier as established bythe city or as amended from time to time. Special circumstances may betaken into consideration to allowfor a different rate. Such special circumstances and rates shall be identified in the user agreement and approved bythe city council B. To encourage use of reclaimed water in lieu of potable water and to advance the use of reclaimed water throughout the city service area, there is no equivalent residential unit/hookup fee to the reclaimed water system, except the user shall paythe appropriate meter charge as identified in the city's water ordinance. Monthly base fees will applywhen the meter is active and readyfor use, regardless of consumption duringthis period. The meterwill be read and billed on a monthly basis and charged accordingto the established water rates as set bythe city council. Irrigation meters shall be locked bythe city at the end of the irrigation season as determined bythe city. Service shall be restored by requesting utility service at the start of the irrigation season. In every case, title to the reclaimed water meter, meter box and service connection lines shall remain with the city. C. Billing and Payments. Monthly statements of charges for reclaimed water service shall be due and payable at the office of the city clerk/treasurer or at such other place or places designated by him/her on or before the fifteenth of the month and are deemed delinquent thereafter. Delinquent accountswill be assessed a penalty as identified in the water ordinance. Statements shall cover service charges forthe period shown thereon and shall be forwarded by mail to the customer as soon as practicable after each service period. D. Nonpayment of Charges. Reclaimed water service terminated for nonpayment shall not be restored to the nonpaying user until all delinquent charges, togetherwith a service fee as identified in the water ordinance for restoring services, are paid. (Ord. 988 § 1, 2014; Ord. 779 § 4, 2003; Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 7, 1999). 13.24.080 Legal requirements. A. Rules and Regulations. The city administrator is charged with administration and enforcement of this chapter. Reclaimed water service to any premises served bythe city reclaimed water system may be discontinued for anyviolation or abridgement of the provisions of this chapter orthe user agreement, after due notice thereof. In the event reclaimed water service is discontinued for failure to complywith provisions of this chapter it shall remain terminated forthe duration of such noncompliance. B. Inspection of Premises. Authorized employees of the public works department, properly identified, shall have free access at reasonable hours of the day, to all premises served bythe city's reuse system forthe purpose of ascertaining conformityto this chapter, the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards and the city's NPDES permit. C. Sprinkling During Fires Prohibited. It is unlawfulfor any person to knowingly use reclaimed water for a lawn or garden sprinkling or irrigating purposes on any premises during the progress of a fire or disasterwithin the area served bythe city's reclaimed water system. D. Damaging or Interfering with Water System. It is unlawful for any person to wilfully disturb, break, deface, or damage any reclaimed water fire hydrant, reclaimed water meter, gate valve, water pipe or other reclaimed waterworks appurtenance togetherwith the buildings, grounds and improvements thereon belonging to or connected with the reclaimed water system of the city in any manner whatsoever, including all reclaimed water features located at Cochrane Memorial Park. It is unlawful for any person to open, close, turn or interfere with, or attempt to, or to connect with any reclaimed water fire hydrant, valve, or pipe belonging to the city unless authorized by the city in writing; provided, that this rule shall not apply tome mbers of the city department or such other fire department duly authorized to operate fire hydrants while acting in such capacity. It is unlawful for any person to throw refuse or any substance into any city reclaimed water reservoir, feature or system or to throw any deleterious matter into or upon any part of the city's reclaimed water treatment system, reclaimed water supply system or water reuse system, including Cochrane Memorial Park. E. Public. The use of reclaimed water by any person or entity in any manner in violation of this chapter or of any user agreement issued hereunder is subject to prosecution for a misdemeanor. F. Injunction. Whenever a discharge of wastes or use of reclaimed water is in violation orthreatens to cause a violation of this chapter, the city attorney may seek injunctive relief as maybe appropriate to enjoin such discharge or use. G. User Agreement Revocation. In addition to any other statute or rule authorizing termination of reclaimed water service, the city may revoke a reclaimed water user agreement issued hereunder if a violation of any provision of this chapter isfound to exist or if a discharge of wastes or use of reclaimed water causes orthreatens to cause violation of this chapter. H. Penalty. Any owner and/or operatorwho violates this chapter shall, for each day of violation, or portion thereof, be subject to a fine not exceeding$ 1,000. In addition, reclaimed water and potable water service to the property may be discontinued. (Ord. 720 § 1, 2000; Ord. 684 § 8, 1999). 13.24.090 Annexation requirements. A. Premises lyingwithin the Yelm urban growth area (UGA) shall annex to the City as a condition of reclaimed water connection Alternately, the City may elect to defer annexation and require execution of an agreement described in subsection B of this section B. Premises not annexed as a condition of reclaimed water service may receive such service only upon entering into an appropriate agreement with the City containing a waiver of protest to annexation and/or a special irrevocable power of attorney authorizing annexation at such time as the City determinesthe premises is to be annexed to the City. 1. Application fees as established bythe City Council must be paid upon the submittal of a signed agreement requesting reclaimed water service for premises outside the City; 2. The cost of the reclaimed water extension must be borne in whole bythe applicant for such services, subject to any provisions in effect at the time of connection for latecomer reimbursement: 3 The agreement may not be executed prior to the time formal application is made for approval of the project for which utilities are requested The term of said agreement shallterm inate at the time any oroiect application or approval expires or is revoked for any reason. A new agreement is required for any extension of project applications or approvals orwhen in the opinion of the Director of Public Services, a substantial change or addition is made to the project. C. Following execution, such agreement must be recorded bythe City in the chain of title for such premises in the records of the Thurston County Auditor City of Ye! IST. 1924 WASHl l N T6N Meeting Date: August 13, 2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City ofVelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CEMP/COOP PLAN DEVELOPEMENT AND COMPLETION. PROPOSED MOTION: Motion to authorize Mayor De Pinto to sign the Professional Services Agreement which would allow Erika Katt to develop and complete the City of Yelm's CEMP/COOP plan at the cost of $15,000. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: The authorization of Mayor DePint's signature would allow Erika Katt to develop and complete the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is to guide city organizational behavior before, during, and after a disaster. It develops and describes a comprehensive program that defines who does what, when, where and how in order to mitigate, prepare for, respond to , and recover from the effects of natural, technological and human caused hazards. Erika Katt developed and completed the City of Yelm's CEMP/COOP plan in 2019 which is reaching it's 5 year expiration date of December 31st, 2024. With the completion of the updated plan, it would be good until December 31st, 2029. Attachment: Professional Services Agreement for CEMP/COOP plan Respectfully Submitted: a Rob Carlson Chief of Police 11Page City of Yelm POLICE DEPARTMENT 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 48547-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CEMP/COOP Plan Development and Completion This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made between the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Erika Katt ("Contractor"). The City and Contractor (together "Parties") are located and do business at the below addresses which shall be valid for any notice required under this Agreement: ERIKA RENEE KATT Erika Katt 2132 Little Hanaford Rd Centralia. WA 98531 360-870-5353 Erika. katt�a,gmail.com The Parties agree as follows: CITY OF YELM Rob Carlson 206 Mckenzie Ave SE Yelm, WA 98597 360-458-5513 360-485-7301 robcia.velmwa._-ov TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the effective date of this Agreement, which shall be the date of mutual execution, and shall continue until the completion of the Work, but in any event no later than December 31, 2024 ("Term"). This Agreement may be extended for additional periods of time upon the mutual written agreement of the City and the Contractor. SERVICES. The Contractor shall perform the services more specifically described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Services"), in a manner consistent with the accepted professional practices for other similar services within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed, performed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite training, skill, and experience necessary to provide the Services and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to obtaining a City of Yelm business registration. Services shall begin immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Services shall be subject, at all times, to inspection by and approval of the City, but the making (or failure or delay in making) such inspection or approval shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for performance of the Services in accordance with this Agreement, notwithstanding the City's knowledge of defective or non -complying performance, its substantiality or the ease of its discovery. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth above. The City may terminate this Agreement immediately if the Contractor fails to maintain required insurance policies, breaches confidentiality, or materially violates Section 12; and such may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. City of Yelp) is an equal opportunity employer City of Yelm 1Ci�J11C�1'�f�7�lE��C�1f►i�L�i��M 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax COMPENSATION. 4.1 Amount. In return for the Services, the City shall pay ° the Contractor an amount not to exceed a maximum amount, according to a rate or method as delineated in Exhibit `B", attached hereto, and incorporated by this reference. The Contractor agrees that any hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for the Term. Except as otherwise provided in Exhibit "B", the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Agreement. 4.2 Method of Payment. On a monthly basis, the City will pay the Contractor an equal amount, divided by the entire agreed upon amount over a 5 -month period. This payment shall take place by the fifth of each month begriming September 5, 2024 and commencing January 5, 2025. The City may withhold payment for such work until the work meets the requirements of the Agreement. 4.3 Non -Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this agreement for any future fiscal period, the City will not be obligated to make payments for Services or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will terminate upon the completion of all remaining Services for which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision applies. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE REOUIREMI.XrS. 5.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings; judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, an .or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives; arising from, resulting from, or in connection with this Agreement or the acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, the Contractor's liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. Contractor shall ensure that each sub -contractor shall agree to defend and indemnify the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers to the extent and on the same terns and conditions as the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. 5.2 Industrial Insurance Act Waiver. It is specifically and expressly understood that the Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State industrial insurance act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any tivay by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. The Parties acknowledge that they have mutually negotiated this waiver. City of Yelm is an equal opportunity omployor City of Yelm 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax 5.3 City Indemnification. The City agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, agents, representatives, and sub -contractors harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City. 5.4 Insurance - Assumption of Risk 5.4.1 Asa farther consideration in determining compensation amounts, the Consultant shall procure and maintain, during the life of this Agreement, such insurance as shall protect Consultant under this Agreement from claims for damages from bodily injury, including death, resulting therefrom as well as from claims for property damage which may arise under this Agreement, whether arising from operations conducted by the Consultant, any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. 5.4.2 Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold barm less the City of Yelm, its appointed and elective officers and its employees from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, losses, costs, penalties and damages of whatever kind and nature, including attorney fees and costs by reason of any and all claims and demands on it, its officers and employees, arising from the negligent acts, errors or omissions by the Consultant in the performance of the Consultant's professional services. CONFIDENTIALITY. All information regarding the City obtained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential subject to applicable laws. Breach of confidentiality by the Contractor may be grounds for immediate termination. The Contractor will safeguard all records submitted by the City to the Contractor. The Contractor will fully cooperate with the City in identifying, assembling, and providing records in case of any public records disclosure request. WORK PRODUCT. All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media or material that may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall belong to the City upon delivery. The Contractor shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City and shall deliver all needed or contracted for work product upon the City's request. At the expiration or termination of this Agreement, all originals and copies of any such work product remaining in the possession of Contractor shall be delivered to the City. BOOKS AND RECORDS. The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of the Work and maintain such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Agreement. These records shall be subject, at all reasonable times, to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Agreement. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Parties intend that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. The City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax that may arise as an incident of employment. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions, shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, City of Yolrn is an equal opportunity employer City of Yelm POLICE DEPARTMENT 206 McKenzie Ave- SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work, and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at Contractor's own risk, and Contractor shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due except as specifically provided in Section 4. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with an individual, the Contractor agrees to notify, the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnibi any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor`s failure to do so. CONFLICT Oh I N ER EST. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; however, such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. Contractor confirms that Contractor does not have a business interest or a close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the Contractor's selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration, or evaluating the Contractor's performance. EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. In all services, programs, activities, hiring, and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement or any subcontract, there shall be no discrimination by Contractor or its subcontractors of any level, or any of those entities` employees, agents, subcontractors. or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps. unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement shall apply,, but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor shall comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 21, 21.5 and 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 12.1 I rntcrpi chi tion anti % oti i I i Lai ion. This Agreement, together with any attached Exhibits, contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement and no prior statements or agreements, whether oral or written, shall be effective for any purpose. Should any language in any Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language in this Agreement. the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. The respective captions of the Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. Any provision of this Agreement that is declared invalid, inoperative, null and void, or illegal shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Any act done by either Party prior to the effective date of the Agreement that is consistent with the authority of the Agreement and compliant with the terms of the Agreement, is hereby ratified as having been performed under the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement, including this provision, may be amended, waived, or modified except by written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties. 12.2 Assignment and Beneficiaries. Neither the Contractor nor the City shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. if the non - City ofYelm is an equal opportunity employer City of Yelm POLICE DEPARTMENT 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. Subject to the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the Parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs and assigns. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto. No other person or entity shall have any right of action or interest in this Agreement based on any provision set forth herein. 12.3 (nnnli,in" cilli I ,m , The Contractor shall comply with and perform the Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, local, and city laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, rules.. standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter amended, adopted, or made effective. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs because of the formation or performance of this Agreement, this Agreement may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. 12.4 Enforcement. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates set forth in the description of the Services is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Agreement. Any notices required to be given by the Parties shall be delivered at the addresses set forth at the beginning of this Agreement. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. Failure or delay of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. This Agreement shall be made in, governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the Parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference, or claim, shall be by filing suit under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the Thurston County Superior Court, Thurston County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative process. If the Thurston County Superior Court does not have jurisdiction over such a suit, then suit may be filed in any other appropriate court in Thurston County, Washington. Each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Thurston County, Washington and waives any objection that such courts are an inconvenient forum. If either Party brings any claim or lawsuit arising from this Agreement, each Party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees and expenses incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, however nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the Parties' rights to indemnification under Section 5 of this Agreement. 12.5 Execution. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement. 'This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and with the same effect as if all Parties hereto had signed the same document. All such counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one instrument, but in City of Ya ; an equal opportunity employer City of Yelm POLICE DEPARTMENT 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax making proof, hereof it shall only be necessary to produce one such counterpart. The signature and acknowledgment pages from such counterparts may be assembled together to form a single instrument comprised of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all signature and acknowledgment pages. The date upon which the last of all the Parties have executed a counterpart of this Agreement shall be the "date of mutual execution" hereof. 3. Business License and B&O Taxes. The Contractor shall obtain a City of Yelm Business License prior to execution of this agreement and shall maintain such Business License throughout the terms of this agreement. The Contractor shall also file and pay any B&O Taxes due from income earned while performing for the City of Yelm. [Signature page follows] City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer City of Yelm POLICE DEPARTMENT 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF YELM ATTEST: Joe DePinto, Mayor City Clerk, Kathy Linnemeyer DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Brent Dille ERIKA RENEE KATT By: Printed Name: Title: Date: Individual: STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF } On this day personally appeared before me, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and on oath swore that he/she/they executed the foregoing instrument as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of 120 (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer City of Yelm POLICE DEPARTMENT 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5101 • (360) 458-3188 fax EXHIBIT "A" SERVICES The Contractor shall do or provide the following: The contractor will be finishing the City of Yelm CEMP (Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan), and have it approved by State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC), by December 31, 2024. In addition, Contractor will also complete the City of Yelm COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) in conjunction with the CEMP. Contractor will work closely with the SEOC through this process, assuring that the City of Yelm CEMP/COOP plans are being developed and completed to the highest of standards set by the SEOC. 2. Required Deliverables: The finished product, due on December 31, 2024, will be a final and approved CEMP for the City of Yelm. In addition, the plan will also include a finished COOP written for the city of Yelm. City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer City of Yelm POLICE DEPARTMENT 206 McKenzie Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-8831 • (360) 458-5701 • (360) 458-3188 fax EXHIBIT "B" COMPENSATION 1. Total Compensation: In return for the Services, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 (Fifteen thousand dollars) 2. Method of Compensation: The City of Yelm shall pay the Contractor an equal amount over a 5 month period that will total the agreed upon $15,000.00. Beginning September 5, 2024 and commencing January 5, 2025 the city shall pay $3,000 to the contractor. Actual work period will be from August 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer City ®f Yelm EST 1114 WASHINGTON Meeting Date: 13 August 2024 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY City of Yelm, Washington AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION NO. 648 PROPOSED MOTION: Move to approve Resolution No. 648 declaring city -owned property surplus and allowing the sale thereof. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY: Six city owned vehicles are beyond their usable life. The money from the sale of these vehicles will be used to lower the costs of new and replacement vehicle purchases. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution No. 648 Respectfully Submitted: Dean Norton Operations Manager 11 Page Resolution NO. 648 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON TO DECLARE SURPLUS CERTAIN CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND ORDERING THE SALE THEREOF WHEREAS, the City of Yelm intends to surplus and sell said property listed on ATTACHEMENTA through Enterprise Fleet Management Services and Sourcewell, and WHEREAS, RCW 39.33.010 allows the Cityto surplus real propertythat is deemed no longer useful to the City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington, having fully considered the proposition, finds that said City -owned Vehicles are not required for City purposes and that the public will benefit by declaring said vehicles surplus pursuant to RCW 39.33.010 Approved this 13 day of August, 2024 Joe DePinto, Mayor Attest: Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk EXHIBITA VIN # YEAR MAKE MODEL DEPT. MILEAGE 1FT7X2A64KED54666 2019 FORD F-250 WATER 33,919 1C6RR6FG7HS765248 2017 RAM 1500 PARKS 28,848 1FTRF12W19KB36068 2009 FORD F-150 PARKS 32,181 1 FTFX1 EF4EKE10949 2014 FORD F-150 STREETS 21,272 1 FTES1 E51 KKE52350 2019 FORD F-150 WATER 34,143 1GCEC19C17Z570045 2007 CHEVROLET 1500 PARKS 53,960 SPEAKERS CARD DATE: NAME:Gl�1'1YY1 I am a resident of (a) the City of Yelm )Thurston County (please circle one) residing I wish to comment on —44 � t J .....___ ........ (Subject) SPEAKERS CARD DATE; NAME: I am a resident of (a) the City of Yelm T urston County (please circle one) residing I wish to comment on 6 VK c3e Vl t D' /, (Subject)