09 10 2024 Yelm City Council Agenda PacketEST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA September 10, 2024 6:00 PM Yelm City Council meetings are held in-person at 106 211d St SE Yelm, WA 98597 and virtually on Zoom. Registration is required to attend virtually, please use the link below to register. h U:ps//iars06web zoom us/webiriar/register/WN 4ApVVll Q T was l giiwevVwYQ 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLLCALL 2. AG ENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) Proclamation - National Voter Registration Day 4. PUBLIC COMMENT --COMPLETE A BLUE SPEAKERS CARD OR RAISE HAND VIRTUALLY 5. CONSENTAGENDA a) August 27, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes 6. NEW BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 8. STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Safety Committee b) Public Services Committee c) Finance Committee 9. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS 10. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) Executive Session - To discuss the consideration of site selection or acquisition of real estate RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) 12. ADJOURN 106 211d ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings can be viewed atw.W.w,y rnwa.t:gt�v or a copy maybe purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. Public Comment Guidelines: The City reserves up to five members of the public to address the Council at the beginning of regular business meetings on topics that are not on the agenda. Each speaker will be given 3 minutes and may be asked follow up questions by the Mayor or Council. Further public comment may be allowed on agenda topics as time permits. We ask that speakers use respectful language and remember they are speaking to fellow citizens of Yelm who are committed to listening and responding appropriately to citizens' concerns. Members of the public engaging in disruptive behavior may be removed or blocked from the meeting. Page 2 of 2 wi ae,r�6P' au rs'r.1924t WASHINGTON City of Yelm Proclamation National Voter Registration Day WHEREAS, registering to vote empowers eligible citizens to exercise their right to vote on Election Day; and WHEREAS, the Thurston County is committed to strengthening democracy by encouraging voter registration and increasing participation in all elections; and WHEREAS, civic -minded people and organizations have collaborated to establish September 17, 2024, as NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION DAY; and WHEREAS, the goal for the 2024 National Voter Registration Day is to create awareness of elections and motivate eligible citizens to vote in coming months; and WHEREAS, the strength of our democracy depends on the willingness of our citizens to participate by choosing the people who will lead us and by voicing their opinions on important matters that will come before the voters on Election Day. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Joe DePinto, Mayor of the City of Yelm do hereby recognize September 17, 2024, as NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION DAY in Yelm, Washington and encourage all eligible residents to register to vote. SIGNED IN THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, THIS 17th DAY OF September 2024. Joe DePinto, Mayor City of Yelm F as EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, August 27, 2024 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Tracey Wood, Joshua Crossman, Stephanie Kangiser, Brian Hess, Trevor Palmer, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Excused: Joseph Richardson Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Finance Director Stephanie Dice, Project Manager Brad Chatwood and Public Services Director Cody Colt. APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Joshua Crossman to amend the agenda by removing AGENDA: Ordinance No. 1123 and Ordinance No. 1124 so they can be discussed at a Study Session. Seconded by Stephanie Kangiser Motion carried 6-0 Motion by Terry Kaminski to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 6-0 PUBLIC COMMENT: Harry Miller thanked the City for recognizing the Senior Center and for how the City takes care of the senior citizens. CONSENT AGENDA: a) August 13, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes b) June 2024 Check Register & Position Summary Motion by Terry Kaminski to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 6-0 NEW BUSINESS: Civil Service Appointment Motion by Trevor Palmer confirm Mayor De Pinto's appointment of Kayla Russell to the Civil Service Commission. Seconded by Tracey Wood Motion carried 6-0 Ordinance No. 1122 Amending the 2023/2024 Biennial Budget Motion by Tracey Wood to approve Ordinance No. 1122 amending the 2023/2024 Biennial Budget. Seconded by Joshua Crossman Motion carried 6-0 Professional Services Agreement with RWD Landscape Architects for the Longmire Park Master Plan Motion by Terry Kaminski to authorize Mayor De Pinto to sign the Professional Services Agreement with RWD Landscape Architects in the not to exceed amount of $87,294.40 for the Longmire Park Upgrades Master Plan. Seconded by Brian Hess Motion carried 5-1 with a roll call vote. Resolution No. 650 Update Traffic Facilities Charge — Public Hearing Mayor De Pinto opened the public hearing at 6:20 PM. Public Services Director Cody Colt gave a summary of the Traffic Facilities Charges. Mayor De Pinto asked for public comment. Hearing no public comment, Mayor De Pinto closed the public hearing at 6:24 PM. Motion by Trevor Palmer to approve Resolution No. 650 updating the Traffic Facilities Charge to the amount of $3,449 per peak PM trip and $1,725 per peak PM trip for affordable housing projects. Seconded by Joshua Crossman Motion carried 6-0 STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Services Committee - Councilmember Crossman reported that the Public Services Committee met and discussed upcoming rezoning and annexations and discussed removing Ordinance No. 1123 and Ordinance No. 1124 from the August 27, 2024, City Council Agenda. General Government Committee - Councilmember Kangiser reported that the General Government Committee met and reviewed chapters 3-6 of the Mayor/Council Protocol Manual, discussed the Outside Agency budget requests, City Staff 101 presentations and received an update on the 640 acres. MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator Stancil —Announced that labor negotiations are ongoing and that the exit audit briefing will be held September9, 2024. Councilmem bers were asked to notify Finance Director Stephanie Nanavich if they will be attending the exit audit briefing. Mayor DePinto — Met with Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall to discuss election security, Thanked Jason Hardy and Aaron Green for their work in installing the new sign and their response to the power outage. He also announced that street striping is continuing. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Wood — Will attend a TCOMM 911 meeting next week for a budget session. Councilmember Crossman — Attended ribbon cuttings. Councilmember Kangiser— Attended the General Government committee meeting. Councilmember Hess—Attended the City of Yelm Open House. Councilmember Palmer—Thanked Mayor DePinto for covering his committee meetings while he was away. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Joshua Crossman to adjourn the meeting at 6:34 PM. Seconded by Trevor Palmer Motion carried 6-0 Joe DePinto, Mayor Kathy Linnemeyer, City Clerk