90 Dog Licensingr3 OItDI}`;r!hCL 1 . 90 AN OBTITNI' NCE providin for the licensln^; of do;, s and prohibitinM doffs f --°om running; at large unless said dogs are on ]Bash, all in th._ Town of' 'elm; pr- o,ridinm for the inpoundin of do (ts °ound running p at lar. ,o-e contra-­- to tti,.e - ,)- ovisions of this ordinance; - rovidi_ng for notice to owners of impounded dogs of the in-o- indin ',hereof; fi-.xinsT the nature and lenmth of such notice; fi_- _i.nr the terms for redemption of i nnounded dogs; r ,,nd p 'ovi .in for the disposition and killing of dogs not redeemed from sl.rch _mnoundin, ^ ;; acid p_ °ovi tll ing penalties fo.,- the violation fo thi_s ordinance; and pealing Ordin':nce No. L_O of the Town of Yelm and all other ord.:i.nn aces in corL fl ict herewith; and declaring an erae- - °P-,ency. i l: IT O? 'D '. lI`T }' ;}� 1r � 'ti L n; TTD ' O- TT (' 01.�'Ti` L Cfn r� TT J rn�'',11'd OF Y. Li`'1, as f ollows : Section 1. It 'shall be unlawful for any person to keep or ,r-ai_nta r ,in a Ao� within the Town of ` , lm, Jas hi.n� ;ton, without first ob- tain.in, a 1`cense therefor, such license to be obtained from the Town Clerk upon anpli_ca.ti.on to be if i.i.rn1sh -ed by said Town Clerk. The annul1.1 license fee to -paid is as 'ollows: 1. For male and spa.ved �'.em -_le doffs, y2.00 each. 2. For female dogs, y %3.00 each. On tho payment shall issue a license taf7 the license taal --y so issued or harness. The Town Clerk which °ile shall contra` n a na.r -es and ad.dr°esses of thw issuance of the 1-1_cense. of the necessary license fee, the Town Clerk in -r'orm. to be determined by sd.id Clerk, and t shall be suitabley fastened to the doe's collar shall keep a °ile of all licenses issued, brief desc^i_ntion of all dogs licensed and the_ owners therof, as w611 as the date of the .i )ecti,on 2. It shall be unlawf, {1 for the owner of an.y dog t0 '?E�'i111 t the S E t0 run at .1dihin the Town limits of the Town of Yelm, and by at large i -s meant loose and free of ph sical restraint; p--ovid.ed, however,, that a person may pe rtit a dog to travel on the streets, alleys, h _rrways and public -property or any other nr oper °tv not b ton- inc- to the owner of the dog; so long as sAid dom is on leash. Secti -on 3. The Police Department of the 'Town of Yelra and all members the -- °or: , are author ized and directed to take all dogs found in the Town so -ifcud, kept, or m= .intained in violation of this ordinance and to impound the same. Section opt1V after, a doss is impounded as provided for herein, and in the event that the owner of daid do c, is licensed or know, -the Police Department will notify said owner of the imnoundin�; of said doh;, nd said notice shallprovide that said dog must be redeemed by its owner frnm said p and t.,rithin five da.Trs f -om the giving of s'zeh notice, or in the event the owner fails to redeem the do from the no,rnd as in said notice n -°ovided, then such -;,om shall be disposed of bA7 the 1'ol. ce De?-nartment as hereinafter set Forth.. For the nurnoses of this sect on !,he notice he_­ei-n pr ovided for shall be served by - de „rosi�.in- in the �)ni_ted S!;at ;es - -)ost o Tice at Ye1m., '.Ja.shi_ngton, a nostcard no'—'ice d.'rected to the owner of said dog, which notice shall j give a description of the dog impounded, sha!11 state the date unon which. such `,M-)oi.ind_:i-nm_ occourred, and sh ^11 advise the owner that the do,; will be d` snosed o” by the Police Department unless redeemed within fie days from the date of the mpilin.g of said notice. In the event that the owner of daid dog is not known, -'then the notice of the impoundi_n -1. of said do;T shall be liven by posting a coT) ; of such notice on `ho bulletin boar °d maintained by the Town of Yelm in the Oit;T Hall in the Town of Yelm, WasIninmton, and the five days 1 notice hhall be.Tin to run from the date of said posting. Section 5. In the event th6 dog owner desires to redeem his dog from the pound he shall p ^y to the Police Depart-ment an impound- ing fee of y-2-50 plus 50 per day for t' --e feeding and maintenance of 161 said do sThile impou ded. In `,h.e event that the i mnounded do r, has not been licensed, it will likewise be' necessary to p -Ltr the license fee prior to such rede-P- otion. The Police Depa tment shall issue duplicate receipts for all �.onies rece?.vc:d by it b; virtue of this ordin,.: ce, the on ginal of which shall be delivered to the person makln,,7 n^Lyment. The dupli_cai;e shall be kept on file in the Police Department. Section 6. In the event that any dom is not redc;emed from said doh ooLUZd b its owner wi-1,hin said five day period provided for the .redemption thereof, then the doq so unded.eemed shall be sold by the Police Depa; trnent in the evF nt that a sale can be obtained therefor, or in the event that a sale is not made, then the dom so un- redeemed slh:all be humanely destroyed in sl_ich a manner as the Police Denartment ma-a select. Section 7. All funds received by the P of ce Depa tment by vi.rtue of_ this ordi nar.ce sha.11 be delivered to the Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of 17'olm not less than once each -month and shall be deposited by the said Town Cle.rk- rpreasurer to the cr di.t of the Current Ex -)ense fund of said Town. At the time the Police Department sh>_,11 make a diuplicate re,00rt, the ori!;inal of which shall be delivered to the Town Clerk- Treasurer vr_i.th the de- :)osit, and the dupl- cate co-o which shall be retained in the Police Department. All sums received in ?orosecutions for the - violation Of' this ord_n .nce shall be di_s-oosed of in ' -he same manner as other- funds received in prosecution for violation of Town ordinances. Section 8. Any person violating the • te-rms of this � ordina.nce sha I be giaildy of a misdemeanor acid upon conviction thero.f shall be fined in a sum not less than X5.00 and not more than x4')100.00 Section Q. Ordinance No. 40 of the Torn of lelm and all other ordinance or parts of o- ciin-nces in. conflict ,,iher. ewith are hereby re-oealed. Section 10. This ordini.nce is necessary for the irimodiate presorvation of the public peace, health, and safety, and having been —' passed by the un�,n.imoia.s vote of the council, shall take ef''ect immediately unon its nassa7e and publication. ayor Passed: September 23, 1959 Anproved: September 23, 1959 Publi-shed: October 1, 1959