06-23-10 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2010 5:00 P.M.
1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:05 P.M
2. Councilmembers present: Don Miller, Bob Isom, Tracey Wood, John Thompson and
Russ Hendrickson. Mike McGowan arrived at 5:30 pm.
Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck and Stephanie Ray.
3. Agenda Approval- Eliminate c. (AVCapture All Demo) and add presentation from
Housing Authority of Thurston County.
4. Mayor Report and Council Initiatives moved to the end of the meeting.
6. Presentations
a. Neighborhood Stabilization Program Update -Theresa Slusher, Housing Authority of
Thurston County and Chris Lowell, Executive Director, Housing Authority of Thurston
County and Bill Mandeville, Neighborhood Stabilization Program Manager explained the
changes to the deadlines for obtaining the grant money for the down payment assistance
and home buyer program. Staff discussed their options at this time.
b. Water Update on SW Yelm well development -Stephanie Ray gave an update on the
well currently being drilled and stated that it has been a success so far. She will know
more about the quantity of water available at that location by the end of July.
c. Longmire Park restroom/concession building project update
Stephanie Ray stated the project is very close to being completed and the city should
receive keys to the building on Friday. Councilmembers were invited to tour the project
before the grand opening on July ~h. The project was completed within the budgeted
(4) Mayors Report -Longmire Park grand opening will be Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 3:00
pm. State Senator Randy Becker and State House of Representative Tom Campbell will
be in attendance at the ceremony. Mayor Harding also met with Representatives
Campbell, Becker and McCune and Congressman Adam Smith about the water issue and
plan to meet with Department of Ecology. Met with volunteers from the Friends of the
Library and members of the Library Board and will meet with them again soon. Started the
process of looking at the applications for Finance Director. Changes to the current Sign
Code will come before council on the second meeting of July for approval.
(5) Council Initiatives -Joe Baker will provide hot dogs and buns for the grand opening at
Longmire Park.
Adjourn: 7:25 p. m.
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~~~, --,~.. Attest ~ " t.~ T~CJ
Ron Harding, Mayor ~~/ Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk
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