580 ConcurrencyCity of Yelm Ordinance 580 Concurrency Ordinance WHEREAS, the Washington State laws governing the division or development of property require a specific written finding as to the adequacy of facilities necessary to serve proposed development; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm has adopted a comprehensive plan and capital facility plan identifying the levels of service necessary to accomplish concurrency; and WHEREAS, the City desires to specify the standards and criteria for determining concurrency within the City of Yelm or its associated urban boundary; WHEREAS, the City desires to set rates which are below those of surrounding communities where possible; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ADOPTED Section 1. Definitions a. Concurrency-A determination that the facilities necessary to serve a proposed land development are in place or planned for and properly funded with a reasonable expectation that the facilities will be in place at the time needed to preserve adopted levels of service. b. Development activity-Any construction or expansion of a building, structure, or use, any change in use of a building or structure, or any changes in the use of land, that creates additional demand and need for public facilities. c. Development approval-Any written authorization from the City which authorizes the commencement of development activity. d. Land division-The action of dividing land for sale or lease, whether through the subdivision process identified in Chapter 58.17 RCW, the City's binding site plan review process, or any other process which results in the creation or modification of the boundaries of a property for purposes of development. e. Land development-Any action with respect to a parcel of real property which requires plat approval pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW or site plan review approval through Chapter 17.84 of the Yelm City Code, or master plan development approval through Chapter 17.62 of the Yelm City Code. f. Owner-The owner of record of real property, although when real property is being purchased under a real estate contract, the purchaser shall be considered the owner of the real property if the contract is recorded. Ordinance 580 g. Project improvements-Site improvements and facilities that are planned and designed to provide service for a particular development project and that are necessary for the use and convenience of the occupants or users of the project, and are not system improvements. No improvement or facility included in a capital facilities plan approved by the governing body of the City shall be considered a project improvement. h. Proportionate share-That portion of the cost of public facility improvements that are reasonably related to the service demands and needs of new development. i. Public facilities-Sewer service, water service, parks, schools, and roads are the public facilities for which the City will make specific findings of concurrency based on the comprehensive plan. j. Service area-A geographic area defined by the City in which a defined set of public facilities provide service to development within the area. Service areas shall be designated on the basis of sound planning or engineering principles. k. System improvements-Public facilities that are included in the capital facilities plan and are designed to provide service to service areas within the community at large, in contrast to project improvements. I. Transportation Facility Charge-payment of money imposed upon development as a condition of development approval to pay for public facilities needed to serve new growth and development, and that is reasonably related to the new development that creates additional demand and need for public facilities, that is a proportionate share of the cost of the public facilities, and that is used for facilities that reasonably benefit the new development. "Transportation Facility Charge" does not include a reasonable permit or application fee. Section 2. Process a. Whenever a reviewing authority is asked to consider the approval of a division of land for sale or lease or the approval of a site plan, the reviewing official shall make a written determination of concurrency in connection with facilities proposed or available for the project. b. With respect to each of the public facilities identified above, concurrency shall be established and determined as follows: i. Sewer: (1) The project is within an area approved for sewer pursuant to the adopted Sewer Comprehensive Plan for the City. (2) Improvements necessary to provide City standard facilities and services are present or are on an approved and funded plan to assure availability in time to meet the needs of the proposed development. Ordinance 580 2 Water: (1) The project is within an area approved for municipal water service pursuant to the adopted Water Comprehensive Plan for the City. (2) Improvements necessary to provide City standard facilities and services are present or are on an approved and funded plan to assure availability in a time to meet the needs of the proposed development. iii. Parks: The project meets the requirements of the City fee-in-lieu requirements for parks, Chapter 14.12 Yelm City Code. iv. Schools: The project sponsor provides a letter from the local school district that the school facilities impacted by the proposed development are present, or are on an approved and funded plan, to assure that facilities will be available to meet the needs and impacts of the proposed development. v. Transportation: (1) The project makes on-site and frontage improvements, consistent with City standards for utilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bicycle lanes where appropriate, and roads necessary to serve the proposed project consistent with safety and public interest. (2) The project makes such off-site facility improvements, not listed on the capital facilities plan, as are necessary to meet City standards for the safe movement of traffic and pedestrians attributable to the project. Where a developer is required to oversize an off-site facility for a project by more than 10% of the need generated by the proposed project, the City may consider a developer reimbursement contract as authorized by state law. (3) The project makes a contribution to the facilities identified in off-site comprehensive transportation plan, in the form of a Transportation Facility Charge based on the list of projects specified to be constructed within the next six years, or as partial credit against such charge, constructs a portion of the six-year facility, in which case a credit shall be given for the reasonable cost incurred therein, but not to exceed the extent of potential savings to the City. (4) Appendix A to this ordinance is the traffic report identifying the Transportation Facility Charge for the six-year road program in place at the date of the adoption of this ordinance. Such traffic report is to be Ordinance 580 3 updated no less than annually, by July 1, of each year; provided, however, the plan in effect shall remain in effect until a successor plan is fully adopted. Section 3. Determination and Payment of the Transportation Facility Charge a. The Transportation Facility Charge shall be based on the per peak hour trip rate identified in the report from transportation trip calculations based on a transportation report consistent with City standards. b. City Standards shall include: Standard transportation assumptions as identified in Table 1. ii. For facilities not on the standard transportation assumptions, the Institute of Traffic Engineers trip generation manual for the most recent year. iii. For projects with nontraditional peal hour impacts or different from standard projects modelled in Table 1, a special report, based on generally accepted traffic engineering principles may be submitted and considered. c. Credits shall be given to reflect the projected impact on the community system such as, traffic decreases where an existing facility on site is removed or replaced, and traffic reduction systems which are binding and likely to remain effective for the life of the project. d. Credits may also be given for projects which create a significant economic benefit to the community, including industrial or manufacturing uses with an excess of 500 trips per day. The size of the credit shall be measured at an appropriate percentage of the anticipated annual tax revenue increase to the community and available for capital contribution to transportation facilities on the approved plan as a result of the project. e. Payment of the Transportation Facility Charge shall be as follows: i. For projects involving the division of land for sale of lease-upon the issuance of a building permit for construction of each lot of record, for the traffic attributable to that lot. ii. Forprojects approved through site plan review-upon the issuance of the building permit authorizing the construction of any phase, for the traffic associated with that phase. iii. For any project over 100 peak hour trips per day-the fee may be paid in installments, at the municipal rate of interest in effect on the day of building permit issuance, with 50% being paid at the issuance of the building Ordinance 580 4 permit and the balance paid within 24 months, recognizing the lead time for the City to bring major projects on line. Section 4. Accounting and Appeals a. All fees collected under this chapter shall be placed in separate accounts for the dedicated purpose for which collected. Such funds may only be expended for identified facilities on an approved plan, and must be spent within six years absent a specific situation where the City can justify a longer period. b. If an applicant desires to challenge the calculation or assessment of any fee, such fee shall be paid under protest and the permit may be issued. Appeals shall be heard by the City Council upon a de novo hearing. c. Any such appeal shall consider the issues raised, the proper fee to be assessed, and the necessity to find concurrency as a precondition to any project approval. The proper fee to be charged on appeal is determined (1) by compliance with the terms of this ordinance, and (2) if for any reason the terms of this ordinance are found inappropriate, such fee as necessary to assure concurrence for all facilities identified herein, but not to exceed the fee collected pursuant to this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date The ordinance shall be applicable to all land divisions and land developments and master plan reviews for which applications are complete after the adoption date of this ordinance. Ka hryn Wolf, May r ATTEST: / ,•. Agnes P. Bennick, Cith Clerk ADOPTED: June 26,1996 PUBLISHED: NVN, July 4, 1996 EFFECTIVE: July 10, 1996 611W~61NN00QCURCY.ORD cJ