574 Use Credit CardsCITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 574 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE USE OF CREDIT CARDS BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASES AND ACQUISITIONS, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Yelm finds that the use of credit cards is a customary and economical business practice to improve cash management, reduce costs, and increase efficiency; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm strives to perform all functions in an efficient and cost effective manner; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has enacted legislation which requires that any city which contracts for the issuance and use of credit cards must adopt a system for the distribution, authorization, credit limits, payment and control of such credit cards; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Authorization to use credit cards for purchases. City Departments of the City of Yelm, Washington are authorized to use credit cards for official government purchases and acquisitions. The purchasing card is to be used when a purchase order cannot be used and an open charge account is not available. Section 2. Application. The Chief Administrative Officer, City Council Financial Liaison, or his/her designee shall determine and approve assignment and use of credit cards. The credit limit on each card will be set at $3,500. Section 3. Approved uses for credit card purchases. Credit cards may be used for the following purchases: (1) Fuel, supplies and equipment - only if a purchase order cannot be issued or an open charge account is not available. Charges for supplies and equipment shall not exceed $250.00 per item without the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer, City Council Financial Liaison, or his/her designee. (2) Registrations (3) Travel and/or training expenses City of Yelm Ordinance No. 574 ab\ord.96\crdtcard.574 Page 1 (4) Other items specifically authorized b Administrative Officer, City Council FinancialhLiaisonf or his/her designee. Section 4. Purchasing restrictions. The following uses are not authorized credit card purchases or uses: (1) Cash advances of any kind (2) Payment of invoices or statements Section 5. Reporting credit card char es. credit card for an approved g After using the the receipt and forward purwithin threep working h dayslto cthe Treasurer. City credit card bills shall be forwarded to the City Council Financial Liaison for review. The Treasurer will pay all properly coded and submitted charges on a monthly basis. Section 6. Use of card for unauthorized charges. pn charges against the purchasing charge card not properly identified on the credit card report or not properly allowed following a post audit shall be paid by the employee by check, U.S. currency, or salary deduction. If, for any reason, disallowed charges are not repaid before the charge card billing is due and payable, the City shall have a prior lien against and a right to withhold any and all funds payable or to become payable to the official or employee up to an amount of the disallowed charges and interest at the same rate as charged by the company which issued the charge card. The City shall have unlimited authority to revoke use of any charge card issued, and, upon such revocation order being delivered to the charge card company, shall not be liable for any costs. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days following passage, approval and publication. .~ ,, ~1 ` ~ ,~ ~' Kat Yyn M. ~ olf, Mayor l Attest ~~ ~~ h ~~'~l ~ i ~z~'~.L%~2nu' Agnes P. Bennick, City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED: January 24, 1996 PUBLISHED: February 1, 1996 EFFECTIVE DATE: February 7, 1996 City of Yelm Ordinance No. 574 ab\ord.96\crdtcard.574 Page 2