157 Business and Occupation
AN ORDINA'~CE relating to the conduct and transaction cf various
kinds of business and occupations conducted with-
in the Town of Yelm, prescribing license fees
therefor, and amending Section 2, 3 and 5 of
Ordinance No. 96.
Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 9b is hereby amended to read
as follows:
"Section 2. There is hereby levied upon and shall be collected fran
and paid as hereinafter provided by every person on account and for
the privilege of engaging in business activities within the corporate
limits of the Town of Yelm a license fee, sometimes herein referred
to as the "tax" in amounts to be determined as follows:
a. L pon every person engaging in business activities within
the corporate limits of the Tcwn c~' Yelm whose gross income of the
business shall be less than the sum of $2,500 on an annual basis,
the sum of $12.00 per year.
b. Upon every person engaging in business activities within
the corporate limits of the Town of Yelm whose gross income of the
business shall be :$2,500.00 or more but less than $50000.00 on an
annual basis the sum of $2I~.00 per year.
c. Upon every person engaging in business activities within
the corporate limits of the Tcnan of Yelm whose gross income of the
business shall be X50,000.00 or more but less than :100,000.00 on
an annual basis, the sum of $l~8.00 per year.
d. li pon every person engaging in business activities within
the corporate limits of the Town of Yelm whose gross income of the
business shall be X1,00,000.00 or more on an annual basis, the sum
of X96.00 per year."
Section 2. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 96 is hereby amended to read
as follows:
"Section 3. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to:
a. Any person in respect to his employment in the
capacity of an employee or servant as distinguished fran
that of an independent contractor.
b. The gross incase received by arty religious society,
association or corporation, provided that such income be arplied
solely for the furtherance of the religious activities of such
society, association or corporation."
Section 3. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 96 is hereby amended to read
a s follows
"Section 5. The license fee or tax imposed by this Chapter,
except the $1.00 sum required to accompany the application for
the license, shall be due and parable on or before the 31st day
of January of each year following the adoption of this ordinance.
The said license fee or tax shall be payable to the clerk-trdasurer
and shall be accanpanied by a return indicating the gross incase
of the business on an annual basis for the full calendar year or
fiscal year next preceding the tax year for which the license is
required. The taxpayer shall be required to swear or affirm
that the information therein given is full and true and the tax-
payer knows the same to be so.
The taxpayer may at its election pay the said license fee
on a semi-annual basis, and in the event that it shall elect to
do so, one-half of the annual license fee or tax shall be payable
on January 31 and July 31 of the tax year for which the license
is rdquired, and the return required hereunder shall be sub-
mitted on or before January 31 of such year.
Where a business activity sub3ect to tax upon gross incase
pursuant hereto has not been carried on for a full calendar or
fiscal year next preceding the tax year for which license is
required, the license fee or tax shall be paid monthly in instal-
lments during the life of the license, on or before the 10th day
of the month, and shall be based upon the gross income for
the month next preceding that in which payment is due. In such
annual returns provided for herein, on or before the 10th day of
the month, under oath or affirmation, covering the business of
the previous month.
In all other cases where a person commences during ar~r
tax year to engage in any business activity covered hereby or
privilege, he shall be entit~,ed to a license for the remainder
of such tax year for the required fee apportioned in the ratio of
said remainder to a full tax year."
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Attest: ,f ~~`~ ~
Towm C1e rk
Passed: December 12, 1973 -~'
Approved: December 12,1973
Published: December 27, 1973
AN ORDINANCE approvin and adopting the budget for the calendar
year 197.
as follows
Section 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as shall be found
necessary, are hereby appropriated out of any of the monies in the several funds
in the Tawn Treasury hereinafter named for the purposes indicated and the sane
shall be the budget which is hereby adopted for the Calendar Year 1974.
Est. Est. Total
Cash Bal. Receipts Budget
001 Current X16,447.00 $59,868.00 :76,315.00
401 Garbage 11,000.00 13,500.00 24,500.00
402 Water 7,300.00
101 City Streets 2,587.00 5,108.00 7 695•
199 Federal Revenue Sharing - 0 - 15,922.00 15,922.00
102 Arterial Streets 2,500.00 2,932.00 5~,~;32~~00
403 Water Redemption Revenue 7,254.38 3,827.50 11,081.88
i Cummulative Reserve -Park Improvement 310.00 16.00 326.00
I 106 ('ontingency 1,000.00 - 0 - 1 000.00
104 Cummulative Reserve - `ire Protection 8,358.00 440.00 8,798.00
103 CumTnulative Reserve - Municipal Purposes 22,372.68 1,725.00 24,097.68
Total. $79,129.06 $139,038.50 $218,167.56
health, Section 2. This ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the public
peace and safety, and shall take effect immediatel
on it
tion. y p
s passa ge and
Passed : December 12 1973
Approved : December l~, 1973 _ _ ~ '~MAYO~
Published : December 20, 1973 Attest: ~ ~ `,.~;~ ~ ~ -"
T h Durk