09-22-10 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL
Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
2. Councilmembers present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Tracey Wood, Russ
Hendrickson, Mike McGowan arrived at 5:12 and John Thompson arrived at 5:17.
Staff; Shelly Badger, Stephanie Ray, Grant Beck and Tami Merriman.
3. Agenda Approval-
4. Presentations
a. South Puget Sound Foreign Trade Zone #216 -Framework modification
briefing - Kari Qvigstad, Port of Olympia Marketing and Business Development
Director and Shelly Badger gave council an overview of the program. The Foreign
Trade Zone (FTZ) serves afour-county area (Thurston, Mason, Lewis and Kitsap)
and is recognized for its regional collaboration in promoting economic development
and international trade through the zone program. Recent policy changes by the
FTZ now allow for easier access to the trade benefits under a site framework
modification to the program. The Port of Olympia is seeking the change from the
Traditional Site Framework (TSF) to the Alternative Site Framework (ASF)
structures. Although the Port already serves the City of Yelm, a letter of support
from the City is required for the Port to request a modification under the ASF
structure to the Foreign Trade Zones Board.
b. Water Project Updates -Stephanie Ray updated the Council on Well 1A and
Well 2. Ms. Ray recommends dropping a camera down Well 1A to obtain more
accurate and useful information. Golder and Associates will be updating the City's
2008 Mitigation Plan that supports the City's request for new water rights. The
scope for modeling and mitigation will cost $76, 650.
5. Mayor Report -Mayor Harding invited the Council to the upcoming County-City
meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 6pm-8pm at Tacos Gaby. Also informed
Council of the impacts of Initiative 1100 and 1105 and their effects on the City if
they pass. Attended the National Day of Service and helped clean up our trails and
parks. Has had many opportunities for public interaction and has received and
responded to many phone calls lately.
6. Councillnitiatives.
Councilmember Baker asked if signs could be put up on Mill Road concerning
Compression Brakes.
Councilmember McGowan"asked about naming the road next to Wal-Mart.
7. Adjou~? 7:30 p:m ~ ~. ; _
~~ ~~~ Attest ~ ~~ ~~~~rn~~1--
Harding, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk