01-11-11 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2011 MINUTES Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Tracey Wood, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 11-01 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- none scheduled Public Comment -Phil Owen, City of Olympia Housing Program asked for volunteers with the County's 2011 Homeless Census Program. There will be a canvassing of all areas throughout Thurston County on January 27, 2011. There will be a community meal on Saturday, January 29, where volunteers from the community will also be needed. The data collected helps to bring in public funds for shelter, transitional housing and services for those in need. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes -Regular Meeting December 28, 2010. Payables -Checks 54951-55134, Totaling $720,979.55 11-02 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. PUBLIC HEARING -none scheduled 8. New Business a. Engineering services for the Mosman Street Improvements, Gray 8~ Osborne Contract Stephanie Ray stated in November 2010 the Yelm Transportation Advisory Committee (YTAC) met and discussed transportation funding opportunities. It was proposed that the next round of improvements focus on the southerly side of Yelm Avenue. Yelm is now considered an 'urban' applicant for Transportation Improvement Board funding (TIB) and that pre-design work will enhance the City's success in obtaining their funding. Gray and Osborne, Inc was chosen from the engineering roster to prepare a proposal for consideration of the preliminary design of the Mosman extensions Phase I of the 4 Phase project. Phase 1 will identify the project limits between Longmire Street and Clark Road SE and will include a segment from Solberg to Mosman. This Phase is estimated to be completed by May 31, 2011, which will provide staff and the YTAC with the necessary information to submit a grant application to TIB by August 31, 2011. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORING MAYOR HARDING TO ENTER INTO A 11-03 CONTRACT WITH GRAY 8~ OSBORNE, INC IN THE AMOUNT OF $69,537 FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING OF THE MOSMAN STREET IMPROVEMENTS. CARRIED. Resolution #519 -Downtown Well Rehabilitation -Sole Source recommendation b Stephanie Ray explained that during the preliminary design phase of the downtown well rehabilitation project, staff worked with Parametrix to develop a design and operational scheme that would allow the City to increase source capacity at the downtown well site as well as improve efficiency measures in the operation and maintenance of the wells. In May of 2010, design engineering began and design is now at 100%. The project received approval from the Department of Health on December 7, 2010. The project is proposed to go to bid late February 2011, with an expected completion date of June 2011. The purchase of the Gould's branch vertical turbine pumps is necessary to ensure compatibility with existing equipment; and Page 1 of 3 additionally, the pre-purchase of the pumps will eliminate the long lead time from Goulds (6-8 weeks), which will continue to support the project's schedule of completion which is June 2011, prior to the City's peak pumping period. Included in the procurement documents for the pumps is a certification by the supplier stating that they are providing the City their lowest price on the proposed equipment. The cost of the pumps is included in the budget for the downtown well rehabilitation project, per the adopted Water System Plan and funded in the 2010 Water Revenue Bond proceeds. The Resolution 519 is required to be passed by the Council prior to any sole source purchase. 11-04 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN RESOLUTION NO. 519 WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID REQUIREMENTS FOR THE GOULD'S BRAND VERTICAL TURBINE WELL PUMPS FOR THE DOWNTOWN REHABILITATION PROJECT. CARRIED. Downtown Well Rehabiliation -Variable Frequency Drive Purchase c. Stephanie Ray reported that during the preliminary design phase of the downtown well rehabilitation project, staff worked with Parametrix to develop a design and operational scheme that would allow the City increase source capacity at the downtown well site as well as improve efficiency measures in the operation and maintenance of the wells. In May of 2010, design engineering began and is now at 100%. The project is proposed to bid late February 2011, with an expected completion date of June 2011. With the addition of the variable frequency drives added to the project and the long lead-time for manufacture and delivery (10-12 weeks), the schedule for construction and completion of the project will not be met unless the City pre- purchases this equipment. Staff is recommending the pre-purchase of the variable frequency drives through a competitive bidding process ensuring that the City will still be meeting bidding requirements and be able to select the lowest responsive bid. The pre-purchase of this critical piece of equipment will allow the project to remain on schedule and to meet the project completion date of June 2011, prior to the peak demand season. This cost is included in the budget for the downtown well rehabilitation project, per the adopted Water System Plan and funded in the 2010 Water Revenue Bond proceeds. 11-OS MOTION BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO DIRECT CITY STAFF IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S CONSULANT PARAMETRIX TO PRE-PURCHASE THE VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES IN A `NOT TO EXCEED' AMOUNT OF $100,000.00 (ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS NO CENTS). CARRIED. d Appointments to Planning Commission and Historical Preservation Commission Grant Beck reported the Planning Commission has an opening and the Historic Commission has three openings, including the position currently held by Char Miller. The Community Development Department has published the openings pursuant to section 2.07 of the City Council Protocol and notified persons who had previously expressed interest in serving on the City Board or Commission. The vacancies on the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission are filled by appointment of the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council, pursuant to section 2.36.020 Yelm Municipal Code (YMC). 11-06 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF JENNIFER LITTLEFIELD TO THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION, CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF BEVERLY VINES-HAINES, SHARON ROUSER, AND SANDRA STORY TO THE YELM HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF CHARLOTTE MILLER TO THE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION. CARRIED. Grant also announced previous appointments of the Mayor, which did not require confirmation of the Council -the reappointment of Ashley Hetzel, and appointment of John Ring to the Tree Advisory Board and EJ Curry to the Parks Advisory Board. There are two vacancies on the Parks Advisory Board. 9. Old Business Page 2 of 3 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember McGowan attended the Thurston County Home Consortium meeting. RFP's were sent out and are due back on February 11, 2011. The funding this year will go towards affordable housing and homeless issues in the amount of 1.7 million. Also elaborated on the 2011 County Homeless Census and stressed the need for volunteers. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Grand Opening at the new Les Schwab. Also attended his first Yelm Emergency Operations Board Advisory Committee meeting. Mayor Harding attended the Grand Opening at Les Schwab and the State of the County Presentation at the Chamber Forum by Thurston County Commission Sandra Romero. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION -None scheduled 12. Correspondence -None 13. Adjourn: 7:52 p.m. Page 3 of 3 Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk