01-25-11 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2011 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom,Tracey Wood and John Thompson. Russ Hendrickson was excused. Mike McGowan arrived at Agenda Item 4. 3. Agenda Approval 11-07 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- none scheduled Public Comment -there were no comments. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes -Regular Meeting January 11, 2011. Payables -Checks 55135-55202, Totaling $335,992.05 11-08 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING -none scheduled 8. New Business a. Resolution No. 521, Shoreline Master Plan Update Tami Merriman presented Resolution 521 to repeal previous Resolutions related to Shoreline Master Program for the Thurston Region. The City of Yelm has regulated Yelm Creek and Thompson Creek as designated shorelines since 1976 with the passage of the Washington State Shoreline Management Act of 1971, as well as the Centralia Power Canal, when it appeared in the mapping done by the State in 1989. The City of Yelm Planning Commission, Thurston Regional and the Department of Ecology determined that the three shorelines previously designated, do not fit the criteria for shorelines and have been removed from the state shoreline inventory. Recommend to repeal previous resolutions. Tami assured Council that the three bodies of water are still protected by the Yelm Critical Areas Code requiring wetlands, frequently flooded areas, fish and wildlife habitat to be protected. Environmental review required for permitting use. 11-09 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 521 REPEALING RESOLUTION #193 AND 202 WHICH APPROVED AND AMENDED THE THURSTON REGIONAL SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM WITHIN THE CITY OF YELM. CARRIED. b• Tree Removal, Two Hawthorn Trees on Yelm Ave West and Killion Rd. Gary Carlson reported a request to remove two damaged trees from City property right-of-way. These trees were previously damaged during installation of natural gas line. The City was reimbursed for the damage, however the trees have not recovered and are no longer being maintained as street trees. They are located on an unused portion of City right-of way where the Chamber will be placing a community electronic reader board. Gary addressed the Council's questions about replacement of trees and the use of the wood from the tree. 11-10 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE REMOVAL OF TWO PAUL SCARLET HAWTHORN TREES LOCATED AT THE N.E. CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF KILLION ROAD AND YELM AVE WEST. CARRIED. Page 1 of 2 c. Resolution No. 520, Amending Personnel Policy, Severance Benefits for Exempt Employees. Janine Schnepf reviewed the staff report to amend the City of Yelm Personnel Policy by adding a section and description of the severance benefit for exempt employees in the Personnel Policies. This benefit was previously addressed in the 2005 employment contracts that have since been re-evaluated. 11-11 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 520 AMENDING YELM PERSONNEL POLICIES, SEC 4.06 COMPENSATION UPON SEPARATION OR TEMINATION, BY ADDING A SEVERANCE BENEFIT SECTION FOR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES AND APPENDIX C, DEFINING THE SEVERANCE BENEFITS. CARRIED. d• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Software (SCADA) Stephanie Ray and Ryan Johnstone from Parametrix presented a proposed SCADA software as part of communications platform within the Water System Plan. Software would allow water system operators the ability to monitor the system remotely including alarms, chemical dosing levels, reservoir levels, pumping rates and water useage in real time. SCADA would tie a communication link between the existing facilities, the current downtown well upgrade and any new projects in the future. Stephanie provided a budget report and addressed the Council's questions about the life span of the software, support and manual backup. Contract for communications platform services in combination with other expenditures to infrastructure. Fiber optic lines required from Public Safety Building (server) to Well house. 11-12 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A SCOPE OF WORK WITH PARAMETRIX IN THE AMOUNT OF $61,755 FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SCADA SOFTWARE TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY AND MANAGEMENT OF THE CITY'S WATER UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE. CARRIED. 9. Old Business 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Baker met with the Senior Center staff and reports that their finances are in good shape with the donation from JZ Knight and the Nisqually Indian Tribe. Councilmember Isom had the opportunity as Mayor Pro-Tem to represent the City at the Thurston County Chamber, State of the County Forum. Each representative spoke and participated in a question and answer period. Councilmember McGowan met with providers of the homeless census. Councilmember Thompson attended Nisqually River Council along with Burlington Railroad. Concerns were expressed that state budget cuts will be passed on to cities. 11. Mayor Harding attended Economic Development Council meeting with nothing to report for the Yelm area. EXECUTIVE SESSION -None scheduled 12. Correspondence -None 13. Adjourn: 7:40 Attest ine Schnepf, City C Page 2 of 2