04-27-11 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2011 5:00 P.M. Mayor Pro-Tem Bob Isom called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Present: John Thompson, Russ Hendrickson, Don Miller, Joe Baker and Mayor Pro-Tem Bob Isom. Mike McGowan arrived at 5:25 pm and Tracey Wood arrived at 5:30 pm. Staff; Grant Beck, Tami Merriman and Gary Carlson. Mayor Harding excused. Agenda Approval- 4. Presentations a. Unified Development Code Update Tami Merriman provided handouts explaining the changes to the code. The Unified Development Code (UDC) is a single comprehensive document used as the primary guide for development within the City. It is a compilation of existing zoning and subdivision regulations, along with other development related regulations found elsewhere in the Code. Development within the City is regulated by numerous sections of the municipal code. The benefit of the UDC is that combines various development regulations in a manner that reflects how the City's development and land use approval process actually proceed. Combining the chapters makes it easier for the developer, property owner, and staff to determine what is required, how to apply, how the application will be reviewed, and what to expect for the process. The Thurston Regional Planning Council and the Yelm Planning Commission, who spent considerable time reading each chapter, is currently refining the chapters for clear use and understanding. Thurston Regional Planning Council Sustainability Grant and Next Steps b. Grant Beck provided handouts of the Draft Organizational Chart for Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD). Discussion followed concerning the different committees and who would be assigned to those committees. The Council would like those members to give an update once a month at Study Sessions. Yelm Transportation Committee update and recommendations c. Gary Carlson presented a draft copy of Chapter 12.22 amending and revising the Street and Sidewalk Code to allow the placement of historic street name signs at City of Yelm streets and arterials. An ordinance will come before the Council for approval in the near future. Once the Ordinance has been approved a Resolution adding 105th Ave SE as a historical road and Baker Road will come before Council for their approval. Discussion followed regarding the road connector near Wal-Mart. TCOMM911 (Thurston 9-1-1 Communications) would like the road to be named for emergency vehicle response. This would be a temporary name until the Bypass is completed and then it would become part of the SR 510 Loop. COUNCIL Consensus is to name that road connector Wal-Mart Boulevard. Discussion was held regarding the speed zone on the SR 510 Loop, which is currently posted 35 mph. Council passed a Resolution changing the speed zone to 45 but WSDOT is reluctant to change it due to trees located on the easement along SR 510. WSDOT agreed to change it to 40 mph. COUNCIL Consensus is to change the speed limit along the SR 510 Loop to 40 mph. 5. Mayor Report - Council Initiatives -Russ Hendrickson recently spent time at the Longmire Park and suggested that benches be placed in the park for seating. i Adjourn: 6:50 .m. n ~. ..-''i ~ '~'~ Attest 'Bob Isom, Mayor Pro-Tem Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk