WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2009, 5:00 P.M.
Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5.00 pm
Present: Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, and Russ Hendrickson.
Staff; Shelly Badger, Stephanie Ray, Tami Merriman, Todd Stancil, Stacy Field.
Presentations; avcapturall Adam Rivas provided a complete overview and
demonstration of the capabilities of the avcaptureall audio video system that he
installed in our Council Chambers for meetings and Court use. Because Yelm has been a
test site for the first and second version, we have been able to take advantage of the
latest and greatest features for audio and video preservation and public viewing of
Council meetings and Court proceedings. He also discussed features coming forward in
the future including voice recognition for a search option and multichannel digital setup.
Tami Merriman reviewed the latest Yelm Comprehensive Plan amendments based on
the updated population forecast consistent with the figures adopted by Thurston County in
2008. Both staff and Planning Commissions from Yelm and Thurston have reviewed this
joint agreement. Adoption of the amendments would be consistent with the Thurston
County Comprehensive Plan, which is compliant with the population and urban growth
areas. Council was encouraged to see staff for updates to their Yelm Comp Plan books.
Water System Update. Eleven people attended the 03-05-09 Water System Update
Open House. Stephanie Ray provided a summary of all the comments and questions
received regarding the rate increase scheduled for June 2009.
Park Ordinance Update. Chief Stancil and Stacy Field presented proposed changes to
the Yelm Municipal Code by ordinances to clean-up the City Parks and encourage a
family friendly place. The update would address the out dated language of the existing
Ordinance and add signage; prohibiting some devices, language, drug use, and smoking
in the Park; and post hours of operation.
Mayor and Council Initiatives
Mayor called for a councilmember to represent City of Yelm on the Transportation Policy
Board, once a month, to replace John Thompson who is unable to attend consistently.
Presence on the Board is needed to compete for TRPC federal funding opportunities.
councilmember McGowan has been approached about the possibility of a new skate park
and community garden.
Mayor Harding updated Council on conditions of final plat approval. Add language on the
Final Plat application that a Building Permit will be issued only if water is available.
Adjourn: 8.36 pm
/~~' ~'
Ron Harding, Mayor City of Yelm
Attest ~ ~'~~~
!' anine Schnepf, City Clerl~
h/councilhninutes 03-2>-09