08-24-10 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2010 MINUTES Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Tracey Wood, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. Mike McGowan was excused. 3. Agenda Approval 10-61 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- none scheduled 5. Public Comment. Diane D'Acuti, 93~d Ave, asking Council if they would consider drilling any new wells at a deeper depth to avoid any possible interference with water sources outside the city. Mayor Harding responded that the current new well was drilled at a depth of 800 ft with seals installed at 300 ft as not to affect those layers above. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes -Regular Meeting August 10, 2010, Study Session; July 28, 2010 Payables -Checks 54127-54199, Totaling $1,113,648.31 10-62 MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Mayor Harding reviewed the speaker cards and asked Cynthia Schmier if the topic she wished to address was on the agenda. Cynthia Schmier, Bald Hills resident and owner of city residential rentals and commercial building on Yelm Ave questioned allotment of 215 gallons per day that she read about in the newspaper. (Mayor stated that the 215 gallons is not an allotment but is a historical average of household wafer consumption over a period of time) She added that her rental property residents stated they are moving out because they cannot afford water in Yelm. Stephanie Ray stated that these figures (215) are not an allotment, but are an average usage calculated by total consumption divided by the number of meters to come up with the average household use. Cynthia still questions the data and compares it fo a survey she researched on another government site comparing 123 gallons to 215 gallons per unit in Yelm. She questions if citizens will be able to afford to live in Yelm including military families who have their own figures for calculating allotments for living off base. She understands conservation but questions development of policies that limit those that are able to move into Yelm. Cynthia continued to express concern sfating that her irrigation meter was recently turned off because she exceeded the irrigation allotment. Mayor Harding offered to meet with Cynthia at another time to address her questions and to further explain the formula for both residential and irrigation use. Page 1 of 4 ~V,~~~E~ Public Hearing: Water System Development Charge Increase and Revision to Definition of an Equivalent Residential Unit. Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 pm stating the purpose of the hearing was to discuss the proposed Water System Development Charge. Stephanie Ray explained that the WSDC is the amount charged for purchase of connection to water service at the time the development permit is issued. The total amount is based on ERU from historical data of average of household use. Yelm has identified capital needs and the financial model to support new and existing infrastructure as well as new capital debt and existing debt. Fee has not been changed since 2003. Further proposed this fee to be increased yearly based on consumer price index (2-3 percent). Second part of the hearing is to address the definition of an equivalent residential unit. This portion amends the code to reflect an ERU value. Previously using 900, now propose to change to 875 cu ft per month based on fine-tuning of the formula. Both of these increases are designed for new construction which is buying into the existing system thereby residents are not subsidizing new construction. Questions. Comments: Development is paying for development on level field. Noted that this is a significant jump from previous fee, have residents been picking up excess costs previously? Stephanie response that there have not many capital improvements started in recent years. Mayor Harding called for questions from audience. Seeing none, Mayor Harding closed the hearing at 7:24 pm. 8. New Business a. Ordinance No. 926 Amending Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 13.04, Water System Development Charge. 10-63 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 926 AMENDING CHAPTER 13.04 YMC INCREASING THE WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 8, 2010. CARRIED. Councilmember Isom added he is assuming that this ordinance put into place methodology to prevent this type of substantial increase in the future. b. Ordinance No. 927 Amending YMC Chapter 13.04 and 13.08 Revising the Value of an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) Staff Report has been given. 10-64 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 917 AMENDING YMC CHAPTER 13.04 AND 13.08 REVISING THE VALUE OF EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT. CARRIED. Councilmember Isom's question to staff answered by Stephanie Ray. The ERU formula will be reviewed every 6 years. Page 2 of 4 c. Legislative Services Contract with Capitol Strategies and Gjurasic Public Affairs for $36,000 to Retain Funding for City of Yelm Varied Projects. Shelly Badger presented the renewal of lobbyist contract that has been successful in obtaining funding in the past including: reclaimed water funding and SR510 Loop. The new contract would specifically target the remainder of the Loop project during the legislative session, September 1, 2010 through May 2011. Lobbyist would work to obtain funding to monitor water issues and identify additional funding opportunities. Service will provide monthly summaries and communicate regularly. Paid through arterial street project fund. Councilmember Thompson added that lobbying is a necessary process to secure state and federal funding and has proven to be a valuable investment return. MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN 10-65 LEGISLATIVE CONTRACT TO ENGAGE DEVOR GJURASIC AND KATHLEEN COLLINS TO LOBBY ISSUES OF BENEFIT TO CITY OF YELM FROM SEPT 1 2010 TO MAY 31 2011 IN THE AMOUNT OF $36,000. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Harding announced that Council would be going 9. into Executive Session at 7:34 to discuss potential litigation and would return at 8:34 pm to resume Council meeting. Council left the chambers. Mayor Harding closed the Executive Session at 8:34 pm and resumed the regular Council meeting in the Council Chambers. Mayor and City Council Reports. Agenda item was moved forward to 11. accommodate arrival of Jim Nelson. Councilmember Baker reported from Intercity Transit on the passage of the tax. Councilmember Hendrickson thanked Mayor Harding for hosting annual City picnic. 10. Old Business Ordinance No. 922 Water Revenue Bond Ordinance No. 922 Revenue Bond. Shelly Badger introduced Jim Nelson from Martin Nelson Company who has worked with the City of Yelm on previous bond issues including the Public Safety Building, 2003 Bond and Killion Road LID. Jim Nelson provided handouts explaining the summary of events and historical data used to negotiate the Bond as well as the payment schedule. He congratulated the City for their A plus rating for financing 10 million at 4.36 percent fora 30 year period. Special thanks to staff who participated in the application process with Standards and Poors: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Stephanie Ray and Tim Peterson. Bond insurance was not required because of high rating. City of Yelm chose an interest only payment for the first few years with the first interest payment due in 2010 and the first principal payment due in 2014. Key factors contributed to high rating: strong financial practices, water rates study, proximity to large cities, small debt ratio and experienced staff operating in efficient manner historically. Shelly Badger added that the net proceeds of Page 3 of 4 this 10 million Bond will be used to finance water construction fund spending on water projects; downtown well, SW well, water rights acquisition and water rights mitigation as described in the water system plan. Questions, Comments. We are committed to this Bond on approval with a fixed interest rate. Prepayment is an option starting in 2020. Proceeds dedicated to Water Construction Fund September 8, 2010. Finance over 30 years a good choice for lower payment and flexibility for payment. 10-66 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 922 WATER REVENUE BOND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF WATER REVENUE BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF 10,965,000 FOR THE COMPLETION OF WATER INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT S AS IDENTIFIED IN THE 2008-2015 WATER SYSTEM PLAN. CARRIED. 12. Correspondence. There was no correspondence. 13. Adjourn: 8:50 p.m. on Har iii ;Mayor Attest ~ ~' Janine hnepf, City Clerk Page 4 of 4