02-26-04 SS MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2004 6:00 P.M., PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM 2. Roll Call Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly, Ron Harding Excused: None Staff Present: Shelly Badger, Todd Stancil, Grant Beck, Stephanie Conners, Tim Petersen, Jon Yanasak and Agnes Bennick 3. The agenda was approved as presented. 4. Special Presentations: Yelm Police Department a. Activity Report - Chief Stancil provided information concerning department participation in community organizations and events and types and number of calls for services. b. Rainier Request for Police Coverage – Chief Stancil provided an analysis of time impacts and costs of contracting with Rainier to provide police services. Financial impacts to Yelm and public perception of service was discussed. C OUNCIL CONSENSUS POLL DID NOT SUPPORT CONTINUED C INVESTIGATION INTO THE POSSIBILITY OF PROVIDING SERVICE TO THE ITY OF R. AINIER 5. Mayor/Council Initiatives Introduced/Discussed a. Department reports - Discussion - due to time constraints for this meeting this item will be added to a future agenda. b. Rules related to elections/initiatives – Staff provided guidelines from the Public Disclosure Commission concerning political activity. 6. New Business a. City of Roy request to provide temporary animal impound services. Council reviewed the letter received from Mayor Bourne. Staff reported on current activity levels and staffing requirements. C OUNCIL CONSENSUS POLL Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 2 ab/city council/2004/02-26-04 SS SUPPORTED GATHERING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PRIOR TO MAKING A . DECISION b. Sewer/Reclaimed Water Department Financial Forecast and Discussion Related to a Rate Increase. Staff provided background information from the 1998 Sewer Rate Increase Public Hearing and the analysis that was included in setting rates at that time. As there were no comparable systems operating in the state at that time that included a STEP system, Waste Water Treatment Plant and a Water Reclamation Facility, maintenance and operation costs had to be estimated. With four years of operating history the economic analysis has been reviewed and updated based upon actual revenues and expenditures. Analysis indicate that at existing rates the funds cash reserve (The $200,000 cash flow reserve equal to approximately one month’s expenses.) will fall by 50% during 2004. It was noted that even with a rate increase, the fund will experience a temporary cash reserve decrease. Additionally, without rebalancing through a rate increase the Sewer/Reuse Operating fund’s accumulating reserve, (The increasing amount needed to deal with unexpected costs, such as equipment failure, life-span equipment replacement, and system growth.) will not grow to provide adequately for system repair, replacement, improvement, or expansion requirements. A spreadsheet was available and used to demonstrate the effect of various increases. 7. Old Business – None 8. Adjourn: 8:00 p.m. _____________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: __________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 2 ab/city council/2004/02-26-04 SS