684 Reclaimed WaterORDINANCE NO. 684
An Ordinance of the City of Yelm
for Use of Reclaimed Water
WHEREAS, the City of Yelm finds that by encouraging the use of reclaimed
water while assuring the health and safety of the citizens of Yelm and the protection of
its environment, Yelm will continue to use water in the best interests of present and
future generations; and
WHEREAS, conservation of all available water resources requires the maximum
reuse of reclaimed water for beneficial uses of water; and
WHEREAS, continued use of potable water for irrigation and other non-potable
uses may be an unreasonable use of such potable water where reclaimed water is
available; and
WHEREAS, the City has determined the production of Class A Reclaimed Water
provides the best opportunity to maximize the use of reclaimed water for beneficial
NOW, WHEREAS, it is hereby declared that the people of the City of Yelm have
a primary interest in the development of facilities to provide reclaimed water to replace
potable water in non-potable applications, to supplement existing surface and ground
water supplies, and to assist in meeting the future water requirements of the City by
encouraging the use of reclaimed water.
THEREFORE, the City does hereby ordain;
Regulations generall~The rates and regulations set out in this chapter are established
for the use and control of reclaimed water in the City of Yelm.
The policies described above are in the best interest of the City of Yelm. This
ordinance is necessary to protect the water supply of the region, which is vital to public
health and safety, and to prevent endangerment of public and private property. The
City of Yelm is dependent on groundwater sources and limited water rights. The ability
to obtain additional water rights in the future is uncertain. Developing and utilizing
reclaimed water can reduce the need for additional potable water. In light of these
circumstances, certain uses of potable water may be considered where reclaimed
water is available or production of potable water is unduly impaired. To encourage the
use of reclaimed water in lieu of potable water the City desires to sell the reclaimed
water at a fraction of the established potable water rates.
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It is the policy of the City of Yelm to reclaim one hundred percent (100%) of the
wastewater generated by the City and that reclaimed water shall be used within the
jurisdiction wherever its use is economically justified, financially and technically feasible,
and is consistent with legal requirements of RCW 90.46, for the preservation of public
health, safety and welfare, and the protection of the environment.
The following terms are defined for purposes of this ordinance:
a) AGRONOMIC RATE: The amount of water required to sustain and promote plant
and vegetation growth without saturation of the underling soils.
b) AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES: Agricultural purposes include the growing of field
and nursery crops, row crops, trees, and vines and the feeding of fowl and livestock.
c) BENEFICIAL USE: The use of reclaimed water, which has been transported from
the point of production to the point of use without an intervening discharge to waters
of the State, for a beneficial purpose.
d) COMMERCIAL WATER SERVICE: Reclaimed water service provided to a premises
utilized for business or industrial purposes.
e) CITY: The City of Yelm, Washington, or as indicated by the context, may mean the
public works director, treatment plant operator, water department, water
superintendent, clerk-treasurer, engineer or other employee or agent representing
the City in the discharge of his duties.
f) CITY ENGINEER: The professional engineer regularly employed or retained by the
g) COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDINGS: Any building for office or commercial uses
with water requirements which include, but are not limited to: landscape irrigation,
fire protection, toilet and urinal flushing and decorative fountains.
h) COUNCIL: The Council of the City of Yelm.
i) DEPARTMENT: The Washington State Departments of Ecology and Health.
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j) GREENBELT AREAS: A greenbelt area includes, but is not limited to, golf courses,
cemeteries, parks and landscaping.
k) INFILTRATION BASINS: A basin, pond or area specifically designed for the
controlled application of reclaimed water by surface percolation for the purpose of
replenishing groundwater.
I) IRRIGATION: Watering by sprinkling or dripping through orifices at normal
agronomic rates.
m) INDUSTRIAL PROCESS WATER: Water used by any industrial facility with process
water requirements which include, but are not limited to, rinsing, washing, cooling
and circulation, or construction process.
in which no limitations are imposed on body-contact water sports activities.
Examples may include but are not limited to recreational lakes, water features,
ponds and fishponds.
o) OFF-SITE FACILITIES: Reclaimed water facilities from the source of supply to the
point of connection with the on-site facilities, normally up to and including the water
p) ON-SITE FACILITIES: Reclaimed water facilities under the control of the owner,
normally downstream from the reclaimed water meter.
q) PLAN: The City of Yelm's Facility Plan or Comprehensive Water Reclamation Plan.
r) POTABLE WATER: Ground water that is used or intended to be used as, or is
suitable for, a source of a water supply for domestic purposes and has been
classified as a source of drinking water by the Department of Health.
s) RECLAIMED WATER: Effluent derived in any part from sewage from a wastewater
treatment system that has been adequately and reliably treated, so that as a result
of that treatment, it is suitable for a beneficial use or a controlled use that would not
otherwise occur and is no longer considered wastewater. As used herein,
Reclaimed Water shall be classified as Class A Reclaimed Water as defined in
RCW 90.46 and the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards.
t) RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS: A piping system intended for the
delivery of reclaimed water separate from and in addition to the potable water
distribution system.
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u) WATER RECLAMATION AND REUSE STANDARDS: Standards developed by the
Washington State Departments of Ecology and Health dated September 1997 and
as may be amended from time to time.
v) RECLAIMED WATER USER AGREEMENT: A binding agreement between the City
of Yelm and the owner of a Use Area outlining the conditions for use of reclaimed
water to ensure that construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring meets all
requirements of the Washington Departments of Ecology and Health and the City.
w) REUSE: The use of reclaimed water, in compliance with Washington Departments
of Ecology and Health regulations, for a beneficial use.
x) RESIDENTIAL SERVICE: Reclaimed water service for lawn and/or vegetable
garden irrigation provided to a residential living site.
y) SERVICE CONNECTION: That portion of the City's reclaimed water supply system
connecting the City's reclaimed water distribution main including, the tap into the
main, the water meter and appurtenances and the service line from the main to the
meter and from the meter to the user's property line. "Service connection" includes
connections for fire protection as well as for irrigation, commercial and industrial
z) SPRAY IRRIGATION: The application of reclaimed water to land by spraying it from
sprinklers of orifices in piping.
aa) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications set forth in the current volume
of "Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction" prepared
and distributed jointly by the Washington State Department of Transportation
(WSDOT) and by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works
Association (APWA) and the current "Standards" of the American Water Works
Association (AWWA).
bb)SURFACE PERCOLATION: The controlled application of water to the ground
surface for the purpose of replenishing ground water.
cc) USE AREA: Any facility, building, or area approved for use of reclaimed water as
evidenced by an executed User Agreement.
GENERAL: The City of Yelm has prepared and adopted a Water Reuse Facilities Plan
pursuant to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and the
Washington State Department of Ecology as part of the City's update of the wastewater
treatment facilities and implementation of the reuse plan.
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Updates to the Facilities Plan shall be prepared in the form of a Comprehensive Water
Reclamation Plan. The City engineer shall prepare the plan for the City and three
copies of the same shall be maintained on file in the office of the City clerk. The Plan
shall be submitted to and approved by the Departments of Ecology and Health.
USES OF RECLAIMED WATER: The Facilities Plan identified any use that meets the
Standards for Class A Reclaimed Water as a planned or potential use of reclaimed
water within the City's service area. Reclaimed water uses may include, but are not
limited to, the irrigation of food and nonfood crops, landscape irrigation, impoundments,
fish hatchery basins, decorative fountains, flushing of sanitary sewers, street cleaning,
dust control, fire fighting and protection, toilet and urinal flushing, washing aggregate
and concrete production, industrial cooling and industrial processes. Refer Table 1 for
additional uses and regulations pertaining to those uses.
CONTENTS OF THE RECLAMATION PLAN: The Comprehensive Water Reclamation
Plan shall be updated from time to time as deemed necessary by the City Council, but
in any event not less than every five (5) years. The Plan shall include the following:
PLANTS AND FACILITIES: Proposed location and size of the reclamation
treatment plant, distribution pipelines, pump stations, reservoirs, and other related
reuse facilities.
RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE AREAS: A designation of the boundary within the
City of Yelm service area that can or may in the future use reclaimed water in lieu
of potable water, including reuse areas and ground water recharge infiltration
basins. An evaluation of reuse sites, estimated volume of water to be reused,
means of application, application rates, water balance, expected agronomic
uptake, potential to impact ground water or surface water at the site, background
water quality and hydrogeological information necessary to evaluate potential
water quality impacts shall be addressed in the plan.
CONTINGENCY PLANS: The Plan shall address a contingency plan to ensure
that no untreated or inadequately treated wastewater will be delivered to a use
CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL: The Plan shall discuss cross-connection
control and inspection program, including who will be responsible for compliance
and testing of cross-connection control devices.
DESIGN STANDARDS: The Plan shall identify design standards, which shall be
adopted from time to time by the Council and three copies of the same shall be
maintained on file at the office of the City clerk.
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valves, outlets, and other appurtenances, including all irrigation systems pipelines,
valve and control boxes shall be color-coded purple, (Pantone 522 or other shades of
purple acceptable to the City). The piping shall be embossed or integrally stamped or
marked "CAUTION: RECLAIMED WATER - DO NOT DRINK", and be installed with a
purple (Pantone 512 or other shades of purple acceptable to the City) identification
tracer tape. The pipe and tape shall have the warning stamped on opposite sides of the
pipe and tape and be repeated every three feet or less. Identification tracer tape shall
be consistent with the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards. Signs for notification
of reclaimed water connections shall read "RECLAIMED WATER - DO NOT DRINK".
Signs for notification of irrigation use areas shall read "FOR WATER CONSERVATION,
Signs shall be color-coded purple, (Pantone 522 or other shades of purple acceptable
to the City) with black lettering. Sleeves over standard water pipe will not be permitted.
service connections and appurtenances in the public street or utility rights-of-way shall
be vested fully in the City and the person responsible for the construction of such mains
shall relinquish, by bill of sale, or other appropriate instrument of conveyance, all
interest in the ownership of such mains upon acceptance by the City.
The City shall operate, control and maintain all approved and accepted components of
the City water reuse system in the public streets or utility rights-of-way up to and
including the meter, but shall not be responsible beyond the meter. The owner of the
property served shall be responsible for maintenance of all pipe and fittings from the
meter to his premises. No alteration shall be made to any connection nor shall any
connection be made to the City's reclaimed water system without the approval of the
City. All connections or alterations shall be made by the City's public works department
or by a contractor supervised by the City.
CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL: There shall be no cross-connections between the
reclaimed water and potable water systems. The City shall coordinate with the water
department to establish and obtain approval from the Washington State Department of
Health across-connection control and inspection program pursuant to WAC 246-290-
490. Where both reclaimed water and potable water are supplied to a reclaimed water
use area, a "reduced pressure principle backflow" prevention device, or an approved
"air gap separation" shall be installed at the potable water service connection to the
reuse area.
The cost of such device and the installation thereof shall be borne by the owner of the
premises affected. The installation and periodic testing shall conform to the provisions
of WAC 248-54-500. No interconnection with private wells is allowed and inspection by
the City to verify disconnection is required for continued reclaimed water service. An
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independent testing laboratory shall submit a test report indicating the backflow preven-
tion device has been tested and is in conformance with this section. Annual testing and
reporting shall be required.
DWELLING UNIT: Reclaimed water shall not enter a dwelling unit or a building
containing a dwelling unit except as specifically provided in the Water Reclamation and
Reuse Standards.
AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: All buildings with an automatic fire
sprinkler system connected to the City's reclaimed water system shall pay the same
fees and rates as identified in the Water Ordinance. No reclaimed water shall be used
through such connections or sprinkler system except for actual fire control.
service from a reclaimed water fire hydrant for construction of any building, street, utility
or similar project shall be provided at the rate identified in the rate schedule in the
Water Ordinance dependent upon location of the project. A construction meter shall be
required and application shall be made at the office of the City clerk identifying location
and reason for use of the reclaimed water. A deposit shall be collected as identified in
the Water Ordinance. Upon completion of the project, return of construction meter and
charges for consumed reclaimed water is paid for, return of the deposit shall be made
to consumer.
The City shall provide a separate "purple meter" for connection to the reclaimed water
system. Information shall be provided with the meter indicating the use of reclaimed
water pursuant to the requirements of the Reclaimed Water and Reuse Standards.
Temporary connections to the reclaimed water system other than directly to a
reclaimed water fire hydrant shall not be allowed.
TANK TRUCKS: Tank trucks and other equipment used to distribute reclaimed water
shall be clearly identified with advisory signs. The tank trucks used to transport
reclaimed water shall not be used to transport potable water that is used for drinking or
other potable purposes. The tank trucks used to transport reclaimed water shall not be
filled through on-board piping or hoses that may subsequently be used to fill tanks with
water from a potable water supply. Tank trucks used to transport reclaimed water shall
be inspected and approved for such use by the City prior to transporting reclaimed
MANDATORY RECLAIMED WATER USE. The Facilities Plan update and subsequent
Comprehensive Water Reclamation Plan identifies existing and planned reuse areas for
consumptive beneficial use and ground water recharge areas. This information shall be
used by City officials to mandate construction of reclaimed water distribution systems or
other facilities in new and existing developments for current or future reclaimed water
use as a condition of any development approval or continued potable water service if
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future reclamation facilities are proposed in the Facilities Plan indicating reclaimed
water could adequately serve the development.
Comprehensive Water Reclamation Plan the City may require an existing potable water
user to convert their irrigation and/or other non potable uses of water to the use of
reclaimed water for potable water conservation purposes.
IMPLEMENTATION: Should a determination be made to convert an existing potable
water use to reclaimed water, the City will pay the cost of connecting the user's system
to the reclaimed water supply system. The user shall pay the cost of reclaimed water
consumed based on the terms of this ordinance. The user shall be required to execute
a User Agreement.
OBJECTIONS; APPEALS: The water customer may file a notice of objection with the
City of Yelm within thirty (30) days after any notice of determination to comply is
delivered or mailed to the customer, and may request reconsideration of the
determination or may request a modification of the proposed conditions or schedule for
conversion. The objection must be in writing and specify the reasons for the objection.
The preliminary determination shall be final if the customer does not file a timely
objection. The City Administrator or designee, shall review the objection with the
objector, and shall confirm, modify or abandon the preliminary determination. Such
decision may be appealed to the City Council within 30 days.
CONDITIONS. Upon application by a developer, owner or water customer (herein
referred to as "applicant") for a land use approval, or other development project as
defined by the Yelm Municipal Code, staff shall review the Facilities Plan and any
subsequent Reclaimed Water Comprehensive Plan and make a preliminary
determination whether the subject property is required to be served with reclaimed
water or to include facilities designed to accommodate the use of reclaimed water in the
future. Based upon such determination, use of reclaimed water and provisions of a
reclaimed water distribution system or other facilities for the use of reclaimed water,
and an application for a User Agreement for such use shall be required as a condition
of approval of any such application, in addition to any other conditions of approval.
ALTERATIONS AND REMODELING. On a case by case basis, upon application for an
alteration or remodeling of multi-family, commercial or industrial structures (including,
for example, hotels), staff shall review the Facilities Plan or subsequent Comprehensive
Water Reclamation Plan update and make a preliminary determination whether the
subject property shall be required to be served with reclaimed water or to include
facilities designed to accommodate the use of reclaimed water in the future. Based
upon such determination, use of reclaimed water and provision of reclaimed water
distribution systems or other facilities for the use of reclaimed water, and application for
a User Agreement for such use, may be required as a condition of approval of the
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REQUESTED SERVICE. On a case by case basis, upon application fora User
Agreement to use reclaimed water on a property not covered by Sections 5, staff shall
review the Facilities Plan and any subsequent Comprehensive Water Reclamation Plan
and make a determination whether the subject property shall be served with reclaimed
water. Based upon such determination, the application for the User Agreement shall be
accepted and processed.
USER AGREEMENT CONDITIONS. The User Agreement shall specify the design,
construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring requirements for the applicant's
planned use, based on the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Ordinance
and shall require compliance with the Washington State Departments of Ecology and
Health requirements (see Chapter 90.46 Revised Code of Washington), and
requirements of the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards.
The staff shall review plans for the reclaimed and non-reclaimed water distribution
systems for the parcel and a field inspection conducted before the User Agreement is
granted. Reclaimed water shall not be supplied to a property until inspection by staff
determines that the applicant is in compliance with the User Agreement conditions.
APPLICATION: All applications for reclaimed water service shall be made at the office
of the City Clerk or at such other place as the council may hereafter designate by
resolution and upon such form as may be prescribed by the City. Every such
application shall be made by the owner of the property to be furnished reclaimed water,
or by its authorized agent, and the applicant shall state fully and truly all the purposes
for which the reclaimed water may be used. Reclaimed water service shall only be
granted for use meeting the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards and upon the
execution of a Reclaimed Water User Agreement.
Agreement conditions, the Agreement shall be scheduled for City Council
CONNECTION, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: When a permit has been obtained for
the installation of reclaimed water service, the City shall cause the premises described
in the application to be connected with the reclaimed water system by a service pipe
extending from the reclaimed water main to the property line and a shutoff valve and
reclaimed water meter placed within the right-of-way. Every separate user and premise
shall have its own separate meter.
All connections to City's reclaimed water service shall conform to the standard
specifications and regulations of the City.
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TEMPORARY USE OF POTABLE WATER: At the discretion of the City, potable water
may be made available on a temporary basis until reclaimed water is available. Before
the applicant receives temporary potable water, a water reclamation User Agreement
must be obtained for all reuse facilities. Prior to commencement of reclaimed water
service, an inspection of the on-site facilities will be conducted to verify that the facilities
have been maintained and are in compliance with the reclaimed water User Agreement
and current requirements for service. Upon verification of compliance, reclaimed water
can be served to the parcel for the agreed upon use. If the facilities are not in
compliance, the applicant shall not receive potable or reclaimed water service.
Prior to making reclaimed water available, the potable water connection shall be
removed and the on-site distribution system field tested to verify no cross connections
with the potable water system exist.
INSTALLATION OF MAIN: Whenever application is made for reclaimed water service
to a premises with no reclaimed water main in the adjacent street, a standard reclaimed
water main must be installed prior to connection. The installation of such standard
mains shall conform to the Comprehensive Reclaimed Water Plan.
A reclaimed water main shall be installed by and at the expense of the owner(s) of the
premises to be served thereby, pursuant to plans reviewed by the City and approved by
the City engineer. In such cases the City will contract with the owner(s) to provide for
reimbursement of the costs of design and construction of such main over a period not
to exceed fifteen years pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 35.92. The actual
cost must be approved by the City showing the method of determining benefit cost. The
council shall record the contract in the office of the county auditor upon acceptance of
construction of the main.
The owner may elect to have a reclaimed water main installed by the City upon making
payment to the City of the appropriate main extension charges as provided for in the
water ordinance.
WATER METERS: All service connections to the City reclaimed water system shall be
metered. Reclaimed water meters shall be sized to provide adequate flow of reclaimed
water to the customer. Minimum water meter sizes shall ordinarily be determined from
the maximum flow requirements for the user as determined by an engineering study. All
water meters shall be American Water Works Association (AWWA) approved.
RECLAIMED WATER RATE: The rate charged for reclaimed water shall be set at
eighty percent (80%) of the potable water rates as established by the City of Yelm or as
amended from time to time. Special circumstances may be taken into consideration to
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allow for a different rate. Such special circumstances and rates shall be identified in the
User Agreement and approved by the City Council.
encourage use of reclaimed water in lieu of potable water and to advance the use of
reclaimed water throughout the City service area, all connection fees to the reclaimed
water system are waived, except the user shall pay the appropriate meter charge as
identified in the City's Water Ordinance. In every case, title to the reclaimed water
meter, meter box and service connection lines shall remain with the City.
BILLING AND PAYMENTS: Monthly statements of charges for reclaimed water service
shall be due and payable at the office of the clerk-treasurer or at such other place or
places designated by him/her on or before the fifteenth of the month and are deemed
delinquent thereafter. Delinquent accounts will be assessed a penalty as identified in
the water ordinance. Statements shall cover service charges for the period shown
thereon and shall be forwarded by mail to the customer as soon as practicable after
each service period.
NONPAYMENT OF CHARGES: Reclaimed water service terminated for nonpayment
shall not be restored to the nonpaying user until all delinquent charges, together with a
service fee as identified in the water ordinance for restoring services, are paid.
RULES AND REGULATIONS: The City Administrator is charged with administration
and enforcement of this chapter. Reclaimed water service to any premises served by
the City reclaimed water system may be discontinued for any violation or abridgement
of the provisions of this chapter or the User Agreement, after due notice thereof. In the
event reclaimed water service is discontinued for failure to comply with provisions of
this chapter it shall remain terminated for the duration of such noncompliance.
INSPECTION OF PREMISES: Authorized employees of the public works department,
properly identified, shall have free access at reasonable hours of the day, to all
premises served by the City's reuse system for the purpose of ascertaining conformity
to this chapter, the Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards and the City's NPDES
SPRINKLING DURING FIRES PROHIBITED: It is unlawful for any person to knowingly
use reclaimed water for a lawn or garden sprinkling or irrigating purposes on any
premises during the progress of a fire or disaster within the area served by the City's
reclaimed water system.
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to willfully disturb, break, deface, or damage any reclaimed water fire hydrant,
reclaimed water meter, gate valve, water pipe or other reclaimed waterworks
appurtenance together with the buildings, grounds and improvements thereon
belonging to or connected with the reclaimed water system of the City in any manner
whatsoever, including all reclaimed water features located at Cochrane Memorial Park.
It is unlawful for any person to open, close, turn or interfere with, or attempt to, or to
connect with any reclaimed water fire hydrant, valve, or pipe belonging to the City
unless authorized by the City in writing; provided, that this rule shall not apply to
members of the City department or such other fire department duly authorized to
operate fire hydrants while acting in such capacity.
It is unlawful for any person to throw refuse or any substance into any City reclaimed
water reservoir, feature or system or to throw any deleterious matter into or upon any
part of the City's reclaimed water treatment system, reclaimed water supply system or
water reuse system, including Cochrane Memorial Park.
PUBLIC: The use of reclaimed water by any person or entity in any manner in violation
of this ordinance or of any User Agreement issued hereunder is subject to prosecution
for a misdemeanor.
INJUNCTION: Whenever a discharge of wastes or use of reclaimed water is in violation
or threatens to cause a violation of this ordinance, the City of Yelm's attorney may seek
injunctive relief as maybe appropriate to enjoin such discharge or use.
USER AGREEMENT REVOCATION: In addition to any other statute or rule authorizing
termination of reclaimed water service, the City of Yelm may revoke a Reclaimed Water
User Agreement issued hereunder if a violation of any provision of this ordinance is
found to exist or if a discharge of wastes or use of reclaimed water causes or threatens
to cause violation of this ordinance.
PENALTY: Any owner and/or operator who violates this ordinance shall, for each day of
violation, or portion thereof, be subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000. In addition,
reclaimed water and potable water service to the property may be discontinued.
If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance and the application of such
provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
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This ordinance shall become effective five days following its publication in a newspaper
of general circulation within the City of Yelm.
PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Yelm at a
Regular Council Meeting held this 8t" day of December.
c ~..Q~.
Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor a
~ ~~ n
A nes P. Bennick
Clerk /Treasurer
Passed and Approved December 8t" , 1999
Published in the Nisqually Valley News December 17t", 1999.
Effective Date December 21St, 1999
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