10-23-2018YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 18-123 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. Special Presentations- none scheduled 4. Public Comment - Sandra Manwiller spoke about Citizens 4 Support of Yelm Schools upcoming activities. 5. Consent Agenda a. October 2, 2018 Study Session minutes & October 9, 2018 Meeting minutes. b. Check #2057 - Check #2189 Totaling $1,262,792.12. 18-124 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO AMEND THE OCTOBER 9, 2018 MINUTES TO SHOW THAT COUNCILMEMBER TERRY KAMINSKI WAS EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Resolution No. 596, Intercity Transit Support Glenn Blando spoke in support of Proposition No. 1 for Intercity Transit. Darlene Linn spoke in support of Proposition No. 1 for Intercity Transit. Justin James spoke in support of Proposition No. 1 for Intercity Transit. 18-125 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 596, SUPPORTING THE INTERCITY TRANSIT PROPOSITION NO. 1. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 5-2 (NO, YES (CARMODY, KAMINSKI)), MOTION FAILS. b. 2018 Ad Valorem for 2019 Property Taxes - Public Hearing Mayor Foster opened the Public Hearing at 6:32 pm. 18-126 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE NOVEMBER 13, 2018 MEETING. SECONDED BY E7 CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business - a. Resolution No. 595, City of Yelm Homeless Taskforce Suzie LeFurgey spoke in favor of creating the taskforce. 18-127 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO TABLE RESOLUTION NO. 595 UNTIL NOVEMBER 13, 2018 MEETING. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. 6-0, TRACEY WOOD OPPOSED. MOTION CARRIED. S. UPDATES - 10-23-18 City Administrator Michael Grayum - • New City Hall timeline and update on move. • Water Rights presentation will be at the December Study Session. • We are looking to hire a 2n' Public Defender to handle conflict and overflow cases. • The Sergeant Assessment was last week and Joel Turner will be the New Sergeant starting January 1, 2019. • The Human Resource Specialist will be the support staff to the Salary Commission. • Money Management classes will be offered free to the citizens of Yelm at the Yelm Community Center on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:30. More Information is available on the City website. • LTAC meeting will be November 8, 2018 from 1:30-3:00 pm in the Public Safety Training room. • Veteran's Day Celebration will be on Sunday, November 11, 2018. • Reminded Councilmembers to pick up your Budget book and mail at City Hall. Councilmember Curry attended the Yelm Senior Center meeting, the South East Thurston Fire Authority meeting and the Nisqually Springs Farm to support the Citizens 4 Yelm School event. Councilmember Carmody attended the Intercity Transit Authority Board meeting and the Nisqually River Council meeting. Councilmember Colt attended the Sergeant Assessment event and Oral Board, and the Citizens 4 Yelm School event at the Nisqually Springs Farm. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Public Safety Committee meeting, Chat with the Chief and the Law and Justice Council meeting. Councilmember Wood attended the Transportation Policy Board meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the Public Safety Committee meeting and the South Thurston Economic Development Committee meeting. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Thurston Thrives meeting. Mayor Foster was out of town and had no committee reports. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 18-128 MOTION BY TERRY KAMINSKI TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:38 p.m. to the Public Safety Training room for Budget Presentations from the Municipal Court and the Police Departments until 8:30 p.m. Attest: / • �+.'�m"rrdf-�c.� JW Oster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. 10-23-18 YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018 6:00 P.M. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Present: Councilmembers: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Terry Kaminski and Joe DePinto. Staff present: City Administrator Michael Grayum, Community Development Director Grant Beck, Finance Director Joe Wolfe, Public Works Project and Program Manager Pat Hughes, Public Works Director Chad Bedlington, and City Clerk & HR Manager Lori Mossman. 3. a. Timberland Library — Old City Hall Building Timberland Regional Services Manager Allison Grubbs stated that the Timberland Regional Library is interested in exploring the old building for the library. They have a space planner on staff and will be looking at the layout of the building and square footage to see if it is feasible for the library. They will know more in January or early February. 3. b. Budget Presentations — Public Works Public Works Director Chad Bedlington and Public Works Projects and Programs Manager Pat Hughes updated Council on the Capital Projects and the Operating budget. 4. Mayors Report Mayor Foster attended a meeting with the Farmers Market to go over their contract to use the Community Center, the Yelm High School Football team is going to state this year, attended a School Bond meeting, a meeting with US Fish and Wildlife to discuss gophers, a new Flashing crosswalk will be added at Tornado Alley and Christmas in the Park is the first Saturday (12-1- 18) in December. S. Council Initiatives Counclimember Kaminski attended the meeting with the Farmers Market and thought it went well. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Yelm Community School Bond meeting. Councllmember Colt attended the Yelm Community School Bond meeting. Councilmember DePinto inquired about the median income level being different from Thurston County's level. Councilmember DePinto welcomes the new water meter technology that will allow staff to notify the water customer immediately when their usage is extremely high. Adjourn 7:57 p.m. O" rL JW Fq t r, Mayor F Attest: Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov.