02-25-04 Agenda PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 7:30P.M. YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY –Note location change Call to Order 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Approval ACTION 3. Special Presentations – None 4. Public Comment – Please complete a blue speaker’s card and 5. present it to the meeting recorder. Consent Agenda ACTION 6. a. Council Minutes – February 11- Regular Meeting, January 22 - Study Session, February 14 - Study Session b. Payables: Checks 21967-22074 totaling $155,717.49 1) Manual Checks 22065-22074: totaling $217.72 2) Claims Checks 21967-22064: totaling $155,499.77 c Payroll Preliminary February 2004 d Park Use Requests: None Public Hearings – None 7 New Business 8. ACTION a. Potable Water Tank Project Award Low Bidder - Pittsburgh Tank Contract for $1,148,758.16 5 Min Presenter: Tim Peterson (Attachment) b. Yelm Historic Preservation Commission Recommendation to add ACTION Assembly of God Church / now known as, Yelm Jesus Name 5 Min Pentecostal Church to the Yelm Register of Historic Sites. Presenter: Agnes Bennick (Attachment) Old Business 9 ACTION a. Intergovernmental Agreement for Law Enforcement Records Management Presenter: Todd Stancil (Attachment) ACTION b. Resolution No. 441 City of Yelm Emergency Disaster Plan Presenter: Todd Stancil 15 Min (Attachment) Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and 10. Board/Commission Business a. Planning Commission Appointments Executive Session – None 11. Correspondence 12. ( Items are included, other items available upon request.) ? AWC, On-Line Workshop Registration available AWC, Legislative Bulletin, Volume 27, No.1, February 13, 2004 ? AWC, Training, Holding Local Elections, March 25, Fife ? A.S. Miller letter, Traffic - Yelm Ave, 02-16-2004 Thurston County Planning Council Pre-Agenda, March 5, 2004 Adjourn 13. UPCOMING MEETINGS: Study Session, Thursday, February 26, 2004, 5-8 p.m., Public Works Facility Note location change to Public Works Facility (February-May 2004), 901 Rhoton Road Public Works Facility Council Meeting, Wednesday, March 10, 7:30 p.m., Public Works Facility Council Meeting, Wednesday, March 24, 2004, 7:30 p.m.,