1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call Present: J. W. Foster, Joe Baker, Mike McGowan, Tracey Wood, Ken
Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. Excused: Bob Isom.
3. Agenda Approval
4. Special Presentations - none scheduled
5. Public Comment -
Preston Collins, Yelm resident participated in the Genetically Modified Organisms
(GMO) demonstration on Saturday, which is in support of requiring Initiative 522
on labeling GMO's. This was a worldwide event and there was an excellent
turnout. There was also a film showed at the Triad Theatre called Genetic Roulette
that explained how the federal government has been influenced and infiltrated by
special interests groups in congress and how some positions have been taken over
by GMO's and is running the government. In fact, Congress passed a special bill
that says they are not responsible for any deleterious effects due to GMO. There is
recent legislation that would address that bill. Mr. Collins asked if the FEMA
training that City staff and the Mayor attended in Washington DC two or three
years was posted for the public to see? Mayor Harding addressed the questions
and concerns regarding the training. Mr. Collins is very suspicious of FEMA and
believes they have ulterior motives. Coming up on July 4, Mr. Collins stated we
have an opportunity to remind people about the constitution and suggest that
somewhere in the proceedings on the fourth that public employees and
government officials renew their vows to uphold the constitution.
Jerry Collell, Pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church located in Yelm stated that he,
his wife, and another member of the church trained through the Community
Emergency Response Teams (CERT) because of the training Mayor Harding
attended in Washington DC. In November of 2012, the Emanuel Lutheran Church
received a $36,000 Thurston County Home Consortium grant and immediately
began construction of an Emergency and Disaster Shelter storage facility with the
lion's share of the labor donated by New Market Skill Center's Youth Build
program recruited by Habitat for Humanity. Twenty three at risk Thurston County
teenagers, divided into four teams and have worked steadily four days a week
throughout this school year to build this 28'x36' two-story structure from the
foundation up. This storage facility allows them to use their church and fellowship
hall for places for the community to gather in an emergency. Thursday Mr. Collell
will receive a $500 check from the rotary for facility needs. Emanuel would like to
invite the Mayor and Councilmembers to join them in dedicating this facility
Saturday, June 1, at 11:00 am. Mr. Collell gave kudos to Gary Carlson, City of
Yelm's Building Official. Mr. Carlson has worked with the church to come up with
an acceptable structure for the church and he is greatly appreciated. Mayor
Harding appreciates the work done by Mr. Collell for this group of kids and stated
it's a fantastic model that needs to continue and also stated the program is a good
life lesson and teaches the kids skills and values. Councilmember McGowan stated
it is great that the church provides meals for people in need, thanked Jerry for his
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efforts in helping the community, and gave kudos to Gary Carlson for working
with the church.
6. Consent Agenda
Minutes - Regular Meeting May 14, 2013.
Payables - Checks #60381- #60432 Totaling $224,695.90.
7. Public Hearing - none scheduled
8. New Business - none scheduled
9. Old Business - none scheduled
10. Mayor and Council Initiatives
Councilmember J.W. Foster attended the Thurston County Solid Waste
Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting and stated the County Commissioners have
asked the SWAC to form a committee to draft an Ordinance that would ultimately
ban the plastic bags for adoption by Thurston County Commissioners with the
expectation that the municipalities within the County could do with it as they
choose. Mayor Harding stated the Council's direction on this issue is clear and
they would not support this Ordinance.
Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and stated
he and Councilmember Woods will be meeting the potential candidates for the IT
General Manager at Wal-Mart tomorrow. The candidates will be riding the Intercity
Transit fixed routes from Olympia and there will be a 10-15 minute layover at
Wal-Mart in which they will have time to meet and greet. All Councilmembers are
invited to attend. He will be in Olympia tomorrow evening greeting the candidates
from 6-7:30pm and will not be attending the Study Session.
Councilmember McGowan reported on the May HOME Consortium meeting
where discussion took place regarding the federal home program dollars and the
recommendations going to the County Commissioners.
Councilmember Wood will be attending the meet and greet for the four
candidates for the General Manager at Intercity Transit. Also would like to attend
the 5th Wednesday meeting tomorrow night instead of the Study Session.
Councilmember Garmann attended the Law & Justice Symposium at Thurston
County and talked about the issues with the high rate of people incarcerated that
have mental problems that need to be sorted but often cannot get help until they
are arrested.
Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Medic One meeting and saw the new
Medic 6 van, which cost about $175,000 for the van and about $100,000 for the
equipment in it. Paul Brewster will give an update on TRPC in June. Still working
on the issues regarding the auto vehicle locating systems.
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION - none scheduled
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12. Correspondence included —
5th Wednesday Meeting -May 29, 6:30pm-8pm, Mercato Ristorante Olympia.
Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau Newsletter
The Quixote Village Groundbreaking Celebration Saturday, June 8 2pm 3350
Mottman Road SE, 3/4 mile west of South Puget Sound Comm. College
Serving Veterans in 2013 Conference Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Thurston County
Fairgrounds in Lacey.
Dollar Tree Ribbon Cutting, June 13, 2013 9am at 906 Yelm Ave. E.
TRPC Retreat Agenda Friday, June 7, 2013
Thurston County Executive Seminar on Catastrophic Disaster Recovery 2013 on
May 30, 2013 form 5-8pm, Thurston County Emergency Management 9521 Tilley
Road SW Olympia.
13. Adjourn 6:44 pm.
, -ule—^ Attest:
f Ron Harding, Mayor f Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk
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