07-23-13 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013 MINUTES Mayor Pro -Tem Bob Isom called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Mike McGowan, and Ken Garmann. Excused: Russ Hendrickson. Tracey Wood arrived at 6:01. 3. Agenda Approval 13-61 MOTION BY JW FOSTER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - Thurston County Commissioner Sandra Romero - Thurston County Scenic Byways Project Commissioner Romero gave an overview of the project and the main objective of promoting Agritourism in Thurston County and encouraged the Council to ask questions and voice any concerns they may have concerning the proposed project. Another objective is to entice the drivers on Interstate 5 north and south, to get off the freeway and come explore South County. Scott Davis, Thurston County Public Works stated the project is in the preliminary stages and they are visiting the proposed municipalities to gage the support level of the project. The Agritourism committee has been meeting regularly since 2010 sharing information and education on ways to better promote agritourism in Thurston County. One of the ways they propose is to establish a scenic or tour route, educating drivers through signage or markers of the attractions and recreational activities in those communities along the proposed route. This project would highlight the many things Thurston County has to offer that might not be otherwise known. Councilmember McGowan asked about signage content and the location of the markers. Mayor Isom likes the concept of the project but had questions concerns about the development restrictions that might go along with the designated routes. Commissioner Romero said there had been discussion regarding that issue and stated there would be no development restrictions due to the route designation. Councilmember Foster suggested there could be some kind of smart phone linkage along the route so that the highlighted activities and tourist designation could be easily accessed while driving the proposed Scenic Byway. 5. Public Comment - no comments 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting July 9, 2013 Payables - Checks #60714 - #60797, Totaling $171,805.84 YCP, Dog Walk & Dog Fair, September 14, 2013 8am - 4pm, Open to the Public 13-62 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - none scheduled 8. New Business - a. REMOVED Page 1 of 3 b. Resolution No. 542 Utility Rate Reduction Program Income Levels Janine Schnepf stated that in 2007, the City Council approved a methodology to set maximum income levels to qualify for a household utility rate reduction for senior citizens and permanently disabled heads of household. The maximum income level to qualify for the reduction is calculated by averaging the following factors and incorporating index adjustments: 1) the current annual household income level as set by the Washington State Legislature for property tax relief; 2) 125% of the current Federal Poverty Level; and 3) Thurston County very low- income figures as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The factors were updated to 2013 levels and recalculated to establish the new maximum income levels to qualify for the utility rate reduction, utilizing the methodology. Qualified seniors and disabled heads of households making a maximum annual income of $25,488 for single ($23,371 in 2007) and $28,446 for a couple ($25,829) are eligible to apply for this rate reduction. 13-63 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 542 SETTING THE INCOME THRESHOLD FOR SENIOR CITIZEN AND PERMANENTLY DISABLED HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD RESIDENTS TO QUALIFY FOR UTILITY RATE REDUCTION. CARRIED. c. Resolution No. 543 Updating the Personnel Policy, Section 2.02.070, Listing Program/Project Manager as Exempt Employee Janine Schnepf explained that each position within the City is placed into one of City's classifications (exempt or non-exempt) for salary purposes. This classification is based on the job requirements such as education and training, level of responsibility, working conditions, and amount of supervision required. The Department of Labor, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, has established regulations for minimum wage and overtime pay with exemptions for employees employed as executive, administrative, professional, outside sales and certain computer positions. After review of the Program/Project Manager job description and applying the duty test, this position qualifies as exempt status under the administrative exemption. The rate of compensation remains the same as determined by the 2013 Budget. 13-64 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 543 UPDATING THE PERSONNEL POLICY, SECTION 2.02.070, LISTING EXEMPT EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE PROGRAM/PROJECT MANAGER. CARRIED. 9. Old Business — none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Retreat. Councilmember Foster also attended the Nisqually River Council meeting and reported the Council, the Land Trust and several other agencies received millions of dollars in grants to purchase property along the Nisqually River and the Mashel River to designate as permanent protection. Also in the 3rd week in August, there will be a record number of pink salmon in the Nisqually River. Councilmember Foster suggested someone from the Community Forest Group be scheduled for an upcoming Study Session to give an overview to Council. Page 2 of 3 Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and reported additional bus trips have been added to the current scheduled routes. Councilmember Baker also attended the Yelm Adult Community Center meeting and reminded everyone of the upcoming Auction that will be held in September and encourages everyone to support the auction. Councilmember McGowan attended the Thurston County HOME Consortium retreat planning committee and the Yelm Finance Committee meeting. Councilmember Wood attended the Transportation Policy Board (TRPC) meeting where there was discussion regarding the rail system and possible extensions and updating of that system. Councilmember Garmann attended the Thurston County Law and Justice meeting and reported there is still much discussion regarding inmates with mental health issues and problems they face. Thirty five percent of the people arrested have some kind of mental health issues. Councilmember Garmann commended the Yelm Police Department for the great traffic control they did for the Seattle to Portland (STP) Bike ride last weekend. Mayor Pro -Tem Isom attended the Yelm Finance Committee meeting and reported the City is on track with the 2013 Budget as far as revenues and expenditures. Mayor Pro -Tem Isom asked Grant Beck to report on the meetings he attended in his absence. Grant Beck attended the TRPC meeting where they discussed the status of the County's work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife on the Habitat Conservation Plan for the potential listing of the pocket gopher and the spotted butterfly. Mr. Beck also attended the Sustainable Thurston meeting where the draft Sustainability Plan is scheduled to be release for public review comment in August. Mayor Pro -Tem Isom asked that this matter be scheduled for September's Study Session for discussion. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION - none scheduled 12. Correspondence included - Letter from Williams Group dated July 11, 2013 RE: Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Washington Expansion Pipeline Project Councilmember Baker stated he has been approached by several people that are partially blind or completely blind asking if an audible crosswalk can be installed at the intersection of SR 507/First Street. Mayor Pro -Tem replied that Public Works is addressing this issue with State of Washington Department of Transportation. 13. Adjourn 6:49 pm. Attest: Bob Isom, Mayor Pro -Tem Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 3of3