08-28-13 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013, 5:00 P.M. 1. Mayor Pro -tem Bob Isom called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Present: JW Foster, Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann, Russ Hendrickson, Bob Isom, Mayor Pro -tem. Staff: Shelly Badger, Stephanie Ray, Ryan Johnstone, Grant Beck Mike McGowan arrived at 5:25 p.m., Mayor Harding arrived 5:35 p.m. 3. Agenda Approval. 4. a. Tourism Promotion Area Status and Interlocal Agreement. George Sharp, Executive Director, Visitor and Convention Bureau and Denise Bagwell, Yelm Prairie Hotel. Mr. Sharp introduced the establishment of the Tourism Promotion Area as a means to promote Thurston County as a leisure, business, convention and sports destination. A $2.00 per occupied room assessment, paid by the visitor is estimated to generate $650,000 annually to market and support the TPA in efforts to increase tourism in Thurston County as a year-round destination. TC Commissioners are scheduled to act on the TPA in September with public hearings in October. Revenue will flow through Dept of Revenue collection to the TPA. Governing body consist of 7 member commission. Council was provided with a draft interlocal agreement between County Commissioners, cities of Olympia, Tumwater, Lacey and Yelm. Council was encouraged to visit www.visitolympia.org where Yelm attractions are featured along with other Thurston County cities. Also encouraged to share their favorite spot in Yelm that may be added and highlighted on the website. 4. b. Cochrane Park Report, Stephanie Ray, Program/Project Manager & Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director provided handout on Cochrane Park evaluation update beginning with the history through the proposed maintenance and necessary improvements to the rapid infiltration basins and wetland/ponds. The Park is a critical part of the reclaimed water distribution system, used to mitigate current and future water rights transfer by direct recharge. Ryan detailed the comprehensive evaluation conducted by Public Works staff and proposed a plan of action and budget for necessary maintenance and upgrades to rehabilitate the rapid infiltration basins, wetlands and fish pond. 4. c. 1-502 Discussion, Marijuana Initiative, Grant Beck provided background on the State Liquor Control Board establishing a permitting system for the location of marijuana retailers, processors and producers from the passage of 1-502 allowing the recreational use of marijuana. The initiative limits where these establishments can locate. Grant provided a zoning and buffer area map of Yelm. The cities are currently facing conflicting state and federal laws while considering alternatives for addressing the regulations related to Yelm's Code. Revisit in November. CONCENSUS TO MAKE NO CHANGES TO THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE ALLOWING THE PROVISIONS OF THE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD RULES, AND EXISTING ZONING REGULATION TO DICTATE WHERE MARIJUANA RELATED BUSINESS COULD LOCATE. Councilmember Baker left the meeting at 7 p.m. 4.d. JBLM Joint Land Use Study, Grant Beck update on City of Lakewood and JBLM joint study as part of South Puget Sound partnership addressing regional impacts. 5. Mayors Report. Update on Faith Harvest Helpers. Council Initiatives Councilmember McGowan requested clarification on condemnation and eminent domain process related to Mosman realignment project. Councilmember Isom left the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Councilmember McGowan continued with update on HOME Consortium committee. Mayor asked to be kept updated on committee. Adjourn: 7:58 p.m. Attest Won Hardin ayor J ne Schnepf, tity Clerk