09-25-13 Study Session MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2013, 5:00 P.M. Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Ken Garmann, Russ Hendrickson. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tami Merriman Tracey Wood arrived 5:15 p.m., Mike McGowan 5:35 p.m., Mayor Harding 5:35 p.m. Sustainable Thurston Plan, Executive Summary. Grant Beck opened the meeting with the introduction of Lon Wyrick, Kathy McCormick and Veena Tabbut, Thurston Regional Planning Council. Lon began with a 3 year history of the crafting the plan, from conception, granting, task force work, citizen participation and presentation of a sustainable development vision and strategies to guide the region through 2035. Yelm was well represented with Bob Isom, Grant Beck, Stephanie Ray and Shelly Badger participating through the process. Citizen participation remained high throughout. The plan is a guiding document for regional planning developed by the vision of communities. "A sustainable community will enhance quality of life, foster economic vitality, and protect the environment while balancing our needs today with those of future residents." Kathy McCormick reviewed the phases and outcome of the plan's development and timeline, stating that outreach and feedback are continuous, including an online survey available through October 2, 2013 at www.sustainablethurston.org. Land Use and Transportation patterns form the backbone of our community. Get them right and sustainability becomes easier. Implementation and follow through rated as high priority. Directed to be bold and be specific with goals and targets. 5:35 p.m. Veena Tabbut continued with targets for land use based on the findings to include all phases of the population. Develop vital urban areas, and keep rural areas rural. Develop walk able town centers supported by economic development activities, increase range and choice of housing with access to goods and services. Discussion followed regarding the deliverable from the plan, the difference between the GMA, the future after the expiration of the funding grant and the steps to adoption. Mazama Pocket Gopher, Grant Beck provided an update on the attempts to remove the gopher from the endangered list, sighting the unsuccessful study conducted by State Fish and Wildlife to trap and confirm identification of the mazama pocket gopher in the Capital Forest. It did provide more time for TC Chamber's contracted scientists to study the gopher's resilience to survive in the midst of urban development. CONCENSUS TO SUPPORT THOSE EFFORTS. Utility Hook-up waiver or deferral for low income persons, Shelly Badger stated RCW 35.92.380 authorizes waiver or delay of payment of hookup fees for low income persons to connect to water and sewer lines used by the city to provide utility service. Must be program established by ordinance. Discussion of conditions to qualify, if waiver or deferral implemented in Yelm. CONCENSUS DIRECTING STAFF TO PURSUE OPTIONS AND BRING BACK TO COUNCIL. Mayors Report. AWC Employee Benefit Trust self insurance. Shelly provided information about employee insurance plan converting to self-insured plan with same carriers. Park Bond flyer is being reprinted in preparation for November primary election. Council Initiatives Councilmember McGowan announced the HOME Consortium retreat upcoming October 14. Asked members to bring any questions or input to him to relay. Procedural adjustment recommended regarding excusing Councilmembers from meetings. Adjourn: 7:55 p.m. Attestt v .Keri l-Fartfirlg, Mayor r 4'nd �, nine Schnepf, City Clerk