Agendas and Minutes o o f\ -~ YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 18, 2000, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present Joe Baker, Margaret Clapp, Tom Gorman, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Staff" Cathie CW1son, Dana Spivey Members absent. Glenn Blando, Eric Brown, E J Curry Approval of Minutes: 00-22 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 20, 2000 MOTION CARRIED Public Communications' None 00-23 Nisqually Estates Division II - Final Plat: Ms. Carlson briefly reviewed the staff report and stated there were three items on the punch list which were not complete when the staff report was sent out, but they have been completed now Mr. Gorman asked if there were any questions from the Planning Commission (PC) members? Mr. Gorman then asked Ms Carlson ifthere have been any problems with home owners associations? Ms. Carlson said there have been none to date MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD THE NISQUALL Y ESTATES DIVISION II - FINAL PLAT TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED Stevens Street Vacation Reauest: Ms. Carlson explained the city codes on a street vacation process Mr. Gorman asked if the PC members had any questions? There was some discussion regarding the vacation of this street. Ms. Longmire said she feels this is a direct contradiction to city policy More discussion followed Mr. Gorman stated he has two concerns - 1) is it logical to vacate the street or not? 2) and if it is logical to vacate the street, is it appropriate to consider whether or not there is economic value being passed on to the adjacent property owners and if so what is the city council's process for dealing with that? Ms. Clapp added a third concern - 3) if in its current state - the logic of vacating the street versus in its fully developed state, and if it were to be subdivided and developed - then should it be with the grid pattern or with a different pattern? Ms. Longmire stated she doesn't see how it is justified to vacate the street when the city's policy is to have connecting streets and streets are being put in where citizens don't really want them in order to fulfill the policy of having the connecting streets, and then the city owns a street (such as this one, Stevens Street) and the city wants to give it away Ms. Carlson said that the policy is not Yelm Planning Commission December 18, 2000 Page 1 applicable 1 OO%of the time to every piece of property - this situation is staffs 0 interpretation Mr. Gorman said "procedure-wise" the PC has to consider this request and develop a recommendation for city council Ms. Carlson said that is correct. Applicant Carl Tietge introduced himself and Robert Bussey, and stated that they have an agreement to purchase the property if they can get preliminary plat which suits their needs and is financially feasible to do Mr. Tietge continued - originally when he looked at the property - it wasn't feasible financially to put Stevens Street through - it would actually diminish the number of lots they could get out of the property without the right-of-way If one looks at the property, from the middle school going West - the property drops off about 10 or 11 feet into the very bottom - it would take thousands of yards of fill to fill the whole low area in order to put a road grade through there and the cost of the road would be about $200,000 - there just isn't any way it is financially justifiable to put it through, plus - the way the property is configured - it is so small that there would be no way to have really more than 1 or 2 lots fronting that road Mr. Tietge continued - from the city's standpoint there are concerns - besides it not really fitting the transportation system, they would really be increasing the tax base and increasing the maintenance budget by adding 400 feet of road that nothing fronts onto - because no matter how this gets developed, almost every lot is going to front onto Coates, Solberg, Van Trump or Longmire Mr. Gorman asked why is it necessary to have the property if its not going to be used? Mr. 0 Tietge stated it will be used probably for storm retention Discussion continued Mr. Tietqe stated he doesn't believe the property has no value, but he doesn't think it meets the city's grid pattern and in this instance if the extension over to the next street is impeded by houses already in the right-of-way - he doesn't feel he can ask those homeowners to vacate - because then they would probably have to compensate Mr. Gorman asked how would the street infrastructure be developed if that was vacated to access the interior part of the property? Mr. Tietge said there would be an access easement - he explained it further Ms. Longmire asked what the width of Solberg Street is? Ms. Carlson stated it is a 60 foot right-of-way Mr. Tietge said there are different rig ht-of-ways , but he has to give up enough to meet the right-of-way requirements - Van Trump is 60' -Longmire, Coates and Solberg are 50' Discussion followed Mr. Thomson stated if the city is going to vacate half of Stevens Street and on the other half right now, allegedly there is a house sitting on city property who isn't paying taxes because they are not on any property - why wouldn't we vacate the entire Stevens Street and recommend this to the city council? Why would we vacate half of Stevens Street and wait around for someone to come in and ask to vacate when the whole area has been built on? Ms. Carlson stated the people living in that house are paying property taxes on their whole parcel, technically if the city Yelm Planning Commission December 18, 2000 o Page 2 f' ':" ~,t-~;( o decided that Stevens Street was a really important street and the city wanted it to go through - then those houses would have to be moved Mr. Thomson stated by vacating half of Stevens Street, technically the city is then declaring that it's not a important street - so why not vacate the whole street? Then the city has definitely made the decision that it is an important street, its never going to go through Ms. Carlson stated it's hard to determine what is going to happen in the future - that's a big undeveloped field out there, and someone may come in and buy all of it. Mr. Kent said he doesn't think the city would be saving any money by vacating the whole thing now o Ms. Longmire asked if the city has researched the policy in the past to set a precedent whether or not they have ever charged anyone for any vacated streets? Ms. Carlson said she could not find any old vacations (in all the most recent files and records) that the adjacent property owners compensated for Ms. Clapp stated she agrees with Ms Longmire's comment but since they are looking to actually develop those lots and fill it in as opposed to the landowners just wanting to use it for a bigger back yard etc Ms. Clapp said she would make a motion to allow for just that half - contingent on the fact that it does get developed Ms. Longmire said it could be tied to the development. Mr. Kent said he would endorse that concept - just to keep the grid idea together Mr. Thomson asked if it could be worded to say - "if in the event the properties there were combined in such a manner that a portion of Stevens Street would be required to develop that property then the city would agree upon vacating that section of Stevens"? Ms. Carlson stated another way of wording it would be "the vacation will not occur until such time that the applicant receives preliminary plat." Mr. Tietge stated he has problems with requiring it at final plat only because it might be difficult to get construction financing from the bank without owning the property There was more discussion 00-24 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE VACATION OF STEVENS STREET BETWEEN LONGMIRE AND SOLBERG STREETS CONCURRENTLY WITH THE PRELIMINARY PLAT THAT IS BEING PROCESSED BY THE APPLICANT AT THIS TIME, IF SUCH PRELIMINARY PLAT SHOULD FAIL TO BE APPROVED, THE VACATION WOULD ALSO BE DROPPED. MOTION CARRIED Ms. Longmire abstained Public Hearing - Van NorholJ Estates Preliminary Plat: Applicant. Bo Norbjerg, 2000 Group LLC Proposal The applicants proposal is to subdivide 4 92 acres into 20 single family residential lots The proposed plat includes storm water facilities, a new street and improvements to Mill Road Location The project site is located on the west side of Mill Road and adjacent to the south side of 107th Loop SE Mr. Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 35 p m Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the PC members had a conflict of o Yelm Planning Commission December 18 2000 Page 3 interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning 0 Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Ms. Carlson handed out an additional comment letter received from Mrs Lee Spivey, then gave the staff report. Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if he would like to speak? Mr. Norbierg just thanked the city for all their help Mr. Gorman asked the PC members if they had any questions? Mr. Thomson asked about the retention pond? Ms. Carlson explained that behind the sidewalk there is a 10 foot utility easement and behind that is another 10 foot utility easement on both sides - so they are actually putting the storm water in people's front yards and it's running lineal just parallel with the street. The civil engineer reviewed and it was all consistent. Ms. Clapp asked the applicant if he is building houses or just selling lots? Mr. Norbierg stated houses will be built, but he hasn't decided on the price range Mr. Baker asked about a fence? Mr. Norbierg stated he is looking into the white vinyl fencing - but if that is not used then he will go with a 6 foot wooden fence Mr. Gorman asked if there were any further questions or comments? None Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 450 P m 00-25 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE VAN NORHOP ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT. MOTION CARRIED Other: Schedule revisions for January and February 2001: Ms. Carlson spoke of the holidays in January and February, and how the Planning Commission meetings would be rescheduled on the following Tuesdays (Jan 16th and February 20th) Ms. Carlson stated that she didn't think a meeting was needed in January, but would like to have a meeting on February 5th o Meeting adjourned at 4 55 P m Respectfully submitted, r;{j;~na ~~ Dana Spivey f Tom Gorman, Chair Date o Yelm Planning Commission December 18, 2000 Page 4 1-- - o c o \ VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM CITY HALL AT 360-458-3244 MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE December 18, 2000 TIME' 4 00 PM LOCATION YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s) 1 Van Norhop Estates Preliminary Plat NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) /50 Nv/'IoCh3 fz 51 ;-- 19- sf 5v-.J p~a.((<-<1'.lNA 113>7/ c o o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WASHINBTDN Date December 12, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, City Planner Re Final Plat for Nisqually Estates, Phase II, Division I & II Background The Yelm City Council approved, with conditions, a preliminary plat for the above referenced project on October 25, 1995 There were two original preliminary plat applications for the project, Nisqually Estates I and II with two separate property owners/applicants Each project received preliminary approval for 60 lots each Both projects, Division I and II were purchased and developed by Harr Family Homes PlanninQ Commission Action The Planning Commission is required to review the Final Plat for compliance with the conditions of approval placed on the preliminary plat. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the final plat and is satisfied that all conditions have been meet the Planning Commission shall forward the plat to the City Council for review and approval Conditions of Aooroval The developer has made a slight modification to the internal Phasing lines, therefore the conditions of approval are a mixture of the two original preliminary plat approvals The conditions of approval have been satisfied by the applicant with the exception of the items on the Public Works Punch list and Condition of Approval No 1 Applicant: Harr Family Homes Proposal 58 - Lot, Final Plat Approval for Nisqually Estates Division 1 & 2, Phase 2 Location West side of Hwy 507 south of the golf course Public Works Deoartment Punch list 1 To eliminate sidewalk trip hazard the planter strips shall be back filled level with the sidewalk at a minimum width of one foot. Back fill shall be placed on both sides of the sidewalk. 2. The applicant shall provide the Public Works Department with an Engineer's Inspection Report and certification letter for the storm drainage system 3 The final plat map shall show the drainage easement from Tract D and I running between Lots 37 and 38 Conditions of Aooroval I The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or the o \J ./\ V c Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the PM peak hour Total PM Peak hour trips proposed to travel through the Five-Corners intersection are 19 5 trips at $300 00 per trip = $5,850 00 The 19 5 trips reflect one-half of the cumulative impact from Nisqually Estates Divisions I and II to the 5-corners intersection The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) No payment received for Division 1 & 2, Phase 2. The applicant shall pay $5,850 00 prior to January 3, 2001 for the project to be considered by the City Council on January 12, 2001 2. The applicant shall be responsible for site frontage improvements to SR 507 conforming to a modified urban arterial standard The modified urban arterial from the centerline will included a 6' left turn lane section, a 12' traffic lane and a 17' stormwater treatment swale In addition a 10' utility easement will be provided The site frontage improvements may include a transit stop and shelter The location of the transit stop will be determined at the time of improvements and will consider other applicable developments in the area These improvements shall be deferred until other adjacent properties develop, so a single project can be implemented to avoid piece-meal construction The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement. ) Completed. 3 The applicant shall construct a right-turn lane, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the north entrance Prior to design and construction of a right-turn lane the applicant is required to execute a "Developers Agreement" with the Washington State Department of Transportation Completed. 4 The applicant shall construct a right-turn taper, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the south entrance Prior to design and construction of a right-turn taper the applicant is required to execute a "Developers Agreement" with the Washington State Department of Transportation Completed 5 A wetland area has been identified on the subject property and has been delineated by a professional wetland biologist using the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1989) The wetland has been classified using the Washington State Department of Ecology Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (1993) The wetland boundaries and classification have been confirmed in the field by City of Yelm staff The wetland boundaries have been surveyed by a licensed surveyor in the State of Washington The wetland in the northeast area of the site has been rated as a Category III wetland Pursuant to City of Yelm Ordinance 426, Interim Yelm Critical Areas Resource Lands, the buffer for a Category III wetland shall be 50 feet. 6 Completed The developer agrees to mitigate impacts to the Yelm School District pursuant to Mitigation c c c Agreement, file #.35082210116 recorded in Volume 2419, Page 38 The developer has agreed to pay the School District $650 00 for each single family dwelling unit. Completed 7 The applicant shall submit a Homeowners Agreement for the approval by the City The Agreement, at a minimum shall contain provisions for the homeowners joint ownership of Tracts G through I and Tract N and authorize the homeowners association to assess and collect fees for the maintenance of the stormwater facilities and pedestrian easements The Homeowners agreement shall be referenced on the face of the plat and recorded with the final plat. Completed 8 Open Space, Tracts J and K, shall be dedicated to Thurston County Parks Department. Completed 9 A pedestrian easement shall be dedicated between lots 111 and 112. The pedestrian easement shall be six feet wide, signed, graveled and fenced along lot 1 and 2's property line The fence shall be six feet in height, of solid material and setback twenty feet from the public right-of-way The homeowners association shall be responsible for the maintenance of the pedestrian easements The applicant has modified the original plat. In place of a 15' pedestrian easement between lots 111 and 112 a park has been provided. The park is adjacent to a pedestrian easement on the south to allow pedestrian travel within the plat. 10 Prior to final plat approval the applicant will execute a Boundary Line Adjustment with the adjacent property owner of Nisqually Estates Div I, parcel tt21725111300, to reflect the property lines as shown on the preliminary plat drawing Completed. 11 The applicant shall secure a Highway Access Permit from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) prior to final plat approval Completed. 12. WSDOT will only accept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity to that of the predeveloped site Any additional surface water runoff generated, impacting State property, will require appropriate stormwater mitigation in accordance with the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual Completed 13 Final drainage report, calculations and design must meet the standards of the Yelm Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Completed. c c c 14 The applicant shall secure from Thurston County, a Basic Trail Permit for ingress, egress and utilities across the Thurston County Yelm-Tenino Rail-Trail prior to final plat approval Completed. 15 The existing on-site sewage systems located on-site shall be abandoned per Article IV, Rules and Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Disposal of sewage Completed 16 The existing wells on-site shall be abandoned per Department of Ecology standards and documentation submitted to the Thurston County Health Department for review Completed 17 Water rights for the abandoned wells shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm Completed. 18 Thurston County Health Department fees shall be paid prior to final plat approval Completed 19 The project applicant shall design, per Yelm Development Guidelines, and extend the current Step Sewer line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div II project. The City has committed 30 ERU's to the applicant for the proposed project. The final plat map shall show the sewerage phasing plan Completed 20 The project applicant shall design, per Yelm Development Guidelines, and extend the current water line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div II project. Completed. 22 The applicant shall develop the Yelm-Tenino Trail corridor along their property frontage The improvements shall consist of a 10 foot paved surface in the center of the 17 foot trail corridor Improvements shall meet Thurston County Rural Trail Completed. c c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date December 4, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson Re Petition to Vacate Right-of-Way Exhibits Exhibit I - Request for Street Vacation Exhibit II - Site Map of Area Proposed for Vacation Exhibit 111- Resolution No 408 Exhibit IV - Aerial of Area Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission refer the Vacation Petition to the City Council for approval Backqround The City received a petition, signed by 2/3 of the abutting property owners, to vacate the Stevens Street right-of-way between Solberg Street and Longmire Street. RCW 35 79 requires the City Council set a public hearing date, by Resolution, to consider the petition The attached Resolution No 408, sets a public hearing date for January 10, 2001 Prior to the close of the public hearing, Chapter 16 14, requires the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for review and comment. Staff Analysis At this location the Stevens Street unopened right-of-way is only one block and is bound on the east end by School District property and on the west by a residence As shown on the enclosed aerial map Stevens Street between Cullens Rd and Longmire Street is encumbered with buildings and under current conditions could not be opened The portion of Stevens Street proposed to be dedicated lies between Solberg Street and Longmire St. is unencumbered at this time If a street was constructed on the one block of Stevens Street proposed for vacation, it would not increase the efficiency of automobile movement in the immediate or surrounding neighborhoods The City's Transportation Plan does not identify the opening of this block of right-of-way as a short or long term need (;ITY OF YELM EXHIBIT I REQUEST FOR STREET V ACA TION V AC-00-8268- YL REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION CITY OF YELM o This letter is a request from the undersigned owners to the City of Yelm to vacate an unimproved portion of Stevens Street in the City of Yelm that abuts their property Attached to this request are the legal descriptions of the two parcels of property which we own Also attached is a Thurston County Assessor's map of the two. parcels we own and Stevens Street right of way that we are requesting to be vacated The property we own abuts seventy five percent (75%) of the Stevens Street right of way that we are requesting be vacated We have entered into a purchase and Sale Agreement with Robert A. Bussey and Carl 0 Teitge to purchase our parcels of property They are in the process of preparing a Preliminary Plat Application for our two parcels of property In that process it became gpparent that Stevens Street dead ends at the middle school on the east and on the west does not continue A house is constructed on Longmire Street in what would be the westerly right of way extension of Stevens Street. We believe that the plat can be served better by the existing right of ways of Coates, Solberg, Van Trump and Longmire Streets. These right of ways would be improved to city standards. The city would not have the additional maintenance expense for a new Stevens Street. If you have any questions on this request, the communication may be faster if you please contact Robert A. Bussey at 360-264-6355, 157 Lemieux Lane, Tenino, WA. 98589 o ~~~jjl7(~ Kathy 0 ee 244 Bentley Drive Fairbanks, AK. 99701 Tenant in common parcel 22719231600 and as Trustee for Justm Travis Lee and Jolynn Kerie Lee parcel 22719230900 ~:/f~~ 157 Lemieux Lane Tenino, WA. 98589 Deborah L Rlewe 506 Van Trump Yelm, WA 98597 Tenant In common parcel 22719231600 ~~<- \=~, Carl D Teltge -- ~ 811 N Stadium Way Tacoma, WA 98403 o \ Date: December 11, 2000 l;ITY OF Y ELM EXHIBIT I REQUEST FOR STREET V ACA TION V AC-00-8268- YL (\ J t CD '" WHEN RECORDEO RET\JRN TO: Rut Esme ~i$e ta1!:"~I'1~ - Receipt no. '2.1? 1 to -, 9 :~~~tr~~ Oepyty '" (7\ (7\ .... I .....i ..... _. BERNARD L PEREZ "TTORNEY-"T-lAW P.O. BOX 930 YaM, WA 98591 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED GRANTOR(SI Quit Oaim Deed LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCElID NO. Not applicable LEE. Kathy D., personal representative of Estate of Dolly V.D. Riewe LEE, Kathy D. RIEWE, Deborah L Block 15, Solberg's 2nd Addition 22719231600 GRANTEE{SI .............................................................. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S QUIT ClAIM DEED (\ J THE GRANTOR, KATHY D. lEE, as Pelsonal Representative of the ESTATE OF DOLLY V.D. RtEWE, Deceased, fOf and in considera1ion of distributian of probate estate, Thurston County Superior Court No. 93-4-00017-5, conveys and quit claims to KATHY D.lEE and DEBORAH L RlEWE, as tenants-in-common and each as her separate estate, the following descnbed reat property, situated in the County of Thurston, State of Washington, including any after acquired titfe: Slock 15 of unrecorded Solberg's Second Addition to Yelm. described as follows: Beginning at intersection of Westerly line of Solberg S1. with Noftherly line of Van Trump St., said point being North 52004' West 50 feet from Southwest comer of Block 1, Solberg's Fiest Addition to Yelm; thence Nofth 520 04' West at right angles to Van Trump St., 150 ft., Nocthwesteffy and parallel with said street 400 feet; Southerly at right angles to Van Trump St. 250 feet to Northerly line of said street extended; Southeasterly along extension of said street ~oo feet to beginning. lying in Section 19. Township 17 North. Range 2 East, W.M. Dated 0 11~IlM t"- :Y) . 1999 d-&!J~~_ KATHY LEE. Persona Representative of the estate of DOLLY V.D RIEWE. Deceased Page 1 of 2 mm WII ~ll ml ~ ~i~ I~~ i l~~ ~~ ~~ lI(lIlmJ L f'ER[1 0 13.86 3253234 p~, t 0{ l W6711m 88'~ tl-u-stoo Co. III () I Date: December 11, 2000 (';ITY OF YElM EXHIBIT I . REQUEST FOR STREET V ACA TION V AC-00-8268_ YL on Lf?-V- 8ERHARO 1.. PEREZ A l'T'OftNEY.....T-lAW P.O. BOX 830 YaM, WA 88697 Reel Estel. EJlciH tax P!lid ~-<.. - Rec~ no. 'Z"1~:;2'/5" D.uI -Z3.-Cf9' :~~~rf;J:~ 0ecxAy ...... ( ~ WHEN N;COROEO RETUflN TO: DOCUMENT TITlE REFERENCE NO OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED GRANTOR(S) GRANTEE(S) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Quit Claim Deed ..... .", C'> ..... ..... ... ~ .". ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL 10 NO. Not applicable LEE, Kathy 0., personal representative of Estate of Dolly V.D Riewe LEE, Kathy 0., trustee Pm ot SW%. NW%, See. 19, T17N. R2E, WM 22719230900 .............................................................. PfRSONAL REPRESENT ATlVE'S QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR. KATHY D. lEE. as Personal Represeotetiw of the ESTATE OF DOLLY V.o. RtEWE. Deceased. for and In consideration of distribution of probate estate. Thuraton County Superior Court No. 93-4-00017-6, conveys and quitclaims to KAnN D. LEE. as tnmeo and in trust for JUSTIN TRAVIS LEE. as to art undivided one-helf intllfest, and to KATHY D. lEE. 8S trustJH and in trust for JOL YNN KEmE LEE. as to an uO<fMded ooe-half interest, 8S tenents-io-commoo, the following described real property. situated in the County of Thurston, State of Washington. including any after acquired title: That part of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 19. Township 17 North, Range 2 East, W.M. described lIS follaws: ~inning at a point North 37G56' East 170 feet from the most Northerly comer of Solberg's Rrst Addition to Yelm, according to ptat recorded in Volu~ 9 of ptats, page 31; Nn~ thence North 52GQ4' West 200 feet; thence North 37G56' east 250 feet to the SouthY<<lSterly line of Coates Street; thence South 52GQ4' East along said Southw~ IiM of Coates street 200 feet; thence South 37056' West 250 feet to the point of beginning. o Dated ~~//f// 14( .1999. d{Y/1:f~ KA THY LEE, Per al Representative ot the Estate of DOLLY V.D RIEWE. Deceased Page 1 of 2 1111~l~ll~lul~~~~nIOOw~~ ~t:~~IY ...nm L1!JlEZ_ . --L ..JUL__ ThNt,!"_lA, ~ o Date: December 11, 2000 '""TV OF YElM EXHIBIT" ~~.,~ "'7_____ c ., SITE MAP V AC-OO-S26S. ..t:....J~ v, \ J 455\ 23-01 I I I ~ PROPOSED VACATION AREA , , , V~ LOT 3 "ci'" / ~ \) " ~ ,,<J') " \:Y~ ~ "V THURSTON C{)UN I I .. .._, 2.3-1~ r . CO.MP~~~OnaIPUrp. ~~5S5 this sketm " '0< "'~ streets, sectioo lor. . to assist In Iocatlogf a general na~ure'haand ~ or other featu~edes pon to determlOe s r' " t.not be rell U "'<>rtv itsel mu.s dimensions 01 the "br?t-'th':'s ''title size or. 'I'~~ assumed > I No !labll ~ leliance thereon 'c~~. I , ) {f, ) I / / ~g1l^. /:. v 'Vfy ~ 1-@2-" ~5~ -+ ~-Oloz, l.\' '" / /', " '"I- ~ I J' /', iY .(5f. / , !-l &~" '" , '/;;; JffO' 'v / " f1i\ , " ~ ~ , / ~ / " c ~ ~ ~ @ )Q, ~Q '\~ ~ Date: December 11,2000 --_..~~_..._._....~ CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III RESOLUTION No 408 V AC-OO-8268-YL CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO 408 AND NOTICE OF HEARING o A RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING PROPERTY AND ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THE V ACA nON OF STEVENS STREET RIGHT-OF- WAY RUNNING NORTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY LOCATED BETWEEN LONGMIRE STREET AND SOLBERG STREET WHEREAS, three of the four property owners adjacent to the above described nght-of-way have petitioned the City to vacate the nght-of-way known as Stevens Street between Longlmre Street and < Solberg Street; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1. Vacation of the followmg described property has been requested. THAT PORTION OF STEVENS STREET BETWEEN THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF LONGMIRE STREET AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SOLBERG STREET, THURSTON COUNTY, W ASHGINTON 01 Section 2. A publIc heanng to consIder vacation of SaId nght-of-way shall be held as part of the regular CIty Council meetmg scheduled for 7.30 p.m., January 10, 200 I, m Council Chambers at Yelm CIty Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, Washmgton. Written comments or ObjectIOns shall be addressed to the Commumty Development Department, PO Box 479, Yelm, W A 98597 ADOPTED by the City CounCIl of the City ofYelm, Washmgton, and APPROVED by Its Mayor, at a regularly scheduled open publIc metmg thereof thIS loth day of January, 2001 Kathryri'M. Wolf, Mayor Attest ~' Agnc\ P BennIck, CIty Cler~ Published December 22, 2000 Posted December 22, 2000 o I Date: December 11, 2000 I CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV ;,.l ~ -;--, AERIAL MAP SUB-OO-8254-YL o Thurston GeoOA T A Center/lnteractlve Map Page 1 of 1 Map Produced By: Thurston GEODA T A Center's Internet Map Server Scale Approx I Inch = 309 Feet 12/7/00251 00 PM o I Date: December 11, 2000 I (\, -"--./ o City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date November 13, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Van Norhop Estates (Mill Valley) Preliminary Plat, SUB-00-8262-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit I - Site Plan, dated November 8, 2000 Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Exhibit IV - Comment Letter A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL. The applicant proposes to subdivide 4 92 acres into 20 single family residential lots The proposed plat includes stormwater facilities, a new street and improvements to Mill Road C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS. 1 Proponent. Bo Norbjerg, 2000 Group LLC 2 Location The project site is located on the west side of Mill Road and adjacent to the couth side of 107th Loop SE 3 public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on December 8, 2000, and posted in public areas on December 6, 2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on December 7, 2000 4 Existing Land Use, Zoning and Densitv There is currently one house on the northwest corner of the site that is proposed to be removed The site is zoned Low Density Residential (R-4), Chapter 17 12 In the R-4 District the maximum density is four (4) units per acre As proposed the density of the project is four units per acre o 5 Lots Size and Setbacks. The R-4 District does not have a minimum or maximum lot size but It does have standard yard setbacks It appears all lots can meet minimum setback requirements c c c 6 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoning Properties surrounding the project site are zoned R-4 and Institutional District ( Mill Pond School) Mill Pond School is located on the north side of 107th Ave and the remaining surrounding area is developed at low density residential 7 Open Space. Chapter 16 14 requires a minimum of five percent of the gross area be dedicated as open space or pay a fee in-lieu-of providing the open space on site Five percent of the site is equal to 10,71600 square feet or $8,251 32 as a fee in-lie-of open space The applicant has not proposed anyon-site open space 8 Schools New residential units create a demand for additional school services and facilities The Yelm School District requests that the developer enter into an agreement with the school district for the payment of mitigation fees based on the project's impact. This request became mitigation of the Environmental Determination 9 Transportation and Site Access. The majority of the property fronts on 107th Loop SE with the exception of Lot 1 which is adjacent to Mill Road As proposed Lots 1 - 4 will access from 107'h Loop SE and Lots 5 - 20 will access from the plats internal street. The Internal street will be a temporary cul-de-sac that is intended to be extended through the property to the south and then connect with 107th Loop within the Mill Circle Subdivision The completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 1540, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City's transportation system A single family home generates 1 01 pm peak hour trips per unit. The Transportation Facility Charge per unit is $757 50 and payable at time of building permit. 10 Parkinq. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires a minimum parking ratio of two spaces per unit. The developer is proposing at a minimum to provide parking accommodations for at least two vehicles on each residential lot. 11 Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not connected to the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 2" PVC collection line available along 107th The existing on-site structure is currently served with on-site sewage systems The applicant is proposing to remove the home and abandon the system The property is located within the Mill Pond LID District. ERU's within the LID are at a cost of $1 ,823 15/ERU, paid on an annual basis over 15 years The property has an assessment for three ERU's for a total of $5,46945 In addition, the number of ERU's in the LID are charged a hook-up fee of $2,480 (fee subject to change) at the time of building permit issuance Remaining ERU's are charged at the current rate of $4,850/ERU, payable at building permit issuance 12. Water Supply The project site is in the City's water service area but is currently not connected to the City's Water system There is an existing 8" PVC watermain located along 107th Page 2 of 6 c Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged a current rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (fee subject to change) inside city limits One ERU would be charged to each residential building lot. These fees are payable at building permit issuance The existing on-site structure is currently served with an on-site well The applicant is proposing to remove the home and abandon the well 13 Drainaqe/Stormwater The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Stormwater Manual for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Following preliminary plat approval the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 14 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District tf2.. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service o 15 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 16 Street Lighting. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. Street lighting design must meet the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines 17 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 1780, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals The site is adjacent to properties that are compatibly zoned When all adjacent properties are zoned residential the code requires that the perimeter of the site be landscaped with a Type II landscaping In residential subdivisions the City also allows fencing to meet the landscaping requirements for the perimeter of the site c A preliminary landscaping plan and a tree and vegetation plan has been submitted The applicant is proposing to fence the perimeter of the site and install street trees 35' on center along all street frontages The preliminary landscape plan meets the intent of Chapter 17 80 The tree and vegetation plan identifies 12 existing trees for retention and 17 existing trees to be removed Chapter 17 80 requires that at time of civil plan review and approval the applicant provide Page 3 of 6 c o c a final landscape and irrigation plan for approval 18 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MDNS) was issued on October 19, 2000 The comment period expired on November 1,2000 The MDNS is attached as Exhibit III 19 Public Comment. Comments were received from the Yelm School District requesting SEPA Mitigation and from the adjacent property owner to the south, John Dotson Mr Dotson suggested that the proposed cul-de-sac be extended to his northern property line for a future connection 20 Findings and Conclusion. Chapter 16 12 170 requires written findings prior to a decision on a preliminary plat. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the subdivision A. Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, schools, sidewalks, B That the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedications, C The subdivision is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Development Guidelines o Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-00-8262-YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 The property is located within the Mill Pond LID District. This property has been assessed a total of three ERU's within the LID ERU's within the LID are ata cost of$1 ,823 15/ERU, paid on an annual basis over 15 years In addition, the number of ERU's in the LID are charged a hook-up fee of $2,480 (fee subject to change) at the time of building permit issuance Remaining ERU's are charged at the current rate of $4,850/ERU, payable at building permit issuance All ERU's require an inspection with a fee of $14500 per ERU also payable at building permit issuance 2 The existing sewage system located on-site shall be abandoned per Article IV Rules & Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Disposal of sewage 3 The S T E P System shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Public Works Department for review and approval Water 4 The Proponent shall connect to the existing 8" PVC watermain located along 107th Page 4 of 6 o c c Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged a current rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (fee subject to change) inside city limits One ERU would be charged to each residential building lot. These fees are payable at building permit issuance 5 Existing wells on-site shall be abandoned per Department of Ecology standards and documentation submitted to the Thurston County Health Department for review 6 Water rights for the abandoned wells shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm Stormwater 7 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 8 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval 9 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities Transportation 10 Frontage improvements are required for this project. Frontage improvements shall be consistent with the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines Frontage improvements for Mill Road shall be consistent with the section "Neighborhood Collector" Improvements along 1 07th shall be consistent with the section "Local Access Residential" I nterior street improvements shall be consistent with the section "Local Access Residentiaf' 11 The internal street shall be shown on the face of the plat as a future street connection to the south 12 The applicant shall install a street sign at the end of the temporary cul-de-sac indicating the street as a future through street. 13 Sidewalk along the new roadway should be extended halfway around the temporary cul-de-sac 14 The applicant shall provide handicap ramps across 107th Loop SE 15 The proponent shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p m peak hour tnps generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 which is payable at time of building permit. Fire 16 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards Page 5 of 6 o C 24 c 17 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to for review and approval Open Space 18 The applicant shall pay a fee in-lieu-of providing on-site open space The fee in-lieu-of is $8,251 32 and is payable prior to final plat approval Landscaping 19 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan for review and approval 20 The applicant shall use Best Management Practices to protect trees identified for retention Construction fencing shall be placed around trees no closer than the trees drip line Environmental 21 The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on October 19, 2000 Property Addresses 22 Prior to submission of final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing General Public Works 23 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required All lighting design shall be submitted to for review and approval The applicant shall submit a grading plan for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading 25 The applicant shall contact the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, 909 Sleater-Kinney Rd SE, Suite 1, Lacey, WA 98502, (360) 438-8768 to secure any necessary permit(s) for the removal of materials containing asbestos and/or lead paint. Prior to issuance of any city permit the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with any OAPCA requirements 26 The applicant shall submit a demolition plan to the City for all structures on the project site OAPCA review must be complete prior to application with the city for a demolition permit C:IMyFileslCase Correspondencel8262stf wpd Page 6 of 6 C) o II CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT I Al_fItml Ill"'" rr.w;lUY ~It\' PR€Ut.lINARY PLATO r MILL VALl.EY ESTATES A. fOfUI!It or 1. S( 1/. or '"' It[ 1/4 Of 'In1UI\ n. 1. 1i I(.. l 1 (.. W.ll., cnt Of m.... MlIUt;:<< COtNr, ~ 1ft o:JIle W.-ut""( MrI. "'. ,~ .. iii7ih 1~0j, S.f. ~ ~ -~- -"J, ".,. ",!.-'.!I: ~ I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ,I 'I ~ I I I 1 I I I \ I I ,.,. I IMUll)'.t; PlMUUJ;I.Ilt.:1$ f.,- 2000 CROUP L.LC. L I Kn~<<); 1tOtJl'l....",Il...lJ'M.I........ 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PLACE PURPOSE Monday, December 18,2000,4'00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a 20 lot Residential Subdivision, Case #SUB-00-8262- YL APPLICANT Bo Norbjerg, 2000 Group L.L.C PROJECT LOCATION West side of Mill Road and adjacent to the south side of 107lh Loop SE., Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide 4 92 acres into 20 single-family residential lots. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their January 10, 2001, regularly scheduled meeting. ,~ ~ Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, and must be received by the close of the public hearing on December 18, 2000 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 4 days before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm 4)) '. //! A . ' ! '~I/ r ~ I ;,d{/:'~ Agn, Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, December 8, 2000 Posted in Public Areas' Thursday, December 7, 2000 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners Thursday, December 7,2000 (IJ I Date: December 11, 2000 I CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III MONS SUB-00-8~62-YL c SEP/. NO 8262 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: Bo Norbjerg, 2000 Group LLC , PO Box 1177, Puyallup WA 98371 Description of Proposal Subdivide 4 92 acres into 20 single family residential lots 1ne project includes the construction of a new street, improvements to Mil Road and stormwater facilities. Location of the Proposal: West side of Mill Road and adjacent to the south side of 107" Aule SectionfT ownship/Range. NE 1/4, Section 25, Township 17N Range 1E. Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has detemlln.ed !that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse irroocn on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement rEIS)) WIll not be required under RCW 43.21C 030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other infom;ation on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public. on rrequest. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: SEE ATTACHED o Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue: Comment Deadline. October 19, 2000 5'00 p.m., November 1, 2000 ~A~ Shelly Badger, City Admlrl:5trartor This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administratlw: Code 197- 11-340(2). Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director a1 CJry (of Yelm, 10SYelmAve w.,PO Box479,Yelm,WA 98597,by5'00pm.,November1, 2000 TheCityofYeln""iillnotact ' on this proposal prior to 4.00 p.m., November 20,2000 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written ar:oeal no later than S'OO p.m., November 8, 2000 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections Cc;nta!Ct Cathie ' Carlson, Community Development Director, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals 1''1'5 ~J\DNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply WIth 211 applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not ir,lIrted to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14 08), Storm water Dr;,w'dqe Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) n~ ( 114). Road ! Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News, Friday, October 27 2000 Posted in public areas October 19, 2000 Copies to All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners Octolwr 1(j 2U'11 Dept of Ecology w/checklist, October 19, 2000 f"'\ V - Date: December 11, 2000 CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III MONS SUB-00-8~62-Yl o ATTACHMENT SEPA CASE NO 8262 This Mitigated Determination of Non Significance is based on the project as proposed and impacts and mitigation reflected in the following: . Environmental Checklist (dated July 28,2000, prepared by Bo Norbjerg, 2000 Group L.L.C ) . Preliminary Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Report ( prepared by John Knowles & Associates, Inc.) And the following conditions. 1 The proponent shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p m. peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 which is payable at time of building permit. 2. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. o ~ IIJ Date: December 1:1, 2000 CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV COMMENT LETTER SUB-OO-8262-YL o CITY OF YELM RE Mill Valley Residential SubdivIsion AU Cathie Carlson In my talks wIth city staff and look 109 at the copy of the Prelimmary Plat of Mill Valley Estates that they furnIshed I see that the mlet road to the property IS not a through street and will stop in a cul-de-sac short of the south property Ime which IS the line that I hold 10 common with the proposed project. c In the development of the property to the west by JCH Development two roads sites were stubbed off with utihtJes at both, one at the pomt that IS to be the inlet for the road mto Mill Valley Estates and the other on the intersectIOn of my property wIth Mill CIrcle with the deSign that these two road sites and utilities should In the future be connected to make the thru loop for less congestion and with future development in mmd. It is my wife as well as my own wishes that this still be the over all plan as I explamed to the CIty staff and also to Mr .and Mrs. Donald Brugeon on numerous occasIOns m the past. We are more than ready to work with City staff and developers to thiS end. John H. Dot~o?\ ~ V'-~ l-J<9~ ~rilee E. Dotson : /;//lui'~ eAf~~/)- 10747 Mill Rd. S.E. Yelm, Wa. 98597 360-458 7539 o I Date: December 11, 2000 I ".:----"", o (\ 5 V \,~ .;.. 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 ~:';'r 1 City of Yelm "" Y. YELM WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2000, 4 00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - November 20,2000 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Nisqually Estates Division II - Final Plat Staff Report enclosed 4 Stevens Street Vacation Request Staff Report enclosed Public Hearing - Van Norhop Estates Preliminary Plat Applicant: Bo Norbjerg, 2000 Group LLC Proposal The applicant proposes to subdivide 4 92 acres into 20 single family residential lots The proposed plat includes stormwater facilities, a new street and improvements to Mill Road location The project site is located on the west side of Mill Road and adjacent to the couth side of 107th Loop SE 6 Other' Schedule revisions for January and February, 2001 Tuesday, January 16, 2001 Tuesday, February 20, 2001 7 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability In need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or actIvities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. c All Planning Commission meetings are audiO taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call Yelm City Hall at (360) 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, TUESDAY JANUARY 16, 4 00 P.M I~ 'f~ o c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 20,2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present. Joe Baker, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Ray Kent, John Thompson Staff' Shelly Badger, Tim Peterson, Dana Spivey Members absent. Glenn Blando, Eric Brown, Margaret Clapp, Roberta Longmire Mr. Gorman introduced and welcomed Joe Baker as a new member of the Planning Commission Aporoval of Minutes: Mr. Gorman asked if there were any corrections to the November 6, 2000 minutes? There were none Mr. Gorman stated the Planning Commission meeting minutes of November 6, 2000 would stand approved as read Public Communications. None Public Hearing - Heritage Homes Preliminary Plat: Applicant Dan Bruno, Heritage Homes & Land,lnc Proposal Subdivide 15 58 acres into 60 single family residential lots, and 1 - one acre commercial lot. The proposal includes provisions for open space, storm water and street improvements Location' Southeast side of Hwy 507, just south of Mill Road Mr. Gorman opened the publiC hearing at 4 02 P m Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Shelly Badgerthen gave a staff report. Ms. Badger added information regarding the future connection to 104 th Street. Mr. Gorman asked if the applicant would like to add anything? The applicant said no Mr. Gorman asked if there were any questions or comments from the public? Doug Cameron of 104th Street, Yelm - asked if the speed limit on Hwy 507 will be reduced? Ms. Badger stated the city requested a speed limit reduction in that same area about eight years ago, and it was denied However, since there will be more residential homes on both sides of Hwy 507 Yelm Planning Commission November 20 2000 Page 1 o o o (in this area) the city will again request a speed reduction from the Washington State Dept. of Transportation Mr. Cameron said he has some concerns about the high speed limit in this busy area, and he hopes the speed limit reduction request will be approved Pam Cameron, also of 104th Street, Yelm - asked why 104th Street would have to be opened to Hwy 507, when there aren't many houses on this street? Ms. Badger answered there will be many more houses in that area, when a different proposed residential development develops on the property on the north side of 104th Street. Ms. Badger added that 104th Street really should be opened for emergency accessability too Mr. Gorman asked if the Planning Commission (PC) members had any questions or comments? Mr. Thompson asked exactly how will the 104th Street link to the other access? Ms. Badger stated the city has to follow the state standards, so when a plan is submitted - it will then have to be approved by the state Mr. Gorman asked, when the time comes for the re-opening of 104th Street, what will be the process? Ms. Badger stated there will be a public hearing, where the public will have the opportunity to speak. Mr. Gorman also asked if all adjacent property owners will be notified? Ms. Badger said yes Mr. Gorman asked if there were any more questions from the PC members? Ms. Curry asked if any of the future "through-streets" will be posted in this new development? - so that we don't have another "Huntington Green dilemma" Tim Peterson said yes, there will be signs posted in appropriate areas, plus it will be printed on the final plat. Mr. Gorman asked if there were any further questions? There were none Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4.20 pm 00-21 MOTION BY E,J CURRY, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE HAWKS LANDING PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUB-00-8254-YL. MOTION CARRIED. Other: Election of Planning Commission Officers. Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson. Mr. Gorman stated that he would be happy to continue to serve as the Chairperson, but if anyone else would like to he will step down Mr. Thompson said the same about serving as Vice-Chairperson Everyone agreed to keep the current PC Officers as is Yelm Planning Commission November 20 2000 Page 2 c o c Other continued - Term Expirations for 2000. Glenn Blando. E.J. Curry and Roberta Longmire Ms. Curry stated she would serve another three year term Ms. Spivey said she will call Mr Blando and Ms Longmire to ask them if they will serve another term Public Hearing scheduled for December 18. 2000 - Ms. Spivey asked for a head count from the PC members - all present said they would be able to attend the Dec 18th PC meeting Meeting adjourned at 425 P m Respectfully submitted, I" ~. i Dana Spivey Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission November 20, 2000 Page 3 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to C receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM CITY HALL AT 360-458-3244 MEETING, YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE, November 20,2000 TIME 400 PM LOCATION, YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s)' 1 Heritage Homes Preliminary Plat NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) c C - "\ l) COMMISSION MEMBER GLENN BLANDO E J CURRY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TOM GORMAN, CHAIR RAY KENT MARGARET CLAPP JOE BAKER JOHN THOMSON --\ ERIC BROWN U PLANNING COMMISSION CURRENT TERM EXPIRATION 12/31/00 12/31/00 12/31/00 12/31/01 12/31/01 12/31/01 12/31/02 12/31/02 12/31/02 A full term is three years When a vacancy occurs, the appointment completes the existing term and then is eligible for a three year reappointment. o C \MyFiles\DANA\MAILLSTS UPD i'\ . "---../ c c City of Yelm 105 YelmAvenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WASHINGTON Date November 13, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Hawks Landing Preliminary Plat, SUB-00-8254-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit I - Site Plan, dated November 8, 2000 Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Exhibit IV - Yelm School District letter dated September 27,2000 A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL. The applicant proposes to subdivide 15 58 acres into 60 single family residential lots and one, one acre commercial lot. The proposed plat includes stormwater facilities, open space and new streets C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS. 1 Proponent. Dan Bruno, Heritage Homes & Land Inc 2 Location The project site is located on the southeast side of Hwy 507 just south of Mill Road The project site includes 3 parcels for a total of 15 58 acres 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on November 10,2000, and posted :n public areas on November 9,2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on November 9, 2000 4 Existinq Land Use, Zoning and Density There is currently one house on the northeast corner of the site that is proposed to be removed and one house located on the western corner of the site along Hwy 507 that is currently used as a commercial building The site is zoned Low Density Residential (R-4), Chapter 1712 and C-1 Commercial Chapter 17 26 The applicant proposes to dIvide the 15 58 acres into 60 single family residential/ots and one, one acre commercial lot. In the R-4 District the maximum density is four (4) units per acre As proposed the density of the project is four units per acre c 5 Lots Size and Setbacks. The R-4 District does not have a minimum or maximum lot size but it does have standard yard setbacks It appears all lots can meet minimum setback requirements 6 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoning Properties surrounding the project site are zoned R-4 and Institutional District ( Mill Pond School) Uses of the adjacent land ranges from rural residential to low density residential and a school site 7 Open Space. Chapter 16 14 requires a minimum of five percent of the gross area be dedicated as open space, which is 0 78 of an acre The proposed open space is approximately 1 08 acres and will be dedicated to the City of Yelm The open space must provide one or more of the following uses environmental interpretation or other education, park, recreational land, or athletic fields, off-road footpaths or bicycle trails, or any other use found by the City to further the purposes of the open space chapter The area to be dedicated as open space is the future transportation corridor for the Y2 improvement. At such time the open space is purchased for the Y2 right-of-way the City will either provide open space of equal value within a close proximity of the site or pay a fee-in-lieu of which would be spent on improvements to an existing park or towards the purchase of additional open space o An existing ingress/egress easement for the Yelm School District exists within the area designated as open space and the future Y2 corridor After consultation with the school district it was agreed to abandon the existing easement if the plat was designed so that the internal road system would provide future access to the school district property The applicant has not indicated at this time what improvements will be made to the open space to meet minimum standards as stated above 8 Schools New residential units create a demand for additional school services and facilities The Yelm School District requests that the developer enter into an agreement with the school district for the payment of mitigation fees based on the project's impact. This request became mitigation of the Environmental Determination 9 Transportation and Site Access. The property fronts on Hwy 507 with a small area in the northeast corner adjacent to 104th Street. The site plan has been revised to include one access to the residential area from Hwy 507 and provides a future connection to 104th Street. The commercial site will have one access from Hwy 507 The commercial site would not be accessible by automobiles from the interior of the subdivision As discussed in the open space section above along the southern property line is an ingress/egress easement to the school property located to the east of the project site The School District has agreed to the relocation of the access via the proposed internal public road (See Exhibit IV) o A Traffic Impact Analysis was submitted for the project which identified impacts at the site accesses Improvements to Hwy 507 are required to address the safety impacts to Hwy 507 generated by the development. The specific improvements are required as mitigation in the Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance issued for the project (See Page 2 of 7 o c c Exhibit III) In addition to the improvements to Hwy 507, the completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City's transportation system A single family home generates 1 01 P m peak hour trips per unit. The Transportation Facility Charge per unit is $757 50 and payable at time of building permit. 10 Parking. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires a minimum parking ratio of two spaces per unit. The developer is proposing at a minimum to provide parking accommodations for at least two vehicles on each residential lot. 11 Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not connected to the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 6" collection line available along the property frontage of Highway 507 The connection of the project site to the sewer line is subject to a latecomers fee of $11,798 32. The existing on-site structures are currently served with on-site sewage systems. The applicant is proposing to remove the homes and abandon the systems. The property is located within the Mill Pond LID District. This property has been assessed a total of 40 ERU's within the LID ERU's within the LID are at a cost of $1,823 15/ERU, paid on an annual basis over 15 years In addition, the number of ERU's in the LID are charged a hook-up fee of $2,480 (fee subject to change) at the time of building permit issuance Remaining ERU's are charged at the current rate of $4,850/ERU, payable at building permit issuance All ERU's require an inspection with a fee of $14500 per ERU also payable at building permit issuance 12. Water Supply The project site is in the City's water service area but is currently not connected to the City's Water system There is an existing 10" watermain available along the property frontage of Highway 507 The connection of the project site to the watermain is subject to a latecomers fee of $13,711 19 Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged a current rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (fee subject to change) inside city limits One ERU would be charged to each residential building lot. These fees are payable at building permit issuance The existing on-site structures are currently served with on-site wells The applicant is proposing to remove the homes and abandon the wells 13 Drainage/Stormwater The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Stormwater Manual for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment Page 3 of 7 o c o 20 and storage of the stormwater Following preliminary plat approval the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition WSDOT will only accept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity to that of the pre-developed site Any additional surface water runoff generated, impacting State property, will require appropriate stormwater mitigation in accordance with the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual 14 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2.. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service 15 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 16 Street Lighting. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. Street lighting design must meet the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines and will be submitted to Puget Sound Energy for review and approval 17 Landscaoina. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals The site is adjacent to properties that are compatibly zoned When all adjacent properties are zoned residential the code requires that the perimeter of the site be landscaped with a Type II landscaping In residential subdivisions the city also allows fencing to meet the landscaping requirements for the perimeter of the site Landscaping is also required in the open space and above ground stormwater facilities A preliminary landscaping plan has not been submitted at this time Chapter 17 80 requires that at time of civil plan review and approval the applicant provide a final landscape and irrigation plan for approval 18 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) was issued on October 19, 2000 The comment period expired on November 1, 2000 The MONS is attached as Exhibit III 19 Public Comment. Comments were received from the Yelm School District requesting SEPA Mitigation and the Yelm Fire District tf2. requesting the connection to 104th Street. Findings and Conclusion. Chapter 16 12 170 requires written findings prior to a decision on a preliminary plat. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the Page 4 of 7 c c o conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the subdivision A. Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, schools, sidewalks, B That the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedications, C The subdivision is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Development Guidelines o Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-00-8254- YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 The property is located within the Mill Pond LID District. This property has been assessed a total of 40 ERU's within the LID ERU's within the LID are at a cost of $1 ,823 15/ERU, paid on an annual basis over 15 years In addition, the number of ERU's in the LID are charged a hook-up fee of $2,480 (fee subject to change) at the time of building permit issuance Remaining ERU's are charged at the current rate of $4,850/ERU, payable at building permit issuance All ERU's require an inspection with a fee of $14500 per ERU also payable at building permit issuance 2 Existing sewage systems located on-site shall be abandoned per Article IV Rules & Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Disposal of sewage 3 The property is subject to a latecomer's agreement between the City ofYelm and Nisqually Estates dated January 13, 1999, for a sewer line extension The applicant shall pay the latecomer in the amount of $$11,798 32 prior to final plat approval 4 The S T E P System shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Public Works Department for review and approval Water 5 The Proponent shall connect to the City's water system There is an existing 10" watermain located along Highway 507 Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged a current rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (fee subject to change) inside city limits One ERU would be charged to each residential building lot. These fees are payable at building permit issuance 6 Existing wells on-site shall be abandoned per Department of Ecology standards and documentation submitted to the Thurston County Health Department for review Page 5 of 7 o o o 7 Water rights for the abandoned wells shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm 8 The property is subject to a latecomer's agreement between the City of Yelm and Nisqually Estates dated January 13, 1999, for a water main extension The applicant shall pay the latecomer in the amount of $13,711 19 prior to final plat approval 9 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Public Works Department for review and approval Stormwater 10 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 11 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval 12 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities 13 WSDOT will only accept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity to that of the pre- developed site Any additional surface water runoff generated, impacting State property, will require appropriate stormwater mitigation in accordance with the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual T ransDortation 14 The applicant shall complete all street improvements as identified in the Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance 15 Frontage improvements are required for this project. Frontage improvements shall be consistent with the City ofYelm's Development Guidelines Frontage improvements for Highway 507 shall be consistent with the section "major arteriaf' Interior street improvements shall be consistent with the section "local access residentiaf' 16 The proponent shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 which is payable at time of building permit. The traffic impact for the commercial use shall be determined at the time of a proposed use and land use application for the site Fire 17 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards Page 6 of 7 o o 25 o 18 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to for review and approval Lot Setbacks 19 The applicant shall submit a plat map with building envelopes to ensure all setbacks can be obtained Open Space 20 The applicant shall provide open space on site in the location and equivalent to the area required for the future Y2 right-of-way 21 The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 14 14050 Landscaping 22 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping plan to include the perimeter of the project site, planter strips, open space and stormwater facilities Environmental 23 The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on October 19, 2000 Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 24 The applicant shall submit a subdivision name The City will forward the name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval Prior to the submission final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing General Public Works 26 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required All lighting design will be submitted to Puget Sound Energy for review and approval 27 The applicant shall submit a grading plan for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading 28 The applicant shall contact the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, 909 Sleater-Kinney Rd SE, Suite 1, Lacey, WA 98502, (360) 438-8768 to secure any necessary permit(s) for the removal of materials containing asbestos and/or lead paint. Prior to issuance of a city building permit the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with any OAPCA requirements 29 The applicant shall submit a demolition plan for all structures on the project site The demolition plans shall address the presence of asbestos and lead paint. Any buildings containing asbestos and/or lead paint shall be demolished in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations C:\MyFiles\Case Correspondence\8254stf wpd Page 7 of 7 o LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. P.lRttlN0717?!ll1llX:lJ P!.RCEl. A a 0T'r a l'UJj fl(J.H)AIl~ 11I( AOJ./snl:Hl"o. ~AS llfo:::ROOllKUl,lUJ~ fU NO. a71~&Xlol~ 11\ \QlM[ a Cf 8IJ,'s, ~...cc; lJl Ilflll ~ ll(lDlDS Cf MJftS1tJI CXJ.tjTY, - PIoIlCfi NO 'lrn17ll100 PN!al. C (J ana n1Ji 8O..KlAl'lY Lt( 1.DJJS1IlIITHO.. 81".IS REc:ouDLNXR ALDT(fl'Sf"U NO. ~220000 II 'oQlN[ 2407, PAl:( 5J1.ll!CX:ROScr 1H\J!Sl\J((UMIT,"~ PA'lCf\ MO 1lnsl1'mo P.o.Ra:L C CF CrY a m..w 80..~.'1Y Lt( N;l.lJSrloOl NO. (I52fi AS Il[roaIlI,K(R ALD'lllf'S 111[ NO. e71116r04S ~ 't(lJ.II( 6 Cf 8\),'s,I'MlES 2311lflll2J6,ll(COAtlS Cf fHUll:SlON Cl:UlTY, .olSHNCTQk. SITE INFORMATION. PARCEL NUMBER... 21725-120000.120100 & "1000 ZONING... .. ...... R-4 SCHOOL DISTRICT. .. . .. YELM FIRE DISTRICT... .. .......CITY Of YELIot WATER....... ......... ...OTY Of' 'r'ELM SEI'tER..... .... . .. .. CITY or YElM PO~............. ....... ....PUGET SOUND ENERGY TELEPHONE... VELM ffiEPHONE CO. GAS.......................... .. PUGET SOUND ENERGY CABLE TrLEV1S1ON...... vMCOM CABLE TOTAL LOTS............. .. 60 LOTS. 5 TRACTS (65 TOTAL) MINIMUM LOT VtlDTH. ...60' SMAl1.ESr LOT SIZe. ...5..wo SQ.FT. AVERAGE" LOT SIZE. ....6,937 SQFT. TOTAL SITE AREA. 678.865 SO.FT. (1S.5846 A.CRES) OENSfrr.... . ...........J.8/ACRE ACCESS........................ CITY STREETS AREA IN PRCPOSfD Rjw..153,067 SO. FT. AR[A IN OPEN SPACE... lIJIC1H (Y fflC1'Ct!iD aTY Slrn'_2,B02' c Q) ..... (1) Z 0 < (1) 3 \, C" '-- (1) ., ....lr. " W , ~ II.) 0 0 0 o PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HAWKS u\I"IDI1"IG 11'1 THE liE 1/4 or THE HE 1/4. SW 1/4 Of 'mE I'IE 1/4 I: HW 1/4 or THE HE 1/4 Of SEC. 25. 1. 17 1'1., It 1 E.. W.W., THURSTON COUNTY. WASH1HGTON. / t ,-. 100' 0...-_--.... o SO 100 200 I I - J f .....~.J~.. _n.:?7112 f '" ~J::~i1:=?~:-' " {(r (,~<::v Sheet 1 of 4 BASIS OF BEARINGS: SSl"3J'5l:rw (II 00l1EA.K 1tIM RM<<1l1lW'l'. fU on rs 'lWl Bl..A.IlO.I1..llEClRlmlHel 1It.RS1ON cr;om #..FA ~ o VERTICAL DA TUl.A CITY Of lEUl (LEv. .. ~&6' !VUlWl!iPl((lIf'011ell'lUClllESTuaUo ~0Il5OJ1ll_OF~YllM.BllXl(I.jSlO'T COllt:Jll;lOER'WM. r COUfI'ttEN1 unUlro 11lR THIS SlJR'IfY: IftlJI D'V-.uo~ lIO(D fUO 1tA'IEJIS: 'HS ~ WIn at otmlS M:aStJl IlEll.IIDlDnSASStTRIl'lttlw,cJJH>>-. SYMBOL LEGEND o !iE11/rlOM,tw . f'llMl.15 t<<ltm -<>pPOllEJlI'Q.1 @1Eli. (I P'lICI'ClDLOfTI'Q.1 -s:i-lIIClE:JallJ(lWC1'Nn"SElOILJoE -.-1JlClERGRO.IC)....1tIlLl( , j i ~ ~1rs-4;F\UPlATIUI>.!iI1EWDli:lU,1lCJt. lI.CltOCSCRPnOrl,l!CllCl Stffi2 OF 4: "'-Alum:JT StfIT3OF4: fU,TU'I'OIlCUl"lET,l&,[ SIfiT 4rF4: Po.A1Um:JT Joe> #2~97 SCOIe:1. - 100' Dote: 11/08/2000 Drvwn bJi..HC a-:.H bl' AER ~. ~g #2~97PP Sheet 1 of 4 o mo x- ~~ ~ 0 -i "T1 -< m r- 3: en c en I o o I 00 I\.) C1I ~ -< r fA =i m ""C r- )> z CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT II PUBUC HEARING NOllCE SUB-OO-8254-Yl "\ J NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE. PLACE: PURPOSE. Monday, November 20, 2000, 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat for a 60 lot Residential Subdivision and one acre commercial lot, Case #SUB-00-8254-Yl APPLICANT Heritage Homes & Land, Inc. PROJECT lOCATION Southeast side of Hwy 507 just south of Mill Road, Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide 15.58 acres into 60 single-family residential lots and one commercial lot. The subdivision includes open space, stonnwater facilities and new public streets. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council. The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their December 14, 2000, regularly scheduled meeting. Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on November 20, 2000, Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 ,\ J Any related documents are available for public review during nonnal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional infonnation, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call Yelm City Hall at (360) 458-3244 ATTEST City of Yelm Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News: Friday, November 17, 2000 Posted in Public Areas. Thursday, November 9, 2000 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners: Thursday, November 9 2000 () I Date: November 13, 2000 I I CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III MONS 5UB-OO-8254-Yl c SEPA NO' 8254 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: Heritage Homes & Land Inc. Description of Proposal' Subdivide 15.58 acres into 60 single family residential lots and one, one- acre commercial lot. No commercial use is proposed with this application. Location of the Proposal Southeast side of Hwy 507 just south of Mill Road, Yelm, WA. Sectionff ownship/Range: NE 1/4, Section 25, Township 17N Range 1E. Threshold Determination: The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C 030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: SEE A IT ACHED o Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: October 19, 2000 5'00 p.m., November 1, 2000 sf!:t,:.y!:.t:: This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MDNS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197- 11-340(2). Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City of Yelm, 105 YelmAve. W, PO Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597, byS'OOp.m., November 1, 2000 The City ofYelm will not act on this proposal prior to 4'00 p.m., November 20,2000 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5'00 p.m., November 8, 2000 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This MDNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City ofYelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (1408), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE 10 I I I I I Published Nisqually Valley News, Friday, October 27,2000 Posted in public areas October 19, 2000 Copies to All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners, October 19, 2000 Dept of Ecology w/checklist, October 19, 2000 I Date: November 13, 2000 I CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III MONS SUB-00-8254-YL o A IT ACHMENT SEPA CASE NO 8254 This Mitigated Determination of Non Significance is based on the project as proposed and impacts and mitigation reflected in the following: . Environmental Checklist (dated May 17, 2000, prepared by Dan Bruno, Heritage Homes & Land, Inc) . Preliminary Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Report ( prepared by William R. Moats, P E.) . Traffic Impact Analysis (dated August 2000, prepared by Heath & Associates, Inc.) And the following conditions: 1 The proponent shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p.m. peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757.50 which is payable at time of building permit. o The traffic impact for the commercial use shall be determined at the time of a proposed use and land use application for the site. 2. The following improvements will be required to facilitate the ingress and egress of the project traffic on to the SR 507 corridor and will be installed by the project developer' A. Construct complete frontage improvements along the entire project frontage of SR 507 as a part of the residential development. The frontage will be constructed to a City of Yelm Urban Arterial standard and will include a 12-foot center turn lane, 11-foot through lane, 5- foot bicycle lane, planter strip, street lighting and 6-foot sidewalk. The actual alignment and location of the widening will be based on an ''Approved Channelization Plan" prepared by a licensed engineer with expertise in highway and roadway design. The City of Yelm will approve the channelization plan before accepting final design drawings from the developer B Provide a minimum 1 OO-foot left turn lane on SR 507 and an eastbound right-turn taper (per WSDOT Design Manual) for ingress into the residential access C Install a right-turn taper eastbound for the commercial site The location and type of access for the commercial site shall be determined at time of land-use application for a commercial use 4 The developer shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. o I Date: November 13, 2000 I CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV YELM SCHOOL DISTRICT LETTER SUB-OO-8254-YL o YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Where all students can learn and grow Erlmg BIrkland Drrector of Facilities October 16, 2000 Ms. Catherine Carlson CIty Planner CIty ofYelm PO Box 479 Yelm, Washmgton 98597 RE: Hawks Landing SPR-00-8254-YL c Dear Ms. Carlson. Yelm Commuruty Schools reqUIres MitIgatIOn Agreements for sub-dIVIsIOns offive or more buildmg SItes. Please mclude the MitigatIon prOVISIOn as part of the SEPA reqUIrements. Should you have any questIOns please call me at 458-6128 SIncerely, c'~~ FacihtIes DIrector Yelm CommunIty Schools YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND FOLLOWS TITLE IX REQUIREMENTS. 404 Yelm Avenue West, POBox 476, Yelm. Washington 98597, (360) 458-6128, FAX (360) 458-6434 f\ U I Date: November 13,2000 I (\ .~ City of Yelm C4 o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20,2000,400 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - November 6,2000 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Heritage Homes Preliminary Plat Applicant: Dan Bruno, Heritage Homes & Land, Inc Proposal Subdivide 15 58 acres into 60 single family residential lots and one, one acre commercial lot. The proposal includes provisions for open space, storm water and street improvements Location Southeast side of Hwy 507 just south of Mill Road Other" Election of Planning Commission Officers, Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Term Expirations for 2000 Glenn Blando, E J Curry, and Roberta Longmire Public Hearing scheduled for December 18, 2000 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call Yelm City Hall at (360) 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 400 P M c o c 't \,0 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 6,2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present. Eric Brown, Margaret Clapp, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire Guests Glen Cunningham-City Council Liaison Staff' Cathie Carlson, Dana Spivey Members absent Joe Baker, Glenn Blando, John Thomson 00-18 Approval of Minutes, MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 MOTION CARRIED 00-19 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY E,J CURRY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 2000 MOTION CARRIED, Public Communications' None Public Hearing - Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applicant. Thurston County - Board initiated Proposal. Rezone of 12 acres from Light Industrial to Rural Residential with future land use designation of moderate density residential Location 16345 and 16411 Railway Road SE Mr. Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 01 P m Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Ms. Carlson then gave a brief staff report. Mr. Gorman asked the PC members if there were any questions? None Mr. Gorman closed the publiC hearing at 4 06 P m 00-20 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD THE REZONE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED Yelm Planning Commission November b 2000 Page 1 c c o Other Ms. Carlson handed out flyers - information regarding errors and omissions for the Planning Commission members Also, Ms. Carlson stated that Ms Longmire had asked previously about Planning Commission site visits- Ms Carlson checked with the city attorney, and Mr Mackie thinks that it is better to do the site visits when feasible, but the city needs to make sure they inform the property owners of an upcoming site visit etc Communications need to be clear and open Ms. Carlson also handed out an "Endangered Species Act" (ESA) Seminar flyer - for Saturday, November 18, 2000, 9-1 pm at the Olympia Center Ms. Carlson encouraged PC members to attend, because it will be very informative, there will be experts on hand to answer questions Ms. Carlson stated there will be two public hearings at the November 20th PC meeting - need everyone to be there Meeting adjourned at 4 12 P m Respectfully submitted, rQf1J1~ Dana Spive, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission November 6 2000 Page 2 c c o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE PURPOSE, Monday, November 6, 2000, 4'00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave, West, Yelm, WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a Rezone of 12 acres from Light Industrial to Residential and Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a proposed rezone of five parcels totaling 12 acres in the Yelm Urban Growth Area from Light Industrial to Rural Residential 1/5 with a future zoning of moderate density residential (R-6) Any related documents to the proposal are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 Testimony may be given at the hearing or through written comments on the proposals and must be received by the close of the public hearing on November 6, 2000 Such written comments may be submitted to the City ofYelm, PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597, or delivered directly to the address shown above, The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 4 working days before the meeting date ATTEST City of Yelm /1 Lff'iJ; II M~Jt/J{ ti '- Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News. FridW, October 27, 2000 Posted in Public Areas Thursday, October 2~ 2000 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM CITY COUNCIL o DATE' PLACE PURPOSE Wednesday, November 8,2000,730 P m, Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave. West, Yelm, WA Public Hearing to receive comments on two land use Rezones, adoption of the Y2N3 Corridor and Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments The Yelm City Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed rezone of five parcels totaling 12 acres in the Yelm Urban Growth Area from Light Industrial to Rural Residential 1/5 with a future zoning of moderate density residential (R-6) The second proposed rezone of one acre from low density residential (R-4) to commercial (C-1). The property is located on Hwy 507, just south of Mill Road Proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan also include adoption of the preferred location of the Y21Y3 Transportation Corridor and formatting changes to the Comprehensive Plan Any related documents to the proposal are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 Testimony may be given at the hearing or through written comments on the proposals and must be received by the close of the public hearing on November 8, 2000, Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm, PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597, or delivered directly to the address shown above, The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need ;0 special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 4 working days before the meeting date ATTEST City of Yelm i & -11" ;J 0J:/l/1 if L Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, October 27, 2000 Posted in Public Areas Thursday, October 2~ 2000 o ~ c Pool Coverage Agreement Declarations (contmued) SECTION I: PROPERTY COVERAGE (continued) Agreement B Auto PhysIcal Damage Limited to: Newly Acqurred Velucles Actual Cash Value .$250,000 per purchase Agreement C' Valuable Papers and Records and EDP Media. .$500,000,000 per entity/per occurrence SECTION II: LIABILITY COVERAGE Agreement D' General, Police and Automobile Liability Products and Completed Operations. ..$2,000,000 per occurrence .$2,000,000 per occurrence $4,000,000 annual aggregate Agreement E. Automobile Medical Payments $5,000 per person ;~,.";"'1\greement F 0'" Errors and OmiSSIOns Liability .$2,000,000 per wrongful act $2,000,000 annual aggregate SECTION III: CRIME COVERAGE Agreement G Money and Secunties Inside and Outside Pre1ll1ses .$1,000,000 each loss Agreement H. Blanket Employee Dishonesty inc1udmg FaIthful Performance. $1,000,000 each loss Agreement 1. DepOSItors Forgery and CounterfeIt Currency and Money Orders .$1,000,000 each loss o DeclaratIOns, Page 2 of 2 January I, 2000 " Association of Washington Cities Risk Management Service Agency (Pool) o Pool Coverage Agreement Declarations NAMED COVERED PARTY City of Yelm Base Premium: Extra Liability: $69,142 $5,310 Total. $74,452 ASSESSMENT TERM OF COVERAGE Effective from January 1,2000, to January 1,2001, both days at 12:01 a.m. standard time, at covered party's address. LIMITS OF LIABILITY In consideratIon of the contribution by members, tlus agreement provIdes coverage m the followmg amounts. SECTION I: PROPERTY COVERAGE Agreement A. Buildmg Contents and Equipment. $500,000,000 per entIty/per occurrence Limited to: Newly Acquired. Builder's Risk. Unscheduled Property Fine Arts (unscheduled) SIgnal Lights, Signal Control Boxes, Light Standards Business InterruptlOn/Extra Expense/Rental Coverage Architect Fees. BUIlding Laws/Demo1itionlIncreased Cost of Construction Due to Local Buildmg Codes $25,000,000 per purchase $25,000,000 per entIty/per occurrence .$25,000,000 per entIty/per occurrence .$1,000,000 per entity/per occurrence $100,000 per entIty/per occurrence $25,000,000 per entIty/per occurrence $25,000,000 per entIty/per occurrence o .$25,000,000 per entity/per occurrence Flood. Deductible. Except: $35,000,000 per occurrence/annual aggregate .2 percent ofumt value WIth a m1ll1mum of $25,000 per occurrence 1 Veludes or contractors eqmpment. $10,000 per vehIcle/item subject to $100,000 maxImum .$50,000 per occurrence $35,000,000 per occurrence/annual aggregate .2 percent ofumt value WIth a mInImUm of $25,000 per occurrence 2. Fine Arts Earthquake Deductible Except: 1 VehIcles or contractors eqmpment. 2. Fme Arts .$10,000 per vehIcle/item subject to $100,000 maXImum $50,000 per occurrence 0 DeclaratIOns, Page 1 of 2 January 1, 2000 l o o agreement. AGREEMENT E - AUTOMOBILE MEDICAL PAYMENTS: The Pool agrees to pay reasonable expenses Incurred for necessary medical and funeral expenses to or for any covered party or the party's family member who, while occupYing an automobile owned by the member, susta10s bodily Injury, mcludmg sickness or disease and death resultmg therefrom caused by an aCCident. The Pool will pay only expenses mcurred within three years from the date of the accIdent. AGREEMENT F - ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Pool agrees to pay on behalf of the covered party the covered party's ultimate net loss (as defined) sustained as a result of a wrongful act taken in the course of employment during the term of this agreement. With respect to this Agreement F, it is further agreed. I. ThiS agreement applies even if the allegation is groundless or fraudulent or brought solely because the covered party is a council member or otherwise covered under thiS agreement. II. In addition to those persons and entities defined as covered parties m parts IA and IB of the General Coverage Provisions, the unqualified term "Covered Party" shall also include persons who A. Were formerly members of the governing body or employees and volunteers, but only with respect to ultimate net loss sustained as a result of a wrongful act that occurred during the tIme of their servIce as such, or B While acting on outside boards at direction of the member entity The total liability of the Pool for all damages, defense costs, charges and expenses arismg from any wrongful act shall not exceed the Limit of Liabihty stated for Section II, Agreement F, Errors and Omissions. III. IV ThIS agreement shall not apply to ultimate net loss for or ansing from. A. Back pay which is part of a Judgment or settlement B Amounts which have been assumed under a wntten or oral contract C Investment 10 or 10adequacy of assets of any penSIOn or savmgs plan D Any wrongful act which results m inJury, loss or damage expected or 10tended from the standpomt of the covered party SECTION II, LIABILITY - EXCLUSIONS ThiS Agreement does not apply under Agreement D, E and F 1. A. To ultimate net loss and medical or funeral expenses Incurred by the covered party because of inJury, loss or damage (including personal inJury) to any employee of the C member entity ansmg out of and m the course of employment, proVided that thiS January 1, 1998 -11- ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT SEMINAR Saturday, November 18, 2000 9:00 AM-l:OO PM o c You have a chance to find some answers..... This seminar is desIgned to provide elected officials with the opportunity to: · DIscuss issues with those responsible for the listings and for prOVIding funds to help WIth response to the listmgs. · Dialogue WIth constituents on thIS tOpiC. · Broaden mutual understanding of Issues, enhance coordmatlon and build momen- tum toward effectIve achons. c The Endangered Species Act has been invoked for several species of Salmon and Steelhead in the Northwest. officials and area residents? . What do governments need to do separately and together to recover salmon? . What measures would be needed to recover salmon? . To what extent are our current efforts sufficient? . Hear from representatives of various federal, state and community interests regarding their perspectives on salmon recovery issnes. Sponsored by Thurston Regional Planning Council, For more information phone 786-5480 Background information and addItlonal matenals are posted on the Internet at www trpe org ~-~ --- o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2000, 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - September 18 and October 16,2000 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applicant: Thurston County - Board Initiated Proposal Rezone of 12 acres from Light Industrial to Rural Residential with future land use designation of moderate density residential Location 16345 and 16411 Railway Road Se Staff report mailed with 10-16-00 packet C4 Other' 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call Yelm City Hall at (360) 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 4'00 P M C c c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 4 15 P m by John Thomson, Vice-Chair Members present. Glenn Blando, Margaret Clapp, Ray Kent, John Thomson Staff' Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Dana Spivey Guests Glen Cunningham-City Council Liaison Members absent' Eric Brown, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire Due to lack of quorum, the Planning Commission members were unable to continue with regular business ("action required" items on the agenda) The scheduled public hearing had to be re-scheduled for Monday, November 6, 2000 Cathie Carlson and Shelly Badger proceeded to give the Multi-Media Presentation on the Endangered Species Act (ESA.) Meeting adjourned at 5 00 p m Respectfully submitted, ;Jana'flf "' Dana Spivey ~ John Thomson, Vice-Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission October 16 2000 Page 1 c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE PURPOSE Monday, October 16, 2000, 4 00 p,m, Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave, West, Yelm, WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a Rezone of 12 acres from Light Industrial to Residential and Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a proposed rezone of five parcels totaling 12 acres in the Yelm Urban Growth Area from light Industrial to Rural Residential 1/5 Any related documents to the proposal are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 Testimony may be given at the hearing or through written comments on the proposals and must be received by the close of the public hearing on October 16, 2000, Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm, PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597, or delivered directly to the address shown above, The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 4 working days before the meeting date C ~~~~~elm tf?/u y'J,Ll<';ML<cL Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News. Friday, October 6, 2000 Posted in Public Areas Thursday, October 5,2000 c City of Yelm ( \ U 105 YelmAvenue West POBox 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date October 5, 2000 To Yelm Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson Re. Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Urban Growth Area A, PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE: The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed rezone and comprehensive plan amendment is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan. After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions: request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council o B, PROPOSAL: Attached is the staff report for a Thurston County Board-Initiated Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for twelve acres in the City's urban growth area. The City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County provides policies, goals and land use designations for not only the City limits but those areas designated as the City's urban growth area. When amendments to the plan occur in the urban growth area it is necessary for both the City and Thurston County to approve the amendments through the adopted processes of each jurisdiction. In addition to the proposed rezone it is necessary to designate future land uses for when the parcels annex into the City of Yelm The properties are bound by Railway Street SE, parcels in the City limits that are zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6) and parcels in Thurston County that are zoned Light Industrial For consistency with the proposed rezone and the surrounding zoning the appropriate future land use designation would be Moderate Density Residential (R-6) C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION, Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezone from Light Industrial to Rural Residential and a future land designation for the parcels to Moderate Density Residential c ,", o 2000 Proposed Amendments to the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan City ofYelm Joint Plan and Comprehensive Pla~ with Thurston County Board-Initiated Amendment CO-l Redesignate and rezone twelve acres (five parcels) in the Yelm Urban Growth Area (UGA) from Light Industrial (LI) to Rural Residential 115 (RR liS), o o c o c CO-l Staff Report 1 May 31, 2000 Board-Initiated Amendment (CO-I) CPAMlREZON000371 Summary of Proposal RedesIgnate and rezone twelve acres (five parcels) m the Yelm Urban Growth Area (UGA) from LIght Industnal (LI) to Rural ResIdentIal 115 (RR 115). Issues, Analysis & Rationale Background ThIS proposal was ImtIated by the Board of County ComnllsslOners on March 28, 2000, based on a request by property owner Ben Harper and hIS neIghbors to the northeast (see attached letters) Mr Harper's parcells zoned approxImately half m LI and half m RR 1/5 Yelm staff support the rezone but do not WIsh to lose mdustnalland. The CIty IS consldenng a future rezone of another area wlthm CIty lImIts to an mdustnal use to make up for tills loss. Current zoning and land use The property lIes Just outsIde the CIty of Yelm, wlthm an LI zone that extends west to the Burlmgton Northern Railroad tracks (approxImately ~ mile to the northeast) The subject propertIes are surrounded on all SIdes by smgle-famIly resIdentIal uses, although homes to the northwest across RaIlway Road and nnmedlately to the northeast are zoned LI. The area looks to be a low densIty resIdentIal neIghborhood, although mdustnal permIts have been Issued to a few of the nelghbonng propertIes (none of the subject propertIes) Goals and PolIcIes The Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan (Jomt Plan), an mtegral part of the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan establIshes goals and polICIes to gUIde land use deCISIons m the Yelm UGA. Pertment sectIOns are excerpted below YCP III-3 The land use deSIgnations shown on the Future Land Use Map (Map #3) m the umncorporated area wIll not take effect untIl annexatIOn and mclusIOn wIthm a sewer dIscharge permIt area. C.2 III-4 To promote coordmated development, any land approved m thIS Jomt Plan WIll not be umlaterally changed by eIther the CIty or the County for three years from the date of thIS plan WIthout wntten approval from the other JUrISdIctIOn. J \DEY SYCS\HAYESJ\CPA\HARPER\HARP.DOC CO-l Staff Report 2 Comment: The subject propertIes are zoned LI on the OfficIal Zomng Map of Thurston County However, the property IS desIgnated on Yelm's Future Land Use Map as "Industnal," a desIgnatIOn that wIll only be Implemented upon annexatIon by the CIty Tills mdustnal zomng IS meant to permIt manufactunng, warehousmg, and other mdustnal type uses. UntIl the property annexes to the CIty, the County retams zomng authonty, m cooperatIOn wIth the CIty ofYelm. The Jomt Plan IS dated 1995, and zornng changes made now are done so m coordmatIOn wIth the City .' o Goals related to housing Goal 6, yep IV-9 Conserve and Improve the eXIstmg housmg stock and neIghborhoods. YCP IV-II Adjustments wIll be made throughout the UGA dunng penodIc reVISIOns to the Plan where momtoring shows a Sub-Area need for change to assure that reqUIred housmg needs contmue to be met. Comment: The subject propertIes he wIthm the Eastern Sub-Area of the Jomt Plan. WhIle Yelm envISIOned the area to develop for mdustnal uses, It contmues to be largely a reSIdentIal area. However, there IS no potential for addItional housmg to be bUIlt on the propertIes once they are rezoned. SIte Constramts/EnvIronmental Issues The subject propertIes each have one smgle family reSIdence on septic. The two larger parcels 0 mclude areas of pasture and some trees. The SIte IS almost eptIrely flat. A SIte VISIt revealed no ObVIOUS cntIcal areas. There are no known flood hazards or illgh groundwater hazards that affect the SIte. The subject property IS located on two-lane Railway Road, a commercIal collector No major road Improvements are slated for tills road m the near future Issues and AnalYSIS Although the CIty ofYelm IS concerned WIth retammg land for mdustnal uses, the City has other parcels located close to the raIlroad that are more appropnate for thIS type of development. Rallway Road IS a two-lane collector, and addItional traffic Impacts from mdustnal development m thIS area could Impact the reSIdentIal neIghborhoods to the south of the subject propertIes. No major road Improvements are planned for RaIlway Road m the near future GIven the reSIdential nature of the subject propertIes and the deSIres ofMr Harper and hIS neIghbors to keep the property m reSIdentIal use, It IS appropnate that thIS area be gIVen a reSIdentIal zomng deSIgnatIOn. Upon annexatIOn to the CIty ofYelm, the City WIll have an opportumty to rezone the parcels to a hIgher reSIdentIal denSIty, as IS planned for the surroundmg area (indIcated as R- 6 on the Future Land Use Map m the Jomt Plan) o J \DEV SVCS\HA YESJ\CP A \HARPER\HARP.DOC o c c CO-l Staff Report 3 Effects of the Change Ifthe propertIes were rezoned to RR 1/5, the current resIdentIal uses would be made conformmg, allowmg the owners to expand and Improve theIr homes. ThIS actIvIty would be restncted under the LI zonmg. The three smaller parcels would stIll be of nonconformmg lot SIze, but thIS could change If the parcels are annexed to the CIty and gIVen a hIgher densIty resIdentIal zonmg. ThIS proposed amendment would necessItate a change to Future Land Use map, Sub-Area map, and East Sub-Area Map m the Jomt Plan (Maps 3,9, and 10, respectIvely) In addItIon, the change would reqUIre a redesIgnatIOn of the property on the OfficIal Zomng Map of Thurston County Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval ofthe Board-ImtIated proposal to rezone the subject property m the Yelm UGA from hght mdustnal (LI) to rural resIdentIal 1/5 (RR 1/5) ConclusIons/RatIOnale Staff concludes that the redesIgnatIOn and rezone of 12 acres from LI to RR 1/5 would be a ratIOnal actIOn for the followmg reasons lOne of the subject parcels IS zoned halfRR 1/5 and halfLI, WIth a resIdence currently located on the half zoned LI. ThIS zomng IS not logIcal for the owner's deSIre to keep hIS property for resIdentIal use. 2 The subject properties are currently developed as smgle famIly resIdentIal, and no sIgmficant additIonal development would be mduced by the rezone 3 Yelm has opportumtIes to rezone other properties close to the raIlroad lme to lIght mdustnal to mitIgate thIS loss of lIght mdustnalland. Staff Contact Jennifer Hayes, AssocIate Planner Pohcy and ProJects, Thurston County Development Services 786-5477 Attachments A) Vlcmlty/Slte maps B) Letters from property owners J \DEY _SYCS\HA YESJ\CPA\HARPER\HARP.DOC () c) PIERCE COUNTY ( N /\I Roads * Subject property E w s c' ATTACHMENT A-I Vicinity Map with Zoning: (0-1 C) () o ~ =--- 003 ~ o 06 Miles :::J N W Sublect property E N Roads s o Parcels (" ~ A TT ACHMEl'H A-2 1 ,~ o o c _.~~-~.-;o.;.-,:;;o.."......~ t" ;,(i Benjamin C. Harper 16345 Railway Road S.E. Yelm, WA 98597 March 9, 2000 Diane Oberquell, Commissioner Thurston County Commissioners' Office 2000 Lakeridge Drive S.W., Building 1 Olympia, WA 98502 Dear Commissioner Oberquell: I presently own seven acres on Railway Road~in Thurston County just outside of Yelm. When the Planning Commissions of Thurston County and the City of Yelm did the zoning of this area, they divided my land approximately in half, with one-half designated "Residential" and the other half designated "Light Industrial." This was done without my knowledge. I would like to have this changed, with the whole property designated "Residential." Please let me know if there is anything further that I need to do to get this accomplished. Thank you. Yours very truly, (' ~, , ()~ ~c. Hl\RPER ATTACHMENT B March 11, 2000 . DIane OberquelI, CommIssIOner Thurston County CommIssIoners Office 2000 Lakendge Dnve SW Bldg #1 OlympIa, W A 98502 o Dear CommIssIoner Oberquell We presently own and resIde on SIX acres on RaIlway Road, m Thurston County, Just outside of Yelm CIty limIts. When we purchased thlS property we bought It WIth the mtent that m the future, we might possibly be able to dIvIde the land up mto resIdentIal. We were not mformed or even consIdered the fact that the parcel of land we bought was zoned as 11ght industnal, we were dlsappomted. OUf neIghbor Ben Harper mformed us that hlS land was zoned half resIdentIal and the other half light mdustnal He has requested to have It changed completely to resIdential. If at all possible, we would like to have our parcel ofland zoned resIdentIal at the same tIme, as our neIghbor BenJamm Harper Please let us know, If there IS anythmg else we must do to have thIs zonmg changed and If zonmg It resIdentIal will affect the usage of our land or change our property tax rates m anyway (0 Thank you for your tIme Brandon J & Roxanne M Shaw 16411 Rallway Rd SE Yelm, W A 98597 (360)458-2731-home after 5 00 P m. (253)627-5508-Brandon's work o o THURSTON COUNTY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Judy Wilson District One Diane Oberquell District Two Kevin J O'Sullivan District Three .\_._..;--~_..--.-~. SINCE 185Z DEVELOPMENT SERVICES July 14, 2000 Notice of.Addendum to the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement Dear Interested Party. c Enclosed is a list of proposed revisIOns to the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan ADDENDUM to the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement. The current Thurston County Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Thurston County Board of County Commissioners m April, 1995 The Comprehensive Plan reflects several mandates of the Washington State LegIslature, the most importapt of which is the Growth Management Act (RCW 36 70A), wInch was adopted by the legIslature in 1990. A Notice of Availability of this Addendum was published in the Olympian on July 13, 2000 The ComprehensIve Plan IS the most fundamental planmng and policy-level document oflocal government. It establIshes the framework that serves as gUIdance for a variety of County actiVItIes, includmg zomng and capItal faCIlIties plans (e.g. roads, stormwater facilities, parks, etc,). The Comprehensive Plan is also a living document. For example, as changes in the ComprehensIve Plan are adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, zomng is also revised to reflect those changes. Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan occur annually Under the rules of the State EnVIronmental Policy Act (SEP A - WAC 197-11), the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan is reVIewed as a "nonproject action." SEPA defmes nonpro]ect actIOns as "actions which are different or broader than a single site specific project, such as plans, polices, and programs." [197-11-774 WAC] Smce the fundamental purpose ofSEPA IS to ensure that governmental bodies and agencIes' planning and decision making processes reflect envIronmental values [197-11055 (I)], both the Imtial adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, and all subsequent revisions, have undergone environmental review through the SEP A process. Since the Comprehensive Plan affects development patterns throughout all of Thurston County, the origmal draft was accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS has been reVIsed 10 conjunction with each revision to the ComprehensIve Plan. Because the current c - 1 - Building & Fire Safety 1 Permit Assistance Center / Planning 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, Washington 98502-6045 (360) 786-5490 TDD (360) 754-2933 1-800-737-7894 @ , proposed reVISIOns to the ComprehensIve Plan EIS are not expected to substantIally change the 0 analysIs of sIgmficant Impacts and alternatIves that were analyzed In the ongInal EIS, SEP A rules authonze the use of the addendum process for these proposals [WAC 197-11-600 (4)(c)] Please note that each of the Items that are addressed In tlus addendum are still subject to further envlfonmental review at the tIme a specIfic project IS proposed. For example, each of the propertIes where a rezone IS proposed would stIll be reqUIred to complete envlfonmental reVIew at the tIme a specIfic project for that property IS proposed. The same holds true for each of the proposals that are IdentIfied III the CapItal FacIlItIes Chapter of the ComprehensIve Plan. The current level of envlfonmental reVIew IS very general, and IS aImed at determimng whether the Items proposed represent a major change from the envIronmental analysis that was performed under the ongmal Envlfonmental Impact Statement for the ComprehensIve Plan, as well as whether the proposal are consIstent WIth the concepts of Growth Management, such as concurrency Amendments Followmg IS a descnptIOn of each of the proposed reVISIons to the Thurston County ComprehensIve Plan EIS Each proposal IS a separate addendum to the EIS 1 Proponent: Owner Proposal. Location. Contact: Case #. DescnptIon, 2. Proponent: Owner Proposal. LocatIOn. Evelyne BettI Evelyne Betti ComprehensIve Plan Amendment & Rezone Marvin Road and 29th Avenue, NE, Thurston County, Waslungton, parcel #s 11803410100, 11803410000, 11802330100, 11802220800, 11802320600,11802320500,11802320700 JennIfer Hayes, ASSOCIate Planner (360) 786-5477 CPAM/REZON-000139, SEPA-000139 RedeSIgnate and rezone 81.5 acres m the Lacey UGA from Business Park District to Light-Industrial CommercIal (LI-C). Would neceSSItate the adoptIOn of a new LI-C Chapter m the Lacey UGA Zomng Ordinance (Title 21), SImIlar to the eXIsting LI -C dIStrIct In the Lacey Municipal Code (Title 16). The proposed adoptIon of tlus chapter IS conSIdered concurrently with the rezone proposal. The subject property is made up of seven parcels, located north ofI-5 on the west SIde of Marvin Road, south of 32nd Avenue NE. The property owner, Evelyne BettI, has been Interested m rezomng her SIte for some tIme to accommodate her ImmedIate and long-term development plans. Currently, the property IS partIally developed with 15 metal warehouses, a shop, two houses (includmg the owner' S resIdence), and mImmallandscapmg. Denms Artus Theresa Wall, Cmdy Homann, and John Kaufman ComprehensIve Plan Amendment & Rezone 1200 79th Avenue SE, Thurston County, Washmgton, parcel # - 2 - o o o c o Contact: Case# DescnptIOn. 3 Proponent: Owner: Proposal: Location. Contact: Case#' Description. 4 Proponent: Owner Proposal LocatIOn. 12712230300 JennIfer Hayes, Associate Planner (360) 786-5477 CPAM/REZON-000150, SEPA-000150 RedesIgnate and rezone a five acre parcel in the Tumwater UGA from "MultI-family Medmm-densIty ResIdentIal (9-15)" to "Light Industnal (Ll)." On May 23,2000 thIS proposal was amended by the ongmal applicant and new owners of the property; the ongmal rezone request was for a general commercIal desIgnatIon. The subject property was purchased by Kaufman Brothers ConstructIOn, Inc. on May 22, 2000 from the original apphcant, Dennis Artus, and the apphcation was amended to reflect the new owners' desire to develop a warehouse on the property (The owners would be permItted to develop a warehouse in the Ll zone, whereas the general commercIal zone would have requued a specIal use permIt for this type of facIhty) The property had been rezoned in 1995 from hght mdustnal to multl-famIly medium density reSIdential. The property owner mamtains that he has been unable to market the property for multi-family development due to its SIze. County staff discussed this proposal with City ofTumwater staff, who agree that a light industrial deSIgnatIOn would be consistent With the surrounding area. Thurston County Randy Strupp ComprehensIve Plan Amendment & Rezone 650 SE Old PaCIfic Highway, Thurston County, Washington, Parcel #s 81260000500,81260000501,81260001004,81260001003,81260001002, 81260001001 Jennifer Hayes, ASSOCiate Planner (360) 786-5477 CP AM/REZON-000370, SEP A-000373 Redesignate and rezone six parcels (totalmg 4 47 acres) on Old Pacific Highway at 7th Avenue from NeIghborhood Convemence Commercial (NC) to Rural Residential 1/5 ThIS proposal was initiated by the Board of County CommIssIOners on March 28, 2000, based on a request by Mr Strupp, owner of one of the parcels affected by this rezone proposal. Mr Strupp's parcellS 1.31 acres and 15 currently undeveloped. His Inllnedlate neighbor to the West owns 1.3 9 acres of undeveloped land. Further west, there are four smaller parcels With a current reSIdential use (four duplexes) The rezone would affect these propertIes on the South SIde of Old Pacific Highway only ("subject parcels") An eXIsting gas statIOn m the NC zone on the corner of 7th A venue and Old Pacific Highway would remam m the NC zone. Thurston County Ben Hazper ComprehensIve Plan Amendment & Rezone Parcels located at 16311, 16325, 16333, 16345 & 16411 SE Railway Rd, - 3 - Contact: Case #, Description, 5 Proponent: Owner: Proposal. LocatIOn: Contact: Case #. Description. Note J' Thurston County, Washmgton, parcel #s 64300600401, 64300600402, 643000600407,64300600408,64300600409 Jenrufer Hayes, ASSocIate Planner (360) 786-5477 CPAM/REZON- 000371, SEPA-000371 Redesignate and rezone twelve acres (five parcels) in the Yelm Urban Growth Area (UGA) from Light Industnal (LI) to Rural ResidentIal 1/5 (RR 1/5). ThIS proposal was mitiated by the Board of County CommiSSIOners on March 28,2000, based on a request by property owner Ben Harper and his neighbors to the northeast (see attached letters). Mr Harper's parcel is zoned approximately half in LI and halfm RR 1/5 Yelm staff support the reZOne but do not wish to lose mdustrialland. The City is considenng a future rezone of another area WIthin city limits to an industnal use to make up for this loss. f\ o Thurston County N/A Annual Amendment to the Capital Facilities Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan County-wide Marie Cameron, Capital Projects Coordinator (360) 709-3064 CPAM-000712, SEPA-000712 Because there are several minor amendments to the Capital FacilIties Chapter, It is attached and made a part of this addendum. o A major proposal that will be mcluded in the Thurston County/Y elm Jomt Comprehensive Plan is the proposed Y2/Y3 Yelm Comdor project. The City of Yelm was the lead for this proposal, and an EnVIronmental Assessment was completed by the City Though tlns project is not part of thIS Addendum, a copy of the proposed amendment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan is attached to this Addendum for your mformation. If you have questIOns about tlns proposal, please contact Cathy Carlson, City Planner (360) 458-8408. Sincerely, ~~ Gary Cooper, AICP EnVIronmental Review Officer (360) 786-5475 J '\DEY _SYCS\sEP A.SH\GARY\ADDENDUM.DOC o -4- ("\ .~ City of Yelm c4 5 c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2000, 4 00 P,M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - September 18, 2000 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applicant: Thurston County - Board Initiated Proposal Rezone of 12 acres from Light Industrial to Rural Residential with future land use designation of moderate density residential Location 16345 and 16411 Railway Road SE Endangered Species Act (ESA) Presentation - Staff Other' 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) workIng days prior to the scheduled event. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 4 00 P.M c c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No The meeting was called to order at 401 pm by Tom Gorman Members present. Glenn Blando, Eric Brown, Margaret Clapp, Tom Gorman, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Guests Dan Bruno, Bob Coyne, Ed Dobbs, Julie Graber-NVN Staff' Cathie Carlson, Dana Spivey Members absent: E J Curry, Bob Isom 00-15 Aporoval of Minutes: MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 2000, MOTION CARRIED, Public Communications' There were none Public Hearing - CUP-00-8258- YL. Edwards House Assisted Living Facility, Applicant: Edwards House Associates, LLC Proposal' The applicant proposes to construct a 25,000 sq ft assisted living facility consisting of 40 living units and full care including 24-hour nursing care Project location: The west side of Killion Road just north of Yelm Avenue West. Mr. Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 03 P m Mr. Gorman asked if any of the Planning Commission EPC) members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Ms. Carlson gave a staff report. Mr. Gorman asked if any of the PC members had any questions for staff? Ms. Clapp asked if this project location is part of the Edwards' property? Ms. Carlson said yes Ms. Clapp asked how laundry will be done at the facility? Ms. Carlson said the laundry will all be done in-house Ms. Carlson also explained that this facility is somewhat different than other care facilities This one allows a person to stay as long as they wish, even letting them pass away there The facility will have a very "home-like" atmosphere, and encourages residents to bring personal items as well as pets, if they have them Ms. Longmire asked if the fire department has looked at the round-about, is Yelm Planning Commission September 18, 2000 Page 1 c o c there enough room for access and room to turn around? Ms. Carlson said yes, and Tim Peterson receives a packet to review, as well as the fire department. Mr. Gorman asked if the applicant would like to add anything? Ed Dobbs said no, but he would answer any questions if needed Mr. Gorman asked Mr Dobbs ifthere are similarfacilities in the area? Mr. Dobbs said yes, they have one in Morton, and they just opened another one on September 15th, in Buckley Ms. Longmire asked if there is a nursing staff? Mr. Dobbs explained that their facilities are different, residents can stay as long as they wish and medical care is determined on a case-by-case need Ms. Carlson passed around a photograph of the completed facility in Morton Mr. Gorman asked if there were any comments from the public, orfrom the PC members? None Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4 12 P m 00-16 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP TO FORWARD THIS PROJECT TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL, WITH THE ADDED STAFF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS MOTION CARRIED, Public Hearing - Rezone and Comorehensive Plan Amendments Applicant. City of Yelm Proposal' Multi-Amendments and Rezone consisting of' A. Rezone of 1 acre from residential to commercial thereby amending the zoning/land use map B Adoption of the Y21Y3 Transportation Corridor C Removing maps from the Comprehensive Plan which are already included in plans which are reference to or appendices of the Comprehensive Plan Mr. Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 14 P m Mr. Gorman asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Ms. Carlson gave a staff report and brief history Mr. Gorman asked if any PC members had any questions? Ms. Clapp asked if the rezone of that 1-acre piece has to be included in this? Ms. Carlson said yes Mr. Gorman asked if there were any comments from the public? Bob Coyne spoke, stating he is a co-owner of some property located at Wilkensen and Canal Roads, they purchased the property in 1992 as an investment - knowing they would have many hurdles to overcome Mr. Coyne said that they went Yelm Planning Commission September 18, 2000 Page 2 c through the annexation process, had their property annexed to the City; but now the proposed Y2N3 transportation corridor runs through the middle of the property, and he objects to the present configuration of the Y2N3 corridor Mr. Coyne stated he and his partner would like to either not have the corridor on their property at all, or at least have it as far on one side of the property as possible when it is finally adopted, rather than going through the middle Ms. Carlson clarified for the planning commission that Mr Coyne's property is marked on the staff report map, as "Land Area C" for potential rezone, but the city is not looking at a rezone at his property at this time, possibly in the future - it is something the city is working with Mr Coyne on Mr. Coyne added he has had a preliminary meeting with the Ms Carlson and Ms Badger with respect to a preliminary plat to bring residential units to the city, and are in the planning stages currently o Mr. Gorman asked if there were any more comments from the public? Dan Bruno stated he is the proponent for the preliminary plat application in which the rezone would affect, and he stated that he didn't have any comments, but he is available if the PC members have any questions regarding his preliminary plat. Ms. Clapp asked Mr Bruno what his proposal is? Mr. Bruno said it is a 61 home subdivision Ms. Clapp asked what Mr Bruno's plans are for the commercial piece of property? Mr. Bruno said he doesn't have any plans at this time Mr. Bruno also stated that he and his colleagues have willingly worked with the City on the Y2N3 Transportation Corridor Mr. Gorman asked if there were any further questions or comments from the public or the PC members? Ms. Longmire asked what the plans are for the numerous crossings at the different roads along the proposed Y2N3 corridor? Ms. Carlson said that every road will not have access to the corridor, due to safety issues Ms. Longmire asked why commercial trucks will not be allowed to go down Rhoton Road? Ms. Carlson stated that even though Rhoton Road is partly in the Industrial area, it is also residential - there will be a signal at the Wilkensen Road intersection for the commercial vehicles Ms. Longmire then asked about the Y2N3 corridor - why was it changed from going up Canal Road? Ms. Carlson answered with a couple reasons Mainly it was changed due to public impact, plus - along Canal Road, especially between Grove and Canal - a lot of those areas are pretty well established as far as development right at the edge of the existing right-of-way, and Y3 is a limited access road, meaning no driveway approaches - so a frontage road would have to be built along the new road for all those properties Ms. Longmire asked what will be done with the Y3 corridor if Mr Coyne's o Yelm Planning Commission September 18 2000 Page 3 c property is developed? Ms. Carlson said that if they weren't able to design their plat around the corridor, to leave the corridor area open, the city would have to approve the plat, and on the face of the plat and it would show on the engineers drawings - that it was a future transportation corridor and it would have to be disclosed to people, or when Mr Coyne submits a plat, it the city can get some money to buy right-of-way we could purchase the right-of-way from Mr Coyne at that point, but that's our problem - the city doesn't have any money to do that, but we can't tell Mr Coyne that he can't develop his property Mr. Coyne added that their intent would be for the city to purchase the right-of-way now rather than later Dr. Kent asked what would happen if the Y3 corridor were changed to skirt the southwest edge of Mr Coyne's property? Ms. Carlson said that it starts impacting all the properties out along the corridor, the city did look at seven areas for just the Y3 area, and this actual alignment was the combination of two or three The city's driving force was to not separate properties but more importantly - not go right through existing houses and properties that people are living on Unfortunately, Mr Coyne's property was one of the very few that the corridor bisects o Mr. Gorman stated that there is a part of public input process that has involved this whole road alignment, but there doesn't seem to be a way to go back and look at that now Ms. Carlson said there is some flexibility, but not really enough to make a huge difference Mr. Gorman said the city has to set a precedence too Ms. Carlson agreed, stating the city wants to be able to help everyone, but there is a limit and a lot of it is going to depend on when the city gets the money to do the design, and what is built out between now and then Ms. Clapp asked about the land use paragraphs on page 5 of the staff report, in the second paragraph where it says "some may be more appropriately zoned commercial or industrial" - could it say somewhere in those paragraphs something to make sure that there is no one who is surprised when they purchase property and then find out that they can't turn it into commercial? Ms. Carlson stated that this staff report is actually a synopsis of the Environmental Assessment (E.A.) document, but before this goes to city council she will amend this staff report to include the additional language out of the E.A. Mr. Gorman asked if there were any more questions or comments? None Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4 45 P m c Yelm Planning Commission September 18 2000 Page 4 c o o c 00-17 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO FORWARD THE REZONE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL WITH THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE MOTION CARRIED Mr. Gorman asked Ms Carlson if this will go to the City Council at the September 27th meeting? Ms. Carlson said no, probably not until the end of October or beginning of November Other: Ms. Carlson stated that the next regular planned Planning Commission meeting will be Monday, October 16, 2000, where she will give an Environmental Species Act (ESA) presentation Ms. Carlson also informed everyone that Bob Isom was recently appointed to the City Council, position # 3 - so he will be required to resign from the Planning Commission Ms. Carlson added that this leaves a vacancy on the Planning Commission, so if anyone knows someone who would be interested, please have them send a letter of interest to Mayor Wolf, Yelm City Hall, PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597 Meeting adjourned at 4 50 P m Respectfully submitted, rJ~ Dana Spive Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission September 18 2000 Page 5 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes MEETING' YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: August 21,2000 TIME: 4'00 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1, 2, CUP-00-8258-YL, Edwards House Assisted Living Facility Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendments NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? 1 SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned nl)bers above) ~~~ 7 \)C),~ 1~{~ ,,~~ J P-O.B6X (Zbl ~v\llt-y<1t-qo3?c ( ~.2- ~\o ~~~~ ~, ~ v~ BV-VNO o o c c o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date September 7,2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Edwards House, CUP-00-8258-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS, Exhibit I - Site Plan Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Determination of Non-Significance A, PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine jf the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B, PROPOSAL. The applicant is applying for a Special Use Permit to construct a 25,000 sq ft Assisted living Facility The facility consist of 40 living units and provides residents with meals, laundry facilities/service, transportation and 24-hr nursing care The proposal includes provisions for parking and stormwater treatment and infiltration C, DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS, 1 Proponent. Edwards House Associates LLC 2. Location The project site is located on the west side of Killion Road just north of Yelm Avenue and south of the Killion Court Apartments The project site is approximately 2.7 acres Tax Parcel #21724120404 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on September 8, 2000, and posted in public areas on September 6, 2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on September 7,2000 4 Existing Land Use and Zoning The site is zoned Commercial (C-1) and is undeveloped Residential Care Facilities are classified as a Special Use in Chapter 17 66 and permitted in the C-1 Commercial District provided the facility can comply with all applicable development standards and the intent of the C-1 Commercial District. o 5 Lots Size and Setbacks. The C-1 District has a minimum lot size of 5000 square feet. As proposed all setbacks are in excess of minimum standards 6 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoning Property adjacent to the north is developed and zoned as High Density Residential (R-14) All other properties in the area are zoned C-1 Commercial District. Uses in the vicinity are primarily residential and undeveloped land 7 Transportation and Site Access. The property fronts on Killion Road which is the only access to the site Killion Road is designated a pedestrian oriented street in the Design Guidelines For pedestrian oriented streets the frontage improvements are modified from a Commercial Collector so that the planter strip and sidewalk are combined to create a 12' sidewalk with tree grates for the street trees The completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City transportation system A residential care facility generates 0 17 P m peak hour trips per dwelling unit. The Transportation Facility Charge for the facility is $5,100 00 and payable at time of building permit. 8 Parkinq. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires minimum parking facilities of 1 parking stall for each two beds and one parking stall per employee based on the greatest number of care employees on a single shift. The largest shift includes eight (8) employees o Chapter 17 72 provides incentives for reducing the parking stalls by 25%. Edwards House provides a van to transport residents to and from activities, appointments, etc. which meets the intent for parking stall reduction With a 25% reduction the project is required to provide a minimum of 21 stalls. The project proponent is proposing 22 stalls which include two (2) handicapped stalls As shown on the site plan the loading area is proposed at the front of the building. This area would provide loading for residents, visitors and goods Loading areas for commercial facilities that require regular delivery typically require a separate loading area that does not conflict with the day to day functions of the facility 9 Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not served by the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 6" line available on West Yelm Avenue The property is located within the Killion North LID District. This property has been assessed a total of 4 ERU's within the LID for a total of $7,292.60 Page 2 of 5 o o o o 10 Water Supply The proposed site is in the City's water service area but is currently not connected to the City's water system There is an existing 8" water line located on the west side of Killion Road An irrigation meter may be installed for the purpose of irrigation 11 Drainage/Stormwater The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Stormwater Manual for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Following special use approval the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 12. Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2.. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service. 13 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 14 Street Liqhting. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. Street lighting design must meet the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines and will be submitted to Puget Sound Energy for review and approval 15 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals The site is adjacent to properties that are compatibly zoned with the exception of the property to the north Adjacent properties that are compatibly zoned require that the perimeter of the site be landscaped with a Type II landscaping For the property to the north that is zone R-14, High Density Residential, a 15' Type I landscaping is require to provide a dense site barrier Landscaping is also required in and around above ground stormwater facilities A preliminary landscaping plan has been submitted that meets the intent of Chapter 17 80 A final landscape and irrigation plan must be submitted to the City for review and approval Installation of landscaping is required prior to occupancy Page 3 of 5 16 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Determination of NonSignificance (DNS) was issued on August 11, 2000 The comment period expired on August 24, 2000 The DNS is attached as Exhibit III o 17 Public Comment. No public comment was received 18 Findinqs and Conclusion. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the project 1 Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, and 2 The project is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Development Guidelines 0, Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward CUP-00-8258-YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval. Sewer 1 The property is located within the Killion North LID District. This property has been assessed a total of 4 ERU's for a total of $7,292.60 The ERU fee of $2,480 (fee subject to change) is payable at time of building permit issuance This fee is in addition to the LID assessment of $1,823 15 which is paid on an annual basis for 15 years. The total number of sewer ERU's required for this project will be dependent on the proposed consumption calculations provided with the civil plans. The additional ERU's required for this project are based on discharge of 240 gallon per day and are charged at a current rate of $4,850/ERU o 2 The S T E.P System shall be designed to City standards. The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 3 The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not served by the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 6" line available on West Yelm Avenue There may be a latecomer's agreement formed to re-capture some of the installation costs Water 4 The proposed site is in the City's water service area but is currently not connected to the City's water system There is an existing 8" water line located on the west side of Killion Road The City will require running the existing utilities up Killion Road to the north edge of the property line There will also be requirements to loop the waterline A latecomer's agreement may be established to re-capture some of the costs for installation of the waterline 5 Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged at a current rate of$1 ,OOO/ERU (fee subject to change) inside city limits o Page 4 of 5 o c o Water calculations of proposed consumption would need to be provided to determine the number of ERU's This fee is payable at time of building permit issuance 6 An irrigation meter may be installed for the purpose of irrigation Loading Area 7 Loading areas for commercial facilities that require regular delivery require a separate loading area that does not conflict with the day to day functions of the facility If the applicant can document delivery schedules that occur outside of the hours from 7'00 a.m to 7'00 p m the proposed area for loading is adequate Stormwater 8 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City ofYelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction. The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 9 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval T ransoortation 10 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the frontage of Killion Road The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, 12' sidewalk, street trees and grates and storm drainage 11 The applicant shall be responsible for the Transportation Facility Charge of $5,100 00 and payable at time of building permit. Fire 12. The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants. All hydrants must meet minimum City standards 13 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Landscaoinq 14 The landscape buffer along the northern property line shall be expanded to a minimum 15' in width and landscaped with Type I landscaping 15 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan for review and approval General Public Works 16 The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading 17 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required All lighting design will be submitted to Puget Sound Energy for review and approval C '\MyFiles\Case Correspondence\8258stf wpd Page 5 of 5 Exhibit 11- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm CUP-00-8258-YL SEPT. 7, 2000 (~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE. PURPOSE Monday, September 18, 2000, 4'00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a 40 unit Residential Assisted Living Facility, Case tlCUP-00-8258-YL APPLICANT Edwards House Associates LLC PROJECT LOCATION West side of Killion Rd, just south of Killion Court Apartments The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a Special Use Permit application to construct a 25,000 sq. ft., 40 unit assisted living facility The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council. The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their September 27, 2000, regularty scheduled meeting. Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on September 18, 2000. Such written comments may be submitted to the City ofYelm at the address shown above or mailed to City ofYelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597, () Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional infonnation, please contact Cathie Cartson at 458-8408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 4 days before the meeting. ATTEST City oJ.Xjlm \ /J _ ~ . L1;l1lfl )U r;v.bJm~ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News. Friday, September 8 , 2000 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners and Posted in Public Places. September 7,2000 y Exhibit 11I- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm CUP-00-8258-YL SEPT. 7, 2000 o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 SEPA NO 8258 DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: Edwards House Associates, LLC Description of Proposal New construction of a 25,000 square foot assisted living facility with 40 units. Location of the Proposal. West side of Killion Road just north of Yelm Avenue West. SectionIT ownship/Range: Section 24, Township 17N, Range 1E, W.M. Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C 030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: No conditions or mitigating measures. o Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue. Comment Deadline: August 11, 2000 5'00 p.m., August 24, 2000 This Determination of NonSignificance is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2). The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5.00 p.m., September 1,2000 Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, City Planner, City of Yelm, POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597 by 5.00 p.m. August 24, 2000 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5.00 p.m., August 31, 2000 Yau should be prepared to make specific factual objections Contact Agnes Bennick, City Clerk, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This DNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News, August 18, 2000 Posted in public areas August 11 2000 Copies to August 11, 2000, Dept. of Ecology w/checklist All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners o l~\1 Exhibit 1_ Site Plan \lil City of Yelm .~. CUP-OO-8258-YL SEPT 7, 2000 $ d f $ ~c ". ~~:5 . If ~ : _~__-1 / I i. l~ i= I". " j~ i \ '. toIfl..TRA~ POND A .~ tOR ('f)'P.) .....1llA11<lH POND . o .~ ~I /' -~ ~TRA~ sw~ o -,./,,,-,,/ .CALl UNDERGROUNO IOCATf" AT 1_800-424-555...1) R:F~l"IRr YNI n\(":- ~ 11:11 ffJ JO. .1 :, '1 iJ ~ , !; \ S'9 ~ \ i I: i I! H a II \ ~ io !3 I: - I i Y: I ~ ,!l !II \ ' i 1 I! i i Ii I: Ii 11 Ii I! i: Ii n i: j I , J / ,oj> " I 0" 1.: ZO" R PR~CT Sl1E PRo.ECT INFORMATION Q'llNER: EDwARD oooas mWAAO'S HOUSE A.SSOOATES. u-C P.O, BOX 2n NORlH Pl.AI6. OR gn33 =""""'" Af'PUCANT: pARC(.LNtJI,IEJ(R: ,"""" S1l[ARU.: [lJUlffCSlZE: WAlER~ SE:YO SEfMC(; ~~ POVO/GAS S(R\1CE: OT'f~ sou p~ srAU.S ItEQlIIREP: pMKIIG Sl.w.s PRQ\4OfJ>= 9500 Il..ClO( ~ IlO"D -ro.w.. WA. 98597 sc> DES>QlJll"lD P.o. BOX 5667 LACf:Y. WA ~~1 (360) 49r6002 217241~ C-l ~70 oe i:.25.000 $q ft c:m " "'" DrY CF )'[UI ""'" """",,,,5 PUCET SOUND ENQ?C'f Arb' CAa.E S[R'M:ES SPNUtWA.'t GRA'oU.lV SANDy LOAW o to J% SlOPES 22 ('M1M 25X vARlAHCE) 20 STANDARD 1 HANCICAI' , VAN AC('[SSB.[ "" UlUIlY NOTE AU SJAfJoC[ fEATURES ~ HER(Qrf WERE F1ElJ) LoCATED }tM) lolEASlRDBYSCA~fa:l'MS~. \iNOERCRCI.INO u1l.rN' ..-.s SiOMf ARE BASm lPON UllJTY ~T f'l}.HS 06TAlJ<<D flWN l}€ OiY a- YEUI. AND Ull\JT'1 lOCA ltS TIED IN "" roll. LEC~ DESCRIPTION lOT I N<<J J C*' SHMT f'\..Al I'M). SS-8Ol'- ~ REcOROfD UNDER MllDl1CR'S ru: 00. 370&180112 IN 'o'Ol..LIlo€ 22, PAGE 237 CE' SHMT SlJl3Ot"'Sl~ RECORDS Cf' 'IHURS'TtJoI CWNTf. 'ffA~lOM- \ SCAt.!; l'..2Q FEEl ..... --....::.0 01020 "0 ~ VERTICAl DAlUW N<Ml 1929 OCNCHU~ THURSTON CCUHTt f836 2 ttr IRON PIPE 'MfH TACK. 1.10' Baow :st.IRf'Aa;. IN WSOOT l.ION\)loI[NT. cnnun.H an. "ItUoI HIGHWAY AHO UOONTAlN V1EW' ROAD. [lEV: ~.89 BASIS OF BEARINGS an C#" )[JJ,I SHORT SUSOl\1SlON NO. SS-PJOl&. lIS RECQRtlEI) IN..o.Ift'( 22 ~ SHCfll SUBDl"'SKlNS. PAC[ 246. RECMOS a 1HURST~ CCUll'f. 'fIA. ~ INDEX ~AK1 Sl'1'E PUN GRADING. DRAINAGE. .- ERQSK:IoI CON'I"Rtt. PlAN GRADING. OflAINACL ._~ c:c..1RU. t€TM..S PR:(U~ARY CQIotPOSlT[ UTlJTY P\..AN PREU.....ARy rRONTAC( ~T Pl..Nt PR[\..lWltV.R't' KJ,.UON ROAD STEP PlAN >- Z ~ ~ <( ~ Z J 3 ~ ~ ~ ul!:: ~ ~ (j) I >-- I- w:::; ~~ 0... :I:C!l fI)~ I - > t ~:::; L <(0 :d! 3 o~ woo ~ 00 < 11I......"i =="'" lJII...."".. (.~ II ..... C) Exhibit 1- Site Plan City of Yelm 4-: _~__-.J .. ~79'~r... JUoo o CUP-00-8258-YL SEPT 7,2000 , i '. /, I" I' ~ ,~ ;~ IHnL mA nON POND, ASSISTED UVlNG F AOUTY FF = 350.0 ;: o ,\ , ! -~ ~TRA~ sw..IM... ~ ;; ~ ~ "'. :--- ,/ / ~ 'CAlL UNDERGROUND LOCATE AT 1-800-424-5555 BEFORE YOU DIG' r d?;" t ~ ~rn'~ ~I .1 _I i" ~ I PRO..l:CT SITE $ rn .!1.l1 ffj ':1 :1 " " 'I I J'g d i . 0 "5 rL i j U '"i 1111)')/..\ i i ( .,. I : ',~ I : m. \ I. i \~ j III/II J i'~ '! ; I I! ~ I : " ! It I J a: ; z Ii 3 ,; -.J Ii;;: -I' I ~ f . , ;// 11 Ii Ii i! · I 1 ! Ii Ii i! Ii !l 1", :10' R}W~;J / ,oj' ;r~-", , , PROJECT INFORMA TlON o'IItIER: EDWARD 0098S EDWARD'S HOUSE "-SSOOATE5. u.c p,o BOX 2n NORTIi PlAINs, OR 9713.) 9500 9.00( KIlUOH ROAD 'l'tUl..A 9~97 SCA OESlGN,/BUllD P.O. BOX 5667 LACEY, WA. 985<)9-5681 (.J60) 493-6002 SfT[~: APPlICANT: PARCD.. NUIoI8[R: ZQHING: sm:o\R(A: BUIl.ONC SIZE: WAlER SERY1CC: 21724120404 C-l 2.70 oc SEWER SER~C[: TEUPHcm: SER\olCE: PO\II{A/GAS SERVlC[: :t25.000 sq II OTY or 'l'ElN OTY 0( YE\..trI 'Y'COW f€TWORKS PUGf:T SClJNO ENERGY CATV S(R'.4CE: AT&T CAa..E SER'v1aS SPANAW","Y CRAvnt. Y SANDY lO..w o to JX SlOPfS 22 (WITH 25" V.4.RlANC[) 20 STANDARD 1 HANOlCAP 1 VAN Aca:S5lIU SOIlS: PARkI~(; 5TAUS foltClUlR(O; P AAKHG 5 T AUS PRO'olIOEl): '." UTlUlY NOIE AU. Sl./Rf"AC( rtATURES SHO'l'M HER[(JoI WERE FlElD LOCAl[D AND WEASlJRro BY s.c... EHQN([RlHG fOR lM5 SURVEY. l.Jf4DERCltOONO UllUTY LINES 9f01llN ARt BASED UPON UllUTY ASBtJ'U Pt".I.HS OBTAWED fROlol mE aTY (:6 'l"tUI. AND UnuT1 LOCA 1[S TIED IN lIlEmD. ~RIPTlON lOT I AND J ~ Sl'1ORT PlAT NO. 55-MII5 AS RECORDED UNDER AUTDlTOR'S m[ 110. 87011180112 IN YOlUW[ 22. PAGE 2.37 r;, SHalT SUBOI'olISlONS. R(COIlOS ~ niURSTON COUNTY. WA9fINCTON. t ~ V[RnCAl. DA nJW NGVlJ 1929 BENCHWARK: nlURSTON COUNTY 18J6 2 1/2" IRON PIPE 'MTH UCI<. t.10' B[lOW SURrAC( IN W$OOT NONUlA[NT, CENTtflllNE INT. mw HlCHWAY AND NOUNTAIN ....,EW ROAD. ElEV: 343.89 SO.L[.1"..20rO;:ET ~~ o 10 20 40 BASIS OF BEARINGS OTY ~ ~l.W Sl'1ORT SUBOI"''SlQN NO 55-80115. AS RECORDED IN VOLUWE 22 r;, SHORT SlJBOI'olISlONS, PAC[ 248, R(COROS Of" lHUR5TON COUNTY. WA.. SHEET INDEX PMlJloIIHA!lY SIT!. Pl.AH CIlADING. ORAlHACE. " EROslC>>\l Cct-lTRa. PlAM GRADING. Ofl-'lN"CE. a: EROSlCfof CONTTla. (l(TAllS PRtUIolINART COUPOSlfE UTUfY PlAN PRtUI.lIN.oVlY rRONUC[ IWPRovtwOH PlAN PR{UJ.lIN"-P, ~II.Uct-l ROAD ST(p PlAN o 'II >- ~ I II: Z ~ i <(.0: u ~ ~! I ::lE u' irl ~ ~ i I IE (j) f ~ ~i ~~ --D >- ~ wI: cnB " ::::><( Z OIL J: J:(!I VI !I>~ ~ lj!::J <61 :!:~ ooo wiZ ~ <( In b:blI..", 1: ...........,.., (Ill..,.... (.llitm-14111. ..~ ---- ..-- ~ "'...L".1. (\ . "----/ City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, UTashington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date September 12, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson Re Rezone and 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Exhibits Exhibit I - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit II - Addendum to Existing Environmental Document Exhibit III - Resolution 398, Adopting the Y21Y3 Corridor Exhibit IV -Amendment (Incorporating the Y21Y3 Corridor) Exhibit V - Potential Land Use Changes as identified in the Y21Y3 Environmental Assessment. Exhibit VI - Proposed Rezone Site Exhibit VII - Comprehensive Plan Table of Contents c SUMMARY The annual comprehensive plan amendments for 2000 include an update of the Transportation Plan to include the specific alignment of the Y21Y3 transportation corridor, a rezone of one (1) acre located on Hwy 507 just south of Mill Road and formatting changes to the Comprehensive Plan Environmental Review Exhibit II, Addendum to Existing Environmental Document, pages 2 - 3 provides a summary of the 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments In addition an Environmental Assessment, February 2000 was completed for the Y21Y3 Corridor and a Finding of No Significant Impact was issued by the Federal Highway Administration Transportation Update In addition to the summary provided in the Addendum to the Existing Environmental Document, Exhibit IV provides additional information on the Y21Y3 Corridor proposal and a summary of the environmental analysis that was completed for the transportation corridor Exhibit III, is the City Resolution adopting the location of the corridor Rezone Exhibit VI illustrates the area in which the rezone is proposed The summary of the proposal can be found in Exhibit II, Addendum to Existing Environmental Document, Page 2 Table of Contents/Format Revisions Exhibit VII indicates the proposed formatting changes to the Comprehensive Plan The summary of the proposal can be found in Exhibit II, Addendum to Existing Environmental Document, Page 3 c STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the rezone and comprehensive plan amendments as presented to the City Council for approval EXHIBIT I o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: PLACE: PURPOSE. Monday, September 18,2000,4:00 p,m, Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave, West, Yelm, WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a parcel specific Rezone and Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments The Yelm City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a proposed rezone of property located on Hwy 507, just south of Mill Road and proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan that include the preferred location of the Y21Y3 Transportation Corridor and formatting changes to the Comprehensive Plan. Any related documents to the proposal are available for public review during normal business hours at the City ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposals received by the close of the public hearing on September 18, 2000, Such written comments may be submitted to the City ofYelm, PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597, or delivered directly to the address shown above, c The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 4 days before the meeting ATTEST City ~:I; yJ ~L;lmit Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News' Friday, September 8,2000 Posted in Public Areas' Thursday, September 7,2000 o c o o EXHIBIT II CITY OF YELM ADDENDUM TO EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Description of proposal. 2000 Amendment to the Yelm ComprehensIve Plan. The amendment mc1udes the specIfic location of the Y2N3 Transportation Comdor, a rezone of one acre, from ResIdential to Commercial and updatmg the appendIces and maps of the Comprehensive Plan for consistency wIth referenced adopted plans. Proponent: City ofYelm. Title of document bemg added to or modIfied. Fmal EnvIronmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the City ofYelm ComprehensIve Plan and Joint Plari wIth Thurston County. Agency that prepared document bemg added to or modIfied. CommunIty Development. City of Yelm. Date document being added to or modIfied was prepared. January 3. 1995 DescnptlOn of document(s) (or portIon) bemg added to or modIfied. Designation of the specific Y2N3 comdor route replacmg the conceptual location mc1uded in preVIOUS plans. The Land-use map to mc1ude a rezone of one acre from low density reSIdential to commercial. Update to the Table of Contents. AppendIces and Maps to reflect adopted plans and to insert language that allows for amendments to AppendIces Documents WIthout the need to amend the Comprehensive Plan. If the document(s) bemg added to or modIfied IS the subject of a pendmg appeal, or has been found madequate on appeal, please describe: Nt A The document(s) are available to be read at: Yelm CIty Hall. 105 Y elm Ave. W.. Yelm W A 98597. Monday - Friday from 8:00 am 05:00 p.m. ThIS addendum IS Issued under 197-11-600(4)(c), and 197-11-625 ThIS addendum and ItS attachments add analyses or mformatlOn about the proposal, but do not substantially change the analysIs of sIgmficant Impacts and alternatives m the eXlstmg environmental document. Name of agency addmg to or modIfymg document: City ofYelm CommunIty Development Department. Contact person, If other than responsible offiCIal CathIe Carlson. CommunIty Development DIrector (360) 458-8408. Responsible OffiCial Shelly Badger PosItIonffitle: CIty AdmInIstrator (360) 458-8405 Address. 105 YelmAve. W.. Yelm WA 98597 Date September 7. 2000 SIgnature 2000 AMENDMENTS TO CITY OF YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND JOINT PLAN WITH THURSTON COUNTY ADDENDUM TO FEIS o PROPOSED ACTIONS A. ADOPTION OF THE SPECIFIC Y2N3 TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR The City ofYelm developed a TransportatIon Plan m 1992, subsequently amended m 1995 and 1997, to meet the reqUIrements of the Growth Management Act and estabhsh a plannmg document to assIst the City m developmg a good, efficIent.transportatIOn system. The 1992 Transportation Plan assessed alternatIves for potentIal solutIons to ItS transportation problems throughout the CIty and ItS urban growth area, in partIcular the congestIOn and faihng levels of servIce along Y elm Ave (SR 510 and SR 507) As a result the Y2N3 alternatIve route of the urban core was selected as the preferred alternatIve for thIS specIfic transportatIOn problem. The locatIOn of the Y2N3 comdor was adopted m a conceptual locatIOn in the CIty ofYelm Transportation Plan. In 1997, the CIty receIved a transportatIOn grant to conduct a TransportatIon Corridor Study for the Y2 corridor In late 1997, the Thurston RegIOnal Plannmg Council approved an expanSIOn of the TransportatIOn Corridor Study to include the Y3 comdor A product of the study was an envIronmental assessment that evaluated the alternatIves for the Y2N3 locatIOns. The Y2N3 0 Comdor EnVIronmental Assessment was Issued a Fmdmg of No SIgmficant Impact by the Federal Highway AdmmIstratIon on February 1,2000 The City Council approved the preferred alternatIve of the Y2N3 EnVIronmental Assessment March 8, 2000, Resolution No 398 GIVen that the locatIon of the Y2N3 TransportatIon Comdor does not pose new probable sIgmficant adverse envIronmental Impacts, thIS Addendum IS adequate for the purposes of analYSIS aSSOCiated WIth the proposed amendment. B. AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE MAP TO REFLECT A REZONE FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL. The Rezone and ComprehenSIve Plan Amendment for Parcel No 21725120100 IS City sponsored. In the Y2N3 EnVIronmental Assessment land use along the comdor was analyzed for compatibIhty WIth eXIstmg zonmg, future zomng deSIgnatIOns and the potentIal Impacts from the transportatIOn comdor As a result three areas were IdentIfied as areas in whIch secondary Impacts could occur WIth the adoptIOn of the Y2N3 comdor The CIty had scheduled the reVIew and analYSIS of those Impacts to the three IdentIfied areas III 2001 and planned to recommend amendments to the 2001 ComprehenSIve Plan Amendments. However, one of the three SItes IS currently bemg reVIewed by the City for a prehmmary plat. In order to preserve the transportatIOn comdor on the SIte and to ensure land use compatibihty the CIty has InItIated the rezone of the SIte. o c'cathie\myfiles\projects\addedum2000 wpd Page 2 o c o 2000 AMENDMENTS TO CITY OF YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND JOINT PLAN WITH THURSTON COUNTY ADDENDUM TO FEIS The subject SIte encompasses the Y2 transportatIon comdor, mcludmg the comdor termmus, along ItS southwesterly boundary The locatIOn of the future comdor termmus IS currently a non- conformmg commerCIal use (grand fathered) m a Low DensIty ResIdentIal Zone. While the subject SIte IS approXImately eIght acres, the proposed rezone to commercial IS for one acre only The acre would be confined to the area adjacent to the comdor termmus. GIven that the amendment to the Land Use Map and ComprehensIve Plan do not pose new probable sIgmficant adverse envlfonmentalImpacts, thIS Addendum IS adequate for the purposes of analYSIS associated wIth the proposed amendment. c. AMENDMENTS TO THE TABLE OF CONTENTS AND TEXT 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Three amendments to the ComprehensIve Plan Table of Contents are proposed. The first amendment to the Table of Contents IS to add "or as amended in the future" to the ExhibIts, AppendIces and/or Reference Documents of the Comprehensive Plan. ExhibIts, AppendIces and Reference Documents to the ComprehensIve Plan are charactenstIcally mdependent documents WhICh are amended from tIme to tIme outSIde of the comprehensIve plan amendment process. AdoptIOn of any amendments to these plans are by CIty Council Resolution and must demonstrate compliance WIth the goals and polICIes of the ComprehenSIve Plan. If such plan or document amendment proposes any change(s) to polICIes or goals of the comprehenSIve plan, then the amendment would be processed as a comprehenSIve plan amendment. The second amendment to the ComprehenSIve Plan Table of Contents IS to remove maps wInch are a component of a plan or document lIsted m the AppendIces or the Reference Documents. Therefore, when an AppendIces and/or Reference Document, m whIch a map IS a component, are amended it will not reqUIre a ComprehenSIve Plan Amendment unless there are proposed changes to the polICIes and/or goals of the ComprehenSIve Plan. The maps whIch will be removed from the comprehenSIve plan but will remam a component of an AppendIces and/or Reference Document are: TransportatIOn Route and ClaSSIfication Map, ComprehenSIve TransportatIon Plan, Sewer ServIce Area, Water ServIce Area, Traffic AnalYSIS Zones (T AZ) and Zoning. The thIrd amendment to the Table of Contents IS to mclude a preface sectIon, tItled Adopted Amendments to the ComprehenSIve Plan m Chronology Order, whIch will mclude a summary and date for each amendment to the ComprehenSIve Plan. WhIle all amendments that affect the body of the ComprehenSIve Plan will be mcorporated mto the document at the tIme of adoptIon, the addItIon of thIS sectIon will be helpful to CItIzens, elected offiCIals and plan admInIstrators to understand the progreSSIon of the ComprehenSIve Plan. C'cathie\myfiles\projects\addedum2000 wpd Page 3 2000 AMENDMENTS TO CITY OF YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND JOINT PLAN WITH THURSTON COUNTY ADDENDUM TO FEIS 2. TEXT A result of amendmg the Table of Contents IS that all text wIthm the ComprehensIve Plan that references the maps and/or theIr respective documents will need to be revIsed. Pnmarily the reVISIon will be m Chapter I, IntroductIOn, whIch provIdes a cross reference of maps, documents and exhibIts and theIr applIcabilIty wIthm the Urban Growth Area. GIven that the amendments to the Table of Contents and text does not pose new probable sIgmficant adverse envIronmental Impacts, thIS Addendum)s adequate for the purposes of analysIs aSSOCiated WIth the proposed amendment. c cathie\myfiles\projects\addedum2000 wpd Page 4 o o o c o c EXHIBIT III City of Yelm Resolution No. 398 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM ADOPTING TIlE Y2N3 CORRIDOR DESCRIBED IN TIlE REVISED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PUBLISHED IN FEBRUARY, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITIl THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT, AND AS ADOPTED ON FEBRUARY 11,2000 AS A MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITIl THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT WHEREAS, there is severe congestiOn on the only existmg east-west corridor through the City ofYelm (Yelm Avenue, also referred to as SR 507 and SR 510) and s~ld congestIOn is anticipated to worsen to unacceptable levels by design year 2020; and WHEREAS, the 1995 City ofYelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County identified the need for the Y2N3 corridor in heu of widening the existmg highway SR 510 and SR 507 through the downtown area ofthe City ofYelm, and WHEREAS, the City assembled a TechnIcal Advisory Committee (TAC) to recommend goals and objectives and to guide the development and evaluation of alternatives to alleviate congestion in and around the City of Yelm, and WHEREAS, the TAC establIshed the following goals and objectives for the project: a) ProVIde a lImited-access regIonal corridor to reduce current congestion on SR 507 /SRSl 0 (First street, and Yelm Avenue), the only eXlstmg continuous east -west corridor through the City of Yelm. b) PrOVIde a facility WIth deSIgn speeds of 50 mph and WIth intersections spaced two miles apart. c) Allow for interconnectiOn of existing streets to accommodate travel in and around the core area of the City; d) ProVIde a transportation system that provides effiCIent mobilIty of freIght to all mdustnal and commercial areas of the City e) ProVIde a safe, efficient, and cost effectIve transportatIon CIrculation system for the movement of freight, servIces, and people to and through the City ofYelm without relymg on Yelm Avenue to make those connectIons. f) ProVIde a transportatIon system that would be conSIstent WIth the Washington State Department of TransportatIon (WSDOT) Route Development Plans (RDP) for SR 507 and SR 510, which recommend alternate corridors to circulate around the downtown core area of the City of Yelm. g) Mmlmlze Impacts on schools, parks, and recreatiOnal facilItIes along the eXlstmg comdor WHEREAS, engmeenng studieS have exammed a number of Y2N3 route alternatIves, and WHEREAS, a new Y2N3 comdor project must address the envIronmental Impacts m accordance wIth the NatIOnal EnvIronmental Pohcy Act (NEPA) AND State EnvIronmental Pohcy Act (SEPA), and WHEREAS, an EnvIronmental Assessment document whIch described the AlternatIves AnalysIs Process, 0 Preferred Y2N3 Alternative and No Budd AlternatIve was prepared for public and agency reVIew; and WHEREAS, a pubhc heanng was conducted on October 20, 1999 to present the project alternatIves and hear pubhc testimony on the project; and WHEREAS, there IS a need to act quickly to proceed wIth the next steps to reheve uncertamty and mlmmlze impacts for those whose homes and properties may be affected, and WHEREAS, The Federal Highway AdministratIon (FHW A) who retains approval authonty of the document approved a Finding of No SIgnificant Impact (FONSI} for the preferred alternative on February 1,2000; and WHEREAS, on February 11,2000, the CIty ofYelm adopted the FONSI as a Mitigated Determmation of Non SIgnificance in accordance with the State EnvIronmental Policy Act (RCW 43.21C 110.84-05-020 and WAC 197 -11-965), now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS. The preferred Alternative described m the Revised Environmental Assessment is consistent with the 1995 City ofYelm ComprehensIve Plan and Joint Plan wIth Thurston County, and 2. The CIty ofYelm adopts the Preferred AlternatIve described m the Revised EnvIronmental Assessment and MitIgated Determination of Non Sigmficance as the Y2N3 corridor 3 The final hIghway desIgn, indudmg mtersectIOn locatIOns and access pomts, will be approved by the CIty ofYelm pnor to final approval of nght-of-way/hmited access plan. o Adopted by the City Council and SIgned by the Mayor thIS 8th day of March, 2000 ~~W4 Kat Wolf, Mayor Attest! authenticatIon. ~~ /J~ Agn s BennIck, CIty Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED' March 8, 2000 o EXHIBIT IV o AMENDMENT (Incorporating the Y21Y3 Corridor) TO THE . CITY OF YELM 1995 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN o AND JOINT PLAN WITH THURSTON COUNTY June, 2000 o This document amends the 1997 Transportation Plan and the City of Yelm 1995 Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County and where amended supercedes information contained in the existing comprehensive plan. TRANSPORTATION o Amendment to the City of Yelm 1995 Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County (Summary of Proposal, Issues, Analysis, Rationale, Summary of Recommendations, and Maps) SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL Provide an update to the City of Yelm 1997 CQmprehensive Transportation Plan & Transportation component (Chapter VI) of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County The transportation plan update incorporates the corridor plan for the Y2fY3 Corridor with all existing documentation, including the Environmental Assessment and the specific corridor route location based on the Environmental Assessment. ISSUES, ANALYSIS & RATIONALE BackQround The City of Yelm developed a Transportation Plan in 1992 to meet the requirements of the Growth Management Act and establish a planning document to assist the City in developing an 0 good, efficient transportation system The plan was amended in 1995 and 1997 to reflect minor modifications to the 1992 plan By the late 1980's, traffic on Yelm Avenue had become so congested the Yelm City Council began seeking ways to identify potential solutions to its transportation problems. The limited capacity of Yelm Avenue (SR 510) and First Street (SR 507), the city's only route for regional and local traffic passing through town, had led to failing levels of service (LOS) during peak hours and created long delays and unsafe conditions. LOS is used to describe the operating conditions of a roadway or intersection and is evaluated on a range between A and F, LOS A representing free-flow conditions and LOS F constituting stop- and-go congestion The city adopted LOS D as its standard for peak traffic periods in all commercial and industrial areas, including Yelm Avenue, and LOS C for residential streets. Currently, several segments of Yelm Avenue and intersecting roadways operate below the established minimum LOS, at times dropping to LOS E or F during morning and evening peak periods o o The city looked at the option of widening the existing roadways to improve the LOS on Yelm Avenue, but this was determined to be an undesirable alternative Traffic studies indicated that by 2020 any traffic flow benefits achieved by widening Yelm Avenue SR 510 and 507 would be diminished and the congestion problems would fall to at or below today's conditions. Even with the widening, the LOS on Yelm Avenue by 2020 would be poor (LOS E) The Council was also committed to protecting and enhancing the historic character of the downtown and wanted to prevent it from becoming a strip development without character or continuity Widening the existing corridor would require displacing 5 dwellings and 5 businesses, including the historic Wolf Building Additionally, between 50 and 65 businesses lose some parking and have street access modified. The Transportation Plan developed in 1992 identified new roadway facilities to provide relief to Yelm Avenue, as well as other needed improvements. These improvements were designated Y1 through Y12 The Y21Y3 plan addressed a potential option for an alternative route to bypass the urban core as a solution to congestion on Yelm Avenue Traffic from the south and east heading towards Olympia, and vice versa, would bypass the core via a new road corridor This would free Yelm Avenue/First St. to serve primarily local traffic. o The Y2 facility (identified as SR 507/Five-Corners connector in the Comprehensive Plan) is intended to provide a southerly route that links the southwest and southeast areas of the community Traffic travelling north on SR 507 toward Pierce County would no longer be channeled into the Yelm Avenue/First Street intersection but would instead be routed around the city to the south During the course of the Y2 Corridor Study, it became apparent that Y2 alone would not reduce the congestion levels on Yelm Avenue to meet the city's LOS standard In order to thoroughly address the traffic problems on SR 507 and SR 510, it is also necessary to include the northern portion of the loop known as Y3 The project identified in the Transportation Plan as Y3 would provide a northern route around the city Neither Y2 nor Y3 alone can reduce current and future traffic congestion on Yelm Avenue, and therefore they are inter-dependent. In 1997, the Thurston Regional Planning Council approved moving forward with the project under a combined Y21Y3 corridor study Goals and Policies The purpose of this project is to satisfy the policies, goals, and objectives of the City of Yelm and Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan by providing appropriate and functional transportation facilities to reduce congestion, improve freight mobility, safety, and improve traffic circulation in and around the City of Yelm on SR 507 and SR 510 Additionally, the plan o 2 designates a specific location for the Y21Y3 corridor to replace the conceptual location included in previous transportation plans. 0 Alternatives Twelve alternatives were considered for potential routes for Y2 and seven for Y3, including a no- build alternative. Each alternative was evaluated based on environmental and transportation criteria The No Build Alternative would preserve the existing SR 510 and SR 507 as a single lane in each direction, with left turn lanes at intersections WRere needed. Other designated "Y" project improvements included in the Yelm Transportation Plan would be made as funding becomes .available Transportation System Management (TSM) and Transportation Demand Management (TOM) strategies would be implemented to make the existing corridor as efficient as possible without increasing capacity The preferred alternative for the Y21Y3 Corridor is a 6 4 mile three-lane highway designed to meet state highway standards adopted by WSDOT, with one through lane in each direction and a left-turn lane where needed The Y2 alignment begins approximately 1500 feet north of George Road off SR 507, runs along the base of Foxhill easterly toward Vancil Road where it turns northeasterly crossing Morse Road, Yelm Creek, and Bald Hills Road. It then turns northward 0 creating a new intersection with SR 507 east of Grove Road. From SR 507, the Y3 alignment runs northerly crossing 103rd Avenue SE, Canal Road, and Flume Road At Railway Road, the alignment runs northwesterly, crossing over the Chehalis Western Railroad and running south of and parallel to the Centralia Power Canal, crossing Wilkenson Road, Canal Road, Rhoton, Crystal Springs, Cullens, Killion, Mountain View and Burnett Roads before creating a new intersection with SR 510 near Mud Run Road Environmental Issues Air Quality Under the no-build scenario, traffic conditions are expected to worsen to LOS F in the year 2020, resulting in a local air quality problem caused by delays and resulting concentration of fumes from idling vehicles With the corridor, in the year 2020, all intersections and roadways are expected to operate at LOS C or better As a result, the air quality would continue to be within the established standards o 3 c Noise The noise analysis conducted for the project involved measuring existing noise at various locations along the corridor, verifying existing noise levels, and predicting traffic noise levels for the design year 2020 No traffic noise impacts directly associated with the Y2 corridor were identified, and therefore no noise mitigation is recommended for this segment of the project. Potential impacts were identified at 64 residences along the proposed Y3 corridor, with the majority due to use of WSDOT substantial increase criteria of 10 dBA or greater Noise levels at some receptors along Yelm Avenue and First Avenue would decrease due to traffic being diverted onto the new corridor A noise barrier is proposed from Crystal Springs Road NW to Rhoton Road NW, near the Kingsview residentjal community None of the unmitigated receptors adjacent to the corridor approached or exceeded FHWA's noise abatement criteria. Installation of a noise barrier at the above-mentioned location and adoption of regulations requiring noise mitigation measures to be integrated into future noise sensitive developments adjacent to the corridor will keep impacts to a minimum. Additionally, other design measures, such as a depressed roadway, are incorporated into the project wherever feasible c Energy Long range energy usage will be reduced as a result of the alternative travel routes available The new corridor, with its improved LOS, will decrease the miles traveled while adding to the efficiency of the roadway system throughout Yelm. Geology and Soils Erosion of soils would be minimal due to the relatively flat terrain and low cut and fill slopes along the new roadway alignment. Best Management Practices included in the WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual would be used to minimize soil and erosion impacts. Waterways and Hydrological Systems Yelm Creek would be bridged at two locations. No piers would be located within the Ordinary High Water Mark for either crossing No floodplain storage will be lost due to fill for the roadway or bridge approaches o Water Quality The Yelm Creek watershed is roughly 7% impervious under existing conditions The project would represent about a 5% increase in impervious surface in the immediate project vicinity, but only 0 3% of the Yelm Creek watershed Impacts to water quality will be avoided or minimized by incorporating mitigation measures into project design utilizing the provisions of the City of Yelm Drainage and Erosion Control Manual 4 Wetlands, Fisheries, Wildlife and Vegetation 0 Wetlands will be crossed at three locations, two along the Y2 route and one along the Y3 route A small amount of fill will be necessary at only one wetland site The other two wetland crossings will be on bridges With compensatory mitigation in the vicinity, impacts will be negligible. Yelm Creek is crossed in two locations, but the only direct"impact to the stream will be shading of a small portion of stream bed Four oak woodlands are along the proposed Y2/Y3 corridor Impacts to the oak woodlands will be minimized by preserving oaks within the right-of-way where possible and replanting oaks contiguous to mature stands near the north crossing of Yelm Creek. Impact on fisheries will be avoided or minimized by treating and infiltrating stormwater runoff There would be no impact to endangered or threatened plant or animal species Land Use The planned corridor would be located within the Yelm Urban Growth Area and will require approximately 95 acres of land With over 1600 acres of land planned for development, no land or housing shortages are anticipated to occur as a result of this project. There are three points along the corridor where land uses may be more appropriately zoned commercial or industrial to blend into contiguous land uses identified in the Comprehensive Plan These areas are the intersection of State Route 507 and Y2, at the southwestern terminus of the 0 corridor; a triangular area between Morris Road and Bald Hill Road, north of the Y2 corridor; and an area northwest of Burtington Northern Railroad line to Canal Road, south of the Y3 corridor All other areas are appropriately zoned Farmlands The Y2/Y3 corridor will be located in the rural areas just outside the current city limits of Yelm. There is no prime and unique farmland within the corridor Two poultry-raising barns would be displaced Social Elements Impacts to school property include acquisition of approximately 3 acres of a total of 32 acres of set-aside property at the Mill Pond Intermediate School site This land is needed for future expansion, including the addition of a second school and related facilities. Mitigation measures for impacts to the school property will be included in an agreement with the Yelm School District. Fire and police personnel have indicated that the new route will decrease response time to service calls o 5 c Relocation A total of 17 residences will be displaced by the corridor Several manufactured homes can be relocated on the existing properties. Sufficient affordable and safe replacement housing exists in the Yelm area marketplace. The only commercial displacement would be removal of one of the six Foster Farms poultry-raising structures Economic Elements The proposed corridor will impact four businesses' Foster Farms Poultry, Stiebrs Farms, Cattleman's Livestock Auction, and EI Patio Restaurant. The northwest corner of the Stiebrs property will be crossed by the corridor, and approximately 2.4 acres of land will need to be acquired Approximately 2 4 acres along the western side of the Cattleman auction yard and restaurant will also need to be acquired. One poultry building will need to be removed. Disruptive impacts to businesses would have a minor impact on the overall Yelm area economy c Cultural Resources Initially, 24 potential-historic structures were identified as directly or indirectly affected by the proposed project. These resources were reviewed and evaluated by the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, who determined that none of the structures retained sufficient original fabric or architectural integrity for designation. One historic isolated artifact, a square nail, was found in the vicinity of the corridor during the archaeological survey, but is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Two hunter-fisher- gatherer isolated artifact sites were identified and determined by the State Historic Preservation Office to not be eligible for listing in the NRHP One historic site (34-102) located near Yelm Creek in the vicinity of Bald Hills Road, approximately 98 4 feet north of the Y21Y3 Corridor right- of-way, may be eligible for the NRHP It consists of a fine-grained pebble aggregate foundation, a large ditch feature, a historic plow, a wood feed trough, and extensive historic artifact surface scatter Both the hunter-fisher-gatherer site and historic site 34-102 would be avoided by the Preferred Alternative Hazardous Waste There are no known hazardous waste sites affected by the project. It is anticipated that asbestos and underground storage tanks may be encountered in the displacement of the 17 residential structures, many of which are 30 to 50 years old. Heating oil tanks would be removed when found, and asbestos would be removed following Olympia Air Pollution Control Authority or appropriate agencies' criteria. o 6 Visual Quality With the proposed corridor being on new alignment, visual quality will be altered The view toward the corridor will lose some of its intactness and unity The view from the corridor will provide new views to special features, such as Mount Rainier and Oak Woodlands Significant impacts will be avoided by blending the design of the roadway into existing topography, preserving existing significant views, and strategic revegetation of the roadside o Effects of the ChanQe A goal of the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County is a series of connected arterials which would permit througt.l traffic to bypass the urban core in order to reduce congestion The Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan makes initial recommendations for potential route locations in relation to existing neighborhoods and sensitive areas The Y2/Y3 Corridor plan is consistent with goals in the comprehensive plan Adoption of the Y2IY3 corridor plan and supporting documentation will designate a specific location for the Y2 and Y3 segments of the system improvements and will satisfy the policies, goals and objectives of the City of Yelm and Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan Conc lusio ns/Rationale Because the Y2/Y3 Corridor has been issued a Finding of No Significant Impact by the Federal Highways Administration and been adopted by the Yelm City Council, it is necessary to amend the 1995 Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County The Y21Y3 corridor plan satisfies the policies, goals and objectives of the City of Yelm and Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan by providing appropriate and functional transportation facilities to reduce congestion, improve freight mobility, safety, and improve traffic circulation through the City of Yelm on SR 507 and SR 510 A specific corridor route is designated to replace the conceptual location included in previous plans o STAFF CONTACT Cathie Cartson - City Planner City of Yelm (360) 458-8408 Attachments o 7 o SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS City staff recommends approval of the preferred alternative, the Y2/Y3 corridor plan, to be incorporated into the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County g:\text\environmental\Y2Y3\yelm comp plan amendment.doc o c 8 \') e9\t' ,,,'IE- \ 'fe\m NOT TO sc.ALE PRo-ECT TERMINUS - aouNOAR'f 'f(RU URB!-N GRO~ LONG oOR Y2fY3 cQRRl - pro\ect LOC~ c I 10 I I EXHIBIT V NOT TO SCALE ll9lIl A 'E.. I 'I 'I Ii Ii i \ \ I LAND AREA A "1 ~ (--- ~ . ~ II LEGEND t .../ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ , SR 507 . ~1 ~ jJ .TJ URfMH GROWTH saMJARY HEJCHBORHOOO COH'fEHIEHCE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-JO) HEAVY COINERCIAL (C-2) LJCHT INC)()S1Rf.IL /"'" -7' '. ( " _ _on_H___ ...~n..n..__...n.n.nn.nnn.-'-- ._n._ - ___.O.._..____.._444O____________....un___...______ ....__n.__ _...__n_n_._______.......___............---...--.---- u____< ---- - __u_n_ - Figure 31 Potential Land Use Changes c c o EXHIBIT VI Map Produced By: Thurston GEODA T A Center's Internet Map Server 1- Ac.r~_ R~WI1e. fife YJ./ Y.3 Corlielo r Scale' Approx. I Inch = 386 Feet 9/13/00 10:30:52 AM (\ - "-----/ C4 c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2000, 4 00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - August 21, 2000 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - CUP-00-8258-YL, Edwards House Assisted Living Facility Applicant: Edwards house Associates, LLC Proposal The applicant proposes to construct a 25,000 sq ft. assisted living facility consisting of 40 living units and full care including 24-hour nursing care Project Location The west side of Killion Road just north of Yelm Avenue W Public Hearing - Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendments Applicant: City of Yelm Proposal Multi-Amendments and Rezone consisting of" A. Rezone of 1 acre from residential to commercial thereby amending the zoning/land use map B Adoption of the Y2/Y3 Transportation Corridor C Removing maps from the Comprehensive Plan which are already included in plans which are reference to or appendices of the Comprehensive Plan 5 Other" 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, pleas contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 4 00 P M c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday,August21,2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present. Margaret Clapp, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Staff' Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Tim Peterson, Dana Spivey Members absent. Glenn Blando, Eric Brown Approval of Minutes: 00-13 MOTION BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 7, 2000, WITH THE NOTED CORRECTION TO ELIMINATE THE BEGINNING PART OF THE FIRST SENTENCE, IN PARAGRAPH 2 ON PAGE 3 MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications' There were none Continuation of Public Hearing - SUB-OO-8251-YL - Huntington Green /I Applicant Dick Boness Proposal The applicant proposes to subdivide 3.26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots Project location The west side of Crystal Springs Road just north of the existing Huntington Green Subdivision Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 402 P m Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Cathie Carlson said that she would let the existing staff report stand as is Mr. Gorman asked if there were any public comments or questions? Patrick Van Cleave stated he did not have a question, he just wanted to thank the Planning Commission for listening to their concerns Both Ed Rhodes and Kirsti Krause also thanked the Planning Commission Mr. Gorman asked the Planning Commission members if they had any questions for staff? None Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 404 P m 00-14 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO ENTERTAIN THE SAME MOTION WHICH WAS MADE AT THE AUGUST 7, 2000 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (MOTION #00-12): TO FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL, ON SUB- 00-8251-YL - HUNTINGTON GREEN - PRELIMINARY PLAT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LEAVING THE CUL-DE-SAC IN HUNTINGTON GREEN AS IT IS, WITH ALL OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO STAND IN PLACE, WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT: Yelm Planning Commission August 21 2000 Page 1 c c c It would appear that all the purchasers of the Huntington Green development assumed that the road would not ever go through, from the testimony received - and therefore the homeowners purchased their homes with the intent that the road was a dead end road, or cul-de-sac - and they purchased for the price they did based on this fact. MOTION CARRIED. E.J. CURRY AND BOB 150M ABSTAINED. Other- Dana Spivey reminded everyone that a reception will be held on Wednesday, August 23, 2000, 6-7 pm, here in the Council Chambers for Councilwoman Velma Curry - to honor her for her six years of service to the City Council - everyone is invited Ms. Carlson stated that the next meeting will be Monday, September 18, 2000, 4 00 P m Mr. Gorman asked Ms Carlson if there were any updates to any projects? Ms. Carlson said that the ground has been broke in front of Safeway, for the new "Hollywood Video" business Ms. Carlson also stated that staff has been working with other local planners on the Endangered Species Act (ESA) - and there will be a county wide forum on Saturday, November 18th, 9-1 pm at the Olympia Center - regarding ESA, if anyone is interested in attending, it will really help as the City implements the new ESA rules and regulation into everything the City does Ms. Carlson also stated that she is planning to do an ESA presentation at the October Planning Commission meeting Mr. Gorman asked Shelly Badger if the Planning Commission can be held liable? Ms. Badger said the city does have errors and omissions insurance which covers staff, elected officials and boards, but she will find out for sure from the City Attorney Meeting adjourned at 4 15 P m Respectfully submitted, atIlJ11J,c:ht1UA// Dana SPive/y~ Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission August 21 2000 Page 2 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to C receive future agendas and minutes MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE August 21, 2000 TIME' 4 00 PM LOCATION YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s) 1. Continuation on Huntington Green Preliminary Plat NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) / c,..r-.-'/t.^ a 't ~~ J~-;;l~ flVlP~ ~ ~ ~~OL S I S-0,--l1 q t. 'J c, (J,--r;e~.; 17.- 1<'::- U_ If#- ~ n (' l /S-6~< '1:Jd~~ S.~. ~/J?1j~" ~CCS'17 9 2- ~ 0 ~ .r~ 1'e' t-lAA. q €3 r-C; 7 C C c c c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date August 9,2000 To Interested PartIes From. CathIe Carlson Re ContmuatIOn of the Pubhc Heanng for Huntmgton Green II - SUB-00-8251-YL It came to the City's attentIOn that when a pubhc heanng IS contmued to a future date m addItIon to the notIficatIOn that was gIven (attendees of the pubhc heanng and property owners wIthm 300 feet of the subject SIte were maIled a Plannmg CommIssIOn agenda IdentIfymg the pubhc heanng contmuatIon and staff report) It was the responsibihty of the City to run a pubhc heanng notIce m the local paper The pubhc heanng notIce for the August 7th meetmg dId not run m the local paper Due to the procedural error It IS necessary for the pubhc heanng to be held agam after the pubhc heanng notIce IS pubhshed on August 11, 2000 A pubhc heanng IS scheduled for Monday, August 21, 2000 at 4 00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 105 Y elm Avenue W If you have any questIOns please contact me at (360)458-8408 c c o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE PURPOSE Monday, August 21, 2000, 4'00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Continuation of Public Hearing to receive comments on a 13 lot Residential Subdivision, Case #SUB-00-8251-YL APPLICANT Dick Boness PROJECT LOCATION. West side of Crystal Springs Rd, north of Huntington Green Subdivision, Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide 3.26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their August 23, 2000, regularly scheduled meeting Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on August 21, 2000 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597. Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 5 days before the meeting ATTEST City otYelm yJ,P14btUL ~ DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday 11, August, 2000 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners August 11, 2000 f"'\ .~ City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 21,2000,400 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - August 7,2000 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Continuation of Public Hearing - SUB-00-8251-YL, Huntington Green II Preliminary Plat Applicant: Dick Boness Proposal The applicant proposes to subdivide 3 26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots The proposed plat includes one (1) open space tract, a new street and the infrastructure necessary to support the new development. Project Location The west side of Crystal Springs Road just north of the existing Huntington Green Subdivision c 4 Other' 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, pleas contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,400 P M c c o c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, August 7, 2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Glenn Blando, Margaret Clapp, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Staff. Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Tim Peterson, Dana Spivey Members absent. Eric Brown Approval of Minutes: 00-11 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY BOB 150M TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 17, 2000 MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications' There were none Continuation of Public Hearing - SUB-OO-8251-YL, Huntington Green II Preliminary Plat. Applicant. Dick Boness Proposal This proposal is to subdivide 3.26 acres into 13 single family residential lots Project location. The location is on the west side of Crystal Springs Road just north of the existing Huntington Green Subdivision Tom Gorman stated that the public testimony portion of the original public hearing was closed on July 17, 2000, but he will re-open it for anyone who has new testimony/issues Mr. Gorman re-opened the public hearing at 4 03 p m Mr. Gorman then asked if anyone had any new testimony, issues or concerns? Larry Mellema, 1209 Crystal Springs Street, Yelm - said he wrote a letter dated July 22, 2000 to Cathie Carlson - stating his concerns on this project. Mr. Mellema asked if the Planning Commission (PC) has a copy of his letter? Cathie Carlson answered, no the PC doesn't have a copy, because the public comment period was closed at the last meeting Mr. Mellema then asked if he could submit the letter to the Planning Commission now? Mr. Gorman asked if there are any new issues in the letter? Mr. Mellema said yes there are many inaccurate statements he has addressed in his letter including the location of his well, and the zoning of his property Mr. Gorman stated the issues Mr Mellema is presenting sound somewhat technical in nature, and he urged Mr Mellema to discuss these issues with city staff Mr. Mellema said he feels that his concerns are valid, and should be addressed today Mr. Gorman apologized and said that he didn't mean to "downplay" Mr Mellema's concerns, and then he asked Cathie Carlson how last minute issues are handled? Ms. Carlson stated that a majority of Mr Mellema's concerns were addressed prior to the public hearing, an engineer was called out to the site, etc Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 2000 Page 1 Mr. Gorman reiterated that Mr Mellema has concerns regarding the accuracy of the staff recommendation, and suggested city staff meet with the Mellema's to address his concerns Mr. Gorman asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak? Ed Rhodes, 15629 92nd Way SE, Yelm - talked about the fact that the preliminary plat approval was approved November of 1991, not in August of 1992 Mr. Rhodes then showed on the whiteboard his ideas/suggestions for the proposed streets Mr. Gorman asked if anyone else was signed up to speak? None Mr. Gorman closed the public testimony period at 4 15 pm, and then stated he would like to make sure the Planning Commission (PC) members understand everything, including the staff recommendation Mr. Gorman asked Ms Carlson to give an updated staff report. Ms. Carlson started by saying that Mr Rhodes was correct on the actual date of approval on the preliminary plat, it was approved in December of 1991, with the civil drawings being done in 1992, and the final approval in 1994 Ms. Carlson stated that from the staffs perspective - they are charged with implementing the rules and the regulations that the City Council has approved There have been times when staff has recommended variations of the rules and regulations based on facts and findings Ms. Carlson stated she and the other staff have empathy for this situation, but they have to look at it from a city wide system and what the City Council has asked the staff to do, in implementing those rules Although, the issues which were raised on this project, were valid concerns - there wasn't anything substantial - the traffic engineer Ms Carlson spoke to said that he couldn't quantify the additional traffic which will occur from the opening of the street. Ms. Carlson stated that in all her research, there wasn't anything to give her a reason to recommend a deviation from the City's adopted set of standards As a staff member, they have to be ready to treat any person who comes in, (regardless of who they are, a homeowner, a developer, or a local business person) the same The rules have to be applied in an equitable fashion to everyone If staff is going to pick and choose which rules and regulations they make people adhere to, then they aren't doing their job, and legally they could be challenged Ms. Carlson said this is why the staff recommendation is the way it is She added, it is the Planning Commission's (PC) prerogative to recommend something different to the City Council, if they see it differently Or the PC could go forward with the staff recommendation, and the City Council has the prerogative to make a change Ms. Carlson said that she recognizes that every neighborhood would love to be a cul-de-sac, but ifthe City lets that happen - then there is no transportation system, and the City is responsible for a good transportation system Sometimes it works out to be more beneficial to some, and not others Ms. Carlson stated that she felt she had to explain this because she didn't want everyone thinking that she wasn't listening to their concerns Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 2000 Page 2 o o o c Mr. Gorman asked Ms Carlson to read aloud the staff recommendation for clarification Ms Carlson did so Mr. Gorman asked if there were any questions or comments from any of the PC members? Roberta Longmire stated that in both the first and the second staff report, and again here today, the Planner has said that it will not increase the traffic because everyone will go out to Crystal Springs Road - if that is true, then she feels that there is no advantage to connect this cul-de-sac to another road Ms. Longmire said her second comment is about the manufactured housing statement, about the County Assessor's comments regarding what is around the house, but when a certified appraiser is brought out to make an appraisal - the appraiser takes photographs of what is up the road, and down the road from the subject property, and it greatly affects the value of people's homes Also, Ms. Longmire said that on Map tf2 in the new staff report, a connection is shown similar to the one that Mr Rhodes drew today (on the whiteboard) - this could be done leaving this a cul-de-sac, and when people buy into the new subdivision, it will say on the plat that the streets will eventually connect, and there would be no argument. Ms. Longmire stated that the people in Huntington Green now, bought their homes with a cul-de-sac - they were told it was a cul-de-sac, it shows as a cul-de-sac on the plat, there is no place on there that shows it is going to connect in the future, therefore they have a right to continue to have it as a cul-de-sac c Margaret Clapp said she doesn't think it is for them to tell a developer what to do, but she thinks the water lines must connect, whether the road does or not. Ms. Clapp also stated that she disagrees with Ms Longmire, and she feels that Huntington Green has a beautiful development and the homeowners should be proud of it. While she supports staffs recommendation based on adopted policies, she feels that this would be one situation in which she could support an exception to the connecting street requirement. John Thomson asked if the Huntington Green development wanted to become a gated community, would they have to purchase back the streets from the city? Or, could a gate be put there, and only be used for emergency access? Ms. Carlson stated that this is not something that they would advocate for in every residential subdivision, once something like this is allowed then the City would have to make sure they had findings of "why it is unusual, and why it should be allowed in the subdivision, and then why it is not going to be allowed in the future" This is something she would have to look into c Ray Kent said he thinks that putting in the round-about would be a splendid idea, and he doesn't feel there would be a lot more traffic Mr. Gorman asked ifthere were any further questions or comments from the PC members? None Mr. Gorman then reopened the public testimony portion of the meeting at 4 30 pm, for those who arrived late Yelm Planning Commission August 7 2000 Page 3 Virginia Tompkin stated that she is fairly new to the Huntington Green 0 development, and she did not know anything about the proposed street going through Ms. Tompkin also stated that she doesn't see how there won't be more traffic going through Larry Coniff, Attorney at Law, representing Huntington Green Community Association, asked if his supporting comments and some photos could be accepted as points of record? Mr. Gorman said yes, but Mr Coniff has five minutes to do so Mr. Coniff pointed out that the studies are not identified, there is no basis for determining comparability, there is no showing that studies have been made in areas that would be considered to be relevant to the problems presented The unidentified studies in general are not of sufficient basis to support a conclusion that there will be little if any increase in traffic due to the construction of the second vehicular access The basis forthe vehicular access and staff's view is based upon two things - 1) it says, a policy was in place when Huntington Green Plat was approved, and 2) it says, the ordinances require it, and a third point is emergency vehicle access Mr. Coniff restated the fact that the preliminary plat for Huntington Green was approved in December 1991, before the transportation policy was adopted in 1992 Under the vested rights doctorate, a development has the right to rely upon that particular preliminary plat and the law and policies that are in place at that time, therefore staff's first point is simply wrong, and the second point is based on these alleged violations of city ordinances - and the city ordinances which 0 they rely on are really very interesting One of the ordinances says a 13 unit plat, exceeds the 25 unit requirement for the second vehicular access point. This can only be done by adding in the 31 lots of Huntington Green, and Huntington Green has al ready been approved, moreover another section of the ordinance that is cited - says that the Planning Commission and the City Council are only to consider the lots that are applied for, not prior approved lots The next point Mr. Coniff spoke about, is about emergency vehicles - that city staff has ignored the comments of a police officer for the City ofTenino and a Washington State Patrol officer who live within Huntington Green, and have many years of experience in addressing emergencies and seeing all kinds of emergency vehicles in operation Mr. Coniff stated that no one knows if city staff called someone at Fire District #2. and CapCom, and said, ''wouldn't it be better to have this rather than that?" The answer was yes, which is the answer that city staff wanted Mr. Coniff said that no one knows which questions were really asked, if the people were even familiar with the Yelm policies? Mr. Coniff went on to say that he feels the emergency vehicle issue is nothing more than an albatross, it is not a real issue On the basis of unidentified people speaking over the telephone in answer to unknown questions is not in fact sufficient factual basis upon this to make a finding that in fact emergency vehicles would be impaired in some manner in terms of performing those services but for the construction of a second access Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 2000 o Page 4 c Mr. Conifftalked about the children's issue - the attractiveness of the park, and the misuse of the park by unauthorized families in adjacent parcels has not been addressed The issue of investments by the community in the park has not been addressed The issues of diminished property values has not been addressed, except in general by Ms Longmire, and he would agree with Ms Longmire Mr. Coniff went over the dimensions of the lots, and the issue of possible manufactured homes that could go into this new subdivision Mr. Coniff implied that the city staff and Planning Commission are not familiar with "Chapter 17 53-Mobile/Manufactured Homes," of the City of Yelm Municipal Code, and he urged them to read it. Mr. Coniffthen asked if he could have Pat take everyone on a guided tour of Huntington Green with some enlarged photographs of the existing subdivision, its playground area, and also some photographs of an existing mobile home/manufactured housing subdivision in Yelm, which they do not wish to have next to them Mr. Gorman closed the public testimony portion of the public meeting at 4 45 pm, then asked if there were further questions/comments from any of the PC members? Mr. Thomson said - in the initial meeting for Huntington Green (1991) - it was emphasized that there would be an extension through this property, and he can't find it anywhere in the minutes - that this would be a temporary cul-de-sac and there would be an egress put through c Ms. Carlson said she also read through the minutes and she had called Eddie True the Land Surveyor, and also the original property owner, John Huddleston - and he (Mr Huddleston) said that it was designed that way (to connect through) because he was going to purchase the adjacent property and develop it, but that never worked out. The point is, when it was designed and then approved by the City, it was with the future intent that it was going to be developed Mr. Thomson asked if Mr Huddleston's design to extend was a design to make that development larger, with the same type of homes Shelly Badger and Ms. Carlson both said yes, that was Mr Huddleston's original plan Bob Isom stated that it doesn't matter, it was approved the way it was approved - regardless of what anyone's intentions were c Ms. Clapp asked Ms Carlson - if one were to offer a motion to make an exception, does that make it hard for city staff - as far as many people coming forward etc Ms. Carlson said if a motion is made to deviate from the standards, then the motion must state some facts and/or findings (i e one believes that there will be a significant increase in traffic which will be detrimental to their neighborhood, that home values will decrease etc ) there has to be some factual reasons why one would make the change, and deviate from the city standards Ms. Badger added that any final plats that the city deals with now - it is being noted on the face of the final plat - '~his will be a connecting-through street." Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 2000 Page 5 Ms. Carlson added that the City of Olympia has the same problem, so they have signs made which are posted at the end of a cul-de-sac, and it is also 0 printed on the preliminary plat that the street will eventually become a through street. Ms. Clapp asked about fire, egress - emergency type issues, do all the neighbors have to sign-off saying that they support abandoning any thought of a connection, in case someone makes an argument that it would be safer to have a two-way access? Ms. Carlson said she didn't think so Ms. Longmire stated that the city should stand on their word, when they have done something, or approved something in the past - they should not try to change it on the people in the future The people in the city should have the right to be able to depend upon their government. E.J. Curry asked how many preliminary plats have been approved since 1994 that could potentially come about as an issue? Ms. Carlson stated that Prairie Heights III had this situation, the first leg was built and it was not put on the face of the plat that it was to be a future road The road was put through, and there weren't any concerns Ms. Carlson said that the one that was just approved off of Cullens Road is the only one - and it will say on the face of the plat that it will be a through road Mr. Gorman said the Planning Commission has three options to proceed with, and then he listed the options Mr. Gorman then called for a motion o 00-12 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, TO FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL, ON SUB-00-8251-YL- HUNTINGTON GREEN-PRELIMINARY PLAT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LEAVING THE CUL-DE-SAC IN HUNTINGTON GREEN AS IT IS, WITH ALL OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO STAND IN PLACE There was discussion Mr. Gorman asked Ms Longmire if she could add to the motion that Mr Mellema's concerns will be addressed by city staff? Ms. Longmire said yes Ms. Clapp offered an amendment to the motion - that the reason for making the exception on the cul-de-sac is due to the concerns of the Huntington Green homeowners that their property values will decrease and also increased traffic concerns Mr. Gorman asked for a second to the original motion before there was discussion SECONDED BY RAY KENT. Mr. Thomson stated it might be easier if the motion stated that it would appear that all the purchasers of the Huntington Green development assumed that the road would not ever go through, from the testimony received - and therefore the homeowners purchased their homes with the intent that the road was a dead end road, or cul-de-sac - and they purchased for the price they did based on this fact. Mr. Thomson also stated that it appears from the testimony given - that no one came forward and believed that the road would ever be extended Yelm Planning Commission August 7 2000 o Page 6 c c c Ms. Badger stated that in her opinion Mr Thomson's statement is a better "finding" - because the previous reasons which were stated earlier, anyone in the future could come in and use (decreased property value etc.) Mr. Gorman asked Ms Carlson if the findings of fact should be part of the motion? Ms. Carlson said yes Mr. Gorman asked Mr Thomson if he is repressing a modification to the motion to include those findings offact? Mr. Thomson said yes, in other words that is the reason to leave the cul-de-sac the way it exists, because everyone who purchased their property, at that time they truly believed that the road was a dead end road, and they purchased because of that. It appears unanimous that every homeowner there assumed this Mr. Gorman stated that there is a motion on the table, it has been seconded, to recommend approval by the city council, with the exception of leaving the cul- de-sac as it is - with the findings of fact which justify the reason for the recommended variation from the staff recommendation MOTION CARRIED. BOB 150M ABSTAINED Applicant, Dick Boness asked that since Huntington Green was not going to be connected, could he revise his site plan and not provide a connection to the North? Ms. Longmire responded that he would definitely have to provide a connection Mr. Gorman then asked Ms Carlson when will the City Council review this? Ms. Carlson said at the August 23, 2000 city council meeting, at 7 30 P m Other Ms. Carlson stated that the next Planning Commission meeting (August 21) will be canceled due to lack of business, and the September 4 meeting will be canceled because it is a holiday (Labor Day) The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, September 18, 2000 Ms. Carlson explained the planning department and public works department reorganization, to take effect sometime between January - March 2001 Meeting adjourned at 5 05 P m Respectfully submitted, (Jl~ur::J~ Dana Spivey Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission August 7 2000 Page 7 01 11 o o BEFORE THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RE: Huntington Green II, Preliminary Plat Approval, No. SUB-OO-8251-YL SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION TO STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT INTRODUCTION 12 The Huntington Green Community Association and Mr. and Mrs. 13 Ed Rhodes (herein "HGCA") submit these comments in opposition to Staff's supplemental report. The report recommends approval of the 15 Huntington Green II preliminary plat application.1 We will follow 16 Staff's presentation of issues. 17 1. Connection of 92ftd Way S.E. with the Proposed Subdivision. 18 There are two basic reasons why Staff's conclusion that 1 Staff was directed by the Planning Commission to address concerns raised at its July 17, 2000 meeting. The agenda item was continued to the next available date (August 7, 2000). Staff provided a copy of its supplemental report late in the day on August 2nd. Commenters thus had three working days to review and comment upon the supplemental report (dated July 24, 2000). SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT-1 J Lawrence Conif.! Allomey at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 Slate 4venue N.E. OI,mpia, Wa~hington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 C1 00 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 o secondary access between 92nd Way S.E. and the proposed subdivision 2 be approved. The first stated reason is that the connection policy was 3 in place in 1992 prior to Huntington Green's plat approval. This isn't 4 so. The second reason is based upon erroneous "interpretations" of 5 city ordinances. 6 The first reason is factually inaccurate. Huntington Green's 7 preliminary plat was approved on December 11 J 1991. HGCA's rights 8 vested on that date. The policy regarding secondary access was 9 i adopted in August, 1992. The policy cannot retroactively be applied to I i the Huntington Green plat. 11 Staff relies on YMC 16.16.060 as support for its conclusion that at least two vehicular accesses are required for the proposed plat of thirteen lots. YMC 16.16.060 states: Every subdivision or combination of subdivisions of twenty- five or more housing units . . . shall provide more than one vehicular access from (a) . . . collector street. Staff failed to mention its interpretation of YMC 16.16.060 in its July 11 th report despite its obvious significance. If Staff's SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 2 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 State 4venue N.E. O~vmpia,' Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax;: (360) 754-0249 C1 00 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 o interpretation is legally correct, the Commission and, for that matter, 2 the Yelm City Council must require two vehicle access points for a 3 thirteen lot plat. The interpretive issue is whether the twenty-five lot 4 requirement is intended to apply to the proposed new plat (13 lots) by 5 adding the existing Huntington Green plat (41) lots) which totals 54 6 lots. It is logically sound to limit the twenty-five lot access 7 requirement to the application for plat approval under review. The 8 language used is indicative of an intent to prohibit a developer from 9 requesting more than one plat approval at the same point in time and thus evade the twenty-five lot access requirement. 11 YMC 16.16.080 was not considered. It sets out language relevant to our interpretive inquiry: To determine the applicable street standard for residential development, the number of housing units shall be the number designated on the application by the applicant. . . We request that documents which demonstrate prior application of Staff's present interpretation be made a part of this record (if such documents exist). Staff's belated effort to bolster their original SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 3 J Lawrence Coniff 4ttomey at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia_JVashington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 o conclusion that a second vehicle access street is required by city 2 ordinance is unpersuasive. 3 Staff ignores an ordinance directive based on its newly minted 4 interpretation to allow adjacent developed plat lots to be counted 5 toward the twenty-five lot limit which triggers the two vehicle access 6 requirement. Under Staffs interpretation, if the proposed plat was for 7 one residential lot of three plus acres, a second vehicle access would 8 be required because Huntington Green has 41 lots. Staffs argument 9 refutes itself. C \ Moreover, Staffs interpretation hinges on the meaning of 11 "combination of subdivisions" in YMC 16.16.060. The only other code 12 reference to combined preliminary and final subdivisions is in YMC 13 16.12.210 which provides an option to submit "concurrent and 14 combined preliminary and final subdivision applications." This 15 language provides affirmation of the meaning of the twenty-five lot 16 limitation. The limitation applies to a combined application. It does 17 not include the number of lots in an existing developed plat. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 4 J Lawrence COf/iff .{Clome} at Law State & .',awver Building, 2nd Floor 2120 Stote 4venue N.E- Olvmpia, Wa,.hington 98506 (60) 754- 766 7 Fa>: (360) 754-0249 c C1 9 Cb 11 12 o Staff's argument is but a contrived attempt to reach a 2 predet~rmined result which is not required by the Yelm Municipal 3 Code (as HGCA pointed out in opening comments, p. 12).2 Staff 4 concludes that it does not have authority "to grant an exception to the 5 regulat,ions for connecting streets." Staff SUppa Rep., p. 4. HGCA 6 wholeheartedly agrees with the concept that Staff does not possess 7 authority to grant exemptions from ordinance based requirements. 8 Staff's proper role is to develop relevant and reliable information to the decision-maker. Staff is not the decision-maker and, under the Yelm o~dinance scheme of things, most definitely lacks power to interpret ordinances in a manner inconsistent with their obvious intent. 2 Staff points to YMC 16.16.090 which requires access to adjoining, but not subdivided (platted), property. The developer's request for preliminary plat approval in this proceeding is for thirteen residential lots, not for approval of undeveloped land. YM~ 16.16.090 is irrelevant. This ordinance does not provide authority to impose policy standards found in the Yelm Transportation Plan upon the preliminary plat under review. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OP,POSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 5 .J Lawrence Coniff ~11()mel' al Law ~rale (~' )(1wwr BIli/ding,2nd Floor _' 121) ')Iale 4venue , E. (J1\7I1PW, Hashinglo/l 98506 (lMn -'-1 766 7 Fa~ (361)j 75-1-0249 o 2. Increased Neighborhood Traffic. 2 We focus upon items 1.b, 1.c, 1.d and 1.e. (Staff Supp. Rep., p. 2) 3 Unidentified traffic studies are relied upon to support the 4 conclusion that "very little if any traffic increase would occur" if the 5 second access were constructed. It is impossible to assess 6 comparability of unknown traffic studies to the facts of this case. 7 E~ergency vehicle access for residential development is not 8 "encouraged" as a condition of plat approval by YMC Chapter 16, 9 Subdivisions as stated by Staff. The flaws in that argument were C pointed put in the preceding comment. 11 Emergency vehicle access issues to Huntington Green and the 12 propose~ plat were spoken to by two law enforcement officers (City of 13 Tenino ~nd WSP) at the July 17th public hearing. Their testimony we 14 emphati~. No substantial risks were increased for fire, police or 15 medical vehicles by maintaining the status quo. They spoke from 16 years of experience handling such emergencies and were intimately o SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 6 J Lawrence Coniff 4l1omn' al Law Slale & ."Gwver Building, 2nd Floor 2 I 20 Slale 4venue N.E. Olvmpia, Washinglon 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax. (360) 754-0249 01 o 11 12 13 14 15 o familiar with Huntington Green because they are lot owners and 2 residents. 3 On the other hand, Staff says the "Contact with both Fire District 4 2 and CAPCOM (emergency response) confirm and stress the need for 5 multiple access whenever possible for public safety." Supp. Staff 6 Rep., p. 2. Who was contacted? What were the questions put to 7 them? Did they visit the site? This is an overly strong and broad 8 statement of opinion to accept uncritically. At the very least, the 9 decision-maker should be assured that the speaker of the statement understood the issue; considered substance of the testimony contra of two law enforcement officers; whether unidentified spokespersons for Fire District 2 and CAPCOM both "stressed" a need for multiple vehicle access "whenever possible" and whether they were authorized to speak for their employers.3 If these all encompassing opinions aren't corroborated, reliance isn't justified. In light of the testimony of two 3 Use of the word "stressed" is a value judgment of Staff. Others who might hear their comments might not be similarly impressed. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 7 .J Lcrn rellce COlliff illomn at Law )tatl! & )awwr Bllilding, 2nd Floor 2 I 20 ')!ate -twnue N.E. Ohmpia. 1I1L5hinglon 98506 (160j 7'i./.76f)' F;rr (160) 75./.02.J9 C1 c 11 12 13 14 15 o law enforcement officers whose detailed 'knowledge fully supports 2 their contrary opinions (and who were available to answer Commission 3 questions), Staff asks too much. 4 The question of children's safety is waved aside by pointing to 5 the unsubstantiated opinion that existing street standards will cause 6 "little if any increased traffic." Questions regarding the credibility of 7 this statement remain unanswered. 8 There was no response to our concern for the safety of children 9 from the proposed residential plat who will be attracted by the HGCA sponsored park and playground (located on 92nd Way S.E. as Tract "A" Open Space on Huntington Green Final Plat, Commenters Exhibit VI).4 There was no response to our concern regarding misuse or overuse of the playground-park by residents of the proposed development. Recall that HGCA pays for the park-playground. It is a privately-owned and funded project devoted to use by lot owners and 4 We also provide, for the record, photographs of the playground-park area and of Huntington Green as developed. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 8 J Llnl'/'ence Coniff -Wornev al Law "Iale & Sml1'er Buildim; 2nd Floor 2 f 2() .)((1le -lvenue ,\.E. Olvmpw, H.ashillg/On 98506 ,<(,01 754 71567 Fax (l6Oi 7;4.0249 c~ c 11 12 13 14 15 o their guests. It is not a public playground or park. See: Exhibit VI, 2 Huntington Green Plat (Final), Note 4 where ownership of Tract "A" is 3 confirmed in lot owners and the duty of maintenance. The undeniable 4 result of breaching the fence will be to increase unpermitted usage 5 (and possible misuse). It is surely not in the public interest to diminish 6 or destroy HGCA's investments and enjoyment of their property. The LV>M\+1\. D'-I V2 d presence of adults and children at the park will, in and of itself, ^ 7 8 generate additional vehicular traffic. 9 The code, YMC 16.04.030, creates a duty to "lessen congestion in the streets." This subject is not addressed except by Staff's reliance on unsupported opinions that existing street standards will cause little if any increased traffic (previously considered).5 To summarize, the Commission must decide whether it is reasonable to expect additional vehicular traffic on 92"d Way S.E. as stated by numerous lot owners in Huntington by letters (Exhibit IV, 5 This point was raised in our opening comments, pp. 7-8. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 9 .! Lawrence Comfj 4/1ornn 01 Law Stale & ",awver Buildillg,2l1d Floor 2120 Slole 4vellue \ E. ()/VII/pla, rr'o,hillgloll 98506 i?60, 7;4 766 7 Fo~, 060i 754-0249 01 o 11 letters 1-17) or whether unknown traffic studies support the 2 conclusion that there will be little, if any, traffic generated by the 3 proposed connection. No competent evidence has been submitted to 4 support Staffs position. 5 Under these circumstances, it is impossible for the Commission 6 to make a finding that public safety for streets has been protected and 7 by appropriate provision for safe walking conditions for students. A 8 proposed subdivision and any dedication "shall not be approved unless 9 the decision-maker makes written findings" as specified. YMC 16.12.170(A) and (8). 3. Decrease in Property Values. 12 HGCA lot owners provided their views as to decreases in 13 property values if the proposed plat is approved. Longstanding 14 concerns on this subject are reflected in Amended Declaration of 15 Covenants, Conditions and restrictions of Huntington Green (Exhibit 16 VII). Article I, Section K prohibits mobile homes on any lot. Even SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 10 .J Lawrence Con!ff ~lIomev at Law ,"tate & Sawver Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State ~vel1ue 7V.E. Olvmpia, Washington 98506 (}6(1i 754-7667 Fax. (l60) 754-0249 01 Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 o trailers and motor homes are limited to 24 hours unless properly 2 screened. Id., Section L. 3 An opinion from an unidentified Thurston County appraiser is 4 offered that the house next door "rarely has an effect" on the 5 appraised value of a residence. Who is the appraiser? Is the appraiser 6 familiar with Huntington Green and the pending proposal? Does the 7 appraiser know of instances of decreases in value of existing homes 8 due to development of residential areas of lower value and of lesser 9 desirability? Were potentially adverse impacts of manufactured homes on Huntington Green considered by the appraiser? YMC 17.63.010(0). Did the appraiser make a distinction between manufactured home communities and manufactured home subdivisions and their development and occupancy characteristics? YMC 17.63.01 O(F). Recall that the developer, Mr. Boness, stated that the purchaser of each of the proposed thirteen lots would decide whether or not to apply for a building permit for a manufactured home. Staff agrees with SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 11 .! Lawrence Com!! .j{{omn al La\\' \Iale & Sm.wr Bill/din\; 2nd F/oor 2 J20 Slale .jwllue \, E O/vmpia. If ashillglon 98;06 ! lWi 75./_7{,{,7 fin' (lMIi 7)./-02./9 C1 9 Q 13 14 15 16 17 o this view. Staff Supp. Rep., Item 2(b), p. 3. This maneuver precludes 2 the Commission from considering the likelihood that most, if not all, of 3 prospective lot purchasers, will opt for manufactured homes. The 4 maneuver, in turn, affects the rights of HGCA to object to the impact 5 of a manufactured housing development. HGCA would be relegated to 6 arguing the impact of issuance of a building permit for a single 7 manufactured home. 8 00/ The pending proposal should be treated as what it is: a pl..,t intended for development as a manufactured home subdivision. YMC Chapter 17.63, Manufactured Homes should be read as a part of the 11 subdivision requirements applicable to the proposal - in the same way 12 zoning requirements overlay subdivision requirements. YMC 17 .63.j01 0, Intent. (E) expressly provides for city review of proposed manufactured home subdivisions. A manufactured home subdivision is defined as ". . . an area of land, platted in accordance with the subdivision or platting regulations of the city and the state of Washington, in which each parcel or lot is designed and intended to be SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 12 J Lawrence Coniff ;lIIomel' at Lav.' Stale & Sa>wer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 Stale 4venue \.E. O/l'lI/pia, .jlashington 98506 (l60j 75./-7667 Fax. (360i 75./-02./9 o owned in fee by a person or persons also owning and occupying the 2 manufactured home." YMC 17.63.020, Definitions. The proposed 3 thirteen lots are each 50' wide by 88' deep which will barely 4 accommodate manufactured homes.6 HGCA believes that the intent of 5 the developer is to sell the lots to persons who will place 6 manufactured homes thereon. It is disingenuous to suggest that the 7 purchaser will decide when it is apparent that the intended lot use is 8 for manufactured homes. 9 This tactic was taken to avoid the mandatory policy directives C set out in YMC 17.63.010. These policies are discussed in our opening 11 comments, pp. 8-11, and will not be repeated except to note that the 12 Commission is left without any factual basis for satisfying the inquiry 13 required by YMC 16.12.160 regarding public interest and by YMC 14 16.12.170 requiring written findings which address, inter alia, whether o 6 The likelihood of two-story manufactured homes being built was brought out in public testimony at the prior hearing. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT. 13 J Lawrence Coniff -lllomev at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State 4venue N.E. Olvmpia. Wavhillgton 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax. (360) 754-0249 o c 11 the "proposed subdivision is in conformity with applicable zoning and 2 other development regulations. 3 From all this, it is reasonable to conclude that it is likely that all 4 (or substantially all) of the purchasers of the proposed thirteen lots 5 will apply for (and receive) building permits. The value loss fears of 6 HGCA members are well founded. The Commission has the duty to 7 address and make findings regarding standards for locating 8 manufactured housing in accordance with YMC 17.63.010. There is no 9 competent evidence in the record upon which to base required written findings other than statements of HGCA members. 5. Plat Boundary. 12 This subject was addressed in some detail in our opening 13 comments. Little more need be said - the issue is factual and legal. 14 Was the fence intended to represent the boundary of the plat? The 15 surveyor, Mr. True, says it was not. He intended to show that the 16 fence was in place when the survey was conducted and not the 17 boundary. We argue that surveyor's intent is not the issue - nor is it o SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT -14 J Lawrence Coniff 4llomevallaH' Slale & Sawver Bllilding.2nd Floor 2 I 20 Slale 4venue v.E. OlvlI/pia, Washinglon 98506 (<60) 75.f-7667'Fax: (36/1) 75./-02.19 o o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 o conclusive. It is an opinion and entitled to be considered as such by 2 the Commission. 3 The ambiguity arose outside the four corners of the plat. 4 Evidence of the facts surrounding the transaction regarding the 5 understanding of the parties and the practical construction placed on 6 the description by the parties must also be considered. HGCA 7 members stated their understanding of the boundary as the fence. 8 The surveyor was not a party to the transaction. No other parties to 9 the transaction offered testimony. Given this information, it is reasonable for the Commission to conclude that factual issues regarding the boundary description have been presented. Unless the applicant can resolve the dispute, the application for preliminary plat approval should be denied. Unless there is certainty regarding the one foot discrepancy, granting approval would be a useless act. CONCLUSION. Staff presses for its conditions as stated in its original report. Proposed Findings A, Band C are not findings of fact (based on SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 15 J Lawrence Coniff 4Uomev at Lav.' State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2/20 Stale 4venue V.E. Oh7l1pia, H'alhingtol1 98506 (360) 754 7667 Fax: (~60) 754-0249 o () 12 13 14 o ... evidence). The are-unsupported conclusions of law. The Commission 2 must prepare its required findings regarding the factors mandated by 3 ordinance. Given the state of this record, the Commission is unable to 4 fulfill its tasks. There really is no alternative but to recommend denial 5 of the application for preliminary plat approval. 6 Dated this 7th day of August, 2000. 7 Respectfully Submitted, 8 9 J. 21 tate Avenue N.E., Suite 101 Olympia, Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF STAFF'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT -16 J Lawrence Coniff 4ttornev 01 Law Slale & Sawver Building. 2nd Floor 2120 Slale Avenue N.E. Olympia. H'ashinglon 98506 (360i 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 c c c AUG-04-00 04:34 PM MAIL UNLIMITED IN JOY 3604584399 P.07 ~XHr't311 --xl AGENDA CITY or YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991. 4:00 PH. YELH CITY HALL Ca] I to order 2 Ro I] Cll I 1 3 Approval of Minutes: October 15. 1991 October 22, 1991 4 Agenda additions/deletions 5 Rezone request Huntington Greens 6 Emanual Lutheran Church & Kampfer request for city right-of-way vacate 7 Huntington Green Public Hearing 8 Other 8 Olher 10 Adjourn NEXT MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1991, 4 00 PM, YELM C TY UALL AUG-04-00 04:34 FM MAIL UNLIMITED IN JOY 36134584399 P.138 c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETI~G TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1991 HeetIng opened by Chair Tim Schlosser at 4 03 P M. Members Present Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, John Kinnee, Jim Keyes, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy, Roberta Lqngmire. Lyle Sundsmo and Tim Schlosser Staff present Gene Bo~ges Shelly Badger, attorney Sandy Mackie and Agnes Colombo Gue$ts Dick Yunker. Stephnay Ray. Larry Karr, Gordon Kampfer. Mike Edwards, Bev Kolilis, Mark Ziebell, Jul ie McCloud, EI izabeth Hunter:, Lawrence Mel lema, Jeanette Mellema, Dick Flannigan and Robert Perso~ Minutes of October 15, 1991 meeting were approved as corrected on motIon by Sundsmo, seconded Jim Brown Corrections deleted words in bold type, new text underlined L Mellema explained that he felt it vital that minutes reflect that John Huddleston when questioned near the end~ of 10/15/91 public hearing stated that he dId not want to rezone unless plat was assured of being approved c Joh~ Huddleston explained feel in.s.:!'s that not knowin>r wouldn't do it (rezone ~ss~ation allow'n Hel lema added that minutes misstated what his wife actually said (page 3, para 2) and requested that the statement be clarified Jeanette Melll"lma, 1209 Crystal Springs St NW When annexation of their property to Yelm occurred, it was her ur\derRtanding that the property ~ea would remain residential/agricultur~l (RA) I i Minutes of October 22, 1991 meeting seconded Sundsmo Motion carried approved qn mot ion by Kinnee. Agenda change8 Rezone request CIty right-of-way vacate requests PubIle Hearlng, Plat request from #5 from #6, from #7' to #7 to #5 to Ifi Qar OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 1 ~UG-04-00 04:35 PM MAIL UNLIMITED IN JOY 30;,045843'>'9 P.09 ("'\ G Agenda addIlions #8 Birkland annexalion #9 Stophic's Stuff parking diagram and tent #10 Flannigan/Person land use L Mellema questioned movement of the rezone request from item #5 to #7 and if it was legally possible to have re~one contIngent upon replat Schlosser explained that the commission; is an advisory body, they have no legal authority and do not chan!te zoning or approve plats. The commission's function is to review and make recommendations to the counel I The council has the option of ignoring a commission recommendation Ho lion K i nnce. seconded Hotion carried. Sundsmo that agenda be approved as changed c Agenda Item #5 Borges explained that the city had established the fact that the alley behind Emanuel Lutheran Church, for which vacate aclion is being sought. is a legal alley. Gordon Kampfer ia also requesting the city vacate 145 foot of alley betw~en the garden center and his property. Borges explained that the attorney advised that the commission could chose to recommend approval to ~acate portion of the alley that Kampfer was requesting subject to easement being reserved for fire/utilities. He (attorney) used the sam~ wording for church request Schlosser expressed reservations about allowing city right-of-way vacate as it would establish preeede~t Motion Longmire, seconded Brown tha t commi ss i on recommend counc 11 a II ow both vaaa tc requests. that the city reserve right of ea$ement for fire and utilities and that no above or below ground structures be erected at any time Hollon carried. CommIssion meeting closed and Public Hearing opened at 4 25 P H Chair Schlosser explained that all speakers would be al lowed 3 minutes to be heard After all who wanted to speak had the opportunity speakers could havc the floor for a second time Jim Keyes requosted that his abstention from voting on this issue be reflected in the minutes He also slaled for the ~ecord that he would not comment on adequacy of plat, he would answer Questions John Huddleston gave an overview of the prel iminary pIal He e~plained ltlsl tile approval given allowed no more than 43 lots He met wIth the Environmental Health Dept. the engincer and Geno Borges Discussed was using a community drainfinJd for 25 homes, subject to des ign approva 1, unti I such time as sewer hookup occurrod A se.ndmound/sand type f 11 ter system which 18 an advanced sept i c type t.rpldmcnt system IS planned This would be r~qulred to bUIld the fir~t 25 hOm(~8 o . CITY 01 Yr.LM PLANNING COMMISSION HE~TING 11/19/91 PAGE 2 AUG-04-00 04:~7 FM MAIL UNLIMITED IN JOY 3604584399 P.10 c Access would be from Crystal Springs Street across from Crystal Court Existing buildings except house, which will be remodeled, and possibly pumphouse would be removed Privacy fence planned along north boundary and front Hedge and gl-ound cover al ready eXlsts on south Price range of homes to be $100,000-160,000 depending on lot and Size of home Twelve to twenty homes would probably be build during the first two years The rest after completion of sewer As much existing tree cover as possible will left John Huddleston in agreement wlth Dept of Ecology requirement that one lot be removed to allow access to Yelm Creek Yelm wlll require a Shorelin~ Permit, as per DOE requirements All structures to be a minimum of 100 feet away from the creek area Public Comments c Julie McCloud 1013 Crystal Sprin~s Street NW Felt that a fence was needed between McCloud property and plat McClouds hold ceromonies and dances on their property and have experienced pr~blerns with complaints in the past. She expressed concern about seepag~ from drainfield into their well and garden A letter from Janet McCloud, who could not attend due to illness, was given to the commis~ion When asked fot information about wherc the proceeding went next, McCloud was told to the council and that meetings were publIC McCloud was provided with the time and da tes of counc i I meet ings and phone number for any questions Huddleston explained that there was no septic and that he would bc willing to for putting up a fence threat discuss to McClouds from the a mu tua I arrangement Mark Ziebell 1307 Crystal Sprin~s Street NW Questioned EnvIronmental Impa.ct Statement indication that wells would be closed off It was explained that existing wells on the proposed plat site would be closed ZIebell questioned how surrounding wel.ls would be protected from runof f Crom the 25 houses. and if safeguard,;) wou I d be pu tin place to protect existing wells Ziebell also questioned the effect the homes would have on taxes on surrounding property Schlosser explained that taxes for land and structures were assessed separately Possibly there would be Borne impact on value of ground House value set on attributes of house only Borges explained that Ann Cllfton, Thurston Co Assessor had explained that zoning was a determining factor, that RIA would not be affected by change in R-l. Commission further explained that rezone of his property would not happen hithout hIS request to do so Horges also explained that the Health Dept has strict requirements for the septtc system that must be met by the bUllder and that there would be no detriment to wells or groundwater C CITY OF Y r.LM PLANNING COMHISSIO~ MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 3 AUG-04-00 04:38 FM MAIL UNLIMITED IN JOY 3604584399 P. 11 C Il...!sk Younker. Hudd 1 es ton on explained that systems treat wi II require heal th Skillin~s and Chamberlain en~lneer, meeting Health Dept requirements for old septic systems just made wastes pathogens and pollutants before disposal that adequate treatment will be done to working with septic systelll disappear, new Hea I th Dept protect public Larry Mellema, 1209 Crystal Sprin~s Street NW Expressed bel ief that the Dept. of Ecology would limit what the developer could do Mellema considered a portion of the area a wetlands (by definltion), any place fowl inhabit Mellema asked if Huddleston had plans to fill in any portion of the area Huddleston explained that the only area on the proper ty des igna ted as wet! ands i 9 the creek ar'ea and that he plans grading but that fill in is not needed Mike Ed~ards. Prairie Seour i ty Bank Stated he was attending as an observer to see the commission in action and that it has been demonstrated bv the community that Yelm is looking for some controlled and managed g.rowth He a I so sta ted that growth al ways resu Its in concern from Burrounding property owners He hopes thc commission feels that they are getting good guidance fron) staff, health dept and community and said that the banking field will be looking to see how they can contribute to goals of community c Borges questioned Mackie as to how this action fits explained that 2929 required that the following determine if the plat was allowable 2929 criteria Mackie would 1 Is it in agreement with Yelm's Comprehensive Plan? 2 Are streets/facilities adequate? 3 Is there evidence of wetlands? Hackie stated that the plat was in agreement WIth both Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and the Thurston County/Yelm Joint Plan as both encourage infilling (bUilding on available land within the city) to avoid potential sprawl J. Me 11 eroa. 1209 Crys ta I SOl' i m!s Street NW ques t i oned the adequacy roads and stated that she has wai ted for 5 to 10 minutes to enter traffic on SR510/Yelm Avenue Borges explained that Ski 11 ings 1 Chamberlain has been selected to perform a traffic study for Yelm and DOT that should be completed by the end of February Areas addressed will be SR507, SR510 and all arterials and feeder streets The whole comprehensive traffic plan will be looked at due to SR507/510 being Interstate 5 alternate under Emergency Management Plan Mackie added that this is a state planned activity (trafflc study) that will lead to improvements and that the intersections being Questioned were being opera.ted at a ~B level of service a.t this time. which indicates a hIgher level of congestion but not an emergency situatIon A 0 level of 9cr~lce would indicate that improvements need to be mnde CCITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 4 HUG-U4-UU U4.3~ FM MHIL UNLIMITED IN JOY 36134584399 P. 12 c tL--..?;_Leb.~LL_1307 Crystal Sprins.!s St. NW requesled a Cop> of the existing traffic study Borges said that the material, whieh shows hourly level of traffic activity, can be view at city hall Borges suggested Ziebell call first so he would could arrange time to go over them with him Keyes added that in reality Lacey and Olympia roads developed because of growth that growth pushed improvements Tom Cundy reques ted date for the sewer on Crys ta 1- Borges explained that scope of work for Phase 1 beginning 1/1/92 and valve turning in December of '93 Spr ings Street shows engineers Huddleston indicated that construction in Huntington Greens would start next summer at the earliest and that the m&ximum number of homes allowed on the plat, without the sewer, would be 25 Cundy asked if hIS estimation that 18 homes would probably be build and use the sand/mound septic during an 18 month period. Huddleston acknowledged that Cundy's estimation was correct. Staff added that building permits cou I d not be i saued wi thou t septie approva I f rom the county I f tho sewer was not operational permits could not be issued whieh would bring construction to a hall c J..-,-__tt<;ll...Lema. 1209 Crystal Sprin~s St NW. asked if the sewer was assurcd Staff explained that funding was in place, most paperwork completed but notioe to proceed is not in hand and that anything could happen. If the sewer system did not come about the development could still be allowed but the final number of lots allowed to be developed would be reduced tL___...? i eb~lL~ 1307 Crys la I $or i nsts St. NW. quos t i oned the rezone if Huddleston plans to develop to maximum legal development at this time Borges explained that he requires lo provide improvements, streets, utilities, drainage, ete for the maXImum potential of the property need for allowable developer allow i ng Pub] ic Hearing Closed and Planning Commission opened al 5 15 P M Commissioner Joe Huddleston asked about the annexation of the property on Crystal Springs Street Schlosser explained that staff had researched and provided copies of the Ordinance (180) and eounei I minutes and that no ovidence was found to indicate council intent that tho property should be zoned R/A for all time L Mellema slaled that he doubted very much that you would find it in the minutes. Jusl like the items he pointed out from the minutes of the lasl meeting and that because it doesn't appear in the minutes doesn't mAan it wasn't saId ~fflCk)e explained that wi th the prel illlinary ~rpar8tcl\ Borges fliRt commission could make a plat and rezone They musl suggested that they looh 81ngle motion to deal howpvcr consider them 8. t r- e Lon e f) r s t the n OClI'l' 01- 'r ELM PLANNIN<J COMMI';SF)'\j HHTJNG 11119/91 PAGE S r"'-'.J ~-'-r ~~ U-.. ~~ rll 1.'H~L UNLl.l"ll. I t:..V iN JU"( 66ld4584393 P. 13 "" c Schlosser summarized that I) the property is in the Urban Growth Management Area and is consistent with by Yelm's Comprehensive Plan, 2) that any reservations raised by the EIS could be addressed and 3) that this level or development would be better at Residential rather than Residential/Agricultural zoning and that 4) as all required criteria has been met recommendation of approval is the only option Motion approval carried. Gorman, seconded Cundy of Hudd) eston reques t Keyes abstained that commission recommend to rezoned from R/A to IH counc i 1 Motion Borges explained that preliminary plat approval could be made subject to meeting requirements of jurisdictional agencies Mackie explained that criteria tor plat 1s: 1) is it consistent with Yelm's Comprehensive Plan, 2) is it consistent for the recommended zone, 3) docs it serve the public interest and 4) are adequate facilIties avai lable to serve the plat Motion Sundsmo, seconded Kinnee that commission recommend approval of prel iminary plat" subject to meeting requIrements of Jurlsdlctional agencies and 1hal. all public facilities be to city standards and consistent with Yelm's zoning and Comprehensive Plan Motion carried Keyes abstained. c Item #9 Members given map and letter from Stephany Ray of Stephie's Stuff, 911 Yelm Avenue East Borges explained that the map showing parking was not before the commission but that thc lettor rOQuesting commission approval to erect a tent structure was Hembers explained that the issue of allowing tents for commercial use had been discussed In the past Further explainod was that the tent would not be allowed as it could not meet Unified Bui Iding Code standards for commercial structures Ray then asked if it would be possible to install a roof/overhang type sturcture Borges invited her to meet with him to discuss this Ray thanked the commission for their consideration of her request Item #10 Robert Person discussed the pOSSible uses for his property located on Rhoton Road The parcel is currently zoned n/A and has RI on one side of the parcel and 1Z on the other Following discussion Mack i e i nv it ed Person to meet with Borges and hi mse I f and work on proposal to bring back to commission Item #11 Members rev1ewed Birkland Kinnee. soconded Brown that commisoion annexatIon Motion carried annexation petItIon Motion recommend approval of Birkland Executive Session from 6.05-6 10 to discuss commission pol ICY ArtJourned 6 In P M J A lTl::.S1 / J{J. Alt) /),) (/. I L '1J " ~ tJ IIiI Ii l QTY 01- YELM PLANNI~G COMMISSION HFETING 11/19/91 P AG E 6 c c c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes MEETING. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE. August 7,2000 TIME 4 00 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. Continuation on Huntington Green Preliminary Plat NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) bb'i5 q;l~L~ SE 92 a r5B een E.o .t?6l-oth::<: In~"2-" 9"'" ~ uJ~ r;.~ ~P-"'L- ..,/ . ~ j'. ~ ~J__<-"-' J~ /-:f?/.2 f'z.7..,;E- .).:: ~vv-,/ \\~Q"i)Q.i1-~.-Jv\~)\etN. \')..O"Cry~ o c o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date July 24, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Response to public comment regarding Huntington Green II Preliminary Plat SUB-00-8251-YL LIST OF ATTACHMENTS. Map1- No street connection with cul-de-sacs for future street system. Map 2 - Connection with traffic circle Letter dated June 23, 2000, from Kevin Bluhm, P L.S A. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING The Planning Commission requested staff to summarize the issues that were discussed at the July 17, 2000 public hearing and to provide analysis and comment( s) on those issues At the conclusion of the August 7, 2000, the Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. STATEMENT AND ANALYSIS OF ISSUES FROM THE JULY 17TH PUBLIC HEARING. 1 ReQuest not to connect 92nd Way SE with the new subdivision. 1.a. Policy/Development Regulations - The staff report quoted City Policy that has been in place since1992 and reiterated in 1997 in the Transportation Plan and in the 1995 Yelm and Thurston County Comprehensive Plan In addition, the City has adopted regulations to implement these policies The regulation that implements these policies is Title 16, Subdivisions, adopted in May of 1992 and the Yelm Development Guidelines adopted in 1992. Chapter 16 16060, states that "every subdivision or combination of subdivisions of twenty- five or more housing units, shall provide more than one vehicular access from an arterial or collector street." Chapter 16 16090 states "When adjoining property is not subdivided, streets in the proposed plat shall provide access to such unplatted property in accordance with the Yelm Transportation Plan" These regulations were in place at the time of project approval for Huntington Green and were incorporated into its design The preliminary plat for Huntington Green was approved in 1992 and the final plat in 1994 o 1.b. Increased Neighborhood Traffic - With the connection and possible future connections of two additional streets as illustrated on Map 2, the shortest and most direct route for all lots would be the new primary roads that will be constructed as development occurs After consulting with the City's Traffic Engineer, it is estimated that very little if any traffic increase would occur from the connection and future development. Traffic studies have repeatedly demonstrated drivers will use the most direct route With the new development and future development to the north, the direct route will be straight out to Crystal Springs Road via the new road(s) 1.c. Emergency Vehicle Access - Multiple access for both residential and commercial development is encouraged or is a condition of project approval as required in Chapter 16, Subdivisions (see discussion of 1.a.) Contact with both Fire District 2 and CAPCOM (emergency response) confirm and stress the need for multiple access when ever possible for public safety Huntington Green and the proposed project are required to comply with Chapter 16 and provide connecting streets o 1 d General Public Access - As with 1 b above it is reasonable to assume very little if any increase in traffic would occur from the connection The City is responsible for improving and providing a transportation system for the entire City Connecting streets are an important element of the City's transportation system Unless a road qualifies for and remains private and the maintenance is provided by the owners the street is intended to provide public access to all residents of the City 1.e. Children and automobile conflicts - The adopted street standards are designed to incorporate traffic calming techniques to reduce the potential for speeding Local Access Residential Streets incorporate bulbed intersections which create a visual illusion that the driving lanes are more narrow at the intersection, which causes the driver to decrease their speed Bulbed intersections also enhance visibility at the intersection for both the pedestrian and driver of the vehicle. Driving lanes have been reduced to 11' to help reduce automobile speeds. Sidewalks are provided for pedestrians on a minimum of one side of the street. The existing street standards and little if any increased traffic should be adequate to control speed However, an option to further decrease traffic speeds would be to install a traffic circle as illustrated in Map 2. Page 2 of 4 o o c o 2 Manufactured Housina. 2.a Potential decrease in property values - An appraiser from Thurston County Assessor's office explained that when they appraise a house they must base their analysis on the condition of the individual house and what other homes that are comparable to it are selling for on the current market. The appraiser stated that the house next door rarely has an effect on the appraised price of the home regardless of type or mix of types stick built and/or manufactured 2.b. Regulatory Chapters for Review - The project as submitted and proposed is for a residential subdivision and is subject to Title 16, Subdivisions Only if the project submitted was for a Manufactured Home Subdivision would the additional review of Chapter 17 63, Manufactured Homes be applicable If in the future a manufactured home is placed on an individual lot then it will need to comply with Chapter 17 63 prior to receiving a building permit. 3. Plat Boundary and Right-of-Way Location on 92nd Way SE. - I contacted the original surveyor of the Huntington Green Plat regarding the plat boundary and the fence line The plat boundary is different from the fence line By law the surveyor is required to include a reference to physical objects on the property The reference to the fence is only that, a reference, and does not in any way insinuate that the fence and the plat boundary are one in the same 4 Ingress/Egress at Crystal Springs Road - The City's reviewing engineer concluded that the proposed entry and the residential driveway to the south will not be in conflict with each other The new road will not encumber any of the property to the south The location of the road is consistent with City regulations Mr Mellema's comments and requests were given to the developer, but because the design meet City standards the Site Plan Review Committee did not require the applicant to re-design the plat so that the road was on the north 5 Survey of Property to the North - A questions was raised regarding a boundary problem with the Ziebel property to the north of the project site On May 25, 2000, I requested the surveyor to reconfirm his survey The surveyor did provide the City with information reconfirming the survey (see attached Letter dated June 23, 2000, from Kevin Bluhm, P L.S ) 6. Open Space - Future Plans - Under current Shoreline regulations the most likely scenario for future open space in the area is that all of the Shoreline areas to the north of the site (see attached Maps) will be dedicated to the City as open space as development occurs The Shoreline Program is currently being revised by the State and the City and County will be amending our program, probably in 2002. In is unknown at this time if those changes will affect what we are currently requiring for open space dedication Page 3 of 4 7 Subdivision Covenants - The only requirement the City has for covenants pertains to the maintenance of the subdivision's stormwater facility If the subdivision retains ownership of the open space and/or streets the maintenance of those facilities would also be provided for in the covenants Other issues such as siding type, size of home, roofing materials, etc. can not be imposed by a public agency and can only be attached to the property by the developer or a homeowners association STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff does not have the authority to grant an exception to the regulations for connecting streets and concludes that the evidence and facts presented do not constitute a recommendation from staff to grant an exception After review of the City's development regulations and all the issues raised through public comment, both written and verbal, the staff believes the conditions of approval as stated in the Staff Report, dated July 11, 2000, are appropriate and provides for the minimum requirements for the development to be consistent with City development standards Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-00-8251-YL as conditioned in the July 11, 2000, Staff Report, to the City Council for approval Page 4 of 4 o o o Map Produced By: Thurston GEODA T A Center's Internet Map Servel c o o ~ (J] Z LIJ ..I ..I ;Vo &1/1]~+5> - ,4S5UMr.5 4--Iw L d f-lIt to plYl erds b~i I L . C>>l-dG - ~S# MAP 1 Map Produced By: Thurston GEODA T A Center's Internet Map Server o cr.: w CIJ 0 lEV r ~. - ~O ~ (J) Z LIJ ..J ..J /- / IfL'.flfl~ Ci(cJ~ ? fi55(6~ .jf(ed ~~W! ~o~~ediOi o MAP 2 o c c BLUHM & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS, INC KEVIN BLUHM, P.L.S. Telephone (360)748-1551 Fax (360)748-6282 1068 S. MARKET BLVD Chehalis, WA 98532 June 23, 2000 Mr Robert Balmelli, P.E. RB Engineering POBox 923 Chehalis, WA 98532 In regard to the letter from the City ofYelm to you dated May 25,2000: I am confident that the boundary shown on our map is correct. We have physically tied the W1/4, E114, S1/4'; SWand SE comers of Section 18. The only controlling point we did not personally tie is the N1/4 comer and that has been computed per survey filed under Auditor File No. 3265981 by Gary Johnson, dated November 17, 1999. The Johnson survey matches the survey filed in Volume 18, Page 1n by James Pantier dated September 28, 1984 You may note our measurements closely match those dimensions on other surveys in this area. I have not read the letter from Mark Ziebell, which is referred to in the letter from the City of Yelm. I \NOUld be happy to sit down with anyone who has concerns on this matter and explain to them hoW we computed the deed and determined the deeded comer positions. I hope this helps rectify any concems on this matter Sincerely, kUL- Kevin Bluhm, P.L.S. (\ -"---./ c o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 2000, 4 00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - July 17, 2000 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Continuation of Public Hearing - SUB-00-8251-YL, Huntington Green II Preliminary Plat Applicant: Dick Boness Proposal The applicant proposes to subdivide 3.26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots. The proposed plat includes one (1) open space tract, a new street and the infrastructure necessary to support the new development. Project Location The west side of Crystal Springs Road just north of the existing Huntington Green Subdivision Staff report enclosed 4 Other' a Cancellation of August 21 meeting - next meeting scheduled for September 18, 2000 b Planning Department Reorganization 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 4 00 P M o c o Motion No. 00-08 Yelm PC July 17, 2000 YELM PC MINUTES Monday, July 17, 2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Glenn Blando, Margaret Clapp, E.J Curry, Tom Gorman, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Staff' Cathie Carlson, Tim Peterson, and Annette Haworth Members absent Bob Isom, Eric Brown Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED ey GLEN BLANDO TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 3, 2000 MEETING. Public Communications' None Public Hearinq - Middle Road Preliminary Plat Approval: Applicant: Dennis Balascio Proposal: This proposal is to subdivide 4 15 acres Into 22 single-family resIdential lots Project location. The location is on the north side of MIddle Road just east of the Prairie Creek Subdivision Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 02 P m Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the PC (PC) members had a conflict of interest? No Mr. Gorman asked If any member of the PC had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of Interest with any of the PC members? No Ms. Carlson then gave a staff report. Mr Gorman asked if there were any questions from the public or PC members? Dennis Huqli, of Harold Court, stated a concern about the water pressure already being low and the condition of the water, without the addition of 22 more houses added on the water line Brian Matthews, SCA Engineering, assured Mr Hugli that the applicant would be installing a new 10" water line that will increase the capacity and the fire flow to the surrounding neighborhood There was discussion between Commission members and Mr Matthews concerning the water line requirements Mr. Matthews assured all that the requirements would be met. Mr Gorman closed the public hearing at 4 13 P m Page 1 00-09 Yelm PC July 17, 2000 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN APPROVAL ON THE MIDDLE ROAD PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUB-00-8252-YL, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED. o Public Hearinq - Huntinqton Green /I Preliminary Plat: Applicant: Dick Boness Proposar: This proposal is to subdivide 3.26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots Project location: The location is on the west side of Crystal Springs Road just north of the existing Huntington Green Subdivisions Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 14 pm Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the PC (PC) members had a conflict of Interest? No Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the PC had received any Information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Ms. Carlson stated that this Hearing had been postponed from the previously scheduled meeting to allow further public comment and then gave a staff report, highlighting #20. Public concerns Mr. Gorman asked if the applicant would like to present any information Dick Boness, applicant, assured the public that he had their best interest in mind and that he would not be building on the lots but believed the lots were not able to accommodate manufactured homes, due to their size Larry Con iff, Attorney at Law, representing Huntington Green Community 0 Association and Mr and Mrs Rhodes, presented Commission members with written documentation including a Comments Memo, HGCA Bylaws, Plat map, HGCA Covenants, Dedication and Yelm Transportation Policy Some areas that were highlighted by Mr Coniff were zoning issues, access requirements, and much discussion between Mr Coniff and Commission members was held regarding the plat map of Huntington Green and boundary along the northern property line The following list of speakers and their comments are those belonging the Huntington Green Community members All of the following speakers also provide a written letter Belle Mills spoke about the community doing some research and assigning residents different topics to cover Ms Mills discussed the connectivity policy, which included but was not limited to such topics as Congestion, Cul-de-sac Vs Loop and Re-distribution All of these topics reiterated the fact the Huntington Green is a community of 44 families who care about their neighborhood and like It the way it currently is Ms Mills stated that currently there is no congestion on 92nd Way, the houses In this neighborhood were Page 2 o c c o Yelm PC July 17, 2000 designed to have parking off the street. If the cul-de-sac was opened and made a through street it would then become a Loop None of the connectivity policy benefits would benefit the families of Huntington Green It is believed by this community that the through street would do just the opposite It would add more congestion, loop instead of cul-de-sac and re-distribute nothing to nowhere It would be greatly appreciated, for your consideration of our neighborhood to not implement a policy with no benefits Patrick VanCleave stated the fact that many of the residents of Huntington Green bought their houses due to the cul-de-sac and the limited access to the neighborhood He was not informed by the developer, real-estate or those processing the titles when purchasing his property about the cul-de- sac ever becoming a through street. Houses were bought In this neighborhood due to the boundaries of the fences and the creek. A thief was recently apprehended during a communrty yard sale, due the fact that there was no through street. Larry Mellema stated his concerns of ingress and egress, utilities, roadway and access to the new development and drainage Mr Mellema was also concerned about some loss of his property and the invasion of his privacy with the development and roadway leading to adverse affects to his property It was suggested by Mr Mellema that the roadway to the new development be located on the other side of the property and be more assessable to the corresponding streets on the other side of Crystal Springs Road, indicating the traffic being able to bypass a section of Yelm Avenue He asked the PC to please take all of this information into consideration when making their recommendation Marilyn Ziebel stated a concern of the survey and leaving a 16' No-man' s land problem Another concern of the Ziebel's is the future plans for the creek property? Mr. Gorman asked staff to please note these concerns and address them later Frank Frawly addressed the Law Enforcement and Emergency issues Mr Frawly, being a part of Law Enforcement sees no problem with the access of emergency vehicles With the current cul-de-sac The congestion was reiterated again, enough traffic with the 44 families already living there, no need to open up and add through traffic. He purchased his house due to the fact that it was located on a cul-de-sac Mr Frawly also respects the fact that there are strict covenant rules in his neighborhood Ed Rhodes covered the Transportation Policy Mr Rhodes stated that a Policy is just a policy and was made to be amended or changed to benefit Page 3 Yelm PC July 17, 2000 the citizens or parties affected by the policy Mr Rhodes also reiterated that fact that the through street Issue was not brought to his attention 0 when purchasing his property Tad Stillwell expressed his concern about the added liabilities of a larger neighborhood and the aesthetics of the smaller lots compared to the already existing larger lots of Huntington Green Ruth Jacobson noted that the policy to make 92nd Way a through street was not in affect when Huntington Green was developed Chad Hoff, a police officer, also reiterated the affects of an open-ended community which will decrease the communities security for the 44 children living there and increase the traffic flow of those just passing through the neighborhood, whereas with a cul-de-sac, those entering must exit the same way Mike Brown stated that he received no information about a through street, he bought his house in a closed community He believes the property value will drop if the community is opened Mr Brown asks you, the Commission members to please don't mess our community up by punching a road through there Karen Saxton just wanted to reiterate the fact that she was under the 0 assumption that she bought her house on a cul-de-sac and has grown accustomed to living on a cul-de-sac Mr. Gorman then asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak on this matter None He then asked the Commission members if they had any questions or comments? Mr. Kent asked if there were plans for the utilities to go through the area of the punched through street? Mr. Peterson stated that the water and sewer would go through whether there was a street placed there or not and with the extension of the water lines, would come a increase in fire flow Ms. Clapp asked if there was any intention of placing compatible covenants on the new lots? Mr. Boness replied that yes he was, but not as strict as the existing one His would address automobiles, fences and animals, and would not include the actual structure requirements Mr. Boness then inquired that if he were to not access through the existing cul- de-sac, would he then regain 200 feet of shoreline setbacks? Ms. Carlson said that no Mr Boness would not regain this setback due to the Shoreline regulations Ms. Lonqmire asked if the covenants would include a minimum square footage size for the houses? Mr. Boness replied that no it would not. Page 4 o o o c 00-10 Yelm PC July 17, 2000 Mr. Gorman asked that the Public Hearing be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting of August ih at 4 p m Thus allowing members to digest the information and staff the opportunity to research and develop answers for the issues discussed All were in agreement. Other: Ms Carlson added, due to lack of quorum I was not able to forward the Development Regulations Amendments to the City Council At the July 3, 2000 meeting, the PC, by consensus, recommended the Development GUIdelines be forwarded to the City Council for approval Ms. Carlson stated that they consisted of some housekeeping changes Ms. LonQmire stated that she did not have the material with her nor had she had a chance to review it. MOTION BY E.J CURRY, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION TO FORWARD THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AMENDMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED ROBERTA LONGMIRE ABSTAINED The planning department reorganization was tabled to the next regular PC meeting A name plate belonging to Joe Huddleston was passed around and signed by members of the Commission and will be given to Mr Huddleston in recognition of all he has done for the community Meeting adjourned at 5 40 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Page 5 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE JULY 17, 2000 TIME. 4 00 PM lOCATION YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s).{ t Middle Road Preliminary Plat , , ~,' Huntington Green PreliminarY Plat NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by -- .the assigned numbers above). J 0. r/L/U+Uq c. f. q 2....JC; {j.~cfc.,.J {/r S (3- ~(A..w' '7tfl1P1 J lA.~R.'< }\r1"t..L\..E'W\A. l'J..cC\ (R"S\~,- Sf1\ 5~ ~\0 $d.J . V~ ~ cf?- ~"""t~ ~~ ~. ('~ - J k V' '\ C.,-l..\l -Gt- &t; I ).-, '-0 .s~ fk- Y\ ~ -it 10 I I ~ . (~ 1\ _ ~ ~~ ~S' I / Y~'C b:J {&so 2- J ,I Lq;? ~S o J7!; a~v Z'e h e- LL !3o 7 C ''IslA '- y-> Sf if;!(, vFRAJ(t. ~~ 151LO 42~ci ~ St J EKJ 4 bC;J/7 / If: J?f-foO:r S /~6'2y 92 tfJ'W6Ii S.z- 1:)/tt//ur6 !fa S,} I?tcfldlt doO'cfJ . / J 'Tqd 5~\W' J (!y2 !Ie ~-i }J~ <-/'T~(()11 fkJI :pS J '1 r JJ;i #IlL ()--{An Hort:::' IS~dY cl'(nd Li"l.sC' c,~"d c, ?;-.rI v~ S ~ Cf 2-111 Lv..) ay S f: 150;2-1-7:-- dtJj sE5- crlL(3 t3d..6U(jl-}jIf/ OIC LIES / VISITOR SIGN-IN SHEET continued.. NAME AND ADDRESS MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) o (\ U c o o f--o ~ ;\5' .4J 2) -h -- '5 /rf c4t'Jl~ ~ f ;#~~A ,u p~. r ".-...- LJ) F _,I":? "'~. .....-- t,.. '-"'I.. y) f<~(p S~--.i~J.J 7 f;ft V"cJf ~~i/-Jv~ p,,"~ 'J 7),.(t)4.-J..f p!cJ ~) I" f rw or--,. I~vf iJ f1-J;b J-o f ~ o ~ o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm Date July 11, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Huntington Green II Preliminary Plat Approval, SUB-00-8251-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit I - Site Plan Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Exhibit IV - Public Comment Letters (1 - 17) A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL. The applicant proposes to subdivide 3 26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots The proposed plat includes one (1) open space tract, a new street and the infrastructure necessary to support the new development. C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS. 1 Proponent. Dick Boness 2 Location The project site is located on the west side of Crystal Springs Road just north of the existing Huntington Green Subdivisions 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on July 7, 2000, and posted in public areas on July 6, 2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on July 6, 2000 4 Subdivision Name. The applicant submitted the project application under the name of Huntington Green II After review by Thurston County it was determined that the name could not be used for the project. 5 Existing Land Use. Zoning and Density There are currently two manufactured homes on the site that are proposed to be removed The site is zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6), Chapter 17 15 The applicant proposes to divide the 3.26 acres into 13 single family residential lots In the R-6 District the minimum density is three (3) units per acre with a maximum of six (6) units per acre As proposed the subdivision density is four (4) units per acre and complies with the density requirements within the district. o 6 Adiacent Land Uses and Zonina Properties to the north, south and east are zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6), Chapter 17 15 The property to the west is in Thurston County and zoned 5 units per acre There is significant residential development in the area ranging from 3 to 5 units per acre Properties to the north of the site are typically rural low density 7 Critical Areas. Yelm Creek runs along the western property line of the project site Yelm Creek is classified as a shoreline of the state and subject to the City's Shoreline Master Program The shoreline jurisdiction is the land from the creek bank (high water mark) back 200' feet or the 100 year flood plain, which ever is greater On this site the 200' is the greater of the two The Shoreline Program is intended to ensure protection of shorelines and that the public retains access to shorelines of state significance The project site is designated in the Shoreline Master Program as a rural shoreline Any development proposal that includes property inside the shoreline jurisdiction is 0 developable at a residential density of 2 units per acre. If all development is outside of the shoreline jurisdiction then the R-6 zoning is applicable All development for the project is proposed outside of the shoreline area, therefore the allowed density is regulated by the R-6 Zoning District. The shoreline area is proposed as public open space 8 Open Space. Chapter 16 14 requires a minimum of five percent of the gross area be dedicated as open space, which is 16 of an acre The open space must provide one or more of the following uses. environmental interpretation or other education, park, recreational land, or athletic fields; off-road footpaths or bicycle trails, or any other use found by the City to further the purposes of the open space chapter The ordinance suggests that open space should be dedicated to the City The Shoreline area is proposed as the open space for the project which is approximately 70 acre The applicant is proposing a pedestrian trail and environmental interpretive signage to meet the criteria of the open space ordinance As proposed the open space is in excess of the minimum requirement. 9 Schools New residential units create a demand for additional school services and facilities. The Yelm School District requests that the developer enter into an agreement with the school district for the payment of mitigation fees based on the Page 2 of 8 0 ,.r,.. ,(I }~r~h c project's impact. This request became mitigation of the Environmental Determination 10 Transportation and Site Access. The property fronts on Crystal Springs Road which is the primary access to the site Secondary access is proposed to be provided by 92nd Ave SE The 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan provides policies in which the Transportation Plan will be implemented The 1992 plan states The city of Yelm recognizes that increasing connections throughout the City not only reduces traffic congestion but also increases the sense of unity of the community Therefore, the City will limit the use of cul-de-sacs, dead- end streets, loops, and other designs that form barriers. The city will seek to minimize impacts of through traffic upon residential neighborhoods by employing narrow streets, curves, indirect access routes, and other features The City will encourage the use of trails and other connections that provide ease of travel between neighborhoods and community centers The Transportation Chapter of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan provides objectives in which the Transportation Plan will be implemented The 1995 plan states. c The objective of the Transportation Plan is to provide a cost-effective network to accommodate travel in and around the core area To accomplish this objective, Yelm will actively purse 1 A connected-streets policy to promote the efficient flow of traffic within the community The Design Guidelines implement the above objective through Section 48020 4, Design Standards," the layout of streets shall provide for the continuation of existing principal streets in adjoining subdivisions or for their proper project when adjoining property is not subdivided " 92nd Way SE, to the south of the site was originally designed with the intent of it being extended in the future The cul-de-sac was constructed as a turn around for emergency vehicles as required by code However the right-of-way that was dedicated goes beyond the cul-de-sac to the project site, allowing for the future connection of 92nd Way SE The design of the internal street system is a local access residential street. The portion of the street that runs north and south is proposed to connect to 92nd Way SE to the south and to provide a future connection to the north of the project site The completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City transportation system A single family home generates 1 01 pm peak hour trips per unit. The Transportation Facility Charge per unit is o Page 3 of 8 $757 50 and payable at time of building permit. 11 ParkinQ. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires minimum parking ratio of two spaces per unit. The developer is proposing at a minimum to provide a driveway approach that can accommodate two vehicles o 12. Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not served by the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 3" line available on Crystal Springs Road The existing manufactured homes are currently served with on-site septic systems The applicant is proposing to remove the homes and abandon the systems 13 Water Supply The proposed site is in the City's water service area and service is provided to the two manufactured homes There is a 6" service located on Crystal Springs Road 14 Drainage/Stormwater The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards. YMC requires all development to comply with the Stormwater Manual for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Following preliminary plat approval the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site o Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 15 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2.. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service 16 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 17 Street liohtino. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. 18 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals The site is adjacent to properties that are compatibly zoned, therefore the code requires that the perimeter of the site be landscaped with a Type II landscaping In Page 4 of 8 o c residential subdivisions the city also allows fencing to meet the landscaping requirement for the perimeter of the site Landscaping is typically required in the open space, however to meet the intent of the Shoreline Master Program it is more desirable to leave the open space in a more natural setting The applicant has submitted a preliminary landscaping plan that includes street trees, a 6' wood privacy fence along the perimeter of the site along the northern property line and a pedestrian path and environmental signage in the open space Chapter 17 80 requires that at time of civil plan review and approval the applicant provide the Community Development Department a final landscape and irrigation plan for approval 19 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) was issued on May 25,2000 The comment period expired on June 7,2000 The MONS is attached as Exhibit III 20 Public Comment. A number of letters were received from property owners in the Huntington Green Subdivision to the south of the project site (Exhibit IV). A summary of the main issues and concerns raised in the letters are o 1 The extension of 92nd Ave SE, causing increase in neighborhood traffic and safety concerns for the neighborhood children Environmental concerns to Yelm Creek. The name of the project, Huntington Green II, implying that this project is an extension of the existing neighborhood Concern of the quality of housing to be built or that manufactured housing would be allowed Use of the Huntington Green private open space by residents from the new development. 2. 3 4 5 21 Findinqs and Conclusion. Chapter 16 12.170 requires written findings prior to a decision on a preliminary plat. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the subdivision o A. Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, schools, sidewalks, B That the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedications, C The subdivision is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Page 5 of 8 Development Guidelines C. Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-00-8251-YL to the City Council for approval o Conditions of Approval. Sewer 1 The proponent shall connect to the City's STEP sewer system The Sewer line shall be extended through development. Sewer ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on discharge of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $4,850 per ERU, as well as an inspection fee of $14500/ERU STEP on-site collector tanks and pumps are to be installed by the owner, which are then transferred to the City for operation and maintenance 2. The on-site septic systems and drainfields shall be abandoned to Thurston County Health Department standards Water 3 The Proponent will need to connect to the City's water system extended through development. Water lines would be Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $1,OOO/ERU (subject to change) inside city limits. This fee is payable at time of building permit issuance o 4 The applicant shall be credited one ERU fee for the existing water connection that serves the manufactured homes 5 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Stormwater 6 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction. The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings. 7 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval 8 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the Page 6 of 8 o c c o maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities Transportation 9 The street design for the project is a local access residential and shall be included on civil plans The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 10 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the frontage of Crystal Springs Road The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The Crystal Springs Road street section is "neighborhood collector" 11 92nd Street shall be shown on the face of the plat as a future street connection to the adjacent property to the north Fire 12. The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards. 13 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Open Space 14 The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 14 14 050 15 The open space shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm Landscaping 16 The applicant shall install a 6' wood privacy fence along the northern property line of the subdivision lots in place of perimeter landscaping 17 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping to include the pedestrian path, environmental signage and irrigation plan for the open space and street planter strips The improvements in the open space shall not exceed $2,500 00 Environmental 18 The applicant shall comply with the mitigition of the MONS issued on May 10, 2000 Mitigation includes. a The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 P m peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 per unit which is payable at time of building permit. b The subject site is adjacent to Yelm Creek which is designated as a shoreline of the state The shoreline jurisdiction area, measured from the creek's high water mark Page 7 of 8 back 200', shall be dedicated to the City ofYelm as open space Improvements within the shoreline jurisdiction area shall be a pedestrian path and environmental signage 0 The improvements shall not exceed $2,500 00 c. The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 19 The applicant shall submit another subdivision name The City will forward the name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval 20 Prior to the submission final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing General Public Works 21 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required 22. The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading C:\MyFiles\Case Correspondence\8251 stf wpd o Page 8 of 8 o SU13.o0-825'\ _'i\.. JuW ,\'\,2000 \ '!i ~\,\i as \ ~\ E.1.h\b\t \- Site plan City of'ie\t1l - ..,"'''' ~--- 't5"iE:~-~-~----------- """ , -w 1>U'~ \ _ pLAT OF \ CRYSTAL CREEK ESTATES \\ \ \ \ \ I \ I , \ , \ \ \ I , , I \ I t a t l! \ ... 11 ~ p",. r \ \ \ \ , ~ ~. ~I \~ .-.,.. 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C;.~ ~.. o Exhibit 11- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm 5UB-00-8251-YL July 11, 2000 o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE PURPOSE Monday, July 17, 2000, 4 00 P m Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a 13 lot Residential Subdivision, Case #SU 8-00-8251- YL APPLICANT. Dick Boness PROJECT LOCATION: West side of Crystal Springs Rd,north of Huntington Green Subdivision, Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide 3.26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their July 26, 2000, regularly scheduled meeting Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on July 17, 2000 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, YelmWA 98597 0 Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm /' !Ir /J, /v;), / '/ /t(,../ UC: /i?/ltL/L. AgMes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday July 7, 2000 Posted in Public:: Areas 'Thursday July 6, 2000 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners Thursday July 6, 2000 o Exhibit 11I- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm SUB-00-8251-YL July 11, 2000 C~ SEPA NO' 8251 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: Dick Boness Description of Proposal: Subdivide 3.26 acres into 13 single family residential lots. Location of the Proposal: 1211 Crystal Springs Road. Sectionff ownship/Range: SW 1/4, Section 18, Township 17N Range2E, Tax Parcel 22718330100 Threshold Determination: The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C.030(2Xc}. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: SEE ATTACHED Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator () Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: May 25, 2000 5:00 p.m., June 7, 2000 This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197- 11-340(2). Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City of Yelm, 105YelmAve. W., P 0 Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5'00 p.m., June 7, 2000. The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., June 14, 2000. You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5:00 p.m., June 14, 2000. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director, to learn more about the procedures for SEPAappeals. This MONS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14 08). Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16). and the Shoreline Master Program. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published. Nisqually Valley News, Friday, May 26, 2000 Posted in public areas: Thursday, May 25, 2000 Copies to' All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners, Thursday, May 25,2000 Dept. of Ecology w/checklist, Thursday, May 25,2000 () II Exhibit 11I- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm SUB-00-8251-YL July 11, 2000 o ATTACHMENT SEPA CASE NO 8251 This Mitigated Determination of Non Significance is based on the project as proposed and impacts and mitigation reflected in the following: · Environmental Checklist (dated April 3, 2000, prepared by RB Engineering) · Preliminary Stormwater Report (dated January 2000, prepared by RB Engineering) And the following conditions 1 The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p.m. peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1.01 p.m. peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757.50 per unit which is payable at time of building permit. 2. The subject site is adjacent to Yelm Creek which is designated as a shoreline of the state. The shoreline jurisdiction area, measured from the creek's high water mark back 200', shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm as open space. Improvements within the shoreline jurisdiction area shall be a pedestrian path and environmental signage. The improvements shall not exceed $2,500.00 o 3 . .i , I The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. o Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #1 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 () () (\ r ~I~t-'(~ , MAY 0 5 2000 BX~~2Jf111 The following residence of Huntington Green object to the Project Name: Huntington Green II and its impact on our community The following are a lughlight of our objections: 1) We all purchased our homes believing that the development was the enclosed size and boundaries, Wlth no through streets 2) Huntington Green Commuruty Association is a development Wlth stnct covenants that the member of our commuruty abide by These covenant are very specific as to the type of home that can be built (lap siding all the way around, and at least a certain square footage) Also there are restnctions to landscaping, fencing, color, parkmg, paVing and vanous other tlungs that could be supplied to you by obtairung a copy of our bylaws and covenants. 3) The proposed 13 single-family development has no intentiOn of abiding by these covenants. Trailers and or doubleWldes are to be placed on the lots. 4) The property values of the current homes In Huntington Green would suffer greatly Tlus is extremely unfair to the residents of what is one of the rucest developments in Yelm. The current property values of the homes in this community are $130,000 plus. 5) We have a fence and landscaping in the proposed area to make a through street. Also an easement on both sides ofthe property 6) The letter sent out was vague and appeared to be slipping sometlung by the reSidents of the Huntington Green Community 7) Tlus is a qmet, great neighborhood, one that others should emulate We deserve to keep it that way 8) We could go on and on, and as a community would like the courtesy of being heard. We are the only residents tlus will affect, so our thoughts should way heavily on your decision to not go ahead with this project. Thank-you for your consideration, Huntington Green Community Association and it residents May 4,2000 Petition from the Huntington Green Residence Reference: Land Use Case: SUB-OO-8251YL IdJ1Yd~ f r,p..../v-r d'" {-4 Gte If Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #2 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 o May 5, 2000 ,-~---- ----------~--:;-----, : ~ "'-. -", t.'.. L_1 I' I ' I : i ff:/W 0 5 2000 ~ _ ___-_~__ i - --~ . .-----.---- Tad Stillwell 15624 92nd. Way SE Yelm WA 98597 To Whom It May Concern: When we received the notice regarding the proposed "addition: to our neighborhood, of 13 trailer spaces. I Became very con- cerned about many items. It is my understanding that manufactured homes ha~e to match the surrounding homes and neighborhoods. And I don't believe that there are any manufactured homes that are built to match our neighborhood. Thus, causing a possible decrease in property values. My next area of concern is that as a homeowners association we have areas8that are owned by the Huntington Green Association, that we have paid to build, maintain and also insure. With a thru road on 92nd. Way we would have less control of who is on our grounds. Which would expose all residents to additional liability hazards. o In addition, when we purchased our home, one of the selling points was that the neighborhood did NOT have through streets. There are lots of children in our development, and I strongly feel a through street would be dangerous. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, T~d & Debbie Stillwell ~~3 __~ rzJ~ .~ o SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #3 City of Yelm () () M \ ~_. "MAY 0 3 200~ c> I . Cl-ffi ,T;tZnl j_1r-Lj-v ! y,' . {Jd.f TI-i'11 ;;;727-r=-~b (j _ ,___ . f /'L j'Y] .' Ii LLL:U/Y?j- ~"r-L L II... 1 tll) --L~r.nJ f! /J/!1.IJ, -~ . L1 b'b-1J 7/,!; ~ >air' 6f' 4,v)r> i, /)11 B-tdM v l' , 6.,;1""3 >-<f""' i /'>1.., /)1 ~~l} /j1 , ,~ " (1 uXI.tlf'"'J.WiC/; ~1xj ri. fA}-cfM tIJ/yUA1 t j, L ia!::l--lA&J-l4- ~ -V - I U -11=1\ ') --+f-Ll 'YI.1{ /Vljrf01) .~~yt ./, J <.LYl /1 /, i .{&b,i...L-l!J1j -:;;Jt:J~,~~L;'~~~;,":~~d-46 fA,,'etH~).- r , ~ffL~::;,~:~A~~n:;,:~'~~) ~/ T~~ttd~~ t , (.0 Tt,,>, t. OYU'!l ,p1lrf'h 7(/ I~. J(Jc (/ NrfJ' . ~. , f>e. CAL ; 'j' po-a'" ~,Li!.L fr-I 41+ -f ' I - ) p?t )).P > . i"H"P (, ~~r')t) C <<- ~4... [/Vi) ...7 A ! y-a.A dJ.. '! /., ''tna. d,Y' '1-. JJ Ii ,;.<. , /1 '-/'0- ~-.ulr ,j},,"! J~'V~~~~~ (j ~ Ll H~~~-.J.,fLUWG---Lf-U,.Ly.y~~-t _ 111T1)~(!/y'i71j; /1d_AJ:..h~C1.4-L-~'-\4-~---t~~ _~~-3)_1,-,1 fl.. ,Ji'( /mNiL,L~-.:fjuJ . ./n.f.J.lw.cfA.I~-~-_l ((-l.< ,i'~J-_~l-' Cf.-J-oA''ld w-r71L) ~~.,J!_l~,ou.fLL-...-N,....t;U..[J;'~,";j - - _\_IL'\.k!.L_.Lf':)"'V!J!.A-r__~1/'~~A~--t.~~ Y}'( /. _____~__~u~_ \JJu)vI~_~. L""zk;;-~ .~~I_~J1LJA_- ! I, -r: . /; L{/(/~ -.::zz0<-K,L :; /'~ ~-~) ~ ~,~~ :.'i.*,"'~ c[ Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #4 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 o May 5, 2000 Dear Kathie Carlson, This letter is in reference to the proposal to make 92nd Way S.E. into an access road for a new manufactured home development. ~s a homeowner at 15645 92nd Way S.E., in the Huntington Green community, I object to this proposal. It is my. understanding that 92nd Way S.E. may become a through street as well. My husband and I have two girls, ages 4 and 8. At this time, there are forty or more children in our neigh- borhood. If the road was opened, the safety of our children would be at stake. We purchased our home two years ago under the assumption o the road would stay a cul-de-sac and only stick built homes made to the specifications stated in our covenants would be allowed here. Manufactured homes should not be accessed through 92nd Way S.E. We have all worked hard as friends and neighbors to improve our community and make it our little piece of heaven on earth. Please don't let this be destroyed by a developer who could certainly access his development by building h~s own road off Crystal Springs Road. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, -K~~ o (\ ./ () () ! Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #5 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 May 5, 2000 To. City of Yelm PO Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 Re Land Use Case SUB-00-8251-YL To whom it concerns This letter is to voice our concern as Yelm citizens about the proposed development, Huntington Green II, submitted by Dick Boness When we bought our home in the Huntington Green subdivision in June 1999, we did so because of the quality of life the neighborhood offers This quality of life is dictated by a set of strict covenants and conditions very specific to this neighborhood. The proposal to annex Huntington Green with a development totally out of character with the original would be, in our opinion, an egregious act that would diminish the quality of our neighborhood and make a mockery out of the Huntington Green covenants and condi- tions. fj]JJ j v,') jv' _1-J,u.110ilt i3 claa.rly trying to banefit Ii 01 n d12 J:j..;IJJ 1 Ji1J chd( J.Ctdr of tha original Hun~;,",~'ir!l Gr€en neighborhood The proposal to ccnnEct S2nd Way to the new development is totally unnecessary and poorly conceived In fact, any connection to the Huntington Green subdivision to Boness' property would be inappropriate and diminish the character of the neighborhood, not to mention the property values Other access options - ones that are more suitable - are available to Boness and his proposed development, options that need to be utilized instead. We ask that the city reject this proposal If the city does not reject this proposal, we believe it is reasonable and fair to demand that the proposed new development, Huntington Green II, adopt and abide by each and every one of the strict covenants and conditions of the original Huntington Green subdivision We believe that the city, in its wisdom will do the right thing and reject this application as well as any other proposal to connect the proposed development to the original Huntington Green subdivision Please include us on your list for any future mailings on this proposal ~ Respectfully, 'f' 'j/tUA- 0M . ~S Keven an :Janice Graves 572292 Ct. SE Yelm, WA 98597 360-458-8999 Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #6 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 1',:~ T (J '1 C::UUU o To whom It concerns 5/4/00 Upon reCeIVing the recent notIce for the proposed development of the land that IS adjacent to the onginal Huntington Green neIghborhood I was naturally Interested In what impacts thiS nnght have on the life style that my family and many of our fnends famihes have grown to enJoy and protect. One of my first Inqumes had to do with the name of thiS proposed development bemg referred to as "Huntington Green II" m the announcement mailed out. The assumptIOn was that a neighborhood borrOWing the n~me of an upscale and higher pnced development nnght mean that perhaps the same high quality builder, respecting the same high standards and imposmg the same stnct covenants that those families in the ongmal Huntington Green neighborhood have come to expect and who have tIrelessly protected, would be used to develop this new neighborhood. QUit to my surpnse and dismay, it turns out that this m fact is the proposal for a trailer park of thirteen "slots" This was of immediate concern due pnmarily to the fact that if allowed tlus development would only devalue my own property It would also attract low income families who may not have as much respect for the hard won and highly respected legal covmance that govern Huntmgton Green of wluch such by -laws have made our neighborhood one that is respected and valued. With aU due respect, trailers have no right to be assocIated with Huntington Green. Furthermore, the design of the road m the shape ofa cul-de-sac suggests something other than a thoroughfare and should not be opened to traffic as this was one of the mam reasons I Invested m the home I currently live In at the end of satd cul-de-sac I would be very concerned and quite upset If thIS road were to be connected With a low mcome housmg development that was not bound by the same speed litnlt agreements, housmg covenants, mcluding, fencmg, recreational velucle, parkmg, clutter, and many other restrictions and agreements. I would have to say that I would be prepared to pursue thiS issue further that being the case. o Please respect tlus appeal to refuse the applicatiOns for the development oftlus adjacent land for such purpose With out consIdenng seriously the implicatIons and the effects tlus would likely have on the people involved. Thank you m advance for you conSIderation and all the best to you m your negotiatIOns. Smcerely James Phillips 15621 92nd Way SE ~~ ~:p~ (360) 458- 0503 o Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #fl City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 c) () () II May 4, 2000 \D)~(g{gnVl{g~ \\ru MAY - 5 2000 \IUJ \' Cathie Carlson, City Planner 105 Yelm Ave. W Yelm, WA 98597 Dear Ms. Carlson My family moved to Yelm three and one-half years ago. The main attraction for us to this community was the small town, friendly environment. We realized we had found something quite special in our particular neighborhood of Huntington Green. As the parents of two small children, we were especially pleased that our neighborhood was not accessible to through traffic. Our children, as well as the other neighborhood children, currently have a safe area to ride their bicycles, roller-skate and play without having to worry too much about vehicular traffic. The safety of our children is, naturally, our primary concern. The proposal before you of changing 92nd Way SE from a dead end street to a street allowing through traffic to a mobile home development adjacent to Huntington Green would have a detrimental effect if passed. Our neighborhood has strict covenants, conditions, and restrictions, which all homeowners adhere This contributes to our quality of life as well as maintaining our property values. It is my understanding that the proposed new subdivision will have a street connecting it to Crystal Springs Road. If this is the case, I fail to see why an additional road negatively altering our neighborhood is necessary I wish to be notified of a public hearing regarding any revisions to Huntington Green's original developmental plans so that my concerns may be voiced. Respectfully, ~Us~ Claire Vecchio 15637 92nd Way SE Yelm, WA 98597 Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #8 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 o ~ &"1 Lc:!) c c> 10 ~ ~-/h ~ G1'fs 0(1 f C 'Iy P~r ~ UU11 Wit -jI'O U1: t-l--o vo {d f- ~ t-L JCr Ce:> h $ ([) l-<"- , .,~ r;, L 2 ~t..L~ f f-cr~ P rc 100 S ed ~ v-.e-!.cp vnJU( f- eLf- (.L t( q L itcL w'-"-<-t 5' L C "'1S HLt JI.~ ~ lj~ K/1~ Qpr4155 Rood U)~ aA"<L wr4 U'\ 5fr-o~13 {J)/,ptJ;,,~t., (-t:. /-hi s,. fropo~e:d ~p~-<A.r. (J)u r f-r; s r- ~ 1/1 ~ ~ ~ Hr...e p-lMt Iv cu:t- C( '5 fr ~f- +It. ~(UJ t... Hu2..- r- U!.- cc! ~ CA4{ ck s ~c- at- ~ 14td-0--6 q ')..1((1 UJ~, (f)u/r tw (.'hL " S ~ ~f- fu ~ ~ ~ f- elf q W tuO-A-[ W-e- {GL.€l-UI -HA.rd- ~ 0- d clvft.-.c t'lcdL fret * I C ~a.. ~UJt... !:'f.--e.-e.-f- fn ~ VMre.~UU!S wou(d :J~-L <b4t... 'tk( ~ :5 h-eel- (,1.9 c> vi d ~ f.-fAi-o ~ le.- Q ~ ~ Q F ~5 e~ Q.I s (il ~ ~ s ~f$ ~ ~ ~ ~ f:J ~ <!A' c- hw JIU1.-Vr~tU t-z, CLd() U/ ~ art sb-ed- ~ )J Qca>~ 1-0 'H/...c ~~ ~ (M or~$.fLcI fwo -~ t,..q P-A c- w('JuLd k ~r6.ss'/h fR., . o ~~~cJe,~$ (}f ,,;u~ 4<<J-+-W.. UJ-A..e t<-~ ~ l~f-01J 6~ l~ ~ 0'<< ~ -G{ dv-v'ct- fi:-g CL/Ad L-~S'P ~ S w..e.Lt.s-.-c::r...ud ...e.--ve.M- ~ ~ '----yru s I~ ~ fvv..J~ q 2 I{ d. ~ Q.. I-h I^-C V'J 4.. s f->--e-e f- ~ v ( d he.- ct ~.eA"W~ ~ .e<.A...~~ r~' ~ ~uc::/'\ 0--R- Jw.~ aLf'~ SlJ~ ~~t9t( (r<'Jll{ ~ ~~~~G~~<f)~~ ~~ l~ f-Jf-<t~ L S' q i'.-U-M ~;...tJ...L ,,-PI d ~ S dl cLr:hfv b ~ ~ s e> "ca..-t ~ -h1i c~ N> ('JUV- O-L~ Jo l...H'f q,4r:Lf~ rUf eo h/ec&it +0 ~ pnjf6~d ~~p~ ~ \D}~ ~ ~ 0 VI ~ \\II .~ MAY - 5 2OIlO i~ o Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #9 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 () () y \\ls~~ U W l5 \n\ ~ MAY - 5 2000 \U) Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #10 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 o Michael and Ute Gier 9235 Brendan Dr SE Yelm, WA 98597 ~~~~D~~n MAY - 4 2000 U c:I May 4, 2000 Cathie Cartson Yelm City Hall PO Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597 Dear Ms Cartson, This letter is in reference to the Notice of Application we received on May 4, 2000, conceming the proposed project near our home. We are strongly opposed to this project. When we moved to this area in 1995, the layout and security, with only one way to enter and exit this community appealed to us the most. These aspects had a great impact on our decision to buy this property This project would have a great impact on the value of our properties, jeopardize the security and would interfere with the covenants established for this community We want to be included in all mailing lists and public meetings concemin9 this project. Please inform us of such with adequate notice prior to each event. o $incerely, IJ~ L Uk~kt Michael and Ute Gier o Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #11 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 (~ () (~) G' -I ---- .2- CJCJ c) RF(-~-tVED MAy 0 1 2000 I 'I" " t'\ i mCAJ'I'K,.c' l'J1u'Y-tjP11J ~ /$(J'7 e7sTcd..~~) ye-I vv<- Wa:.., 98'G; .3~{) 4Sg! ~o/? ~,Iy CJ( rd~ 'Fb I&~ 479- ye..lrl-L !deL 9SfS1-? f(e--t.' f(L.(,V{ -r; ~ &~x--:o:- /;<"/1 c'Yr.!!.Tc..J Sp rlJ-f.-~S @#./e/m ba...~ USe C!A.5e.:d- SL(.Jo c;O-E':l5/- YI 7P Wh-c ~ II ~/6~yx./.' __ _ .,/Jul $J~ ,%; _~e-?:"ve.-___a:....S Wty/ Z;;~/f4p?7Cca....L~c . . .. ... T~ 1: We~lvr,6e- p ~~c>~7Ls.~ 4.~.. .. . j"J~/.f'~~li~. '&;1//. Y:~,..,~~"'7:L yde--~_ _ _ _ ~e ue-:lore.-~eh.LI-_- SLl'C/(!.._~ -- --- .... ..7lu'_:L&~r".>y?i/. .ftaA:o,1.~.M~-_.. .. _________ fu.y~-X-'i'~-'t7t_~r _~~er~-- ,- --- ... .f:~5hh~:-J:r;7l::xr~7f;;:~.. jT~e-7S ~ e;..-$>>t~J_u'T2J:;;s--Lde..Jlp u.....S.u/l1?'t r: /U~ LcJ L~ <tJ 7J'S 76 ?Jke-- fib:y /J'z; Lt,.,"X,/Mc-- ())&O~ 71vJ y~__ _ L! . ;p~~ /4'cYpZ {!~ys7: ~""ldS 3~D L(-51?' V 7.. c:S 1-: Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #11 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 Lot Residents # Address 1 Karl ana Susan Meycp 1572992OO\va SE 2 il . l' 157 79200 W , 3 Mike and orma Brow41 15711 t),oo Wa SE 4 Va(]lHlt Lot-(Joy) 15707 92nd Wa SE 5 Tim and Belle Mills 15701 9200 Wa SE 6 HeltSe far Sale (plligelt) 156t1-5 9200 Wa SE 7 Paul and Claire Vecchio 156319200 Wa SE 8 . \, -.I <").'I!'-';",~ 15<5-31 9i1d Wa SE 9 Ed and Dottie Rhodes 15629 9200 Wa SE 10 Tom and Karen Puddy 15627 9200 Wa SE 11 Ron and Judy Kemp 15625 9200 Wa SE 12 Joe and Biali~ Kelly 15623 nOO Wa SE 13 Jim and Theresa Pkitlips 156219200 Wa SE 14 Karen.Saxton 1~19 9200 Wa fill:: 15 Duplex (Rhodes} 156169200 Way SE Duplex (Rhodes) 15618 00 Wa SE fJ Sign~ture / ~eeting AttendanceS_ q .:2.{) () () o I //<J- ~ m~ ~ \)e-HA~ {~ctr ~ .P&\ o ~. 16 o 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26., 27 Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #11 City of Yelm () t Residents # Address 28 Daryl and Tonya Benien 157219200 Court SE 29 refill1\. at.a Jen:mer Hal'.'OTSOJ'- ~ v 15722 9200 Court SE c~~......, 30 M\guel and Ester Ortiz 157209200 Court SE 31 'R:cfficd-(Mit"b~ll. -&msr.T W:J ,"€ 157189200 court SE 32 Mary Sargent 157169200 Co SE 33 David Woodring 157089200 Court SE 34 Terry and Suzanne Zahn 15704 9200 Court SE 3S Chad and Holly Haltennan 15705 9200 court SE 36 Scott and Desiree Armstrong ~236 Brendan prive SE () 37 John and Angie Woodring CJ'!!37 Brendan Drive SE 38 Mike and Ute Gier 9235 Brendan rive SE 39 Chad Hoff 9143 Brendan Dtive SE 40 Vacant Lot For Sale (Rhodes) 9141 Brendan Drive SE 41 Duplex (Rhodes) 9135 Brendan Drive;';E Duplex (t{hodes) 9136 Brendan Drive SE y -.~,;- SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #12 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 J(aren &xfOti 1/)&: I q 9'./nd jJ y,5(6 VeJn1 N/f 1~~7 LA-rttY C/tI)LSON Y eJ tY) L I f-y flaJ I fN Rf: HUN77lVtfTtJN (Ji{l3-l:E-A) /1 .p J.J3-A5E- P LIJ-CE- ME:- ()IJ riff /J1Jf/ L//iJ tJ-- L/5T 7ZJ t?ECEI U 6 ~T&;11S IlfJfJ)./c/fl3L-6 m rl/1S j//1()TEG-r . ~1/1V7 CtJJ/CEIfA/.af /NJ!Jf}r rife- FOiJaul/!/rr I 517iff-r IJZ5/(f/L!:(!)If~$ /6 IILWTl/f/&-17J1J ~EEi;tJ 1/(!mt3- 0 - / 5rIXET5 /J,fJEA./i /1.J/!J/::;- E)){J/)(JH or f'JEtJfJ/E /JL kJ/! f5 AJEELJ 70 F/J/fJ{ ~L8/Jtfl-- we. ...57ffE!r fr SE/3:A15 L}/{E ~LOT c'F I#/tles M~ <g,A4 fitk'q ..:r: rJf//IIK me CllY /JlLO~ fJu/LE JZ/ 6;)/LjJ /Vo CJ--/)SE- ;10 (a/V) O<E;::~J Jv'~:6/13K /liE FL06Jt7 ZtJ/()E ST;1rL/s )S. .;JJ /9'?'Co) IVIfE/J JllE- /lI~l/IlLLY /f/VE~ FA (}OLJEIJ/ Wlfffl( W/IS /f/fLF--Wfrr /;I~ T/fE- yJ'/IIJ/:::- t),L /111( -iiJT k)//J El/E--JU /!1cK'~ J;1J ~om& CX/=l~K~f/JE LoTS r IJL60 jJE//L~ /1/{'P /VOl m/L<!S'cJE/JT1/JLPj 4L/JjJr r/fE//( {)5E- tJF- -fi:5Tle//JE5 &t1//L)!J- INTI) mE (f/((Jl);V/J lu/frE-~ rJ; E- :5E.Ev ;f)EL)jJLE j/E;eE j)tj[)!{JAltJ- ;t.1/t?X /)L;J ALo/lJt1- //j~ 3//JEf-U/lLI!S 7ZJ ,A'fC0 ;r7fE- /fAil) tJfC N/f/c;f WE- 0 jJ() /jAiJ6- IlUJr tJF I, I TlflltlJ< T1t~ r gulLi J/IJ.AlTlAl~m;J -----~~~-~--=---- ~ ==---- ~ SUB~~51-YL July 11, 2~OO Exhibit lV_comment Letter #12 City of Yelm \ ~ () &-lii-iN ON /t/I// II/LL~, ,0 t'f,,~I!~ i/ ft<~ II1HV J7fL-- IJEff/ /f1 IAJtfTftJ;I') ('/)/s /,tJ,E/f.. rJl4, r1#f$~ frfI1,.. 7!(.z:JJl /lll~S f'a;LiJ /3E AEI,/>Ll1fE/J :" f7f t~,( f?;fJr 6Ai ?lfE &L'tJ-,<]'V5/~41, Iv ~ff;;/i7i'f!&UJ /#6- mE'- ffiiJrVlfR5 1P IL/J/I// f,K:.ffi5 13.EIJf:j/~IItL. 70 mE o';3EkQ /JILJJ.LI-FE, r If c:- /Jf/ t)( (0 d lit:';;;; E P:; 51[)! j/ HI' z;: /1/11 C;)J 1/f E,"E 1'5 ;.A IE?:.. IJE;[;( AI/! ft j:f.z;1? 13- ffO TI/!/IJK flJU / &1fl}CLX~/Y/ .J{/lIlFJU ~/JX(2)/J ~ . / ) (\ ( .....", --- Exhibit IV-Comment Letter #13 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 Karin, Arnie & Thor Aksdal 15632 - 9200 Wy SE Yelm, WA 98597 360 458 0690 R pf' [~' T\-,-::;"; " I' 0 --" "l.. ! \.J .1..-4.-' j--, MAY 0 5 2000 I' BY I'~ t//.# 4 May 2000 Ms. Cathie Carlson CIty Planner CIty of Yelm 105 Yelm Ave W Yelm, WA 98597 Dear Ms. Carlson, We became aware today of a pendmg housmg development north and adjacent to Huntington Green, where we live. Some of the thmgs we have heard about this pending development are disturbing if true. o The rumors we have heard include: the development may be called Huntington Green II, the lots are sized for mobile or manufactured homes and would not include attached garages; the culdesac at the end of92nd Wy SE would become a through street, loopmg 93td Wy SE (the new street m the development) through our neIghborhood. We would like to go on record as bemg against makmg the 92nd Wy culdesac a through street and as bemg against the proposed development m general if It is mdeed to be comprised of mobile or manufactured homes or named anythmg SImilar to Huntington Green. Yelm IS lIttered With low-end, unattractive housmg at thIS tIme. We believe the CIty should be encouraging development of middle mcome housmg. If you were to dnve through the recent manufactured home development adjacent to Mill Pond IntermedIate School, you would clearly be appalled, as we are, at the thought of somethmg SImilar bemg allowed next to our neIghborhood. Would you want it next to yours? We bought mto our neIghborhood because it was quiet and attractIve. It had covenants protectmg the appearance of the area and ultimately (we hoped) the property values of neIghborhood homes. All of that could be destroyed If a new through street guts our neighborhood, if the proposed development does not have covenants similar to ours. o Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #13 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11,2000 (~ () (\ IJ ~r ;I Before allowmg development to proceed, we expect that the City will hold pubhc heanngs and notIfy every household m Huntmgton Green m adequate tIme of the date and tIme for the heanngs. Are there envIronmental concerns such as additiOnal pavement and concrete in the area potentIally contributIng to the floodmg of Yelm Creek even worse than what already occurs each wmter? How will the qualIty of lIfe that we all bought mto when purchasmg homes m Huntington Green be protected? We look forward to heanng from the CIty soon. A~~ A/0C1 ArnIe and Kann Aksdal, Homeowners, Huntmgton Green I Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #14 City of Yelm SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 ~ _" ):::'47 1-17 ~;44- t- ~ 6/7 c' .J/-r X S"lo nC' ~ /0 -rlrr: /.f: 77 7 ~ Wi: A 6'/0;: t/~ r.:;;;l 'h'~ 7~v1 eo'" t' r ,cox ~ 1 b ,rl'- 150 ff :t: rs '., /'3 ,( '" r 5"u-~ /J rvl Jd~-1 /...0 t! /.17 ~ a tJ r/' t! ~'1'~ 7,Q ~ r)~"..-r / .r J1-vt,r;) 4r.- JC'r 10 ,L/uvr'rr....? Tt;?>-'7 t%d-t' t: "",(, ..-- J 4'F 1./-, €:-i-V L I'? T;r ~ /J ~o r 1'U.4 ~ :.f u.-s ~-..-" /f c L:1 ~~ ?? j.. C1. # ~ /I.lStP~.. ~.41-?a S~d- ~-c 1'04-S. ~ ~~~-....&--r) ,. If/L~ /1'71 4#e-r~~~ .. tf) /"07.(' SC:>,r ~,#'"t u),prp 0/"/H #t/'S:"eP9"C. ~1-tot/Z"L ;:::P-oT,4c;.-r.- 6'/ Ju.rr I)v€:~ C/~O 51 ~ /// Rp"~~P'<-J ~/II-S: e,Ye( 2oH-r:r~/ I sr:-fE TIf~ P~I-~ 5re~~/C1'4<- TW4-T 4/tN.-tt.-a 25~ ,4~'-~wt-tO t{)cut..-O gz. Mo~/&-- !lOvvt -r-S.. fA /L;tf 7 .e4-'p If e - - I? I C?3 c tP3 0 S '74 n::: s II A f P 1'1-" (,)11'- f'c rL 7 rf E rYl ,4>U fA ~,:t ('.., ~ If!. 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Jll v {' ~!- rf #f- / 7'1</ If/:rOL *,o,? loAfs iC?4'ur~T r.:J ! j:)~'E'<-1: t-V,d-c-c- 1."/) r;,/l~/-J J 2.5 y~' A ~(!l-f \Ti: ~...~~...s..-_ e.'e>c.-..r ~i'"-"s:' b',Iz.- 1> tlLt+ A /400 1M ~ S'2-lA..a-..z.~ ;:=e~T A..--r ~ tJ(1' S.,~r'C;- ~~9 +:.-t- (7-/ C~~.. · 0 E@EU~~ ri \~ IIAY -3 200l ~ /3/''''' o 0, o Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #14 City of Yelm () () () L SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 ~ a~ 4 ~ t l.-() ( S't+C9-w..r N"L u q 3 - tU fkt L [) 1-1 J-1 t. e /c\ 7 CO 7'2- 0~ Iff €A-~r En/?.. TIltS 0,!)t1~1:7 r4 C--L--O ........., I 3 f1 &0 1{ ( D ~ J4 L. F ~ ( '-1 .t--)--o I.A. S 1:.- q 2-~. u.) tkj S ~ _ .. 0!i:.-) I r;{ ff t.( 0A0- '( '-"-< \ 't~ ~ bIZ- -{' <{ H) I-f A ~ E f-l " fA. 7 H T It-~ v-IS ?- ~ W /1 If- ?"T-t:? / V"L JJ II!-lLh~ I () ~~--;-- / Y t/C1 ~ ;/,,!-17 4 4 V~ /:I ~r;? ~ WI iH lP c--( I it 110 fAA-7 m ~ /!-~... /l-h Sou) 1: 44 v II( ,4 kIt:; /I~"4 ,yCDo A-s-S' rt . tif ~ 7 J.fJ4-S t;v144 t:- ~ w ~ t- ~ H crlf'L F~, '- (-t:5 k)/,7tt--t-? /,K "r~ &-c k/tE: tU'(Jt(~/./ HiPT H,4~'f--,4.-ry Pt./"/{ K- )/~0 .?~/"J:'?r'( &cv,W~~,t!:-~~ tJE: ;(A-vt:- b-c/-c Pi. ~;UJ/~~de.r.:; ...-?~~.o ~w'vyJ$ r, ~ S t-o~ ):>"C-o} i:... C iJtJU/.u.. uJ€' I(</'C ,( .t~/ of S WI ;<l L-t--- C' Hrc--#~~ h / H tl,. & r' (1) ~'i ~ , .l J () f) IV I S r: t A-vt 1 IS Sr-C)~;n k/ Jtf- 'r~ L 'f 0,/1 I.::J ~ (? /L.- S u../ 14 '- "i' S /)'>- ... f::T::. I .c ~ I I r ~ t.-t rf ~~ l..s t;, 12 &+0"':;:.. S elf.,." (U"l\. ;4t I ~c:'"Z-4 q z ~ ~ ('.~. , T !tt-S?;I 0 l.0/'J THz 0'rAft-t- ^'< S 4, t~.(., I h - 16 q z-- ~ tJ,4, f ~ .4..-z J-? 913 ~- 3"7 &'- '( n 1JtA-A.) b L. S:i ( )A.L- ~ CI ~ 0 T 'if. c../-- B ~ ....-t JQ rlLD~ lit ~ ~ 1 f( ~ h t4- ~ D \.v 1-( h.o l :::t( c..l- . y- ~/AA. fl C- ~ * W I jL t: <:L'" 0 ;L 0 ;tI {bfrr:- r/-(C-<-fA 7"~ (C:rvt c..~"f {)..( II (bH-l. Z t?tV/C-("i,.e:. C A('SPl t uJ~ g,t. v lL- J bt-S" r ~ '-VI, r~ ~ r I ~ .() 14 is> (c; ~ ? 4...<t-y A-4-'{.14 11-( 0 lA.1L &c.....p~.'"l tA ~ t 7'( ~A~ I.e- ff I TlI S' 15 A-VLOlb-t.l{.~ eo~~~,L.~ wt'TH-- C(z.- 11-;:3- A V1.'J '1 ~ L:..? ~bll--\.lAot1 [0 ClV'C fi.e"e-~ S".r 10 DvcL tJrV~Lt)~#4~C-~;:- t4 -t tJ ffllh'?k:-- -( 1Ti~4:- ('" ~'L- ~-c ~4 ~'( TH I S- C~ Exhibit IV. Comment Letter #15 City of Yelm ___ \.... ~w Y'e..~c..~ C. M,Q. \\-e..vY\~ \ '2.. () <\ c:. '<" '/ .d- 6-. \ ~'(', 5 t N \J '(~\W\';Wo... <\<'6~q'1 1'1\0..')' ~ )1....~0C Co..-t~\~ Co...'<"\S"tlv) " ~ \ "'" ~ i-r)' t\ 0.. \ \ p, C) , "B())( 4-7 9 Y~\'vv\}WA ~~So..7 SUB.s251-YL July 11, 2000 \ (1 ~ :l... o ~ RRCEI\TED MAY 03 ZDDD If:3Y =- -I -' R..~ : \...~'(\J \b~ CCl,,5t.- '. SVB -<::>0 -g-:tS 1- YL-. l:)e...Q..,\ Ms. Co... '<" 's I:) n ~ Ne-t-b~;~\V'l ?""()S$e5;~y) <::>~ 0\. <:"<:;j'(\"<~'~-t~ Sc<..-t ~~ ~'('~\~W\~,^o..'('7 'P\o..'<\~ o...,<,\d.,- S.?~<:...\,,'~o-...l-'O"f\5) c",'r ~o\\ew\",~ \\S"' ~~ c.c;)'()c..~"('()<) w\ t" -t"'-Q. ?\('~yos~ d~v~ \ o~ '('I\~ '0-\ '('(\o..y be. \''V'\C01'<\? \ ~ +~ ,\\,(2..)' ~~o...\ ,",o-\"" W~l+~ \<:)..'<\~ v-.s~ bV.-t \N\-t" ~~s\b\~ o..c\\(~"S~ C>..~c.+..$ .h:) ov..Y'" ?i'()~~yo-\-)' , \,\) 'L I() ~'<"e.5~ <S..'<'\~ ~~'('"~S5 \'n~ ~".e. '.\V'<"I \'OO--yy ?\o.."'t ~e>'r- -\-\-.<<.. \\v.~~\~~ \o~ (;-'<'~~Y\ \ \ 0 S",bd"v\S\C'<) ~o-.\\~~ ~~ s~t>-w ~Q.. .~.)(',5;-t\Y\~ \I()~~.ss ~Y\~ <L~,<:"~~~ -T~ ~~ ?Y'o~~Y"-\'Y \lY\\"<\~~'\~-\-€.\'j to +"'~ SO'^-t~ ~~ ,\, \ ~ \~ ~V'<:)~~V'~y) ~~'c '\~S \ ~ -eV"c..'<-. t~~iC.t"'~r w\~ \-\-.5 o..? ~'C"'o 0.-. <: \.. I 'nos ~~~~ tlvJx\e.~ ~'('\c:\ \A-S i.d bY IJ.S s~ (\ (€.. N\(;...,<,6... I \ ~ ~q . 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BIrkl FacihtIes Director YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND FOLLOWS TITLE IX REQUIREMENTS 404 Yelm Avenue West, POBox 476, Yelm, Washington 98597, (360) 458-6128, FAX (360) 458-6434 o Exhibit IV- Comment Letter #17 City of Yelm () 1t~~S.T^TeO'" ....' ~ o. t, ~ - i:! ~ '., ~~ ~< "1889 ...Q STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY PO. Box 47775 · Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 · (360) 407-6300 June 7, 2000 Ms. Catherine Carlson Community Development Director City of Yelm PO Box 479 Yelm, W A 98597 () Dear Ms. Carlson. Thank you for the opportumty to comment on the mitigated determination of nonslgmficance to subdivide 3.26 acres mto 13 smgle-famIly residential lots (SEPA No 8251) located at 1211 Crystal Springs Road as proposed by Dick Boness. We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments. No site plan was included with the checklist making It difficult to determine the location relative to the 1 OO-year floodplaIn. If any proposed bUIldIng sites are in the floodplain a floodplaIn development permit IS required and the applicant will have to assure that there wIll be less than a I-foot rIse In base flood elevation and no adverse floodmg Impacts to adjacent properties. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments, please call Mr Dan Sokol (Floodplain Management) at 9360) 407-7253 or wIth any other questions regardmg this proposal I can be reached at (360) 407-6787 &v~ijCerelY' dtl{)U OCu-=- t ari Rokstad SEP A Coordinator Southwest Regional Office KR.aw (00-3629) () ~ cc Dan Sokol, SWRO/SEA SUB-8251-YL July 11, 2000 c c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date July 11, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Middle Road Preliminary Plat Approval, SUB-00-8252-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit I - Site Plan Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE: The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s). After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions. request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL. The applicant proposes to subdivide 4 15 acres into 22 single family residential lots The proposed plat includes Tracts A, Band C for open space and/or stormwater retention, a new street and the infrastructure necessary to support the new development. C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS. 1 Proponent. Dennis Balascio 2. Location The project site is located on the north side of Middle Road just east of the Prairie Creek Subdivision. The project site includes 2 parcels The majority of the project is on tax parcel 64303500504, lots 14 - 16 and Welch Street are located on a portion of tax parcel 64303500400 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on July 7,2000, and posted in public areas on July 6,2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on July 6, 2000 4 Subdivision Name. The applicant submitted the project application under the name of Middle Road Plat. This name has not been approved by Thurston County c c c 5 Existinq Land Use, Zoning and Densitv There is currently one manufactured home on the site that is proposed to be removed The site is zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6), Chapter 17 15 The applicant proposes to divide the 4 15 acres into 22 single family residential lots In the R-6 District the minimum density is three (3) units per acre with a maximum of six (6) units per acre As proposed the subdivision density is five (5) units per acre and complies with the density requirements within the district. 6 Lots Size and Setbacks. The R-6 District does not have a minimum or maximum lot size but it does have standard yard setbacks The shape or size of Lot 5, 14, 16, 17,18, and 22 may not accommodate typical foot prints for single story homes 7 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoning Properties to the north and east of the site are in Thurston County Properties to the east are zoned Rural Residential (1/5) and to the north are industrial The property to the north is currently being considered for a rezone to residential by Thurston County Commissioners The property to the west and south of the site are zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6) Developed densities in the immediate area range from rural (1 unit per five acres) to moderate density of 6 units per acre 8 Open Space. Chapter 16 14 requires a minimum of five percent of the gross area be dedicated as open space, which is 21 of an acre for Lot 3 of SS-8187YL. A condition of approval for SS-978187YL was that Lot 3 provide the opens space for Lot 1, which is an additional 05 of an acre Total open space required for the project is 26 of an acre The open space must provide one or more of the following uses environmental interpretation or other education, park, recreational land, or athletic fields, off-road footpaths or bicycle trails, or any other use found by the City to further the purposes of the open space chapter The ordinance suggests that open space should be dedicated to the City The applicant has not indicated at this time which tract or combination of tracts will serve as the open space 9 Schools New residential units create a demand for additional school services and facilities The Yelm School District requests that the developer enter into an agreement with the school district for the payment of mitigation fees based on the project's impact. This request became mitigation of the Environmental Determination 10 Transportation and Site Access. The property fronts on Middle Road which is the only access to the site The 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan provides policies in which the Transportation Plan will be implemented The 1992 plan states The city of Yelm recognizes that increasing connections throughout the City not only reduces traffic congestion but also increases the sense of unity of Page 2 of 8 c c o the community Therefore, the City will limit the use of cul-de-sacs, dead- end streets, loops, and other designs that form barriers The city will seek to minimize impacts of through traffic upon residential neighborhoods by employing narrow streets, curves, indirect access routes, and other features. The City will encourage the use of trails and other connections that provide ease of travel between neighborhoods and community centers The Transportation Chapter of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan provides objectives in which the Transportation Plan will be implemented The 1995 plan states The objective of the Transportation Plan is to provide a cost-effective network to accommodate travel in and around the core area To accomplish this objective, Yelm will actively purse 1 A connected-streets policy to promote the efficient flow of traffic within the community The Design Guidelines implement the above objective through Section 4B020 4, Design Standards," the layout of streets shall provide for the continuation of existing principal streets in adjoining subdivisions or for their proper project when adjoining property is not subdivided " The design of the internal street system is a local access residential street. Welch Street which runs north and south on the eastern portion of the site is proposed as the future access for development on the remaining portion of tax parcel 64303500400 The completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City transportation system A single family home generates 1 01 P m peak hour trips per unit. The Transportation Facility Charge per unit is $757 50 and payable at time of building permit. 11 Parking. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires minimum parking ratio of two spaces per unit. The developer is proposing at a minimum to provide a driveway approach that can accommodate two vehicles 12 Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not served by the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing line available to the west of the site at the Prairie Creek Subdivision The existing manufactured home is currently served with an on-site septic system The applicant is proposing to remove the home and abandon the system 13 Water Supplv The proposed site is in the City's water service area but is currently not served by the city water system There is a service line located to the west of the site at the Prairie Creek Subdivision The existing manufactured home is currently served with an on-site well The Page 3 of 8 c c o applicant is proposing to remove the home and abandon the system 14 Drainage/Stormwater The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Stormwater Manual for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Following preliminary plat approval the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 15 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District tf2. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service 16 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 17 Street Lightinq. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. 18 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals. The site is adjacent to properties that are compatibly zoned with the exception of the property to the north It is likely that by the end of the year the property to the north will be rezoned to residential Assuming all adjacent properties are zoned resiendital the code requires that the perimeter of the site be landscaped with a Type II landscaping In residential subdivisions the city also allows fencing to meet the landscaping requirement for the perimeter of the site Landscaping is also required in the open space and above ground stormwater facilities A preliminary landscaping plan has not been submitted at this time Chapter 17 80 requires that at time of civil plan review and approval the applicant provide the Community Development Department a final landscape and irrigation plan for approval 19 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting Page 4 of 8 c c o 20 documents, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MDNS) was issued on June 16, 2000 The comment period expired on June 29,2000 The MDNS is attached as Exhibit III Public Comment. No public comment was received 21 Findinqs and Conclusion. Chapter 16 12.170 requires written findings prior to a decision on a preliminary plat. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the subdivision A. Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, schools, sidewalks, B That the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedications, C The subdivision is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Development Guidelines D. Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-00-8252- YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 The proponent shall connect to the City's STEP sewer system A 6" PVC collector line will be required across the frontage on Middle Road The connection point will be at the property boundary to the Prairie Creek Subdivision Sewer ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on discharge of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $4,850 per ERU, as well as an inspection fee of $145 OO/ERU STEP on-site collector tanks and pumps are to be installed by the owner, which are then transferred to the City for operation and maintenance 2 The property is subject to a latecomer's agreement between the City ofYelm and Springfield Development Company, Inc., dated November 28, 1994, for a sewer main extension The applicant shall pay the latecomer in the amount of $2,704 00 prior to final plat approval 3 The on-site septic system and drainfield shall be abandoned to Thurston County Health Department standards Water 4 The Proponent shall connect to the City's water system A 10" PVC water line extension will be required along across the property frontage on Middle Road The connection point will be at the property boundary to the Prairie Creek Subdivision This connection is at the cost of the Page 5 of 8 c o o developer, however, a latecomer's agreement could be formed to recapture a portion of the initial cost of connecting to the water system Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (subject to change) inside city limits This fee is payable at time of building permit issuance 5 The applicant shall abandon the on-site well in accordance with the Department of Ecology standards 6 If a valid (by Department of Ecology standards) water rights exists for the site, the City is interested in a transfer of those rights to the municipal water system Details on the amount of water rights that are eligible to transfer and the value of those to be determined 7 The property is subject to a latecomer's agreement between the City ofYelm and Springfield Development Company, Inc., dated November 28, 1994, for a water main extension The applicant shall pay the latecomer in the amount of $2,163 00 prior to final plat approval 8 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Stormwater 9 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 10 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval 11 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities Transportation 12. The street design for the project is a local access residential and shall be included on civil plans. The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 13 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the frontage of Middle Road The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The Crystal Springs Road street section is "neighborhood collector" A "waiver of protest" may be signed deferring these improvements until Phase II 14 Welch Street shall be shown on the face of the plat as a future street connection to the adjacent property to the north and south Page 6 of 8 o o o Fire 15 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards 16 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Lot Setbacks 17 The applicant shall submit a plat map with building envelopes to ensure all setbacks can be obtained Open Space 18 Applicant shall provide a minimum of .26 of an acre of open space on site or pay a fee in lieu of as provided by Chapter 14 14 19 The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 14 14050 Landscapinq 20 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping plan to include the perimeter of the project site, planter strips, open space and stormwater facilities Environmental 21 The applicant shall comply with the mitigition of the MDNS issued on June 16, 2000 Mitigation includes a The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 pm peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 per unit which is payable at time of building permit. b The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 22. The applicant shall submit a subdivision name The City will forward the name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval 23 Priorto the submission final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing Legal Lot Status 24 The applicant shall complete a Boundary Line Adjustment amending property lines so that the project site is a single legal parcel General Public Works 25 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will Page 7 of 8 c o o be required 26 The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading C:\MyFiles\Case Correspondence\8252stf. wpd Page 8 of 8 ~ ~ t ~ ;.cs: ~ ~ ui g: 0.. J ".[$, % : \ ~ ~ l;. ~tg.~ ~ ~i t~t ~ U \~~1 ~ ,9, ~~~~ ~ 'o\~ 'i\l~~ \ (::.l' ~'S."'\: ~ 1'l'3 l~~~ z~ fS~~i ;.. D %i~~ \!! l5 ~ l. ~\ - \ \ -a j! \ ~ t ~ \ '0\ \ ,'k .\\ HH \ ~ ",trh .p ~ ~ \ ~ h Il - _ __]~:d~:o.- '::rilc \ ~~ - .~- ,--~- ~~ ~\~J~ '''l'i\ _ -t-r..~.'i" ilL'O.t~ VI .~ ~OM \ \ ].,.'" ~r~, '~:r- / <( ~ '0 ~ft~ t.1'~~ , ~~o. ~~~1. ~t,~;~~ ..-- ~'ie~~ ".I ;~'< ~ ca ~'d. ~ct o e ~ \ -~g ~~ t\ ~~~ ... 0 ~.~C> - - :, . ~_'& ~ ~ ~4l\ Q , \ '3 w .,.. \ \ o ~ 30 ~ 't5 ~ (l: "Z ~ t6'\~~ \"'3. .:1, '" Cl- ~ ~ .- ':2 5 t 'tA ~",'66 \ \'8 \<s ,ot!;_ L-- \ \ '" \ \ \----'\ .. \ \ \ \ \ ~ Exhibit 11- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm 5UB-00-8252-Yl July 11, 2000 (~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE. PURPOSE Monday, July 17, 2000, 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a 22 lot Residential Subdivision, Case #SUB..o0-8252-YL APPLICANT Yelm Development, LLC PROJECT LOCATION North side of Middle Road just east of Prairie Creek subdivision, Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide 415 acres into 22 single-family residential lots. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council. The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their July 26, 2000, regularly scheduled meeting. () Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close ofthe public hearing on July 17, 2000 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597. Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W, Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting. ATTEST City of Yelm ./ t;,4J ;J /f/ll/lmt. A s Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News: Friday, July 7, 2000 Posted in Public Areas: Thursday, July 6, 2000 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners: Thursday, July 6, 2000 (\ r Exhibit 11I- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm SUB-00-8252-YL July 11, 2000 () SEPA NO' 8252 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent. Dennis Balascio, Yelm Property Development L.L.C Description of Proposal Subdivide 4 15 acres into 22 single family residential lots Location of the Proposal 16422 SE Middle Street, Yelm, WA. Section/T ownship/Range SE 1/4, Section 19, Township 17N Range 2E, Tax Parcel 64303500504 and 64303500400 Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C 030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: SEE ATTACHED Lead agency' Responsible Official City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator () Date of Issue Comment Deadline June 16, 2000 5'00 p.m., June 29, 2000 This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197- 11-340(2). Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave. W , POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5'00 p.m., June 29, 2000 The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5'00 p.m., July 6, 2000 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5'00 p.m., July 6,2000 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This MONS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (1408), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News, Friday, June 16, 2000 Posted in public areas. Friday, June 16, 2000 Copies to All agenciesrcitizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners, Friday, June 16, 2000 Dept. of Ecology w/checklist, Friday June 16 2000, 2000 () ~ o c c J. Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law 2120 State Avenue NE Olympia, W A 98506 (360)754-7667 - FAX (360)754-0249 July 17, 2000 Chair and Members Planning Commiss~on c~ty of Yelm City Hall Yelm, WA HAND DELIVERED Re: Huntington Green II Preliminary Plat SUB-00-8251-YL Dear Gentlepersons: The Huntington Green Community Association (HGCA) and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rhodes are opposed to the proposal and urge the Commiss1on to recommend its disapproval to the Yelm City Council. Materials subm~tted in opposition are.: 1 . Commen ts Memorandum 2. HGCA Bylaws; Exhibit V c Correspondence to Chair and Members, Planning Commission, City of Yelm July 17, 2000 Page Two 3. Huntington Green (I) Plat Map; Exhibit VI 4. HGCA Covenants; Exh~bit VII 5. Dedication, Hunt~ngton Green (I); Exhibit VIII 6. Yelm Transportation Pol~cy; Exh~b~t IX ~ u y Yours, ~O;? J. awrence con~f~ r.\ Attorney at Law U JLC:AA co: Huntington Green Community Association Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes c c: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 c)s c \ \ \ \ BEFORE THE CITY Of YELM PLANNING COMMISSION RE: Huntington Green II, Preliminary Plat Approval, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION No. SUB-OO-8251- YL INTRODUCTION These comments are made on behalf of an owner of several lots 13 in the Huntington Green plat and the Association which is organized 14 as a non-profit corporation in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. A copy of the Association's 1994 bylaws is presented as 16 Exhibit V. The Association charges dues, conducts regular meetings, 17 operates and maintains a community recreational ground for children 18 and adults. The recreational area is depicted on the Huntington Green 19 plat map as Tract A presented as Exhibit VI. The Association is 20 concerned about the proposed extension of 92ftd Way S.E. to the 21 adjacent proposed manufactured home development for several COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - 1 J. Lawrence Coniff Attornev at Law State & Sawyer Building.2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia, Washington 98506 (360) 754.7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 o dO 11 o reasons: (1) public safety - increased traffic; (2) traffic congestion in 2 92nd Way S.E.; (3) development of manufactured housing lots adjacent 3 to an established high-end residential community. Each reason will be 4 addressed in the ensuing discussion. 5 The Association implements covenants which apply to all owners 6 of eots in the plat presented as Exhibit VII.1 The covenants are 7 intended to maintain the integrity and character of the community. 8 The covenants also protect property values by architectural control, 9 building specifications, site plan review, and limitations on business activities, livestock, mining, fences and walls, storage of boats, campers and travel trailers. The covenants specifically prohibit 12 mobile homes on any lot in the subdivision. Exhibit VII, Covenants, 13 Art. 1(K), p. 4. The Association (and Mr. Rhodes) are unalterably 1 Copies of Exhibit V (bylaws) and Exhibit VII (covenants) were provided to Staff but were omitted from exhibit materials provided to the Commission by Staff. COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - 2 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia, Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 opposed to all1 adjacent and unrestricted manufactured housing o 2 development. 3 COMMENT NO. 1 A one foot strip of land between the fence 4 and the boundary between the two parcels was not acquired by the 5 City of Yelm. 6 To grasp the meaning of our comment, one must examine the 7 Huntington Green plat map as accepted by Yelm via dedication. The 8 north line of Huntington Green plat is depicted by an arrow as an 9 extension from the range line and described as: 10 North line of South Half of Southwest Quarter of Southwest 01 Quarter of Section 18. 12 13 The plat map northerly boundary is depicted by a broad line 14 (wider than the northline) described as: 15 New 6' wood fence constructed approximately l' into plat 16 along north and south plat lines. 17 18 The Community Association was in existence when the plat was 19 drawn (June 14, 1994). The fence was in existence at that time. The COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. 3 J. Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 o 1 C dO 11 o Association and Mr. Rhodes believed the fence was the intended 2 boundary in relation to 92Rd Way S.E. and lots 14 and 15. 3 Staff believes, to the contrary, that the 92Rd Way S.E. "right-of- 4 way that was dedicated goes beyond the cul-de-sac to the project site, 5 allowing for the future connection of 92Rd Way S.E." (Staff memo, page 6 3, item 10, 5th paragraph.) 7 Fences can be boundaries if the parties so intend. Description oiF 8 the north and south boundaries of the plat as a "wood fence 9 constructed approximately l' into plat along north and south plat lines" is clear and unambiguous. One must ignore that description of the boundary and extrapolate the "northline" description onto the wide 12 line which was intended to depict plat boundaries by reference to the 13 existing fence.2 14 Even if a conflict or ambiguity is assumed (which we do not 15 concede), evidence which tends to show the intent of the parties will 2 Yelm Subdivision Ordinance 16.24.020 requires that all rights-of-way and real property be "clearly and precisely displayed" on the plat map. COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - 4 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 control. Evidence which shows the parties intended to convey a o 2 certain strip of land or what was included within the bounds of a fence 3 will control. Washington Real Property Deskbook (1986), sec. 31.23 4 and sec. 31.24. 5 When ambiguity arises outside the description in a deed (or a 6 dedication) parole evidence is always admissible to resolve the 7 ambiguity. The goal is to ascertain what is the meaning of the words 8 used. This is accomplished by review of the facts and circumstances 9 at the time of the transaction and by the practical construction given dO by the parties with respect to the ambiguity. It/. 11 A fair evaluation of the evidence necessarily leads to the 12 conclusion that Yelm did not receive a l' strip of land contiguous to 13 the north end of the right-of-way cul-de-sac by dedication. The 14 Huntington Green dedication is presented as Exhibit VIII. There is no 15 physical connection between the proposal and 92ftd Way S.E. as it 16 exists because the l' strip of land was not included within plat 17 boundaries. COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - 5 J. Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 c 1 A proposed subdivision must be disapproved where any defects C 2 appear which ultimately require rejection. Loveless v. YQI1tis, 82 10 o 11 o 3 Wn.2d 754, 513 P.2d 1023 (1973). 4 COMMENT NO.2 Public interest includes public safety which 5 has not been addressed. 6 The Planning Commission's "required inquiry" is set out in Yelm 7 Subdivision Ordinance (YSO) 16.12.160. It states that the "public use 8 and interest proposed to be served by the (proposal)" shan be 9 considered. Appropriate provision for "public safety and general welfare" for "streets, . . ., other public ways, . . . parks" shan be made. The Commission shall consider an relevant facts and whether the 12 proposal conforms with this title (Yelm Subdivision Ordinance, Title 13 16) when it determines whether the public interest will be served by 14 the proposed subdivision and any dedication. 15 The Commission is further required to make written findings i~o regarding public safety on streets. .....16.12.070(A). Consideration of 16 17 provisions is required to assure safe walking conditions for students COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. 6 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 and others who may wish to use the streets and the park maintained o 2 and operated by the Huntington Green Community Association. No 3 evidence upon which to base a written finding that public safety has 4 been protected has been presented. 5 Mandatory goals for the Commission to consider are set forth in 6 YSO 16.04.030 which include (1) "lessen congestion in the streets and 7 highways;" (2) "promote safe and convenient travel on streets and 8 highways;" and, (3) "promote the proper arrangement of streets, lots, 9 easements, pathways and other private or public ways." 10 Compliance with all subdivision requirements is mandatory. YSO o 11 16.04.060. 12 Returning to Staff's report and recommendation for approval, 13 several subjects are not discussed. 14 The public interest can only be adequately served if the proposal 15 will provide safe streets. The residents of Huntington Green will 16 provide testimony regarding safety problems generated by the 17 proposed street extension for children, students and adults. Use of COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. 7 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia, Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 o 01 2 dO 11 o the Association's community park will be adversely affected by (1) increasing the risks associated with children walking to the park and 3 (2) possible overuse or misuse of the Community sponsored park by 4 children from the plat proposal if the cul-de-sac is breached. We 5 submit that a written finding regarding public safety on the streets 6 must address these obvious problems. YSO 16.12.070A. 7 Neither does Staff address the duty to "lessen congestion in the 8 streets." YSO 16.04.030. It is undeniable that the cul-de-sac breach 9 will increase traffic congestion on 92nd Way S.E. COMMENT NO.3 Inadequate consideration has been given to the compatibility of a manufactured home plat with Huntington 12 Green. 13 Staff described the proposal as a subdivision of "3.26 acres into 14 13 single-family residential lots." Staff memo, p. 1, Item B. What is 15 really being proposed is a manufactured home subdivision (defined by 16 YMC 17.63.020 as "an area of land platted in accordance with the 17 platting regulations of the city. . . in which each parcel or lot is COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - 8 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia, Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 O2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 04 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 o designed and intended to be owned in fee by a person or persons also owning and occupying the manufactured home." Staff's failure to 3 accurately describe the proposal may be simple oversight. But the 4 omission does not direct one's attention to the policy directives 5 applicable to manufactured homes provided in YMC 17.63.010 Intent 6 adopted in October, 1999 which reads, in relevant part: A.. Permit the location of manufactured homes as a permanent form of dwelling unit in certain districts and as an accessory use or a temporary use in other districts; B. Provide standards for the development and use of manufactured homes appropriate to their location and their use as permanent, accessory or temporary facilities; C. Designate appropriate locations for such dwelling units; D. Ensure a high quality of development for such dwelling units to the end that the occupants of manufactured homes and the community as a whole are protected from potentially adverse impact of such development or use; . . . F. Make a distinction between manufactured home communities and manufactured home subdivisions, and their development and occupancy characteristics. (Ord. 669 S6(part), 1999). COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. 9 J Lawrence Conif.! Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 Staffs memo fails to discuss the impacts of a manufactured o 2 home subdivision upon the residents of Huntington Green or upon their 3 property values (which will be adversely aHected by an abutting row of 4 13 manufactured homes). No restrictions or provisions are suggested 5 to minimize or eliminate such expectable problems associated with a 6 pl2tted manufactured home subdivision. 7 One intent of the Manufactured Homes ordinance YMC 8 17.63.01 O(D) is to ensure a high quality of development so that "the 9 community as CD whole are [sic] protected from potentially adverse 10 impact [sic] of such development or use." A complementary intent is o 11 to make a distinction between manufactured home communities and 12 manufactured home subdivisions and their characteristics. It/., (F). 13 The proposal is for a manufactured home subdivision which has no 14 controls over land use by occupants as opposed to a community which 15 is under covenants and restrictions on use which are capable of 16 enforcement. The "distinction" between the two is dramatic. The w:~ 17 proposed lot owners will hold in fee \ylli.1I no further limitations. Yet COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. 10 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 o 1 Staff's report fails to address the explicit intent of YMC 17.63.01 O(d) o 2 and (f). 3 COMMENT NO.4 A traffic policy must be implemented in 4 accord with city ordinances. 5 Staff draws upon policy found in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive 6 Transportation Plan. The policy reads: 7 The city of Yelm recognizes that increasing connections 8 throughout the City not only reduces traffic congestion but 9 also increases the sense of unity of the community. 10 Therefore, the City will limit the use of cul-de-sacs, dead- 11 end streets, loops, and other designs that form barriers. 12 The city will seek to minimize impacts of through traffic 13 upon residential neighborhoods by employing narrow 04 streets, curves, indirect access routes, and other features. 15 The City will encourage the use of trails and other 16 connections that provide ease of travel between 17 neighborhoods and community centers. 18 19 This position has several weak points. 20 The Transportation Policy is just what it says it is: a policy. A 21 policy is, by definition, not mandatory. Neither can a policy override 22 city ordinances. o COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - 11 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building,2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 City ordinances do not require the proposal to incorporate more o 2 than one vehicular access from an arterial or collector street. YSO 3 16.16.060. 92Rd Way S.E. is a "minor street" because it is a local 4 access road. YMC 17.06.030. In plain words, Staff asks the 5 Commission to exercise its discretion and require the existing cui-de- 6 sac be opened and extended to service the proposed manufactured 7 home plat. The character of the existing street win be dramatically 8 altered from a quiet (no through traffic) high quality residential area to 9 open accessibility. 10 The Transportation Policy was adopted in 1992. Huntington o 11 Green's plat was approved in 1994. The existence of the policy was 12 not made known to the Association or its members. The cul-de-sac 13 gave rise to expectations by lot owners that the neighborhood would 14 not have outside vehicular traffic and that their family's safety would 15 thereby be protected. 16 Moreover the transportation policy states that: "Minor streets, 17 which serve primarily to provide access the abutting property, shan be COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION -12 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building. 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia, Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 o 1 O2 10 o 11 o designed to discourage through traffic." Yelrn Transportation Plan, sec. 48.020(4), p. 4-2 presented as Exh6bit IX. The mandatory duty to 3 design the unneeded alternate access "to discourage through traffic" 4 has not been fulfilled. 5 Yelm has not prohibited the use of cul-de-sacs. Rather the city 6 decided to review the impacts of this policy on a case by case basis. 7 Studies are supposed to be conducted yet none have transpired. 8 Therefore no provisions are (or could be) suggested by Staff to 9 "discourage through traffic" through Huntington Green as suggested by the Connectivity Policy (narrow streets, curves, indirect access routes, etc.). Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan, p. 18. Failure 12 to address this mandatory subject provides an additional independent 13 ground for rejection of the proposal. 14 CONCLUSION 15 The Association and Mr. Rhodes petition the city of Yelm 16 Planning Commission to recommend rejection of the preliminary plat COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. 13 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue NE. Olympia, Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 1 o 2 o f\ U application by the Yelm City Council for the reasons declared herein. -r( Dated this C/- day of July, 2000. 3 Respectfully Submitted, 4 5 6 7 J. wrence Coniff, / Attorney for Petitioners COMMENTS OF ED RHODES AND HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - 14 J Lawrence Coniff Attorney at Law State & Sawyer Building, 2nd Floor 2120 State Avenue N.E. Olympia. Washington 98506 (360) 754-7667 Fax: (360) 754-0249 \ ' ~x H-I i3 f T ---v- .----- '" BYLAWS c OF HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (A Washington Non-Profit Corporation) I. REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT The registered office of the corporation shall be located in the State of Washington at such place as may be fixed from time to time by the board of directors upon filing of such notices as may be required by law, and the registered agent shall have a business office identical with such registered office. Any change in the registered agent or registered office shall be effective upon filing such change with the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Washington. II. MEMBERSHIP o A. General. Except as provided in Section B hereof, membership in this corporation shall be limited to those persons, natural or artificial, owning or having a possessory interest in any lot within the following described property, situated in Thurston County, Washington, to-wit: Lots 1 through 41, inclusive, and Tract "A" of HUNTINGTON GREEN, Division One, according to the plat recorded in the office of the Thurston County Auditor in Volume 27 of Plats, page 39, under auditor's file no. 9406170163. The privileges and facilities of the corporation shall be extended to the spouse and the children of the member under such rules and regulations as the Board of Directors may prescribe. B. Transfer of Membership. Membership privileges shall run with the land. Membership of any person shall automatically transfer to any other person who acquires the ownership of or possessory interest in any lot described in Section A hereof. Whenever the secretary-treasurer receives satisfactory evidence of the transfer of ownership of or possessory interest in any such lot, the secretary-treasurer shall register on the books of the corporation a transfer of membership to the person acquiring such ownership or possessory interest. Such transfer of membership shall carry with it all rights, privileges and duties of the transferor and shall carry with it the duty to abide by all the rules and regulations as set forth by the Board of Directors of this corporation. (\ ~ 1 \ . c C. Votinq Eliqibilitv. Lot owners or purchasers shall have one membership vote per lot, and the purchaser under a real estate contract, mortgage or deed of trust shall be deemed to be an owner for membership purposes. The vote for any membership owned by a single marital community may be cast by either spouse without the presentation of authority from the other. D. Dues and Assessments. Each lot owner or purchaser, by acceptance of a deed or real estate contract therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the corporation such amounts as dues and/or assessments as shall be fixed and established by the majority vote of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of HUNTINGTON GREEN, and its articles and by-laws. E. Applicability and Enforcement. All lots and Tracts of HUNTINGTON GREEN are subject to Protective Covenants of record including, but not limited to, the lien and injunctive enforcement procedures contained therein. III. MEMBERS' MEETINGS o A. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the members of this corporation, for the purposes of electing directors of the corporation and for such other business as may come before it, shall be held on the third Monday of January of each year. All meetings shall be held at such location as is provided in the notice for each meeting. B. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members of this corporation may be called at any time by the president or by the Board of Directors, or upon written request of the members who are entitled to vote one-fourth (1/4) of all of the votes of the membership. C. Notice of Meetinqs. written notice of each meeting of the members shall be given by, or at the direction of, the secretary or person authorized to call the meeting, by mailing a copy of such notice, postage prepaid, at least 15 days before such meeting to each member entitled to vote thereat, addressed to the member's address last appearing on the books of the corporation, or supplied by such member to the corporation for the purpose of notice. Such notice shall specify the place, day and hour of the meeting, and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting. c 2 \, c D. Waiver of Notice. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of any meeting may be waived in writing (either before or after such meeting) and will be waived by any member by his attendance thereat in person or by proxy, unless the member at the beginning of the meeting objects to holding the meeting or transacting business at the meeting. Any member so waiving shall be bound by the proceedings of any such meeting in all respects as if due notice thereof had been given. E. Quorum and Adiourned Meetings. The presence at the meeting of members entitled to cast, or of proxies entitled to cast, one-tenth (1/10) of the votes of the membership shall constitute a quorum for any actioll except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation, the Declaration, or these By-Laws. If, however, such quorum shall not be present or represented at any meeting, the members entitled to vote thereat shall have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time, without notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a quorum as aforesaid shall be present or be represented. o F. Proxies. At all meetings of members, a member may vote by proxy executed in writing by the member or by his duly authorized attorney-in-fact. Such proxy shall be filed with the secretary- treasurer of the corporation before or at the time of the meeting. No proxy shall be valid after eleven (11) months from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided in the proxy. Every proxy shall be revocable and shall automatically cease upon conveyance by the member of his lot. G. Votinq. Each member shall be entitled to one vote per lot owned on each matter submitted to a vote of members. IV. DIRECTORS A. General Powers. All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of, and the business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed under the direction of the board of directors except as otherwise provided by the laws under which this corporation is formed or in the Articles of Incorporation. B. Number, Tenure and Qualifications. The initial number of directors is three and shall continue as the number until such time as 100% of lots are sold by developer, JCH DEVELOPMENT, a Washington general partnership. At that time, the board of directors shall consist of seven directors, three of whom shall have one-year terms, and four of whom shall have two-year terms. Subsequently elected directors shall have two-year terms. Each director shall hold office for the term for which the director is elected. (\ ~ 3 " . c C. Election. The directors shall be elected by a majority vote of the members at their annual meeting each year, or at any special meeting called for that purpose. The persons receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected. Cumulative voting is not permitted. D. Duties of Directors. A director of the corporation shall perform the duties of a director, including the duties as a member of any committee of the Board of directors upon which the director may serve, in good faith, in a manner such director believes to be in the best interests of the corporation, and with such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. In performing the duties of a director, a director shall be entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, in each case prepared or presented by: (i) one or more officers or employees of the corporation whom the director reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the matter presented; (ii) counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to matters which the director reasonably believes to be within such person's professional or expert competence; or o ( iii) a committee of the Board of Directors upon which the director does not serve, duly designated in accordance with a provision in the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, as to matters within its designated authority, which committee the director believes to merit confidence; so long as, in any such case, the director acts in good faith, after reasonable inquiry when the need therefor is indicated by the circumstances and without knowledge that would cause such reliance to be unwarranted. E. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the board of directors, including a vacancy resulting from an increase in the number of directors, the vacancy may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining directors, or the majority vote of the members at a special meeting called for the purpose of filling the vacancy. F. Removal of Directors. Any director may be removed with or without cause, by two thirds (2/3) of the vote cast by members at a meeting at which a quorum is present. G. Meetinqs. 1. The annual meeting of the board of directors shall be held immediately after the annual members' meeting at the same place as the annual members' meeting or at such other place and at such time as may be determined by the directors. CJ 4 .. <l o 2. Special meetings may be called at any time and place upon the call of the president, secretary-treasurer, or any director. Notice of the time and place of each special meeting shall be given by the secretary-treasurer, or the persons calling the meeting, by mail, telephone, facsimile transmission, personal communication by telephone or otherwise at least ten days before said special meeting. Notice of any special meeting may be waived in writing (either before or after such meeting) and is waived by any director by attendance thereat. H. Quorum and Votinq. 1. A majority of the directors presently in office shall constitute a quorum. 2. At each meeting of the board at which a quorum is present, the act of a majority of the directors present at the meeting shall be the act of the board of directors. I. Compensation. No director shall receive compensation for any service he may render to the corporation. J. Action Taken without a Meeting. The Directors shall have the right to take any action in the absence of a meeting which they could take at a meeting by obtaining the written approval of all the Directors. Any action so app~oved shall have the same effect as though taken at a meeting of the Directors. c) V. OFFICERS A. Number. The officers of the corporation shall be a president and a secretary-treasurer, both of whom shall be elected annually by the directors, and such other officers as the Board may from time to time by resolution create. B. President. The president shall be the principal executive officer of the corporation and, subject to the control of the directors, shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the corporation. The president shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the members and of the directors. The president may sign, with the secretary-treasurer, any instruments which the directors have authorized to be executed, and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of the president and such other duties as may be prescribed by the directors from time to time. C. Secretary-Treasurer. The secretary-treasurer shall keep the minutes of the members' and of the directors' meetings in one or more books provided for that purpose, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required, be custodian of the corporate records of the corporation. The secretary-treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be .f\ "--J 5 c responsible for all funds and securities of the corporation, receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the corporation from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such monies in the name of the corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with these Bylaws, and in general perform all of the duties incident to the office of secretary-treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the president or by the directors. At the expiration of the secretary-treasurer's term of office, he or she shall turn over to his or her successor all property of the corporation in the secretary-treasurer's possession. D. Removal. Any officer or agent elected or appointed by the directors may be removed by the directors whenever, in their judgment, the best interest of the corporation would be served thereby. E. Vacancies. The board of directors shall fill any office which becomes vacant with a successor who shall hold office for the unexpired term and until his or her successor shall have been duly elected and qualified. VI. BOOKS AND RECORDS o The corporation shall keep at its registered office, its principal office in this state, or at its secretary-treasurer's office, the following: (1) Current Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws; (2) A record of members, including names and addresses; (3) Correct and adequate records of account and finances; (4) A record of officers' and directors' names and addresses; (5) Minutes of the proceedings of the members, if any, the board, and any minutes which may be maintained by committees of the board. Records may be written, or electronic if capable of being converted to writing. The records shall be open at any reasonable time to inspection by any member of more than two months standing or a representative of more than five percent of the membership. Reasonable costs of inspecting or copying shall be borne by such member. Use or sale of members' lists by such member if obtained by inspection is prohibited. f\ "'-~ 6 ~~ o VII. LIMITATION OF CORPORATE ACTIVITY This corporation is organized as a non-profit corporation pursuant to RCW 24.03. Due to the non-profit status of the corporation, generation of revenue of any sort, other than donation, membership fees, or earned interest is precluded. VIII. AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by the directors at any regular or special meeting of the board of directors, or at a regular or special meeting of the members, by a vote of a majority of a quorum of members present in person or by proxy. In the case of any conflict between the Articles of Incorporation and these By-Laws, the Articles shall control; and in the case of any conflict between the Declaration of Covenants and these By-Laws, the Declaration shall control. In witness whereof, we, being all of the directors of HUNTINGTON GREEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, have hereunto set our hands this ,$ Eo day of =--JLJJJl:- , 1994. c ~\\J~~ n D. Huddleston ~~ J h Fuller ----- D 7 , o o o ;:::- i) ~N c::> I'.J 1: S' cj S-B - 4 Cj ~ ~ I ) b 2. c;- 9"2. i:!...? c.L) r<ty S" L ~ ~ XI-{-. '(3 I T \7Tf"' AMENDED DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF HUNTINGTON GREEN The undersigned, JCH Development, a Washington general partnership whose only partners are John D Huddleston and Christa I Huddleston, husband and wife, and James Kitchen and Frances Kitchen, husband and wife, hereinafter Declarant, being the owners of all of the following described real property in Thurston County, Washington Lots 1 through 41, inclusive, and Tract "A" , of HUNTINGTON GREEN, Division One, according to the plat recorded in the office of the Thurston County Auditor in Volume d\ of Plats, page ~9 ,under auditor's file no.~~o<.c \,0 \'-03 in order to provide for the sound development, the aesthetic quality and the healthful conditions of the aforesaid real property, and so as to provide for control of the structures, buildings and improvements to be constructed on the property, do hereby covenant for their successors, heirs and assigns, and agree to keep all of the covenants, conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth and which are hereby made applicable to the aforedescribed real property, and which shall be binding upon the owners thereof to the extent provided in such covenants, and all the property shall be owned, held, used, occupied and developed in conformance with the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth herein. This Amended Declaration amends that Declaration recorded on June 17, 1994, under Thurston County Auditor's file no. 9406170168 ARTICLE I COVENANTS RESPECTIN'G USE A Land Use and Buildin~ 1YPes All of the lots in Huntington Green shall be used for residential purposes only No more than one detached single family dwelling shall be constructed on each lot with the exception of lots 15 and 41, upon which one duplex may be constructed per lot. R Architectural Control No building or other permanent structure shall be erected or altered on any lot until the construction plans, specifications and the plans showing the location and placement of the building or structure have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee as to the quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of external design with existing structures and as to location with respect to topography and grade elevation As a guideline, owners' or purchasers' plans will be reviewed generally as to the following, which shall not be all inclusive. 1 The minimum square footage of living area for single family homes will be 1400 square feet for a rambler and 1500 square feet for a two story home The minimum square footage of living area for duplexes shall be 1000 square feet per unit. ':tl; 2292 -I.;:;€-: ~E:6 =- 1..~ .,Cl: 94...36';::4~3192 ~ o o CJ 2 2. Houses shall have at least a two-car garage, which shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width. 3. Houses shall have roofs covered with fiberglass twenty-five (25) year rated shingles or better or concrete tile 4 The exteriors shall provide for the following. ./ a All sides of the houses shall be covered with lap siding. The front and gable ends of the houses may be covered with lap siding, decorative shingles or masonry v b. NQ T 1-11 solid sheet product shall be allowed t/ c All siding products must be painted with solid body latex or oil based paint. No semi transparent or wood stain shall be used v d. Exterior paint color must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee 5. No more than one (1) accessory building shall be permitted per lot and not to exceed 168 square feet on lots 1 through 8 and 16 through 41 Lots 9 through 14 may be permitted an accessory building not to exceed 600 square feet. The exterior and roof must be finished in the same manner and color as the residence All such buildings are subject to prior approval by the Architectural Control Committee i/ 6. Front yard landscaping must be completed prior to occupancy or at the time the construction has been completed by the builder and the house is available for sale Landscaping in the side and back yards must be completed within 60 days from date of completion and/or occupancy as above noted v 7 All driveways are to be paved with concrete. Where the restrictions and covenants herein set forth cannot be complied with because of land limitations or topographical conditions, the proper and orderly development of such lots shall conform to the conditions and terms of these covenants as far as possible The Architectural Control Committee is empowered to allow such variations as in its Judgment shall permit the reasonable utilization of such lots consistent with the general plan and scheme of development herein. ':'.1.: .2.292 .:t;~ : -'I _=. ---. "'::'-1_11 . r.l..i.E- r'll(j~ 94~3624"'31 S.;: 3 o C. Site Plan Review The approval of the Architectural Control Committee shall be required prior to the removal of any trees or substantial vegetation on the site Note The Declarant has gone to great detail to remove the necessary trees to create an adequate building site for each lot. It is the intention of the Declarant that all remaining trees be kept in order to enhance the over all value of the subdivision D Buildin~ Location. Buildings and other structures located on each lot shall conform to and comply with the City of Yelm requirements for location in each case provided that no building or structure shall be located nearer than 25 feet to the front yard line or nearer than 20 feet to the rear yard line and nearer than 7 feet to either side yard line, provided further that on a corner lot no building shall be nearer than 15 feet to the side yard line on a flanking street. o E. Sight Distant at Intersections No fence. wall, hedge or shrub planting which obstructs sight lines at elevations between two (2) feet and six (6) feet above the roadways shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting them to points twenty (20) feet from the intersection of the street lines, or in the case of rounded property corners from the intersection of the street property lines extended The same sight line limitations shall apply on any lot within ten (10) feet from the intersection of a street property line with the edge of a driveway No tree shall be permitted to remain within such distances of such intersections unless the foliage line is maintained at such height as to prevent obstruction of such sight line. F Completion of Structures All buildings commenced on any lot shall be completed, including painting and landscaping, not later than eight months after construction is commenced G. Power and Easement. An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Power and Light Company, City of Yelm Water and Sanitary Sewer Department. Yelm Telephone Company. Viacom Cable Television Company, or successors thereto, and Washington Natural Gas Company and their respective successors and assigns. under and upon that portion or portions of each lot as specified in the "as Built" design drawings Declarant submits to the City of Yelm at the completion of the construction of the development, in which to install, lay, construct, renew, operate, and maintain pipes. conduits. cables. and wires with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving the subdivision and the lots therein and other property adjacent thereto with water, sewer. electric, telephone. television. and gas service. together with the right to enter upon the lots at all times for the purposes stated CJ _i. ~29~ :: BE- : . 'I . I . -=- C:.. .=2 r~.i.';' W:,: 94036.24019:;:' " c o C~ 4 H. Utility Services. All permanent utility services and connections thereto within the subdivision shall be provided by underground services exclusively. No satellite dishes, ham radio antennas, television antennas, other antennas, or receiving devices of any type shall be permitted on the exteIior or any buildings on any lot within the subdivision. I Noxious and Offensive Activities No noxious or undesirable thing or undesirable use or activity in the subdivision whatsoever shall be permitted or maintained upon the building sites in Huntington Green. No type of business or commercial activity shall be conducted on any lot or within any dwelling or structure that is visible to the public view No forms of advertising shall be allowed that are visible to the public view, the term public to include all members of the public, passersby, and all residents of all the lots within Huntington Green, and view to include any view from any location outside of the lot in question The Architectural Control Committee shall determine what trade, business, or use is undesirable or noxious and whether any business or use shall be permitted, and such determination by the Architectural Control Committee shall be final J. Vehicle Maintenance No vehicle maintenance except emergency service shall be conducted within public view. K Temporary Structures No mobile homes shall be permitted on any lot in the subdivision. No structures of a temporary character, including but not limited to trailers, basement houses, tents, garages, barns, motor homes, sheds, or outbuildings, shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently When referring to trailers, the term trailer shall include all forms of trailers or mobile homes of any size, whether capable of supplying their own motive power or not, without regard to whether the primary purpose of such trailer is or is not the conveyance of persons or objects, and specifically including all automobiles, buses, trucks, cars, vans, trailers, mobile homes, and motor homes, even though they may at any time be immobilized in any way, and the restriction shall apply to any period of any time of whatever duration Living shall be restricted to a house or dwelling constructed on the property in conformance with these covenants 1.. Boats. Campers. and Travel Trailers. Boats, campers, and travel trailer may be stored on a lot in conjunction with a permanent residence, but only if such items are screened from public view and the view of all neighbors from all points on the lot line of the lot in question and from all other lots and all streets within the subdivision. All such storage and the screening shall be approved by the Architectural Control Committee whose approval shall be final Any trailers or motor homes parked in conjunction with any lot or parked on the street by any person shall be parked temporarily within the subdivision no longer than 24 hours unless properly screened in accordance with this paragraph u1':l. -11--..-.. - _ _ -=-~.=t-=-;- ::3E:I ~:3.=: -":l:? ,.Jo: 941-216.240192 o c o (~ 5 M Garbage and Refuse Disposal No garbage, refuse, rubbish, or cuttings shall be deposited on or left on the lot premises unless placed in an attractive container suitably located and screened from public view All garbage cans, refuse containers, and trash cans or receptacles shall be kept out of sight except on the days prescribed for pick up. No building material of any kind shall be placed or stored upon any property in the subdivision until the owner is ready to commence construction, and then such materials shall be placed within the property lines of the building site upon which structures are to be erected or are being erected and shall not be placed in the street. No outdoor incinerators shall be permitted. N. Livestock. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except dogs, cats and other household pets may be kept provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose Household pets shall not become pests or create a nuisance to the neighborhood by either running loose or unwarranted barking or yowling Outdoor household pets shall be restrained by fence to owner's premises or on a leash when off owner's premises when still in the subdivision Owners of pets shall be mindful of maintaining a healthy environment in the subdivision and keep their property and that of their neighbors clean of pet feces O. Fences and Walls. No fence or wall shall be constructed on any lot unless approved by the Architectural Control Committee. There will be no front yard fences permitted Walls such as retaining walls made of brick, rock, or other natural materials up to three feet in height may be permitted as part of a landscaping plan or development. All side and back yard fences shall be of cedar, redwood, or brick materials. No steel or chain link fences are permitted. No fence or wall shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot nearer to any street than the minimum setback for fences as required by the City of Yelm. An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to declarant and declarant's agents and employees and to Huntington Green Community Association and its successors, agents and employees over and on the exterior ten (10) feet of the lots on the exterior of the development for the construction, erection and maintenance of a fence, wall, posts and plantings to be constructed by declarant on the exterior of the development, should declarant so elect. This easement includes the right to enter on the lots at reasonable times for such construction and maintenance of said fence. P. Dischar~e of Weapons. The discharge of weapons within the subdivision shall be prohibited. Weapons shall include, but not limited to firearms, b.b. guns and pistols, air rifles, air pistols, pellet guns, slingshots, bows and arrows. Q. Drivewav and Parking. Each lot shall have a driveway and parking area so as to accommodate a minimum of four cars in front of the garagepDriveways shall be of concrete or brick to the city street. No roads for idOl.. 2292 P;9t?; 291-:: -.~.:- .~o: 9406";::4J..:119";:: J o o C~ 6 ingress or egress except for driveways to the city street shall be permitted All approved accesses over the drainage swell shall be constructed of 12 inch concrete culverts to a minimum of 21 feet in length and shall not restrict the flow of water in the drainage swells The depth of the drainage swells shall not be alter or disturbed. Circular driveways as shown on the site plan may be approved by the Architectural Control committee and may be permitted. Parking or storage of the below listed vehicles are prohibited on a residential lot or street: 1. Trucks over three-quarter ton capacity 2. Trailers used in course of business 3. Wrecked vehicles. 4. Industrial vehicles and equipment. S. Drillin~ and Minin~ No drilling or mining in any form whatsoever shall be permitted on any lot. This shall include but not be limited to drilling, development operations, refining, quarrying, or mining, and the construction of any form of derrick or structure designed for boring or mining purposes I.i~... .. -::" -::.'=r~-:: --- - ~. :: 3'; - . "e- ,,:.: ~::; -+ J..::::-Jl:=- ~ -+ 1-='2 1 9 ~ g 7 o ARTICLE II ARCffiTECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION o A Membership the Architectural Control Committee initially shall be composed of John D. Huddleston, POBox 1206, Yelm, Washington 98597, James Kitchen, 14902 Vail Cut Off Road SE, Rainier, Washington 98576 and Judith Fuller, 1048 Lincoln Avenue E, Tenino, Washington 98589. Any of the members of said committee may designate a representative to act for the particular member with approval of the other members In the event of death or resignation of any member of the Committee, the remaining members shall have full authority to designate a successor Neither the members of the Committee nor its designated representative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to this covenant A vacancy in the Committee shall not invalidate any of its actions or prevent the remaining members or member from acting on any of the subjects within its purview The initial Committee shall act until 5 years from the date of the declaration of these covenants, or until after the sale of 100% of the lots in Huntington Green, whichever is later, unless the initial members of the Committee declare their control of the committee to have ended. Mter the sale of 100% of the lots in Huntington Green, or after the expiration of 5 y~ars from the date of declaration of these covenants, whichever is latest, the then record owners of a majority of the lots shall have the power, through a duly recorded instrument, to change the membership of the Committee, acting either as lot owners or through the community association referred to in Article II C, duly formed in conjunction with the development. R Procedure. The Committee's approval or disapproval as required in these covenants shall be in writing and shall only be effective if in writing. In exercising the discretionary powers granted to the Committee, the Committee shall at all times exercise its power in a reasonable manner, and the Committee is hereby empowered to adopt such reasonable rules or regulations as it may find to be necessary with respect to the enforcement of these covenants In the event the Committee or its designated representative fails to approve or disapprove any plans or specifications submitted to it within 30 days after the submission thereof or, in any event, if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior to the completion of such construction, approval will not be required and compliance with the related covenants shall be deemed to exist so long as construction is completed in accordance with the plans or materials submitted to the Architectural Control Committee in connection with the construction or proposal for construction. (j C Huntington Green Community Association. All owners of lots in Huntington Green are and will be members automatically of the Huntington Green Community Association to be fonned in conjunction with the 1,\1:),,-. 2.29~ ::: 39~; 25:;:' :'l.e .jo: 94J.36~40 19~ .. o o o 8 development, so that the owners of lots in Huntington Green shall be members of the Association Each lot shall be entitled to one vote Each lot shall be subject to the charges and assessments provided for and established by the Huntington Green Community Association, a Non-Profit Washington Association, in accordance with its articles and bylaws, provided no unsold lots belonging to the declarant, undersigned herein, shall be subject to any such charge or assessment unless the declarant lives on the lot, in which case that lot shall be subject to the assessment. The Association shall be responsible for maintaining the common areas and the structure and exterior of the fence, wall, posts, and planting on the exterior edge of the development of the subdivision Individual lot owners shall maintain the interior of such fence where it is applicable Subject to the provisions of Article II A and B herein, the community association shall have the power to appoint the members of the Architectural Control Committee The Association shall have a lien against any lot in the subdivision, except unsold lots belonging to the declarant, for any charges and assessments that are not paid when due Any unpaid charges or assessments shall bear interest at 12% per annum If such charges or assessments shall not have been paid within 4 months after they have become due and payable, then, in addition to the remedies set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the Association may proceed by appropriate action to foreclose the lien in the manner of foreclosing materialmen and labor liens or homeowner association liens under the law of the State of Washington. The lien for such unpaid assessments shall attach as of the date the assessment becomes due In such foreclosure action, the Association shall be entitled to recover the cost of any title search, court costs, and all attorney's fees associated with recovering such unpaid charges and assessments Any first mortgage liens placed upon any of the lots which are recorded in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington shall be from the date of recording of such mortgage, superior to any such assessments and the liens provided for herein that may be levied by the Association subsequent to the date that the mortgage is recorded ARTICLE m MODIFICATION OF COVENANTS These covenants may be modified by an instrument in writing signed by the owners of 75% or more of the lots included in Huntington Green, which instrument shall be recorded to be effective c..j... 2:~9~ ~.;'5~. 2SR:= :-.....:- ;(.: :=-406~4;':11 92 " o 9 ARTICLE IV TERM, ENFORCEMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION These covenants, condUior:s ...; 'ld restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all ;- C'xu.es ( "'ld persons owning lots or an interest therein as stated above and lli. - "--;:' " , and parties claiming under these covenants, conditions, and restrl '0r a period of 20 years from the date these covenants are recordeL which these covenants shall be extended automatically for successive :, f)f 10 years each in perpetuity unless an instrument signed by the o\' _ 75% or more of the lots has been recorded altering such covenants in \ .... in part. ARTICLE V ENFORCEMENT Enforcement of these covenants, conditions, ::''1Q....iCL ')ns may be by proceeding at law or in equity against any person 01 . is violating or attempting to violate such covenants, conditions, and restrit L.cJns and such actions may be to restrain the violations or to recover damages for each violation. o ARTICLE VI SEVERABILITY Invalidation of anyone or more of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no way affect or alter any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this d.3 rod day of -:r\J~ , 1994 JCH DEVEWPMENT, a Washington general partnership ~'G\~ D Huddleston, Partner By: /,%~j4;;.-/~c..d;,ee.~ I Christa I Huddleston, Partner ? ~CMlPffL~~ Frances Ritche , Partner C) \IC.. 229:;:' r"'a9~. 294 711.; .Jo: 9406';:'4(::-: 1 9 Co c C) 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF THURSTON ) On this 022 EO day of ~vu f- , 1994, before me personally appeared John D Huddleston, Christa I Huddleston, James Kitchen and Frances Kitchen, of the partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are the only four partners of said partnership, and that they were authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affIxed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Not ublic in and for the State of Washington, residing Tenino My commission expires 5/29/94 -'iURS-r-C:r. :.:;U~~T'j C~ l'r~1F I ~ , i,J;- ;6. .;:.~ _~4 : :41 -ill REQJE;- JF. PE~E: B[ :am ;. ~~~G~ ~L:LI~JP b I' : ....~HNI-t l DEPL''7"', ;l~.JO ~MENDCJV il:1:::.. I. -If.-..-__- -=--=.-...:::'"-=- - ;Sf. 10 -29'~- Jo Joe ,JO: 94J.36';:4n 1. .::;:-, - -- "'""""- ~ .J. .. .. ~ __ .. "__ - 4 OF THE SW114 OF SECTIO.1V 18, I TOrVNSHIP 17 _NORTH, RANGE 2 THURSTON COUNTY, Y1 o DEDICATION ~f-h~B II -..; 1\ (- KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THA T JOHN D HUDDLeSTON AND CHRISTA I HUDDLESTON HUSBAND AND MFE, AND JAMES A. KITCHEN AND FRANCES L. rlTCHEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, PARTNERS IN J.C.H. DEVELOPMENT. A WASHINGTON GENERAL FAR;NERSHIP, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND HEREBY PLA ITED, AND PAUL F" FARRIS OF PRAIRIE SECURITY BANK, A WASHINGTON BANKING CORPORA nON, AS THE MORGAGEE THEREOF, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLA T AND DEDICA TE TO THE USE. OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS. A VENUES, PLACES, SEWER EASEMENTS, ETC., OR ~A TEVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THERE IS SHOWN ON THE PLA T AND THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHVtA Y PURPOSES. ALSO, THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON THE LOTS AND 7RACTS SHOWN Hf,i~EON IN THE REASONABLE ORIGINAL GRADING OF ALL STREETS. A VENUES, DRIVES, ETC.. SHOWN HEREON ALSO, THE RIGHT TO DRAIN ALL STREETS OVER AND ACROSS ANY LOT OR LOTS WHERE WA TER MIGHT TAKE A NA TURAL COURSE AFTER THE STREET OR STREETS ARE GRADED ALSO, ALL C,-AIMS FOR 04MAGE AGAINST ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY 4.RE HEREBY WAIVED WHICH MA ( BE OCCASIONED TO THE ADJACENT LAND BY THE ESTABLISHED CONSTRUCTION, DRAINAGE, AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID ROADS. 1 Tt' J IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS THIS I,;) DAY OF UN~ 1994 J.C.H DEVELOPMENT A WAS/-IINGTON GfNERAL PARTNERSHIP O~A(RIE SE:;URi~ BANK, A WASHINGTON BANKING CORPORA TION , /' "I :~~ I F.AGL F FARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT/CASHlf,R c~#~W&,,~ CHRISTA , HUDDLESTON. PARTNER :;;t!LwtM~ JAMES A. '<I TCHEN, PARTNER \) ~~~ ~ ~tlL,<--/ mt..NCES ~ KITCHEN, PARmER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S~A TE OF" WASHINGTON} COUNTY OF THURSTON S.S. o /1 rrl " HIS IS -J CERTIFY THA T ON THIS DA Y Or ...AN.!..E:______ i 994 BEFORE ME. THE iAJOE,RSiGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, PfRSONALL Y ....pcEAPC; ,'::'-1\1 C ~GODLESTON ,:;"RISTA HUDDLESTON, JAMES A. KITCHEN ANC F"PANCE"2 _" :'FC,YE: TO ME r' OWN TO BE THE PERSONS WHO EXECUTEJ "1-i: ;-:=<[GCING ::EOICA nON AND ACKNOWLEGDED TO ME THA T THEY SIGNED AND SE:ALE:~ THE S,..,M[ AS '!-'EiR FREE AN:; VOLUNTARY ACTfND DEED FOR THE USES 4ND :> ~RPOSES 'HE,REON MENTIONED THE DA Y AND YEAR F"IRST ABOVE WRITTE:N. Vy r(JMWSSION EXPIRES. CITY. EXAMINED AfI , / / r . ~'~' .'.1 /" ..., 'CITY OF Yl:.1.} ~- CITY EXAMINED AI ~~~A CiTY PLANNE HEAL EXAMINED A k~ HEAL TH er; lvIA }T( EXAMINED YELM CI n BY' MAYOR ~4SS1~ E:XAMIN[O ~" THURSTON TREl I HEREBY LEGAL DESCRIPTION c THA T PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHlNEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHlNEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOINNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST. W.M, LYING EAST OF YELM CREEK, EXCEPT THE NORTH 156 FEET OF THE EAST 430 FEET OF SAID LAND ALSO EXCEPT CITY ROAD KNOINN AE CRYSTAL SPRINGS ROAD ON THE EAST EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS KN( HU~ PM IN WA. ANi EA~ THE FOf GR, ALL AF" GO LAt IN c OWNER GRANTS TO THE CITY OF YEi..M, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AN EASEMENT OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS THE ABOvE DE'XRIBfD PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCT7NG, MAINTAINING. REPAIRING, AL 7EF?ING C~ F~ECONSTRUCTING A SANITARY SEINER COLLECTION SYSTEM THE SYSTEM SHALL CONSIST OF GRP'v7TY CLEAN-OUT, SIDE SEINER FROM THE SEPTIC TANK TO THE GRAVITY CLEAN-OUT, SEPTIC TANK, PUMPING SYSTEM. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CABLE. CONTROL PANEL. FORCE MAIN, SERViCE BOX AND RELA TED APPURTENANCES. THE CITY OF YELM WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PUMP THE SEPTIC TANK WHEN REQUIRED THE OWNEF? WILL BEAR THE COST OF THE ELECTRICITY AND REPLACE ANY EXIST7NG SIDE SEINER FROM THE TANK IF FOUND DEFECTIVE. THIS EASEMENT is FOR THE BENEFiT OF ALL PPOPE.RTlES NOW OR HEREAFTER SERVED BY THE SANITARY SEINER SYSTEM OF THE CITY THE CITY OF YELM AND THE OINNER CONCUR AND AGREE THA T CONSTRL'CTlNG. REPAIRING, ALTERING OR RECONSTRUCTING OF SAID SEINER IMPROVEMENTS BY THE CITY OF YELM SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN SuCH A MANNE,R THA T THE PRIVA TE IMP,ROVEMENTS ~;(IST7NG ON THIS OESCRIBfD PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY SHALL BE DISTURBED TO THE LEAST EXTENT POSSIBLE. IN THE EVENT THEY ARE DISTURBED OR DESTROYED, TO THE EXTENT REA SONABL Y ;:;OSSIBLE, THEY WILL BE REPLACED IN AS GOOD A CONDITION AS THEY lNERE IMMEOI;- TfL Y BEFORE THE PROPERTY WAS ENTERED UPON BY THE CITY OF YELM THE CITY OF YELM ,.NC THE OINNER AGREE TriA T THE OWNE.R SHALL UNDEFHAKE NO AL TERA TlON OF THE INSTALLED 5EW[,R SYSTEMS, INCLUDING COVERING OR OBSTRUCTING ACCESS TO PUMP BASIN CLEANOUTS AND THE LOCKOUT SWITCH. WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF YELM ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE OWNER OR THEIR AGENTS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY T'riE CITY or fCL.M A T THE OWNER'S EXPENSE. OWNER AGREES AND UNDERSTANDS THA T THIS EASEMENT W1L.. BE RECORDED WITH THE COUNTY AUDITOR AND WILL BE BINDING UPON HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OF OWNER. OWNER AND CITY AGREE THA T THE OWNER i-lAS INCURRED NO DISPLACEMENT COSTS OR RELOCA TlON COSTS BY VIRTUE OF THE AGREEMENT THE CITY AGREES TC =-URNISH INSTALL, OPEF~A TE AND MAINTAIN THE PUMP SYSTEM iN A REASONABLE CONDITION AND r JO THE WORK IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER. PROMPL Y, ."lEA n. Y AND WITH AS LImE iNTERF":RE.'.JCE TO T"riE REAL PROPERTY AND IMFFWVEMENTS THEREON OF OWNER AS REASONABi.. ::;Qt.CTiCABLE. OINNEF~SHIP OF THE STEP SYSTEM ON TriE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF REAL PROPEr -:)" SHALL REMAIN WfTH THE CITY OF YL_M J.C GE, \: ~ ~ CI- JA "-- FF 5 AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED ;'CR AND GRANTED TO PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, YELM TELEPHONE COMPANY WASHINGTON NA TURAL GAS COMPANY ANY CABLE TELEVISION COMPANY 4ND THEI,';> o~:,.O[CTI'vE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. UNDER AND UPON THE FRONT TEN (70) FEET PARALL~L- MTH AND ADJOINiNG THE STREET AND TRACT FRONTAGE JF ALL LOTS IN WHICH TO !NSTA:"'~. ~.t.' CC'Ii TT:\UC. "?EtiE'N OPE:PA TE AND 'AAINTAIN UNDE.~GROUND PIPE. CONDUIT, CABLES AND WIRES "in t"ECESSAR F:ACU77ES AND OTHER EQUIPMEI" T FC,~ ThE PURPOSE OF SE,'~ViNG THIS sueD 'I15:N j,ND OTHEF::: PROPERTY WITH ELECTR C, TELEoYONE, GAS, AND UTILITY SERVICE TOGETHER ,'/7"7- HE ':~/GHT TO ENTE,R UPON THE LOTS 4 TALL lMES FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN STA TED T"riESE EAS~MENTS ENTEF~ED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE f~ESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSiBLE T _ ""'HE!R ORIGINAL CONCIT70N NO LINES JR WIRES FOR 'RANS- MISSION OF ELECTRiC CURRE'JT cP ;-:F r:::"EVlSiCN JSE OR CABLE TELEVlSICN SHALL BE PLACEJ UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SA! E ~.-jhL:" SE UNDERGROuND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TC A BUILDING. ~ . o F ALSO AN EASEMENT FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE AND RELA TED RIGHTS AS GRANTED TO PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 5. 7993 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO 9311050009 ,\ -- ----"",....,.,,.,"c- ,"In -~. ;,n6onC' 6DF HFRBY IMPOSED UPON THE ENTIRE TRACT OF ~'~'-r IT o 4 Meets the intent of Transportation Section 4 000 Alternate structures may be used based on the criteria as outlined in Chapter 4B 160 The layout of streets shall provide for the continuation of existing principal streets in adjoining subdivisions or of their proper projection when adjoining ~ property is not subdivided. Minor streets. which serve primarily to provide access to abutting prope!!y, shall be designed to disco~ge through traffic. See the table of the Minimwn Street Design-StancJardS----- ----------- ---- A. Alignment. Alignment of major arterials, minor arterials and collectors shall conform as nearly as possible With that shown in the Comprehensive Plan. B Grade Street grade should conform closely to the natural contour of the land. In some cases a different grade may be required by the City The minimum allowable grade shall be 0.5 percent. The maximum allowable grade shall be 15 percent, depending upon the street classification. C Width. The pavement and RIght-of-Way width depend upon the street classification. The table of Minimum Street Design Standards show the minimum widths allowed. o Street widths shall be measured from face of curb to face of curb on streets with cement concrete curb and gutter, and from flow line to flow line on streets with cement concrete rolled curb and gutter D The General Notes on the following page shall be included on any plans dealing with street design in addition to all applicable requirements in Section 3 010 o 4-2 7/95 FENCf ) APPROXIMATELY n ,. ," ALONG NORTH _,-- I J:'~~' "LA T LINES \ --- 210 5J ~ )Ir-.. ) '<t- ~ c:i r 0 ) ) 2; ) ) "I '1 " A.RDS -- 14 13 12 N 89'41'09- W - 241 27 N (<\ V\ ,~ o ~ .0 O)~ ~ O'~""" o . N "'". 'c; (<\ --------- (.; L.. 0 ~, -r ~;. :.- r' I \ I I ..-"'~ S 8941'19- E 1402.57 555.62 J1991 - N 89'41'09- W ~ 11364 -(~~ 15 (N "t- C20 11 10 ...... - - r' ~' - - 1\ I I ~ qll ~ c:..~ y ~-;-;. a) -<... I , -I .. ('.,II - v " - Q:: .- 1Q.. ~~ ~_c;.RYSTI ~-J -- \-+ ~ I I' v> I~ 10:: 1<"> oi JO l___ :. ( I '<t- ------ C"l CfOUNO 1/2- IRON PIPE /0 05N X 0 02W OF CALCULA TED CORNER BRASS DISK o OJN X 0 05 W OF CAL CUL A TED CORNER I I / / I I / I I N 89 41'09- W I 183.52 , 'l\0 I to 0 I 'I' I J g 25' ITO CORNER '5 - SEE\NOTE J I N 89'41'09- W 50' ~ 243.32 -t ~ ~-\ 0\ 0\, "Z.I (; % .)>\ N'- ~I -:;01 )>1 ,I -+ tIll c.1 -,.,1 'MI ;0' , N\ 0\ ~ \ N 89'41'09- W ~\ . 240.70 ~ ~\ 6' \- - \ >.'" "'t- \ ~ / 0' . ~\ -; C1' \ '0\ :::..,1\ lJ'I 'N 89'41'09- W \ 194 29 \ \ \ \ \ I \ N 89'41'09- W I, 205.93 \ TRACT -A- ,SEE NOTE 4 \ 215.70 430 00 - 410. 00 ::- ,\It:~;~.;J T 0"\' 1000' ADDITIONAL RIGHT-OF WA Y HEREBY DEDICA TED TO CITY OF YELM 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SEE NOTE 5 16 10 10 lu r-.. to . N8941'09-W tO~ . IX:);..... NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 13458 "z. to ~ 504 FEET SEE NOTE 7 C) 1.00 . ~ 41:; IX:) -0 FOUND J/4- IRON PIPE '4l '(;, C"l 2: 1 2 'N X ODE OF N 89'41'09- W 0 :: SET CORNER V"_ 100.02 ... . S 89'J8'12- E 41000 U'~ 40 '.0 La 25 7449 lu 72.40 ~ 8444 118.67 10/ 0\ '.. 31 0 I", "- 1:2 C"l '<t- 32 co .... 0 I", -J · "- 0 ..... "- I() I() ~v ~~I~ t::.34;~33~; ~fg S8941'09-EI~ C"l "-, .... Ol 0 0 Ol .... 't- 68 I' o t"') f'll C"l 0 0 .... .... 112. I'" ~ 0 - CJ2" 0 , ~ 01 CJ1 48.54 2: 7J.00 (/') 48.46 V) S5 30 ~:~ N 87'J9'24- E Z~27 20 ~ 92 NO COURT E;r CJ4 111 76 to:~ 1JJ 76 ~ - - - - - S - u ' ,'09- W' . "- ~ ~S 89'J8'12- E C6'- N 89 4 I~ 38 C"l ~ ll) I I ~ CJ5 29 gl~ CJO 1-. _!:"" L,., 62.70 l<J/17 I~.~ cx:il~ ,. tOl, . ~ 94 95 ~ CJ6N 8941'09- WI' C1' 28 Ol~ ~ C1' 01' ~ .0 ~I~ ~ to!", ~(j)J- N 89'41"09- WI~ b <0. 102.96 Oll~ 26 t"') ""'1'" ~ ~ 27 g~~ t"') ll) C48~'" o "- '" C47JO.26 '" C46 z '" S 9.J8 2- _-s-2~.18 8518 , .- '.(.\1.... :\JO ~ :'5'~ ~~,~5 13425 N 86.22'.38- E 39 9 ~. Ol.... \Q C1J 25.67 lu 75.00 lu .,: 't- UJ o' . . ....~. . ~ 6 jgl8 . <0 J 7 0 10 .\ 0 It') ~ 0 ;..... "- c:i .... . r-.. 0 f'l f'lo OPEH ~ ~ - 0 0 0 0 0 SPACE: g ~ gc 75.00 2: 75.00 Z 865.J8 CB .30.09"<' lu UJ C7~ . · 10 '1 to IX:) to Ol ~ Q) 2 ~..,. 1 <Of "- oj "- ..,. Ol f'I - ~ C"l oj f 0 ..... g - Ol 0 <: ~ <: 7500 1<' 75.00 75.00 72.42 C49...1 "ta 5 C"l1.O O' ."- Of'l 00 ~o :z 75.00 ; ;:'iP~~ ,l-\ T~f:[) SE 140606 () 10" LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SEE NOTE 5. ~ -7'> 1-.'1 ) -- ,. ; ~ ~j .;. @), /1. - ... \' ~...., I (\ ..'.... 01.1'"..'1'., '!to .-,....-...-.-..-......... '". ......_..~..~ 'oJ . ,.. I '~ : ,")T ~ . '-" ' FOUND BRASS [ OF CALC OF CR y~ , '10 .r'"", , "",..J .., "'. / FOUND .3 DISK 1 5! OF SET A i. OT ~ ,,,,(,,,, ....,"\ ...'J ,-J -.:-' '...) S 89'38'52- FD J- SURFAC SURF ACE BRASS ACCEPTED POS I o ~ ~e i~~ .~ _w",VJ ::. ,=-''2..\01 c:f/ , r\ ~./ ,- , A PORTION OF THE CITY OF YELM HU!r-JNG'lON GREEN SW1/4 OF 'JHE SW1/4 ()} SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH. RANGE 2 EAST W M. THURS7'ON COUNTY, WASHINGTON sUflDrvrsroN OF SOtmflrEST QU.tR'l'TR SEcnOH HI, toWNSHIP 17 NORm IWICr z usr. .. Jl Sf:( SECTION SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 18 IN SHORT PLAT NO. BD<~ WfST OU....RTER ~'OL Z.. PC. 48J S(CTION '8 FAJ..~S IN CA.^ML 5 8fJ'51J'2J" E 2716.65 60 00 l-------;J;~.;5-----T------,J2:;.7~-----@ , , , ~rrt~r~siR~/J:~( t : : I I,. I 1:IJ ",11lQ ...1 I ~ .';0', La: J "'?',.. 10: I ~ ~::t; FQ J. SURF;!.C! ~I :~ ':!:'" BRASS 0151( :::: I I 0.2.1$ x O.!J9E I : : OF CALC. POSITlo,'J l... I I I, ~ u__ ~!~~..!!~ ~ ~____Z __ _ .:"_!~.~~'~6_._ ~ ___~.:; ~ [0. 1.199,08 It') i 1J2S.78 1 ~ ~ r;"i'ii"::;i\r;l! !i' ~~~c~/~ ~:ON : IQ ~~~;;;;;;;;;~~l fJltl,a, I PiPE r.l OG/tN ..l-. ___...JJJj.JJJ~~""'Lu....._________-;:______~ -rs 8'}'J8'IZ" E 1406.06 \ 5 !J9'J8 52- [ FQ J" SURFACE: 8RASS 0151< EXCEpTED FOR SE CORNER OF SWl/. OF SWI/. CAlCUlATED CENTER OF'SCCTJON 18 FROM SlJ8DIVISION OF" 5tJRVE:Y FOR SP 8029 vI). 24 PG "8J 50tHH QUART(R SECTION 18 FOIJI-O 3/"" IRON PIPE /) ~ 1,3 I S 8i'J8'JI" E: 27,J",92 11 I ~ ~ j (' :I.,l ~" '; IV: ! ~ NEW s' WOOD fEN(;f COliS T1WC rfo ....PPRO;(IJ.fA TrU " ." I INTO Pl....r A.LONG NORrH ~ ,:';,-": ....ND SOU TH PlA r LINtS. \ OJ · / ZlO5J ~ 1.'./ 89'."09. ItI ~ ~ I...i I 18J.S2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ) 13 0.... p is 25' iTO CORNER g - salNOI!' J 2. . f N ag,..1'09" IV ~ 50''i',r W..l2 ---,... .\ ~ g ~\ ~ - ~\ ~ I N 89'41'09. W 2.'.27 NORTH L If'€ OF sounoj HALF OF SOU1~'#Esr QUARTER OF SOUTHlII'EST OVART[R OF SECTION 18 14 ~RIDIA.N: SHORT PLAT 8029 AS RECORDtD IN VOL 24 PG 4BJ RECORDS OF THURSTON COUNfY WA ~ ~ ~ ~ i'i ~ ~ - ~ ~ : .. : ~ ~ '1 11 ~ . " ~ 0: 12 .:J, .~99 ADDRESS SCHEDULE FOR HUNTINGTON GREEN All ADDRESSES ARE: _#n BRENDAN DRJ~'F SE YELM, WASHINGTON 98597 LOT NUMBER HOUSE" OR UNIT NUMBER 2J 9ZJ9 J7 nJl J' 9135 J9 9HJ " 91.' " 91J7 913S 15 91JJ 9rJI' " 9240 J6 n.lfi J' ill.... ADDRESS S, IEDULE FOR HUNTINGTi I GREEN ALL AD['Rf. srs ARE: _. 92f1d ouRT Sf YELM, WA.;HI ;TQN 98597 lis it OR U1Nlf NUMBER , OJ ," ," ," ,22 ," ," e " ,os ," -L_ lor~R J6 J5 26 " " JD J' J2 JJ J' NOTES I, L.OTS ',27,28"19.10 2 mE MONUJ..ENT 1:0" rRA \If:H,,E U nUl/fiG "'NO ANGULAR ClO' "'H CONTROL \ ON J ALl lOr CORNEt S )oND RED CAP (/"li'l TR,IoCT A AND lIlTS ICJ J' SHi4U_ NQT ACCESS ONTO CRYSTAl SPRINGS ROAD SE OL SHOWN fOR THIS SU8/J1V!$/ON WAS ACCOl.lPlISHEO BY FIElD S[VEN SECOND TOT"'l STA nON (1IIKOI>l DT)"f ,1,20), UNEAR IE OF mE rRAI/[RSES MET rJ./E STANDARDS 0.. WAC JJ2-IJOO90. :NTS .ERE TiED IN SEPTEMBER '99J, !) PLAT BOUNDARY ....NGlE POINTS I't("RE' STAKED ~TH A 5\8" RCS....R L.S 2.227) UNLESS Norro OTHER'M5E. THE" WESTERLY CORNERS Or ~ I. y,[RE: 5T"/([0 ON A 25' OFFSET A5 5HOl'rN. .. TRACT A (OPE,\. 51 :E) SHALL BE OIftoE;O AJII) fMlNTAltEO IN C~ FDR THE aEtEFlT if ,oiL I r owf.CRS. ALl lOTS HAVE AN Ui'l)IVIDEO INTEREST IN THE OWNERSt'I,o Ai ~/JA'NTENANCE OF TRACT A THE O~RSHIP INTEREST IN SAID TRACT A SH,otLl fU ,TATED IN THE DEED TO EACH LOT LAtiDSCA.PE os ICE, "'NO SIGt" I~ I(NT FOR INSTAl' nON AND /JA.INTEN....NCE or LA.NOSCAPI/I,'G, /EREBr OfOICA.1 '0 mE HUNTJNCTON GREEN COI,fMUNIT'r' ....SSOCIA.1I0N ZONE: NO BUILDING, CLEARIIiG" FILLING OR GR....CING IS PER/oIITTtD ~'/)iIN ~ DANGfRous/nlsEAsto TRE:E: REMOVAL. AND WATrRCOURSE YA.INT[NANCE. 6. so' NATlJR....L. B( FF! "".'5 Mtt), EXCE,'T TH[ SC.JTH L!jI" Of STAKED AT J.![ HE EXCfPnON AS OE'SCRIBED PER DEED AUDITOR'S FllE NO. 87S85J JRTH UNE or)1.' ",oum 0504 F[U OF THE SWl/4 OF Tf1[ SWl/4. FD J" SuRF,.,,, BRASS 015,( O,OJN X 0 051t" CF CALCULATED COf</'CR S 8g'.1"I~. E: '.02.057 55562 FoufoO 1/2- IRON PIPE O.OSN X 0 02w CF C,4,LCULATEO CORl'€R UJ C22 16 ,,' 15 ~ '" " ';\\ ~\.:' 4.lO.00 moo ';:;6:J: _,~r~;!.;..} 9 CI2 ell I'" 4 ~ ~ 3. ~I; 2 :: g g- 7500 2. 7'00;Z: 8 25_61.jl..l 705.00 u., 72.42 . . C.9 7g~6~~5t: ~g g~ ~ 1,00 ~ 75.oo;z: 7500 lJS5.J8 to' LANOSCAPE EASEMENT SEE NOT[" 5 99.63 . 70500 ADDRESS SCHEDULE FOR HUNTINGTON GREEN ~ll ADDREsses ARE:: ..... 92nd WA Y Sf Y[lM, WASHINGTON 98597 Lor NUt.,/8(K HOUSE OR UNIT ""UMBER , !SI2S , 157205 J /5711 . 15107 5 15101 6 IS645 , 156J7 . 15631 , 15629 10 /5617 " '5625 " 1S623 eJ /5ii21 " 15619 " 15618 /5618 " 15620 " 15622 " 15624 " r5628 20 156.lO " 156J2 " 156J6 2J /.5702 " 15706 25 15112 " 15728 ~ -- / "~,c. I d c,' -~. 1:51 .'l~:n__n- :;!I C:' ...<.'- ~';o, .....- ~, ll: 10... rOUND J" SURf'ACf BRASS DISK 0,50' fAST OF CALC. CfNT"ERUNE OF CRYST....L. COL'Rr 10 00' AOOmOliAL RIGHT-OF WA Y HEREBY OEOICA 1tD TO CJTY OF YI"lM 10' LANDSCAPE [ASEM[NT SEE NOT[ , ,'.;'Pi ATT: FOUND 3. SURFACE BRASS DISK 1.56 N X 0.,6 ( OF Sff /JOtlUIICN T aT :-;,,-.SOO(- S Sg'Ja"S2. E fJ2B.8S FD.-J....-SURf'Acr----~ SURFACE. BRASS D'SK ACCfPTEO POSITION 01 SCALE: ,-= 100' ~--- o 50 100 .<:'UO LINE TABLE NO BeARING L 1 N 06 2B '203' II' LZ N 06'28 '2J" If' LJ N 80'ZO .7" It" L. N 69'., "G" E L5 N72'55'17 If' L6 N 5"'OS 'OOS" If L7 N 00"21'22. W LIf N 89'J2 rD' w CURVE T ABL E /'X). DELTA. Ct 10' 52 '55~ C2 10'52 '55' CJ 8.l'09 49" C4 15'04 ']6" " 15 '0. '26" C6 30'07'58" C? Biros 'J4" C8 I .1 ')0' C9 )')8 '55" CIa )'40'15" ell 1'052 ',.- elZ 10'0 .r" CIJ JJ'J5 '01 CI. 2.5'sr 'Jr CIS 6'28 .2.... crli 11 IS "J.l- ell 19 72 '25" C18 S ..6'5"- (..l~ 4t; " .;ir C:!O 108'" '23" C21 46'10 'og- e22 62'Q' I." C2J 48'" '2.l" CH 11 .l)'O1" C25 J5..0 '25. C26 15'SS'21" ::21 lJ!]'S4 '26 c;:e 15'0. '26" en 2't' JS" C3Q 12'52 'SZ" CJt 90'05J." CJ2 l.l'H'OJ" C.lJ 2.l";" 4'. CJ.c zz';) 'ZO" CJ5 66 50 'CI' CJf; 26'01"00" CJl 51 "OJ J. CJEI 2"'9 '5~' C39 056'56')9" C"O 82"21'06" C4t 7'J7 "OS" C.2 105'0. '26" C4J 90"05 'J." CH 10'52"55" '.5 3-23 'DO" C46 S'JO '25- C.} 1',59 JO' C4a 89',54 '26 '''51 0".2 '/of' OIST-Wt;[ J 76 9 70 SO 00 20 00 44 I. lJ 51 21.00 20 00 RADIUS 120S.JO 'tl5.00 185.00 211.J9 2r7.J9 185 00 25.00 Il80..lO IIS0.JO 11M JO , 11'10..30 210,00 21000 2/0.00 ''100 00 :(1000 21000 .::5<.10 50.00 "".00 00 .:5.00 16000 '60.00 160.00 25.00 2.2.39 192,J!iJ 192.J9 25.00 50.00 ~U.OO so ao 60.00 5000 50.00 050.00 60.00 25.00 242,J9 In.Ji 25.00 160.00 12JO.30 12JO,30 1230.JO 25,00 Z10.0D LOICTH nB 92 J514 26852 05719 057 1 ~ 97.29 J9,J! .l".85 7516 75.62 3a.,.l Jl.Jl 4979 9.18 2.1 7J .'.27 7040 2..86 ; I v.) 9.4' 40.29 5.12 21 OJ J2 26 9962 100 .lS J9.2J SJ 77 , J7 4J.25 )9.JI It 99 ]0 58 ,~ 54 H 4S 22 70 SJ.:8 21 ~J 59,63 JS 9B J2 2! SO. 6~ J9,JI JO..H n 6! 118 2~ 427: J9.2: 2.51 ~ !: [ , c I.., , o 1'4 , < , ! H Sg-.,'09- W i---------.--------------.-- __________________:!'_ ~\ 240.70 I -a. ~ 1"\ i 0: .) ~-'~ \\ 10 : ~ = MONUMEN T SET ~. ~ ~\ I SET J. SURFACE BRASS DISK V\ S '" IN snl'09. If' : (BERNTSEN R8 SERIES) \ 19.,29 I W/PUNCH PER CITY OF YELM STANDARDS \ , , ! ~ ~ FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED \ I 1 N 89"..,'09. ~ I 0 "" FOUND CORNER AS NOrED \ 2DS.9J I \ lRACT -,,- OPEN ~ !.!.!l.;----~---.--------------.-- ____.____ ~SEEzl~;5. SPACX g' ;;X;;~ ~ .:TVNE. 1"1~ /99~ E. TRUE & ASSOC, UNlJ StJRVEYlNG P O. BOX 90B YEI.JJ. WASHINGTON 98597 (206) 456-Z694 PAr.F TWO OF Tw (\ .~ c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 17, 2000, 400 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - July 3, 2000 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - SUB-00-8252-YL, Middle Road Preliminary Plat Applicant: Dennis Balascio Proposal The applicant proposes to subdivide 4 15 acres into 22 single family residential lots The proposed plat includes Tracts A, Band C for open space and/or stormwater retention, a new street and the infrastructure necessary to support the new development. Project Location North side of Middle Road just east of Prairie Creek Subdivision Staff report enclosed 4 Public Hearing - SUB-00-8251-YL, Huntington Green II Preliminary Plat Applicant: Dick Boness Proposal The applicant proposes to subdivide 3 26 acres into 13 single-family residential lots The proposed plat includes one (1) open space tract, a new street and the infrastructure necessary to support the new development. Project Location The west side of Crystal Springs Road just north of the existing Huntington Green Subdivisions Staff report enclosed 5 Other" a Planning Department Reorganization b Card/Name Plate 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 , NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 4.00 P M c c o Motion No 00-07 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, July 3,2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 4 07 P m by Glenn Blando Members present: Glenn Blando, Eric Brown Staff" Cathie Carlson, Tim Peterson, Dana Spivey Members absent. Margaret Clapp, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Introduction: Cathie Carlson introduced Eric Brown, who will fill the vacancy on the commission (left by Joe Huddleston) Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the June 5, 2000 meeting will be tabled to the July 17, 2000 meeting, due to lack of quorum Public Communications' None Public Hearing - Development Guideline Amendments: Applicant. City ofYelm Proposal This proposal is for multiple amendments to the Yelm Development Guidelines Project location. City wide Glenn Blando opened the publiC hearing at 4 09 p m Mr. Blando then asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? No Mr. Blando asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Blando asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Ms. Carlson then gave a staff report. Mr. Blando asked if there were any questions from the public or Planning Commission member Eric Brown? There were none Mr. Blando closed the public hearing at 4 12 P m Ms. Carlson stated that due to the lack of quorum, a recommendation could be made by the consensus of the PC members present. MOTION BY GLENN BLANDO, SECONDED BY ERIC BROWN (BY CONSENSUS, DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM) TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN APPROVAL ON THE SAID AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MOTION CARRIED Yelm Planning Commission July 3 2000 Page 1 o c c Other: Planning Department Reorganization Ms. Carlson stated that this item could be tabled until the July 17, 2000 meeting when more PC members are present. Mr Blando and Mr Brown agreed Meeting adjourned at 4 15 p m Respectfully submitted, Glenn Blando, Temp Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission July 3 2000 Page 2 o c o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date: June 27, 2000 To Yelm Plannmg CommIssIOn From. CathIe Carlson, Commumty Development DIrector Re: Development Guidelme Amendments LIST OF EXHmITS: Exhibit I - Public Heanng Notice Exhibit II - Determination ofNonSIgmficance ExhibIt III - Development GUIdeline Pages WIth proposed Amendments A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE: The Plannmg CommIssIOn must determine If the proposed amendments are consIstent with the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and the mtent of the applicable Yelm MumcIpal Codes. After consIderation of the facts and public testImony the Plannmg CommIssion must take one of the following actions. request additional mformatIon from staff, contmue the public heanng or make a recommendatIOn of action to the City Council. B. PROPOSAL: Tlus proposal IS for multIple amendments to the Yelm Development GUIdelmes. Included are mmor amendments to Chapter 4, TransportatIon, provIdmg more detailed guIdelines for illummatIon and deleting the specific street tree lIst with a requIrement to use the lasted adopted lIst. Chapter 6, Water, amendments mclude modIfymg details to meet current standards and correctmg conflIcts wIthm the guIdelmes. Chapter 7, Samtary Sewer, amendments mclude changmg references to outdated matenal part numbers and conflIcts withm the guIdelmes. Amendments are mostly correctIve rather than substantIve. SECTION I - Transportation Amendments - Text changes attached Chapter 4 - Transportation Summary Page 4-6, Minimum Street DeSIgn Standard Table was modified to reflect current changes from the preVIOusly approves changes to the street standards. Page 4-12, 4B 130 C IntersectIOn classIfication was amended to mclude Boulevards and Urban Arterials and to delete Minor Artenal. ThIS was necessary to be conSIstent with the adopted street classIficatIons. · Page 4-23, IlluminatIon was amended to mclude mstallatIOn standards as set forth in the IllummatIon Engmeer Standards (IES) . Page 4-36 and 4-37 was amended to delete references to a specIfic plant list m the development standards which allows for the staff to update and maintam a current street tree lIst wIthout havmg to amend the development gUIdelInes wIth every change. The Street Tree 0 lIst IS mamtamed by the Yelm Tree AdvIsory Board IS very extensIve therefore would best be keep as a separate document. SECTION II - Water Amendments - Text changes attached Chapter 6 - Water Summary · Checked section number references to ensure that the correct reference has been called out and changed as reqUIred. . Deleted the use of"ASTM Class 200 SDR 21" and added "A WW A C900 Class 150 SDR 18 " Class 150 is a tlucker-walled PVC pIpe, more sUIted for use m a mumcIpal water system. · Changed several references to outdated matenal part numbers and replaced wIth the updated part number Some of the referenced parts are no longer available. . Corrected conflicts within the guidelmes. References to requirements in dIfferent sections were in conflIct. · Updated water and sanitary sewer lme separation requIrements to meet current standards of the State ofWashmgton Department of Ecology . Made several minor changes as requested by the Water Department. . ModIfied standard details to meet current standards and replaced outdated matenal part numbers. o . Added new water mam trench and beddmg detail. SECTION II - Sewer Amendments - Text changes attached Chapter 7 - Sanitary Sewer Summary . Checked section number references to ensure that the correct reference has been called out and changed as required. . Changed several references to outdated matenal part numbers and replaced wIth the updated part number Some of the referenced parts are no longer available. . Corrected conflicts wIthm the guIdelines. References to requIrements m dIfferent sections were m conflict. . Made several mmor changes as requested by the Sewer Department. . ModIfied standard details to meet current standards and replaced outdated matenal part numbers. . Changed several mcorrect references, such as "SeptIc Tanks" changed to read "STEP Tanks" o o c o D. . Changed the sizmg reqmrements for mstItutlOn and multI-family STEP tanks to meet current standards of the Washmgton Department of Ecology standards · Deleted two standard details, which are no longer needed. · Added three standard details which show how to install a Pig Port. A Pig Port is used to msert a cleamng device called a Pig mto the STEP hnes. E. FINDINGS: Proponent: City ofYelm 2. Location. City wide. 3 Pubhc NotIce: NotIce of the Pubhc Heanng was published m the Nisqually Valley News on June 23, 2000, posted in public areas on June 22, 2000 4 SEPA. A DetermmatlOn ofNonSigmficance was issued on June 9, 2000 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the proposed Development Gmdehne amendments as presented m the staff report to the City Council for conSideration and approval. Exhibit 1- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm June 27, 2000 () NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AND YELM CITY COUNCIL DATE. Monday, July 3, 2000, 4:00 p.m. PLACE. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA PURPOSE. Public Hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to Yelm Development Guidelines, Chapter 4, Transportation, Chapter 6, Water and Chapter 7, Sanitary Sewer APPLICANT City of Yelm PROJECT LOCATION. City wide The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to the City Development Guidelines. The Planning Commission will forward the proposed amendments to the City Council for final action on July 12, 2000 A complete packet of amendments and any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Canson at (360) 458-8408. Testimony may be given at the hearings or through any written comments on the proposal. Comments must be received by the close of the public hearing on July 3, 2000 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to: City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 () The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerkffreasurer, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting. ATTEST City of Yelm Agnes Bennick, City Clerkffreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News: Friday, June 23, 2000 Posted in Public Areas: Thursday, June 22, 2000 () Exhibit 11- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm June 27, 2000 (\ J SEPA CASE #ENV-00-8256-YL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: City of Yelm Description of Proposal. This proposal is for multiple amendments to the Yelm Development Guidelines. Included are minor amendments to Chapter 4, Transportation, providing more detailed guidelines for illumination and deleting the specific street tree list with a requirement to use the lasted adopted list. Chapter 6, Water, amendments include modifying details to meet current standards and correcting conflicts within the guidelines. Chapter 7, Sanitary Sewer, amendments include changing references to outdated material part numbers and conflicts within the guidelines. Amendments are mostly corrective rather than substantive. Location of the Proposal: City of Yelm SectionlT ownship/Range: Not applicable Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C.030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. ~ IJ Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: June 9, 2000 5.00 p.m., June 22, 2000 This Determination of NonSignificance is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2). The CityofYelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., June 29, 2000. Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, City Planner, at CityofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave. W ,P 0 Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5:00 p.m., June 22, 2000 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5 :00 p.m., June 29,2000. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Agnes Bennick, City Clerk, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This DNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City ofYelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14 08), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE (\ J Published Nisqually Valley News, Friday June 9, 2000 Posted in public areas: Friday June 9, 2000 Copies to. Friday June 9, 2000 - Dept. of Ecology w/checklist All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list o SECTION I TRANSPORTATION AMENDMENTS o o o o o MINIMUM STREET DESIGN STANDARDS +> ROADWAY BOULEVARD MAJOR URBAN COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD LOCAL PRIVATE FEATURES ARTERIAL ARTERIAL COLLECTOR COLLECTOR ACCESS ROADWAY COMMERCIAL LOCAL ACCESS RESIDENTIAL ADT 500 MIN 15000 MIN 6000-15000 6000-15000 500-6000 2000 MAX 500 MAX DESIGN No supereievation. Access and intersections No No No No LIMITATIONS should be limited. No on-street parking. supereievation supereievation supereievation supereievation No on street Noon street Darine: Darine: MINIMAL Special Special Special 4'AC 3'AC 4'AC 2'AC STRUCTURAL Design Design Design 2' C.S.T.C. 2' C.S.T C. 2' C.S.T.C. 2' C.S.T.C. DESIGN 8' Ballast 8' Ballast 8' Ballast 8' Ballast MINIMUM 84' - 106' 94' 72' 56' 56' 58' 58' RIGHT-OF-WAY PARKING LANE NOT ALLOWED Both Sides Both Sides MINIMUM 0.5% - 8.0% 0.5% - 8.0% 0.5% - 8.0% 0.5% - 10.0% 0.5% -12.0% 0.5% - 15.0% 0.5% - 15.0% MAXIMUM PROFILE GRADE CURB Curb Curb & Curb & Curb & Gutter Curb & Gutter Curb & Gutter Rolled Curb & Gutter Gutter Gutter PLANTER STRIP Two sides - Two sides - 8' Two sides - 8' Two sides - 7' Two sides - 7' Two sides - 6' Two sides - 6' 7' SIDEWALKS Two sides - Two sides - 6' Two sides - 6' Two sides - 5' Two sides - 5' Two sides - 5' One side - 5' 5' CUL-DE-SAC 50' 38' (or 47' with RADWS Not applicable landscaped (PAVEMENT island radius of WIDTHl 17'l INTERSECTION 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' 25' CURB RADWS DESIGN SPEED 40 40 40 30 30 30 25 /MPHl MINIMUM 150' 150' 150' 100' CENTERLINE Per AASHTO RADWS 0'\ o 0\ --- o C/:! --- o o 48 100 Temporary Dead Ends o Where a street is temporarily dead ended, turn around provisions must be provided where the road serves more than one lot. The turn around may be a hammerhead with a minimum distance on both sides at the centerline mtersectlOn of 60 feet to facIlItate emergency vehicle turn- around 48 110 Half Street The constructlOn of a half street IS not permitted by the City 48 120 Medians A median shall be in addition to, not part of, the specified roadway Width except on a road classed as a boulevard. Medians shall be deSIgned so as not to lImIt turning radius or sight distance at intersections Pedestrian Access, landscaping and irrigation shall be mstalled when directed by the City 48 130 Intersections A. Traffic control will be as specmed m the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control DeVIces (MUTCD) or as modified by the City as a result of appropriate traffic engmeenng studIes o 8 Street intersections shall be laid out so as to mtersect as nearly as possible at right angles (within 15 degrees) When thIS cannot be practically done a deSIgn exception may be granted by the City after showing just cause and that the deSIgn meets AASHTO (Amencan AssocIatlOn of State Highway and TransportatlOn Officials) standards Sharp angled intersectlOns shall be avoided. For reasons of traffic safety, a "T" intersectlOn (three-legged) IS preferable to the crossroad (four-legged) mtersectlOn for local access streets. For safe design, the follOWing types of intersection features should be avoided 1 IntersectlOns with more than four intersecting streets, 2 "Y" type mtersectlOns where streets meet at acute angles, 3 IntersectlOns adjacent to bridges and other sight obstructions C Spacing between adjacent intersecting streets, whether crossing or "T" should be as follows When hIghest classificatIOn Involved IS. Major Arterial/Boulevard Urban M-ffieF Arterial Mimmum Centerline offset should be. 350 feet 300 feet o 4 - 12 06/08/00 TRANSPORTATION c 4E ILLUMINATION 4E 010 General All new commercial or residentIal subdivisiOns, short plats or property development requinng review by the City shall provide street lights m accordance with the standards for such improvements and they shall be owned and operated by the City 4 E 020 Design Standards A street lighting plan submitted by the applicant and approved by the City shall be reqmred for all street light installatiOns Type of mstallatiOn shall be as set forth in WSDOT / APW A/IES Standard Specifications and as directed by the City except where noted herein. c All public street light designs shall be prepared by an engineering firm capable of performmg such work. The engineer shall be licensed by the State of Washmgton All developments shall submit the lighting plan Lme loss, spacmg and umformity ratIo calculatIons shall also be submitted The calculatiOns shall be performed followmg the methodology outlined m the latest edition of the WSDOT Traffic Manual. After the system is completed and approved, a set of "as built" Mylar's shall be submitted to the City as a permanent record IntersectiOns and cul-de-sacs withm new residentIal developments will be illummated with one 100 watt high pressure sodmm lamp mounted on a 30 foot pole No other illuminatiOn is reqmred. Concrete poles may be used inside subdivisiOns and shall be set plumb and have a consistent mountmg height. IntersectiOns With any street deSignated other than a local access residential will be illummated according to the reqmrement of that higher street classificatiOn Lummcure pole spacmg, umformity ratiO and lme loss calculations will be determined by usmg the follOWing deSign cnteria. o 4 - 23 Obj08jOO 4G 100 Street Trees o All boulevard, arterial and collector streets m the City have been planted with trees which have created a distinct and pleasant character for those roadways It is the goal of the City to contmue patterns that have traditionally been used and to create distinctive character where it is presently lackmg Therefore, the street trees on the current plant list (1 37) shall be employed when plantmg street trees in or along the public Right-of-Way A. Planting theme 1 RatiO 3 street trees to 1 accent tree 2 Species. See followmg table B Plantmg SiZe Trees, 2 to 3 inch caliper, measured 6 inches above the base Ground cover (i e , iVY), 4 inch pot spaced 18 to 20 inches on center or 1 gallon pots at 20 mches on center Low growth shrubs (i.e , Juniper), 1 gallon pots at 3 feet on center Shrubs (i.e , rhododendron), 18 to 24 mches in height at 5 feet on center or 3 gallon pot at 5 feet on center C Location. Trees shall be located a minimum of four (4) feet behind the face of curb or behind the clear zone distance from the edge of the traveled way Trees shall be spaced 35 feet on center startmg 15 feet from the property lme Tree spacmg may be adjusted to allow unobstructed Sight distance on either side of a dnveway Tree spacing may be adjusted when in conflict With luminaire poles o D Mamtenance All developments required to plant street trees will also be required to mamtain the trees for the life of the project, regardless of ownership E ExceptiOns to the planting theme may be made by the City Exceptions include but are not limited to, screening mdustrial areas, plantmg around histoncal sites, mamtammg natural vegetation that better serves as street landscapmg or beau tificatiOn o 4- - 36 7/95 TRANSPORTATION -= ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ " t " ~ - ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ - ~ " ~ " ~ . " ~ LaWtl ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ C 4 - 37 7/9"'> o SECTION II WATER AMENDMENTS o o o o o TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6.070 6080 6090 6.100 6.110 6.120 6.125 6.130 6 140 6 150 6.160 6 165 6.170 6 175 6 180 6.190 6.195 6.200 7.000 7A 7A.010 7 A.020 7A.030 7 A.040 7 A.050 7 A.060 7 A.070 7 A.080 7 A.090 CIlA.PTER 6 - WATER. .... ...... ....... .... ..... ............. ...... ....... ......... 6-1 General. 6-1 Design Standards .. 6-2 General Notes (Water Main Installation) 6-3 Process to Obtain Water Service 6-565 Main Line 6-6+6 Connection to Existing Water Mam 6-+97 Service Interruption.. 6-+97 Hydrants . 6-+!G8 Valves.... . .. . ... .. 6-~9 Casing......... ...... . ....... .... ..... 6 10lill Air and Vacuum Release Valve ....... ............. ... 6 1011!Q Blowoff Assembly... .. . ......... . . .... .. ............. .. ....... . .6 10llli Bacl{{].ow Prevention........ .. .......... .. ... ........... .... .. . .. 6 111..lli Service Connection......... ... .. ...... .... ... ....... . ...... .. ...6 111..lli Marking Service tines .......... ... ... . .. . ........ ........ ..... .. 6 12~ Water Main/Sanitary Sewer Crossin@...... . ...... ....... ....6 12~ Required Separation Between Water Lines and Sanitary Sewers6-l-714 Irrigation. ....... ..... . .... . .. . . ...... ...6 11J~ Staking. .... .... . .....6 11J~ Trench Excavation .. 6 11J~ Thrust Blocking. . .. . ... .6 152016 Backfilling. . .. 6--l-@.Q 16 Street Patching and Restoration ..6 162.Ql1 Hydrostatic Tests.. .. .6 162.l!1. Sterilization and Flushing .6 172.l!1. Fencing at Water Meters.................................................... ...... 6-~ 18 Landscaping and Water Meters ...............................................6.;.~18 List of Drawings 6--l-823-19 CIlA.PTER 7 - SANITARY SEWER.............................................7-1 SEWER SERVICE. T-1 Defmition of Terms Per Yelm Sewer Ordinance 505 Use of Municipal Sewer Application for Sewer Service STEP Sewer Connection Permit Collection Lines . Inspections and Compliance with Standards Forbidden Acts Sewer Service Charges Operational Authority 7-1 7-6 7-8 7-10 7-1~~ 7-13 7-16 7-19 7-20 44 3/00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7B GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS o ...... 7-22 7B.0 10 General....................................................................................... 7-22 7B 020 Design Standards.. 7-Q423 7C STEP 01\lSITE TANK SYSTEM 7C 010 7C 020 7C.030 "7C.040 7C.050 7C.060 7C.070 7C.080 7C.090 7C.100 7C.110 7C.120 7C.130 7C.110 7C.150 7C.160 7C.170 7C.180 7C.190 7C.200 7C.210 7C.220 7C.230 7C.210 7C.250 7C.260 7C.270 7C.280 7C.290 7C.300 7C.310 7C.320 7C.330 7C.310 7C.350 7 -~24 SeptIc STEP Tanks.. .......... .. 7-~24 Septic STEP Tank Sizing.. .. ........ ... . ...... .....7-2426 Table 1B STEP Tank Sizing ......................................................... 7-25 Table 2 Estimated Daily Sewer Flows................................ ..... 7 -2'+26 Loading Criteria......... ............................ .......... ..................... 7 -2827 Fiberglass Tanks.................... ....... .................... .............. ..... 7 -2827 Concrete Tanks................. ....... .. . ...... .. .... .............. .......... 7-3-1-29 Conotroction Requirements ...................... .......... ................... ..... 7 33 Pipe............................................................................................. 7 31 Bedding... ....... ............ ....................... ... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ............ 7 31 Joints.. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. ... 7 35 Fittings .......... ........ ....... ..................... ........ ................ ..... .... ........ 7 35 Grade and Alignment ..................................................................7 35 Trcnch Excayation and Ba.ckfill................................................... 7 36 Detectable 1~arkI.ng Tape............................................................. 7 36 Hydrostatic Pressure TeGt ....................... .............. ...................... 7 37 Ball 'Ialveo ...... .... .......... ......................................... ..................... 7 10 Gate 'lalveG..................... .................... ............................ ............ 7 10 Check ValT.reo ... ........................................................................... 7 10 'I alve Boxes................................................................................. 7 11 Air and Vacuum Rclea-Ge ValveG .................................................. 7 11 Prcosure Suotaining Valve Aosembly ........................................... 7 11 Pi!;bing Porto ............................................................................... 7 11 ThroGt Blocldng .................................. ........................................ 7 12 Service Connectiono.................................................................... 7 12 Service Interruptiono....................... .... ................ .............. .......... 7 12 SaddleG ....................................................................................... 7 13 Standard SeI'\'ice Box.......................;.................................. ........ 7 13 Traffic Bearing Senice Boxes...................................................... 7 13 Gravity Service CleanoutG ........................................................... 7 13 Pump P.ssemblieo............................................................. ........... 7 11 Effluent Pump 1" Submersible Pumps ...................................... 7 11 Pump Vault, Rioer and Lid.......................................................... 7 16 Internal Splice Box...................................................................... 7 19 LeT.rcl Control and Alarm FloatG ...................................................7 19 HOGe and Valve AGGembly............................................................ 7 50 Additional Ma.terial ReqmrementG ............................................... 7 51 o o 54 3/00 I o o c TABLE OF CONTENTS 7C.360 7C.370 7D Electrical Connections................................................................. 7 51 Drawlngs ................. .............. ............. .............................. .............. 7 52 STEP PIPELINES ...... ..... ..... ..... ............... ..... .... .... ... ..... .... ............ 7-d432 7D.0 10 7E General................................................................................... 7 -d432 7E.0 10 7E.020 7E.030 7E.040 7F CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS - STEP TANKS/PIPELINES.... 7-d432 General................................................................................... 7 -d432 Pipeline and Service Line Materials ......................................... 7 -d432 STEP Tank Installation...... ........ .................... ..........................7 -3i}33 Pipeline and Service Line Installation.......................................... 7-34 STEP PUMP ASSEMBLIES...... ..................................................... 7 -4-J40 7F.010 7F.020 7F.030 7F.040 7F.050 7F.060 7F.070 7F.080 7DG Materials and Installation........................................................ 7 ~O Effluent Pump - 4" Submersible Pumps .................................. 7-4642 Pump Vault, Riser, and Lid ..................................................... 7-4-944 Internal Splice Box .................................................................. 7 -a-l46 Level Control and Alarm Floats................................................ 7 -a247 Hose and Valve Assembly........................................................ 7-5347 AddItional Material Requirements ...........................................7-5347 Electric Connections.......... ........ .............................................. 7 -5348 GRA VITY SEWER. .. 7 53~ 7&G 010 General. 7 -~50 7DQ.020 DecIgn Standards.................................................................... 7 53~ 7&G 030 Side Sewers. .......... . ........ . . .......... 7-~50 RESTORATION. 7 -a4a+50 7 -a4a+50 7 -a4a+51 7EH 7EH.010 General.. . 7EH.020 Crushed Surfacing 7FI GENERAL NOTES (SANITARY SEWER MAIN INSTALLATION) 7 -~52 7~:l. INSPECTION GUIDE FOR S. T.E.P. SEWER INSTALLATION. 7 -S&6-l-55 List of ProcedureoDrawings 7-~56 64 3/00 WATER CHAPTER 6 o 6.000 WATER 6.010 General Any extension of the Yelm Water System must be approved by the Department of Public Works and, all extensions must conform to DOH and the Coordinated Water System Plan, City of Yelm Water System Plan, and Yelm Fire District No. 2 requirements. In designing and planning for any development, it is the developers responsibility to see that adequate water for both domestic use and fire protection is attainable. The developer must show, in the proposed plans, how water will be supplied and whether adequate water pressure will be attained in case of fire. An analysis of the system may be required if it appears that the system might be inadequate. Anyone who wishes to extend or connect to the City's water system should contact the Department of Public Works for a water extension/ connection fee estimate. This fee estimate is an estimate of the costs due the City for a waterline extension or connection (YMC 13.04.150, 160) A copy of the estimate form may be found in the appendix. o Prior to the release of any water meters, all Public Works improvements must be completed and approved including granting of Right-of-Way or easements, and all applicable fees must be paid. Issuance of building permits for new construction of single family subdivisions shall not occur until [mal Public Works approval is given. For commercial projects, building permits may be issued upon completion and acceptance of the required fire protection facilities. A construction bond, in accordance with Section 3.090f~3.100A of these Standards, will be required for the remaining public works improvements. Certificate of occupancy will not be issued until final Public Works approval is given for all improvements. o 3/00 6 - 1 c 6 020 Design Standards The design of any water extension/connection shall conform to City Standards and any applicable standards as set forth herein and in Sections 3 010 and 3 040 The layout of extensions shall provide for the future continuation and/ or "looping" of the existing system as determined by the City In addition, main extensions shall be extended as required in Section 3 130 The General Notes on the following page shall be included on any plans dealing with water system design. o o 6-2 3/00 WATER GENERAL NOTES (WATER MAIN INSTALLATION) o 1 All workmanship and material shall be in accordance with City of Yelm standards and the most current copy of the State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. 2 f. preconstruction meeting E>hall be held '.vith the City prior to the start of construction. All work in City nght-of-way requires a permit from the City of Yelm. Prior to any work commencing. the general contractor shall arrange for a preconstruction meeting to be attended by all maior contractors. representatives of involved utilities. and the City of Yelm. Contact the Public Works Department at (360) 458~8410 to schedule the meeting. The Contractor IS responsible to have a set of approved plans at the meeting. '3. 'Water mains shall be PVC ClaGG 200, ASTM D 2211 SDR21 v'lith rubber gaE>kets ASTM D1869, or A\l.'V1A C900 ClaGs 200, C905 Class 235, or ductile iron cement mortar lined thiclmess ClaGs 50. Water mains shall meet the following specifications: PolyVinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (under 4 inches). Pipe material shall be PVC 1120. PVC 1220. or PVC 2120. and have minimum wall thickness equal to or createrless than the Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) of 21. and meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard 0 Specifications Section 9-30.1(5)8. PolyVinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (4 through 12 inches). Shall meet the requirements of AWWA C900. Class 2GQ.150 wall thickness equal to or greater than the SDR of 18. and meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 9-30.1(5)A. PolYVinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (14 through 20 inches). Shall meet the requirements of A WW A C905 wall thickness equal to or f':I"eaterless than the SDR of 18. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP). DIP shall conform to AWWA C151 Class 50 or greater. and shall be 1/ 16-inch cement lined and sealed in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4-90. and meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 9-30.2.(1). Six-inch fire hydrant spools shall be Class 52. 4 Gate valves shall be resilient wedge, NRS (Non Rising Stem) with O-rings seals. Valve ends shall be mechanical joint or ANSI flanges. Valves shall conform to AWWA 509-80 Valves shall be Mueller, M-M & H, Kennedy, Clow R/W or Waterous Series 500 Existing valves to be operated by City employees only o 3/00 6-3 c o o I 5 Hydrants shall be Dresoer M & H Reliant Style 929 or 129, Mueller Centurion, or Clow Model F 2500 Medallion. Hydrants shall be bagged until system is approved. 6 All lines shall be chlorinated and tested in conformance with the above referenced specification (Note 1) 7 All pipe and services shall be installed with continuous tracer tape mstalled 12" to 18" under the [mal ground surface The marker shall be plastic non-biodegradable, metal core or backing marked water 2-inch- wide minimum, which can be detected by a standard metal detector. Tape shall be Terra Tape "0" or approved equal. In addition to tracer tape, install 14 gauge heavy duty direct bury coated copper wire (PAIGE "UF" single conductor or equal), wrapped around the pipe, brought up and tied off at valve body All wire connections shall use wire nuts and a DBR Splice Kit, manufactured by 3-M or approved equal. All locator wire for service pipe shall be connected to the locator wire on the water main. 8 Provide traffic control plan(s) as required in accordance with MUTCD. 9 All water mains shall be staked for grades and alignment by an engineering or surveying firm capable of performing such work. 10 All semce line locations shall be marked on the face of the curb with an embossed "W" 1 / 4 inch into concrete. 11 Call Underground Locate at 1-800-424-5555 a minimum of 48 hours prior to any excavations. 12 The City will be given 72 hours notice prior to scheduling a shutdown. Where connections require "field verification", connection points will be exposed by contractor and fittings verified 48 hours prior to distributing shut-down notices. 13 At any connection to an existing line where a new valve is not installed, the existing valve must be pressure tested to City standards prior to connection. If an existing valve fails to pass the test, the contractor shall make the necessary provisions to test the new line prior to connection to the existing system or install a new valve. 14. Mter completion of all items shown on these plans and before acceptance of the proiect, the contractor shall obtain a "punch list" prepared by the City'S Inspector detailing remaining items of work to be completed. All items of work shown on these plans shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City prior to acceptance of the water system and provision of sanitary sewer service. 6-4 3/00 WATER 15. A copy of these approved plans and applicable city developer specifications and details shall be onsite during construction. 16. Any revisions made to these plans must be reviewed by the developer's engineer and the City of Yelm prior to any implementation in the field. The City shall not be responsible for any errors and/or omissions on these plans. 3/00 6-5 o o o o c c PROCESS TO OBTAIN WA TER SERVICE PLANS ANO EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY ENGINEER NO PAY PLAN CHECK FEES PLANS ANO EASEJ,{ENTS APPROVEO BY O.P W. NO PRECONSTRUCilON MEEilNC 'MTH O.P W.. PAY INSPECTION. PERMIT. AND CONNECTION FEES APPUCANT REQUESTS WATER EXTENSION CONNECTION FEE ESilMA TE ANNEXA nON REQUIREO WATER AVAILABLE REV1SE: AND RESUBMIT INSPECTION OF WA TERUNE I replace with process to obtmn water ner'irlCC chart 6-6 PREP ARE FOR ANNEXATION OR EXECUTE POWER OF ATTORNEY 'l'[S APPLY FOR METER PAY CONNECilON FEES METER INSTAllED BY orv INSPECilON OF WATERLINE FROM SE:TTER TO BLDG. METER INST ALLEO 3/00 WATER 6 030 Main Line o A. Water mains shall be sized to provide adequate domestic plus fITe flow at the required residual pressure Fire flow requirements will be determined by Yelm Fire District No 2, however, the quantity of water required will in no case be less than 750 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure. ;,.;.. The minimum water main size shall be 6 inches diameter as long as fITe flow requirements can be met. Larger size mains are required in specific areas outlined in the Coordinated Water System Plan. Nothing shall preclude the City from requiring the installation of a larger sized main in areas not addressed in the Coordinated Water System Plan if the City determines a larger size is needed to meet fire protection requirements or for future service. B All pipe for water mains shall have flexible gasketed joints and shall comply with one of the following types: Ductile Iron PIpe: Ductile iron pipe sholl conform to .'..~\lIW A C 151 ClaGG 50 and have a cement mortar lining conforming to A\1.fV-ll\ C 101. 1\11 pipeG Gha11 be joined uaing non reatrained joints which aholl be rubber gasketG, 0 t... t... . at. . ~ r . ~ A UT"'IH ^ G PUSH on type or mecHanIC Jom..., conlornnng l.0 un n u -l-l-h PVC Pipe: All PVC pipe oholl conform to the lateot reyioion of the follovr.ng Gpecificationo: Four inch through 12 inch pipe ohall meet A\\T\VA C900 or ASTM 2211 ClaGs 200 ctandardo. Fourteen inch through 20 inch pipe &ha11 meet AVrWA C905 Cla-Go 235 standards. Water mains shall meet the following specifications. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (under 4 inches). Pipe material shall be PVC 1120, PVC 1220, or PVC 2120, and have minimum wall thickness equal to or greaterless than the Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) of 21, and meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 9-30.1(51B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCI Pipe (4 through 12 inches). Shall meet the requirements of AWWA C900, Class 2QQ-150 wall thickness equal to or greaterless than the SDR of 18. and meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 9-30.1(5)A. o 3/00 6-7 c c c ,),':.r.;, , PolyVinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (14 through 20 inches). Shall meet the requirements of A WW A C905 wall thickness equal to or greater than the SDR of 18. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP). DIP shall conform to AWWA C 151 Class 50 or greater. and shall be 1/ 6-inch cement lined and sealed in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4-90. and meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 9-30.2.(1}. Six-inch fITe hydrant spools shall be Class 52. C All fittings for ductile iron pipe or PVC pipe shall be ductile iron compact fittings conforming to AWWA C 153 or Class 250 gray iron conforming to AWWA ClIO and C 111. All shall be cement mortar lined conforming to AWWA C 104 Plain end fittings shall be ductile iron if mechanical joint retainer glands are installed on the plain ends. All fittings shall be connected by flanges or mechanical joints. D All pipe and serviceo shall be installed '.vith continuouo tracer tape inotalled 12 to 18 inches under the fmal ground surface. The marker shall be photic non biodegradable, metal core or backing T.vhich can be detected by a standard metal detector. Tape ohall be Terra Tape "D" or approved equal. In addition to tracer tape, install 1'\ gauge coated copper '.vire, taped to the top of pipe, brought up and tied off at valve body.All pipe and services shall be installed with continuous tracer tape installed 12" to 18" under the fmal ground surface. The marker shall be plastic non-biodegradable. metal core or backing marked water 2-inch-wide minimum. which can be detected by a standard metal detector. Tape shall be Terra Tape "D" or approved equal. In addition to tracer tape. install 14 gauge heavy duty direct bury coated copper wire (PAIGE "UF" single conductor or equal). wrapped around the pipe. brought up and tied off at valve body. All wire connections shall use wire nuts and epoxY BDBY water connection kit. E The minimum cover for all water mains from top of pipe to fmish grade shall be 42 inches unless otherwise approved. 6-8 3/00 WATER 6040 Connection To Existing Water Main o The developer's engineer shall be responsible for determining the scope of work for connection to existing water mains. See drawing number 6-11. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to field verify the location and depth of the eXisting main and the fittings required to make the connections to the existing mains All fittings shall be approved by the Water Department prior to installation. 6.050 Service Interruption The contractor shall give the City a minimum of 72 hours notice of any planned connection to an existing pipeline. This includes all cut-ins and live taps. Notice is required so any disruptions to existing services can be scheduled. The City will notify customers involved or affected of the water service interruption. The contractor shall make every effort to schedule water main construction with a minimum interruption of water service. In certain situations, the City may dictate scheduling of water main shutdowns so as not to impose unnecessary shutdowns during specific periods to existing customers. o 6.060 Hydrants A. The lead from the service main to the fire hydrant shall be ductile iron cement mortar lined Class W52 no less than 6 inches in diameter MJ ioint shall be restrained with wedge action retainer ~ardsglands, MegaLug 1006 of approved equal. B Fire Hydrants, shall have two, 2-1/2 inch outlets and one 4-1/2 inch pumper port outlet. All outlet ports shall be National Standard thread. The valve opening shall be no less than 5-1/4 inch diameter with a 5-inch "Stortz" coupling and blind flange cap installed on the steamer port. The hydrant shall have a positive and automatic barrel drain and shall be of the "traffic safety" or break-away style; i.e , when accidentally broken off, water will not flow All hydrants shall be center-stem compression design, valve shall open against pressure. Hydrants shall be Dresser M & H Reliant Style 929....m: I Style 129, Mueller Centurion, or Clow Model 0 3/00 6-9 o o o F 2500Medallion. All hydrants shall be bagged until system is approved. C The Department of PublIc Works and Yelm Fire District No 2 work together to insure that adequate hydrant spacing and installation are achieved. Unless otherwise required by the governing authority, the following guidelines shall apply for hydrant number and location. 1. At least one hydrant shall be installed at all intersections. 2 Hydrant spacing of 330 feet shall be required in all areas except single family and duplex residential areas. 3 Hydrant spacing of 660 feet shall be required for single family and duplex residential areas. 4 Hydrants located in cul-de-sac or dead end areas either by design, topographic or manmade feature which prohibit straight line distance measurement, shall be located to serve no more than 120,000 square feet, and be served by an 8-inch-minimum mam.. 5 When any portion of a proposed building is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, there shall be provided, when required by the fIre chief, on-site hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fIre flow Such hydrants shall be located as may be required by the Yelm Fire District No 2 and easements for such hydrants shall be granted to the City D Fire hydrants shall be set as shown in drawing number 6-8Z E. For requirement regarding use, size and location of a fIre department connection (FDC) andlor post indicator valve contact Yelm Fire District No 2 Location of FDC shall be shown on water plans. F Where needed, the Department of Public Works or Yelm FIre District No 2 will require hydrants to be protected by 6 - 10 3/00 WATER two or more posts, each eight inches in diameter by five feet in height made of either reinforced concrete or steel. Post shall be painted to match hydrant color. o G Fire hydrants must be installed, tested, and accepted prior to the issuance of a buildmg permit. 6070 Valves Where possible, valves shall be located at tee's or crosses, and be flanged bv mechanical ioints. All valves and fittings shall be ductile iron with ANSI flanges or mechanical joint ends. All existing valves shall be operated by City employees only. Valves shall be installed in the distribution system at sufficient intervals to facilitate system repair and maintenance, but in no case shall there be less than one valve every 1000 feet. Generally, there shall be two valves on each tee and three valves on each cross. Specific requirements for valve spacing will be made at the plan review stage A. Gate Valves, 6 inch to 12 inch. The design, materials and 0 workmanship of all gate valves shall conform to A WW A C509-80 latest revision. Gates valves shall be resilient wedge non-rising stem (NRS) with two internal O-ring stem seals. Gate valves shall be Mueller, M & H, Kennedy, Clow R/W or Waterous Series 500 Gate valves shall be used on all 6 to 12-::.inch lines. B Butterfly Valves. Butterfly valves shall conform to AWWA C504, Class 150B, with cast iron short body and O-ring stem seals. Butterfly valves shall be Mueller, Linseal III, KennedyM & H, Pratt Ground hog, or Allis Chalmers. Butterfly valves shall be used on all lines 14 inches and larger. C. Valve Box. All valves shall have a standard Inland Foundry, Yelm 248 Water valve box set to grade with a 6 inch ASTM D3034 SDR 35 PVC riser from valve to within 4 to 6 inches of valve box top If valves are not set in paved area, a 3 foot by 3 foot by 4 inch concrete pad shall be set around each valve box at finished grade In areas where valve box falls in road shoulder, the ditch and o 3/00 6 - 11 o shoulder shall be graded before placing asphalt or concrete pad. See drawing number 6--b211 D Valve marker Post. Valve marker posts shall be 4 inch x 4 inch reinforced concrete or schedule 40 steel posts 5 feet long stamped with "w" and distance to valve. Post shall be painted with 1 base coat and 2 coats white oil base enamel. See drawing number 6-+g 12 6 080 Casing Steel casing pipe shall be schedule 20 steel or equalSteel casing shall be designed to a minimum of H20 loading. Pipe spacers shall be Cascade style CC5 with 8 inch runners as available from Cascade Waterworks. Casing pipe and spacers shall be sized for pipe being installed. Install minimum of three spacers per section of pipe. 6.090 Air and Vacuum Release Valve c Combination Agir and vacuum release valves (ARV) shall be APCO 145C, Crispin UL20 combination air release valve~ approved equal. Installation shall be as shown on drawing number 6-~ The installation shall be set at the high point of the line when required. Where possible, pipes are to be graded to prevent the need for an air release valve. Air release valves may not be required when services are in the vicinity 6 100 BlowofI Assembly If a fIre hydrant is not located at the end of a dead end main, a blowofI assembly shall be required. On water mains which will be extended in the future, the valve which operates the blowofI assembly shall be the same size as the main and provided with a concrete thrust block. The pressure rating for blowoff assemblies shall be 200 psi. Installation shall be as shown on drawing number 6-.:]42, 6 110 Backflow Prevention o All water system connections to serve buildings or properties with domestic potable water, fIre sprinkler systems, or irrigation systems shall comply with the minimum backflow requirements as established by the Department of Health (DOH) and the City ofYelm. 6 - 12 3/00 WATER o The installation of all backflow devices is required to protect the existing water system and users from possible contamination. Public Works shall get the certificate for testing of any backflow prevention device before releasing the certificate of occupancy on any building. Test may be performed by any person certified by the Washington State Board of Health. A list of approved testers may be obtained from Washington Environmental Training Resource Center (WETRC) located in Auburn, Washington. Yelm Fire District No.2 will test the fIre line and obtain the certificate for underground piping. In any situation, Yelm Fire District No 2 will not test their portion of underground until Public Works has tested and approved their main up to the fire line. 6.120 Service Connection A. All semce connections relating to new development shall be installed by the developer at the time of mainline construction. Mter the lines have been constructed, 0 tested and approved the owner may apply for a water meter. The City will install a water meter after the application has been made and all applicable fees have been paid. Water meters will be set only after system is inspected and [mal a.ppro:r;edapproval is given. B When water is desired to a parcel fronting an existing main but not served by an existing setter, an application must be made to the City Upon approval of the application and payment of all applicable fees, the City will tap the main, and install the meter, box, and setter C Service lines shall be one inch high density polyethylene pipe, minimum pressure class 200 psi DR7, Phillips Drisco 5100 Ultra-Line. or Westflex. No glued joints will be accepted. Service lines shall be installed 90 degrees off the main. Tracer tape and wire wrapped around the pipe shall be installed on all service lines. Service saddle shall be all bronzeductile iron body with stainless steel straps and shall be Romac style 202S, Rockwell 313 or approved equal. All clamps shall have rubber gasket and iron pipe threaded outlets. o 3/00 6 - 13 o c o Taken from. By. Corporation stop shall be all bronze and shall be Ford type FllOIFBllOl or approved equal with iron pipe threads conforming to A WW A C 800 Stainless steal inserts shall be used with pack joints and polyethylene pipe. t D Master meters will not be allowed for service to more than one per building. An approved backflow prevention system must be installed in conjunction with any master meter Deviations to this may be granted by the Director of Public Works. 6 125 Marking Service Lines on Curbs The location of all service lines shall be marked on the face or top of the cement concrete curb with a "W" 1 / 4 inch into concrete. 6 130 Water Main/Sanitary Sewer Crossings The Contractor shall maintain a minimum of 18 inches of vertical separation between sanitary sewers and water mains. The minimum cover for water main of 42 inches may be reduced to 24 inches upon approval by the City to provide for as much vertical separation as possible The longest standard length of water pipe shall be installed so that the joints will fall equidistant from any sewer crossing. In some cases where minimum separation cannot be maintained, it may be necessary to encase the water pipe and/ or sewer service in pipe or concrete. No concrete shall be installed unless specifically directed by the City. "Criteria for Sewage Works Design" State of Washington Department of Ecology, October -l98aDecember 1998. Situations not addressed below shall follow the criteria as outlined in the most current edition of the above mentioned document. 6 - 14 3/00 WATER WATER MAIN STANDARD PIPE MATERIAL TYPE OF PIPE AWWA (ASTM\ STANDARD PIPE JOINT FITTINGS Ductile Iron - Class 50 C 151 & C 104 C 111 C 110 & C 153 Polyvmyl-Chloride - Class 2GQ150 C 900 D 3139 & C 110 & F 477 C153 Concrete Cylinder C303 ..,.." 3/00 6 - 15 o o o o i Symmetrical about center line of water main I 10 feet minimum Required Separation Between Water Lines and Sanitary Sewers, Parallel Construction c o ReqUIred Separation Between Water Lines and Sanitary Sewers, Unusual Conditions Parallel Construction 6 - 16 3/00 WATER 6 140 Irrigation o All imgation systems shall be installed with an approved backflow prevention assembly approved by A'N\V A and the Department of Health. Imgation sprinklers shall be situated so as to not wet any public street or sidewalk. 6 150 Staking All surveying and staking shall be performed by an engineering or surveying firm capable of performing such work. The engineer or surveyor directing such work shall be licensed as a Professional Engineer or Professional Land Surveyor by the State of Washington. A preconstruction meeting shall be held with the City prior to commencing staking. All construction staking shall be inspected by the City prior to construction. The minimum staking of waterlines shall be as directed by the City Engineer or as follows. A. Stake centerline alIgnment every 50 feet with cut or fill to invert of pipe maintaining 42 inches of cover over pipe. Cuts are normally not required when road grade has been built to sub grade elevation. o B Stake alignment of all fIre hydrants, tees, water meters, setters and other fixtures and mark cut or fill to hydrant flange fmished grade. 6 160 Trench Excavation A. Clearing and grubbing where required shall be performed within the easement or public Right-of-Way as permitted by the City and/or governing agencies. Debris resulting from the clearing and grubbing shall be disposed of by the owner or contractor in accordance with the terms of all applicable permits. Temporary erosion control measures shall be installed and approved by the City Inspector prior to any excavations. B Trenches shall be excavated to the line and depth designated by the GityEngineer to provide a minimum of 42 inches of cover over the pipe Except for unusual o 3/00 6 - 17 o c circumstances where approved by the City, the trench Elides shall be eJccavated vertically and the trench width shall be excavated only to such widths as are necessary for adequate working space as allowed by the governing agency. The trench shall be kept free from water until joming is complete Surface water shall be chverted so as not to enter the trench. The owner shall maintain sufficient pumping equipment on the job to insure that these provisions are carried out. C The contractor shall perform all excavation of every description and whatever substance encountered and boulders, rocks, roots and other obstructions shall be entirely removed or cut out to the width of the trench and to a depth 6 inches below water main grade. Where materials are removed from below water main grade, the trench shall be backfilled to grade with material satisfactory to the City and thoroughly compacted (see Section 6.170). D Trenching and shoring operations shall not proceed more than 100 feet in advance of pipe laying without approval of the City, and shall be in conformance with Washington Industrial Safety and Health Administration (WISHA) and Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Safety Standard. E The bottom of the trench shall be fInished to grade with hand tools in such a manner that the pipe will have bearing along the entire length of the barrel. The bell holes shall be excavated with hand tools to sufficient size to make up the joint. 6 165 Thrust Blocking LocatJ.on of thrust blocking shall be shown on plans. Thrust block concrete shall be ClaGG Bcommercial Class 3000 psi poured against undisturbed earth. A plastic barrier shall be placed between all thrust blocks and fIttings. See drawing number 6--l4-1.;Land 6-+5-14 for thrust block locations and calculations 6 170 Backfilling o Backfilling and surface restoration shall closely follow installation of pipe so that not more than 100 feet is left 6 - 18 3/00 WATER exposed during construction hours without approval of the City All trenches shall be backfilled during non-working hours unless otherwise approved by the City. Selected backfill material shall be placed and compacted around and under the water mains by hand tools to a height of 6 inches above the top of the water main. The remaining backfill shall be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density in traveled areas, 90 percent outside traveled area. Where govemmental agencies other than the City have junsdiction over roadways, the backfill and compaction shall be done to the satisfaction of the agency having jurisdiction. See Standard Drawing No. 6--1-615 for backfill and bedding materials.If Guitablc backf1l1 material, as determined by the City, is not a.vailable from trenching operations, the City may order the placing of bedding conforming to 9 30.7A around the water main and graTlel base confDrm.ing with Section 9 30.7(3) of the Standard Specifications [Dr backfilling the trench. 6.175 Street Patching and Restoration See Chapter 48.170 and 4B 180 for requirements regarding street patching and trench restoration. 6 180 Hydrostatic Tests Prior to the acceptance of the work, the installation shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test of 200 psi for 15 minutes, and any leaks or imperfections developing under said pressure shall be remedied by the contractor. No main shall be hydrostatically tested until the lines are flushed of chlorine The main shall be tested between valves. Insofar as possible, no hydrostatic pressure shall be placed against the opposite side of the valve being tested. Test pressure shall be maintained while the entire installation is inspected. The contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and shall perform all work connected with the tests Tests shall be made after all connections have been made and the roadway section is constructed to subgrade. This is to include any and all connections as shown on the plan. The contractor shall perform the test to assure that the equipment to be used for the test is adequate and in good operating condition and the air in the line has been released before requesting the City to Witness the test. See Section 6 110 for testing responsibilities for backflow prevention devices 3/00 6 - 19 o o o c 6 190 Sterilization and Flushing Sterilization of water mains shall be accomplished by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the Washington State Department of Health and in a manner satisfactory to the City At no time shall chlorinated water from a new main be flushed into a body of fresh water This is to include lakes, rivers, streams, drainage ways, and any and all other waters where fish or other natural water life can be expected. c When a chlorine concentration has been established throughout the line, the valves shall be closed and the line left undisturbed for 24 hours. The line shall then be thoroughly flushed and water samples taken by the City at least 24 hours after flushing and disinfecting for approval by the local health agency Should the initial treatment result in an unsatisfactory bacteriological test, the original chlorination procedure shall be repeated by the contractor until satisfactory results are obtained. The sample can only be taken on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays until noon. Testing and sampling shall take place after all underground utilities are installed and compaction of the roadway section is complete. 6.195 Fencing at Water Meters Water meters shall not be fenced in yard. Fencing shall be placed around meters to allow access from the City right-of-way or easements. 6.200 Landscaping and Water Meters No trees or shrubs shall be planted within 3 feet of any water meter. Improvement or landscaping of any sort shall not be constructed which will impede easy access or maintenance to water meters. o 6 - 20 3/00 WATER LIST OF PROCEDURESDRAWINGS CHAPTER 6 WATER Title Drawing 5/8" Single Meter Service 6 - 1 5/8" Dual Meter Service. .. .. ., .. . .. 6 - 2 11-*+2" to ~d-" Meter Service.... .., ........ . .. .... .. ......... . .... . .6 - 3 Double Check Valve Assembly, Single Service .., .... .... ... .,. . 6 - 4 Double Check Valve .^~sGembly, Dual Service3", 4", and 6" Water Main ..6 - 5 Construction BibTvPical Meter Placement ... ......... ....... ... ........... ...... ..6 - 6 Typical Meter Pla.cement . .... ........ ........... ....... ............... ............ ........... .....6 7 Fire Hydrant. .................................. ........... ....... ..................... . ........ .6 - ZS 2" Air and Vacuum Release Valve. ..... ............. .... .... .... .... .. . .. . .6 - ~9- 2" Blowoff Assembly.......... ........ ......... ..... ..... .. ......... . ...... .... ..6 2W Connection to Existing Main.. ..... ... .. ... ...... .... ............ 6 1Q-l Standard Valve Box. . 112 Valve Marker Post and Hydrant Bollard. 1~d- Standard Blocking Detail . 1~4 Thrust Loads 115 Typical Water Main Trench and Bedding ..................................................6 15e .6 6 6 6 3/00 6 - 21 ,0 I I '0 I I o c SECTION III SEWER AMENDMENTS c c SANITARY SEWER o CHAPTER 7 7.000 SANITARY SEWER 7 A SEWER SERVICE 7A.010 Defmition of Terms Per Yelm Sewer Ordmance 505 (YMC 13 08) "Assess" - means to establish an amount or rate for the value of required improvements, fees or charges that are due for services provided which may become a lien on the property receiving such improvements or services. "As built" or ".^.Gbuilt Dnr.V'..llg" "Record DraWIne:" - means a drawing ShOWIng the horizontal and vertical location of the improvements as actually constructed, showing invert elevations, slopes of pipes, location of the pipes, tanks, controls, valves, depths of cover, type of material and any other feature dIfferent than shown on the deSIgn draWIng "Base FloW" - Means the flow associated WIth an Equivalent Residential Umt. o "B O.D" - The abbreviation for bIOchermcal oxygen demand WhICh means the quantIty of oxygen utilized in the bIOchemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20 degrees centIgrade, expressed in parts per million by weight. PROVIDED that, in the event an alternative defmition is utilized by or within the terms of a permit issued by a governmental agency under which the treatment system is requIred to operate, then such defmition shall be deemed mcorporated herein by reference "City Standards" - Means the OffiCIal deSIgn and engineering specIfications of the City of Yelm adopted by the City Council and applying to the construction of facilities under the City's jurisdiction "CollectIon Lmes" - Means a pressure or graVIty sewage conveyance line and appurtenances as defmed from time to time by the City Standards "Commercial Waste" - See Industnal/Commercial waste o 3/00 7 - 1 o "Cover" - Means the depth of earth material lymg between the top of the sewer and the fmished grade immediately above It. "Director" - When utilized within thIS chapter, the title "DIrector" shall refer to the DIrector of Public Works/Health Officer or hIs/her desIgnee "Down Spout" - Means the leader, whether pIpe, cham, or otherwise, above ground WhICh is installed to conduct water from the roof gu tter "Drain" - Means any type of conduction of waste or surplus liquids. "Equivalent Residential Unit" or "ERU" - means the umt of measurement detenmned by that quantity of flow assocIated With a single resIdential household, defined by the CIty of Yelm Ordinance 506 as follows. 1 E.R. U measurement shall be an equivalent flow of 900 Cubic Feet, or less, per month, based on water meter in- flow, or sewer effluent meter when mstalled by owner With approval ofYelm Sewer Department. c 2 With respect to each residential structure, the number of E.R. U 's and associated "base flow" will be based on Table 1a. Type of Unit Single Family ResIdence Duplex Dwelling Unit Triplex Dwelling Unit. .... Fourplex Dwelling Unit Residential Structures> 4 Units Non-Residential Umt. No. ERU's 100 100 090 080 075 100 TABLE lA Base Flow 900cf 900cf 810cf 720cf 675cf 900cf 3 With respect to uses other than residential, one E R. U shall be designated for each nine hundred (900) cubic feet of water consumed per month or sewage discharged as measured at source, c "Garbage" - Means solId waste which mc1udes, but IS not limited to, matter originating from the preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food, from handling, sale, and storing of produce, from public places or from private ownership 7-2 3/00 SANITARY SEWER "Health Officer" - Means the official responsible for the pubhc health of the citizens ofYelm or his/her designee See Director o "House Dram" - or "Buildmg Drain" - Means the pipe used for conveyIng sewage from the building to the clean-out or to a pomt 2 1/2 feet beyond the outer line of any footing, piling, building support, or porch under which it may run, whether such drain consists of one lme extendmg from the buildmg or of two or more such hnes "Industrial/Commercial Waste" - Means the wastes from an industrial or commercial process, as distinguished from sanitary sewage "Licensed Sewer Contractor" - Means any contractor lIcensed by the State of Washington who is duly registered as a "specialty contractor" or a "general contractor," and as such is licensed to construct, install, repair, reconstruct or excavate any sewers and to connect any building sewer to such public sewers, and who possesses a valid City of Yelm Business License "Mamtenance Manager" - See Director. "Municipal Sewer System" - Means the City of Yelm's sewer system and includes collectively- the STEP system, collectIon hnes, treatment plant, discharge plpmg and outfall piping o "Municipal Sewer Service Area" or "Sewer Service Area" - Means the geographic area identified in the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Sewer Plan in whIch sewer semce IS currently available and planned to be served with sewer service in the future "N.P.D E.S " - An abbreviatIon for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System which is a Federal wastewater discharge permitting system that establishes discharge hmits for facilities discharging wastewater to waters of the United States of Amenca. "City ofYelm Department of Public Works" - or "Public Works" - Means the sewer function of the City of Yelm and the rules, regulatIons, boundanes, etc , relatmg to such sewer function See Director "Occupant" - Means any person in physical possession of the building or structure to which sewer service is available, o 3/00 7-3 c whether the owner, tenant, or other person holding a possessory interest. "Onsite" - Means that the majority of the component parts of a wastewater collection or soil absorption system are located on the pnvate property where the wastewater IS generated. "Owner" - Menns any perGon '.vho holds fee title to the subject propertyCltv ofYelm or Its dulv appointed representatIve "Ph" - Means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per lIter of solution "Person" - Means any individual, fIrm, company, association, society, corporation, or group "Pre treatment Ordinance" - Means an ordinance adopted by the City of Yelm addressmg the type or level of treatment that may be required prior to the dIscharge of sanItary sewage mto the STEP system. c "Pnmary Treated Waste Water" - Means wastewater that has been treated by the GeptIca STEP tank. "Public Place" or "Public Area" - Means any space dedicated to or acquired for the use of the general public or utilized with the permission of the owner or occupant on a continuing basIs by the general public. "SanItary Sewage" - Means the combmation of the water-carried wastes from reSIdences, business buildIngs, institutions, commercial and industrial establishments, which wastes contain polluted matter subject to treatment at the sewage treatment plant, l.e , sanitary sewer "SanItary Sewer System" - Means an mtegrated system of piping, pumps, valving and related structures constructed for the purpose of collectIng and conveying domestIc wastewater from sources to points of treatment. "Senior Citi.zen" - Means a head of household over the age of 65 who IS retired and IS below the median mcome as established by the City c "SeptIc Tank" - Means a tank designed to provide primary treatment of the wastewater, and sized accordmg to the City of 7-4 3/00 SANITARY SEWER Yelm's "Techmcal SpecificatIOns STEP OnsIte System" See "STEP Tank" o "Sewer" - Means a pipe or conduit for conveyance of wastewater; and may be either gravity or pressure flow "Sewer Collection System" - see "Sanitary Sewer System" "Sewer Service Area" see "MunicIpal Sewer ServIce Area" "Sewer System" - Means the treatment plant, outfall, collection hues and STEP system as defIned herein. "Shall - May" - For purposes of this Code, "Shall" shall be deemed to be mandatory and "May" permissive, unless the circumstances of the utilization thereof mandate otherwise "Side Sewers" - Means the sewer pIpe from the building drain to the STEP or Septic tank serving the particular building, beginning at a smgle discharge point 2 1/2 feet outside the foundation wall, or at the clean-out 1f closer than 2 1/2 feet outside the foundation wall but still outside the foundation wall, and ending at the inlet to the STEP or Septic tank. 0 "Site Plot" or "Site Map" - Means a map of the SIde sewer location retained by the City in conjunction With any penmt; the site plot or site map shall serve as a record of all matters pertaining to said permit. "Slug" - Shall mean any discharge of water, sewage or commercial/ mdustrial wastewater which, for any period longer than 15 minutes, has a flow rate or concentration of any gIven constituent that exceeds more than fIve (5) times the average twenty-four (24) hour flow rate or concentration of normal operation. "Soil Absorption System" - Means a system designed to percolate primary treated wastewater into soil through the use of a drainfIeld, mound system or other land disposal system approved by the Thurston County Health Department. "Standard PartIcipation Contract" - Shall mean the form of contract required by thIS Code to be entered into before properties WhICh have not yet been connected to or assessed for sewers or do not otheIWlse qualify for sewer service may nevertheless use the public sewers of the City ofYelm. 10 3/00 7-5 c "Standard Specifications" - Shall mean the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Road. Bridge. and Municipal Construction. prepared bv the Washimrton State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association. Washington State Chapter. mcluding the Division 1 APWA supplement. "STEP" - Shall mean the Septic Tank Effluent Pumo Svstem defined in the latest version of the Deoartment of Ecoloev Criteria for Sewage Works Design. "STEP Tank" - Means a Septic Tank Effluent Pump Tank and appurtenances as defined by the City Standards. "STEP System" - Means all facilities from the building drain to the sewer collec1:10n lines including: the STEP tank, pump, screens, controls, alarms, electrical breakers, the effluent line, includmg the pipe, valves and valve box, and all miscellaneous appurtenances from the STEP tank to the sewer collection line. c "Suspended Sol1ds" - Means solids that either float on the surface of or are in suspenSIOn in water, sewage, or other liquids, and which are removable by the applica1:10n of a treatment process. "Treatment Plant" - Means the structures, equipment, and facili1:1es required to receive, treat, reclaim, wastewater, including the outfall piping and structures 7 A.020 Use of Municipal Sewer It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be placed or deposited, any human or animal excrement, sanitary sewage, or other objectionable waste, by any natural or non-natural means in any manner, upon property of the City or private property withm the City of Yelm sewer boundaries, or in any area under the jurisdiction of the City, except through the City's sewage collection system or through an approved on site system as provided herein. o Except as provided herein, It shall be unlawful to construct or maintam any privy, privy vault, cesspool, or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage and to install or use any on site soil absorptIon systems in such cases where the City's sewer collec1:10n system is available for service as prOVided herein For purposes of thIS SectIOn (Ordinance 505), 7-6 3/00 SANITARY SEWER the sewer collection system shall be deemed available when the premises are within 200 feet of the City's collectIon hnes, provided that the City's treatment plant holds sufficIent unused capacity to treat the expected sewage from the premise The 200-foot distance shall be calculated by measuring from the lot line closest to the existmg portion of the CIty'S collectIon system. o For the purpose of thIS chapter, when sewer IS not available as defmed in thIS Section, pnrnarily treated waste water may be disposed of onsite with a treatment and disposal system that meets the approval of the Health Officer. All components shall be designed and constructed to meet the City of Yelm's STEP System Standards, included in this Chapter The City of Yelm shall establish the standards under which all components of the system will be constructed, including: side sewers, tanks, pumps, pump controls, and assocIated appurtenances for both the municipal system and on site soil absorption systems that will be converted for use in the transport of effluent to the Yelm municipal collection system at such time as sewer is available The owner(s) of any premises upon which any building is located WIthin the City's sewer service area shall connect to the 0 City's municipal sewer system if: (a) the City's sewer collection system is available to the premises, as defined herein, (b) the Thurston County Health Department has determined that the interests of public health and safety requIre a connection to the City's municipal sewer system. Where the sewer collectIon system is available and as such, a property owner is required to connect to such system, such connection shall be made within the lenser of: (0.) two yearn from May 1, 1991, or (b) when", In the opiruon of the Health Officer, en--the on-site system on the premises requires reparr or replacement. Such connections shall be made at the sole expense of the owner within 30 days after notification by the City that servIce is available The DIrector may authorize the connection of more than one structure on the premises, whether residential, commerCIal, or industrial to a single septic tank or STEP system installation serving the property Any multiple connection must receive prior written approval from the DIrector before a construction permIt will be issued. In the event that property is not timely connected to the Mumcipal collection system within the time period proscribed by thIS Section, the Director is authorized and directed to make such a connection to the system and to notify the City Clerk- 0 3/00 7-7 c Treasurer of the total cost thereof Thereupon, a warrant shall be issued and drawn upon the City's sewer fund for payment of such total cost. A statement of such total cost shall be flled with the Auditor of the County of Thurston, as well as the Treasurer of the County of Thurston, and such amount, together Wlth interest at the rate as may from hme-to-time be established for judgments on the total amount of the costs, shall be assessed ag81nst the property and shall become a hen thereon as provided m thIS Chapter Any building hereafter constructed or made available for human occupation and use, or parcel of real estate to which the sewer collection system is available as provided herem, shall, within sixty (60) days after an application for a side sewer permit is received by the City, or pnor to occupancy of said prenuses, whichever event first occurs, be connected to the municipal sewer system of the City c The owners of property Wlthin the corporate limits of the City of Yelm, which property has not been connected to sewers, may, with the City's consent, connect to the municipal sewer system of the City and obtain sewer servIce by entering into an Assessment Agreement provided for by Ordmance 505 Property located outside the corporate limits of the City shall not be permitted to connect to the City'S muniCipal sewer system at any time unless (1) the property is included within the boundaries of the sewer servIce area, and (2) either the property is annexed to the City or the owners thereof enter into a bmdmg agreement with the City, agreemg the property shall be annexed to the City at such hme as the City may request, and that the property owner W81ves any protest to the annexation. 7 A.030 ApplIcation for Sewer Service c Properties that are located within the City's sewer service area, as that area may from hme-to-time be modified, and are not connected to the municipal sewer system and otheIWlse do not qualify for sewer service under the terms of this chapter, may be eligible to be connected to the City's municipal sewer system and be served thereby when the owner thereof executes an ApplicatlOn for sewer service (see AppendIX D) and the City concurs therewith. Upon the concurrence by the City, the application and all of its terms become a binding contract on all partIes named therein. The application shall be filed and recorded with the Thurston County Auditor 7-8 3/00 SANITARY SEWER The Application for sewer service shall con tam such terms, conditions and requirements as may be from tIme-to-trme be established by the Public Works Director At a mmimum, it shall provide the following' o A. That the property owner warrants that he/she is the owner of that property with full authority to bind the property with the covenants and conditIons contmned in the Application B That the property owner shall subject his/her property to the terms of the Application and shall use the City's municipal sewer system in accordance with the rules and regulations of the City as they may be amended from time-to-time, and that the property shall be subject to the regular schedule of sewer service charges of the City as may from time-to-time be fIxed by the City for its use classification, including, if the City so provides, a reasonable split or special rate for propertIes in particular areas. C That the property described in the Application shall be the only property served with sewer service pursuant to the terms in the application. o D That the property subject to the ApplicatIon shall be subject to hens, penaltIes, and interest for nonpayment of sewer service charges to the same extent as any other property served by the City E That the property owner and his/her successors in interest shall not object to any annexation to the City or the formation of any utility local improvement district, the areas of wruch may include the property subject to the Application. F That owner shall provide all necessary easements prior to the commencement of installation of collection lines onsite and all collection and STEP system materials and equipment shall be approved by the City and the ownership of such equipment and materials shall meet the specIficatIons and approval of the City, including, but not lumted to, a transfer of ownershIp to the City at the City's request. o 3/00 7-9 c G The owner shall agree to pay, prior to connectIOn, any connection fee WhICh may from time-to-tune be assessed, as well as any monetary amount that may be expended by the City pursuant to thIS Ordinance and CIty of Yelm Ordinance 506 Such charges shall constitute a lien upon the propertIes and be subject to collection as provided m Section 7 A.020 Charge in Lieu of Assessment. c The property owner must pay to the CIty, in addItion to any connection fee, applicatIon fee or other charge which may be due, an amount of money which shall constItute a "Charge in- lieu of Assessment" which may be determined by the use of an assessment formula used by the City The Charge in-Lieu of Assessment must be prod m full before connection to the CIty'S municipal sewer system is permitted. ThIS Charge in-Lieu of Assessment shall be deemed to take into consideratIon, among other factors, the reduction in capacity of the collection system and{ or treatment plant, resultIng from the connection, which shall be in such amount as may from time-to-tune be establIshed by the Director pursuant to the proviSIOns of Section 7 A.090 of thIS Ordmance , Other Terms. To protect the interests of the City of Yelm, the City may requIre that other condItions and proviSIOns be inserted into the application for sewer service as the mdivIdual case may warrant. Developer Agreement. In addition to authority prOVided in this chapter, the City may also enter into contracts with the owners of real estate to the extent allowed by law 7 A.040 STEP Sewer Connection Permit It shall be unlawful for any person to make connectIon to the City's municipal sewer system without complying with all of the prOVIsions of this Code and havmg first procured a permit to do so from the City c ApplIcations for the STEP Sewer Connection Permit shall be obtained from the Office of the Public Works Director and shall be filed there with The applicatIon shall be on such form as 7 - 10 3/00 SANITARY SEWER may from time-to-time be established by the PublIc Works Director and shall require such mformation as from time-to- time may be establIshed by the Public Works Director, including, but not lunited to, the name and address of the owner or owners, the correct address and proper legal description of the property to be served, the anticIpated use of the property to be served, and the name, address, and contractor's number of the contractor who will be doing the work. The DIrector or hIs/her deSIgnee may meet with the owners of the property or their representatives to approve the proposed location of the STEP tank and manner of connection. The application will then be submitted to the City along with such fee as may from time-to-tune be establIshed, for fmal consideration. The pernnt shall not be issued until the Application has been approved by the Director or his/her designee. No sewer connection shall be made until such STEP Sewer Connection Permit has been issued. No contractor shall commence sewer work within the corporate limits of the CIty or the sewer service area as defined by the latest Sewer Comprehensive Plan, Engineering Report, or Facility Plan, until proof has been submitted to the City ofYelm that the contractor is a lIcensed sewer contractor as defined in Section 7A.OIO Upon completion of the installation of the STEP system, tank and associated appurtenances, the owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the contractor provides to the City an uo ffiHltg, draWing to the satisfaction of the Director The as- ffi:Hltrecord drawing shall be prepared on a site map showing the location of the STEP tank, the point of connection with the house or building, the grade of the side sewer, the location of all piping and electrical wiring and such other mformation as shall be deemed pertinent by the Director Records of all sewer connections, as-builts~ and inspection reports of completed work shall be kept on file m the CIty Public Works Office, along with the STEP Sewer Connection Permits o o Upon approval of an application for a STEP Sewer Connection Permit, and any drawing related thereto, it shall be unlawful to install the permitted improvements m any manner other than as provided for in said permit, without the prior written approval of the Director During the course of constructIOn of the improvements, the installation shall be inspected and approved by the Director or his/her designee, both before the installation is covered and upon final completion No work other than that covered by the permit shall be done WithOut the 0 3/00 7 - 11 c prior approval of the CIty The installation or repair of any portIon of the STEP system between the house drain and the sewer collection system, shall be considered to be an installation pursuant to this Chapter It shall be unlawful for any person to break, alter, or tamper WIth any CIty sewer collection line, except that property owner or his or her representative or contractor may connect to an eXIstIng wye, saddle, or tee which exists for that specific purpose, with the prior approval of the DIrector; prOVIded that any such connection shall be inspected and approved by the Drrector before the installation IS covered. It shall be unlawful to dJ.sconnect any side sewer, STEP System, or other connection to the City's sewer collection system or remove any portion of a STEP System without securing pnor written approval by the Drrector The discontinued service shall be turned off or sealed m such a manner as may be acceptable to the Director, whether at the curbstop or otherwIse All expenses for disconnectIng from the sewer collection system shall be borne by the property owner c The approval of the deSIgn and mstallation of a STEP System or a City sewer collection system by the City shall not relIeve the property owner of the responsibility for obtammg such other permits or lIcenses as may be required by the CIty, County, State, or other agency, nor shall It be deemed to be a statement by the City that the installation was performed without defect m worlananshIp, parts or material. It shall be the responsibility of the sewer contractor to contact other utility service providers to determme the location of other utility facihtles before commencmg work and they shall have the responsibility for protectIng such other facilities dunng the course of construction. The property owner shall, pnor to the issuance of the STEP System Connection Perrmt, provide an easement to the City for the purpose of operation and maintenance of the STEP system, in a form as may from time-to-tlme be requrred by the Director 7 A.050 Collection Lines The Director shall not allow any substandard or temporary collection lines to be installed or connected to the City's sewer collection system. c 7 - 12 3/00 SANITARY SEWER Whenever applIcation is made for sewer servIce to premises with no collection line in the adjacent street, a collection line must be mstalled pnor to connection. The sizme: and installation of such lines shall conform to the Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the CIty and be desie:ned bv a orofessional ene:ineer lIcensed in the state of Washmtrton A collection line shall be installed by, and at the expense of, the owner(s) of the premises to be served thereby, pursuant to plans approved by 'the Director In such cases, the CIty may contract with the owner(s) to provide for rermbursement of the costs of design and construction of such collection lines in a manner consistent With RCW 35.91 The owner(s) may elect to request that the collection line be installed by the CIty upon making payment to the City of the appropriate collection line extension charges, as provided by this Ordinance Whenever a collection line is installed Within the City's sewer service area as provided herein, the collection line extension charge to be paId by the owner(s) of the premises so served shall be determined by the City Council on the advice of the DIrector, based upon the actual costs for design, and the cost of the necessary material, labor and equipment required for the construction in accordance With current standards and the ComprehensIve Sewer plan. The charge shall be based upon the acreage or front footage of the property to be served or a combination of acreage and the front footage of properties to be served, or on the basis of Equivalent Residential Umts (ERU's) as defmed in Section 7A.010 7 A.060 Inspections and Compliance With Standards The Director and his/her assistant and the City Council, bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter upon all and any premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurements, samplings, testing of sewers and sewage waste and performing all other acts or duties required by the provisions of this chapter It is unlawful for any person to prevent any such entrance or obstruct or mterfere with any such officer or employee so engaged. All work performed pursuant to any permit granted as provided by this Chapter, including the qUalIty of material and manner of construction, shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Director 3/00 7 - 13 o o o o No excavatIOn undertaken for purposes of the installatIOn, connection, reparr, or replacement of a collection tank, sIde sewer, or other portion of the STEP system or any collection lIne shall be back-filled or any sewer covered until the work has been inspected and approved by the Director or his/her deSIgnee It shall be the responSIbilIty of the person performing work under the authonzatIon of a permIt issued pursuant to the proviSIOns of this Chapter to notify the Director when the work will be ready for inspection and that person shall specIfy m such notification the location of the premises. The Director or his/her designee shall make such inspection within 48 hours after receipt of the notice, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. When such work authonzed by a permit pursuant to this chapter is performed by a contractor, either the contractor or competent representative shall be available to meet the City representative on the premises when so drrected. r'\ ~ If the DIrector or respective designee fmds that any work or matenals used are not m accordance with any applIcable Code, Ordinance, rule, specification, or regulation, the DIrector or designee shall notify the person doing the work and also the owner or occupant of the premises by posting a written notice, and such posted notice shall be all the notice required to be given with regard to defects in the work or materials found in such mspection. All work within the limits of any public area shall be prosecuted to completion with due diligence If any excavation is left open beyond a tune reasonably necessary to back-fill the same, the City may cause the same to be back-filled and the publIc area restored forthwith at the expense of the property owner, occupant, or contractor, as the case may be Any such work shall be protected by appropriate warning signs and barrIcades The Director may, if deemed necessary and appropriate to insure the completion of work, require the posting of a bond m favor of the City in such form as may from time-to-time be approved by the Director in such amount as may be equal to one and a half (1 5) times the value of the work to be done o Under any of the circumstances set forth in this Section below, and after written notice has been provided by the DIrector, or his/her deSIgnee the contractor, owner,\ or person doing the work, as the case may be, shall properly correct such work by 7 - 14 3/00 SANITARY SEWER ::..:.~ performing the necessary construction or repaIr, or by otherwise takmg the steps necessary to remedy the circumstances, within the time specIfied m the notice In the event the contractor, owner, or responsible person fails to properly correct such work within the specified time, then the City may perform such work as may be necessary to remedy such circumstances, and the cost of such work so done shall be charged to the property owner, occupant, or contractor, as the case may be, and shall become immediately payable to the CIty upon written notice of such being delivered to such owner, occupant, or contractor or charged against the construction bond as provided for herein. Any licensed sewer contractor, and any contractor performing work pursuant to a permit issued under this Chapter, who refuses to modify, remove, replace, or complete any portion of the work when so instructed by the Director, shall by such refusal, forfeIt his or her City license for construction of sewers or drains m the City of Yelm. The circumstances under which the provisions of this Section shall apply are as follows. A. When any work performed in the construction, installation, reparr or modification of a sewer is not performed m accordance With the proVIsions of any applicable code, including this chapter, or any plans, specifications or permits approved by the CIty B When the health officer or responsible City official determines that a collection system, STEP System or other portion of the sewage disposal system is obstructed, broken, or inadequate and is a menace to the public health or is likely to cause damage to either pu blic or private property ,-{" C The provisions of 7 A.070 have been violated by non- completion. D The STEP system serving any property has been shut- off from Its service of electncal power as a result of delinquent payment for such service, or any other reason. Any moneys expended by the CIty pursuant to the taking of any action by the City under the proviSIOns of this Section shall be subject to a hen and enforcement as provided m Section 7 A.020 of this chapter 3/00 7 - 15 o o o c 7 A.070 Forbidden Acts No person shall discharge or cause to be dIscharged any stormwater, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, or unpolluted commercial/mdustrial process water to a connectIon, STEP System, or any portion of the collection system, and no yard draIns, or any extenor draIns of any type shall be connected to the sanItary sewers m any manner It shall be unlawful to drain large volumes of waste directly mto the sewer and thereby cause surcharge of sewer lines without the prior approval of the Director Swimming pools, public or pnvate, shall not be directly connected to the sewer Only upon authorization of the Director, swimming pools may be drained into the sewer system by a pumped discharge To prevent surcharges or excessive flows in the sewer lme, the Director may require reduced pumping rates, the utilIzation of smaller discharge pipe and/or throttled valves, and/or limited times of the day when pumping will be allowed. c It shall be unlawful to tamper with the municipal sewer system, or to break, damage, destroy, deface, alter, or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is part of the municipal sewer system, or without authority from the City, to break, damage, destroy, or deface any public walk, curb, or pavement, or to make openings or excavations m a public area for the purpose of connecting to the City mumcIpal sewer system. It shall be unlawful to dIsconnect or cause to be dIsconnected the electncal power source from the STEP tank, whether such tank is deSIgned to serve multiple buildIngs or a single building, while the building or buildmgs are occupIed and subJect to continuing utilization or while the plumbing facilities in any of the connected structures are in use subject to continuing use This prohIbItion shall not apply to gravity tanks that do not require electrical power for conveyance of the effluent. Nor shall it be deemed to apply to the actions of the electncal utility providing power to the tank, when such disconnection is necessitated by a failure of the responsible person to pay the electrical charges, or when the utility determines that such disconnections are necessary for the public safety o 7 - 16 3/00 SANITARY SEWER Prohibited Uses o A. No person shall dIscharge or cause to be dIscharged any of the folloWing described waters or wastes to any City sewers (1) Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive or lIqUId, solid, or gas. (2) :.., B 3/00 Any waters or wastes containing toXiC or poisonous solids, liquids, or gases in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction With other wastes that injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, create a publIc nuisance, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant, including, but not lImIted to, cyanIde in excess of two (2) mg/l as CN in the wastes as discharged to the City sewer system. (3) Any waters or wastes having a Ph lower than (5 5) or in excess of (9 5) or having any other corrOSIve property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, and personnel of the sewage works. o (4) SolId or VISCOUS substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works such as, but not limIted to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, un ground garbage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, paper dishes, cups, or milk containers, either whole or ground by garbage gnnders No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged the following described substances, materials, waters, or wastes if it appears likely, in the opinion of the Director, that such wastes can harm eIther the sewers, the bIOloe:ical treatment m the STEP tank. sewage treatment process (lagoons), or equipment, have an adverse effect on the receivmg stream, or can otherwise endanger life, limb, public property, or constitute a nUIsance In forming his opinion as to the acceptabIlity of these o 7 - 17 o wastes, the DIrector will give consIderation to such factors as the quantities of such wastes in relation to flows and velocities in the sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, nature of sewage treatment lagoons, degree of treatability of wastes m the lagoons, and other pertinent factors. The substances prohibited are (1) Any lIquid or vapor havmg a temperature hIgher than 150 degrees F (65 degrees C) (2) Any water or waste containing fats, wax, grease, or oils, whether emulsIfied or not, in excess of 100 mgjl or containing substances which may solIdify or become viscous at temperatures between 32 and 150 degrees (0 and 65 degrees C) (3) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded to meet such specifications as may from time-to- time be established by the Director The installation and operation of any garbage grinder equipped With a motor of 3 j 4 horsepower (0 76 hp metnc) or greater shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director o (4) Any waters or wastes containing strong acid iron pickling wastes or concentrated platIng solutions whether neutralized or not. (5) Any waters or wastes contaIning Iron, chromium, copper, ZInC, and similar objectIonable or toXiC substances, or wastes exerting excessive chlonne requirements to such degree that any such material received in the composite sewage at the lagoonstreatment olant exceeds the limIts established by the City of Yelm or causes violation of the Citv's NPDES Dischare:e PermIt for such materials (6) Any waters or wastes containing phenols or other taste or odor producing substances, m such concentratIons exceeding limIts which may be established by the Director as necessary after treatment of the composite sewage to meet the requirements of state, federal, or other public c 7 - 18 3/00 SANITARY SEWER agencIes or Junsdiction for such discharge to the receiving waters. o (7) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half- life or concentration as may exceed limits which may be established by the Director in compliance with the applicable state or federal regulations (8) Materials which exert or cause ~" (a) Unusual concentrations of inert suspended solids (such as, but not limIted to, Fuller's earth, lime slurries, and lime residues) or of dIssolved solids (such as, but not lImited to, sodium chlonde and sodium sulfate) (b) Excessive discoloration (such as, but not lImited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions) (c) Unusual BOD, chemical oxygen demand or chlorine requirements in such quantities as to constitute a SIgnIficant load on the sewage 0 treatment works (d) Unusual volume of flow or concentration of wastes constituting "slugs" as defined herein. (9) Waters or wastes containIng substances which are not amenable to treatment or reduction by sewage treatment processes employed. :......~_. (10) Or any discharge that would be a violation of the City's N P D.E S permIt. 7 A.080 Sewer Service Charges. Hook-Up Fee Required. At the time the Director certIfies that the property owner has subnntted an ApplIcation for connection and that the City concurs With such applIcations, the applIcant shall pay to the City such hook-up fees as may from time-to-time be established by Resolution or Ordinance of the City Council. In the event that the connection is not in fact completed, such fees shall be refunded to the property owner o 3/00 7 - 19 o Connection fees In the event of construction of a structure upon vacant land requiring a connection to the City's municipal sewer system, there shall be paid a connection fee In an amount establIshed by the City, per equivalent residential unit (ERU), or such other amount as may hereafter be establIshed by Resolution or OrdInance of the CIty Council, thIS amount beIng deemed to represent the per unit cost for pipelIne and treatment plant improvements Service Rates. Service rates, billmgs, and collection procedures shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the Yelm Municipal Code, as now existing or hereafter amended or supplanted. DelInquent Charges o All delInquent charges for sewer serVIce, for electrical service paId for by the City, and for the costs of sewer system connection, together with the penalties and interest thereon as provided in this Chapter, shall be a lien upon the property upon whIch such connection is made or sewer or electrical serVIce furnished, superior to all other liens or encumbrances except those for general taxes and special assessments. Enforcement of such lIen or lIens shall be in the manner provided by thIS ordInance and by other laws for the enforcement of the same and for delInquent sewer serVIce and electncal serVIce charges 7 A.090 Operational Authority In addItion to the authority granted to the Director to make rules and regulatIons, the City Council ofYelm may make rules and regulations implementing the provisions of this Chapter and may amend the same from time-to-time, but not in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter In the event of an inconsistency between a rule or regulation established by the Director and one established by the City Council pursuant to the provisions of thIS Section, the rule or regulatIon estabhshed by the City Council shall be deemed to control. o The Director shall be authorized to Issue such rules or regulations as he or she may from tIme-to-tIme determine appropnate In relation to matters of methodology, standards, 7 - 20 3/00 SANITARY SEWER o techniques, and materials to be utilized in relation to the connection, repair, and replacement of systems upon individual properties The authonty granted by this SectIon shall be deemed supplemental to any authority granted to the DIrector pursuant to any other of the provisions of thIS chapter The DIrector is hereby authonzed to establIsh by rule or regulation, such construction standards, rules, and regulations as may be necessary to govern the installation, Improvement, repair, replacement, or operation of the sanItary sewer system of the City The standards may include, but are not lImited to, specification of materials and installation requirements, hnntatIons upon materials to be permitted to enter the sewer system from a building served by the system, collection system and treatment plant capacIty and such other matters as may be deemed necessary by the Director Any proposed rule or regulation to be issued by the DIrector shall be submitted to the Council prior to its implementation. The Council shall have twenty-one (21) days following the date of its irutial submiSSIOn to the Council at a regular meeting to approve, disapprove, or modify any proposed rule or regulation. In the event the Council does, in fact so act, such action shall 0 be deemed to be effective immedIately upon approval or modification by the Council. In the event of no action by the City Council, unless the time period established by this Section IS extended by affIrmative action of the Council, the proposed rule or regulation shall become effective upon the twenty- second (22nd) day following date of submission. 'j,:. o 3/00 7 - 21 Cj 7B GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 7B 010 General The City of Yelm Techmcal Specifications were developed for use with onsIte Septic Tank Effluent Pump (STEP) tank installations, on sIte wastewater dISpOSal system Installations that are to be converted to STEP, and STEP collection line installations These specifications are in addItion to Article IV, Rules and Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing DlGposal of Sewage, including all publications referenced in that article such an the EPf'~ On SIte Waste ~Nater Treatment and Disposal Systems Design Manual (EP.'\ 625/1 80 012). The City of Yelm Techmcal Specifications are subject to change as new regulatIons come into effect. o Within the corporate City lImits where a publIc sewer is available It must be used. Where public sewer is not available WithIn the City lImits, connection is requIred provided that the premises are within 200 feet of the public sewer measured from the lot line closest to the existing portion of the City's collection system, except in the case of private reSIdential or commercial developments where the developed property abuts a PJght of Way in which a publIc sewer IS located or where a service connection is otherwlGe provided. In thIs case, connection of all structures generatIng sewage shall be requIred to connect to the publIc sewer regardless of distance from the publIc sewer. Anyone who wishes to extend or connect to the CIty'S sewer system should contact the Department of Public Works for a sewer extension/ connection fee estimate of the costs due the City for a sewer extension or connection. Prior to the release of any water meters, or operation of any STEP systems, all Public Works improvements must be completed and approved and all applicable fees must be paid. See SectIon 3 025 for definitions of specific sewers. Maintenance of the building or SIde sewer shall be the responsibility of the property owner MaIntenance of the lateral shall be the responsibility of the property owner o All surveying and staking shall be performed by an engineering or surveying firm capable of performIng such work. The 7 - 22 3/00 SANITARY SEWER engineer or surveyor dIrectIng such work shall be lIcensed as a Professional Engineer or ProfeSSIOnal Land Surveyor by the State of Washington. {:J A preconstruction meeting shall be held with the City prior to commencmg staking. All construction staking shall be inspected by the CIty prior to construction .^. STEP syotem io a facilIty conmoting of a tank or tanlm for settling and dIgesting '.vaotewater oolIdo, and a prcosure pIpIng system for conveT..ng the supernatant liquid into the newer system. Only Ganitary waste'.vatcr shall be dIocharged mto the tank. Roof drains and other stormwater oources shall be strictly excluded. Ownershio. operation and maintenance of the tank, pump, and pump controls shall be the responsibility of the City only after the system has been inspected and approved and an easement is granted. and ownershlO of the STEP comoonent conveved to the City and the warranty period of one year has expired. It is required by the CIty that the easements for a new development 0 be granted on the plat, otherwIse, an easement for each lot will have to be granted at the time of connection. The City will be responsible for mapping the on mte syotem for "as built" purpOGeo. Power shall be provided by the customer The customer shall be responsible for notifyIng the City when the control panel alarm buzzer is activated. All sewer pipe, draIns and plumbing between the tank and the buildmg shall be the responsibility of the customer The customer shall be responsible for curtailing water usage until City forces respond to the customers notification. The City will accept no responsibility for damages resulting from a plumbing backup, such as may occur if water usage is not curtailed during an alarm condition or if the customer disables the alarm. Currently, only the Orenco STEP Pump System shown in the drawing section of this chapter has been approved by the City 7B 020 Design Standards The design of any STEP sewer system shall conform to City standards and any applicable otandards aG Get forth herein and I 0 in Sectiono 3.010the latest verSIOn of the Criteria for Sewae:e 3/00 7 - 23 c Works Desle:n oreoared bv the Deoartment of Ecoloe:v {hereinafter referred to as the DOE Desie:n Manuall. In case of conflIct between the two Standards. the most strine:ent conditions shall aoolv The layout of extensions shall prOVIde for the future continuation of the eXisting system as determmed by the CIty In addItion, main extension shall be extended to and through the SIde of the affected property frontIng the main. Individual service boxes shall be located at the center of each lot. Pump. STEP tank. and pIpeline sizIng shall conform to the criteria as set forth herein. The applicable General Notes in section +E7F shall be included on any plans dealing with pressure sanitary sewer design. c' o 7 - 24 3/00 SANITARY SEWER 7C STEP ONSITETANK SYSTEM o 7C 010 SeptIcSTEP Tanks SeptIcSTEP tanks metalled after completion of the publIc waetewater Gyetcm and to be ueed for onmte waetcwater diepoeal shall be the size and type as denoted in these specIfications and as shown on the standard drawings Grease ~interceotors shall be sized in accordance with the EPA Design Manual (625/1-80-012) and shall be of a configuration conSIstent with industry standards Grease ~Interceotor vessels will be subject to requirements of the STEP/septic tanks. '~. 1 SepticSTEP tanks With an influent oioe invert elevation of less than or equal to 4 feet, which are not placed in traffic bearmg areas shall meet the followmg loadIne: critena lIsted In Section 7C.030.+ All models of tanks will be certified by a licensed Structural Engineer that they will meet the loadmg conditions specIfied herem. The Structural EngIneer certifying each model of tank shall subnnt drawings mcludmg but not hnntIng to the following: 0 a. Plan view showing dimensions of tanks and the SIZe and location of any openings in the tank. b Side section of tank showing dimensions and thickness c. End section of tank showing dimension and thickness 2 SepticSTEP tanks with influent OlOe mverts greater than 4 feet, and/or are subjected to truck subiect to traffic bearine: loading, shall meet the follovlmg loadme: cnteria+ lIsted in Section 7C.030. ...,~ All models of tanks will be deSIgned by a licensed Structural Engineer Calculations shall be submItted for review 3 An mspection port will be required over the inlet baffle for all scptic STEP tanks A 21" minimum nser mspection port/clean-out shall be reqUIred. 7C 020 SeptIc STEP Tank SIzing SeptIc STEP tanks for the City of Yelm will be sized and I confie:ured as lieted m the followmg tableoutlined. and shall 0 3/00 7 - 25 c meet the DOE DesIe:n Manual cnteria for vessel SIzme: and confie:uration.+ TABLE II! - SEPTIC STEP TANK SIZING Descriptions Up to 4 Bedroom Home Tank Size (rmmmum) 1,000 gallons (worlang lIqUIdcapacIty) 5/6 Bedroom Home/Duplex (minimum) 1,500 gallons (working lIqUId capacIty) STEP tanks for Agny applications of institution, multi-family dwelling or, other structures not listed above shall be sized as follows. The pnmary tan1c shall be sized accordIng to the followmg formulasm accordance with the latest version of the DOE Desie:n Manual. Peak-dav flow for ourooses of sIzine- STEP tanks shall be calculated usine: Table 2. Acceoted Ene:meerine: Manual. or actual ooeratine: records. whichever is more strine:ent.+ c Q - eGtimo.ted flo...: from Table 2 V - volume of septIc tank, 1,000 gallon minrmum (working capacIty) Flow lese than 1,500 gpd formula; V-I, 125 gallons +- .75Q Flow greater than 1,500 gpd formula; V - 1.5Q The formulas to derive septIc tanlc volumec and the eetImated sewage flow were taken from the Manual of SeptIc Tank Practice U.S. Department of Health, Evaluation and Vlelfare and Article IV Rules and Regulations of the Thuroton County Board of Hcalth. All STEP 1,000 gallon tanks confie:uration will be two compartment. Tanka divided by a baffle and shall meet requirements of the DOE Desie:n Manual with the followine: addItions..,. 1. All STEP 1,500 gallon tanks 1.000-4.500 e:allonsaB.-E! larger will be two compartment tanks dIvided by a baffle as shown in Drawing Detail #-!-l-7 -10 and 7-11 On 1,500, 3,000, and 1.000-4,500 gallon tanks, install the eqmvalent of three each 4-mch dIameter holes uniformly spaced across Width of tank baffle 29 inches above floor of tank in each baffle o 2. On 6,000-gallon tanks, install three each 6-inch diameter holes uniformly spaced across width of 7 - 26 3/00 SANITARY SEWER tank baffle 40 inches above floor of tank m each baffle. o 3. If aooroved bv the Owner. 6.000-e:allon tanks used m coniunction with a oumo tank mav not re~UIre a baffle. TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DAILY SEWER FLOWS Type of Establishment Gallons Per Person Per Day (Unless Otherwise noted) Airports (per passengerl Apartments - multiple family (per residentl Bathhouses and swimming pools Camps: Campground with central comfort stations With flush toilets, no showers Construction camps (semi-permanent) Day Camps (no meals served) Resort camps (night and day) with limited plumbing Luxury camps Cottages & small dwellings with seasonal occupancy Country clubs (per resident member) Country clubs (per non-resident member present) Dwellings. Boarding houses additional for non-resident boarders Luxury residences and estates Multiple family dwellings (apartments) Rooming houses Single family dwellings Factors (gallons per person, per shift, exclusive of industrial wastes) Hospitals (per bed space) Hotels with private baths (2 persons per room) Hotels without private baths Institutions other than hospitals (per bed space) Laundries, self-service (gallons per wash, Le., per customer Mobile home parks (per space) Motels with bath, toilet, and kitchen wastes (per bed space) Motels (per bed space) Picnic Parks (toilet wastes only) (per picnicker) Picnic parks with bathhouses, showers, and flush toilets Restaurants (toilet and kitchen wastes per patron) Restaurants (kitchen wastes per meal servicedl Restaurants additional for bars and cocktail lounges Schools. Boarding Day, without gyms, cafeterias, or showers Day, with gyms, cafeterias, and showers Day, with cafeteria, but without gyms, or showers Service stations (per vehicle servedl Swimming pools and bathhouses Theaters. Movie (per auditorium seat) Drive-in (per car space) 3/00 7 - 27 5 65 10 35 25 50 15 50 100 50 100 50 50 10 150 65 40 75 35 250 + 60 50 125 50 250 50 40 5 10 10 8 2 100 15 25 20 10 10 5 5 o o i~:~', c Travel trailer parks without individual water and sewer hook-ups (per space) 50 Travel trailer parks with individual water and sewer hook-ups (per space) 100 Workers. Construction (at semi-permanent camps) 50 Dav. at schools and offices (per shiftl 15 All tanks install a 4-mch dIameter hole withm 1 mch of crown of baffle for venting On SIte syotem dDesIgners to consult With Pubic Works Director prior to design of commercial STEP mstallation and tanks 3,000 gallons and larger to venfy tank SlZlllg. vault confiruratIon, pump requirements, and electrical requirements Underestimating the wastewater flow anticipated to be receIved by either the STEP tank or primary tanks by the property owner or the owner's desIe:ner based on estImated use will result m the property owner mcreasmg the septic tank holding capacity to meet the above criteria. Refusal to mcrease the SIZe of the septic tank to meet the design criteria will result in discontinuance of sewage collection services c 7C 030 Loading Criteria 1 135lb /cu ft. weIght of backfill. 2 The water table IS at ground level. Lateral loadIng is 85 lb cu ft., which mcludes hydrostatic water pressure 3 The tank will support a minimum 1000 lb wheel load. 4 Tanks designated as traffic bearmg tanks shall be designed to Withstand HS-20 truck loadIng With appropriate impact factors All tanks shall be structurally sound and watertight and shall be guaranteed in writing by the tank manufacturer for a period of five (5)seven (7l years from the date of final acceptance. The tank guarantee/warranty shall be furnished at the time of subnnttal. Tank warranty shall not limit lIability to replacement cost of the tanks 7C 040 Fiberglass Tanks c Unless superseded by the Standard SspecificatIons, the fiberglass tanks will meet all requirements of IAMPO PS 1-87 If requested by the EngineerOwner, the manufacturer shall supply to the EnginecrOwner, without charge, approved origInal laboratory report showing comphance with IAMPO PS 1-87 and requirements of the suppliers licensed Structural Engineer 7 - 28 3/00 SANITARY SEWER Method of CalculatIons o Fiberglass tanks shall be analyzed using fmIte element analysIs for buned structures Calculations shall address the following: a. Strength with a safety factor of 2 5 b Buckling With a safety factor of 2 5 c. Deflection of 5 percent of the tank dIameter, based on serVIce load (including long-term deflection lag) d. Buoyancy Performance TestIng In heu of calculations for fiberglass tanks, the supplier may elect for in situ performance testing. In situ testing of each tank model shall mclude use of sq;ain gauges and deflection gauges. The tank will be subJected to external forces equal to twice the actual load. Maximum initial deflection based on serVIce loading shall not 0 exceed 2 percent of the tank diameter Performance testing will be evaluated by a licensed Structural Engineer registered in the State of Washington. The EngineerOwner will have the sole responsibility to determine the maxIIDum externalloacimg on any of the tank models. 1 Inspections may be made by the EngmccrOwner in the suppliers' yard, withm the plant, upon delIvery and again after installation. The wellwall thickness shall average at least 1/4 inch unless superseded by the reqUIrements of the Structural Engineer When less than 3/ 16 mch in thickness or any delamination is suspected withm any portion of the tank wall for inspection purposes If the required minimum 3/16-inch thickness is not found, repair, if feasible, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor If repair is judged not feasible, the tank shall be rejected. If twenty percent or more of the tanks are reJected for any of the aforementIoned reasons, each tank under this bId will become suspect of substandard quality and subJect to reJection by the EngincerOwner If the reqUIred nnnimum 3/ 16-inch thickness is found, and no delamination is present, the repair shall be the responsibilIty of the EngineerOwner I 0 3/00 7 - 29 o 2 The Structural Engineer shall specify the minimum weIght of each tank model that will be allowed and submIt those weights during the submIttal process The manufacturer will weight each tank and place that weIght on the side of each tank m a manner that will not be affected by rain or mclement weather 3 Holes required m the tank shall be provIded by the manufacturer Resm shall be properly applied to all cut or ground edges so that no glass fibers are exposed and all voids are filled. 4 fffilaDual Tite or Ty-Seal neoprene gaskets, or equal, shall be used at the inlet to jom the tank wall and the ABS inlet pipmg. ABS Schedule 40 pIpe and fittings shall be used at the inlets. 5 Inlet plumbing shall penetrate 18-mches mto the lIquid from the inlet flow line 6 Each tank shall be water tested on the project site after assembly by the manufacturer and Witnessed by the EngineerOwner Every tank shall be assembled by the manufacturer and water raIsed to the brim of the manhole for a mInimum of two (2) hours The tank shall show no leakage from section seams, pm-holes or other imperfections. Any leakage is cause for rejection. o 7 When leakage occurs, if the tank IS not reJected by the EngIneerOwner, an addItional water test for a minimum of two (2) hours shall be made on the tank after reparrs have been completed, upon request by the EngmcerOwner The manufacturer shall be responsible for making all corrective measures in production or assembly necessary to ensure a completely watertight tank. 8 After installation of tank with riser is completed each tank shall be fIlled with water to the top of the riser for a two (2) hour period as per paragraph 6, to assure that there is no leakage Every tank test shall be Witnessed by the EngineerOwner 9 Each tank will also include a senal number and date of manufacturer o 7 - 30 3/00 SANITARY SEWER 10 InstallatIon shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and as shown on the contract plans, no vanations 7C 050 Concrete Tanks 3/00 1 Concrete tanks will be allowed m sizes up to 1,5003.000- I gallon capacIty 2 Wall, bottom and top of reinforced-concrete tanks shall be desIgned across the shortest dimension using one-way slab analysis. Stresses in each face of monolithically- constructed tanks may be deternnned by analyzing the tank cross-section as a continuous fixed frame o o o 3 The walls and bottom slab shall be poured monolithically; alternatively, water stops may be provided. 4 Remforcing steel shall be ASTM A-615 Grade 60, fy=60,000 psi. Details and placement shall be in accordance with ACI-35 and ACI-3"18 5 Concrete shall be ready mix With cement conforming to ASTM C-150, Type II. It shall have a cement content of not less than six (6) sacks per CUbIC yard and maximum aggregate SIZe of 3/4 inch. Water / cement ratio shall be kept low (0 35.:t), and concrete shall achIeve a minimum compreSSIOn strength of 4000 psi in 28 days The Contractor shall submit a concrete mix design to the EngineerOwner for review and approval. Three (3) concrete sample cylInders shall be taken and tested for each tank manufactured until the manufacturer and EngmeerOwner are satisfied that the minimum compreSSIOn strength is being obtaIned. To insure compliance, the manufacturer shall then make and test three (3) sample cylinders for a mmimum of 20 percent of the remaIning tanks at the discretion of the EngmeerOwner If the mmimum compressive strength is not bemg obtained, the manufacturer shall be required to make and test sample cylinders for each tank manufactured. Calcium chloride will not be allowed m the mix design. The cost of testing cylinders shall be the tank manufacturer's responsibility The tank manufacturer may supply a Swiss hammer for compreSSIve testing in the field in lIeu of sample cylinders 6 Tanks shall be protected by applying a heavy cement-base waterproof coating (Thoro seal or equal), on both mSIde 7 - 31 o and outsIde surfaces, in compliance with Council of Amencan Building OfficIals (CABO) report #NRB-168, 6181 7 Form release used on tank molds shall be Nox-Crete or equal. Diesel or other petroleum products are not acceptable 8 Tanks shall not be moved from the manufactunng sIte to the job sIte until the tank has cured seven (7) days or has reached two-thirds of the design strength. 9. Tanks shall be manufactured and furnished with access openings of the size and configuration to accommodate individual packaged pump systems ModIfication of completed tanks will not be permitted. c 10 The septic tank and the top slab shall be sealed With a performed flexible plastic gasket. The flexible plastic gasket shall be equal to the flexible butyl resin sealant conseal CS-I02 or CS-202 as manufactured by Concrete Sealants, Inc. of New Carlisle, Ohio and shall conform to federal specification SS-S0021 0(21 OA) and AASHTO M- 198 11 Tanks shall be furnished Without concrete access hole lids and eauiooed with tank riser adaoters as manufactured bv Orenco. Svstems In order to demonstrate water tightness, the tanks shall be tested as follows 12 Inlets to the septic tank will be water tight pipe seal as Ty Seal pipe seal or equal. Outlets for effluent filters shall be configured as shown on the contract plans a. Factory Test. All of the tanks supplIed by the precast manufacturer well be hydrostatically tested m the factory The tank shall be tested by filling with clean water to the soffit and let stand for a mmimum of 24 hours Mter the 24-hour period, the water will be replaced to soffit. The water level shall be checked after 2 hours. Any water loss will not be acceptable b Field Tests Mter the tanks have been set in place, but prior to backfilling, each tank shall be tested for a 2-hour period. Any tank that fails the test as outlined m llA shall be repaired and/or replaced until the tank passes said test. After backfilling, c 7 - 32 3/00 SANITARY SEWER the tank shall be fIlled with water to ground Icvel1 mches above nser and tank connection and tested for exfiltratIon over a two (2) hour period. No tank will be accepted if there is any leakage over the two (2) hour period. 3/00 7 - 33 o o o o 7D STEP PIPELINES 7D.OI0 General STEP OlOelmes constructed and sized withIn onvate develooments and oubUc Rie:ht-of-Wav shall conform to the CItv of Yelm Sewer ComorehenslVe Plan and the DOE DesIe:n Manual. whIchever is more strine:ent. 7C.060 ConstructIOn Requirements 7E CONSTRUCTION REOUlREMENTS - STEP TANKS/PIPELINES 7E.OI0 General Installation and materials used for construction of the City of Yelm STEP system shall conform to the reauirements of Sections 7-10 throue:h 7-12. 7-15. and 7-17 of the Standard Soecifications. unless amended herein. c 7C.070 PIpe 7E.020 PioeUne and Service Line Matenals A. . All pIpe less than 2 inches shall meet the follOWing requirements. Schedule 40 PVC pIpe shall be desIgned for solvent weld joints and shall comply With ASTM D 1785 All pIpe 2 Inches and above shall meet the following requirements PVC IPS 1120 SDR 21 Class 200 pipe shall have rubber ring gasket jomts, shall comply with ASTM D 1784 and have a working pressure rating of 200 psi. 7C.080 Bedding B. Beddine: fl i Bedding shall be crushed or granular material pasoing 3/8" oquare sieve as per Section 9-03 16 of the WSDOT 1 C)C) 1 Standard Specifications f2 i Bedding shall be installed as shown on the conotruction Standard Daetails o 7 - 34 3/00 SANITARY SEWER o 7C.090 JointG C. Joints fl} Solvent Weld Joints Solvent cements and primer for Joming PVC pipe and fittings shall comply with ASTM D 2564 and be as recommended by the pipe and fitting manufacturers f2.} Rubber Ring Gasket Jomts Rubber ring gaskets shall comply With ASTM D 1869 and ASTM 0 3139 and shall be supplied by the pIpe or fitting manufacturer with a sufficient amount of lubricant. The lubricant shall be water soluble, non-toxic, non supportive of bactenal growth and have no deteriorating effect on the PVC or gasket. 7C.I00 FittingG D. Fittine:s All fittings shall have a nnmmum working pressure equal to the pipe With wruch they are connected. o fl} Solvent Weld Fittings Solvent weld fittings for pipe less than 2 inches shall be socket type Schedule 40 fittIngs and shall comply With ASTM D 2466 and 2467 f2} Rubber Ring Gasket Fittings Rubber ring gasket fittings for pipe 2 inches and larger shall be PVC 1120 complying with ASTM F 477, as manufactured by Head Manufacturing Co , Preston, Idaho, Gault Fabncation Company, Stockton, CalifornIa, Spears Fabrication, Stockton, California, or approved equal. 7E.030 STEP Tank Installation It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify the location and the elevation of all existing sewer lines prior to installing the indiVIdual tank. STEP tanks shall be located in front of I buildine: unless otherwise aooroved bv the Citv of Yelm. 0 3/00 7 - 35 c It IS antIcIpated that eXisting utilIty lInes will be encountered during mstallatIon of the STEP tank and appurtenances Pnor to starting construction the Contractor will notIfy the proper utility for underground locatIons and also contact the property owner to determme locatIOn of foundation draIns, electncal lines, etc. The Contractor shall be responsible to obtaIn all necessary permits for work on public Right-of-Way such as street openmg pernnt available at CIty hall. All cost for permits will be the Contractor's responsibilIty Excavations for all tanks shall be sufficient to leave a minimum of 6 inches of bedding. Fiberglaoo tanIcs will receive addItIonal beddmg to the spring line of the tank aD denoted. S,Jgee tank bedding Detail Drawings 7-16 and 7-17 c .'\11 excess excavated matenal not uDed for backfill '.vill be removed from the site and diDpoDed of at an appro'led dump mte. Location of the SIte '.v:i1l be Dubmitted to the Engineer upon requeot. Upon requeDt by the property owner the contractor may leave the exceee matenal on site. All tank mstallations whIch ill'lohe mterruption to sewer Gemce eha.11 be mGta.11ed as followe shall adhere to the folloWIne:: 1 The homeo'l.'ner Dha.11 be notified 18 houro in advance that Gewer service will be mterrupted for a maximum of '1 hours. Immediate notice 'lIill be gIven before dieconnectIng the existing sewer line.Location of the STEP tank site will be submitted to the EndneerOwner uoon reauest. 2 All excavatIon and backfill of tanks shall conform to standard specification. Compaction for non traffic areas shall be 85 percent of maximum density Compaction for traffic areas shall be 95 percent of maximum density 3 For work within oublic Rie:ht-of-Wav. +the contractor shall be responsible on a daily baSIS for providing ingress and egress for both pedestnan and vehIcle traffic on all work sites. The contractor shall clean up his work area on a daily basis to avoid inconvenience to the property o\vnerou blic. o 7 - 36 3/00 SANITARY SEWER 3/00 o 4 For work withm oublic RIe:ht-of-Wav. +lhe contractor shall safeguard his work on a daily basis to prevent possible injuries the contractor shall submit to the City his method of safeguarding his work prior to beginning any constructIon on oublic RIe:ht-of-Wav 7C.II0 Grade and Alignment 7E.040 PlOelme and Service Lme Installation A. Grade and Alie:nment SerVIce lines shall be placed at a mmrmum of 18 inches of cover within private property Deeper excavation may be required due to localized breaks in grade such as curbs, retaimng walls, and terraced ground. Where oho'.vn on the Dra...r~gsreauired bv the City of Yelm, the pipeline shall be laid to the profIle or elevation shown, regardless of depth Mmimum cover of any mainline within publIc Right-of-Way or easement shall be 60" 7C.120 Trench Excavation and Backfill B. Trench Excavation and Backfill o Native matenal from trenches and excavations may be consIdered unsuitable for trench backfill. The City of Yelm shall determine the suitability of native material for trench backfill. If the native material is deemed unsuItable by the City, "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill" shall be used. Bank run gravel shall be equal to Section 9-03 19 of the 1991 WSDOT Standard Specifications The Contractor has the option of jacking or boring pressure sewer lines under existing improvements. The Contractor's proposed method of construction and material type shall be submitted for the City's approval prior to commencmg work. Pipeline material shall be approved by the manufacturer for jacking or boring application No jacking operation shall exceed 40 feet unless authorized by the City At location where paved or graveled streets, shoulders, alleys, parking lots, dnveways, patios, and SIdewalks will be reconstructed over the trenches, the backfill shall be spread in layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thIckness and be compacted by mechanical tampers to 95 percent of maximum density At locatIons where lawn, landscaping, and ummproved surfaces will be reconstructed over the 0 7 - 37 c trench, the backfill shall be spread in layers not exceedmg 8 mches in loose thIckness and be compacted by mechanical tampers to 85 percent of maximum density Maxrmum density and optimum-moisture content shall be determmed usmg the modified Proctor maximum dry density procedure (AASHTO T180 or ASTM D l557) In place densIty shall be determined using the Washington DenSImeter method or Nuclear Gauge as outlmed m the WSDOT Construction Manual. 7C.130 Detcctablc Marking Tape C. Detectable Markme: Taoe c Heavy duty fourteen-gage msulated copper tonmg wire (PAIGE "UP" oingle conductor, poIT.~..nyl chloride insulation wall 1/61, or equal) desie:ned for direct-burv aoolications. aB€l-shall be placed directly over all non-metallic pressure sewer lines and service lines. The Contractor shall bnng the toning wire to the surface of the valve box and service boxes for purposes of attachmg a utility detection device. All connection of the tonIng WIre for serVIce connections shall be stripped of insulation and attached to the copper portion of the main line tonmg Wire The connection point shall be wrapped with heat shrink tape acceptable for direct bury in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations 7C.I10 HydrootatIc Preooure Teot D. Hvdrostatic Pressure Test All sewer maInS, service lInes, and appurtenances shall be hydrostatically tested in lengths specIfied. All pumps, gauges, plugs, saddles, corporation stops, miscellaneous hose and piping, and measuring equipment necessary for performing the test shall be accompanIed with certifications of accuracy from a laboratory approved by the EngineerOwner The sewer pipeline shall be backfilled sufficiently to prevent movement of the pipe under pressure All thrust blocks shall be m place and time allowed for the concrete to cure before testing. Where permanent blocking is not required, the Contractor shall furnish and install temporary blocking and remove it after testing. o 7 - 38 3/00 SANITARY SEWER The sewer lInes shall be filled With water and allowed to stand under pressure a sufficient length of time to allow the escape of air o The test shall be accomplIshed by pumping the sewer line up to the required pressure, stop the pump for 15 minutes, and then pump the sewer line up to the test pressure again. During the test, the sectIon bemg tested shall be observed to detect any visible leakage There shall not be an appreciable or abrupt loss in pressure during the 15- minutes test period. The quantity of water required to restore the pressure shall be accurately determined by pumping through a positive dIsplacement water meter with a sweep umt hand registering one gallon per revolution. The meter shall be approved by the EngineerOwner The maximum allowable leakage for sewer lines shall be, according to AWWA C600, Section 4 Hydrostatic Testing, as follows: Test PIpe Diameter 0 Pressure 3" 4" 6" 8" 150 psi .28 37 .55 74 125 pSI .25 34 .50 67 100 pSI .23 .30 45 .60 The above table values give the allowable loss in gallons per 1,000 feet of sewer pIpe Ime per hour The allowable loss can be calculated for any condition With the formula. L = SD x n p 133,200 where L= Allowable loss for push-on or mechanical jomts (G PH) * The length of the pipe tested, m feet. The nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches Average test pressure (psi), during the test duration. S= D= P= * Add 0078 GPH/inch of nominal valve SIze for metal seated gate valves pumped against. o 3/00 7 - 39 o Portions of the sewer line that are Red-determIned to be critical, or suspected of leakine:, should be left with the Joints exposed during the testing procedure to allow visual mspectIon The use of dye in the testIng water will assist the location of leaks If ground water is present in the trench. Any VIsible leakage detected shall be corrected by the Contractor regardless of the allowable leakage specIfied above Should the tested sectIon fail to meet the pressure test successfully as specIfied, the Contractor shall, at his expense, locate and repaIr the defects and then retest the pipelme Prior to callIng out the Engineer Owner to Witness the pressure test, the Contractor shall have all equipment set up completely, ready for operation and shall have successfully performed the test to assure himself that the pIpe is in a satIsfactory condition c Defective matenals or workmanship, discovered as a result of a hydrostatic field test, shall be replaced by the Contractor at IDS expense Whenever it is necessary to replace defective material or correct the workmanship, the hydrostatIc test shall be rerun at the Contractor's expense until a satisfactory test IS obtained. The Contractor shall provide the water necessary to rill the pipelines for testing purposes. Water may be purchased from the Water Utility. Contractor to coordmate With the City of Yelm Water Utility The Contractor will be responsible for transportIng the water to the project SIte The Contractor will also be responsible for furnishing a backflow prevention device or other Engineer Owner approved method to aVOId contammation of the water supply dunng loadIng, an appropriate water meter and all other appurtenances required. Water meter and appurtenances shall be approved by the EngmeerOwner The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfactIon of the EngineerOwner that the arr release valves and vacuum release valves are operating correctly fl.t Sewer Main Lme Testing. Sewer Main Lines shall be tested under a hydrostatic pressure equal to 150 pSI. o 7 - 40 3/00 SANITARY SEWER Mter the sewer main test has been completed, each mainhne valve shall be tested by closmg valves m turn and relIeving the pressure beyond. This test of the valves will be acceptable if there IS no immediate loss of pressure on the gauge when the pressure comes agaInst the valve bemg checked. The Contractor shall venfy that the pressure dIfferential across the valve does not exceed the rated workmg pressure of the valve The ball valve (or self-tapping saddle if used) at the sewer maIn shall be opened during testing of the sewer main so that the main is tested with pressure against the service lien-line check valves Prior to any main line testing, all serVIce lines WIthm the main line test area shall be installed, tested, and approved. The Contractor shall test no more than 5,000 linear feet for the fIrst test to qualify crews and materials. Sections of collection maIn lIne to be tested shall not exceed 10,000 linear feet per each indIvidual test. Once successful test results have been acrueved, the Contractor may request in wntIng test sections greater than 10,000 lInear feet for the EngineerOwner's approval. The Contractor is required to keep hIS pIpe testIng and service line testing concurrent with his pIpeline laying operations f2.} Sewer Service Line TestIng. In order to test the service line, the ball valve (or self-tapping saddle if used) at the sewer main shall be closed and the test pump shall be attached at the i' end of service line, a minimum of one foot beyond the Gemce box as oho'.vn on the Drmvmgs (or at the end of the stubout at locationG where no service box io required) ThIS portion of the service lienline shall be tested under a hydrostatic pressure of 70 pSI. The test will be deemed successful If the pressure is constant for a minimum of 1 minute 7C.190 Air and Vacuum Releaoe VahcG E. AIr and Vacuum Release Valves o o Air release valves ahd air jvacuum valves shall be located at the hIgh points of the lIne Profiles for each pipe run shall 0 3/00 7 - 41 c be submitted With the hydraulic gradeline for both static and dynamic flow conditIons to show where the critical pomts are for aIr release valves. Vehicular access to aIr /vacuum valves is required for maintenance Because the air released by these valves will contaIn hydrogen sulfide, the valves and their enclosures have to be constructed of corrosion resistant matenals. The \"mve vault!) wIll moo have Inoulated hdo to prevent freezing. The air released from the valve will be quite odoriferous, thus, each vent will be eqUIpped With an odor control system such as activated carbon fIlters impregnated With sodium hydroxide 7C.200 Preooure Sustaming Vahe J'.esembly Pressure sustaining valves are sometImes required in the design of STEP Gyotems to keep the pipeline full dunng penods of low or no flow or when mphoning conditIone exiot. c 7C.210 Piggmg Porte F. PIe:e:me: Ports!Cleanouts A pIpelIne pIg IS a projectile that is forced through the inside of a pipe to clean pressure pIpelmes. A pIggIng port! cleanout IS used as a point to send or retrieve the pIg (see Standard Detail 7-20) PIgging ports may be is are required. 1 At every 2-inch diameter change m pIpelme size, 2 At the end of every dead end lme, 3. No fa.r+..her than every 3,000 feet. Theee Soecific locations are subject to review and approval by the CIty 7C.220 Thrust Blocking G. Thrust Blockine: o location of thrust blocking shall be shown on plans Thrust block concrete shall be Class 8 poured against undisturbed earth. A plastic barrier shall be placed between all thrust blocks and fittings 7 - 42 3/00 SANITARY SEWER See draWIng numbers 6-14 and 6-15 m Chapter 6 Designed and approved restraIning joint systems may be allowed m lIeu of thrust blocking. RestraIning joint brand, type and size shall be specified on the plans. 7C.230 Scn'icc ConnectIons H. Service ConnectIons This work consists of mstal1mg the serVIce lIne and appurtenances The service connection at the sewer maIn mcludes a check valve and ball valve, without valve boxes, and a saddle or tee at the sewer main. The locations of serVIce lInes and appurtenances are approximately shovlTI. on the DraTJI'..ngs. The City will stake theIr location at the time of construction. If a self tapping saddle is used at the sewer main, the ball valve at the sewer main can be deleted. Location of service line and service box for use for intenm on site dIsposal until public sewer is available is chown on attached dravr..ngG. 7C.210 Service Interruption 1. SerVIce Interruotion/Lme ConnectlOns The contractor shall gIve the City a mmunum of 72 hours notice of any planned connection to an eXisting pipeline ThIS includes all cut-ins and live taps. Notice is required so any disruptions to existing services can be scheduled. The City will notify customers mvolved or affected of the sewer service interruption. The contractor shall make every effort to schedule sewer main construction With a minimum interruption of sewer service In certain situations, the City may dictate scheduling of sewer main shutdowns so as not to impose unnecessary shutdowns during specific periods to existing customers. 7C.290 Pump Assemblies 7F STEP PUMP ASSEMBLIES 7F.OI0 Materials and Installation A. General This work shall include but not be lImited to providing and installing pump assemblies, effluent filters, risers, electrical equipment and pump control and alarm assemblies in accordance With the plans and these specifications The 3/00 7 - 43 o o o c pump assemblies provided shall reStnct the discharge to low flow over a wide range of head conditIons to assure that solids remaIn m the STEP tank and not be transmitted mto the pressure line Pumps installed shall be protected by a screen to prevent solids greater than 1/8 of an inch entenng the pressure lme and prevent plugging the mtake to the impeller or the flow restriction devIce 7C.150 Ball Valves B. Ball Valves One-inch ball valves shall be PVC ball valves with prc loaded EPDM stem seals accordIng to U.8. Patent No. 1,665,937 whIch increases the life of the Gtem seal, ABS impact reSIstant handle, precision molded micro fImshed PVC ball, self adjusting polyethylene ball seat GealG to compensate for wear, and shall comply with ASTM D 2846 It shall be designed for use with corrosive flUIds, for low torque manual operation, and for a workIng pressure of 150 pSI. The PVC material shall be Type 1 (NSF) The valve shall be Model No LT-I000-S as manufactured by KBI (King Brothers Industries), or equal approved by the CIty c 7C.160 Gate ValveG C. Gate Valves o Gate valves for sewer systems shall be NRS gate valves, complying with A WW A C509 with gray Iron body (ASTM C 62, ClaGG BO, modified wedge dioc (ASTM B 62, Class 8), replaceable mternally reInforced reoilient rubber dH::c oeat nng (l\STM D 2000, 1AP. 730) attached to the face of the dwc v:ith Gelf lockmg otmnleoo oteel screv;a (SS 301) , machmed seatIng surface, flat machmed guIde ourface on valve body, Golid gUIde luga on the valye dIcc, bronze Diem nut caGt integrally WIth thc ',alve dwc (ASTM B62), thermoplaotlc ana frIctIOn washer abo'le the thruct collar, o nng seala abo';e and below the throat collar, fully unobstructed flow way frec of cavItiea or projectiono, no poc1ceto In v;hIch aedIment or debrIS can be deposited, and shall be fully coated on the inside of the valve and the val','e dwc TlIlth a corrOGlon resiatant epoxy coating. It ahall hm'e a workIng preasure of 200 poi from eIther direction (NO lealmge paot the oeat from either dIrectIOn) and a teot preaoure of 100 pCI (ohell test). It chall be capable of contmuous operatIon m a oeptlc atmosphere and ohall be as manufacturcd by Mueller Company, or equal approved by the EngIneer. 7 - 44 3/00 SANITARY SEWER Buned valves shall have 2-inch square A WW A Standard operating nuts. Valve stem extensions, If necessary, shall be provided by the same supplier as the gate valves. o All J!ate valves buned e:reater than 60 inches shall be eauiooed With ooerator extensions. 7C.170 Check Va.1VCG D. Check Valves ~-rr^ ~,.;:" Check valves for sewer systems shall be PVC swing check valves designed for use with corrosive fluids and shall have a Buna-N seal on a SWIng gate which lifts to allow for unobstructed flow The PVC material shall be Type 1 (NFS). The valve shall have no metallic parts. It shall have a working pressure of 150 psi and shall require only 1/2 psi back pressure for complete closure. It shall be as manufactured by KBI (King Brothers Industries), or equal approved by the Owner 7C.180 Va.1vc Boxes E. Valve Boxes The word Sewer shall be cast into the lid. The top section 0 shall be made of cast Iron conforming to the follOWIng specifications ASTM A 4876, WWP 401, and CS-88 It shall be slip type with top flange, weight 40 pounds or more, be 10 mches in length, have an inside diameter sufficient to house the bottom section, and have an average material tensile strength of 30,000 psi. It shall be Rich Model 910 heavy duty, or equal approved by the City The bottom section of the valve box shall be 6-inch PVC pipe (ASTM 3034), which in color the entire valve box top and bottom shall perform as a unit that has the ability to extend. 7C.250 Saddleo F. Saddles Standard saddles shall be band-type saddles designed for use on PVC pipe The material shall be UNS S 30400 stainless steel for the shell, bolts, washers, nuts, and tapped outlet. Gaskets shall be NBR compounded rubber complying with ASTM D 2000-343K515_E34 Saddles shall be Style 304, manufactured by Romac Industries, Inc., or equal approved by the City o 3/00 7 - 45 c Self tapping saddles shall have a PVC body and be secured m place by four staInless steel bolts and nuts. After tapping, the tappmg mechanIsm shall retain the coupon from the pipe and serve as a shut-off valve The tapping mechanism shall be operated by a 5/8" allen head wrench and have a PVC cover to prevent foulIng of the mechanIsm when not In use The saddle shall have an O-nng seal glued in place by the manufacturer 7C.260 Standard SerVIce Bmc G. Standard Service Box The Standard SerVIce Box shall be made from a structural plastic, have extensIOns as required, and have a bolt down cover It shall be Model No 1419, as manufactured by Carson Industries, Inc. or equal approved by the City 7C.270 Traffic Bearing Servicc BmceG H. Traffic Bearine: Service Boxes Traffic Bearmg ServIce Boxes shall conform to Section I!I-.-B7F.OI0 E - "Valve Boxes for Ball ValveG." c 7C.280 Grmrity Scrvicc Clean outs GraVIty Gewer cleanoutG shall be installed in each Gide sewer. All cleanouts shall be set at thc elevation eGtablIshed by the OTl.'ner. Valve boxeG Ghall be set fluGh TNlth ground surface. The ground Gurfacco and other improvemento around the clcanouts shall be reGtored m accordance T.VIth reGtoration GpecIficationG. See typical Gide Gewer connection Detail #7 and Suboection IX, Side SewerG. 7C.300 Effluent Pump 1" SubmerGible PumpG 7F.020 Effluent Pumo - 4" Submersible Pumos A. Simplex Pumps Systems for tanks 1,500 gallons or less i 1 1 General - For DIscharge to a STEP Collection System Provide Orenco Model 10 OSI 05 HHFPI0 05 11 or approved equal. Pumps shall be listed by an approved testing laboratory, e g., UL or CSA or use as an effluent pump o Pumps shall be stainless steel and/ or thermoplastIc. 7 - 46 3/00 SANITARY SEWER o All wetted fasteners shall be 300-series stainless steel. 12 i Motors Motors shall be permanent spht phase-type operating at 3450 RPM Motors shall be 1/2 HP, 115 volt, single phase, 60 Hz. Motors shall be thermally-protected with an automatic-reset feature. f3 i Operating Conditions The effiuent pump shall be of the submersible turbine type capable of delivering 5 gpm agamst a TDH of 105 feet, and With a shut-off head of not less than 160 feet. Pumps will be provided with an orifice installed in the discharge piping to restrict flow to a maximum of 9 gpm over any head condition. The supplier shall provide a head curve showing performance of the pump With the onfice installed. o :f4.i Bypass A 1/8" bypass orifice shall be drilled m the dIscharge head of the pump to allow for coolIng pump motor dunng penods of no discharge 5. General For Interim Discharge to Drainfie1d or Preooure Drainfield Pump operating condItions ohall be oelected by the designer of the onsite oyotem ao approved by the Thuroton County Health Department. The pump must be capable of providing 80 feet of total dynamic head and being throttled in the future to leso than 10 gpm by motallation of a flow control orifice. If it if) impractical or unfeaoible to uoe a pump for both onoite and STEP application, the pump uoed for onmte Vlill be removed and reqUIrements for Section VI.A(I) will apply. All cooto aOf)ociated with interchanging pumps or inota.llation of a flmv control orIfice will be the responoibility of the property oymer. o 3/00 7 - 47 o B. Duplex Pump Systems and Tnplex Pump Systems for 3,000 Gallon Tanks or Larger f 1 i General - For DIscharge to a STEP Collection System PrOVIde Orenco Model 20 OSI 05 HHFP20 05 l1 or approved equal. Pumps shall be listed by an approved testing laboratory e g, UL or CSA for use as an effluent pump Pumps shall be stainless steel and/ or thermoplastic. All wetted fasteners shall be 300-series stainless steel. f2 i Motors Motors shall be permanent split phase-type operatIng at 3450 RPM Motors shall be 1/2 HP, 115 volt, single phase, 60 Hz. The supplier shall proVIde a head curve showing performance of the pump With the orifice installed. o Motors shall be thermally-protected with an automatic-reset feature. f3 i Operating Conditions The effluent pump shall be of the submersible turbine type capable of delivering 20 gpm agaInst a TDH of 105 feet, and With a shut-off head of not less than 160 feet. f4 i Bypass A 1/8" bypass orifice shall be drilled in the dIscharge head of the pump to allow for cooling pump motor during periods of no discharge 5. General For Interim Discharge to Drmnfield or Pressure Drainfield o Pump operating conditions shall be selected by the designer of the onsite Gystem as approved by the Thurston County Health Department. The pump must be capable of providing 80 feet of total dynamic head and being throttled in the future to less than 7 - 48 3/00 SANITARY SEWER 3/00 20 gpm by installation of a flow control orifice. If It IS impractical or unfeasible to UGe a pump for both on SIte and STEP applica.tion, the pump used for onGite '.vill be removed and requirements for Section VI.1'.(I) will apply. i\ll costG associated with interchanging pumps or installation of a flow control orificc 'Nill be the responGibility of the property ovmer. o 7C.310 Pump Vault, RlGer, and LId 7F.030 Pumo Vault. Riser. and LId -l~. General Provide an internal pump vault which will be of sufficient size and structural integrity to house and support the pumping equipment necessary for transportation of effluent. The pump vault will have a screen to prevent solids larger than 1/8" from entenng the pipeline and to protect the pump and flow restriction device from plUggIng. The vault may be internal or external. The mternal vault will be removable for access into the septic STEP tank for septage pumping. The external vault may 0 be drrect bury and v.ill not be required to be remo'lUble. All risers and connections to the septic tank With risers shall be water tight. On Gite GJ'Gtem dcsigner to consult ..nth City Engineer pnor to deeagn of external vault installation. ~B Internal Vault Simplex pump assemblies shall require be a 15 inch dIameter screened vault ...vith a Gingle flow induccrBiotube Pumo Vault as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc., Model Number SV 1551 FiX4S 1254-18 19 Thc internal screened vault iG protected by patent nghtG. Vaults for duplex 4" submersible pump assemblies shall be a ..J:.5!! dIameter x 51" deep 'fault with two no'l: mducersBiotube Pumo Vault Model Number SV 1551 FiFiX4D 12xx-18 19 as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc., or equal. 3. External Va.ult In lieu of internal screen vaults for SImplex pump Q~JGcmblies, the Contractor can provide an external basin which performs the Game functIOns. The external vault 0 7 - 49 o o oha.1l be 21 Inch dw.meter and ohall be water tight. The vault ohall be constructed of PVC, fiberglass, concrete or polyethylene. All connections such as 'lent lineo, electrical ':/Ire or condUIt, and dwcharge lineG sha.11 be attached in such a manner as to provide a watertight seal, uGlng apprOJamately Glzed Buna N or Neoprene Grommets and cord gripo. External vaulto which contain a 1 Inch submeraible pump shall be cquipped WIth a flow inducer. The vault shall be eqUIpped 'Jlith a Gcreen '.vith a meoh haVIng 1/8 inch openings. The screen shall conDwt of a material whIch w reDistant to a septic environmental. Only T 316 stainless steel 16 gauge aD manufactured by McNichols Co. or equal aD approved by the Engmeer, or polyethylene '.vith a weight of 110 lb.! 1000 ft~ or sunilar strength PVC will be a.1lov,:ed. The screen will ha';e a minimum surface area of 12 square feet. External vaultn 'wi be vented to the Inlet plumbing to meet L&I reqUIrements. Exterior vaults sha.11 be equal to model number PB21 (length as reqUIred) an manufactured by Orenco Syntems, Inc. Effluent screens sha.11 be equal to model ES 1560 Pi for a 1 mch submeraible pump aG manufactured by Orenco SYDtems, Inc. (There are no Imovm equal to theGe Itemo.) 4-:-C. Risers Risers shall be required for access to internal vaults and access into the septic tanks for septage pumping. All risers shall be constructed of PVC, fiberglass, or polyethylene and shall be constructed water tight. Risers over OUffiO vault shall be a minrmum of 24-inches in diameter and shall be of sufficient dIameter to allow removal of internal vaults WithOUt remOVIng splice boxes, etc. All nsers shall be a minimum of 25 incheo inof suffiCIent length to meet mimmum reauirement of the latest version of the NatIOnal Electnc Code (NECI and shall vary dependIng on the depth of bury on the vanous tanks. The risers shall be attached to the tanks such that a watertight seal is provided. Epoxy required to adhere the PVC or fiberglass risers to fiberglass or concrete tanks shall be a two part epoxy as supplied by the manufacturer of the riser o When applicable, Neoprene grommets shall be installed by the manufacturer for discharge piping, vent piping and/ or the electrical conduit to assure a watertight seal. 7 - 50 3/00 SANITARY SEWER 3/00 Neoprene grommets will not be allowed on nsers not reqUInng dIscharge piping, etc. o Risers shall be Model RR24 (length as requIred) for simplex systems and RR30 (length as required) for duplex systems as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc, or approved equal &D. Lids a. Standard Lid. The standard lid shall be a flat fiberglass lid, green in color, with a non skid aggregate fmish The lid shall be the diameter required to fit the requIred nser and shall be supplied With a minrmum of two stainless steel bolts and the lid shall have a gasket. Allen wrench will not be included as part of the pump packages but 2 wrenches will be included m the spare parts Lids shall be as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc., Model Number FI21GFL24-4B or FI30GFL30G or approved equal. b o Traffic Beanng LId. The traffic bearmg lId shall be ClJ1 cast Iron HS-20 loadine: frame and cover which vl1ll fit over a Gtandard lid. The cover shall have the word "SEWER" cast into It: and both Fframe and cover for 24-inch-diameter lids shall meet requirements of Section 9-05 15(1) of the Standard SoecIficatIons..,. and 30- and 36-mch lids (covers) shall be HS-20 and shall be constructed of aluminum. 7C.320 Internal Splice Box 7F.040 Internal Solice Box For aoolications with 5 or less residential units. E~ach residential riser requinng electrical connectIons shall have a PVC splice box located in the interior of the nser All splice boxes shall be installed within 1'0" of the riser lId for access purposes. The splice box shall be complete with cord grIpS and dual wall heat shrink with butt connectors Splice boxes shall be UL listed for the application The number of cord grips and WIre nutGheat shrInk connectors shall be eqUIvalent to the number of floats and electncal leads WithIn the pump vaults The splIce box and accessories shall meet all requirements of labor and industries and shall be UL listed for wet locations o 7 - 51 c o For all Class I, DIVISIOn I InstallatIons more than 5 reSIdentIal unIts or non-resIdential aoohcatIons, nsers requInng electrical connections shall have two separate splIce boxes All splice boxes shall be installed within 1 '0" of the riser lId for access purposes One splice box shall be for the pump Wire and one sphce box shall be for the low voltage WIre for the float system. The splIce boxes for the pump leads shall meet all reqUIrements of the Department of Labor and Industnes for a Class I, DiVIsIOn I, Type D gas application The splice box for the low voltage float leads on an intrmsically safe relay shall be a non- metallic PVC splice box. The PVC splice box shall be complete with cord grIps and dual wall heat shrink butt connectors The number of cord grips and wire nuts within the PVC splice box shall be equivalent to the number of floats. The pump wire splIce box simplex assemblies shall be smgle gang, qUIck dISconnect, aluminum receptacle and malleable Iron mountain box Model B Model ERS 175 2023 Model SBX-S as suoolied bv Orenco Svstems. Inc.. and the splice box for duplex assemblies shall be two gang, qUIcle: dISconnect, alumInum receptacle and malleable Iron mountInG bOle: Model B Model EFS275 2023 as manufactured by Appleton Electnc Company Model SBX-D as suoohed bv Orenco Svstems. Inc. or equal as approved by the EngineerOwner Mounting box shall be mounted to nser with stainless steel bolts An explOSIOn proof EY fitting shall be provided directly outside of the mounting box for the pump WIre connection. The pump Wires shall be fitted With a watertight plug Model B Model ECP-2023 as manufactured by Appleton Electnc Company or equal as approved by the EngmeerOwner 7C.330 Level Control and Alarm Floato 7F.050 Level Control and Alarm Floats Level control floats shall be mercury floato UL or CSA listed for use in effluent on an adjustable or preset PVC stem which attaches directly to the pump vault. Floats shall conSIst of high level alarm, on, off, and redundant off. Level control floats shall be Model MF -ABRABT for simplex pump assemblies and Model MF-2,ACRAA2GT for duplex pump assemblies and Model MF 3ACRAA3GT for triplex pump applIcations as manufactured by Orenco System, Inc. or equal as approved by the CIty o +a. Pump control and alarm panels for SImplex pump assemblIes shall be Model SI RO ETMCT as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc. or equal as approved by the City Pump control panels for srmplex commercial and intnnsIcally safe applIcations shall be Model S 1 lR fROB ETMCT as manufactured by ORENCO or equal 7 - 52 3/00 SANITARY SEWER i: ~ 3/00 g.,B. Pump control and alarm panels for duplex pump assemblies shall be Model DAXl +RIR2 {ROB ETMCT as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc. or equal as approved by the City Duplex pump assemblies for commercIal and mtrJ1sically safe application ohall be Model DiDO lR (ROF) ETMCT ao manufactured by Orcnco or equal as approved by the City. ~C. Pump control and alarm panels for tnplex pump assemblies shall be Model TAl -l-R-IR3 RO ERMETM CT as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc. , or equal~ 4.J2..All pump control panels shall have NEMA 4x fiberglass enclosures, an audio and visual alarm, an elapsed time meter, event counter, stainless steel latch and internal 120-volt, 20-amp CirCUIt breaker E. Anv seoarate "on-off' dIsconnect switch. if reauired bv L&I. shall be manufactured bv Sceoter Model #USC 15110 or aooroved eaual. 7C.310 Hooe and Valve Aooembly 7F.060 Hose and Valve Assemblv -hA. Hose and valve assembly for a 4" submersible shall include 1" diameter 100 psi PVC hose with PVC umon and ball valve and anti-siphon valve Model Number HVI00BASX as manufactured by Orenco Systems, Inc., or approved equal. 7C.350 Additional Material Requiremento 7F.070 Additional Material Reauirements All equipment including but not limited to pump vault, riser, standard lId, bonding epoxy, splice box, discharge piping, control float assembly, pump(s), pump control and alarm panels, etc. shall be supplied by one smgle supplier or manufacturer as a packaged unit. The supplier or manufacturer shall upon request by the City, submit information on availability of replacement parts, maintenance records of operating pump assemblies. The package as supplied by the manufacturer or supplIer will have a standard guarantee against matenal defect for a period of not less than 1 year The date of guarantee shall begin on the date equipment is delIvered on a particular site and may be a single guarantee incorporating all the components or indIVIdual guarantees on 7 - 53 o 10 I I o c the vanous components The manufacturer or supplIer will be responsible to handle replacement or repair of defectIve parts 7C.360 Electrical Connections 7F.080 Electrical Connections All electncal equipment and materials shall be mstalled in conformance to requirements of the latest edItIon of the National Electrical Code as enforced by the State of WashIngton Labor and Industries Electrical Section. The Contractor shall be requIred to acquire all necessary permIts and coordInate directly with the appropriate authority on the necessary inspection. c Sphce boxes shall be installed in the septIc STEP tank nser in accordance with the instruction from the supplier or manufacturer The control panel shall be installed either on a remote oressure-treated 8" x 4" post ac chmvn on the contract plans or on the permanent otructuree:arae:e wall. unless aooroved bv the CIty of Yelm. The panel location 6hall bc determmed by the CIty or the OTlmer. The panel shall be affIxed by staInless steel wood screws to eIther the structure or the post. The wood screws shall be of sufficient SIZe and length to securely fasten the panel. Power and control WIre from the splIce box m the nser to the pump control shall be UL approved for dIrect bury with a mInimum of 12 gauge for each control or power wire Power and control WIre shall be color-coded for ease of tracing between the alarm panel and pumps and float SWitches The Contractor shall submit type and size of cable for reVIew and approval by the City and Labor & Industries Cable attached to the extenor of the building shall be contained in approved electrical conduit. All wire connections shall be made With heat shrink butt connectors. Power and control WIre for commercial or mtrinsIcally safe apphcations shall be contained In two IMC or rigid metal conduits for separation of low and high voltage lines between the control panel and pump vault and shall meet the requirements of Labor & Industries. c All extenor electncal Wire shall be contaIned WIthm PVC condUIt, unless dIrect buried. Exterior conduit and wire WIll only be allowed on the extenor of the house directly above or below the control panel and will be installed plumb and vertical Underground electrical cable shall have a minimum of 24 7 - 54 3/00 SANITARY SEWER inches of earth cover All above ground cable shall be contamed in PVC conduit. o Electrical. All matenals used for control and electrical connections shall meet requirements of labor and industries and the Uniform Electrical Code The Pumpmg Assemblies shall comply With the latest State of Washmgton's Department of Labor and Industries Electncal Inspection Section Policy Power suoolv to the oumo control oanel shall be a 20 amo dedicated circuit for each oumo with seoarate neutral wires. A dedicated 10 amo circuit shall be reauired for the control system for duolex and triolex oumo systems. 7C.370 Drawings The supplIer of the pump sYGtem Ghall provide detailed drawings to the septic tank manufacturers that indIcate required openings, location of inGertG, etc., to insure a compatible septic tank pump aSGembly package. The supplIer Ghall alGO provide the tank manufacturer '."lith all neceGGDIy 0 inGertG or fittings so they can be cast in the v:alle prIor to the tanke. o 3/00 7 - 55 c .'1I)7G GRAVITY SEWER ID7G 010 General The use of gravity sewer lInes shall be hmited to the collectIons of transport of sewerage to the CIty STEP system. All gravity sewers shall be privately maintaIned. The CIty will maIntain graVIty sewer lines With pnor arrangements and approval from the DIrector of PublIc Works 7DZQ.020 Demgn Standards The design of any newer extenmonj connectIOn shall conform to City Standards, Depo.r-...ment of Ecology's "Cnteria of Scwagc ~Norks Demgn", and any applicable ctandardD ac Get forth herem and in SectIonc 3.010 and 3.010. o New graVIty sevier cYDtemc shall be demgned on the bo..sis of an a'.'erage daily pcr capIta flO'.v of cewage of not leaD than 100 gallons per day. See the followmg DOE table on Dcmgn BaGw for Sewage. Thic figure is o..Gcumed to cover normal mf11tro..tlOn, but an addItional allowance shall be made ....'hcre condItlOns are unfavorable. Generally, lateralG and oubmain GewerG ahould be deoigned to carry, when running full, not leoG than '100 ga1lonG dmly per capIta contnbutIOnD of sewage. When denatIona from the foregoing per capita rateo are uGed, a deocnptIon of the proccdure uced for se'.ver design shall be oubmitted to the Department of Public Worlm for rC'.iew and apprO\'al. ID7G 030 SIde Sewers Mmimum slope for any 4" ~gravity side sewer lines shall be no less than 2 percent efor 1/4 inch of rise to 1 foot of run Slopes less than 2 percent will only be allowed if approved by the City or Ovmer Installation of gravity clean-outs shall meet the requirements of the City of Yelm, the umform plumbIng code (see Standard Detail 7-7) or, in the case of Interim onmte inctallatIon, ThurGton County Health Depa.r-...mcnt. At a mInimum, a gravity clean-out will be required two feet from the foundation of the structure o Grade stakes will not be prOVIded by the CIty for SIde sewers It shall be the Contractor's responsibihty to deternnne the differential m elevation between the invert to the STEP tank and the invert at the building side sewer Based on that information the Contractor shall determine the percent of fall between the STEP tank and the connectIon pomt at the SIde sewer 7 - 56 3/00 SANITARY SEWER !1E7H RESTORATION o +E7H 010 General ThIS work shall consist of various types of surface restoration. If required by the o\vner for pnT/ate property and aAs requIred by the CIty of Yelm for all work on public Right-of-Way, all surfaces and surface improvements effected by the Contractors operatIons shall be restored to conditions equal to or better than preconstructIon condItions. The City shall be the sole Judge as to the equality of materials and work when comparing post-construction conditions to preconstructIon conditions Cement concrete sidewalk and driveway repair shall conform to the Standard Specifications and Standard Detail 7-3. except that the finish, dimensions, and joints shall be the same as the onginal work. Cement concrete driveways shall be defIned so as to include cement concrete alleys and parkIng lots. Curb repair shall conform to the Standard SpecificatIons, except that the finIsh, dimensions, and joint shall be the same as the original work. +E7H 020 Crushed Surfacing o Shoulders, driveways and other graveled or crushed surfaced areas which are disturbed by the Contractors operations shall be resurfaced with 2 inches of crushed surfacing All work and material shall conform to the requIrements of the Standard Specificatlons o 3/00 7 - 57 c ~7I GENERAL NOTES (SANITARY SEWER MAIN INSTALLATION) 1 All workmanship and materials shall be m accordance With City of Yelm standards and the most current copy of the State of Washmgton Standard Specifications for Road, Bndge and Municipal ConstructIOn (WSDOT / APW A) 2 All approvals and permIts reqUIred by the City of Yelm shall be obtained by the contractor pnor to the start of constructIon. 3 If construction IS to take place m the County RIght-of-Way, the contractor shall notIfy the County and obtaIn all the requIred approvals and permIts 4 A preconstructIon meeting shall be held With the CIty of Yelm prior to the start of construction. 5 The City of Yelm shall be notified a minImum of 48 hours in advance of a tap connection to an eXisting main. A City representative shall be present at the time of the tap o 6 The contractor shall be fully responsible for the location and protection of all eXistIng utilIties The contractor shall verify all utility locations prior to construction by callmg the Underground Locate Line at 1-800-424-5555 a nnnimum of 48 hours prior to any excavation. 7. Precaot manholes ohall meet the requIrementc of l'.STM C 178. ManholeD shall be Type 1 18" manhole unlecD otherwlce specified on the piano. Jomto shall be rubber gaclceted conforming to ASTM C 113 and ohall be grouted from the inoide. Lift holes Ghall be grouted from the outcide and incide of the manhole. (See Note 1.) 7 SIde sewer services shall be PVC, ASTM D 3034 SDR 35 with flexible gasketed or solvent weld joints Side sewer connectIono chall be made by a tap to an emsting main or a wye branch from a new main connected above the cpringlIne of the pipe. 9. All newer mains shall be field otalced for gradeD and alignment by a licenced engineering or ourveying fmn qualified to perform such Tllork. o 8 All plastic pipe and services shall be mstalled with continuous tracer tape installed 12" to 18" under the proposed fmIshed subgrade The marker shall be plastic non-biodegradable, metal core or backIng marked sewer whIch can be detected by a 7 - 58 3/00 SANITARY SEWER standard metal detector In addItIon, STEP systems, and force mains, and curvilinear sewers shall be installed With 14 gauge coated direct-bury rated copper WIre wrapped around all plastic pipe, brought up and tied off at valve body On a cunilincar sewer, the WIre Ghall be brought up, bared and "/rupped three times around the manhole nng. Tape shall be Terra Tape "D" or approved equal. The tape and Wire shall be furnIshed by the contractor o 9 All buned power for STEP systems shall be mstalled with continuous tracer tape installed 12" above the buried power The marker shall be plastic non-biodegradable, metal core backing marked "power" Tape shall be furnished by contractor 10 Bedding of the sewer main and compaction of the backfill matenal shall be required in accordance with the above mentioned specification (See note 1) 11 Temporary street patchmg shall be allowed for as approved by the CIty engineer Temporary street patching shall be provided by placement and compaction of 2 inch minrmum asphalt concrete cold nux. Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance as requrred. o 12 Erosion control measures shall be taken by the contractor dunng construction to prevent infIltration of existing and proposed storm drainage facilities and roadways 13 Provide traffic control plan(s) In accordance With the Manual on Umform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as requIred. 14 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to have a copy of these approved plans on construction site at all times. 15 Any changes to the design shall fIrst be reviewed and approved by the project engineer and the City ofYelm. 16 All STEP mains shall be hydrostatically tested in conformance with the above-referenced specification for testing water mains (See note 1) In addition, all STEP mains shall be pigged/cleaned m the presence of the City Inspector pnor to placing STEP maIn m service 17 Prior to backfIll all mains and appurtenances shall be mspected and approved by the City of Yelm. Approval shall not relieve the contractor for correction of any defiCIenCIes and/ or failures as 0 3/00 7 - 59 o determined by subsequent testmg and inspections. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to notIfy the City of Yelm for the required inspections 18 The panellocatlOn oha.11 be determmed by the CIty or the owner as approved by the City of Yelm.Pumo control oanels shall be located on e:arae:e wall or remote oost. unless otherwIse authorized bv the Citv ofYelm. 19 In the event that the Department of Labor and Industries or the City should require a separate "on-off' sWitch controlling power to the pump control panel, saId switch must be lockable or have a locking cover to hold an Olympus type BP125, 30mm padlock. 20 Inspections for onsite STEP installations are required. A 24 hour notice to the sewer department IS required pnor to the mspection. o Items needing inspection are a) Tank installation, ie, bedding and locatIon b) Tank mfiltration, exfiltratIon test c) S S pressure test d) SerVIce line pressure test e) Final InspectIon 21 All lumber (plywood, etc.) used to mount eIther pump control panel or power meter must be pressure treated. o 7 - 60 3/00 SANITARY SEWER !1G7J INSPECTION GUIDE FOR S.T.E.P. SEWER INSTALLATION ,0 A basic sketch of the proposed installation must be submitted to the Public Works Office prior to issuance of permIt. The City of Yelm Sewer Department will perform the following requIred inspections 1) Tank placement (See tech. spec. for req) 2) Leak test tank (2 hours, no loss) q,',\t 3) Pressure test service lme (+.a70 p s.i. water for 1 minute) 'ii:"i'~ ''"''~~.t 4) All pipe before backfill. (See bedding and toning wire req) 5) A fmal inspection is required after all work (including electrical) has been completed. An "as built" record drawing IS required before system can be excepted. We try to combine these 5 inspections into 3 tnps to the site if possible. 24 hours notice is required for inspection. We do however make every effort to be out within 2 to 3 hours For inspection call. 458-8411 If no 0 answer leave a detailed message ~i' ~~~'::: o 3/00 7 - 61 o LIST OF PROCEDURESDRA WINGS CHAPTER 7 SEWER Title DraWing c Typical Intenm On SIte ConnectIonVacant 7 - 1 TypICal 1" Service Connection 7 - 2 TypICal PIpe Trench 7 - 3 Remote Post - Residential Pump Control Panel Installation 7 - 4 Typical Pump Control Panel Installation on Existing House 7 - 5 Typical Pump Control Panel 7 - 6 Typical Connection 7 - 7 Retmnmf; Wall Undercrom:nngVacant 7 - 8 TypICal SImplex STEP Tank Installation 7 - 9 1,000-Gallon STEP Tank 7 - 10 1,500, 3,000, 4,500 Gallon STEP Tank/Pump Tank 7 - 11 Typical Sewer Automatic Air Release Valve 7 - 12 Float SettIng Vault DrmensIOns for a Simplex Pump Vault 7 - 13 Float Setting Vault DrmensIOns for a Duplex Pump Vault 7 - 14 Float Setting Vault DimenSIOns for a Tnplex Pump Vault 7 - 15 Fiberglass Tank BeddIng 7 - 16 Concrete Tank Bedding 7 - 17 TypICal RIser 7 - 18 Traffic Bearmg Lid 7 - 19 Typical End of Line Cleanout 7 - 20 TypICal Sewer Mainline Cleanou t 7 - 21 Tvoical MainlIne PIe: Port Plan .................................................................. 7 - 22 Tvoical Mainline Pie: Port Detail................................................................ 7 - 23 TVOICal Pie- Launcher ................................................................................7 - 24 c 7 - 62 3/00 ~ '-----/ G ~:=; 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 3,2000,4.00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - June 5, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Development Guideline Amendments Applicant: City of Yelm Proposal This proposal is for multiple amendments to the Yelm Development Guidelines Included are minor amendments to Chapter 4, Transportation, providing more detailed guidelines for illumination and deleting the specific street tree list with a requirement to use the lasted adopted list. Chapter 6, Water, amendments include modifying details to meet current standards and correcting conflicts within the guidelines Chapter 7, Sanitary Sewer, amendments include changing references to outdated material part numbers and conflicts within the guidelines Amendments are mostly corrective rather than substantive Project Location City Wide Staff report enclosed 4 Other" Planning Department Reorganization 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, JULY 17, 4 00 P.M c c o YELM PLANNiNG COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Glenn Blando, Margaret Clapp, Tom Gorman, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire Guests Doug Bloom-Rainier General Development, Candace Cramer & Jim Gibson from SCA Engineering, Jerry Cullens and Patty Thompson Staff" Cathie Carlson, Dana Spivey Members absent: E J Curry, Joe Huddleston, John Thomson Approval of Minutes: 00-05 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 3, 2000. Dana Spivey noted that the wording was changed at the end of motion IDO-04, to include "Abstained Margaret Clapp" CARRIED Public Communications' There were none Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat. Case #SUB-OO-8250- YL. Applicant: Rainier General Development. Proposal: Subdivide four acres into 24 townhouse lots Project location: The project site is located on the west side of Cullens Road, north of the Cullens Road and Coates Street intersection Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 405 pm Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Cathie Carlson then gave a staff report. Mr. Gorman asked about the setbacks, there was some discussion Bob Isom asked if lots #17-20 are the only ones with the different setbacks? Ms. Carlson said yes Margaret Clapp asked if the conditions of approval will include wording about the road going through in the future? Ms. Carlson said yes, it will be noted on the face of the plat map Roberta Longmire asked about the depth of the lots in the back? Ms. Carlson said approximately 92 feet. Ms. Carlson gave Dana Spivey a copy of the settlement agreement to be entered into the record as an exhibit of the public hearing Mr. Gorman asked if the applicant would like to add to the staff report or give his own Yelm Planning Commission June 5 2000 Page 1 c c o presentation? Doug Bloom, of Rainier General Development(RGD,) said no, everything had been covered Mr. Gorman then asked if there were any comments from the public? Jerry Cullens and Patty Thompson stated that their property is just across from the proposed plat on Cullens Road Their only concern is the name of the proposed project, and if their fence is going to be ruined? Mr. Bloom of RGD, stated that the name of the project will not be Cullens Estates, it will be something different, and Jim Gibson of SCA Engineering, stated that more than likely their fence will not be ruined Mr. Gorman asked if any of the PC members had questions? Ms. Clapp asked about a public disclosure to buyers, that the street would be extended in the future? Ms. Carlson said that it is listed as #14 under "transportation," in the conditions of approval Ms. Clapp asked if this is enough? Ms. Carlson said yes, it is really all that can be done Mr. Isom asked about the East West road - why couldn't there be a connector straight through to Killion? Ms. Carlson stated the reason the city didn't have that as a connector is because that property over there is zoned C-1 (commercial) which is a conflicting use, and the city doesn't typically have those connected She also stated, just south of this parcel, (at the Yelm Community Services-Krislen apartments) there is a future extension of Coates Road planned through to Killion Road Ms. Longmire asked if that is a different zone there, does that require a different buffer? Ms. Carlson said yes, there is a 15 foot buffer, and in the conditions of approval it states that within a homeowners agreement, a clause for protection of that buffer is required - the homeowners have to keep the buffer maintained etc Ms. Longmire also asked Cathie if the PC members could have an 11 x17 size map with their mailing? Ms. Carlson said yes Ms. Longmire - stated that with the required 15 foot buffer it leaves practically no back yard Ms. Carlson stated that it does leave a small back yard, but if people want a larger back yard then they can look at different lots Ms. Longmire said that when the townhouse ordinance was created certain things were specified - but now it seems we're going back and saying the front yard setbacks are going to be those of the underlying district - and its been done before -? Ms. Carlson stated that this hasn't been done with townhouses before, but she went through and did a comparison with the other overlay districts, and they all revert back to the underlying zone for setback requirements, and the chapter for townhouses does also with the one exception of front yards, and she isn't sure why that exception exists, there Yelm Planning Commission June 5 2000 Page 2 o o o isn't any obvious reason - she feels it was an oversight. Ms. Longmire stated that if the underlying district is going to be used then the code should be changed Ms. Carlson agreed Mr. lsom asked why would it be a problem to conform with the requirements then for lots #17-20, rather than #13-20 - when all of the lots appear to be the same size? Ms. Carlson said it is because of the variation requirement of 4 feet for front yard setbacks Mr. Gorman asked if there were any more questions? Mr. Gorman then asked why there isn't a cul-de-sac at the end? Ms. Carlson stated the city has two definitions for cul-de-sacs, a full radius and a hammerhead, and on this plat a hammerhead will be used Ms. Longmire asked what the width of that street will be? Ms. Carlson said it is approximately 58 feet, with a sidewalk on one side, parking on both sides, 11 foot driving lanes and planter strips Ms. Longmire asked the applicant if the lots and townhouses will be for sale or rent? Mr. Bloom stated they will be for sale Mr. Gorman asked if there were any further questions? There were none Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4 28 p m Ms. Carlson then stated what the options are for the PC to take action on this proposal 00-06 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO FORWARD THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR THIS PRELIMINARY PLAT-CASE #SUB-00-8250-YL, TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED Tentative Schedule. Ms. Carlson went over the schedule for the upcoming meetings for the months of July, August and September Other: Ms. Carlson informed the PC of the Joint Planning Commission meeting Also Ms. Carlson informed Mr Gorman and the rest of the PC members that Joe Huddleston had resigned from the Planning Commission, effective today, June 5,2000 Meeting adjourned at 4 40 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission June 5, 2000 Page 3 o c c a2/Bl/2~~0 12 53 425545BS18 PACIFICA BANK PAGE f!l2 P.OZ ORIGINAL FQ~.19-97 12:3S? 61r~baum Law Of~ice ~oe; S=a6 4813 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT l. pM'l'IES The p.a1:'ties tQ this <1c;rreement are CLIFFOFb HeI7AL!. and .J~LlNE MoE'~ I U'OHN troOtlLX8'tON i J.<::tN "t'lQWN ~nd LA!JF.A ~, CA1UtIE ~MUAA, T~VIS t1I~, DENBll: DREHER, and t.l!NDERMERZ REAL tS't'jI,,'l'E. 2 RECITPLS' The e~Qwfi$ are purch~5~r ano the M~F~tts arB Sellers of certain land in Thu,t"$ton COUDt:y under a Real E~ta.t.e Contract dated 11e.y ~Q, 199-'1. "'he !!t"Oh':'l la.nd is atijac~nt to othQr 13nd owned by the McFalls, who wish t~ sell such land to Huddleston Windermer~ Rea~ Estbt~ 15 the 1i.eti.nq and selling ag~nt on th~t tr9.o.s~ct;i.on. Th9 Browns elaim entitlement to cont:Lnued well and aeptic s~rvJ.ce from points on the adjacent propet"ey by virtue Qf the Real Estate Cont~act. the McFalla cont~nd that the Brown~ a~r~ed ~o abandon such claims and obtain wate~ ~hd ~ewe. ~~rvic~ from the c~ty of Yelm when ~ueh ~e~vice was ava~lable. Th~ eX~5t6nce of th~ Brown Claim ~6 a legal irnped1~nt to tha closing of the transaction between the Mc::Falls and HiJ<:l.d.leston. The Mc:alls alsQ contend that the 8rOWll5 have made un~uthori&ed alteratior.~ to the proPArty prior to maturation o! the ~eal Estate Cont~~c~ in violation of Paragraph 29 of the R9~l Estate Cont~act 3. NO, ADMISSION Of' W~ONGDOING Each pQ.rty dispute~ thlil o~her'~ contention~, ~~d this ~greemEnt shall not be c~n5ide~e~ as any adm.~$ion o! wronqdQ~ng O~ other t - SIrrn.:e;MENT ~EMI;N'i c c c e2/el/2eee 12-53 425045eB18 PACIFICA BANK PAGE e3 P.03 Feb-l~-97 lz~~ap Bir~b~um ~&W O~~1ce 206 "'30 4813 liability by iiny party, cDmpromise onlY. It roU8t be c;on~idere<i a.5 & ~. INTENT OF AGREEMENT It i3 the intent of ~he partia~ to thi3 egre~ent that the ref~r~nced c;laim~ be sQt~led and compx-omil5ed Gomple't.ely, ~o as to avoid thE! ul'\ce=tainty ~nd expens~ of litiqat10n S. TERHS or AGREEt:f~ The pa.rt1es agn<t to s9ttle this m~tte~ as follows: A. Th~ Browns waive any claim of further ~ntit!ement te continued well and/or septic 5c.viee from any point 00. the adje~l;:;nt Mcfall property, and to terl1l:'nate the existing servic9 upon completion of connections to city wat~r a~d ~ewer eervi~e_ B. McFalls will not be responsible for any cost~, r~e$r charges ox as~eS~IUents whatsoever &8:5oc1ated with, or necestary for the Srowns water and sewer eo~n~ct~ons, or the abandonment of the existing well. Huddl~eton ~hall p~y all charges assessed ~y the City for the ~rown w~ter and sewe~ s~rv~ce connections. C W~nd~rmer~ ~eal Estate shall pay ~4JOOO_OO from it~ r~~l estate sales comrnit5SlCn on the McF'all/Huddleston tran5action to Huddleston as parti61 rg.rnbursement for the charges r&fel:encQ.d in SB above. D Tlle McFalls and Hudc;U~ston agree to procq,ed to closing of the McFall/Huddl~8ton t~ansaction. E. MCFa.Lls agree to t~ke no action 'WJ..~h respect to Paragraph 29 cJ f the McFall/B::Ql.41i, Real tscate Contract tor any alterations or improvements in ~xistence a:5 of the d3tEll the McFalls navl:! s19neo this settlement a~reement. F. MCFalls ~re unde~ no obligation to use Ruddle5ton as their GontractOJ; for: the ih.$t",llation of eewer anQ. water line~ to lot 1. 2 - SETTLEMENT AGiU:EMENT o c c ~2/el/2B~e 12:53 42SE>45aS18 PACIFICA B~NK 206 5:1~ 491~ PAGE Eld P.04 FQb-19-~7 ~,:3BP 61rnbaum Law Of~;C. 5. ~NroRCEMt~lT: This agreement J..~ 5ubj~c;;t to sp"cHic PQrform~.ce without proof of thQ ifiadequacy of l~g~l remedy and may be otherwise e~forc~o as providQd by law. ThQ pre-vaj,J,.lnq par;y in any action regard.ing this ag~e9~ent sh~ll be entitled to ra~over all rea~onable attorneY' 8 tees and e~~ert witness fee$ from th.:: non-prevailing party. V(l:C\ue fer any such action shall be in Thurston county. DATl'::.... '2-/ (7 / ~i 'f)A:rr.:>>- 'l / q IJ DATE:: 3//11 q 7" eL/~~._~iJ,-td%tt ORvILLE: K. - BROWN c- ~:><-,.y ~ J. f.1\OwN ( ~~ .~ ~ J /h,/~,Z DAn;;~) {1.Jj, /., 1 DA.!&: DATE' ~/41o/1 I ' DAn:: vtEl1-r D1\1E : ~ ~ \ d \ '=\ 1 ~ DArt 91L1/ q1 ~ ~P.N HUI)DLE$TON e:~{;ffi~.Ar&~ by: DEBORAH E. DRAPER j - SIITrL'EMENT ^CReeMENT c o c 02/el/2ee~ 12 53 a2554S~81e P~CIFICA BANK JUN-2~-~~ THV J2:3~ 97~~~~~~~~~r?r D-1~1~ /I. ~"'PM _ ~ 1I1~~14,1'I't\..M ~ d.~ ItJId\, " :J PAGE 05 ~.~. , '"-" y ADDENDUM/AMENDMtN'f 10 r\JR(:ItUE AND SALt AGREEMENT In .rP$A '16080 ~ l\)'JtQ\!.~ is Vtl1 of ~ ~ lI\d S~O NJ~ dIt~ M,y Ii), ,~ blItw.wd Oiffonllllllf 1~ M:hl1. ~'} ~ J'M ~le~ ~r oslpL i''B~), tt~ .wwD~ nm S~ ~BtJY'O. AS F~ 1 Ten tbCM1aUl ~. (11Q.ooo) VI ~ (ani"' ~a.M1 U ~ ~ 00 ~ tflO I~ 0{ J\..De 19% ~ qmes'l1lKltlq wi51 ~ ~ ~ N ~ &o:zr ~ W~ pt ~ ~ ~ Ptk.t14~ qT~ wvn~ W"'lhb tfp2llC1 add~~ 1. Tb6 tIIlt Ieobt pI)1'I'lmt oflllll( ~ ~ ei&htr d<lllars Illd lMr-""" mer. ($9t~.S') to bf dul OIS JuS:y 17, l~ ~ rlW1aaaU ~ ~y l.r.J 5dlll' Jl~ P Q, JOlt~. ~~ 'WA '&3~. 'IbNe ~~II~ " pde ~~ wtU dat.8 of Ale &1'14 m pot to be mdlt1ld ~ ~ vri~. u.grftd UlK'tl In Cll'1l1'1h( ~ In ar~ ~ Sdt AC'~ Ild6fo. ] Pure\altf is .~ 0/1 dni1l1itId <<ncro~Il1S VlJ hI<<I 4 ~~ ~ lIOl: llSstw'b mls ~ Ulltil riIty ~ It ~ ~r ....". I A~. ., Is u~ ttm lb. ~ of ~ ibt 014 ~ ~""'" 'ltlIIt ~ p~ 1..imlaItiJJB !he MW ~ m1em UAlCI ll\'d 1IlO~ to 1ft. Ydm MMf (~ \0 CIty of'fwlm ~uh"ClWl'll') wUt be ,1 the lllqIe1\Wof Sdrn. 1bt MWff~lS \ViI{ ~ ~etcd ~ 3l>days dlcJ ~ ~ I~ 1e Ole propc'l1y Weitha' DlITtr ~r ~~fI' " ~ll Wr W\'C{ hogbp 1m PV!;'IIl', $clkrJ llI'ill ildV<m ~Cil.l!lWUt of Pared) In wriI~ .~ tQ ~ IUpOt1Jihlisy Ib:r booINV kt V't WU' 4. AI pl'eJotnt tt. 9\(yd it J.'l<l);l.q Uno \U p~Jibilit)' of ~ G ."IJt~ \ivioa ~ CD ~ ". !Wf d"~ ~~1l\:11o ~~ 5. ~ Wuow~ae lltat Ulcy will nutilY. in ..m.ut\3. t1l'!: <JWl"!tU 0{ rmd 1 \Ild ~&lnntd $lid 09IIleB Ill:d lU -.....II ~ ~~ . 'MIl bo a1>~ ~ tbe dtlllna e1'UJi "\ltew. "nlqUlrl!Cf by ~ CQr CIf YlIlm =:d t.l\tf Mid ~ or~ J wiIf /)c roquCl'llllf" N~ect 10 eby oI'Velm wlXer Ii that tlme. Furdur. hISen ~ ~ ~nld to ~ keell to~' ofV~bl 'Natei' It UU Mlt WM it S~1n c.KpettK. ne- wdl 'fo1lt !lIOt be ~ ItlClI ~ wtllt \$ ,vt\llblc f<:11 ~lcin, ~ .a.n C:~l1S WfttilIfy ~ le. It>e I'ur~ IIld Slle As-:~ Iavt b." mtt by Sell~ mt BU)'tf u of this cW., 81lytl' win now Jll"Orud' wi1fol &~ rludiQ. ALL QTH'&Q. ~ AND CQNUlTlONS ufltid ~ relU111! u~ -"~'Ii1~ <n "".~ ""0: qJf,.d''''',/l~~; _ r:/ I'?(~ ;::~ " @~t)AU:&jl1q, S!:f~~~1/ ^,~j[ iiil-;;;u.i::.~;:;., u J. ~ B,JfuJl1A.V ~ 0~ i I '.. ,) .. I. VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to C receive future agendas and minutes MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE June 5, 2000 TIME 4 00 PM LOCATION YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s) 1 2 Preliminary Plat, Rainier General Development NAMF It AnnRF~~ MAli ING II~T? I ~PFAKFR? .J ,IV\. & I 8Sof"-' SeA "Je.v r\/ ~Ue,lI\.) 1 ~f\-n~"&N o l'7 , ~5 ~ 5>~/~w C c o c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date May 31, 2000 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, City Planner Re Cullens Estates Preliminary Plat Approval, SUB-00-8250-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit I - Site Plan Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts I arid public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council , B. PROPOSAL. The applicant proposes to subdivide four (4) acres into 24 townhouse lots The proposed plat includes one (1) primary open space tract with one (1) additional tract containing both open space and the plat's stormwater system totaling 0 68 acres C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS. 1 Proponent. Rainier General Development 2. Location The project site is located on the west side of Cullens Road just north of the Cullens Road and Coates Ave intersection 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on May 26, 2000, and posted in public areas on May 24, 2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on March 24, 2000 4 Existing Land Use. Zoning and Density The site is vacant and zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6), Chapter 17 15 The applicant proposes to divide the four (4) acres into 24 townhouse lots In the R-6 District the minimum density is three (3) units per acre with a maximum of six (6) units per acre As proposed the subdivision density is six (6) units per acre and complies with the density requirements within the district. o 5 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoning Properties to the north and south are zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6), Chapter 1715 The property to the south is developed, in part, at a R-6 Density and the property to the north is developed at a rural density Property to the east of the site is not in the City limits and is zoned RR 1/5, Rural Residential by Thurston County The property to the west of the site fronts on Killion Road and is zoned Commercial Zone (C-1), Chapter 17.26 and is undeveloped 6 Townhouse Development. Townhouses are an allowed use in the R-6 District and are subject not only to the standard subdivision design requirements but those of Chapter 17 61 Lot standards require a minimum lot of 1,600 square feet, with a minimum width of twenty feet. Setbacks are those of the underlying zone with the exception of the front yard Chapter 17 61 requires a 25 foot front yard setback rather than the 15/20 foot setback of the R-6 District. It is proposed that the underlying front yard setback of 15 feet for the house and 20 feet for the garage be applied to the subdivision Also, Chapter 17 61 requires that no more the four abutting townhouses or townhouse cluster shall have a common front building setback. Variation in setbacks shall be at least four feet. It appears that all lots can meet the variation requirements of Chapter 17 61, but in doing so the underlying rear yard setback requirement of 25 feet can not be meet on lots 17 thru 20 It is proposed that lots 17 thru 20 comply with the setback variation requirement and reduce the rear yard setback to 20 feet. o 7 Open Space. Chapter 16 14 requires a minimum of five percent of the gross area be dedicated as open space, which is 020 of an acre The open space must provide one or more of the following uses. environmental interpretation or other education, park, recreational land, or athletic fields, off-road footpaths or bicycle trails, or any other use found by the City to further the purposes of the open space chapter The ordinance suggests that open space should be dedicated to the City The applicant has shown three tracts as open space for a total of 0 68 acres Tract A in its entirety classifies for full credit towards open space Tract A represents approximately 0 15 of an acre Tract B is a combination stormwater facility and open space and represents approximately 0 50 of an acre The area used for above ground stormwater facilities does not qualify for open space Tract C, along the entry is a landscaped area of approximately 0 03 of an acre and would not typically qualify as open space Because Tract B is a multiple use and only a portion of it qualifies for open space and Tract C does not qualify at all it is proposed that all three tracts remain in common ownership As proposed the minimum open space requirement is satisfied Conceptually the applicant has indicated open space improvements which include picnic tables, 0 barbecues and sidewalks with benches c 8 Schools New residential units create a demand for additional school services and facilities The Yelm School District requests that the developer enter into an agreement with the school district for the payment of mitigation fees based on the project's impact. This request became mitigation of the Environmental Determination 9 Transportation and Site Access. The site frontages on Cullens Road and provides an access to Lot 3 of Short Subdivision 8119 The Cullens Road access to Lot 3 is proposed to be abandoned and two new access are proposed from the internal streets of the subdivision The Transportation Chapter of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan provides objectives in which the Transportation Plan will be implemented The plan states The objective of the Transportation Plan is to provide a cost-effective network to accommodate travel in and around the core area To accomplish this objective, Yelm will actively purse 1 A connected-streets policy to promote the efficient flow of traffic within the community The Design Guidelines implement the above objective through Section 4B020 4, Design Standards," the layout of streets shall provide for the continuation of existing principal streets in adjoining subdivisions or for their proper project when adjoining property is not subdivided " c Also maximum cul-de-sac length allowed is 600 feet. The design of the internal street system is a local access residential street. The street that runs parallel with lots 13 - 20 is proposed to provide future access to the properties to the north and possible the to south of the project site The completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City transportation system A townhouse generates 0 60 P m peak hour trips per unit. The Transportation Facility Charge per unit is $450 00 and payable at time of building permit. 10 Parking. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires minimum parking ratio of two spaces per unit. The developer is proposing a double car garage for each unit and a driveway approach that can accommodate two vehicles 11 Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not served by the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 2" line available on the adjacent property to the south The City Sanitary Sewer Plan requires a four inch line along Cullens Road to service the site o The adjacent lots (Short Subdivision 8119, Lots 1 & 3) are currently served with on- site septic systems Because of the close proximately of these systems the proposed development is required to either design the subdivision around those systems to ensure the septic systems and drainfields continue to function correctly or abandoned the systems and connect the residences to the City S T E.P System The applicant has elected to abandoned the systems and connected the residences 0 to the City S T E P System The property is located within the Killion North LID District. Two Sewer ERU hook- ups have been prepaid for this site ERU connection fees inside the LID are divided into two methods of payment. The LID assessment fee of $1823 15 per unit is paid on an annual basis for 15 years and the balance of the connection fee, $2,480 (fee subject to change) is payable at time of building permit issuance The LID assessment attached to this property is $36,463 00 At final plat, the assessment will either need to be paid in full or segregated among the developed lots The City is currently establishing LID segregation policy details 12. Water Supply The proposed site is in the City's water service area but is currently not connected to the City's water system There is an existing 8" water line located to the south at the adjacent property line Based on the City's Water Comprehensive Plan the 8" line is adequate for future water service 13 Drainaae/Stormwater The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets. Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Stormwater Manual for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Following preliminary plat approval the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site o Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 14 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service 15 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City ofYelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 16 Street Lightina. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. 17 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals The western property line is adjacent to property zoned Commercial (C-1) Chapter 17 80 requires a 15 foot buffer of Type I landscaping along property boundaries which have conflicting zone designations o o o c The applicant has submitted a conceptual landscape plan that adequately identifies the type and location of iandscaping as required by the code Chapter 17 80 requires that at time of civil plan review and approval the applicant provide the Community Development Department a final landscape and irrigation plan for approval 18 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MDNS) was issued on May 10, 2000 The comment period expired on May 24, 2000 The MDNS is attached as Exhibit III 19 Public Comment. Public comment was received on the Environmental Determination from DOE and the Yelm Community Schools. The comments from DOE are incorporated in the City's Development Guidelines and Stormwater Manual as Construction Best Management Practices The comment letter from the School District was included in the environmental mitigation. 20 FindinQs and Conclusion. Chapter 16 12.170 requires written findings prior to a decision on a preliminary plat. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the subdivision A. Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, schools, sidewalks, B That the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedications, C The subdivision is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Development Guidelines D. Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-00-8250- YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 The proponent shall connect to the City's S T E P System There is an existing 2" line at the adjacent property to the south A connecting four inch line shall be extended across the frontage of the property and across the frontage of Lot 1 of SS 8119 The S T E. P System shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 2. The three on-site septic systems and drainfields shall be abandoned to Thurston County Health Department standards and the residences shall be connected to the City's S T E P System The applicant shall be responsible for all cost incurred from the abandonments and the new connections 3 Two Sewer ERU hook-ups have been prepaid for this site ERU connection fees inside the LID are divided into two methods of payment. The LID assessment fee of $1823 15 per ERU is paid on an annual basis for 15 years and the balance of the connection fee, $2,480 (fee subject to change) is payable at time of building permit issuance The LID assessment attached to this property is $36,463 00 At final plat, the assessment will either need to be paid in full or segregated among the developed lots The City is currently establishing LID segregation policy details o Water 4 The Proponent shall connect to the City's water system There is an existing 8" water line located on the adjacent property to the south The line shall be extended across the property frontage of the development site and across the frontage of Lot 1 of SS 8119 The on-site water system shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 5 Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $1,OOO/ERU (subject to change) inside city limits This fee is payable at time of building permit issuance 6 The applicant shall decommission the on-site well pursuant to DOE standards The property owner shall sign a Water Rights Dedication Agreement. 7 The applicant shall connect the existing residences on Lots 1 and 3 of SS 8119 to the City Water System All costs incurred with the connection shall be the responsibility of the applicant. o 8 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Stormwater 9 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 10 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval 11 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities Transportation 12 The street design for the project is a local access residential and shall be included on civil plans The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval o c o o 13 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the frontage of Cullens Street. The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The Cullens Road street section is "neighborhood collector" 14 "Road B" shall be labeled on the final plat map as a future street connection to the adjacent properties 15 The applicant shall construct a driveway to City standards for tax parcel #317123110500 The driveway and driveway approach shall be located on "Road A" as shown and included on the final civil drawings Fire 16 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards 17 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Open Space 18 Tracts A, B, and C shall be preserved as community open space and held in common by the property owners. The applicant shall submit a Homeowners Agreement to the Community Development Department for review and approval The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the maintenance and operation of the open space tracts. H~ The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 14 14 050 Setbacks 20 Front yard setbacks shall be those of the underlying district: 15 feet for the house and 20 feet for the garage Front yard setbacks shall comply with the variation requirement of Chapter 1761 21 To comply with the variation requirement of Chapter 17 61, the rear yard setbacks for Lots 17 thru 20 shall be reduced from 25 feet to 20 feet. Landscapinq and Buffer Area 22. The protection and maintenance of the Type I, 15 foot buffer along the western property line shall be provided for in the Homeowners Agreement. 23 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan for Tracts A, Band C, for the street planters strips and the buffer along the western property line Environmental 24 The applicant shall comply with the mitigition of the MONS issued on May 10,2000 Mitigation includes a The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 0 60 new p m peak hour trips per townhouse unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $450 00 per townhouse unit which is payable at time of building permit. 0 b Trees along the western property line within the required 15' buffer shall be protected during construction with construction fencing c The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 25 The applicant shall submit another subdivision name The City will forward the name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval 26 Prior to the submission final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing General Public Works 27 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required 28 The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading C:'f'AyFiles\CA THI E\8250stfrevised. wpd o o Exhibit 1- Site Plan City of Yelm c - --- --- -.- m'., ...... fP - ~ "OON'.'fft"~JIMI "" 1:JCtMn IfO JtII .... JlMII MOUT1HJSlI.oII 1lwm:w Nt' ~ "'" IlKll'f'ML.uA.a>> AUU" I 31Y:lUWB:) SlIOUAllns ~ .~~_ .~~ /~;fr . ~.., i ~" . _ I 2: " ~-;; - :1 -I II b ~ II I- I~ o II 2: I ....+ ....+ ...._'tf'--- '" C .... .. u.i <0 C> '" a:: -""+ Z " '" .... ~ ~ (j Q '" IiJ 0- f/) 0- U. 0 ~ .... IiJ Z / IiJ -'+ j!: :: U. 0 ~ '"+ = ~ .... .....~+ IiJ Z ....- ::2 -~ .... ,. .. .....h......... .... ........... '''-NiliiiB'. ~ "j(jMi"si"" ...........-.,; ..:............. e? 0HlJ,)\llf'I5'--"-"'-'''''' I1IH33N'()N3 IOJ 9Ltt-f6t JO!K:l ., roog-f6t O!K: ~ U016ll!~ m, 3S cI1 lJOrts PUOIlO<lM U9 I ! I I Ii I I' I ~ I 11,I~ul ,h.. I II <I( Uh!H!!shulilnh Q ~ 1III ilUlI II! i Ul Ilh!h:ihimu.hll 5UB-00-8250-Yl May 31,2000 ':JN1 "lNl"dO'llAlO 1't't1lHlO lIllHmI __auJ.'f ....M "1 , '!)N1t "N l.' dMJ. "tt "':)]$ . ~ 8- .~~lIE d~-~ ~~hi 6UllSS ON NOISIAloans .LHOHS IV1d 'AWNi'rimMd III ,I . "'. : II I l'lli h ~~ ~ "il ~ ~ .I:! !.; ~ · :iii " I ~ !l~i I!I B': i'I!1 I,U I . ; i I, 1.1 .$-- (J) ~ I J ~ 2: .f If g~ I ~ (J) 11. " I:la UJ it III ~ 51!! ~Ii I- p~ o All (J) ~ '1'1 2: 1-\1 Q . i "1 ~ i!li 2 ~ !i I LU o !.I1 ~ II,: ~ m. :) IH .J .J -~~ :J -" 0 ~.~ -':!t +.... II,all Iii 11111111 i ~ , ".... Q ~5 *)1( '\8'" fi ",. . ~ Oil .1 ~ !I. I +.... I I .~ i d ; IIII I III nil. 11151 . t, .. .w r! Jl d' d' I f'r 1'1 ,hllll I I II . rJ : : \\: m II I ':..\:'! I , . . I;' I. I I . F;j , ., ~1 I \ 'r1 , \\., ',. r.t II I' " r"J . ! t;~ ....+ --..r-- --,rr,- -lIT " '" '''. ~ ~ ~ +, ... vrr AI -'UloID S a 3 J ,I.. y' 'I tI H." +-,.. ~~ ~~ ~ +.... '''.. .. Exhibit 11- Public Hearing Notice Cit of Yelm 5UB-00-8250-YL Ma 31,2000 o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: PLACE: PURPOSE. Monday, June 5,2000,4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a Residential Subdivision, Case #SUB-00-8250-YL APPLICANT: Rainier General Development PROJECT LOCATION: West side of Cullens Rd, north of the Cullens Road and Coates Ave. Intersection, Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide four (4) acres into 24 townhouse lots. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council. The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their June 14, 2000, regularly sched.uled meeting. Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on June 5, 2000. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597. Any related documents are available for public review during nonnal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA. For additional infonnation, please contact Cathie Carlson at 0 458-8408. I n}e City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting. ATTEST City of Yelm itu fJ ~..uwtd I!... Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News: Friday, May 26, 2000. Posted in Public Areas: Wednesday, May 24, 2000. Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 o Exhibit 11I- Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm (: SUB-8250-YL May 31,2000 SEPA NO' 8250 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: Rainier General Development Description of Proposal. Subdivide four acres into 24 townhouse lots. Location of the Proposal: The project is located on the west side of Cullens Rd, north of the Cullens Rd.lCoates Avenue intersection. SectionfT ownship/Range. NE 1/4, Section 24. Township 17N Range 1E, Tax Parcel numbers 21724110502,21724110503,21724110504 Threshold Determination: The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental Impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C.030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: SEE ATTACHED Lead agency' Responsible Official. City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator c~ Daty of Issue: Conjment Deadline: May 10, 2000 5:00 p.m., May 23, 2000 This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197- 11-340(2). Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City ofYelm, 105YelmAve. W., P 0 Box 479. Yelm, WA 98597, by 5:00 p.m., May 23, 2000. The City ofYelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., May 30, 2000. You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5:00 p.m., May' 30,2000. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director, to leam more aboutthe procedures for SEPA appeals. This MONS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14.08). Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published: Nisqually Valley News, Friday, May 12, 2000 Posted in public areas: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 Copies to' All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners, Wednesday, May 10, 2000 Dept. of Ecology w/checklist, Wednesday, May 10, 2000 ell mnl-JU-UU IUL L tv rm V III vr 1 U1lllYf\.l Ll\ r f\A !XU JOU I J't't j 'tL [ J TUMWATEIlCITY HAI.l '55lSAAEL R.OAD sw 11JM'l'ATER. WA 98S01.tWSS FAX, 3G<lnS<.<1 26 ADMINISTRATION an ADMTNISTflATOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL 3GOI75H 120 ArfORNEY 3GOI754...t 121 DEVELOpMENT SERVICES BUILDING PER.'>lITS ZONrNG &: E."lCINEERING J6Q/7S.(.41 So BUILDING INSPEcTION REQU\".ST UNE }{lOrn'''I'' FINANCE DEPARTMENT OTY CURK ~.4\JO MUNICIPAL COURT 16017H.4190 RU DEPARTMENT 3GOI75H 110 FAX. )GOI7H04ln GF.NERAL SERVICES Pf.R.SONNEL 3GOI754-<H2 JOB UNE: 360/7$4-4129 POLICE Df..PARTMENT O lGOI754 4200 . FAX: ,)G(ln~""1?8 POUCY (\< PUNNING LONG RANGE PLANNING .l6On5H.6l BUILDING &: GROUNDS I'ARKS " RECJ\.EATIQl'I 3GOI7S<.4160 PUBLIC WORKS ENG1NF.ERING lGOI75HI40 FAX~ l66I7S<t.-1142 OPEllA T101o:S ll< MAINTENANCE lG0/75Hl50 MUNIOPAL GOLF COURSE 46.1 TUMWATER VALLEY DR SE TUM'I'ATEIl. VIA 98j()1 360191.'-9SOO FAX: 36OI94,3..4,pg OlD TOWN CENTER 215101, 2ND STREET IV! TUMWATER. WA 98512 )6OI7~-"l22 FAX: ~6OI7'j4.206) o JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Monday, June 26, 2000, - 6'30 p.rn - 8:30 p.rn Turnwater City Hall- Training Room* 555 Israel Road SW AGENDA OPENING AND WELCOME Ken Stone, Tumwater Plannmg Commf,Sswn Chmr INTRODUCTIONS Moderator: Harold Robertson, Executwe Dtrector Thurston Regional Planning Counctl USmart Growth Issues" (6.45 - 7 30 pm) Presentation by' Shane Hope, Dept. of CommU1uty, Trade, and Econorntc Development ~~Creating a Common Vision for Regional Transportation Issues" (7 30 - 8.30 pm.) Presentatwn by' Jude Willcher, Senior Transportation Planner, Thurston Regwnal Plannmg Council ADJOURN (\ "----./ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2000, 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - April 3, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat - Case # SUB-00-8250-YL Applicant: Rainier General Development Proposal Subdivide four acres into 24 townhouse lots Project Location The project site is located on the west side of Cullens Road, north of the Cullens Road and Coates Street intersection Staff report enclosed (',-~ o 4 Tentative Schedule July 3 - Public Hearing Amendments to Development Guidelines July 17 - Public Hearings Preliminary Plat on Crystal Springs Road Preliminary Plat on Middle Street August 21 - Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Amendments A. Transportation Plan B Rezone September 18 - Public Hearing Preliminary Plat on Hwy 507 5 Other" Joint Planning Commission meeting - Agenda enclosed 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, JULY 3, 4 00 P M G c c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING CANCELED The regular Planmng CommiSSIOn meetmg scheduled for Monday, May 15, 2000 has been canceled due to lack of bus mess. The next scheduled Plannmg CommISSIOn meetmg WIll be Monday, June 5, 2000 If there are any questIons, please call the City Planner, Cathie Carlson at 360-458-8408 / "il/l" fJ0/J'W L Agnes P Bennick CIty Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE PublIshed m the Nisqually Valley News, Fnday, May 12,2000 MaIled to Planmng CummlssIOn maIlmg lIst, Wednesday, May 10,2000 Posted m publIc areas, Thursday, May 11, 2000 D \\/-\ ~ c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLA TION NOTICE The April 17. 2000 Regular Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday, May 15, 2000, at 400 pm If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the City Planner, Cathie Carlson at (360)458-8408 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list, April 13, 2000 Posted at Yelm City Hall, Court and Yelm library, April 13, 2000 o c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 3, 2000 - 400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No The meeting was called to order at 400 p m by Tom Gorman Members present. Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson (Margaret Clapp also was present, but did not participate as a planning commission member) Guests David Asher, Kristin Blalack, Buffie Clark, Glenn Dunnam, Beth Dwyer, Donna Edwards, Christian Fegel-NVN, Patty Graves-FCB, Cecelia & Jerry Jenkins, Gordon & Marie Kampfer, K. Frank Kirkbride-FCB, Kathi O'Neil-FCB, Nancy Parkinson, Kellie Petersen, Larry Schorno, Perry Shea, Ron Simmons, JohnThompson, Brenda Toole, Joe Williams Staff. Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Dana Spivey Member(s) absent, Joe Huddleston Approval of Minutes. 00-03 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22, 2000 MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. None Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Case #MPD-OO-8246- YL Applicant. Yelm Prairie Development Company Proposal Mixed Use Planned Development including an 8-plex cinema, retail and office space, restaurant, fitness center and hotel expansion Project location' The project site is bound by Yelm Avenue East, 103rd Avenue SE and West Road SE, Yelm WA. Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 01 p m Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? Margaret Clapp explained that she will abstain from any voting today, as she is attending the meeting as a representative of the Prairie Development Company John Thompson, City Councilman also stated that he is attending today as a representative of the Prairie Development Company and he will not participate in the City Council meeting when this project goes before the City Council Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Gorman asked the applicant if there were any conflicts of interest with any of the PC members? No Cathie Carlson then handed out a comment letter received 3/31/00 (after pc mailing) for the PC members to review and then she gave a staff report. Shelly Badger discussed some water issues Ms. Carlson went over the conditions of approval, and stated that she would like to have some language added, to include {elm Planning rommission April 3 2000 Page 1 o Page 6, #4b - "in the future as development and infrastructure improvements occur, the City will re-evaluate the access" Also, "at some point in the future, as we have our streets improved, when the Stevens connector gets done - it may be ok to have that as a full access on Fourth Street, but at this time we are limiting it because of the condition of our existing infrastructure - so we'd like to leave that open in the future so that it may be possible" Ms. Carlson then asked Shelly Badger to explain further the water conditions - Ms. Badger did so by showing the referenced area on a map - and explaining where the 8" main will go Ms. Carlson stated there is also a lot of concern about the 'no left turn' onto West Road which is proposed - one of the conditions is to put a traffic calming device in to discourage people from turning left onto West Road from the West Road access point (from the cinema) - at this point the city is not going to require the traffic calming device - we will monitor it as the project develops Perry Shea, of SCA Engineering, explained the traffic light situation at the Intersection of Clark Road and Yelm Avenue One of the conditions of approval is to install the signal, but the Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WASDOT) has the authority on when that signal actually gets turned on, and he is hoping it will be turned on at the time of the opening of the cinema, but it is based on traffic warrants- and if the traffic warrants do not meet the needs or criteria - then it will not be turned on The city does not operate or maintain the traffic signals on the state highways, WASDOT does Ms. Carlson went over the comment letter received from the Kirkbride Group Mr. Gorman asked for comments from the applicant. Beth Dwyer and Brenda Toole of GGLO, LLC Architecture and Interior Design of Seattle, introduced themselves Ms. Dwyer gave a presentation c Mr. Gorman asked for comments from the public Ronald Simmons, 410 West Road, Yelm, spoke of his concerns regarding the safety issues, present and future, of West Road Larry Schorno, 18217 Hwy 507 SE, Yelm, stated that he is a proponent of this project, very excited for it, but concerned about the bank's access (First Community Bank.) Margaret Clapp and Brenda Toole expanded on this issue - stating that as the project progresses and they know exactly what will be completed at what time etc , then they will know more on the bank access - but no matter what, the access will be there, and will be available - whether it is graveled or paved Frank Kirkbride 4405 7th Ave SE, Lacey WA, reiterated Mr Schorno's comments - applauding the applicants and their team working on this project, but is also concerned about the bank's access, wants to make sure the bank's customers will be taken care of, would like to see a permanent access Donna Wilson-Edwards, 10831 Vancil Rd SE, Yelm, said she represents some of the property owners along Fourth Avenue - stated that they had not been notified by the developers, but the property they own, which across from the proposed ingress - is all vacant and they would not be opposed to the developers expanding the ingress o yelm Planning Commission April 3 2noO Page 2 c to an ingress/egress, by improving Fourth Avenue between Van Trump Ave and Yelm Ave - it would solve some of the concerns that residents have along West Road, as well as the issues at hand concerning Gordon's Garden Center along Fourth Ave - if that area was improved or widened - maybe some of the "near pedestrian accidents" wouldn't happen as much David Asher, 404 West Road, Yelm, he is also very concerned about the safety problems along West Road - he would like to see the West Road problems solved first. Gordon Kampfer, owner of Gordon's Garden Center- 204 Fourth St NE, Yelm, commended Prairie Development Company on this project, but stated that there are some serious problems from his point of view The proposed cinema building will block his businesses view of Mt. Rainier - which has become "Gordon's identity" in many ways Mr. Kampfer then passed around a computer generated photo of what the cinema building will do to their view of the mountain Roberta Longmire asked what would happen if the cinema was moved to the other corner of the property, near West Road? Mr. Kampfer stated that it would solve the problem, or if it was moved closer to Yelm Avenue Kellie Petersen, the General Manager at Gordon's Garden Center emphasized that the traffic concerns on West Road are hers too c Mr. Gorman asked if there were any more comments from the public? Mr. Simmons stated that he liked the Fourth Avenue improvements idea that Ms Wilson-Edwards suggested Mr. Gorman asked if the Planning Commission members had any further questions or comments? Ms. Longmire asked about the West Road improvements? Ms. Carlson stated that West Road will be widened Bob Isom asked about the ingress/egress on Fourth Avenue - how will the city ensure that It remains one way? And how will we make sure it will be enforced as a one way? Ms. Carlson stated a signage plan will be implemented, and the access itself is very narrow - so that it is not enticing to drivers - it will be clearly a one way lane Brenda Toole addressed - they have done many things to discourage people from trying to exit at one point. One of the devices they will do - is to make a one-way loop with angled parking - the only way to get into that is to enter on the entrance side They are also considering putting in some type of concrete and pavement in to deter people from exiting onto Fourth Avenue Chief Glenn Dunnam added that putting in these one-way type signs and alternatives does work, as it has next to the telephone company Mr. Kampfer asked how are the Hertz Rentals' trucks going to get out? Ms. Toole said they are making a six month adhesion to this plan, and they will trim off the corner, so that Hertz will be able to come out of their property on the back side and exit out through the cinema property Mr. Isom asked what the distance is between the first parking lot entrance and the main entrance to the project off of West Road? Ms. Toole said 200 feet. Mr. Isom asked why would a left hand turn be allowed out of one entrance but not the other - onto West Road? o Yelm Planning Commission April 3 2000 Page 3 c Ms. Toole stated that left hand turns are allowed at both places, but at one point the left hand turn is going to be made very unattractive, to deter drivers from exiting that way Ms. Badger stated that the city spent a lot of time on this very issue, trying to figure out the traffic report, the mitigation, etc - its been very hard to figure a proposed recommendation, but the city does have as a priority in its 6-year plan, the full improvement of West Road, taking out that corner and connecting to Stevens The city has tried to think ahead to that road being finished - which it will be some day, and we are thinking ahead to applying for federal grants to have that road fixed in the future Mr. Isom asked about the peak times and traffic counts - the peak time of 7-8 p m may be fine for the winter months, but what happens during the summer months when the cinema is open from 11 00 a m - until late at night? Mr. Shea addressed, stating that he has done numerous studies for cinema's around the puget sound area, and even in the summer months the peak time is still between 7 and 9 p m The busiest days and times are Friday and Saturday evenings, 9-930 pm Mr. Shea explained further how he and others tried to design a layout that will work for everyone, to provide the best circulation with the least impacts to a lot of people o Mr. Isom asked about the gas line easement - where is it on the map? Ms. Clapp addressed, stating that it is there, it just isn't specified out. Mr. Gorman asked if there were any further questions from any other Planning Commission members? Ray Kent asked when is the Yelm Avenue improvement project going to happen? (between First Community Bank and Third Avenue) Ms. Badger stated that there is a funded project from Third Avenue to Five Corners - to repave Yelm Avenue, widen it and do full sidewalk and planter strip frontage improvements The City has a grant for the frontage improvement part - the sidewalks and the landscaping - and WASDOT has the pavement part of it - which they had funded, but it is now in the "post 1-695" hole The City is working with WASDOT to try to figure out how it will all be done It will not be done In 2000 - hopefully in 2001 That is why it is listed in the conditions for the cinema project - where they will provide the signal, frontage improvements and the channelization for their project now, and then we would work out reimbursing them in the future - for anything they did above and beyond their required share Dr. Kent said he thinks it would help the traffic flow much better if we would just temporarily block off the ingress from Fourth Avenue - keep the traffic off of Fourth until we get the whole Yelm Avenue situation organized Ms. Wilson-Edwards commented - that traffic signals are great, but anyone who travels every day through Yelm knows the traffic is backed up every morning from one end of town to the other- all on Yelm Avenue at the lights Everyone knows there is a short-cut, to take 103rd to West Road, over on Van Trump and then onto First Avenue to the main traffic signal - Ms Wilson-Edwards' mother lives on Van Trump and she sees the traffic o Yelm Planning Commission April 3 2000 Page 4 c every day - it is horrendous Until something is done for the whole traffic flow - the traffic is not going to be decreased on West, Fourth and Van Trump Ms. Carlson stated that is why the city has a transportation plan, because those are current problems that are the city's responsibility - they are not problems that this project should have to address The city has a transportation program, we are aggressive with it and we are working on those other issues c Mr. Gorman asked for any other questions from the Planning Commission? Ms. Longmire stated that she has a few comments - 1) it doesn't seem to her that the main entrance off of West Road has an adequate road either way you go 2) why would it hurt anything to take the cinema building and move it to the other corner of the property? Ms. Clapp addressed Ms Longmire - stating that they discussed and reviewed this feature for a very long time, and one of the critical features is that they have buildings massed together as best they can - and the way that the plan is now is very pedestrian oriented, there IS a sense of critical mass of activities which makes it an interesting place to go - it's a quality of life issue that has driven the design to be what it is Ms. Dwyer added that if the cinema building was moved to the other corner, there would be more traffic lights, there is not enough square footage room for parking, and there is the retention and water issues - water can not be pushed up hill - and it would end up in the parking lots etc - it has to be in a location where the water can be retained on-site Dr. Kent asked if there ever was an alternative for the building to be located somewhere else, as to not block Mr Kampfer's view? Ms. Toole stated that at their open house meeting with the adjacent business owners, she asked Mr Kampfer where could the cinema be moved? The only answer was that corner at West Road - which for the optimum use of the project property - this did not make a lot of sense for the project. Because that corner at West Road became the primary site for all of the storm water runoff on-site, there is a natural flow from one side to the other, and the one thing that is not seen on the plan is an infiltration pond and a retention pond The other issue is, if the cinema is crunched up into that corner (near West Road) all of a sudden there is another problem - where does the parking go? Where would the traffic go? - the traffic would focus still on that corner at West Road Ms. Longmire asked again why couldn't the parking go where the cinema building is proposed to go now? Ms. Dwyer said that would be a huge parking lot, a longer distance for people to walk - and there might be some neighbors who do not wish to look at a parking lot that large Dr. Kent stated that his concern is if the Planning Commission gives a rubber stamp 0 k. on this project, then in essence they are endorsing a major litigation between the cinema project and Gordon's Ms. Carlson added that Gordon's site is in two different districts - the Central Business District and the C-1 Zone - and the cinema project is located in the C-1 Zone, and the city's height limit in the C-1 Zone is a maximum building height of 40 feet, so under the code - they have every right to build to 40 feet. o 1elm Planning Commission April 3 2000 Page 5 o Ms. Badger added that the entire stretch of land across West Road is Commercially zoned property - some day there will be full Commercial development on that side of the road - and unless the regulations are changed - the future development( s) would also be able to build to the 40 feet height limit, and there is view blockage potential there also John Thomson stated his concerns - in Phase 1, West Road will be upgraded to the West, and then in Phase 2 it will be upgraded to the East - yet in reality we are upgrading that section that goes nowhere - and since we are creating a major thoroughfare through the center of the property, it would seem imperative to upgrade it back down to 103rd Avenue in Phase 1 - because then at least as the traffic got out there they could channel back to 103rd as an alternative to get out. Mr. Thomson's other question was what would happen if the cinema and plaza locations were switched - what would be the impacts? Ms. Clapp stated that it would destroy the entire design concept of the whole project. Ms. Dwyer stated a "town center" plaza is what their design creates, and if everything is switched, the "town center" is lost. Mr. Gorman asked for any further questions from the Planning Commission There were none o Ms. Clapp stated that she would like to point out a few things on issues which were previously brought up The funding of the grant that the City received to do these improvements was partly helped along by the fact that her project and other property owners agreed to pay a portion of their matching funds - it raised the Yelm project on the list for how the dollars were allocated, it made it more attractive and the City got funded Also, prior to the Phase 2 - if the other property owners are willing to commit to their pro-rata share of the frontage improvements - Ms Clapp said her project would do the same - and this would make a dramatic difference when the City applies for the funding In terms of Mr Kampfer, Ms. Clapp stated that they are talking with him, and hoping that some of the mountain view will be protected for him, but she knows that there is nothing stopping anyone from doing the same thing to her project (blocking their view) Ms. Clapp stated that her development project and business does want to be good neighbors with Mr Kampfer, Hertz Rentals, Arnold's and everyone Mr. Gorman reminded everyone that a public hearing was still taking place He then asked if anyone else had any further comments? None Mr. Gorman stated what the three options are 1) Request additional information from the applicant, 2) Continue the Public Hearing, 3) Make a recommendation of action to the City Council Mr. Gorman then made his comments he doesn't think it is a perfect plan, but you can not get to perfection - there are compromises - there is "chicken and egg" type situation always when it comes to improvements In terms of telling a proponent to re-Iocate their building - when they are compliant with all the codes - Mr. Gorman o Yelm Planning Commission April 3 2nnu Page 6 c o o stated he has a problem with this, what's really happening then is a precedence is being set saying - "anytime that we have a neighbor that has an issue with the development that is planned and done in accordance with the Zoning - we're taking in emotional issues which are easy to jump on but very difficult to address - and this sets a very lousy precedence Mr. Gorman stated he is in favor of this proponents project. Mr. Gorman then closed the public hearing, and asked the Planning Commission members to make a motion to proceed with one of the three courses of action previously talked about. 00-04 MOTION BY E.J CURRY, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO FORWARD THE PROJECT TO THE CITY COUNCil FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL WITH THE CONDITIONS AS LISTED IN THE STAFF REPORT PAGES 5-9 WITH THE FOllOWING CHANGES ITEM #3 - THAT HALF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON WEST ROAD OCCUR WITH PHASE 1 , THAT #4B BE AMENDED TO ADD LANGUAGE THAT STAFF WILL RE-EVALUATE A FULL ACCESS OF THE FOURTH AVENUE ACCESS IN THE FUTURE, AND THAT A CONDITION BE ADDED REQUIRING THE APPLICANT AND FIRST COMMUNITY BANK TO FINALIZE A PERMANENT ACCESS AND EASEMENT BETWEEN THEIR LOTS Mr. Gorman asked for any further comments, discussion? Mr. Thomson stated that there was a previous comment regarding the allowance of ingress or egress on Fourth Avenue until Phase 2 Ms. Clapp addressed, stating that she would argue this really strongly She stated that her company fought very hard about the Fourth Avenue access - they thought it should be a full access or an "exit only" - and she ended up giving in to the City on this issue Ms. Clapp stated that she would not want it taken away, especially If they are going to have to do the improvements on West Road Ms. Carlson added that in Phase 2 it doesn't require any more improvements to Fourth Avenue MOTION CARRIED, OPPOSED BOB ISOM AND ROBERTA LONGMIRE, ABSTAINED MARGARET CLAPP Meeting adjourned at 6 10 P m Respectfully submitted, I j Dana Spivey Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning ComlOissiun April 3 2nUO Page 7 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to '0 receive future agendas and minutes MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE. April 3, 2000 TIME: 4 00 PM LOCATION YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~ Public Hearing(s) 1 fl;ff { ~ vt 4\0 ~,L/ ~ ~ P m ~t' J'k-r<2w\.. k:.;... k ~ "'; .\. e +,\-0 5 I~ ""'<L sf: Lc.. "'1 I:'\"-t~ , J\.\ 0.. TH_'I YoA ~r ~ \\.c ~.... 'f03- W ~ So -\: \2&. \\ ~\ ld-'L.< . . 'Bk.e .#' ~V\d ~1L)d<<ts \($3\ \lSI\Lil Rct SE; ~rf~~s+- (\ ~' LJ Prairie Park Village ? c VISITOR SIGN-IN SHEET continued. t NAME AND ADDRESS OVll.... /~tm At- ~~:~ "'" " L' - rf1 c?~~h mel.:U~~L/{{;'"'1I"'~ e'1(>-;'.J ,t (,'" ~~~ . ~ ' ~~t~ V - - >!:: ~__ J~~ MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? ~~ :Jt~ A ) () ,- { 0 :3 t!2 ~v1.~ ("'\ V c o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date To From Re March 29, 2000 Planning Commission Cathie Carlson, City Planner Mixed Use Planned Development Approval, MPD 00-8246-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit I - Site Plan Exhibit \I - Vicinity Map Exhibit 1\1 - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit IV - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Exhibit V - Comment Letters o PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City Qf Yelm's Comprehensive PI<'!n and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one oftheJoJlowibgc; -- actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue theq)ublic hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council "''''., .;- PROPOSAL. Two-phased Mixed Use Commercial Development including the demolition of 2 - 4 residential units on approximately 19 acres Phase I includes the construction of a 6 screen cinema with infrastructure improvements Phase II includes infrastructure Improvements, the addition of 2 screens to the cinema, 13,500 sq ft. of retail space, 10,000 sq ft. restaurant, 19,500 sq ft. of office space, 6,000 sq ft. Library (optional retail), 48 room addition to the Prairie Hotel, 20,000 sq ft. fitness center, 6,000 sq ft. conference center and an option for up to 20 dwelling units in place of office space FINDINGS and CONCLUSIONS. 1 Proponent. Yelm Prairie Development Company o 2 Location The project site is bound by Yelm Avenue East, 103rd Avenue SE and West Road SE 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on March 24, 2000, and posted in public areas on March 22, 2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on March 22, 2000 o 4 Existing Land Use Prairie hotel, residential with the majority of the site vacant. 5 Adiacent Land Uses Commercial, residential and vacant property 6 Zoning The site is zoned C-1 Commercial District, Chapter17.26 All adjacent properties are zoned C-1 Commercial District, Chapter 17 26 7 Transportation and Site Access. The site has road frontage on E. Yelm Avenue, 103rd Street, 4th Avenue and West Road The existing access to the site is on 103rd Street. The applicant proposes a full access at E. Yelm Avenue which aligns with the new alignment of Clark Road, an access from 4th Avenue, two full accesses and two driveway accesses on West Road The City of Yelm has designed and funded a street improvement project on E Yelm Avenue Those improvements include the realignment of Clark Road, a center turn lane on E. Yelm AvenuE:.r. planter strip and sidewalk. While the City has funded the project it is unknown at this .time when the improvements will be complete Traffic using the 4th Avenue access will be traveling to the sit~ via Van Trump and Jefferson Streets NeitherVan Trump or Jefferson Streetcm:r:d;;" built to City standards. It is estimated that with a full access at 4th Avenue ."'~g this will increase neighborhood traffic during the Saturday peak hour (7 00 ' to 8 00 pm) to 42 trips and a Monday thru Thursday average of 450 daily trips By limiting the 4th Street access to an entrance only, those trips would be reduced to approximately 19 trips and a Monday thru Thursday average of 285 daily trips Traffic using the West Road access will be traveling to the site from 103rd Avenue West Road is not built to City standards The Traffic Impact Analysis estimates approximately 16 (8 in and 8 out) new trips during the peak hour and 160 daily trips The City's Concurrency Ordinance, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City transportation system The Traffic Impact Analysis Page 2 of 9 o o o o estimates at full build out the project will generate 307 new p m peak hour trips 7 Parking. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires minimum parking ratios and loading areas. The variety of uses have different parking ratios Staff has reviewed the parking plan and finds that the project meets minimum standards. At this time no loading areas have been proposed As building plans are submitted staff will review each plan to ensure minimum loading areas are provided 8 Wastewater The project site is served by the City's public STEP system The lines that serve the site are located on Yelm Avenue, 103rd Street and West Road 9 Water Supply The project site is served by the City's public water system The line that currently serves the site comes from 4th Avenue and runs "cross country" to the Prairie Hotel Gordon's Nursery and A-1 Rentals are also served from this line The water system map shows the water line on Yelm Avenue and the existing line on-site as the service lines for the site Sufficient fire flow is not present for the project without the extension of the 8" main from the northwest West Road parking lot access northwest on West Road, continuing south on 4th Avenue and connecting to the Van Trump and Jefferson Street 8" tees The West Road watennain from the project's West Road northwest parking lot access southeasterly to 103rd Avenue is not necessary for Phase 1 of the project. Furth~r,.analysis needs to be conducted as to the reqLJirement of Phase Ws<need cf9r this 'extension Preliminary analysis shows that build()ut .ofboth 8fi~se l;a~dJI db. not require .theextension 'of this main li-DY .,' , ~,' --'. _ .-':,-"', .. , -. . - .:,<~, _1'- n, ,.-.- ,'-. v~E!ations Ai)' theI~!t~:pl~g or .uses proposeqcould ch~rige this ang:~oulcLpe taKen into Consideration at the time of Phase 1\ or any deVelopment ontile~ North side of West Road (whichever comes first). There is one water connection to a private residence from the 4th Avenue water main This connection also runs "cross country' and is in the approximate location of the proposed site access on 4th Avenue 10 Drainage/Storm water The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards Page 3 of 9 The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater o Following land use approval, the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site 11 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2.. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service 12. Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 13 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals The project developer has submitted a conceptual landscape plan that adequately identifies the type and location of landscaping as required by the code In addition the project developer has 'oeen working with a residential neighbor to the northwest of the site on specific landscaping plans Chapter 178Q reguires that prior to building occupancyJhe applicant~F PC2x.id~e th~?Jan!!ilJgDepartrl]~ntwitl1 a fi~allandsc~peand ,~rjg?li~Pi'P!ct6,~~c inplvging)'$fl)ge an~aL f9r approval In~t(3l1ation of the improveme~ts"muS:Xe,'''''''",''''''' also occur prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy' ',-, '-Bii,,,.--...,.,.,,,~t; 14 Desiqn Guidelines The project site is designated as Mixed Use in the City's Design Guidelines The Design Guidelines require developers to consider' 1 Site Planning - the location, orientation and relationships of buildings, parking lots and other features 2. Pedestrian Access - pedestrian circulation, safety and comfort. 3 Vehicular Access and Parking - location and size of driveways, access roads and parking lot. 4 Building Design - design elements and character of built structures 5 Site Design and Landscaping - character and qualities of landscaping, open space and other site features Page 4 of 9 0 o Q o Design review is an administrative process performed by staff Staff has reviewed the proposal and finds that the site planning, pedestrian access and vehicular access and parking meet the intent of the Design Guidelines No later than at the time of building plan submittals, Staff will review building design and final landscape plans to ensure the intent of the Design Guidelines are met. 15 Environmental Review After review of the environmental checklist, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MDNS) was issued on March 9, 2000 The comment period expired on March 22, 2000 The MDNS is attached as Exhibit IV 16 Comprehensive Plan and Development Standards. As conditioned, the proposal complies with the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan and all known applicable development regulations Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends the project be approved with the following conditions of approval and that the Planning Commission forward the proposal to the City Council for review and approval EnvironmentaL co,,,",;,, 'J Prior to issuance of building permits all final mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated ,. Determination of NonSignificance=shallbe met. .,._.<",:L: ::'''", '-c: -'Transportafion 1 The City of Yelm and the Washington State Department of currently partnering a major roadway improvement project on East Yelm Avenue Although funding for this project is federal funds, the Prairie Park project will pay a percentage match for their share of the frontage improvement. 2. The on-site internal roadway section is "Local Access Commercial" As shown on the site plan the road standard has been modified through the curve to reflect wider driving lanes needed to accommodate the reduced radius Modifications have also been made to the road section between buildings C & 0 deleting the on-street parking lane, increasing the planter strip width from 6' to 11' and the sidewalk width from 5' to 10' (placing the sidewalk In the utility easement) The remainder of the internal road has been modified from the "Local Access Commercial" section combining the 6' planter strip and 5' sidewalk into a more pedestrian friendly ii' Sidewalk with street tree grates Page 5 of 9 3 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the site's frontage on West Road The roadway section is "Commercial Collector" The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The applicant shall dedicate sufficient right of way on which to construct the half-street improvements. These improvements shall be constructed in two phases Phase I shall include approximately 400 linear feet on West Road for the new theater complex. Phase II shall include the remainder of roadway within the project limits on West Road Phase II improvements will be triggered by 150 net PM peak trips, or the development of either buildings H and I, whichever comes first. o 4 Access will include the following ingress/egress a One 36-foot full service entrance to align with Clark Road on East Yelm Avenue, b One one-way only entrance on 4th Avenue, c. A Phase 1 full service access on West Road d A Phase 1 parking lot access on West Road e A Phase II full service access on West Road, exact location to be determined at Phase II f A Phase II parking lot access on West Road, exact location to be determined at Phase II 7 ..... 0 A t ff I t h II b t I d t the W t R d t d C '" ",,",.e .~,,'," ,,-, - -- _ ra ic ca ming ec - nique wi e u i ize a es oaaccess 0 is qur-~",e ;'~_"~'!Co':~;';"''';~'ij"";,, left turn movements onto West Road The City will approve final technique arict:'~';~;/"J . -- -. - design of the traffic calming device .f ;..~..-+ ::-~ ..,:,. - - .~- .-~..", ~- ~6-' Street lighting shall be installed per the City's Development Guidelilles,f~!E'" __ . _ _ ~ _~_ '-.'-' . _-'- ;::;:-.,': --~- C'~..' ;'_~".:::; -- 7 Storm Drainage shall be installed per the City's Development Guidelines 8 Site grading and fill placed on the proposed site shall be completed to 95% density per the City's Development Guidelines 9 A grading permit is required from the Public Works Department prior to any grading on site 10 Parking lots shall be designed per the City's Development Guidelines to meet American Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements Page 6 of 9 o c Water 1 The applicant shall connect each new building to the City water system The cost of connection is established by City resolution and is payable at building permit. The meter fee shall be per the City fee schedule 2. The onsite water line installation shall be looped to afford maximum fire protection as per the Uniform Fire Code. At a minimum, the loop will include connections on East Yelm Avenue, 103rd Avenue, West Rd and at the intersections of Jefferson and Van Trump along 4th Avenue 3 The 8" main which runs along the northwest West Road parking lot access shall be continued northwest on West Road, continuing south on 4th Avenue and connecting to the Van Trump and Jefferson 8t. tees Water line and hydrants shall be installed as per City of Yelm Development Guidelines 4 At Phase II or any proposed development on the north side of West Road (whichever comes first) , the applicant and the City will re-examine water usage requirements and determine pro-rata share (if any to this project) and various installation strategies (LID, etc.) of the water main extension on West Road from the project's northwest parking lot access running southeasterly to 103rd Avenue () c: '" To ensure compliance with the City's 1995 water comprehensive plan, the applicant shall connect to and install 8-inch mains tnroughout the project as per the preliminary water plan -"- ., f _ -.- ,.- ~As pec<;ity of Yelm"Development Guidelines", minimum hydrant spadngJor ~~~'0' "~buildiRg coverage shall be a minimum of 150 linear feet racjius Hydra-ntsshill minimum of 50 feet from any struCture ., -." " 7 Upon completion of on site water installation, per the City's Development Guidelines, the lines shall be deeded to the City 8. Existing water customers whose service is disconnected by the project will be reconnected in a manner approved by the City 9 EXisting on-site wells shall be abandoned per Department of Ecology regulations Any water rights available on-site shall be transferred to the City of Yelm c Page 7 of 9 Sewer o 1 The applicant shall connect to the City STEP sewer system This project is located in LID #1 and requires a portion of the connection fee to be paid at the time of building permit. The cost of connection is established by City resolution An Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) equals 240 gallons of water consumption per day Inspection fees shall be per the City Fee Schedule 2. Upon completion of collection lines and onsite STEP installations, per the City's Development Guidelines, the collection lines and STEP sewer equipment shall be deeded to the City 3 To ensure compliance with the City's 1998 sewer comprehensive plan, the applicant shall connect to a 4-inch main at the intersection of Clark Road Internal collector lines shall be 4-inch diameter with two-inch service lines. Proposed buildings H and I will connect to the existing line on West Road 4 Septic system abandonment will be per the Thurston County Health Department. Stormwater 1 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction of the storm water facilities 0 2. The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction- drawings 3 The applicant shall-submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval :;.,-::'.:::x,' 4 As part of the final storm water report, the applicant shall conduct hydrological testing to ensure the site is not subject to unusual high groundwater The applicant will identify areas of potential effects associated with planned cuts and fills Desiqn Standards 1 The applicant shall utilize the City's Development Guidelines as a guide to develop project civil drawings Landscaping Prior to occupancy of Building A, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan, including refuge area, to the Plannmg Department for approval Installation of the Page 8 of 9 o o improvements approved in the plan must occur prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for Building A. Parking The applicant shall provide for loading areas as required by Chapter 17 72. Loading area design and placement shall be approved by the Planning Department. Desion Guidelines The applicant shall submit building plans with elevations to the Planning Department no later than at time of building permit submittal o o Page 9 of 9 s"te p\aO "b,t \- , ~, v \11\ of ,e i c; t~ \'\\ t~\ .~.n. '\, t\\~\ ~\ ~h'~ Exhibit 11- Vicinity Map Ci of Yelm MPD-00-8246- YL March 22, 20/"\ 0" 105TH ~ 0:: :s o 109TH FIVE CORNERS VICINITY MAP N.T.S. J o Exhibit 11I- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm , MPD-OO-8246-YL: March 22, 2000 . () NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: PLACE: PURPOSE: Monday, April 3, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a Commercial Development of 19 acres. APPLICANT: Yelm Prame Development Company PROJECT LOCATION: Yelm Avenue E, 103rd Avenue SE and West Road SE. The Yelm Planmng Commission will hold a pubhc hearing to receive comments on the construction of an 8 screen cinema, infrastructure improvements, retail space, restaurant, office space, Library (optional), 48 room addItion to the Hotel, fitness center, conference center and an option for up to 20 dwelling units. () Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal received by the close of the public hearing on April 3, 2000. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above. Any related documents are available for pubhc reVIew during normaTbusiness hours at the City ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm W A. For addItional informatIon, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 The City ofYelm proVIdes reasonable accommodatIons to persons with dIsabilIties. If you need special accommodations to attend or partIcipate, call the CIty Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting. AITEST City of Yelm ~~ 'd ~Mwi-t Agnes - enmck, CIty Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE PublIshed in the Nisqually Valley News. Fnday, March 24, 2000 Posted 10 PublIc Areas Wednesday, March 22, 2000 Malled to Adjacent Property Owners. Wednesday, March 22, 2000 y Exhibit IV - Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm MPD-00-8246-YL March 22, 20.0( U. SEPA NO' 8246 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: GGLO ArchitectslYelm Prairie Development Company Description of Proposal: Two Phased Mixed Use Commercial Development including the demolition of 2 - 4 residential units on approximately 19 acres. Phase I includes the construction of a 6 screen cinema with infrastructure improvements. Phase II includes infrastructure improvements, the addition of 2 screens to the cinema, 13,500 sq. ft. of retail space, 10,000 sq. ft. restaurant, 19,500 sq. ft. of office space, 6,000 sq. ft. Library (optional retail), 48 room addition to the Prairie Hotel, 20,000 sq. ft. fitness center, 6,000 sq. ft. conference center and an option for up to 20 dwelling units in place of office space. Location of the Proposal: The project site is bound by Yelm Avenue East, 1 03nl Avenue SE and West Road SE. SectionfTownship/Range: SE 1/4 Section 19, Township 17N Range 2E, Tax Parcel 64303700100, 64303700101, 64303700302, 64303700301, 64303700205, 64303700204, 64303700200. Threshold Determination: The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C.030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental cf:!ecklist and other information on file with the lead agency This 0 information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: SEE ATTACHED Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: March 9, 2000 5:00 pm. March 22, 2000. This Determination of NonSignificance is issued pursuantto Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2). The City ofYelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., April 3, 2000. Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, City Planner, at City ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave. w., PO Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5'00 p.m., March 22, 2000. You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5'00 p.m., March 29, 2000 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, City Planner, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This MONS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (1408), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News Friday March 17,2000 Posted in public areas Thursday March 9, 2000 Copies to Thursday March 9, 2000 - Dept. of Ecology w/checklist All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners. o Exhibit IV - Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance City ofYelm MPD-00-8246-YL March 22, 2000 c ATTACHMENT SEPA CASE #8241 This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance is based on the project as proposed and impacts and mitigation reflected in the following: . Environmental Checklist, prepared by SCA Engineering, dated January 2000 . Traffic Impact Analysis, prepared by heffron transportation, inc., dated February 11, 2000 . Preliminary Drainage Report, prepared by SCA Engineering, dated January 2000. . Tree Retention Plan, prepared by Sound Urban Forestry, dated February 14, 2000. And the following conditions: 1 The applicant shall submit a demolition plan for all structures on the project site. The demolition plans shall address the presence of asbestos and lead paint. Demolition of any buildings containing asbestos and/or lead paint shall require a permit from the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority 2. Yelm Avenue Site Entrance/Clark Road Intersection - Following the completion of Phase 1 (6-plex cinema), the intersection level of service (LOS) will degrade to LOS F during the evening peak traffic period. The installation of a traffic signal system will improve operations to acceptable conditions. The following improvements will be installed by the project developer' Cl A. The applicant shall install a complete traffic signal system to operate the new site access and Clark Road intersection with Yelm Avenue. The project is not solely responsible for the cost of the signal system. The project will be responsible to construct the signal for the Phase 1 development and will be credited approximately 30-40% of the cost towards the Transportation Facility Charge (TFC). The actual credit will be determined by the City B. The project developer will be required to coordinate with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to obtain approval for the new signal installation. A signal permit application will need to be completed and approved by WSDOT C If the City improvement project to Yelm Avenue East is not constructed prior to the completion of Phase 1, the project developer will be responsible to add left-turn lanes on Yelm Avenue and realign Clark Road. The left-turn channelization on Yelm Avenue will be built to a "core" road standard. The Clark Road realignment will also be constructed to a "core" road standard and will align with the proposed project site entrance The improvements will be constructed in accordance with the design drawings prepared by WSDOT The cost of these improvements will be credited against the project's TFC contribution. 3 Site Entrance at 4th Avenue - Currently the site plan shows a full access to 4th Avenue from the primary cinema parking lot. During peak show times (Friday evening and Saturday matinee), the primary exit for movie patrons will be the 4th Avenue access This will cause a significant amount of new traffic to use the local residential streets when exiting the site. To reduce the potential of high traffic usage during these peak periods, the site access at 4th Avenue will be restricted to in-bound movements only No exit will be allowed The following provisions will be required. c A. Design 4th Avenue entrance to restrict out-bound movements. The project developer will Exhibit IV - Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm MPD-00-8246- YL March 22, 20_0~ r \. 10 be required to submit a driveway access plan that delineates the signing and striping treatments, curbing and/or other traffic devices that will preclude the use of this entrance as an exit. B Reconstruct the portion of 4th Avenue along the site entrance frontage. This will include replacing the deteriorated gravel/oil pavement with a new asphalt pavement section. The pavement will be designed in accordance with the Yelm Development Guidelines. The pavement width will follow the residential neighborhood collector standard. A sidewalk and/or pedestrian path will be installed at the entrance to allow a continuous pedestrian facility form 4th Avenue to the cinema parking lot. 4 Traffic calming to Van Trump and Jefferson Streets - Limiting the 4th Avenue driveway to entrance only will reduce the level of traffic using the local residential streets. However, even with the access restriction to 4th Avenue, the in-bound traffic to the project site will impact these local streets. To mitigate this impact, the project developer will be required to install traffic calming devices on the neighborhood streets. The improvements will include: A. Design and install two traffic-calming devices on Van Trump and one device on Jefferson 0 Street to reduce vehicle speed on the roadways and to discourage the use of these streets as destination routes to the project site. ,- B Provide detailed design plans of traffic calming device options that will provide the most benefit. The project developer will work with the neighbors and the City in selecting the final design and location of the traffic-calming devices. 5. TFC Contributions - In compliance with the City of Yelm Concurrency Ordinance, the project developer must contribute $750.00 per new p.m. peak hour trip generated-by the project. Based on the new 307 trips associated with the total project (Phase 1 & 2), the developer will be responsible for a TFC of $230,250 00 This TFC is calculated based on the best estimate of the commercial users for the project. The TFC will change if the commercial land-uses are modified during project development. In addition, the project developer will be entitled to economic benefit as provided for in the TFC Ordinance. The project developer shall provide the City with the required information necessary for the City to determine the actual credit. o Exhibit V- Comment Letters City of Yelm MPD-00-8246-YL March 22, 2000 o David Asher 404 West Rd. Yelm, Wa. 98597 - - I RECEIVED MAR 2 2 ZOOO h~'~= = Dear Yelm City Planners, This letter is a concern about traffic on West Road. The road as it is today isn't adequate to handle two lanes at once with out one lane having to hit holes on the side of the road. If the traffic includes a truck or bus then the other lane has to stop and let the larger vehicle have the middle of the road. This is common knowledge for those that are using the road now. With this in mind Yelm should be very concerned about additional traffic that will come when the movies bring in more traffic to the area. o You have indicated there will be more traffic so I would suggest limiting the new traffic in the area between Van Trump and West Rd intersection and the other side of the Wolf residence. This section is the worst due to the narrow road, telephone poles, holes on the side of the road, tree roots causing uneven road, the sharp bend at the comer of West and 4th street. I suggest only having an exit on the West Road going right from the movie to I03rd Street. This would limit any concerns about the most dangerous part of the West Road. I have not thought about the 4th Street traffic but since that road is short and narrow it isn't much for letting more traffic on it either. Yelm has a long ways to go before the town can seek more traffic without preparing the roads for the growth. This responsibility has to be a serious one and a planned one. Plans are not enough without the resources to carry out the plans. We are all aware of the large traffic problem that takes place each weekday morning and evening. Yes there is a planned by pass but with out resources it doesn't help the hundreds of people that are in the traffic each day. I I ! i I \ \ I I I , Sincerely, D~~ DaVId Asher \ I I I I t. \ 1 ti It Please do not let West Road handle any more traffic than it now has WIthout actually domg somethIng for the road. o Exhibit V- Comment Letters City of Yelm MPO-o0-8246-YL March 22, 2000 o Ronald and Bonnie Simmons 410 West Road Yelm, Washington 98597 March 22, 2000 Dear City ofYelm Planners, I would like to address the issue of increased traffic on West road due to the entrance and exit that is planned with the new theater complex. The idea of further development in Yelm is very exciting. I have been a resident here since 1968, and I have watched the little town grow to a nice sized city. The problem with growth is you have to have proper planning. I know you are aware of this and are doing the best you can. We must use good judgment in our decisions. West road is not built to city standards. Any further development on this road will make matters worse. I am concerned about the safety ofthe 4th street comer. Also the traffic in front of Gordon's nursery is very dangerous for pedestrian traffic. Ifwe add any more traffic to this area we are inevitably asking for an accident. WestToad should be brought up to standards before any extra traffic be added. o I also would like to address the issue of city sewer and water along West road. I feel it is very important to develop these utilities as growth occurs. If this is not done at this time we would be amiss in good future planning. In summation, I would like to say please look at the safety of the local residents in the area surrounding this development. I know you would not like to see anyone injured due to sub standard city development. Thank you, Honnie Simmons ) . ,~[,....... (~1.^-~ ;3-e~A~ Ron Simmons o Exhibit V- Comment Letters City ofYelm MPO-o0-8246-YL March 22, 2000 o ~ . Washington State Department. of Transportation Sid MonIson Secrelary 01 T rllllsp<JltlltiOI1 March 23, 2000 Olympic;: Region Headquarters 5720 Capitol Boulcv:1rd, Tumwalo: P.O. no. 4H40 Olyrr:plll, WA. 98504-7440 (360) 357-;1000 Fax (360) 357 -2601 Ms. Cathie Carlson, City Planner City ofYclm POBox 479 Yelm, WA 98597 SR 507, MP 28.57 Left. Vicinity Yelm Prairie Development HC File No. 2000020- T Dear Ms. Carlson: We have received and reviewed the subject proposal and have the f'Ollowing comments: c · We understand that thc City and WSDOT have discussed the realignment of Clark Road. According to Neil Campbell, WSDQT Tumwater Project Office P.E. the WSDOT may no longer be in a position to financially participate in the Clark Roadrcaligntnetlt. Regardless of our participation, Clark Road is to be designed lobe in direct alignment WIth the entrance to Prame Park Development as a conditIOn of any nCW signal. TIns design would facilitate Clark Road entering SR 507 at 90 degrees. · WSDOT signal plan approval at proposed locations will remain contingent on the review of additional materials as requested in the attached WSDOT memorandum. .- · We require signal interconnect with the adjacent SR 510/507 and Vaneil Rd, signal systems be included m the project. · Regarding the Heffron Transportation, Inc. Febmary 11,2000 Prairie Park TIA, page 24, Transit and Non- Motorized Facilities. The report indicates that additional bicycle traffic arc cxpccted to be small. StatiStICS all mdicate that utilitanan bicycle use traffic is increasing at a dramatic pace. We would also like to call attention to a possible bicycle-pedestrian safety issue. The last sentence implies that bicyclists are to use sidewalks. In nearly every case bicycles on sidewalks are a hazard to both the bicyclist and the pedestrian. It is highly suggested that bicyclists be accommodated In another fashion as we strongly discouraged them from uSIng sidewalks. Thank you for the opportunity to review tlus proposal. lfyou have any questIOns n:garding tm.-sc comments, please call T.J Nedrow at (360) 357-2728 Smcerely, c-9~ C ~~~ DALE C SEVERSON, P.E. Development SeIVices Engineer WSDOT, Olympic Region DS'tjn Attachment cc. Neil Campbell MS 4-7446 Steve Kim f\ V I :1 'j [I Exhibit V- Comment Letters City of Yelm MPO-o0-8246- YL March 22, 2000 o ~ ~" Washington State ....... Department of Transportation Memorandum "., March 21. 2000 THRU. Dale Severson 47440 Steve Kim 5 F: TO' FROM: Jim Norman 2633 SUBJECf: SR 507 Prairie Park Developer Review Traffic Analysis Additional information is needed to properly determine the need for a new signal at the proposed access to SR 507. The consultant's traffic impact analysis states the results but shows no documentation supporting these results. We ard'''equesting the following documentation: o . Signal wauant analysIs . Signalized intersection analysis for proposed signal If the above documentation supports the results as stated in the report then we require that Clark Road be realigned as part of the proposed signal installation. We also require that the new signal be interconnected wIth the existing signal at Vancil Road and the existing signal at the SR 507/SR 510 intersection. We are also requesting analysIs of possible Hopaets of the proposed signal to these existing upstream and downstream signals. If you have any questions please call me. 01 c\ c .f' ~ 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2000, 400 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - February 22, 2000, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Case # MPD-00-8246-YL Applicant: Yelm Prairie Development Company Proposal Mixed Use Planned Development including a 8-plex cinema, retail and office space restaurant, fitness center and hotel expansion Project Location The project site is bound by Yelm Avenue East, 103rd Avenue SE and West Road SE , Yelm, WA Staff report enclosed 4 Other" 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 4 00 P.M i' / o City of Yelm c o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 PUBLIC NOTICE The March 20. 2000 ReQular Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday, April 3, 2000, at 400 pm If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the City Planner, Cathie Carlson at (360)458-8408 /),~ ~L A~~S P Bennick City Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News, Friday, March 17,2000 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list, March 15, 2000 Posted at Yelm City Hall, Court and Yelm Library, March 15,2000 c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, February 22, 2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman, Chair Members present. Glenn Blando, Margaret Clapp, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Staff" Cathie Carlson, Dana Spivey Members absent E J Curry Approval of Minutes: 00-01 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1999. MOTION CARRIED. Margaret Clapp requested for future minutes, all parties be addressed with the "Mr " or "Ms "titles Other PC members agreed Dana Spivey said she would be happy to make the conversion Public Communications. There were none Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit, Case # CUP-00-8245-YL, Applicant. Pastor Bob Thomlinson, New Beginnings Foursquare Church Proposal. Use of existing commercial building as a church Project Location 512 "B" Yelm Ave W, Yelm WA. Mr. Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 15 P m Mr. Gorman then asked if any of the Planning Commission (PC) members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Ms. Carlson then gave a staff report. Mr. Gorman asked the PC jf they had any questions? Mr. Isom asked Ms Carlson if the city has heard from the other business owners just down from this location? Ms. Carlson said no Dr. Kent asked if a time limit is needed on this Conditional Use Permit? Ms. Carlson said that the code does allow for the application of time limits on a "case by case" basis, at this point she wouldn't recommend a time limit on this particular project. Ms. Longmire asked about the number of parking spaces Ms. Carlson stated there are seven total in front of this building, four of them are designated for the insurance office, the other three are for the church Yelm Planning Commission February 22 2000 Page 1 c c c 00-02 Ms. Carlson reminded the PC that during normal business hours on weekdays, there will only be 1-3 persons (vehicles) at the church, and the other businesses (teriyaki restaurant, smoke shop etc ) have theirown parking spaces Mr. Gorman asked if there were any more questions from the PC? There were none Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4.23 p m MOTION MADE BY BOB 150M, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD THIS CASE, #CUP-00-8245-YL, TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED. Election of Officers: Ms. Carlson explained the procedures for the election of officers for the Planning Commission Mr. Huddleston stated that he would like his name withdrawn from the list as a possible nomination Mr. Gorman stated that he enjoys Chairing the Commission, but if anyone else would like to serve as Chair he is happy to relinquish the position Mr. Gorman then asked if there were nominations? Mr. Isom nominated Tom Gorman for the position of Chair of the Yelm Planning Commission Ms. Clapp seconded the nomination Mr. Gorman asked for nominations forthe position of Vice-Chair? Glenn Blando nominated John Thomson for Vice-Chair of the Yelm Planning Commission Mr. Gorman seconded the nomination Mr. Gorman thanked the Planning Commission members for their confidence in him Other: Ms. Carlson gave an update on upcoming and current projects, and stated that city staff has been spending a lot of time on Pre-Submission Conferences, on a wide variety of issues/project proposals There have been interests/inquiries for many different commercial uses and small housing developments .. An application has been submitted for the "Prairie Park Village" project, which includes the cinema and other multi-uses .. An application for one of the front pads at the Safeway site, (pad is located at Eastern corner of Safeway parking lot, next to the LeMar Acres mobile home park.) The application is for a retail building which will have a "Hollywood Video" and three other retail type uses .. An application for a "JiffyLube" on the pad next to Giorgio's Espresso, in front of the current RiteAid store .. The demolition of the old house at 307 Yelm Avenue East has taken place This is the future location of a "sit down" family pizza restaurant. "Mama Dot's Pizza" will be approximately 2000 sq ft in size Yelm Planning Commission February 22, 2000 Page 2 1\ V c c '* Thurston County Parks & Rec. has all of their approvals from the City of Yelm and from Thurston County to begin work on the paved trail from Yelm to Rainier They should be starting on the trail anytime '* There will be one Comprehensive Plan amendment this year, to the Transportation Section '* The Thurston Highlands project has not been sent to the City Council yet. Mr. Gorman asked about the large dirt area between the current Vancil Road and the rock wall at the new RiteAid site? Ms. Carlson explained, that area is for the realignment of Vancil Road, and part of the area will be used as a storm water run-off area Ms. Carlson explained there will be two road alignments, (Vancil Road and Clark Road) and then the WSDOT (WA State Dept. of Transportation) overlay Mr. Gorman asked how far the sidewalk will go? Ms. Carlson stated, with the road alignment projects and the overlay complete - there will then be a sidewalk from the corner of Yelm Avenue and Third Street (in front of the old post office building,) all the way to Five Corners Ms. Longmire asked if garage type businesses such as the JiffyLube are allowed in the Commercial District? Ms. Carlson said there is a distinction between major and minor garage type uses, the JiffyLube is considered a minor use, and minor uses are allowed in the C-1 area Ms. Carlson also stated the applicants for the other cinema project, (Burnett Road and Yelm Avenue West) have withdrawn their application Meeting adjourned at 4 30 P m Respectfully submitted, QYvca; ~ Dana Spive Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission February 22, 2000 Page 3 o c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date February 9, 2000 To Yelm Planning Commission From. Cathie Carlson, City Planner Re Case No CUP-00-8245-YL, New Beginnings Foursquare Church LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit I - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit II - Site Plan Exhibit 111- Parking Agreement A. Public Hearing Obiective: The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed Church is consistent with the applicable City of Yelm Municipal Code( s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommengation of,actionAo the City Council B. Proposal. The applicant has applied for a Special Use Permit to convert the site from a commercial space to a Church The applicant is not proposing any physical changes to the site The Church meets twice a week: Sunday from 8.00 a m to 12 00 P m and Wednesday evenings at 7.00 p m. The current weekly average for Sunday attendance is 20 people (adults and children) and mid-week attendance average of 7 people c. Findings: 1 Proponent. Pastor Bob Thomlinson, 2 Location 512 "B" Yelm Avenue West 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on February 11,2000, and posted in public areas on February 9, 2000 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners on February 8,2000 4 Existing Land Use Commercial 5 Adiacent Land Uses Residential to the north and commercial on all other adjacent properties Case No. CUP-QQ-8245- YL, New Beainninas Foursquare Church PaQe 2 o 6 Comprehensive Plan The site is designated Commercial 7 Zoninq Chapter 17.26, Commercial District, C-1 and overlay zone, Chapter 17 66, Special Uses 8 Transportation and Site Access. The site fronts on Yelm Avenue West with open access 9 Parking Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires one parking stall per each ten occupants (Places of assembly without fixed seats) The maximum occupancy load for the space is 49 people The existing parking area (7 stalls) serve an existing insurance office and the proposed church Four of the stalls are signed for the insurance office use only The Dry Cleaning Business to the west of the site has given the Church written permission to utilize their parking lot if needed 10 Wastewater The project is currently served with existing capacity from the Sewer Treatment Plant. It is not anticipated the project would require any additional sewer capacity o 11 Water Supply The project is currently served with City water It is not anticipated the project would require any additional water capacity 12 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2.. 13 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm 14 Environmental Review The proposed project is exempt from environmental review D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the special use permit, CUP-00-8245- YL, New Beginnings Foursquare Church be forwarded to the City Council for approval, based on the findings in Section C, and subject to the conditions in Section D of this report. 1 The applicant shall limit organized activities to week nights after 5'00 p m and weekends due to conflicting parking requirements Monday through Friday, 8 00 a m to 5 00 P m o Exhibit 1- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm CUP-00-8245-YL February 9, 2000 () NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: PLACE: PURPOSE: Tuesday, February 22, 2000,4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a Conditional Use Permit, Case #CUP-00-8245- YL. APPLICANT: Pastor Bob Thomlinson, New Beginnings Foursquare Church PROJECT LOCATION: 512 Yelm Avenue West The Yelm Planning CommissIOn will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a conditIOnal use application to locate the above referenced church in an eXlstmg commercial building. The apphcant is not proposing any changes to the building or site. The Church meets twIce a week: Sunday from 8.00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7.00 p.m. A recommendation will be forwarded to the YeIm City Council, and action taken at the 3/8/00 city council meeting. () Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on February 22, 2000. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm W A 98597. Any related documents are available for publIc review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Y elm Ave W., Yelm W A. For addItional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 The City ofYelm provIdes reasonable accommodations to persons WIth dIsabilitIes. If you need special accommodations to attend or partiCIpate, call the CIty Clerk, Agnes BennIck, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meetmg. A TrEST CIty ofYelm ;1,. yJ ~Hllll A.!ghes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW lliIS LINE () Pubhshed in the Nisqually Valley News. Fnday, February 11,2000 Posted m Pubhc Areas. Wednesday, February 9, 2000 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners: Tuesday, February 8, 2000 __~____~ ~+----""'~--~---7-"-----_._- ~ ---+-~~!. --~~.---~i,-T---"--t-' : ' : ~-~-- : --,- . ; 1-+= ' ---l-'C-~- __;__:........J:l!-.~_J.__~~.J_.................L I I _~_~ I I I . .L.-.- ._-t-~.~--. --,.-,._~ ~_~l__ ~ .----+--+ -: --.- ; -.-;'-+-o-.-~--t-..-'-i--i.-+-+.-t-t--L._~-- -r - ~--~- ._.~~.__~-l.--'-_.+_ .----.--.~-.--~-....-;>--.....~~-r_ .~- -~. ._.~V_~... ---~-,..c;--~.--.:-.---. .-. ~--~._-.- ..---~-..hJ)..r_-.:~-4-~--+--:-..:-~-- __L_~ ~ I ~-.,." I ; --~-~-~--... ~.~~-:--_.---~---J----.--- .---~~-<::'::s~-t_ +---!-'-:--.----~ - --T -t-- ~'--}-Q-- ._.:..,--~: -..,...-+-----,-.~,'-----'-,~.. -: ; ~----r- ' -~- : ..:'\;"e----..b--- --_.-J-i!~--~- -- - _.._~.--.------ -:--.". - ----~--~-1-~-I--J.-,--i--.' .-+t- _:'S~Q.._ __, _ __~ _~_._L _>_..._. __.. _. .___._ __~. 1 _~ .._.'- .'~-+-._+--""-j-_J_ __L.J__ ~ --'.. 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So ,i__. ~\' ~ .~ r-- .. ~ r -1- ..- Q--L ~::.....L....I.-.~ ._~ +- ! ~ ...... t i I I l _ L '::"ll---l---'o ~...l 1 L-\- j 1 i : : ; I ---.L-....LJ.,....- ~ --t -- j ! : I : ~_..j.._J_ I i ------J . Exhibit 11- Site Plan City of Yelm ~- _nJ ---.----.'t- - . p-bQl-'.~ 1dC(IQ~i-- jut. __!__i_.-L__ : ~ .. "",~-1 ~ ," , ~-~-O <tVJo ~~ ~ ~~..:t. '"i::' "...... .~. V)~ I I r .~ - ~--1" I I ' ! - --+--~ ;... -, ! , i .). ~_.__i I - ! i I ;-.t--. !-- ,. -j _....,__._1._...;._.. -; ~_. I i- , - I .1 , I ; , t. ~ ..!:> ' .... .- ~c&.: ~~ L '0) ;~ ; ---.:... .~ ~- I. i I +- -\ i - i'PvOCf J-((/!LU.-'9li91- CUP-OO-8245-YL FebrUa~ 9, 200b i . _-+--L_--:-- 1__ I i , , i 1 , _~I I I i i ! -+-- -f- o .' Ii /! .1 I' I II I I _'- .L : ! .--;.- .\ , ' ~=~...~._,- . _1-_L";.--i--. Ii; : '+-1.-t-'--- _L.L-L..._ , I ' .J__L,_.u.__ LL.~._.;._ --~- -~._- I I ~... -t- - , + I iu .\-+----~.--_.- I i _n_". , .,_..J i 1 .j- +__L I: i: " I Ii r o . r I - t! -i.----1 t - ..i. ~ .;~ '~ -'3 ---t----.T Exhibit 11I- Parking Agreement City of Yelm \ (J Permission. Slip. CUP-00-8245-YL February 9, 2000 I give my permission for New Beginnings Church to use my parking if it is needed. Name: Date: (\ ~J . -----., .I~ ou Pastor Bob Thomlinson. I/~~ fit>h c JAN 11 2DfJD ,~-/- January 5, 2000 Cathy Carlson City Planning Yelm Dear Ms. Carlson I see that some decIsions have been made concerning Thurston Highlands development. Surveys have been made and stakes are bemg placed Into the ground CommUnications between the city and concerned cItizens have been minImal, If not Just plam nonexistent. Can you please let us know what IS gOing on. [n additIOn, [ thmk It IS mcumbent upon the city to keep people outSide the 1000 foot boundary zone Informed. Many more people Will be Impacted by this development, If It mdeed proceeds. o SpeCifically, what 1 would like to have IS a responsiveness summary to the many concerns expressed There were many thoughtful responses to thiS planned developed. How have you addressed them? Or have you addressed them? Was there by any chance consultation with expert agencies or groups? Those that come to mtnd are ) 1 Sectton 7 consultation with the National Manne Flshenes Service on the Endangered Species Act. The Increased sediment load and pollutants from Thompson Creek will impact the Nlsqually River and her fishenes. 2 The Nisqually Tnbe for Impacts on tribal fishenes 3 The Nlsqually River Councd Thompson Creek IS In the Stewardship Management Zone of the Nlsqually River Management Plan 4 The Department of Ecology for their regulatory responslblhty of water nghts, water withdrawals, stormwater controls, and antldegradatlon of water quality 5 Army Corps ofEngmeers SectIOn 404 permIts for any mstream work that needs to be done on Thompson Creek 6 Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife for any hydraulics code requirements o 7 Raimer School Dlstnct o 8 JZ KnIght. Her property will be Impacted by the additional flooding of Thompson Creek 9 Fort LewIs 10 I am sure there are others that I will eventually thmk of Hopefully a responsiveness summary will have already shown how the many concerns and Issues have been addressed A copy of this letter will go to my many neighbors, and to those entities Identified above Thank: you In advance for taking time to answer our concerns ~ William A. Hashim 13803 93rd Ave SE ce. Kathy Wolfe, Mayor Members of the Yelm City Council Members of the PlannIng Commission o o (; ~ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,2000400 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - December 20, 1999, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Case # CUP-00-S245-YL Applicant: Pastor Bob Thomlinson, New Beginnings Foursquare Church Proposal Use of existing commercial building as a church Project Location 512 "B" Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, WA Staff report enclosed 04 Election of Officers 5 Other' 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 4 00 P.M o c c c PUBLIC NOTICE Yelm Planning Commission Meeting Change The Regular Planmng CommIssIOn meetmg scheduled for Monday, February 21, 2000 has been changed to Tu,!sday, February 22,2000 at 4:00 pm, m the Yelm CIty Hall Council Chambers at 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm. If there are any questIOns concernmg thIS change, please call the CIty Planner, CathIe Carlson at 360-458-8408 ;iJ ()1AULL{], es P BennIck, CIty Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE PublIshed In the Nisqually Valley News Fnday, February 11,2000 Posted m PublIc Areas Wednesday, February 9, 2000 Mailed to Plannmg CommIssIOn maIlmg lIst: Wednesday, February 16,2000 c c c PUBLIC NOTICE The regular Plannmg CommIssIon meetmg scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2000 has been cancelled due to lack of bus mess Ifthere are any questIons, please call the CIty Planner, CathIe Carlson at 360-458-8408 tIr'lr ~l1gvd(k Agnes P BennIck CIty Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Pubhshed m the Nisqually Valley News, Fnday, January 14,2000 Mailed to Plannmg CommISSIOn mailIng lIst, Wednesday, January 12,2000 Posted m publIc areas, Wednesday, January 12,2000 -'