Agendas and Minutes ~\ l) YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 17,2001,400 pm YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 4 05 P m Members present: Tom Gorman, Ray Kent, E J Curry, Don Carney, Roberta Longmire, and Margaret Clapp Staff: Tami Merriman, Jim Gibson, and Roberta Allen Members absent: John Thomson - excused, Joe Baker, Glenn Blando, and Council Liaison Glen Cunningham Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2001. Discussion as to whether minutes need to be approved when a quorum was not present, no motions were made or carried, and a quorum cannot vote to approve since a quorum was not in attendance Mr. Gorman decided that the minutes should be kept for the record, but that no motion needs to be made or seconded, or carried, to approve or disapprove them Public Communications None (\ U PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED: Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64 Adult Entertainment Facilities. Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City Wide The Massage Therapy Association had wanted to submit information to the Planning Commission regarding the use of the word massage in the proposed ordinance However, they still need more time to do this Therefore, the Commission continued this public hearing until January 22, 2002 Staff suggested that if the Massage Therapy Association fails to get their information to the Commission by that time, the Commission can forward the ordinance, as amended, to the Council for consideration 01-35 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT TO YELM MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 17.64 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES UNTIL THE JANUARY 22,2002 MEETING MOTION CARRIED Action Item: LonQmire Meadows Final Plat - SUB-01-8296-YL Applicant Carl Teitge and Robert Bussey Location' Longmire, Van Trump, Solberg, and Coates Streets c Ms. Merriman introduced Mr Carl Teitge and Mr Robert Bussey to the Commission Ms. Merriman summarized the Longmire Meadows Final Plat application Mr Teitge and Mr Bussey applied for Preliminary Plat in February 2001 Ms. Merriman indicated the applicants have completed all their requirements, paid their open space fee, and have provided an assigned Yelm Planning Commission December 17, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\ 12.17.01 min.doc Page 1 c savings to assure that grass can be planted next spring in case their recently seeded grass fails to thrive The applicants will need to pay any outstanding engineering and surveying fees Ms Clapp inquired if there had been any changes in the plat from what Commissioners originally saw Ms Merriman replied that there were no changes 01-36 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE LONGMIRE MEADOWS FINAL PLAT. MOTION CARRIED. Other: Mr. Kent indicated that Mondays and Fridays are difficult days for meetings for him because of his practice, and inquired if the meeting dates could be changed to Tuesday afternoons Ms Curry suggested that evenings might also be a possibility Mr. Gorman is reluctant to move the meeting time and date Ms. Lonqmire said that Tuesday at 400 would be as good as Monday at 4 00, if the room is available Ms. Merriman indicated changing to Tuesday could potentially sometimes cause problems for staff in getting materials to City Council members in time for Council meetings, for items referred to them by the Planning Commission Mr. Gorman asked Ms Merriman to check on room availability on Tuesdays, and to check with Ms Carlson about changing the meeting date to Tuesdays Ms. Merriman will bring that information to the next meeting o Ms. Merriman handed out binders to Commission members which contain information to be used for the upcoming Comprehensive Plan update Commissioners will need to bring this binder to all future Planning Commission meetings to store, organize and have the information needed for the update process 01-37 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 4 15 P m Respectfully submitted, , ~/~~dtv. d//v- Rdberta Allen, Administrative Assistant Tom Gorman, Chair Date c Yelm Planning Commission December 17, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\12.17.01 min.doc Page 2 e City of Yelm (\ ~ 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date December 10, 2001 To Planning Commission From Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Re Final Plat for Longmire Meadows (formerly Longmire Estates) SUB-01-8296- YL Backqround The Yelm City Council approved, with conditions, a preliminary plat for the above referenced project on February 28, 2001 The project has been under construction for the past year, and the applicant filed a completed application for final plat on November 16, 2001 c Applicant: CarlO Teitge Dev Inc, and Robert A. Bussey Inv Inc., (TEBO Ventures III) Proposal. 23 Lot, Single Family Final Plat Approval for Longmire Meadows Subdivision Location. The project site is located at Solberg, Longmire, Coates, and Van Trump Streets, just west of Yelm Middle School Planninq Commission Action The Planning Commission is required to review the Final Plat for compliance with the conditions of approval placed on the preliminary plat. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the final plat, and is satisfied that all conditions have been met, the Planning Commission shall forward the plat to the City Council for review and approval Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the final plat to the City Council for approval, provided 1 All engineering and surveying fees for the final plat review are paid prior to City Council review 2 The applicant provides the City with an executed Assigned Savings Account Agreement The assigned savings account is required to complete requirements as discussed in No 15 below Original Conditions of Approval c Sewer 1 Sewer ERU's are charged at the current rate of $4,856/ERU plus an inspection fee of $145 OO/ERU payable at building permit issuance The applicant shall be credited for the one existing connection " c c r-\ ~ Sewer ERU's and inspection fees are paid at building permit issuance. The applicant shall be credited for one existing connection. 2. The S T E P System shall be designed to City standards. The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Public Works Department for review and approval Completed. Water 3 An 8" PVC waterline extension will be required along Solberg Van Trump will require an upgrade from the existing 4" AC line to an 8" PVC line Completed 4 Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged a current rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (fee subject to change) inside city limits One ERU would be charged to each residential building lot. The applicant shall be credited for the one existing connection These fees are payable at building permit issuance Water ERU's and inspection fees are paid at building permit issuance. The applicant shall be credited for one existing connection. 5 The Water Line improvements and connections shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Public Works Department for review and approval Completed. Stormwater 6 The stormwater facility shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 17 84 Completed. The applicant landscaped the stormwater facilities, and planted more trees than required. 7 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City ofYelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings Completed. 8 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval Completed. 9 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities The agreement shall clearly state what improvements are allowed within the easements, who's responsible for removal, replacement and/or repairs of any improvements within the easement. Completed. 2 c Transportation 10 Frontage improvements are required for this project. Frontage improvements shall be consistent with the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines Frontage improvements for Longmire, Van Trump and Solberg shall be consistent with the section "Local Access Commercial" Frontage improvements for Coates shall be consistent with the section "Neighborhood Collector" Stevens Street has been vacated by a Yelm City Council action Completed. 11 The proponent shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 which is payable at time of building permit. TFC charges are payable at building permit issuance. Fire 12 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards Completed. c 13 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to for review and approval Completed. Open Space 14 The applicant shall pay a fee in-lieu-of providing on-site open space The fee in- lieu-of is $6356 35 and is payable prior to final plat approval Completed. Paid 11/02/01 COY Receipt # 20499 Landscaping 15 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan for review and approval The applicant has provided a Letter of Credit and Assignment for grass seeding the planter strips. Planting was completed late in the season. The assigned savings allows for reseeding in the spring if necessary 16. The applicant shall use Best Management Practices to protect trees identified for retention Construction fencing shall be placed around trees no closer than the trees drip line Completed. ~ J Environmental 17 The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on December 18,2000 Completed. The applicant has recorded a mitigation agreement with Yelm Community Schools. 3 c Property Addresses Prior to submission of final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing Completed. General Public Works 18 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required All lighting design will be submitted to Puget Sound Energy for review and approval Completed. 19 The applicant shall submit a grading plan for review and approval prior to any on- site grading Completed. 20 The applicant shall contact the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, 909 Sleater-Kinney Rd SE, Suite 1, Lacey, WA 98502, (360) 438-8768 to secure any necessary permit(s} for the removal of materials containing asbestos and/or lead paint. Completed. c 21 The applicant shall submit a demolition plan to the City for all structures on the project site OAPCA review must be complete prior to application with the city for a demolition permit. Completed. ~ J 4 o o c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COpy PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: DECEMBER 17, 2001 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64, Adult Entertainment Facilities. To be continued to January 22. 2002 1. NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) C~Q. \ ~? ~~4 Q i~ ,/ G City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2001, 4 00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes December 3, 2001 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing Continued - Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 1764 Adult Entertainment Facilities. To 8e Continued to January 22, 2002 ("" 4. Action Item Longmire Meadows Final Plat - SUB-01-8296-YL "-.J Applicant. Carl Teitge and Robert Bussey Location Longmire, Van Trump, Solberg, and Coates Streets Staff Report Enclosed - Documentation to follow 5. Other: Discussion of possible meeting date and time changes 6. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Benniok, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. """\ **MEETING DATE CHANGE** Due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, the Next regular meeting shall be: **TUESDAY, JANUARY 22,2002 4:00 P.M.** -I r - All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ..J o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2001, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 4 05 P m Members present. Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Ray Kent, and Glenn Blando Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, and Jim Gibson Members absent: E J Curry, Don Carney - excused Roberta Longmire, Margaret Clapp, Joe Baker, and Council Liaison Glen Cunningham Approval of Minutes: No motions were made at this meeting, as there was not a quorum. Public Communications None o Work Session Item: Draft Ordinance for HearinQ Examiner Ms Carlson discussed with the Commission, the draft hearing examiner ordinance Ms. Carlson informed the Commission that she will take the draft ordinance before the City Council, prior to a public hearing, to make them aware of the RCW requirement, and to allow them time to review the direction the Planning Commission is taking The Commission reviewed the individual sections of the ordinance Ms Carlson explained in more detail, the reasoning, and requirements of each Ms. Carlson will consult with the City Attorney, on a few points of the ordinance Ms. Carlson also explained the process for hiring the Hearing Examiner Ms. Carlson will bring the ordinance back to the Commission in February, for a Public Hearing Other: Ms. Carlson informed the Commission that staff would be distributing binders to Commission members at the next meeting, with information for the upcoming Comprehensive Plan update The Commissioners will need to bring tlilis binder to all future Planning Commission meetings, to store, organize, and have the information needed for the update process Meeting adjourned at 4 30 P m Respectfully submitted, p~?;j?;;~;7l2w,}~tM't / Tami(Merriman, Plannjg Technician c Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission December 3, 2001 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\ 12.03.01 min.doc Page 1 c c o Sections. 2 26 010 2 26 020 2 26 030 2 26 040 2 26 050 2.26 060 2.26 070 2.26 080 2.26 090 2.26 100 2.26110 2 26 120 2.26 130 2.26 140 2.26 150 2.26 160 2 26 170 2.26 180 CHAPTER 2.26 HEARING EXAMINER Intent Creation of Hearing Examiner Appointment and Term Qualifications Examiner Pro Tempore, Qualifications and Duties Conflict of Interest and Freedom From Improper Influence Computation of Time Rules Powers and Duties Applications Report by Community Development Department Public Hearing Examiner's Decision and Recommendation - Findings Required Reconsideration Appeal of Examiner's decision City Council Action on Appeals City Council Decisions Annual Report 2.26.010 Intent. It is the intent of the chapter to A. Provide a single, efficient, integrated land use regulatory system which integrates the public hearing and decision-making process for land use matters, B Provide a greater degree of due process in land use regulatory hearings and expand the principles of appearance of fairness, C Separate the land use policy formulation and the land use policy administration process 2.26.020 Creation of Hearing Examiner. The office of the hearing examiner is created The hearing examiner shall interpret, review and implement land use regulations as provided in this code and other ordinances The term hearing examiner shall likewise include the examiner pro-tem 2.26.030 Appointment and Term. The hearing examiner and examiner pro-tem shall be appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor (Ord 189 ~4, 1975) 2.26.040 Qualifications. The hearing examiner shall be appointed solely with regard to qualifications for the duties of such office and shall have such training or experience as will qualify the Examiner to conduct administrative or quasi-judicial hearings on land use regulatory codes and other matters deemed appropriate by the city council The hearing examiner shall hold no other elective or appointive office or position in the City of Yelm 2.26.050 Examiner Pro Tempore, Qualifications and Duties. The hearing examiner Pro Tem shall, in the event of the absence or the inability of the Hearing examiner to act have all the duties and powers of the Examiner o 2.26.060 Conflict of Interest and Freedom From Improper Influence. The Examiner shall not conduct or participate in any hearing or decision in which the Examiner has a direct or indirect personal or financial interest which might exert such influence upon the Examiner that might interfere with his decision making process Any actual or potential conflict of interest shall be disclosed to the parties immediately upon discovery of such conflict. o o Participants in the land use regulatory process have the right, insofar as possible, to have the Examiner free from personal interest or pre-hearing contacts on land use regulatory matters considered by him It is recognized that there is a countervailing public right to free access to public officials on any matter If such personal or pre-hearing interest contact impairs the Examiner's ability to act on the matter, such person shall so state and shall abstain therefrom to the end of the proceeding is fair and has the appearance of fairness, unless all parties agree in writing to have the matter heard by said Examiner No Council member, City official, or any other person shall attempt to interfere with, or improperly influence the Examiner in the performance of his designated duties This section shall not prohibit the city attorney from rendering legal services to the examiner upon request. 2.26.070 Computation of Time In computing any period of time prescribed by this chapter, the day of the act from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included The last day of the period so computed shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or a city legal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday or city legal holiday 2.26.080 Rules The hearing examiner shall have the power to prescribe rules for the scheduling and conduct of hearings, to administer oaths, and other rules of procedure as related to the duties of his or her office 2.26.090 Powers and Duties. The examiner shall have the following powers and duties with respect to applications of matters submitted before her or him A. Decisions of the Examiner The Examiner shall conduct public hearings for the purpose of receiving and examining available information, prepare a record thereof, and enter findings of fact and conclusions based upon these facts and a decision which shall represent the final action on the application, unless appealed, as herein specified, for the following types of applications 1 Appeals from orders, recommendations, permits, decisions or determinations made by a city official in the administration or enforcement of the provision of the zoning code or any ordinance adopted pursuant to it. 2 Variances 3 Conditional/Special Use Permits 4 Shoreline Permits 5 Daycare Facilities 6 Preliminary Plats 7 Binding Site Plans 8 Plat or Binding Site Plan Amendments C:\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Hearing Examiner chapter.doc 2 1 st Draft 11/27/2001 o o o 9 Final Plats (revise to staff review and cc approval, no pc or hearing examiner - check with Brent) B Recommendations of the Examiner The hearing examiner shall receive and examine available information, conduct public hearings, prepare a record thereof and enter findings of fact and conclusions based on those facts, together with a recommendation to the city council for the following types of applications 1 Master Planned Communities 2. Planned Residential Development 3 Local Improvement Districts 4 Vacation of Plat, Right-of-way or Easement C The Examiner shall make recommendations for revision to relevant codes and ordinances which will clarify or otherwise improve the development review process 2.26.100 Applications. Applications for permits or approvals within the jurisdiction of the hearing examiner shall be filed with the community development department as required by adopted ordinances and resolutions When it is found that an application meets the filing requirements of the city, it shall be accepted The community development department shall be responsible for processing each application and to assign a date for the public hearing 2.26.110 Report by Community Development Department. The Community Development Department shall coordinate and assemble the comments and recommendations of other city departments, governmental agencies and other interested parties and shall prepare a report summarizing the factors involved and the department's findings and recommendations At least seven calendar days prior to the scheduled hearing the report shall be filed with the Examiner and copies thereof shall be mailed to the applicant; copies shall be provided to interested parties for the cost of reproduction 2.26.120 Public Hearing. A Before rendering a decision or recommendation on any application for which a public hearing is required, the Examiner shall hold at least one public hearing thereon Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be given as provided in the ordinance governing the application If none is specifically set forth, such notice shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing B On applications requiring approval by the city council, the public hearing before the Examiner, if required, shall constitute the hearing by the city council C At the close of the testimony, the Examiner may close the public hearing, continue the hearing to a specified time and date, or close the public hearing pending the submission of additional information on or before a specified date 2.26.130 Examiner's Decision and Recommendation - Findings Required Within ten (10) working days after the conclusion of a hearing, unless a longer period is agreed to in writing by the applicant, the examiner shall render a written decision which shall include at least the following C:\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Hearing Examiner chapter.doc 3 1 st Draft 11/27/2001 o A. Findings based upon the record and conclusions therefrom which support the decision Such findings and conclusions shall also set forth the manner by which the decision would carry out and conform to the City's comprehensive plan, other official policies and objectives and all applicable provisions of the Yelm Municipal Code and/or state law B A decision or recommendation on the application which may be to approve, deny, or grant with such conditions, modifications and restrictions as the examiner finds necessary to make the application compatible with surrounding land uses, comprehensive plan, other official policies and objectives, and all applicable provisions of the Yelm Municipal Code and/or state law C The decision or recommendation shall be rendered within ten (10) working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings The copy of such decision, including findings and conclusions, shall be transmitted by first class mail, to the applicant and other parties of record in the case requesting notice of the decision The person mailing the decision, together with the supporting documents, shall prepare an affidavit of mailing, in standard form, and the affidavit shall become a part of the record of the proceedings o 2.26.140 Reconsideration. Any interested person or agency of record, oral or written, that disagrees with the decision of the Hearing examiner may make a written request for reconsideration by the Examiner within ten working days after the written decision of the examiner has been rendered This request shall set forth specific errors relating to A. Erroneous procedure, B Errors of law objected to at the public hearing by the person requesting reconsideration, C Incomplete record, o An error in interpreting the comprehensive plan or other relevant material, or E. Newly discovered material evidence which was not available at the time of the hearing The term "new evidence" shall mean only evidence discovered after the hearing held by the hearing examiner and shall not include evidence which was available or which could reasonable have been available and simply not presented at the hearing for whatever reason The hearing examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as the Examiner deems proper The hearing examiner may request further information which shall be provided within ten (10) days of the request. The Hearing Examiner's written decision on the request for reconsideration shall be transmitted to all parties of record within ten (10) days of receipt of the application for reconsideration or receipt of the additional information requested, whichever is later o 2.26.150 Appeal of Examiner's Decision. The final decision by the hearing examiner may be appealed to the city council, by any aggrieved person or agency of record, oral or written that disagrees with the decision of the hearing examiner, except threshold determinations (Section 1549 160), in the following manner' C'\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Hearing Examiner chapter.doc 4 1 st Draft 11/27/2001 o A. The appellant must file a complete written notice of appeal with the Community Development Department upon forms prescribed by the department, and pay the appeal fee within fourteen days of the date of the examiner's final decision, provided, that if the hearing examiner was requested to reconsider the decision, then the appeal must be filed within ten (10) days of the date of the Hearing Examiner's decision on the reconsideration request. B The notice of appeal shall concisely specify the alleged specific error(s) of fact, specific procedural errors, omissions from the record, errors of interpretation of the comprehensive plan or issue which the city council is asked to consider on appeal, and shall cite in the notice of appeal or accompanying memorandum, by reference to section, paragraph and page, the provisions of law which are alleged to have been violated Issues which are not so identified need not be considered by the city council Memoranda shall not include the presentation of new evidence and shall be based only upon facts presented to the examiner C The City shall notify parties of record that an appeal has been filed and that copies of the notice of appeal and appellant's memorandum may be obtained from the Community Development Department. The notice to parties shall also state that parties of record wishing to respond to the appeal may submit written memoranda to the city council within fourteen (14) days from the date that the notice to parties is mailed by the City D The appellant may submit a responsive memoranda within seven days from the date that memoranda from parties of record is due o E The timely filing of a notice of appeal shall stay the effective date of the examiner's decision until the appeal is adjudicated by the mayor or until the appeal is withdrawn F All appeals of hearing examiner decisions are considered to be closed record appeals, following an open record hearing on a project permit application or administrative appeal, when the appeal is on the record with no new evidence or information allowed to be submitted and only appeal argument allowed 2.26.160 City Council Action on Appeals. A. General When an appeal has been timely filed and the deadline for receipt of memoranda has expired, the Community Development Department shall deliver to the city council a copy of the Hearing Examiner's decision, including the findings and conclusions, the notice of appeal, and the evidence presented to the hearing examiner The city council may view the site either individually or together, only to gain background information on the general appearance of the property; no one other than City staff can accompany the Council members during the view When the Council members have read the decision, memoranda and evidence, the clerk-treasurer shall schedule a date for a closed record appeal meeting by the city council at which time the city council shall render a decision The date of the closed record appeal meeting should not be later than 60 days following the date the appeal was filed B Public Notice of Closed Record Appeals The clerk-treasurer shall mail written notice to all parties of record to apprise them of the meeting date before the city council "Parties of record" are persons who have 1 Given oral or written comments to the examiner; or o C:\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Hearing Examiner chapter. doc 5 1 st Draft 11/27/2001 o c o 2. Listed their names, as persons wishing a copy of the decision, on a sign- up sheet which is available during the Hearing Examiner's hearings C Scope of Review The city council review shall be based solely upon the evidence presented to the hearing examiner, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal and submissions by parties pursuant to Section 2 26 130 D City Council Decision on Appeal At the closed record appeal meeting the city council may adopt, amend and adopt, reject, reverse, and amend conclusions of law and the decision of the examiner, or remand the matter for further consideration If the city council renders a decision different from the decision of the examiner, the city council shall adopt amended conculsions accordingly The City Council's decision on the appeal shall be issued not later than sixty days following the date the appeal was filed, unless the parties to an appeal agree to extend the time period 2.26.170 City Council Decisions. Any application requiring action by the city council shall be evidenced by minute entry unless otherwise required by law The city council may accept, modify or reject the examiners decision, or any finding of conclusion herein, or may remand the decision to the examiner for further hearing If the city council renders a decision different from the decision of the examiner, the city council shall adopt amended findings and conclusions accordingly Unless otherwise specified, the city council shall be presumed to have adopted the Hearing Examiner's findings and conclusions 2.26.180 Annual Report. The hearing examiner shall report in writing to and meet with the planning commission and city council at least annually for the purpose of reviewing the administration of the land use policies and regulatory ordinances and make recommendations for revision to relevant codes and ordinances which will clarify or otherwise improve the development review process Such report shall include a summary of the Examiner's decisions since the last report. C'\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Hearing Examiner chapter.doc 6 1 st Draft 11/27/2001 c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 3,2001,4'00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes November 19, 2001 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. Work Session Item. Land Use Decision Process Draft Ordinance for Hearing Examiner 4. Other' C 5. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17,2001 4.00 P.M. o o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 2001,400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. 01-32 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, Don Carney, Glenn Blando, and Joe Baker Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, Shelly Badger, Jim Gibson, and Council Liaison Glen Cunningham Members absent: Margaret Clapp - excused Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15,2001 AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. Amendment Change the first sentence in paragraph seven to read "The Commission and staff discussed the term massage as used in the ordinance, as opposed to the term massage used in the medical field" Public Communications None PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED: Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64 Adult Entertainment Facilities. Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City Wide Mr Gorman re-opened the Public Hearing at 4 10 pm Ms. Badqer informed the Commission that she has been in contact with Mr Dennis LeMaster regarding the term "massage" as used in the ordinance Mr LeMaster will provide Ms. Badqer research information regarding this issue Ms. Badqer requested that the hearing be continued to the December 17, 2001, Planning Commission meeting, to allow adequate time to receive and review the information, and suggest changes to the ordinance Mr. Gorman continued the hearing to the December 17, 2001, Planning Commission meeting Action Item: Election of Officers E.J. Curry informed the Commission that the Nominating Committee did not receive any nominations for officers The Nominating Committee nominated Tom Gorman as Chair, and John Thomson as Vice Chair Mr. Gorman, and Mr. Thomson accepted the nomination 01-33 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER, TO NOMINATE TOM GORMAN AS CHAIR, AND JOHN THOMSON AS VICE CHAIR. MOTION CARRIED. Yelm Planning Commission November 19. 2001 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001 .min\ 11 19.01 min.doc Page 1 o Work Session Item: Land Use Decision Process Ms. Carlson discussed with the Commission, RCW 35A.63 110 requiring cities with a population over 2500 to create a Board of Adjustment (BOA) or a Hearing Examiner (HE) process Ms. Carlson provided a staff report listing the pros and con's of both processes After discussion, the consensus of the Commission is to hire a HE, as opposed to a BOA. The scope of the HE would be that the decision of the HE is final, appealable to the City Council The Commission is concerned about a local citizen holding the position of Hearing Examiner Ms. Carlson will research further, the restrictions and hiring process of a Hearing Examiner o The Commission then discussed the different options and permit types The Commission consensus is that the HE would hear; Appeals of Type I permits, Type III permits, with the exception of Planned Residential Developments (PRO), Master Planned Communities (MPC), and Rezones For the PRD and MPC permit, the HE would hold the Public Hearing, and the final decision would be made by the City Council Rezone permits would still be heard at Planning Commission level, as part of the Comprehensive Plan Updates Type IV permits would be heard by the HE, with final decision at City Council Other types of issues that the HE could hear would be Local Improvement Districts, Code Violations, and Business License denials/revocations. Ms BadQer suggested that Late Comer Agreements could be heard by a HE Ms Carlson suggested that for Local Improvement Districts, and Late Comers, the HE hold the hearing, with final decision made by City Council Ms. Carlson also suggested that the Commission wait to make a decision on Code Violations and Business License, to allow staff to discuss issues related to those matters Ms Carlson informed the Commission that she would draft an ordinance for the Commission to review at the December 3, 2001 Planning Commission meeting 01-34 MOTION MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 5 15 P m Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Planning Technician o Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission November 19, 2001 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\l1.19.01min.doc Page 2 c City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date To From Re November 19, 2001 Yelm Planning Commission Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Work session on Land Use Decision Process Purpose of Work session To discuss the framework of a new review and decision making system regarding quasi-judicial and administrative land use applications Options included 1 Establish Board of Adjustment to meet minimum RCW requirements, keeping all other land use process as is 2 Establish Board of Adjustment to include additional responsibilities 3 Establish a Hearing Examiner system to meet minimum requirements 4 Establish a Hearing Examiner system to include additional responsibilities Backqround The City's planning authority is derived primarily from RCW 36 70, Planning Enabling Act, RCW 36 70A, Growth Management - Planning by Selected Counties and Cities, RCW 35A.63 Optional Municipal Code and RCW 58 17, Subdivisions and Plats c These RCW's provide the framework for how a City functions in both comprehensive planning and land use review and approval RCW 35A.63 110 requires that when a city reaches a population of 2,500 or more that some of the Planning Commissions and City Council responsibilities in land use review and approval be delegated to an independent body, either a Board of Adjustment or a Hearing Examiner This statue also provides the ability to create a land use decision system beyond the minimum standards prescribed by the law RCW 35A.63.11 0 Board of adjustment-Creation--Powers Duties . Requires code city with planning agencies and a population over 2,500 to create a board of 'adjustment . Board of Adjustment - Separate Decision Making Body comprised of local citizens . Minimum Duties and Authority are final and are appealable to the superior court. (' U . G Appeals of Type I Permits - Ministerial and Administrative Decision . Code Interpretations . Building, Grading, Mechanical, Plumbing, Stormwater and Utility Permits . Administrative Variances . Boundary Line Adjustments Variances from . Zoning Ordinance . Official Map Ordinance . Other Land-Use Regulatory Ordinances Conditional/Special Use Permits - Optional Other Quasi Judicial and Administrative determinations as delegated by Ordinance . ED . All other approvals continue with current system unless delegated by ordinance o o o . Provides for Optional Hearing Examiner System pursuant to RCW 35A.63 170 to assume the responsibilities of the Board of Adjustment. RCW 35A.63.170 Hearing examiner system--Adoption authorized-Alternative-Functions- Procedures . May be authorized to assume any or all responsibilities of the Board of Adjustments . Optional Duties to Hear and/or Decide . Appeals of Type I Permits - Ministerial and Administrative Decision . Code Interpretations . Building, Grading, Mechanical, Plumbing, Stormwater and Utility Permits . Administrative Variances . Boundary Line Adjustments e Type II Permits - Administrative - SEPA projects that require public notice, but do not require an open record predecision hearing . Environmental Determinations and Critical Areas .. Grading Permits . Site Plan Review o Short Plats . Home Occupations . Type III Permits - Quasi Judicial- SEPA projects requiring public notice and open record predecision hearing and which allow for a closed record appeal . Condffion~Uses .. Variances o Preliminary and Final Plats . Shoreline Permits co Annexations . Binding Site Plans . Planned Residential Developments (PRD) . Rezone Site Specific . Type IV Permits - Projects exempt from the 120 day time line Creation of new policies, ordinances, and/or significant public input and master planned developments. . Master Planned Developments . Other' o Local Improvement Districts . Code Violations . Business License denials and/or revocations . Any other responsibility delegated by Ordinance Scope of Hearing Examiner, Legal Effect and Authority 1 The decision may be a recommendation to the City Council 2. The decision may be an administrative decision appealable to the City Council 3 The decision may be a final decision of the City Council, except for a rezone and would be appealable to superior court. o o o Pros and Cons Issues Board of Hearing Adjustment Examiner Pro Con Pro Con Reduced Liability on Decisions and Procedural Challenges X X Improves Review Integration - Reducing time to applicants X X Separation of Policy Making from Administration of Rules X X Creates additional work for staff X X Improved compliance with legal requirements, due process, X X appearance of fairness and record preparation Cost - increased cost to applicant and city x X More professional and timely decisions X X Provides an opportunity to obtain professional input on X X inconsistencies on regulations and policies Lack of local accountability (perceived) X X Eliminates political considerations from decision-making X X Allows City Council and Planning Commission to spend more x X time on policy development Primary Question from Work session At a minimum the City must establish a Board of Adjustment that complies with the basic requirements of RCW 35A.61 110 as discussed above However, beyond the minimum requirements the City has a variety options Does the City want to expand upon the minimum requirement to establish a Board of Adjustment? A. Authorize additional duties and responsibilities to the Board of Adjustment. B Authorize a Hearing Examiner system to assume the responsibilities of the Board of Adjustment. C Use the optional method of Hearing Examiner including review and approval of all land use permits allowed by state law Use of earing Examine C es and Counti inhington What is a Hearing Examiner and Hearing Examiner System? Local governments m Washmgton State have the optIon ofhmng or contractmg WIth a heanng exammer to conduct reqUired quasI-JudIcIal heanngs, usually m place of local bodIes such as the planmng commISSIon, the board of adjustment, the board of county commISSIoners, or the CIty council DA heanng exammer IS an appomtIve officer who acts m a manner sImilar to a judge and typIcally IS an attorneyDThe basIc purpose ofhavmg a heanng exammer conduct these heanngs IS to have a professIOnally- tramed mdIvIdual make ObjectIve quasI-JudICIal deCISIOns that are supported by an adequate record and that are free from polItIcal mfluencesDUsmg a heanng exammer system allows local legIslatIve and advIsory bodIes that mIght otherwIse conduct these heanngs to better concentrate on polIcy-makmg, and It can reduce local government lIabilIty exposure 0 A board of county commISSIoners or a CIty councIl has conSIderable dIscretIOn m draftmg an ordmance creatmg a local heanng exammer systemDThe posItIOn of heanng exammer, the type of Issues the heanng exanuner IS authonzed to conSIder and decIde, the effect of the heanng exammer's decIsIon, and whether an appeal of any final decIsIon IS provIded should all determmed by the local legIslatIve body and set out m the enablmg ordmanceDA hearmg exanuner's decIsIon, as defined by the local legIslatIve body, can have the effect of eIther a recommendatIOn to or a deCISIOn appealable to the ultImate decIsIon-maker (tYPIcally the board of county comnussIOners or the CIty council), or It can be a final decIsIOn (appealable to supenor court) 0 CountIes and CItIes use heanng exammers, often m place of plannmg commISSIons, pnmarily for heanng and decIdmg land development project applIcatIOns and/or admmIstratIve appeals ofland use decIsIonsDHeanng exammers are partIcularly useful where the nghts of mdIvIdual property owners and the concerns of CItIzens reqUire formal heanng procedures and preparatIOn of an offiCial record 0 State land use planmng and growth management laws proVIde CItIes and countIes WIth speCIfic o o o authonty to estabhsh a heanng exammer system to conduct heanngs and make recommendatIOns or decIde a vanety ofland use Issues DHeanng exammers may also conduct heanngs and make recommendatIons or decIsIons on other local matters D ThIs focus paper describes the use of a heanng exammer, the pros and cons of such systems, and optIOns available to Washmgton countIes and cItIesDReferences are provIded for further mformatIon avaIlable from the MRSC library and through our Web sIteD Establishing a Hearing Examiner System The office or pOSItIon ofheanng exammer must be estabhshed by ordmanceDThat ordmance should IdentIfy what matters the exammer IS empowered to hear and what WIll be the effect of the exammer's deCISIon on those mattersDA common approach m such an ordmance IS to estabhsh the framework for the heanng exammer system, whIle leavmg It to the exammer to adopt specIfic, detaIled rules for the conduct of heanngs D Heanng exammer ordmances typIcally address the appomtment and term of the heanng exammer; quahficatIOns of the exammer; conflIcts ofmterest and freedom from improper mfluence, powers and duties, mcludmg matters heard, heanng reqUirements, effect of deCISIOns, reconsIderatIOn of deCISIOns, If allowed, and appeals D MRSC has many examples ofheanng exammer ordmances and has a compilatIOn of articles and ordmances relatmg to the heanng exammer system m thIS stateDSee http.// www[fursc[(kg/library/compil/cphearexllitmD Use of the Hearing Examiner System for Land Use, Environmental, and Related Decisions Most commonly, heanng exammers are used to hear and deCIde land use project perrmt applIcatIOns where a heanng IS reqUIred, such as m the case of apphcatIOns for subdIVIsIons, shorehne perrmts, condItIonal use permIts, rezones, and vanancesDThe recent trend m state law, partIcularly m conjUnctIon WIth regulatory reform, has been to allow local governments to give more authonty to the heanng exammer to make final deCiSIons on quaSI-JudICIal project permIt apphcatIOnsDFor example, RCW 58[]7G30, as amended by 1995 regulatory reform legislatIOn, proVIdes that the local legIslatIve body can speCIfy that the legal effect of a heanng exammer' s deCISIOn on a prehrmnary plat approval IS that of "a final deCISion of the legIslatIve bodyO The heanng exammer's role m the project permIt process can mclude . open record heanngs on project permIt apphcatIOns, 2 . appeals of admmIstratIve SEPA determmatIons, whIch m most cases are combmed wIth the open record heanng on the apphcatIOn, o o closed record appeals of admmIstratIve decIsIOns made by the local planmng staff, mcludmg appeals of SEP A determmatIOns where an admmIstratIve appeal IS provIded, . land use code mterpretatIOns to satIsfy the statutory reqmrement that cItIes and countIes plannmg under the Growth Management Act adopt procedures for such "admImstratIve mterpretatIOns" (RCW 36 [JOB [] 1 O( 11)), . land use code enforcement proceedmgs 0 Other Issues Assigned to Hearing Examiners The 10callegIslatlVe body may, by ordmance, authonze a heanng exammer to hear other types of contested matters, m addItIOn to land use permIt apphcatIOns and code enforcement DExamples of other types of decIsIons and/or admmIstratIve appeals that could be handled by a local heanng exammer mclude O. dIscnmmatIOn complamts under local personnel pohcIes, . employment decIsIons and personnel gnevances, . ethIcs complamts by cItIzens or employees, . local Improvement dIstncts - formatIOn heanng and/or assessment roll determmatIOns, . pubhc nmsance complamts, . CIvil mfractIOns, . property forfeIture heanngs under the Umform Controlled Substances Act (RCW 69C50C505(e)), . tax and hcensmg decIsIOns and appeals, . whIstleblower retahatIOn claIms 0 o 3 Pros and Cons of Using Hearing Examiners o Pros . More professional and timely decisions insuring fairness and consistency{] A profeSSIOnal heanng exammer prepares for and conducts heanngs m a manner msunng procedural fairness DHeanngs are less emotIonal and more expedItIOUS [Heanng exammers develop a hIgh level of expertIse and speclaltzatIOn, savmg tIme m makmg deCISIons and lmprovmg theIr qualtty and conslstencyD . Time-saving for legislative body, freeing legislators to focus on legislative policy and other priority issuesD o Conductmg publtc heanngs and makmg quasI-JudICial deCISIons IS tIme- consummgDLocalleglslators can free themselves from many of theIr heanng dutIes by delegatmg them to a heanng exammerDThe localleglslatlve body can still choose to make final deCISIons or to hear appeals of the exammer's deCISIons, and those appeals will be facllttated by a thorough and orgamzed recordDThe use ofheanng exammers IS espeCIally tlme-savmg for routme deCISIOns and for complex land use deCISIons requmng formal heanngs, cItlzen partICIpatIOn, and subject matter expertIse 0 . Separation of policy-making or advisory functions from quasi-judicial functionsD Use ofheanng exammers for quasI-JudICIal heanngs separates legIslatlve and admImstratIve functIOns from quasI-JudICIal functIOnsDThIs can Improve decIsIOn-makmg by clanfymg roles and aVOldmg confhctsDFor jUnSdIctlons WIth planmng comrrussIOns, use of a heanng exammer system allows the planmng commISSIon to functIOn as an adVISOry bodyDThe legIslatlve body can focus on poltcy-makmg while the plannmg department concentrates on admImstratIOnDF or countIes WIth three-member boards of commISSIOners, use of a heanng exammer to conduct quasI-JudICial proceedmgs can greatly aSSIst commISSIOners who already responsible for a number ofleglslatlve and adrrumstratIve functIOns 0 . Improved compliance with legal requirements, including due process, appearance of fairness, and record preparationD o Heanng exammers have speCIal expertIse m managmg legal procedural reqUIrements and aVOldmg appearance of fairness and confhct ofmterest 4 o o o Issues IThe heanng exammer assures procedural fairness, especially m cases where one sIde IS represented by an attorney while the other sIde IS not 0 PartIcIpants are often more satIsfied wIth the proceedmgs, regardless of the outcome [J\ properly conducted hearmg also results m a complete and well orgamzed wntten record 0 . Reduced liability relating to land use decisions and/or procedural challenges to decisionsD U smg a heanng exammer system has been shown to reduce land use hablhty exposure o Improved heanng procedures, better records, and more conSIstent and documented declslOns are typIcal of professlOnal heanng exammers OAt least one local government msurance authonty has offiCially endorsed the use ofheanng exammers for land use decIsIons based on a survey provldmg eVIdence of a lower nsk profile for jUnSdlctlOns usmg a heanng exammer system for land use proceedmgs 0 . Improved land development review integration under chapter 36[10B RCW (ESSB 1724)0 A number ofjunsdlctIons have adopted heanng exammer systems smce the 1995 regulatory reform legIslatlOn mandatmg mtegratlOn and consohdatlOn of envIronmental and land use regulatory reVIew for development projects DUse of a speclahzed land use heanng exammer IS an effectIve method of consohdatmg and coordmatmg multIple reVIew processesDFor jUnSdlctlOns WIth a mandatory board of adjustment, adoptlOn of a heanng exammer system ehmmates the reqmrement for a board of adjustment 0 . Opportunity for feedback to improve plans and regulations from professional hearing officer familiar with comprehensive plans and development regulationsD A professlOnal heanng exammer has famlhanty wIth the local comprehensIve plan and development regulatlOns and possibly those of other jUnSdlctlOns 0 Areas where plans, regulatlOns, and pohcles are weak or mconslstent can be IdentIfied and referred to the planmng staff, planmng commlSSlOn, or leglslatlve body, provldmg feedback for contmuous Improvement 0 MRSC Focus is published periodically by the Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington, 1200 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1300, Seattle, WA 98101-1159, and addresses issues of current interest to cities, towns, and counties in Washington StateD 5 . Removal of quasi-judicial decision-making from the political arenaD o It may be drfficult for elected local government officials to entIrely elImmate polItIcal consIderatIOns from theIr quasI-JudICial declSlon-makmgDProfessIOnal heanng exammers should be Immune from polItIcal pressures 0 Cons . Cost to county or city for hiring a hearing examiner and staff 0 There are costs m hmng heanng exammers and, If necessary, support staff 0 CountIes and CItIes should consIder whether savmgs m councIl and commISSIon tIme, Improvements m decIsIon-makmg, and reduced habilIty JUStIfy the costs 0 AlternatIves such as use of personal servIce contracts for heanng exammers can reduce costsD . Increased cost to the parties due to more formal decision-making proceduresD o Heanng exammers can mcrease the formahty of the heanng process, although many of the procedural reqUIrements and formalItIes are already reqUIred under state lawIThIs formalIty can provIde the advantage of mcreased appearance of fairness and ImpartialIty m decIsIon-makmgD e Lack of accountability to voters for appointed hearing examiner making decisions or hearing administrative appealsD Some people mamtam that Important deCISIOns should be made by elected offiCials who are accountable to the voters o However, these concerns can be addressed by makmg the heanng exanuner's deCISIOn a recommendatIOn to the councilor commISSIOners or by provIdmg for an adnumstratlve appeal to the legIslatIve bodyD Options for Efficient and Effective Use of Hearing Examiners for Smaller Counties and Cities Smaller local governments may be reluctant to establIsh a heanng exanuner system because of cost conSIderations and concerns about whether there will be enough occaSIOns to JUStIfy usmg a heanng exammerDHere are some Ideas about addressmg these concerns o 6 . Contract for heanng exammer servIces DCountIes and cItIes may establIsh a contractual relatIOnshIp wIth a heanng exammer m whIch the exammer IS compensated, on an hourly or other basIs, only as needed D o . Share use ofa heanng exammer wIth other jUnSdIctIOnsDSome local governments m the state have entered mto mterlocal agreements to contractually share the servIces of a heanng exammerD . Increase the number of matters heard by heanng exanunerDDomg thIS could reduce costs relatmg to use of staff that would otherwIse be occupied wIth those matters D . Fund the heanng exammer system from permIt reVIew fees DLocal governments can add and/or mcrease permIt fees and appeal fees to help cover the cost ofmamtammg a heanng exammer systemD Qualifications of Hearing Examiners There are no state statutes that establIsh the nunImum qualIficatIOns of heanng C~xammers DAs noted above, heanng exammers are often attorneys, however, a law _Jgree IS not reqUIred DA background m the area m whIch the exammer will perform would ObvIOusly be helpfulDSmce heanng exammers operate mostly m the land use arena, some local governments use exarruners wIth a plannIng, rather than legal, background DKeep m mmd that the land use decIsIon-makmg process reqUIres a thorough knowledge of legal procedures, and relevant statutes, local ordmances, and case lawDIn the ordmance establIshmg the office ofheanng exammer, It IS a good Idea to Identify the mInImUm qualIficatIons that the legIslatIve body deems necessary for a heanng exammerD Support, Resources, and Training for Hearing Examiners . WashmgtonAssocIatIOn of ProfessIOnal Heanng Exammers, Jim Dnscoll, PreSIdent, 101 Yesler, SUIte 607, Seattle, WA 98104, (206) 628-0039DThIS organIZatIOn prOVIdes penodIc trammg conferences and mamtams a lIst of heanng exammers m the state D o 7 Gig Harbor, WA Ordmance No 715 Page 1 of 4 FAQs I RCW I WAC I Municipal Codes I About MRSC I Site Index I Links I Help I Contact Us I Home Municipal Research & Services Center e Working Together for Excellence in Local Government o Gig Harbor, W A Ordinance No. 715 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GIG HARBOR, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE PROCEDURES AND DUTIES OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER, REPEALING CHAPTER 1710, AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 1710 TO THE GIG HARBOR MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, THE REGULATORY REFORM ACT REQUIRES THE CITY TO ADOPT PROCEDURES FOR THE PROCESSING OF PROJECT PERMIT APPLICATIONS, AND WHEREAS, THE EXISTING CHAPTER 17 10 GHMC CONTAINS PROCEDURES FOR THE HEARING EXAMINER'S PROCESSING OF PERMITS THAT ARE INCONSISTENT WITH TITLE 19 GHMC, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GIG HARBOR, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SectIOn 1 Chapter 17 10 of the GIg Harbor MunicIpal Code IS hereby repealed. Section 2. A new chapter 17 10 of the GIg Harbor MUlllcIpal Code IS hereby adopted, to read as follows CHAPTER 17.10 o HEARING EXAMINER Sections 17 10 010 Creation of Hearing Exammer System 17 10 020 Appomtment and Term 17 10.030 QualificatIOns 17 10.040 Freedom from Improper Influence 17 10 050 Conflict of Interest 17 10 060 Rules 1710.070 Powers 17 10 080 Authority o 17.10.010 CreatIOn of Heanng Examiner System. The office of the GIg Harbor Heanng Exammer, thereinafter referred to as the exammer, is hereby created. The exammer shallmterpret, reVIew and Implement land use regulatIOns as proVIded by ordmance and may perform other quasi-judicial functions as are delegated by ordmance Unless the context reqUIres otherwIse, the term examiner as used m this chapter shall include deputy examiners and examiners pro tern. .. http.1 Iwww.mrsc.orglnxt/gatewaydll/ords/g-1/g54-715.htm?f=templates$fn=document-frame.htm1010 1/200 1 LIst of Cities with Hearing Exammers Page 1 of 2 FAQs I Search I RCW & WAC I Municipal Codes I About MRSC I Site Index I Links I Help I Contact Us I Home Municipal Research & Services Center . Working Together for Excellence in Local Government o Cities & Counties Using a Hearing Examiner Compiled from information available at Municipal Research & Services Center Library (updated as of October 1999) Cities and Towns Using a Hearing Examiner o Auway HeIghts Auburn Bambridge Island Battle Ground Bellevue Benton CIty Bonney Lake Bothell Bremerton Burien Cashmere Castle Rock Deer Park Des Momes Duvall Edgewood Edmonds Ell ensburg Elma Everett Federal Way GIg Harbor Hunts Pomt Issaquah Kent Kukland La Center La Conner Lacey Lake Forest Park Lake Stevens Lakewood Lynnwood Marysville Mercer Island Mill Creek Milton Monroe Montesano Mount Vernon Mukilteo Newcastle Ocean Shores OlympIa Othello Port Townsend Pullman (SEPA appeals only) Puyallup Redmond Renton SeaTac Seattle Shelton Shorelme Snohomish Snoqualmie Spokane Sultan Sumner Tacoma Tukwila Tumwater Umversity Place Vancouver Walla Walla Warden Wilbur W oodmville o http.!/www.mrsc.org/plannmg/heanng.htm 10/31/2001 LIst of Cities wIth Heanng Exammers Page 20f2 o McCleary Medical Lake Woodland Yakima Counties using a Hearing Examiner Compiled from information available at Municipal Research & Services Center Library, February 1998 o Clallam Douglas Jefferson Island Kmg Kitsap Okanogan PacIfic Pierce San Juan Skagit SnohomIsh Spokane Thurston Whatcom Whitman Yakima FAQs I Search I RCW & WAC I Municipal Codes I About MRSC I Site Index I Links I Help I Contact Us I Home o http.//www.mrsc.org/planning/hearing.htm 10/31/2001 City of Yelm o c (\ o 105 Ye/m Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19,2001,4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes October 15, 2001 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. Public Hearing Continued - Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 1764 Adult Entertainment Facilities Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City Wide 4 Action Item - Election of Officers 5 Work Session Item: Land Use Decision Process Board of Adjustment and Hearing Examiner 6. Other' 7. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360- 458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2001 4:00 P.M. c c f\ o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The November 5, 2001 Planninq Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday, November 19, 2001, at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST ,;; ~ /r:~ )AL;j)V~.it! ~ &t~.. Agnes Bennick City Clerkffreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday October 30,2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, November 2, 2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list Tuesday October 30, 2001 o c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 2001, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Margaret Clapp, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, and E J Curry Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, Shelly Badger, and Jim Gibson Members absent: Joe Baker - excused, Don Carney and Glenn Blando Council Liaison Glen Cunningham 01-30 Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 20, 2001. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64 Adult Entertainment Facilities. Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City Wide Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 4 03 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Badqer to provide a staff report. Ms. Badqer gave a brief update to the Commission, explaining the proposed changes in the ordinance as directed by the Planning Commission The ordinance incorporates additional findings as written in the Spokane, WA ordinance, and also incorporates the changes requested by the Commission at the July 16, 2001 Planning Commission meeting Ms. Badqer included two letters submitted by Jan Norris, LMP Ms Norris objects to using the term "Massage" in any part of the ordinance Ms Norris is a Licensed Massage Practitioner, and objects the reference of massage as related to Adult Entertainment. The Commission and staff discussed the term massage as used in the ordinance, as opposed to the term massage used in the medical field The Commission is concerned about this issue, and requested that staff perform further research to correctly define massage therapy, and propose changes to the ordinance that contain references to massage, or massage parlors Mr. Gorman asked if there was any public comment. There was none Yelm Planning Commission October 15, 2001 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\ 10.15.01 min.doc Page 1 o Mr. Gorman continued the hearing to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting, to allow staff to prepare language regarding massage for their approval Action Item: Election of Officers The commission discussed the election of Planning Commission Officers for the year 2002 The Commission discussed the option of creating a nominating committee to nominate members for office Mr. Gorman directed Margaret Clapp to chair a nominating committee, to include E J Curry, and John Thomson Ms. Clapp asked staff to send a letter to Planning Commission members, informing them of the committee, and requesting members who would like to be a nominee, or to suggest a nominee, to contact her Work Session Item: 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update Ms. Carlson discussed the work program for the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update The program is aggressive, and will probably require the Commission hold two meetings a month for the entire year o 01-31 MOTION MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 5 00 P m Respectfully submitted, ~ Ihf(J7d '/tthr qat Tom Gorman, Chair o Yelm Planning Commission October 15, 2001 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\10.15.01min.doc Page 2 o o (\ u 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date October 8, 2001 (for the October 15, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting) To \ elm Planning Commission Members From Shelly Badger, City Administrator Re. Proposed Draft Amendments to Yelm Adult Entertainment Business (AEB) Ordinances in response to 7/16/01 Planning Commission Work-session. LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit 1- Ol'dinance No. 736 (with proposed draft amendments), amending the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 17, Zoning l'e1ated to the location of AEBs; Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 (with proposed draft amendments), amending the Yelm Municipal Code, Chaptel' 5, Business Licensing and Regulation of AEBs; Exhibit 3 - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit 4 - Letter from Jan Norris, LMP ,\. Planning commission Meeting obiective related to this agenda item. ro dl~cu~s the recommended draft amendmcnts to the adopted OrdInances # 736 & # 737 Both ordll1ance" h,1\ e been "red-lll1ed" - whI<..h mcans the recommended amendments were applJed by eIther ""trIkll1g out" the text to he omItted/changed (I e TE*f), and/or uSl11g "bold and underhned" 10nt 10r addInl.!, text to the two ordInance"! (I c TEXT) The recommended draft amendments L _ \\crc LOmpkted by usmg the prIor comparhon lhaI1 and notes tJ-om the July 16'" Plan11lng <-- Omml"iSIOn Work-"iesSlon dl"cusslon B. Background. \mendmcnts to Chapter 17 Zomng, governlllg the locatIon and land use approval process for -"ltll1g adult entertaInmcnt OU"ill1c"!sc-" (AEB-..) and amcndments to Chapter 5, BUSIness Llcensmg ,ll1d RegulatIon, prO\ldlllg Ilcen~lIlg requIrements Il.)r adult cntC11all1ments busl11esses, operators ,ll1d entertalller-.. were conSIdered by the Planmng (omml"isJon on June 1 R, 2001 and recommended lor ddoptlOn by the (Hy CounLlI On June 27 2001 Counul adopted ordInances 111 the same format ciS thc Plannll1g ( ommhSlllO had relllll1mendcd Page I or 42 o o o Based on public testm10ny at the Heanng, the Plannmg CommISSIon requested that staff conduct addItIOnal research, specIfically on the Spokane and CmcmnatI ordmances, and brmg back mf0l111atlOn for possible future amendments to the new ly adopted Yelm AEB Ordmances. At the July 16 2001 Plannmg CommIssIOn Work- sessIon, Plannmg CommISSIOn revICwed, dlscu~sed and recommended possIble amendments to the AEB Ordmanees, whIch have been mcorporated mto the attached drafts. Summary of Proposed Amendments: Ordinance No. 736 - (Zolllng related ordmance ) . Add "Fmdmgs" from Cmcmnatl ordmance . (hange "Massage Parlor" to "Adult Entertamment Parlor," (see ExhIbIt 4 ) . Add language trom 'Spokane ordmance m the followmg sectIOns ~ Added "all public facIlItIes" to sensItive land uses, ~ Land-Use Approval Process, changed to requIre a SpecIal-Use PerInIt process for all types of AEB '..,. Ordinance No. 737 - (Busmess License procedures.) . . . Add "Fmdmgs" from CmcmnatI orclInance Change "Massage Parlor" to "Adult Entel1mnment Parlor" Add language from Spokane ordmance m the followmg sectIOns ~ Adult Entel1amment Busme~s Llcensmg ReqUIrements, ~ Llcensmg 01 Entertmner" and Managers, ~ Standards 01 Conduct for Employees and Operators, ~ Hours of OperatlOn, ~ Tips/GratuIty, ~ Adult Entertamment Busmess additIOnal requIrements, ~ ResponslbIhtle<; of Manager of Adult Entertamment Busmesses, ~ Premises Specl ticatlOns, ~ Inspections Staff Recommendation: Statf recommends that the Plannmg CommISSIOn dISCUSS the proposed amendments, make any changes necessary and forward a recommendatlOn to the CIty CouncIl for adoptIOn Page 2 of 42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 736 AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Yelm, Washington, regulating adult entertainment businesses wIthin the City of Y elm, Washington, and amending Chapter 17, Zomng, m the Yelm Mumclpal Code WH EREAS, the CIty of 'r elm has thoughtfully and thoroughly evaluated the regulatIOns nClCS~ar) to the sIting and regulatIOn of adult entertainment businesses, and \VHEREAS. the City recognizes that sexually oriented businesses. due to their nature. have serious objectionable operational characteristics. particularly when they are operating in close proximity to each other. thereby contributing to crime. lower property values. urban hlight. downgrading of the quality of life in the adjacent areas. and other nuisance effects: and WHfREAS thL City ot Yelm has detenl1lncd that the regulatIon of the adult entertamment Industry IS necessary hecause In the absence of "luLh regulatIon, slgmficant cnmlnal actIvIty has hlstonLally and regularly oCLurred ThIs hIstory ofcnmmal actIvIty In the adult entertamment mdustry has Included prostitution tllegal employment of minors, narcotIcs and alcoholIc beverage law \'101atlons, breaches of the peace, tax evaSion, and the presence wIthin the Industry ofmdlvlduals wIth hIdden ownershIp Interest and outstanding arrest wan'ants, and WHEREAS the pwxumty hetween entel1alners and patrons during adult entertamment perfonmlnLe'l Lan facilItate "lexual contact, prostItutIOn and related cnmes. Concerns about cnme and puhlic sexual actIvIty are legItImate and compelling concerns of the CIty of Yelm whIch demand reasonable regulatIon of adult entertainment estahlishments In order to protect the publIc health, safety and general wel fare, and WHEREAS. zoning. licensing and other police power regulations are legitimate. reasonable means to ensure that the operator of sexually OI'iented businesses comply with n~asonable regulations designed to minimize the adverse secondary effects which may accompanv the operation: and WHEREAS. the Cih reco2:nizes the harmful effects to children and minors exposed to the effects of such husinesses and the importance of locating such businesses to preclude children walking through 01' visiting in the immediate neighborhood of such businesses: and WHEREAS. the City finds there would be a deterioration in the quality of businesses which choose to operate in and around such sexually oriented businesses. and ( 11\ "I ,>,,,1111 Ord. 71h ,k .,l1l'lI\ ad1L'''ITl'Sp' !!ld Page 301'42 o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments \VHEREAS. the City desires to minimize and control these adverse secondary effects and thereby protect the health. safety and welfare of the citizens: to abate the nuisance effects of sexually odented businesses. to protect the citizens from increased crime. to preserve the quality of life: to preserve the property values and the character of surrounding neighborhoods and businesses: and to protect against the threat to health from the spread of communicable and social diseases: and WHEREAS. the experiences of other states and cities demonstrate that reasonable restdctions on sexually oriented businesses are beneficial and necessary as a means of reducing and curtailing deleterious secondary effects of adult-oriented establishments and sexually oriented businesses. including crime. and specifically. sex-related crime. noise. traffic congestion. police response time and efforts. parking problems. sexual disease. and discarded pornographic matedal on neighboring properties. and WH EREAS It IS notthe mtent ofthl'wrdmance to suppress or censor any expresslVe actIvItIes protected hy the FIrst Amendment of the Ul1lted Statcs ConstItutIOn or Alilc1e I, SectIOn 5 of the Washmgton State ConstItutIon. hut rather to enact tIme, place and manner regulatIons whIch address thc compcllmg mtere<;ts 01 the CIty m mltlgatmg the secondary effects of adult entertamment o busmc~se~, NOW THEREFORE he It ordamcd by the CIty Council of the CIty ofYelm, as follows SectIon I. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSES I I DetimtlOns. Wherever the follow1l1g words and tenns appear m thIs chapter, they shall have the followmg mean1l1gs I I I Tho"c celiam tenns used herem whIch are defined 111 Ord 737, sectIOns I I, 2 I and .3 I shall have thc same mean1l1g as set forth m SaId sectIons. 1 I 2 The tenn "Adult Entetiamment Busmess" shall mc1ude all adult orIented bus1l1csses mc1udmg adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult VIdeo stores, and sll11llar adult uses, 111a55agC adult entertainment parlors and adult lIve entcliammcnt centers. I 1.3 "Massage "Adult entertainment parlor" means a place 111 the Incorporated area ot the CIty where massage~ or like treatments are perfonned upon the body of one person by another person, or where sauna baths, TurkIsh baths, Swedl"h baths or the lIke are made available to members of the public o ( It\ <>1 \ dm On!. 7 '6 tis shl'lI\ achcoJ'J'csp<>ntl Page 4 of 42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments I I 4 "Ma55C\gc ""Adult entertainment parlor employee" means any person who gives massages to, or attends In any other way upon, patrons of a massage parlor or who supervises the work of such a person. I I 5 "Adult Arcade" shall mean a bUSIness where, for any fonn of consideratIOn, one or more stIli or motIOn pIcture proJectors, slIde projectors, or sImIlar machInes, or other Image producIng machInes, for vlewmg by five or fewer persons each, are used to show films, motIon pIctures, VIdeo cassettes, slIdes, VIdeo chsks or other photographic reproductIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depictIOn or deSCrIption of "SpeCific Sexual ActIVItIes" or "SpeCIfic Anatol1lH:al Areas." I I 6 "Adult Bookstore", "Adult Novelty Store" or "Adult VIdeo Store" shall mean a commercIal bUSIness which has as one of ItS pnnclpal busmess purposes the offenng for sale or rental for some fonn of consIderatIOn, books, magazmes, penodlcals or other pnnted matter, or photographs, films, motIon pIctures, Video cassettes, slIcks VIdeo disks or other VIsual representatIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIction or descnptlOn of speCIfic sexual actIvItIes or speCIfic anatomIcal area~. ProvIded, however, that VIdeo stores that sell and/or rent only VIdeo tapes or other graphIc reproductIOns and assocIated eqUIpment '1hall only come wlthm the defil1ltlOn set forth herem Iftwenty percent or more of It~ '1tock m trade or revenue comes from the rental or sale of vIdeo tapes or other photographlL reproductIons or aSSOCiated eqUIpment whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIon or descnptlon of speCIfic sexual actIVitIes or speCific dnat0l111cal areas I I 7 "SpeCific anat0l111cal areas" means (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, pubIC regIOn, buttocks and the female breasts below a pomt ImmedIately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gel1ltals In a dIscernIbly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered I I 8 "Speufic sexual actiVIties" mean~ (a) Human gemtals In a state of sexual stunulatIon, and/or (b) Acts of human masturbatIOn, sexual mtercourse or sodomy; and/or (c) FondlIng or other erotIc touchIng of human gemtals, pubIC regIOn, ( [tv "I') dm Ord. 7\b d,; ,hc'i h. ache" IITl',;p(\Ild Page 5 of 42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments buttocks or the female breasts. I I 9 "Adult live entertamment center" means a busmess havmg, as parts of ItS trade, live dancers or cnteliamers who depIct specIfic sexual actIvItIes or dIsplay specltil. anatomIcal areas as defined hereIn, mcluded, but not lnmted to, topless dance centers, sO-l.alled exot1l. dance centers and body pamtmg studIOS. I I I () "Employee" means any and all persons, mcludmg entertamers, who work m or at or render any serVICe~ dIrectly related to the operatIOn of any adult lIve enteliamment center I I II "Entertamer" means any person who prOVIdes entertamment wIthm an adult live entertaInment center as defined m thIs sectIOn whether or not a fee IS charged or accepted for such entertamment. I I 12 "Entertamment" means any exhibItIon or dance of any type, removal of artIcles of Llothmg, pantomIme modelmg or any other perfonnance I I 13 "Operator" means any person operatmg, conductmg or mamtammg an adult live entertamment center 1.2 Adult entertamment busmesses classJtied and penmtted. 1.2 I Adult enteliamment busmesses failIng under the definItIon of adult bookstore, adult novelty store, adult vIdeo store or snmlar adult uses shall be penmtted m speCIfic zones and under speCIfic standards IdentIfied m SectIOn I 4 through a :<>ltc 1}lalllcvlC~ special use pel'mit process as reqUIred by Yelm MUnICIpal Code Chapter -H-84 17.66 1.22 Adult arcades, nla~5agc adult entertainment parlors and adult live entertaInment centers shall he penmtted In certaIn zones and under condItIons Identltied under SectIon I 4 through a speCIal use penmt process as IdentIfied under 'y elm MUniCIpal Codc Chapter 1766 1 i Adult entertaInment bUSInesses penmtted In certam land use zones sublect to certam restnctIOns and standards. 1.3 I Adult enteliamment bUSInesses failIng under the definitIOns of adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult VIdeo stores or other SImIlar adult uses Cilv "r \' dm Onl. J1,() t!s!sl1d i\. :lchc'IITl'SPOIlt! Page 6 of 42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments may be pen111tted m the tollowmg zones subject to the standards and reqUIrements of SectIon I 4 and spacmg reqUIrements IdentIfied below (a) Land use /,ones pen111tted Heavy Commercial Zone C-2, II Large Lot Commercial C-3, III Industnal, and 1\ LIght Industnal (b) Spacmg and buffenng reqUIrements II No ~uch adult entertamment busmess shall be located closer than three hundred thIrty feet from another adult entertamment bus mess, whether such other busmess IS located wlthm or outsIde the city II1111ts, No such adult enteliamment busmess shall be located closer than three hundred thIrty feet from any senSItIve land use or land use l:one Identified m SectlOn I 5, whether such zone or use IS located wlthm or outside the cIty hmIts. (c) General standards All the standards of SectlOn I 4 shall apply I 3 2 Adult arcades, nla~sage adult entertainment parlors and adult hve entertamment centers shall be pen111tted m the tollowlllg zones subject to the standards and reqUIrements of SectlOn I 4 and the spaclllg and buffenng reqUIrements Identlt1ed helO\\ (a) Land use zones pen111tted LIght Industnal and Industnal (h) Spacmg and huffenng reqUIrements No adult arcade, 11laS5i1gc adult entertainment parlor or adult Itve entertamment center shall be located closer than SIX hundred "Ixty feet from another adult arcade, massage adult entertainment parlor or adult hve entertamment center or closer than three hundred thIrty feet from any other adult entertalllment bus mess, whether such other busllless IS located wIthlll or outside the cIty I 11111 ts. II No adult arcade, Illi1SSi1ge adult entertainment parlor or adult ( 11\ 01' \ elm Onl. 7'6 ds,shL'lh <IL'bCl)ITL'Sp')lld Page 7 of 42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments lIve entertamment center shall be located closer than SIX hundred sIxty feet hom any sensitive land use or land use zone Identltled m Section I 5, whether such zone or use IS located wlthm or outside the cIty lImits (L) General standards All standards of SectIOn I 4 shall apply I 4 General standards for adult enteliamment busmesses. Adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult vIdeo <;tores and sl1111lar uses, Ifl(l~$(lgC adult entertainment parlors and adult hve entertamment centers shall confonn to the followmg general standards I 4 I All on-site parkmg areas and premise entnes of adult entertamment uses shall be 1I1ummated hom dusk untIl one hour past c10smg hours ofoperatlOn with a IIghtmg system whIch proVides an average mamtamed honzontal IllummatlOn of one foot candle of lIght on the parkmg stnps and/or walkways. An on-premise extenor IIghtmg plan shall be presented to and approved by the Depmiment of Commumty Development pnor to the operatIOn of any such use I 4 2 All parkmg must be VISible ti'om the hontmg street. Access to the ex tenor rear of the buIldmg shall be demed to any persons other than employees or pubhc officIal.:; dunng the pert(mmmce ofthelr respective dutIes and tasks by means of fencmg as approved by the Depatiment of Commumty Development. I 4 3 In addition to all on-premise sign reqUIrements of Yelm Mumclpal Code Chapter 15.24, the t()lIowmg slgmng prOVISions shall be followed (a) There shall he no electromc reader hoards or changmg message center ':;Igns, (b) All adult entcrtamment husmesses shall have facades, extenors, and eXits whIch must be mdlstmgulshable from surroundmg bUlldmgs. 1l1ustratlOns deplctmg partIally or totally nude males and/or females .:;hall not be posted or pamted on any extenor wall ofthe bUlldmg used for sueh busmesses or on any door or apparatus attached to such huIldmg I 4 4 A 11 standards of the underl ymg Lone l. il\ "n ell11 Ord. 7'oh ds ,hl'ii, <Iehc"rrl'sp"nd Page 8 of 42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8,2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments 1 4 5 Reasonable condItIOns necessary to properly mItigate bona fide secondary Impacts IdentIfied dunng the specIal use permIt revIew process. I 46 All adult entertamment busmesses shall be reqmred to comply wIth the requIrements of Chapter 17 of the Yelm MUnICIpal Code to promote compatlhlllty wIth surroundmg land uses m both commercIal and the hght mdustnal Lones. 1.4.7 A Pre-Submission Conference will be scheduled with the Community Development Department. to assist the applicant in meeting the regulations and provisions of this ordinance. as well as the Yelm Municipal Code. 1.4.8 No alteration of the configuration of the interior of the adult entertainment business or enlargement of the floor space occupied by the premises may be made after obtaining a license. without the prior approval of the Community Development Department. Approval for said enlargement may only be granted if the premises and proposed enlargement first meet the qualifications and requirements of the Yelm Municipal Code. or other applicable statutes or laws. 1 5 SensitIve land u~es The followmg uses. propertIes and zones are conSIdered sensItIve as referenced 111 SectIOns I 3 I and 1.3.2 1 5 I All Public Facilities. PlOpCl1y used t()1 pubhe <Hid pi I vate scl.ools, including public and private schools. parks. libraries. etc.: 1 5 2 PI (,PO ty used tl." puhllc pal ks I 5 J PI,1IKI ty used f(" public libl (11 ICS 1.5.24 Property used t()J" state-certltied day care, 1.5.35 Property used t()r commumty teen centers, 1.5.46 Property used for churches, cemetenes or other rehglOus faCIhtles or I nstl tutlons, 1.5.51 Propel1y used tlJr res)(JentJaI and lodgmg uses and property zoned pnmanly for C ]t\ (Ii' 't dill Ord. 71h Lbishdl\ aChCll]TL'SjlLlIld Page 9 of42 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8,2001 resldent131 useL mcludmg R-4, R-6 and R-14 zones, 1.5.61< Property used I'oT orgam zall ons. assoclab ons, facl!l hes and busmesses Whl ch provIde as a slubstantJaI portIon of theIr actIvItIes, functIOn or busmess, the provISIon of sbrvlces to chIldren and/or youth, so that the premIses of the I orgamzatlon, tfclhty or bus1l1ess would have chIldren and youth 111 attendance or at the locatl(i)n dunng a predom1l1ant portIOn of the operatIOnal hours of an adult enterta1l1/nent facilIty; Mcasunn~ regulfed Jlances. The drstances between adult entertammcnt husmesscs and sensItive land usc1s Identltied 111 SectIOn I 5 shall be measured by followmg a straIght 11l1c WIthout rfgard to 1I1tervenmg bulldmgs from the nearest pomt of the property,parcel upon "1hlch the propo:,ed use IS to be located ~o the nearest pomt ofthe parcel ot property or tfe zone classltlcatlOn boundary Ime trom whIch the proposed land use IS to he separated WaIver of dIstance JqUlrements. The tollowmg procedures and cntena shall be adhered to WIth regard to a request tor Walver of dIstance reqUlrements I 6 I 7 o 1 7 I \72 I 7 '3 o llt\ II!' 'I dill Orcl. 7\ll cis shellv aehCIIITl'SJ)(lllcl DIstance \Va1\icr reqUlred Any party proposmg to locate an adult enterta1l1ment IDusmcss \\ Ith111 less than the reqUIred dIstances from uses or I zones as specltkd 111 thl~ ord1l1ancc may do so only after obtammg a WaIver I therell'f from tt Clty councll through a specla! use peoml process. WaIver notice TqUlrements In addItion to the notIce reqUlrements for speCIal use penmts, tirst class maIlIng notice shall be made to all partIes wIthm the cltstance set fohh m SectIOns I 3 I and I 3.2, dependmg upon the use m questIOn The dpphcant shall proVIde the names and addresses of all property owners and buJmesses wlth111 SaId distances trom the proposed use I Cntena tor deCISIOn. The tinal deCISIOn on the request for WaIver of dIstance "hall be made ~y the CIty council based on conSIderation of the tollowmg' (a) The extLt to whIch the phYSIcal features would result m an etfectIve separatlbn 111 terms of VISIbilIty and access, (b) CompatlbIhty With acljacent and surroundmg land uses, (c) AbilIty \to aVOId the adult entertamment busmess by alternatIve vehIcular and pedestnan routes I Page 10 of42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments I R Adult enteliall1ment busll1esses torbldden 10 other zones. Adult arcades, adult I bookstores, adult nov91ty stores, adult video stores, and sImIlar adult uses, l11o.5MgC adult entertainment parlor'! and adult lIve entertall1ment centers shall be lImIted to the zones specified for]such uses 111 ~ectlOn~ I 3 I and I 3.2 and shall be torbldden 111 all other Lones wlth10 the City of 'r elm This ordinance docs lot prohibit: (a) Plays.lperas. musicals. or other dramatic works that are not I obscene. or Classe~. seminars and lectures which are held for serious scientific or edubtional purposes and which are not obscene: or Exhibitions. performances. expressions or dances that are not I obscene. . The ex~mptions in subsection 1.7.4 of this section do not apply to sexual ~onduct defined in Section 1 ofthis ordinance or the sexual condudt described in RCW 48A.010 (20 (b) (ii) and (iii). Whether or not kctivity is obscene shall be judged by consideration of the standatds set forth in RCW 7.48.010 (2). I 10 Adult entertall1ment bll11esses effect on other laws. ProvIsions of thIS chapter shall not have the effect otl authorIZIng any actIvItIes prohibIted by state law or other prOVISIOlb of thl~ code! I I SectlLln 2. SeverabilIty If any pro+slons of thIS ordll1ance or ItS applIcatIOn to any person or circumstances IS held lI1valIcl, the remall1der of the ordll1ance or the applIcatIOn of the proVISIOns to other per'!ons or cm:umstances IS not ,ltfected I Section 3. EffectIve Date ThiS ordll1,Jnce shall become effectIve tive days followll1g ItS passage and publIcation as reqLllred by law ] I PASSED by the Council of the CIty ofYelm, Washll1gton, at ItS regular meetmg on the 27'h day of June 200 I I 1<-.> (b) (c) (d) CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON Adam RIvas, Mayor ( ill oi'\l'illl Ord. 7 'h ds she'! 1\. <lchcorrcspolld Page II of 42 o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 AuthentIcated Agnes P Benmck, CIty Clerk PUBLISHED Nlsqually Valley New,>, July 6,200 I EFFECTIVE July I () 20(J I Apprmcd as to fonl1 Attomey Brent Ddle Owens DavIes MackIe Cil\' "I' \ dill Onl. n(, ,k.,bdl\ al'hc"l'l'l'sp"lld RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments Page 12 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 737 AN ORDINANC E ot the CIty of l' elm Wa~hIngton, regulatIng adult entertaInment hllslt1esse~ wIthIn the CIty 01'1' elm, Wa~hIngton, and amendIng Chapter 5, BusIness LIcenses and RegulatIOns Yelm Mlll11clpal Code 'W H EREAS the ( Ity of Y elm ha~ thoughtfully and thoroughly evaluated the regulahons neLe"~ary to the "ltIng and regulatIon of adult entertainment busInesses, and WHEREAS. the City recognizes that sexually oriented businesses. due to their nature. have serious objectionable operational characteristics. particularly when they are operating in close proximih to each other. thereby contributing to crime. lower property values. urban blight. downgl'ading ofthe qualitv of life in the adjacent areas. and other nuisance effects: and VI,' HEREAS the City ha~ deten111ned that the regulatIon of the adult entertainment Industry IS IHxe~sary because In thc absence ot "uch regulatIon, "Igmticant cf11111nal actIvIty has hlstoncally and regularly occurred. ThiS hIstory of enmInal actlV1ty In the adult entertainment Industry has Included pro"tltutlOn, Illcgal employment of mInors, narcotIcs and alcohohc beverage law vIOlatIOns, breaches of the peace tax evaSIOn. and the presence WIthin the Industry of indIvIduals WIth hIdden ownershIp Intcrest and outstandIng arrest warrants, and WHEREAS the proXII111ty between entertainers and patrons dunng adult entertainment pertonnances can faclhtate sexual contact, prostItutIOn and related cnmes. Concerns about cnme and publJc sexual actIvIty are legltllnate and compellIng concerns of the CIty of Yelm whIch demand rea~onable regulatIOn ofadult entertainment bUSinesses In order to protect the pubhc health, safety and general welfare, and WHEREAS. concern over sexually transmitted diseases. including HIV/AIDS. is a legitimate and serious health concern of the City which demands reasonable regulations of sexually oriented businesses in order to protect the health. safety and well being ofthe citizens: and \\' HEREAS. zoning. licensing and other police power regulations are legitimate. reasonable means to ensure that the operator of sexually oriented businesses comply with reasonable regulations designed to minimize the adverse secondary effects which may accompam the operation: and ( H\ \II 1 l'lm (}nl. 7')-' d, ,,111.:11\ ;h.'hl...IHTl."pnlld Page 13 of42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments WHEREAS. the Cit) recognizes the harmful effects to children and minors exposed to the effects of such businesses and the importance of locating such businesses to preclude children \\ alking through or v isiting in the immediate neighborhood of such businesses: and \\ HEREA5l. the City finds there would be a deterioration in the quality of businesses which choose to operate in and around such sexually odented businesses. and WH EREAS. the City desires to minimize and control these adverse secondary effects and thereby protect the health. safety and welfare of the citizens: to abate the nuisance effects of sexually oriented businesses. to protect the citizens from increased crime: to preserve the quality of life. to preserve the property values and the character of surrounding neighborhoods and businesses. and to protect against the threat to health from the spread of communicable and social diseases: and WHEREAS. the Citv has determined that location criteria alone does not adequately pl'otect health. safety and general welfare of the people ofYelm. and thus certain requirements with respect to the ownership and operation of sexually oriented businesses is in the public interest: and WHEREAS. the experiences of other states and cities demonstrate that reasonable restdctions on sexually oriented businesses are beneficial and necessary as a means of reducing and curtailing deleterious secondary effects of adult-oriented businesses and sexually oriented businesses. including crime. and specifically. sex-related crime. noise. traffic congestion. police response time and efforts. parking problems. sexual disease. and discarded pornographic material on neighboring properties: and ~ H EREAS, the CIty of Yelm finds It IS necessary to Itcense entertamers m the adult cntertamment mdustry to prevent the explOitatIOn ofmmor<;, to ensure such entertamer IS an adult and to ensure that such entertaIncrs have not assumed a false name, whIch would make regulatIOn of the enteliaIncr (i1fficult or IInpo,>slblc, and WHEREAS, the CIty ofYelm finds It necessary to have a hcensed manager on the premIses ot husmcsses offenng adult entertamment at ,>ueh tllne and such busll1esses are offenng adult entertamment '>0 that at all necessary tllnes there WIll be an lI1dlvldual responsIble for the overall operation ot the adult entertall1mcnt busme~s. Includmg the actIOns of patrons, entertamers and other employee,; and (11\ ,I) ) \.:1111 ()rd. ~~7 ,I, ....11...:1 h ~1\.'Io,- tl1Tl',,!1\ llld Page 14 (11'42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments WHEREAS, the CIty of Yelm finds It necessary to establish license fees as nommal fees Impo"ed as regulatory measures designed to help defray the substantIal expense mcurred by the CIty ot ') Llm m regulatll1g thl. adult entertamment mdu~try, and Vv H EREAS the City ofYelm ha::. determmed that hIdden ownershIp mterest for the purposes ot "kllnm1l1g profib and aVOldll1g the payment ot taxes have hlstoncally occurred 111 the adult entel1all1ment II1dustry 111 the ab~ence of regulation These hIdden ownershIp mterests have hIstorIcally heen held b); organl/ed and whIte collar nllne elemcnt~ In order ft)r the CIty to effectIvely protect the puhliL health. safety morab and general \"elf~lre ot Its CItIzens and effectIvely allocate Its law entoru~ment re<.,ource~ It '....Important that the City be tully appnzed of the actual ownershIp of adult entertclll1mcnt bU~lI1e~~e~. and the Identltle" and baLkgrounds of persons responsIble for management and control of the adult enter1amment busmes~, and Vv H EREAS It I~ not the mtent ofthl" ordmance to suppress or censor any expressIve actIvItIes protected by the Flr"t Amendment of the Ul1Ited States ConstItutIOn or ArtIcle I, SectIOn 5 of the Washmgton State ConstitutIOn. but rather to enact tIme, place and manner regulatIons whIch address the eompellmg mterests of the CIty m mltlgatmg the secondary effects of adult entertamment busmesses NOW THEREFORE, be It ordamed by the CIty CouncIl of the CIty ofYelm, as follows ~ectlOn I MASSAGC ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PARLORS AND EMPLOYEES I I Defil1ltlOns Wherever the followmg words and terms appear m thIS chapter, they shall hm,e the t()llowmg meanmgs I I I "Ma.'l:sagc "''Adult entertainment parlor" means a place m the mcorporated area of the cIty where massages or like treatments are performed upon the hody of one person by another person, or where sauna baths, TurkIsh baths, Swedl"h baths or the lIke are made aVaIlable to members of the publIc I I 2 "Ma.'lSagc ""Adult entertainment parlor employee" means any person who gIves massages to, or attends m any other way upon, patrons of a massage parlor or who supervIses the work of such a person. I .2 ExemptIOns to l.hapter applIcabIlity The provIsIOns ofthls chapter shall not apply to massages performed or baths proVided m any hospItal or at the athletIc department of any publIl. or pm, ate secondary school or college, or by any person who has been cel11fied or lIcensed hy the "tate ot Washmgton to practIce medlcme, surgery, drugless ( 11\ ,I! 1 dill On.! 71,7 d" ....1li..:11\ .ll'h\.\lrJL"'plIJld Page 1501'42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments therapy phy....\l.al therapy, massage, osteopathy, osteopathy and surgery, chiropractic, podiatry or nur~Ing. 1.2.1 This ordinance does not prohibit. (a) Plays. operas, musicals, or other dramatic works that are not obscene, 0." (b) Classes. seminars and lectures which are held for serious scientific or educational purposes and which are not obscene~ or (c) Exhibitions. performances. expressions or dances that are not obscene. (d) The exemptions in subsection 1.2.1 of this section do not apply to sexual conduct defined in Sections 1.1. 2.1 and 3.1 of this ordinance or the sexual conduct described in RCW 48A.010 (20 (b) (m and (im. Whether or not activity is obscene shall be judged by consideration of the standards set forth in RCW 7.48.010 (2). I 3 LicensIng of BusIness I 3 I No per::.on, finn, pat1ner::.hlp corporatIOn, or other entIty shall operate an adult entertainment parlor, adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult video store without first obtaining a hcense Issued pursuant to this chapter I 3 2 ApphcatlOns f()r such busInesses shall be made to the City Clerk/Treasurer I 3 3 Such apphcatIons shall be venfied and provide the same Informatton as that required t()r an adult hvc entertainment center hcensed as set forth In SectIOn 34 I 3 4 Apphcatlons shall be accompanied by a non refundable tee as set by resolution ot the CIty Council, hO\\ever, until such fee IS set by such a resolutIon, the fee shall be S500 1.3 5 An applicatIOn for <.;uch a license shall be processed and either granted or denied In the manner set torth In Sections 3 4 5 and 3 4 6 ( 11\ III '\ dill On!. 717 d~ .....111.:1" ~1l'h\.'UITL':-;pond Page 10 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments I 3 6 Licenses granteu pursuant to thIs chapter shall expIre on December 31, of the year tor \" h\(..h ..,uch lIcenses IS I..,::,ueu or renewed I 3 7 Such lIcense may be renewed by submlttmg a new applIcatIOn and followmg the applIcatIOn procedure referenced herem, provIded, that a renewal applIcation shall not be ..,ubmltted pnor to September I, for the followmg calendar year I 4 Llcensmg of bnployee::,. An applIcatIOn t(X such a lIcense shall be processed and eIther granted or uenIed m the manner set forth m SectIOn 3 5 I 5 RevocatIOn of LIcense RevocatIOn of a massage adult entertainment parlor lIcense or employee lIcense shall be set t()rth m the manner described m SectIOn 3 6 16 InspectIOns The premIses of all I11aSSagC adult entertainment parlors shall be mamtamed m a ..,afe and sanItary manner An applIcant for a lIcense called for herem shall be consIdered to consent as a conditIOn of recelvmg such lIcense to mspectIon by the ChIef of PolIce or the BuIldmg OfficIal or theIr deSIgnees dunng hours when such busmesses are open The purpose of such mspectlOn shall be to detenmne If the lIcensed premIses IS operated m accordance wIth the reqUIrements of thIs chapter It IS hereby expressly -declared that unannounced mspectlOns are necessary to ensure complIance wIth thIS chapter I 7 Hours of operatIOn. All massage adult entertainment parlors shall be closed, and all servIces perfonned therem dlscontmued, between the hours of 12.30 a.m and &-Be 10:00 a m I 8 PremlsesuLlquor prohibIted LIquor (as that tenn IS defined m the Washmgton State AlcoholIc Beverage Control Act) shall not be dIstnbuted or consumed on the premIses of any Il1a5SagC adult entertainment parlor I <) VIOlatIOn deemed a publIc nUIsance Any actIVIty, act or conduct contrary to the prOVISIOns of thIS chapter IS declared to be unlawful and a publIc nUIsance and such actIvIty, act or conduct may be enJomed by an actIon brought by the CIty Attorney or other mterested person I I () VIOlatIOn deemed a mIsdemeanor Any person, finn or corporatIon vlOlatmg any provl::'lon of this chapter "hall be guIlty of a mIsdemeanor and each such person, tirm or corporatIOn ..,hall be deemed guilty ot a separate offen::,e for each and every day (,1\ ,I \,'hnUrd. 7,7 d:-- ,lll.:1 h :Ich.. \ lIT\...':'pt Illd Page 1701'42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments dunng which any vIOlatIOn IS commItted, contInued or permItted. No person shall be deemed gUIlty of any vIOlatIOn of thIs chapter If actIng In an InvestIgatIve capacIty pursuant to the request or order of the PolIce ChIef: CIty Attorney or duly appoInted agent of clthcr ScctlOn 2 ADULT BUSINESSES 2 I DefimtlOns 2 I 1 "Adult Arcade" shall mean a bUSIness where, for any fonn of consIderatIOn, one or more stIlI or motIOn pIcture projectors, slIde projectors, or SImIlar machmes, or other Image producmg machmes, for VIeWIng by five or fewer persons each, are used to ,how films, motIOn pIctures, vIdeo cassettes, slIdes, vIdeo (h,ks or other photographIc reproductIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIon or descnptIon of "SpecIfic Sexual ActIvItIes" or "SpecIfic AnatOlTIIcal Areas" ") 1:2 "Adult Bookstore", "Adult Novelty Store", or "Adult VIdeo Store" shall mean a commercIal bUSIness whIch has as one of ItS pnnclpal bUSIness purposes the offenng for sale or rental for some form of conSIderatIOn, books, magazmes, penodlcals or other pnnted matter, or photographs, films, motIOn pIctures, VIdeo cassettes, slIdes. VIdeo dIsks or other VIsual representatIOns WhICh are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptlOn of speCIfic sexual actIVItIes or speCIfic anatomIcal areas. PrOVIded, however, that VIdeo stores that sell and/or rent only VIdeo tapes or other graphIC reproductIOns and assocIated eqUIpment shall only come wlthm the defimtlOn set forth herem If twenty percent or more of ItS stock m trade or revenue comes from the rental or sale of VIdeo tapes or other photobTfaphlc reproductIOns or assocIated eqUIpment WhICh are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptlOn of speCIfic sexual actIVItIes or speCific anatomIcal areas. - :2 1.3 "Specific anatomIcal areas" means (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, pubIC regIon, buttocks and the female breasts below a pomt ImmedIately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gemtals 10 a dIscernibly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered ( 11\ "I \ c'ill1 Ord. 717 lb ...hell\ .ll'hCtHTC....P<Hld Page 18 of42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments 2 I 4 "SpecI tic sexual actIvItIes" means (a) Human gemtals 10 a '-'tate of sexual stlmulatlOn, and/or (h) Acts of human masturbatIOn, ~exual mtercour~e or sodomy; and/or (c) Fondl1ng or other erotIc touch 109 of human gemtals, pubIc regIOn, buttocks or the female breasts. ') ) Llcensmg of Busmess 2 2 1 No per'-'on, tinn, partner,-,hlp corporatIOn, or other entIty shall operate an adult arcade adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult VIdeo store WIthout tirst obtammg a lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter 2.2 2 ApplIcatIOns tor such husmesses shall be made to the CIty Clerk/Treasurer 2.2 3 Such appl1catlOns shall he ventied and provIde the same mformatlOn as that reqUIred tor an adult lIve entertamment center lIcensed as set forth m SectIOn 34 2 2 4 ApplIcatIOns shall be accompamed by a non refundable fee as set by resolutIon ofthc CIty Counctl, however unttl such fee IS set by such a resolutlon, the fee shall be $500 2.2 5 An appltcatIon for such a lIcense shall be processed and eIther granted or demed m the manner set torth 10 SectIons 3 4 5 and 3 4 6 2.2 6 LIcenses granted pursuant to thIS chapter shall expIre on December 31, of the year for WhICh such I1censes IS Issued or renewed. 227 Such license may be renewed by submlttmg a new appl1catlOn and tollowmg the appl1catlOn procedure referenced herem, prOVIded, that a renewal appl1cat)on shall not be submItted pnor to September 1, for the followmg calendar year 2 3 RegulatIons relatmg to on-premIse vlewmg. 2 3 I Any adult arcade, adult book.store, adult novelty store or adult VIdeo store havmg bCllttles tor customers' vlewmg of depIctIons of human nudIty and/or (,1\ "I )l'iIllOrd 717 d.... ....hdh ;lchl'()fTl'",;ptlnd Page 19 of42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments <.;cxual conduct of any nature, IncludIng depictIons ofspecltic sexual actIvItIes, shall comply with the folloWIng regulations (a) ( onstructl(m/MaIntcnance All vIC~"II,g b(I(ltI15 511all bc con5t1uctcd 01 Iccon5tltlctcd 50 that tk llltCll\l1 ofd,c vlC~lhg booth 15 Ob5CI v able by pCI50n5 iii thc al"lcs (II (,tlICI (IPCh alCM ofthc bU5IIIC55 5uch diM tllc 1c,~Cl tllll'ly-SIX IIIchc5 of tllC dom 15 OpCh to publIc vlC~ Adult Arcade Entertainment Business Premises. All adult arcade stations or booths must open to the public room so that the area and occupant inside the booths are fully and completely visible by direct line of sight to the manager located at the manager's station which shall be located in the main entrance way to the public room containing the arcade stations or booths. No curtain. door. wall. merchandise. display rack. or other non-transparent enclosure. material. or application may obscure in any way the manager's view of any portion of the activity or occupant of the adult arcade station or booth. or the performance area. All such areas shall be maIntaIned In a clean and samtary conditIOn at all tImes. All ventilation devices or openings between adult arcade booths must be covered by a permanently affixed louver or screen. Any portion of a ventilation opening cover may not be located more than one foot below the top of the booth walls or one foot from the bottom of booth walls. There may not be any other holes or openings between the booths. Signs sl.allllc c(II,splcuoU5ly pCJ5tcd Oil thc plCIlll5C5 advl51l1g CUSt(,liICI'> USllIg vlCwll1g bl/odl5 tllat There must be permanently posted and maintained in at least two conspicuous locations on the interior of all adult arcade premises a sif,!n stating substantially the following: Page 20 of 42 II iii (b) Signs (11\ "I ~ elm Ord 7\7 d.... ....hdh l.ll'nl'PITI..'..;rond o o (J Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments ( I ) NO PERSON~ UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO OCCUPY A VI EWING BOOTH AT ANY TIME (2) OC.C.UPANCYOF ANY STATION OR BOOTH IS AT ALL TIMES LIMITED TO ONE PERSON. (3) THERE MAYBE NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY IN THE STATIONS. BOOTHS. OR ON THE PREMISES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONDUCT (RCW 9.68A.OII). ACTS OF LEWDNESS (YMC 9.16). INDECENT EXPOSURE. PROSTITUTION. DRUG ACTIVITY. OR SEXUAL CONDUCT. AS DEFINED HEREIN. (4) VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. ( I ) !\1,t"tud,dtlOl. III ~'>Ucl. bOOtl.5 15 plOlribltcd and unlawful That It 15 tll.la~ful fOl n.olc tI.an onc cU5tOluCI to (,((Up)' a vlC~liIg bootl. at 1\11)' tUIlC (2) ii. Each sign must be conspicuously posted and not screened from the patron's view. The letters and numerals must be on a contrasting background and be no smaller than one inch in height. (c) Lighting. Sufficient lighting must be provided and equally distributed throughout the public areas of the adult entertainment business so that all obiects are plainly visible at all times. A minimum lighting level 000 lux horizontal. measured at 30 inches from the floor and on IO-foot centers is required for all areas of the adult entertainment business where members ofthe public are permitted. (d) Unlawful Conduct The follOWing conduct or activity IS unlawful (11\ 0' ) dill Ord 717 tis ..;h",'lh ':lchn.HTl'Spond Masturbation In VICWIng booths. II Two or more customers In a viewing booth at the same tIme III The use ot such booths by any person under the age of eighteen years Page 21 of42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments IV For the owner or manager to know1l1gly allow the above conduct. .2 4 Regulatlon~ applIl.able to vIdeo ~tores not qualIfY1l1g as adult vIdeo stores. VIdeo stores that ..,ell or otherwl'le dl'ltnhute tilms. motion pIctures, vIdeo cassettes, slIdes, vIdeo dl~b or other visual repre,>entatlons whIch arc charactenzed by the depIctIon or de~cnptlon ot 'lpecltic sexual actlvltle~ or specltic anatomIcal areas, and less than twenty percent of theIr stock-1l1-trade or revenues comes from the rental or sale of such Items ~hall he suhJect to the t()llowmg regulatIOns .2 4 I All SLlL.h Items as are descrIhed ahove shall be physIcally segregated and closed off from other portIOns 0 f the store such that these Items are not vIsible and/or aceessl ble from other portIons of the store 2 4.2 No advertls1l1g for 'luch Items shall be posted or otherWIse VISIble Except where such Items arc authonzed tor dIsplay 2 4.3 SIgns readable at a dIstance of twenty feet m both EnglIsh and Spamsh shall he posted at the entrance to the area where such Items are dIsplayed statmg that persons under the age of eIghteen are not allowed access to the area where such Items are displayed 2 4 4 The manager or attendant shall take reasonable steps to momtor the area where such Items are dIsplayed to ensure that persons under eIghteen years of age do not access the age-restrIcted area. 2 4 5 Rental or sale of obscene matenal (as detined by state law) or matenal hannful to m1l1ors (as detined hy 'ltate law) to persons under eIghteen years of age IS prohlhlted. 2 4 6 Employees of such VIdeo stores shall check IdentIficatIon to ensure that such Items are not rented or sold to persons under the age of eIghteen. .2 5 RevocatIOn of lIcense The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall revoke a lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS l.hapter I f the C lerk/Trea~L1rer tinds any of the tollowmg condItIOns to eXIst 2 5 I The hcensec has made a false statement or gIven false mtOnl1atlOn 111 l.Onncctlon With thc apphl.atlOn for the applIcable ltcense ( It \ \ d ') dill ()rd. 7 7 d..; "Ill'! h ;ldx,)n l',",P' Illd Page 22 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 SectIOn 3 (1!\"i')dIllOrd 717 d~ ...;hl'll\ ~ll'h.:{lITI..'''Pi\lld RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments 2 5 2 The lIcensee has vIOlated or penllltted violatIOn of any provIsions of this chapter 2 5.3 The IIcen~ee has been convicted of or forfeited bail to any of the crllnes which would have cau~ed the Lit)' to refuse to I~sue the lIcense upon the mltIal or renewal applIcatIOn Appeal ti'om either the denIal of a lIcense or the revocation of a lIcense shall be madc to the city councIl proVided for 10 Yelm MUnICipal Code, 15 49 160 2 6 Inspections An applIcant for a lIcense called tlJr herem shall be considered to consent as a comhtIOn of recelvmg such IIccn~e to mspectlOn by the Chief of Pohce, City Clerk/Treasurer or the BUlldmg Ofticlal or their deSignees dUrIng hours when such busmesse~ are open The purpo,>e of such mspectIon shall be to determme If the licensed preml~es IS operated 10 accordance With the requirements of this chapter It I~ hereby expressly declared that unannounced mspectlOns are necessary to ensure complIance With thiS chapter 27 Hours of operation. Busll1esses licensed pursuant to thiS chapter shall be closed between 12 30 a m and g...oo- 10:00 a.m 28 VIOlatIOn deemed a p.ubhc nUIsance Any actiVIty, act or conduct contrary to the proVISIOns of thIS chapter IS declared to be unlawful and a pubhc nUIsance and such actiVity, act or conduct may be enJomed by an actIOn brought by the CIty Attorney or other mterested person 29 VIOlatIon deemed a mIsdemeanor Any person, tirm or corporation vlOlatmg any prOVISion of thiS chapter shall be gUIlty of a Illlsdemeanor and each such person, firm or corporatIOn ,>hall be deemed guIlty of a separate offense tor each and every day dunng which any VIOlatIOn I'> committed, contll1ued or permItted. No person shall be deemed guIlty of any VIOlatIOn of thiS chapter If actmg 10 an mvestIgatIve capaCIty pursuant to the request or order of the Police ChIet: City Attorney or duly appomted agent of eIther ADULT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS 3 I DetinItlon:-, The tlJlIowmg word~ and phrases shall have the follOWIng meanmgs for purposes of tlm chapter' Page 23 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments :i I I "Adult 11\ C entertaInment center" means a busmess havIng, as parts ofIts trade, live dancer~ or entertaIner~ who depIct specific sexual activIties or dIsplay -;PClI til JnatOll11cal arca~ as defined herem, Included, but not hmlted to, topless dancl center~, sO-lalled exotll dance centers and body pamtIng studIOS 3 I 2 "Employee" means any and all persons, mcludmg entertamers, who work 10 or at or render any servIces dIrectly related to the operatIOn of any adult hve cntel1aInment center :i ]:i "EntertaIner" means any person who prOVides entertaInment wlthm an adult live entertamment center a~ detined 10 thIS section whether or not a fee IS charged or accepted t()r such entertamment. 3 I 4 "EnteI1aInment" means any exhibItIOn or dance of any type, removal of artIcles of clothIng, pantomnne, modelIng or any other perfonnance 3 ] 5 "Operator" means any person operatIng, eonductmg or mamtammg an adult live entertamment center 3 I 6 "SpeCIfic anatomIcal areas" means (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks and female breasts below a pomt ImmedIately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gemtals In a discernibly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered. 3 I 7 "Speclfil sexual actIVIties" means (a) Human gemtals 10 a state of sexual stimulatIOn, and/or (b) Acts of human masturbation, sexual mtercourse or sodomy, and/or (l) FondlIng or other erotIC touchmg of human gemtals, pubIC regIOn, buttocks or the female breasts 1 2 Conduct ot employee:-. and operators The follOWIng standards of conduct shall be adhered to by operator,> and employees of any adult lIve entertaInment center l 11\ "I ) dill Ord. 7 n d...;.....lll'll\ ..1I..'hnHTc",;p<lnd Page 24 of 42 r- o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments 3.2.1 All employees of an adult live entertainment center must adhere to the following standards of conduct while in any area in which a member of the public is allowed to be present: (a) An employee may not be unclothed or in such less than opaque and complete attire. costume or clothing so as to expose to view any portion of the female breast below the top of the areola or any portion of the pubic region. anus. buttocks. vulva or genitals. except upon a stage at least eighteen inches above the immediate floor level and removed at least eight feet from the nearest member of the public. J.2 I No pCl~un ClJ1r,k,yed In the sale OJ sel vIce of food and/OI dllllk ~ltIlIn all adult lIve entertaIlllllellt centCl shall be Ullcluthed 01 111 sucll attIle, costunlC 01 clotl'lllg so as to expose, ~Ith less thalt a fully "paquc CGvellllg, ,UlY portIon of tk J.unlall gCnItals, pubiC I eglan, buttocks altd the fm,ale bl Gists bclo~ a pOint Il1ln,cdlatcly above tIIC top (lftLe alc"la. (b) An employee mingling with a member of the public may not be unclothed or in less than opaque and complete attire. costume or clothing as described in subdivision (a) ofthis subsection. nor may a male employee appear with his genitals in a discernibly turgid state. even if completely and opaquely covered or wear or use any device or covering that simulates the same. J 2 2 Na pelsoll el11pl(lyed OJ otho ~15e penllltted to COltvCISe, daltcc 01 Inlllglc WIth tIle patlOlt5 ~ltIlII1 all adult II ve elltcrtamnlCllt celltcl shall be unclothed 01 In SUell attllc, emtUl1le (,l ck,tIlIng as desellbed lit SectIolI J 2 I (c) An employee mingling with a member ofthe public may not wear or use any device or covering exposed to view which simulates the breast below the top of the areola. vulva. genitals. anus. a portion of the pubic region. or buttocks. J 2 J No I,CI~(1!1 dcsCllbed III SeetH,ns J 2 I and J 2.2 sl,all encoUlage 01 pClnIlt ally pCISOl1 UpOII tile Illel1l1:<;e5 to t(,U(I1. eaIC$~ (1\ fUI,dlc tile blcast5. buttocks. anw; 01 gCllItals of ally otho pel S(I\1 ( 11\ III "1.:1111 (hd --'~7 d_" ...111.:11\ ;l\.:hUllTI...''';Plllhl Page 25 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8,2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments (d) An employee may not caress. fondle or erotically touch a member of the public or another employee. An employee may not encourage or permit a member of the public to caress. fondle or erotically touch that employee. J 24 Nc, pClSlI11 dcsclll}cd In Sectlc,l,."> J 2 I dl,d 3.22 sllall ~cal 01 mc an)' dCvlcc 01 Un ellllg expc,.">cd to v\(~ ~IIIcI, :q),wlate."> the hleMt, gCltltal.." anus, pubIc l,all 01 any pc,111(}!l tllCl c(,f (e) An employee mav not perform actual or simulated acts of sexual conduct as defined in this ordinance. or an act that constitutes a violation of chapter 7.48A RCW. the Washington moral nuisance statute. Yelm Municipal Code CYMC) 9.16. the City's lewd conduct provision or any provision regulating offenses against public morals. i.25 N(} PC1S(}1I dCSCl il}cd III Scctlc,ns J 2 I and 3.2.2 1101 any clItcrtalllCI sl,a11 pCtfOml act$ ofcl! acts ~Llch slIlIulatc (a) Scxualllltcl cow SC, n la$tw batlolI, $odonl)', bC$ttahty, oral copulatIOn, tlagcllatloh or any scxual act$ whlcL atc prol,ibltcd by law; Thc touchmg, cal c$$mg or f'Ondlmg OftllC bl cMt$, buttoeh ot gcmtal$, TIle dl5playmg lIfthc pubIc hall, aIIU$, vulva 01 gCIIItal$. (b) (c) (t) An employee mingling with a member of the public may not conduct any dance. performance or exhibition in or about the non- stage area of the adult live entertainment center unless that dance. performance or exhibition is performed at a distance of at least four" feet from the member of the public for whom the dance. performance or exhibition is performed. The distance offour feet is measured from the torso of the dancer to the torso of the member of the public. (g) N(, patl(,11 sl,all be pcmIltted to dllcctl)' 01 1I1d1ICCtl)' pay 01 glvc any gldtUlty t(, <lny ClltC11dlll(I A tip or gratuity offered to or accepted by an entertainer ma} not be offered or accepted before any performance. dance or exhibition provided by the entertainer. An entertainer performing upon any stage area may not accept any form of gratuity offered directly to the entertainer by a member (,1\ ,Ii ) L'illl ()rd. ',7 d,') ,,111.-'1 h ~ll'h\.'lllTl'''rllJ1I..1 Page 20 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments of the public. A gratuity offered to an entertainer performing upon any stage area or in any booth or arcade device must be placed into a receptacle provided for receipt of gratuities by the management of the adult live entertainment center or provided through a manager on duty on the premises. A gratuity or tip offered to an entertainer conducting a performance. dance or exhibition in or about the non-stage area of the adult live entertainment center must be placed into the hand of the entertainer or into a receptacle provided by the entertainer. and not upon the person or into the clothing of the entertainer. (h) No entcI1amer shall he pen11ltted to sohelt any pay or gratUIty from any patron and/or solicIt the purchase of any food or dnnk by any patron. J 2 6 Nc. entcl1all1C1 ,,,1101-" U1lc](Ithcd (,I III sue\' aUne, costun,c 01 elothmg as desclibcd In SceW,n 3.2 ] (,ftlll.'> c1laptCl .'>helll PCdi.1l111 eb;c~\'Cle wltlml an adult clitertammclIt (ento otllel t\'all upon a .';tage elt least C1glltcclI mches above the 1l11I11cdlate flom level ~ hCl c patt (,itS al C sCated (,I stand, alld I CIlia ved at least SIX feet fi on, tl,e neal cst pattOlI 3.2.2 At an adult live entertainment center the following are required: (a) Admission must be restricted to persons of the age of eighteen years or older. An owner. operator. manager or other person in charge of the adult entertainment business may not knowingly permit or allow any person under the age of eighteen years to be in or upon the premises whether as an owner. operator. manager. patron. member. customer. agent. employee. independent contractor. or in any other capacity. This section is not intended to be used in a prosecution of a minor on or within an adult entertainment business. (b) Neither the performance. nor any photograph. drawing. sketch or other pictorial or graphic representation of the performance. displaving any portion ofthe breasts below the top ofthe areola or any portion of the pubic region. buttocks. genitals. and/or anus may take place or be located so as to be visible to minors who are or mav be outside of the adult entertainment business. Page 27 of 42 ( It\ "I 'I dill Ord. ?;C LIs "ilL"! h ~1L'hL't IITl....,r1llld o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments (c) A member ofthe public may not be permitted at any time to enter into any of the non-public portions of the adult entertainment business, that includes but is not limited to: The dressing rooms of the entertainers, other rooms provided for the benefit of employees, or the kitchen or storage areas. However, a person delivering goods and materials, food and beverages, or performing maintenance or repairs to the premises or equipment on the premises may be permitted into non-public areas to the extent required to perform the person's iob duties. (d) Restrooms mav not contain video reproduction equipment and/or adult arcade devices. (e) Doors to areas of the adult entertainment business that are available for use by persons other than the owner, manager, operator, or their agents or employees, may not be locked during business hours. (f) No person may operate or maintain any warning system or device, of any nature or kind, for the purpose of alerting, warning, or aiding and abetting the warning of any patrons, members, customers. owners, operators. managers. employees. agents. independent contractors. or any other persons in the adult entertainment business. that police officers or County health. code enforcement. fire. licensing. or building inspectors are approaching or have entered the premises. 1 3 OperatIon regulatIOns The folloWIng reqUIrements shall be adhered to by any adult hve entertaInment center' 331 There shall he posted and conspICuously dIsplayed In the common areas of each adult lIve entertaInment center a hst of any and all entertaInment proVIded on the premIses tor a tee In addItion to the admISSIOn fee. Such hst shall further IndICate the specific fee or charge In dollar amounts tor each entertamment lIsted ( 11\ pI 1 dill Onl. -;,7 ll... ,Ill'I/\ ;IL'hL'( HTl'-':P{ \Ild ., ., I J _) _ No activIty or entertaInment OLCUITIng wIthIn an adult hve entertamment Lenter ~hall he \'Islhle at any tIme trom outsIde such hall Page 2X of42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments 3 3 3 At lea~t one secunty person per one hundred patrons shall be on duty InSIde the premIses at all tImes dunng hours of operatIon. Secunty persons shall also patrol the parKIng area adjacent to the premIses at least once per each hour of operatIOn AI] secunty persons "hall wear a umfonn whIch WIll make such persons ITadtly recogl11/ahle as "ecunty personnel .3 3 4 AdmISSIon shall be restncted to persons of the age of eIghteen years or over .3 3:; Suftil.lent lIghtIng ~hall he proVIded In and about the parts of the premIses whll.h arc open to patron~ and/or members of the publIc so that all objects are plaInly vI"lhlc at all tlme~ 3 .3 6 An adult lIve entertaInment center shall be closed between 12 30 a.m. and 8-'00 10.00 a 10 .3 3 7 No opcrator or employee of an adult lIve entertaInment center shall serve, sell, dlstnbute or penTIlt the con~umptIon or possessIOn of any IntOXIcatIng hquor or controlled substance upon the premIses of such bUSIness, IncludIng parkIng lots under the control of the operator 3.3 8 An operator of an adult lIve entertaInment center shall conspIcuously dIsplay the lIcense reqUIred by thIS chapter In an area open to patrons of such establIshment. 3 3 9 No operator of an adult lIve entertaInment center shall employ as an entertaIner any person under the age of eIghteen years or a person not hcensed pursuant to thIS chapter .3 .3 lOAn operator of an adult lIve entertaInment center shall maIntaIn and retaIn for a penod of two year~ - names addresses and ages of persons employed as entertaIner.;; by lIcensee ') 4 LIcenSIng of bUSIness .3 4 I No person finn. partner"hlp, corporatIOn or other entIty shall operate an adult lIve entertaInmcnt center WIthout first obtaInIng an adult lIve entertaInment center lIcense I~sued pursuant to thIS chapter ( It\ <II ) l'll11 ()rd '1' ll..... ...;111.'/1\ ;ld1l'{IITt..'''P\1Ild Page 29 of 42 o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments 3.4.2 Prior to the issuance of a license. the applicant must be qualified according to the provisions of all applicable City ordinances. the laws of the United States and of the State of Washington. The premises must meet the requirements of all applicable laws. ordinances. and regulations including but not limited to the Uniform Building Code. and the Yelm City Zoning Code. All premises and devices must be inspected prior to issuance of a license. 34.3 AIJpllc<1tIOns f()1 adult II vC Clltcrtallllllcnt (elIte I lIechses sl,aIl be made to tI.e City ClCl k/TI easUl Cl An application for an adult live entertainment center license must be submitted to the City Clerk/Treasurer in the name of the person or entity proposing to conduct the adult live entertainment center on the business premises and must be signed by the person and certified as true under penaltv of periury. An application must be submitted on a form supplied by the City Clerk/Treasurer. which must require the following information: J 4 J Ah applicatIOn fClI clll adult hvc clltertallllllCl1t centCl license sl.aIl be vellfied cHid .,1t;111 plovlde tllC foll(/~1I1g 1Iltl/lnlatIOn o (a) (b) (c) o ( 11\ "I I ,'Im Old. 7 7 \..1:..; "ill'! h aL'hl' IiTL':-'P( \Ild The full nalllC (\lId ahas (past 01 plescnt), addless, tdepl.olIe humbeI, IJIII,elpal (/ccupatIOI1 al,d date of blrtl. of tile applIecu.t alId of the IlIallagmg agolt 01 agellts of tile busmess, For the applicant and for each applicant control person. provide: Name(s). date(s) of birth. any aliases or previous names. driver's license number(s). social security number(s). and mailing and residential address(es): The husmess name, busmess address, federal tax IdentIficatIOn number, state of Washmgton master busmess license number and busmess telephone number of the busmess or proposed busmess, together WIth a descnptlOn of the nature of the busmess, Whether the but>mest> or proposed busmess IS the undertakmg of a sole propnetorshlp, partnershIp or corporatIOn. If a sole propnetorshIp, the apphcatIon shall set flxth the name, address, telephone number and pnnclpal occupatIOn of the sole propnetor If a partnershIp, the apphcatlon shall <;ct f()rth the names, addresses, telephone numbers, pnnclpal occupatIOn and respectIve ownershIp shares of each partner, whether general III11Ited or silent If a corporatIOn, the apphcatlOn "hall set tlxth the corporate name, a copy of the artIcles of IncorporatIon. including date and place of incorporation and the names. addresses. telephone numbers and pnnclpal occupatIOns of Page 30 of 42 o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 (<.I) (e) o (f) (g) (h) (i) o ( ]t\ pI l dill ()rd 7,7 lb ....hdh :ll'hl'\IITl'....P{lllll RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments every ofticer and director of the corporatIon, and every shareholder havIng more than tive percent of the outstandIng shares of the corporation, and evidence that the partnership or corporation is in good standing under the laws of Washington: and the name and address of the registered agent for service of process: n IC IIal1 1(5, addl CSSC:';, tclcpl'OIIC IIUl nbcl 5 (Hid plllIClpal occupatlolIs \It (vCIY P(I:';OII, pdrtncIslllp 01 cOlpOlatlol1 Ilavll1g any Il1tClcst iii tile I (,d (,I 1'C\ s(Illal pH,pcrt)' uttlll,(d 01 to bc utIlized by tLe busllless 01 I'H,pm;(d bUSllIC5S: For the applicant and all applicant control persons. a description of business. occupation or employment history for the three years immediately preceding the date of the application. \Vlletllcl tIle appltCallt, (,I all)' pCIson ICqUllcd to be nalllcd by tillS ",CCtl(ll1, lias CvCI l,cul cOllvlctcd of 01 foIfcltcd ball tOI all)' ClllllC, oi.cludlllg 111111(,1 tl attic (lffcIISCS; and, If 50, the appltCatlOlt shall state the pelSOI1 IlIv(,lved, tile c1lalge, date, eourt alld dispOSItIon of tile cllalge For the applicant and all applicant control persons. all criminal convictions or forfeitures within five years immediately preceding the date of the application. other than parking offenses or minor traffic infractions including the dates of conviction. nature of the crime. name and location of court and disposition: Whether the applicant or a partner. corporate officer. or director of the applicant holds another license under this ordinance or a license for similar adult entertainment or sexually oriented business. including a motion picture theater. or a panorama. from Thurston County. another city. county or state. and ifso. the name and address of each other licensed business: A summary of the business history of the applicant and applicant control persons in owning or operating the adult entertainment or other sexually oriented business providing names. addresses and dates of operation for such businesses. and whether any business license or adult entertainment license has been revoked or suspended and the reason for the revocation or suspension: Authorization for the City of Yelm. and its agents and employees. to seek information to confirm any statements set forth in the application: The location and doing-business-as name of the proposed adult entertainment husiness. including a legal description of the Page 31 of42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments (j) property. street address. and telephone number. together with the name and address of each owner and lessee of the property: Two 2-inch by two-inch photographs of the applicant and applicant control persons. taken within six months of the date of application showing only the full face: A complete set of fingerprints for the applicant or each applicant control person. taken by the law enforcement agency for the jurisdiction. 01' such other entity as authorized by the law enforcement agency: Each applicant shall verify. under penalty of perjury that the information contained in the application is true: A scale drawing or diagram showing the configuration of the premises for the proposed adult entertainment business. including a statement of the total floor space occupied by the business. and marked dimensions of the interior of the premises. Performance areas. seating areas. manager's office and stations. restrooms. arcade booths or devices. overhead lighting fixtures. and service areas shall be clearly marked on the drawing. An application for a license for an adult entertainment business must include building plans which demonstrate conformance with city ofYelm building code requirements. (k) (I) (m) 3 44 ApplIcatIOns shall be accompanIed by a nonrefundable fee as set by resolutIon of the cIty councIl however, untIl such fee IS set by such a resolutIOn, the fee shall be $500 3 4 5 WIthIn five days of receIpt of a properly completed applIcatIon for an adult lIve entel1aInment center lIcense, the CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall transmIt copIes of such apphLatlOn to thc PolIce Department and CommunIty Development Department 346 Wlthll1 thIrty days ot rCl,clpt of a properly completed apphcatlOn for an adult lIve entel1all1ment center lIcense, the CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall Issue the IIcensc unless adVIsed by the CommunIty Development Department that the u~e or proposed use of the premises, does not have the applIcable land use approval as per the cIty's 7onll1g code or other applIcable land use laws and regulatIOns, or the ( Ity ( lerk/Trcasurer IS adVIsed by the bUIldIng department that the buIldll1gs upon the ~ubJcet premIses fatl to meet the reqUIrements of the huIldll1g, tire, meLhal1lutl or plumhIng codes applIcable to the proposed ( 11\ "I '\ dill Onl. 7 n d:-. .-;hl..'j h ~Il'hc{ )1TL'spnlld Page 32 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments U~L or the City Clerk/Treasurer I':> Intormed by the polIce department that the owner, partner, or stockholder holdIng more than tive percent of the outstandIng share~ of the ownmg corporatIOn has been convIcted of or t(Jrfelted hall tor any cnme wlllch may reasonably mdlcate a lIkelIhood of future vIOlatIon of the tenns of thl'> chapter hy sueh owner, partner, or stockholder h~uance ot the lIcense reqUIred In thIs chapter shall not constItute a WaIver of or exemptIon trom the applIcation of any land use, bUlldmg, health or safety laws pertlllent to the proposed use 3 4 7 An adult lIve entertalllment center lIcense shall expIre on December 31 st of the year for whIch It IS Issued or renewed. 3 4 8 An adult lIve entertalllment center lIcense may be renewed by submlttmg a new applIcatIOn and follOWIng the applIcatIOn procedure set forth herem ahove, provIded, that a renewal applIcatIOn shall not he submItted pnor to September for the followmg calendar year 3.4.9 If. subsequent to the issuance of an adult entertainment business license. a person or entity acquires a significant interest based on responsibility for management or operation of the business. notice of such acquisition shall be provided in writing to the licensing administrator. no later than twenty-one calendar days following the acquisition. The notice required must include the information required for the original adult entertainment business license application. 3.4.10 The adult entertainment business license. if granted. must state on its face the name of the person or persons to whom it is issued. the expiration date. the doing-business-as name and the address of the licensed adult entertainment business. The license must be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance to the adult entertainment business so that it can be easily read when the business is open. 3.4.11 A person granted an adult entertainment business license under this ordinance may not operate the adult entertainment business under a name not specified on the license. nor may a person operate an adult entertainment business. or an adult entertainment device under a designation or at a location not specified on the license. ~ 5 LILcn~lIlg 01 !\lanagers and Entertalllcr~ ( 11\ ,>I ) ,'1 III Ore! 1'7 d", ...ill'lh :lch,-'tllTl'''-P()lld Page 33 of 42 f\ U Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments o ') 5 I Nc, PClSC!\ I sllall pCI t(Illll as all Cl.tcrtalllCl at all adult It vC cntcrtatnillcllt CClltCI ~ ltllc,ut til.<it \,bt<l 111 II Ig all cntC!1alllC! 's Itecilsc Issued by thc City ('leI k/TI casU] CI A person may not work as a manager, assistant manager, or entertainer at an adult entertainment business without a manager's or an entertainer's license from the City Clerk/Treasurer. An applicant for a manager's or entertainer's license must complete an application on forms provided by the Citv Clerk/Treasurer containing the information identified in this subsection. A nonrefundable license fee must accompany the application. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall provide a copy of the application to the Police Department for its review, investigation and recommendation. An application for a manager's or entertainer's license must be signed by the applicant and certified to be true under penalty of perjury. The manager's or entertainer's license application must require the following information: J 5 2 AI. applIcatlOl. t()l an CI.tCI1(llilCI'S heellsc sl.al1 bc vCllticd and sllal1 plovldc tl.c follc',"\l.g \l.toln.atlc,n (a) TI.c applIcant',; fulll.amc and addlcss, IIOlllC addlcss, 11011lC tclcplloilc IlumbCl, date ufblrth and altascs (past 01 PICSCilt), The applicant's name, home address, home telephone number, date and place of birth, fingerprints taken by the Police Department (or such other entity as authorized by the Police Department or licensing administrator,) social security number, and any stage names or nicknames used in entertaining: (b) TI.e 1.,1I11C and addl e5S oft1.c cstabltshmeilt wl.ele the apphcatJt mtel1ds tCI pC! tl1m. as al. el.tC!1aIl1Cl The name and address of each business at which the applicant intends to work: (c) All pllOI eOI I v ICtJCll1S oftlle applteal1t, excludll1g 1(1J110l tl affie offenses, \l.d udmg the dial ge, date, court and dlSpOSlttOl. of dial ge A complete statement of all convictions of the applicant for any misdemeanor or felony violations in the jurisdiction or any other citv, county, or state within five years immediately preceding the date of the application, except parking violations or minor traffic infractions, (d) Documentation that the applicant has attained the age of eighteen years. Any two of the following are acceptable as documentation of age: I. A motor vehicle operator's license issued by any state bearing the applicant's photograph and date of birth: o ( 11\ Iii \L'llll Ord. 7-:"7 {I.... ,111..:11\ ;Icn\.. \ IITL'.'';Pi.lfH.I Page 34 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments II. A state issued identification card bearing the applicant's photograph and date of birth: III. An official passport issued by the United States of America: iv. An immigration card issued by the United States of America: or ,. Any other identification that the licensing administrator determines to be acceptable and reliable. (e) A description of the applicant's principal activities or services to be rendered, <0 Two 2-inch bv two-inch color photographs of applicant, taken within six months of the date of application showing only the full face: (g) Authorization for the City, its agents and employees to investigate and confirm any statements in the application. J 5.2 All appllcmlt5 5halll,c I (gull cd t\l bc fingCl pIlnted by the polIce dcpaltl1lCl1t and SUbllllt a CUllCl,t faCial vl(~ photoglapll 3 5 2 ApplicatIOns shall bc accompal1led by a nonrefundable fee as set by resolutIon ofthc city council, however, until such fee IS set by resolutIOn, the fee shall be S I 00 00 3 5 3 The City Clerk/Treasurer shall transmit the applicatIOn for an entertamer's license to the police department wlthm five days atter Its receipt. 354 Tllc City Clelk/TleasUlcl "I.all, ~lthll1 t~Clity days aRel lecClpt of thc dl,pllcatl\lll, I~SUC tile entertall1CI'5 hCel15C Ul1lc55 tIIC City Clcl k/TI ca5U1 CI IS mf(,lllled by the p(,IICC dq,artlllelJt tIlat the applIcant has been convicted OJ h,1 felted hail t(, a (\ 1I1K 01 Cllllle~ ~hlcll would IndICatc a lea50l1ablc hkclIll(,(ld tllM tllC dl'I,huIIlt ~()uld violate tIle tel11l5 of tIllS chaptCl If so hcell~ed. The City C.lerk/Treasurer shall issue an adult entertainment business manager's or entertainer's license within twenty calendar days from the date the complete application and fee are received unless -the C.ity Clerk/Treasurer is informed by the police department that the applicant has been convicted or forfeited bail to a crime or crimes which would indicate a reasonable likelihood that the applicant would violate the terms of this chapter if so licensed: or the City Clerk/Treasurer ( 11\ loll dill On!. 7,7 d, ,hdh al'hl'OITl"POlld Page 35 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8.2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments determines that the applicant has failed to provide any information required to be supplied according to this ordinance. had made any false. misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the application. or had failed to meet any of the requirements for issuance of a license under this ordinance. If the City Clerk/Treasurer determines that the applicant docs not qualify for the license applied for. the City Clerk/Treasurer shall deny the application in writing and shall cite the specific reasons therefor. including applicable laws. 3 5 5 An adult entel1amer's IIcen~e shall expire on December 31 ,t of each year m which It I'> Issued or renewed_ 3 5 6 An entel1amer's lIcense may he renewed hy submlttmg a new applIcatIOn and followlllg the applIcatIon procedure set forth herem above, provIded, that a renewal applIcatIOn ~hall not he submItted pnorto September for thefollowmg calendar year 3.5.7 Everv entertainer shall provide his or her license to the adult entertainment business manager on duty on the premises prior to his or her performance. The manager shall retain the licenses of the entertainers readily available for inspection by the City. its agents. and employees. at any time durin2. business hours of the adult entertainment business. 3.5.8 The City Clerk/Treasurer may request additional information or clarification when necessary to determine compliance with this ordinance. 3.5.9 The contents of an application for an entertainers license and any additional information submitted by an applicant for an entertainer's license are confidential and will remain confidential to the extent authorized by chapter 42.17 RCW. Nothing in this subsection prohibits the exchange of information among government agencies for law enforcement or licensing or regulatory purposes. 3.6 THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MANAGER OF AN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS SHALL INCLUDE: 3.6.1 A licensed manager shall be on duty at an adult entertainment business at all times adult entertainment is being provided or members of the (It, ,d \ ,-111l()rd. 7P d." .....hdh ;ICn(\llll......P\..\lld Page 30 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments public are present on the premises. The full name and license of the manager shall be prominently posted during business hours. The manager shall be responsible for verifying that any person who provides adult entertainment within the premises possesses a current and valid entertainer's license, 3.6.2 The licensed manager on dut) shall not be an entertainer~ 3.6.3 The manager licensed under this ordinance shall maintain visual observation from a manager's station of each member of the public and each entertainer at all times any entertainer is present in the public or perfol"mance areas of the adult entertainment business. Where there is more than one performance area, or the performance area is of such size or configuration that one manager is unable to visually observe, at all times, each entertainer, each employee, and each member of the public, a manager licensed under this ordinance shall be provided for each public or performance area or portion of a public or performance area visually separated from other portions of the adult entertainment business. All adult arcade stations or booths must open to the public room so that the area and occupant inside the booths are fully and completely visible by direct line of sight to the manager located at the manager's station which shall be located at the main entrance way to the public room containing the arcade stations or booths. No curtain, door, wall, merchandise, display rack, or other non-transparent enclosure, material, or application may obscure in any way the manager's view of any portion of the activity or occupant of the adult entertainment business~ 3.6.4 The manager shall be responsible for and shall ensure that the actions of members of the public, the adult entertainers, and all other employees shall comply with all requirements of this ordinance. 3.7 PREMISES - SPECIFICATIONS. 3.7.1 Live Adult Entertainment Center Premises. The performance area ofthe live adult entertainment center where adult entertainment is provided shall be a stage or platform at least 18 inches in elevation above the level of the patron seating areas, and shall be separated by a distance of at least eight feet from all areas of the premises to which a member of the public has access. A continuous I"ailing affixed to the floor and measuring at least three feet in height and located (11\ "I )c'II1l()rd 7;7 d... ...Ill'l h ;!Chl'{ Ii Il'''pi lilt! Page 37 of42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments at least eight feet from all points ofthe performance area must be installed on the floor of the premises to separate the performance area and the public seating areas. The stage and the entire interior portion of cubicles. rooms or stalls wherein the live adult entertainment is provided must be visible from the common areas of the premises and from at least one manager's station. Visibility shall be by direct line of sight and shall not be blocked or obstructed by doors. curtains. drapes. walls. merchandise. display racks or other obstructions. 3.7.2 Lh.!hting. Sufficient lighting must be provided and equally distributed throughout the public areas of the adult entertainment business so that all objects are plainly visible at all times. A minimum lighting level of 30 lux horizontal. measured at 30 inches from the floor and on to-foot centers is required for all areas of the adult entertainment business where members of the public are permitted. 3.7.3 Si2.ns. A sign at least two feet by two feet with letters at least one inch high. which are on a contrasting background. shall be conspicuously displayed in the public area(s) of the adult entertainment business stating the following: THIS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS IS REGULATED BY THE LAWS OF YELM CITY. THURSTON COUNTY. ENTERTAINERS ARE: A. NOT PERMITTED TO ENGAGE IN ANY TYPE OF SEXUAL CONDUCT. S. NOT PERMITTED TO APPEAR SEMI-NUDE OR NUDE. EXCEPT ON STAGE. L NOT PERMITTED TO ACCEPT TIPS OR GRATUITIES IN ADVANCE OF THEIR PERFORMANCE. D. NOT PERMITTED TO ACCEPT TIPS OR GRATUITIES DIRECTL Y FROM PATRONS WHILE PERFORMING UPON ANY STAGE AREA OR IN ANY ARCADE STATION OR BOOTH. :3 X RevocatIon of licenses The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall revoke an adult lIve entertamment center hcen~e or an entel1amer's lIcense Issued pursuant to thIs chapter If the CIty Clerk Treasurer tinds any of the t()lIowmg condItIOns to eXIst ( 11\ \.1 '\ l'lm ()rd. 7\7 ...1:., ,11,,-'11\ ~ll'hl'\11T\.':-;pUlld Page 38 01'42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8,2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments (a) The licensee has madc a false statement or gIven false InfOnnatIOn In connectIOn with the applicatIOn t(X the applIcable lIcense (h) Thc licensee has VIOlated or penmtted VIOlatIOn of any provISIOns of thIS ordmance (l.) The 1I1.ensee has heen convlded or forfeIted baIl to any of the CrImes whIch would have caused the director to refuse to Issue the lIcense upon the InItIal or renewal applIcatIOn 3 8 I Appeal from eIther the denIal of a license or the revocatIon of a lIcense shall he made to the city councIl proVIded for m Yelm MUnIcIpal Code, 15 49 160 3 9 InspectIOns. An applIcant t()[ a lIcense callcd t{)r herem shall be conSIdered to consent as a condItIon of receiVIng such IIccnse to mspectIOn by the ChIef of PolIce, CIty Clerk/Trea~urer or the BuIldmg OffiCial or theIr deSignees dUrIng hours when such busme~ses are open. The purpose of such mspectIOn shall be to detenmne If the lIcensed premIses IS operated In accordance With the reqUIrements of thIS chapter It IS hereby expressly declared that unannounced InSpectIOns are necessary to ensure complIance With thiS chapter 3 10 ExemptIOn trom provlsIOn~ ThIS chapter does not apply to premIses WhIch are pnmanly devoted to theatrIcal perfonnances where there are seats arranged so that the body of spectators has an unobstructed VIew of the stage for VIeWIng performances of artIstic expresSIOn and where such performances are not InCIdental to the promotIOn of the sale of t{)od and/or dnnk, and where patrons are not permItted to touch, caress or tondle the actors or entertaIners pertonmng thereIn. 3 II VlOlatlOn--NUlsance Any actIVIty, act or conduct contrary to the prOVISIOns of thIS chapter I~ declared to be unlawful and a publIc nUIsance and such actIVIty, act or conduct may be enjoIned by an actIOn brought by the CIty attorney or other mterested person 3 12 VlOlatIOn--Penalty Any person, tinn or corporation vIOlatmg any prOVIsIOn of thIS l.hapter shall he guIlty of a misdemeanor and each such person, firm or corporatIOn shall he deemed gUIlty of a separate offense tor each and every day dunng which any VIOlatIOn IS committed, contmued or permitted. No person shall be deemed gUIlty of any VIOlatIOn of thiS chapter If actIng m an Investigative capaCIty pursuant to the request or order of the polIce chlet~ city attorney or duly appoInted agent of eIther (11\ "I 'rdl1l()nl. 7n ,b ,1ll'1" ""he< lITc"p' >llll Page 39 of 42 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm October 8,2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with proposed amendments SectIOn 4. Severability I f any provIsions of thl~ ordInance or Its applicatIOn to any person or circumstances IS held ll1valld, the remaInder of the ordInance or the applIcatIon of the provIsions to other persons or ClrCUIn"tances IS not affected SectIOn 5. Effective Date ThiS ordmance shall become effectIve tive days follOWIng ItS passage and publication as reqUIred by law PASSED by the Council of the City of Yelm, WashIngton, at ItS regular meetIng on the 27th day of June 2001 CITY OF 'I ELM WASHINGTON "dam Rl\as, Mayor A uthcntl cated Approved as to form Agnes P Benmck, City Clerk Attorney' Brent Dille Owens DaVIes MackIe PUBLISHED Nlsqually Valley News, July 6,2001 EFFECTIVE July 10,2001 ( 11\ ,,' ~ dill Old. 7n d:-- ...111.'11\ ;It.'hl'( I!Tl'~p\ lilt! Page 40 of 42 Exhibit 3 - Public Hearing Notice City ofYelm October 8, 2001 o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AND YELM CITY COUNCIL DATE. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2001,400 P M WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,2001,730 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVENUE W, YELM WA PLACE. PURPOSE: Public Hearings will be held to receive comments on proposed amendments to Yelm Ordinances #736 and #737 - which regulate adult entertainment businesses within the City of Yelm, Washington- relating to the location, acceptance of applications for and issuance of any permit, license or approval for adult entertainment businesses. APPLICANT: City of Yelm PROJECT LOCATION: Citywide o The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on October 15,2001 to receive comments on the proposed amendments to Ordinance # 736 and Ordinance # 737 The Planning Commission will forward the proposed amendments to the City Council for a Public Hearing and action on October 24, 2001 A complete packet of amendments and any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Shelly Badger, City Administrator, at 360-458-8405 Testimony may be given at the hearings or through any written comments, received by the close of the public hearing on October 24, 2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City ofYelm at the address above or mailed to: City ofYelm, Attn: Shelly Badger, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 All interested parties are invited to attend The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call Agnes Bennick, Yelm City 'Clerk/Treasurer, at 360-458-8404, at least 4 days prior to the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm {J ' / . (!loJ ? '0f , tl( ~ Ag' s Bennick, City Cler reasurer c DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News: Friday October 5 2001 Posted In Public Areas: Wednesday, October 3 2001 l'<Igc4ll1f4:! c Jan Noms, LMP Around Town Mobile Massage POBox 2149 Yelm, Wa. 98597 360-458-3827 Exhibit 4 - Letter from City of Yelm Jan Norris October 8,2001__. , III )) tS~. ~ U \_~_ I.!::.= \1 \.t! : ; . t.~. i I ; 't I I I . , ~ 1 ,-' , ~. . , - ' \ \ I i I n:\ J U L 2 6 2001 II j i July 18,2001 1.1 LV 1:0 To Massage PractItIOners. Dear Fellow ProfessIonals. Enclosed please find a copy of an artIcle that was publIshed 10 the Nisqually Valley News on June 29, 2001 It has to do With the "Adult Entertamment" Ordmance In It, as indicated, there is a paragraph that should concern all of us as LMP's I have been in touch With Melanie Stewart our lobbyIst that has helped fasluon the current laws 10 this state that we enJoy today As we all know, we are licensed by the Department ofHea1th and want to stay as far away from the notIOn the we are mvolved 10 any way 10 the Adult Entertainment Business. She has also pomted out that no one can be using the word Massage in anyway Without a license as Massage PractitIOner Also there are specIfic proVISIons 10 the WAC for LMP's who may stray mto the area of Adult Entertamment. o Melarue has had a conversatIon With Shelly Badger, the City ofYelm Adnurustrator and she seemed to be cooperatIve and understandmg of the verbiage they have used 10 tills ordinance. It seems the city will be re-workmg a number of theIr ordinances in the near future and tills will again be brought to the Councils attentIon. The purpose of tlus letter is to appraIse you as a Massage PractItIOner of the sItuation and to ask that you take a minute from your busy scheldue and wnte Shelly Badger and let her know that tlus IS unacceptable to you and why They can call thIS part of tlus ordmance "adult entertamment parlors" If they must. We all work hard everyday to be profeSSIOnal and are proud to be a part of the medical commuruty that does so much good for people It IS unfortunate that many still tillnk of massage practItIOners as anytlung else Shellys address IS PO Box 479, Yelrn., Wa. 98597 She seems to be cooperatIve, however would like to hear your VOice 10 tlus matter as Massage PractItIOners In Yelm and also RaImer The ordmance further 10 the b()dy does excempt LIcensed Massage PractItIOner, and others, but I for one, do not want the word Massage used 10 connectIOn WIth adult entertamment. Thank you for your tIme and I hope that you can follow thru on tlus 10 the near future o SlJlcerely, ~{{C j f;fu Noms, LMP ./ Pat!c 42 of42 o o o RULES OF PROCEDURE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WE, THE MEMBERS of the Planning Commission of the City of Yelm, State of Washington, created by Ordinance No 119 (1969), of the City of Yelm, pursuant to Chapter 44, Laws of 1935 (RCW 35 63) do hereby adopt, publish and declare the following rules of procedure I NAME The official name shall be liThe City of Yelm Planning Commission." II MEETINGS A. Regular meetings shall be held as per the schedule adopted by the Planning Commission and posted at the Planning Department office, and all meetings of the Planning Commission are subject to the Open Meetings Act. B Special meetings shall be at the call of the chairperson or by consensus of the members at a regular meeting. C Except as modified by these rules of procedure, Robert1s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of public hearings and the chairperson shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to a vote of the Planning Commission III ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. The officers of the Planning Commission shall consist of a chairperson and a vice chairperson elected from the appointed members of the Planning Commission and. such other offices as the Planning Commission may, by the majority vote, approve and appoint. B The election of officers shall take place once each year on the occasion of the last meeting in November of each calendar year The term of each officer shall run from January 1 until December 31 of the following year C A Nominating Committee may be appointed no later than October of each year If appointed, this Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominations for the Planning Commission to consider at the next regularly scheduled meeting ~ o In the event of the vacancy of the chair, the chairperson would be replaced by the vice chairperson, and the vice chairperson would be replaced by vote of the members of the Planning Commission IV CHAIRPERSON o A. The chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the Planning Commission and may exercise all the powers usually incident to the office, retaining, however, to himself or herself as a member of the Planning Commission, the full right to have his or her own vote recorded in all deliberations of the Planning Commission B The chairperson shall have full power to create committees of one or more members. Standing or temporary committees may be charged with such duties, examination, investigations and inquiries relative to one or more subjects of interest to the Planning Commission No committee shall have the power to commit the Planning Commission to the endorsement of any project, plan or program without the approval of the Planning Commission C The chairperson shall perform the duties laid out in the attached Conduct of Business regarding the following and other matters committees of the whole, handling of meeting items and discussion, conflict of interest, suspension of meetings, timing for discussion of issues, clarification of issues and questions, etc. V CHAIRPERSON'S ABSENCE o The vice chairperson shall, in the absence of the chairperson, perform all the duties incumbent upon the chairperson The chairperson and vice chairperson, both being absent, the members present may elect from among themselves a temporary chairperson who shall have the full powers of the chairperson during the absence of the chairperson and the vice chairperson VI SECRETARY The Planning Staff shall perform the usual and necessary secretarial functions VII RECORD OF MEETING All Planning Commission meetings shall be recorded electronically and official minutes prepared Official minutes shall contain the date, time, place and nature of the meeting (regular or special), the names of the members present; all motions except those withdrawn and the names of their maker and seconder; an objective abstract of all business discussed, actions taken and the results of such actions Special meetings will also be recorded electronically and minutes prepared The official minutes of special meetings will normally consist of written notes All Planning Commission minutes shall be signed by the chairperson of the Planning Commission Minutes for committees, if taken, shall be signed by the chairperson of the committee VIII QUORUM o A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business The Planning Commission can conduct business whenever a quorum is present. No action of the Planning Commission, however, may be taken without the o o o concurrence of a majority of the current membership of the Commission. A public hearing may be held by the Planning Commission on any matters before the Planning Commission without a quorum, provided that the applicant and any interested party waive any objections and that, when action on the matter is taken, a quorum is present and those members that were not present for the public hearing state for the record prior to voting that they have reviewed the taped recording of the public hearing and any written document submitted for the record on the matter IX. VOTING Each Planning Commission member present shall vote for, against, or abstain from voting on all questions put to the Planning Commission Unless a member of the Planning Commission states that he or she is not voting, his or her silence shall be recorded as voting with the majority Any member may demand a roll call vote any time before or after any question is put and before a vote is taken The demand needs no second and the chairperson must ask for a roll call vote on demand The motion is not debatable and may be applied to any questions. X. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS If a member is absent for two (2) consecutive regular meetings without excuse, or for thirty-five percent (35%) of all meetings (including committee meetings) in any six (6) month period, the member's record shall be forwarded by staff to the Mayor for consideration XI CONFLICT OF INTEREST A conflict of interest shall be handled as described in the attached Conduct of Business (Item 6) XII AGENDA An agenda shall be prepared by the Planning Staff for each meeting No item on the agenda may be added, deleted or moved without the approval of a majority of the Planning Commission Items of business shall include 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Call to order Roll Call Acceptance of Agenda Minutes Old Business New Business Other Business Communications from City Council Adjournment o o o XIII AMENDMENT These Rules of Procedure may be amended at any regular or called meeting of the Planning Commission by a majority vote of the entire membership if the proposed amendment is presented in writing at a preceding regular or called meeting c CONDUCT OF BUSINESS CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 1 It shall be the policy that each Planning Commission member shall be familiar with the Open Meetings Act, the appearance of fairness doctrine, and the Planning Commission's Policies and Guidelines. 2. At the beginning of the meeting, the chairperson may state all the agenda items and the timing for each within the meeting so that the length of discussion and the length of the meeting may be controlled in an effort to adjourn within two hours of opening the meeting 3 At the beginning of discussion on each item on the agenda, the chairperson shall state the action needed or purpose of each item on the agenda (e g, a Planning Commission vote to recommend to approve or to deny; for review only; no action needed, or what action may be needed eventually, but not at this particular meeting) c 4 The chairperson shall clarify to the Commissioners and the public the difference between a public hearing and the committee meetings. This item should be discussed with the entire Planning Commission 5 Conflict of Interest and Appearance of Fairness As a matter of procedure, the chairperson should routinely ask the members at each meeting if they have a conflict of interest on any item on the agenda. Any member of the Planning Commission who has a conflict of interest with a particular matter should publicly announce this conflict at the earliest possible opportunity or when the conflict is realized Such member shall not partake in the discussion or voting on said case and shall remove himself or herself from the room during the particular case in question 6 Any Planning Commission member who discusses a current matter which is the subject of a public hearing with any person associated with the proposed project at any time other than a public meeting shall report to the full Commission at the next meeting by giving a report of the discussion 7 All persons wishing to speak to the Commission at a public hearing should sign in on the program agenda provided, and indicate whether they are speaking pro or con on the issue 8 All persons speaking to the Planning Commission at a public hearing should stand, approach the microphone, if prOVided, and identify themselves by name, address o and who they represent. o o o 9 In the unusual event that the chairperson is unable to control the conduct of the meeting, he or she has the right under the Open Meeting Act, to immediately suspend or adjourn the meeting 10 When the full Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council which is not a unanimous vote (i e , a split vote, or a recommendation which may be significant or controversial), any Planning Commissioner may submit a minority report to accompany the majority report to the City Council This report should be submitted through the Planning staff, and mailed to all Planning Commission members / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l:t 'l:t 'l:t ~ 'l:t 'l:t "- ~ ~ " Co .~ i ~. q? ~ ~ ~ ')'fi ~ ~ ~ ~ Planning Commission Training Overview of Comp Plan ; Review of County-wide policies Overview of GMA requirements Puget Sound Water Quality Authority - Presentation , I Misc. Presentations by ScientificfTechnical Experts Overview of Industrial Area Study and Plan Buildable Lands Overview Public Outreach \\t :>>ss>>> I Critical Area Ordinance I Goals Analysis of Chapter XII - Environment ~c--~ Floodplains Aquifer Wetlands & Streams Other Resource Lands Text Amendment worksession i 1 Industrial Property Re-zones , Worksession Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2002 Final Worksession on Critical Areaa Ord and Rezone Public Hearing - PC Public Hearing - CC I ,j I Buildable lands Goals Analysis of Chapter 111- Land Use I Worksession - Land Use Chapter :,.,: - Goals Analysis of Chapter IV- Housing ",;,: Worksession - Housing Chapter I t~:ii Review of All other ComDrehensive Plan ChaDters Planning Commission Comprehensive Plan Update Work Prol o o CJ o o c October 14,2001 Shelly Badger POBox 479 Yelm, Wa. 98597 Dear Shelly' Enclosed please find our suggested correctIons to your Adult EntertaInment Ord. Planmng CormmssIon be reVIeWIng on the 15th of October I am unable to attend due to the tune of the meetIng. I do not know what the AG's office has adVIsed you. I do know that Denrus LeMaster and I came to these conclUSIOns and I want to subrmt them to you. Ordinance #736 SectIOn 1 1 1 2 elimmate verbIage adult entertamment parlors (what IS that) 1 1 3 ehrmnate the word massages or lilac treatments are pe~ormed on the body of one person by another person. 1 1 4 the paragraph In ItS entrrety should be elurunated. Ordinance 737 SectIon I should be elirmnated In ItS entIrety, Including 1.2 In case you are wondenng why we are so offended by the wording of these ordInances. They have to have been wntten over 30 years ago Massage practItIoners have been licensed SInce 1975 by the Dept. of Health. Most of us have taken classes of over 600 to 900 hours In a years tIme and passed a state eXamInatIon to become licensed In thIs state. Those hours of tramIng do not come cheaply eIther The cost IS $6000 00 to $10000 00 dependIng on the school and the hours of study We are regarded as health care profeSSIOnals who are a part of a health care team. We IncreasIngly recogruzed by Medical Insurance Comparues, Labor and Industnes and Personal Auto Insurance Companies. ThIs part of your ordInance makes no more sense than If you were to referr to a Clnropractor or even a phYSICIan In thIs way I will be lookIng forward to the outcome of thIs Issue. ~I cerely,. '--Ii ' ~ !11t~ Noms, LMP VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list C to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2001 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s)' 1. Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64, Adult Entertainment Facilities j] \ MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) NAME & ADDRESS o o City of Yelm 'C c c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING CQMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2001,4.00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes August 20, 2001 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. Public Hearing - Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64 Adult Entertainment Facilities Applicant: City of Yelm Location' City Wide Staff Report Enclosed. 4 Action Item - Election of Officers Election of Officers shall take place at the last meeting in November Nominating committee to be formed at this meeting if the Commission so chooses 5. Work Session Item: 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update Work program for the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update 6. Other: 7. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360- 458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 **MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2001 - MEETING CANCELLED** NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19,2001 400 P M o (' ~ ~ J City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The October 1, 2001 Planninq Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday, October 15, 2001, at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST /, , i;f-t" yJ-/JtilitC1c Agnes Bennick City Clerkn-reasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Monday, September 24,2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, September 28,2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list Monday September 24, 2001 \, o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm CANCELLATION NOTICE The September 17, 2001 Planninq Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Mondav, October 1, 2001, at 4.00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST 6rd..-' VJ.Ii tJ!/lilLf- AQb}3s B~~i City Clerk(Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Monday, September 10,2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, September 14, 2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list Monday September 10, 2001 n '--.-/ c (\ u 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm CANCELLATION NOTICE The September 3.2001 Planning Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Mondav. September 17. 2001. at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST tluiA v$~L Ag~s BennIck City ClerklTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday, August 28,2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, August 31,2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 20, 2001, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No, 01-25 The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, Margaret Clapp, Glenn Blando, Ray Kent, Joe Baker, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, and Don Carney Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, Shelly Badger, and City Attorney Brent Dille Members absent: John Thomson, and Council Liaison Glen Cunningham Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 16,2001. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None PUBLIC HEARING: Autumn Hill Subdivision SUB-01-8284-YL. Applicant. Lubbesmeyer Construction, Inc Location: Vancil Road c Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 4 01 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Merriman to provide a staff report. Ms. Merriman gave a brief overview of the staff report provided to the Commission Ms. Merriman stated that two items were of concern during the application review The first item was open space The property is located in the proposed Y2 corridor The City had requested that the applicant locate the required open space at the southern portion of their property, to allow for future access for this roadway The applicant had provided the open space as requested, and as a condition of approval, staff requested that the open space be moved to the west, to border on Vancil Road This allows for both vehicular and pedestrian access The Development Guidelines require that new subdivisions provide for a continuation of streets into adjoining properties The preliminary plat does not provide for that requirement. Staff has required the applicant to either extend his street directly north, or directly east, to provide for the continuation of streets All utilities and infrastructure are in line with development requirements c Mr. Paul Lubbesmeyer provided a proposal to staff, and the Commission, for a cul-de-sac at the northern portion of the plat, to meet the street continuation Yelm Planning Commission August 20 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\08.20.01 min.doc Page 1 o requirement. Mr Lubbesmever asked that the rolled curb continue along the normal street line, with the cul-de-sac bulb being temporarily paved The rolled curb would allow emergency vehicles turning radius Mr. Lubbesmever asked for clarification of the requirement to extend the 8" watermain with a 10" watermain line Ms. Merriman stated that the Water Comprehensive Plan calls for the line to change to 10" to serve the properties in the Urban Growth Boundary Mr. Gibson responded to the applicant, that the proposed water line coming in from the Y2 corridor to the south is a 10" line The connection of the 8" line to the 1 0" line would increase pressure to that entire area. Mr. Lubbesmever asked if the perimeter landscape requirement for the southern side of the property could be reduced, as it is at the City limit boundary, and a more rural environment. Ms. Carlson responded that the landscape requirement allows for a choice of either an 8' landscape buffer or a fence The adjoining property is in the Urban Growth Boundary, and is expected to be annexed into the City in the future The requirement is there to provide separation of uses o Mr. Lubbesmever inquired about the requirement for individual dry wells, for residential storm drain The applicant would like for all residential storm drain to filter into the on-site infiltration pond Mr. Craiq Deaver, the engineer for the project, inquired as to where the requirement came from The DOE Stormdrain Manual allows for either practice Mr. Gibson responded that it is not a requirement, but is standard practice within the City because of soil conditions, and it allows for smaller infiltration ponds Mr. Gorman asked if the public had any comments o Ruth Ann Chatswick stated that her mother's property borders this site to the south It was their understanding that Lubbesmeyer was giving 500' along the fence line, and she would need to give 500' along her property for the future Y2 corridor On the plat, lots five through eight do not have the 500' Mr Deaver showed Ms. Chatswick a large plat, showing the open space that will be the future Y2 Corridor Lots 5 through 8 have large setbacks to allow for the City to purchase the property in the future Ms. Clapp asked staff if there was any way to request that the open space go all the way through lots 5 - 8, so that we do not have to purchase that property in the future Ms. Carlson responded that the City cannot make this requirement until the City Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001,min\08.20,01 min.doc Page 2 o has the funds to purchase the property The City cannot even place any information on the plat that it is the future right-of-way, until there are funds to purchase the property Mr. Carney asked how YMC 16 16 060, two vehicular accesses, is being addressed Ms. Merriman stated that staff reviewed the requirement for two vehicular accesses The applicant is providing a future connection road This future connection is not considered a dead-end, and will provide the second vehicular access in the future Ms. Lonqmire inquired about condition #13 requiring water rights dedicated to the City Ms. Longmire asked if the wells couldn't be left for the purchasers of the lot to be used for landscaping, gardening, and so forth Mr. Deaver responded that the Department of Ecology has strict guidelines regarding to wells, and construction within 100' DOE requires the wells to be capped The City then gets the rights to the water, as required by code Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4 42 P m 01-26 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD THE PROJECT TO CITY COUNCIL WITH RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL AS CONDITIONED IN THE STAFF REPORT, WITH THE NOTE THAT THE STORMWATER CONDITION #16 WAS DISCUSSED, AND THE COMMISSION WILL LEAVE THE DECISION REGARDING STORMWATER UP TO STAFF. MOTION CARRIED. o PUBLIC HEARING: Yelm Extension School CUP-01-8286-YL. Applicant: Yelm Community Schools Location. 103 and 107 First Street. Mr Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 4 45 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had o Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Carlson to provide a staff report. Ms. Carlson gave a brief overview of the staff report. Ms Carlson stated that the school district intends to use the building for the alternative high school as the immediate use, but may use it for other purposes as time continues Staff analyzed and reviewed the application at full occupancy of the site This allows for the school to have flexibility with the site, as the need for further use arises. Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C:\Community Development\Plannlng Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\08.20,01 min,doc Page 3 o One of the most significant factors of this site is that it is in the Central Business District (CBD), and is surrounded by commercial zoning In our commercial zoning districts, we limit the placement of taverns, liquor sales, and billiard halls to not be within 500' of a school property In the CBD, only liquor stores are limited to the 500' Exhibit V shows the 500' radius from the site Condition #24 requires the applicant to enter into an agreement with the City where the Yelm School District would not oppose the issuance of a liquor license for any location in the surrounding districts This agreement would be site specific for this location, not with all locations of the school Transportation and access control is an issue with this site The City is requiring the school district to provide full street improvements, parking, and stormwater facilities The school district has requested a 5 year delayed schedule for completing the frontage and parking improvements After staff reviewed the request, the City offered 18 months, based on the unique funding that the school district receives for improvements The parking area for this site has commonly been used by the public, for parking in the downtown area. The school has graciously offered to allow the public to continue to park in the area. They will number parking as needed for their use As the school increases its occupancy, they will eventually need all the parking stalls, which will create a need for other parking in the downtown area. o Dr Alan Burke. Superintendent of Schools stated that the school is looking forward to having more space for their increasing population Mr. Burke asked Mr. Birkland to explain the funding cycle for the school district, and the need for the extension to complete the required improvements Mr. Birkland stated that the reason for requesting an extension is based on the way the district receives funds The funds are generated by impact fees The district receives approximately $75,000 per year The district has about $300,000 to date that can be used to remodel and repair that facility to accommodate students The immediate use for the site will be for the alternative high school, for which our transportation study showed only 4 trips generated during peak hours The school recognizes the need for the improvements in the future The district does not have the money to do the building improvements and street, parking and stormdrain all at once The district would like to do the improvements over time, as funds become available o Ms Longmire asked staff when the 18-month extension would actually start. Ms. Carlson responded that it would start at the time of land use approval Ms. Lonqmire asked Mr. Birkland when he expected occupancy at the site Mr. Birkland stated that the school has requested to use the smaller building immediately The larger building requires extensive repairs to the roof and walls, and interior remodeling Hopefully, occupancy would start in the spring or fall of 2002 Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001,min\08,20,01 min,doc Page 4 o Mr. Gorman asked if the public had any comments Mr. Ken Garmann asked if the parking lots would be paved immediately The map shows that the existing parking areas are already paved Ms Clapp asked why the storm water facility was so large, does it serve both the parking areas and buildings? Did the applicant look into underground stormwater treatment? Mr. Gibson responded that the stormwater facility serves the entire project site Underground systems can cost twice as much as above ground ponds Mr. Birkland explained that the school is in negotiations with the Wolf family for that parcel, and may make that area into a recreational area with benches and such In exchange, they will allow us to use the area for our stormdrain needs Mr Carney asked if there was a way to phase in the improvements required as the improvements to the building are done Mr. Birkland stated that to use even part of the large building, the entire roof needs repaired, as well as walls Substantial repairs to the entire building are needed, to use even a small portion o Mr. Carney asked staff if there were any provisions that would allow a phased completion of improvements based on the dollar amount improved on the building For example, for every $25, 000 spent on the building, then $25,000 would need to be spent on the street, parking, or stormdrain improvements Ms. Carlson stated that there isn't anything in our code for that type of phased completion, but through a deferral, there could be some negotiation Sometimes, it is not cost effective to create a phased work plan Ms. Curry stated that any developer coming in would have to have the improvements completed at time of occupancy This is a unique situation, where this developer cannot recoup the funds they expanded What is the problem with waiting the five years? o Ms. Carlson responded that it is for safety and access control issues, having increased pedestrian traffic and children The Site Plan Approval is for maximum occupancy of the building to be 181 students There may not be 181 students there in five years, they are not sure what they will need that building for, and how fast they are going to need it. Because there are so many unknowns, there are some immediate safety access, and pedestrian issues, and the City is uncomfortable going out the full five years Ms. Lonqmire stated the even though the student drivers may not be the safest drivers, there will not be near the amount of traffic that was there when the grocery store was there There won't be as much pedestrian traffic as there was So the safety issues may not be as large as the City thinks they might be Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\08,20.01 min.doc Page 5 o Ms. Carlson responded that it has been some time since the grocery store has been there, and our traffic counts have continued to increase on all adjacent streets, and our traffic volume is higher than it used to be there Ms. Longmire asked if they could divide out the improvements, and do some within the 18 months, then have another 18-month extension to complete the rest? David Asher stated that the City should clarify what issues are the most important, and have those done immediately Ms. Carlson responded that it might be possible to complete that parking lot that they would be using immediately, and put in sidewalks there The City would need to sit down with the school, and identify which issues are most important, and which improvements can be accomplished immediately Mr. Birkland stated that the issue of deferring the improvements is because of the availability of funds The funds for this project are issued yearly At the current growth rate, the school is receiving about $75,000 a year for repair and maintenance projects. The initial balance of the funds available is needed for the repair of the buildings As the funds come in yearly, they could be put toward the rest of the required improvements o Mr. Gorman stated that he is concerned about setting a precedent, and having it appear that we have different rules for public entities than we do for private developers He' understands the reality of finances for schools Mr. Birkland stated that the school is looking for a 5-year window to complete the improvements, as opposed to a deferral If they asked for a deferral, they could defer indefinitely Mr. Gorman stated that to defer, you need to bond for the improvements The City is the one that would call to complete the bond Ms. Carlson responded that it is really a case-by-case basis for both public and private development regarding deferrals Deferrals are based on traffic generation, pedestrian access, and access control Every site is unique The City has the ability to defer based on individual project needs Ms. Clapp stated that it appears the school is prepared to deal with the additional cost created by phasing a project, because of the cash flow they know is coming in Mr. Carney asked for assurance that, if the City were questioned about the unique extension, it can defend their decisions on this referral o Ms. Carlson responded that it would probably have to correlate with occupancy of the building Once you start using the other parking lot, you have to have pedestrian access control Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001,min\08,20.01 min,doc Page 6 o o o Mr. Gorman asked the City Attorney for an opinion Mr. Dille stated that the City shouldn't make a different set of rules Phasing seems to be justifiable, and is something that can be defended, as opposed to just a blanket 5 year deferral Mr Gorman asked if there was any further comments. Mr. Garmann stated that the best looking projects are the ones that are finished Mr. Asher asked how safety is monitored now, in that area. Ms. Carlson stated that there are some crosswalks near the area now Mr. Blando asked if that area would become a School Zone, with a 20MPH speed limit. After discussion, the Extension School may not trigger the School Zone designation, but as more students are moved to the facility, it probably would need to change per school and state requirements Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 5.25 p m 01-27 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL AS CONDITIONED IN THE STAFF REPORT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF #10. THE COMMISSION DIRECTS STAFF TO WORK WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR A PHASED SITE IMPROVEMENT SCHEDULE, WITH COMPLETION WITHIN THREE YEARS. THIS SCHEDULE SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL NO LATER THAN 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PROJECT APPROVAL. PUBLIC HEARING: Temporary Land Use Exemption for Medic One. Applicant: Thurston County Medic One Location: 411 NE West Road Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 5 32 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. Ms. Clapp stated that she would not participate, as she is the owner of the property in question Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C:\Community Deveiopment\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\08.20,01 min.doc Page 7 o Mr. Garmann asked if there was any question regarding the Commission members reading any of the publicity regarding this issue, prior to the hearing Mr. Garmann stated that he hoped the Commissioners would be unbiased and vote their conscience Mr Gorman asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Mr. Gorman asked Ms Carlson to provide a staff report. Ms. Carlson gave a brief history regarding this request. The Medic One Unit has been housed in the Fire District 2 building, off of Vail Road Recently, their contract was not renewed, and they needed to relocate in a very short period of time After they had secured this location, it was found that they needed a Special Use Permit to locate anywhere within the City limits A Special Use Permit takes about 3 - 4 months to process. The only option that the City has would be to require them to locate outside the City limits, and lose their services The City Attorney suggested that the City establish a temporary 6- month zoning exemption, site specific, and use specific This will allow Medic One time to find a suitable location and apply for a Conditional Use Permit, either at this location or a different location o The staff report addresses the unit's typical daily operations, number of calls and times of calls There is concern from neighbors of increased noise, both from siren and vehicle trips Medic One has a countywide policy, that they do not use sirens in residential neighborhoods, regardless of time of day or night. They do not use lights in residential areas, unless there is heavy traffic Staff requests that we allow this temporary exemption from the Zoning Code, to allow them to find a site, and go through the normal process of securing a Special Use Permit. Steve Romine stated that the units would not turn the sirens on in the residential areas, probably at Yelm Ave The engines are plugged in, and maintained warm at all times, to avoid having to "warm up" or long idling Mr. Gorman asked if the public had any comments Mr. Garmann questioned staff on the site history, projected use for the site, and procedures for public notification o Mr. Gorman asked Mr. Garmann if there was a specific point that he would like to make, before the City Attorney needed to leave Mr. Garmann stated that his point is that, from the first newspaper article printed regarding this issue, and through subsequent articles, they have stated that the Medic One Unit will be located at this site It was just recently that he found out that they are applying for an exemption from the zoning regulations Mr. Garmann stated that he was not here with bad feelings, but that he is Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\08,20,01 min,doc Page 8 c concerned with the process Mr. Garmann stated that the notion that Medic One is "under a gun" to find a place to live, is not correct. They were welcome to stay where they were There was really no urgency for them, that they should get special exemptions Mr. Garmann read a letter written to the chairman of the Planning Commission See Attached Mr. Gorman asked if there were any other comments from the public Ms. Badger stated that Mr Dille, the City Attorney had left a couple of written items, as he had to leave RCW35A-23 allows the City to create an emergency exemption, as staff has laid out. It doesn't exempt the proposal from going through all the normal zoning requirements It allows this emergency and temporary relief from the Zoning Code It is not a deferral or exemption Mr. Gorman stated that from an Attorney's point of view, this request is solid Ms. Badger responded that yes, this allows them to stay here, while going through all the required zoning processes Citizen in the audience. asked who has deemed this an emergency? o Ms. Badqer responded that the City has nothing to do with the contract between Medic One and the Fire District. The City did not make the choice to change the current contractual situation With the information and facts that were presented to us, they were leaving that facility immediately The City felt that the City should not be without the Medic One Unit. Citizen in the audience, Who said that they had to move out of the fire station? Ms. Badqer responded that it is a contractual issue between Medic One and the Fire District. Mr. Romine stated that the County Commissioners informed him that they had to move out. Ms. Clapp stated that she is speaking as the potential landlord, that they had a house for rent, and were contacted and were informed that Medic One was looking for temporary housing Ms. Lonqmire asked if the City could approve the temporary use of that site with the restriction of their using Fourth Street on an outgoing call? Mr. Gorman asked one of the paramedics present, how they felt about that restriction? Mr Romine stated that normally, medic units stop at stop signs, and normally, speed limits are observed o Mr. Mever stated that he would like to address the statement regarding "adrenaline running" Mr. Mever stated that he doesn't see that as an issue All paramedics are professionals They have a total collective experience of over 100 years They don't just blow through town and do that kind of stuff Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 C'\Community Deveiopment\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001,min\08.20,01 min,doc Page 9 c c o 01-28 01-29 _.~.-~~---T ~~ Mr. Gorman asked Mr Meyer what he thought if the unit had to use 103rd, and Yelm Hwy to reach the west end of town Wouldn't that add extra time to the response time? Mr. Meyer responded that it could, but it really depends on the situation When they originally looked at that property, they looked at that, and actually drove some of the routes The route doesn't make a big difference in response time Mr. Carney inquired about parking, and if there were a minimum amount of parking that would preclude improvements like driveways and asphalt? Ms. Carlson responded that that is why the City is asking for the temporary relief from the Zoning Code All of those requirements are not being addressed right now, until they apply for a Land Use Permit. Once they come in and apply for a site, they will have to comply with all codes Mr. Gorman asked if the 6 months was a minimum, or could it be shortened Ms. Carlson responded that it takes approximately 3 months to process an application They will need at least 1 to 2 months, especially if they need engineering work, to put an application together Probably 5 months would be the bare minimum for any application They need to have land use approval within the 6 months, not just submit an application They will need to submit application for a Land Use Permit within the next month or two Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 6 19 P m MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER TO FORWARD THE TEMPORARY LAND USE EXEMPTION FOR MEDIC ONE TO CITY COUNCIL WITH THE RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL AS CONDITIONED IN THE STAFF REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. MARGARET CLAPP ABSTAINED. MOTION MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 6 20 P m ~ \'V\JDI Tom Gorman, Chair Yelm Planning Commission August 20. 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\08.20.01 min. doc Page 10 o o o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date: August 7,2001 To: City of Yelm Planning Commission From: rami Merriman, Planning Technician Re Autumn Hill Preliminary Plat, SUB-01-8284-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit I - Site Plan, dated Jul 07, 2001 Exhibit" - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Exhibit IV - SEPA Comment Letters Exhibit V - Applicant Letter Requesting Variance A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE: The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony, the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing, or make a recommendation of action to the City Council E!.. PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to subdivide 6 64 acres into 26 single-family residential lots The proposed plat includes stormwater facilities, open space, and new streets C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 1 Applicant. Lubbesmeyer Construction, LLC 2 Location The project site is located at 10847 Vancil Road, on the southwest side of Vancil Road, south of the Yelm Ave / Vancil Road Intersection 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley Nevvs on Fnday, August 10, 2001, and posted In public areas on Tuesday August 7, 2001 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners, and the applicant, on August 7, 2001 4 Existina Land Use. Zonina. and Densitv The site encompasses 2 parcels There are currently two houses, and miscellaneous outbuildings on the site that will be demolished The site IS zoned Low DenSity Residential (R-4), Chapter 17 12 The applicant proposes to divide the 6 64 acres Into 26 single-family residential lots In the R-4 District, the maximum density is four (4) units per acre As proposed, the density of the project IS four units per acre ( (n!l:::~I;r; r)l~ nIp ;1:' 11 r r'li~' !.Il-:' '\i 11 hill 1'1;:[ ",uhli' if':1 =<"'.l \lJl\i:lln I Iii:. _ .1 (~l:,:i P 'pnt: ,1.-( o 5 Lots Size and Setbacks. The R-4 District does not have a minimum or maximum lot size but it does have standard yard setbacks It appears all lots can meet minimum setback requirements 6 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoninq Properties to the North and Northwest are R-4, and to the East, South, and Southwest are outside the City limits, Thurston County zoned RR 1/5 Rural Residential 7 Open Space. Chapter 16 14 requires a minimum of five percent of the gross area be dedicated as open space, which is 14,460 5 sq ft. The proposed open space is approximately 14,940 sq ft., and will be dedicated to the City of Yelm When dedicated, the open space becomes public land The current configuration of the proposed open space does not provide for vehicle access for maintenance, and does not provide access to the general public. The open space must also provide one or more of the following uses environmental interpretation, or other education, park, recreational land, athletic fields, off-road footpaths or bicycle trails, or any other use found by the City to further the purposes of the open space chapter The applicant has not indicated at this time, what improvements will be made to the open space to meet minimum standards as stated above The area to be dedicated as open space is the future transportation corridor for the Y2 0 improvement. At such time the open space is purchased for the Y2 right-of-way, the City will either provide open space of equal value within a close proximity of the site, or pay a fee-in-Iieu of which would be spent on improvements to an existing park, or towards the purchase of additional open space 8 Schools New residential units create a demand for additional school services and facilities The Yelm School District requests that the developer enter into an agreement with the school district for the payment of mitigation fees based on the project's impact. This request became mitigation of the Environmental Determination 9 Transportation and Site Access. The property fronts on Vancil Road Frontage improvements on Vancil Road, and proposed internal streets, are required for this project. Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 16 16060 states, "Every subdivision or combination of subdivisions of twenty-five or more housing units, shall provide more than one vehicular access from an arterial or collector street." Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 16 16090 states, "The layout of streets shall provide for continuation of streets existing in adjoining subdivisions When adjoining property is not subdivided, streets in the proposed plat shall provide access to such unplatted property in accordance with the Yelm Transportation Plan" Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 16 16 110 states, "A street designed to have one end permanently closed, or in the form of a cul-de-sac, shall not have a length greater than six hundred feet, nor shall such street serve greater than twenty-five housing units, provided, 0 C'\Communily Development\Projecl Files\SUB Full Pial Subdivislon\8284 Autumn Hill\8284 Staff Report.doc Page 2 of 9 o c o that a street designed to provide later connection to adjoining property shall not constitute a dead-end street. The Yelm Transportation Plan states, "The City of Yelm recognizes that increasing connections throughout the City not only reduces traffic congestion, but also increases the sense of unity of the community Therefore, the City will limit the use of cul-de-sacs, dead-end streets, loops, and other designs that form barriers The City will seek to minimize impacts of through traffic upon residential neighborhoods by employing narrow streets, curves, indirect access routes, and other features" The site plan includes one vehicle access from Vancil Road The plan does not provide for more than one vehicular access from an arterial, or collector street as required in 16 16 060 The site plan does not provide for future connection to adjoining properties as required in 16 16 090 The applicant has requested a variance from this requirement. See Exhibit V attached The proposal also shows the street entering from Vancil Road, to be ended with a cul-de-sac, and longer than six hundred feet. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 1796.023 Variances, states, "If because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property due to size, sh<;ipe, topography, location or surroundings, and if the strict application of this title is found to deprive subject property of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification, the approval authority may grant a variance in accordance with the provisions for variances in Chapter 1796 of the Yelm Municipal Code" Based on criteria required for a variance, it is staff interpretation that a variance is not applicable for this property Chapter 4B 020 of the City of Yelm Development Guidelines states, "A design exception may be granted by the City based on the following criteria. 1 Reduction of carrying capacity as demonstrated by a Traffic Impact Analysis, 2 When alternative methods of stormwater conveyance and treatment (other than swales) are proposed and in compliance with the Stormwater Manual, 3 Future expansions / extensions of the proposed roadway are improbable due to physical constraints, and 4 Meets the intent of Transportation Section 4 000 The layout of streets shall provide for the continuation of existing principal streets in adjoining subdivisions, or of their proper projection when adjoining property is not subdivided" Based on the criteria required for a design exception, it is staff interpretation that the design exception is not applicable for this property Chapter 16 04 090 does allow for the applicant to appeal any staff or commission decision made pursuant to this title C\Community Development\Project Files\SUB Full Plat Subdivision\8284 Autumn Hill\8284 Staff Report.doc Page 3 of 9 l \ ) o The completed project will increase traffic, and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City's transportation system A single family home generates 1 01 P m peak hour trips per unit. The Transportation Facility Charge per unit is $757 50, and payable at time of building permit. 10 Parkinq. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires a minimum parking ratio of two spaces per unit. The developer is proposing at a minimum to provide parking accommodations for at least two vehicles on each residential lot. 11 Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area but is currently not connected to the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 3" collection line available on the adjacent property to the north The existing on-site structures are currently served with on-site sewage systems The applicant is proposing to remove the homes and abandon the systems Sewer connection fees are charged at the rate of $4,850 per a connection, payable at building permit issuance One connection would be charged to each residential building lot. All connections require an inspection with a fee of $145 00 per connection, also payable at building permit issuance 12. Water Supplv The proposed site is in the City's water service area but is currently not 0 connected to the City's Water system There is an existing 8" watermain located to the north at the adjacent property line for connection to Based on the City's Water Comprehensive Plan, the applicant is required to install a 10" water main along the frontage of the project. Water connections are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day, and are charged a current rate of $1 ,000 per connection (fee subject to change) inside city limits One connection would be charged to each residential building lot. These fees are payable at building permit issuance The existing on-site structures are currently served with on-site wells The applicant is proposing to remove the homes and abandon the wells 13 Drainaqe/Stormwater The completed project will increase impervious surfaces on the site, and adjacent streets. Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff Uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual, for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Following preliminary plat approval, the Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site 0 C\Community Development\Projecl Files\SUB Full Plat Subdivision\8284 Autumn Hill\8284 Staff Report.doc Page 4 of 9 o c o Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 14 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service 15 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 16. Street Liohtino. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. Street lighting design must meet the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines, and plans submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval 17 LandscapinQ. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy, and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires applicants to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals The site is adjacent to properties that are compatibly zoned When all adjacent properties are zoned residential, the code requires that the perimeter of the site be landscaped with Type II landscaping In residential subdivisions the city also allows fencing to meet the landscaping requirements for the perimeter of the site Landscaping is also required in the open space, and above ground stormwater facilities A conceptual landscaping plan has not been submitted at this time The applicant does show on the site plan, areas to be landscaped Chapter 17 80 requires that at time of civil plan review and approval, the applicant provide a final landscape and irrigation plan for approval 18 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) was issued on July 17, 2001 The comment period expired August 1,2001 The MONS is attached as Exhibit III 19 Public Comment. Comments were received from Yelm Community Schools, and Washington State Department of Ecology Findin~s and Conclusion. Chapter 16 12.170 requires written findings prior to a decision on a preliminary plat Based on the project as proposed by the applicant, and the conditions of approval below, staff finds that the subdivision a. Adequately provides for the public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, schools, sidewalks, C'\Community Development\Project Files\SUB Full Plat Subdivision\8284 Autumn Hill\8284 Staff Reportdoc Page 5 of 9 o b That the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedications, c The subdivision is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance, the City Subdivision Ordinance, and the City's Development Guidelines D. Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C, and the Conditions of Approval listed below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-01-8284- YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval. Open Space 1 The applicant shall shift the open space to the West, to border on Vancil Road, keeping at least 14,460 5 sq ft. This will allow for public access as required in 16 14, and vehicular access for maintenance The applicant may increase the size of lots 5, & 6, if desired, keeping the minimum open space requirement. o 2. The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space. The open space improvement(s) shall be located to the south of the stormwater facility The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 16 14 050 3 The applicant shall dedicate the open space to the City of Yelm Transportation 4 Frontage improvements are required for this project. Frontage improvements shall be consistent with the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines Frontage improvements for Vancil Road shall be consistent with the section "Neighborhood Collector" Interior street improvements shall be consistent with the section "local access residentiaf' 5 The applicant shall provide for continuation of streets as per YMC Chapter 16 16 060, 16 16090, and 16 16 110 For this proposal, creating two vehicle accesses off Vancil Road (Chapter 16 16 060, option c) may not make the best use of this property because of design requirements. To meet the requirements of Chapter 16, the applicant has the option to a. extend the proposed street North, to the property adjoining on the North, b extend the proposed street East, to the property adjoining on the East. c. create a loop road, resulting in two accesses from the collector street, provided minimum intersection spacing of 200' can be met. If the applicant chooses option a" or b , the applicant shall be required to sign the street 0 "Future Road Connection" C \Community Oevelopment\Project Files\SUB Full Plat Subdivision\8284 Autumn Hilr\8284 Staff Report.doc Page 6 of 9 o 6 The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The applicant will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 per unit which is payable at time of building permit. Sewer 7 The proponent shall connect to the City's S T E.P System There is an existing 3" line at the adjacent property to the north A connecting 3" line line shall be extended across the frontage of the property The S T E P System shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 8 Sewer connection fees are charged at the current rate of $4,850 per connection, (fee subject to change) payable at building permit issuance All connections require an inspection, with a fee of $14500 per a connection, also payable at building permit issuance These fees will be assessed at building permit issuance for each lot. 9 Existing sewage systems located on-site shall be abandoned per Article IV Rules & Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Disposal of sewage c Water 10 The Applicant shall connect to the City's water system There is an existing 8" watermain located on the adjacent property to the north A 10" line shall be extended across the property frontage of the development. The on-site water system shall be designed to City standards. The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 11 Water connections are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged a current rate of $1 ,000 per connection (fee subject to change) inside city limits One connection would be charged to each residential building lot. These fees are payable at building permit issuance 12 Existing wells on-site shall be abandoned per Department of Ecology standards and documentation submitted to the Thurston County Health Department for review 13 Water rights for the abandoned wells shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm 14 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Stormwater o 15 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices C\Community Development\Project Files\SUB Full Plat Subdivision\8284 Autumn Hill\8284 Staff Report.doc Page 7 of 9 o (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 16 All roof drain runoff shall be infiltrated on each lot. Infiltration shall be accomplished utilizing individual drywells 17 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Community Development Department for approval prior to final plat approval 18 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities. Fire 19 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for all existing and proposed hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards 20 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Street Liqhtinq 21 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines, street lighting and interior street lighting will be required A lighting design plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval o Landscapinq 22 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan to include the perimeter of the project site, planter strips, open space, and stormwater facilities Environmental 23 The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on July 17, 2001 Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 24 The applicant has submitted a subdivision name of Autumn Hill The City will forward that name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval Prior to the submission final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing General Public Works 25 The applicant shall submit a grading plan for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading o C\Community Development\Project Flles\SUB Full Plat Subdivisiom8284 Autumn Hill\8284 Staff Report.doc Page 8 of 9 o o o 26 The applicant shall contact the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, 909 Sleater-Kinney Rd SE, Suite 1, Lacey, WA 98502, (360) 438-8768 to secure any necessary permit(s) for the removal of materials containing asbestos and/or lead paint. Prior to issuance of a city building permit the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with any OAPCA requirements 27 The applicant shall submit a demolition plan for all structures on the project site The demolition plans shall address any requirements from the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority permit. A demolition permit is required for the removal of existing structures C\Community Development\ProJect Files\SUB Full Plat Subdivision\8284 Autumn Hill\8284 Staff Report.doc Page 9 of 9 CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT I Project Proposal & Site Plan SUB-01-8284-YL SITE PLAN - JULY 5,2001 AUTUMN HILL PLAT A PORTION OF SEC. 30, TWP 17N SW 1/4 OF THE HE 1/4 RGE. 2E, W.1I." THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1"'o:n~'Ctuo. i S=$;~~ () '''''=. ': ':-f$;l::"f:;r.7~r ~s::.~.ur=7 """" ~~'T~~~~J~O'=.~ ~"r.::I"!A.<:i:!U~~~ ...~'l~~; ~~:;C~:'_'1r.';7~-(;.l$I::::1::::;..'<S=::~ ~:q::.>or:~~>.S=.l:o:I.>I,..--':;~~<Sl' " GR.\?aIC SCJ.U' k.......' . ~ I.~':'=:J", SURV!Y BY SIn: 100RESS, l1I.t:~1 ~OJOOCl:lt>D MIWr.,""W7l ""'''''"..., r"I~1:t-JQ LEGEND tmm. _~2.. pmea 2tT~-m.~~!e~" mJ-01-~1aa ls ~ ,on ~ ~ ;;~ , ~ g~ ~ ~ ~l~ ~~ ~I! Ii () 1!E.~CHlo1ARK -...,;:,-.- _OlO('nIlS:ll>l"l:UOoI>a! ....::ll'O':rM=::OO""_", .>C.Il.("'1OIQ.U4C..~ \IT1UTl!' DEVaOPER ~~~ ~~~~ t=JIm-tT.:I ljTlIO.fCIIT---_ Q:D I1n __...__._ ..U "'" - """" $T.msnC.lL IIRWOOWH OF ~ROJECT S'i1lU< ~"l1I~FT_U'= =-- l:r...'OI1~ :I<::!I 1lI''''~r'I~ lIt.alS IJD<T.....~ "fUl'~lUl~.~~.",,'-"" ~~;po. ~~_lt.!~"'~J)"~ ~'::..;~ f.'1~~~'i€rl.J)~ ~,..~.~j~.;~~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~ .._....., '~1UlI:.n !1l"'"1C1 O'OIl"oa:loIII[.~T 'O.J..~n.("'1ICIO.1 ~~s:.: CJ "'lli::"<7'!~"::I'-~7!: ~~~~~""""O'M4:I""'" I- <t ..J... c,j ..J~ ::!~ :I: < %~ ::;:J :J~ ....~ :J <t 0', :J Ii j ~ ; 1 ~ ; i~ ; j ~ ~("=., ..,.11:7 aT . ",;;:> , -'~"''7~'" ; "~i: ,-'vf~ .:=.~! ,~,,~ i e_~,:." 1 .~ A-~'::;:' .~.", ..... J \.t.::l~.l.L .I.C~E~~ 3..Ei;OE'I~l~L____ Exhibit I, Page 1 , ;;{,,: "'--L_L.J'~': i ";.;,1 ,. " , {~.,;;;.:LY ; ;:","0; ". '-d' .".'- .iJLl' / -;*"-~:-Q ..".. ;.. ~ ~...::,~.-:::"'~I'=" :.::... ..... ~E1l;HE";U'C~O r.:Ll!CT~1l J "'~~.lF :;Til.~ET .!1iI~5...C!E"!lE~i () I Date August 20, 2001 ,~ I I PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE I SUB-01-8284-YiL CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT II PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE PURPOSE Monday, August 20, 2001, 4.00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA 98597 Public Hearing to receive comments on a 26 lot Residential Subdivision, Case #SUB-01-8284-YL APPLICANT. Lubbesmeyer Construction, LLD PROJECT LOCATION. 10847 Vancil Road, South of the Vancil RoadlYelm Ave. Intersection, on the West, Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide 6 64 acres into 26 single-family residential lots. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action to the City Council. The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their September 12, 2001, regularly scheduled meeting o Testimony may be given at the hearing, or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on August 20, 2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above 'Or mailed to City of Yelm, Community Development Department, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835. The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm / I ; ( ,;Y // / / - '( Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO i'10T PU8L:SH BELOW THiS Lli'JE o Pub! shed n the j'JiSqlJ2iiy Vailey :---1e"/5 Friday ,t\,ugust 10 2001 Posted ,n Public Areas T:J8sda'l August 7, 2C01 1\11:3l1ed to ll,dj2Cent Property O'/lners Tuescaj ,tI,L..g:Jst 7 2001 Exhibit II, Page 1 I Date August 20, 20011 I 1 CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III MONS SUB-01-8284-YL () SEPA NO 8284 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIF1CANCE Proponent: Lubbesmeyer Construction, Inc, Description of Proposal. Subdivide 6.64 acres into 26 residential lots Location of the Proposal The project is located on the east side of Vancil Road, south of the Yelm Ave" Vancil Road intersection. SectionlT ownsh ip/Rang e: Section 30, Township 17N, Range 2E, Tax Parcel numbers 22730130900 & 22730130800 Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21 C 030(2) (c) This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: SEE ATIACHED Lead agency' Responsible Official. City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator () Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: July 17,2001 5:00 p.m., August 1, 2001 J;,Ie, If' ~(illr SnellY Badger;City A ministrator ~ 'I..) This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2) Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5'00 p.m., August 1, 2001 The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., August 8, 2001 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5:00 p.m , August 8, 2001 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals This MONS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply with all applicab!e requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the CityofYelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14 08), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program DO NOT PUBliSH BELOW THIS Lli'E P'JQlished' i'Jisquailj Valley ~~ews, Fr;cay July 20 2001 Pos:ed in ;;ubiic a.eas Wednesca'j Julj ,8 2001 COP!~s.o Ad a;s'-\c:9s/citiz9r\S on SE?A madir,g !ist 2.r.d adjacer;t ~Io;:~~y CN're:'s \;'/9cr''Ssday JUI'! ~Ia 20C"', C) E,,<hlbit III, Page 1 I Date August 20, 2001 CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III MONS SUB-01-8284-YL o ATTACHMENT SEPA CASE NO 8284 This Mitigated Determination of Non Significance is based on the project as proposed and impacts and mitigation reflected in the following Gl Environmental Checklist (dated May 30,2001, prepared by C E.S NW, lnc,) e Preliminary Stormwater Report (dated May, 2001, prepared by C E.S. NW, Inc.) And the following conditions The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new p m. peak hour trips per residential dwelling unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $ 757.50 per unit which is payable at time of building permit. o 2. The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. 3 OAPCA and City Demolition permits are required for the demolition of the existing structures Existing wells, septic tanks, and septic drainfields are to be abandoned as per State, and County regulations o Exhibit III, Page 2 August 20, 200D I l I Date CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV SEPA COMMENT LETTERS SUB-01-8284-YL ~Uj-Ol-2001 WED 12:01 PM DOE SW REGIONAL OFFICE FAX NO, 4256487088 p, 01/02 () STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY PO. Box 47775 · Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 . (360) 407-6300 Au!:,'ust I, 200 I Post-it' Fax Note To 7671 Date Co. Ms, Cathenne Carlson CommunIty Development Director City ofYchn PO Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 CoJOapt Phona # Phone 1F F~XII Fax # Dear Ms. Carlson, Thank you for the opporrumty to comment on the mitigated determination ofnonstgnificance for the subdivision of 6.64 acres into 26 residentIal lots (Autumn Hills Prehminary Plat) located on the east side of Vancil Road, south of the Yelm AvenuelVancil Road intersection as proposed by Lubbesmeyer Construction, Inc. We reviewed the environm<;:ntal checklist and have the following comments: C) SEPA Coordinator: If this SEPA document does not address on- or ofr-site work related to infrastructure including ulIhtJes and/or roads, the SEP A may need to be revised to reflect thIS mfonnatiun. Water Oualitv: ;:;rosion control measures must be 111 placl; prior to any clearing, gradmg, or constructlOn. These control measures mU$t be effecl1ve to prevent soil from being carried into surface water by stormwater nmoff. Sand, silt, and soil will damage aquatic habItat and are considcr~d pollutants. .Any discharge of sediment-laden runoff or otht:r pollutants to waters of the state is in vlOlatlOn of Chapt<::r ?G ~8. Wat!:r Pollutlon Contra] and WAC 173-20 lA, Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of th~ -':<..~ '.)f Washington, and is subject lO enforcement action Proper disposal of constructlOn debns must be on land in such a manner ,hat debns cannot enter the drainage cinch or caL:Se water qualtt) degrada[lon ois;a11: 'Naters. During constr:lctlon, all releases or OIls, hydrauliC fiU1CS, fL:els, ol!1'~r petroleL:m products, pamE, solvents: anc. otner c(:!~:::nol.:s nl~:e:'l~ls Y':"".ust ae CJTH2.;ncd ~r..d 'c:t110v~d in 3. ITlZlIlr1e: t.h.2C \"! n prcvtnl .helr dI5Cr2.:-gl. to '.v~te:-s (lr.d 5oii.; of t;".e 3~:E= T'-:~ -: ea:-- ? of :;p!l.5 ~ho:Jld take pre~edtnce QV(;:" other ;:ork 0:1 tr.e 51[(; Co\"~rage -1nd-=~ .he Gen~"z:! 3(lsei~r.e <; o:::'.v::: cr ....2.~r ?e!~il! is .eqt..:.red. fur CO:;:;~L.:':_lOTi s;t~s gT~Jt~.. ~..:: tl e 2cres. \1,. :Iter Resources Th: ~Jr()iJiJ-;'~~ .S ~~DC1:S Jle "01 .::is-=::: ~.~ tb::: ';J(c [0 .:!r:::::rT'Ir.i.: rh:: i()C~LII)Il)! ~ I ::.'"Ist;r:;g \Vel S M.:-:.... :1LS~:l '1...~lIs 1~:J: J'~ ~;operi 'J ;b:~do;-.~j :r.c 1b~~d(;.:cr rl""'?()~s :;UJJ"littCG to E:OIOgy as dcscnbc~:n J. --G-- ~;/ () Exhibit IV, Page 1 I Date. August 20, 2001 EXHIBIT IV o I 1 SEPA COMMENT LETTERS I S U 8-01-8284- Y1L r~ITY OF YELM -:~-::-20Ql WED 12:01 PM DOE SW REGIONAL OFFICE FAX NO, 4256497098 p, 02/02 Ms. Catnerm.:: Carlson Augu,t \, 200 I Page 2 WAC i 73-160-4 i 5 ThlS mcludcs resourc\: protection wells and any dewatering wells installed dUl'lng the con,rfUC!lOn phasr; of thr;: project, The Growth rvlanagement Act (Section l'i3) requm.:s an applicant to submit evidence of an adequate water supply before a building permlt can be Issued fUf any building requiring potable water 'I11e water purveyor is responsible for ensuring that the proposed use(s) are within the limitations of It,; water rights, o If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments, please.: call Ms.lVlargaret Hill -\;~'2~er Quality) at (360) 407-0246, Mr Don Davidson (\Vater Resources) at (360) 407-0275 or I can ~c reached at (360) 407-6787 ru;~ j., ~al1 Rokstad r:'iEPA Coordinator Suuthwest Regional Office KR.aw (01-4806) Don Davidson, SWRO/WR Margaret Hill, SWROmQ o Exhibit IV Page 2 I Date. August 20,20011 I ~ CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV SEPA COMMENT LETTERS SUB-01-8284-YL ~ CEP?ED C) _.00- ~.. ....c_ YELM CONIMUNITY SCHOOLS Where all students can leal7l and grow Erlmg Birkland Drrector of FacilIties June 15, 2001 Ms. Cathenne Carlson CIty Planner CIty ofYelm PO Box 479 Yelm, Washmgton 98597 RE. Autumn Hill SUB-01-8284-YL " () Dear Ms. Carlson. Yelm Commumty Schools reqUIres MitIgatIOn Agreements for sub-dlVlslOns of five or more buildmg sltes. Please mclude the Mitrgatron prOVISIOn as part ofthe SEPA reqUIrements for the above referenced sub-mVlslOn. Should you have any questlOns please call me at 458-6128 Smcerely, ~/ ~- - !?-~/.:4k"--:--'~ Er g M. BIrkland :;: /" F~lbtres DIrector Yelm CommunIty Schools (I ~) II i..-:...i.= _~_ ~.~ ~~ \..0..:..... .:...i' u~,--__i...t:~:'c:.:. ~!E;_C_..:..i J~!.!...:';:_l._\.~~2..i:i2Li.-t-~~iiJi.;'_L j} (ii.. 'l~ 'f':~\l" '\ 1 ;~<l:, oj, \ .j,;;~\:~~-r,,~ I.. )!I- ,1,1) ..."' i-' \., ;;f. Exhibit IV Page 3 I Date. August 20, 2001 CITY OFYELM EXHIBIT V I I ApPLICANT LETTER REQUESTING VARIANCE SUB..01-8284-YL \ (\ U ! \j :.GGi: ., ;;. r~ e; ''''~ ~ 5308 12c\ Street East, Suite B Fife, WA 98424 Phone: (253) 922-1532 Fax: (253) 922-1954 ceservices@qwesi:.net CsE.S. NfV In c. em! E!1gzmermg (5" Si!rv~'lIl.Z ~-.".,~ron 1< , i ''I .A:.1j.J1 :i May 8,2001 Ms. TamI Memman, Plannmg TechnicIan CIty ofYelm 105 Y elm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, W A 98597 o Project: Subject: Autunm Hill Prehmmary Plat, ApphcatlOn#SUB-Ol-8284-YL Traffic RepOlt Dear Ms. Memman The enclosed copIes of the Autumn Hill Plat have been revIsed per the comments lD your letter dated June 29,2001 However, Item #12 has not been addressed because my chent would like to request a vanance from eonstruetmg a "contmuatlOll of street." Please call me so that we may discuss the vanance and any questIons that you may have. Th?J) (~~~ Cra:~~ PYlclpal Ene 3 RevIsed -\utumI1 HIll Prel1I111nan Pldt plans C Paul LL!bbesl1le e1' Lubbesnle' er Construct on 1151 - 112th Street E Tacoma \\ -\ 98445 o August 20, 200iJ I r- ExhibIt V, Page 1 I Date \) o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm YELM WASHINGTON Date' August 13, 2001 To' Planning Commission From: Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re. Yelm School District Alternative High School, CUP-01-8286-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit I - Site Plan Exhibit 1/ - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Determination of Non-Significance Exhibit IV - Comment Letter Exhibit V - Map illustrating 500' distance from project site. Exhibit VI - School District letter requesting a delayed schedule for street and parking improvements. A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE: The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL: The applicant is applying for a Special Use Permit to convert two commercial buildings (20,000 sq ft and 1000 sq ft) and associated parking into the Yelm Extension School At this time the Extension School has approximately 30 students The students do not attend traditional classes and are not on fixed schedules The proposed use does not require the entire square footage of the buildings be utilized to house the Extension School At this time it is unknown what other types of activities or uses will occur in the remainder of the buildings The City's review of the use at this location is based on maximum student population of 181 students and approximately 19 people as various staff The Districts' standard for a high school is 110 square feet per student. By analyzing the property for its maximum occupancy thiS will allow for the School District to use the building based on District needs and will not require the applicant to modify its conditional use permit every time they need to use the building for additional activities C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS. Proponent. Yelm School District 2 Location 103 and 107 First Street Tax Parcel # 21724120404 q 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on August 10, 2001, and posted in public areas on August 6, 2001. The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on August 6, 2001 o 4 Existinq Land Use and Zoning The site is zoned Central Business District (CBD), Chapter17 24 and contains two existing buildings In the CBD, Special Uses are allowed as provided for in Chapter 17 66 A school is classified as a special use and is allowed, provided any unique impacts resulting from the proposal can be mitigated 5 Lots Size and Setbacks. The CBD does not have a minimum lot size The current building footprints will not be expanded, therefore no changes will result to current building setbacks 6 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoning All properties adjacent to the project are zoned commercial, CBD, C-1 or C-2. Properties to the north of the parking area, located on the northeast corner of First Street and Jefferson Street, are zoned CBD but are currently developed as single family residential Properties adjacent to the site on the easterly boundary are zoned C-1 and developed as residential All other adjacent properties are commercial zoned and developed as commercial In the CBD liquor stores are prohibited within 500 feet from the exterior boundary of any public school grounds and in the C-1 and C-2 Districts, taverns, liquor stores, billiard halls and pool halls are prohibited within 500 feet from the exterior boundary of any public school grounds 0 The restriction of limiting liqueur stores in the CBD would have very little if any impact to current or future business in the CBD However there are a number of parcels in the C- 1 and C-2 Districts that would not be permitted to site a tavern, liquor store, billiard hall and pool hall Exhibit V illustrates the approximate 500' radius from the school property in which those uses would be prohibited To eliminate the restriction of siting these uses, the zoning code would require an amendment. However an amendment would have to be district wide, creating situations in where a tavern would be allowed to site adjacent to schools Also, the Washington State Liquor Control Board controls the issuing of a liquor license When an applicant applies for a liquor license, the Board notifies the surrounding property owners The board can reject an applicant if requested by a surrounding property owner 7 Transportation and Site Access. The buildings front on First Street, with the parking areas fronting on Second Street and Jefferson Street. First Street is classified as a Pedestrian Oriented Street. This frontage along First Street is already improved and will not require any upgrades or improvements Yelm Development Guidelines classify Second Street and Jefferson as local access commercial These streets currently consist of approximately 22' of dnving surface only The School District's financing and budget cycle may limit the District's ability to complete the street, stormwater and parking lot Improvements prior to occupancy The 0 Page 2 of 7 o o o School District has requested a delayed schedule for the frontage and parking improvements (Exhibit VI ) This proposal does not include any school bus service to the site now or in the future The completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City transportation system A high school generates 0 04 P m peak hour trips per student. For maximum use of the site with 181 students the Transportation Facility Charge is $5,430 00 and payable at time of building permit. 8 Parking. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires minimum parking facilities of 1 parking stall for each four students that are normally enrolled and are of legal driving age, plus one parking stall per classroom and office Assuming a maximum occupancy of 181 high school students, 10 classrooms and 5 office spaces, 75 parking spaces are required This assumes that approximately 1 out of every 3 students will have a drivers license The existing parking area has adequate space to provide the minimum parking stalls However, there is currently no access control, landscaping or stormwater management in the parking areas. Historically the parking areas have been used by customers of many other downtown businesses The School District has agreed to number and reserve the stalls as they need them As the school expands to its full occupancy the District will continue to reserve and number additional stalls In the future the majority, If not all, of the parking will be needed for the School (downtown businesses that do not provide on-site parking will need to determine how to provide parking for their customers in the future) Loading areas for uses that require regular delivery typically require a separate loading area that does not conflict with the day to day functions of the facility On the south end of the building there is an existing loading area that is adequate 9 Wastewater The project site is in the Sewer Service Area and is currently connected to the City's STEP sewer system There is an existing 3,OOO-gallon S T E.P tank located at the northeast corner of the property Sewer connection fees are charged at the rate of $4,850 00 per 240 gallons of use One connection currently exists at the site However, if the intended use is greater than the previous use, the new building tenant will be required to pay for any additional connections All connections require an inspection with a fee of $145 00 per connection, also payable at building permit issuance if required 10 Water Supply The proposed site is in the City's water service area and IS currently connected to the City's Water system There is an existing 6" watermam located in First St. Water connection fees are charged at the rate of $1,00000 per 240 gallons of use One connection currently eXists at the site However, if the Intended use is greater than Page 3 of 7 l the previous use, the new building tenant will be required to pay for any additional connections If required, these fees are payable at building permit issuance o 11 Drainage/Stormwater The completed project will increase impeNious surfaces on the site, and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff Uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual, for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff Currently this site has some existing stormwater drainage problems The existing system cannot contain or infiltrate the required stormwater volume The site is sloping to the southeast toward Jefferson St. The water flows to the intersection of Jefferson St and Second St. and overflows into the front yard of a private residence on Jefferson St. The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impeNious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Following Special Use Approval, the Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impeNious calculations for the site Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 12 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2 As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service Police Protection Police protection is provided b~ the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service Street Lighting. Adequate street lighting will be r!qUired for this project. Street lighting design must meet the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines and will be submitted to the City for review and approval o 13 14 15 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 17 80, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development prbposals In particular school sites require a Type III landscaping along the street fro~tage and through the required front yard area and Type II landscaping between the required front yard area and improvements on the property and along interior p1roperty lines The existing building locations restrict the areas alailab'e for landscaping There is not a front yard setback and the rear yard setback is ~pproximately 15' which is used as a I vehicle access to the rear of the building The south side is developed to the property line There is an area along the northwest and northern property line that will be utilized for parking and can accommodate the required latdscaPing The parking area located on the northeast corner of First Street and Jefferson Street IS adjacent to residential development A landscapel buffer could be provided here The parking areas will be improved and landscaping will be provided per City development o Page 4 of 7 o o o standards Landscaping is also required in and around above ground stormwater facilities A preliminary landscaping plan has not been submitted A final landscape and irrigation plan must be submitted to the City for review and approval Installation of landscaping is typically required prior to occupancy 16 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Determination of NonSignificance (DNS) was issued on July 26, 2001 The comment period expired on August 8,2001 The DNS is attached as Exhibit III 17 Public Comment. One letter was received by an adjacent property owner (see Exhibit IV) 18 Findinqs and Conclusion. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the project 1 Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, and 2 The project is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Development Guidelines D. Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward CU P-01-8286- YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 The applicant shall submit sewer usage calculations to the Community Development Department. The required calculations shall be from a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington These calculations shall be submitted with the civil engineering plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval 2. Currently this site has an existing connection of 240 gallons a day If your use is greater than the current use the applicant will have to pay an additional sewer connection fee Sewer connection fees are charged at the current rate of $4,850 per connection, (fee subjectto change) payable at building permit issuance Each connection is considered 240 gallons per day All connections require an inspection, with a fee of $145 00 per a connection, also payable at building permit issuance If required, these fees will be assessed at building permit issuance and will be based on the submitted sewer calculations Water 3 The applicant shall submit water usage calculations to the Community Development Department The required calculations shall be from a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington These calculations shall be submItted with the civil engineering plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Page 5 of 7 q 4 Curren~ly this site has ~n exis~ing connection of 210 ~~lIons a day If your use is greater than this use the applicant will have to pay an additional water connection fee Water connection fees are charged at the current rate 6f $1,000 per 240 gallons of use (fee subject to change) payable at building permit is~uance If required, these fees will be assessed at building permit issuance and will be based on the submitted sewer calculations o 5 All landscape and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Stormwater 6 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the Ci~ of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 7 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Community Development Department for approval prior to fin~1 plat approval The stormwater system shall be maintained by thJ building owner The Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against the owner for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities o 8 Transportation 9 The applicant shall be responsible for full-street improvements along Jefferson Street, between First Street and Second Street and half-street improvements along Second Street. The frontage improvements shall be consistent with a Neighborhood Commercial Collector School District financing and budget cycle may prohibit the completed road improvements prior to occupancy If this should occur the school district shall bond for said improvements 10 The applicant shall establish a schedule with the City for the completion of improvements for streets, parking, stormwater facilities and associated landscaping with these improvements All improvements shall be scheduled for completion within 18 months of occupancy and the School District shall bond for said improvements 11 The vacant lots on the northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Second Street will be utilized as the above ground stormwater facilities The City will not require full frontage improvements along this area, but will require the construction of adequate shoulders 12 The applicant shall be responsible for the Transportation Facility Charge of $5,430 00, payable at time of bUilding permit. 13 If the future, the School District provides bus service to the site, they shall submit plans for approval by the City Said plans may include but are not limited to, circulation, drop off and pick up areas, access and parking o Page 6 of 7 " , o o o Parkinq 14 The applicant shall improve the existing parking areas to include access control, landscaping and stormwater management. 15 The applicant shall agree to offer public parking in those areas not needed for school operation Design Review 16 Any remodeling to the exterior will require design review by the City Fire 17 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards 18 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Landscaping 19 The applicant shall provide a Type II landscape buffer along the northern property line adjacent to both parking areas. 20 Pursuant to Chapter 17 80, landscaping shall be included in all parking areas and the stormwater facilities. These improvements will occur concurrently with the street and parking improvements as scheduled per Condition of Approval, Transportation #10 21 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan for review and approval General Public Works 22 The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading 23 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and parking lot lighting will be required All lighting design will be submitted to the City for review and approval Other 24 The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City of Yelm where the Yelm School District agrees not to oppose the issuance of a liquor license for any location in the surrounding commercial districts T'\Community Development'"Project Files,CUP ConclitionClI Use Permit\8286 {elm Extension School\8286stf Npd Page 7 of 7 ~ON SCHOOl.. -------:: a.\\61T \ . C~P_01~~~:'~~ II s i\ ~ 1\ hi \ \\ H\ ; o \- o ~ : ~ t) ~.~ ~ \~l ~~ .~ ~ 5~ :z. 3~ cr. ~i 14 ~ (~ <. \2~ ~ If 14 "- ?-< I' I' I' I' I' I' '~ ) i" " " i ~ " ~ ",. ~ "- ~ ~ " ~ \ ,J,1' \ G \ i ~. <: b! t - :~."4\\ . . . t i h <i1 o "- o w ~ n. w '" 0.. o cl o ",0 u:Z: fIl< ~;2.... _iEC) :Z:CD'" ~~~ ~~< 8ffi>_ 303 ';!~~ C', .'1 'I \ \ \ ! \ """- ~\ ....\-1- U...\.-L """- {. \I,i\ , . ~~ :\\JlllL -1\\\r\\\ !~ ' i I l \ \! \,1 \' !. I ' \~ \ \ 'I '. \ ~ ~ \ \ " / /~ I A- / ~ 1\11 " ':\ ':1 j ~ i 1 1 ~ ~ . ; " . . . . B....l; %1 :j\~0'" ,:~~ .. ~ ,- _n- f \. [ 1 1 /\ <\0: ; \\ ~. : I r,1 III' II ;------. \~- \\ 9- ~ \ .....J \ I: 0 Ii ;7-, \\ \..J \W \i ~ ,I iJl I'. 'l) ,.. I / / I I I l- . YELM EXTENSION SCHOOL EXHIBIT II PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CUP-Q1-8286- YL o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE PURPOSE' Monday, August 20, 2001, 4.00 p.m Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments regarding the conversion of a commercial building to the Yelm Extension School, Case nCUP-01.8286-YL APPLICANT Yelm Community Schools PROJECT LOCATION 103 and 107 First Street (Wolf Building), Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a Special Use Permit application to convert two commercial buildings into the Yelm Extension School. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council. The City Council will likely act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their September 12, 2001, regularly scheduled meeting Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on August 20, 2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 o Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm, WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408. The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 4 days before the meeting ATTEST City ~f Velm / I ,"):J /...~. \:..; \, ., . l...( J -\'-0 /- . _ J /..1" , ..C Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NO I PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published In the Nisqually Valley News Friday, August 10,2001 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners and Posted in Public Places August 6, 2001 o YELM EXTENSION SCHOOL EXHIBIT III DNS CUP-Q1-8286- YL " c: SEPA NO 8286 DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: Yelm Extension School Description of Proposal The proposal is to convert existing commercial buildings to classroom space for Yelm Extension School Location of the Proposal 103 First Street. (The old Wolf Building) Yelm, WA. NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 19, Township 17N Range 2E. SectiontT ownshi p/Rang e: Threshold Determination: The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21 C 030(2)(c) This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: NONE Lead agency' Responsible Official' City ofYelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator c: July 26, 2001 ' 5:00 p.m., August 8, 2001 (. ) 1 NLl{luv. A{it fr/\..---- . -' Shelly/Badger, City"Administrator 'J ,) This Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197-11- 340(2) Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W., POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5:00 p.m., August 8,2001 The City ofYelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., August 15, 2001 Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5:00 p.m , August 15, 2001 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This DNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical ,A.reas Ordinance (14 08), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEP,A,) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16) and the Shoreline Master Program DO NOT PUBLISH BELO'''; THIS L1i'lc Pub!isrec i'J:sq'Jaily \faile" i'Je"/s r=r:day August 3 2001 Postsd 1n ~ubljc 2.ree.s JL;ly 26 2001 CO~Jes.o All agenc:eslc;tizens on S:::JA i"Tia!ling !is ar~:: adja:ent ~rop9r1'j OVJ~ers J1.Jly 26 2GC I De: of C:ccicg'/ ';ichecklist, JL:ly 26 2001 0, ~' YELM EXTENSION SCHOOL EXHIBIT IV COMMENT LETTER CUP-Q1-8286- YL :J Steve and Kris Cra.J~ 12725 118th Avenue S~E. Ramler, WA 98576 June 28 2001 CathIe Carlson CIty ofYelm PO Box479 Yelm, WA 98597 Dear Ms. Carlson. The following comments are offered m response to the Notice of Application for the estabhshment of the Yelm Extension School m the Old WolfBUlldmg at 103 First Street. LocatIOn of the Yelm Extension School located at the First Street location has the potentIal ofbecommg a very pOSItive factor m a down town revItalIzatIOn effort. o 2. Hopefully, renovation of the Old Wolf Buildmg will mclude some exterior fas:ade improvements that perhaps could include design elements reminiscent of the 1920s or 30s, thus making the bUlldmg more consistent wIth the older downtown archItecture. I understand the school dIStnct has a lImited budget and what IS bemg suggested need not be expensIve. I am hopeful that the bUlJdmg, after renovatIon, doesn't look lIke a converted grocery store, but rather a bUlldmg the school dIStrIct, students and the communIty can take pnde m. 3 If the school dIStrIct and the CIty are open to discussing It, it IS suggested that the City mvestIgate acquiSItIon of the parkmg lot portIon of the proposed project across the street from the Old Wolf BUJldmg. This parkmg lot has been a defacto publIc lot for many decades and IS vJtal to downtown commerce. If the CIty was to purchase the lot, It would, of course, sIgnIficantly lessen the overall cost to the dIstrIct, and could still serve the school dIStrICt needs m an arrangement that could be worked out WIth the cIty It would also ensure that there would be parkmg to serve downtown needs on a permanent baSIS. Also, a consIderatIon relative to the parkmg Jot, IS the posslbllJty of usmg a portion of It for a parl-.. & rIde lot that could In small measure help alle"late traffic congestIon The State Department of TransportatIon has In form;:lll v mdlGllcd that the' would be open to dISCUSSIng the maller DOT's Invoh ement could also help dcfrav the acquIsltJ0n cost. ~s<;oc]<1ted \1'lth thl:; could be a J11ode,t hus :;heller to sene mterclt\ tr<1nsl[ Loo~jng to the future thIS lot mal' al:;o be CrIlicl! to dc' elopment of commuter tr;:11O pas<;cngcr ser' ice In 'r elm I bellcve ,orne CrC;:1li\ c nprOr.IJnllJe' f11:l ~"lq [kit c0uld henefit ~lil [Janie, ~1nd the comnlLlnJt\ and I am !wpc .iI that kre" ill he OPf1l'rtL!n:t:c, l0 1l~I\C tiw,ugh[tul ciJ,cLI<;<;lrln on till' o YELM EXTENSION SCHOOL EXHIBIT IV COMMENT LETTER CUP-Q1..a286- YL c' 4 In the future the Histonc Wolf Buildmg may be converted to a restaurant, where wme and beer would be served. I am hopeful in that event, that the Clty and the school dlstnct would not oppose lssuance of a liquor hcense, partlcularly since there are three other busmesses in the downtown core that do currently serve liquor I n concluSJOn I beheve Yelm Commumty Schools will be a positive influence and partner in Yelm's old town busmess commumty and I, as an adjacent property owner, look forward to them bemg our new nelghbor Smcerely, j i "--.-C i i"' -' '.....~- '- S~~ve Craig I / :.0~ r / \ c) (' ~I YELM EXTENSION SCHOOL EXHIBIT V - - - ---- MAP - 5001 CUP-01-8286- YL o Map Produced By: Thurston GRODATA Center's Internet lVlap Server Scale Approx. 1 Inch = 257 Feet 8/8/01 10 12.43 AJ'vf _ C-l District ~""'~Y'&xl W~I C-2 District ~~ o Project Site YELM EXTENSION SCHOOL EXHIBIT VI SCHOOL DISTRICT Request . CUP-Q1-8286-YL Q CJ YELNI COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Where all students can learn and grow ~-------=-------~ Erlmg BIrkland DIrector of Facil1ties August 3, 2001 Ms Cathenne Carlson CIty Planner CIty ofYelm P 0 Box 479 Yelm. Washmgton 98597 RE Street Improvements, 1st, 2nd and Jefferson streets Dear Ms Carlson. () Yelm Commumty Schools IS requestmg, upon Issuance of a SpecIal Uses Penmt, the ImmedIate use ofthe ''Wolf' buildmgs located at 103 pt St. and 107 1st St Yelm Schools IS requestmg the use of these bUIldmgs pnor to completIon of street, parkmg and dram.age Improvements Yelm Schools belIeves that thIs request IS reasonable based on the fact that no other development IS scheduled or planned for the surroundmg area The ImmedIate upgradmg ofthe subject street frontage would be ofhttle benefit as It would create wIdened streets Jommg narrow eXIstmg streets and sIdewalks endmg m the mIddle of the block. _D~_nother Item of consIderatIon 1S the fundmg ofthe "Wolf' project ThIS project IS funded through Impact and MItlgatIOn funds whIch are receIved as bUlldll1g permIts are Issued m PIerce and Thurston CountIes and the CIty of Yelm _....... 'l~-L~{: .~ ["C~~:..~: C'!2!...~~~'~_,-:....:-:S~L...:;.L....c:~::~~.I..!~:~LLL:::'u:J..Q.j:;::.R..:J.,..2.il-':"'2k:..!'''''':'::;::...I1IL~J~_:iE~,~ r:~~J.;:;..':-":l_i. n .j '\ '''nlll; '\" '~:.. l' r, j~n~ :-;; I :tll1. 'I :l:-:~;rq:tn:~ ;1.;';:.~1"'j l'l!~.)t .l:;,;';.;'i'::~ '\. :;~I 'i;~"~";.;'J'1 ( ~) -YELM EXTENSION SCHOOL EXHIBIT VI SCHOOL DISTRICT Request CUP-D1-8286- YL \ I : 'J The fund balance as oftms date IS approXImately $300,000 Average annual mcome, from rmpact fees, IS $75 000 Cost to repaIr the roof and walls IS estImated to be between $150,000 and $200,000 EstImated cost to partIally remodel for the classroom space reqmred for the extenslOn school IS $100,000 The cost of street and draInage Improvements is estImated to be between $250,000 and $350,000 It IS apparent that funds will not be readIly available to fund the constructIOn of classrooms and street Improvements sImultaneously We beheve that these funds, as they are generated, are better used to develop the classroom areas first and street improvements, consIdermg therr hrmted benefit, at a later date. Yelm Schools IS requestmg that a schedule of street Improvements be determmed that would not create an undo financIal burden to the school and would address the need for street and parkmg Improvements as they are reqmred. ~ J Your consIderatlOn of the request IS apprecIated. Should you have any questIons please call me at 458-6128 Smcerely ...-_---) _ -- -------.-' <<-- / ~-- ::? - - -- ./" -.~1'/,,' ~-~/';? ./ j /'/ ~/..,. /../ ~rhng M BIrkland FacIlrtIes DIrector Yelm Communlty Schools ,,1~.J..!:! I 1":' _'~(': ';'L;:_ '~_.'\.-=-:::~t..i~ '\.~.J~L:..':~:~:I:..r~~~:';:!:J'..J ..:.u.~ '!. :~__ i.~J~-::i~_:.,~2-:~_TiTLE...-~~'_ i;:!..l.l.:.tu..i::.':1~Zi. ::; '\ 'r;: :l~ 'I" :;:.. t I) ;IIX ~r:; ,.j I: ;:~~:: 'l,:;':;~ i -,Iilll :.;.:; ::.; \~, ",;.;c; ;:~,. ""d" o n ',-----" City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date August 14, 2001 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Temporary Zoning Exemption for Medic One Relocation A. Public Hearing Obiective. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed temporary relief from zoning is in the best interest of the City of Yelm After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council o B. Proposal: Request for a 6 month temporary exemption from Title 17, Zoning, at 411 NE West Road for the exclusive use as the Thurston County Medic One station serving Yelm and the surrounding area. At the conclusion of the 6 months, Medic One will need to have complied with Title 17, Zoning, by securing a special use permit for its location at 411 NE West Road or at any other location within the City limits c. BackQround The Medic One Unit needs to relocate on short notice However, per the City's zoning code, public safety and emergency response facilities are considered a special use and require a special use permit be issued consistent with zoning code requirements and procedures Under normal circumstances, upon submission of a completed application the proposal is distributed for a review and comment period, then the planning commission holds a public hearing and sends the proposal with a recommendation to the City Council for action This process takes approximately 3 months to complete Because of the immediate need for Medic One to relocate, it is not possible to process an application under normal processes Typical Thurston County Medic One operation for Yelm and the surrounding area is as follows .:. 2 crew (minimum) 24 hours a day 1 Medic Unit at all times (minimum - may have more than 1 there at a time) Services Yelm, Rainier and Bald Hills area. No Siren in Residential areas (County wide policy - not just for this location) Only use lights in residential areas if traffic IS heavy Responses in 2000 862 for the year 72 per month (average) 49 per month between 8 00 a.m and 8 00 P m 23 per month between 8 00 P m and 8 00 a.m .:. .:. .:. .:. o .:. D. Analysis. Findings and Conclusions: o 1 Proponent. Thurston County Medic One 2 Location 411 NE West Road, Yelm, WA. 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on August 10, 2001, and posted on the site on August 7, 2001 4 Existinq Land Use Commercial and Residential 5 Adiacent Land Uses Low Density Single family residential and commercial 6 Comprehensive Plan The site is designated Commercial 7 Zoning Chapter 1726, Commercial Zone (C-1) with over lay zone, Special Uses, Chapter 17 66 8 Public Comment. Prior to proposing the temporary exemption, one neighbor voiced concerns about siren noise and one neighbor voiced support of the location Medic One's county wide policy to not use sirens in residential areas has addressed the neighbors concern to his satisfaction No public comment was received as a result of the public hearing notice o 9 Findings and Conclusion. Based on the need for adequate public safety, the building location and the commercial zoning designation of the site, the staff finds that a six month temporary exemption from Title 17, Zoning is in within the best interest of the City of Yelm E. Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section 0 the staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward the six month temporary exemption from Title 17, Zoning, for 411 NE West Road for the exclusive use as the Medic One facility, to the City Council for approval o C'\MyFiles\ZONING\mediconestf wpd Page 2 of 2 Ci G o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 20,2001,4.00 P M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes July 16, 2001 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Autumn Hill Subdivision.. SUB-01-8284-YL Applicant. Lubbesmeyer Construction, Inc. Location: Vancil Road Staff Report Enclosed. Public Hearing - Yelm Extension School - CUP-01-8286-YL Applicant: Yelm Community Schools Location: First Street Staff Report Enclosed. 4 5 Public Hearing - Temporary Land Use Exemption for Medic One Applicant: Thurston County Medic One Location: 411 NE West Road Staff Report Enclosed. 6 Other' 7 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360- 458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 **MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2001 HOLIDAY - MEETING CANCELLED** NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,2001 4.00 P.M. o o c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING CANCELED The regular Planmng CommIsSIOn meeting scheduled for Monday, August 6,2001 has been cancelled. The next scheduled Planmng CommIsSIOn meetmg will be Monday, August 20,2001 If there are any questions, please call the Commumty Development Department at 360-458-3835 a" yJvtjVJtCL ~nes P Bennick City Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Mailed to Plannmg CommISSIOn maIlmg lIst, Tuesday, July 31, 2001 Posted m publIc areas, Tuesday, July 31, 2001 o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2001, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Margaret Clapp, Glenn Blando, Ray Kent, Joe Baker, Roberta Longmire, and Don Carney Staff. Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, and Shelly Badger Members absent: EJ Curry, and Council Liaison Glen Cunningham Approval of Minutes: 01-22 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY DON CARNEY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 18,2001. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None ACTION ITEM. Willow Glen Subdivision - SUB-01-8285-YL Applicant: Yelm Property Development, L.L.C Location: Middle Road Ms. Carlson gave a brief staff report, outlining the project. Ms. Carlson stated that everything was in order The applicant will pay all review fees prior to presentation to City Council The applicant has provided an assigned savings for completion of landscaping Ms. Carlson brought to the attention of the Commission a request by the applicant to use the existing manufactured home on-site as a sales office The letter requests that the applicant defer the removal of the manufactured home, and abandonment of existing septic tank, until such time as the subdivision becomes built out. The existing home is situated over two lots No building permits will be issued for these lots until the home is removed, and all underground septic tanks are abandoned 01-23 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY GLEN BLANDO TO FORWARD THE PROJECTL TO CITY COUNCIL WITH THE RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL AS CONDITIONED IN THE STAFF REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. WORK SESSION ITEM. STAFF UPDATE - RESEARCH PERTAINING TO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ORDINANCES. At the June18, 2001 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission moved to recommend City Council approval of a proposed ordinance related to adult entertainment. The Commission also directed staff to perform further research on ordinances from Spokane, WA, and Cincinnati, OH, with the expectation to amend the ordinance at a future date Yelm Planning Commission July 16, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\07 16.01min.doc Page 1 o o o Ms. Badqer presented the Commission with a staff report comparing the Yelm ordinance with the Spokane and Cincinnati ordinances After a brief discussion, the Commission and staff went over the table presented in the report and suggested changes to the Yelm Ordinance Most of the changes reflected the stronger Spokane and Cincinnati ordinances Changes to the Yelm Ordinance include Entertainment Facility License Requirements. Add Spokane language . Entertainer License Requirements Add Spokane language Standards of Conduct: Add Spokane language Hours of Operation Change to 10 00 AM to 12 30 AM Tips/Gratuity: Add Spokane language Additional Requirements. Add Spokane language Manaqement Responsibilities. Add Spokane language Premise Specifications. Add Spokane language Inspections. Add Spokane language Inspections. Add Spokane language Fees. Leave as written in Yelm Ordinance Location Allowed Leave as written in Yelm Ordinance Distance from Sensitive Land Uses. Leave as written in Yelm Ordinance Findinqs. Add Cincinnati language Land Use Approval Process. All Adult entertainment facilities must receive approval through a Special Use Permit Approval Ms. Carlson distributed to the Commission, the date for the rescheduled land use training session It will be held on September 26, 2001 Ms. Carlson informed the Commission that the Appeal of the Planning Commission decision regarding the apartment complex behind Safeway was heard by City Council Council upheld the Planning Commission approval 01-24 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP AND SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 5 30 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission July 16, 2001 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\07.16.01min.doc Page 2 o o o ., 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date July 10, 2001 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Final Plat for Willow Glen (formerly Middle Road Plat) SUB-01-8285-YL BackQround The Yelm City Council approved, with conditions, a preliminary plat for the above referenced project on July 26, 2000 The project has been under construction for the last year and the applicant filed a completed application for final plat on June 6, 2001 Applicant: Yelm Property Development, LLC Proposal 22 Lot, Single Family Final Plat Approval for Willow Glen Subdivision Location The project site is located on the north side of Middle Road just east of the Prairie Creek Subdivision Planning Commission Action The Planning Commission is required to review the Final Plat for compliance with the conditions of approval placed on the preliminary plat. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the final plat and is satisfied that all conditions have been met the Planning Commission shall forward the plat to the City Council for review and approval Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commissior.J forward the final plat to the City Council for approval, provided 1 All engineering and surveying fees for the final plat review are paid prior to City Council review 2 The applicant provides the City with an executed Assigned Savings Account Agreement The assigned savings account is required to complete requirements as discussed in No 20 below 3 The Planning Commission approves the request by the applicant to retain the manufactured home on-site as a sales office Upon removal of the manufactured home the on-site sewerage system would be abandoned per Thurston County Standards Please see attached request from the applicant, dated June 25, 2001, and condition of approval #3 below o Original Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 The proponent shall connect to the City's STEP sewer system A 6" PVC collector line will be required across the frontage on Middle Road The connection point will be at the property boundary to the Prairie Creek Subdivision Completed Sewer ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on discharge of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $4,850 per ERU, as well as an inspection fee of $145 OO/ERU STEP on-site collector tanks and pumps are to be installed by the owner, which are then transferred to the City for operation and maintenance The applicant purchased and transferred 22 sewer connections from a parcel within the West Road LID Boundary to the project site, per Ordinance No. 727 The applicant has completed an application to segregate those 22 assessments to one assessment per new lot. Payment of the sewer connection fee will be as fo"ows: each lot will have an assessment of $1823.15 payable over 14 years and a connection fee at time of building permit of $2480 00. Public Finance, Inc., administrators of the LID have completed the paper work and resolution necessary for the transfer The City Council will need to approve and adopt the resolution concurrently with the Final Plat. o 2. The property is subject to a latecomer's agreement between the City of Yelm and Springfield Development Company, Inc., dated November 28, 1994, for a sewer main extension The applicant shall pay the latecomer in the amount of $2,70420 prior to final plat approval Completed. 3 The on-site septic system and drainfield shall be abandoned to Thurston County Health Department standards The applicant has requested to continue using the manufactured home on site as a sales office until such time homes are constructed on lots 21 and 22. At that time the sewerage system would be abandoned and the manufactured home removed. Please see attached letter from the applicant. Water 4 The Proponent shall connect to the City's water system A 10" PVC water line extension will be required along across the property frontage on Middle Road The connection point will be at the property boundary to the Prairie Creek Subdivision This connection is at the cost of the developer, however, a latecomer's agreement could be formed to recapture a portion of the initial cost of connecting to the water system Completed o Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per Page 2 of 5 " day and are currently charged at a rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (subject to change) inside city limits o This fee is payable at time of building permit issuance To be completed with the construction of individual homes. 5 The applicant shall abandon the on-site well in accordance with the Department of Ecology standards Completed. 6 If a valid (by Department of Ecology standards) water rights exists for the site, the City is interested in a transfer of those rights to the municipal water system Details on the amount of water rights that are eligible to transfer and the value of those to be determined No water rights existed for the site. 7 The property is subject to a latecomer's agreement between the City of Yelm and Springfield Development Company, Inc., dated November 28, 1994, for a water main extension The applicant shall pay the latecomer in the amount of $2,163 00 prior to final plat approval Completed. 8 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval c Completed. Per the City code, the applicant chose the option of providing water via hose spigots from each house. Stormwater 9 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings. Completed 10 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval Completed. 11 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities Completed o Transportation 12 The street design for the project is a local access residential and shall be included on civil plans The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department Page 3 of 5 o o o for review and approval Completed. 13 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the frontage of Middle Road The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The Middle Road street section is "neighborhood collector" A "waiver of protest" may be signed deferring these improvements until Phase II The applicant has submitted a waiver of protest to defer these improvements 14 Welch Street shall be shown on the face of the plat as a future street connection to the adjacent property to the north and south Completed Fire 15 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards Completed. 16 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. Lot Setbacks 17 The applicant shall submit a plat map with building envelopes to ensure all setbacks can be obtained Completed Open Space 18 Applicant shall provide a minimum of 26 of an acre of open space on site or pay a fee in lieu of as provided by Chapter 14 14 The applicant has paid a fee in lieu of providing open space for $6,259.33. 19 The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 14 14 050 Not required. Landscapinq 20 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping plan to include the perimeter of the project site, planter strips, open space and stormwater facilities The applicant made the improvements per the approved plan, however a number of the street trees have not survived The applicant will be replacing 13 Thundercloud Plums and one Upright Hornbeam Because of the time of year Page 4 of 5 o o o staff is recommending the applicant execute an assigned savings to cover 1 % the cost of the replacement trees and to hydroseed the stormwater facilities. Re-planting and hyrdroseeding will be done in the fall. Environmental 21 The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on June 16, 2000 Mitigation includes a. The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 P m peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 per unit which is payable at time of building permit. Fee is payable at time of building permit issuance. b The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. The agreement has been executed and recorded. The actual fees are collected at time of building permit issuance. Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 22 The applicant shall submit a subdivision name The City will forward the name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval Completed. 23 Prior to the submission final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing Completed Legal Lot Status 24 The applicant shall complete a Boundary Line Adjustment amending property lines so that the project site is a single legal parcel Completed. General Public Works 25 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required Completed 26 The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading Completed Page 5 of 5 o June 25, 2001 Ms. Catlue Carlson, DIrector Commuruty Development CIty of Yelm POBox 479 Yelm, W A 98587 SUBJECT: Temporary Office at Willow Glenn Dear CathIe As per our conversatIOn last week regardmg the use of the mobIle home on the Willow Glenn SubdIvIsIOn sIte, I am requestmg that we be allowed to contmue usmg the mobIle as our office dunng the tlme we are bUIldmg homes on the lots. o As you know, two of the subdIvIsIOn reqUIrements were the abandonment of the septlc system and removal of the mobIle home We mtend to do Just that as soon as we have completed the constructIOn of the houses on our lots We wIll bUIld homes on lots 21 and 22 last, as the mobIle currently occupIes area on both lots (see attached plat map) We understand that no bUIldmg permIts WIll be Issued for lots 21 and 22 untll we move the mobIle and properly abandon the septIc system (as per code) If you have any questIOns or comments, please call me anytlme at the office (458-0544) or on my cell at (206) 459-0415 Thank you for your attentIOn m thIS matter Smcerely, to /J\. aaJ~--<l(~' Denny BalascIO, Manager Yelm Property Development, LLC o / ..-'/.- - -' ---- --- r ~.""" - '>.---- ---- - -- - - - - -- -- --- --- - - ----- ~..",..""- _......- . ....,., - ......;. -I....... M53+t' 30+00.00 BOULDER 5T IN5T ALL CONS1RUC1\ON EN1RANCE 52+41 00 MlOOLE $T PER DETAIL 1\-\1$ SHEET ' - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- ------- ---------------- ~D M52+00 _-r-- - - 01 i 5016 LaceY BOl,llevardSE, Lacey, washington 9850 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 fax (3130) 491-385 , SKILLIHGS - .~ c." "OLL V r NO. c o c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm YELM WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 16, 2001, 4 00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - June 18, 2001 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Action Item - Willow Glen Subdivision - SUB-01-8285-YL Applicant. Yelm Property Development, L.L.C Location. Middle Road Staff Report Enclosed. 4 Worksession Item - Comparison of Yelm Adult Entertainment Business Ordinance with Cities of Spokane & Cincinnati Shelly Badger, City Administrator Staff Report Enclosed. 5 Other' 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 **MONDAY, AUGUST 6,2001 MEETING CANCELLED** NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, AUGUST 20,2001 4:00 P.M. CJ (\ \J (\ o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING CANCELED The regular Planmng CommIsSIOn meeting scheduled for Monday, July 2, 2001 has been cancelled due to lack of busmess. The next scheduled Plannmg CommIssion meeting wIll be Monday, July 16, 2001 If there are any questIOns, please call the Commumty Development Department at 360-458-3835 / (;/ \))1 /) . '" _/ ( ,~. -(f/J'<./ .. 0vC>)rA1..tLd- Agnes P Bennick CIty Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE PublIshed m the Nisqually Valley News, Friday, June 29, 2001 Mailed to Planmng CommIsSIOn mailmg lIst, Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Posted m publIc areas, Tuesday, June 26, 2001 o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm CANCELLATION NOTICE The July 2. 2001 Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday. July 16. 2001. at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST /} \/)/1 ~(/Xu ,7 \OJ;.1;!Jtd~i- Agnes Bennick City ClerkfTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, June 29, 2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 o Motion No. 01-17 o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 2001, 400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by E J Curry Members present. EJ Curry, Ray Kent, Joe Baker, Roberta Longmire, and Don Carney Staff' Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, and Shelly Badger Members absent: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Margaret Clapp, Glenn Blando, and Council Liaison Glen Cunningham Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 21,2001. MOTION CARRIED Public Communications None PUBLIC HEARING: Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City wide Ms. Curry opened the Public Hearing at 401 pm Ms. Curry asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none Ms. Curry asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Ms. Curry asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Ms. Curry asked Ms. Carlson to provide a staff report. Ms. Carlson distributed a letter received from the Department of Ecology commenting on the plan, and stated that those comments would be incorporated into the plan Ms. Carlson explained that the plan was created to implement plans, projects, goals, and policies to help manage the flood area surrounding Yelm Creek Plans would include such projects as reestablishing the original creek bed, and natural meandering curves Another project that will be implemented would be to remove the old storm drain outfall at First Street. This outfall distributes silt into the creek, destroying the natural creek bed Ms. Curry asked if there were any audience comments There were none Ms. Curry asked if any Commission members had any comments Mr. Carney asked about the impact to property owners, if the creek location was changed by reestablishing the natural meandering curves Ms. Carlson responded that reestablishing the natural meandering curves would not affect the flood zone surrounding the creek, which is what effects the surrounding property owners Ms. Longmire stated that Morris Road was misspelled in the document. Ms. Curry closed the public hearing at 4 15 P m o 01-18 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER TO FORWARD THE PLAN TO CITY COUNCIL WITH THE RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17, Zoning, creating a new chapter relating to the regulation of adult business. Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City wide Ms. Curry opened the Public Hearing at 4 17 pm Ms. Curry asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest There was none Ms. Curry asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Ms. Curry asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Ms. Curry asked Ms. Badger to provide a staff report. Ms. Badger stated that this ordinance reflects changes to both YMC Chapter 17, Zoning, and YMC Chapter 5, Business Licensing Ms. Badger informed the Commission that at this time, the City of Yelm does 0 not have any regulations relating to adult businesses Not having any regulations regarding this type of business, allows the placement any where in the commercial and industrial zoned portions of the City The City placed a moratorium on the placement of adult businesses within the City The moratorium expires in June 2001 The proposed ordinance places adult businesses in to 2 categories, and allows siting only in the C-2 Heavy Commercial, and Industrial districts The ordinance states that those businesses in a Category 1 must be located no closer than 330 feet from any sensitive land uses, such as Schools, Parks, Daycare Centers, and Churches Category 2 businesses must be placed 660 feet from those sensitive land uses The ordinance places substantial fees and licensing requirements for both the business, and employees of certain adult businesses Ms. Curry called for public comment All public testimony was in opposition of allowing adult entertainment businesses in the City of Yelm A brief synopsis of the testimony given is listed, It The City of Yelm is a wholesome, good, and family oriented community · Pornography of any kind would degrade the community · Nothing positive would result in allowing these types of businesses · Concern of guarding the children from this type of influence 0 o This type of business is offensive Yelm Planning Commission June 18, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\pc 2001 min\06 18 01min wpd Page 2 o · Why is it even being considered? · Make the restriction so strong, that it makes it unfeasible for the business to locate in Yelm · We can keep cell towers from coming here, without proof of ill effects, we restrict prisons, landfill's, and property owners Every serial murderer, sex offender, and child molesters are linked to pornography, and here we are opening the doors to allow this kind of thing to come to Yelm · This will taint our community · We will do everything in our power to fight this CI Please review the City of Spokane, W A, and the City of Cincinnati, OH ordinances regarding adult business They are very strong · Community support in opposing any adult entertainment business o The following is a list of persons who testified Ms. Deborah Deshaies, 8632 Thuja Ave., Yelm, WA Deena Watson, 400 Reflection Lane, Rainier, WA Gary Duda, 14215 148th Ave. SE, Yelm, WA Rex Niblack, 18411 Britchen St., Yelm, WA Toby & Joy Ridell, 17723 Cook Road SE, Yelm, WA Rick Forcier, 6400 E Sarison St. SE, Olympia, WA Andrea Kellems, 13141 Moes Road, Rainier, WA Raymond Silva, 410A Reflection Lane, Rainier, WA Roger ?May? 13726148th Ave SE, Yelm, WA Mark & Barbara Tietjen, P.O. Box 208, Rainier, WA Grace Studa, 14215 148th Ave. SE, Yelm, WA Zeke Rudik, 14215148th Ave. SE, Yelm, WA Dorie Laird, 8510 Pepperidge Lane, Yelm, WA Davina Travino, 13141 Moes Road, Rainier, WA Ms. Curry closed the hearing at 4 50 pm, and called for Commission discussion Ms. Longmire asked Ms. Badger if she had obtained a copy of the ordinances from either Spokane, or Cincinnati in her research Ms. Badger responded that she did not have those ordinances, but had several sample ordinances from more local surrounding municipalities Ms. Longmire inquired if the 330 feet, and 660 feet setback requirements came from those ordinances c Ms. Badger stated that the proposed setbacks are the same as the City of Lacey The setback requirements had to be scaled to our City size The Supreme Court has ruled that if you make the setbacks so large that siting the facility is impossible, that is in effect a ban, which is prohibited Ms. Badger stated to the Commission and the public that the reason this ordinance is coming before the Council, and why the moratorium was placed, is because, in the absence of any regulation, the door is open for this type of business to be sited anywhere in our commercial districts We currently Yelm Planning Commission June 18, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001 min\06 18 01min wpd Page 3 do not have any applications pending, and there is no pressure by anyone to site an adult business in Yelm Mr. Carney asked if we could place all adult entertainment businesses into one category, with the more stringent siting and permit requirements placed on all proposed businesses o Ms. Badger responded that it could be an option the Commission could consider Mr. Baker asked if we could make a motion to table this item until such time as a permit application is received Ms. Curry responded that the moratorium expires on June 20 Mr. Kent asked if we could extend the moratorium to allow more time for research Ms. Badger responded that state law only allows for the moratorium to be in effect for one year Ms. Badger stated that a possible option would be to get the proposed ordinance in place so that we are somewhat protected, while staff provides further research Ordinances can be amended at a later date Mr. Carney asked if the Commission could recommend placing the strongest restrictions on all types of adult businesses, and amend it to lesser restrictions at a later date if needed? o Ms. Carlson stated that it could be done that way The Commission and staff discussed the administrative process of Site Plan Review, and Special Use application review Mr. Kent stated that he does not want to make the restrictions so strong as to make possible legal battles challenging our restrictions In other words, I don't want to weaken our ordinance by making the restrictions too strong 01-19 MOTION BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD THE ORDINANCE TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROV ALAS WRITTEN. THE MOTION WAS AMENDED BY RAY KENT TO INCLUDE DIRECTION TO STAFF TO PROVIDE FURTHER RESEARCH ON THE ORDINANCES FROM SPOKANE AND CINCINNATI, WITH THE EXPECTATION TOAMENDTHE ORDINANCE AT A LATER DATE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE. ALL MEMBERS WERE IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. o Yelm Planning Commission June 18, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\pc 2001 min\06 18 01min wpd Page 4 o PUBLIC HEARING: Amendmenttothe CityofYelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation Component of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County. Appl icant. City of Yelm Location: City wide Ms. Curry opened the Public Hearing at 5 10 P m Ms. Curry asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none Ms. Curry asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Ms. Curry asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Ms. Curry asked Ms. Carlson to provide a staff report Ms. Carlson distributed to the Commission 2 replacement pages to the draft amendment, page 7 and page 16 The change on Page 7 was the removal of the statement that the City of Yelm has listed Highways of Statewide Significance The change on Page 16, text was removed stating that Highway 510 and 507 were classified as Highways of Statewide Significance o Ms. Carlson stated that the amendment includes the adoption of the Y2-Y3 plan, incorporates the Level of Service language mandated by WSDOT, and also adds goals and policies regarding the Yelm-Roy Prairie Railroad lines Ms. Curry called for public testimony There was none Ms. Curry called for Commission discussion There was none 01-20 MOTION BY DON CARNEY, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO FORWARD THEAMENDMENTTO CITYCOUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. ALL MEMBERS WERE IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED Ms. Carlson introduced Mr. Jim Gibson, the Development Services Engineer for the City Mr. Gibson informed the Commission that he researched the fire flow calculations for the 48 unit apartment complex proposal as requested by the Commission on May 21,2001 Mr. Gibson found that the fire flow calculations are more than adequate for the project, and should not effect the surrounding property owners The proposal will actually use less water than if 48 single family homes were constructed in that area. Ms. Longmire expressed her displeasure with how the apartment unit proposal was presented to the Commission on May 21 st o Yelm Planning Commission June 18, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001 min\06 18 01min wpd Page 5 Mr. Dan Sokol, from the Department of Ecology addressed the Commission regarding the Yelm Creek Flood Hazard Management Plan Mr. Sokol commended City staff for the excellent plan, which meets all of DOE 0 requirements Ms. Carlson reminded the Commission of the Joint Planning Commission meeting on June 19th 01-21 MOTION MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 5 45 P m Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Planning Technician EJ Curry, Acting Chair Date o o Yelm Planning Commission June 18, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001 min\06 18 Olmin wpd Page 6 c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date June 11, 2001 To Yelm Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Subject Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan (CFHMP) Exhibits Exhibit I - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit II - Determination of NonSignificance A. Public Hearinq Obiective The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed amendment is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. Background Increases and changes to flooding patterns along Yelm Creek, in particular during February, 1996 and January 1997, indicated the need for Yelm to document and understand what was happening along the creek and develop long term strategies to manage flooding along the Yelm Creek corridor o The City received two grants as a result of the flooding One grant was used to delineate the 100 year floodplain which resulted in a larger floodplain than previously identified and a revision to the Federal Emergency Management Flood Insurance Rate Map The second grant, from the Department of Ecology, was used to develop the Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan The City contracted with Tetra Tec19/KCM, Inc to help develop the CFHMP An advisory committee, represented by property owners along the creek and public and private organizations and agencies was established The advisory committee work closely with Tetra Tech/KCM staff developing goals and objectives for the plan, identifying problems and developing recommended actions, while the US, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) collected scientific data and conducted a Yelm Creek inventory and study As a result of 1 % years of work, the draft CFHMP was completed and distributed for public review and comment on May 14, 2001 c. Plan Summary The CFHMP is a systematic process to identify and prioritize areas and property susceptible to flood damages, select alternatives to solve identified flood problems, and implement solutions The CFHMP establishes guidelines for flood hazard planning in the Yelm Creek drainage basin within the City of Yelm's urban growth boundary o o Chapter 2 describes Yelm Creek's basin characteristics and current environmental conditions in the Yelm Creek corridor o · Chapter 3 documents flooding characteristics and historical events along Yelm Creek that flooded or threatened to flood the Yelm area. · Chapter 4 provides specific details about previous investigations regarding flooding and flood hazard management in the Yelm area. This chapter focuses on previously proposed flood management projects and alternatives, since many of these remain viable · Chapter 5 gives an overview of state, federal, and local regulatory requirements that relate to flood hazard management, surface water management, water quality, open space and wetlands protection in the study area. Recommended modifications to the City of Yelm's regulatory requirements are provided in this chapter · Chapter 6 summarizes existing flood problems in the study area, including common flooding patterns and damage areas · Chapter 7 describes alternative solutions to the identified flooding problems and discusses the process used to select recommended actions This chapter outlines the general types of alternatives commonly used in floodplain management and classifies them as structural or nonstructural .. Structural measures include activities in or near the creek such as excavation, placement of bank protection materials, and other engineering and construction activities o .. Nonstructural measures include drainage and land use regulations, public education and maintenance programs Each of the alternatives were evaluated by key advantages and potential disadvantages which provided the framework for developing Chapter 9, Action Plan This step was very important in determining realistic implementing floodplain management activities with.the ultimate goal of achieving long term success · Chapter 8 summaries existing and potential sources of funding for flood hazard management projects · Chapter 9 describes the recommended action plan that was developed with assistance from the Advisory Committee and City staff and lists the key components and priority of each of the recommended actions The Action Plan is an array of prioritized activities including capital improvement projects, regulatory measures, planning and public education .. High Priority Capital Improvement Projects include '.. Floodproofing or retrofitting existing structures o Page 2 of 4 o "... Develop a solution to the WSDOT stormwater outfall just east of First St. "... Constructing a new creek channel east of the existing channel betvveen 1 OSrd Ave and First St. with meanders and instream habitat features, such as woody debris, to mimic the natural characteristics of the creek ,,-+ Remove riprap weirs at pipeline crossing to the northwest of First St. ,,-+ Create a continuous vegetated buffer along the creek ,,-+ Remove existing fences across the creek. ~ High Priority Regulatory Measures include "... Develop and implement regulations in the City's stormwater management program to limit future discharges of pollutants and stormwater in Yelm Creek ,,-+ Amend the City's Critical Areas Ordinance to incorporate best available science for the protection of critical areas "... Codify the City's Transfer of Development Density Policy which allows higher density development in the portion of a property outside the designated 1 OO-year floodplain. o ".. Enforce the City's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance where fill, encroachments, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development in violation of the ordinance are found ~ High Priority Planning, Data Collection and Mapping include "... Maintain a floodplain information database in coordination with Thurston County GeoData Center .... Evaluate the City's stormwater management and maintenance program for its adequacy in addressing the City's future needs ~ High Priority Public Education includes '... Develop outreach programs to increase public awareness of flood hazards These activities can tie in topics such as protecting natural resources in the community and gaining public support for capital improvement projects .,... Create a Flood Protection Resource Library and establish an area In the public library where all information on flood protection can be o Page 3 of 4 accessed by the general public "... Promote floodplain preservation by providing information on the Open Space Taxation Act, conservation easements and the City's policies on the transfer of development rights The CFHMP is a tool for planning and implementing floodplain management activities over the next several years However, it is important that the plan be updated periodically to account for actions that have been completed, changes in local conditions and/or priorities and changes needed due to State and Federal regulations D. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the Yelm Creek Flood Hazard Management Plan as presented to the City Council for approval Page 4 of 4 o o o Exhibit 1- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm () Yelm Creek Plan June 11, 2001 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE. PLACE PURPOSE' Monday, June 18,2001,400 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W l Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on the Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan Draft Report APPLICANT City of Yefm PROJECT LOCATION Yelm Creek and its Adjacent Shorelines The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan Draft Report. The Plan includes an inventory and analysis of the Yelm Creek Watershed, identification of regulatory requirements, identification of the problems, evaluation of alternatives, a discussion of possible actions, both regulatory and physical, and funding sources. (J Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, and must be received by the close of the public hearing on June 18, 2001. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 The Draft Report is available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 The Yelm City Council will receive the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding the Draft Report, and will review and take action on the plan at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on July 11, 2001 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, please call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm ... / / Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NO I PUBLISH BELOW I HIS L1~JE Published in the Nisquady Vailey News Fricay June 3 2001 Posted in ?ubiic t..reas. Wednescay, June 6, 2001 Meded ,0 Acjacent Pror.::erty O\mers Wednesdaj June 6 2001 (\ .~ Exhibit 11- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm Yelm Creek Plan June 11 2001 c) SEP A NO' 8282 DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: City of Yelm Description of Proposal: Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. Location of the Proposal: City wide. Threshold Determination: The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2) (c) This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: None Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue Comment Deadline: June 5, 2001 5:00 p.m., June 18, 2001 () (' \ \ I \.!-..., (tt ,1 Il r I: )u d~>~ Shelly BadQe~, City Admin.i~trator , . This Determination of NonSignificance is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2) Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave. W , POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5:00 p.m., June 18,2001 The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., June 25, 2001 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5'00 p.m., June 25, 2001 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Agnes Bennick, City Clerk, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This DNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14.08), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Titie (16), and the Shoreline Master Program DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published' Nisqually Valley News Friday, June 8, 2001 Posted in public areas. June 5 2001 Copies to All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list, June 5, 2001 Dept. of Ecology wlchecklist. June 5, 2001 ( ~ o o c Date June 12~ 2001 To' Yelm Planning Commission From: Shelly Badger~ City Administrator Re Amendments to Chapter 17~ Zoning and Chapter 5~ Business Licensing and Regulation relating to the location~ acceptance of applications for and issuance of any permit~ license or approval for adult entertainment businesses (AEBs). LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit I - Ordinance No. 736~ proposed ordinance amendment to Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 17, Zoning Exhibit II - Ordinance No. 737, proposed ordinance amendment to Yelm Municipal Code~ Chapter 5, Business Licensing and Regulation Exhibit III - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit IV - SEP A Determination of N onsignificance A. Public Hearing Objective: The Plannmg CommIssIon must detennme If the proposed amendment IS consIstent WIth the CIty of Y elm's ComprehensIve Plan and applIcable MUTIlclpal Code(s) After consIderatIon of the facts and publIc testImony the Plannlllg CommISSIOn must take one of the followlllg actIOns (1) request addltlonallllfonnatIOn from staft; (2) contlllue the publIc heanng; or (3) make a recommendatIOn of actIOn to the CIty CouncIl B. Proposal. . Amendments to Chapter 17, Zonmg, govellllllg the locatIOn and land use approval process for Sltlllg adult entel1amment bus1I1esses (AEBs) and amendments to Chapter 5, Busllless Llcenslllg and RegulatIon. provldlllg hcenslIlg reqUIrements for adult entel1alllments buslllesses. operators and entel1alllers Department Fmdings. PropOl1ent C It:, of 'r elm l LocatlOI1 CIt\\\ IdL ~ PUhItl \ntlle and En\1I"(lIl111entc:l1 DL\tcrnlll1c:ItIOI1 '\otlce of the PuhllL HearIng \\a~ J'ubll'-.hcd 1111hc "\1'-qUdl!\ \ alle\ "\C\\" Oil Fnda) JUI1l. S 2(J(J! al1d pO'-.tcclll1 puhllL area" on Fnday, June 8, 2001 A DetennmatIOn ofNonslgmficance was Issued on June 5 2001 0 wIth the comment penod closmg on June 18,2001 4 Moratonum. A moratonum on the acceptance of apphcatIOns and hcensmg of adult entertamment busmesses was adopted by the Yelm Cny CouncIl on June 28 2000 and expIres on June 28 2001 The moratonum dIrected the development of adult entertamment busmess ordmances and adopted findmgs m support of the moratonum. 5 Preparatlon of Ordmances After studymg the regulatIOns of other commumtles, It was found that the clearest way to regulate AEBs IS to do so m 2 locatIOns wlthm the Yelm Mumclpal Code. Zomng, Chapter 17 (Ordmance No 736) deals wIth the locatIOn and Busmess l1censmg and RegulatIOn, Chapter 5 (Ordmance No 737) establIshes the hcensmg reqUlrements Summary of Ordinance No. 736 proposing amendments to Chapter 17~ Zoning, related to the location of Adult Entertainment Businesses. Adult Entertamment FacIlItIes are regulated wlthm thIS ordmance m 2 categones (1) Adult bookstores, novelty stores, VIdeo stores and snmlar adult uses, (2) Adult arcades, massage parlors and lIve entertamment centers SectIOn 1. I. DefimtlOns related to Ordmance No 736 are prOVIded m Ordmance No 737 (see SectlOl1S 2 1 and 3 1 ofOrdmance No 737) SectlOn 1.2.1 and 1.3.1 Penmts AEBs fallmg under the defimtlOn of adult bookstore, novelty store, VIdeo store and other sllnllar adult use m the followmg zones (followmg an approved SIte plan revIew process) A. Heavy CommercIal Zone C-2 B Large Lot CommercIal C-3 C Industnal, and o LIght Industnal It also states that no AEB In thIS category can locate closer than 330 feet from another AEB nor from any sensItIve land use ... ... SectIon 1.2.2 and 1.3.2 Pennlts AEBs fal1m!! under the defimtlon of adult arcade, massage parlor and adult !lve entertaml11ent faclllty m the followmg zones (fol1ow1l1g a speCIal use penm t process) :\ LIght Industrial and B Industnal It states that no AEB 111 t!lIS category can locate clo<;er than 060 from another AEB III thIS category nor closer than 330 from any other AEB descnbed III the category III SectIons 1:2 1 and I 3 I (ao\.)\e) :\lso that no :\EB locate any c10::,e1' than 000 from an) sensltl\C land use c,c\..110n 1.~. Spcutic<; '->Clbltl\\.. LlIId u:-,c" thdt the dhtance requirements apply to The;. ll1LIlllk public ,1l1d prl\ ate '>Lhoo1 propert;. puhll\.. par\...<., publiC 11hrane<; day care faullue<.; o o c c o teen centers, churches, cemetenes and resldentlal zones SectIon 1.7 Describes a process for \VaIV1l1g the dIstance reqUIrements under certam cIrcumstances such as when physIcal features would result III an effectIve separatIOn III tenus of VI sib ill tv and access and abllItv to avOId the facllItv bv alternate vehIcular and - - ~ ~ pedestnan routes Summary of Ordinance No. 737 proposing amendments to Chapter 5. Business Licensing and Regulation. relating to the licensing requirements for businesses. operators and entertainers. AEBs are dIVIded mto 3 categones (1) Massage parlors and employees, (2) Adult busmesses whIch mc!ude adult arcades, bookstores, novelty and vIdeo stores, and (3) Adult lIve entertamment centers and employees. SectIOn 1. EstablIshes defil11tlOns and descnbes lIcensmg reqUIrements for massage parlors and employees. ApplIcatIOns come to and are Issued by the CIty Clerk/Treasurer who dIstributes a copy to the PolIce and Commul11ty Development Departments Withm 30 days of receIpt of an applIcatIOn, the CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall Issue the lIcense unless adVIsed by the Commul11ty Development Department that the use or proposed use does not have the applIcable land use approval as per the ZOl11ng code or meet other applIcable land uselbmldmg code laws or IS adVIsed by the PolIce Department that the owner has been convIcted for a cnme whIch may reasonably mdlcate a likelIhood of future vIOlatIOn of the tenus of thIS ordmance l1censmg of employees of massage parlors IS the same as for adult lIve entel1a1l1ment centers (SectIOn 3 5) Fee for bus1l1ess lIcense applIcatIOn IS establIshed at $500 00 SectIOn 2. EstablIshes detil1ltlOns and describes hcens1l1g reqUIrements for AEBs 1l1cIudmg adult arcades, bookstores, novelty and VIdeo stores, mcludmg defil11tlOns of each and the process The applIcatIOn process IS the same as for massage parlors described above. Fee for busmess lIcense applIcatIOn IS estabhshed at $500 00 SectIOn 2.4. Speclties the regulatIOns applIcable to VIdeo stores that do not qualIfy as an " , adult" VIdeo store ... SectIon 3. EstablIshes detil1ltlons and descnbes lIcensmg requIrements for adult lIve entel1all1ment centers and entel1all1ers Busll1ess hcense fee IS establIshed at 5500 00 entertaltler lIcense::, are set at S I 0000 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planlllng COI11I11I""IOn tOI\\ t1rCl the proposed ordll1ances WIth an)' modlticatIollS to the CIt) COUllCll for appro\'al o o o Exhibit I - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments -, CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 736 AN ORDINANCE of the CIty ofYelm, Washmgton, regulatmg adult entertamment faCIlItIes wIthm the CIty of Yelm, Washmgton, and amendmg Chapter 17, Zonmg, m the Yelm MumcIpal Code. WHEREAS, the CIty of Yelm has thoughtfully and thoroughly evaluated the regulatIOns necessary to the sItmg and regulatIOn of adult entertamment busmesses, and WHEREAS, the CIty ofYelm has determmed that the regulatIOn of the adult entertamment mdustry IS necessary because, m the absence of such regulatIOn, sIgmficant cnmmal actIvIty has hIstoncally and regularly occurred. ThIS hIStory of cnmmal actIVIty m the adult entertamment mdustry has mcluded prostItutIOn, illegal employment of mmors, narcotICS and alcoholIc beverage law vIOlatIOns, breaches of the peace, tax evaSIOn, and the presence wIthm the mdustry of mdIVIduals WIth hIdden ownershIp mterest and outstandmg arrest warrants, and WHEREAS, the prOXImIty between entertamers and patrons dunng adult entertamment perfonnances can faCIlItate sexual contact, prostItutIOn and related cnmes Concerns about cnme and pubhc sexual actIVIty are legItImate and compellmg concerns of the CIty of Yelm whIch demand reasonable regulatIon of adult entertamment establIshments m order to protect the publIc he~lth, safety and general welfare, and WHEREAS, It IS not the mtent of thIs ordmance to suppress or censor any expreSSIve actIVItIes protected by the FIrst Amendment of the Umted States ConstItutIon or ArtIcle 1, SectIOn 5 of the Washmgton State ConstItutIOn, but rather to enact tIme, place and manner regulatIons whIch address the compellIng mterests of the CIty m mItIgatmg the secondary effects of adult entertmmnent establIshments, - " NOW, THEREFORE, be It ordamed by the CIty Counctl of the CIty ofYelm, as follows SectIOn 1. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES I 1 DetimtIOns 1 1 1 Those certam tenns used herem whIch are detined m Ord 737, sectIOns 1 2 I and 3 1 shall have the same meamng as set forth m Said sectIOns. I 1 2 The tenTI "Adult Entertamment FaClhty" shall mclude all adult onented busmesses mcludmg adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult Cit\ pl' '\ dl11 On! iiI> cis shell\ ;!ehc"<lITl'sppnd Page I pff> Exhibit I - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments vIdeo stores, and sImIlar adult uses, massage parlors and adult lIve entertaInment facIlIties. o 1.2 Adult entertaInment faCIlItIes classIfied and permItted. 1.2 1 Adult entertaInment faCIlItIes fallmg under the defimtIOn of adult bookstore, adult novelty store, adult VIdeo store or SImIlar adult uses shall be penmtted m specIfic zones and under specIfic standards IdentIfied m SectIOn 1 4 through a SIte plan reVIew process as reqUIred by Yelm MumcIpal Code Chapter 17 84 1.2.2 Adult arcades, massage parlors and adult lIve entertaInment centers shall be permItted m certam zones and under condItions IdentIfied under SectIOn 1 4 through a speCIal use permIt process as IdentIfied under Yelm MumcIpal Code Chapter 17 66 1.3 Adult entertaInment faCIlItIes permItted m certam land use zones sublect to certam restnctIOns and standards. 1.3 1 Adult entertaInment faCIlItIes fallmg under the defimtIOns of adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult VIdeo stores or other SImIlar adult uses may be permItted m the followmg zones subject to the standards and reqUIrements of SectIOn 1 4 and spacmg reqUIrements IdentIfied below. 0 (a) Land use zones penmtted. 1. Heavy CommercIal Zone C-2, 11 Large Lot CommercIal C-3, 11l Industnal, and IV lIght lndustnal (b) Spacmg and buffenng reqUIrements ... No such adult entertamment faCIlIty shall be located closer than three hundred thIrty feet from another adult enteI1amment faCIlIty, whether such other faCIlIty IS located wIthm or outSIde the CIty 11lmts 11 No such adult entertamment faCIlIty shall be located closer than three hundred th\I1y feet from any sensItIve land use or land use zone IdentIfied m SectIOn I 5 whether such zone or use IS located wlthm or outSIde the city Illmts (c) General standards. All the standards of SectIOn I 4 shall apply Cll\ "f '\ dm 01'0. 7',6 0, shdh aCnC{lITCSpOno o PagL .2 {\ r 6 c c o Exhibit I - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 1.3.2 Adult arcades, massage parlors and adult lIve entertamment facilIties shall be penllltted m the followmg zones subject to the standards and reqUIrements of SectIOn 1 4 and the spacmg and buffenng reqUIrements IdentIfied below (a) Land use zones permItted. LIght Industnal and Industnal (b) Spacmg and buffenng reqUIrements 1. No adult arcade, massage parlor or adult lIve entertamment center shall be located closer than SIX hundred SIXty feet from another adult arcade, massage parlor or adult lIve entertamment center nor closer than three hundred thIrty feet from any other adult entertamment facIlIty, whether such other busmess IS located wIthm or outsIde the CIty 111111ts. 11 No adult arcade, massage parlor or adult lIve entertarmnent center shall be located closer than SIX hundred SIXty feet from any sensItive land use or land use zone Identified m SectIOn 1.5, whether such zone or use IS located wIthm or outsIde the CIty 111111ts. (c) General standards. All standards of SectIOn 1 4 shall apply 1 4 General standards for adult entertaInment facIlIties Adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult vIdeo stores and SImIlar uses, massage parlors and adult lIve entertamment centers shall confonn to the followmg general standards. 1 4 1 All on-sIte parkmg areas and premIse entnes of adult entertarmnent uses shall be illummated from dusk until one hour past clOSIng hours of operatIOn wIth a IIghtmg system WhICh provIdes an average mamtamed hOrIzontal 1llummatIOn of one foot candle of lIght on the parkIng stnps and/or walkways. An on-premIse exterIor lIghtIng plan shall be presented to and approved by the Department of CommunIty Development pnor to the operatIOn of any such ... use I 42 All parkmg must be VISIble from the frontIng street. Access to the extenor rear of the bUIldIng shall be denIed to any persons other than employees or publIc officIals dunng the perfonnance of theIr respectIve dutIes and tasks by means of fencmg as approved by the Department of CommunIty Development. I 4.3 In addItIOn to all on-premIse SIgn reqUlrements of Yelm MUnICIpal Code Chapter 1524 the folloWIng SIgnIng provIsIons shall be followed (a) There shall be no electronIC reader boards or changIng message center (it\ "t',l'IlllOnl. 7ih tis ...;bel!\ ~1L"hL( llTC:O:pt lfld PagL''' orh Exhibit I - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments SIgnS, o (b) All adult entertallUllent facIlItIes shall have facades, exterIors, and eXIts whIch must be mdIstmgUIshable from surroundmg bUIldmgs IllustratIOns depIctmg partIally or totally nude males and/or females shall not be posted or pamted on any exterIor wall of the buildmg used for such busmesses or on any door or apparatus attached to such bUIldmg. 1 44 All standards of the underlymg zone 1 4 5 Reasonable condItIOns necessary to properly mItIgate bona fide secondary Impacts IdentIfied dUrIng the SIte plan or speCIal use permIt reVIew process 1 4 6 All adult entertamment facIlItIes shall be reqUIred to comply wIth the reqUIrements of Chapter 17 of the Yelm MumcIpal Code to promote compatibIlIty wIth surroundmg land uses m both commercial and the lIght mdustrIal zones 1 5 SenSItIve land uses. The followmg uses, propertIes and zones are conSIdered senSItIve as referenced m SectIons I 3 I and 1 3.2 1.5 1 Property used for publIc and prIvate schools, o 1 5.2 Property used for publIc parks, 1 5.3 Property used for publIc librarIes, 1 5 4 Property used for state-certIfied day care; I 5.5 Property used for commumty teen centers, ... 1 5 6 Property used for churches, cemetenes or other relIgIOUS facIhtIes or mstItutIOns, I 5 7 Property used for reSIdentIal and lodgmg uses and property zoned pnmanly for reSIdentIal uses, mcludmg R-4 R-6 and R-14 zones 1 5 8 Propeliy used for orgamzatlons. aSSOCIatIOns, faclhtIes and bUSInesses which prOVide, as a substantial portIOn of their actiVities, function or busll1ess, the provIsion of services to chllch-en and/or youth, so that the premises of the orgamzatIOn, faCIlIty or busll1ess would have chIldren and youth In attendance elt\ of! elm Onl. nh us' shdl\ aehwlTesponu o Pagl -+ ()f () o o c Exhibit I - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments or at the locatIOn dunng a predommant portIOn of the operatIonal hours of an adult enteIiamment facIlIty 1 6 Measunng reqUIred dIstances. The dIstances between adult entertamment facilItIes and sensItIve land uses IdentIfied m SectIOn 1.5 shall be measured by followmg a straIght lme wIthout regard to mtervenmg bUIldmgs from the nearest pomt of the property parcel upon whIch the proposed use IS to be located to the nearest pomt of the parcel of property or the zone classIficatIOn boundary lme from whIch the proposed land use IS to be separated. I 7 WaIver of dIstance reqUIrements The followmg procedures and cntena shall be adhered to wIth regard to a request for WaIver of dIstance reqUIrements 1 7 1 DIstance WaIver reqUIred. Any party proposmg to locate an adult facIlIty wIthm less than the reqUIred dIstances from uses or zones as speCIfied m thIS ordmance may do so only after obtammg a WaIver therefor from the CIty counCIl through a speCIal use permIt process. I 7.2 WaIver notIce reqUIrements. In addItIOn to the notIce reqUIrements for speCIal use permIts, first class mailmg notIce shall be made to all partIes wIthm the dIstance set forth m SectIOns 1.3 1 and 1.3.2, dependmg upon the use m questIon. The applIcant shall prOVIde the names and addresses of all property owners and bus messes wIthm SaId dIstances from the proposed use. 1 7 3 Cntena for decIsIOn. The final deCISIOn on the request for WaIver of dIstance shall be made by the CIty council based on conSIderatIOn of the followmg' (a) The extent to whIch the physIcal features would result m an effectIve separatIOn m tenns of VIsibilIty and access, (b) CompatibIhty WIth adjacent and surroundmg land uses, (c) AbIlIty to aVOId the adult facIhty by alternatIve vehIcular and pedestna; routes. 1 8 Adult enteliamment facIhtles forbIdden m other zones Adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult VIdeo stores and snnIlar adult uses, massage parlors and adult hve entertamment facIlItIes shall be Inmted to the zones speCIfied for such uses m SectIOns 1 3 1 and 1 3.2 and shall be forbIdden m all other zones wIthm the CIty ofYelm. I 9 Adult entertamment facIlItIes effect on other laws PrOVISIOns of thIs chapter shall not ha\e the effect ofauthonzmg any actIvItIes prohibIted by state law or other proVISIons of thIs code Cit\' or 1 dill Ord. 7,(, d~ :-;ht.' I 1\. ;ll'hC(lITl':'PI lilt! Page'; 0 f(, Exhibit I - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments SectIOn 2. SeverabIlIty If any provISIOns of thIS ordmance or ItS applIcatIOn to any person or cIrcumstances IS held mvalId, the remamder of the ordmance or the applIcatIOn of the prOVISIOns to other persons or CIrcumstances IS not affected. o SectIOn 3. Effective Date ThIS ordmance shall become effectIve five days followmg ItS passage and publIcatIOn as reqUIred by law PASSED by the CouncIl of the CIty of Yelm, Washmgton, at ItS regular meetmg on the 2 Th day of June, 2001 CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON Adam RIvas, Mayor AuthentIcated. Agnes P BennIck, CIty Clerk o PUBLISHED NIsqually Valley News, July 6, 2001 EFFECTIVE July 10, 2001 Approved as to fonn. Attorney' Brent DIlle Owens DavIes MackIe e,l, 01 ~ dm OI"U. 71h Lis ,hell, aehUlITL'SpOnU () Pag\.. h (11 h o o o Exhibit II - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm June 12,2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 737 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yelm, Washmgton, regulatmg adult entertamment busmesses wlthm the CIty ofYelm, Washmgton, and amendmg Chapter 5, Busmess LIcenses and RegulatIOns, Yelm MUnICIpal Code. WHEREAS, the CIty has thoughtfully and thoroughly evaluated the regulatIOns necessary to the sItmg and regulatIOn of adult entertaInment busmesses, and WHEREAS, the City ofYelm has detennmed that the regulatIOn of the adult entertaInment mdustry IS necessary because, m the absence of such regulatIOn, sIgnIficant cnmmal actIVIty has hlstoncally and regularly occurred. ThIs hIStOry of cnmmal actIvIty m the adult entertaInment mdustry has mcluded prostItutIon, Illegal employment of mmors, narcotIcs and alcoholIc beverage law vIOlatIOns, breaches of the peace, tax evaSIOn, and the presence wlthm the mdustry of mdlvlduals WIth hIdden ownershIp mterest and outstandmg arrest warrants, and WHEREAS, the prOXImIty between entertamers and patrons dunng adult entertaInment perfonnances can faCIlItate sexual contact, prostItutIon and related cnmes. Concerns about cnme and publIc sexual actIVIty are legltnnate and compellmg concerns of the City of Yelm WhICh demand reasonable regulatIOn of adult entertaInment establIshments m order to protect the publIc health, safety and general welfare, and WHEREAS, the CIty of Yelm finds It IS necessary to lIcense entertamers m the adult enteliaInment mdustry to prevent the explOltatIOn of mmors, to ensure such entertamer IS an adult and to ensure that such entertamers have not assumed a false name, WhICh would make regulatIOn of the entertamer dIfficult or Impossible, and WHEREAS, the CIty ofYelm fiUds It necessary to have a lIcensed manager on the premIses ofestabhshments offenng adult entertamment at such tune and such establIshments are offenng adult entertamment so that at all necessary tImes there wIll be an mdlvldual responsible for the overall operatIOn of the adult entertamment establIshment, mcludmg the actIOns of patrons, entertamers and other employees, and WHEREAS the CIty of Yelm finds It necessary to establIsh lIcense fees as nommal fees nnposed as regulatory measures deSIgned to help defray the substantIal expense mcurred by the City of Yelm 111 regulat1l1g the adult entelia1l1ment 1I1dustry; and WHEREAS the CIty ofYelm has deten11lned that hIdden ownershIp 1I1terest for the purposes of sklmm1l1g protlts and avold1l1g the payment of ta:\es ha\e hlstoncally occurred 111 the adult ell\ pr, dill Ord. /,7 d, 'hd 1\ aehc"ITc"'p"nd Page 1 (l r I 'i Exhibit II . Ordinance No 737 RE Adult Entertainment Business City of Yelm Code Amendments June 12, 2001 entertamment mdustry m the absence of regulatIOn. These hIdden ownershIp mterests have hIstoncally 0 been held by orgamzed and whIte collar cnme elements. In order for the CIty to effectIvely protect the publIc health, safety, morals and general welfare of Its cItIzens and effectIvely allocate Its law enforcement resources, It IS Important that the CIty be fully appnzed of the actual ownershIp of adult entertamment establIshments, and the IdentItIes and backgrounds of persons responsible for management and control of the adult entertarmnent establIshment; and WHEREAS, It IS not the mtent of thIS ordmance to suppress or censor any expressIve actIvItIes protected by the FIrst Amendment of the Umted States ConstItutIOn or ArtIcle 1, SectIOn 5 of the Washmgton State ConStItutIOn, but rather to enact tIme, place and manner regulatIOns whIch address the compellIng mterests of the CIty m mItIgatmg the secondary effects of adult entertamment establIshments, NOW, THEREFORE, be It ordamed by the CIty Council of the CIty ofYelm, as follows SectIOn 1 MASSAGE PARLORS AND EMPLOYEES 1 1 DefimtIOns. Wherever the followmg words and terms appear m thIS chapter, they shall have the followmg meanmgs 1 I 1 "Massage parlor" means a place m the mcorporated area of the CIty where massages or like treatments are performed upon the body of one person by 0 another person, or where sauna baths, TurkIsh baths, SwedIsh baths or the like are made available to members of the publIc 1 1.2 "Massage parlor employee" means any person who gIves massages to, or attends m any other way upon, patrons of a massage parlor, or who supervIses the work of such a person. 1.2 ExemptIOns to chapter applIcabilIty The provISIOns OfthIS chapter shall not apply to massages performed or baJhs prOVIded m any hospItal or at the athletIc department of any publIc or pnvate secondary school or college, or by any person who has been certIfied or lIcensed by the state ofWashmgton to practIce medIcme, surgery, drugless therapy, physIcal therapy, massage, osteopathy, osteopathy and surgery, chIropractIc, podIatry, or nursmg. 1.3 LIcensmg of Busmess. I 3 I No person, finn, pm1nershIp corporatIOn, or other entIty shall operate an adult arcade adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult VIdeo store WIthout first obtammg a lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter elt\ (If) dill Ort!. 737 ds. ,hd 1\ acbcnn'c,p(ll1lJ PagL 2 or I"' o o o c Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 1.3.2 ApplIcatIOns for such bus mess establIshments shall be made to the CIty Clerk/Treasurer 1.3 3 Such applIcatIOns shall be venfied and provIde the same mfonnatIOn as that reqUired for an adult lIve entertaInment center lIcensed as set forth m SectIOn 34 1 3 4 ApplIcatIOns shall be accompamed by a non refundable fee as set by resolutIOn of the CIty CouncIl, however, untIl such fee IS set by such a resolutIOn, the fee shall be $500 1 3 5 An applIcatIOn for such a lIcense shall be processed and eIther granted or demed m the manner set forth m SectIOns 3 4 5 and 3 4 6 1 3 6 LIcenses granted pursuant to thIS chapter shall expIre on December 31, of the year for whIch such lIcenses IS Issued or renewed. 1.3 7 Such lIcense may be renewed by submIttmg a new applIcatIOn and followmg the applIcatIOn procedure referenced herem, provIded, that a renewal applIcatIOn shall not be submItted pnor to September 1, for the followmg calendar year 1 4 LIcensmg of Employees. An applIcatIOn for such a lIcense shall be processed and eIther granted or demed m the manner set forth m SectIOn 3 5 1 5 RevocatIOn of LIcense. RevocatIOn of a massage parlor lIcense or employee lIcense shall be set forth m the manner described In SectIOn 3 6 1 6 InspectIOns. The premIses of all massage parlors shall be mamtamed In a safe and samtary manner An applIcant for a lIcense called for herem shall be consIdered to consent as a condItIon ofJecelvmg such lIcense to mspectIOn by the ChIef ofPohce orthe BUIldIng OfficIal or theIr desIgnees dunng hours when such busInesses are open. The purpose of such InSpectIon shall be to detenmne If the lIcensed premIses IS operated In accordance wIth the reqUIrements of thIS chapter It IS hereby expressly declared that unannounced InSpectIOns are necessary to ensure complIance wIth thIS chapter I 7 Hours of operatIOn. All massage parlors shall be closed, and all servIces perfonned thereIn dIscontInued, bet\veen the hours of 12 30 a.m. and 8 00 a.m (11\ pi ) elm On.l. ",7 d., ,hL'I" al'l)L'pITl'Spond Page') (\f I .::; Exhibit II - Ordinance No. 737 City ofYelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 1 8 Premlses-- LIquor prohibIted. LIquor (as that tenn IS defined m the Washmgton State AlcoholIc Beverage Control Act) shall not be dIstributed or consumed on the premIses of any massage parlor o 1 9 ViolatIon deemed a publIc nUIsance Any actIvIty, act or conduct contrary to the proVISIOns of thIS chapter IS declared to be unlawful and a publIc nUIsance and such actIvIty, act or conduct may be enjomed by an actIOn brought by the CIty Attorney or other mterested person. 1 10 ViolatIOn deemed a mIsdemeanor Any person, firm or corporatIOn vIOlatmg any provISIOn of thIS chapter shall be guIlty of a mIsdemeanor and each such person, finn or corporatIOn shall be deemed gUIlty of a separate offense for each and every day dunng WhICh any VIOlatIOn IS commItted, contmued or permItted, No person shall be deemed guilty of any VIOlatIOn of thIS chapter If actmg m an mvestIgatIve capaCIty pursuant to the request or order of the PolIce ChIef, CIty Attorney or duly appomted agent of eIther SectIOn 2 ADULT BUSINESSES 2 1 DefimtIOns. 2 1 1 "Adult Arcade" shall mean an establIshment where, for any fonn of 0 conSIderatIOn, one or more stIll or motIOn pIcture projectors, slIde projectors, or SImilar machmes, or other nnage producmg machmes, for vlewmg by five or fewer persons each, are used to show films, motIOn pIctures, VIdeo cassettes, slIdes, VIdeo dIsks or other photographIc reproductIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIon or descnptIOn of "SpecIfic Sexual ActIVItIes" or "SpeCIfic AnatomIcal Areas" 2.1.2 "Adult Bookstore", "Adult Novelty Store", or "Adult Video Store" shall mean a commerCIal establIshment whIch has as one of ItS pnnclpal busmess purposes . .. the offenng for sale or rental for some fonn of conSIderatIOn, books, magazmes, penodlcals or other pnnted matter, or photographs, films, motIOn pIctures, VIdeo cassettes, slIdes, VIdeo dIsks or other VIsual representatIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptIOn of speCIfic sexual actIVItIes or speCific anatOll11cal areas PrOVided, however that VIdeo stores that sell and/or rent only VIdeo tapes or other graphiC reproductions and assocIated eqUIpment shall only come wIthm the definItIOn set forth herem If twenty percent or more of ItS stock m trade or revenue comes frolll the rental or sale of VIdeo tapes or other photographIc reproductIOns or assOCIated eqUIpment \vhlch are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptlon of specIfic sexual activities or speCIfic anatollllcal areas ell\ 01' 't elm 01'0. 7\7 d, ,helh ~dx()rr~sr()no Page of pJ I ~ o o c o Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE. Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 2 1.3 "SpecIfic anatomIcal areas" means (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks and the female breasts below a pomt nnmedlately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gemtals m a dIscernibly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered. 2 1 4 "SpeCIfic sexual actIvItIes" means (a) Human gemtals m a state of sexual stImulatIOn, and/or (b) Acts of human masturbatIOn, sexual mtercourse or sodomy; and/or (c) Fondlmg or other erotIC touchmg of human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks or the female breasts. 2.2 LIcensmg of Busmess. 2.2.1 No person, finn, partnershIp, corporatIOn, or other entIty shall operate an adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult VIdeo store WIthout first obtammg a lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter 2.2.2 ApplIcatIOns for such busmess establIshments shall be made to the CIty Clerk/Treasurer 2.2 3 Such applIcatIons shall be venfied and provIde the same mformatIOn as that reqUIred for an adult lIve entertamment center lIcensed as set forth m SectIOn 34 2.2 4 ApplIcatIOns shall be accompamed by a non refundable fee as set by resolutIOn of the CIty Collnc.,ll, however, unttl such fee IS set by such a resolutIOn, the fee shall be $500 225 An appltcatIOn for such a lIcense shall be processed and eIther b'Tanted or demed In the manner set forth In SectIOns 3 4.5 and 3 4 6 226 LIcenses granted pursuant to thIS chapter shall expIre on December 31, of the year for whIch such lIcenses IS Issued or renewed 2.2 7 Such Itcense ma! be rene\ved by submIttIng a new applIcatIOn and follOWIng the appltcatlOn procedure referenced herem, proVIded, that a renewal CIl\tll'),IIllOrd 71' d."; ...hel h. <.IL'hCPITl':,rnnd Pagl.: .::; of 1 " Exhibit II - Ordinance No. 737 City ofYelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments apphcatlOn shall not be submItted pll.or to September 1, for the followmg 0 calendar year 2.3 RegulatlOns relatmg to on-premIse vlewmg. 2.3 1 Any adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult VIdeo store havmg facihtIes for customers' vlewmg of depIctIOns of human nudIty and/or sexual conduct of any nature, mcludmg deplctlOns of speCIfic sexual aCtIVItIes, shall comply WIth the followmg regulatIOns (a) ConstructIOn/Mamtenance 1. All vlewmg booths shall be constructed or reconstructed so that the mtell.or of the vlewmg booth IS observable by persons m the aisles or other open areas of the estabhslunent such that the lower thniy-slx mches ofthe door IS open to pubhc VIew 11. All such areas shall be mamtamed m a clean and samtary condItIOn at all tnnes. (b) SIgnS SIgns shall be conspIcuously posted on the premIses advIsmg 0 customers usmg vIewmg booths that: (1) MasturbatIon m such booths IS prohibIted and unlawful (2) That It IS unlawful for more than one customer to occupy a vlewmg booth at any tIme (3) No persons under the age of eIghteen years shall be allowed to occupy a vIewmg booth at any tune ... (c) Unlawful Conduct. The followmg conduct or actIVIty IS unlawful MasturbatIOn In vlewmg booths. 11 Two or more customers m a vlewmg booth at the same tIme III The use of such booths by any person under the age of eIghteen years IV For the owner or manager to knOWIngly allow the aho\ e conduct 24 RegulatIons applIcable to VIdeo stores not quahfvInu as adult VIdeo stores VIdeo stores that sell or otherWIse dlstnbute films. motIon pIcture~. VIdeo cassettes, shdcs. ell\ of 1 elm Orc!. /,7 ,},; ,helh ad'e"ITe,p"nc! o Page h pI 1'::; o o o Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City otYelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments vIdeo dIsks or other vIsual representatIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptIOn of specIfic sexual actIvItIes or speCIfic anatomIcal areas, and less than twenty percent of theIr stock- m-trade or revenues comes from the rental or sale of such Items shall be subject to the followmg regulatIOns 2.4 I All such Items as are described above shall be physIcally segregated and closed off from other portIOns ofthe store such that these Items are not vIsible and/or accessible from other portIOns of the store 2.4.2 No advertlsmg for such Items shall be posted or otherwIse vIsible Except where such Items are authonzed for dIsplay 2 4 3 SIgnS readable at a dIstance of twenty feet m both EnglIsh and Spamsh shall be posted at the entrance to the area where such Items are dIsplayed statmg that persons under the age of eIghteen are not allowed access to the area where such Items are dIsplayed. 2 4 4 The manager or attendant shall take reasonable steps to momtor the area where such Items are dIsplayed to ensure that persons under eIghteen years of age do not access the age-restncted area. 245 Rental or sale ofobscenematenal (as defined by state law) ormatenal hannful to mmors (as defined by state law) to persons under eIghteen years of age IS prohibIted. 2 4 6 Employees of such VIdeo stores shall check IdentIficatIOn to ensure that such Items are not rented or sold to persons under the age of eIghteen. 2 5 RevocatIOn of lIcense. The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall revoke a lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter If the Clerk/Treasurer finds any of the followmg condItIons to eXISt. '" 2 5 I The lIcensee has made a false statement or gIven false mformatlon m connectIOn WIth the applIcatIOn for the applIcable lIcense. 2 5.2 The lIcensee has VIOlated or penmtted VIOlatIOn of any prOVISIOns of thIS chapter :2 5 3 The lIcensee has been conVIcted of or forfeIted ball to any of the cnmes whIch would ha\ e caused the CIty to refuse to Issue the lIcense upon the InItJaI or rene\\ al applIcatIon ell\ (If) elm Ord. "'7 d~ ....hel h al'hc< llTl'~P( lnd Pag.: 7 pf I " Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12,2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments Appeal trom eIther the demal of a lIcense or the revocatIon of a lIcense shall be made to the CIty councIl provIded for m Yelm MumcIpal Code, 15 49 160 o 2.6 InspectIOns. An applIcant for a lIcense called for herem shall be consIdered to consent as a condItIon of receIVmg such lIcense to mspectIOn by the ChIef of PolIce, CIty Clerk/Treasurer or the BUIldmg OffiCIal or theIr desIgnees dunng hours when such busmesses are open. The purpose of such mspectIOn shall be to determme If the lIcensed premIses IS operated m accordance wIth the reqUIrements of thIS chapter It IS hereby expressly declared that unannounced mspectlons are necessary to ensure complIance WIth thIS chapter 2 7 Hours of operatIOn. Busmesses lIcensed pursuant to thIS chapter shall be closed between 12 30 a.m. and 8 00 a.m. 2 8 ViolatIOn deemed a publIc nUIsance Any actIvIty, act or conduct contrary to the prOVISIOns of thIS chapter IS declared to be unlawful and a publIc nUIsance and such actIVIty, act or conduct may be enJomed by an actIon brought by the CIty Attorney or other mterested person. 29 VIOlatIOn deemed a mIsdemeanor Any person, firm or corporatIOn vIOlatmg any proVIsIOn of thIS chapter shall be guilty of a mIsdemeanor and each such person, tinn or corporatIOn shall be deemed gUIlty of a separate offense for each and every day dunng whIch any VIOlatIOn IS commItted, contmued or penmtted. No person shall be deemed guIlty of any VIOlatIOn of thIS chapter If actmg m an mvestIgatIve capaCIty pursuant to the request or order of the PolIce ChIef, CIty Attorney or duly appomted agent of eIther o SectIOn 3 ADULT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS 3 I DefimtIOns. The followmg words and phrases shall have the followmg meamngs for purposes of thIs chapter ... 3 I I "Adult lIve entertmmnent center" means a bus mess havmg, as parts of ItS trade, lIve dancers or entertamers who depIct speCIfic sexual actIVItIeS or dIsplay speCIfic anatomIcal areas as defined herem, mcluded, but not lImIted to, topless dance centers, so-called exotIC dance centers and body pamtmg StudIOS. 3 1.2 "Employee" means any and all persons, mcludmg enteliamers, who \\orl<. m or at or render any serVIces dIrectly related to the operatIon of any adult be entertamment center Cit\ ,,' \ dill OrLi. 7)7 Lis ,hcl" acncoJTc,ponLi Page ~ "r I ., o o o o Exhibit II . Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 3 1.3 "Entertamer" means any person who provIdes entertaInment wlthm an adult lIve entertaInment center as defined m thIS sectIOn whether or not a fee IS charged or accepted for such entertamment. 3 1 4 "EntertaInment" means any exhibItIOn or dance of any type, removal of artIcles of clothmg, pantomIme, modelmg or any other perfOlmance 3 1 5 "Operator" means any person operatmg, conductmg or mamtammg an adult lIve entertaImnent center 3 1 6 "SpeCIfic anatomIcal areas" means (a) Less than. completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks and female breasts below a pomt lTIunedIately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gemtals m a dIscernibly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered. 3 I 7 "SpeCIfic sexual actIVItIes" means (a) (b) (c) Human gemtals m a state of sexual stImulatIOn, and/or Acts of human masturbatIOn, sexual mtercourse or sodomy, and/or Fondlmg or other erotIc touchmg of human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks or the female breasts. " ') J._ Conduct of employees and operators. The followmg standards of conduct shall be adhered to by operators and employees of any adult lIve entertamment center 3.2 1 No person employed m the saleor servIce of food and/or dnnk wlthm an adult lIve entertamment center shall be unclothed or m such attIre, costume or clothmg so as to expose, WIth less than a fully opaque covenng, any portIOn of ... the human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks and the female breasts below a pomt ImmedIately above the top of the areola. " ') ') J._ _ No person employed or otherwIse permItted to converse, dance ormmgle WIth the patrons wIthm an adult lIve entertamment center shall be unclothed or m such attIre costume or clothmg as described m SectIOn 3.2 I ., ') " _~._ J No person described m SectIOns 3.2 I and 3.22 shall encourage or penmt any person upon the premIses to touch, caress or fondle the breasts, buttocks, anus or gemtals of any other person. (11\ (\11,1111 Ord. 7;7 ds ,l1dl\ aL'hL'\lIT"rond Page lJ o!' I ~ Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12,2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 3.24 No person described m SectIOns 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 shall wear or use any devIce 0 or covenng exposed to VIew whIch sImulates the breast, gemtals, anus, PUbIC haIr or any portIOn thereof. 3.25 No person described m SectIOns 3.2 1 and 3.2.2 nor any entertamer shall perform acts of or acts WhICh sImulate (a) Sexual mtercourse, masturbatIOn, sodomy, bestIalIty oral copulatIon, flagellatIOn or any sexual acts whIch are prohibIted by law' (b) The touchmg, caressmg or fondlmg of the breasts, buttocks or gemtals, (c) The dlsplaymg of the PUbIC haIr, anus, vulva or gemtals. 3.26 No entertamer who IS unclothed or m such attIre, costume or clothmg as described m SectIOn 3.2 1 of thIS chapter shall perform elsewhere wlthm an adult entertamment center other than upon a stage at least eIghteen mches above the nnmedlate floor level where patrons are seated or stand, and removed at least SIX feet from the nearest patron. 3.3 Oper.atIOn regulatIons. The followmg reqUIrements shall be adhered to by any adult lIve entertamment center 3.3 1 There shall be posted and conspIcuously dIsplayed m the common areas of 0 each adult lIve entertamment center a lIst of any and all entertamment provIded on the premIses for a fee m addItIon to the admIssIOn fee Such lIst shall further mdlcate the specIfic fee or charge m dollar amounts for each entertamment lIsted. 3 3.2 No actIvIty or entertamment occurnng wlthm an adult lIve enteliamment center shall be VIsible at any tIme from outsIde such hall. 3.3 3 At least one secun!y person per one hundred patrons shall be on duty mSlde the premIses at all tImes dunng hours of operatIOn. Secunty persons shall also patrol the parkmg area adjacent to the premIses at least once per each hour of operatIOn. All secunty persons shall wear a umfonn whIch wIll make such persons readIly recogmzable as secunty personnel 334 AdmISSIon shall be restncted to persons of the age of eIghteen years or o\'er 3.3 5 SuftiClent IIghtmg shall be provIded m and about the parts of the premIses whIch are open to patrons and/or members of the publIc so that all objects are plamly VIsible at all tunes. (it, or)' <:1111 Ortl. 717 tis sh<:lh achCOITCSP'"1t1 PagL I () pI 1-=\ o o c o Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 3 3 6 An adult lIve entertmillnent center shall be closed between 12 30 a.m. and 8 00 a.m. 3.3 7 No operator or employee of an adult lIve entertamment center shall serve, sell, dIstribute or penmt the consumptIOn or possessIOn of any mtoxIcatmg lIquor or controlled substance upon the premIses of such establIshment, mcludmg parkmg lots under the control of the operator 3.3 8 An operator of an adult lIve enteI1amment center shall conspIcuously dIsplay the lIcense reqmred by thIS chapter m an area open to patrons of such establIshment. 3.3 9 No patron shall be penmtted to dIrectly or mdlrectly payor gIve any gratuIty to any entertamer 3.3 10 No entertamer shall be permItted to SOlICIt any payor gratuIty from any patron and/or SOlICIt the purchase of any food or dnnk by any patron. 3.3 11 No operator of an adult lIveentertamment center shall employ as an entertamer any person under the age of eIghteen years or a person not lIcensed pursuant to thIS chapter 3.3 12 An operator of an adult entertamment center shall mamtam and retam for a penod of two years names, addresses and ages of persons employed as enteI1amers by hcensee. 3 4 Llcensmg of bus mess. 3 4 1 No person, firm, partnershIp, corporatIon or other entIty shall operate an adult hve entertamment center WIthout first obtammg an adult lIve entertmillnent center lIcense lss4,ed pursuant to thIS chapter 3 4.2 ApplIcatIons for adult lIve enteI1amment center lIcenses shall be made to the CIty Clerk/Treasurer 3 43 An applIcatIOn for an adult lIve entertamment center lIcense shall be venfied and shall provIde the followmg mfonnatlon (a) The full name and alIas (past or present) address, telephone number pnncIpal occupatIOn and date of blrth of the applIcant and of the managmg agent or agents of the bus mess C 11\ ,Ii 'l'II11 O!",!. "717 d~ ,ilL'll\ ad"lC(HTf..:~rpnd Page' 11 or I " Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments (c) (d) (e) (b) o The busmess name, busmess address, federal tax IdentIficatIOn number state of Washmgton master busmess lIcense number and busmess telephone number of the establIshment or proposed establIshment, together wIth a descnptIOn of the nature of the busmess, Whether the busmess or proposed busmess IS the undertakmg of a sole propnetorshIp partnershIp or corporatIOn. If a sole propnetorshlp the applIcatIOn shall set forth the name, address, telephone number and pnncIpal occupatIOn of the sole propnetor If a partnershIp the applIcatIOn shall set forth the names, addresses, telephone numbers, pnncIpal occupatIOn and respectIve ownershIp shares of each partner, whether general, lImited or sIlent. If a corporatIOn, the applIcatIOn shall set forth the corporate name, a copy of the artIcles of mcorporatIOn, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and pnncIpal occupatIOns of every officer and dIrector of the corporatIOn, and every shareholder havmg more than five percent ofthe outstandmg shares of the corporatIOn, The names, addresses, telephone numbers and pnncIpal occupatIons of every person, partnershIp or corporatIOn havmg any mterest m the real or personal property utIlIzed or to be utIlIzed by the busmess or proposed busmess, Whether the applIcant, or any person reqUIred to be named by thIS sectIOn, has ever been convIcted of or forfeIted baIl for any cnme, excludmg mmor traffic offenses, and, If so, the applIcatIOn shall state the person mvolved, the charge, date, court and dISpOSItIOn of the charge o 3 44 ApplIcatIOns shall be accompamed by a nonrefundable fee as set by resolutIon of the CIty counCIl however, untIl such fee IS set by such a resolutIOn, the fee shall be $500 ... 3 4 5 Withm five days of receipt of a properly completed applIcatIOn for an adult hve entertamment center hcense the CIty ClerlJTreasurer shall transmit copies of such applIcatIOn to the PolIce Department and Commumty Development Department. 3 4 6 Withm thIrty days of receipt of a properly completed apphcatlon for an adult live entel1mnment center hcense the City Clerk..lTreasurer shall Issue the hcense unless adVised by the Commumty Development Department that the use or proposed use of the premises, does not have the apphcable land use approval as per the city's zonmg code or other apphcable lanel use laws ancl regulatIons or the CIty Clerk./Treasurer IS adVised by the bUllcl1ng department e'l\ "r'\ dl11 Ord. 7'1 d, shd!\ ac:bconc:spolld PagL 1201 I'" o o o o Exhibit II - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments that the buildmgs upon the subject premIses fml to meet the reqUIrements of the bUIldmg, fire, mechamcal or plumbmg codes applIcable to the proposed use; or the CIty Clerk/Treasurer IS mformed by the polIce department that the owner, paliner, or stockholder holdmg more than five percent of the outstandmg shares of the ownmg corporatIOn has been convIcted of or forfeIted bail for any cnme WhICh may reasonably mdIcate a likelihood of future vIOlatIOn of the terms of thIS chapter by such owner, partner, or stockholder Issuance ofthe lIcense reqUIred m thIS chapter shall not constItute a Walver of or exemptIOn from the applIcatIOn of any land use, bUIldmg, health or safety laws pertment to the proposed use 347 An adult lIve entertmillnent center lIcense shall expIre on December 31 st of the year for WhICh It IS Issued or renewed. 348 An adult lIve entertamment center lIcense may be renewed by submIttmg a new applIcatIOn and followmg the applIcatIOn procedure set forth herem above, provIded, that a renewal applIcatIOn shall not be submItted pnor to September for the followmg calendar year 3 5 LIcensmg of entertamers. 3.5 1 No person shall perfonn as an entertamer at an adult lIve entertmillnent center wIthout first obtammg an entertamer's lIcense Issued by the CIty Cl erk/T rea surer 3 5 2 An applIcatIOn for an entertamer's lIcense shall be venfied and shall prOVIde the followmg mformatIOn. (a) The applIcant's full name and address, home address, home telephone number, date of bIrth and ahases (past or present), (b) The namepnd address of the establIshment where the applIcant mtends to perfonn as an entertaIner; (c) All pnor conVIctIOns ofthe apphcant, excludIng mInor traffic offenses, IncludIng the charge, date, court and dISpOSItIOn of charge. 3 5 3 All applIcants shall be requIred to be fingerpnnted by the pohce depmiment and submIt a cun-ent faCIal VIew photograph 3 5 4 ApplIcatIOns shall be accompamed by a nonrefundable fee as set by resolutIOn of the cIty councIl however untIl such fee IS set by resolutIOn, the fee shall be S I 00 00 lll\ "I' \ c'lm OrJ. n 7 d~ :-\hd h achCPITl':,ppnJ Page.: 1101' I" Exhibit /I . Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 3 5 5 The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall transmIt the applIcatIOn for an entertamer's lIcense to the polIce department wIthm five days after Its receIpt. o 3.5 6 The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall, wIthm twenty days after receIpt of the applIcatIOn, Issue the entertamer's lIcense unless the CIty Clerk/Treasurer IS mformed by the polIce department that the applIcant has been convIcted or forfeIted bail to a cnme or crnnes whIch would mdIcate a reasonable likelihood that the applIcant would VIOlate the tenns of thIs chapter If so lIcensed. 3 5 7 An adult entertamer's lIcense shall expIre on December 31 Sf of each year m whIch It IS Issued or renewed. 3 5 8 An entertamer's lIcense may be renewed by submIttmg a new applIcatIOn and followmg the applIcatIon procedure set forth herem above, provIded, that a renewal applIcatIOn shall not be submItted pnor to September for the followmg calendar year 3 6 RevocatIOn of lIcenses. The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall revoke an adult lIve entertamment center lIcense or an entertamer's lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter If the CIty Clerk/Treasurer finds any of the followmg condItIons to eXISt. 3 6 I The lIcensee has made a false statement or gIVen false mfonnatIOn m connectIon WIth the applIcatIOn for the applIcable lIcense o 3 6.2 The lIcensee has VIolated or penmtted VIOlatIon of any prOVISIons of thIS ordmance 36.3 The lIcensee has been convIcted or forfeIted baIl to any of the CrImes WhICh would have caused the dIrector to refuse to Issue the lIcense upon the ImtIaI or renewal applIcatl(~n. Appeal from eIther the demal of a lIcense or the revocatIOn of a license shall be made to the CIty counCIl proVIded for In Yelm MumcIpal Code. 15 49 160 3 7 ExemptIon from prOVISIOns ThIS chapter does not apply to premIses whIch are prImarIly devoted to theatrIcal perfollnances where there are seats aITanged so that the body of spectators has an unobstructed vIew of the stage for vlewmg perf01l11ances of milstIc expressIon and v" here such perf01l11ances are not InCIdental to the promotIon of the sale of food and/or drInk., and \V'here patrons are not penmtted to touch, caress or fondle the actors or entertaIners perfoll11lng therell1 elt\ on dill Ord. Ii 7 ds sh<:lI\ ac'bcorrespond Page 1.\ 01 I;; o c o o Exhibit II - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments 38 ViolatIOn--NUIsance Any actIvIty, act or conduct contrary to the provIsIOns oftlus chapter IS declared to be unlawful and a publIc nUIsance and such actIvIty, act or conduct may be enJomed by an actIOn brought by the CIty attorney or other mterested person. 39 ViolatIOn--Penalty Any person, film or corporatIOn vIOlatmg any prOVISIOn of thIS chapter shall be guilty of a mIsdemeanor and each such person, firm or corporatIOn shall be deemed gUIlty of a separate offense for each and every day dunng whIch any VIOlatIOn IS commItted, contmued or permItted. No person shall be deemed guIlty of any VIOlatIOn of thIS chapter If actmg m an mvestIgatIve capaCIty pursuant to the request or order of the polIce chIef, CIty attorney or duly appomted agent of eIther SectIOn 4. SeverabIlIty If any proVISIOns of thIS ordmance or ItS applIcatIOn to any person or CIrcumstances IS held mvalId, the remamder of the ordmance or the applIcatIOn of the proVISIons to other persons or CIrcumstances IS not affected. SectIOn 5. EffectIve Date ThIS ordmance shall become effectIve five days followmg ItS passage and publIcatIOn as reqUIred by law PASSED by the CounCIl of the City ofYelm, Washmgton, at ItS regular meetmg on the 2Th day of June, 2001 CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON Adam RIvas, Mayor AuthentIcated Agnes P Benmck, CIty Clerk PUBLISHED Nlsqually Valley News, July 6,2001 EFFECTIVE July 10, 2001 Approved as to fonTI L\ttomey Brent Odic O\\cns Davlcs MackIe ell\ ,,' " elm Urd. 717 d:, --ilL'! h a~hCl1n\.':,pilnJ Page I ~ of I ~ c c o Exhibit III - Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COlVIMISSION AND YELM CITY COUNCIL DATE. Monday, June 18 2001,4'00 PM Wednesday, June 27 2001 730 PM PLACE. Yelm Clt) Hall CouncIl Chambers, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm, WA PURPOSE. PublIc Heanng to receIve comments on proposed amendments to Yelm Mumclpal Code, Chapter 17, ZonIng, and Chapter 5, Busmess LIcense and RegulatIOns relatIng to the locatIon, acceptance of applIcatIOns for and Issuance of any permIt, lIcense or approval for adult enteliamment busmessses. APPLICANT CIty ofYelm PROJECT LOCATION CitYWIde The Yelm Plannmg ComnllSIOn will hold a publIc heanng to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Yelm Mumclpal Code, Chapter 17, Zonmg and Chapter 5, Busmess License and RegulatIOns. The Plannmg Commission wIll forward the proposed amendments to the City Council for a PublIc Heanng and actIOn on June 27, 200 I A complete packet of amendments and any related documents are avallable for publIc review dUrIng nom1al busIness hours at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W, Yelm, WA. For additIOnal mformatIOn, please contact Shelly Badger at (360) 458-8405 Testimonv may be given at the hearings or through written comment on the proposal. Comments must be received by the close of the public hearing on June 27, 2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City ofVelm at the address above or mailed to City ofYelm, PO Box 479, Yelm, W A 98597 The CIty of Yelm provides reasonable accommodatIOns to persons With disabIlities. If you need special accommodatIOns to attend or partIcipate, call Agnes Benl1lck, Yelm City Clerk, at (360) 458-8404, at least 4 days pnor to the meetmg. ATTEST CIty ofYelm .. " r ~/ / 1_ _' / JI. / I ''\gl1e~ P Bennlc". CJt~ CIer" Treasurer DO "\OT Pl BLISH BELO\\ THIS LI"-E Pub!J"hecl In the "\1'Cju3Ih \ Jlk\ "\e\\~ Fl'Icla\ JUl1e ~ 2Ci()j l\hteclll1 PubliC -\reas Fncla\ ./ul1e S 2Cj() I Exhibit IV - Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm June 12, 2001 RE Adult Entertainment Business Code Amendments o SEPA NO 8280 DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: City of Yelm Description of Proposal Amendments to Title 17, Zoning, creating a new chapter relating to the regulation of adult businesses. Location of the Proposal City wide Threshold Determination The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement(EIS)will not be required under RCW 43.21C 030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures None Lead agency' Responsible Official City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator o Date of Issue Comment Deadline ,- I \ /; '--'J .1. /.' I,)C r f~ _ .{" J ( f.l( Shelly Bad~r, City Admini rator / ) J This Determination of NonSignificance is issued pursuant to Washington Adminifmative Code 197-11-340(2) Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave W, POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5 00 pm, June 18,2001 The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5 00 pm., June 25, 2001 .... June 5, 2001 500 pm, June 18, 2001 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5 00 pm, June 25,2001 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections Contact Agnes Bennick, City Clerk, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals This DNS is not a permit and does not by Itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17) Critical Areas Ordinance (14 08), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE) Uniform Building Code, State EnVIronmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road DeSign Standards Plattmg and SubdivIsion Title (16) and the Shoreline Master Program DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nlsqually Valley News, Friday June 8 2001 Posted In publiC areas June 5 2001 f\ Caples to All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list June 5 2001 Dept of Ecology w/checkllst June 5 2001 0 o o c City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date June 11, 2001 To Yelm Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Subject: 2001 Comprehensive Plan Update Exhibits Exhibit I - Public Hearing Notice A. Public HearinQ Obiective The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed amendment is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. Plan Summary See attached report. C. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the 2001 Comprehensive Plan Amendment as presented to the City Council for approval o TRANSPORTATION Amendment to the City of Yelm 1995 Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County (Summary of Proposal, Issues, Analysis, Rationale, Summary of Recommendations, and Maps) SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL Provide an update to the City of Yelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation component (Chapter VI) of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County and the June, 2000 Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan. This transportation plan update incorporates the preferred alternative for the Y2/y3 Corridor, the Y-13 YelmjRoy Prairie Railroad Line, and includes a new plan chapter "House Bill 1487 Compliance" ISSUES, ANALYSIS & RATIONALE o BackQround The City of Yelm developed a Transportation Plan in 1992 to meet the requirement of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and to establish a planning document to assist the City in developing an effective and efficient transportation system The plan was amended in 1995, 1997 and 2000 to reflect minor modifications to the 1992 plan The Transportation Policies component of the comprehensive plan has now been modified to reflect the following 1 Y2/Y3 Corridor Preferred Alternative The 2000 amendment adopted the corridor plan and specific route location for the Y2jY3 Corridor with all existing documentation, including the Environmental Assessment. This amendment incorporates the preferred alternative for the Y2jY3 Corridor, which provides an alternative route to bypass the urban core as a solution to congestion on Yelm Avenue Traffic from the south and east heading towards Olympia, and vice versa, would bypass the core via a new road corridor, a 6 4 mile three-lane highway designed to meet state highway standards adopted by WSDOT Yelm Avenue/First St will be freed to serve primarily local traffic. 2 "Level of Service" Bill Compliance o During the 1998 session, the Washington State Legislature passed House Bill 1487, which amended the Growth Management Act and several other statutes relating to planning This legislation, referred to as the "Level of Service" Bill, requires local jurisdictions to include certain speCific information concerning transportation facilities and services of statewide significance in their comprehensive plan A new section has been added to the Transportation Plan o entitled "House Bill 1487 Compliance", which includes the best available information to comply with mandates of the Bill This amendment addresses specific GMA planning requirements for local jurisdictions regarding transportation facilities and services of statewide significance, changes the application of concurrency for these facilities, and enhances the coordination of planning efforts and plan consistency at the local, regional and state level 3 YelmjRoy Prairie Railroad line In 1997, the City of Yelm became aware that the Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway was interested in discontinuing rail service over the Yelm-Roy segment of the line It was felt that the continued availability of freight rail service to the Yelm and Roy areas is vital to business retention and development Acquisition of the rail corridor would preserve the line and maintain an economic link to other communities Additionally, it would provide a possible future link to the light rail system serving Pierce and King Counties The City applied for and received $340,000 in grant funding to be used for acquisition, maintenance, and operation of the Yelm-Roy segment, and enlisted financial support for the project from a number of community sources to provide matching funds for the grant. In November, 2000, the City purchased the 4 55 mile stretch of railroad, now known as the Yelm Roy Prairie Line c Goals and Policies The purpose of this amendment is to satisfy the policies, goals and objectives of the City of Yelm and Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan and to comply with additional requirements of HB-1487 The following Transportation Goals and Policies have been amended 1 Goal A transportation system that is compatible with neighboring cities, Thurston County, Washington State, and other transportation providers. a) Regional Transportation Policy #3 To cooperate with neighboring jurisdictions, Thursto"n and Pierce Counties, and the Washington State Department of Transportation to address regional transportation issues. Transportation facilities and services of statewide significance have been added to the list of regional transportation issues b) Rail Preservation and Enhancement Policy #7 To preserve existing railroad rights-of-way within the City's Urban Growth Area and connection to the national rail network o The City of Yelm has acquired 4 55 miles of the BNSF Railroad line, which will serve as a dual use bike/pedestrian and commuter/freight corridor It will also provide the first viable option for this region to link up with the commuter rail line which serves Pierce and King Counties o 2 Goal A well-maintained transportation system that provides safe and cost- effective movement of goods, setyices and people. a) Functional Classification Policy#ll To classify Yelm's streets according to federal, state, regional and local guidelines. SR 507 and SR 510 have been designated as a Highway of Statewide Significance Both are classified as Minor Arterials within the City limits This information is required to be included in the Transportation Plan by House Bill 1487 2 Goal Responsible funding of needed transportation system improvements with public and private sector participation a) Funding Sources Policy #30 To secure adequate long-term funding sources for transportation through a variety of methods. The Transportation Efficiency Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) has replaced ISTEA as a source of federal funding. b) Concurrency Policy #33 To ensure that any transportation improvements or strategies required to mitigate impacts are constructed or financed concurrent with development. c Complying with HB-1487 and WSDOT for coordinated planning for transportation facilities and services of statewide significance has been added to the City's Concurrency Management Program Analvsis A new section, "House Bill 1487 Compliance", has been added to the Transportation Plan, which includes transportation facilities and services of statewide significance and meets requirements of the Bill to enhance (he consistency of statewide transportation planning at the local, regional and state levels A major part of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan is the Transportation Improvement Program, which lists the recommended projects for the City and its Urban Growth Area This amendment updates this section of the plan, and specifically the Y-2, Y-3 and Y-13 improvements Y-2 and Y-3 are amended to include the specific alignment of the Y2jY3 Corridor Y-13 adds the YelmjRoy Prairie Railroad Line to the list of recommended projects CONCLUSIONS! RATIONALE c This update to the Yelm Comprehensive Plan incorporates specific requirements regarding "transportation facilities and services of statewide significance (TFSSS)" and adds a o section entitled "HB-1487 Compliance" This will ensure the City of Yelm is in compliance with new requirements of HB-1487 The update has also been completed to revise projects listed within the Transportation Improvement Plan and to add language to the goals and policies section reflecting these changes and complying with requirements of HB-1487 STAFF CONTACT Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director City of Yelm (360) 458-8408 Attachments 9 \text\pf\00036\reports\staff report trans plan update.rtf o c Exhibit 1- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm 2001 Comprehensive Plan Amendment June 11, 2001 (J NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE' PURPOSE: " Monday, June 18, 2001, 4'00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on the Amendment to the City of Yelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation Component of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County APPLICANT. City of Yelm PROJECT LOCATION. City Wide The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the Amendment to the City of Yelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation component of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County The Amendment incorporates the preferred alternative for the Y2/Y3 Corridor, the Y-13 Yelm/Roy Prairie Railroad Line, and includes a new plan chapter "House Bill 1487 Compliance" (\ J Testimony may be given at the hearing, or through any written comments on the proposal, and must be received by the close of the public hearing on June 18, 2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 The supporting information is available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 The Yelm City Council will receive the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding the Amendment, and will review and take action on the Amendment at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on July 11, 2001 The City of Yelm provides reasonable..?ccommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, please call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm ) .) /- , / '" .. / ...r J~ /i t I. it Agn-es Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE t Published in the Nisqually Valley News Fnday, June 8, 2001 Posted in Public Areas Wednesday, June 6, 2001 Exhibit 1- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm (~ 2001 Comprehensive Plan Amendment June 11, 2001 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE PURPOSE: Monday, June 18, 2001, 4'00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on the Amendment to the City of Yelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation Component of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County APPLICANT. City of Yelm PROJECT LOCATION. City Wide The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the Amendment to the City of Yelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation component of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County The Amendment incorporates the preferred alternative for the Y2/Y3 Corridor, the Y-13 Yelm/Roy Prairie Railroad Line, and includes a new plan chapter "House Bill 1487 Compliance" (\ .-.J Testimony may be given at the hearing, or through any written comments on the proposal, and must be received by the close of the public hearing on June 18, 2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 The supporting information is available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 The Yelm City Council will receive the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding the Amendment, and will review and take action on the Amendment at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on July 11, 2001 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, please call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm / /.),,;;/ ! //.I,"l(i '" . / _..,1: .I~ I( If. )- Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE 11J Published in the Nisqually Valley News. Friday, June 8, 2001 Posted in Public Areas Wednesday, June 6, 2001 o o -' VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailin~llist to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: June 18, 2001 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazardous Management Plan 2. Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Zoning, creating a new chapter relating to regulation of adult businesses 3. Amendment to City of Yelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation Component of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) '2- \Jo.. ~ ;2 '2- 1 --- 9-- ~ & ,.j>' ~... VISITOR SIGN-IN SHEET continUed.~.,)""" NAME AND ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) 't ~ " '- I ) 0 Q/ E' LA-I JCl'J "\ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2001, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order, Roll Ca", Approval of Minutes - May 21, 2001 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan_ Applicant:: City of Yelm Location City Wide Staff Report Enclosed 4 Public Hearing - Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17, Zoning, creating a new chapter relating to the regulation of adult businesses. Applicant. City of Yelm Location- City Wide Staff Report Enclosed 5 Public Hearing - Amendment to the City of Yelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation Component of the 1995 Comprehenisve Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County_ Applicant.. City of Yelm Location: City Wide Staff Report Enclosed 6 Other' 7 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 -MONDAY, JULY 2,2001 MEETING CANCELLED- NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, JULY 16, 20014-00 P M --I o o c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 21 , 2001 , 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Don Carney, Ray Kent, Margaret Clapp, Joe Baker, EJ Curry, and Roberta Longmire Staff' Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman Council Liaison Glen Cunningham Members absent: Glenn Blando Approval of Minutes: 01-13 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 7,2001. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None PU BLlC HEARING: Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Complex BSP-01-8275- YL: Applicant: Wally Trace & Associates Proposal: To construct a multi-building apartment complex for a maximum of 48 units and to segregate the parcel from the Safeway site through a binding site plan The applicant has proposed two options for the building locations and type The proposal includes provisions for stormwater, street improvements, open space, and landscaping Location: The project is located on Vancil Road, SE of the intersection of Vancil Road and Yelm Ave (SR507), directly South of Safeway, and Wast of Curry Court SE, Yelm, WA. Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 4 00 pm Please see Attachment A for transcript. Mr. Gorman closed the Public Hearing at 5 10 pm, and called for a motion on the project. The Commission discussed possible conditions Mr. Gorman stated that one condition would be ingress and egress on the east side of the property Mr. Gorman stated that he would like to see something greater than a 6' vegetation or some type of screening there that would provide more privacy on the South side of the development. Ms. Carlson stated that the code states that they have to provide a 15' buffer strip, and that the plant material has to be 8' tall within 3 years The fence would be on the property line, and the planting would be inside the fence, on the development side The 15' buffer separates the difference in zoning, where on the East side of the development, only an 8' buffer is required because it is compatible zoning Mr. Carney asked if it would be possible to have the certificate of occupancy and the intersection at Vancil issued at the same time? o Ms. Carlson. The traffic study did not show that the level of service at the intersection would be at or below what the City Council has approved for our acceptable level of service in our Transportation plan We could not require that as a condition Ms. Clapp stated that they are paying a traffic impact fee of $21 ,000 Is that earmarked for the Vancil intersection, or just in general? Ms. Carlson responded that the TFC charge will be put in the TFC fund, and that we already have funding appropriated for the Vancil Road intersection 01-14 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP TO APPROVE THE PLAN SUBJECTTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEVELOPER AND SAFEWAY IN PERPETUITY, CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF, AND ALLOW STAFF TO OVERSEE THE DEVELOPMENT AND NUMBER OF UNITS THAT THE CODE REQUIREMENTS ALLOW. THE MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND. o Mr. Kent voiced concern that this project seems to have issues that are unresolved, access through Safeway, how many units will be built. Is there adequate space for parking I am not clear on how high the fences will be Mr. Gorman stated that he felt that staff is requesting flexibility to operate within the City Codes and requirements It won't change the look of the project very much Mr. Baker stated that we haven't shown the citizens that we are going to change Vancil Road, we haven't shown them that we have adequate water supply, we haven't shown them that we have septic supply or anything yet. Mr. Gorman stated that water supply is a condition of approval, Vancil Road is a separate issue Mr. Gorman asked for confirmation that the development does have adequate septic availability Ms. Carlson stated that they do, as determined through the application review Mr. Gorman asked what legal options does a proponent have, on a project that meets all City requirements, if the City does not act on their request. o Ms. Carlson stated that they would go through the same process that the private sector would, they could appeal to the City Council If they didn't agree with City Council, they could take it to Superior Court. The City would have to have findings that the project does not comply with our requirements Ms. Clapp stated that the items that seem incomplete are very objective It is not making a call on aesthetics, it is very objective Either they meet the numbers or they don't. Yelm Planning Commission May 21, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\pc 2001 min\05 21 01min wpd Page 2 o o o Ms. Carlson stated, that in defense of the applicant, the applicant originally proposed 44 units In staff review it was found that they had not maximized the density bonus The applicant then asked to be able to vary his plan to optimize that density bonus Ms. Carlson stated that this part of land use approval is very conceptual If we agree that this conceptually meets all of our code requirments, provided all conditions are met, then land use approval is granted At Civil review and approval is where they show that all conditions of approval are met. The Commission and staff discussed the possible options for continuing the Public Hearing, or requesting more information 01-15 MOTION BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO ACCEPT THE CONCEPTUAL PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT MULTI-FAMILY APARTMENT DWELLINGS ON THIS SITE, PROVIDED THAT THE COMMISSION RECEIVES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. SATISFACTION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER THAT THE FIRE FLOW IN THAT AREA CAN HANDLE THIS ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONFIRMATION OF EGRESS THROUGH SAFEWAYTO THE EAST. ALL MEMBERS WERE IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Carlson reminded the Commission of the Joint Thurston County Planning Commission meeting scheduled for June 19, 2001 and asked if any Commissioners were interested in attending Ms. Carlson invited Planning Commission member to attend a field trip to Muck Creek, in Roy, to look at a creek restoration project. The trip is scheduled for Thursday, May 31, at 200 pm Muck Creek is similar to Yelm Creek, and this type of restoration project could be something that we could do in Yelm Creek. Ms. Carlson stated that there will not be a meeting on June 4th, the next meeting will be June 18th 01-016 MOTION BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 5 40 P m Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission May 21, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001 min\05 21 01min wpd Page 3 o o o May 21, 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Units Binding Site Plan Hearing Transcription Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 4 00 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission Member had a possible conflict of interest There was no conflicts Mr. Gorman asked if anyone in the audience objects to any member participating There was no objections Mr. Gorman asked if any member had received any information regarding this project, other than in their Planning Commission agenda package There was none Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Carlson to provide a staff report Ms. Carlson. In addition to the written staff report, I would like to add a couple issues and clarify a couple of issues In your packet you received 2 site plans, site plan A and site plan B The applicant submitted site plan B with their original application, and submitted site plan A as an alternative There are still the same number of units What we are asking today is flexibility with the site plan so that they can accomplish the maximum density, and still stay within the requirements of that zoning For example, the height of the buildings can not be more than 40 feet, and they can meet the maximum density requirements To be fair to all of the citizens that are here, we wanted to make it clear that there could be some flexibility in the final design layout from what was originally sent out. The site plans to not vary a great deal Mr. Gorman. Is the flexibility between now and the time that the project is finalized? Ms. Carlson. Yes, because the original plan was for 44 units, but with a 20% density bonus that is allowed by code, they could build up to 48 Mr. Gorman. For the benefit of the folks here, what would be something that you might envision being changed between what we have now and the final plan? Ms. Carlson. If you look at plan A, the footprint of the two buildings running North and South, may add one more unit, they may opt to add another building where the proposed garages are located to achieve the highest density The buildings will not increase in height, and the applicant will need to maintain the 25' rear setback The original proposal was for 44 units, but the code does allow for a 20% density bonus, which would make the maximum units allowed up to 48 The applicant is asking for the flexibility to see if they can make their plan work for 48 units The applicant will still be required to meet all landscaping, stormwater, and parking requirements In regards to the transportation to the site, the primary access is from Vancil Road, it will be connect to the Safeway site for both auto and pedestrian access The intersection of Vancil Road and Yelm Ave, was evaluated in the traffic report. It currently operates at what we call level of service C, which is an acceptable level to the City With the increase of traffic from this project, it will remain at a level of service C May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 1 of 14 o For Yelm Avenue, the City Council has chosen to adopt a level of service F, because of the problems with Yelm Ave The City is in the process of working on an improvement project for that intersection, where Vancil Road will curve out towards Rite Aid making a true angle for the existing light. That project will probably not occur until about this time next year The site plan that was submitted was short a couple of parking stalls, and if they add more units, they will need to further increase the available parking As a multi-family development, the applicant is required to provide 10% of the site as open space, however, the language for density bonus states that you need to significantly improve the open space to receive the density bonus The applicant is proposing to provide a sports court, and a "big toy" play area for children The open space in the middle of the proposed parking area, the applicant is proposing significant landscape features, such as a pedestrian plaza, maybe fountains and that type of function School mitigation has been addressed through the SEPA process The transportation Facility Charge is based on 0 60 trips per unit, as per our ordinance Mr. Gorman. Called on the applicant for any comments o Mr. Gordon Rush, representing Trace and Associates, owner Mr Rush used the site plan display to describe the proposal This is the area that we are proposing more active recreation (the SE corner), and more passive recreation here (the northern open space area) Right now, there is really nothing in this area, this would be either extensive landscaping, gazebo or picnic area. The parking issues, if we are short parking it would be picked up over here (near the proposed garage area) We may end up losing a garage unit or two to have enough room for parking As far as going from 44 to 48 units, it would just be one more unit added on the end of the proposed structure(s) Other than that I would happy to try to answer any questions Mr. Gorman. Lets get comments from the public first Now is the time for folks to speak. We will start with Mike Buettner o Mike Buettner' Basically I am opposed to the whole project. A couple of things I have concerns over are the realignment of Vancil Road I was told that, that was going to be done before Rite Aid was in, and I asked why it wasn't installed after Rite Aid went in, I was told that the City did not have the matching funds from the State, and didn't know when that street realignment was going to happen The City has no funds to do that realignment. They keep talking about it, but, every project that comes in, it gets side stepped The street intersection up by the theater, the only reason that light is going in is because the developer, I was told, has paid for it out of his own pocket, because the City doesn't have the funds to put that street intersection in Also, the water pressure They don't say anything about that, but my water pressure, I live on Prairie Heights, May 21,2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 2 of 14 o o o just a block and one half or two blocks from that location, and it fluctuates from down to 40 to 120, depending on the time of day and the usage I don't see how 44 units is going to impact the water pressure in that area. Are we going to have any water pressure when they get done doing this? That is basically everything I've got. Theresa Karayianes I also live in the same community, and I also oppose the apartment building to be built. I also have problems with the water pressure occasionally when my neighbors are sprinkling their lawns, so dealing with an apartment building, I'm sure it going to be worse Hopefully everyone here will oppose this building being built because we definitely don't need it in our neighborhood Tom Isom. This project will border me on two sides, and the way this looks, this playground area, is going to be almost in my yard Will I end up with all their garbage and stuff from the playground in my yard, people running thru my yard This whole thing is way out of line I got a mountain view that I am going to lose over this The street improvements, we were told, like they say, before Rite Aid went and opened, this was going to be done Now we are going to have an auto parts store there, this is going to impact it some more There are numerous things that are, you know Basically this is a cul-de-sac operation, right? Wasn't it in the City's Comprehensive Plan to get rid of cul-de-sacs? Stay away from it? Ms. Carlson. With the Y2/Y3 Corridor, Vancil Road was not to be connected to the Y2 At this point, it looks like Vancil Road will be cul-de-saced at the end, although City Council reserved the right to re-evaluate that design For right now, it will be cul-de- saeed For this project is considered a private driveway It is different than a subdivision, where you have different lots In an apartment complex, once you enter the site, it is basically their driveway and parking lot Connection through from one private property to another is not required Mr. Isom. That road behind safeway is just a fire lane when it was put in The road has no crown, it is an inverted crown in the road Noise I get enough noise from Safeway now from their refrigeration and stuff I don't really want too much more traffic Basically, like I say, its gonna decrease my land value That's about all I have to say Alf Birkland. I think that they have basically covered it, I have no comments other than the Vancil Road intersection at Yelm Ave It's a mess You get 3-4 cars in there and get a light change, the 3rd or 4th car doesn't get out of there until the next light change We got plenty of traffic, without having more places for people to drive their cars Emilie Greenwell. I live on 107th Ct., and my property backs up to, and will be sharing a fence with the propose project. My husband Jeff and I are here to say that we adamantly oppose, and are pleading with the City to please reject the proposal On a lot of points First of all property value We are really concerned with the resale value of our property, you know having these units backing up to our property I know people in similar situations in Oregon where they've lost property value when a similar type of property moved into their neighborhood We are concerned with our privacy Having people right in back of us We were told when we moved in this property would not be May 21,2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 3 of 14 o o o developed It was a major consideration when we bought our house We weren't expecting that. Looking at the site plans, our back fence will be right next to a parking area. I am envisioning exhaust, cars starting right at my fence in the middle of the night. A lot of really disgusting stuff I've lived apartments before, there is lots of trash Who's gonna be responsible when trash starts coming over my fence and into my back yard Drainage issues, is there sufficient drainage areas, is it included? I'm also concerned about losing the wildlife in that area. There are rabbits, there are birds in there It is a really pleasant place to live right now We have a nice little greenbelt behind our house This is not a huge space to be cramming in 44 - 48 apartments It is going to be ugly to look at. There is a lot of area in Yelm, there must be somewhere else, we really don't want to see this in our back yard Clifford Smith. I think everybody has touched on everything I wanted to say I am kind of concerned about the little creatures we are going to be missing We have some blue Jays Blue Jay Manor Apartments is named because there is Blue Jays there all the time I'm really gonna miss them, we got the little bunny rabbit. We got all kinds of little creatures coming around Where are they gonna go? There's no place for them I'm concerned about the traffic as well I'm concerned about the rif raf Its not exactly anything nice for them to look at, nothing to look at except the back of Safeway I'm kind of concerned about the kind of people that will be coming in Like everybody said, we are definitely gonna end up with all their garbage I'm pretty concerned about this Dennis Baker: I don't have any comments, I thought it was just a sign in sheet Edmond DeSoto. I live on 107th Ct. also I was looking for a place to retire, found this community here, it was a nice little community, and decided to purchase a house Pretty much used all of my resources to purchase this house To be right up front, if I had any inkling that there was going to be apartments there, I wouldn't have bought this house I was told, I do understand, it has been clarified that the zoning is something else That part of it is on us to accept that. Several of us were placed under the opinion that it was a greenbelt. It is a lovely greenbelt. They have mentioned all the creatures, especially the Blue Jays I am amazed at the Blue Jays, where I'm from they don't have Blue Jays My back yard is right there I'm gonna have 2 stories right there The second story is not only gonna look in my back yard, but guess what, my bedroom is there too So I guess I will go ahead and completely seal my windows so that I don't have them looking into my bedroom When it starts to get warm, you want to open your windows You can't open it without feeling that someone is intruding into your privacy Because it will be 25 feet away from the border They will be looking into my bedroom I'm not saying that they will be peeping toms, all they have to do is look that way, and it will be seen I'm getting ready to retire I am military so I am used to moving into areas where there's transit people moving in and out. My initial concern of having duplexes in that area was partially that people would not be so concerned with what is there You know, only staying there temporarily then go With duplexes there is a little more stability You start talking about apartment complexes, that means more people are moving in and out. That is just my personal side of it. Then there are the other things that were mentioned The traffic over there I got to the light with 3 cars in front of me, and I had to stop at the light. I guess there are ways of adjusting that and fixing that. May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 4 of 14 o o Well, if this does happen, hopefully that will be taken care of This is going to have a lot of pavement. Its going to put in a lot of parking spaces With all the rain, where is it going to go? Chances are its gonna flow to the sides Either back to our area, onto Vancil Road, or into the valley or the trailer court. Garbage Oh my gosh Even if you make the first brand new garbage cans in there, fine But after that first week, those things are terrible I understand that they did readjust the location of the dumpsters That they wouldn't be at the corner of the homes But hopefully it wont be closer to the other homes We are not only talking about smell, we are talking about the vermin that is going to be ever present. No body can help that, while that stuff is there You are going to have 44-48 apartments there This is the top of my trash can, when it is full I put it in another container and I pay for an extra can, or I hold it and hope that I don't fill it up the next time That doesn't happen It gets tossed up until it just piles up That just is going to promote more vermin Today I put my trash can out without the cover Guess what? The crows started tearing everything up That's not gonna happen there, because this apartment or that apartment is not responsible for the garbage can All they care is that they have a place to put it. Exhaust. Exhaust really stinks when you start getting these buildings and fences It just settles in I don't know if this decision has already been made, and if this is just a formality Please can we put in some kind of requirement. Maybe they take the 10 foot easement and transfer some of those filbert trees over there so the birds can still have something there Maybe they can plant some of those fast growing trees, what is it? Spruce and Cedar that grow up in the air to create some privacy for our homes That's not giving up, it is a desperate plea if the decision is already made Maybe these types of things can be required so that we can at least try to keep it. I hope that I can stay there and still be happy Melissa Howard. I live on Curry Ct. Our concern is not so much the view that we could lose A lot of these worries are the trash that will be impacted from all the residents If they are talking 44 - 48 units, given the impact of the automobiles Lets say that each unit has 2 vehicles, you will double the number in autos The number of people that you are going to cram into those units The impact that also develops are the kids that are in the neighborhood now There are a lot of kids that go back and forth Vancil My concern is all those cars They are renters, unfortunately you do have rif raf that come through You get a lot of younger folks that don't care They do not take care of where they live The impact on the kids Somebody could get hurt there I was not aware of the light up at Vancil and Yelm Ave, the change that was to take place there But with all the extra autos, what kind of impact is that going to have? Is there a chance of having another entry/exit on the opposite end of the property, on the other side of Safeway? They would exit out that way, as well or a main street out there I don't know if there is room behind the trailer court The greenbelt is very nice, to see the animals there If they can save some of it, save some of it. My other concern is the impact of renters How is that going to affect my property value, as well as everyone else's Kathern Acoba. I live on 107th Ct. Everyone has talked about the concern about the trash The trees that are going to go up at the fence, what kind are they? C Ms. Carlson. responded, Douglas Fir May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 5 of 14 o o o Ms. Acoba. I planted my doug/as fir, this tall It grew one hands width in one growing year How tall are the trees going to be? Ms. Carlson. 6 - 7 feet tall to begin Ms. Acoba. So the second story people can still look over into the private back yards Renters, Transient people, they don't care about the kids that run around to play safely in the streets, on the sidewalks They will get run over, killed whatever What type of guarantee can you give us as far as background checks for those people going to rent the apartments? Ms. Carlson. The City would not run background checks, that would up to the property owner or property management. Ms. Acoba. I'm looking at the bad side of things now, like drug use all that kind of stuff We can't have kids running around areas like that. We don't need that. Mr. Gorman asked the Planning Commission members if they had any questions for staff or the applicant. Mr. Thomson. What is the fire flow rate for the City in pressure? Ms. Carlson. I don't know that. Tim Peterson would know the answer to that. It was evaluated by the City Engineer and they were required to bring their line in and loop it, so that they would have the fire flow pressure required It was evaluated, but it wasn't brought forward as a concern or condition of approval by the public works office Mr. Thomson. So the City Engineer designate the size of line they would run to meet the fire flow and signed off that the fire flow and pressure would be met. Ms. Carlson. Yes, and they also have to do a fire hydrant test again Mr. Gorman. Can you explain the responsibility of the developer regarding the retainment of stormwater Ms. Carlson. The applicant submitted a preliminary stormwater report that looks at the new impervious surface, the amount of stormwater that would be generated by that. They have proposed a stormwater system All of it is underground That has been reviewed by the City Engineer The preliminary calculations look accurate, but we do require that the applicant go through a second analysis when they do their final Civil drawings and we know the exact impervious surface and make sure that they are meeting the 25 year storm flooding, and that the stormwater is being captured and pre- treated Mr. Gorman. Can you also address what recourse the property owner has if the adjacent property owners' trash or whatever comes over on their property May 21,2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 6 of 14 o o o Ms. Carlson. The City doesn't tend to get involved in those types of situations, because it is a neighbor to neighbor dispute If it becomes a health hazard, we can call in Thurston County Health Department, but to be honest with you, the City doesn't become involved with those disputes. We have required as a condition of approval, that the applicant meet with Lemay, the garbage service company, to go over the site plan to determine how many times per week they will pick up garbage What type of containers they need If they are not adequate, or overflowing, then they can arrange to have a second pick up during the week, and also to make sure the enclosure can handle both the garbage and recycle containers Mr. Gorman. Can you give us a schematic on the white board on how Vancil Road intersection will be realigned? Ms. Carlson. (drew on the white board, how the intersection will be realigned and explained that the project was stalled by an initiative) In the mean time, the City has been obtaining the needed right-of-way The project is funded, and the City is continuing to obtain the needed right-of-ways The City needs to go to bid in time to allow construction in the time frame that is allowed by WSDOT We were not able to go to bid this year It should go out to bid next year The improvement at the Clark Road intersection is part of the overall Prairie Development project. That portion of the Yelm Ave improvement project was broken out because we had the needed right-of-way, the funding was secured, and the developer had a portion of the cost to pay The developer is working with the City on that project. (Tape 1--1450)Audience member: Asked what right-of-way is left to be secured? The announcements that came out said that Rite Aid and Safeway had to provide land for the right-of-way Ms. Carlson. I am not sure, I haven't been working directly on that project. The project starts at 4th Ave, down by Gordon's, and goes all the way down to 5-Corners, so the entire project is more than just the Vancil Road intersection Mr. Gorman. What does the responsibility does the developer have, if any, regarding wildlife? I know in very big developments there is an assessment. Ms. Carlson. There is an environmental checklist process the applicant goes through Sites are identified for potential priority species, habitat and those kinds of things There was nothing identified on that site that WDFW has listed as priority or endangered Unfortunately, it is part of having an urban area next to a rural area, there is not a lot that we can do about that. Mr. Gorman. Can you give the audience a general overview of what a Planning Commission does regarding zoning I think it is very important for these people to know what the role of the Commission is We might or might not like a particular project, but our role is not to rule on what is popular, but whether or not it fits into the applicable codes and zoning Can you expand on that Cathie? May 21, 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 7 of 14 o o o Ms. Carlson. Back in 1995, the City went through a large public process for Comprehensive Planning Where we took a look at all the different types of land use and interests that the City would have We laid out certain areas that would best be suited for commercial development, multi-family, and residential We also looked at our infrastructure to make sure that it can support those areas, and if not, how that will be accomplished That forms the goals and policies for the City From there, you take those and develop development regulations, and zoning code regulations that implement those goals and objectives in the Comprehensive Plan When a project like this comes to the City, the Planning Commission and staff are charged to review the project under all the codes that are applicable to it. In this case, that property is zoned commercial and apartment complexes are allowed, or they could do a different large commercial building there There are height limitations, they can't build over 40 feet. There are parking requirements, landscaping requirements Our job is to go through and make sure that all of those requirements, at a minimum, are met If they aren't, we would require some type of mitigation, or conditions of approval that will in fact then meet the minimum requirement. It is a different story, if they had come in and wanted to do an apartment building in an area that was zoned low-density, which is 4 units per acre They just can't meet the zoning requirements That is when the Planning Commission could say no, you do not meet our zoning requirements This is a case where it is an allowed use The applicant has put together an application package that, from staff review, and with conditions of approval that is in the written staff report, it does meet our minimum standards Mr. Thomson. To the applicant; Since there was a concern of privacy and potential for garbage problems, do you have plans to put a 6' privacy cedar fence around the property to protect the adjacent property? Mr. Rush. The application shows a 6' cedar fence between the adjacent property Ms. Carlson. Assuming that the project is approved, then staff's responsibility is, as the project moves to the Civil process, staff will make sure that the applicant follows through with the standards that are required Such as landscaping buffers required between residential Mr. Gorman. I think that it's important that everybody understands Mr. Isom. That's what was supposed to happen last time too, and they came in and pushed a bunch of my property out and never put a fence up Never gave me nothin' for it. Mr. Gorman. Who is they? Mr. Isom. Whoever built Safeway Ms. Carlson. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that was an agreement you had with Safeway personally It wasn't a condition of the project approval? May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 8 of 14 o Mr. Isom. They came in and never said a word to me, put it in the right-of-way Mr. Gorman. Other questions from the Planning Commission, then we'll go to the audience Ms. Clapp. Do you have any plans for mailboxes? Mr. Rush. We will have central mail Placement will be dictated by the postal service Ms. Clapp. The driving situation, is the property line right down the center of that road, or are you getting a right-of-way from Safeway Mr. Rush. I don't know the answer to that. I know that we have an easement to use it, but we are the only users of it. Right now it is barricaded off This road will have no purpose, other than our use It is gated on both ends There is no access into Safeway's building This road is only for our use, and as a fire lane for Safeway o Ms. Carlson. Actually, I can answer that. The Binding Site Plan does take the property line right down the middle of the road, and they have submitted a stormwater and road maintenance agreement that both Safeway and the apartment owners have signed along with a mutual agreement for upkeep That document will get recorded with the Binding Site Plan Ms. Clapp. This easement is for how many years? Ms. Carlson. It is not easement, the property line runs right down the middle, and the shared access that is described in the maintenance agreement runs forever with the property It doesn't expire Ms. Clapp. I don't know if this is appropriate for me to ask this, but would you like to say anything about your management plans, do you just build them and sell them, or do you manage them? Who is your potential tenant? Mr. Rush. These will be brand new apartments, so they will be on a higher rent scale per sq ft. per comparable apartments It's very hard I can't really talk about renters and non-renters, and owners, I don't feel appropriate talking about that sort of statement. The higher the rent, the more established the renter That's a known thing As far as issues like trash, you put 48 people anywhere in the world, any subdivision, you will get one or two people that are not clean living people The flip side of that is that you are going to have 46 people that are As owners of facilities, if there is any kind of nuisance problem, whether it be noise at night, cars, any issue that is a public annoyance, I can guarantee that the bulk of the people that will live here are no different than the bulk of the people that live over there, they will complain C Ms. Clapp. So there will be a manager? May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yeim Muiti-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 9 of 14 o Mr. Rush. The apartments will be fully managed We would be receiving complaints in our office Ms. Clapp. Is Tim aware of the anecdotal reports of water pressure problems? Have they gone out and verified recently? Ms. Carlson. I think that historically, city wide, we had pressure problems with our water system Especially during the summer time when our wells are being taxed at a pretty high rate I haven't been aware of any particular problem or concern in that area. I know that the City continually makes upgrades to our existing system, and requires new developers to loop and put big enough size lines in so they don't have problems It should not affect anyone else If you are already having problems with water pressure, it shouldn't increase it. It is probably something else going on that is secondary to this Ms. Clapp. What size is the pipe going down Vancil? They are not having to bring a bigger one down? Ms. Carlson No It is not that old I would assume that it is an 8 or 10 inch Ms. Longmire. Are these 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartments? o Mr. Rush. Their 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, 2 % stories The definition between 3- story and 2 % story, is that the lower story is % below grade That is why they are called % story You do not start at ground level and go up, you start below ground don't have the final architectural plans, give or take 24 feet, plus the roof which will probably be a 5/12 pitch Ms. Longmire. If it is a one bedroom apartment, what is the requirement for parking? Ms. Carlson. It is still two stalls per unit. The only relief that we have in our code for parking is if it is designated as senior only housing or if they are studio apartments Studio apartments do not have a separate bedroom Ms. Longmire. Then they are way short on parking Ms. Carlson. The garage counts as parking It is in the staff report that they have to meet the parking requirements to continue with the project. Ms. Longmire. What I am concerned about is there is no space here, where people can park and have visitors, and there is no space internally for visitors either There are not that many spaces So what are we going to do with visitors? Ms. Carlson. Our parking code does not require visitor parking This is our minimum standard o Ms. Clapp. Is there parking along Safeway? May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 10 of 14 o o c Ms. Carlson. No, Vancil is not a collector, parking is not allowed Mr. Carney: How long has this property been zoned C-1? Ms. Carlson. Since 1995 Mr. Carney: Current zone allows 40 dwelling units for the project area. Unless they get the 20% density bonus, they are held at 40 units Ms. Carlson. 16 units per acre would make 40 To get the density bonus, they have to meet certain criteria. They proposed to make the necessary improvements the sport court, the big toy, and do a significant landscape project in the open space Ms. Clapp Can they bond for that? Ms. Carlson. They must submit a plan that meet minimum standards Those would have to be constructed at the same time as the apartments are constructed They could not have occupancy until those improvements are done, unless it happens to be at the very hot time of year and it is not good to plant trees They may be allowed to make an assigned savings account, where they need to put 1 5 times the amount of money into a bank account, and then weather permitting they must plant. Mr. Carney: On Vancil, how many lanes are we going to get? Are we getting a right turn lane? Ms. Carlson. Yes, when it comes up to the light, there will be a right turn lane and a pedestrian island between the right turn lane, and the main intersection crossing Mr. Thomson. Can Safeway prohibit you from exiting to the East? Is there an agreement with the developer? There was a concern of people here of everyone going out to Vancil Road to the traffic light. It was mentioned that the road would also go into the Safeway parking lot to the East. Is there an agreement that Safeway cannot cut that off, or say you no longer can drive cars there? Mr. Rush. Safeway is not the sole owner of all the land out there They have sold some of the property, where the Mailbox etc , the Papa Murphy are In specific answer to your question There is some Safeway land driven across here, I need to check on what the easement situation is It is my understanding that there is access all the way through I need to check on that. Mr. Thomson. I have got the feeling that a lot of people here are very concerned about traffic, and they might feel better if the flow of that traffic, if the people going East would not even have to go onto Vancil Road, they could go out through the parking lot. It would certainly reduce the congestion Is there some permanent agreement? Ms. Carlson. What we could do, if we so chose, is to add that as a condition of approval, that the easement gets recorded on the face of the Binding Site Plan that gets May 21, 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 11 of 14 o recorded Then it would run with the land, and it can't be taken off the property, unless all the property owners agree (Tape 1--2563) Audience Comment: The road access from Vancil into the apartments is pretty tiny Are they going to make it bigger with an entrance and an exit? Ms. Carlson. Yes, it is a full width with one driving lane each way, and a sidewalk on one side Ms. Clapp. Could they make it wide enough to allow street parking? Ms. Carlson. That would be one way to get more parking, to meet there standards (Tape 1--2646) Audience Comment. As far as going through Safeway parking lot, into Yelm Ave, all that you can do is go to the right You can't turn left out of Safeway and go across and go down Yelm Ave (Tape 1--2682) Audience Comment: Where can a citizen go to be heard, what recourse do we have? Ms. Carlson. Citizens are welcome to speak to the City Council Our Subdivision ordinance places the approval authority with the Planning Commission o Mr. Gorman. The process may not provide recourse, but I would assume that you could go to City Council on anything (Tape 2 --14) Audience Comment: Why then are we here, where can we go to be heard My concerns are not about things that are regulations, my concerns are about my home, and my quality of life Obviously this Commission is not going to hear that, so where do I go? Ms. Carlson. City Council decides policies and goals, and adopts all rules and regulations When we did our comprehensive planning back it 1995, we had a huge community outreach, did a lot of visioning, had a lot of different input from various folks in the community, and have not really gone back to that process It is not a process that you go thru every 5 years, it is more of a process that you go through every 10 years There are opportunities, we have different committees that you can serve on, the City Council meetings are a great place that you can come and voice your concerns (Tape 2-- 46) Audience Comment: Do we have time to take this to them? Or is this out of our reach? o Ms. Carlson. Through the appeal process There is an appeal process that you can take to City Council if you disagree with the Planning Commission's decision (Tape 2 --57) Audience Comment: Will you be making that decision today? May 21,2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 12 of 14 o o c Mr. Gorman. Probably, if we have the information needed, we will make a decision Ms. Carlson. After the decision is made at this body, there is a 14 day period that you can file a formal appeal to City Council After the meeting I can get you the forms Mr. Gorman. The Planning Commission will probably make a decision today, probably have conditions of approval, access, barriers, what ever Cathie will be available after the meeting, assuming that you are not happy with the decision, for you to identify what your next step might be Ms. Curry: I would like to see a final site plan that shows all of the parking, I'm with Roberta, I can't believe that you are going to put 40 families in here, and they are not going to have company sooner or later Where are they going to park? This is not a final plan and you are asking us for approval for a final plan Ms. Carlson. I ask that you give staff the discretion to make sure they meet those requirements (Tape 2 -- 109) Audience Comment: Is there a starting date for starting the project? (Tape 2 - - 113) Audience Comment: One of the things that distresses me a little bit, when these are going on, from what I understand, is when a project like this happens, the people that live there, must be notified of it. It is going to be backed up right against my property Some people next knew, and then skipped me, skipped the people next to me, and I think it skipped that people next to them How do we know, people are not finding things out. Ms. Carlson. Sometimes what happens is, when information is gotten on adjacent property owners through Thurston County Assessors Office, and sometimes they can be 6 months to a year behind in having the correct property owners listed So if it was a vacant before, or a previous property that got the notice There is only so much that we can do, because that is the most accurate and up to date information that we have Hopefully, that's what happens, you learn about it from your neighbor and there was a notice posted on the property Emile Greenwell. I heard about this for only 10 days, I think we should have known about this much longer Had I had time, I probably would have gone out and gotten a petition and done what ever I could do to let the City know that I am unhappy about this (Tape 2 - 166) Audience Comment: I just wanted to know if there was an approximate date for start of the project and how long will it take Mr. Rush. It is tentative for summer, but is of course subject to permitting Probably 8 - 10 months to complete (Tape 2 - 179) Audience Comment: Are these buildings required to have fire sprinkler systems in them? If so are you going to have to put pumps in to maintain the pressure? May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 13 of 14 o o (' G Mr. Rush. The fire sprinkler situation will be worked out at building permit stage, then based on pressure If we are required, it will depend There are a lot of variables that determine whether you have to sprinkle a building or not. There are different things you can do to not sprinkle a building, depending on material used in construction Based on the pressure that we have, that will determine whether we need a pump to drive the sprinklers if they were required (Tape 2 - 204) Audience Comment. I am concerned about this water pressure, no one seems to know how much pressure is out there Its become annoying Mr. Gorman. The approval process does require that water issue be addressed That is really almost separate from this body in that it needs to be addressed, but a user satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the system, I would suggest that you address it to the Public Works, or to City Council Ms. Carlson. Public Works can give you a better overall picture of what the water system is, and what the pressure is in your area. (Tape 2 - 225) Audience Comment. 0 K., so the water pressure has to be signed off before you can give the go ahead? You can't give the go ahead and then find out the water pressure is inadequate to supply the facility Ms. Carlson. Correct, there are minimum fire code standards that need to be met, prior to construction Preliminary Calculations appear adequate, but they will need to do some final testing Mr. Gorman. Asked if there was anything more from the audience Mr. Gorman. If there are no more questions from Planning Commission members, we will close the hearing, it is 5 10 PM May 21 2001 Planning Commission Public Hearing Yelm Multi-Family 44 Unit Binding Site Plan Attachment A Page 14 of 14 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list 1\ to receive future agendas and minutes iJ ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: May 21,2001 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Units Binding Site Plan BSP-01-8275-YL NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) (\ J ;11~ g v.e71lueR.. ,16201 f'fi'I'N;(11F 1-1/;/8-473 ~ - ~-;:;J;:~s -1ef"5.c tJfp(esn. Komyitll7Ps /6J1!3 lJa fit-II Ip SE offJ'''''-~-r~ JI; /vi ::FS" () 1'1. /d "7 S?J t/ #/ III tJ/ ~ RI) \.-).1: - (.lkl1vi>~~ 1^fK.;f-~ .fAj,< ,l/I-(V ~~(~~ ' 4 L f 6/ K K ).. 4 IV /J I.R~ / ;; )' flJ-s: - -tv.J-:hi;) {( ~(.,t- --VYL~c (~~ )() ) li r OPpoll?/) I v -h, vdw.JfYVlo" """"'1 <.., / ,(..."" 7'- - CVI d 1- J:~~'+\-'-QA'- Y\ A-c C) \ac; 104 (j[Rf!-'1 VALUfY (!. / t:. "52y / D 7 1-(" ~ r r 6. JIoJ.8.1 evR, R c2..T~ S6. tk2JI J O)-t\-- 6 ST - k9$':J lJc?oT 0 . IF" t?jl'fClrv 0 - / - (V\~0 10V"J'd8'1 ! ~V"" ;",~ /+--'st., \;. It "f~rLo{~ ---\..,. I " '-~,,'- K. V<.s ,""" ~..:3'\<.. ,-.p~..t- - \ --eJ.\-.) ~,~ . tI.~C;J jv&..,~c f\ ,,~ I t? ~ p.evh V"- - . ~vtl(~ v S~"-I4.Jw \.A.J ~ ~"t-Ssvv- ./ ~ llJ ~l ~ y'{M~ City ofYelm Cl 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 21,2001,400 P M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - May 7,2001 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Yelm Multi-Family, 44 Unit Complex. BSP-01-8275-YL Applicant:: CDA Architects Location The project site is located SE of the intersection of Vancil Road and Yelm Ave Proposal 44 Unit Multi-Family Development on 2 51 acres The proposal includes provisions for stormwater, street improvements, open space, and landscaping Staff Report Enclosed (\ U 4 Other' 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 **MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2001 MEETING CANCELLED** NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2001 4:00 P M o o o c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 7,2001,400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by John Thomson Members present: John Thomson, Don Carney, Ray Kent, Margaret Clapp, and Glenn Blando Staff' Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman Members absent: Roberta Longmire, excused, Tom Gorman, excused, EJ Curry, and Joe Baker, excused Approval of Minutes: 01-10 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 16, 2001. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None Final Plat Review - Prairie Wind Estates, SUB-01-8278-YL: Applicant: Rainier General Development Proposal: The applicants final plat application includes 24 single family residential lots The proposal includes the construction of stormwater facilities, open space, and street frontage improvements on Cullens Street Location' The project is located on the west side of Cullens Road, just north of the Cullens Road and Coates Avenue intersection Ms. Carlson gave a brief report of the final Plat Review Ms. Carlson stated that items 2, 6, 7, & 22 of the staff report have all been addressed with an assigned savings agreement. Ms. Clapp asked the applicant why the development was changed from a townhouse development into single family residential The applicant, Doug Bloom responded that a market research study of the area indicated that the public desired single family housing 01-11 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO RECOMMEND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL, AS CONDITIONED, TO THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan Ms. Carlson gave a report on the Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan, distributed to the Commission at today's meeting Ms. Carlson stated that after much hard work from dedicated volunteers, and money from a Department of Ecology FCAAP grant, the draft plan is complete Public notice has been posted, and mailed to property owners along Yelm o o o Creek, that the draft plan is available to the public for review, and will come before the Commission in June for a Public Hearing Ms. Carlson asked the Commission to review the draft plan and call with any questions City of Yelm. 2001 Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update Ms. Carlson discussed the proposed changes to the Transportation Plan update The plan has been updated to include the Y2-Y3 Transportation Corridor, and incorporation of House Bill 1487 This plan update is scheduled for a Public hearing before the Commission in June Ms. Carlson invited Commission members to attend the Regional Planning Meeting in June 01-12 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 20 P m Respectfully submitted, John Thompson, Vice Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission May 7, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001 min\OS 07 01min wpd Page 2 o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date May 1,2001 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Final Plat for Prairie Winds (formerly Cullens Estates) SUB-01-8278-YL Background The Yelm City Council approved, with conditions, a preliminary plat for the above referenced project on July 14, 2000 The project has been under construction for the last year and the applicant filed a completed application for final plat on April 12, 2001 The original preliminary plat was approved as a Townhouse development. The applicant has amended the project to single family residential, which results in minor changes to the original requirements In particular, the overlay zone of Townhouse is no longer applicable, therefore the yard setbacks would revert to the requirements of Chapter 17 15, Moderate Density Residential (see No 20 & 21 below) Also the Transportation Facility Charge will need to be modified to reflect the o change in fee from a Townhouse to single family unit, per Ordinance No 15 40 (see 24a. below) Applicant: Rainier General Development Proposal 24 Lot, Single Family Final Plat Approval for Prairie Winds Location The project site is located on the west side of Cullens Road just north of the Cullens Road and Coates Ave intersection Planning Commission Action The Planning Commission is required to review the Final Plat for compliance with the conditions of approval placed on the preliminary plat. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the final plat and is satisfied that all conditions have been meet the Planning Commission shall forward the plat to the City Council for review and approval Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the final plat to the City Council for approval, provided 1 All engineering and surveying fees for the final plat review are paid prior to City Council review 2. The applicant provides the City with an executed Assigned Savings Account Agreement The assigned savings account is required to complete requirements as discussed in No 2, 6, 7 and 22 below (\ U o o o Original Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 The proponent shall connect to the City's S T E.P System There is an existing 2" line at the adjacent property to the south A connecting four inch line shall be extended across the frontage of the property and across the frontage of Lot 1 of SS 8119 The S T E.P System shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. The applicant has submitted a bill of sale for the improvements that will be recorded with the final plat. 2. The three on-site septic systems and drainfields shall be abandoned to Thurston County Health Department standards and the residences shall be connected to the City's S T E.P System The applicant shall be responsible for all cost incurred from the abandonments and the new connections Due to the request of the Public Works Department Lots 1 and 3 of Short Subdivision 8119 will be abandoned and connected after final plat. The developer has provided the City with a copy of a settlement agreement between the developer and original property owner regarding responsibility of payment for costs incurred with the conversion from the existing system to the City system. The developer is financially responsible for conversion of Lot 3 only Lot 1 conversion will be completed by the current property owner The developer has provided an assigned savings account to complete these improvements. 3 Two Sewer ERU hook-ups have been prepaid for this site ERU connection fees inside the LID are divided into two methods of payment. The LID assessment fee of $1823 15 per ERU is paid on an annual basis for 15 years and the balance of the connection fee, $2,480 (fee subject to change) is payable at time of building permit issuance The LID assessment attached to this property is $36,463 00 At final plat, the assessment will either need to be paid in full or segregated among the developed lots The City is currently establishing LID segregation policy details The applicant is completing the final paper work for the LID segregation. The segregation documents will be recorded with final plat. Water 4 The Proponent shall connect to the City's water system There is an existing 8" water line located on the adjacent property to the south The line shall be extended across the property frontage of the development site and across the frontage of Lot 1 of SS 8119 The on-site water system shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed The applicant has submitted a bill of sale for the improvements that will be recorded with the final plat. Page 2 of 6 o o o 5 Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (subject to change) inside city limits This fee is payable at time of building permit issuance Fees for hook-up are collected at the time of building permit issuance. 6 The applicant shall decommission the on-site well pursuant to DOE standards The property owner shall sign a Water Rights Dedication Agreement. The well has not been decommissioned at this time. Due to the request of the Public Works Department the well shall be decommissioned after final plat and Lots 1 and 3 of Short Subdivision 8119 will be connected to the City System. The developer has provided an assigned savings account to complete these improvements and will provide the City with the decommission papers and a signed Water Rights Dedication Agreement. 7 The applicant shall connect the existing residences on Lots 1 and 3 of SS 8119 to the City Water System All costs incurred with the connection shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Due to the request of the Public Works Department Lots 1 and 3 of Short Subdivision 8119 will be connected after final plat. The developer has provided the City with a copy of a settlement agreement between the developer and original property owner regarding responsibility of payment for costs incurred with the conversion from the existing system to the City system. The.developer is financially responsible for conversion of Lot 3 only. Lot 1 conversion will be completed by the current property owner. The developer has paid for the connection fee for Lot 3 and has provided an assigned savings to complete these improvements. 8 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. Stormwater 9 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings Completed. 10 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval Completed. The storm water operation and maintenance plan will be recorded Page 3 of 6 o 11 o c with the final plat. The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities Completed The Homeowners Agreement will be recorded with the final plat. Transportation 12 The street design for the project is a local access residential and shall be included on civil plans The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. 13 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the frontage of Cullens Street. The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The Cullens Road street section is "neighborhood collector" Completed The applicant has submitted a warranty agreement for the improvements that will be recorded with the final plat. 14 "Road B" shall be labeled on the final plat map as a future street connection to the adjacent properties Completed. 15 The applicant shall construct a driveway to City standards for tax parcel #317123110500 The driveway and driveway approach shall be located on "Road A" as shown and included on the final civil drawings Completed Fire 16 The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards Completed. 17 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. Open Space 18 Tracts A, B, and C shall be preserved as community open space and held in common by the property owners. The applicant shall submit a Homeowners Agreement to the Community Development Department for review and approval The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the maintenance and operation of the open space tracts Completed Page 4 of 6 o o o 19 The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 14 14 050 Completed. Setbacks 20 Front yard setbacks shall be those of the underlying district: 15 feet for the house and 20 feet for the garage Front yard setbacks shall comply with the variation requirement of Chapter 1761 The project has been modified from Townhouse to detached single family. Variations in setbacks were required based on requirements of Chapter 17 61, Townhouse. These standards no longer apply Building setbacks on individual lots shall be those of Chapter 17.15, Moderate Density Residential. 21 To comply with the variation requirement of Chapter 17 61, the rear yard setbacks for Lots 17 thru 20 shall be reduced from 25 feet to 20 feet. The project has been modified from Townhouse to detached single family. Variations in setbacks were required based on requirements of Chapter 17.61, Townhouse. The rear yard setback variation from 25 feet to 20 feet was allowed because of the front-yard variation requirement of Chapter 17 61, Townhouse. These standards no longer apply. Building setbacks on individual lots shall be those of Chapter 17 15, Moderate Density Residential Landscaping and Buffer Area 22 The protection and maintenance of the Type I, 15 foot buffer along the western property line shall be provided for in the Homeowners Agreement. The buffer area has been provided and is addressed in the Homeowners Agreement. Landscaping of this area has not been completed. The applicant shall provided an assigned savings account in the amount of one and one-half times the cost of improvements. 23 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan for Tracts A, Band C, for the street planters strips and the buffer along the western property line Completed Environmental 24 The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on May 10, 2000 Mitigation includes a. The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 0 60 new p m peak hour trips per townhouse unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $450 00 per townhouse unit which is payable at time of building permit. With the change from Townhouse to single family detached the Transportation Facility Charge is amendment to $750.00 per unit, payable Page 5 of 6 o o o at time of building permit issuance. b Trees along the western property line within the required 15' buffer shall be protected during construction with construction fencing Completed. c The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. The applicant is finalizing the agreement at this time. A signed and recorded agreement shall be provided prior to City Council review Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 25 The applicant shall submit another subdivision name The City will forward the name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval Completed 26 Prior to the submission final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing Completed. General Public Works 27 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required Completed. 28 The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading Completed. Page 6 of 6 04/12/2001 15 25 350-493-2475 SCA CONSULTING GROUP PAGE 02 o ~ ~ I eo j ~III .......' ,"" ,_. i It~f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ~,,~ II 3S OVO~ SN31-1n:) __________L__~ ~~......_-~ ...-. " n~X; _. uti ..;;....- - j" iftiI- - - -:: iO'-: --------~It t .. Iii .. ::,--________ ~..,dl\Il... . r;------ I ~ ~'2:ll. i }i-t! _ ~ ~7' I.~~ ~1:5 ~ _ ~ !~J I"!! ~ I i i _ - 1- 01 '"'~.. anu I 115 , If .. I rJ " i ~ ~ 'I ~! I" &1; ..~ ~! ~ i Do 1. ia:f~~' r :J'::.. ~.. ..... _li!?!:1 ~ l ~ 3 II) l!t I :1 ~D!Ji I ! ~ flY'1 ;~ ~ inN ':I I I ~ ~ r -:. ~ "7 I .. Itls : .: l .~ I · t. L... ,b..T. !Ill ili ~ ! (J) . en inti; 81 t 1 "I!i , I il tu~~_ IT-f!\.- Jr ~ ,. 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I J t~ i i sJD ~ '1':lfi>DII ' L..~~t:J ~.l~ )'{~' ~1:11 g' 1.)1. .n',;w>>~ rf..)t*~ OliL r1<<l OOf:OH.~I~1 UOWoI c) o c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date May 1, 2001 To Yelm Planmng CommIssIOn From. CathIe Carlson Re Yelm Creek ComprehensIve Flood Hazard Management Plan Background Mter the City expenenced floodmg along Yelm Creek m 1996 and 1997, the CIty received a grant from the Department of Ecology to prepare a Flood Hazard Management Plan. The City hIred the consultmg firm of Tetra Tech/KCM to prepare the plan whIch was augmented by a comprehensIve assessment and mventory done by the USDA Natural Resources ConservatIOn ServIce An advIsory commIttee, compnsed of property owners adjacent to the creek, CIty and County elected officIals, and CIty, County and State staff was formed and worked with the consultant over the last year an a half dunng the plan development. The Plan The plan mc1udes an mventory and analysIs of the Yelm Creek Watershed, Identification of regulatory requIrements, IdentificatIOn of the problems, evaluatIOn of alternatives, a dISCUSSIOn of possible actions, both regulatory and phYSIcal, and fundmg sources. Because of ItS SIze the Draft Plan will be dIstributed at your meetmg. Next Steps The draft plan IS out for reVIew to the general publIc and those agenCIes who may want to comment on the plan. All property owners adjacent to the Creek wIthm the CIty lImIts and those for 2000 ft beyond the City lImIts receIved a notice of the plans availabilIty and a tentative schedule for publIc reVIew and comment. Tentatively the Planmng CommIssion IS scheduled to hold a publIc heanng on June 18, 2001 WIth CIty Council reVIew and actIOn on July 11, 2001 o City of Yelm Community Development POBox 479 Yelm, W A 98597 (360) 458-3835 (360) 458-3144 FAX Memorandum To: Planmng CommISSIOn From: CathIe Carlson, Commumty Development DIrector Date: May 1, 2001 Re: CIty of Yelm Comprehensive TransportatIOn Plan Update o Attached please find a summary of the CIty of Yelm, 2001 ComprehensIve TransportatIOn Plan Update ThIS summary explams the updates that will be made to the City of Yelm Comprehensive and J omt Plan wIth Thurston County ThIS update IS scheduled for a PublIc Heanng before the CommIssIOn m June 2001, and adoptIOn by CIty Council m July 2001, becommg effectIve at adoptIOn. I will dISCUSS thIS summary and dIstribute the full "redlined" copy of the entIre chapter at the May 7, 2001 Planning CommIssIOn Meeting. See you there CathIe c C:\Communily Developmenl\Planning Commission\Minules and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\5,7.01 memo w Iran plan.wpd o TRANSPORTATION Amendment to the City of Yelm 1995 Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County (Summary of Proposal, Issues, Analysis, Rationale, Summary of Recommendations, and Maps) SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL Provide an update to the City ofYelm 1997 Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Transportation component (Chapter VI) of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County and the June, 2000 Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan. This transportation plan update incorporates the preferred alternative for the Y2/y3 Corridor, the Y-13 Yelm/Roy Prairie Railroad Line, and includes a new plan chapter "House Bill 1487 Compliance" ISSUES, ANALYSIS & RATIONALE o Backoround The City of Yelm developed a Transportation Plan in 1992 to meet the requirement of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and to establish a planning document to assist the City in developing an effective and efficient transportation system The plan was amended in 1995, 1997 and 2000 to reflect minor modifications to the 1992 plan The Transportation Policies component of the comprehensive plan has now been modified to reflect the following 1 Y2/Y3 Corridor Preferred Alternative The 2000 amendment adopted the corridor plan and specific route location for the Y2/Y3 Corridor with all existing documentation, including the Environmental Assessment. This amendment incorporates the preferred alternative for the Y2/Y3 Corridor, which provides an alternative route to bypass the urban core as a solution to congestion on Yelm Avenue Traffic from the south and east heading towards Olympia, and vice versa, would bypass the core via a new road corridor, a 6 4 mile three-lane highway designed to meet state highway standards adopted by WSDOT Yelm Avenue/First St. will be freed to serve primarily local traffic. 2 "Level of Service" Bill Compliance o During the 1998 session, the Washington State Legislature passed House Bill 1487, which amended the Growth Management Act and several other statutes relating to planning This legislation, referred to as the "Level of Service" Bill, requires local jurisdictions to include certain specific information concerning transportation facilities and services of statewide significance in their comprehensive plan A new section has been added to the Transportation Plan o entitled "House Bill 1487 Compliance", which includes the best available information to comply with mandates of the Bill This amendment addresses specific GMA planning requirements for local jurisdictions regarding transportation facilities and services of statewide significance, changes the application of concurrency for these facilities, and enhances the coordination of planning efforts and plan consistency at the local, regional and state level 3 Yelm/Roy Prairie Railroad Line In 1997, the City of Yelm became aware that the Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway was interested in discontinuing rail service over the Yelm-Roy segment of the line It was felt that the continued availability of freight rail service to the Yelm and Roy areas is vital to business retention and development Acquisition of the rail corridor would preserve the line and maintain an economic link to other communities Additionally, it would provide a possible future link to the light rail system serving Pierce and King Counties The City applied for and received $340,000 in grant funding to be used for acquisition, maintenancel and operation of the Yelm-Roy segment, and enlisted financial support for the project from a number of community sources to provide matching funds for the grant. In November, 2000, the City purchased the 4 55 mile stretch of railroad, now known as the Yelm Roy Prairie Line. o Goals and Policies The purpose of this amendment is to satisfy the policies, goals and objectives of the City of Yelm and Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan and to comply with additional requirements of HB-1487 The following Transportation Goals and Policies have been amended 1 Goal A transportation system that is compatible with neighboring cities, Thurston County, Washington State, and other transportation providers a) Regional Transportation Policy #3 To cooperate with neighboring jurisdictions, Thurston and Pierce Counties, and the Washington State Department or Transportation to address regional transportation issues. Transportation facilities and services of statewide significance have been added to the list of regional transportation issues b) Rail Preservation and Enhancement Policy #7 To preserve existing railroad rights-or-way within the City's Urban Growth Area and connection to the national rail network c The City of Yelm has acquired 4 55 miles of the BNSF Railroad line, which will serve as a dual use bike/pedestrian and commuter/freight corridor. It will also provide the first viable option for this region to link up with the commuter rail line which serves Pierce and King Counties o 2 Goal A well-maintained transportation system that provides safe and cost- effective movement of goods, services and people. a) Functional Classification Policy#ll To classify Yelm's streets according to federal, state, regional and local guidelines. SR 507 and SR 510 have been designated as a Highway of Statewide Significance Both are classified as Minor Arterials within the City limits This information is required to be included in the Transportation Plan by House Bill 1487 2 Goal Responsible funding of needed transportation system improvements with public and private sector participation a) Funding Sources Policy #30 To secure adequate long-term funding sources for transportation through a variety of methods. The Transportation Efficiency Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) has replaced ISTEA as a source of federal funding b) Concurrency Policy #33 To ensure that any transportation improvements or strategies required to mitigate impacts are constructed or financed concurrent with development. o Complying with HB-1487 and WSDOT for coordinated planning for transportation facilities and services of statewide significance has been added to the City's Concurrency Management Program. Analvsis A new section, "House Bill 1487 Compliance", has been added to the Transportation Plan, which includes transportation facilities and services of statewide significance and meets requirements of the Bill to enhance the consistency of statewide transportation planning at the local, regional and state levels A major part of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan is the Transportation Improvement Program, which lists the recommended projects for the City and its Urban Growth Area This amendment updates this section of the plan, and specifically the Y-2, Y-3 and Y-13 improvements Y-2 and Y-3 are amended to include the specific alignment of the Y2/Y3 Corridor Y-13 adds the Yelm/Roy Prairie Railroad Line to the list of recommended projects CONCLUSIONS/ RATIONALE o This update to the Yelm Comprehensive Plan incorporates specific requirements regarding "transportation facilities and services of statewide significance (TFSSS)" and adds a (\ o section entitled "HB-1487 Compliance" This will ensure the City of Yelm is in compliance with new requirements of HB-1487 The update has also been completed to revise projects listed within the Transportation Improvement Plan and to add language to the goals and policies section reflecting these changes and complying with requirements of HB-1487. STAFF CONTACT Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director City of Yelm (360) 458-8408 Attachments 9 \text\pf\00036\reports\staff report trans plan update rtf o (\ ~ () ~ 04 o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, May 7,2001,4'00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - April 16, 2001 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Prairie Wind Estates Final Plat Review - Action Item (formerly Cullens Estates) Applicant. Rainier General Development Proposal' 24 Residential Lot Development Location. West side of Cullens Road, just north of the Cullens Road and Coates Ave intersection Staff Report Enclosed Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan Distribution of Draft Plan, for Planning Commission Action in June 2001 5 Transportation Plan Update - Staff review and discussion. 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, MAY 21,2001 4'00 P.M. c' o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 16,2001,400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Don Carney, Ray Kent, Margaret Clapp, EJ Curry, and Glenn Blando Staff' Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman Members absent: Roberta Longmire, excused, and Joe Baker Approval of Minutes: 01-07 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 2,2001 AS CORRECTED**. MS. CURRY ABSTAINED, MOTION CARRIED. **CORRECTION: JOE BAKER WAS PRESENT. Public Communications None Presentation: Thurston County Property Assessment Process Thurston County Deputy Assessor Dennis Pulsipher gave a presentation on the property assessment system that the County uses for assessing property Public Hearing - Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 15.49 Applicant: City of Yelm I Proposal: Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 1549 Integrated Project Review Process, setting a new sc~edule for annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Location: City Wide Mr. Gorman opened the public Hearing at 500 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any of the Planning Commission me'mbers had a conflict of interest? There were none Mr. Gorman asked if an~ member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior ~o the hearing They had not. Mr. Gorman asked if there was anyone in the audience that objected to anyone participating There was none Ms. Carlson gave a brief report on the proposed amendment to Chapter 15 49 This amendment will make th1e City's Comprehensive Plan amendment process and timing match tHe Thurston County Comprehensive Plan amendment process I I I Mr. Gorman asked if there werk any questions or comments? There were none Mr Gorman closed the p~blic hearing at 5 02 P m o o o 01-08 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT. MOTION CARRIED. 01-09 MOTION MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 5 15 P m Respectfully submitted, '!/1 L Tami Merrima ,Planning Technician Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission April 16, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001 min\04 16 01min wpd Page 2 c\ o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm YELM WASHINGTON Date: April 1 0, 2001 To: Planning Commission From: Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re. Amendments to Chapter 15.49, Integrated Project Review LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit I - Chapter 1549, proposed text amendments Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE: The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed amendment is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL. Amendments to Chapter 15 49, Integrated Project Review Process, changing the annual comprehensive plan amendment schedule to June of each year and closing the application deadline for comprehensive plan amendments to October of the preceding year DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: 1 Proponent. City of Yelm 2. Location City wide 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on Friday, April 6, 2001, and posted in public areas on Friday, April 6, 2001 4 Joint Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The City and the County are limited to one comprehensive plan amendment each year As required by State law the County is responsible for coordinating joint plan amendments for urban growth areas in each jurisdiction and the unincorporated areas outside urban growth boundaries and each City is responsible for amendments within their corporate limits Throughout last year, County and City staff meet numerous times to discuss the process and how to make it more effective and efficient for citizens, policy makers and staff The biggest conflict was that from September through 0 December when policy makers and staff were submersed in developing work plans and budgets for the next year the comprehensive plan amendments were also requiring significant review and evaluation by the policy makers As a result the schedule for adoption of amendments was changed from December of each year to June The proposed amendments bring our regulations into compliance with the schedule approved by the County Commissioners While the County Commissioners are the decision body regarding amendment schedules the Yelm City Council was kept informed and concurred with the change B. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward the proposed amendments to the City Council for approval o o Exhibit 1- Proposed Amendments City of Yelm April 1 0, 2001 ::) CITY OF YELM Proposed Amendments to Chapter 15 49, Integrated Project Review Process 15.49.150 Amendments Amendments relating to regulations for the Environment (Title 14), Building and Construction (Title 15), Subdivisions (Title 16) l and Zoning (Title 17), to the extent these regulations are governed by the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations, may be processed as follows 010 Amendments to Comprehensive Plan, including rezones of Land Use Map o o (A) Time Line Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and rezones are authorized only on a annual basis, except for an emergency if initiated by the City or Thurston County (an emergency exists if delaying the amendment would cause substantial public harm) The City staff shall, throughout the year, accept applications for such amendments, but they will not be reviewed by the Planning Commission until the 3rd the 1 st or 2nd Quarter of each year and not acted upon by the City Council until after a public hearing is held during the 4th 2nd Quarter of each year If the requested amendments are approved, they will become effective January Julv 1 of that year -of the following year Any amendment applications received after the last working day in March October will be held until the next annual review cycle beginning July 1 of the following year Exhibit 11- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm April 1 0, 2001 () NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AND YELM CITY COUNCIL DATE' Monday, April 16, 2001, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 7:30 p m. PLACE Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA PURPOSE. Public Hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 15.49, Integrated Project Review Process setting a new schedule for annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. APPLICANT. City of Yelm PROJECT LOCATION' City wide The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to Chapter 15 49, Integrated Project Review Process. The Planning Commission will forward the proposed amendments to the City Council for a Public Hearing and action on April 25, 2001 A complete packet of amendments and any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelin Ave W . Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at (360) 458-8408. () Testimony may be given at the hearings or through any written comments on the proposal. Comments must be received by the close of the public hearing on April 25, 2001. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to. City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597. The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 4 days before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm Agnes Bennick, City ClerklTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published In the Nlsqually Valley News Friday, April 6, 2001 Posted in Public Areas Friday, April 6, 2001 C) II Exhibit 11I- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm S EP A-00-8277 - YL April 1 0, 2001 "\ U SEPA NO' 8277 DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: City of Yelm, Community Development Department Description of Proposal Amendments to Chapter 1549, Integrated Project Review Process, changing the annual comprehensive plan amendment schedule to June of each year and closing the application for comprehensive plan amendments to October of the preceding year Location of the Proposal City wide Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21 C 030(2)(c) This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures' None o Lead agency' Responsible Official: City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue" Comment Deadline. March 28, 2001 5:00 p.m., April 10, 2001 Shelly Badger, City Administrator This Determination of NonSignificance is issued pursuantto Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2) Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5:00 p.m., April 10, 2001 The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5"00 p.m., April 17, 2001 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5:00 p.m , April 17, 2001 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Agnes Bennick, City Clerk, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals This DNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (1408). Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News, Friday, March 30,2001 Posted in public areas March 28, 2001 Copies:o All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list. March 28, 2001 Dep!. of Ecology w/checklist, March 28, 2001 c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailin~llist o to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COpy PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: APRIL 16, 2001 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION' YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15.49 Integrated Project Review Process NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearin!~ by the assigned numbers above) ,~ o c c) City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2001, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - April 2,2001 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Presentation - County Property Assessment Process Presentation and discussion on the methods used by the County Assessor to value and assess property throughout Thurston County Presented by Chief Deputy Assessor Dennis Pulsipher 4 PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 15.49 Applicant. City of Yelm Proposal Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 1549 Integrated Project Review Process setting a new schedule for annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Location. City wide Staff report enclosed. o 5 Briefing Yelm Creek Study - Distribution and discussion Transportation Plan Update - Staff review and discussion 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call Yelm City Hall at (360) 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, MAY 7,2001 4"00 P M o o o o Motion No. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 2,2001,400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of Minutes: 01-04 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20, 2001. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None Final Plat Review - Canal Estates, SUB-01-8274-YL: Applicant: D.A. Randles Company Proposal: The applicants final plat application includes 26 single family residential lots The proposal includes the construction of stormwaterfacilities, 072 acres of open space, and street improvements to Canal Road and Rhoton Road Location: The project site is bound by Canal Road and Rhoton Road Ms. Carlson gave a brief report of the Final Plat Review which included discussion of the Y3 Transportation Corridor Ms. Carlson stated that she spoke with the City Attorney regarding the fact that the Y3 Corridor is proposed to include portions of this property The City Attorney stated that the City could not reserve right-of-way for the Y3 Corridor without paying for the property Ms. Carlson discussed the checklist of items needed for the project before City Council approval Ms. Carlson stated that all items will be completed prior to approval of the Final Plat. Mr. Blando asked the Commission if they had any questions There were none 01-05 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP TO RECOMMEND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR CANAL ESTATES, AS CONDITIONED, TO THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Carlson stated that the Yelm Creek Study that was to be distributed to the Commission today has been delayed Ms. Carlson will distribute copies as soon as they are received by the City o o c Ms. Carlson introduced Mr. Don Carney as the newly appointed Planning Commission Member Mr. Carney replaces the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Eric Brown. 01-06 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 15 P m Respectfully submitted, ~ Glenn Blando, Temporary Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission April 2, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes\pc 2001 min\04 02 01min wpd Page 2 -, ,~ u City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date To From Re March 27, 2001 Planning ComrTJis$ion Cathie Carlson....Community Development Director Final Plat for Canal Estates Background The Yelm City Council approved, with conditions, a preliminary plat for the above referenced project on July 28, 1999 The project has been under construction for the last year and the applicant filed a completed application for final plat on March 13, 2001 Applicant: Doug Randles, Randles Family LLC Proposal 26 - Lot, Final Plat Approval for Canal Estates Location The southwest corner of Rhoton Road and Canal Road Planning Commission Action O The Planning Commission is required to review the Final Plat for compliance with the conditions of approval placed on the preliminary plat. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the final plat and is satisfied that all conditions have been meet the Planning Commission shall forward the plat to the City Council for review and approval Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the final plat to the City Council for approval, provided. 1 All engineering and surveying fees for the final plat review are paid prior to City Council review 2. The applicant provides the City with acceptable documentation that the site fill has been compacted to 95% density (See Pg 2, Item #8) 3 The applicant provides the City with acceptable documentation that the hydrological testing for high ground water was completed (See Pg 5, Item #26) 4 Tract "A" Open Space is amended to read Tract "A" Stormwater Facility and the open space fee in-lieu of dedication is paid in full prior to City Councils review (See Pg 5, Item # 28) 5 The applicant provides the City with an executed Assigned Savings Account Agreement for $2077 50 (See Pg 5, Item # 30) o .- Conditions of Approval Transportation - Conditions of Approval o 1 Consistent with City of Yelm Ordinance 580, Concurrency Ordinance, a single family dwelling unit generates 1 01 new pm peak hour trips As proposed the development would generate 26 new pm peak hour trips. The Concurrency Ordinance requires that impacts to the transportation system from new traffic be mitigated through the Transportation Facility Charge of $757 50 per new single family dwelling unit. The TFC is payable at time of building permit issuance TFC fees are collected at time of building permit issuance. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the site's frontage on Rhoton Road and Canal Road The off-site roadway section is "Neighborhood Collector" (detail attached) The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The on-site roadway section is "Local Access Residential" (detail attached) Completed. The applicant has submitted a warranty agreement for the improvements that will be recorded with the final plat. 3 The applicant shall dedicate sufficient right of way on which to construct the half-street improvements These improvements shall be constructed with the sub-division Completed. The face of the final plat dedicates the required right-of-way. o 4 Access will be limited to one full access on Rhoton Road and one full access on Canal Road, per the preliminary plan submitted by the applicant to the City Completed. 5 Road design shall meet the intent of the City's Development Guidelines Completed. 6 Street lighting shall be installed on the north side of the internal loop road Completed. 7 Sidewalks shall be installed on the north side of the internal loop road Completed. Site Grading - Conditions of Approval 8 Site grading and fill placed on the proposed site shall be compacted to 95% density per the Page 2 of 6 o .... City's Development Guidelines o Documentation requested. 9 The applicant shall leave a minimum of 10 feet of undisturbed soil between the property line and the toe of the slope on the West Side of Lots #8-15 Completed. Water - Conditions of Approval 10 The applicant shall connect each lot to the City water system The connection fee for each dwelling is based on Equivalent Residential Unit usage (each ERU equals 240 gallons of water consumption per day) The ERU fee is established by City resolution and is payable at time of building permit issuance The meter fee is established by City resolution and is payable at time of building permit issuance The extension of water service to each lot is complete. Fees for hook-up are collected at time of building permit issuance. 11 The onsite water line installation shall be looped to afford maximum fire protection as per the Uniform Fire Code Completed. 012. All water connection fees are due at time of building permit issuance No action required at this time. 13 To ensure compliance with the City's 1995 Water Comprehensive Plan, the Applicant shall connect to the 8 inch main at the intersection of View Drive and Rhoton Road The 8-inch water main shall be extended to the intersection of Canal Road The 10-inch water main shall be installed from the intersection of Rhoton Road west along Canal Road to the west property line of Canal Estates Completed. 14 As per City of Yelm "Development Guidelines" minimum hydrant spacing shall be 660 linear feet on the internal loop road In addition, a hydrant shall be placed at the north edge of the proposed cul-de-sac. Completed. 15 With the consent of the City Council, a latecomer's agreement will be entered into for applicable benefit properties The applicant has not requested a latecomer's agreement. o 16 Water lines and fire hydrants shall be installed on the north side of centerline of the internal Page 3 of 6 ,. loop road Completed. o Sanitary Sewer - Conditions of Approval 17 The applicant shall connect to the City STEP sewer system The connection fee for each dwelling is based on Equivalent Residential Unit usage (each ERU equals 240 gallons of water consumption per day) The ERU fee is established by City resolution and is payable at time of building permit issuance A $135 00 inspection fee shall be paid for each onsite installation The extension of sewer service to each lot is complete and the inspection fee has been paid. Fees for hook-up are collected at time of building permit issuance. 18 Upon completion of the onsite installation as per the City's Development Guidelines, the STEP sewer equipment shall be deeded to the City by easement. Completed. The applicant has submitted a bill of sale for the improvements that will be recorded with the final plat. Easements are provided on the face of the plat. 19 All sewer connection fees are due at time of building permit issuance No action required at this time. o 20 STEP collector lines shall be installed on the north side of centerline of the internal loop road Completed. 21 To ensure compliance with the City's 1998-Sewer Comprehensive Plan, the Applicant shall connect to the 4 inch main at the intersection of View Drive and Rhoton Road The 4 inch sewer main shall be extended to the intersection of the internal connector road The 4 inch sewer main shall be installed along the north side of the internal connector road to the intersection of Canal Road Completed. 22. With the consent of the City Council, a latecomer's agreement shall be entered into for applicable benefit properties The applicant has not requested a latecomer's agreement. Storm Water - Conditions of Approval 23 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction of the storm water facilities Completed o Page 4 of 6 24 The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings o Completed. 25. The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval Completed. 26. The applicant shall conduct hydrological testing to ensure the site is not subject to unusual high groundwater The applicant will identify areas of ponding and potential effects associated with planned fills Documentation Requested. Design Standards - Conditions of Approval 27 The applicant shall utilize the City's Development Guidelines as a guide to develop project civil drawings Completed. Open Space - Conditions of Approval 28. The fee-in-Iieu of for the project site is $11,001 76 The fee-in-Iieu of is payable prior to final plat approval o Tract "A" is incorrectly labeled as open space. Tract "A" is the stormwater facility for the site and does not qualify as Open Space. The fee has not been paid as of March 27, 2001. The applicant shall pay the fee prior to City Council review on April 11 , 2001. SEPA Mitigation - Conditions of Approval 29. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate impacts to the school district. The applicant shall provide the City with a recorded copy of the agreement. All mitigation fees shall be paid by the applicant prior to building permit issuance Completed. Landscape - Conditions of Approval 30 The applicant shall landscape the stormwater facilities in accordance with Chapter 17 80 of the YMC Partially complete The stormwater facility and the western property boundary require additional plantings. The applicant has submitted an assigned savings of $2077.50 which includes money for the landscaping and 6 street signs. o 31 The applicant shall landscape the planter strips for all streets as per the YMC Completed. Page 5 of 6 32. The 15' stormwater facility easement located between the cul-de-sac and the stormwater retention pond shall be landscaped along the easement boundaries which are adjacent to residential lots The landscaping shall effectively delineate the easement to ensure neighboring properties do not encroach upon the easement. Completed. 33 The applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan to the Planning Department for approval Completed. Page 6 of 6 ~- o o o o ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- --- i~ s~i C~N ~3l ~~~ FEBRUARY 2001 SCALE: '"e50 FEET ...- , o 25 50 100 EASESMENTSIRESTRICTIONS ffi ill ~ ill ill ReSTRICTED ACCESS ST1f1P(HA TCHED ARCA) ACCtSS TO AND fROAI lO7S' I, 25, 2', U. 23. tltACT .....~ AND lor 16 IS RESTRlCrrn TO THe lNrrRHAL RO.4l)WAYS' OHLY. NO VEHICUUR ACC!SS TO AHO FRON CRl'$T~ SPRINGS ROAD NJD RHOTON ROAD SHAU Be PFRJJITTrO WTHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROfi THe err OF >WI_ lD' l'IfOC UTlUTY tASDJ!HT (sa EASOID<lT PROWStONS Slim I OF 2) RCSmlCrrD SOft. OISWI<SANcr A~CA. S~L 'MTHIN THe fO' WOE' STRIP SI-i.I.LL m:l4Am UHO'STlJRSrD. fO' 'MDC STORM DR""NAC( !ASCMENT HERf1Jr GRANTED TO 1J.IC CANI.t. tSTA rrs HC'-"Ol'rHER'S ASSOClA nCH. M(ST BOIJNDARY' UN! ESTABU$HEO ACCORDING ro SUR\o{Y AI' /lUC9280005 MD DaD AF pJ02S15. LEGEND · rf~g ~~~ ~~~':t-~ ftP/lJ4092SOOO5) . FOONO AS HOrro 8 rOUND RAlL!lO"'O $PIKE "!If SVR',fl' !of 1340921JOOO5 S :~ cr:~~:t~~:~lo JSP 28073' O SO" '/'8' ReaM IV""' PlASTIC CIlP STAJ.IP(O ",sp 28073" ~ PtfET ADOReSS - ml,l. WA 98_ ~ ~ :J , ,~\ Ill, \ + 1 i~\ '~, \ + ~ \' ~ ~\ ~.o\ I I I I I RECORD OF SURVEY I AF #8490280006 ~ ,;,'~ I / sw CCANCR. N! Fl' Sit' 1/4 (0/ -V....:- d. 750. co ... --r-,----~---r- \ ", / \ 13 ',A / \ '-..j o o PLATOF CANAL EST A TES A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, W.M. C/7Y OF YELM, THURSTON COUN7Y, WASHINGTON 14 c::> H 8.4'.35'''. ! iOi:;:i 13 c::> NS~.( 109.39 12 c::> N 1}4o'J!'tI-' 'i09.7i " c::> N 84,,,,'1" t iOM2 I ~\ ,:l\\ \ 10 8 SHEET 20F 2 IJ~ . . fOOYO :" IRON PIPI ___~~~?~!-!.._ _l~~ ,A,U{JJST lPB. . -J" IJ91.54 ---r mf..4j - -Q~ . I T27'7.6~ I rOUNO 1/2" IRON PIP, I ~OONO IRON PIPE I, AS ~1N!SS Cop'NOf I '\IA uauST, 1I!4- . .A.UGUST 1984 : ;.rJ ~, ~: ~ elOl '\IA, ~l S~I~t;' al~ ~~ :!I~ ~~ra~ ~I~ :~ N ~i-; i ,s""-S I !: ~ H ~'S"02' W' I 272~.'7 c",tl~\. , ~~-t-----------t------ ...~: ~ ,"I :" ~~r~~ ~I_ la ~~'2!~ Ql~ ~:~ ~il~i 1.111~ ~I~ ~ e ~ I St6OI~ or JHr SOtmIlt!'ST Q(jAlfJ'P:R OF I _ . - _ I SECT7Qt4 ,a. TOMtlSHIP 17 HM"", /WK;C 2 I .~ - __ C\NA - - _ _ I ~~~,~f. CAST, "-AI. PtR sr~ AT /S4Cf2~ I - -- :t78"S6"O~ RO~D - - _ I AUGVST '984 I I (Cl?'ysr~;c-Uz."l - - ~ !:t,iS u___~'.:.~___--L IJ28,9' ; '8 '/NGs NOAa;- _ __ - - _ _ ~ N M'-U'O~. W 27j'U9U-~~-~~""'" - ~:-.. - - - - - - _ -+--- L ,~ ~O&:~/~? ~$ 76~8~.i~..... ~ I - - - - - AUGUST '~$4 l'.oo.~. :n;-o;:;orc-;o:,......-::-+- _ .L!..~!..~.$O. r C2I .~" --_ ---T'" I' I :/~;;'ABLE I NO, SEMI"'" 20'.20'1 US ~a If' I 1 g ~ ~g:~ :~: : L4 N o,.,,'~,a C L5 1'40"""'. t L6 1'4 50'1,'OSla C L7 N 40'01 '5'. If' L6 S 27'J6'J8. If' Li S '7'2.'37. If' L'O N 6d'06'50. If' 9 ~Ig 8 C) ~ ;;; c::> 5 ~ M5;" " S 88':5"02" r 2125,47 FOUND ~(8.A.R AND CJ.P '.11 SOOTH 14 , \ , \ '", '~\n H ~, \ , \ I ,,- ~ '0- \ \ i ~~ S 88'''''''0'" E ~ S 81J'-f...f.'05" E ;;r;o;- 17 c::> 18 c::> 19 c::> ---6;:a;-- 4, !ACH lor 'M11l1H 1/.."s I't....r (1 n,oR()'J~ 26 IHCtUSl'ft) 'S SUB.ECT TO .... 1RANSPORTA jICH rAOUrl' Of,4,R~ or '757.~ Pm LOT, THE TRANSPORTA TlON "AC/lJrY O1ARCE $HALL BC PAID PRIOR TO ISSUANCE or BU/LOINe PmUl'r. ,. AU. W....TER CONNEcnoo F'EFS SHALL BC p~o PRIOR TO 1SSl.J~CE or BV/WINe P!RlJIT'$. 6, AU S1t'P SE\'.f'R COIlN!CnON !Tn SHALL BC P.lJO PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PUUlITS. 7, CANAl.. !'STAT!S ORl'VE S.C. AND CANAL !'STATES COVRT S.C. ARE H(R!BY catl!tl TO DiE art OF l'nJ,I. , \ ~I ~1 I I S M.....05. E 'jjiJj :Q OISTAHX 7.'9 8.1! 5,0' '''.'4 '3.'J 3S1.52 24.71 20.00 20.00 '1.04 22 c::> ~ N o ~ S 85'''''0'. C wo- - Ii I; '8 10 I~ I- I' CURVE TABLE J '''- oeLTA RADIUS LCf-CTH I CJ '5'JJ'.H'. -- 100.00 27 Ie ;1 I CZ "J",'/8. 100.00 '.',42 t;1 I CJ go'OO'oo. J5,OO 54.9! C' "0'00'00. 25.00 311.27 '" "5'02'0~a 25,00 ".5' C' 80'06'2,a '0.00 52.4' , r C7 2S'00''''. 50,00 22.70 co ,/l"JI '43" '0,00 51.01l 10 I c' Jt'", '17~ '0.00 27.S' C'O 51'2"23. ~O.OO .4.S! . I ~I CII ..2',/l'$9. 50.00 Jt." CIZ 4"02'0~. 2'.00 19.6' I ac 1 C'J 90'00'CJO. 2'.00 39.27 , :z I CI4 IlJ'''''6. 72.00 '04.70 CIS '5'JJ'J8. 72.00 "." I ~, CII ~o'" 'CJJ. J,.OO ".54 CI7 "JO"7. '485.00 J8.47 ,0, CII 2'5"12. H65.00 76 J7 I ~I c" , .,'29. 141l5.00 46.66 CZO 86'3"04" 25.00 37.1' CZJ 7'10'40. 1-4".00 1S2,Z! I 1 CZZ 5'06'IJ" 2200.00 19'.)/1 CZJ 2'27'27' 2190.00 9J.9J ~.., , C2' 11' '0'31- 35,00 55.00 "Id I CZS 'J'.7'20. 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WI>. ?.'!.o;n;> , ..r~'" w.! q."..'l16 " F"(JJNO S/8'o.~ ~55 00 I.J1 $'X/1H mAR I ~6".JIJ .u N 88'5""'R' 15 YI~ ROIALE -<. ".,,; yOLo 20 PApE 107 16 : I I 17 FOONO 5/8' RCellR O,JO 5Wru / , / 18 o City of Yelm 04 I~ ~ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WASHINGTDN AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2001, 4'00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - February 20,2001 minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Canal Estate Final Plat Review - Action Item Applicant. Doug Randles, Randles Family LLC Proposal. 26 - Lot, Final Plat Approval for Canal Estates Location. The southwest corner of Rhoton Road and Canal Road Staff report enclosed Other' Distribution of the Yelm Creek Study and review schedule Planning Commission meeting schedule for next 3 months 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call Yelm City Hall at (360) 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, APRIL 16,2001 4.00 P.M. c) o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm YELM WASHINGTON CANCELLATION NOTICE The March 19. 2001 Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday. April 2. 2001. at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST ;' / IF i.iC;/il-1 '\ - ':il td,~ Aghes Bennick City Clerkrrreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday, March 13, 2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, March 16, 2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 o (\ u o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm CANCELLATION NOTICE The March 5. 2001 Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday. March 19, 2001. at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Director, Cathie Carlson at (360) 458-8408 A T1"EST /. iJ . l'. . i/r/Lt.; . ~ )Ulil-C!"", A~nes Bennick City Clerkffreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday, February 27,2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, March 2, 2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 20, 2001, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 4 06 P m by John Thomson Members present: Joe Baker, Margaret Clapp, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, John Thomson Staff- Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman Members absent: Tom Gorman, Glenn Blando, Eric Brown, E.J Curry Approval of Minutes: 01-01 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 18,2000. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None Public Hearing - Longmire Meadows Preliminary Plat, SUB-00-8265- YL: Applicant: TEBO Ventures III Proposal: The applicants proposal is to subdivide 3 79 acres into 23 single family residential lots The proposal includes the construction of stormwater facilities and street improvements to Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road Location: The project site is bound by Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road Mr. Thomson opened the public hearing at 4 07 P m Mr. Thomson then asked if any of the PC members had a conflict of interest? There was none Mr. Thomson asked if any member of the Planning Commission had received any information prior to the hearing? No Mr. Thomson asked if there was anyone in the audience that objected to anyone participating No Ms. Carlson gave the staff report, stating that the City Council approved the vacation of the Right-of-Way known as Stevens Street, whether or not the project is approved The applicant will be providing significant upgrades to existing infrastructure The project does not include open space, the applicant will pay the fee payment alternative The applicant has also entered into an agreement with the School District to pay the required fees Ms. Carlson stated that a letter was received by an adjoining property owner requesting a privacy fence The applicant will put fencing on common boundaries Mr. Thomson asked the applicant if he would like to speak? Mr. Teitge explained the project to the Commission, showing the proposed development on the site plan Mr. Thomson asked the PC members if they had any questions? Ms. Longmire asked if the entrance into Lot 23 would require a turn-around area for emergency fire equipment. Ms. Carlson explained that this entrance is considered a private drive, and emergency vehicle turn-around is not required Mr. Baker asked the applicant if the storm drainage area was to be fenced, voicing concern regarding safety issues Discussion was held regarding the storm drain ponds The slope does not 6 o c 01-02 require fencing and the City does not require fencing Mr. Thomson asked if there were any further questions or comments? None Mr. Thomson closed the public hearing at 4 30 pm/({) MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECO~NE BY RAY KENT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL AS CONDITIONED HE CITY COUNCIL ON THE LONGMIRE MEADOWS PRELIMINARY LAT. MOTION CARRIED. Other: Schedule revisions for March 2001: Ms. Carlson stated that there would not be a Planning Commission Meeting on March 5, 2001 01-03 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY RAY KENT TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 32 P m Respectfully submitted, "wL Tami Merri n, Planning Technician John Thomson, Vice Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission February 20, 2001 C \Community Development\Planning Folder\PLNGCOMM\Plngcomm2\All Minutes\Pc2001 min\02 20 01min wpd Page 2 o c o HEARING AND DECISION GUIDE ~, ""f I~~ fieodo~s p"e / 1'1'1 ;"1~ O~ ~I- to- (TITLE) OPEN HEARING IDENTIFY YOURSELF j3lt\..t ~$~ STATE THE DATE. TIME: AND PLACE STATE THE SUBJECT OF THE HEARING - ASK SPEAKERS TO SIGN UP ~ ASK IF ANY MEMBER HAS A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST ~ASK IF ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE OBJECTS TO ANYONE PARTCIPATING v/ASK IF ANY MEMBER HAS RECEIVED INFORMATION PRIOR TO HEARING /CALL ~L CALL FOR STAFF REPORT ON APPLICANT ~ FOR COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC U1ItttAckc: ~ ~-l-4 5~t fi-~. ~ ..cc f ~ .-F o,.~ syJ-.Jl..- RE DECISION RECORD OF DECISION (PASS TO SECRETARY) Dec;s~~ond;t;onallv approve deny) ;(i7t-- 2(2-eJ! 0/ ~SK MEMBERS IF THEY HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CLOSE HEARING Findings and conclusions ~ff report adoPted?~ Conditions of approval? o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date January 31, 2001 To Planning Commission From' Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Longmire Meadows Preliminary Plat, SUB-00-8265-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit 1- Site Plan, dated November 15, 2000 Exhibit II - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit III - Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Exhibit IV - Comment Letter A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL. Subdivide 3 79 acres into 23 single family residential lots The project includes the construction of stormwater facilities and street improvements to Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS. 1 Proponent. TEBO Ventures, 157 Lemieux Lane, Tenino, WA 98589 2. Location The project site is bound by Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on February 2, 2001, and posted in public areas on February 1, 2001 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on February 1, 2001 4 Existinq Land Use. Zoning and Density There is currently one house on the southwest of the site that is proposed to be removed Older homes have the potential of containing materials which contain asbestos The Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority (OAPCA) administers demolition permits and the removal of asbestos contaminated materials (see Exhibit IV) The City of Yelm also requires a demolition permit. 1 o o o The site is zoned Moderate Density Residential (R-6), Chapter 17 14 In the R-6 District the minimum density required is three (3) units per acre with a maximum density of six (6) units per acre As proposed the density of the project is six (6) units per acre 5 Lots Size and Setbacks. The R-6 District does not have a minimum or maximum lot size but it does have standard yard setbacks Most of the lots are 48' wide by 100' long It appears all lots can meet minimum setback requirements Lots that contain the stormwater easements will likely be limited to two story homes. 6 Adiacent Land Uses and Zoning Properties surrounding the project site are zoned R-6 and Institutional District ( Middle School) The north side of Coates Road is in unincorporated Thurston County and zoned RR 1/5 The Middle School is located to the north side of the site and the remaining surrounding area is developed at low density residential 7 Open Space. Chapter 16 14 requires a minimum offive percent of the gross area be dedicated as open space or pay a fee in-lieu-of providing the open space on site Five percent of the site is equal to 8255 square feet or $6356 35 as a fee in-lieu-of open space The applicant has not proposed anyon-site open space 8 Schools New residential units create a demand for additional school services and facilities The Yelm School District requests that the developer enter into an agreement with the school district for the payment of mitigation fees based on the project's impact. This request became mitigation of the Environmental Determination The applicant and the School District have completed and recorded the agreement. 9 Transportation and Site Access. The property fronts Coates, Solberg, Longmire and Van Trump Streets All lots with the exception of lot 23 are accessed from the adjacent public right-of-way Lot 23 will be accessed through a easement for ingress/egress which is also a utility easement. Existing right-of-way on Van Trump St. is adequate for improvements to a local access street. Solberg, Longmire and Coates Streets will require and additional right-of-way on each street to accommodate the city's street standard An unopened section of Stevens Street right-of-way bisects the property, running southeast and northwest. On January 10, 2001, the City Council, after consideration of the Planning Commission's recommendation, approved the vacation of said right-of-way The completed project will increase traffic and impact the City's transportation system Chapter 15 40, Concurrency Management, requires all development to mitigate impacts to the City's transportation system A single family home generates 1 01 pm peak hour trips per unit. The Transportation Facility Charge per unit is $757 50 and payable at time of building permit. 10 Parking. Chapter 17 72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, requires a minimum parking ratio of two spaces per unit. The developer is proposing at a minimum to provide parking accommodations for at least two vehicles on each residential lot. Page 2 of 6 o 11 Wastewater The project site is in the sewer service area and has a single connection to the city's S T E P system The existing lines are as follows Van Trump - 4", Longmire -- 2", Coates 2", Solberg 8" 12. Water Supply The project site is in the water service area and has a single connection to the city's water system There is an existing 6" AC watermain located along Longmire, Coates - 8" PVC, Van Trump - 4" AC New development must provide minimum water pressure which in part is achieved through proper line sizing The existing line on Van Trump is not adequate to provide minimum fire flow pressure 13 Drainage/Stormwater The completed project, including street improvements, will increase impervious surfaces on the site and adjacent streets Impervious surfaces create storm water runoff When uncontrolled and untreated storm water runoff can create health and safety hazards YMC requires all development to comply with the Stormwater Manual for the control and treatment of stormwater runoff The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Report that estimates the impervious surface, infiltration rates of the runoff, and a conceptual design for treatment and storage of the stormwater Runoff from the streets is tight-lined into the center of the plat where treatment and infiltration occur The applicant has proposed 15' utility easements split between two property lines for each easement. o Following preliminary plat approval the City Stormwater Manual requires the developer to submit a final plan consistent with the final impervious calculations for the site Stormwater facilities require continued maintenance to ensure they remain in proper working condition 14 Fire Protection Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District tf2.. As development occurs there will be additional demands for fire service 15 Police Protection Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm As development occurs there will be additional demands for police service 16 Street Lightinq. Adequate street lighting will be required for this project. Street lighting design must meet the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines 17 Landscaping. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Chapter 1780, Landscaping, requires the applicant to provide on-site landscaping for all development proposals o The site is adjacent to properties that are compatibly zoned When all adjacent properties are zoned residential the code requires that the pen meter of the site be landscaped with a Type II landscaping In residential subdivisions the City also allows fencing to meet the landscaping requirements for the perimeter of the site An adjacent property owner has Page 3 of 6 o o o requested that the applicant install a 6' wood fence along their common property line (see Exhibit IV) Stormwater areas must also be landscaped The applicant has not submitted a preliminary landscaping plan or a tree and vegetation plan However significant trees have been identified on the preliminary drawings Chapter 17 80 requires that at time of civil plan review and approval the applicant provide a final landscape and irrigation plan for approval 18 Environmental Review: After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents, a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) was issued on December 18, 2000 The comment period expired on January 2,2001 The MONS is attached as Exhibit III 19 Public Comment. Comments were received from the Yelm School District requesting SEPA Mitigation, the OAPCA, and adjacent property owners John Graver and Virgil & Darlene Baker All letters are attached as exhibits 20 Findings and Conclusion. Chapter 16 12.170 requires written findings prior to a decision on a preliminary plat. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant and the conditions of approval below, the staff finds that the subdivision. A. Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, schools, sidewalks, B That the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedications, C The subdivision is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance and the City's Development Guidelines o Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C and the Conditions of Approval below, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward SUB-00-8265-YL to the City Council for approval Conditions of Approval Sewer 1 Sewer ERU's are charged at the current rate of$4,850/ERU plus an inspection fee of$145 OO/ERU payable at building permit issuance The applicant shall be credited for the one existing connection 2 The S T E P System shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final cIvil plans to the Public Works Department for review and approval Water 3 An 8" PVC waterline extension will be required along Solberg Van Trump will require an upgrade from the existing 4" AC line to an 8" PVC line Page 4 of 6 o o o 4 Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are charged a current rate of $1 ,OOO/ERU (fee subject to change) inside city limits One ERU would be charged to each residential building lot. The applicant shall be credited for the one existing connection These fees are payable at building permit issuance 5 The Water Line improvements and connections shall be designed to City standards The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Public Works Department for review and approval Stormwater 6 The stormwater facility shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 17 84 7 The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings 8 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval 9 The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners. The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities The agreement shall clearly state what improvements are allowed within the easements, who's responsible for removal, replacement and/or repairs of any improvements within the easement. Transportation 10 Frontage improvements are required for this project. Frontage improvements shall be consistent with the City ofYelm's Development Guidelines Frontage improvements for Longmire, Van Trump and Solberg shall be consistent with the section "Local Access Commercial" Frontage improvements for Coates shall be consistent with the section "Neighborhood Collector" Stevens Street has been vacated by a Yelm City Council action 11 The proponent shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 which is payable at time of building permit. Fire 12. The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards 13 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to for review and approval Open Space 14 The applicant shall pay a fee in-lieu-of providing on-site open space The fee in-lieu-of is $6356 35 and is payable prior to final plat approval Page 5 of 6 o o Landscaping 15 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan for review and approval 16 The applicant shall use Best Management Practices to protect trees identified for retention Construction fencing shall be placed around trees no closer than the trees drip line Environmental 17 The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on December 18, 2000 Property Addresses 18 Prior to submission of final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing General Public Works 19 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required All lighting design will be submitted to Puget Sound Energy for review and approval 20 The applicant shall submit a grading plan for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading 21 The applicant shall contact the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, 909 Sleater-Kinney Rd SE, Suite 1, Lacey, WA 98502, (360) 438-8768 to secure any necessary permit(s) for the removal of materials containing asbestos and/or lead paint. 22. The applicant shall submit a demolition plan to the City for all structures on the project site OAPCA review must be complete prior to application with the city for a demolition permit o C "\MyFiles\Case Correspondence\8265stf wpd Page 6 of 6 PREUMINARY PLAT OF LONGMIRE MEADOWS i;I ~ SW 1/4 OF THE NW. 1/4 OF SECTION 19. TOWNSffiP 17 NORTH. RANGE Z EAST W.M. ~ . I CITY OF YELM THURSTON COUNTY WASffiNGTON :.: t; .' 3, .... "..' . ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _: _ ~ _ ~O._A'l:~ _t?T.", _ _ -= :,11_.::-,_ - ~..: '- -1- - - - t _ _ _ _ _ _ - - "T ~ ~ ~TYALO:~ 8[ ~__~ - -? 450.00 ...u\ ~ [) _ ~ ~' _00 \ I ............. I I E-t I ...~ I' FQHJ /fEBM - eN' t5 18110 I .f~ I. I SET PCR Pl.A T rY fVM90W ~ct i rn c; '~:~ i:i ~J ~~,' ~! nm..,.,.2OOO VICINITY MAP ril ~ ~ :-") I 0", ": ('; \- , 00 o. 0, " '" 10:: "i '" I ~, ~ " ." \' I , t-4 ", '" I '" / .... ' "- I I I~ :'00 .. I I '(j -:-"'''8 I Z "~, -~ \ I E-t o :T/\ . , ??" 0?3 '"3 l'V '""l .... .... - F-t5 ~! 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FHD<<E NORTH J7"54' C).Sf 2M nET 10 n€ ~'f lMC OF C041D S1'Rrr7; THEHa: 5OJ7H M'Of-' CAST ALCt<<; $AI) $OlI'JMIE3'T!Jl'f!ME CF ~rrs S1REET 200 FErn 7HOICt: SClIlH S1'M' JIIES1 2M FrET TO n€ PaKT CF se_ 1# 'n-fEOTYOF'l'D..M, ~C:r:XMT'I", ,,~1'tH. ~ 1>D!1lCAL DA 7\JW OrY OF m.w AERlAL DA7\JW I FWHD 1/2' ""'" PfPf: AT r"C'V'""""OJr""~f":T1f'N om -. >< ~::T -. o C" ...., -. - -(- CD I -en 3 ~ CD "D - Q) ~ en c I1CJ ~6 . 0 I'\)c!o 01'\) 0) 1\)(11 g.< ..a.i" Exhibit 11- Public Hearing Notice City of Yelm 5UB-00-8265-Yl Feb. 20, 2001 o \0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE PLACE. PURPOSE Tuesday, February 20,2001,4'00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments on a 23 lot Residential Subdivision, Case tlSUB-00-8265-YL APPLICANT. Robert Bussy and Carl Teitge, TEBO Ventures III PROJECT LOCATION The project site is bound by Longmire St., Van Trump St., Solberg St. and Coates Rd., Yelm, WA The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a preliminary plat application to subdivide 3.79 acres into 23 single-family residential lots. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council. The City Council will act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their February 28, 2001, regularly scheduled meeting ~ ---.J Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, and must be received by the close of the public hearing on February 20, 2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at 458-8408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 4 days before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm //', ) [~J/Uj Y 0 -I. )lAkl/~ Agn s Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, February 2, 2001 Posted In Public Areas Thursday, February 1, 2001 Mailed to Adjacent Property Owners. Thursday, February 1, .2001 (J I Exhibit 11I- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm SUB-00-8265-YL Feb. 20, 2001 o SEPA NO 8265 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: TEBO Ventures, 157 Lemieux Lane, Tenino, WA 98589 Description of Proposal' Subdivide 3 79 acres into 23 single family residential lots The project includes the construction of stormwater facilities and street improvements to Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road Location of the Proposal The project site is bound by Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road SectionfT ownship/Range. NW 1/4, Section 19, Township 17N Range 2E. Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS)will not be required under RCW 43.21C 030(2Xc). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures. SEE ATTACHED o Lead agency' Responsible Official City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator Date of Issue Comment Deadline ~~Llt..,J){fl ~;V~ Shelly Badr r, City Adm@istrator v This Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MONS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197- 11-340(2) Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, Community Development Director, at City ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , P 0 Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597 by 5'00 p.m ,January 2,2001 The City ofYelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5'00 p.m January 9 2001 December 18, 2000 5'00 p.m., January 2, 2001 You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address by submitting a written appeal no later than 5'00 p m. January 9, 2001 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals This MONS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14 08), Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE) Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News, Friday, December 22, 2000 Posted in public areas December 18 2000 f\ Copies to All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners December 18 2000 o Dept. of Ecology w/checklist, December 18 2000 Exhibit 11I- Determination of NonSignificance City of Yelm SUB-00-8265-Yl Feb. 20, 2001 \ ~ ATTACHMENT SEPA CASE NO 8265 This Mitigated Determination of Non Significance is based on the project as proposed and impacts and mitigation reflected in the following . Environmental Checklist (dated November 13. 2000, prepared by TEBO Ventures III) . Preliminary Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Report (dated November 10, 2000, prepared by HATTON GaDA T PANTIER) And the following conditions. 1 The proponent shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new residential p m. peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 new peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 which is payable at time of building permit. IJ 2. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. IIJ Exhibit IV.. Comment Letters City of Yelm SUB-OO..a265-YL Feb. 20, 2001 \ J IJ F YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Where all students can learn and grow Erling BIrkland DIrector of Facllitles November 30, 2000 Robert A. Bussey 157 LemIeux Lane TenIno,VVA.98589 RE. SubdIVIsIOn consIstmg of 23 smgle family lots. SubchVIsIOn "LongmIre Meadows" located at Longmrre St. NVV, Yelm, VVash. Dear Mr Bussey, I have receIved a copy ofthe Large Lot SubdIVIsIOn ApplIcatIOn for your proposed development of23 new smgle family lots. ThIs sIte IS WIthm the boundanes ofYelm CommunIty School DIstnct No 2 On December 16, 1994 the Board Of DIrectors ofthe School DIstnct authonzed us to seek mItIgatIOn fees from land developers and, m accordance WIth the Thurston County Comprehenslve Plan polley related to schools, you are reqmred to mItIgate the Impact. of addItIonal students on schools servmg the development.(Reference paragraph 7 ofthe condItIons for approval ofthe DetermmatIOn ofNonsIgmficance.) Schools servmg thIs development area are PraIne Elementary, Mill Pond IntermedIate, Yelm Middle School and Yelm HIgh School. All four of these schools are currently operatmg wlth portables to handle excess students. The Increase In students as a result of your proposed development will reqUITe the future purchase of adchtIOnal portables.Although the cost of each new student IS apprOXImately $3,800 per year, It IS not the mtent ofthe Yelm CommunIty Schools DIstnct to place a unreasonable burden on the developer, only to offset the result of the development. VVe currently mItIgate $650 per famIly dwellIng UnIt for smgle family constructlOn. Tills fee IS not payable until a buildmg permIt IS taken out on a lot or a lot IS sold to a pnvate party by the developer YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND FOLLOWS TITLE IX REQUlREMENTS 404 Yelm Avenue West, POBox 476, Yelm, Washington 98597 \3(0) 458-6125 () () (~ .J Exhibit IV- Comment Letters City of Yelm SUB-00-8265-YL Feb. 20, 20011 Before we can notIfY the City ofYelm that your development can proceed, you need to Sign the attached mitIgatIon agreement With Yelm School Dlstnct. I have prepared the agreement for you Signature should you elect to proceed with tills proJect. If the proposal IS agreeable with you, SIgn your name on page three and have the document notanzed on page four and return It to our office. If you have any questIOns or wish to modIfY the agreement, I will be happy to Slt down with you and explam the Impact to the School Dlstnct and the steps necessary to reach a mutual agreement. My phone number IS 458-6128 SIncerely, ~ Inf. CIty ofYelm, Planrung YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND FOLLOWS TITLE IX REQUIREMENTS 404 Yelm Avenue West, POBox 476, YeJm, Washington 98597 1360) 458-6128 Exhibit IV- Comment Letters City of Yelm - SUB-00-8265-YL Feb. 20, 2001 (j (.) Windermere '] ( '1111 Hello CathIe: SS-OO-8265- YL () You probably dIdn't thInk you'd hear from me hahaha. Anyway the only thing that I was wondenng about was the width of some of the lots I thought 50' was a mInimum. I am concerned that wIth the smallness of the lots that cheap small homes wIll go up whIch I belIeve wIll put a stop to anyone interested in upgradIng our area (the downward spIral as appossed to the upward spiral). I would love to be wrong and see some cute homes from 1400 to 2000 square feet go up. We have some choIces to make as to what our town will look lIke and sometimes waitIng for the nght thing IS better than just gettIng somethIng up. I hope there has to be lots of trees along the streets' ! ! ! , / / (r Windermere Real EstatefYelm WA PO Bux 1257.60'1 Yclm Avenue West. Yclm, WA 9XS')7 . 3('()/4SX-3XS5 . Fax 360/458-1 X06' E mail wreyell1l@SpryneLcom Exhibit IV- Comment Letters -Eity of Yelm (J (J () L SUB-00-8265-YL Feb. 20, 2001 \RF' un \" L'Y! pv _ _ ' OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY 909 Slcat.cr-Killllcy Rd S I',. Suit.e 1 · Lacey WA 9850:l December 6, 2000 CIty ofYelm PO Box 479 Yelm, W A 98597 re SS-00-8265- YL I am respondmg to a filed apphcatIOn regardmg the d1v1slOn of property located at the LongmIre Meadows. The apphcatIon states that there IS a home that IS to be demohshed. All demohtlOn projects must be permItted through our agency also Please have the responsible party contact our agency, or feel free to pass on the enclosed forms. For your mformatIon, pnor to any demol1tlOn (renovatlOn, etc), an asbestos survey must be conducted by an md1v1dual who IS currently certIfied by Washmgton State Department of Labor and Industry (L&I) A copy of the survey inspection report and lab test results of sampled matenals, If any, needs to be provIded to OlympIC AIr PollutlOn Control Authonty (OAPCA). These reports must be sent to OAPCA ten days pnor to the start of any removal and/or demol1tIon. Also, a demohtlOn permIt must be submItted to OAPCA. If I % or a greater amount of asbestos IS found, It w1l1 need to be abated accordmg to the law A Notice of Intent IS reqmred pnor to the abatement. Contact OAPCA for specific mfonnatlOn regardmg the Notice ofIntent to Abate. If you have any questlOns, please contact me at 438-8768 ext. 102 Smcerely, ~~ Debbie M~OdY Admmlstratlve ASSistant II (HlO) .llH-H7IiH . I-HOO-~,U-)I;L3 . I' -\Llil () \1'1\ ((1) 11'111 C(JIII . 110111<' I'ag( IIUp/III'II'\\ 11'111 COIlI/-o;I!)(";1 I. \\ ( l(}O)I<J 1-(dOH Exhibit IV- Comment Letters City of Yelm SUB-00-8265-Yl Feb. 20, 2001 (\ VIRGIL R. AND DARLENE E. BAKER 609 YELM AVE. WEST PO BOX 727 YELM, W A. 98597 TEL. 360-458-3200 FAX. 360-458-9717 January 4, 2001 Catherine Carlson Community Development Director 105 Yelm Ave. W PO Box 479 Yelm, WA. 98597 (~ RE. SEPA NO' 8265 Longmire Meadows Dear Mrs. Carlson. We are concerned with the density of the above project. We feel to protect our house from this we would require a 120' cedar 6' high privacy fence on the side of our property that borders this development. Thank yon Smcerely, ~~~t3~ Darlene E. Baker td.~~ () II (; -~ City of Yelm 04 c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - December 18, 2000 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Longmire Meadows Preliminary Plat, SUB-00-8265-YL Applicant: TEBO Ventures III Proposal Subdivide 3 79 acres into 23 single family residential lots The project includes the construction of stormwater facilities and street improvements to Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road Location The project site is bound by Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road Other" 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped, for information on obtaining a copy please call Yelm City Hall at (360) 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY 19, 2001400 P.M Exhibit IV- Comment Letters City of Yelm SUB-00-8265-YL Feb. 20, 2001 () STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY P.O. Box 47775 · Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 · (360) 407-6300 December 28, 2000 Ms. Cathenne Carlson Commumty Development Director CIty of Yelm PO Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 Dear Ms. Carlson. () Thank you for the opportumty to comment on the m1hgated detennmatIOn ofnons1gmficance to subdIvIde 379 acres into 23 smgle-family res1denhallots mcludmg constructIOn of stonnwater facihhes and street Improvements to Longmire Street, Van Trump Street, Solberg Street and Coates Road (LongmIre Meadows/SEP A No 8265) as proposed by TEBO Ventures. We reVIewed the enVIronmental checkhst and have the followmg comments: Demol1hon debns can often be recycled for less than It costs to landfill the matenals. Call Ecology's I-800-RECYCLE to see If there are facihtles m the area that will accept your demohhon wastes. If you have any questIOns or would like to respond to thIS comment, please call Ms. Mikel Baxter (Solid Waste Services) at (360) 407-0067 or wIth any other queshons regardmg thIS proposal I can be reached at (360) 407-6787 ~~relY, vJdzLLU~ tL-Kan Rokstad i SEP A Coordmator Southwest RegIonal Office KR.aw (00-8450) cc Mikel Baxter, SWRO/SW&FAP 1) ~~.. ('J VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM CITY HALL AT 360-458-3244 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2001 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. Longmire Meadows Preliminary Plat SU B-00-8265- YL NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearin!~ by the assigned numbers above) 4,1Jt1. (J. JetL _' ~"7n# G!4J7" !iJ,J7I&C; /134<; ~~ 1>1.//0 ~I.CJ ~v...lt4-rd_) v../A 9~lL.. C~ c:-..._ o v ;'~L-- 'rfl/L I bL gll A!J ~ {lAM ~ rvtt'. tvll 9f1o.s o (\ . '----.../ o c: 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm CANCELLATION NOTICE The February 5, 2001 Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W ,on Tuesday, February 20,2001, at 400 pm If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Director, Cathie Carlson at (360) 458-8408 ATTEST -\,0 . \ ') /0 ,- IV /lLvI Y- VJ---6?vn U> L Agnes Bennick City Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Wednesday, January 24,2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, January 26,2001 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list: Tuesday, January 30, 2001