Agendas and Minutes o c c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm CANCELLATION NOTICE The DECEMBER 16. 2002, Planninq Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W ,on MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2003 at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 A TTYST / I t, 0.7 {A (~, 0b"'t,tt;L Ag<<es Bennick City Clerkffreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2002 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list' TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2002 The CIty of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty ProvIder , I l_~ i I I c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 2002,4.00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: John Thomson, Larry Hansen, Everette Schirman, Joe Baker, Don Carney, Glen I' Cunningham and Glenn Blando Staff' Grant Beck and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Tom Gorman - excused, E J Curry - unexcused Motion No Approval of Minutes. 02-23 MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY EVERETTE SCHIRMAN, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21, 2002. MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. There was no public communication Public Hearing. Yelm Development Regulations Update Mr. Thomson opened the public hearing at 4 03 and announced the time, date, place, and purpose of the hearing No objections to participants or conflicts were expressed I Mr. Thomson called for a staff report. Grant Beck discussed the changes made to the draft development regulations update as instructed b~ the Planning Commission in previous worksessions Mr. Beck has prepared the changes in a "redlined" form to show the additions and deletions to the affected documents I Mr. Thomson called for public comment. There were none Mr. Thomson called for comment from the Planning Commission There were none Being no additional questions or comments, Mr. Thomson closed the public hearing at 4.09 p m C 02-24 MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY LARRY HANSEN, TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW AI' NO APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Beck informed the commission that he attended the Land UsefTransportation conference on October 29, 2002 Mr. Beck spoke to those attending the conference about the importance of the transportation issues in the Yelm area, and reminded them that not only does the City of Yelm carry heavy traffic fori Thurston County, but also reminded them that the City borders the Pierce County line, and carries traffic load for the Tacoma, Span away and military bases, as well as being the only alternative route between the Tacoma - Olympia 02-25 Election of Officers. MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER TO RETAIN TOM GORMAN AS, CHAIR OF THE PLANNING COMMISION MOTION CARRIED 'i I MOTION BY GLENN BLANDO, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO RETAIN JOHN THOMSON AS VICE CHAIR OF THE PLANNING COMMISION. MOTION CARRIED I MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSEN, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO ADJOURN THE MEETING MOTION CARRIED 02-26 02-27 Meeting adjourned at 4.20 p m Respectfully submitted, c Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission November 18, 2002 Page I o City ofYelm YELM WASHINGTON 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 To Yelm Planning Commission , From Grant Beck, Director of Community Development ~. Date November 12, 2002 Subj Public Hearing - Update to Development Regulations Attached to this report is the hearing draft of the updated development regulations, as reviewed by the Planning Commission at it's October public meeting The Commission has scheduled a public hearing for the proposed update on November 18, 2002, at which time testimony on the proposed changes will be taken by the Commission After the public hearing, the Commission should be prepared to discuss the proposed amendments and to provide staff with direction on whether to forward the amendments to the City Council either as drafted or with amendments c Community Development staff has provided public notice of the upcoming hearing by publishing a notice in the Nisqually Valley News and posting notice in the City Hall and at the Yelm Timberland Library Copies of the proposed amendments have been available for public review since October 23, 2002, along with the previous staff reports c The CIty of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty ProvIder I J___ I I I I Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.06 17.06.682 Setback. c 17.06.080 Acreage or area, gross. "Gross area" or "gross acreage" means all land within the exterior boundaries of the development, including, but not limited to all land allocated for open space, critical areas, buffers, streets, roqds, public and private rights-of-way and easements, including all utility easements. 17.06.390 Kennel. c "Kennel" means any place where more than six adult dogs amlfor cats, or other canines or felines, beyond the age of f.our months, are kept feF commercial purposes, including grooming, board and sate., by persons providing facilities for breeding. and the offspring thereof are sold for profit; or where such animals are received for care, training and boardin? for compensation. but not including a small animal hospitaL clinic. pet shoiJ. or a hobby kennel as defined by Chapter 6.08 YMC. 17.06.600 Parcel. "Parcel" refers to contiguous land in common ownership or control not identified as lots, lawful final plats or short plats recorded under Chapter 58.17 RC'N. A property owner has a single "parcel" for purposes of this ordinance where the property is contiguous regardless of the number of tax parcels or other nonsubdi'lision segmentations ..."hich may appear.- means a lot or tract of land created in accordance with the Chapter 58.17 RCW and Title 16 YMC and intended as a unit for the purpose. whether immediate or future. of transfer of ownership. If the parcel was not created pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and the Title 16 YMC. the external boundaries existing as of December 3 L 1992. shall be used to establish what is a parcel for the purposes of this code. For parcels which have not been conveyed smce that date. the legal description used in the C conveyance closest to that date shall control. "Setback" means the distance between any building foundation and the adjacent facing lot line. 17.06.685 Site plan review committee. "Site plan review committee" means a committee composed of the city plannercommunity development director, who shall serve as chairman of the committee, the city administrator, the city director of public works the city engineer. and the building official, or their designees. New Section Temporarv Use. A commercial land use limited in scope. duration. and intensity. 1 J I I I c c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.09 17.09.045 Allowable Densitv. When calculating the number of dwelling units allowed on a parcel. the gross area is used and the subsequent number of units is rounded to the first significant digit. 2 o c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.39 Chapter 17.39 - Delete entire Chapter 3 Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.40 c 17 40.020 Permitted uses. A. Specific types permitted in the industrial district include 1..\11 uses permittod outright m the Industrial/Warehouse Chapter 17.39. 1. Public buildings and uses, including shops and public safety facilities. 2. Industrial activities involving the manufacture, assembly, repair, servicing of goods or products. Such goods or products may include, but are not limited to a. Mechanical, automotive, marine and contractors' or builders' equipment and supplies, b Concrete, cement, asphalt, building materials and supplies, c. Electrical and electronic equipment or products; 3 Industrial activities involving the assembly of manufactured products, re- manufacturing/ recycling and processing of materials. Such products may include, but are not limited to a. Wood products, including furniture, b Metal, cans, cable and pipe, c. Plastics and synthetic materials, d. Concrete products, e. Cloth, paper, f. Commercial bakery goods, g. Cosmetics or other products for personal use, h. Agricultural or dairy products, 4 Other uses. a. Power generation, distribution or supply, b Warehousing and storage of equipment, commodities and products, c. Gas and petroleum processing or distribution, d. Laundry and dry cleaning plants, e. Care and/or sale of livestock; 5 Accessory uses clearly subordinate to, and an integral part of, the primary use of the property (e.g., plant cafeteria, recreation area); 6. Commercial uses or activities which complement the permitted uses such as. a. Service stations, b. Hardware stores. 7. Living or residential quarters as an accessory use such as guards' quarters in large establishments where such quarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurability ofthe premises. B Similar or related uses permitted, and criteria for determination of similarity Of- relatedness as follows. 1 Uses similar to, or related to, or compatible with those listed or described in subsection 17 40.020(A) are permitted upon a finding by the approval authority and/or the site plan review committee that a proposed use does not conflict with the intent of this chapter or the policies of the Yelm development plan, 2. The criteria for such finding of similarity, etc., shall include but not be limited to the following: o c 1. Scientific, medical and precision instruments and equipment, j Livestock rendering facility, k. Auto wrecking yards. 4 Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17 40 c a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area, b The development guidelines for permitted uses can be met by the proposed use, c. The public need is served by the proposed use. e. Special uses may be permitted as provided for in Chapter 17.66 of this title. D On-site and off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an accessory use to any activity lawfully allowed in this zone, provided that such facilities meet the state siting criteria adopted pursuant to the requirements of RCW 70 105.210. c " " !I , I I I , c 5 Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.60 c 17.60.125 Refuse Areas. A. Refuse container screening shall be required and be of a material and design compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure. shall be a least as high as the refuse container. and shall in no case be less than six feet high. B. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building. C. Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections, Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. 17.60.190 Final review and approval-- ApplicationnRequired documentation. The applicant shall submit at least seven copies of the application for final review and approval of the PRD to the planning community development department for its review The application for final review and approval shall comply with the conditions imposed on the preliminary approval. In addition, if the PRD is being immedIately subdivided, the data required of regular plats as required by the subdivision ordinance must be submitted. The application shall include the following: A. Final elevation and perspective drawings of project structures, B Final landscaping plan, e. Final plans of and including profiles of the drainage, water, sewer, lighting, streets and sidewalks or pathways, D Such other documentation, information and data not lending itself to graphic presentation such as restrictive covenants, incorporation papers and bylaws of Homeowners' Associations, dedications of easements, rights- c c of-way and other conditions specifically required by the approval authority for the particular PRD No final PRD application shall be deemed acceptable for filing unless all of the above information is submitted in accurate and complete form sufficient for the purposes of planning community development department review After receiving the final PRD application, the planning community development department shall route the same to all appropriate city departments, and each department shall again submit to the planning community development department comments and recommendations. If the city departments determine that the final PRD application conforms fully with all applicable regulations and standards, the final PRD application shall be presented to the city council for final approval. 6 " " :1 11 , I 'I I I Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.61 c 17.61.040 Q Refuse Areas. 1. Refuse container screening shall be required and be of a material and design compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure. shall be a least as high as the refuse contalller, and shall in no case be less than six feet high. 2. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building. 3. Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections, Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outSIde the refuse enclosure. o (\ V 7 o c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.62 17.62.060 Master plan approval. A. Purpose. The master plan shall consist of map(s) and text which indicate major development features and services for the entire site, including a schedule indicating phasing of development and the means of financing services for the site. B. Review A complete master plan for the entire master plan area shall be submitted within tflree-ten (10) years of conceptual approval unless an extension has been granted pursuant to Section 17 62.070 The master plan shall be reviewed by the planning commissionhearing examiner and a recommendation submitted to the city council for final action. The planning commissionhearing examiner shall not recommend approval of a master plan unless the commission exmaniner has conducted a public hearing pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 and it is determined that said plan is consistent with the conceptual approval and complies with the policies of the comprehensive plan, the purposes of Section 17.62.020, and the provisions of this chapter The planning cOfl1lliissionhearing examiner may recommend terms and conditions of approval, and require the provision, and further public review, of additional information and analyses in order to insure such compliance. In addition, the planning commissionhearing examiner may propose changes in the proposed master plan or the proposed zoning on the basis of information presented in the course of master plan review, as long as the changes are consistent with applicable city plans and policies. Changes not consistent with city plans and policies may be made only if conceptual approval or other plans or policies are first amended accordingly 8 o c (\ o Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.69 17.69.090 Appeal procedure. Any person aggrieved by the determination of the city clerk to grant a home occupation permit may appeal such determination to the city councilHearing Examiner Any person aggrieved by the determination of the city council to grant, deny or revoke a home occupation permit may appeal to the city council for reconsideration of such determination. Any appeal made pursuant to this section shall be in writing and filed with the city clerk within thirty days from the date of the determination being appealed, and shall contain a complete statement of the grounds upon which such appeal is based. Any appeal filed in compliance with this section pertaining to the revocation of a home occupation permit shall stay the revocation of such permit pending reconsideration by the city council. 9 o c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17 70 New Chapter 17.70 - Temporary Uses 17.70.010 Applicability. Temporary events and uses that are of low impact (being limited in scope, intensIty and duration). 17.70.020 Purpose. To identify temporary uses which are low-impact and limited-duration actIvities that would otherwise be subiect to a site plan review approval. site improvements, and connection to sewer and water. 17.70.030 Temporary Uses. A. The following temporary uses may be authorized. subiect to specific limitations in this section and such additional conditions as may be established by the site plan review committee. 6. Fund raIsing car washes. 7. Uses found by the Site Plan Review Committee to be similar in nature and impacts to those listed temporary uses. B. Standards for Temporary Uses. 1. Each site occupied by a temporary use shall be left free of debris, litter or other evidence of temporary use upon completion of the use. 2. A temporary use shall not occupy more than 15% of the parking spaces required for the primary use of the property. 3. Temporary uses must provide sufficent off-street parking and vehicular maneuvering area for customers. 4. No temporary use shall occupy parks without an approved park use request or any publIc rights-of-way. 5. The site plan review committee may establIsh such additional condItions as may be deemed necessary to ensure land use compatibility and to minimize potential impacts on nearby uses. These include, but are not limIted to. conditions regulating the time and frequency of operation, parking and traffic circulation requirements, screening, and site restoration. 1. Contractor's offices, equipment storage sheds and storage yards, and portable lavatories on the site of a permItted, active construction proiect, for a duration not exceeding one year. 2. Circuses, carnivals. rodeos, fairs or similar transient amusement or recational activities. 3. Christmas tree sales lots and fireworks stands, limited to location on lots not used for residential purposes in commercial or industrial zones. 4. Indoor or outdoor sales sponsored by schools or other nonprofit organizations for no more than three days per event and no more than four times In any calendar year. 5. Seasonal sale of unprossessed agricultural products. limited to location on not used for residential purposes in commercial zones WhICh are improved to current city standards. I I I I , I - i I I I , I , , 1 I 10 o c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17 70 17.80.070 Species choice. The applicant shall utilize plant materials that are drought resistant and complement the natural character of the Pacific Northwest. 17.80.090 Performance assurance. A. The required landscaping must be installed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy unless the approval authority or site plan review committee determines that a performance assurance device, for a period of not more than one year, will adequately protect the interest of the city In no case may the property owner/developer delay performance for more than one year B. The city may accept, as an alternative to a performance assurance device, a contractual agreement or bond between the owner/developer and a licensed landscape architect, Washington-certified nurseryman or Washington-certified landscaper, along with a rider or endorsement specifically identifying the city as a party to the agreement for purposes of enforcement. Nothing in this alternative shall be interpreted to in any way modify the conditions of subsection 17.80.090(A). c. If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 17.80090(A, B), the approval authority shall determine the specific type of assurance device required in order to insure completion of the required landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan. The value of this device must equal one hundred fifty percent of the estimated cost of the landscaping to be performed, and shall be utilized by the city to perform any necessary work, and to reimburse the city for documented administrative costs associated with action on the device. If costs incurred by the city exceed the amount provided by the assurance device, the property owner shall reimburse the city in full, or the city may file a lien against the subject property for the amount of any deficit. D If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 17.80.090(A, B), the property owner shall provide the city with an irrevocable notarized agreement granting the city and its agents the right to enter the property and perform any required work remaining undone at the expiration of the assurance device. E. Upon completion of the required landscaping by the property owner, at or prior to expiration of the assurance device, the city shall promptly release the performance assurance device or evidence thereof. F. The owner/developer of any proiect requiring site plan review approval, subdivision approval, or short subdivision approval shall provide a perfonnance assurance device in order to provide for maintenance of the reqUIred landscaping until the tenant or homeowners association becomes responsible for landscaping maintenance. The perfonnance assurance device shall be 150% of the anticipated cost to maintain the landscaping for three (3) years. 11 o c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.84 17.84.010 Generally--Committee membership. A. Site plan review and approval shall be required prior to the use of land or building for the location of any commercial, industrial or public building or activity, including environmental checklist review, and for the location of any building in which more than two dwelling units would be contained. Additionally, site plan review shall be required for any allowed, regulated or special use activity on lands containing a wetland or wetland buffer areas pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 14.08. B Exemptions from site plan reVIew and approval shall be granted by the site plan review committee if: Ltflere.- There is no addition of square feet or no additional tenant, aH-or the expansion is for storage only (future conversion of storage area would require compliance with this chapter)~ L --and--tIhe proposed use is similar as classified by the Standard Industrial Code Classification Manuat 3. the building has been occupied within the previous 18 months. C. An application, in completed form, shall be filed for site plan review and approval with the city planning community development department. An application shall not be in completed form under this section if it fails to contain any of the information and material required under Section 17.84.060 D The site plan review committee shall consist of the following members. the €ity pkHmel:community development director, who shall serve as chairman; city administrator; the city director of public works the city engineer. and the building official, or their designees. 17.84.040 Appeal of decision to Gi:ty CouncilHeariUl! Examiner Appeals of all site plan review decisions may be taken to the City Council hearing examiner in accordance with Chapter 15 49 of the Yelm Municipal Code. 12 c c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 17.93 17.93.030 Abandonment or discontinuance. A nonconforming use shall be deemed abandoned by discontinuance or abandonment for a period of eighteen consecutive months, and any subsequent future use of such land or buildings shall be in conformity with the provisions of this title. 13 t\ V c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 14.04 14.04.030 Designation of responsible official. For those proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall be the eity administratorcommunitv development director of the city of Yelm. For all proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall make the threshold determination, supervIse scoping and preparation of any required environmental impact statement (ElS), and perform any other functions assigned to the lead agency or responsible official by those sections of the SEP A Rules adopted by reference in the ordinance codified in this chapter The city shall retain all documents required by the SEP A Rules and make them available in accordance with Chapter 42.17 RCW 14 o o c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15.40 15 40.020 Process A. Whenever a reviewing authority is asked to consider the approval of a division of land for sale or lease or the approval of a site plan, the reviewing official shall make a written determination of concurrency in connection with facilities proposed or available for the project. B With respect to each of the public facilities identified above, concurrency shall be established and determined as follows. 1 Sewer a. The project is within an area approved for sewer pursuant to the adopted sewer comprehensive plan for the city; b Improvements necessary to provide city standard facilities and services are present or are on an approved and funded plan to assure availability in time to meet the needs of the proposed development. Yelm Municipal Code 15 40.030 2. Water a. The project is within an area approved for municipal water service pursuant to the adopted water comprehensive plan for the city; b Improvements necessary to provide city standard facilities and services are present or are on an approved and funded plan to assure availability in a time to meet the needs of the proposed development. 3 Parks. The project meets the requirements of the city fee-in-lieu requirements for parks, Chapter 14 12 YMC. 4 Schools. The project sponsor provides a letter from the local school district that the school facilities impacted by the proposed development are present, or are on an approved and funded plan, to assure that facilities will be available to meet the needs and impacts of the proposed development. 5 Transportation. a. The project makes on-site and frontage improvements, consistent with city standards for utilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bicycle lanes where appropriate, and roads necessary to serve the proposed project consistent with safety and public interest; b The project makes such off-site facility improvements, not listed on the capital facilities plan, as are necessary to meet city standards for the safe movement of traffic and pedestrians attributable to the project. Where a developer is required to oversize an off-site facility for a project by more than 10 percent of the need generated by the proposed project, the city may consider a developer reimbursement contract as authorized by state law; c. The project makes a contribution to the facilities relating to capacity improvements identified in e.ff-s.ite comprehensive transportation planthe adopted six year traffic improvement program, III the form of a transportation facility charge calculated pursuant to Section 15.40.020 (B)(5)(d) YMC based on the 15 o c c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15.40 list of projects specified to be constructed 'Nithin the next six years, or as partial credit against such charge, constructs a portion of the six year facility, in which case a credit shall be Given for the reasonable cost incurred therein, but not to exceed the extent of potential savings to the city; d. Table 15 40.020(5)( d) and Appendix A * to the ordinance codified in this chapter is the traffic report identifying the transportation facility charge for the six-year road program in place at the date of the adoption of said ordinance. Such traffic report is to be updated no less than annually, by July 1st, of each year; provided, however, the plan in effect shall remain in effect until a successor plan is fully adopted. 15.40.030 Determination and payment of the transportation facility charge. A. The transportation facility charge shall be based on the per peak-hour trip rate identified in the report from transportation trip calculations based on a transportation report consistent with city standards. B. City standards shall include 1 Standard transportation assumptions as identified in Table 1540.030(B)(I), Trip Generation Rate Default Values, P.M. Peak Hour; 2. For facilities not on the standard transportation assumptions, the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual for the most recent year; 3 For projects WIth nontraditional peak hour impacts or different from standard projects modeled in said Table 1, a special report, based on generally accepted traffic engineering principles may be submitted and considered. C. Credits shall be given to reflect the projected impact on the community system such as, traffic decreases where an existing facility on- site is removed or replaced, and traffic reduction systems which are binding and likely to remain effective for the life of the project. D Credits may also be given for projects whlch create a significant economic benefit to the community, including industrial or manufacturing uses with an excess of 500 trips per day The size of the credit shall be measured at an appropriate percentage of the anticipated annual tax revenue increase to the community and available for capital contribution to transportation facilities on the approved plan as a result of the project. The said credit shall be calculated as detailed in Table 15 40030(D), Formula for Calculating TFC Credits. Table 15.40.030(D) Formula for Calculating TFC Credits 1 Estimated gross revenue for six years. 2. Multiply gross revenue by 0.2 percent (B and 0 tax). 3 Multiply gross revenue subject to sales tax by 1.5 percent (city share of state sales tax). 4 Add products of 2 and 3 above. 5 Multiply total from line 4 by mne percent (percentage of tax revenue budgeted to city road fund). 16 c o c Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15 40 6 Multiply product from line 5 by 28 percent (percentage of money in the road fund that is designated as private share for projects on the TFC). E. Payment of the transportation facility charge shall be as follows. 1 For projects involving the division of land for sale or lease upon the issuance of a building permit for construction of each lot of record, for the traffic attributable to that lot; 2. For projects approved through site plan review. upon the issuance of the building permit authorizing the construction of any phase, for the traffic associated with that phase. 3. For proiects approved through site plan review which do not include a list of tenants at the time of approval. upon the issuance of the building permit for the tenant improvements. if required. or otherwise upon the issuance of the business license. for the traffic associated with that tenant. 17 o o o Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 16.12 16.12.300 Hearing examiner review Upon receipt of all required administrative approvals, the community development director eity plafmeF shall forward any proposed fmal full plat and imy-large lot subdiVIsion of five or more lots to the hearing examiner for appropriate action. The hearing examiner shall review such full subdivision and forward its recommendation to the city council. The hearing examiner shall render a decision regarding such large lot subdivision. 16.12.310 Council review. Upon receipt of the all required administrative approvals, the community development dIrector shall forward any proposed final full plat to the city council for appropriate action. hearing examiner's recommendation the administrator shall present the plat to the city council. Upon finding that the final plat has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this title and that all required improvements have been completed or that arrangements or contracts have been entered into to guarantee that such required improvements will be completed, and that the interests of the city are fully protected, the city council shall approve and the mayor shall sign the final plat and accept dedications as may be included thereon. The mayor shall immediately return the final plat to the city clerk/treasurer for filing for record with the county auditor , 'I il " q I I I , I , 18 c c c Yelm Development Guidelines Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Change references to the Director of Public Works to City Engineer and Public Works to Community Development, where appropriate. 19 , " " !I , I , , I c c c Yelm Development Guidelines Chapters 3 3.010 Standard Specifications Change the list of adopted reference documents from specific editions to the latest edition. 3.110 Utility Locations Right of Way Permits B Permit Appeal. Any person, firm or corporation feeling aggrieved by the decision of the City Engineer as to the granting of a permit may file an appeal pursuant to Section 15.49.160 YMC shall have thirty days within which to make ,witten appeal to the City Clerk, setting forth his reason or reasons for such appeal, and such appeal shall be considered and passed upon by the City Council, and the results of such consideration forwarded to the appellant vdthin five days of the hearing thereon. 3.150 Annexation Requirement Delete entire section. 20 o c c Yelm Development Guidelines Chapter 4B 4B.030 Functional Classification City streets are divided into boulevards, major arterials, urban arterials, commercial and neighborhood collectors, local access commercial, and residential streets and alleys in accordance with regional transportation needs, the functional use of each serves and Transportation Policy No 11 Function is the controlling element for classification and shall govern Right-of-Way, road width, and road geometries. The following list is provided to assist the developer in determining the classification of a particular street. Streets not listed are classified as residential local access streets. New streets will be classified by the City The intersection commonly known as Five Corners is described as Yelm Ave. Commercia) ColJectors Creek Street SE Edwards Street NW (from Yelm Avenue to Coates Street SE) Killion Road NW (adjacent to commercially zoned areas) Morris Road SE N P Road NW Rhoton Road NW (from NE First Street to NW Rhoton Court) Stevens Avenue NW West Road SE 103rd Street NE (from Yelm Avenue to NE Creek Street) Neighborhood ColJectors Burnett Road SE Clark Road SE Coates Street SE Crystal Springs Road (including Y-6 improvements-upon opening of Y -3 west) Cullens Road Killion Road NW Middle Road SE Mill Road SE (SR 507)/Bald Hill Rd. SE/Morris Rd. SEINE Creek St./SR 507 Boulevard Swale or w/Central Island Berry Valley Road SW (beyond commercial section through SW Yelm annexation area) Major Arterials First Street (from Y-1/Y-2 llltersection to Y elm Avenue) Killion Road extension (so. to Berry Valley Road to Boulevard section) Y-I (SR-510) Y-2 (SR-507) Urban Arterial Y elm Avenue East and West Mosman Avenue SE Mosman Avenue SW Mountain View Road NW NeIghborhood Collectors continued- Ordway Drive Railway Street SE Rhoton Road NW (from NW Rhoton Court to Canal Rd. SE) Southwest Access (Y-7 improvements) Vancil Road SE Wilkensen Road 93rd Avenue SE 105th Avenue I I II I I , I Bald Hills Road (Y -9 improvements) Canal Road (including Y-3 improvements) First Street (north ofYelm Avenue) Grove Road (including Y 3 improvements) Stevens-Coates Connector (Y-4 improvements) 21 Yelm Development Guidelines Chapter 4B c Local Access Commercial Edwards Street SW (from Yelm Avenue to Mosman Avenue) Jefferson Avenue NE Jefferson Avenue NW o Jones Street SE Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) Mckenzie Avenue SE (from SR 507 to Second Street) Railroad Street NW Rice Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Solberg (Jefferson to Coates) Van Trump Street Second Street SE Solberg Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Third Street SE (from Jones Street SE to NE Jefferson Avenue) Local Access Residential Flume Road SE Fourth Street SE Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) 100th Way SE 103rd Street NE (from NE Creek Street to Canal Road SE) All remaining roadways withm the Yelm UGA 6.110 Backflow Prevention All water system connections to serve buildings or properties with domestic potable water, fire sprinkler systems, or irrigation systems shall comply with the minimum backflow requirements as established by the Department of Health (DOH) and the City of Yelm. c The installation of all backflow devices is required to protect the existing water system and users from possible contamination. Public Works shall get the certificate for testing of any backflow prevention device before releasing the certificate of occupancy on any building. Test may be performed by any person holding a current backflow tester certificatecertified by the Washington State Board of Health. A list of approved testers may be obtained from Washington Environmental Training Resource Center (WETRC) located in Auburn, Washington. Yelm Fire District No 2 will test the fire line and obtain the certificate for underground piping. In any situation, Yelm Fire District No 2 will not test their portion of underground until Public Works has tested and approved their main up to the fire line. 4B.070 Private Streets See definition of private street in Section 3.025 A. Private streets within City limits shall not be allowed except when approved by the City and when all conditions of this section are met. B Private streets will not be allowed when. 1 The proposed street is connected to two public streets. 2. The intersection of the proposed street with another street is signalized. (150 LF of the private street starting from the Right-of-Way will then be required to be a public roadway). 3 The street could be used as a thoroughfare or "short cut" 4 It would not be in the best interest of the public due to a threat to the public's safety, health, and welfare. I I 11 i I I 22 Yelm Development Guidelines Chapter 4B c C. Private streets may be allowed under the following conditions. 1 Permanently established by tract or easement providing legal access to serve unlimited dwelling units situated on one parcel and sufficient to accommodate required improvements, to include provisions for futUi"e use by adjacent property owners when app Iicab leThe private street is permanently established by tract or easement providing legal access, including provisions for future use by adiacent property owners, when applicable, and 2. If the private street serves Fef--nine (9) or fewer dwelling units, iLshall require a minimum 3D-foot paved surface, and have a sidewalk 4 feet in width. constructed to City standards. Private street serving multi family or mobile homes all on one parcel shall provide a [0Ui" foot sidewalk on one side with such a desi;n as to prevent parking on the sidewalk, and 3 Accessible at all times for emergency and public service vehicle use, and 4 Will not result in landlocking of present or future parcels nor obstruct public street CIrculation, and 5 Covenants have been approved, recorded, and verified with the City which provide for maintenance of the private streets and associated parking areas by the owner or homeowners association or other legal entity D Acceptance as Public Streets. Acceptance of private streets as publIc streets will be considered only if the street(s) meet all c c applicable public street standards, including Right-of-Way widths, walks, drainage, lighting, and pavement composition. 4B.080 Street Frontage Improvements C. Frontage Improvement Deferrals. In certain circumstances it may not be appropriate to require installation of frontage improvements at the time a development occurs. In such situations, the City may permit deferral of installation of such improvements to a later date under the provisions of this section. The City may authorize a deferral of any or all required frontage improvements as defined by these Standards, provided one or more of the following criteria are met: · The design grade and alignment of the abutting street cannot be determined at the time of construction of the development. · The installation of frontage improvements required for the development would create or intensify a hazard to public safety · The installation of required frontage improvements would be inconsistent with the City's long-range street and utility system comprehensive plans. · The installation of frontage improvements required III paragraph A of this section could be more safely, efficiently and effectively implemented if done concurrently with the installation of improvements required for other properties along the same street frontage. · The scope of the improvement being authoflzed by the permIt does not constitute a significant change III the 23 Yelm Development Guidelines Chapter 4B o existing demands of the use of property upon the City's transportation and utility transmission systems. financing of such improvement. Such payment shall be refunded in full, plus interest to the successor in interest in the Any deferred frontage improvement shall be secured for installation at a later date by one of the following methods selected by the City 1. Commitment to Participate in a Local Improvement District. The property owner shall execute and record a covenant property should the City not install the required frontage improvements within five (5) years form the date such payment is made. c document that insures the participation of the subject property owner(s) in any local improvement district formed for the construction of such frontage improvements. Said document shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and shall be effective for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date of recording. If the developer chooses to participate in a Local Improvement District, the document shall include an agreement that the subiect property owner( s) shall construct required frontage improvements when directed by the Public Works Director at any time within the effective life of the covenant document. The Public Works Director shall require frontage improvements to be installed by the subiect property owners(s) when the street is improved by fundmg methods other than a Local Improvement District. 2. Payment in Lieu of Installation. The property owner shall pay to the City an amount equal to the estimated value of the required frontage improvements as determined by the Public Works Director Such amount shall be deposited into a municipal fund account reserved for the , II [/ , I , c 24 c c c Yelm Development Gnidelines Chapter 6 Amend the following detail sheets. Drawing 6-1 5/8" Single Meter Service Drawing 6-2. 5/8" Dual Meter Service Drawing 6-3 1 Vi' to 2" Meter Service Drawing 6-4 1 2 Inch Blow-Off Assembly Drawing 6-5 3" - 4" - 6" Water Meter Drawing 6-8 2" Air and Vacuum Release Valve Drawing 6-9 2" Blowoff Assembly Drawing 6-11 Standard Valve Box 25 c o o HEARING AND DECISION GUIDE ~ I k.f t:L.e.CAJl- Co." --..I- ~ r ~ lf4 t-:c ~ Vf~"" ~ (TITLE) Lr + 7' .'c;;1 3 I tc--r OPEN HEARING /~S ~ U . c.A~ IDENTIFY YOURSELF ~4. '-\. ~ ~eA.ot l Wl ST ATE THE DATE; TIME; AND PLACE If,'03 P "" j/",v r.!j J c>D<. ~1- c. -S II STATE THE SUBJECT OF THE HEARING - ASK SPEAKERS TO SIGN UP ~~~~r ~.c--.t .." ASK IF ANY MEMBER HAS A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST )/~~ .:/ ASK IF ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE OBJECTS TO ANYONE PARTCIPATING ~O ASK IF ANY MEMBER HAS RECEIVED INFORMATION PRIOR TO HEARING / AI c> CALL FOR STAFF REPORT CALL ON APPLICANT ~/~ CALL FOR COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC ~~A- -- ASK MEMBERS IF THEY HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CLOSE HEARING ~.I 'r c.tt#r-ed 'f.'ZJ 1 pot.,) ('81' )..OCl 2- ST.~.TE WHETHER COUNCIL WILL REVIE\'I COMMISSION DECISION ~-> REMIND AUDIENCE THEY MAY SIGN UP FOP NOTICE OR COpy OF DECISION RECORD OF DECISION (PASS TO SECRETARY) Decision ~~onditional1Y approve deny ~!/f2:L Flndlngs and concluslons f (/,~ ~ Staff report adopted? ~~ Conditions of approval? }/c-~. c c c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailjn~ list to receive future agendas and minutes II ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COpy PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: NOVEMBER 18, 2002 MAILING LIST? / SPEAKE~? (Indicate which public hearin!g by the assigned numbers above)' II II II II II II II II II II II II II TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Hearing: 1. Yelm Development Regulations Update NAME & ADDRESS o c o , " 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2002 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE WEST 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes October 21,2002, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearing - Yelm Development Regulations Update Staff Report Enclosed 4 Other Update - TRPC Land Useffransportation Conference Update Election of Officers 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2002 - 400 P M The CIty of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty ProVIder c Motion No c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 2002, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 4.00 p m Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Everette Schirman, Joe Baker, Don Carney, Glen Cunningham Staff' Grant Beck and T ami Merriman Members Absent: E J Curry, Glenn Blando, and Larry Hansen were unexcused Three commission members arrived late Mr. Gorman proceeded with the worksession agenda item without a quorum, and moved agenda items 1 & 2 after the worksession, when a quorum was present. I WORK SESSION. Yelm Development Regulations Update I Mr. Beck discussed with the commission the additional changes made to the development regulations, as recommended by the Commission at the August 19, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting Mr. Beck II discussed proposed changes Chapter 15 40 Concurrency Management, changing the ordinance to allow TFC funds to be used for capacity related projects throughout the City Also included in the proposed update are administrative and typographical changes, as well as updating some detail drawings. Mr. Carney suggested adding language to 17 70 030(A) temporary uses to say. #7 Or similar uses as approved by the Site Plan Review Committee I Mr. Carney stated that the minutes should be amended to reflect that he was not in attendance at the August 19, 2002 meeting Approval of Minutes. 02-21 MOTION BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 2002 AS AMENDED MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. Mr. Ron Smith from Source Manufacturing introduced himself and his business to the Planning Commission Mr. Smith explained that his manufacturing company makes concrete blocks from recyeled products A sample was shown to the Commission Mr. Smith stated that this business would provid~ employment and profit to the residents of the City of Yelm, mostly to the youth and senior citizens jVI~. Smith stated that Thurston County will not allow him to run his manufacturing business in the County,lland they would like to relocate to the Industrial area of the City Mr. Smith stated that he would like for his partner from London come and explain the business venture to the City I I Mr. Gorman suggested that Mr. Smith attend a City Council meeting to introduce his idea to the COlJhcil Members II Mr. Cunninqham suggested that Mr. Smith attend a Chamber of Commerce meeting to introduce his iaea to those members ; , Mr. Beck informed the commission of a Land UsefTransportation meeting on October 29, 2002, and ! invited them to attend I 02-22 MOTION MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING MOTION CARRIED : I Meeting adjourned at 4 45 P m I i I Respectfully submitted, i I I I' iI :1 I I , I I I I I I , I I , I , I I I I I I Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission October 21 2002 Page 1 c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 To Yelm Planning Commission From Grant Beck, Director of Community Development Date October 15, 2002 Subj 2nd Work session - Update to Development Regulations At it's last regular meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed draft changes to the development regulations for consideration as part of the annual update of these land use regulations The Commission asked that the Community Development Department review the proposed changes for temporary uses In addition, the Public Works and Community Development Departments have reviewed the Development Guidelines and have a series of proposed amendments to bring the guidelines up to date c Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Code - Title 17 YMC New Section Temporary Use A land use limited in scope, duration, and intensity New Chapter 17.70 - Temporary Uses 17.70010 Applicability Temporary events and uses that are of low impact (beinq limited in scope, intensity and duratIon). 1770.020 Purpose To identify temporary uses which are low-impact and limited- duratIon activities that would otherwise be subject to a site plan review approval, site improvements. and connection to sewer and water. 17.70.030 Temporary Uses. A. The followinq temporary uses may be authorized. subiect to specific limitations in this section and such additional conditions as may be established by the site plan review committee 1 Contractor's offices, equipment storaqe sheds and storage yards, and portable lavatones on the site of a permitted, active construction pro;ect, for a duration not exceeding one year. Circuses, carnivals, rodeos, fairs or similar transient amusement or recational actIVIties 2. c The City of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty ProVIder Staff Report to the Planning Commission Page 2 c 3. Christmas tree sales lots and fireworks stands, limited to location on lots not used for residential purposes in commercial or industrial zones. Indoor or outdoor sales sponsored by schools or other nonprofit orqanlzat,ons for no more than three days per event and no more than four times in any calendar year. Seasonal sale of unprossessed agricultural products, limited to location on not used for residential purposes in commercial zones which are improved to current city standards. Fund raising car washes. 4 5. 6. B. Standards for Temporary Uses. c 1. Each site occupied by a temporary use shall be left free of debris, litter or other evidence of temporary use upon completion of the use. 2. A temporary use shall not occuPY more than 15% of the parking spaces required for the primary use of the property. 3. Temporary uses must provide sufficent off-street parking and vehicular maneuvering area for customers. 4. No temporary use shall occuPY parks without an approved park use request or any public rights-of-way. 5. The site plan review committee may establish such additional conditIons as may be deemed necessary to ensure land use compatibility and to minimize potential impacts on nearby uses. These include, but are not limIted to, conditions regulating the time and frequency of operation, parking and traffic circulation requirements, screeninq, and sIte restoration. Proposed Amendments to the Concurrency Management Code - Chapter 15.40 YMC Section 15.40 020 (B) 5 Transportation a. b c The project makes on-site and frontage improvements, consistent with city standards for utilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bicycle lanes where appropriate, and roads necessary to serve the proposed project consistent with safety and public interest; The project makes such off-site facility improvements, not listed on the i,l capital facilities plan, as are necessary to meet city standards for the , safe movement of traffic and pedestrians attributable to the project. ! , , , , I i , I I , 1 Staff Report to the Planning Commission Page 3 c Where a developer is required to oversize an off-site facility for a project by more than 10 percent of the need generated by the proposed project, the city may consider a developer reimbursement contract as authorized by state law; The project makes a contribution to the facilities relating to capacity improvements identified in off site comprehensive transportation f3ffiRthe adopted six year traffic Improvement program, in the form of a transportation facility charge calculated pursuant to Section 15.40 020 (B)(5)(d) YMC based on the list of projects specified to be constructed 'Nithin the next six years, or as partial credit against such charge, constructs a portion of the SIX year facility, in which case a credit shall be given for the reasonable cost incurred therein, but not to exceed the extent of potential savings to the city; Table 15 40 020(5)(d) and Appendix A* to the ordinance codified in this chapter is the traffic report identifying the transportation facility charge for the six-year road program in place at the date of the adoption of said ordinance Such traffic report is to be updated no less than annually, by July 1 st, of each year; provided, however, the plan in effect shall remain in effect until a successor plan is fully adopted c d Proposed Amendments to the Development Guidelines C Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Change references to the Director of Public Works to City Engineer and Public Works to Community Development, where appropriate 3.010 Standard Specifications Change the list of adopted reference documents from specific editions to the latest edition 3.110 C Utility Locations - Right of Way Permits Permit Appeal Any person, firm or corporation feeling aggrieved by the decision of the City Engineer as to the granting of a permit shall be pursuant to Section 15.49.160 YMC shall have thIrty days within which to make 'Nntten appeal to the City Clerk, setting forth his reason or reasons for such appeal, and such appeal shall be considered and passed upon by the City Council, and the results of such consideration forv'Jarded to the appellant within five days of the hearing thereon c :1 >I II '. :i , , I I , , I , I I I , , I , I , I , I , , , I Staff Report to the Planning Commission Page 4 o 3.150 Annexation Requirement Delete entire section, as service provision is adequately addressed in the adopted Comprehensive Water Plan and Comprehensive Sewer Plan 4B 030 Functional Classification City streets are divided into boulevards, major arterials, urban arterials, commercial and neighborhood collectors, local access commercial, and residential streets and alleys in accordance with regional transportation needs, the functional use of each serves and Transportation Policy No 11 Function is the controlling element for classification and shall govern Right-of-Way, road width, and road geometrics The following list is provided to assist the developer in determining the classification of a particular street. Streets not listed are classified as residential local access streets New streets will be classified by the City The intersection commonly known as Five Corners is described as Yelm Ave (SR 507)/Bald Hill Rd SE/Morris Rd SEINE Creek St./SR 507 Boulevard Swale or w/Central Island Berry Valley Road SW (beyond commercial section through SW Yelm annexation area) c Major Arterials First Street (from Y-1/Y-2 intersection to Yelm Avenue) Killion Road extension (so to Berry Valley Road to Boulevard section) Y-1 (SR-510) Y-2 (SR-507) Urban Arterial Yelm Avenue East and West Bald Hills Road (Y-9 improvements) Canal Road (including Y-3 improvements) First Street (north of Yelm Avenue) Grove Road (including Y 3 improvements) Stevens-Coates Connector (Y-4 improvements) c Commercial Collectors Creek Street SE Edwards Street NW (from Yelm Avenue to Coates Street SE) Killion Road NW (adjacent to commercially zoned areas) Morris Road SE N P Road NW Rhoton Road NW (from NE First Street to NW Rhoton Court) Stevens Avenue NW West Road SE 103rd Street NE (from Yelm Avenue to NE Creek Street) I , I , " if ,: " il " " , , i , , , , , , , , , , , I I Staff Report to the Planning Commission Page 5 c Neighborhood Collectors Burnett Road SE Clark Road SE Coates Street SE Crystal Springs Road (including Y-6 improvements-upon opening of Y-3 west) Cullens Road Killion Road NW Middle Road SE Mill Road SE Mosman Avenue SE Mosman Avenue SW Mountain View Road NW Neighborhood Collectors continued - Ordway Drive Railway Street SE Rhoton Road NW (from NW Rhoton Court to Canal Rd SE) Southwest Access (Y-7 improvements) Vancil Road SE Wilkensen Road 93rd Avenue SE 105th Avenue c Local Access Commercial Edwards Street SW (from Yelm Avenue to Mosman Avenue) Jefferson Avenue NE Jefferson Avenue NW Jones Street SE Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) Mckenzie Avenue SE (from SR 507 to Second Street) Railroad Street NW Rice Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Solberg (Jefferson to Coates) Van Trump Street Second Street SE Solberg Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Third Street SE (from Jones Street SE to NE Jefferson Avenue) c Local Access Residential Flume Road SE Fourth Street SE Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) 1 Oath Way SE 103rd Street NE (from NE Creek Street to Canal Road SE) All remaining roadways within the Yelm UGA Staff Report to the Planning Commission Page 6 o 6.110 Backflow Prevention All water system connections to serve buildings or properties with domestic potable water, fire sprinkler systems, or irrigation systems shall comply with the minimum backflow requirements as established by the Department of Health (DOH) and the City of Yelm The installation of all backflow devices is required to protect the existing water system and users from possible contamination Public Works shall get the certificate for testing of any backflow prevention device before releasing the certificate of occupancy on any building Test may be performed by any person holding a current backflow tester certificatecertified by the 'Nashington Stntc Board of Health A list of approved testers may be obtained from Washington Environmental Training Resource Center (WETRC) located in Auburn, Washington Yelm Fire District No 2 will test the fire line and obtain the certificate for underground piping In any situation, Yelm Fire District No 2 will not test their portion of underground until Public Works has tested and approved their main up to the fire line c Detail Drawings Amend the following detail sheets as noted in the attachments Drawing 6-1 5/8" Single Meter Service Drawing 6-2 5/8" Dual Meter Service Drawing 6-3 1 %" to 2" Meter Service Drawing 6-4 1 2 Inch Blow-Off Assembly Drawing 6-5 3" - 4" - 6" Water Meter Drawing 6-8 2" Air and Vacuum Release Valve Drawing 6-9 2" Blowoff Assembly Drawing 6-11 Standard Valve Box o I 11 II I I I I I I , I I I I , I I I r-._a Ii' '. j ~ j 01 o " . c r--'~ / ......\(, V ./I" ~I I! * (OR .'\rrR0\1~]) EQiJAL) MIDSTATES, BCF-l'415-r2RL CONCRETE DRIYEWA Y & OTHER TRAFFle AREAS SERVICE SADDLE ROMAC 2b2S OR I ROCKWEU. J13 METER BOX I l"x 1" FORD GRIP JOINT CORPORA I nON STOP TYPE ra 1101 *CARsoN PLASTIC "1'4.:1 9 READER uo--... ~ 1" PLASTi'C LINE (USE 200 PSI DR? PHILLIPS OR.ISCO PIPE 5100 ~ POL YETHYLENE PIPE) VALVE E!..~.:." DIA. PVC RISER. ~ BELOW I . 2% SLOPE TO BOX 18" I 19 1/2" .. .... /\ . /. ;, 12" 12" FORD VH 72-15W 5/8"x J/4" COPPER METER SETTER 'MTH CHECK VALVE AND UNION NU T AND SW1VEL FOR CONNECTING 1 U IRON PIPE 1 "x 1" FORD GRIP JOINT CORPORA TlON STOP TYPE F8 1101 CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 5/8" METER SINGLE SERVICE SERVICE SADDLE NOTES. 1. STAINLESS STEEL INSEl~TS RE.QUIRED FOR. ALL PACK JOINTS. 2. ALL SERVICE SADDLES SHALL AND FI TTlNGS SHALL HA VE IP THRE.ADS. APPROVED DWG. NO. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DES. OWN CKD. TEW TEW DLM 6-1 DATE DATE 3/15/00 JEG C- 8''' '- 3 ~) I l I II (.:. ij,!{i,/' ~I It :)/ I It' ~ tt. .~. ~V~ ., G/(~,I ~~ o d/\ ) 1-/ IQ ~?Af' G.c-Sf'.J"'e:fWo>q -~ GvvIr ~ 13'6 1- 3 'tV"J &7 f5tJ-J43--6( !i , o ~ I/~ ~ - If''~ .r" i " . t \ '. I~ ... ,,,," AA ..... \.:. ~. ~~f;.l ,J;J,", ',." , . ." . o 7 BALL VALVE (CURB STOP) WITH PACK JOINT IX) '-. ?"'- m r- ~ o SERVICE SADDLE ROMAC 2025 OR ROCKWELL 313 ;1" x 1-~" FORD PACK JOINT CORPORA TIONSTOP 61 (),..i l' ~" 1 " POLYETHYLENE LINE METER 18" 1- 2% SLOPE TO BOX L\. l> \J 12" t, CURB <l c I> <l <l A " 14 GAUGE INSULATED COPP ER TONING WIRE WRAPPED AROUND THE PIPE (SEE GENERAL NOTES NO 7) 1" x 1" FORD PACK JOINT'" CORPORATION STOP TYPE FB 11 1 4" dL SCH~ 40 pve 12" 1 Jl PLASTIC LINE (USE 200 PSI PHILLIPS DRISCO PIPE 5100 POLYETHYLENE PIPE) I \ SERVICE SADDLE FORD B61-555 WITH PACK JOINT & FEMALE I P THREADS ~ ~ J.. , . ~ , ! e,r41SS NOTES. 1 STAINLESS STEEL INSERTS REQUIRED FOR ALL PACK JOINTS. v o . , AI '7- DUA S_~V1CE 2 ALL SERVICE SADDLES SHALL HAVE RUBBER GASKET AND I.P THREADS. DWG. NO. () PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DA TE 6..;..,.;.2 DES. OWN CKD DA TE JEG TEW SRN TEW 3/15/00 1 1/2"-2". MALE ADAPTER ~ BALL VALVE (CURB STOP) 21" METER 1 1/2"-2" POLYETHYLENE LINE FORD PACK JOINT CORPORA nON STOP F"B 1101 SERVICE SADDLE ROMAC 202S OR ROCKWELL 313 32" ... ...... ()l4GAUGE INSULA TED COPPER TONING WIRE" 4 WRAPPED AROUND THE PIPE (SEE GENERAL WITH CAP FOR TH INSTALLATIONS. NOTES NO. FORD PACK JO T 7) I 1- CORPORATlO STOP. TYPE B' b3W - PLASTIC LINE (USE 200 221/ PSI PHIlliPS DRlseD PIPE 2 5100 POLYETHYLENE PIPE) ! fORD BALL VALVE \ WITH PACK JOINT & FEMALE I.P THREADS SERVICE SADDLE I" 2% SLOPE. T. 0 BOX .. (VARIES) ~~ 41 CURB ><:i J> -,i ,<:1 ~. v 12" * 3W'@ NOTES. 1. STAINLESS STEEL INSERTS REQUIRED FOR ALL PACK JOINTS. 2. ALL SERVICE SADDLES SHALL HAVE RUBBER GASKET AND I.P THREADS. CITY STANDARD FOR COPPER SETTERS ARE: 1 1/2" - FORD VFH 66-15x13 OR EQUAL () 2" - FORD VFH 77-15x17 OR EQUAL BY-PASS VALVE W /LOCI<ABLE CAP ~~ ~ CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 1/2" METER TO 2" SERVIC'EI~ III ~ APPROVED DWG. NO. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DES. DWN. CKD TEW TEW TEW DATE 6-3 DATE 3/15/00 JEG -2" GALV PLUG _ -2" SLEEvE COUPLING () 18" 'jALVE BOX TOP _ B-1D CONCRETE METER BOX WITH METAL LID ~ - .", ~<<T __ -24" VALVE BO/ BOTTOM -2" GALV PIPE () DOUBLE STRAP SADDLE-.. \. 2" CORPORATION ~ STOP '\ w~ , 2" GATE VALVE ~ \ WITH:2" OPEN NUT---I FIRE LINE ~ CI TY OF YELM DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2 II\~CH BLOVV-OFF ASSE~/lBL Y () APPROVED DWG. NO CITY ENGINEER DATE 6-4.1 DES uWN. CKD DATE JEG TEW TE'N TEvV 3/15/00 () (j) '-' @ @ G) () @ @ 0 @ @ @ r--. \lJJ @ @ <GD @ @ 6]) @ @ () I -GEr\JERAL rJGTES- 1 ALL PIPE. 'lA.LVES, FITTIHGS AND OTHER MATERIAL USED SHALL CONFORM TO I'WWA. STANDARDS (U\TEST EDITIOr~) 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COHFORM TO 'Ill/SOOT 1 APWA STANDARDS SPECIFICATIOHS, 20uO EDITION AND CITY OF YELM STA.r,DARDS (~ "- ", , //. ~(~ ~ 24" Mlr~. j!/ \ 18 , ~ @h2" VAULT, UTILITY VAULT OR APPROVED EQUII.L, SIZED TO MAINT.AIN CLEARI',NCES AS SH0WH. ~ROCKWELL FUlNGED TURBO-METER, MODEL '1'>1-1000 DR-READS IN CUBIC FEET *ROCKWELL FLANGED STRAINER. ~ROCI'WELL #912 FLA~IGED COUPLING ADAPT0R. ~DUCTILE IRON PIPE-CLASS 50 INSTALL \l,ALVE AT MMI L1~IE TEE. ~X~X~ TEE (MJxFLGxFLG). ~GATE VA.LVE (FLGxMJ) W /2" THRD. PLUG ~BLlND FLAHGEO W 12" THREADED OUTLET ~xL" DOUBLE STRAP D.I. SADDLE W/2' THRD. PLUG. 2" ROCKWELL SCREWED TYPE SE METER-READS IN CUBIC FEET 2 GATE VALliE, KENNEDY FIG 982 vV/HANDWHEEL. 2" ,,6" THRD GALV NIPPLE. {}t ~ 01''-1 2" COMPRESSION COUPLING ROCi<WELL #522. 2" THRD GAL'! PIPE-CUT TO LENGTH REQUIRED 2" THRD GALV ELl. 2" ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT-GALVANIZED VALVE BOX W/WATER MARKED ON LID MASTIC AND MORTAR SEAL CIT y' OF YELM DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 3'; - 4" - 6 jJ \Nl~ TER METER REMO\.'ABlE DOORS SHi\LL BE A tvllNIMUM OF 6' -0" \( 3' -0" DIAMOND PLATE HIHGED LOCKING DOORS, WITH HINGES LOCATED AT E.i'<CH E~ID OF OPENING DOORS SHiH HAVE A~I H-20 lOAD RATING IN AREAS THAT .I>.RE SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC. DOORS SHALL BE SPRING LOADED WITH OPEH POSITIOH lOCK. @ VAULT ~HALL DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT OR STORM DRA.IN. " ~ 3",4",OR 6" DEPE~JDI~IG ON SERVICE LINE SIZE APPROVED ~WTE: A.PPRO\/ED EQUAL SUBSTITUTIONS MAY BE MADE F'iP MOST MATERIAL;;, EXCEPT THE MITER AND THE PIPE. DWG. NO 6-5 DATE CKD TEW DATE 3/15/00 DES ,JEG TEVI/ 1" GALVANIZED 2-90. ELBOWS STEEL PIPE TO FIT "'-WASHED GRAVEL PASSING 1 /2" AND RETAINED ON "" 1 I 4" MESH "-2 - 2";6 GLAV PIPES BURIED 3' WI 1/2" WIDE STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMP ~~&G si",~p1 t.~V AIR AND VACUUM VALVE 1" APCO ~ MODEL 143C, CRISPIN UL20 OR / EQUAL 1" -90. ELBOW ' (TYP) / "" ~ NOTES 1 AIR & VACUUM VALVE ASSEM8LY MUST BE INSTALLED A.T HIGHEST POINT OF LINE ~E ALL FOR I"NOCKOUTS TO .ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE 3 FACE OF METER BOX TO BE LOCATED l' IN BACK OF CURB 4 WHERE AIR RELEA.SE VALVE FALLS OUTSIDE OF PLANED IMPROVEMENTS REPAIR SIDEWALl< TO MATCH EXISTING 5 THE WATER SERVICE LINE SHALL HAVE 36" OF COVER BELOW FINISH GRADE eONCRE II:. Mt.l ER DGX I" OG TITE METER SEAL to ~o J 11 111'[ 2 WITI j I L. I::lASE Ot'< l:.l...!lJAt: ~ -~ --7ij~3=8e.=F---I~~1""'I'~- - -- -! /jQ.J,. L. V A. LV.... e. c.-...,.." s ror -1" ~ATE '/!.LVE, TfiREADED BRONZE R€D WFlIl't:- z fiORI? FIG.~lO. 280 OR [QUAL ~ /1" DRISCOPIPE 5100 ULTRA-LINE PIPE / OR APPROVED EQUAL (200 PSI MIN). MUELLER INSTA- TITE COUPLING #15408 OR APPROVED EQUAL -------CORPORATION STOP FORD F500 OR EQUAL ~SERVICE SADDLE 1" ASSEMBLY-SINGLE STRAP. ROMAC 101 S OR EOUAL CI TY OF YELM DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2 H ,L\ I R A I\J 0 RELEASE VACU[,-J[\~ VALVE APPROVECi DWG NO 6. METALLIC (DETECTABLE MARKING) TAPE SHALL BE COLOR CODE BLUE AND SHALL BE iMPRINTED CONTINUOUSLY OVER iTS .ENTlRE LENGTH IN PERMANENT BLACK IN I<' > WITH THE MESS.AGE "WATER LINE BURIED BELOW" AND THE WORD "CAUTION" PROMINENTLY SHOWN TAPE SHALL BE A 2" MIN WIDTH. 7 ST ~...f S JL e.. tA V'..c... """'H T PI'''' << 11 ~L.J. tl.~ JEG PUBLIC \IVORf<S DIRECTOR DES. DWI~ TEW TEW 6-8 o o DATE Ct<O TEW DATE 3/15/00 o ~I c) .. ., .. .' ~ ~ ~ "BROOK SERIES 36 CONCRETE 'X-..", . ~ '... 'II. ~ ~ . ,,,'; "J . j,~. #4 REBAR TO MEET ASTM A615 GRADE 60 FY:::6000PSI ,. ,.' ~. ..; . '.: ~ .,..... ".~ .~ .:: i. . J t .:... .... L() ~',~ ..4 4' ./ ~. ; j'o t '/' .II''': ...- ~ COMMERCIAL CO~~CRETE,--. PAD - 8' x 3' x 4" \ (IF OUTSIDE PAVED ROADW A Y) \ -- \\. :'- '.- . j .. .,~ , 1 5' 1.., :~ -':.): " ~'" , 1 ~~ / '. ., ~. . ..... .5 .... :"* .~. : - .. .... ~ ,.. ".:I ,,..;. ..:. ;' ~ .. .., . i _ 5'-0" MIN 1 5' P.AVEMENT~,\ \ 6" .. "'.. .~."'.. <. . . .:i:... ... ~.'" A -.1.. -1/", TRNC FLOW 250 WA TERCONNECTlON TRUFLOW TF250 HYDRANT VALVE BOX WITH COVER SEE NOTE 1 / 42" MIN COVER 2" DIA BRASS 5'-0" () COMMERCIAL CONCRETE7 THRUST BLOCK CAP WITH 2" I P THREADED TAP 7 / .~..~ .J>.. .. DUCTILE ~ IRON PIPE 2" THREADED FLANGE (TYP) SWING JOINT AT BASE OF HYDRANT 2" DIA BRASS 36" MIN , :/,("/ x0"~ .... ... .'. . ~( . ..5< Y7~"";" . ,;/Co...'9 .>;::""v.;".' ,/", ./ ">7/:/>,< /-<.(~~>':;::>c/>"/ 2" GATE VALVE SHALL BE- .'-'~).('5-~0 EQUAL WITH 2" SQUARE M & H STYLE 4067 OR OPERATING NUT (COUNTERCLOCKWISE OPENING) SEE NOTE 2 NOTES '- PIPE BEDDING TO 2" ABOVE PIPE ;:~:';.../ ~ THRUST BLOCK UNDISTURBED EARTH CITY OF YEUv1, Wl'\SHI~~GTON OEPT OF PUBLIC WOF.KS c) VALVE BOX AND COVER SHALL BE PER YELM VALVE BOX DETAIL 6-11 2 ON WATERMAINS WHICH WILL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE, THE VALVE WHICH OPERATES THE BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AND PROVIDED WITH A CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK 2" BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY APPROVED DWG NO PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 6=9 DES. TEW DATE 3/15/00 JEG 3' I (JV1 ~ ~-* ~ 71fIItI,w I I , i I " I' if " ': :1 , , I I I , , I , I I I , I , , I I , I 12" I ..... . / . ":....-- RECESSED HANDLE TYPE ~ I COVER ----r--] F INLAND FOUNDRY #248 6 3/4' / VALVE BOX: WITH "YELM 8 3/4" ... .... I WATER" CAST IN LID ! SECTION;/ LJ FINISHED GRADE 6 "4.g(':F;~;m~1l;ES~;L:~~~h/;;:;;~ j;, ~ Y.%'S>>'S>>';0/.Y/)) I.'v 11 c x ~ ~ ,..1 wd..,r " ~:: ---6" SDR ~ PVC ~rv~'E:fr' " I ~ ::g PIPE CONFORMING TO ~ ~ RISER PIPE TO BE PLUMB AND CENTERED I OVER VALVE STEM I I ~ I CD f+----/L.J 1/4 4"" '/2 /XC/~ II @ I I ! J \ \ () -, r- 3' x 3' x 4" / CLASS 3000 / CONCRETE PAD 10" ..p".::,i ...c;T., \To" , " OUTSIDE PAVED AREA TRACER WIRE AR4000W 0::: (Ii w > w 0 0::: () <( > 2: I ::J 2: I- - a.. Z w 2: a I ~ (..I 11) Z to W n:: I- () 05' BALLAST CONCRETE CL INSIDE PAVED ROADWAY NOTE: () VALVE STEM EXTENSION LEGEND CD VALVE OPERATING NUT OR 1 7/8" X 1 7/8" X 2" HIGH GRADE STEEL WELDED TO RISER SHAFT @ 3/16" Thk ^ 5 1/5" DIA STEEL GUIDE PLATE WELDED TO RISER SHAFT @ 2"X2"X 3/16" SQUARE STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING TO FIT OPERATING NUT LENGTH AS REQUIRED. NOTE. ALL WELDS TO SHAFT SHALL BE 1/4" FILLET WELD ALL AROUND VALVE STEM RISER REQUIRED WHEN MAX 36" IS Ei<CEEDED (LENGTH VARIES) CITY OF YELM, W/\SHIf'.JGTON DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS STA~.JDARD VALVE BOX APPROVED OWG. NO. JEG PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DiI. TE 6 - 1 1 DES. DW~J CVD DATE TEW TEW TEW 3/15/00 1808170 o other location other than the street on whIch the user's house is addressed. 3 Label lettermg shall be at least one mch hIgh. L. Mamtenance 1 Owners' responsibihtIes and the enforce- ment thereof: a. Mailboxes shall be mamtamed m good working order b Mailbox supports shall be mamtamed plumb, with mmImal play c. Mailbox owners shall correct any defects wIthin one calendar week ofwntten notIce from the town. d. The town shall have the right to remove any mailbox WhICh remams m poor repair after one week's due notIce. e No permit shall be required for replacement of an eXIsting mailbox or ganged mailbox with a new mailbox or ganged mailbox mstallatIOn m the same location. Any such replace- ment shall comply WIth the town's current standard specifications and details. 2. Town Responsibihties. a. The town, and any other utihty com- pany, road constructIOn contractor, or other entity permitted to build and mamtam facihtIes m the pubhc nght-of-way, shall maintam mailboxes, and access thereto, dunng activItIes in the pubhc nght- of-way b Any temporary or permanent obstruc- tIon, removal, or replacement of any mailbox shall be coordmated with the Eatonville postmaster and the town. c. Any replacement of mailboxes associ- ated WIth such constructIOn shall be of the same or better quality, as determined by the town. d. Mailbox owners shall be entitled to replacement of any mailboxes removed for utIlity or road construction, WIth standard umts mstalled m accordance WIth the standard details. e. ReproductIon of custom features shall not be reqUIred. (Ord. 98-07 S 13, 1998) o 18.08.170 Projections into required yards. Certain archItectural features may project into reqUIred yards or courts as follows Cornices, can- opies, eaves or other architectural features may protrude up to a dIstance of two feet mto any reqUIred yard. (Ord. 94-06 S 2, 1994). o 18.08.180 Structures to have access. Every buildmg hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot adjacent to a public street, or with access EA'7\Y'lV I LL~ to an approved pnvate street, and all structures shall be so located on lots as to provide safe and convement access for servicmg and reqUIred off- street parking. (Ord. 94-06 S 2, 1994). 18.08.190 Exceptions to height regulations. The heIght limItatIOns for the various dIstncts shall not apply to spIres, flagpoles, belfnes, cupo- las, noncommercIal antennas, ventilators, chIm- neys or other appurtenances usually reqUIred to be placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy The heIght lImItations shall not apply to barns and silos proVIded that they are not located wIthm 50 feet of any lot hne. Town-owned elevated reservOIrs, water tanks, or police traInIng towers and standpIpes are exempt from height restnctIons. (Ord. 94-06 S 2, 1994). 18.08.205 Temporary use regulations. ThIS sectIOn shall be known as the temporary use regulatIOns. ProviSIOns authonzIng temporary uses are Intended to permIt occaSIOnal temporary uses, actiVItIes and structures when conSIstent WIth the purpose of thIS title and when compatible WIth the general vlCmity and adjacent uses. A. PermItted Uses. The follOWIng types oftem- porary uses, actIVItIes and assocIated structures may be authorized, subject to speCIfic hmitatIOns m thIS section and such addItIonal condItIons as may be establIshed by the planning dIrector 1 Contractor's office, storage yard and eqUIpment parkIng and servicIng on the site of any actIve constructIon proJect; 2. CIrcuses, carnIvals, rodeos, fairs or SImi- lar tranSIent amusement or recreatIOnal actIVIties, 3 Indoor or outdoor art and craft shows and exhibIts, 4 Christmas tree sales lots, fireworks and flower stands, lImIted to locatIOn on lots not used for reSIdentIal purposes in commercial or industnal zonmg dIstncts, 5 Mobile home reSIdences used for occu- pancy by supervisory and security personnel on the SIte of an actIve constructIOn project; 6 Mobile home reSIdential umts used for occupancy by secunty personnel when not other- WIse allowed as an accessory use, 7 Indoor or outdoor speCIal sales, includmg swap meets, flea markets, parkmg lot sales, ware- house sales or SImilar actIvities, limIted to loca- tIons on lots not used for reSIdential purposes in commercial or industrial dIStrIctS, and when oper- ated not more than 10 days m the same month, unless otherwise permItted by the town, 18- 72 I il I. I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I i I f Eatonville MunicIpal Code o 8 Temporary use of mobile trailer umts or similar portable structures for nonresidential pur- poses, located m distncts where the use is a permit- ted use; 9 Seasonal retail sales of agncultural or hortlCultural products raised or produced off the premises, to be permitted m commercial or mdus- tnal zonmg dIstncts only; 10 Temporary SIgns relatmg dIrectly to the temporary uses described in thIS section, which may be permitted for a period not to exceed the operatIOn of the use. The signs may be portable m nature and must be placed on the premises. No off- premises signs are permitted. No more than two signs per use shall be permitted and no sign shall exceed a 32-square-foot total of all faces. MaXI- mum SIgn heIght shall be eIght feet. No SIgn shall be reqUIred, 11 Garage sales, moving sales and SImilar actIVIties for the sale of personal belongmgs when operated not more than three days m the same week or more than tWIce m the same calendar year No permIt is reqmred, 12 Fund-raIsmg car washes. No permIt IS reqUIred, , 13 The board of adjustment may authonze addItional temporary uses not hsted m thIS subsec- tion when it IS found that the proposed uses are in comphance WIth the reqUIrements and findings of subsection (C) of thIS sectIOn. B CondItions of Temporary Use. 1 Each SIte occupIed by a temporary use shall be left free of debris, litter or other eVIdence of temporary use upon completIOn or removal of the use. 2. A temporary use conducted m a parkmg faCIlIty shall not occupy more or remove from availabihty more than 25 percent of the spaces required for the permanent use, except in the down- town commercial zoning distnct or as approved by the town counCIl. 3 Each SIte occupIed by a temporary use must provide or have avaIlable sufficient off-street parking and vehIcular maneuvenng area for cus- tomers. Such parkmg need not comply with the development reqUIrements of Chapter 18 05 EMC, but must provide safe and effiCIent mtenor CIrcula- tIon and mgress and egress from the pubhc nght- of-way 4 No temporary use shall occupy or use pubhc rights-of-way, parks or other pubhc lands m any manner unless speCIfically approved by the town council. o o ~J'iL.;- 1808.201 5 No temporary use shall occupy a SIte o~ operate within the town for more than 30 day~ wIthm any calendar year except as follows. II a. When authorized by the comrmssion, 'I a temporary use may operate an addItIOnal 90 days If It IS found that such an extension will be consis~ tent WIth the reqUIrements of subsectIOn (C) oftll1s sectIOn. II b When authonzed by the town council, a temporary use may operate up to one addltionali year If it IS found that such an extenSIon will b~ " conSIstent WIth the requirements of subsectIOn (q of thIS sectIOn. II 6 All SIgnS shall comply WIth the reqUIreiT ments of Chapter 1806 EMC, pertaming to SIgn regulations, except as otherwise speCIfied m thI~ section. II 7 All temporary uses shall obtam, pnor to occupancy of the SIte or culmmatIOn of actIvItIe~l all required town permits, hcenses or other appro~T als, e g., busmess hcense, buildmg permIt, zomng permIt, etc. II 8 The plannmg dIrector may estabhsh sucn addItIonal condItIOns as may be deemed necessarf to ensure land use compatibihty and to mlmmIze II potentIal Impacts on nearby uses. These mclude but are not hmlted to time and frequency of oper~~ tIon, temporary arrangements for parkmg and tra~~ fic CIrculatIOn, reqUIrements for screening dr enclosure, and guarantees for SIte restoration an~ cleanup followmg temporary use. /I C DetermmatIons. The planmng director may authonze the temporary uses described m subsec'- II tIOn (A) OfthIS sectIOn after consultatIOn and COOl;.. dmation WIth all other apphcable toJh II departments and other agenCIes and only when tlie followmg determmatlOns can be made II 1 The temporary use will not ImpaIr tlie normal, safe and effective operation of a pennM.. nent use on the same site, 1/ 2. The temporary use WIll be compatible II WIth uses m the general vlcmlty and on adjacent properties, II 3 The temporary use will not impact public health, safety or convenience, or create traffic ha~- II ards or congestIon, or otherwIse mterrupt or mter- fere WIth the normal conduct of uses and actIvltI~s m the vlcmity; II 4 The use and associated structures and hv- ing quarters will be conducted and used m a mJ- ner compatible with the surroundmg area, II 5 The temporary use shall comply WIth all apphcable standards of the Tacoma-PIerce County II health department. : , I I 18- 73 c o c 1808.224 D Application and AuthorizatIOn. 1 ApplicatIon to conduct a temporary use shall be made to the planmng department, and shall mclude such mformatIon as the plannmg director may reqUIre to evaluate the use and to make the determmations required by thIS section. 2. ApplIcation shall be made pnor to the requested date for commencement of the tempo- rary use, and the plannmg dIrector shall make a determinatlOn whether to approve, approve condI- tlOnally or deny the temporary use withm 10 days after the date of applicatIon. 3 AuthonzatIOn of a temporary use shall be by Issuance of a zoning permit. 4 A temporary use authorized pursuant to thIS section shall not be exempted or relieved from complIance WIth any other ordmance, law, permIt or license applicable to such use, except where spe- cIfically noted. (Ord. 94-06 S 2, 1994). 18.08.224 Same - Classifications and restrictions. A. ClassificatlOn Categones and RestrictIOns on Lot Coverage. Classification categones and restrictlOns on lot coverage relatIve to hazard areas, from least to most restrictIve, are as follows Classification Maximum Amount of Impervious Surfaces Allowed (percent) Classification d. Seventy-five to 150 feet from the top of a ravme in which a major or minor stream passes through, or e. Thirty to 50 feet from the ordinary high-water mark of a lake. 2. Moderate Hazard Areas. In moderate hazard areas, the maxImum amount of impervious surface allowed on each lot is 10 percent. Moderate hazard areas are defined as those lands where the followmg condItions exist: zero to 30 feet from the ordinary high water mark of a lake. 3 High Hazard Areas. In high hazard areas, the maximum impervious surface allowed on each lot is two percent. High hazard areas are defined as those lands where the following condItions exist: a. Slopes 15 percent to 25 percent together with class 2 slIde and slippage and class 3 seIsmic hazard, and class 3 erosIOn hazard area, or b. Slopes IS percent to 25 percent together with class 3 slIde and slippage and class 3 erosion hazard area, or c. Slopes 25 percent to 40 percent together WIth class 3 seismic and class 3 erosion hazard area, or d. Slopes 25 percent to 40 percent together with class 3 erosion hazard area. 4 Severe Hazard Areas. In severe hazard areas, the maximum amount of ImpervIOUS surface allowed on each lot IS zero percent. Severe hazard areas are defined as those lands where the followmg conditIons exist: a. Slopes 40 percent and over; or 18-74 eA~J( ((8 Maximum Amount of Impervious Surfaces Allowed (percent) 30 30 10 2 2 2 2 o , 11 I, I' 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 I I , 1 , I -L I , I 1 Low Hazard Areas. In low hazard areas, the maximum amount of Impervious surface allowed on each lot is 30 percent. Low hazard areas are defined as lands where the followmg conditIOns eXIst: a. Slopes 15 percent to 25 percent together WIth class 3 seismIC hazard and class 2 erosion hazard area, or 30 b Slopes 15 percent to 25 percent together with class 2 slide and slrppage and class 3 erosIOn hazard area, or 30 c. Slopes 15 percent to 25 percent together with class 2 seismIC and class 3 erosion hazard area, or 30 c o c 17.90.090 review whlch shall contam in a rough and approx- Imate manner all of the mformation reqUIred m the sIte plan apphcatIOn. The apphcatIOn must clearly state that lt is a request for a prelimmary SIte plan reVIew The purpose of the prehmmary site plan review is to enable a developer filing the plan to obtam the advIce ofthe SPRC about the apphcabil- Ity of the mtent, standards and provlsions of thIS chapter to the plan. After the fihng of the prelimI- nary SIte plan, the SPRC shall make available to the developer its written advlce regardmg the compat- ibihty of the prelImmary SIte plan with the mtent, standards and proviSIOns of this chapter (Ord. 2352, 1989). 17.90.090 Additional information for review The SPRC may require the applicant to submIt any addltIonal informatIOn or material which It finds is necessary for the proper reVIew and hear- mg of the applicatIOn. (Ord. 2352,1989) 17.90.100 Duration of approval. Approval of the site plan shall be effective for 18 months from the date of approval by the SPRC Upon written applIcation of the owner or represen- tative, the SPRC may extend the approval for an addItional SIx-month penod, prOVIded, that no changes have been made m regulations, ordI- nances, requirements, pohcIes or standards which Impact the project. (Ord. 2352, 1989). 17.90.110 Waiver and exemption from site plan review. The communIty and economIC development dIrector may Waive the reqUIrement of SIte plan reVIew If the objectives of thIS sectIOn have been met and the developer concurs wlth the communlty and economIC development dIrector's deCISIOns. All applicatIOns for PUDs processed under the pro- cedures of Chapter 1769 MVMC are exempted from SIte plan reVIew reqUIrements. (Ord. 2943 S 24,1999, Ord. 2352,1989). (Revised 10/00) 17-74 II h 0 J,.J --;- U d.' r-.J .V Chapter 17.92 DEVELOPMENT AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR MOBILE FOOD VANS AND ESPRESSO STANDS SectIOns. 1792010 17.92 020 17 92.030 17.92.040 17 92.050 17.92.060 17 92.070 17 92.080 17.92.090 17 92.100 17.92.110 17.92.120 17.92.130 17 92.140 PermIt reqUIred. ApplicatIOn process. ApplIcatIOn contents. SIze. Setbacks. ServIce lanes. Restroom facilIties. Health department approval reqUIred. Buildmg permIt. Busmess lIcense reqUIred. CondItions for operatIOn. Impact fees. CancellatIOn of permIt. Permit fee. 17.92.010 Permit required. The CEDD may approve a temporary use permIt for mobile food vans and espresso stands. The per- mit IS valid for a penod of SIX months. If an exten- SIOn IS requested, the CEDD shall reVlew the operatIOn and may renew the permlt If no com- plamts, problems, or adverse impacts have been identified. Problems ldentIfied WIth the operation shall be corrected pnor to reVIew of the permIt. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000). 17.92.020 Application process. Apphcation for a temporary use permit shall be processed and reVIewed through the team develop- ment committee pnor to the Issuance of a permIt. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000) 17.92.030 Application contents. All apphcations shall include a detailed, scaled site plan mdIcatmg, at a mInImum, the location of the mobile van or stand, the mgress/egress to the property, traffic pattern, etc., locatIOn of all utilI- ties, solid waste facilities, signage, and landscap- ing. All required improvements to the property shall conform to the regulations and standards adopted by the CIty, includmg those Identified herein. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000). 17.92.040 Size. The maximum size for mobile vans and espresso stands, includmg accessory structures, shall not exceed 300 square feet. (Ord. 3015 96,2000). Mount Vernon Municipal Code c 17.92.050 Setbacks. Setbacks for mobile vans, stands and accessory canopies and facihtIes are as follows. front yard setbacks shall conform to setbacks of the zomng distnct In which the use IS located. Side yard and rear yard setbacks shall be twenty feet from prop- erty hnes or buildIngs located on the property (Ord. 3015 S 6, 2000). 17.92.060 Service lanes. Service lanes and vehicular stackIng for each drive-up lane shall provide for a mInimUm of five cars and shall not conflict with the eXistIng parkIng or traffic patterns on the property of adjacent street. (Ord. 3015 S 6, 2000). c 17.92.070 Restroom facilities. Restroom facihtIes to be used by the mobIle food van or espresso stand employees shall be con- taIned withIn the umt or located Within 200 feet of the unit and WithIn the same zoning diStriCt. If tables and chairs are provided for customer use, on- site restroom facilities shall be provided meetIng the standards of the Skagit County health depart- ment, restrooms must be open at all times dunng operation of the van or stand. A letter from the property owner of the restroom facility shall be reqUlred With the apphcation, and pnor to Issuance of the temporary permit. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000). 17.92.080 Health department approval required. Skagit County health department approval and permlt(s) for the operatIOn of the van or stand and restroom facihty shall be reqUlred With the applica- tion and prior to the Issuance of the temporary per- mit. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000). 17.92.090 Building permit. Anyon-site constructIOn shall be reqUlred to obtaIn a City of Mount Vernon buildIng permit. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000). 17.92.100 Business license required. A CIty of Mount Vernon busIness hcense shall be reqUlred prior to issuance of the temporary use permit. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000) c 17.92.110 Conditions for operation. All permits, on-site Improvements and condI- tions of approvals shall be completed pnor to oper- ation of the mobile van or stand. (Ord. 3015 S 6, 2000) I 1'1 ~.J "'.., J 001 J,J 17.92.140 17.92.120 Impact fees. Impact fees for transportatIOn and fire shall be II assessed, based on the gross square footage of the mobile van or stand. (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000). 17.92.130 Cancellation of permit. Temporary use permits may be cancelled b)j CEDD at any time, If VIOlatIOns of the permits or any conditIOns occur (Ord. 3015 S 6,2000) 17.92.140 Permit fee. The fee for temporary use permits for mobIle I' food vans and espresso stands are estabhshed at " $10000, With a renewal fee of$50 00 (Ord.3015 S 6, 2000) 17-74.1 , " :1 I. il (Revised 10/qO) , , , , , , , l o c o Avf?,ufJ Chapter 18.46 TEMPORARY USES Sections 1846 010 Intent. 1846020 Interim uses 18 46 030 Seasonal uses 18 46 040 Temporary uses associated with construction projects 18 46 050 Transitional uses 18 46 060 Administrative temporary use permits 18 46 070 Conditions 18 46 080 Coordination with other city codes 18.46.010 Intent. It is the intent of this chapter to regulate certain temporary uses of property which are not otherwise regulated, beyond business registration, by other city ordinances or regulations (Ord 4229 9 2, 1987 ) 18.46.020 Interim uses. The hearing examiner may issue a temporary and revocable permit, after a public hearing is held pursuant to ACC 1870040, to allow an owner, developer, contractor, tenant, lessee, or other occupant to conduct an otherwise permitted use on their property at the same time they are improving the property to the required city standards, pursuant to the following conditions A. The permit may be issued for a period up to six months and may be extended for three more months if the applicant has acted in good faith towards compliance of the original permit. The hearing examiner shall decide what constitutes said good faith B The hearing examiner may issue the permit only if the proposed use is consistent with the following findings of fact: 1 The request is reasonable and there is no other practical alternative, 2 Adverse impacts associated with the temporary use are appropriately mitigated and such temporary use will not cause a hazard to the occupants or to neighboring properties, 3 A hardship is involved that cannot otherwise be reasonably resolved, 4 A performance bond, in the amount of the required improvements, shall be posted guaranteeing the completion of the project. (Ord 4229 9 2, 1987) 18.46.030 Seasonal uses. The hearing examiner may issue a temporary and revocable permit, after a public hearing is held pursuant to ACC 18 70 040, to allow sales of seasonal goods, in any nonresidential zone, for a period not to exceed six months in any 12- month period A. The use need not meet the standards normally associated with a permanent use provided the hearing examiner finds that the temporary use is not in proximity to a competing permanent use Other findings and requirements the hearing examiner shall consider will be as follows. 1 The use must be consistent with the permitted uses in the zone, 2 The use must be an appropriate interim use of the property pendIng the permanent long term use, 3 The use will not result in sigmficant traffic, parking, drainage, fire protection, c c c hJ~Jf~ or other adverse impacts, 4 The use must provide sanitary facilities if the hearing examiner finds it is necessary; 5 A performance bond, the amount to be determined by the building official, and approved by the hearing examiner, shall be posted guaranteeing the removal of the use and the area restored to the satisfaction of the building official B Failure to comply with the conditions of the permit shall cause forfeiture of that portion of the bond necessary to correct the violations (Ord 4229 9 2, 1987 ) 18.46.040 Temporary uses associated with construction projects. A. The hearing examiner may issue a temporary and revocable permit after a public hearing is held pursuant to ACC 18 70 040, for activities associated with construction projects, including but not limited to equipment storage yards, job shacks, materials storage yard, or living quarters, which are not otherwise permitted outright by city ordinances or regulations B The hearing examiner may issue a temporary use permit for construction related activities, if it is found that proposal is consistent with the following findings of fact: 1 The use would not pose a hazard or be a detriment, physical or otherwise, to the neighborhood, 2 The use will not result in significant traffic, parking, drainage, fire protection, or other adverse impacts, 3 A performance bond, the amount to be determined by the building official, and approved by the hearing examiner, shall be posted guaranteeing the removal of the use and the area restored to the satisfaction of the building official Failure to comply with the conditions of the permit shall cause forfeiture of that portion of the bond necessary to correct the violations, 4 The temporary use shall be reviewed each six months to determine if the temporary use permit is still valid, if not, then the hearing examiner shall terminate the permit; 5 The temporary use shall be vacated upon completion of the associated construction project or determined by subsection (B)(4) of this section (Ord 4229 9 2,1987 ) 18.46.050 Transitional uses. A. Existing agricultural and associated uses, which are not permitted outright, may continue provided there are no new structures built in excess of 2,000 square feet, or the use is not expanded by five acres, unless a permit is issued, after a public hearing is held pursuant to ACC 18 70 040, by the hearing examiner consistent with the following findings of fact: 1 The use must be compatible or sufficient mitigating measures available to make it compatible with adjacent permitted uses, 2 The use cannot be a detriment to adjacent permitted uses, 3 The use will not result in significant adverse impacts to the area. B Upon encroachment of permitted uses into the area the hearing examiner may review a transitional use permit to determine if such use is no longer compatible with the permitted uses and should be abated (Ord 4229 9 2, 1987 ) 18.46.060 Administrative temporary use permits. I I, :i I, " " :/ I A. The planning director may issue a temporary use permit to allow a business to begin operation while the business is securing approval from the hearing examiner, planning commission or city council if the planning director finds the use consistent c c c ,4J I~U j'L;J with the following findings of fact: 1 The need is due to circumstances beyond control of the applicant; 2 The need is due to hardship such as loss of continuity of business, 3 The use is reasonably expected to be permitted by the appropriate body; 4 No significant capital outlay is required for the initial operation of business, 5 Application for the permit allowing the permanent use must be filed, 6 The existing structure and lot must otherwise comply to city standards, 7 The permit shall terminate when the commission, council or hearing examiner have rendered their final decision, 8 The applicant agrees in writing that the temporary use permit does not guarantee a subsequent permanent use, 9 A performance bond be posted guaranteeing the removal of the use if the use is denied by the commission, council or hearing examiner B The building official may issue a temporary use permit for temporary or seasonal uses including, but not limited to Christmas tree lots, street sales, or exhibits for up to six weeks in duration, if the use is consistent with the following finding of fact: 1 The use must be consistent with the permitted uses in the zone, 2 The use will not result in significant traffic, parking, drainage, fire protection, or other adverse impacts, 3 If appropriate the building official may require a bond to assure the removal of the use and the area restored to the satisfaction of the building official C The building official may issue a temporary use permit for a temporary structure for the purpose of the sale of agricultural products grown on the premises if consistent with the following findings of fact. 1 The temporary structure is less than 300 square feet in floor area and must meet the proper setbacks of the zone, 2 The use will not result in significant traffic, parking or other adverse impacts (Ord 4229 S 2, 1987 ) . 18 46.070 Conditions. In order to reasonably mitigate any adverse impacts associated with a temporary use permit, the permit may be conditioned to assure such mitigation (Ord 4229 S 2, 1987) 18.46.080 Coordination with other city codes. A. Any temporary use otherwise regulated by ACC Title 5, beyond any required business or solicitors license, is not subject to the provisions of this chapter However, any license issued under ACe Title 5 shall be consistent with the use regulations of the remainder of this title and any condition or other permit required by this title shall be required B Any licensed solicitor who, while selling or offering goods, wares, merchandise or anything of value displays, advertises, or offers such goods to the passing public while standing on any property, street or public way or any other place not used and licensed by such person as a permanent place of business, shall secure in addition to the solicitors license, a temporary use permit pursuant to this chapter C Uses regulated or exempted by Chapter 18 60 ACC, Home Occupations, are not subject to the provisions of this chapter (Ord 4229 S 2, 1987 ) I, i! I, I: i , , c To Yelm Planning Commission From Grant Beck, Director of Community Development Date August 14, 2002 Subj Work session - Update to Development Regulations The Community Development Department has identified a number of proposed changes to the development regulations for consideration as part of the annual update of these land use regulations The purpose of this staff report is to allow the Planning Commission to review the proposed changes and determine if they should be considered at a subsequent public hearing and if there are other changes that should be added for consideration c The proposed changes identified by staff are considered to be technical in nature and, for the most part, do not represent changes in policy or direction, but rather clarification of rules that have proven to be difficult to administer in the past. Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Code - Title 17 YMC 17.06.080 Acreage or area, gross. "Gross area" or "gross acreage" means all land within the exterior boundaries of the development, including, but not limited to all land allocated for open space, critical areas, buffers, streets, roads, public and private rights-of-way and easements, including all utility easements This proposed amendment simply codifies and clarifies the method of calculating density that has been practiced by the City, which is to give credit for right-of-way dedications and existing rights-of-way 17.06.390 Kennel. "Kennel" means any place where more than six adult dogs aRElfor cats, or other canines or felines, beyond the age of four months, are kept fef commercl3\ purposes, including grooming, b03rd 3nd sale. by persons providing facilities for breeding, and the offspring thereof are sold for profit or where such animals are received for care, tralninq and boarding for compensation, but not including a small animal hospital, clinic, pet shop, or a hobby kennel as defined by Chapter 6.08 YMC. c This amendment brings the Zoning Code into consistency with the new animal regulations title of the Municipal Code (Chapter 608), which defines Staff Report Page 2 of 15-ia c and exempts 'hobby kennels' of 4 or fewer animals as pets from the animal control regulations 17.06.600 Parcel. "Parcel" refers to contiguous bnd In common mvncrship or control not identified as lots, lavtful fin2t1 pbts or short plats recorded under Chapter I 58 17 RC'N. .^, property O'Nner has a siingle "parcel" for purposes of this ordinance where the property is contiguous regardless of the number of tax parcels or other nonsubdlvision segmentations which rt,ay appear. means a lot or tract of land created in accordance With the Chapt~r 58.17 RCW and Title 16 YMC and intended as a unit for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership If the parcel was not created pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and the Title 16 YMC, the external boundaries eXisting as of IDecember 31, 1992, shall be used to establish what is a parcel for the purp0ses of this code. For parcels which have not been conveyed since that date, the legal description used in the conveyance closest to that date shall control. G This change simply clarifies the operation of existing state subdivision rules and case law In effect, if you ~ave a parcel of land created through a subdivision, short subdivision, large lot subdivision, or an exempt land division, it is a legal lot of recortJ and is treated separately under the zoning code for purposes of density c~/culation, land uses, and permit requirements If the parcel was not created vi~ a subdivision, but pre-dates the adoption of the short subdivision requirem~nts in Yelm (1992), then the parcel described I by the deed in effect at that date is the legal lot of record for the purposes of administering the zoning code 17.06.682 Setback. "Setback" means the distance between any building foundation and the adjacent facing lot line This codifies the existing method for measuring setbacks, which is consistent with the setback ru/~s which allow protrusions into the setback area for cornices, eaves, stepsl ramps, decks, patios and other, similar features 17.06.685 Site plan review committee. "Site plan review committee" means a committee composed of the city plan0ercommunlty development director, who shall serve as chairmafl of the committee, 'he city administrator, the city director of public '#orks the city engineer, and the building official, or their designees c Staff Report Page 3 of .1.Q4-5 c With the creation of the Community Development Department, the City Administrator would like to no 16nger be an official member of the Site Plan Review Committee With the c1eation of the position of Development Review Engineer, it is appropriate for t~at person to be on the Committee rather than the Public Works Director Bot~ the Administrator and the Public Works Director will still be involved in fhe review of land use applications and their comments will be considered by the Committee New Section Temporary Use. A co~mercialland use limited in scope, duration, and Intensity. A new definition for a new land use as discussed below c New Section 17.09045 Allowable Densitv. When calculatinq the number of dwelling units allowed on a parcel, the qross area IS used and the subsequent number of units is rounded to the first 'siqnificant diqit. I This codifies the method for calculating density used presently, and allows you to round up in the case of J partial density unit greater than 0 5 For example, a 1 9 acre parcel of IJnd in the R4 district would have an allowed density of 8 homes (1 9 *4 = 76, rounded up to 8) I Chapter 17.39 - Delete entire Chapter I The Zoning Maps do not identity any area of Industrial/Warehouse District, making this chapter unused except as part of the permitted uses in the Industrial District. If, in the futJre, the Comprehensive Plan is amended to include the Industrial/Warehou~e District, the Zoning Code could be amended at the same time to rk-establish the uses within that district. However, the language is unuSed at this time 17.40.020 Permitted uses. A. Specific types permitted in the lindustrial district include 1 All uses pormitted outrIght In the IndustrIal/VVarohouso Chapter 17 39 1 Public buildings and uses, includinq shops and public safety facilities 2 Industrial activities involying the manufacture, assembly, repair, servicing of goods or products Such goods or products may include, but are not limited to I a. Mechanical, automotive, marine and contractors' or builders' equipment and sUpplies, b Concrete, ceme~t, asphalt, building materials and supplies, c Electrical and el~ctronic equipment or products, 3 Industrial activities invol~ing the assembly of manufactured products, re-manufacturing/ recycling and processing of materials Such products may include, but are not limited to o Staff Report Page 4 of 154-e c c c B a. Wood products, including furniture, b Metal, cans, cable and pipe, c Plastics and synthetic materials, d Concrete products, e Cloth, paper, f Commercial bakery goods, g Cosmetics or other products for personal use, h Agricultural or dairy products, Scientific, medical and precision instruments and equipment, Livestock rendering facility, k. Auto wrecking yards 4 Other uses a. Power generation, distribution or supply, b Warehousing and storage of equipment, commodities and products, c Gas and petroleum processing or distribution, d Laundry and dry cleaning plants, e Care and/or sale of livestock, 5 Accessory uses clearly subordinate to, and an integral part of, the primary use of the property (e g , plant cafeteria, recreation area), 6 Commercial uses or activities which complement the permitted uses such as a. Service stations, b Hardware stores 7. Livlnq or residential quarters as an accessory use such as quards' quarters in large establishments where such quarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurabilitv of the premises Similar or related uses permitted, and criteria for determination of similarity or relatedness as follows 1 Uses similar to, or related to, or compatible with those listed or described in subsection 17 40 020(A) are permitted upon a finding by the approval authority and/or the site plan review committee that a proposed use does not conflict with the intent of this chapter or the policies of the Yelm development plan, 2 The criteria for such finding of similarity, etc , shall include but not be limited to the following a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area, b The development guidelines for permitted uses can be met by the proposed use, c The public need is served by the proposed use Special uses may be permitted as provided for in Chapter 17 66 of this title On-site and off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an accessory use to any activity lawfully allowed in this zone, provided that such facilities meet the state siting criteria adopted pursuant to the requirements of RCW 70105210. C o Staff Report Page 5 of .1Q~ c This simply adds the permitted uses in the IndustrialWarehouse District as permitted uses in the Industrial District. New Section 17.60 125 Refuse Areas. 1 Refuse container screeninq shall be required and be of a material and desiqn compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure. shall be a least as high as the refuse container, and shall in no case be less than six feet hiqh. 2. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a bUilding. 3. Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections. Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. Adds requirements for refuse area placement and screening to Planned Residential Developments similar to requirements for multi-family developments and new commercial developments c 17.60.170 Final review and approval--Application--Filing time limitation. An application for final review and approval shall be filed by the applicant within eighteen months of the date on which preliminary approval was given by the Gity councilheanng examiner An extension not exceeding six months may be granted by the approval authority If application for final approval is not made within eighteen months or within the time for which an extension has been granted, the plan shall be considered abandoned, and the development of the property shall be subject to the normal requirements and limitations of the underlying zone and the subdivision ordinance This reference to the city council instead of hearing examiner in the Planned Residential Development Chapter was missed during the creation of the hearing examiner system 17.60.180 Final review and approval--Application--Partial PRD area. An application for final review and approval may be filed for part of a PRO area for which preliminary approval has been granted by the city council Hearing Examiner An application for final approval of a part of a PRO shall provide the same proportion of open space and the same overall dwelling unit density as the overall preliminary approval c If that portion of the PRO for which final approval is requested does not provide such open space, the developer shall file in escrow a quit-claim deed in favor of the city for such additional land area adjacent and accessible to the site, and of sufficient size to provide the open space required to meet the standards of this title In the event that the developer abandons the remaining portions of the PRO, the escrow agent shall deliver the quit-claim deed to the city or to such other public or private entity as the city may direct. Staff Report Page 6 of ~.:t-e C Final approval of a PRO shall not be construed to be final plat approval Plat approval is a separate action and shall be in compliance with state and local subdivision and platting regulations This reference to the city council instead of hearing examiner in the Planned Residential Development Chapter was missed during the creation of the hearing examiner system 1760.190 Final review and approval--Application--Required documentation. The applicant shall submit at least seven copies of the application for final review and approval of the PRO to the planning department for its review The application for final review and approval shall comply with the conditions imposed on the preliminary approval In addition, if the PRO is being immediately subdivided, the data required of regular plats as required by the subdivision ordinance must be submitted The application shall include the following o Final elevation and perspective drawings of project structures, Final landscaping plan, Final plans of and including profiles of the drainage, water, sewer, lighting, streets and sidewalks or pathways, Such other documentation, information and data not lending itself to graphic presentation such as restrictive covenants, incorporation papers and bylaws of Homeowners' Associations, dedications of easements, rights-of-way and other conditions specifically required by the approval authority for the particular PRO A. B C c No final PRO application shall be deemed acceptable for filing unless all of the above information is submitted in accurate and complete form sufficient for the purposes of planning department review After receiving the final PRO application, the planning communltv development department shall route the same to all appropriate city departments, and each department shall again submit to the pl3nnlng community development department comments and recommendations If the city departments determine that the final PRO application conforms fully with all applicable regulations and standards, the final PRO application shall be presented to the city council hearing examiner for final approval New Section 17.61.040 (0) Refuse Areas 1. Refuse container screeninq shall be required and be of a material and deSign compatible With the overall architectural theme of the associated structure, shall be a least as hiqh as the refuse container, and shall in no case be less than six feet hiqh. 2 No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building. C Staff Report Page 7 of ~+a c c c 3. Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse qenerated on site and deposited between collections, Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. This reference to the city council instead of hearing examiner in the Planned Residential Development Chapter was missed during the creation of the hearing examiner system. 17.62.060 Master plan approval. A. Purpose The master plan shall consist of map(s) and text which indicate major development features and services for the entire site, including a schedule indicating phasing of development and the means of financing services for the site Review A complete master plan for the entire master plan area shall be submitted within three ten (10) years of conceptual approval unless an extension has been granted pursuant to Section 17 62 070 The master plan shall be reviewed by the planning commission and a recommendation submitted to the city council for final action The planning commission shall not recommend approval of a master plan unless the commission has conducted a public hearing pursuant to RCW 35A.63 073 and it is determined that said plan is consistent with the conceptual approval and complies with the policies of the comprehensive plan, the purposes of Section 17 62 020, and the provisions of this chapter The planning commission may recommend terms and conditions of approval, and require the provision, and further public review, of additional information and analyses in order to insure such compliance In addition, the planning commission may propose changes in the proposed master plan or the proposed zoning on the basis of information presented in the course of master plan review, as long as the changes are consistent with applicable city plans and policies Changes not consistent with city plans and policies may be made only if conceptual approval or other plans or policies are first amended accordingly B Master Plan Developments have proven to be very large, complex projects which require longer time periods for completion than originally allowed This amendment will allow approvals for 10 years of the conceptual plan, allowing the developer to focus on developing the plan rather than re-authorizing the approved use every three years. 17.69.090 Appeal procedure. Any person aggrieved by the determination of the city clerk to grant a home occupation permit may appeal such determination to the city council Hearing Examiner Any person aggrieved by the determin3tlon of the city council to gr3nt, deny or revoke a home occup3tion permit may appeal to the city counCil for reconslder3tion of such dctcrmin3tion Any appeal made pursuant to this section shall be in writing and filed with the city clerk Within thirty days from the date Staff Report Page 8 of 154-5 of the determination being appealed, and shall contain a complete statement of the grounds upon which such appeal is based Any appeal filed in compliance with this section pertaining to the revocation of a home occupation permit shall stay the revocation of such permit pending reconsideration by the city council o This direct appeal to the City Council in the Home Occupation Chapter was missed when the hearing examiner system was created The hearing examiner's decision is appeal able to Council New Chapter 17.70 - Temporary Uses 17.70010 Applicability. Temporary events and uses that are of low Impact (beinq limited In scope, intensity and duration). 17.70020 Purpose. To identify temporary uses which are low-Impact and hmited- duration activities that would otherwise be subiect to a site plan review approval, site improvements, and connection to sewer and water. 17.70.030 Temporary Uses Exempt from Permittin~. The followinq temporary uses are allowed, provided the proposed use is allowed by the underlYlnq zOning district: 1 c 2. Temporary contractor's offices, equipment storaqe sheds and storaqe yards, and portable, lavatories on the site of a permitted, active construction prolect, for a duration not exceeding one year. Temporary events located on private or public property, parks or on public school properties, includlnq festivals, outdoor art, craft and book sales and sidewalk sales and shows, concerts or other performances, fireworks displays, dog trials and horse trials, parades and exhibits, and similar activities and events. Rummaqe and other outdoor sales sponsored by schools or other nonprofit orqanizations for no more than three days per event and no more than four times in any calendar year. Farmers' markets and roadSide stands. Film productions. 3. 4. 5. This new chapter clarifies that certain, limited, temporary uses and the structures associated with them are exempt from permitting requirements and infrastructure standards This is not a change in policy for the City, but does explicitly list these exempt activities. 17.80070 Species choice The applicant shall utilize plant materials that are drought resistant and complement the natural character of the Pacific Northwest c This updates the landscaping requirements to require drought resistant species Staff Report Page 9 of 154-5 c 17.80.090 Performance assurance. A. The required landscaping must be installed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy unless the approval authority or site plan review committee determines that a performance assurance device, for a period of not more than one year, will adequately protect the interest of the city In no case may the property owner/developer delay performance for more than one year B The city may accept, as an alternative to a performance assurance device, a contractual agreement or bond between the owner/developer and a licensed landscape architect, Washington-certified nurseryman or Washington- certified landscaper, along with a rider or endorsement specifically identifying the city as a party to the agreement for purposes of enforcement. Nothing in this alternative shall be interpreted to in any way modify the conditions of subsection 17 80 090(A) C If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 1780 090(A, B), the approval authority shall determine the specific type of assurance device required in order to insure completion of the required landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan The value of this device must equal one hundred fifty percent of the estimated cost of the landscaping to be performed, and shall be utilized by the city to perform any necessary work, and to reimburse the city for documented administrative costs associated with action on the device If costs incurred by the city exceed the amount provided by the assurance device, the property owner shall reimburse the city in full, or the city may file a lien against the subject property for the amount of any deficit o If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 1780 090(A, B), the property owner shall provide the city with an irrevocable notarized agreement granting the city and its agents the right to enter the property and perform any required work remaining undone at the expiration of the assurance device E Upon completion of the required landscaping by the property owner, at or prior to expiration of the assurance device, the city shall promptly release the performance assurance device or evidence thereof F The owner/developer of any proiect requiring site plan review approval. subdivision approval. or short subdivision approval shall provide a performance assurance device in order to provide for maintenance of the reqUired landscaping until the tenant or homeowners association becomes responsible for landscaping maintenance The performance assurance device shall be 150% of the anticipated cost to maintain the landscaping for three (3) years. c c The City has experienced some maintenance problems in developments in which the landscaping is installed before the homeowners association or homeowners take over maintenance of the required landscaping and street trees The developer has the option to submit an assigned savings for required landscaping, but when it is installed before homes are built or sold, it i sometimes is not maintained and does not survive The required savmgs i , i Staff Report Page 1 0 of 154-a c account assignment would cover maintenance expenses if the landscaping is not maintained by the developer and should encourage maintenance c 17 84.010 Generally--Committee membership. A. Site plan review and approval shall be required prior to the use of land or building for the location of any commercial, industrial or public building or activity, including environmental checklist review, and for the location of any building in which more than two dwelling units would be contained Additionally, site plan review shall be required for any allowed, regulated or special use activity on lands containing a wetland or wetland buffer areas pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 14 08 B Exemptions from site plan review and approval shall be granted by the site plan review committee if' 1. there There is no addition of square feet or no additional tenant, aR-or the expansion is for storage only (future conversion of storage area would require compliance with this chapterL 2. -aAfl-tIhe proposed use is similar as classified by the Standard Industrial Code Classification Manuall. 3. the buildinq has been occupied within the previous 18 months. C An application, in completed form, shall be filed for site plan review and approval with the city planning community development department. An application shall not be in completed form under this section if it fails to contain any of the information and material required under Section 17 84 060 o The site plan review committee shall consist of the following members the city pl3nnercommunity development director, who shall serve as chairmaR, city administrator; tho city director of public 'Norks the city enqineer, and the building official, or their designees With the creation of the Community Development Department, the City Administrator would like to no longer be an official member of the Site Plan Review Committee With the creation of the position of Development Review Engineer, it is appropriate for that person to be on the Committee rather than the Public Works Director Both the Administrator and the Public Works Director will still be involved in the review of land use applications and their comments will be considered by the Committee 17.84.040 Appeal of decision to City CouncilHearin~ Examiner. Appeals of all site plan review decisions may be taken to the City CounCil hearing examiner in accordance with Chapter 1549 of the Yelm Municipal Code This appeal of site plan review decisions was missed when the Hearing Examiner system was created c Staff Report Page 11 of 15~ c 17.93.030 Abandonment or discontinuance A nonconforming use shall be deemed abandoned by discontinuance or abandonment for a period of eighteen consecutive months, and any subsequent future use of such land or buildings shall be in conformity with the provisions of this title This clarifies the existing method for determining the lapse of a pre-existing, non-conforming use Proposed Amendments to the SEPA Code - Chapter 14.04 YMC 14.04.030 Designation of responsible official. For those proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall be the Bity 3dmlni5tr3torcommunity development director of the city of Yelm For all proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall make the threshold determination, supervise scoping and preparation of any required environmental impact statement (EIS), and perform any other functions assigned to the lead agency or responsible official by those sections of the SEPA Rules adopted by reference in the ordinance codified in this chapter The city shall retain all documents required by the SEPA Rules and make them available in accordance with Chapter 42 17 RCW c With the creation of the Community Development Department, the City Administrator wishes to delegate the Responsible Official duties to the Community Development Director Proposed Amendments to the Concurrency Code - Chapter 15.40 YMC c 15 40.030 Determination and payment of the transportation facility charge. A. The transportation facility charge shall be based on the per peak-hour trip rate identified in the report from transportation trip calculations based on a transportation report consistent with city standards B City standards shall include 1 Standard transportation assumptions as identified in Table 1540 030(B)(1), Trip Generation Rate Default Values, P M Peak Hour; 2 For facilities not on the standard transportation assumptions, the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual for the most recent year; 3 For projects with nontraditional peak hour impacts or different from standard projects modeled in said Table 1, a special report, based on generally accepted traffic engineering principles may be submitted and considered C Credits shall be given to reflect the projected impact on the community system such as, traffic decreases where an existing facility on-site is removed or replaced, and traffic reduction systems which are binding and likely to remain effective for the life of the project. o c c Staff Report Page 12 of 1Q4-e o Credits may also be given for projects which create a significant economic benefit to the community, including industrial or manufacturing uses with an excess of 500 trips per day The size of the credit shall be measured at an appropriate percentage of the anticipated annual tax revenue increase to the community and available for capital contribution to transportation facilities on the approved plan as a result of the project. The said credit shall be calculated as detailed in Table 15 40 030(0), Formula for Calculating TFC Credits E Table 15.40 030(D) Formula for Calculating TFC Credits 1 Estimated gross revenue for six years 2 Multiply gross revenue by 0 2 percent (B and 0 tax) 3 Multiply gross revenue subject to sales tax by 1 5 percent (city share of state sales tax) 4 Add products of 2 and 3 above 5 Multiply total from line 4 by nine percent (percentage of tax revenue budgeted to city road fund) 6 Multiply product from line 5 by 28 percent (percentage of money in the road fund that is designated as private share for projects on the TFC) Payment of the transportation facility charge shall be as follows 1 For projects involving the division of land for sale or lease upon the issuance of a building permit for construction of each lot of record, for the traffic attributable to that lot; 2 For projects approved through site plan review. upon the issuance of the building permit authorizing the construction of any phase, for the traffic associated with that phase 3 For projects approved through site plan review which do not include a list of tenants at the time of approval. upon the issuance of the building permit for the tenant improvements, if required, or otherwise upon the issuance of the business license, for the traffic associated with that tenant. This proposed amendment would increase the flexibility for the developer of multi-use faculties in which the future tenants are unknown Because the building could be occupied by uses which generate different traffic volumes and; therefore, are required to pay different TFC's, the developer currently has to 'guess' the future use Proposed Amendments to the Subdivision Code - Title 16 YMC 16.12.300 Hearing examiner review. Upon receipt' of all required administrative approvals, the community development director city planner shall forward any proposed final full plat and any large lot subdivision of five or more lots to the hearing examiner for appropriate action The hearing examiner shall review such full Staff Report Page 13 of 154-e c subdivision and fOr\\'ard its recommendation to the city council. The hearing examiner shall render a decision regarding such large lot subdivision The City Council should still act on final subdivisions, although this language was included in error when the Hearing Examiner system was adopted 16.12.310 Council review. Upon receipt of the all required administrative approvals, the community development director shall forward any proposed final full plat to the city council for appropriate action. hearing examiner's recommendation the administrator shall present the plat to the city council Upon finding that the final plat has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this title and that all required improvements have been completed or that arrangements or contracts have been entered into to guarantee that such required improvements will be completed, and that the interests of the city are fully protected, the city council shall approve and the mayor shall sign the final plat and accept dedications as may be included thereon The mayor shall immediately return the final plat to the city clerk/treasurer for filing for record with the county auditor The City Council should still act on final subdivisions, although this language was included in error when the Hearing Examiner system was adopted Proposed Amendments to the Development Guidelines c 48.070 Private Streets c See definition of private street in Section 3 025 A. Private streets within City limits shall not be allowed except when approved by the City and when all conditions of this section are met. B Private streets will not be allowed when 1 The proposed street is connected to two public streets 2 The intersection of the proposed street with another street is signalized (150 LF of the private street starting from the Right-of-Way will then be required to be a public roadway) 3 The street could be used as a thoroughfare or "short cut" 4 It would not be in the best interest of the public due to a threat to the public's safety, health, and welfare C Private streets may be allowed under the following conditions 1 Permanently established by tract or easement providing legal access to serve unlimited dwelling units situated on one parcel and sufficient to accommodate required improvements, to include provisions for future use by adjacent property ovmers ..".'hen applicableThe private street is permanently established by tract or easement providing leqal access, includinq provisions for future use by adlacent property owners, when applicable, and 2 If the private street serves ~nine (9) or fewer dwelling units, !tshall require a minimum 30-foot paved surface, and have a sidewalk 4 feet Staff Report Page 14 of 154-a c o 48.080 C o c in width, constructed to City standards Private street sorving multi family or mobile homes 311 on one p3rcel shall provide a four foot side'",'alk on one side 't.'ith such a design 3S to prevent p3rking on the sidewalk, and 3 Accessible at all times for emergency and public service vehicle use, and 4 Will not result in land locking of present or future parcels nor obstruct public street circulation, and 5 Covenants have been approved, recorded, and verified with the City which provide for maintenance of the private streets and associated parking areas by the owner or homeowners association or other legal entity Acceptance as Public Streets Acceptance of private streets as public streets will be considered only if the street(s) meet all applicable public street standards, including Right-of-Way widths, walks, drainage, lighting, and pavement composition This amendment clarifies the existing standards for private streets Street Frontage Improvements Frontage Improvement Deferrals In certain circumstances it may not be appropriate to require installation of frontage improvements at the time a development occurs In such situations, the City may permit deferral of installation of such improvements to a later date under the provisions of this section The City may authorize a deferral of any or all required frontage improvements as defined by these Standards, provided one or more of the following criteria are met. . The design grade and alignment of the abutting street cannot be determined at the time of construction of the development. The installation of frontage improvements required for the development would create or intensify a hazard to public safety The installation of required frontage improvements would be inconsistent with the City's long-range street and utility system comprehensive plans The installation of frontage improvements required in paragraph A of this section could be more safely, efficiently and effectively implemented if done concurrently with the installation of improvements required for other properties along the same street frontage The scope of the improvement being authorized by the permit does not constitute a significant change in the existing demands of the use of property upon the City's transportation and utility transmission systems Any deferred frontage improvement shall be secured for installation at a later date by one of the following methods selected by the City . . . . Staff Report Page 15 of 1.Q4-5 c c 1 Commitment to Participate in a Local Improvement District. The property owner shall execute and record a covenant document that insures the participation of the subject property owner(s) in any local improvement district formed for the construction of such frontage improvements Said document shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and shall be effective for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date of recording If the developer chooses to partiCipate in a Local Improvement District, the document shall include an agreement that the sublect property owner(s) shall construct required frontaqe improvements when directed by the Public Works Director at any time within the effective life of the covenant document. The Public Works Director shall require frontage improvements to be installed by the subiect property owners(s) when the street is improved by fundinq methods other than a Local Improvement District. 2 Payment in Lieu of Installation The property owner shall pay to the City an amount equal to the estimated value of the required frontage improvements as determined by the Public Works Director Such amount shall be deposited into a municipal fund account reserved for the financing of such improvement. Such payment shall be refunded in full, plus interest to. the successor in interest in the property should the City not install the required frontage improvements within five (5) years form the date such payment is made If a road is improved by the City to current standards without creatinG a local improvement district withm the 15 year time period of the LID aGreement, the property owner would be responsible for their frontaGe improvements Drawing 6-8 - 2" Air and Vacuum Release Valve. Update the drawing to show the assembly terminating one (1) foot above the finished grade c This change is required by recent changes in State Laws regarding water system design related to cross-connection o o c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailirng list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 21,2002 TIME. 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public headhg by the assigned numbers abov~) MA\"\..\i-> \..\<;,., II II otK5y -:f c: c c .4 City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2002 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes August 19, 2002, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Worksession - Yelm Development Regulations Update Staff Report Enclosed 4 Other Land Useffransportation Connection - TRPC 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be' MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2002 - 4 00 P M I, " " I' I' i~ I , , The CIty of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty PrOVIder c' City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The SEPTEMBER 16, 2002. Planninq Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2002, at 4:00 pm. C If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST Agnes Bennick City Clerkffreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,2002 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 c The CIty of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty Provzder c c c Motion No. 02-19 02-20 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2002, 4'00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 400 P m Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Joe Baker, Glenn Blando, Glen Cunningham, Everette Schirman, and Larry Hansen Staff: Grant Beck, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: E J Curry, Don Carney, unexcused Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 2002. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications' None WORK SESSION Yelm Development Re~ulations Update Mr. Beck described the proposed changes to the development regulations, which include changes to the Zoning Code, Subdivision Code, and the Development Guidelines Mr Beck stated that the proposed changes are technical in nature, and do not represent changes in policy or direction, but rather provide clarification of rules and guidelines Mr. Beck went over the staff report detailing the changes proposed, and answered questions from the Commission The Commission requested changes to the proposal of a new chapter 17 70 Temporary Uses The Commission requested that clarification be made on the length of time a temporary use would be allowed, and clarification of some of the uses listed Mr. Beck will provide this information at the next meeting MOTION BY LARRY HANSEN, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON, T0 ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 50 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission August 19, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\OB.19.02 min.doc Page 1 o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 To From Date Subj Yelm Planning Commission ~_______ Grant Beck, Director of Community Developmen~ August 14, 2002 Work session - Update to Development Regulations The Community Development Department has identified a number of proposed changes to the development regulations for consideration as part of the annual update of these land use regulations The purpose of this staff report is to allow the Planning Commission to review the proposed changes and determine if they should be considered at a subsequent public hearing and if there are other changes that should be added for consideration The proposed changes identified by staff are considered to be technical in nature and, for the most part, do not represent changes in policy or direction, but rather C clarification of rules that have proven to be difficult to administer in the past Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Code - Title 17 YMC 17.06.080 Acreage or area, gross. IIGross areall or IIgross acreagell means all land within the exterior boundaries of the development, including, but not limited to all land allocated for open space, critical areas, buffers, streets, roads, public and private rights-of-way and easements, including all utility easements This proposed amendment simply codifies and clarifies the method of calculating density that has been practiced by the City, which is to give credit for right-of-way dedications and existing rights-of-way 17.06390 Kennel. IIKennel1l means any place where more than six adult dogs aR4lor cats, or other canines or felines, beyond the 3ge of four months, are kept fef commercbl purposes, including grooming, b03rd 3nd s31e by persons providlnq facilities for breedinq, and the offsprinq thereof are sold for profit; or where such animals are received for care, tralnlnq and boarding for compensation, but not including a small animal hOSPital. clinic, pet shop, or a hobby kennel as defined bv Chapter 6.08 YMC. c ThiS amendment bnngs the Zoning Code mto consistency with the new animal regulations title of the Municipal Code (Chapter 608), which defines The City of Yelm IS all Equal Opportl/lllty Provider Staff Report Page 2 of 15 and exempts 'hobby kennels' of 4 or fewer animals as pets from the animal 0 control regulations ~ ~ ~ 17.06.600 Parcel. IIParcel1l refers to contiguous land in common ownership or control not identified 3S lots, lavnul fin31 plats or short plats recorded under Ch3pter 58.17 RCV\'. /\ property owner h3s a single "p3rcel" for purposes of this ordin3nce 'Nhere the property is contiguous reg3rdless of the number of tax parcels or other nonsubdivision segment3tions 'Nhich m3Y 3ppear. means a lot or tract of land created in accordance with the Chapter 58.17 RCW and Title 16 YMC and intended as a unit for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership. If the parcel was not created pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and the Title 16 YMC, the external boundaries existinq as of December 31, 1992, shall be used to establish what is a parcel for the purposes of this code. For parcels which have not been conveyed since that date, the leqal description used in the conveyance closest to that date shall control. ~ .:s \,':::l ... r..........) '-... This change simply clarifies the operation of existing state subdivision rules and case law In effect, if you have a parcel of land created through a subdivision, short subdivision, large lot subdivision, or an exempt land division, it is a legal lot of record and is treated separately under the zoning code for purposes of density calculation, land uses, and permit requirements If the parcel was not created via a subdivision, but pre-dates the adoption of the short subdivision requirements in Yelm (1992), then the parcel described 0 by the deed in effect at that date is the legal lot of record for the purposes of administering the zoning code 17.06.682 Setback. "Setbackll means the distance between any building foundation and the adjacent facing lot line This codifies the existing method for measuring setbacks, which is consistent with the setback rules which allow protrusions into the setback area for cornices, eaves, steps, ramps, decks, patios and other, similar features 17 06.685 Site plan review committee. IISite plan review committeell means a committee composed of the city pl3nnercommumty development director, who shall serve as chairmaA: of the committee, the city administr3tor, the city director of public works the city enqineer, and the building official, or their designees o Staff Report Page 3 of 15 o With the creation of the Community Development Department, the City Administrator would like to no longer be an official member of the Site Plan Review Committee With the creation of the position of Development Review Engineer, it is appropriate for that person to be on the Committee rather than the Public Works Director Both the Administrator and the Public Works Director will still be involved in the review of land use applications and their comments will be considered by the Committee New Section Temporary Use. A commercial land use limited in scope, duration, and intensity. A new definition for a new land use as discussed below New Section 17.09.045 Allowable Density When calculatinq the number of dwelling Units allowed on a parcel. the gross area is used and the subsequent number of units is rounded to the first significant diqit. This codifies the method for calculating density used presently, and allows you to round up in the case of a partial density unit greater than 0 5 For example, a 1 9 acre parcel of land in the R4 district would have an allowed density of 8 homes (1 9 *4 = 76, rounded up to 8) c Chapter 17.39 - Delete entire Chapter The Zoning Maps do not identify any area of Industrial/Warehouse District, making this chapter unused except as part of the permitted uses in the Industrial District. If, in the future, the Comprehensive Plan is amended to include the Industrial/Warehouse District, the Zoning Code could be amended at the same time to re-establish the uses within that district. However, the language is unused at this time 17.40.020 Permitted uses. A. Specific types permitted in the industrial district include 1 ^II uses permitted outright in the IndustnalNvarehouse Chapter 17.39. 1. Public buildings and uses, including shops and public safety facilities. 2 Industrial activities involving the manufacture, assembly, repair, servicing of goods or products Such goods or products may include, but are not limited to a Mechanical, automotive, marine and contractors' or builders' equipment and supplies, b Concrete, cement, asphalt, building materials and supplies, c Electrical and electronic equipment or products, 3 Industrial activities involving the assembly of manufactured products, re-manufacturing/ recycling and processing of materials Such products may include, but are not limited to c Staff Report Page 4 of 15 B a. Wood products, including furniture, b Metal, cans, cable and pipe, c Plastics and synthetic materials, d Concrete products, e Cloth, paper, f Commercial bakery goods, g Cosmetics or other products for personal use, h Agricultural or dairy products, Scientific, medical and precision instruments and equipment, Livestock rendering facility, k. Auto wrecking yards 4 Other uses a Power generation, distribution or supply, b Warehousing and storage of equipment, commodities and products, c Gas and petroleum processing or distribution, d Laundry and dry cleaning plants, e Care and/or sale of livestock, 5 Accessory uses clearly subordinate to, and an integral part of, the primary use of the property (e g , plant cafeteria, recreation area), 6 Commercial uses or activities which complement the permitted uses such as. a. Service stations, b. Hardware stores. 7. Livinq or residential quarters as an accessory use such as quards' quarters in larqe establishments where such quarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurabilitv of the premises. Similar or related uses permitted, and criteria for determination of similarity or relatedness as follows 1 Uses similar to, or related to, or compatible with those listed or described in subsection 1740 020(A) are permitted upon a finding by the approval authority and/or the site plan review committee that a proposed use does not conflict with the intent of this chapter or the policies of the Yelm development plan, 2 The criteria for such finding of similarity, etc , shall include but not be limited to the following a. The proposed use is appropriate in this area, b The development guidelines for permitted uses can be met by the proposed use, c The public need is served by the proposed use Special uses may be permitted as provided for in Chapter 17 66 of this title On-site and off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an accessory use to any activity lawfully allowed in this zone, provided that such facilities meet the state siting criteria adopted pursuant to the requirements of RCW 70 105210 o o o C o Staff Report Page 5 of 15 l'" c This simply adds the permitted uses in the IndustrialWarehouse District as permitted uses in the Industrial District. New Section 17.60.125 Refuse Areas. 1. Refuse container screening shall be required and be of a material and desiqn compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure, shall be a least as high as the refuse container, and shall in no case be less than six feet hiqh. 2. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building. 3. Refuse collection areas shall be desjqned to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections, Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. Adds requirements for refuse area placement and screening to Plarmed Residential Developments similar to requirements for multi-family developments and new commercial developments. c 17.60.170 Final review and approval--Application--Filing time limitation. An application for final review and approval shall be filed by the applicant within eighteen months of the date on which preliminary approval was given by the eity councilhearing examiner An extension not exceeding six months may be granted by the approval authority If application for final approval is not made within eighteen months or within the time for which an extension has been granted, the plan shall be considered abandoned, and the development of the property shall be subject to the normal requirements and limitations of the underlying zone and the subdivision ordinance This reference to the city council instead of hearing examiner in the Planned Residential Development Chapter was missed during the creation of the hearing examiner system 17.60.180 Final review and approval--Application--Partial PRD area. An application for final review and approval may be filed for part of a PRO area for which preliminary approval has been granted by the city councilHearing Examiner An application for final approval of a part of a PRO shall provide the same proportion of open space and the same overall dwelling unit density as the overall preliminary approval c If that portion of the PRO for which final approval is requested does not provide such open space, the developer shall file in escrow a quit-claim deed in favor of the city for such additional land area adjacent and accessible to the site, and of sufficient size to provide the open space required to meet the standards of this title In the event that the developer abandons the remaining portions of the PRO, the escrow agent shall deliver the quit-claim deed to the city or to such other public or private entity as the city may direct Staff Report Page 6 of 15 Final approval of a PRO shall not be construed to be final plat approval Plat approval is a separate action and shall be in compliance with state and local subdivision and platting regulations o This reference to the city council instead of hearing examiner in the Planned Residential Development Chapter was missed during the creation of the hearing examiner system 17.60.190 Final review and approval--Appl ication--Required documentation. The applicant shall submit at least seven copies of the application for final review and approval of the PRO to the planning department for its review The application for final review and approval shall comply with the conditions imposed on the preliminary approval In addition, if the PRO is being immediately subdivided, the data required of regular plats as required by the subdivision ordinance must be submitted The application shall include the following o Final elevation and perspective drawings of project structures, Final landscaping plan, Final plans of and including profiles of the drainage, water, sewer, lighting, streets and sidewalks or pathways, Such other documentation, information and data not lending itself to graphic presentation such as restrictive covenants, incorporation papers and bylaws of Homeowners' Associations, dedications of easements, rights-of-way and other conditions specifically required by the approval authority for the particular PRO o A. B C No final PRO application shall be deemed acceptable for filing unless all of the above information is submitted in accurate and complete form sufficient for the purposes of planning department review After receiving the final PRO application, the planning community development department shall route the same to all appropriate city departments, and each department shall again submit to the pl::mning communltv development department comments and recommendations If the city departments determine that the final PRO application conforms fully with all applicable regulations and standards, the final PRO application shall be presented to the city council hearinq examiner for final approval New Section 1761 040 (0) Refuse Areas. 1. Refuse container screenlnq shall be required and be of a material and desiqn compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure. shall be a least as high as the refuse container, and shall in no case be less than six feet hlqh 2. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building. o o o .\.. ..;.~ Staff Report Page 7 of 15 3. Refuse collection areas shall be desiqned to contain all refuse qenerated on site and deposited between collections, Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. This reference to the city council instead of hearing examiner in the Planned Residential Development Chapter was missed during the creation of the hearing examiner system 17.62.060 Master plan approval. A. Purpose The master plan shall consist of map(s) and text which indicate major development features and seNices for the entire site, including a schedule indicating phasing of development and the means of financing seNices for the site Review A complete master plan for the entire master plan area shall be submitted within three ten (10) years of conceptual approval unless an extension has been granted pursuant to Section 17 62 070 The master plan shall be reviewed by the planning commission and a recommendation submitted to the city council for final action The planning commission shall not recommend approval of a master plan unless the commission has conducted a public hearing pursuant to RCW 35A.63 073 and it is determined that said plan is consistent with the conceptual approval and complies with the policies of the comprehensive plan, the purposes of Section 17 62 020, and the provisions of this chapter The planning commission may recommend terms and conditions of approval, and require the provision, and further public review, of additional information and analyses in order to insure such compliance In addition, the planning commission may propose changes in the proposed master plan or the proposed zoning on the basis of information presented in the course of master plan review, as long as the changes are consistent with applicable city plans and policies Changes not consistent with city plans and policies may be made only if conceptual approval or other plans or policies are first amended accordingly B Master Plan Developments have proven to be very large, complex projects which require longer time periods for completion than originally allowed This amendment will allow approvals for 10 years of the conceptual plan, allowing the developer to focus on developing the plan rather than re-authorizing the approved use every three years 17.69.090 Appeal procedure. Any person aggrieved by the determination of the city clerk to grant a home occupation permit may appeal such determination to the city councilHearing Examiner Any person 3ggricved by tho detcrmin3tion of the city council to gr3nt, deny or revoke 3 home OCCup3tlon permit may 3ppe31 to the city council for reconslder3tlon of such determin3tlon. Any appeal made pursuant to this section shall be in writing and filed with the city clerk within thirty days from the date c ~) \ '\) "'I ~~ ~ f 17 70.030 Temporary Uses Exempt from Permitting. The followinq temporary ,iJ1 ~.j",,-~ uses are allowed, provided the proposed use is allowed by the underlyinq zoning t ~~ '\ district: _____\~"t'~~ 1. ..:.. Temporary contractor's offices, equipment storage sheds and storaqe yards, and portable lavatories on the site of a permitted, active _______ construction project, for a duration not exceedinq one year. ~ 2~ Temporary events located on private or public property. parks or on .~. puBlic-s..chool properties. includinq festivals, outdoor art. craft and book :\S ....hy sales and(Sidewalk sale~nd shows, concerts or other performances, ~~.. , fireworks disPla'7s;-doq~tfials and horse trials. parades and exhibits, \Z ',~ and similar activities and events. ; , Rummage and other outdoor sales sponsored by schools or other nonprofit orqanizations for no more than three days per event and no more than four times in any calendar year. cz F~rmers' ma.rkets and roadside stands.~ - , Film productions. LJ. ~~ ~~ ':r-- \t. d ;>. \) ~ ~ ~\~~ ~l.\-- ,.....! I ';;,} '9 ~ ~ j) ~'t ~ ~ . ~ ;g Staff Report Page 8 of 15 of the determination being appealed, and shall contain a complete statement of the 0 grounds upon which such appeal is based Any appeal filed in compliance with this section pertaining to the revocation of a home occupation permit shall stay the revocation of such permit pending reconsideration by the city council This direct appeal to the City Council in the Home Occupation Chapter was missed when the hearing examiner system was created The hearing examiner's decision is appeal able to Council New Chapter 17.70 - Temporary Uses 1770010 Applicability. Temporary events and uses that are of low impact (beinq limited in scope, intensity and duration), 17.70.020 Purpose. To identify temporary uses which are low-impact and .Iimited- duration activities that would otherwise be subiect to a site plan review approval, site improvements. and connection to sewer and water. o 4. 5 This new chapter clarifies that certain, limited, temporary uses and the structures associated with them are exempt from permitting requirements and infrastructure standards This is not a change in policy for the City, but does explicitly list these exempt activities 17.80.070 Species choice The applicant shall utilize plant materials that are drouqht resistant and complement the natural character of the Pacific Northwest This updates the landscaping requirements to require drought resistant species o Staff Report Page 9 of 15 c 17.80.090 Performance assurance. A. The required landscaping must be installed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy unless the approval authority or site plan review committee determines that a performance assurance device, for a period of not more than one year, will adequately protect the interest of the city In no case may the property owner/developer delay performance for more than one year B The city may accept, as an alternative to a performance assurance device, a contractual agreement or bond between the owner/developer and a licensed landscape architect, Washington-certified nurseryman or Washington- certified landscaper, along with a rider or endorsement specifically identifying the city as a party to the agreement for purposes of enforcement. Nothing in this alternative shall be interpreted to in any way modify the conditions of subsection 1780 090(A) C If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 1780 090(A, B), the approval authority shall determine the specific type of assurance device required in order to insure completion of the required landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan The value of this device must equal one hundred fifty percent of the estimated cost of the landscaping to be performed, and shall be utilized by the city to perform any necessary work, and to reimburse the city for documented administrative costs associated with action on the device If costs incurred by the city exceed the amount provided by the assurance device, the property owner shall reimburse the city in full, or the city may file a lien against the subject property for the amount of any deficit. o If a performance assurance device or evidence of a similar device is required under subsections 17 80 090(A, B), the property owner shall provide the city with an irrevocable notarized agreement granting the city and its agents the right to enter the property and perform any required work remaining undone at the expiration of the assurance device E Upon completion of the required landscaping by the property owner, at or prior to expiration of the assurance device, the city shall promptly release the performance assurance device or evidence thereof F. The owner/developer of any proiect requiring site plan review approval, subdivision approval, or short subdivision approval shall provide a performance assurance device in order to provide for maintenance of the required landscaping until the tenant or homeowners association becomes responsible for landscapinq maintenance The performance assurance device shall be 150% of the antiCiPated cost to maintain the landscaping for three (3) years. c c The City has experienced some maintenance problems in developments in which the landscaping is installed before the homeowners association or homeowners take over maintenance of the required landscaping and street trees The developer has the option to submit an assigned savings for required landscaping, but when it is installed before homes are built or sold, it sometimes is not maintained and does not survive The required savings Staff Report Page 10 of 15 account assignment would cover maintenance expenses if the landscaping is not maintained by the developer and should encourage maintenance 0 17.84.010 Generally--Committee membership. A. Site plan review and approval shall be required prior to the use of land or building for the location of any commercial, industrial or public building or activity, including environmental checklist review, and for the location of any building in which more than two dwelling units would be contained Additionally, site plan review shall be required for any allowed, regulated or special use activity on lands containing a wetland or wetland buffer areas pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 14 08 B Exemptions from site plan review and approval shall be granted by the site plan review committee if' 1. there There is no addition of square feet or no additional tenant, aR-or the expansion is for storage only (future conversion of storage area would require compliance with this chapter).l. 2. ---aOO-tIhe proposed use is similar as classified by the Standard Industrial Code Classification Manual.l. 3. the building has been occupied within the previous 18 months. C An application, in completed form, shall be filed for site plan review and approval with the city planning community development department. An application shall not be in completed form under this section if it fails to contain any of the information and material required 0 under Section 17 84 060 o The site plan review committee shall consist of the following members the city plannercommunity development director, who shall seNe as chairmaH, city 3dministrator; the city director of public works the city enqineer, and the building official, or their designees With the creation of the Community Development Department, the City Administrator would like to no longer be an official member of the Site Plan Review Committee With the creation of the position of Development Review Engineer, it is appropriate for that person to be on the Committee rather than the Public Works Director Both the Administrator and the Public Works Director will still be involved in the review of land use applications and their comments will be considered by the Committee 17.84.040 Appeal of decision to City CouncilHearin~ Examiner. Appeals of all site plan review decisions may be taken to the CIty Council hearinq examiner in accordance with Chapter 1549 of the Yelm Municipal Code This appeal of site plan review decisions was missed when the Hearing Examiner system was created o Staff Report Page 11 of 1 5 o 17.93.030 Abandonment or discontinuance. A.nonconforming use shall be deemed abandoned by discontinuance or abandonment for a period of eighteen consecutive months, and any subsequent future use of such land or buildings shall be in conformity with the provisions of this title This clarifies the existing method for determining the lapse of a pre-existing, non-conforming use Proposed Amendments to the SEPA Code - Chapter 14.04 YMC 14.04.030 Designation of responsible official. For those proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall be the sHy administratorcommunity development director of the city of Yelm For all proposals for which the city is the lead agency, the responsible official shall make the threshold determination, supervise scoping and preparation of any required environmental impact statement (EIS), and perform any other functions assigned to the lead agency or responsible official by those sections of the SEPA Rules adopted by reference in the ordinance codified in this chapter The city shall retain all documents required by the SEPA Rules and make them available in accordance with Chapter 42 17 RCW c With the creation of the Community Development Department, the City Administrator wishes to delegate the Responsible Official duties to the Community Development Director Proposed Amendments to the Concurrency Code - Chapter 15.40 YMC c 15.40.030 Determination and payment of the transportation facility charge. A. The transportation facility charge shall be based on the per peak-hour trip rate identified in the report from transportation trip calculations based on a transportation report consistent with city standards B City standards shall include 1 Standard transportation assumptions as identified in Table 15 40 030(B)(1), Trip Generation Rate Default Values, P M Peak Hour; 2 For facilities not on the standard transportation assumptions, the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual for the most recent year; 3 For projects with nontraditional peak hour impacts or different from standard projects modeled in said Table 1, a special report, based on generally accepted traffic engineering principles may be submitted and considered C Credits shall be given to reflect the projected impact on the community system such as, traffic decreases where an existing faCility on-site is removed or replaced, and traffic reduction systems which are binding and likely to remain effective for the life of the project Staff Report Page 12 of 15 o Credits may also be given for projects which create a significant economic benefit to the community, including industrial or manufacturing uses with an excess of 500 trips per day The size of the credit shall be measured at an appropriate percentage of the anticipated annual tax revenue increase to the community and available for capital contribution to transportation facilities on the approved plan as a result of the project. The said credit shall be calculated as detailed in Table 15 40 030(0), Formula for Calculating TFC Credits o o o E Table 15.40.030(D) Formula for Calculating TFC Credits 1 Estimated gross revenue for six years 2 Multiply gross revenue by 0 2 percent (B and 0 tax) 3 Multiply gross revenue subject to sales tax by 1 5 percent (city share of state sales tax) 4 Add products of 2 and 3 above 5 Multiply total from line 4 by nine percent (percentage of tax revenue budgeted to city road fund) 6 Multiply product from line 5 by 28 percent (percentage of money in the road fund that is designated as private share for projects on the TFC) Payment of the transportation facility charge shall be as follows 1 For projects involving the division of land for sale or lease upon the issuance of a building permit for construction of each lot of record, for the traffic attributable to that lot; 2 For projects approved through site plan review' upon the issuance of the building permit authorizing the construction of any phase, for the traffic associated with that phase 3. For proiects approved through site plan review which do not include a list of tenants at the time of approval. upon the issuance of the buildinq permit for the tenant improvements, if required, or otherwise upon the issuance of the business license, for the traffic associated wIth that tenant. This proposed amendment would increase the flexibility for the developer of multi-use faculties in which the future tenants are unknown Because the building could be occupied by uses which generate different traffic volumes and, therefore, are required to pay different TFC's, the developer currently has to 'guess' the future use Proposed Amendments to the Subdivision Code - Title 16 YMC 16.12.300 Hearing examiner review Upon receipt of all required administrative approvals, the community development director city pl::mner shall forward any proposed fin31 full pl::1t 3nd 3ny large lot subdivision of five or more lots to the hearing examiner for appropriate action The hearing examiner shall review such full ",;,,- I ".,~'''' Staff Report Page 13 of 15 c subdivision and forv.'3rd Its recommend3tion to the city council. The he3ring eX3minor sh311 render a decision regarding such large lot subdivision The City Council should still act on final subdivisions, although this language was included in error when the Hearing Examiner system was adopted 16.12.310 Council review. Upon receipt of the all required administrative approvals, the community development director shall forward any proposed final full plat to the city council for appropriate action. he3ring examiner's recommend3tion the 3dministr3tor sh311 present the pl3t to the city council. Upon finding that the final plat has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this title and that all required improvements have been completed or that arrangements or contracts have been entered into to guarantee that such required improvements will be completed, and that the interests of the city are fully protected, the city council shall approve and the mayor shall sign the final plat and accept dedications as may be included thereon The mayor shall immediately return the final plat to the city clerk/treasurer for filing for record with the county auditor The City Council should still act on final subdivisions, although this language was included in error when the Hearing Examiner system was adopted Proposed Amendments to the Development Guidelines o 48.070 Private Streets c See definition of private street in Section 3 025 A. Private streets within City limits shall not be allowed except when approved by the City and when all conditions of this section are met. B Private streets will not be allowed when 1 The proposed street is connected to two public streets 2 The intersection of the proposed street with another street is signalized (150 LF of the private street starting from the Right-of-Way will then be required to be a public roadway) 3 The street could be used as a thoroughfare or "short cut" 4 It would not be in the best interest of the public due to a threat to the public's safety, health, and welfare C Private streets may be allowed under the following conditions 1 Perm3nently est3blished by tr3ct or e3sement providing leg31 3cceSE to serve unlimited dwelling units citu3ted on one p3rcel 3nd sufficient to 3ccommod3te reqUired improvements, to include provisions for future use by 3dJ3cent property owners ';,then 3pplic3bleThe private street is permanently established by tract or easement providinq leqal access, includinq proVisions for future use by adiacent property owners, when applicable, and 2 If the private street serves f:Bf--.nine (9) or fewer dwellinq units, ltshall require a minimum 30-foot paved surface, and have a sidewalk 4 feet Staff Report Page 14 of 15 o in width, constructed to City standards Private street serving multi f3mily or mobile homes 311 on one p3rcel shall provide a four foot side'l/3Ik on one side 'Nith such 3 design 3S to prevent p3rking on the sidev/alk, and 3 Accessible at all times for emergency and public service vehicle use, and 4 Will not result in landlocking of present or future parcels nor obstruct public street circulation, and 5 Covenants have been approved, recorded, and verified with the City which provide for maintenance of the private streets and associated parking areas by the owner or homeowners association or other legal entity Acceptance as Public Streets Acceptance of private streets as public streets will be considered only if the street(s) meet all applicable public street standards, including Right-of-Way widths, walks, drainage, Iighting,and pavement composition o o o This amendment clarifies the existing standards for private streets 48.080 Street Frontage Improvements C Frontage Improvement Deferrals In certain circumstances it may not be appropriate to require installation of frontage improvements at the time a development occurs In such situations, the City may permit deferral of installation of such improvements to a later date under the provisions of this section The City may authorize a deferral of any or all required frontage improvements as defined by these Standards, provided one or more of the following criteria are met: · The design grade and alignment of the abutting street cannot be determined at the time of construction of the development. · The installation of frontage improvements required for the development would create or intensify a hazard to public safety . The installation of required frontage improvements would be inconsistent with the City's long-range street and utility system comprehensive plans . The installation of frontage improvements required in paragraph A of this section could be more safely, efficiently and effectively implemented if done concurrently with the installation of improvements required for other properties along the same street frontage . The scope of the improvement being authorized by the permit does not constitute a significant change in the existing demands of the use of property upon the City's transportation and utility transmission systems Any deferred frontage improvement shall be secured for installation at a later date by one of the following methods selected by the City Staff Report Page 15 of 15 c o 1 Commitment to Participate in a Local Improvement District. The property owner shall execute and record a covenant document that insures the participation of the subject property owner(s) in any local improvement district formed for the construction of such frontage improvements Said document shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and shall be effective for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date of recording If the developer chooses to participate in a Local Improvement District. the document shall include an aqreement that the subiect property owner(s) shall construct required frontaqe improvements when directed by the Public Works Director at any time within the effective life of the covenant document. The Public Works Director shall require frontaqe improvements to be installed by the subiect J:>roperty owners(s) when the street is improved by funding methods other than a Local Improvement District. 2 Payment in Lieu of Installation The property owner shall pay to the City an amount equal to the estimated value of the required frontage improvements as determined by the Public Works Director Such amount shall be deposited into a municipal fund account reserved for the financing of such improvement. Such payment shall be refunded in full, plus interest to the successor in interest in the property should the City not install the required frontage improvements within five (5) years form the date such payment is made If a road is improved by the City to current standards wtfhout creatinG a local improvement district WIthin the 15 year time period of the LID aGreement, the property owner would be responsible for their frontaGe improvements. Drawing 6-8 - 2" Air and Vacuum Release Valve. Update the drawing to show the assembly terminating one (1) foot above the finished grade o This change is required by recent changes in State Laws regarding water system design related to cross-connection lJ SOLID CAST IRON COVER MARI<ED "WATER" ";;,/, t\ ",j I (7.)2:>"/ '5:. "',<,;,1 I~. T\ ,r~J 17.) 61.v,.,~ (;) ~ ____.___ CONCRETE MET [ R 13 0 X \- 0 Gl \1 [ Iv\ I: \\:-) ... \ ,\ \. C ,-' NO J 11 TYPE 2 WITH 1) HA'--.r 01, 1(1\ 1,\\ 6"_.,,_ MIN "<J' N z :2 ___ 1" G AT [ V ^ LV [, T II R [/\ IX D \lIW I'J I L CORP FIG NO 280 Ol~ rUl.lt\\ I, \ I' \ II, i i - ill 'J" t<) ('d(di\ .<" q\ -1" DRISCOPIP[ ') 100 lJI.TI\/\ - I.II'JI I'II'L / o I~ A P PRO V [ 0 [ 0 U A I ('J (1 0 1 ' ~ ' I !vi II ;'\ ELBOW 1" GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE TO FIT WASHED GRAVEL PASSING 1 /2" AND RETAINED ON 1/4" MESH 2 - 2 " (2l G LA V PIP E S BUR lED 3' W / 1 / '2 " WID L STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMP M U [ L L LI -: I W-; I ^ I I \ L ,... ' l Ii 'L "- ~D 111 ~,\or) 01, AI'{'IWVlll ! \.'...1 '- j -' k l OI\I'UI,^ IIUH ~ i l' ELBOWS.-:t.~~ :~;~/;,':'"0 I" ',I IN It I '/\ L\ Ill, 1_ ^ ' , ~-; r 1,,1111 1 - ',II 'J I I ~ 1 \ ,! /,Ulvl^L' 1 () I .' (11\ L" L Ie.. t,..,. N_QI);:_:;? AIR & VACUUM VALVE ASSEMBLY MUST BE INSTALLED AT HIGHEST POINT OF LINE 2 REMOVE ALL FOR I<NOCI<OUTS TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE CI TY 01:- YELM DEI::>T OF PUBLIC WOI'\I<S 3 FACE Of METER BOX TO BE LOCATED l' IN BACI< OF CURB 4 WHERE AIR RELEASE VALVE FALLS OUTSIDE OF PLANED IMPROVEMENTS REPAIR SIDEWAU< TO MATCH EXISTING 271 AIR AND RELEASE V ACUU~/1 VALVE 5 THE WATER SEINICE LINE SHALL HAVE 36" OF COVER BELOW FINISH GRADE /\I'rl~r\\l 1 6 METALLIC (DETECTABLE MARKING) TAPE SHALL HE COLOR CODE BLUE AND SHALL BE IMPHlNTED CONTINUOUSLY OVER ITS ENTIRE LENGTH IN PERMANENT BLACI< INI<, WITH THE MESSAGE "WATER LINE BURIED BELOW" AND THE WORD "CAUTION" PROMINENTLY SHOWN TAPE SHALL BE A 2" MIN WIDTH I '(I ~31 i I \' 6-8 ".-Il.Dwr; -()j ~, TEW \, T[W it. w 'l,'1 ')/UO c c c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2002, 4 00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes June 17, 2002, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. Worksession - Yelm Development Regulations Update Staff Report Enclosed 4. Other 5. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be' MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,2002 - 4:00 P.M. The CIty of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty ProvIder c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The Julv 15. 2002, Planning Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED ..The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on MONDAY, AUQust 19, 2002, at 4:00 pm. C If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST ~/., \ /~) 'i,)1 i.J 06 }Utu[l~_ Agn s Bennick City Clerkffreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list Wednesday, July 10, 2002 c The CIty of Yelm IS an Equal Opportumty ProvIder o c c PUBLIC NOTICE Yelm Planmng CommIssion Meetzng Schedule Change The CIty of Yelm Planning CommissIOn meetmg schedule has been changed. The City of Yelm Planmng CommIssIOn now meets the third Monday of each month. The next regularly scheduled meetmg is Monday, July 15,2002 at 4:00 pm, m the Yelm CIty Hall Council Chambers at 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm. If there are any questions concerning thIS change, please call the Commumty Development Department at 360-458-3835 th~ /Jv1' f.'/H 1/. ' 7- Agnes P Bennick': CIty Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Fnday, June 28, 2002 Posted m PublIc Areas. Wednesday, June 26, 2002 Mailed to Planmng CommIssIOn mailIng lIst: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 c o c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 17, 2002, 400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. 02-16 Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Ray Kent, Don Carney, Joe Baker, Glenn Blando, and E J Curry Staff: Grant Beck, Tami Merriman, and Jim Gibson Guest: Glen Cunningham Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY DON CARNEY, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 15, 2002. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications Ms. Merriman distributed two letters of resignation to the Commission The letters were from Ms. Lonqmire and Mr. Kent. Mr. Gorman stated it was with regret that he accepted these letters Ms. Merriman informed the Commission that she has placed an ad in the Nisqually Valley News giving notice of the vacancies Mavor Adam Rivas will review the letters of interest submitted, and appoint new members shortly PUBLIC HEARING: 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City Wide Mr. Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 02 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission members had a conflict of interest. There was none Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Mr. Gorman called for a staff report. Ms Merriman gave a brief report, outlining four items that were part of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The 4 items that are to be updated are, 1) Comprehensive Plan Chapter XII, Environment. The changes to the Environment chapter includes more detailed goals and policies which will direct the Commission in its Critical Areas Ordinance Update in the coming year 2) Water Comprehensive Plan Update This includes adopting the updated Water Comprehensive Plan as Appendix B of the Comprehensive Plan 3) Rezone of 5 properties from Industrial to R-6 Moderate Density Residential This includes changing the zoning of 5 properties that are zoned Industrial to Residential The properties are currently occupied in a residential use 4) Amending Chapter 17 66 Special Uses to include siting requirements for Secure Community Transition Facilities Yelm Planning Commission June 17, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\06.17 .02 min.doc Page 1 c c c Mr. Gorman called for public comment. Mr. Glen Cunningham, 207 Stevens Ave., Yelm Mr. Cunninqham asked for clarification of the site of the properties to be rezoned Mr. Mike Killion, P.O. Box 764, Yelm Mr. Killion also requested verification of the site of the properties to be rezoned Ms Elaine Taylor, Department of Social and Health SeNices Ms. Taylor explained to the Commission the requirements of the State for jurisdictions to provide for Secure Community Transition Facilities (SCTF) Ms. Taylor stated that the DSHS has reviewed the proposed amendment for the siting of the SCTF's and has found areas within the amendment that seem to be more restrictive than the state requirements Ms. Taylor provided written comments that detail the areas that seem to be more restrictive If a jurisdiction creates regulations that make the placement of the SCTF impossible, the state may deem the ordinance as void Mr. Gorman called for questions from the Commission Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Taylor who determines whether our ordinance is void because it is more restrictive than the state requirements Ms. Taylor responded that she thought it would be the Secretary of the DSHS, after staff review Mr. Gorman asked what would happen if the Planning Commission passed an ordinance that was more restrictive? What would DSHS do? Ms. Taylor stated that a process has not been created yet. A letter regarding preemption should be coming out shortly If the local ordinance was so restrictive that it is preemptive, it may require preemption If there were just one or two things, maybe it would be void Ms. Taylor stated that she is unsure These items are being discussed at this time Mr. Gorman inquired about F 1 d 2, regarding placement 500 feet from a residential lot. How is this more restrictive? Ms. Taylor explained that a residential lot is not a risk potential facility, and the City is adding a restriction to the criteria. By adding residential lots, the City is eliminating a large number of potential sites Mr. Carney stated that there are two definitions, less restrictive housing and Secure Community Transition Facilities Which are we required to provide? Ms. Taylor responded Secure Community Transition Facilities Mr. Carney asked that if we are required to provide for SCTF's, is there a way to deny the less restrictive housing? Ms. Taylor stated that the City may not even be consulted about a less restrictive housing arrangement. It is not a change of land use or zoning Yelm Planning Commission March 18, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\06.17 02 min.doc Page 2 c Mr. Carney asked that if we had someone listed in a less restrictive housing situation, then do we meet the criteria, and not be required to provide a SCTF Ms. Taylor responded that it could be an argument that you have met your requirements Mr. Beck stated that staff feels that we are not being more restrictive than state requirements We have taken a different approach to determine the requirements. We haven't identified areas that these facilities could be located, we have established criteria for where they can be The criteria may be different for locating within the areas, but we have not eliminated it throughout the City We allow them in the Industrial area, and have listed criteria for locating them within that district. Ms. Taylor stated that this approach is fine, as long as there are enough sites within that area that would work. Mr. Carney asked if the GIS data that is offered by DSHS is available for the citizens within the industrial areas to use, to determine whether how close a facility may be? Ms. Taylor responded that the data is available for use for determining SCTF sites, not for other purposes Mr Gorman asked if there were any questions from the audience c Mr. Glen Cunninqham asked if the railroad area was included in staff research As part of a granttopurchase the railroad, there is required to be a walking path beside the railroad When that is complete, it will be a public path Being no additional questions or comments, Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4'37 p m Mr. Gorman asked staff what was the next step in adopting the Comprehensive Plan amendments? Ms. Merriman stated that based on the Planning Commission recommendation today, the amendments will be forwarded to City Council for adoption Mr. Gorman asked the Commission for a motion 02-17 MOTION MADE BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Td THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. DISCUSSION WAS HELD. II JOHN THOMSON AMENDED THE MOTION TO FORWARD THE " COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL WITH THE PROVISION THAT THE PORTION REGARDING SECURE COMMUNIll" TRANSITION FACILITIES, AND THE LETTER FROM DSHS, BE REVIEWEQ BY LEGAL COUNCIL AND ANY PROPOSED REVISIONS TO BE REVIEWEm " AND ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL. GLENN BLANDO SECONDED THE MOTION, ALL WERE IN FAVOR. c Yelm Planning Commission February 19, 2002 R:\Communi1y Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\06.17.02 min.doc Page 3 c c c Ms. Merriman introduced Mr. Grant Beck. Mr Beck had accepted the position of Community Development Director for the City of Yelm The Commission and citizens welcomed Mr Beck Mr. Beck spoke to the Commission about changing their meeting schedule With the addition of the Hearing Examiner, the Commission may not require two meetings a month Mr. Beck asked the Commission if the would consider changing their meeting schedule to one meeting per month The Commission agreed to change their schedule to meet of the third Monday of each month 02-18 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 450 P m Respectfully submitted, .........~~- ~ Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission March 18,2002 R:\Community Developmenl\Planning Commission\MinUles and Agendas\PC 2002.min\06.17.02 min.doc Page 4 {l o (\ ~ City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 To Planning Commission From Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Date. June 11, 2002 Re 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment c The 2002 City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan update includes four areas to be amended They are, 1) update to Chapter XII, Environment, 2) include the 2002 Comprehensive Water Plan update as Appendix B, 3) Rezone 5 parcels from Industrial to Moderate Density Residential, and 4) Update Chapter 17 66 Special Uses 1) UPDATE TO CHAPTER XII ENVIRONMENT: The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) RCW 36 70A.130(1) required that "By September 1, 2002, each city and county in Washington must "take action" to review and, if needed, revise its comprehensive land use plan and development regulations to ensure compliance with the GMA" These updates include Critical Areas Ordinances, Essential Public Facilities (Secure Community Transitional Facilities), Buildable Lands, and the Shoreline Master Program In March of 2002, the State legislature extended the timeline to complete the update During the months of January 2002 to March 2002, the Planning Commission reviewed and updated the Environment Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, to, prepare for the Critical Areas Ordinance update by creating goals and policies that will direct the City in its creation and implementation of the new ordinance AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER XII, ENVIRONMENT , . c The amendments to the Environmental Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan include creating sub-categories for water resources Water Resources has been segregated into sub-categories including Aquifer Recharge Areas, Wellhead Protection Areas, Wetlands and Streams, Shorelines, and Frequently Flooded Areas This provides a , more detailed description for each of these natural resources with specific goals and i policies that pertain to each one Noise and AIr Quality have been added with ' specific goals and policies for each ~ ( o Best available science was employed in the amendments to the goals and policies of the Environmental Chapter and requires the inclusion of best available science in developing development regulations to protect the functions and values of critical areas 2) 2002 COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN UPDATE, APPENDIX B OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City of Yelm Comprehensive Water Plan is a guidance document that helps insure safe and efficient public water system, and helps determine current and future system needs Washington State Department of Health requires that this document be updated every 6 years. AMENDMENTS TO INCLUDE UPDATED WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Water Plan update reviews the need for new water sources, provides options regarding the ground water source under the influence of surface water determination at well 3A, analyzes the distribution system and identifies the necessary system improvements to meet the future 6 and 20 year growth requirements. A water system financial analysis is included in the update to 0 determine if the existing rate structure is appropriate to maintain and operate the system, and fund the necessary capital improvements required to ensure that the water system can continue to reliably distribute safe drinking water to the public As well, the update, in accordance with federal and state requirements addresses the need to ensure that the well source and distribution system will continue to provide clean, safe drinking water As a component of that analysis, a wellhead protection plan and a cross connection control plan have been prepared for the water system The 2002 plan also incorporates the invaluable asset of reclaimed water and additional capital improvements necessary to maximize the benefits of reclaimed water 3) REZONE FIVE (S) PARCELS FROM INDUSTRIAL ZONE TO MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE: In 2001, the Yelm Chamber of Commerce, City of Yelm, Thurston County Economic Development Council, and the Port of Olympia entered into a contract with E 0 Hovee & Company to complete a Market & Development Assessment for the Yelm 0 Industrial Area. 2 o ~ v A component of that study included a land use analysis of the industrial zoned properties They found that there is a significant amount of residential encroachment into the industrial area. While most of the encroachment is in the more "rural" areas that are zoned industrial there are a few sites within the city limits that are predominately residential and are surrounded by residential uses and/or zoning As a result there were four areas recommended for consideration of a rezone from industrial to residential The five parcels identified here is the area within the City limits that has the most residential encroachment, is highly unlikely to redevelop as industrial and is surrounding predominately by existing residential .uses and zoning o Staff has had discussions with the property owners in the rezone area Four of the five property owners (Cenex owners not contacted) support the rezone The fifth property owner is concerned with the effect the rezone will have on the property tax assessment for the parcel Two of the effected property owners have wanted to add on to their home or add additional secondary uses (garage), but the City has not been able to issue them permits. In industrial areas residential uses are not allowed, so for those sites that already have a home on them, the use is grandfathered in, however they cannot enlarge the non-conforming use AMENDMENT TO REZONE FIVE (5) PARCELS FROM INDUSTRIAL TO MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (3 - 6 units per acre) On the map that shows the proposed rezone area, parcels A, D and E would be rezoned from Industrial to Residential- Moderate Density, at a minimum of three (3) units per acre and a maximum of six (6) units per acre Parcel F, which is owned by the City and contains an underground stormwater facility would be rezoned to Institutional District. Parcels Band C are actually large parcels that also front on Rhoton Road Parcel B is undeveloped and Parcel C is developed as the Cenex site Staff is proposing that Yelm Creek be used as a geographic boundary and that the portion of the parcels that are to the west of Yelm Creek be rezoned to moderate density residential and the portion of the parcels that are east of Yelm Creek remain zoned as industrial 4} UPDATE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 17.66 SPECIAL USEiS: c In Washington State persons who have been sentenced and committed.as a "sexually violent predator" and who have served their time but suffer from a "mental abnormality or personality disorder" that inclines them to reoffend can be civilly confined beyond their initial sentence for the purpose of treatment. 3 ( o ~ A federal judge has ruled that those sexual predators civilly committed beyond their sentence must be provided with a "less restrictive alternative" to total confinement if it is not necessary to their continued treatment progress and they are ready for community-based treatment. Currently there are 145 men in total confinement at a Special Commitment Center (SCC) on McNeil Island In response to the federal ruling, during the 1991 state legislative session, Senate Bill 6151 was passed and signed into law by Governor Locke Senate Bill 6151 requires that there be an equitable distribution of Secure Community Transition Facilities (SCTF) throughout the state and that SCTF's are considered an essential public facility, therefore no local plan or regulation may preclude them SCTF's are smaller housing units that provide a community-based treatment setting for sex offenders who have progressed successfully through multiple levels of treatment over several years. The SCTF will be the next step in treatment for those who convince a court they have completed the treatment regimen and can be conditionally released from total confinement to the highly supervised SCTF where they will continue to undergo treatment. Counties that had three or more residents committed to a Special Commitment Center (SPC) for sex offenders, as of April 1 ,2001 must plan to for at least a three- 0 bed SCTF to be available, if needed, for the period between May 2004 and May 2008 On April 1 ,2001 Thurston County had 8 residents committed to a SPC, therefore the county and the local jurisdictions within the county must provided for a maximum of three beds in a SCTF's AMENDMENTS TO INCLUDE TITLE 17, ZONING, CHAPTER 1766, SPECIAL USES The proposed amendments categorize secure community transition facilities as a special use and provide siting criteria and dev~lopment regulations in Chapter 17 66, Special Uses Secure community transition facilities will be allowed in the industrial district. Site specific locations within the industrial district will have to meet criteria and standards in the following categories allocation of facilities, occupancy, separation from other uses, and staffing and security The amendment includes a definition for "Less restrictive alternative housing", and "Secure Community Transition Facility", creates guidance for the placement, and a process for application and public awareness for a proposed facility o 4 o c c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TAMI MERRIMAN PLANNING TECHNICIAN DATE: Monday, June 17, 2002, 4:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA PURPOSE. Public Hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 1766, Special Uses, and the Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendment. APPLICANT: City of Yelm PROJECT LOCATION: City wide The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to Chapter 17 66, Special Uses to include provisions for Secure Community Transition Facilities, and Comprehensive Plan Amendments to include amendments to Chapter XII Environment, Appendix B, Water Comprehensive Plan Update, and an amendment to rezone five parcels from Industrial to Moderate Density The Planning Commission will forward the proposed amendments to the City Council for a Public Hearing and action in July, 2002. A complete packet of amendments and any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Tami Merriman at (360) 458'"8496 Testimony may be given at the hearings, or through any written comments on the proposal. Comments must be received by the close of the public hearing on Monday, June 17,2002. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to: City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597. The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate in the hearings, contact Agnes Bennick, City Clerk, at (360) 458-8404, at least 4 days before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm 12/ /~l/l.~ .,j ._" ,__ .{ "",/1 V7 J - ((/t I>~ / _ -'(. {: i__ Agnes Bennick, City Clerkrrreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, June 7, 2002 Posted in Public Areas Friday, June 7, 2002. Mailed to property owners, and adjacent property owners for "Rezone" area. VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list o to receive future agendas and minutes II ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JUNE 17, 2002 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearin~ by the assigned numbers above) (j GLEIJ {1/JIVI/JCJHIT;VJ ~/~ b(t?\. (\-e. 1rx1 ( 0 y r'o ~DX 7 b '-f bs /f-~ - .Y.e<;: II ,-. Y -eJs' / II II II II II II II II II II II .!: II Ii c City of Yelm c c (' ~ 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WA8HINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 17,2002,4:00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes April 15, 2002, amended minutes enclosed. 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. PUBLIC HEARING: 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update Applicant: City of Yelm Location: Citywide Staff Report Enclosed 4. Other: 5. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be. MONDAY, JULY 15, 2002 - 4:00 P.M. o City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The June 3, 2002, Planninq Commission meeting has been CANCELLED. The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W ,on MONDAY, June 17,2002, at 4:00 pm. C If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST a~' A #J /1 _ /j( n.., LZ;JMtU::L- Ag~s Bennick City Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2002 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, May 31, 2002 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 (\ ~ o c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 20,2002,4'00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: John Thomson, Don Carney, Joe Baker, and Glenn Blando Staff: Tami Merriman, Stephanie Conners, Jim Gibson and Roberta Allen Members absent: Tom Gorman, Ray Kent (excused), Roberta Longmire, Margaret Clapp and E.J Curry Guest: Glen Cunningham Approval of Minutes: As there was no quorum at this Planning Commission meeting, minutes from the April 15, 2002 meeting were not approved or accepted. However, Ms. Merriman noted an error on the motion numbering of those minutes, which will be corrected Corrected minutes will be distributed with the packet for the next Planning Commission meeting and submitted for approval at that meeting Public Communications Ms. Merriman distributed a letter of resignation from Margaret Clapp to Planning Commission members Ms. Merriman will contact Mayor Rivas regarding this vacancy John Thomson regretfully accepted the letter of resignation on behalf of the Commission, stating that they have enjoyed her presence on the Commission and have valued the contributions she has made 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update - Water Comprehensive Plan Update Presented by Stephanie Conners: II Ms. Conners gave a powerpoint presentation with an overview of the Wateff Comprehensive Plan update The plan is a 6-year planning document, last II updated in 1996 During the preser:1tation, all Commission members present " were very interested and asked many pertinent questions for clarification At the conclusion of the presentation, John Thomson thanked Ms. Conners for ~ very comprehensive and well-done presentation Other: Ms. Merriman stated that the public hearing before the Planning Commission If or the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update will be on Monday, June 17, 2002 This includes Water Comprehensive Plan Update, the 5-parcel Rezone, the Sec~re Community Transition Facilities, and the update to the Environment Chapter II The new Community Development Director, Grant Beck will start on June 3, 20<D2 Mr Beck comes to us from San Juan County John Thomson asked if there ~as a BIO on Mr Beck. Ms. Merriman will forward that information to the Commission members ii I Yelm Planning Commission May 20, 2002 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\05.20.02 min.doc Page 1 c c c Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Page 2 John Thomson, Vice Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission March 18, 2002 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\05.20.02 min.doc o o c' May 19, 2002 To The Mayor, Administrator, Planning Commission Chairman and Members From Margaret Clapp Re Planning Commission Membership Dear Adam, Shelly, Staff, Tom and Members, It is with regret that I must resign from the Yelm Planning Commission I have missed so many meetings with a new and regular conflict that must take precedence over my planning commission duties and I do not feel it is right to be a member when I can not attend I have enjoyed my two plus terms and will continue my interest in all things Yelm I am still at your service (on an irregular bas~oJ--- c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 20,2002,4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes April 15, 2002, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update a. Presentation by Stephanie Connors regarding the City of Yelm, Water C Comprehensive Plan Update 4. Other: 5. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: MONDAY, JUNE 17,2002 - 4:00 P.M. c City of Yelm o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The Mav 6, 2002, Planninq Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W ,on MONDAY, MAY 20,2002, at 4:00 pm. C If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 c ATT~ '((l/IJfJ yJ ~.Mntt>~ Agnes Bennick . City Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday, April 30, 2002 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, May 3, 2002 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 o c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 15,2002,400 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Ray Kent, Don Carney, Joe Baker, Glenn Blando, and Roberta Longmire Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, and Shelly Badger Members absent: Margaret Clapp and E.J Curry 02-14 Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 18,2002. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update - Secure Community Transition Facilitiis In response to a federal ruling, the State of Washington has passed a law that requires equitable distribution of Secure Community Transition Facilities (SCTF): throughout the state The SCTF's are smaller housing units that provide a community-based treatment setting for sex offenders In Washington State! persons who have been sentenced and committed as a "sexually violen~ predator," and who have served their time but suffer from a disorder that inclines them to reoffend, can be civilly confined beyond their initial sentence fo~ the purpose of treatment. Thurston County is required to provide a SCTF for at least three persons As a jurisdiction within Thurston County, the City is required to plan for siting thiS facility if needed As part of this requirement the Commission must review and approve changes to the Zoning Chapter to site such a facility Ms. Carlson discussed the proposed changes, explaining the definitions, wherel. a facility such as this could be sited, and the land use process Siting of such a facility shall be through the Special Use process, and limited locations due td' separation from other critical uses The Commission agreed with the limitations placed in the siting requirements, noting that, similar to the adult entertainment ordinances, the City must allow fo~ the siting of the facility, making sure the limitations does not make it impossibl~ to site such a facility The Commission took a moment to thank Ms. Carlson for her years of staffing the Planning Commission, her assistance and support, and wished her well i~ her new endeavors. I I I Yelm Planning Commission March 18, 2002 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\04 15.02 min.doc Page 1 c c c 02-15 MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY DON CARNEY, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 45 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission March 18, 2002 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\04 15.02 min.doc Page 2 City ofYelm o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2002 FOR INFORMATION: Adam Rivas, Mayor Shelly Badger, City Administrator (360) 458-8401 (360) 458-8405 c Effective May 10, 2002, Community Development Director Cathie Carlson will resign from her position with the city She has accepted a position with The Shea Group, a Parametrix Company, a consulting firm in Lacey offering services in civil engineering, urban/landuse planning, landscape design, traffic analysis and transportation planning and engineering Cathie has served the Yelm community for seven years, first as Planner and then as Community Development Director Upon her promotion to Community Development Director in 2000, she worked to establish a full-service department with a Planning Technician, Development Services Engineer, Building Official and Support Staff "Cathie was hired by the City just as Yelm's Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act was adopted and in need of implementation An enormous amount of policy and program development was necessary and Cathie was extremely effective in accomplishing this task for the betterment of the Yelm community All, during the period of Yelm's largest growth period ever, when new subdivisions and commercial projects were seen sprouting up throughout the community She approached a huge workload with enthusiasm, efficiency and heart and brought Yelm's Community Development Department to today's level where quality and equitable service are provided to the citizenry and development community," said Shelly Badger, City Administrator In addition to her Director duties Cathie has represented Yelm on a regional basIs on transportation and commute tnp reduction policy development and has served on the Port of Olympia Planning Advisory Committee She has been instrumental In bUilding Yelm s Urban Forestry Program since designation as a Tree City USA and has been the lead staff responsible for the Yelm Creek Flood Management Plan and Longmire Park development project c "The deCISion to accept the pOSition With the Shea Group '/'/as one of the most difficult ones I have ever made Yelm IS a very speCial community and It Will be difficult to leave said ivls Carlson "The most difficult part of the decision was leaving a community that has been 0 very supportive of the Community Development Department, and leaving a city government that has such professional, dedicated and hard working individuals It has been an absolute honor and privilege to work for the City of Yelm under the direction of Mayor Rivas and the city council," she added Cathie is confident that the professional community development services will continue in the absence of her leadership "I have worked hard to establish a quality department with quality people and am working closely with the Mayor and City Administrator to insure that the department will be left in good hands," Carlson said In fact, the replacement process will begin immediately, with applications due April 24, 2002 A formal interview process will commence the week of April 29 Mayor Rivas added, "Cathie has represented Yelm in a positive and professional manner; always striving for equity in an often challenging position, especially during the establishment of policies and guidelines in the midst of large numbers of development projects She will be greatly missed within the Yelm community as well as on a regional basis However, this is a career opportunity that doesn't present itself every day and we are proud that her time with Yelm could aid in her career development We wish her and her family all the best." o o o c c City ofYelm 105 Yebn Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date April 9, 2002 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Secure community transition facilities Backqround In Washington State persons who have been sentenced and committed as a "sexually violent predator" and who have served their time but suffer from a "mental abnormality or personality disorder" that inclines them to reoffend can be civilly confined beyond their initial sentence for the purpose of treatment. A federal judge has ruled that those sexual predators civilly committed beyond their sentence must be provided with a "less restrictive alternative" to total confinement if it is not necessary to their continued treatment progress and they are ready for community-based treatment. Currently there are 145 men in total confinement at a Special Commitment Center (SCC) on McNeil Island In response to the federal ruling, during the 1991 state legislative session, Senate Bill 6151 was passed and signed into law by Governor Locke Senate Bill 6151 requires that there be an equitable distribution of Secure Community Transition Facilities (SCTF) throughout the state and that SCTFs are considered an essential public facility, therefore no local plan or regulation may preclude them SCTFs are smaller housing units that provide a community-based treatment setting for sex offenders who have progressed successfully through multiple levels of treatment over several years The SCTF Will be the next step in treatment for those who convince a court they have completed the treatment regimen and can be conditionally released from total confinement to the highly supervised SCTF where they will continue to undergo treatment. Counties that had three or more reSidents committed to a Special Commitment Center (SPC) for sex offenders as of Apnl 1 2001 must plan to for at least a three-bed SCTF to be available, if needed, for the period between May 2004 and May 2008 On Apnl1,2001 Thurston County had 8 reSidents committed to a SPC, therefore the county and the local jurisdictions 'Nithin the county must provided for a maximum of three beds in a SCTFs State Sltina Cnterla The state estabilsr,ed Critena for determining 'Nhere to locate sex offender housing and Identified secunty measures that would be employed In such hcuslng Minimum siting cntena reqUires that SCTFs not be Iccated adjacent to Immediately across a street or parl..::ing lot from or '/lIth the I:ne of sight of schools school bus stops preschool facilities day care facilities publiC par~s oucl!c trails sports fields plajgrounds recreational and community centers r.=; '1'JF ir;'~ -'iirlfj ...J:,in l DrJ-I: ~;:n, f_ i)Unnl 'r ;=1c:11:10....' 3C'-;: "'-,t-1ff ['[)ort (~(Jl, libraries, or places of worship The siting criteria also strives to achieve an average law enforcement response time to the facility of five minutes or less o SCTFs with six or fewer residents must have one staff on duty for each resident during the morning and afternoon shifts, and at least two staff on duty at night. The law requires intensive staff training and background checks Proposed Amendments As required by federal and state law, the city needs to be prepared to accept and process an application to site a SCTF within our jurisdictional boundaries Staff is proposing the following amendments Title 17 - Zoning The following definitions shall be added to Chapter 17 06 Definitions 17.06.400 "Less restrictive alternative housinq". Less restrictive alternative housinq means court ordered housinq pursuant to RCW 71.09 where civilly committed sex offenders receive treatment related to their violent sexual tendencies in a settinq less restrictive than total confinement. Such housinq may also be referred to as Secure Community Transitional Facilities. 17.06.681 "Secure community transition facility" means a residential facility for persons civilly committed and conditionally released to a less restrictive alternative pursuant to RCW 71.09 0 that has supervision and security, and either provides or ensures the provision of sex offender treatment services. Secure community transition facilities include, but are not limited to, facilities established pursuant to RCW 71.09 that are operated by the state and under contract with the state. Chapter 17.66 Special Use The following shall be added to Section17 66020 Special Uses F. Other Essential Public Facilities. 1. Secure Community Transition Facilities/Less restrictive alternative housinq. The followinq requirements apply to Secure Community Transition Facilities a. Secure Community Transition Facilities/Less restrictive alternative housinq shall only be permitted in the Industrial District. b. Allocation of Facilities. Throuqh 2007 Thurston County and it's iurisdictions are required by the State to provided Secure Community Transition Facility(s) with a maximum of three beds. The City will only except a complete application for a Secure Community Transition Facility if the mandated three-bed facility has not yet been provided for anywhere within Thurston County. c. Occupancy. No more than three people. other than staff, shall occupy a Secure Community Transition Facility prior to 2008. If the state requires the county to accommodate additional committed sex offenders thereafter, the hearinq examiner may authorize increased occupancy, up to a maximum of six offenders. consistent With the provisions of this chapter. o C'.MyFiles\Comp Plan Update 2002\Sex Offender Facilities\SCTF staff report.doc ',1i\, r- ;\,' 1:" .-~ '--.~ o d. Separation from other uses. Secure Community Transition Facilities shall not be located adiacent to, immediatelv across a street or parkinq lot from, or with the line of siqht from the followinq risk potential activities or facilities Schools (public and private. kinderqarten throuqh colleqe) or potential school sites owned bv the school district or private school, iL Licensed pre-schools. child care homes and day care centers, ill Sports fields, plavqrounds, parks and teen centers, iv Places of worship, v School bus stops, and vi Property used for orqanizations, associations, facilities and businesses which provide. as a substantial portion of their activities, function or business, the provision of services to children and/or youth. vii Public libraries. viii Trails used bv the qeneral public to access schools, parks or other facilities or uses listed in 1 above. g,. Sites proposed for a Secure community Transition Facility shall not be located within 500 feet of a residence or a residential lot. e. Staffinq and security measures o .L The applicant shall submit, as part of the application, the staffinq and security plan for the proposed Secure Community Transition Facilitv. This plan shall be forwarded to the Yelm Police Department for review and recommendation to the hearinq examiner. 2. The applicant shall submit, as part of the application, an escape search plan and procedures for immediate public notification of escapes This plan and notification procedure shall be forwarded the Yelm Police Department for review and recommendation to thehearinq examiner. ~ The applicant shall install an eiqht-foot hiqh fence, in character with the surroundinq area, between the facility and all property boundaries. The hearinq examiner may waive or lessen this requirement if he/she determines that, due to existinq site features or the type or character of adioininq uses, the privacy and security of the occupants of adioininq properties can be maintained in the absence of a fence or with a lower fence. 4. The facilitv shall have a backup power source. f. Notice of application and public hearinq. c Notice of application shall be mail out in the manner prescribed In Chapter 15.49.130. except that the mailinq radius from the prolect site shall be expanded to 1000 feet. ~ Notice of public heannqs shall be qiven bv the city bv first class mail to all of the property owners of record Within 1000 feet of the proposed proiect C "MyFiles'Comp Plan Update 2002\Sex Offender Facilities\SCTF staff report.doc site not less than ten days prior to the date of each hearinq. Notice of the hearinq shall be qiven by publication in the official newspaper of the city and posted on the proposed site. o ~ G Uses which are similar or related to those uses described in subsections 17 66 020 (A- €.E) o o C ,MyFiles\Comp Plan Update 2002\Sex Offender FacilitieslSCTF staff report doc VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list o to receive future agendas and minutes II ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COpy PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearin:~l by the assigned numbers above) I 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ Ii Ii I MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: APRIL 15,2002 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. None NAME & ADDRESS ~LI=)J {LA)A.)IA)G HftM. c c City of Yelm 1'\ o o ~ ("'\ ~ 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2002, 4 00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes March 18, 2002, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update a. Secure Transition Community Facilities 4. Other 5. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: MONDAY, MAY 20,2002 - 4:00 P.M. City of Yelm (\ \J c {'\ ~ 105 Ye/m Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The April 1, 2002, Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2002, at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST / >4d/ -If"' I. '1 ," .', ~ 'I, f'. L.[(;4L<4 ~t /tic i( { Agk'es Bennick City ClerkfTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE /,(J:!?fJ /huJr J? (., Posted "Ft:rescray,-Feb.rtJary-28"; 2002 ;19- Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, Marcnf, 2002 Mailed to the Planning CommiSSion mailing list T4:J€.SGay, .F-esftlary-2o-:- 2002 w~ )'>"/tL-LJ,.9 ~. if II I o c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 18, 2002, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Ray Kent, Don Carney, and Roberta Longmire City Council Liaison Ron Harding Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, and Jim Gibson Members absent: E J Curry excused, Margaret Clapp, Glenn Blando and Joe Baker 02-12 Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY DON CARNEY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 19, 2002. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update - Rezones in Industrial Area Ms. Carlson discussed with the Commission, a rezone of 6 properties locateq on Crystal Springs Rd , and Edwards Street. The sites are zoned Industrial, but are currently used as residential The City, through its Industrial Are~ Assessment study, has recommended a rezone of these properties tq residential Ms. Carlson informed the Commission that action is not required at this time Ms. Carlson asked the Commission if they had comments or wishe~ to provide further direction regarding this rezone, prior to the 200~ Comprehensive Plan Amendment hearing The Commission and staff discussed the effects of the affected parcels, as well as surrounding parcelsl] The Commission felt comfortable with the proposed rezone 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update - Critical Areas Ordinance, Frequently Flooded Areas II Ms. Carlson provided the Commission a draft of the Frequently Flooded Areas portion of the Critical Areas Ordinance Update The draft provides for the us~ of the Yelm Creek Flood Hazard Management Plan goals and policies, as well as requiring new developments to provide data on prevention of unnatudl diversion of flood water The ordinance also updates the Tap-in restrictions[ Ms Carlson stated that Chapter 15 32 Flood Damage Prevention will b~ updated in the coming year 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update - Legislative Update Ms. Carlson informed the Commission that the deadline for completion of the mandatory comprehensive Plan update has been extended Ms. Carlson state& that the City will complete the Critical Areas Ordinance, and include the rezon~ of properties on Crystal Springs and Edwards in the 2002 Comprehensive Pla~ Update !i I I I I I Yelm Planning Commission March 18, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\03.18.02 min.doc Page 1 c c c The legislative extension allows Commission and staff time to thoroughly and carefully review and update the other mandatory elements 02-13 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 55 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission March 18, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\03.18.02 min.doc Page 2 c City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date March 8, 2002 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Rezones in the Industrial Area Enclosures Yelm Industrial Area market & Development Assessment Proposed Rezone Area Yelm Zoning Map Backqround In 2001, the Yelm Chamber of Commerce, City of Yelm, Thurston County Economic Development Council and the Port of Olympia entered into a contract with E D Hovee & Company to complete a Market & Development Assessment for the Yelm Industrial Area. c A component of that study included a land use analysis of the industrial zoned properties They found that there is a significant amount of residential encroachment into the industrial area. While most of the encroachment is in the more "rural" areas that are zoned industrial there are a few sites within the city limits that are predominately residential and are surrounded by residential uses and/or zoning As a result there were four areas recommended for consideration of a rezone from industrial to residential and one area recommended for consideration of a rezone from residential to industrial The map from the industrial study depicting the subject areas can be found on Page 33, Figure 17, of the Yelm Industrial Area Market & Development Assessment that was included in your packet. Area B, Figure 17, is currently in unincorporated Thurston County and was rezoned last year by both Thurston County and the City from Industrial to residential - one unit per five acres until such time it annexes into the City when it will change to residential, six units per acre Areas C, D & E, Figure 17, are relatively undeveloped and there is no immediate development pressure for those area. With that, staff has elected to consider rezones in these areas at a later date Area A, Figure 17, is the area within the City limits that has the most residential encroachment, is highly unlikely to redevelop as Industrial and is surrounding predominately by existing residential uses and zoning I I' C Proposal I: Staff has had discussions with the property owners in the rezone area Four of the five property Ii owners (Cenex owners not contacted) support the rezone The fifth property owner IS concerned With the effect the rezone Will have on the property tax assessment for the parcel C .MyFiles\Comp Plan Update 2002\lndustrial rezone stf doc o c o Two of the effected property owners have wanted to add on to their home or add additional secondary uses (garage), but the City has not been able to issue them permits In industrial areas residential uses are not allowed, so for those sites that already have a home on them, the use is grandfathered in, however they cannot enlarge the non-conforming use On the map that shows the proposed rezone area, parcels A, D and E would be rezoned from Industrial to Residential- Moderate Density, at a minimum of three (3) units per acre and a maximum of six (6) units per acre Parcel F, which is owned by the City and contains an underground stormwater facility would be rezoned to Institutional District. Parcels Band Care actually large parcels that also front on Rhoton Road Parcel B is undeveloped and Parcel C is developed as the Centex site Staff is proposing that Yelm Creek be used as a geographic boundary and that the portion of the parcels that are to the west of Yelm Creek be rezoned to moderate density residential and the portion of the parcels that are east of Yelm Creek remain zoned as industrial Planninq Commission Action At this time staff is asking the Planning Commission to review the proposal and give staff direction on any changes they would like to consider prior to the public hearing for the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments C.\MyFiles\Comp Plan Update 2002\lndustrial rezone stf.doc PROPOSED REZONE AREA o CURRENT ZONING: INDUSTRIAL PROPOSED ZONING MODERA TE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - SIX UNITS PER ACRE lVlap Produced By: Thurston GEODATA Center's Internet lVlap Server o I j Scale Appro\: 1 Inch = 412 Feet 3/4/028.51 15 Acvl o A CUMMINGS 8 MILLER C CENEX o ULLOM E SMITH F CITY OF YELM City of Yelm (\ o c c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date March 12, 2002 To Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Re Frequently Flooded Areas Enclosures Proposed text amendments to the Critical Areas Ordinance Chapter 15 32, Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance Overview The Frequently Flooded Areas of the Critical Areas Ordinance provides a stepping stone between the goals and policies in the Environmental Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and the development regulations of Chapter 15 32 Proposed Amendments Section 14.08.160.A.1 & 2. Since the adoption of the original Critical Areas Ordinance, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), completed a Yelm Creek Study with base flood elevations for Yelm Creek. As a result FEMA issued a new Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Yelm Creek. The flood information and historical data that the City has on Thompson Creek is very limited With that it is necessary to give direction on classifications based on the two different situations Proposed Amendments Section & 3 The additional language here helps to bridge the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the development regulations, Chapter 15 32 Proposed Amendments Section 14.08.160.C.2.c & d. Sub-section C, Tap-in Restrictions are requirements of the U S Department of Agriculture Rural Develop/Tlent (RD) The language was a requirement of RD for the City to obtain a low interest loan for a portion of the funding needed to upgrade the sewer treatment plant. Since then the FIRM was completed by FEMA and we know what lands were affected by the language of c All lots that were previously platted have been built on and no longer need the protection of this clause In subsection d the lots of record referred to were those lots that experienced severe flooding in 1996 and 1997 and we're likely to be included in the updated FIRM Until the base flood elevation was established for those lots and they were included in the FIRM, the ordinance gave the City the authority to require any development on those lots to comply with Chapter 15 32, Flood Damage Prevention These lots are now all built on and the tap in restrictions no longer apply These tap-In restrictions prohibit the City from allowing new sewer connections (new development) within the floodplain This will be a major issue of discussion when we begin to amend Chapter 15 3/2 Revisions to Chapter 15.32. Flood Damaqe Prevention I This chapter needs extensive staff research and review and needs to occur within the context of oth.er development regulations, such as subdivisions and the Shoreline Master Program 2002 I! I Comprehensive Plan updates need to completed prior to amending the implementing development II' regulations C\MyFiles\Critical Areas\Floodplain\staff report.doc o c c Frequently Flooded Areas Critical Areas, Chapter 14 08 160 - 2002 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments 14 08 160 Frequently flooded areas A Site Analysis is required for ~my sites 'Nithin a 100 yoar flood plain for the purpose of establishing development site elevation relative to mean sea level and the appropriate lake, pond, stream, or river. A. Classification. 1. Classifications of flood hazard areas shall be consistent with the 1 OO-vear floodplain desiqnation of the Federal Emerqencv Manaqement Aqencv and the nation Flood Insurance Proqram and the Yelm Creek Flood Hazard Manaqement Plan 2. If an area of interest is not included in a comprehensive flood hazard manaqement plan adopted bv the City Councilor has not had base flood elevations determined bv FEMA is contained in any site with a development proposal. the developer shall provide a flood hazard study prepared bv a qualified critical area professional assessinq the extent of the 100-vear floodplain. The study shall be subiect to approval bv the City. B Development Guidelines 1 All developments shall complv with Section 15.32 of the Yelm Municipal Code and the Uniform Buildinq Code for qeneral and specific flood hazard protection. 2. Development shall not reduce the base flood water storaqe ability. Base flood data and flood hazard notes shall be shown on the face of any proposed development, site plan or recorded plat includinq but not limited to. base flood elevations. flood protection elevation. boundary of floodplain. and zero rise floodwav. must satisfy tfle provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program, authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as enacted by the State of Washington in Chapter 86.16 RCV". 3. Anv use or development shall maintain the pre-development movement (volume and velocity) of surface water and prevent or minimize the unnatural diversion of flood water to otherwise flood-free areas which could necessitate expensive and environmentallv disruptive flood control methods. C Tap-in Restrictions. 1 Applicability Tap-in restrictions apply to lands mapped by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Act) as one-hundred-year floodplains, identified as of RD (U S Department of Agriculture Rural Development) funding obligation date, July 30, 1997 Tap-in restrictions will be enforced to deny future sewer connections to the system, when verification is not made by applicants, that planned improvements to properties requesting connection to the system, will be constructed outside the one-hundred-year floodplain C:\MyFiles\Critical Areas\Floodplain\Frequently Flooded Area amendments.doc o c o 2. Exceptions An exclusion to these tap-in restrictions will be granted for' a. All road and utility crossings set forth in the i Yelm comprehensive transportation plan (August 1992), ii Yelm Water Reuse Project (July 1995), iii Yelm comprehensive water plan (August 1992), and iv the private utility planning for Yelm area (for electricity, gas, telephone, cable), as excerpted in Appendix G to the Yelm comprehensive plan (February 1995), b All property within the Thurston Highlands Southwest Yelm conceptual master plan, as approved October 12, 1994, and c. 1\11 lands identified after July 30, 1997 by FEM/\ as one hundred year floodplains, d. Lots of record within the city as described and depicted in Ordinance 595, dated January 8, 1997, and e Such other exceptions meeting the criteria identified in subsection (C) (3) of this section Administration a. An applicant may request from the city an administrative waiver of the tap-in restriction, where (i) it is necessary to meet the Yelm comprehensive plan goals and policies, and (ii) the development will not result in risk to persons or property during periods of flood conditions 3 b If the city recommends a waiver, such recommendation shall be submitted to RD where the decision on the waiver shall become final C:\MyFiles\Critical Areas\Floodplain\Frequently Flooded Area amendments.doc o 15.28.070 E. An application for classification as historic prop- erty eligible to special valuation shall be approved or denied by the commission before December 31st of the calendar year in which the application is made. F. The commission shall notify the county assessor and the applicant of the approval or denial of the application. G. If the commission determines that the property quali- fies as an eligible historic property, the commission shall certify the fact in writing and shall file a copy of the certificate with the county assessor within ten days of the determination and no later than December 31st. The certificate shall state the facts upon which the approval is based. II H. Any decision of the commission acting as the local review board on any application for classification as historie property, eligible for special valuation, may be appealed II to Superior Court under RCW Chapter 34.04.130 as amended as of or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in thisll chapter which appeal shall be in addition to any other remedy of law. Any decision on the disqualification of historic property eligible for special valuation, or any other dispute, may be appealed to the county board of equalization. (Ord. 333 ~8, 1987) . o Sections: 15.32.010 15.32.020 15.32.030 Chapter 15.32 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ARTICLE I. STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION, FINDINGS OF FACT AND OBJECTIVES Statutory authorization. Findings of fact. Methods of reducing flood losses. 15.32.040 Definitions. ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS 15.32.050 15.32.060 o 15.32.070 15.32.080 15.32.090 15.32.100 ARTICLE III. GENERAL PROVISIONS Lands to which this chapter applies. Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard. Penalties for noncompliance. Abrogation and greater restrictions. Interpretation. Warning and disclalmer of liability. 129-26 (Yelm 8/90) o 15.32.010--15.32.020 Sections: ( Continued) 15.32.110 15.32.120 15.32.130 15.32.140 15.32.150 15.32.160 c 15.32.170 15.32.180 15.32.190 15.32.200 15.32.210 15.32.220 15.32.230 15.32.240 15.32.250 15.32.260 15.32.270 15.32.275 15.32.280 15.32.290 ARTICLE IV. ADMINISTRATION Development permit--Required. Development permit--Application. Planning department designated as administrator. Duties and responsibilities of the planning department. ARTICLE V. VARIANCE PROCEDURE Appeal board. Conditions for variances. ARTICLE VI. PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION General standards Anchoring. Construction materials and methods. Utilities. Subdivision proposals. Review of building permits. Specific standards. Residential construction. Nonresidential construction. Critical facility Manufactured homes. Recreational vehicles. Floodways. Wetlands management. ARTICLE I. STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION, FINDINGS OF FACT AND OBJECTIVES 15.32.010 Statutory authorization. The Legislature of the State of Washington has in RCW Chapter 86.16 dele- gated the responsibility to local governmental units to adopt regulations designed to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its citizenry. Therefore, the city council ordains the provislons set out in this chapter. (Ord. 353 Si1.1, 1990). 15.32.020 Findinqs of fact. A. The flood hazard areas of Yelm are subject to periodic inundation which results In loss of life and property, health, and safety hazards, dlsruptlon of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary publlc expenditures for flood protection and relief and lmpalrment of the tax base, all of which ad- versely affect the publlc health, safety, and general wel- fare o 129-27 I! I' I' I' 'I ( Ye 1m 3 / 00) I 15.32.030--15.32.040 o B. These flood losses are caused by the cumulative ef- fect of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards which increase flood heights and velocities, and when inadequately anchored, damage uses in other areas. Uses that are inade- quately floodprooofed, elevated, or otherwise protected from flood damage also contribute to the flood loss. (Ord. 353 ~1.2, 1990). o 15.32.030 Methods o~ reducing flood losses. In order to accomplish its purposes, this chapter includes methods and provisions for: A. Restricting or prohibiting uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion haz- ards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities; B. Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; C. Controlling the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, which help accommodate or channel floodwaters; D. Controlling filling, grading, and other development which may increase flood damage; and E. Preventing or regulating the construction of flood barriers which wilL unnaturally divert floodwaters or may increase flood hazards in other areas. (Ord. 353 ~1.3, 1990). ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS 15.32.040 Definitions. Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this chapter shall be inter- preted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this chapter its most reasonable application. A. "Appeal" means a request for a review of the plannin~ department's interpretation of any provision of this chapter or a request for a variance. B. "Area of shallow flooding" means a designated AO or AH zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The base flood depths range from one to three feet; a clearly defined channel does not exist; the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate; and, velocity flow may be evident. AO is characterized as sheet flow and AH indicates ponding. C. "Area of special flood hazard" means the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. Designation on maps always includes the letters A or V. D. "Base flood" means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Also referred to as the "one-hundred-year flood." Designation on maps always includes letters A or V. c 129-28 ( Ye 1m 8 / 9 0 ) 15.32.040 o o E. "Critical facility" means a facility for which even a slight chance of flooding might be too great. Critical facilities include but are not limited to schools, nursing homes, hospitals, police, fire and emergency response instal- lations, installations which produce, use, or store hazardous materials or hazardous waste. F. "Development" means any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to build- ings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations located within the area of special flood hazard. G. "Flood" or "flooding" means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from: 1. The overflow of inland or tidal waters; and/or 2. The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source. H. "Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)" means the official map on which the Federal Insurance Administration has delin- eated both the areas of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. I. "Flood insurance study" means the official report provided by the Federal Insurance Administration that includes flood profiles, the Flood Boundary-Floodway Map, and the wate~ surface elevation more. than onefoot~ J. "Floodway" means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasin~ the water ~urface elevation more than one foot. K. "Lowest floor" means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood- resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage, in an area other than a basement area, is not considered a building's lowest floor, provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable nonelevation design requiremen~s of this chapter found at Section 15.32.240(B). I L. "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundatio~l when connected to the required utili ties. For floodplain II management purposes, the term "manufactured home" also includes park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles placed on a site for greater than one hundred eighty consecu- tive days. For insurance purposes the term "manufactured home" does not include park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles. M. "Manufactured home park or subdivision" means a par- cel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. c 129-29 ( Ye 1m 8 / 9 0 ) I 04Gl 15.32 o "Recreational vehicle" means a vehicle which is' 1. Built on a single chassis; 2. Four hundred square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection, 3 Designed to be self-propelled or towable by a light duty truck; and 4. Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. O. "Start of construction" includes substantial im- provement, and means the date the building permit was is- sued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, placement or other improvement was within one hundred eighty days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent con- struction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construc- tion of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excava- tion; or the placement of a manufactured home on a founda- tion. Permanent construction does not include land prepa- ration, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers, or foundation or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory build~ngs, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwell- ing units or not part of the main structure. P. "Structure" means a walled and roofed building in- cluding a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally I above ground. Q. "Substantial improvement" means any repair, reconr- struction, or improvement of a structure, the cost of whidh equals or exceeds fifty percent of the market value of thdl structure either: I 1. Before the improvement or repair is started; or 2. If the structure has been damaged and is beindjl restored, before the damage occurred. For the purposes ofl this definition, "substantial improvement" is considered tio occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimen- sions of the structure The term does not, however, include either 1. Any project for improvement of a structure to with ex~sting state or local health, sanitary, or code specifications wh~ch are solely necessary to safe living conditions, or 2 Any alteration of a structure listed on the tional Reg~ster of Historic Places or a State Inventory Histor~c Places. comply safety assure N o 129-30 Na- ofl " I, I: " II " Ii 3/0iD) I , c (Yelm 15.32.050--15 32.090 o R. "Variance" means a grant of relief from the re- quirements of this chapter which permits construction in a manner that would otherwise be prohibited by this chapter. S. "Water dependent" means a structure for a commerce or industry which cannot exist in any other location and is dependent on the water by reason of the intrinsic nature of its operations. (Ord. 690 ~1, 2000; Ord. 353 ~2, 1990). ARTICLE III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 15.32.050 Lands to which this chapter applies. This chapter shall apply to all areas of special flood hazards within the jurisdiction of Yelm. (Ord. 353 ~3 I, 1990). o 15.32.060 Basis for establishinq the areas of specia] flood hazard The areas of special flood hazard identifie~1 by the Federal Insurance Administration in a scientific and engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for the City of Yelm, Washington Thurston County," dated June 16,1999 as amended, with an accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map, as amended, are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this chapter. The Flood Insurancer Study is on file at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West, I Yelm, Washington The best available information for flood hazard are identification. as outline in Section 15.32.140 (B) shall be the basis for regulation until a new FIRM is issued which incorporates' the da.ta utilized under Section 15.32.140(B). (Ord. 673 ~1, 1999. Ord. 353 ~3.2, 1990). 15.32.070 Penalties for noncompliance. No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted, or altered without full compliance with the terms of this chapter and other applicable regulatlons. Vlolation of the provisions of this chapter by failure to comply with any of its requirements (including violations of conditions and safeguards established ln connection witlli conditions) shall constitute a misdemeanor Nothing herei~ contained shall prevent the ci ty from taking such other II lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any I violation (Ord. 353 ~3.3, 1990) 15.32.080 Abroqation and qreater restrictions This chapter is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions Howev-// er, where this chapter and another ordinance, easement, covenant, or deed restrlction conflict or overlap, whichev- er imposes the more strlngent restrictions shall prevall (Ord 353 ~3 4, 1990) c 15.32.090 Interpretation In the lnterpretation and applicatlon of this chapter, all prOV1Slons shall be A Consldered as mlnimum requlrements, 129-31 (Yelm 3/00) 15 32.100--15.32 120 o B. body; C. Deemed neither ers granted under state Liberally construed in favor of the governing to limit nor repeal any other pow- statutes. (Ord 353 ~3.5, 1990) 15.32.100 Warninq and disclaimer of liability The degree of flood protection required by this chapter is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by manmade or natural causes This chap- ter does not imply that land outside the areas of special flood hazards or uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This chapter shall not create liability on the part of the city, any officer or employee thereof, or the Federal Insurance Administra- tion, for any flood damages that result from reliance on this chapter or any administrative decision lawfully made hereunder. (Ord. 353 ~3.6, 1990). ARTICLE IV. ADMINISTRATION o 15.32.110 Development permit--Required. A develop- ment permit shall be obtained before construction or devel- opment begins within, any area of special flood hazard es- tablished_.in Section. 15.32..060 . The permit shall be for all structures:, including manufactured homes, as defined in Section 15.32.040, and for all development including fill and other activities, also as defined in Section 15.32 040. (Ord. 353 ~4.1-1, 1990). o 15.32.120 Development permit--Application. Applica- tion for a development permit shall be made on forms fur- nished by the planning department and may include but not be limited to. plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, fill, I storage of materials, drainage facilities, and the location of the foregoing. Specifically, the following information is required: A Elevation in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures; B Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been floodproofed, C Certification by a registered professional engi- neer, surveyor, or architect that the floodproofing methods for any nonresldentlal structure meet the floodprooflng criteria in Section 15 32 250, and D Description of the extent to which a watercourse I' will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed devel~i opment (Ord 690 ~2, 2000; Ord 353 ~4 1-2, 1990). 129-32 (Yelm 3/00) 15.32.130--15.32.140 o 15.32.130 Planninq department desiqnated as adminis- trator. The planning department is appointed to administer and implement this chapter by granting or denying develop- ment permit applications in accordance with its provisions (Ord 353 ~4.2, 1990). c 15.32.140 Duties and responsibilities of the planninq department Duties of the planning department shall in- clude, but not be limited to' A. Permit Review. 1. Review all development permits to determine that the permit requirements of this chapter have been sat- isfied, 2. Review all development permits to determine that ali necessary permits have been obtained from those federal, state or local governmental agencies from which prior approval is required, 3. Review all development permits to determine if the proposed development is located in the floodway. If located in the floodway, assure that the provisions of Section 15.32.280 are met, B. Use of Other Base Flood Data. When base flood elevation data has not been provided in accordance with Section 15.32.060, the planning department shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation and floodway data_ available from a federal, state or other source, in order to administer Sections 15 32.230 through 15 32.280; C. Information to be Obtained and Maintained 1 Where base flood elevation data is provided through the Flood Insurance Study or required as in subsec- tion (B) of this section, obtain and record the actual (as- built) elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor, including basement, of all new or substan- tially improved structures, and whether or not the struc- ture contains a basement. 2. For all new or substantially improved floodproofed structures a Verify and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level), and b. Malntain the floodproofing certifications required in Section 15 32 120(C), 3 Maintain for public inspection all records per- taining to the provisions of this chapter; D. Alteratlon of Watercourses 1 Notify adjacent communitles and the Washlngton State Department of Ecology prlor to any alteratlon or relocation of a watercourse, and submit eVldence of such notlflcatlon to the Federal Insurance Administration, 2 Require that maintenance is provided within the: altered or relocated portlon of said watercourse so that I the flood carrying capacity lS not dlminlshed, c 129-33 (Yelm 3/00) 15.32 150 o E. Interpretation of FIRM Boundaries. Make interpre- tations where needed, as to exact location of the bound- aries of the areas of special flood hazards {for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions}. The person contest- ing the location of the boundary shall be given a reason- able opportunity to appeal the interpretations provided in Sections 15.32.150 and 15.32.160. {Ord. 690 s3, 2000; Ord. 353 s4.3, 1990}. ARTICLE V. VARIANCE PROCEDURE 15.32.150 Appeal board. A. The planning commission as established by the city shall hear and decide appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this chapter. B. The planning commission shall hear and decide ap- peals when it is alleged there is an error in any require- ment, decision, or determination made by the planning de- partment in the enforcement or administration of this chap- ter. c c 129-33a (Yelm 3/00) 15.32.160 o o C. Those aggrieved by the decision of the planning com- mission, or any taxpayer, may appeal such decision to the city council. D. In passing upon such applications, the city council shall consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors, standards specified in other sections of this chapter and: 1. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others; 2. The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; 3. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner; 4. The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community; 5. The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable; 6. The availability of alternative locations for the proposed use which are not subject to flooding or erosion damage; 7. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; II 8. The relationship of the proposed use to the compre- hensive plan and floodplain management program for that area; 9. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; 10. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; and 11. The cost of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions, including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electri- cal, and water systems, and streets and bridges. E. Upon consideration of the factors of subsection (D) of this section and the purposes of this chapter, the city council may attach such conditions to the granting of vari- ances as it deems necessary to further the purposes of this chapter. F. The planning department shall maintain the records of all appeal actions and report any variances to the Federal Insurance Administration upon requests. (Ord. 353 ~4.4-1, 1990). o 15.32.160 Conditions for variances. A. Generally, the only condition under which a variance from the elevation stan- dard may be issued is for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a lot of one-half acre or less in size contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the base flood level, providing items listed in Section 15.32.150(D) have been fully 129-34 (Ye1m 8/90) 15.32.170 o o considered. As the lot size increases the technical justifi- cation required for issuing the variance increases. B. Variances may be issued for the reconstruction, re- habilitation, or restoration of structures listed on the Na- tional Register of Historic Places, the State Inventory of Historic Places, or the Yelm Register of Historic Places with-I out regard to the procedures set forth in this section. C. Variances shall not be issued within a designated floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base floOQ discharge would result. D. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. E. Variances shall only be issued upon: 1. A showing of good and sufficient cause; 2. A determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardsh~p to the applicant; II 3. A determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisan8es, cause fraud on or victimization of the public as identified in Section 15.32.150(D), or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. F. Variances as interpreted in the National Flood Insur- ance Program are .based on. the general zoning law principle that they pertain to a physical piece of property; they are not personal in..nature and. do not pertain to the structure, its inhabitants, economic or financial circumstances. They primarily address small lots in densely populated residential neighborhoods. As such, variances from the flood elevations should be quite rare. G. Variances may be issued for nonresidential buildings in very limited circumstances to allow a lesser degree of floodproofing than watertight or dry-floodproofing, where it can be determined that such action will have low damage poten- tial, complies with all other variance criteria except as set out in subsection (A) of this section, and otherwise complies with Sections 15.32.180 and 15.32.190 of Article VI. H. Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice that the structure will be permitted to be built with a lowest floor elevation below the base flood elevation and that the cost of flood insurance will be commen- surate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest floor elevation. (Ord. 353 54.4-2, 1990). ARTICLE VI. PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION o 15.32.170 General standards. In all areas of special flood hazards, the standards set out in Sections 15.32.180 through 15.32.290 are required. (Ord. 353 55.1, 1990). 129-35 (Yelm 8/90) 15.32.180--15.32.220 o 15.32.180 Anchoring. A. All new construction and sub- stantial improvements shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure. B. All manufactured homes must likewise be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement, and shall be installed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage. Anchoring methods may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors (refi erence FEMA's "Manufactured Home Installation in Flood Hazard Areas" guidebook for additional techniques). (Ord. 353 S5.1J1, 1990) . 15.32.190 Construction materials and methods. A. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be con- structed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage. B. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage. c. Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air- conditioning equipment and other service facilities shall be designed and/or otherwise elevated or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. (Ord. 353 S5.1-2, 1990). o 15.32.2QO Utilities. A. All new and replacement water supply systems shalL be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwater into the system. B. New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharge from the systems into flood- waters. C. On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. (Ord. 353 S5.1-3, 1990). o 15.32.210 Subdivision proposals. A. All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. B. All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water sys- tems located and constructed to minimize flood damage. c. All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drain- age provided to reduce exposure to flood damage. D. Where base flood elevation data has not been providem or is not available from another authoritative source, it shall be generated for subdivision proposals and other pro- posed developments which contain at least fifty lots or five acres, whichever is less. (Ord. 353 S5.1-4, 1990). I I 15.32.220 Review of building permits. Where elevation I! data is not available either through the Flood Insurance Studf 129-36 (Yelm 8/90) 15.32.230--15.32.240 o or from another authoritative source (subsection (B) of Section 15.32.140), applicat10ns for bU1lding perm1ts shall be reviewed to assure that proposed construction w1II be reasonably safe from flood1ng. The test of reasonableness 1S a local judgment and 1ncludes use of historlcal data, hlgh water marks, photographs of past flooding, etc., where avallable. Failure to elevate at least two feet above grade in these zones may result ln hlgher insurance rates. (Ord. 353 &5.1-5, 1990). 15.32.230 Speclf1c standards. In all areas of spe- clal flood hazards where base flood elevation data has been : provlded as set forth ln Sectlon 15.32.060, or subsectlon (B) of Sectlon 15.32.140, the provislons set out 1n Sec- tlons 15.32.240 through 15.32.290 are required. (Ord. 353 &5.2, 1990). o 15.32.240 Resident1al construct1on. A. New con- struct10n and substant1al 1mprovement of any resldentlal structure shall have the lowest floor, lncludlng basement, elevated one foot or more above base flood elevatlon. B. Fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subJect to floodlng are prohlblted, or shall be de- slgned to automat1cally equallze hydrostatlc flood forces on exterior walls by allowlng for the entry and eX1t of floodwaters. Des1gns for mee.t1ng .this requlrement must either be certlfled by a reg1stered professlonal eng1neer or architect or must meet or exceed the followlng mlnlmUffi criter1a: 1. A mln1mum of two openlngs havlng a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subJect to floodlng shall be prov1ded. 2. The bottom of all openings shall be no h1gher than one foot above grade. 3. Openlngs may be equ1pped w1th screens, louvers, or other cover1ngs or dev1ces provlded that they permlt the automatic entry and eX1t of floodwaters. C. Tap-1n Restr1ctlons 1. Appl1cabil1ty. Tap-1n restr1ctlons apply to lands mapped by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Act) as one-hundred-year floodpla1ns, 1dent1fled as of RD (U.S. Department of Agr1culture Rural Development) fundlng obl1- gat10n date, July 30, 1997. Tap-1n restr1ctlons w1lI be enforced to deny future sewer connect1ons to the system, when ver1f1cat1on 1S not made by appllcants, that planned 1mprovements to propert1es request1ng connect1on to the system, wlll be constructed outslde the one-hundred-year floodplaln. 2. Exceptlons. An excluS10n to these tap-ln re- strlctlons wlll be granted for o 129-37 (Yelm 3/98) 15.32.250 o a. All road and utllity crossings set forth In the: i. Yelm comprehenslve transportatlon plan (August 1992), ll. Yelm water reuse proJect (July 1995), lll. Yelm comprehensive water plan (August 1992), and o lV. the prlvate utlllty plannlng for Yelm area (for electrlcity, gas, telephone, cable), as excerpted In Appendlx G to the Yelm Comprehenslve Plan (February 1995) ; b. All property wlthin the Thurston Hlghlands Southwest Yelm conceptual master plan, as approved October 12, 1994; c. All lands ldentlfied after July 30, 1997 by FEMA as one-hundred-year floodplalns; d. Lots of record wlthln the Clty as descrlbed and deplcted In Ordlnance 595, dated January 8, 1997; and e. Such other exceptlons meeting the crlteria identlfled In subsectlon (C) (3) of thls sectlon. 3. Adminlstratlon. a. An appllcant may request from the Clty an admlnlstrative walver of the tap-ln restrlctlon, where (l) it is necessary to meet the Yelm comprehensive plan goals and pollcies, and (il) the development will not result In rlsk to persons. or property durlng periods of flood condi- tlons. b. If the Clty recommends a walver, such recom- mendatlon shall be submltted to RD where the declsion on the walver shall become flnal. (Ord. 603 ~2, 1997; Ord. 353 ~5.2-1, 1990). o 15.32.250 Nonresldentlal constructlon. A. New con- structlon and substantlal lmprovement of any commerclal, lndustrlal or other nonresldentlal structure shall elther have the lowest floor, lncludlng basement, elevated one foot or more above the level of the base flood elevatlon; or, together wlth attendant utlllty and sanltary faclIl- tles, shall: 1. Be floodproofed so that below one foot above the base flood level the structure lS watertlght wlth walls substantlally impermeable to the passage of water; 2. Have structural components capable of reslstlng hydrostatlc and hydrodynamlc loads and effects of buoyancy, 3. Be certlfled by a reglstered professlonal engl- neer or archltect that the deslgn and methods of construc- tlon are In accordance wlth accepted standards of practlce for meetlng provlslons of thls sectlon based on thelr de- velopment and/or reVlew of the structural deslgn, speclfl- catlons and plans Such certlflcates shall be provlded to the offlclal as set forth In Sectlon 15.32 140(C) (2) 129-38 (Yelm 3/98) 15.32.250 o B. Nonresldentlal structures that are elevated, not floodproofed, must meet the same standards for space below the lowest floor as described in Section 15.32.240(B). C. Applicants floodprooflng nonresidentlal buildings shall be notified that flood lnsurance premiums will be based on rates that are one foot below the floodproofed level (e.g., a bUllding floodproofed to one foot above the base flood level wlll be rated as at the base flood level) . D. Tap-ln Restrictlons. 1. Applicabillty. Tap-ln restrlctlons apply to lands mapped by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Act) as one-hundred-year floodplalns, identifled as of RD (U.S. Department of Agrlculture Rural Development) fundlng obll- gatlon date, July 30, 1997. Tap-ln restrlctlons w1II be enforced to deny future sewer connections to the system, when verlflcatlon 1S not made by appllcants, that planned 1mprovements to propertles requestlng connection to the system, wlll be constructed outslde the one-hundred-year floodplaln. 2 . strlctlons Exceptions. An exclus10n to these tap-in re- will be granted for: a. All road and util1ty crosslngs set forth In the: o 1. Yelm comprehenslve transportat1on plan (August 1992), 11. Yelm water reuse project (July 1995), 111. Yelm comprehensive water plan (August 1992), and o iv. the prlvate utlllty planning for Yelm area (for electrlclty, gas, telephone, cable), as excerpted 1n Append1x G to the Yelm Comprehens1ve Plan (February 1995); b. All property wlth1n the Thurston Hlghlands Southwest Yelm conceptual master plan, as approved October 12, 1994; c. All lands ldentlfled after July 30, 1997 by FEMA as one-hundred-year floodplalns; d. Lots of record wlthin the Clty as descrlbed and deplcted ln Ordlnance 595, dated January 8, 1997; and e. Such other exceptlons meetlng the crlterla ldentlfled ln subsectlon (D) (3) of thlS sectlon. 3. Admlnlstratlon. a. An appllcant may request from the Clty an admlnlstratlve walver of the tap-ln restrlctlon, where (1) lt lS necessary to meet the Yelm comprehenslve plan goals and pollcles, and (11) the development wlll not result In rlsk to persons or property durlng perlods of flood condl- tlons b If the Clty recommends a walver, such recom- mendatlon shall be submltted to RD where the declslon on the walver shall become flnal (Ord 603 ~3, 1997; Ord 353 ~5 2-2, 1990) 129-38a (Yelm 3/98) ~ 15.32.260--15.32.270 o 15.32.260 Critical facility. Construction of new critical facilities shall be, to the extent possible, lo- cated outside the limits of the base floodplain. Construc- tion of new or critical facilities shall be permissible within the base floodplain if no feasible alternative site is avallable. Critical facilities constructed within the base floodplain shall have the lowest floor elevated to three feet or more above the level of the base flood eleva- tion at the site. Floodproofing and sealing measures must be taken to ensure that toxic substances will not be dis- placed by or released into floodwaters. Access routes ele~ vated to or above the level of the base floodplain shall be provided to all critical facilities to the extent possible! (Ord 353 ~5.2-3, 1990). 15.32.270 Manufactured homes. A. All manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved within Zones A1-A30, AH and AE on the community's FIRM on sites: 1 Outside of a manufactured home park or subdivision, 2. In a new manufactured home community or subdi- vision, c 3 In an expansion to an existing manufactured home community or subdivision, or 4. In an existing manufacture home community or subdivision "on, which a manufactured home has incurred "sub- stantial damage:." as the result of a flood; shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated one foot above the base flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flota- tion, collapse and lateral movement. B. Manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved on sites in an existing manufactured home communi-II ty or subdivision within Zones A1-A30, AH, and AE on the community's FIRM that are not subJect to the above manufac-1 tured home provisions be elevated so that either' 1. The lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated one foot above the base flood elevation; or 2. The manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements of at least equivalent strength that are no less than thirty-six inches in height above grade and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement At a minimum a "reinforce pier" would have a footing adequate to support the weight of the manufactured home under saturated soil conditions which may occur during flood. In additlon, if stacked con-II crete blocks are used, vertlcal steel reinforcing rods I should be placed in the hollows of the blocks and those : hollows filled with concrete or high strength mortar In! areas subject to high veloclty floodwaters and debrls im- I c 129-38b ( Ye 1m 3 / 0 0 ) 15.32.275--15.32.28ID o pact, cast-in-place reinforced concrete piers may be appro- priate. (Ord. 690 ~4, 2000: Ord. 377 ~1, 1990, Ord. 353 ~5 2-4, 1990). 15.32.275 Recreational vehicles Recreational vehi- cles placed on sites within Zones A1-A30, AH, and AE on the corrununi ty' s FIRM shall either: II 1. Be on the site for fewer than fourteen consecu-11 tive days, and 2. Be fully licensed and ready for highway use, om its wheels or jacking system, is attached to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities and security devices, and has no permanently attached additions; or 3. Meet the requirements of Section 15.32.270 above and the elevation and anchoring requirements for manufactured homes. (Ord. 690 ~5, 2000). 15.32.280 Floodwavs. Located within areas of specia] flood hazard established in Section 15 32.060 are areas II designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extreme- ly hazardous area due to the velocity of floodwaters which carry o o 129-38c (Yelm 3/00) 15.32.290 c debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, the following provisions apply: A. Prohibit encroachments, including fill, new construc- tion, substantial improvements, and other development unless certification by a registered professional engineer or archi- tect is provided demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of base flood discharge; B. Construction or reconstruction of residential struc- tures is prohibited within designated floodways, except for (i) repairs, reconstruction, or improvements to a structure, which do not increase the ground floor area; and (ii) repairs, reconstruction or improvements to a structure, the cost of which does not exceed fifty percent of the market value of the structure either, (a) before the repair or reconstruction, is started, or (b) if the structure has been damaged, and is I being restored, before the damage occurred. Work done on structures to comply with existing health, sanitary, or safetI codes or to structures identified as historic places shall not be included in the fifty percent determination; C. If subsection (A) of this section is satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of Ar- ticle VI of this chapter. (Ord. 353 ~5.3, 1990). o 15.32.290 Wetlands manaqement. To the maximum extent possible, in order to avoid tLe short- and long-term adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetlands, especially those activities which limit or disrupt the ability of the wetland to alleviate flooding impacts, the following process should be implemented: A. Review proposals for development within base flood- plains for their possible impacts on wetlands located within the floodplain; B. Ensure that development activities in or around wet- lands do not negatively affect public safety, health and wel- fare by disrupting the wetlands ability to reduce flood and storm drainage; C. Request technical assistance from the Department of Ecology in identifying wetland areas. Existing wetland map information from the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) can be used in conJunction with the community's FIRM to prepare an overlay zone indicating critical wetland areas deserving spe- cial attention. (Ord. 353 ~5.4, 1990). c 129-39 (Ye1m 8/90) City of Yelm o (" ~ c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MARCH 18,2002,.4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes February 19, 2002, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update a. Rezone - Edwards Street and Crystal Springs Road b Critical Area Ordinance - Flood Hazard Areas c. Legislative Update 4. Other. 5. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2002 - 4:00 P.M. ~ c. ~ o City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The March 4, 2002, Planning Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on MONDAY, MARCH 18,2002, at 4:00 pm. C If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST ,/, ~ l l '/' , . . \ .,'"..' Lf/;I /1, ( .. ~t /U1.t{ C lr. 'L cP Agn Bennick City Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Tuesday, February 26, 2002 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, March 1, 2002 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list Tuesday, February 26, 2002 C o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 2002, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. Tom Gorman called the meeting to order at 400 P m Members present: Tom Gorman, John Thomson, Ray Kent, Don Carney, Joe Baker, and Glenn Blando City Council Liaison Ron Harding was excused Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, and Jim Gibson Members absent: Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, and Margaret Clapp Guests: City Council Member Don Miller 02-07 Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 4,2002 MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None Action Item: Crystal Creek Estates Final Plat. SUB-01-8294-YL. Applicant: Richard E. Boness, and Annette Durkin Location: Crystal Springs Road At the previous request of the Commission, Ms. Carlson informed the Commission that she spoke with Fred Knostman at Thurston County It was determined that what Mr Knostman told Mr Boness regarding setbacks was correct. The issue is that Yelm Creek is a Shoreline of the State, and all land within 200 feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark falls into Shoreline Jurisdiction. Staff gave Mr Boness the option of developing the land under shoreline jurisdiction rules, which would allow Mr Boness one lot in the 200 foot buffer, .but requiring open space in a different area. To amend the plat, it would take approximately 2-3 months Mr Boness opted to stay with the original plat, and directed staff to continue forward with the final plat process 02-08 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO FORWARD " FINAL PLAT APPLICATION SUB-01-8249-YL TO CITY COUNCIL, WlliH RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Thurston County Medic One CUP-01-8301-yl. Applicant: Thurston County Medic One Location: 411 West Road, Yelm, WA 98597 Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 4 07 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none Ii Mr Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commissio~ member participating in this hearing There was none I' Yelm Planning Commission February 19. 2002 C.\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\02.19.02 min.doc Page 1 o o o Mr. Gorman asked if any member had received information on this item prior t(i) the hearing None had I Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Merriman to provide a staff report Ms. Merriman gave a brief overview of the staff report. Ms. Merriman stateQ that the property under review had received a temporary relief from the zoninfu code, after a public hearing in August 2001 The relief was for six months, wit~ the condition that Medic One either find a different site, or apply for a speci~1 use permit for the site The site is also part of a Planned Development District, with the condition that when the cinema adds additional screens, the building~ on site will be demolished, and the property converted to additional parking II Ms. Merriman highlighted issues that were brought forth in the August 200r public hearing Mainly the issue of noise from the vehicles and sirens, and safety Ms Merriman stated that it is the policy of Medic One not to use light~ and sirens in residential areas, and that the average number of emergency call~ is 2 times per day Ms. Merriman stated that neither the City, nor Medic On~ has received any complaints from neighboring residents regarding these issuesl Mr. Merriman summarized that as proposed, the project meets the Cityl minimum requirements and standards Mr. Gorman asked if there were any public comment. Mr Ken Garmann, 308 Van Trump, Yelm, WA Mr. Garmann stated that he was pleased to say that Medic One has bee~ extremely good neighbors, and there has been no problems having th~ emergency service in his neighborhood Mr. Garmann stated that there is & problem with overflow parking for the cinema complex, having vehicles parke& on West Road Mr Garmann thought that there was no on-street parking allowed on West Road, and when vehicles park there, it becomes a safety hazard II Mr. Garmann also stated that it was his understanding that when a building converts to any use other than residential, that the step sewer tank needs changed to the L&I standard of "Class 1, Division 1 " I Mr. Gorman asked the Commission if they had any further questions or comments Mr. Kent asked staff if they were aware of the L&I standard regarding the ste~ sewer tank. Ms. Merriman stated that she would research that requirement. Mr Gorman closed the public hearing at 4.28 PM I Ii Miller stated that h~ I Councilman Don Miller addressed the commission Mr. Yelm Planning Commission February 19, 2002 C.\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\02.19.02 min.doc Page 2 o o c would not be attending the City Council meeting where this case would be heard Mr. Miller stated that he spoke with one of the property owners of th~ Yelm Cinema Complex. They are aware of the parking issues, and are workinfu on a resolve Mr. Miller also stated that he lives in the area, and would like tfu state that Medic One had indeed been a good neighbor 02-09 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO FORWAR~ CUP-01-8301-YL TO CITY COUNCIL WITH RECOMMENDATION T(1) APPROVE. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code - HearinQ Examiner Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City Wide Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 430 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none II Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any commissiolill member participating in this hearing There was none I Mr. Gorman asked if any member had received information on this item prior te the hearing None had Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Carlson to provide a staff report. Ms Carlson discussed changes made to the ordinance, based on City Council suggestions The main change to the ordinance is the qualificatio~ requirements of the Hearing Examiner, and Appointment and Terms Alsb included with this ordinance are the additional ordinances throughout th~ Municipal Code that will be updated as a result of this ordinance Mr Gorman asked if there were any public comment. There was none Mr Gorman asked the Commission if they had any further questions or comments There was none Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 4 38 PM 02-10 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO FORWARIJ) THE HEARING EXAMINER ORDINANCE TO CITY COUNCIL WITtii RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE. MOTION CARRIED. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update - Environmental Chapter The Planning Commission and staff reviewed the draft environmental chapter page by page, with changes suggested throughout. The environmental chapt~r addresses more completely our critical areas, and provides added goals anq policies The changes are both for protection of the City's environmentally sensitive areas, as well as adding required elements mandated by the state 'I Yelm Planning Commission February 19, 2002 C:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\02.19.02 min.doc Page 3 o o c 02-11 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO ADJOUR~ THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 5 20 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission February 19, 2002 C.\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\02.19.02 min.doc Page 4 (\ \J c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date. February 12,2002 To: Planning Commission From: Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Re. Thurston County Medic One Paramedic Station, CUP-01-8301-YL LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit I: Exhibit II: Exhibit III. Exhibit IV: Site Plan Determination of Non-Significance Public Hearing Notice Minutes from August 20, 2001 Public Hearing A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE. The Planning Commission must determine if the proposed project is consistent with the City of Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and applicable Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the applicant and/or staff, continue the public hearing, or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL: The applicant is applying for a Special Use Permit to operate a Thurston County Medic One Paramedic Station located at 411 West Road In September 2001, Thurston County Medic One received temporary relief from Title 17, Zoning, to locate their paramedic station at this site The temporary relief was valid for 6-months, in which time the applicant must either apply for a Special Use Permit to remain at this location, or relocate to a different location The applicant has applied for a Special Use Permit to remain at this location until a different location can be found The applicants' intent is that this location will be temporary, with a length in time undetermined Included in the analysis of this proposal, City staff reviewed the public testimony received at the previous hearing, and addresses concerns brought forward The proposal site is part of a Planned Development DistriCt. A condition of approval from the planned development is that when the Yelm Cinema adds additional screens to the theater, this site will be converted into parking The applicant is aware of this condition This condition must be kept In mind when analyzing this proposal In the future, this building will be demolished, and the site converted to additional parking for the Yelm Cinema Complex. o o o The Medic One Paramedic Station is a mobile based, emergency response unit. The medical equipment and supplies are kept in the vehicle unit, and medical assistance required from the public would be from an emergency call, or if needed at that site, in either the citizens vehicle, or the Medic One mobile unit. The building does not have an exam room The building is intended as office and sleeping quarters only, for Medic One personnel C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: Proponent. Thurston County Medic One Location 411 West Road Tax Parcel # 64303700205 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on February 8, 2002, and posted in public areas on February 6, 2002 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners, and the applicant on February 6, 2002. 1 Existino Land Use and ZoninQ FindinQ. The site is zoned Commercial (C-1), Chapter 17.26, and contains one existing building, with an attached garage In the C-1 zone, Special Uses are allowed as provided for in Chapter 17 66. Conclusion. A public safety and emergency response facility is classified as a special use and is allowed, provided any unique impacts resulting from the proposal can be mitigated 2. Lot Size and Setbacks. Findino. The current building has been in place for many years The footprint is not proposed to be changed or expanded The current lot size and setbacks meet the minimum requirements of the C-1 zone Conclusion. There are no proposed changes or additions to the building or site The site meets current minimum setbacks, and lot size requirements 3 Adiacent Land Uses and ZoninQ. Findino, All properties adjacent to the project are zoned Commercial, C-1 Directly behind and to the east of the site is the Prairie Park Cinema complex. The properties to the west and north are zoned commercial, and are currently developed as single family residential Findino. The proposed use is not retail, or commercial use that would result in increased pedestrian or vehicular traffic to the site The building will be used as office and sleeping quarters for emergency personnel, with 2 employees on site for a 24 hour shift. Conclusion. The applicant intends to leave the site in its current condition, with the appearance of a residential home The proposed use will not significantly change the character of the site, or its surroundings FindinQ, At the previous public hearing, neighboring residents voiced concern about o noise and lights from the emergency vehicles Medic One has a countywide policy, that they do not use sirens in residential neighborhoods, regardless of time of day or night. They also do not use their emergency lights in residential areas, unless there is heavy traffic Findinq. Medic One's policy is not to speed through residential neighborhoods The Medic unit obeys the speed limit whenever possible, to avoid accidents en-route to their emergency calls Conclusion. Neither the City, or Medic One have received complaints from neighboring residents about safety, noise, or lights since the Medic One unit has been located at this site 4 Transportation and Site Access. Findinq. The building fronts on West Road The front of the site has a circular, paved drive, as well as a sidewalk. West Road is classified as a Commercial Collector Street. Conclusion. The road frontage along West Road is already improved, and does not require any upgrades or improvements o Findinq. The applicant has provided a summary of the number of calls for the year 2000 The average number of trips the emergency vehicle makes is approximately 2.5 trips a day Findinq. The number of trips generated from these vehicles does not exceed previous trips generated by the site as a residential use Conclusion. The proposal will not create new trips into the City's transportation system A Transportation Facility Charge is not required 5 Parkinq. Findinq. Chapter 1772, Off-Street Parking and Loading, does not specifically state parking requirements for emergency services facilities In analyzing the parking needs of the existing paramedic unit, the City finds that the unit will require parking spaces for at least 2 paramedic vehicle units, parking spaces for employees on shift, parking for visitors, and handicap parking Findinq. The medical services provided by Medic One, are provided from the paramedic vehicle unit. Supplies and equipment are stored on the unit. The building does not provide for any type of treatment room, and visitors to the site in need of medical attention will be treated at the paramedic unit, or in their own vehicle Findinq. The site provides approximately nine off-street parking spaces. The station will have 2 employees on site for 24 hour shifts, and 2 paramedic vehicle units There is handicap access available to the building Conclusion. Off-street parking provided on site is adequate, no additional parking will be required o 6 Wastewater Findinq. The site is currently connected to the City Sewer System Findinq. The proposed use will have 2 employees on site during a 24-hour period The proposed use is for office and sleeping quarters for Medic One employees Conclusion. The proposed use would not create an increase in sewer use No additional sewer connections are required. c 7 Water Supplv Findino. The site is currently connected to the City Water System Findino. The proposed use will have 2 employees on site during a 24-hour period The proposed use does not indicate that there would be an increase in the use of water Conclusion. The proposed use will not create an increase in water use No additional water connections are required 8 Drainaqe/Stormwater Findino. Impervious surfaces create a need for stormwater management. The Department of Ecology requires that any impervious surfaces totaling over 5,000 sq ft. require stormwater treatment. Findino. The applicant is not proposing any additions or changes to the existing site or buildings Conclusion. The proposed use will not create any additional stormwater runoff No additional stormwater management is required o 9 Biohazardous Waste. Findino. Emergency services providers come into contact with biohazardous waste when treating injured victims, and dispensing medications Proper handling of these items is of utmost importance to the service providers, citizens, and the environment. Findino. Medic One currently has a program for disposal of any biohazardous waste All used emergency medical items such as, but not limited to, gloves, needles, and scalpels, are disposed of in approved containers on the emergency vehicles while at the site of the emergency call, and further disposed of in approved containers at the proposed site The biohazard containers are then picked up on a weekly basis, by a company that specializes in disposal of such waste Findino. Any medications that are dispensed at the site of an emergency call stay with the victim when delivered to the hospital Medications kept on the emergency vehicles, stay on the vehicle until expiration When the medications expire, they are returned to Medic One's main office, to be exchanged Conclusion. Medic One provides for the appropriate and safe disposal of biohazardous materials No additional requirements are needed 10 Fire Protection and Police Protection Findinq. Fire protection is provided by the Thurston County Fire District #2, and Police protection is provided by the City of Yelm Findino. The proposal is not adding new development to the City The employees were in existence, at a different site, prior to this proposal, and the building has been in existence for many years. Conclusion. The proposal does not create an increased need for fire or pOlice protection c 11 Street Liohtino. Findino The site is in an established neighborhood No additional buildings, construction, or further development is being proposed Conclusion. No additional street lighting is required I I I I I I I I ., I I o o c 12. Landscapinq. Findinq. Landscaping and screening are necessary to promote safety, to provide screening between compatible land uses, to safeguard privacy, and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City Findinq. The existing building has mature landscaping There is dense landscaping in the rear of the site, separating the Cinema and related parking Findinq. The proposed use is not a retail or commercial use that will be creating additional traffic to the site Findinq. The existing buildings and landscaping on this site will be demolished in the future, under the conditions of the Planned Development District. Conclusion. Based on the above findings, no additional landscaping is required 13 Environmental Review: Findinq. After review of the environmental checklist and supporting documents submitted by Thurston County Medic One, a Determination of NonSignificance (DNS) was issued on January 14, 2002. The comment period expired on January 29, 2002. Conclusion. No public comment was received Findinqs and Conclusion. Based on the project as proposed by the applicant, and the analysis described above, staff finds that the project: Adequately provides for the public health, safety and general welfare, and for drainage ways, streets, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, and The project is in conformance with The Yelm-Thurston County Joint Comprehensive Plan, the City Zoning Ordinance, and the City's Development Guidelines D Staff Recommendation Based on the Analysis and Findings in Section C, staff finds that project, as proposed, meets the City's minimum requirements and standards Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward CUP-01-8301-YL, as proposed to the City Council for approval T "T1 CD C" ""l s:: Q) ""l '< ..... 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[ VICINITY MAP () mO X - :!;:! mO =i"T1 -< m r s: (") C "'C I o ..... mCJ> ~;:; o CD ~"C -<~w:~ r- ~ ~ CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT II T I I DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE CUP-01-8301-YL I ,~ '0 SEPA NO. 8301 DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proponent: Thurston County, Medic One Description of Proposal: Request for a Conditional Use Permit, to allow the temporary use of an existing structure, and property for the operation of a paramedic unit station by Thurston County Medic One. No modifications are proposed to the existing building, or site. This request for use is temporary, until a permanent site can be determined. Location of the Proposal: 411West Road, Yelm, WA 98597 Section(f ownsh i p/Range. SE v., Section 19, Township 17N, Range 2E, W.M. Threshold Determination. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c) This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request. Conditions/Mitigating Measures: None Required Lead agency. Responsible Official. City of Yelm Shelly Badger, City Administrator o o Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: January 14, 2002 5:00 p.m., January 29, 2002 " \~(u(Ly ibu.((:~ ',,- Shelly Badger, City Administrator J This Determination of NonSignificance (DNS) is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2) Comments must be submitted to Tami Merriman, Community Development Department, at City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave. W., POBox 479, Yelm, WA 98597, by 5.00 p.m , January 29,2002. You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5:00 p.m., February 5, 2002. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This MONS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Yelm prior to receiving construction permits which may include but are not limited to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Title (17), Critical Areas Ordinance (14 08) Storm water Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (DOE), Uniform Building Code, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Title (14), Road Design Standards, Platting and Subdivision Title (16), and the Shoreline Master Program DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News Friday January 18 2002 Posted in public areas Monday January 14,2002 Copies to All agencies/citizens on SEPA mailing list and adjacent property owners Monday January 14 2002 Dept. of Ecology w/checklist. January 14 2002. (\ o Exhibit", Page 1 , " , I ! I Date: February 12, 20~2 " " I I 41 " i CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT III r I i I PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CUP-01-83011-YL r~ 'J PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 19,2002,4.00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Public Hearing to receive comments regarding the use of a commercial building as a Thurston County Medic One Station. Case #CUP-01-8301-YL APPLICANT Thurston County Medic One PROJECT LOCATION 411 West Road, Yelm, WA DATE. PLACE. PURPOSE. The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a Special Use Permit application to allow the use of a commercial building as a Thurston County Medic One Station. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation of action the City Council. The City Council will likely act upon the Planning Commission's recommendation at their February 27, 2002, regularly scheduled meeting Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposal, received by the close of the public hearing on February 19, 2002. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above, or mailed to the City of Yelm Community Development Department, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 o ~ Any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W . Yelm, WA. For additional information, please contact Tami Merriman at (360) 458-3835. The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate in this hearing, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 4 days before the meeting. ATTEST City of Yelm .. /... 0/~/: ./ L I / -..../ _C 'f- I I L': L. . f, Agnes Bennick, City Clerk 00 NO I r-UBLlSH BELOW I HIS L1~~E Pu:\is;--sc r. ~re i'~isqu21[y './allsl Ne'Ns February 31 2002 :'/12 lee: tJ ~cJace::t ?"8~erty O'NGSrs and Posted in Public Places Fetruarj 6 2G02 f\ o Exhibit III, Page 1 I I Date: February 12, 200~ CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV \ (-.J Motion No. (~ J C[ I AUGUST 20, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MIN~TES CUP-01-8301-YL I' I I I I 1 I I I I I i I I I YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 20, 2001, 4'00 p.m. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 4'00 p m by Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, Margaret Clapp, Glenn Blando, Ray Kent, Joe Baker, Roberta Longmire, E. J Curry, and Don Carney Staff' Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, Shelly Badger, and City Attorney Brent Dille Members absent: John Thomson, and Council Liaison Glen Cunningham (oaaes 1-7 of the oriainal minutes have been omitted) PUBLIC HEARING. Temporary Land Use Exemption for Medic One. Applicant: Thurston County Medic One Location. 411 NE West Road Mr. Gorman opened the Public Hearing at 5:32 pm Mr. Gorman asked if any Commission member had a conflict of interest. Ms. Clapp stated that she would not participate, as she is the owner of the property in question. Mr. Gorman asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing. Mr. Garmann asked if there was any question regarding the Commission members reading any of the publicity regarding this issue, prior to the hearing Mr. Garmann stated that he hoped the Commissioners would be unbiased and vote their conscience Mr. Gorman asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Mr. Gorman asked Ms. Carlson to provide a staff report. Ms. Carlson gave a brief history regarding this request. The Medic One Unit has been housed in the Fire District 2 building, off of Vail Road Recently, their contract was not renewed, and they needed to relocate in a very short period of time After they had secured this location, it was found that they needed a Special Use Permit to locate anywhere within the City limits. A Special Use Permit takes about 3 - 4 months to process. The only option that the City has would be to require them to locate outside the City limits, and lose their services. The City Attorney suggested that the City establish a temporary 6- month zoning exemption, site specific, and use specific. This will allow Medic One time to find a suitable location and apply for a Conditional Use Permit, either at this location or a different location () Yelm Planning Commrssi9n August 20. 2001 R:',Community OeveJopment\Planning Commission\Minules and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\medic one excerpt. doc Page 1 Exhibit IV, Page 1 I " I I '" ; Date: February 12, 200~ CITY OF YElM EXHIBIT IV \ J (J "I I I AUGUST 20, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MINjUTES CUP-01-8301-YL I ii, The staff report addresses the unit's typical daily operations, number of calls and times of calls. There is concern from neighbors of increased noise, both from siren and vehicle trips. Medic One has a countywide policy, that they do not use sirens in residential neighborhoods, regardless of time of day or night. They do not use lights in residential areas, unless there is heavy traffic. Staff requests that we allow this temporary exemption from the Zoning Code, to allow them to find a site, and go through the normal process of securing a Special Use Permit. Steve Romine stated that the units would not turn the sirens on in the residential areas, probably at Yelm Ave The engines are plugged in, and maintained warm at all times, to avoid having to "warm up" or long idling Mr. Gorman asked if the public had any comments. Mr. Garmann questioned staff on the site history, projected use for the site, and procedures for public notification. Mr. Gorman asked Mr. Garmann if there was a specific point that he would like to make, before the City Attorney needed to leave. Mr. Garmann stated that his point is that, from the first newspaper article printed regarding this issue, and through subsequent articles, they have stated that the Medic One Unit will be located at this site It was just recently that he found out that they are applying for an exemption from the zoning regulations. Mr. Garmann stated that he was not here with bad feelings, but that he is concerned with the process. Mr. Garmann stated that the notion that Medic One is "under a gun" to find a place to live, is not correct. They were welcome to stay where they were. There was really no urgency for them, that they should get special exemptions. Mr. Garmann read a letter written to the chairman of the Planning Commission. See Attached Mr. Gorman asked if there were any other comments from the public. Ms. Badqer stated that Mr. Dille, the City Attorney had left a couple of written items, as he had to leave RCW35A-23 allows the City to create an emergency exemption, as staff has laid out. It doesn't exempt the proposal from going through all the normal zoning requirements. It allows this emergency and temporary relief from the Zoning Code It is not a deferral or exemption Mr. Gorman stated that from an Attorney's point of view, this request is solid Ms. Badqer responded that yes, this allows them to stay here, while going through all the required zoning processes Citizen in the audience. asked who has deemed this an emergency? Ms. Badqer responded that the City has nothing to do with the contract between c) Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 A:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minules and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\medic one excerpLdoc I ,I I' " ," Exhibit IV, Page 2 Page 2 " I Date: February 12, 2002 ! I I I i li,i , CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV (\ J (~ T I I I AUGUST 20, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MIN~TES CUP-01-8301-YL Medic One and the Fire District. The City did not make the choice to change the current contractual situation With the information and facts that were presented to us, they were leaving that facility immediately The City felt that the City should not be without the Medic One Unit. Citizen in the audience. Who said that they had to move out of the fire station? Ms. Badqer responded that it is a contractual issue between Medic One and the Fire District. Mr. Romine stated that the County Commissioners informed him that they had to move out. Ms. Clapp stated that she is speaking as the potential landlord, that they had a house for rent, and were contacted and were informed that Medic One was looking for temporary housing Ms. Lonqmire asked if the City could approve the temporary use of that site with the restriction of their using Fourth Street on an outgoing call? Mr. Gorman asked one of the paramedics present, how they felt about that restriction? Mr. Romine stated that normally, medic units stop at stop signs, and normally, speed limits are observed Mr. Mever stated that he would like to address the statement regarding "adrenaline running" Mr. Mever stated that he doesn't see that as an issue. All paramedics are professionals. They have a total collective experience of over 100 years. They don't just blow through town and do that kind of stuff Mr. Gorman asked Mr. Mever what he thought if the unit had to use 103rd, and Yelm Hwy to reach the west end of town Wouldn't that add extra time to the response time? Mr. Mever responded that it could, but it really depends on the situation When they originally looked at that property, they looked at that, and actually drove some of the routes. The route doesn't make a big difference in response time. Mr. Carney inquired about parking, and if there were a minimum amount of parking that would preclude improvements like driveways and asphalt? Ms. Carlson responded that that is why the City is asking for the temporary relief from the Zoning Code All of those requirements are not being addressed right now, until they apply for a Land Use Permit. Once they come in and apply for a site, they will have to comply with all codes. Mr. Gorman asked if the 6 months was a minimum, or could it be shortened Ms. Carlson responded that it takes approximately 3 months to process an application They will need at least 1 to 2 months, especially if they need (J Yelm Planning Commission August 20. 2001 A:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 200 1.min\medic one excerpLdoc Page 3 Exhibit IV, Page 3 Date: February 12, 2002 l' I CITY OF YELM EXHIBIT IV AUGUST 20, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CUP..01-8301- Yl t\ \~ engineering work, to put an application together Probably 5 months would be the bare minimum for any application They need to have land use approval within the 6 months, not just submit an application They will need to submit application for a Land Use Permit within the next month or two Mr. Gorman closed the public hearing at 6:19 p m. 01-28 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER TO FORWARD THE TEMPORARY LAND USE EXEMPTION FOR MEDIC ONE TO CITY COUNCIL WITH THE RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL AS CONDITIONED IN THE STAFF REPORT MOTION CARRIED MARGARET CLAPP ABSTAINED 01-29 MOTION MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, () Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Tom Gorman, Chair Date (\ \~ Yelm Planning Commission August 20, 2001 A:\Community Oevclopment\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\Pc 2001.min\medic one excerpt.doc Page 4 Exhibit IV, Page 4 I Date: February 12, 200~ I I I I I I I I ~i City of Yelm o o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date. To' From Re February 12, 2002 Planning Commission Cathie Carlson, Community Development Director Chapter 2.26, Hearing Examiner and related code amendments LIST OF EXHIBITS. Exhibit I - Chapter 2.26, Hearing Examiner Exhibit II - Hearing Examiner text amendments to other relevant codes Exhibit III - Public Hearing Notice Exhibit IV - RCW 35A.63.170 Exhibit V - RCW 58.17.330 A. PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIVE: The Planning Commission must determine if the Chapter 2 26 and the proposed amendments to other relevant codes are consistent with RCW 35A.63 170 and 58 17 330 and the Municipal Code(s) After consideration of the facts and public testimony the Planning Commission must take one of the following actions request additional information from the staff, continue the public hearing or make a recommendation of action to the City Council B. PROPOSAL: The creation of a hearing examiner system to perform quasi-judicial reviews and decisions of land use applications and other matters as assigned by the City Council Chapter 2 26 provides for the creation of the hearing examiner position, establishes qualifications for the position, defines the duties of the position, and provides for review and/or appeal of the examiner's decision DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: 1 Proponent. City of Yelm 2 Location City wide 3 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on Friday, February 8, 2002, and posted in public areas on Friday, April 8, 2002. 4 Chapter 2.26 and associated amendments. The City's planning authority is derived primarily from RCW 36 70, Planning Enabling Act, RCW 36 70A, Growth Management - Planning by Selected Counties an<;J Cities, RCW 35A.63 Optional Municipal Code and RCW 58 17, Subdivisions and Plats These RCW's provide the framework for how a City functions in both I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 41- : c c c comprehensive planning and land use review and approval RCW 35A.63 110 requires that when a city reaches a population of 2,500 or more that some of the Planning Commission and City Council responsibilities in land use review and approval be delegated to an independent body, either a Board of Adjustment or a Hearing Examiner The hearing examiner system is authorized by RCW 35A.63 170 and 58 17 330 and provides the framework in which a system can operate As proposed Chapter 2 26 complies with the minimum requirements of the applicable RCW's C. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward Chapter 2 26 and the applicable amendments to the City Council for approval I " ~I , -+- II I' I -t I I , I I I I ,i III , , ] I I I I CHAPTER 2.26 HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBIT I c o c Sections. 2.26010 2 26 020 2.26030 2.26 040 2.26 050 2.26 060 2.26 070 2.26 080 2 26 090 2.26 100 2.26 110 2.26 120 2.26 130 2.26 140 2 26 150 2 26 160 2 26 170 2 26.180 CHAPTER 2.26 HEARING EXAMINER Intent Creation of Hearing Examiner Appointment and Term Qualifications Examiner Pro Tempore, Qualifications and Duties Conflict of Interest and Freedom From Improper Influence Computation of Time Rules Powers and Duties Applications Report by Community Development Department Public Hearing Hearing Examiner's Decision and Recommendation - Findings Required Reconsideration Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Decision City Council Action on Appeals City Council Decisions Annual Report 2.26.010 Intent. It is the intent of the chapter to A. Provide a single, efficient, integrated land use regulatory system which integrates the public hearing and decision-making process for land use matters, B Provide a greater degree of due process in land use regulatory hearings and expand the principles of appearance of fairness, and C Separate the land use policy formulation and the land use policy administration process 2.26.020 Creation of Hearing Examiner The office of the hearing examiner is created The hearing examiner shall interpret, review and implement land use regulations as provided in this code and other ordinances The term hearing examiner shall likewise include the hearing examiner pro-tem 2.26.030 Appointment and Term. The hearing examiner and examiner pro-tem shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council 2.26.040 Qualifications. The hearing examiner shall be appointed solely with regard to qualifications for the duties of such office which shall include, but not be limited to, persons with appropriate educational experience, such as an urban planner or public administrator, with at least five (5) years experience, persons who have extensive experience in planning work in a responsible capacity, and persons with legal experience, particularly where the experience is in the area of land use management of administrative law The hearing examiner shall hold no other elective or appointive office or position in the City of Yelm I , , I I " , , " I I I I , I I I I I I Ii' , o 2.26.050 Examiner Pro Tempore, Qualifications and Duties. The hearing examiner pro tem shall, in the event of the absence or the inability of the hearing examiner to act have all the duties and powers of the hearing examiner 2.26.060 Conflict of Interest and Freedom From Improper Influence. The hearing examiner shall not conduct or participate in any hearing or decision in which the hearing examiner has a direct or indirect personal or financial interest which might exert such influence upon the hearing examiner that might interfere with his decision making process Any actual or potential conflict of interest shall be disclosed to the parties immediately upon discovery of such conflict. Participants in the land use regulatory process have the right, insofar as possible, to have the hearing examiner free from personal interest or pre-hearing contacts on land use regulatory matters considered by him or her It is recognized that there is a countervailing public right to free access to public officials on any matter If such personal or pre-hearing interest contact impairs the hearing examiner's ability to act on the matter, such person shall so state and shall abstain therefrom to the end of the proceeding is fair and has the appearance of fairness, unless all parties agree in writing to have the matter heard by said hearing examiner No council member, city official, or any other person shall attempt to interfere with, or improperly influence the hearing examiner in the performance of his designated duties This section shall not prohibit the city attorney from rendering legal services to the hearing examiner upon request. o 2.26.070 Computation of Time In computing any period of time prescribed by this chapter, the day of the act from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included The last day of the period so computed shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or a city legal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday or city legal holiday 2.26.080 Rules The hearing examiner shall have the power to prescribe rules for the scheduling and conduct of hearings, to administer oaths, and other rules of procedure as related to the duties of his or her office 2.26.090 Powers and Duties. The hearing examiner shall have the following powers and duties with respect to applications of matters submitted before him or her A. Decisions of the hearing examiner The hearing examiner shall conduct public hearings for the purpose of receiving and examining available information, prepare a record thereof, and enter findings of fact and conclusions based upon these facts and a decision which shall represent the final action on the application, unless appealed, as herein specified, for the following types of applications. 1 Appeals from orders, recommendations, permits, decisions or determinations made by a city official in the administration or enforcement of the provision of the zoning code or any ordinance adopted pursuant to it. 2. Variances 3 Conditional/Special Use Permits c C:\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Chapter 2.26 Hearing Examiner.doc 2 I ~ , c o c 4 5 6. 7 8 9 Shoreline Permits Preliminary Plats Binding Site Plans Plat or Binding Site Plan Amendments Cell Towers that require a special use permit Adult Entertainment Facilities that require a special use permit I I ,I I I I I 3 : I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I B Recommendations of the hearing examiner The hearing examiner shall receive and examine available information, conduct public hearings, prepare a record thereof and enter findings of fact and conclusions based on those facts, together with a recommendation to the city council for the following types of applications 1 Master Planned Communities 2. Planned Residential Development 3 Mixed Use Planned Development 4 Final Plats 5 Local Improvement Districts 6 Vacation of Plat, Right-of-way or Easement C The hearing examiner shall make recommendations for revision to relevant codes and ordinances which will clarify or otherwise improve the development review process 2.26.100 Applications. Applications for permits or approvals within the jurisdiction of the hearing examiner shall be filed with the community development department as required by adopted ordinances and resolutions When it is found that an application meets the filing requirements of the city, it shall be accepted The community development department shall be responsible for processing each application and to assign a date for the public hearing 2.26.110 Report by Community Development Department. The Community Development Department shall coordinate and assemble the comments and recommendations of other city departments, governmental agencies and other interested parties and shall prepare a report summarizing the factors involved and the department's findings and recommendations At least seven calendar days prior to the scheduled hearing the report shall be filed with the hearing examiner and copies thereof shall be mailed to the applicant; copies shall be provided to interested parties for the cost of reproduction 2.26.120 Public Hearing. A Before rendering a decision or recommendation on any application for which a public hearing is required, the hearing examiner shall hold at least one public hearing thereon Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be given as provided in the ordinance governing the application If none is specifically set forth, such notice shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing B On applications requiring approval by the city council, the public hearing before the hearing examiner, if required, shall constitute the hearing by the city council C At the close of the testimony, the hearing examiner may close the public hearing, continue the hearing to a specified time and date, or close the public hearing pending the submission of additional information on or before a specified date C.\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Chapter 2.26 Hearing Examiner.doc o 2.26.130 Hearing Examiner's Decision and Recommendation - Findings Required. Within ten (10) working days after the conclusion of a hearing, unless a longer period is agreed to in writing by the applicant, the hearing examiner shall render a written decision which shall include at least the following A. Findings based upon the record and conclusions therefrom which support the decision Such findings and conclusions shall also set forth the manner by which the decision would carry out and conform to the City's comprehensive plan, other official policies and objectives and all applicable provisions of the Yelm Municipal Code and/or state law B A decision or recommendation on the application which may be to approve, deny, or grant with such conditions, modifications and restrictions as the hearing examiner finds necessary to make the application compatible with surrounding land uses, comprehensive plan, other official policies and objectives, and all applicable provisions of the Yelm Municipal Code and/or state law C The decision or recommendation shall be rendered within ten (10) working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings The copy of such decision, including findings and conclusions, shall be transmitted by first class mail, to the applicant and other parties of record in the case requesting notice of the decision The person mailing the decision, together with the supporting documents, shall prepare an affidavit of mailing, in standard form, and the affidavit shall become a part of the record of the proceedings o 2.26.140 Reconsideration. Any interested person or agency of record, oral or written, that disagrees with the decision of the hearing examiner may make a written request for reconsideration by the hearing examiner within ten working days after the written decision of the hearing examiner has been rendered This request shall set forth specific errors relating to A. Erroneous procedure, B Errors of law objected to at the public hearing by the person requesting reconsideration, C Incomplete record, D An error in interpreting the comprehensive plan or other relevant material, or E. Newly discovered material evidence which was not available at the time of the hearing The term "new evidence" shall mean only evidence discovered after the hearing held by the hearing examiner and shall not include evidence which was available or which could reasonable have been available and simply not presented at the hearing for whatever reason The hearing examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as the hearing examiner deems proper The hearing examiner may request further information which shall be provided within ten (10) days of the request. The hearing examiner's written decision on the request for reconsideration shall be transmitted to all parties of record within ten (10) days of receipt of the application for reconsideration or receipt of the additional information requested, whichever is later o C.\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Chapter 2.26 Hearing Examiner.doc ,I 1 1 " 1 1 I 4 i I 1 I I 1 I 1 I J I o o o 2.26.150 Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Decision. The final decision by the hearing examiner may be appealed to the city council, by any aggrieved person or agency of record, oral or written that disagrees with the decision of the hearing examiner, except threshold determinations (Section 1549 160), in the following manner" A. The appellant must file a complete written notice of appeal with the Community Development Department upon forms prescribed by the department, and pay the appeal fee within fourteen days of the date of the hearing examiner's final decision, provided, that if the hearing examiner was requested to reconsider the decision, then the appeal must be filed within ten (10) days of the date of the hearing examiner's decision on the reconsideration request. B The notice of appeal shall concisely specify the alleged specific error(s) of fact, specific procedural errors, omissions from the record, errors of interpretation of the comprehensive plan or issue which the city council is asked to consider on appeal, and shall cite in the notice of appeal or accompanying memorandum, by reference to section, paragraph and page, the provisions of law which are alleged to have been violated Issues which are not so identified need not be considered by the city council Memoranda shall not include the presentation of new evidence and shall be based only upon facts presented to the hearing examiner C The City shall notify parties of record that an appeal has been filed and that copies of the notice of appeal and appellant's memorandum may be obtained from the Community Development Department. The notice to parties shall also state that parties of record wishing to respond to the appeal may submit written memoranda to the city council within fourteen (14) days from the date that the notice to parties is mailed by the City D The appellant may submit a responsive memoranda within seven days from the date that memoranda from parties of record is due E The timely filing of a notice of appeal shall stay the effective date of the hearing examiner's decision until the appeal is adjudicated by the city council or until the appeal is withdrawn F All appeals of hearing examiner decisions are considered to be closed record appeals, following an open record hearing on a project permit application or administrative appeal, when the appeal is on the record with no new evidence or information allowed to be submitted and only appeal argument allowed 2.26.160 City Council Action on Appeals. A. General When an appeal has been timely filed and the deadline for receipt of memoranda has expired, the Community Development Department shall deliver to the city council a copy of the hearing examiner's decision, including the findings and conclusions, the notice of appeal, and the evidence presented to the hearing hearing examiner The city council may view the site either individually or together, only to gain background information on the general appearance of the property; no one other than City staff can accompany the Council members during the view When the Council members have read the decision, memoranda and evidence, the clerk-treasurer shall schedule a date for a closed record appeal meeting by the city council at which time the C:\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Chapter 2.26 Hearing Examiner.doc 5 o o c city council shall render a decision The date of the closed record appeal meeting should not be later than 60 days following the date the appeal was filed B Public Notice of Closed Record Appeals The clerk-treasurer shall mail written notice to all parties of record to apprise them of the meeting date before the city council "Parties of record" are persons who have 1 Given oral or written comments to the hearing examiner; or 2. Listed their names, as persons wishing a copy of the decision, on a sign- up sheet which is available during the hearing examiner's hearings ':' , " ': , 6 ':' '" , i' I , , I I I I .It C Scope of Review The city council review shall be based solely upon the evidence presented to the hearing examiner, the hearing examiner's report, the notice of appeal and submissions by parties pursuant to Section 2.26 130 D City Council Decision on Appeal At the closed record appeal meeting the city council may adopt, amend and adopt, reject, reverse, and amend conclusions of law and the decision of the hearing examiner, or remand the matter for further consideration If the city council renders a decision different from the decision of the hearing examiner, the city council shall adopt amended conculsions accordingly The City Council's decision on the appeal shall be issued not later than sixty days following the date the appeal was filed, unless the parties to an appeal agree to extend the time period 2.26.170 City Council Decisions. Any application requiring action by the city council shall be evidenced by minute entry unless otherwise required by law The city council may accept, modify or reject the hearing examiners recommendation or decision, or any finding of conclusion herein, or may remand the recommendation or decision to the hearing examiner for further hearing If the city council renders a decision different from the recommendation or decision of the hearing examiner, the city council shall adopt amended findings and conclusions accordingly Unless otherwise specified, the city council shall be presumed to have adopted the hearing examiner's findings and conclusions 2.26.180 Annual Report. The hearing examiner shall report in writing to and meet with the planning commission and city council at least annually for the purpose of reviewing the administration of the land use policies and regulatory ordinances and make recommendations for revision to relevant codes and ordinances which will clarify or otherwise improve the development review process Such report shall include a summary of the hearing examiner's decisions since the last report. C.\MyFiles\Hearing Examiner\Chapter 2.26 Hearing Examiner.doc HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBIT II I TEXT AMENDMENTS TO RELEVANT CODES I, o c c 17.06.688 Special uses. "Special uses" means certain uses which, because of special requirements, unusual character, size or shape, infrequent occurrence or possible detrimental effects on surrounding property and for other similar reasons, may be allowed in certain use districts only by the granting of a special use permit by the city council hearinq examiner 17.62.050 Conceptual Review and Approval. B Review Review of a conceptual master plan shall be performed initially by the pl3nning commission hearinq examiner The planning commission hearinq examiner shall review the application for completeness and, if it determines that the proposed master plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan and the city's other plans and policies, recommend approval by the planning commission hearinq examiner If the pl3nning commission hearinq examiner determines that the proposed master plan is not so consistent, it may either remand for modifications specifically identified or recommend denial by the city council Conceptual approval by the city council, upon a recommendation by the planning commission hearinq examiner, shall consist of an amendment to the comprehensive plan and an amendment to the official zoning map Notice of hearings on conceptual approval will be provided to all property owners within one thousand feet of the subject site and other affected governmental agencies with jurisdiction in the site area at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing The official zoning map amendment shall be in conformance with the comprehensive plan, and shall be limited by the conditions in subsections D and E of this section 17 62.060 Master plan approval B Review A complete master plan for the entire master plan area shall be submitted within three years of conceptual approval unless an extension has been granted pursuant to Section 17 62.070 The master plan shall be reviewed by the planning commission hearinq examiner and a recommendation submitted to the city council for final action The pl3nning commission hearinq examiner shall not recommend approval of a master plan unless the commission hearinq examiner has conducted a public hearing pursuant to RCW 35A.63 073 and it is determined that said plan is consistent with the conceptual approval and complies with the policies of the comprehensive plan, the purposes of Section 17 62 020, and the provisions of this chapter The pl3nning commission hearinq examiner may recommend terms and conditions of approval, and require the provision, and further public review, of additional information and analyses in order to insure such compliance In addition, the planning commission hearinq examiner may propose changes in the proposed master plan or the proposed zoning on the basis of information presented in the course of master plan review, as long as the changes are consistent with applicable city plans and policies Changes not consistent with city plans and pOlicies may be made only if conceptual approval or other plans or policies are first amended accordingly C City Council Consideration The planning commission hearinq examiner recommendation shall come to the city council for consideration in an open public meeting no sooner than ten nor longer than twenty working days from the date a decision constituting a recommendation was rendered The city council shall consider the matter based upon the written record before I , I " " " 'I i , , I I J i o c o the planning commission hearinq examiner, the commission's hearinq examiner's decision, and any written comments received by the city before closure of city offices on a date three days prior to the date set for consideration by the city council, provided, that the city council may publicly request additional specific information from the applicant, the planning commission hearinq examiner or city or county departments, and, provided further, if the city council determines that further testimony or argument other than such specific information requested is necessary prior to action by such body, the matter shall either be returned to the planning commission hearinq examiner or a public hearing shall be scheduled before the city council for the receipt of such testimony or argument. D City Council Action The city council may accept, modify or reject the planning commission's hearinq examiner's decision, or any findings or conclusions therein, or may remand the decision to the planning commission hearinq examiner for further hearing A decision by the city council to modify, reject or remand shall be supported by findings and conclusions A decision by the city council approving a master plan shall be accompanied by a schedule for periodic review of the master plan by the planning commission hearinq examiner not less than once every five years following approval until development of the master plan is substantially complete The action of the city council in approving or rejecting a decision of the commission hearinq examiner shall be final and conclusive unless within thirty days from the date of such action an aggrieved party files an application for a writ of certiorari from the Thurston County Superior Court for the purpose of review of the action taken 17.62.070 Timing of master plan submittal. B Knowledge of expiration date and initiation of a request for extension of approval time is the responsibility of the applicant. The city will not provide notification of expirations All requests for an extension of time must be submitted to the planning department at least thirty days prior to expiration of conceptual approval The planning department shall schedule the request for extension for public hearing before the planning commission hearinq examiner upon such notice and in accordance with the conceptual approval procedures of this chapter An extension may be granted for up to three years at a time, if the commission hearinq examiner finds that an extension would be in the public interest and that delay in submitting the master plan was for good cause If an extension of time is approved, the master plan shall be subject to all new and amended regulations, requirements, policies or standards which are adopted after the date of conceptual approval 17.62.090 Implementation of master plan--Periodic review A. Review Schedule The planning commission hearinq examiner shall review the status of development pursuant to the master plan in accordance with a review schedule adopted as a condition of the master plan Review shall occur not less than once every five years until development of the master plan is substantially complete B Result of Review If the planning commission hearinq examiner finds that substantial completion of development projected for a given review phase has been accomplished, and that development has met and is projected to meet the terms and intent of the master plan and other applicable plans and policies, the planning commission hearina examiner may authorize " " " 2 :: ': " " , , ': , , , I I I III I I o o c the subsequent phase If the planning commission hearinq examiner finds that these criteria have not been met, the planning commission hearinq examiner may extend the period for completion of that phase or terminate master plan approval for subsequent phases In determining whether to extend or terminate, the planning commission hearinq examiner shall consider the reasons completion has not occurred and whether the public interest would be best served by extension or termination 17.62.100 Administration and enforcement. E Amendments to Master Plan The planning commission hearinq examiner may make amendments to the master plan or the zoning as long as the changes are consistent with other applicable city plans and policies Such changes shall be considered pursuant to the procedures for master plan approval as contained in this ordinance, except that the planning commission's hearinq examiner's decision shall be final unless appealed to the city council Section 17.64 010.G G 1 Distance waiver required An7y party proposing to locate an adult facility within less than the required distances from uses or zones as specified in this ordinance may do so only after obtaining a waiver therefore from the city council hearinq examiner through a special use permit process G 3 Criteria for decision The final decision on the request for waiver of distance shall be made by the city council hearinq examiner based on consideration of the following Sections' 17 66 100 Action by city council hearinq examiner 17 66 110 Action by city council hearinq examiner--Appeal 17 66.060 When granted. A special use permit may be granted by the city council hearinq examiner, after public hearing and review by the planning commission hearinq examiner, for those uses requiring such permits as provided for in this title 17 66.080 Public hearing At least one public hearing on any proposed special use permit shall be held by the planning commission hearinq examiner 17 66.100 Action by city council hearinq examiner. In reviewing a special use permit, the sHy council hearinq examiner, upon the recommendation of the planning commission, shall impose all requirements for such use, as prescribed in this title and other conditions and safeguards as are necessary to secure adequate protection for the locality in which the use is to be permitted The city council hearinq examiner shall establish a time limit within which action for which the special use is required shall be begun or completed, or both 3 :11 " , , o c o 17.66.110 Action by city council Appeal. The city council may accept, modify or reject the planning commission's recommendation and any findings or conclusions therein on any special use permit, or may remand the decision for further hearing. ^ decision by the city council to modify, reject or remand shall be supported by findings and conclusions. The action of the city council in approving or rejecting a recommendation of the planning commission shall bE) final and conclusive unless within thirty days from the date of such action an aggrieved party obtains a writ of certiorari from the Thurston County Superior Court for the purpose of reviovv of the action taken, provided, that appeals from a decision to grant, deny or rescind a shoreline permit shall be governed by the pro'/isions of Chapter 90.58 RCV\!. 17.66.120 Noncompliance--Penalty. If the approval authority community development director determines that there has been continuing noncompliance with the conditions of a special use permit previously granted by the city council hearinq examiner, such officer shall schedule a public hearing before the city council hearinq examiner, for purpose of hearing and making recommendation to the city council hearinq examiner, regarding the revocation, suspension or modification of such special use permit. Refusal by the approval authority community development director to so schedule a hearing shall be deemed to be an administrative decision, subject to appeal by an aggrieved party pursuant to the provisions of this code 17.67.060 Approval authority B The approval authority for freestanding WCFs in a secondary location shall be the-Gity council hearinq examiner and shall require approval of a special use permit, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 17 66, YMC 17 72.020 General requirements. D Consideration from the site plan review committee, planning commission hearinq examiner and the city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. I For uses other than those specified, parking facilities shall be located not farther than three hundred feet from the facility Consideration from the site plan review committee, planning commission hearinq examiner and the city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. 17.72.060 Off-street loading. C Consideration from the site plan review committee, planning commission hearinq examiner and city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking and required loading areas as they pertain to the central business district. 17.81 020 Building permits required. C Has been approved by the city council hearinq examiner as a special use as defined in 4 c c o Chapter 17 66, or 17 96.020 Initiation of amendments, rezones and variances. C A recommendation by the planning commission or hearinq examiner to the city council 17.96.025 Variances--front, side and rear yard setbacks. The SPRC may grant a variance of up to fifteen percent from the front, side and rear setback requirements in all zones Any variance from such front, side and rear setback requirements that exceeds fifteen percent shall be considered by the pl3nning commission hearinq examiner after the planning commission hearinq examiner has provided notice and a public hearing as if such variance were a special use permit as provided in Chapter 17 66 This does not preclude other variances from being considered as provided in Section 17 96 023 17.96.040 Public hearings. At least one public hearing on any such proposed amendment, or rezone or variance shall be held by the planning commission At least one public hearing on any such proposed variance shall be held by the planning commission hearinq examiner as provided for in Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 2.26. Hearinq Examiner. 17.96.060 Consideration by City Council. The planning commission's recommendation on amendments or rezones shall be presented for City Council consideration no longer than twenty working days from the date a decision constituting a recommendation is rendered 16.08 Definitions "Hearinq Examiner" means the hearinq examiner of the city established pursuant to Section 2.26 of the Yelm Municipal Code. 16.04.090 Appeals. An applicant or other aggrieved party may appeal any staff or commission hearinq examiner decision made pursuant to this title to the city council by filing a '.witten notice of appeal with the city clerk 'Nithin ten days of notice of the decision being appealed. in accordance with YMC. Chapter 2.26. At its discretion, tho council shall hear such appeal and conduct an appellate review based on the record. At its sole discretion and upon finding that an appeal is brought in good faith, the council may hear any appeal which is not timely filed or would other\\'ise be barred for procedural reasons. (Ord. 136(part), 1992). 16.04.100 Appeal procedure. Any and all administrative appeals shall be conducted and a decision rendered pursuant to the procedures set forth in the resolution of Yelm hearing procedures as adopted by the city council. (Ord. 136(part), 1992). 16.12.030 Application content. All subdivision applications, including short subdivisions, large lot subdivisions, and preliminary subdivisions shall contain the following information Specific items may be waived by the administrator if the administrator deems such information to be irrelevant or not applicable to a particular application If the application is subject to 5 I I I ,I, I' , o o o planning commission hearinq examiner and/or city council review, the commission hearinq examiner or council may require submission of any information previously waived by the administrator 16.12.040 Review procedure. The city planner will review the application for completeness Within fi#eeR thirty days of submission the planner will inform the applicant in writing whether the application is complete and, if not, setting forth any deficiencies found in the application (Ord. 136(p3.rt), 1992). 16.12.100 Commission review and action. Upon receipt of all required administrative approvals, the city planner shall forward any proposed preliminary or final full subdivision or large lot subdivision of five or more lots to the planning commission hearinq examiner for appropriate action The commission hearinq examiner shall review the proposed final full subdivision and forward its recommendation to the city council The commission hearinq examiner shall review the proposed preliminarv plat or large lot subdivision and render its decision (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.12.110 Decision-maker. The final decision with regard to each preliminary full subdivision shall be made by the city council hearinq examiner The final decision with regard to each final full subdivision shall be made by the city council The final decision with regard to each short subdivision shall be made by the city planner The final decision with regard to each large lot subdivision of five or more lots shall be made by the planning commission hearinq examiner The final decision with regard to each large lot subdivision of four or less lots shall be made by the city planner All final decisions not made by the city council are subject to appeal as set forth in Chapter +&,.Q4 2.26.-(Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.12.210 Combined application option. An applicant for large-lot subdivision or short subdivision approval may submit concurrent and combined preliminary and final subdivision applications The fee for such a combined application will be reduced in accordance with the city's development fee schedule No final application for full subdivision approval will be accepted by the city prior to preliminary plat approval having been granted by the city council hearinq examiner (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.12.300 Commission Hearinq Examiner review. Upon receipt of all required administrative approvals, the city planner shall forward any proposed final full plat and any large lot subdivision of five or more lots to the planning commission hearinq examiner for appropriate action The commission hearinq examiner shall review such full subdivision and forward its recommendation to the city council The commission hearinq examiner shall render a decision regarding such large lot subdivision (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.12.310 Council review. Upon receipt of the commission's hearinq examiner's recommendation the administrator shall present the plat to the city council Upon finding that the final plat has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this title and that all required improvements have been completed or that arrangements or contracts have been 6 I I I I I " Iii I o c c entered into to guarantee that such required improvements will be completed, and that the interests of the city are fully protected, the city council shall approve and the mayor shall sign the final plat and accept dedications as may be included thereon The mayor shall immediately return the final plat to the city clerk for filing for record with the county auditor (Ord 436(part), 1992) II VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OR SUBDIVISION 16 24 100 Generally 16 24 110 Application 16.24 120 Public hearing 16.21.130 Commission review. 16 24 140 Notice of public hearing 16.24070 Access waiver. An offer of dedication may include a waiver of right of direct access to any street from any property, and if the dedication is accepted, any such waiver is effective Such waiver may be required by the hearinq examiner or city council as a condition of approval Any dedications, donation or grant as shown on the face of the plat shall be considered, to all intents and purposes, as a quit claim deed to the grantee for the purpose intended by the grantor (Ord 436(part) , 1992) 16.24.080 Exemption -- Conveyance to corporation. If the hearinq examiner or city council concludes that the public interest will be served thereby, the hearinq examiner or city council, in lieu of requiring the dedication to the public of .Iand in a subdivision for any specific purpose, may allow the land or improvement to be conveyed to a homeowner's association or similar nonprofit corporation (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.24.090 Exemption -- Conditions of corporation conveyance. Prior to the time of filing a final plat for approval, a subdivider who wishes to make a conveyance to a homeowner's association or similar nonprofit corporation shall supply the city with copies of the grantee organization's recorded articles of incorporation and bylaws and with evidence of a binding commitment to convey such land or improvements The articles of incorporation shall provide that membership in the corporation shall be appurtenant to ownership of land in the subdivision, that the corporation is empowered to assess such land for costs owned by the corporation and that such assessments shall be a lien upon such land The hearinq examiner or city council may impose such other conditions as deemed appropriate to assure that property and improvements owned by the corporation will be adequately constructed and maintained (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.24.120 Public hearinQ. Upon receipt of the complete application, and in accordance with statutory deadlines, an application will be scheduled for public hearing before the decision makef hearinq examiner pursuant to Chapter 2.26 (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.24.130 Commission reyie'J.'. Any application or petition of vacation shall be referred to the planning commission for reviev: and comment prior to the close of the public hoaring. (Ord. 7 , I o o o '136(part), 1992) 16.32.110 Appeals. The decision of the commission hearinq examiner may be appealed to the city council in the manner provided by Chapter 16 04 of this title (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.32.140 Waiver of standards and provisions. When a proposed site plan would conflict with any standard or provision of city council Resolution No 177, the commission hearinq examiner may waive such standard or provision upon finding that its application to the development would defeat the intent of this chapter or the intent of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan (Ord 436(part), 1992) Reference to Section 16.36.060, City Council Action in the beginning of said chapter shall be deleted 16.36.020 Variance. Any subdivider may apply for a variance or modification where it appears there exist extraordinary conditions such as topography, access, location, shape, size, drainage or other physical features of the site or of adjacent property No variance or modification of the standards of this title shall be granted without the written approval of the city council hearinq examiner except as otherwise authorized by this title (Ord 436 (part) , 1992) 16.36.040 Review and decisions bv citv council hearinQ examiner. Upon receipt of a variance application, the city clerk community development department shall set the request for public hearing before the city council hearinq examiner and shall provide notice of such hearing as required by law Following the public hearing the council hearinq examiner shall render a decision within tv/enty one days pursuant to Chapter 2.26 (Ord 436(part), 1992) 16.36.060 City council action. In deciding a v3ri3nce request, the city council he3ring examiner Sh311 m3ke 3 written record of its findings 3nd shall specifically describe the v3ri3nce 3nd 3ny conditions which it may impose. Within ten days of 3 decision being reached, the applicant shall be informed in writing by first class m3il of the decision of the council. The city council shalll<eep the findings on file 3S 3 m3ttor of publio record. (Ord. 136(p3rt), 1992). 15.24.200 Variances. Variances from provisions of this chapter may be granted by the city counoil hearinq examiner on recommend3tion of the planning commission in accordance with chapter 17 96, of this code 15.49.050 Application and Interpretation' B Interpretation The City's permit evaluator (depending upon the permit, this can be the building inspector, environmental review officer, planning administrator, Planning Commission hearinq examiner, or City Council) shall review project applications as follows 1 I I ': I 8 i i I I I I I I I I I :ii I I o o c (6) The final approval authority (hearinq examiner or City Council) may at a public meeting consider and modify the recommendation from below (Planning Commission hearinq examiner and/or staff) without holding an additional hearing 15.49.160 Appeals of City's Land Use Decision. 010 Administrative Appeal (e g , "Closed Record Appeal Hearing") is an appeal of staff's Final Decision and is heard by the City Council hearinq examiner (includes Category I and II administrative permits for building, subdivision, and zoning code decisions, and also appeals of Determinations of Completeness, interpretation of consistency of project, and categorization of project.) A Notice of Appeal shall be filed within 14 days of Notice of Final Decision .015 Appeal of Hearinq Examiner Decision (e,q.. "Closed Record Appeal Hearinq") is heard bv the City Council pursuant to Chapter 2.26. 020 Appeal of City Council's Final Decision (includes appeals of Category III and IV decisions as 'Nell as Category I and II decisions which have been appealed to the City Council). These appeals go to Superior Court and follow the judicial review process set forth in RCW 36 70C 15.32.150 Appeal board. Ac The planning commission hearinq examiner pursuant to YMC, Chapter 17.96. as established by the city shall hear and decide appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this chapter. B. The planning commission shall hear and decide appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any requirement, decision, or determination made by the planning department in the enforcement or administration of this chapter. C Those aggrieved by the decision of the planning commission hearinq examiner, or any taxpayer, may appeal such decision to the city council as provided in Chapter 2.26 of the YMC 2.36.050 Powers and Duties F. All plats or plans of subdivisions of land within the to'.vn or proposed addition, as well as dedications of streets and alleys, offered to the town council for acceptance, shall first e submitted to the planning commission for its reoommendation and rep[ort, which report shall be made to the council thirty days after submission, or at such earlier date as the council shall flireGt.: Section 15.72.250 Hearing In the event that a Grantee fails to provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Administrator as provided hereunder, the Administrator shall make a preliminary determination as to whether an event of default by Grantee has occurred and initially prescribe remedies in accordance with Section 15 72 260 In the event that a Grantee wants to appeal such determination, it shall do so to the Yelm City Council hearinq examiner as I I 9 : I I I I ,i I I I I I I I I. I I I o o o provided in Chapter 2.26 who shall conduct a hearing In the event a further appeal is sought by the Grantee, it shall make such appeal to the Thurston County Superior Court, as set forth in RC\^l 36. lOC as provided in Chapter 2.26. 14.16.140 Appeal procedure. Any person aggrieved by a decision or an action of the code administrator in the enforcement or implementation of this chapter may within thirty d3Ys of such decision or action, file a written appeal to the planning commission. ,^.ny decision of the pl3nning commission may be appealed to the city council. be appealed as provided in Chapter 2.26. I I 10 \ PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE \ I. \ HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBIT III ,~ o o o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AND YELM CITY COUNCIL DATE. Tuesday, February 19, 2002, 4'00 p.m Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA PLACE PURPOSE Public Hearing to receive comments on a new chapter of the Yelm I: Municipal Code (YMC), Chapter 2.26, for the purpose of initiating a Hearing Examiner System in the review and approval of certain land use applications. Included for consideration at the public hearing are proposed amendments to applicable chapters of the YMC which delegate public hearing and decisions of land use applications consistent with the authority of the Hearing Examiner, as provided in Chapter 2.26. APPLICANT. City ofYelm PROJECT LOCATION' City wide The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a new chapter of the municipal code, Chapter 2.26, Hearing Examiner and proposed amendments to the applicable chapters of the YMC which delegate public hearing and decisions of land use applications to the Hearing Examiner The Planning Commission will forward the proposed amendments to the City Council for consideration and action on February 27,2002. A complete packet of amendments and any related documents are available for public review during normal business hours at the City of Yelm, 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA. For additional information, please contact Cathie Carlson at (360) 458-8408 Testimony may be given at the hearings or through any written comments on the proposal Comments must be received by the close of the public hearing on February 19,2001 Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the address shown above or mailed to City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate in this hearing, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404, at least 4 days before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, February 8, 2002. Posted in Public Areas Fnday, February 8, 2002. , , ~L-----.L--- ~ " " , " HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBIT IV 'I RCW 35A.63.1!70 ,~ I. , J o o 'I' I I I I RCW35A.63.170 Hearing examiner systemnAdoption authorizednAlternativenFunctionsn Procedures. (1) As an alternative to those provisions of thIS chapter relating to powers or duties of the planning commission to hear and report on any proposal to amend a zoning ordinance, the legIslative body of a city may adopt a hearing examiner system under which a hearing examiner or hearing examiners may hear and decid~ applIcations for amending the zoning ordinance when the amendment which IS applied for is not of general applicabilIty In addItIon, the legislatIve body may vest in a hearing examiner the power to hear and decide those issues it believes should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner, including but not limited to. : (a) Applications for conditional uses, variances, subdivisIOns, shoreline permits, or any other class o:f applIcatIons for or pertainmg to development of land or land use, (b) Appeals of administrative decisIOns or determmations; and (c) Appeals of administrative decisions or determmatIOns pursuant to chapter 4_321C RCW The legIslatIve body shall prescribe procedures to be followed by a hearing exammer If the legislativy authority vests m a heanng examiner the authority to hear and decide variances, then the provisions of RCW 35A,6::3.1lQ shall not apply to the city : (2) Each city legIslative body electmg to use a hearing exammer pursuant to thIS section shall by ordmanc~ specify the legal effect of the decisIOns made by the examiner The legal effect of such deCIsions may vary for the dIfferent classes of applIcations decided by the exammer but shall include one of the following: (a) The decision may be gIven the effect of a recommendation to the legislative body; (b) The decision may be given the effect of an administrative deCIsion appealable within a specified time' lImit to the legislatIve body; or (c) Except in the case of a rezone, the deCIsion may be given the effect of a final deCIsion of the legislatIve: body (3) Each final decision of a hearing examiner shall be in wnting and shall include findings and conclUSIOns, based on the record, to support the decision. Such findings and conclusions shall also set forth the manner i~ whIch the decision would carry out and conform to the city\comprehensive plan and the city's developmen:t: regulations. Each final decision of a hearing examiner, unless a longer period is mutually agreed to in writing by the applicant and the hearing examiner, shall be rendered wIthin ten working days following conclusion of al~, testImony and heanngs. I [1995 c 347 ~ 424, 1994 c 257 ~ 7, 1977 ex.s. c 213 ~ 2.1 Notes: Finding--SeverabiIity--Part headings and table of contents not lawn1995 c 347 See notes following RCW 3_Q,70AAZQ. Severability--1994 c 257 See note following RCW ;lJi.1QA21Q. Severability--1977 ex.s. c 213: See note following RCW 3.2.6_3...UQ l_ r , ' !:! " 1:1 , :' III ____1.____ ,., HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBIT V RCW 58.17.330 ~ II ! J I i o RCW,5_8.17.33.0 Hearing examiner system--Adoption authorized--Procedures-- Decisions. ': (1) As an alternative to those provisions of this chapter requinng a planning comnnSSIOn to hear and Issue recommendatIOns for plat approval, the county or CIty legislatIve body may adopt a heanng examiner systehI and shall specify by ordinance the legal effect of the decisIOns made by the examiner The legal effect of su~h decisions shall include one of the followmg: 'I (a) The decision may be given the effect of a recommendation to the legislative body; :. (b) The decision may be given the effect of an administrative decisIOn appealable withIn a specIfied tinie limIt to the legIslatIve body; or I ( c) The deCISIon may be gIven the effect of a final decision of the legislative body I The legislative authority shall prescribe procedures to be followed by a heanng examiner ,I (2) Each final deCIsion of a heanng examiner shall be m writing and shallmc1ude findlllgs and conc1usIo~~, based on the record, to support the decision. Each final decision of a heanng examiner, unless a longer period,ts mutually agreed to by the applicant and the hearing examiner, shall be rendered within ten working days following conclusion of all testllllony and hearings.l I Ii i 'i [1995 c 347 S 429; 1994 c 257 S 6; 1977 ex.s. c 213 S 41 Notes: Finding..SeverabiIity..Part headings and table of contents not law--1995 c 347 See notes following RCW 36.70A.470. SeverabiIity--1994 c 257 See note following RCW 36.70A.270. Severability--1977 ex.s. c 213: See note following RCW 35.63.130 Ii I c I I' ,\ I II ,I I I:: Ii ,ii 'Ii II I I q I 'i 'I II :\ ,ll~ ---..1__________- I o o o DRAFT 2-4-02 XII. ENVIRONMENT Note. ,A, list of tho goals 3.nd policios 3.pplicablo to the unincorporated portion of the Yelm Urban Growth ^roa is locatod in Exhibit G (Note Moved to last sentence of the introduction) Introduction The Environmental Chapter focuses on the City of Yelm's commitment to protect and enhance the quality of the natural and built environments. As increased residential and commercial development intensifies in Yelm, the protection of the natural environment becomes more of a challenge. The intent of this chapter, and the qoals and policies it contains, is to quide the formation of requlations and future actions that will protect and enhance the natural environment. Growth Manaqement Act and Countywide Planninq Policies The Environmental Chapter is intended to meet the obiectives of the State Growth Manaqement Act (GMA), Endanqered Species Act (SEA), State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), County-Wide Planning Policies and other federal and state policies and requlations. The GMA contains specific requirements for the desiqnation and protection of "critical areas," defined by the GMA as wetlands, areas with recharqinq effect on aquifers used for potable water, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, frequentlv flooded areas, and qeoloqicallv hazardous areas In addition, the GMA requires the adoption of development requlations that protect critical areas (RCW 36 70A.060) and the inclusion of the best available science in developinq policies and development requlations to protect the functions and values of critical areas (RCW 36 70A.172.) Development of this chapter is based on the same premise adopted in the Thurston County County-Wide Planninq Policies, Chapter IX, Environmental Quality These goals and policies applicable to the unincorporated portion of the Yelm Urban Growth Area is located in Exhibit G A. 'Nater Qualitv: Shorelines, Wetlands, Floodplains, and ^Quifcr Sensitive Areas B. Fish and Wildlife Habitat c. GeoloQicallv Sensitive Areas XII - 1 DRAFT 2-4-02 o Natural Environment Goals and Policies The City of Yelm recoqnizes that the natural environment is important for the followinq reasons. It provides habitat for wildlife and plat life, It creates a positive visual image and open space, It provides opportunities for recreation, It is part of the City's surface water manaqement system and water supply; and It is cost effective public policy The merits and costs of environmental actions must be weiqhed and balanced against other important demands, such as public safety and recreation, housinq, public infrastructure, and economic development. Land use and development practices need to be compatible with the variety of environmental conditions As a qeneral rule, the City should protect the natural environment rather than try to overcome its limitations for development. Goal EG 1 Protect the natural environment and preserve environmentally sensitive areas. o EG 2 Promote quality buildinq and development that is compatible with the surroundinq environment. Policies EP The City should work with adiacent iurisdictions and state, federal and reqional aqencies to protect sensitive areas and the City's natural environment EP Protect and restore environmental quality throuqh land use pains, surface water manaqement plans and proqrams, comprehensive park plans, and development review. EP Develop requlations and proqrams that encouraqe well-desiqned land use patterns such as clusterinq, low impact development and planned unit development. Use these types of land use patterns to concentrate higher urban land use densities and intensity of uses in areas with environmentally sensitive features. o XII - 2 II' o DRAFT 2-4-02 Water Resources Yelm has several shorelines, and abutting floodplains in or adjacent to the urban area, including Yelm Creek, Thompson Creek, the Centralia Power Canal and the Nisqually River The Nisqually River is host to a number of fish species and runs which are dependent upon the water quality of the River and its tributary and Riparian areas Yelm also has several wetland areas (shown on the critical areas maps) which form the headwaters of the two Creeks and which are indicative of the groundwater levels and its proximity to the surface Additionally, Yelm has an unprotected aquifer which underlies most of the urban area. The City's wells and many private wells use the aquifer for water supply The water quality in the urban area is important for both public and environmental health reasons, and it is the policy of the City to provide methods and incentives for ongoing protection and enhancement within the urban area. Specific policies or programs shall be used to accomplish the necessary protection o Aquifer Recharqe Areas (Groundwater) The aquifer recharqe area in Yelm covers the entire City. These areas are characterized by highly pervious glacial soils which drain rapidlv into the underlvinq water table. These areas are classified primarilv as Category 1, extremelv sensitive with small pockets of Category 2. highlv sensitive in the southwestern portion of the city. Tvpicallv activities associated with land development, such as clearinq and qradinq and stormwater management, affects the natural hvdroloqic cvcle All of these activities decrease the land's abilitv to absorb and retain water and increases the possibilitv of contamination Goals EG To protect the quality and to manaqe the quantity of groundwater for all uses in the present and the future EG Encourage measures that improve surface water management. Policies o EP Where feasible, development within the urban area should be on sewers " with a reuse/recycling discharge to reduce the potential for contamination :1 of the aquifer and the abutting surface streams ,:: " " 1:1 " " 'I :1 'I " XII - 3 DRAFT 2-4-02 o EP Stormwater policies should require treatment of stormwater on site using swales, ponds, and other detention and conveyance facilities, together with or in combination with biofiltration prior to discharge to either groundwater or surface water to minimize or eliminate contaminants from the stormwater EP Implementation of the policies and programs of the sewer and water comprehensive plans EP The City of Yelm shall seek to prevent qroundwater contamination by protectinq the entire resource as effectively as possible, but within the limits of what is acceptable and affordable to the community. EP The City of Yelm shall strive to assure that preventive actions are taken to protect water quality from further deqradation and that the City, in cooperation with the Department of Ecoloqy, will promote corrective actions in areas where degradation has occurred so that the net effect is a gradual improvement of the qround and surface water quality. Wellhead Protection Areas o Because the City relies on qroundwater for its drinkinq water, it must take preventative measures to avoid contamination in areas surrounding well sites. The City of Yelm Wellhead Protection Plan, developed by Robinson & Noble, Inc, 2001, focuses on three primary areas. · A hydroloqic evaluation of the aquifers used by the City,and the delineation of wellhead protection areas (WHPAs) for each of the City's production wells, · An inventory of potentially hazardous materials inside the delineated WHPSs, and · The development of manaqement, spill response, and continqency plans. Goals EG Implement a wellhead protection proqram to ensure a safe source of drinkinq water and to avoid the larqe financial impact of contaminated wells Policies EP The City shall utilize a wellhead protection program based upon best 0 available science. XII - 4 III o o o DRAFT 2-4-02 EP Leqislation shall be maintained. and updated as necessary, requlatinq land uses within Wellhead protection zones 1 - 3. EP The City of Yelm shall strive to prevent contamination of drinkinq water supplies and to develop contingency plans to provide additional sources should an existinq source become unusable Wetlands and Streams Wetlands are a valuable natural resource. They receive surface water from surrounding areas and filter pollutants enterinq the system. By storinq floodwaters. wetlands reduce flooding and down stream erosion. trap and absorb sediments. and help protect water quality. Wetlands discharqe water to aquifers and streams and help replenish qroundwater. The City of Yelm is located within the Nisqually drainaqe basin. There are two streams that run throuqh the city. Yelm Creek and Thompson Creek. Over the years. both Yelm Creek and Thompson Creek have experienced ecoloqical deqradation from the loss of shade trees. invasion of plant species like reed canary grass and niqhtshade and repetitive dredqing. Goal(s) EG Achieve no net loss of wetlands and to increase the quality of Yelm's wetland resources throuqh the application of best available science. EG Protect. restore, and enhance the City's streams Policies EP Construction sites shall be required to demonstrate construction period stormwater protection to prevent turbidity and siltation for affecting surface waters in the area. EP Wetlands, streams, and their associated buffers, shall not be used for construction purposes except where necessary for stormwater control and utility and transportation connections Where such control or connections are permitted, regulations must identify steps to assure no degradation to ground or surface water EP Update and utilize Yelm's wetland protection leqislation to ensure protection of Yelm's wetland resources throuqh use of techniques considered to be best available science XII - 5 I I 'I 'I 'I 'I I III DRAFT 2-4-02 o EP Utilize the U.S Corps of Enqineers definition of wetlands, and also the definition of DNR Type 2-5 waters, which cover Yelm's stream corridors. EP Utilize the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service definition of "wetlands" for purposes of inventory, incentives and non-requlatory programs. EP Wetlands, rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes should be viewed as systems and not as isolated units. EP The valuable natural functions of wetlands and stream corridors, such as habitat and water quality, should be protected by maintaining an undisturbed or restored native veqetated buffer and by prohibitinq fillinq, draininq, and clearing within wetlands and adiacent fish bearinq streams. Physical alterations should be minimized except where restorinq the natural functions EP The City may requlate private development and public actions to protect water Quality and to ensure adequate in-stream flow to protec fisheries, wildlife habitat, and recreation resources. 0 EP Retain existinq open surface water systems in a natural state and rehabilitate deqraded conditions. EP Restrict the runoff rate, volume, and quality to predevelopment levels for all new development and redevelopment. Shorelines The City of Yelm adopted the Thurston County Shoreline Master Proqram to implement the state's Shoreline Manaqement Act. While Yelm Creek is desiqnated as a shoreline of the state, it is questionable if the creek sustains the minimum flow requirements of more than twenty cubic feet per second, RCW 9058. Also, the Centralia Power Canal was not identified as a shoreline of the state, but flows clearly exceed the minimum flow requirements and should be desiqnated as a shoreline of the state Policies .IT The Conservancy shorelino designation, as idontified in the Shoreline Master Program for tho Thurston Region, should be retainod along the Nisqually River and its jurisdictional wotlands. The Shorolino Mastor Program neods te-be 0 amended to dolete Yelm Creek's mapped designation as It is not a regulated shorelino under State guidelines. Tho Centralia Power Canal should be added XII - 6 II! "1 o DRAFT 2-4-02 as an urban shoreline on the south side and a rural shoreline on the north side. EP The Conservancy shoreline designation, as identified in the Shoreline Master Program for the Thurston Region, should be retained along the Nisqually River and its jurisdictional wetlands EP Yelm Creek should be monitored to determine minimum flow. Is supported by the flow data, the Shoreline Master Program needs should te be amended to delete Yelm Creek's mapped designation as it is not a regulated shoreline under State guidelines EP The Centralia Power Canal should be added as an urban shoreline on the south side and a rural shoreline on the north side EP The Nisqually River Management Plan identifies policies and programs for the protection of the Nisqually Basin The Management Plan policies are to be considered in adopting development regulations for the community o Frequently Flooded Areas Development in flood plains reduces the storage capacity and increases the amount of runoff Increased runoff overtaxes both natural and man-mad conveyance systems and ! leads to damaqe of public and private property. Over the last five years, the City of Yelm, has collected substantial information on Yelm Creek and it's floodplain. The Federal Emerqency Manaqement Agency conducted a Yelm Creek Study and issued a new Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) in June of 1999. A Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Manaqement Plan was adopted in July of 2001. Both products incorporated the use of best available science. Goals EG To Prevent the loss of life and property in frequently flooded areas Policies o EP The City adopts the FEMA flood hazard maps for reference purposes and any development in a flood plain must be consistent with FEMA guidelines and such additional regulations as adopted by the City Filling floodplains is discouraged unless necessary to meet a public purpose No development should be allowed in any floodway XII - 7 I ',I DRAFT 2-4-02 o EP Regulations of these lands should promote efficient use of the land and water resources by allocating frequently flooded areas to the uses for which they are best suited and to discourage obstructions to flood-flows or uses which pollute or deteriorate natural waters and water courses. EP Life and property should be protected from flood hazards and the flood storage and transmission capacity of rivers and streams should be retained EP Protect natural flood storage and conveyance throuqh the development and implementation of plans and regulations that reduce flood impacts. Geologic and Volcanic Hazard Zones Yelm has a few areas identified as steep slopes and volcanic hazards, which occur along portions of the Centralia Power Canal and Yelm Creek (see critical areas map #6) The City will need to develop guidelines for specific geologic issues Goal 0 EG To desiqnate and requlate development on lands havinq identified qeoloqic hazards to protect the health and safety of persons and property and to avoid other adverse impacts of erosion, landslide and other qeoloqic hazard. Policies EP Develop implementing leqislation. based upon best available science, with specific requirements for analysis of qeoloqically sensitive areas and application of specific development standards to prevent erosion and landslide hazard. EP The City will continue to qather and review seismic hazard data for the area to better assess specific seismic hazard areas (those areas more sensitive than others because of geoloqical parameters). The City will consider development of additional requirements associated with Uniform Buildinq Code review to buildinqs in Yelm's most sensitive earthquake hazard areas o XII - 8 III o o o lr~-~ I I I DRAFT 2-4-02 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Areas Yelm does not have identified priority habitats and species within the Urban Growth Area, but is on land near to the Nisqually River which provides important habitat and wildlife areas, in addition to the scattered locations of oak habitat (see Critical Areas map, Map #5) Shoreline and development regulations, and project-level SEPA reviews shall be used to assure that development within the Urban Growth Area does not adversely affect abutting wildlife and fish habitat outside the urban area. Inside the urban area development regulations should provide incentives for wetland and habitat enhancement. Yelm Creek and Thompson Creek provide opportunities for such enhancement within the Urban Growth Area. Wetland and wildlife enhancement should not extend beyond the specified wetland buffer, however, if to do so would reduce densities below those specified in the development regulations It is important that Yelm obtain and promote urban densities in the urban areas to reduce development pressure outside the urban areas Any development directly affecting the Nisqually River shall be reviewed for consistency with applicable State, County and other habitat management programs. Urban landscapes are valuable supplements to natural areas in providing habitat for a wide variety of wildlife. The loss of natural wildlife habitat to urban development can be partiallv offset by landscapinq that includes a variety of native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife Native plants are qenerallv well adapted to the soils and climate of the area and many species can flourish without much waterinq or fertilization. Goals ,I :1 ;1 i To provide fish and wildlife habitat of sufficient diversity and abundance to :1 sustain existinq indiqenous wildlife popultions I I ,I 'i 'I ,I I I I EG Preserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. EG Policies EP The city should preserve anc enhance native veqetation in riparian habitat and wherever possible EP The City should manaqe aquatic and riparian (stream side) habitat in a way that minimizes its alteration in order to preserve and enhance its abilitv to sustain fish and wildlife XII - 9 DRAFT 2-4-02 EP The City should encouraqe residents and businesses to sue native plants in residential and commerciallandscapinq. Air Quality Air quality is an increasing problem in the Pacific Northwest. Numerous federal, state, and reqional aqencies enact and enforce leqislation to protect air quality. Locally air pollution sources are from. motor vehicles, indoor and outdoor burninq, industrial operations and land clearinq and qradinq. Goal EG To protect air quality. Policies EP Support state and federal air quality standards and the regulation of activities that emit air pollutants EP Encouraqe transportation demand management and commute trip reduction in order to reduce energy consumption and air pollution Noise Noise pollution can be harmful to the qeneral public's health and welfare. Noise is primarily generated by: industrial uses, vehicle traffic and construction activities. Goal EG To control the level of noise pollution in a manner which promotes the use, value and enioyment of property in an urban environment. Policy EP Use state standards to ensure that excessive noise does not impair the permitted land use activities in residential. commercial, and industrial land use districts. XII - 10 o o o Ii' i VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET i Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the maili~g list o to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 I I MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: February 19, 2002 ! TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): 1. Thurston County Medic One Special Use Permit 2. Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code - Hearing Examiner NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearirilg by the assigned numbers above) IQ.~ G p,.~,^"\AN ~ -:> a s-- v ~-.J l1?v VV'y7 )Q/V~ 6\/ ~ ('0 "'W' '- \J../'A. )'FZS' v c 'e City of Yelm ~ \.J (~ ~ ~ o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2002, 4.00 P M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes February 4, 2002, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for : which are anticipated) 3. Action Item Crystal Creek Estates - Final Plat Applicant: Dick Boness, and Annette Durkin Location: Crystal Springs Road Staff Report Distributed previous to February 4, 2002 Meeting 4 Public Hearing Thurston County Medic One CUP-01-8301-YL Applicant Thurston County Medic One Location' 411 NE West Road Staff Report Enclosed 5. Public Hearing: Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code - Hearing Examiner Applicant. City of Yelm Location' City Wide Staff Report Enclosed 6. 2002 Comprehensive Plan (as time permits) a. Environment Chapter 7 Other' 8, Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2002 - 4:00 P.M. , L o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 2002, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 10 P m Members present: John Thomson, Ray Kent, Don Carney, Roberta Longmire, Margaret Clapp, E J Curry, and City Council Liaison Ron Harding Staff: Cathie Carlson, Tami Merriman, and Jim Gibson Members absent: Tom Gorman, excused, Joe Baker, and Glenn Blando 02-04 Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY DON CARNEY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 22,2002. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None Action Item: Crvstal Creek Estates Final Plat. SUB-01-8294-YL. Applicant: Richard E Boness, and Annette Durkin Location: Crystal Springs Road Ms. Merriman introduced Mr Boness, and provided the Commission a summary of staffs' review of his final plat application Ms. Merriman informed the Commission that Mr Boness has complied with all conditions of the preliminary plat approval Mr Boness had submitted a letter, addressed to the City Council, addressing the 200 foot buffer requirement along Yelm Creek, and requested that Council allow Mr Boness to develop three more lots in the 200- foot buffer Ms. Merriman stated that Mr Boness could have subdivided the land within the 200-foot buffer To do so, he would have needed to comply with the Shoreline Master Program, as all land within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of Yelm Creek is considered a Shoreline of the State Yelm Creek's environmental designation is rural, which allows only two units per acre, and a minimum 20,000 sq. ft. lot. Mr Boness has 3 23 acres, and at two units per acre, Mr Boness would have been allowed to develop six lots Having no development in the 200 buffer, allowed Mr Boness to develop the property to the City's designation of six units per acre Mr. Boness informed the Commission that he spoke with Fred Knostman, at Thurston County Mr. Boness said that Mr Knostman told him that Yelm Creek, west of Crystal Springs Road is classified as a Type 4 or Type 5 seasonc:H stream, with Urban designated setbacks of 20 feet, which would allow him to develop in the 200 foot buffer area. The Commission discussed different scenarios, such as having Mr Boness pay a fee in lieu of open space, and leaving the Tract as land that my be developed later, if the information Mr Boness received is correct. : Yelm Planning Commission February 4 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\02.04.02 min.doc Page t o o o After discussion, the Planning Commission informed Mr. Boness that they could not make a decision on his request based solely on the information he provided verbally, and asked Mr Boness if he would like for staff to research the information that Mr Boness received from the County, and come back before the Commission at their next meeting Mr. Boness stated that he would be willing The Commission requested that staff call Fred Knostman at Thurston County, to research the information that Mr Boness brought forward, and further shoreline regulation issues The Commission will review the final plat application, and further information from staff at their next regularly scheduled meeting 02-05 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY MARGARET CLAPP TO TABLE THE DECISION ON CRYSTAL SPRINGS FINAL PLAT TO THE FEBRUARY 19,2002 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update Ms. Carlson distributed to the Commission, a draft Environment Chapter Ms. Carlson briefly explained the need for more detailed goals and policies in the comprehensive plan, and requested that the Commission read the draft, and be prepared to discuss the issues at the next meeting Mr. Thomson requested that staff locate the flood map for Alder Dam As part of the geologic and volcanic hazard zones, Yelm may be in the Alder Dam flood hazard area. 02-06 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 5 15 P m Respectfully submitted, ~~~~VL Tami Merriman, Planning' echnician / John Thomson, Vice Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission February 4, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\02.04.02 min.doc Page 2 o o o City of Yelm 105 Ye/m Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date January 29, 2002 To Planning Commission From Tami Merriman, Planning Technician Re Final Plat for Crystal Creek Estates (formerly Huntington Green II) SUB-01-8294-YL Backqround The Yelm City Council approved, with conditions, a preliminary plat for the above referenced project on August 23, 2000 The project has been constructed, and the applicant has filed a completed application for final plat on January 8, 2002 Applicant: Richard E. Boness, and Annette Durkin Proposal. 13 Lot, Single Family Final Plat Approval for Crystal Creek Estates Location. The project site is located on Crystal Springs Road Planninq Commission Action The Planning Commission is required to review the Final Plat for compliance with the conditions of approval placed on the preliminary plat. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the final plat, and is satisfied that all conditions have been met, the Planning Commission shall forward the plat to the City Council for review and approval In addition to the Final Plat Application, the applicant has submitted a letter dated January 8, 2002, addressed to the City Council (copy attached) The letter addresses the 200 foot buffer at Yelm Creek which the owner has proposed to be dedicated to the City of Yelm as open space The letter requests that the project be re-evaluated to allow 3 more lots in the 200 foot area adjacent to Yelm Creek. Yelm Creek is listed as a "Shoreline of the State" and any development in, or within 200 feet of the creek is subject to the rules and regulations of the Shoreline Management Act RCW 90 58 (SMA), and the Shoreline Master Program for the Thurston Region (SMP) The Shoreline Management Act does allow for development within 200 feet of a shoreline, under the Substantial Development Permit process When application is submitted for a Substantial Development Permit, all rules and regulations of the Shoreline Management Act must be met. 1 o o o Each Shoreline of the State has an Environmental Designation, and additional regulations for that designation The shoreline on Mr Boness's property has been designated as "Rural" The first regulation listed in the Rural Environment designation is "Residential densities in this environment shall not exceed two dwelling units per acre, regardless of housing type" The second regulation listed is "that the minimum lot size shall be 20,000 sq ft., with a minimum lot width of 100 feet." If Mr Boness were to apply for a Substantial Development Permit, to construct homes within 200 feet of the shoreline, his entire property would be restricted to a density of 2 units per acre, with a minimum lot size of 20,000 sq ft. His parcel is 3 23 acres, and at 2 units per acre, Mr Boness would have been allowed to subdivide the property into 6 parcels (6 46) Because Mr Boness did not develop within 200 feet of the shoreline, he was not required to apply for a Substantial Development permit, and he was able to develop his parcel to the fullest extent allowed by his zoning designation (R-6), 6 units per acre Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward the final plat to the City Council for approval, provided 1 Deny the request to expand Crystal Creek Estates by three more lots, 100 feet into the shoreline buffer area. 2. All engineering and surveying fees for the final plat review are paid prior to City Council review Original Conditions of Approval 92nd Way SE - The plat shall not connect to the south of the project site with 92nd Way SE. Completed. Sewer 1 The proponent shall connect to the City's STEP sewer system The Sewer line shall be extended through development. Completed. Sewer ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on discharge of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $4,986 per ERU, as well as an inspection fee of $145 OO/ERU STEP on-site collector tanks and pumps are to be installed by the owner, which are then transferred to the City for operation and maintenance Completed. 2. The on-site septic systems and drainfields shall be abandoned to Thurston County Health Department standards. Completed. 2 h, o o o Water 3 The Proponent will need to connect to the City's water system Water lines would be extended through development. Completed. Water ERU's (equivalent residential units) are based on a consumption rate of 240 gallons per day and are currently charged at a rate of $1 ,500/ERU (subject to change) inside city limits This fee is payable at time of building permit issuance Completed. 4 The applicant shall be credited one ERU fee for the existing water connection that serves the manufactured homes The one water ERU shall be credited on the first building permit issued 5 All open space areas and planting strips shall have an irrigation system with a separate water meter(s) The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. Storm water 6. The applicant shall design and construct all storm water facilities in accordance with the DOE Storm Water Manual, as adopted by the City of Yelm Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required during construction The applicant shall compile a final storm water report along with construction drawings. Completed. 7 The applicant shall submit a storm water operation and maintenance plan to the Public Works Department for approval prior to final plat approval Completed. 8. The stormwater system shall be held in common by the Homeowners The Homeowners Agreement shall include provisions for the assessment of fees against individual lots for the maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities Completed. Transportation 9 The street design for the project is a local access residential and shall be included on civil plans The applicant shall submit final civil plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. 10 The applicant shall be responsible for half-street improvements along the frontage of Crystal Springs Road The frontage improvements include lane improvements, curb, planter strip, sidewalk, landscape and storm drainage The Crystal Springs Road street section is "neighborhood collector" Completed. 3 h. c o o 11 The new north/south Street shall be shown on the face of the plat as a future street connection to the north only Completed. Fire 12. The applicant shall submit fire flow calculations for existing hydrants All hydrants must meet minimum City standards Completed 13 The applicant shall submit a fire hydrant plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval Completed. Open Space 14 The applicant shall submit a final improvement plan for the open space The plan shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 14 14 050 Completed. 15 The open space shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm Completed. Landscapinq 16 The applicant shall install a 6' wood privacy fence along the northern property line of the subdivision lots in place of perimeter landscaping Completed. 17 The applicant shall submit a final landscaping to include the pedestrian path, environmental signage and irrigation plan for the open space and street planter strips The improvements in the open space shall not exceed $2,500 00 Completed. Environmental 18. The applicant shall comply with the mitigation of the MONS issued on May 10, 2000 Mitigation includes a. The applicant shall mitigate transportation impacts based on the new p m peak hour trips generated by the project. The Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) shall be based on 1 01 pm peak hour trips per residential unit. The proponent will be responsible for a TFC of $757 50 per unit which is payable at time of building permit. Completed. 4 ..L. c o o b The subject site is adjacent to Yelm Creek which is designated as a shoreline of the state The shoreline jurisdiction area, measured from the creek's high water mark back 200', shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm as open space Improvements within the shoreline jurisdiction area shall be a pedestrian path and environmental signage The improvements shall not exceed $2,500 00 Completed. c. The proponent shall enter into an agreement with the Yelm School District to mitigate project impacts to the school district. Completed. Subdivision Name and Property Addresses 19 The applicant shall submit another subdivision name The City will forward the name to the Thurston County Records Department for approval Completed. 20 Prior to the submission of final plat application, the applicant will provide the Building Department with a plat map for addressing Completed. General Public Works 21 Per the City of Yelm's Development Guidelines street lighting and interior street lighting will be required Completed. 22.The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to anyon-site grading Completed. 5 o o o / / 8' / ;) CJ 0 ~J.. 40905 96th Ave E EatonvIlle, W A ~ 98328 January 6, 2002 g~~t.-1.c--",,-"', ~.-i."'-"' JAN 0 0 ~002 '~T.. City of Yelm City CouncIl 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, W A 98597 Dear CouncIl Members, In regards to the shoreline buffer area setback of 200 feet, we have made many Inqumes Cathy Carlson of CIty of Yelm Planmng Department has been steadfast on this reqUirement, much to our dIsmay We were told that WashIngton State has no mInimum setback reqUIrements on developIng property near a stream or draInage ditch. ThiS IS accordIng to 1990 regulatiOns for setbacks reInstated by a federal court Judge In August of 200 1 They have never heard of a setback greater than 100 feet. Thurston County has a rural setback mInimum of 50 feet. Thurston county setback In conservancy areas IS a maximum of 100 feet ThiS IS determIned and recorded In the Department of Ecology, Thurston County Code 17 15 We maIntaIn that a 100-foot mInimum setback IS more than adequate to protect the natural vegetatiOn and draInage InvolvIng Yelm Creek. Thurston County reqUIres no more than thiS as a maximum setback. By decreaSIng your buffer area from 200 feet to 100 feet, we would be able to develop and buIld on three more lots of approximately 50 X 100 feet each. ThiS would still enable the homeowners access and usage of a natural buffer area as well as proVidIng protectiOn for the stream. The city would benefit from the development of three more taxable properties valued at an estimated $450,000 The 200-foot buffer zone wIll Yield no tax for Yelm and, In all lIkelIhood, no value to the members of Crystal Creek Estates In the last few months, an owner of a parcel In HuntIngton Green With a fifty foot buffer area ofYelm Creek has been able to secure a bUIldIng permit from the City ofYelm to buIld an additiOn onto a home that we belIeve encroaches on the fifty-foot setback (Already a much smaller setback than IS beIng reqUIred of us ) Is It your belIef that SInce It IS attached to an eXistIng buIldIng it will calise 110 ill effects to Yelm Creek, despite the diminIshed setback? Does thiS make sense to you? Why IS a 200-foot minimum setback reqUIred for our 13-lot development, but a 50-foot setback for a nelghbonng multi-lot development IS adequate for the protectiOn of Yelm Creek? Why Indeed? I _._~1-- I .c. c o o The HuntIngton Green development next to us was bUIlt after 1990 Those same setback reqUIrements now apply to us follOWIng a court reversal In August of2001 We should fall under the same rules as HuntIngton Green. We have deeded land to the CIty of Yelm In order to get final plat approval, but feel thIS IS takIng pnvate land for publIc concerns wIthout benefit of compensatIOn. In summatIOn, 1 Allow us to expand Crystal Creek Estates by three more lots, 100 feet Into the shorelIne buffer area. 2 Increase taxable revenue wIth the constructIon of three more homes In Crystal Creek Estates by decreaSIng the shorelIne buffer area from a 200-foot setback to the Thurston County reqUIred 100 feet 3 ContInue land and water management wIth a 100-foot shorelIne buffer area bordermg Yelm Creek as per Thurston County Code 17 15 z~ ~lCk Boness Annette DurkIn City ofYelm o o Q 105 Ye/m Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4,2002,4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes January 22, 2002, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. Action Item. Crystal Creek Estates - Final Plat Applicant. Dick Boness, and Annette Durkin Location Crystal Springs Road Staff Report Enclosed. 4 2002 Comprehensive Plan a. Environment Chapter 5. Other' 6. Adjourn. Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to pe.rticipate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. )1..11 Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19,2002 - 4:00 P.M. c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2002, 4 00 P m YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Motion No. John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 01 P m Members present: John Thomson, Joe Baker, Ray Kent, Don Carney, Roberta Longmire, Glenn Blando, and City Council Liaison Ron Harding Staff: Cathie Carlson, Shelly Badger, Tami Merriman, and Jim Gibson Members absent: Tom Gorman, Margaret Clapp, E. J Curry - excused Approval of Minutes: 02-01 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY RAY KENT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17,2001. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications None PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64 Adult Entertainment Facilities. Applicant: City of Yelm Location: City Wide o Mr Thomson re-opened the Public Hearing at 4 02 pm Mr. Thomson asked it any Commission member had a conflict of interest. There was none Mr. Thomson asked if any member of the audience objected to any Commission member participating in this hearing There was none Mr. Thomson asked if any member had received information on this item prior to the hearing None had Mr Thomson asked Ms. Badger to provide a staff report. Ms. Badqer informed the Commission that she had received information from the Massage Therapy Association for suggested language regarding the use of the word massage as related in the adult entertainment ordinance Ms Badqer incorporated the information into the ordinance, and reviewed the changes with the Planning Commission It was suggested by a commission member to change the word "treatments" to "actions" in section 1 1 2 It was suggested by a commission member to include the word "silhouette(s)" to Section 1 4 3(b) Mr. Thomson asked if there were any public comment. There was none Mr. Thomson asked the Commission if they had any further questions or comments There was none Mr. Thomson closed the public hearing at 4 24 PM o 02-02 MOTION BY RAY KENT, TO FORWARD THE AMENDMENT TO YELM MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 17.64 AND TITLE 5.52 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: Ordinance 737, 1.1.2, change the word "treatments" to "actions". Ordinance 736. 1.4.3(b), include the word "silhouette". MOTION SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, MOTION CARRIEO. Yelm Planning Commission : January 22, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\01.22.02 min.doc Page 1 o o o UPDATE: HEARING EXAMINER ORDINANCE Ms. Carlson informed the Commission that the City Council reviewed the proposed Hearing Examiner Ordinance The Council was supportive of the change to a Hearing Examiner system The Council suggested changes to the ordinance to reflect a more defined methodology for the hiring process, and stronger parameters regarding qualifications Ms. Carlson stated that she will incorporate the suggested changes into the ordinance, and bring the ordinance back to the Commission in February for a public hearing 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update Ms. Badqer gave a brief overview of the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan creation and history from 1988 to present Ms Carlson provided an overview of the mandated requirements and timing for amending the Comprehensive Plan The Commission will begin with the update to the Critical Areas Ordinance Ms. Carlson explained the requirements, and showed the Commission the items that the Critical Areas Ordinance will address Possible Meeting Date and Time Change The Commission discussed the possibility of changing their meeting dates and times The Commission had previously asked staff to check the availability of the council chambers for meeting Tuesday afternoon, instead of Monday afternoon It was determined that the City Council uses the council chambers on Tuesday afternoons, from October through December for budget session meetings After discussion, it was determined that other days, and regular evening meetings, were not desirable The Commission decided that they would keep the same meeting schedule Mr. Thomson requested that staff provide the Commission with another copy of the 2002 Comprehensive Update Work Plan 02-03 MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 5 15 P m Respectfully submitted, John Thomson, Vice Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission January 22, 2002 R:\Community Development\Planning Commission\Minutes and Agendas\PC 2002.min\01.22.02 min.doc Page 2 '" City of Yelm o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date: January 15, 2002 (for the January 22,2002 Planning Commission Meeting) To: Yelm Planning Commission Members From: Shelly Badger, City Administrato~'( Re: Continuation of October 15, 2001 Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Yelm Adult Entertainment Business (AEB) Ordinances in response to 7/16/01 Planning Commission Work-session, and 10/15/01 Planning Commission Public Hearing. LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1- Ordinance No. 736 (with proposed draft amendments), amending the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 17, Zoning related to the location of AEBs; Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 (with proposed draft amendments), amending the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 5, Business Licensing and Regulation of AEBs. c A. Planning Commission Meeting objective related to this agenda item: To dISCUSS the recommended draft amendments to the adopted Ordmances # 736 & # 737 Both ordmances have been "red-lmed" m a bold font - wIth amendments dIscussed at the October 15, 2001 Planmng CommIssIOn meetmg. Proposed amendments to the Ordmance smce the October 15th PC meetmg are shown m a bold, underlmed "Comic Sans" font. B. Background: Amendments to Chapter 17, Zomng, governmg the locatIOn and land use approval process for sItmg adult entertamment busmesses (AEBs) and amendments to Chapter 5, Busmess LIcensmg and RegulatIOn, provIdmg hcensmg reqUIrements for adult entertmnments busmesses, operators and entertamers were consIdered by the P1anmng CommISSIOn on June 18, 2001 and recommended for adoptIon by the City CouncIl On June 27, 2001, Council adopted ordmances m the same format as the Plannmg CommISSIOn had recommended. o Page 1 of 4~: Based on publIc testImony at the Heanng, the Planmng CommIsSIOn requested that staff conduct 0 addItIonal research, specIfically on the Spokane and CmcmnatI ordmances, and bnng back mformatIOn for possible future amendments to the newly adopted Yelm AEB Ordmances. On July 16,2001 the Planmng CommIsSIOn held a work-seSSIOn, to reVIew, and recommend possible amendments to the AEB Ordmances, WhICh were mcorporated mto the October 15,2001 PC PublIc Heanng drafts. On October 15,2001 the Planmng CommIsSIOn held a PublIc Heanng to consIder the amendments to the ongmaly adopted ordmance. In dIscuSSIOn wIth representatIves from the LIcensed Massage Therapy profeSSIOn, staff agreed to work further to attempt to remove the word "massage" from the Adult Entertamment Busmess ordmances. For thIS reason the PC voted to contmue the heanng to a later date. The heanng has subsequently been re-scheduled to the January 22, 2002 PC meetmg. Summary of Latest Proposed Amendments: Ordinance No. 736 - (Zomng related ordmance.) · Removed the word "massage" from the adult entertaInment parlor defirntIon and adult entertaInment parlor employee defirntIOn and replaced wIth language that IS mtended to cover the defirntIon ofhIstonc "massage parlors" wIthout usmg the word "massage." Ordinance No. 737 - (Busmess LIcense procedures.) · Removed the word "massage" from the adult entertaInment parlor defirntIOn andadult 0 entertaInment parlor employee defirntIOn as m Ordmance No 736 · Added "speCIfic anatomIcal areas" and "speCIfic sexual actIvItIes" defirntIons to SectIon 1 · Moved sub-sectIOn 1.2.1 to be combmed wIth "SectIOn 4 ExemptIons from provISIOns." The attached proposed changes have been sent (January 15) to representatIves from the LIcensed Massage Therapy profeSSIOn for theIr reVIew and comment. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Plannmg CommIsSIOn dISCUSS the proposed amendments, make any changes necessary and forward a recommendatIOn to the CIty Council for adoptIOn. Page 2 of 43 o II o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City ofYelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 736 AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Yelm, Washmgton, regulatmg adult entertamment busmesses wIthm the CIty of Yelm, Washmgton, and amendmg Chapter 17, Zomng, m the Yelm MumcIpal Code WHEREAS, the CIty of Yelm has thoughtfully and thoroughly evaluated the regulatIons necessary to the sItmg and regulatIOn of adult entertaInment busmesses, and WHEREAS. the City reco~nizes that sexually oriented businesses. due to their nature. have serious objectionable operational characteristics. particularly when they are operatin~ in close proximity to each other. thereby contributing to crime. lower property values. urban blight. downgrading ofthe quality of life in the adjacent areas. and other nuisance effects: and WHEREAS, the CIty of Yelm has determmed that the regulatIOn of the adult entertaInment mdustry IS necessary because, m the absence of such regulatIOn, sIgnIficant cnmmal actIvIty has hIstoncally and regularly occurred. ThIS hIStory of cnmmal actIvIty m the adult entertaInment mdustry has mcluded prostItutIOn, illegal employment of mmors, narcotIcs and alcoholIc beverage law vIOlatIOns, breaches of the peace, tax evaSIOn, and the presence wIthm the mdustry of mdIvIduals wIth hIdden ownersmp mterest and outstandmg arrest warrants, and WHEREAS, the prOXImIty between entertamers and patrons dunng adult entertaInment performances can facilItate sexual contact, prostItutIOn and related cnmes. Concerns about cnme and publIc sexual actIVIty are legItImate and compellmg concerns of the CIty of Yelm whIch demand reasonable regulatIOn of adult entertaInment establIshments m order to protect the publIc health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS. zoning. licensing and other police power regulations are legitimate. reasonable means to ensure that the operator of sexually oriented businesses comply with reasonable regulations designed to minimize the adverse secondary effects which may accompany the operation: and WHEREAS. the City recognizes the harmful effects to children and minors exposed to the effects of such businesses and the importance of locating such businesses to preclude children walking through or visiting in the immediate neighborhood of such businesses: and WHEREAS. the City finds there would be a deterioration in the quality of businesses. which choose to operate in and around such sexually oriented businesses: and City ofYelm Ord. 736 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond Page 3 of 43, "' Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o WHEREAS. the City desires to minimize and control these adverse secondary effects and thereby protect the health. safety and welfare of the citizens: to abate the nuisance effects of sexually oriented businesses: to protect the citizens from increased crime: to preserve the quality of life: to preserve the property values and the character of surrounding neighborhoods and businesses: and to protect against the threat to health from the spread of communicable and social diseases: and WHEREAS. the experiences of other states and cities demonstrate that reasonable restrictions on sexually oriented businesses are beneficial and necessary as a means of reducing and curtailing deleterious secondary effects of adult-oriented establishments and sexually oriented businesses. including crime. and specifically. sex-related crime. noise. traffic congestion. police response time and efforts. parking problems. sexual disease. and discarded pornographic material on neighboring properties: and WHEREAS, It IS not the mtent of thIS ordmance to suppress or censor any expreSSIve actIVItIes protected by the FIrst Amendment of the Uruted States ConstItutIon or ArtIcle 1, SectIon 5 of the Washmgton State ConstItutIOn, but rather to enact tIme, place and manner regulatIOns whIch address the compellmg mterests of the CIty m mItIgatmg the secondary effects of adult entertamment busmesses, o NOW, THEREFORE, be It ordamed by the CIty Council of the CIty of Yelm, as follows SectIon 1. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSES 1 1 DefirutIOns. Wherever the followmg words and terms appear m thIS chapter, they shall have the followmg mearungs 1 liThe term "Adult Entertamment Busmess" shall mclude all adult onented busmesses mcludmg adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult VIdeo stores, and SImilar adult uses, nlassage adult entertainment parlors and adult lIve entertaInment centers. 1 1.2 "Massage "Adult entertainment parlor" means a place m the mcorporated area of the CIty where massages 01 like treatments arc sexually stimulating touching is performed upon the body of one person by another person, nude modeling studios or where sauna baths, TurkIsh baths, SwedIsh baths or the like are made available to members of the publIc. 1 1.3 "MMsage "Adult entertainment parlor employee" means any person City ofYelm Ord. 736 ds/shelly laebcorrespond Page 4 of 43 o II' o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No. 736 City otYelm January 15, 2002 Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments RE employed by an adult entertainment parlor, including any person who performs sexually stimulating treatments who gI v es massages to, or attends, m any other way upon, patrons of an lllassage adult entertainment parlor, or who supervIses the work of such a person. 1 1 4 "Adult Arcade" shall mean a busmess where, for any form of consIderatIOn, one or more still or motlon pIcture projectors, slIde projectors, or sImIlar machmes, or other Image producmg machmes, for vlewmg by five or fewer persons each, are used to show films, motlon pIctures, VIdeo cassettes, slIdes, VIdeo dIsks or other photographIc reproductIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptIOn of "SpeCIfic Sexual ActIvItIes" or "SpeCIfic AnatomIcal Areas." 1 1.5 "Adult Bookstore", "Adult Novelty Store", or "Adult Video Store" shall mean a commercIal busmess whIch has as one of ItS pnnclpal busmess purposes the offenng for sale or rental for some form of consIderatIOn, books, magazmes, penodlcals or other pnnted matter, or photographs, films, motIon pIctures, VIdeo cassettes, slIdes, VIdeo dIsks or other vIsual representatIOns WhICh are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptIOn of specIfic sexual actIvItIes or specIfic anatomIcal areas. ProvIded, however, that VIdeo stores that sell and/or rent only VIdeo tapes or other graphIc reproductIOns and assOCIated eqUIpment shall only come wlthm the defimtIon set forth herem Iftwenty percent or more of ItS stock m trade or revenue comes from the rental or sale of VIdeo tapes or other photographIc reproductIOns or assOCIated eqUIpment whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIon or descnptIOn of specIfic sexual actIvItIes or specIfic anatomIcal areas. 1 1 6 "SpeCIfic anatomIcal areas" means. (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, pubIC regIOn, buttocks and the female breasts below a pomt ImmedIately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gemtals m a dIscernibly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered. 1 1 7 "SpeCIfic sexual actIvItIes" means (a) Human gemtals m a state of sexual stImulatIon, and/or (b) Acts of human masturbatIon, sexual mtercourse or sodomy; and/or CllyofYelmOrd.736 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond Page 5 of43 ' I-L____ Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o (c) Fondhng or other erotIc touchmg of human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks or the female breasts. I I 8 "Adult hve entertamment center" means a busmess havmg, as parts of Its trade, hve dancers or entertamers who depIct specIfic sexual actIvItIes or dIsplay specIfic anatomIcal areas as defined herem, mcluded, but not hmIted to, topless dance centers, so-called exotIc dance centers and body pamtmg StudIOS. 1 1 9 "Employee" means any and all persons, mcludmg entertamers, who work m or at or render any servIces dIrectly related to the operatIOn of any adult hve entertaInment center I 1 10 "Entertamer" means any person who provIdes entertaInment wIthm an adult hve entertaInment center as defined m thIS sectIOn whether or not a fee IS charged or accepted for such entertaInment. I 1 11 "EntertaInment" means any exhibItIon or dance of any type, removal of artIcles of clothmg, pantomIme, modelmg or any other performance. 1 1 12 "Operator" means any person operatmg, conductmg or mamtammg an adult hve entertaInment center o 1.2 Adult entertaInment busmesses claSSIfied and permItted. 1.2 I Adult entertaInment busmesses falhng under the defimtIon of adult bookstore, adult novelty store, adult VIdeo store or SImIlar adult uses shall be permItted m speCIfic zones and under speCIfic standards IdentIfied m SectIon 1 4 through a SIte plan ICvle~ special use permit process as reqUIred by Yelm MumcIpal Code Chapter t9-84 17.66 1.2.2 Adult arcades, massage adult entertainment parlors and adult hve entertaInment centers shall be permItted m certam zones and under condItIons IdentIfied under SectIon 1 4 through a speCIal use permIt process as IdentIfied under Yelm MumcIpal Code Chapter 17 66 1.3 Adult entertaInment busmesses permItted m certam land use zones sublect to certam restnctIons and standards. 1.3 I Adult entertaInment busmesses falhng under the defimtIons of adult City of Yelm Ord. 736 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond Page 6 of 43 o II l o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No. 736 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult vIdeo stores or other sImilar adult uses ' may be permItted m the followmg zones subject to the standards and reqUIrements of SectIOn 1 4 and spacmg reqUIrements IdentIfied below' (a) Land use zones permItted. 1. Heavy CommercIal Zone C-2, 11 Large Lot CommercIal C- 3, 111. lndustnal, and IV LIght lndustnal. (b) Spacmg and buffenng reqUIrements 1. No such adult entertamment busmess shall be located closer than three hundred thIrty feet from another adult entertamment busmess, whether such other busmess IS located wIthm 'or outsIde the CIty lImIts, No such adult entertamment busmess shall be located closer than three hundred thIrty feet from any sensItIve land use or land use zone IdentIfied m SectIOn 1.5, whether such zone or use IS located wIthm or outsIde the CIty lImIts. 11. (c) General standards. All the standards of SectIon 1 4 shall apply 1.3.2 Adult arcades, massage adult entertainment parlors and adult lIve entertamment centers shall be permItted m the followmg zones subject to the standards and reqUIrements of SectIOn 1 4 and the spacmg and buffenng reqUIrements IdentIfied below' (a) Land use zones permItted. LIght lndustnal and lndustnal. (b) Spacmg and buffenng reqUIrements. 1. No adult arcade, 111aSSage adult entertainment parlor or adult lIve entertamment center shall be located closer than SIX hundred SIXty feet from another adult arcade, massage adult entertainment parlor or adult lIve entertamment center or closer than three hundred thIrty feet from any other adult: entertamment busmess, whether such other busmess IS located wIthm or outsIde the CIty lImIts. City of Yelm Ord. 736 ds/shell y / aebcorrespond , , Page 7 of43; Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o 11. No adult arcade, mM~ag(, adult entertainment parlor or adult lIve entertamment center shall be located closer than SIX hundred SIXty feet from any sensItIve land use or land use zone IdentIfied m SectIOn I 5, whether such zone or use IS located wlthm or outSIde the CIty lImIts. ( c) General standards. All standards of SectIOn I 4 shall apply I 4 General standards for adult entertamment busmesses. Adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult VIdeo stores and SImilar uses, ma~~ag(, adult entertainment parlors and adult lIve entertamment centers shall conform to the followmg general standards. I 4 I All on-sIte parkmg areas and premIse entnes of adult entertaInment uses shall be illummated from dusk until one hour past closmg hours of operatIon WIth a lIghtIng system whIch prOVIdes an average mamtamed honzontal illummatIOn of one foot candle of lIght on the parkmg stnps and/or walkways. An on-premIse extenor lIghtmg plan shall be presented to and approved by the Department of Commuruty Development pnor to the operatIoniof any such 0 use. I 4.2 All parkmg must be VIsible from the frontmg street. Access to the extenor rear of the buildmg shall be demed to any persons other than employees or publIc offiCIals dunng the performance of theIr respectIve dutIes and tasks by means of fencmg as approved by the Department of Commumty Development. I 4.3 In addItIOn to all on-premIse SIgn reqUIrements of Yelm Mumclpal Code Chapter 15.24, the followmg sIgnmg proVISIOns shall be followed. (a) There shall be no electromc reader boards or changmg message center SIgnS, (b) All adult entertamment busmesses shall have facades, extenors, and eXIts whIch must be mdlstmgUIshable from surroundmg bUIldmgs. IllustratIOns deplctmg partIally or totally nude males and/or females shall not be posted or pamted on any extenor wall of the bUIldmg used for such busmesses or on any door or apparatus attached to such bUIldmg. City of Yelm Ord. 736 ds/shelly laebcorrespond Page 8 of 43 o II' c o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments 1 44 All standards of the underlymg zone 1 4.5 Reasonable condItIons necessary to properly mItIgate bona fide secondary Impacts IdentIfied dunng the specIal use permIt reVIew process. 1 46 All adult entertamment busmesses shall be reqUIred to comply wIth the reqUIrements of Chapter 17 of the Yelm MUnICIpal Code to promote compatibilIty wIth surroundmg land uses m both commercIal and the lIght mdustnal zones. 1.4.7 A Pre-Submission Conference will be scheduled with the Community Development Department. to assist the applicant in meeting the regulations and provisions of this ordinance. as well as the Yelm Municipal Code. 1.4.8 No alteration of the configuration of the interior of the adult. entertainment business or enlargement of the floor space occupied by the premises may be made after obtaining a license. without the prior approval of the Community Development Department. Approval for said enlargement may only be granted if the premises and proposed enlargement first meet the qualifications and requirements of the Yelm Municipal Code. or other applicable statutes or laws. 1.5 SenSItIve land uses. The followmg uses, propertIes and zones are consIdered senSItIve- as referenced m SectIOns 1.3 1 and 1.3.2. 1.5 1 All Public Facilities: PIoperty used f'OI publIc and pI 1 v ate schools, including public and private schools. parks. libraries. etc.: 1.5.2 PIoperty used fOl publIc paIks, 1.5 J Pwpcrty used fot pubhe 1iblancs, 1.5.24 Property used for state-certIfied day care, 1.5.35 Property used for communIty teen centers, 1.5.46 Property used for churches, cemetenes or other relIgIOUS facilItIes or mstItutIOns, City ofYelm Ord. 736 ds/shelly I aebcolTespond Page 9 of 43 ' Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No. 736 City otVelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o 1.5.51 Property used for resIdential and lodgmg uses and property zoned pnmarily for resIdential uses, mcludmg R-4, R-6 and R-14 zones, 1.5.6tt Property used for orgamzatIOns, aSSOCIatIOns, facilIties and busmesses whIch provIde, as a substantial portIOn of theIr activIties, functIOn or busmess, the provlSlon of servIces to children and/or youth, so that the premIses of the orgamzatIOn, faCIlIty or bus mess would have chIldren and youth m attendance or at the location dunng a predommant portIon of the operational hours of an adult entertamment facilIty; 1 6 Measunng reqUIred dIstances. The dIstances between adult entertaInment busmesses and senSItive land uses Identified m Section 1.5 shall be measured by followmg a straIght Ime WIthout regard to mtervemng bUIldmgs from the nearest pomt of the property parcel upon WhICh the proposed use IS to be located to the nearest pomt of the parcel of property or the zone claSSIficatIOn boundary Ime from WhICh the proposed land use IS to be separated. I 7 WaIver of dIstance reqUIrements. The followmg procedures and cntena shall be adhered to WIth regard to a request for WaIver of dIstance reqUIrements. o I 7 I DIstance WaIver reqUIred. Any party proposmg to locate an adult entertaInment busmess wlthm less than the reqUIred dIstances from uses or zones as specIfied m thIS ordmance may do so only after obtammg a Waiver therefor from the CIty council through a specIal use permIt process. I 7 .2 Waiver notice reqUIrements. In addItIOn to the notice reqUIrements for specIal use permIts, first class mailIng notIce shall be made to all partIes wlthm the dIstance set forth m SectIOns 1.3 I and 1.3.2, dependmg upon the use m questIOn. The applIcant shall prOVIde the names and addresses of all property owners and busmesses wlthm SaId dIstances from the proposed use. I 7.3 Cntena for deCISIOn. The final deCISIOn on the request for WaIver of dIstance shall be made by the CIty council based on conSIderation of the followmg: (a) The extent to whIch the phYSIcal features would result m an effective separatIOn m terms of VIsibIlIty and access; (b) CompatibilIty WIth adjacent and surroundmg land uses, ( c) AbIlIty to aVOId the adult entertamment bus mess by alternative vehIcular and pedestnan routes. City ofYelm Ord. 736 ds/shelly laebcorrespond Page 10 of 43 o II o o o Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No 736 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments 1 8 Adult entertamment busmesses forbIdden m other zones. Adult arcades, adult' bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult vIdeo stores, and sImIlar adult uses, massage adult entertainment parlors and adult lIve entertamment centers shall be lImIted to the zones specIfied for such uses m SectIOns 1.3 I and 1.3.2 and shall be forbIdden m all other zones wIthm the CIty ofYelm. I 9 This ordinance does not prohibit: (a) Plays. operas. musicals. or other dramatic works that are not obscene: or Classes. seminars and lectures which are held for serious scientific or educational purposes and which are not obscene: or Exhibitions. performances. expressions or dances that are not obscene. The exemptions in subsection 1.9 of this section do not apply to sexual conduct dermed in Section 1.1 of this ordinance or the sexual conduct described in RCW 48A.OI0 (20 (b) (ii) and (iii). Whether or not activity is obscene shall be judged by consideration of the standards set forth in RCW 7.48.010 (2). (b) (c) (d) I 10 Adult entertamment busmesses effect on other laws. ProvIsIOns of thIS chapter shall, not have the effect of authonzmg any aCtIvItIes prohibIted by state law or other provIsIOns of thIS code. SectIOn 2. SeverabIlIty If any provIsIOns of thIS ordmance or ItS applIcatIOn to any person or cIrcumstances IS held mvalId, the remamder of the ordmance or the applIcatIOn of the provIsIOns to other persons or CIrcumstances IS not affected. SectIOn 3. EffectIve Date. ThIs ordmance shall become effectIve five days followmg ItS passage and publIcatIOn as reqUIred by law PASSED by the CouncIl of the CIty of Yelm, Washmgton, at Its regular meetmg on the 2 Th day of June, 2001 CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON Adam RIvas, Mayor City o[Yelm Ord. 736 ds/shell y /aebcorrespond Page 11 of43: L Exhibit 1 - Ordinance No. 736 City of Yelm January 15. 2002 AuthentIcated. Agnes P BennIck, CIty Clerk PUBLISHED Nisqually Valley News, July 6, 2001 EFFECTIVE. July 10, 2001 Approved as to form. Attorney' Brent Dille Owens DavIes MackIe City ofYelm Ord. 736 dslshellylaebcorrespond RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o o o 1\ Page 12 of 43 o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 737 AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Yelm, Washmgton, regulatmg adult entertamment busmesses wIthm the City ofYelm, Washmgton, and amendmg Chapter 5, Busmess LIcenses and RegulatIOns, Yelm MumcIpal Code. WHEREAS, the CIty of Yelm has thoughtfully and thoroughly evaluated the regulatIOns necessary to the sItmg and regulatIOn of adult entertamment busmesses, and WHEREAS. the City recognizes that sexually oriented businesses. due to their nature. have serious objectionable operational characteristics. particularly when they are operating in close proximity to each other. thereby contributing to crime. lower property values. urban blight. downgrading ofthe quality of life in the adjacent areas. and other nuisance effects: and WHEREAS, the CIty has determmed that the regulatIOn ofthe adult entertamment mdustry IS necessary because, m the absence of such regulatIOn, sIgmficant cnmmal actIvIty has hIstoncally and regularly occurred. ThIS hIStory of cnmmal actIvIty m the adult entertamment mdustry has mcluded prostItutIOn, illegal employment of mmors, narcotIcs and alcohohc beverage law VIOlatIOns, breaches of the peace, tax evaSIOn, and the presence wIthm the mdustry of mdIVIduals WIth hIdden ownershIp' mterest and outstandmg arrest warrants, and WHEREAS, the proXImIty between entertamers and patrons dunng adult entertamment performances can facIhtate sexual contact, prostItutIOn and related cnmes. Concerns about cnme and publIc sexual actIvIty are legItImate and compellmg concerns of the CIty of Yelm whIch demand reasonable regulatIOn of adult entertamment busmesses m order to protect the pubhc health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS. concern over sexually transmitted diseases. including HIV / AIDS. is a legitimate and serious health concern of the City which demands reasonable regulations of sexually oriented businesses in order to protect the health. safety and well being ofthe citizens: and WHEREAS. zoning. licensing and other police power regulations are legitimate. reasonable means to ensure that the operator of sexually oriented businesses comply with reasonable regulations designed to minimize the adverse secondary effects which may CIty ofYclmOrd. 737 Page 13 of 43 : dslshelly /aebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o accompany the operation: and WHEREAS. the City recognizes the harmful effects to children and minors exposed to the effects of such businesses and the importance of locating such businesses to preclude children walking through or visiting in the immediate neighborhood of such businesses: and WHEREAS. the City fmds there would be a deterioration in the quality of businesses which choose to operate in and around such sexually oriented businesses: and WHEREAS. the City desires to minimize and control these adverse secondary effects and thereby protect the health. safety and welfare of the citizens: to abate the nuisance effects of sexually oriented businesses: to protect the citizens from increased crime: to preserve the quality of life: to preserve the property values and the character of surrounding neighborhoods and businesses: and to protect against the threat to health from the spread of communicable and social diseases: and WHEREAS. the City has determined that location criteria alone does not adequately protect health. safety and general welfare ofthe people ofYelm. and thus certain requirements with respect to the ownership and operation of sexually oriented businesses is in the public interest: and o WHEREAS. the experiences of other states and cities demonstrate that reasonable restrictions on sexually oriented businesses are beneficial and necessary as a means of reducing and curtailing deleterious secondary effects of adult-oriented businesses and sexually oriented businesses. including crime. and specifically. sex-related crime. noise. traffic congestion. police response time and efforts. parking problems. sexual disease. and discarded pornographic material on neighboring properties: and WHEREAS, the CIty of Yelm finds It IS necessary to hcense entertamers m the adult entertamment mdustry to prevent the explOItatIon of mmors, to ensure such entertamer IS an adult and to ensure that such entertamers have not assumed a false name, whIch would make regulatIOn of the entertamer dIfficult or Impossible; and WHEREAS, the City ofYelm finds It necessary to have a hcensed manager on the premIses of busmesses offenng adult entertamment at such tIme and such busmesses are offenng adult entertamment so that at all necessary tImes there wIll be an mdlvldual responsible for the overall CIty of Yelm Ord. 737 Page 14 of 43 ds/she11y /aebcorrespond o II I o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City otYelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments operatIOn of the adult entertaInment busmess, mcludmg the actions of patrons, entertamers and other employees, and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm finds It necessary to establIsh lIcense fees as nommal fees Imposed as regulatory measures deSIgned to help defray the substantial expense mcurred by the City ofYelm m regulatmg the adult entertaInment mdustry; and WHEREAS, the CIty ofYelm has determmed that hIdden ownershIp mterest for the purposes of skunmmg profits and aVOIdmg the payment of taxes have hIstoncally occurred m the adult entertaInment mdustry m the absence of regulatIOn. These hIdden ownershIp mterests have lustoncally been held by orgamzed and whIte collar cnme elements. In order for the CIty to effectively protect the publIc health, safety, morals and general welfare of ItS CItizens and effectively allocate ItS law enforcement resources, It IS Important that the City be fully appnzed of the actual ownershIp of adult entertaInment busmesses, and the Identities and backgrounds of persons responsible for management and control of the adult entertaInment busmess, and WHEREAS, It IS not the mtent of thIS ordmance to suppress or censor any expreSSIve actiVIties protected by the FIrst Amendment of the Umted States ConstitutIOn or Article 1, SectIOn 5 of the Washmgton State ConstitutIOn, but rather to enact time, place and manner regulatIOns whIch address the compellmg mterests of the CIty m mItIgatmg the secondary effects of adult entertaInment busmesses, NOW, THEREFORE, be It ordamed by the City Council of the CIty ofYelm, as follows SectIOn 1 MASSAGE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PARLORS AND EMPLOYEES 1 1 DefimtIOns. Wherever the followmg words and terms appear m thIS chapter, they shall have the followmg meamngs. III "MM5agc "Adult entertainment parlor" means a place m the mcorporated area of the CIty where nla55agc5 01 likc ttcatmCl1t5 alC sexually stimulating: touching is performed upon the body of one person by another person, nude modeling studios or where sauna baths, TurkIsh baths, Swedish baths or the, like are made aVaIlable to members of the publIc 1 1.2 "Ma55agc "Adult entertainment parlor employee" means any person CIty ot'Yelm Ord. 737 , , Page 15 of 43 : ds/ shelly/ aebcorrespond 1.. Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o employed by an adult entertainment parlor; including any person who performs sexually stimulating treatments who gIvG1> ma1>1>agc1> to, or attcnd1> m any other way upon, patrons of an mMsagc adult entertainment parlor, or who supervIses the work.of such a person. 1.1 . 3 "Specific anatomical areas" means. (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals. pubic region. buttocks and the female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state. even if completely and opaquely covered. 1.1.4 "Specific sexual activities" means: (a) (b) (c) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation; and/or Acts of human masturbation. sexual intercourse or sodomy. and/or Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals. pubic region. buttocks or the female breasts. o 1.2 ExemptIOns to chapter apphcabihty The provIsIOns of thIS sectIon shall,not apply to massages performed or baths proVIded m any hospItal or at the athletIc department of any publIc or pnvate secondary school or college, or by any person who has been certIfied or lIcensed by the state ofWashmgton to practIce medIcme, surgery, drugless therapy, phYSIcal therapy, massage, osteopathy, osteopathy and surgery, chIropractIc, podIatry, or nursmg. 1.2.1 This 01 dinance does not pi ohibit. (a) Plays. opeIas. musicals. 01 othel dUnIatic "vOl ks that ~ll e not obscene. 01 (b) Classes. seminal sand lectm es which al e held fOI sel ious scientific 01 educational pm poses and 'W hich al e not obscene; 01 (c) Exhibitions. pel f.Ol mances. expl essions 01 dances that al e not obscene. (d) The exemptions in subsection 4.1 of tbis section do not apply to CIty ol'Yelm Ord. 737 Page 16 of43 dsl she lly laebcorrespond o II' o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments sexual c.onduct defined in Sections 1.1. 2.1 and J.1 of this 01 dinance 01 the sexual conduct desCl ibed in RCVl 48A.01 0 (20 (b) (ii) and (ill). '..'lhethel 01 not acthit} is obsc.ene shaH be judged by consideution of the standalds set rOI th in RCV.' 7.48.010 (2). 1.3 LIcensmg of Busmess. 1.3 1 No person, firm, partnershIp, corporatIOn, or other entity shall operate an aduU entertainment parlor, adult aIcadc, adult boobt01C, adult novelty stOIC 01 adult vIdeo stOIC WIthout first obtammg a hcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter 1.3.2 ApphcatIons for such bus messes shall be made to the CIty Clerk/Treasurer 1.3.3 Such apphcatIOns shall be venfied and provIde the same mformatIon as that reqUired for an adult hve entertaInment center hcensed as set forth m SectIOn 34 1.3 4 ApphcatIOns shall be accompamed by a non refundable fee as set by resolutIOn ofthe City Council, however, until such fee IS set by such a resolutIOn, the fee shall be $500 1.3.5 An apphcatIOn for such a hcense shall be processed and eIther granted or demed m the manner set forth m Sections 3 4.5 and 3 4 6 1.3 6 LIcenses granted pursuant to thIS chapter shall expIre on December 31, of the year for whIch such hcenses IS Issued or renewed. 1.3 7 Such lIcense may be renewed by submIttmg a new applIcatIOn and followmg, the apphcatIOn procedure referenced herem, provIded, that a renewal apphcatIOn shall not be submItted pnor to September 1, for the followmg: calendar year 1 4 LIcensmg of Employees. An apphcatIOn for such a hcense shall be processed and eIther granted or demed m the manner set forth m Section 3 5 City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 17 of43: , ds/shelly laebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City otVelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o 1.5 Revocation of LIcense. RevocatIOn of a massage. adult entertainment parlor hcense or employee hcense shall be set forth m the manner described m SectIOn 3 6 1 6 InspectIOns. The premIses of all massage adult entertainment parlors shall be mamtamed m a safe and samtary manner An apphcant for a hcense called for herem shall be consIdered to consent as a condItIOn of receIVmg such hcense to mspectIOn by the ChIef ofPohce or the Buildmg OfficIal or theIr deSIgnees dunng hours when such busmesses are open. The purpose of such mspectIon shall be to detenmne If the hcensed premIses IS operated m accordance wIth the reqUIrements of thIS chapter It IS hereby expressly declared that unannounced mspectIons are necessary to ensure comphance wIth thIS chapter 1 7 Hours of operatIOn. All nlassage. adult entertainment parlors shall be closed, and all servIces performed therem dIscontmued, between the hours of 12.30 a.m. and 8-'00 10:00 a.m. 1 8 PremIses-- LIquor prohibIted. LIquor (as that term IS defined m the Washmgton State Alcohohc Beverage Control Act) shall not be dIstributed or consumed on the premIses of any massage. adult entertainment parlor o 1 9 ViolatIOn deemed a pubhc nUIsance. Any actIVIty, act or conduct contrary to the prOVISIons of thIS chapter IS declared to be unlawful and a pubhc nUIsance and such actiVIty, act or conduct may be enJomed by an actIOn brought by the CIty Attorney or other mterested person. 1 10 ViolatIOn deemed a mIsdemeanor Any person, firm or corporatIOn vI01atmg any provIsIon of thIS chapter shall be guilty of a mIsdemeanor and each such person, firm or corporatIOn shall be deemed guIlty of a separate offense for each and every day dunng whIch any VIOlatIOn IS commItted, contmued or permItted. No person shall be deemed guIlty of any VIOlatIOn of thIS chapter If actmg m an mvestIgatIve capacIty pursuant to the request or order of the Pohce ChIef, CIty Attorney or duly appomted agent of eIther SectIOn 2 ADULT BUSINESSES 2 1 DefimtIons. CityofYclmOrd.737 Page 18 of43 ds/ shelly /aebcorrespond o II o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City ofYelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments 2.1 1 "Adult Arcade" shall mean a busmess where, for any form of consIderatIOn, one or more still or motIOn pIcture proJectors, slIde projectors, or SImIlar machmes, or other Image producmg machmes, for vlewmg by five or fewer persons each, are used to show films, motIon pIctures, vIdeo cassettes, shdes, vIdeo dIsks or other photographIc reproductIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIon or descnptIon of "SpecIfic Sexual ActIVItIes" or "SpecIfic AnatomIcal Areas." 2.1.2 "Adult Bookstore", "Adult Novelty Store", or "Adult Video Store" shall mean a commerCIal busmess whIch has as one of ItS pnnclpal busmess purposes the offenng for sale or rental for some form of consIderatIOn, books, magazmes, penodlcals or other pnnted matter, or photographs, films, motIOn pIctures, vIdeo cassettes, shdes, vIdeo dIsks or other vIsual representatIOns whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptIOn of specIfic sexual actIVItIes or specIfic anatomIcal areas. ProVIded, however, that vIdeo stores that sell and/or rent only VIdeo tapes or other graphIC reproductIons and assocIated eqUIpment shall only come wlthm the defimtIon set forth herem If twenty percent or more of ItS stock m trade or revenue comes from the rental or sale of VIdeo tapes or other photographIc reproductIOns or aSSOCIated eqUIpment whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptIOn of specIfic sexual actIVItIes or specIfic anatomIcal areas. 2 1.3 "SpeCIfic anatomIcal areas" means (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, PUbIC regIOn, buttocks and the female breasts below a pomt ImmedIately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gemtals m a dIscernibly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered. 2.1 4 "SpeCIfic sexual actIVItIes" means (a) Human gemtals m a state of sexual stImulatIon, and/or (b) Acts of human masturbatIOn, sexual mtercourse or sodomy; and/or (c) Fondhng or other erotIc touchmg of human gemtals, PUbIC regIon, buttocks or the female breasts. CityofYelmOrd.737 Page19of43: ds/shell y laebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City ofVelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o 2.2 Llcensmg of Busmess. 2.2.1 No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall operate an adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult Video store Without first obtammg a license issued pursuant to thiS chapter 2.2.2 ApplicatIOns for such busmesses shall be made to the City Clerk/Treasurer 2.2.3 Such applicatIOns shall be venfied and provide the same mformatIon as that reqUired for an adult live entertamment center licensed as set forth m Section 34 2.2.4 ApplicatIOns shall be accompamed by a non refundable fee as set by resolutIOn of the City Council, however, until such fee IS set by such a resolutIOn, the fee shall be $500 2.2.5 An applicatIOn for such a license shall be processed and eIther granted or demed m the manner set forth m Sections 3 4 5 and 3 4 6 2.2.6 Licenses granted pursuant to thIS chapter shall expIre on December 31, of the year for which such licenses IS issued or renewed. o 2.2.7 Such license may be renewed by submlttmg a new applicatIOn and followmg the applicatIOn procedure referenced herem, provIded, that a renewal application shall not be submItted pnor to September 1, for the followmg calendar year 2.3 Regulations relatmg to on-premIse viewmg. 2.3 1 Any adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult VIdeo store havmg facilities for customers' vlewmg of depIctIOns of human nudIty and/or sexual conduct of any nature, mcludmg depIctions of speCIfic sexual actiVIties, shall comply WIth the followmg regulations ( a) ConstructIOn/Mamtenance' City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 20 of 43 ds/she11y laebcorrespond o Ii o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City ofYelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments 1. All vIcwmg booths shall bc construct cd or rcconstructed so that thc IntCIlOl ofthc vICWIng booth IS obsCI v able by pCIsons In thc aIsles or odicr opcn arcas ofthc bUSIncSS such that thc lowCI thIrtY-SIX 111.::hcs of tLc doOl 15 opcn to publrc vlCW Adult Arcade Entertainment Business Premises. All adult arcade stations or booths must open to the public room so that the area and occupant inside the booths are fully and completely visible by direct line of sight to the manager located at the managers station which shall be located in the main entrance way to the public room containing the arcade stations or booths. No curtain. door. wall. merchandise. display rack. or other non-transparent enclosure. material. or application may obscure in any way the managers view of any portion of the activity or occupant of the adult arcade station or booth. or the performance area. All such areas shall be maIntaIned In a clean and samtary condItron at all trmes. All ventilation devices or openings between adult arcade booths must be covered by a permanently affixed louver or screen. Any portion of a ventilation opening cover may not be located more than one foot below the top of the booth walls or one foot from the bottom of booth walls. There may not be any other holes or openings between the booths. n. Hi (b) SIgnS CityofYelmOrd.737 ds/ shelly /aebcorrespond 1. SIgns shall bc coIisprcuously postcd on the prCIl'lISCS advrsmg customers USIng vlewmg booths diaL There must be permanently posted and maintained in at least two, conspicuous locations on the interior of all adult arcadle premises a sign stating substantially the following: (1) NO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO OCCUpy A VIEWING BOOTH AT ANY TIME. Page 21 of 43 : h Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o (2) OCCUPANCY OF ANYSTATIONORBOOTHIS AT ALL TIMES LIMITED TO ONE PERSON. (3) THERE MAY BE NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY IN THE STATIONS. BOOTHS. OR ON THE PREMISES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONDUCT (RCW 9.68A.Oll). ACTS OF LEWDNESS (YMC 9.16). INDECENT EXPOSURE. PROSTITUTION. DRUG ACTIVITY. OR SEXUAL CONDUCT. AS DEFINED HEREIN. (4) VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. (1) MasturbatIOn In such booths IS prohibItcd ar.d unlawful. (2) That It IS unlawful for mOlC than onc customcI to occupy a vlCWIng booth at any tIme. ii. Each sign must be conspicuously posted and not screened from the patrons view. The letters and numerals must be on a contrasting background and be no smaller than one inch in height. o (c) Lighting. Sufficient lighting must be provided and equally distributed throughout the public areas of the adult entertainment business so that all objects are plainly visible at all times. A minimum lighting level of30 lux horizontal. measured at 30 inches from the floor and on 10-foot centers is required for all areas of the adult entertainment business where members ofthe public are permitted. (d) Unlawful Conduct: The followmg conduct or actIvIty IS unlawful CityofYelmOrd.737 ds/shell y laebcorrespond II, 1. MasturbatIOn m vIewmg booths. 11 Two or more customers m a vIewmg booth at the same tIme. 111. The use of such booths by any person under the age of eIghteen years. Page 22 of 43 o o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments IV For the owner or manager to know1Ogly allow the above, conduct. 2 4 RegulatIOns apphcable to vIdeo stores not quahfy10g as adult VIdeo stores. Video stores that sell or otherwIse dIstribute films, motIon pIctures, VIdeo cassettes, shdes, VIdeo dIsks or other vIsual representatIons whIch are charactenzed by the depIctIOn or descnptIon of specIfic sexual actIvItIes or specIfic anatomIcal areas, and less than twenty percent oftheu stock -1O-trade or revenues comes from the rental or sale of such Items shall be subject to the follow1Og regulatIOns. 2.4 I All such Items as are described above shall be phYSIcally segregated and closed off from other portIOns of the store such that these Items are not vIsible and/or accessible from other portIOns of the store 2.4.2 No advertIs10g for such Items shall be posted or otherwIse vIsible. Except where such Items are authonzed for dIsplay 2.4.3 SIgnS readable at a dIstance of twenty feet 10 both Enghsh and Spamsh shall be posted atthe entrance to the area where such Items are dIsplayed stat10g that persons under the age of eIghteen are not allowed access to the area where such Items are dIsplayed. 2 4 4 The manager or attendant shall take reasonable steps to momtor the area where such Items are dIsplayed to ensure that persons under eIghteen years of age do not access the age-restncted area. 2.4 5 Rental or sale of obscene matenal (as defined by state law) or matenal harmful to m100rs (as defined by state law) to persons under eIghteen years of age IS prohibIted. 2.4 6 Employees of such VIdeo stores shall check IdentIficatIon to ensure that such Items are not rented or sold to persons under the age of eIghteen. 2.5 RevocatIOn ofhcense The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall revoke a lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter If the Clerk/Treasurer finds any of the follow1Og condItIons to eXIst: City o[Yelm Ord. 737 Page 23 of 43 : ds/shell y laebcorrespond L. Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o 2.5 1 The hcensee has made a false statement or gIVen false mformatton m connectIOn with the apphcatton for the apphcable hcense 25.2 The hcensee has violated or permitted vIOlatIOn of any provIsIOns of thiS chapter 2.5.3 The hcensee has been convicted of or forfeited ball to any of the cnmes which would have caused the city to refuse to Issue the hcense upon the mlttal or renewal apphcatIOn. Appeal from either the demal of a hcense or the revocatIOn of a hcense shall be made to the City council provided for m Yelm Mumclpal Code, 15 49 160 2.6 InspectIOns. An apphcant for a hcense called for herem shall be considered to consent as a condltton of recelvmg such hcense to mspectton by the Chief of Pohce, City Clerk/Treasurer or the Buildmg Official or theIr designees dunng hours when such busmesses are open. The purpose of such mspectIOn shall be to determme If the hcensed premises IS operated m accordance with the reqUIrements of thiS chapter It IS hereby expressly declared that unannounced mspecttons are necessary to ensure comphance with thiS chapter o 2.7 Hours of operatIOn. Busmesses hcensed pursuant to thiS chapter shall be closed between 12.30 a.m. and &--Be-10:OO a.m. 2.8 Violatton deemed a pubhc nUIsance Any acttvlty, act or conduct contrary to the provIsIOns of thiS chapter IS declared to be unlawful and a pubhc nUIsance and such acttvlty, act or conduct may be enJomed by an actIOn brought by the City Attorney or other mterested person. 2.9 ViolatIOn deemed a misdemeanor Any person, firm or corporatton vIOlatmg any prOVISIOn of this chapter shall be gUilty of a misdemeanor and each such person, firm or corporatIOn shall be deemed gUIlty of a separate offense for each and every day dunng which any vIOlatton IS committed, contmued or permitted. No person shall be deemed guIlty of any VIOlatIOn of thiS chapter If actmg m an mvesttgattve capacity pursuant to the request or order of the Pohce Chief, City Attorney or duly appomted agent of either CityofYelmOrd.737 Page 24 of 43 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond o II c o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City ofYelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments SectIon 3. ADULT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS. 3 1 DefimtIOns. The followmg words and phrases shall have the followmg meanmgs for purposes of thIS chapter 3 1 1 "Adult hve entertamment center" means a busmess havmg, as parts of ItS trade, hve dancers or entertamers who depIct specIfic sexual actIvItIes or dIsplay speCIfic anatomIcal areas as defined herem, mcluded, but not lImIted to, topless dance centers, so-called exotIc dance centers and body pamtmg StudIOS. 3 1.2 "Employee" means any and all persons, mcludmg entertamers, who work m or at or render any servIces dIrectly related to the operatIOn of any adult lIve entertamment center 3 1.3 "Entertamer" means any person who prOVIdes entertamment wlthm an adult hve entertaInment center as defined m thIS sectIOn whether or not a fee IS charged or accepted for such entertaInment. 3 1 4 "EntertaInment" means any exhibItIon or dance of any type, removal of artIcles of clothmg, pantomIme, modelmg or any other performance. 3 1.5 "Operator" means any person operatmg, conductmg or mamtammg an adult lIve entertaInment center 3 1 6 "SpeCIfic anatomIcal areas" means (a) Less than completely and opaquely covered human gemtals, pubIC regIOn, buttocks and female breasts below a pomt ImmedIately above the top of the areola. (b) Human male gemtals m a dIscernibly turgId state, even If completely and opaquely covered. 3 1 7 "SpeCIfic sexual actIvItIes" means (a) Human gemtals m a state of sexual stImulatIon, and/or (b) Acts of human masturbatIOn, sexual mtercourse or sodomy, and/or City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 25 of 43 : ds/shell y laebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o (c) Fondlmg or other erotIc touchmg of human gemtals, pubIc regIon, buttocks or the female breasts. 3.2 Conduct of employees and operators. The followmg standards of conduct shall be adhered to by operators and employees of any adult lIve entertamment center 3.2.1 All employees of an adult live entertainment center must adhere to the following standards of conduct while in any area in which a member of the public is allowed to be present: (a) An employee may not be unclothed or in such less than opaque and complete attire. costume or clothing so as to expose to view any portion of the female breast below the top of the areola or any portion of the pubic region. anus. buttocks. vulva or genitals. except upon a stage at least eighteen inches above the immediate floor level and removed at least eight feet from the nearest member of the public. 3.2.1 No poson employed III the sale or servIce of food andlOl dunk wlthm.an adult lIve entertalml1ent center shall be tlIlclothed 01 In such aUne, costume 01 clothIng so as to expose, wIth less than a fully opaque covelIllg, any portIOn of the llulTIan gemtals, pubIc regIOn, buttocks and the female breasts bclow a pomt nnmedlatcly above the top of the aleola. o (b) An employee mingling with a member of the public may not be unclothed or in less than opaque and complete attire. costume or clothing as described in subdivision (a) ofthis subsection. nor may a male employee appear with his genitals in a discernibly turgid state. even if completely and opaquely covered or wear or use any device or covering that simulates the same. 3.2.2 No person employed or othel wIse pelmlttcd to eOllvelse, danee 01 11lIngle wIth the pa:ttons wIthIn an adult hve entertall11l1ent centCl shall be unclothed 01 In such attne, costunle 01 clotllIng as described In SectIon 3.2.1 (c) An employee mingling with a member ofthe public may not wear CltyofYelmOrd.737 Page 26 of 43 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond o o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments or use any device or covering exposed to view which simulates the breast below the top of the areola. vulva. genitals. anus. a portion of the pubic region. or buttocks. 3.2 3 No pcrson described III Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 shall encourage or peTI'lllt <my person upon the plemlses to touch, caress or fondle the breasts, buttocks, anus or gemtals of any other pel son. (d) An employee may not caress. fondle or erotically touch a member of the public or another employee. An employee may not encourage or permit a member of the public to caress. fondle or erotically touch that employee. 3.2.4 No person described In Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 shall wear or use any devrce or eOvenng exposed to vlCW WhICh SImulates the breast, gcmtals, anus, pubIC 112111 or any portIon thcrcof. (e) An employee may not perform actual or simulated acts of sexual conduct as defined in this ordinance. or an act that constitutes a violation of chapter 7.48A RCW. the Washington moral nuisance statute. Yelm Municipal Code (YMC) 9.16. the Citys lewd conduct provision or any provision regulating offenses against public, morals. 3.2.5 No person describcd In Sections 3.2 1 and 3.2.2 nor any entcrtaIncr shall perform acts of or acts whIch SImulate (a) Sexual IntelcoUlse, mastUlbatiOn, sodomy, bestIahty, oral copulatiOn, flagellatiOn or any sexual acts whICh ale prohibIted by law, (b) The touChlllg, caI eSSIng or f'OIldhng oftl.e bI casts, buttocks 01 gemtals,: ( c) Thc dIsplay Ing of the PUbIC han, anus, v til va or gCllltals. (f) An employee mingling with a member of the public may not conduct any dance. performance or exhibition in or about the non- stage area of the adult live entertainment center unless that dance. performance or exhibition is performed at a distance of at least. City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 27 of 43 ' ds/shelly /aebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 (g) RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o four feet from the member of the public for whom the dance. performance or exhibition is performed. The distance of four feet is measured from the torso of the dancer to the torso. of the member of the public. No patIon shall be permItted to dneetly or Indncctly payor give any gratuIty to any entertainer A tip or gratuity offered to or accepted by an entertainer may not be offered or accepted before any performance. dance or exhibition provided by the entertainer. An entertainer performing upon any stage area may not accept any form of gratuity offered directly to the entertainer by a member of the public. A gratuity offered to an entertainer performing upon any stage area or in any booth or arcade device must be placed into a receptacle provided for receipt of gratuities by the management of the adult live entertainment center or provided through a manager on duty on the premises. A gratuity or tip offered to an entertainer conducting a performance. dance or exhibition in or about the non-stage area of the adult live entertainment center must be placed into the hand of the entertainer or into a receptacle provided by the entertainer. and not upon the person or into the clothing ofthe entertainer. o (h) No entertamer shall be penmtted to SOlICIt any payor gratuIty from any patron and/or SOlICIt the purchase of any food or dnnk by any patron. J.2.G No entcrtaIncr who IS unclothed orlllsuch attne, costume or clothmg as described m SectIOn 3.2.1 of thIS chapter shall pelfo1l11 elsewhere WIthin an adult elftertalnnlent center other thal1 upon a stage at least eIghteen Inches above the llnmed11tte floor level whele patrons arc seated or stand, and rC1110ved at least SIX feet flom the nearest pabon. 3.2.2 At an adult live entertainment center the following are required: (a) Admission must be restricted to persons of the age of eighteen years or older. An owner. operator. manager or other person in charge of the adult entertainment business may not knowingly permit or allow any person under the age of eighteen years to be City ofYelm Ord. 737 ds/shelly laebcorrespond Page 28 of 43 o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City otYelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments in or upon the premises whether as an owner. operator. manager. patron. member. customer. agent. employee. independent contractor. or in any other capacity. This section is not intended to be used in a prosecution of a minor on or within an aduU entertainment business. (b) N either the performance. nor any photograph. drawing. sketch or other pictorial or graphic representation of the performance. displaying any portion of the breasts below the top of the areola or any portion of the pubic region. buttocks. genitals. and/or anllls may take place or be located so as to be visible to minors who are or may be outside of the adult entertainment business. (c) A member of the public may not be permitted at any time to enter into any of the non-public portions of the adult entertainment business. that includes but is not limited to: The dressing rooms of the entertainers. other rooms provided for the benefit of employees. or the kitchen or storage areas. However. a persoID.' delivering goods and materials. food and beverages. or performing. maintenance.or repairs to the premises or equipment on the premises may be permitted into non-public areas to the extent required to perform the persons job duties. o (d) Restrooms may not contain video reproduction equipment and/or adult arcade devices. (e) Doors to areas of the adult entertainment business that are available for use by persons other than the owner. manager. operator. or their agents or employees. may not be locked during: business hours. (f) No person may operate or maintain any warning system or device. of any nature or kind. for the purpose of alerting. warning. or aiding and abetting the warning of any patrons. members. customers. owners. operators. managers. employees. agents. independent contractors. or any other persons in the adult CIty ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 29 of 43 : C ds/shelly/aebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o entertainment business. that police officers or County health. code enforcement. fire. licensing. or building inspectors are approaching or have entered the premises. 3.3 OperatIOn regulatIons. The followmg reqUIrements shall be adhered to by any adult lIve entertamment center 3.3 1 There shall be posted and conspIcuously dIsplayed m the common areas of each adult lIve entertamment center a lIst of any and all entertamment prOVIded on the premIses for a fee m addItIon to the admIssIOn fee Such lIst shall further mdlcate the speCIfic fee or charge m dollar amounts for each entertamment lIsted. 3.3.2 No actIvIty or entertamment occumng wlthm an adult lIve entertamment center shall be VIsible at any tIme from outSIde such hall. 3.3.3 At least one secunty person per one hundred patrons shall be on duty mSlde the premIses at all tImes dunng hours of operatIOn. Secunty persons shall also patrol the parkmg area adjacent to the premIses at least once peFeach hour of operatIOn. All secunty persons shall wear a umform whIch WIll make such persons readily recognIzable as secunty personnel. o 3.34 AdmIssIOn shall be restncted to persons of the age of eIghteen years or over 3.3.5 SuffiCIent lIghtmg shall be prOVIded m and about the parts of the premIses whIch are open to patrons and/or members of the publIc so that all objects are plamly VIsible at all tImes. 3.3 6 An adult lIve entertamment center shall be closed between 12 30 a.m. and 8-'-00 10:00 a.m. 3.3 7 No operator or employee of an adult lIve entertamment center shall serve, sell, dIstribute or permIt the consumptIOn or posseSSIOn of any mtoxlcatmg lIquor or controlled substance upon the premIses of such busmess, mcludmg parkmg lots under the control of the operator CltyofYelmOrd.737 Page 30 of 43 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond o o o c Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City otYelm January 15, 2002 Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments RE 3.3 8 An operator of an adult lIve entertamment center shall conspIcuously dIsplay the lIcense reqUIred by thIS chapter m an area open to patrons of such, establIshment. 3.3 9 No operator of an adult lIve entertamment center shall employ as an entertamer any person under the age of eIghteen years or a person not lIcensed pursuant to thIS chapter 3.3 lOAn operator of an adult lIve entertamment center shall mamtam and retam for a penod of two years - names, addresses and ages of persons employed as entertamers by lIcensee. 34 LIcensmg of bus mess. 3 4 I No person, firm, partnershIp, corporatIon or other entIty shall operate an adult lIve entertamment center wIthout first obtammg an adult lIve entertamment center lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter 3.4.2 Prior to the issuance of a license. the applicant must be qualified according to the provisions of all applicable City ordinances. the laws of the United States and of the State of Washington. The premises must meet the requirements of all applicable laws. ordinances. and regulations including but not limited to the Uniform Building Code. and the Yelm City Zoning Code. All premises and devices must be inspected prior to issuance of a license. 3 4.3 ApplIeatIOn5 fOI adult II ve elit('lialllment eent('I lIecli5e5 5hall be made to the CIty Ckrk/TrcMUler An application for an adult live entertainment center license must be submitted to the City ClerklTreasurer in the name ofthei person or entity proposing to conduct the adult live entertainment center' on the business premises and must be signed by the person and certified as true under penalty of perjury. An application must be submitted on a form supplied by the City ClerklTreasurer. which must require the following information: 3 4.3 An applIcatIOn for an adult II ve entoialllnlCnt cClIteI lIcen5e 5hall be vcnficd' and 5hall provIdc thc followmg m[onnatIol1 CltyofYelmOrd.737 Page 31 of43 : ds/ sh el Iv / aebcolTespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) CityofYelmOrd.737 ds/shelly laebcorrespond RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o TIle full name and alIas (past or present), addIess, telephone number, pnneIpal occupatIOn and date of bIrth of the applIcant al1d of the 1ll.anagIng agent or agents of the busIness, For the applicant and for each applicant control person. provide: Name(s). date(s) of birth. any aliases or previous names. drivers license number(st social security number(s). and mailing and residential address(es): The busmess name, busmess address, federal tax IdentIficatIOn number, state of Washmgton master busmess lIcense number and busmess telephone number of the busmess or proposed busmess, together WIth a descnptIOn of the nature of the busmess; Whether the busmess or proposed busmess IS the undertakmg of a sole propnetorslup, partnershIp or corporatIOn. If a sole propnetorshlp, the applIcatIon shall set forth the name, address, telephone number and pnncIpal occupatIon of the sole propnetor If a partnershIp, the applIcatIon shall set forth the names, addresses, telephone numbers, pnncIpal occupatIOn and respectIve ownershIp shares of each partner, whether general, lImIted or silent. If a corporatIOn, the applIcatIon shall set forth the corporate name, a copy of the artIcles of mcorporatIon, including date and place of incorporation and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and pnncIpal occupatIOns of every officer and dIrector of the corporatIOn, and every shareholder havmg more than five percent of the outstandmg shares of the corporatIOn, and evidence that the partnership or corporation is in good standing under the laws of Washington: and the name and address of the registered agent for service of process: TIle names, addresses, telephone numbcls and pllhelpal oeeupatIOl1S of every pelson, par1nelshlp 01 corporatIon havIng any Intel cst In tile leal 01 pelsonal property utilIzcd 01 to be utilIzed by the buslIless or proposed bUSIness, For the applicant and all applicant control persons. a description of business. occupation or employment history for the three years immediately preceding the date of the application: Wllethe1 the applIearlt, or any pelson Icqulled to be named by thIS sectIOn, llas (vcr beel1 cOhvletcd of 01 fOlfelted bail for any cnIne, excludIng mInor traffic offenses; and, Ifso, the applIcatIOn sllall state the person 1l1volvcd, the ehalge, date, court and dISposItIOn of the o Page 32 of 43 o o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 (t) (g) (h) (i). (j) (k) (I) (m) City ofYclm Ord. 737 ds/shcll y lacbcom:spond RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments cllaIgc. For the applicant and all applicant control persons. all' criminal convictions or forfeitures within five years immediately preceding the date of the application. other than parking offenses or minor traffic infractions including the dates of conviction. nature of the crime. name and location of court and disposition: Whether the applicant or a partner. corporate officer. or director of the applicant holds another license under this ordinance or a license for similar adult entertainment or sexually oriented business. including a motion picture theater. or a panorama. from Thurston County. another city. county or state. and if so. the name and address of each other licensed business: A summary of the business history of the applicant and applicant control persons in owning or operating the adult entertainment or other sexually oriented business providing names. addresses and dates of operation for such businesses. and whether any business license or adult entertainment license has been revoked or suspended and the reason for the revocation or suspension: Authorization for the City of Yelm. and its agents and employees. to seek information to confirm any statements set forth in the application: The location and doing-business-as name of the proposed adult entertainment business. including a legal description of the' property. street address. and telephone number. together with the' name and address of each owner and lessee of the property: Two 2-inch by two-inch photographs of the applicant and applicant control persons. taken within six months of the date of application showing only the full face: A complete set of fingerprints for the applicant or each applicant control person. taken by the law enforcement agency for the jurisdiction. or such other entity as authorized by the law: enforcement agency: Each applicant shall verify. under penalty of perjury that the information contained in the application is true: A scale drawing or diagram showing the configuration of the: premises for the proposed adult entertainment business. including~ a statement of the total floor space occupied by the business. and Page 33 of 43 : , , , Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments marked dimensions of the interior of the premises. Performance areas. seating areas. managers office and stations. restrooms. arcade booths or devices. overhead lighting fixtures. and service areas shall be clearly marked on the drawing. An application for a license for an adult entertainment business must include building plans which demonstrate conformance with city of Yelm building code requirements. 3 4 4 ApplIcatIOns shall be accompamed by a nonrefundable fee as set by resolutIOn of the CIty councIl however, until such fee IS set by such a resolutIOn, the fee shall be $500 3 4 5 Withm five days of receIpt of a properly completed applIcatIOn for an adult lIve entertamment center lIcense, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall transmIt copIes of such applIcatIOn to the PolIce Department and Commumty Development Department. 3 4 6 Withm thIrty days of receIpt of a properly completed applIcatIOn for an adult hve entertamment center hcense, the CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall Issue the lIcense unless advIsed by the Commumty Development Department that the use or proposed use of the premIses, does not have the applIcable land use approval as per the CIty'S zomng code or other applIcable land use laws and regulatIOns, or the City Clerk/Treasurer IS advIsed by the buildmg department that the buildmgs upon the subject premIses faIl to meet the reqUirements of the buildmg, fire, mechamcal or plumbmg codes apphcable to the proposed use; or the CIty Clerk/Treasurer IS mfonned by the polIce department that the owner, partner, or stockholder holdmg more than five percent of the outstandmg shares of the owmng corporation has been convIcted of or forfeIted bail for any cnme whIch may reasonably mdlcate a likelihood of future VIOlatIOn of the terms of thIS chapter by such owner, partner, or stockholder Issuance of the hcense reqUired m thIS chapter shall not constitute a Waiver of or exemptIOn from the apphcatIOn of any land use, bUIldmg, health or safety laws pertment to the proposed use. 3 4 7 An adult hve entertainment center hcense shall expIre on December 31 st of the year for whIch It IS Issued or renewed. City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 34 of 43 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond o o o o o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City ofYelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments 3 4 8 An adult lIve entertamment center lIcense may be renewed by submIttmg a' new applIcatIon and followmg the applIcatIOn procedure set forth herem above; provIded, that a renewal applIcatIOn shall not be submItted pnor to September for the followmg calendar year 3.4.9 If. subsequent to the issuance of an adult entertainment business license. a person or entity acquires a significant interest based on responsibility for management or operation of the business. notice of such acquisition shall be provided in writing to the licensing administrator. no later than twenty-one calendar days following the acquisition. The notice required must include the information required for the original adult entertainment business license application. 3.4.10 The adult entertainment business license. if granted. must state on its face the name of the person or persons to whom it is issued. the expiration date. the doing-business-as name and the address of the licensed adult entertainment business. The license must be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance to the adult entertainment business so that it can be easily read when the business is open. 3.4.11 A person granted an adult entertainment business license under this ordinance may not operate the adult entertainment business under a name not specified on the license. nor may a person operate an adult entertainment business. or an adult entertainment device under a designation or at a location not specified on the license. 3 5 LIcensmg of Managers and Entertamers. 3.5 1 No pClson shall pClform as an cntcrtamcr at an adult II vC clltcrtaInmcnt ccntcI without first obtaInmg all cntcrtamcr's hCChSC Issued by thc CIt)J1 Clcrk/Tr casUl cr A person may not work as a manager. assistant manager. or entertainer at an adult entertainment business without a managers or an entertainers license from the City Clerk/Treasurer. An applicant for a managers or entertainers license must complete an application on forms provided by the City ClerklTreasurer containing the information identified in this subsection. A nonrefundable license fee must accompany the application. The City ClerklTreasurer shall provide a copy of the City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 35 of 43 : ds/she II Y laebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City otYelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o application to the Police Department for its review. investigation and recommendation. An application for a managers or entertainers license must be signed by the applicant and certified to be true under penalty of perjury. The managers or entertainers license application must require the following information: J 5.2 An applIcation fOI an cntcrtameI '5 lIcense shall be venfied and shall provldc the followmg mfo1ll1atIon. (a) Tl1c applIcant's full name and address, 110me address, homc telephonc number, datc ofb1l1h and alIascs (past or prcscnt), The applicants name. home address. home telephone number. date and place of birth. fmgerprints taken by the Police Department (or such other entity as authorized by the Police Department or licensing administrator.) social security number. and any stage names or nicknames used in entertaining: (b) The name and addr ess 0 f the establIshmcnt w l1eI e the applIcant mtends to perfolm as ah entertamer The name and address of each business at which the applicant intends to work: (c) All pIlOt convIctions ofthc applIcant, excludmgmmor trafficoffcl1scs, mcludmg the charge, datc, court and dIsposItion of chargc A complete statement of all convictions of the applicant for any misdemeanor or felony violations in-the jurisdiction or any other city. county. or state within five years immediately preceding the date of the application. except parking violations or minor traffic infractions: (d) Documentation that the applicant has attained the age of eighteen years. Any two of the following are acceptable as documentation of age: o i. A motor vehicle operators license issued by any state bearing the applicants photograph and date of birth: n. A state issued identification card bearing the applicants photograph and date of birth: iii. An official passport issued by the United States of America: iv. An immigration card issued by the United States of America: or CityofYelmOrd.737 Page 36 of 43 ds/shell y laebcorrespond o o o c Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments v. Any other identification that the licensing administrator determines to be acceptable and reliable. (e) A description of the applicants principal activities or services to be I rendered: (f) Two 2-inch by two-inch color photographs of applicant. taken within six months of the date of application showing only the full face: (g) Authorization for the City. its agents and employees to investigate and confirm any statements in the application. 3.5.2 All applIcants shall be rcqulled to be fil1gcrpnnted by the pohce department and subndt a CUllent faCial vIew photograph. 3 5.2 ApphcatIOns shall be accompamed by a nonrefundable fee as set by resolutIOn of the CIty councIl, however, untIl such fee IS set by resolutIOn, the fee shall be $100 00 3.5.3 The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall transmIt the apphcatIOn for an entertamer's hcense to the pohce department wlthm five days after ItS receIpt. 3.54 The CIty Clerk/TreMurer shall, \\>lthm twenty days after receIpt of the applIcatiOn, Issue the entertamcr's hccnse unless thc CIty Clerk/TrcMurcr IS mf011.11Cd by the pohce dcpartnlcnt that the applIcaIJt lias bcen COlIvlcted 01 fOlf'Cltcd bail to a crlUIC 01 cllnlCs Whldl would llIdlcatc a lcasolIable likelihood diat thc apphcant would vIOlatc tIlC tC11uS of thIS chaptcllf so hcenscd. The City Clerkffreasurer shall issue an adult entertainment business managers or entertainers license within twenty calendar days from the date the complete application and fee are received unless -the, City Clerk/Treasurer is informed by the police department that the applicant has been convicted or forfeited bail to a crime or crimes which' would indicate a reasonable likelihood that the applicant would violate the terms of this chapter if so licensed: or the City Clerk/Treasurer' determines that the applicant has failed to provide any information required to be supplied according to this ordinance. had made any false. misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the application. or City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 37 of 43 : ds/shelly laebcoITespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City ofYelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o had failed to meet any of the requirements for issuance of a license under this ordinance. If the City Clerk/Treasurer determines that the applicant does not qualify for the license applied for. the City Clerk/Treasurer shall deny the application in writing and shall cite the specific reasons therefor. including applicable laws. 3.5.5 An adult entertamer's lIcense shall expIre on December 3151 of each year m whIch It IS Issued or renewed. 3.56 An entertamer's lIcense may be renewed by submIttmg a new applIcatIOn and followmg the applIcatIon procedure set forth herem above, provIded, that a renewal applIcatIOn shall not be submItted pnor to September for the followmg calendar year 3.5.7 Every entertainer shall provide his or her license to the adult entertainment business manager on duty on the premises prior to his or her performance. The manager shall retain the licenses of the entertainers readily available for inspection by the City. its agents. and employees. at any time during business hours of the adult entertainment business. o 3.5.8 The City Clerk/Treasurer may request additional information or clarification when necessary to determine compliance with this ordinance. 3.5.9 The contents of an application for an entertainers license and any additional information submitted by an applicant for an entertainers license are confidential and will remain confidential to the extent authorized by chapter 42.17 RCW. Nothing in this subsection prohibits the exchange of information among government agencies for law enforcement or licensing or regulatory purposes. 3.6 THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MANAGER OF AN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS SHALL INCLUDE: 3.6.1 A licensed manager shall be on duty at an adult entertainment business at all times adult entertainment is being provided or members of the City ofYelm Ord. 737 Page 38 of 43 ds/shelly /aebcorrespond o o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments public are present on the premises. The full name and license of the manager shall be prominently posted during business hours. The manager shall be responsible for verifying that any person who provides adult entertainment within the premises possesses a current and valid entertainers license~ 3.6.2 The licensed manager on duty shall not be an entertainer~ o 3.6.3 The manager licensed under this ordinance shall maintain visual observation from a managers station of each member of the public and each entertainer at all times any entertainer is present in the public or performance areas of the adult entertainment business. Where there is more than one performance area. or the performance area is of such size' or configuration that one manager is unable to visually observe. at all times. each entertainer. each employee. and each member of the public. a manager licensed under this ordinance shall be provided for each public, or performance area or portion of a public or performance area visually separated from other portions of the adult entertainment business. All, adult arcade stations or booths must open to the public room so that the area and occupant inside the booths are fully and completely visible by direct line of sight to the manager located at the managers station which shall be located at the main entrance way to the public room containing the arcade stations or booths. No curtain. door. wall. merchandise. display rack. or other non-transparent enclosure. material. or application may obscure in any way the managers view of any portion of the activity or occupant of the adult entertainment business~ 3.6.4 The manager shall be responsible for and shall ensure that the actions of members of the public. the adult entertainers. and all other employees' shall comply with all requirements of this ordinance. 3.7 PREMISES - SPECIFICATIONS. 3.7.1 Live Adult Entertainment Center Premises. The performance area ofthe. live adult entertainment center where adult entertainment is provided shall be' a stage or platform at least 18 inches in elevation above the level of the patron CttyofYehnOrd.737 Page 39 of 43 : o ds/shelly/aebcorrespond Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City ofYelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o seating areas. and shall be separated by a distance of at least eight feet from all areas of the premises to which a member of the public has access. A continuous railing affIxed to the floor and measuring at least three feet in height and located at least eight feet from all points of the performance area must be installed on the floor of the premises to separate the performance area and the public seating areas. The stage and the entire interior portion of cubicles. rooms or stalls wherein the live adult entertainment is provided must be visible from the common areas of the premises and from at least one managers station. Visibility shall be by direct line of sight and shall not be blocked or obstructed by doors. curtains. drapes. walls. merchandise. display racks or other obstructions. 3.7.2 Li2htin2. Sufficient lighting must be provided and equally distributed throughout the public areas of the adult entertainment business so that all objects are plainly visible at all times. A minimum lighting level of 30 lux horizontal. measured at 30 inches from the floor and on to-foot centers is required for all areas of the adult entertainment business where members of the public are permitted. 3.7.3 Sit!lls. A sign at least two feet by two feet with letters at least one inch high. which are on a contrasting background. shall be conspicuously displayed in the public area(s) of the adult entertainment business stating the following: o THIS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS IS REGULA TED BY THE LAWS OF YELM CITY. THURSTON COUNTY. ENTERTAINERS ARE: A. NOT PERMITTED TO ENGAGE IN ANY TYPE OF SEXUAL CONDUCT. B. NOT PERMITTED TO APPEAR SEMI-NUDE OR NUDE. EXCEPT ON STAGE. e. NOT PERMITTED TO ACCEPT TIPS OR GRATUITIES IN ADVANCE OF THEIR PERFORMANCE. D. NOT PERMITTED TO ACCEPT TIPS OR GRATUITIES DIRECTLY FROM PATRONS WHILE PERFORMING UPON ANY STAGE AREA OR IN ANY ARCADE STATION OR BOOTH. CitvofYelmOrd.737 Page 40 of 43 ds/shell y /aebcorrespond o c Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments 3 8 RevocatIon of lIcenses The CIty Clerk/Treasurer shall revoke an adult lIve entertamment center lIcense or an entertamer's lIcense Issued pursuant to thIS chapter If the CIty Clerk/Treasurer finds any of the followmg condItIOns to eXIst: (a) The lIcensee has made a false statement or gIVen false mformatIOn m connectIon wIth the applIcatIOn for the applIcable lIcense (b) The lIcensee has vIOlated or penmtted vIOlatIOn of any provIsIons of thIS ordmance. (c) The lIcensee has been convIcted or forfeIted bail to any of the cnmes whIch would have caused the dIrector to refuse to Issue the lIcense upon the mItIal or renewal applIcatIOn. 3 8 1 Appeal from eIther the demal of a lIcense or the revocatIOn of a lIcense shall be made to the CIty council provIded for m Yelm MUnICIpal Code, 15 49 160 3.9 InspectIOns. An applIcant for a lIcense called for herem shall be consIdered to consent as a condItIon of receIVmg such lIcense to mspectIOn by the ChIef of PolIce, CIty Clerk/Treasurer or the BUIldmg OffiCIal or theIr deSIgnees dunng hours when such busmesses are open. The purpose of such mspectIOn shall be to determme If the lIcensed premIses IS operated m accordance WIth the reqUIrements of thIS chapter It IS hereby expressly declared that unannounced mspectIOns are necessary to ensure complIance WIth thIS chapter o SectIon 4. ExemptIon from proVIsIOns. ThIS ordmance does not apply to premIses whIch are pnmanly devoted to theatncal performances where there are seats arranged so that the body of spectators has an unobstructed VIew of the stage for vIewmg performances of artIstIc expressIOn and where such perfonnances are not mCIdental to the promotIOn of the sale of food and/or dnnk, and where patrons are not permItted to touch, caress or fondle the actors or entertamers performmg therem. 4.1 This ordinance does not prohibit (a) Plays. operas. musicals. or other dramatic works that are not obscene, or (b) Classes. seminars and lectures which are held for serious scientific, or educational purposes and which are not obscene, or CIty orYelm Ord. 737 Page4! of43: C ds/shelly/aehcorrespond l. Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No. 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE. Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments o (c) Exhibitions. performances. expressions or dances that are not obscene. (d) The exemptions in this section do not apply to sexual conduct defined in Sections 1.1. 2.1 and 3.1 of this ordinance or the sexual conduct described in RCW 48A.010 (20 (b) (ij) and (iij). Whether or not activity is obscene shall be judged by consideration of the standards set forth in RCW 7.48.010 (2). SectIon 5. ViolatIOn--NUIsance. Any actIvIty, act or conduct contrary to the prOVISIOns of thIS ordmance IS declared to be unlawful and a publIc nUIsance and such actIvIty, act or conduct may be enJomed by an actIOn brought by the CIty attorney or other mterested person. SectIOn 6. ViolatIOn--Penalty Any person, firm or corporatIOn vIOlatmg any proVISIOn of thIS chapter shall be guIlty of a mIsdemeanor and each such person, firm or corporatIOn shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day dunng WhICh any vIOlatIOn IS commItted, contmued or permItted. No person shall be deemed guilty of any vIOlatIOn of thIS chapter If actmg m an mvestIgatIVe capaCIty pursuant to the request or order of the polIce chIef, CIty attorney or duly appomted agent of eIther SectIon 7. SeverabIlIty If any prOVISIOns of thIS ordmance or ItS applIcatIon to any person or 0 CIrcumstances IS held mvalId, the remamder of the ordmance or the applIcatIon of the proVISIOns to other persons or CIrcumstances IS not affected. SectIon 8. EffectIve Date. ThIS ordmance shall become effectIve five days followmg ItS passage and publIcatIOn as reqUIred by law PASSED by the Council ofthe CIty ofYelm, Washmgton, at ItS regular meetmg on the 27th day of June, 2001 CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON Adam RIvas, Mayor AuthentIcated. Approved as to form. CitvofYelmOrd.737 Page 42 of 43 ds/shelly laebcorrespond o r o Exhibit 2 - Ordinance No 737 City of Yelm January 15, 2002 RE Adult Entertainment Business with proposed amendments Agnes P BennIck, CIty Clerk Attorney. Brent DIlle Owens DavIes MackIe PUBLISHED Nlsqually Valley News, July 6,2001 EFFECTIVE. July 10, 2001 c City ot'Yelm Ord. 737 Page 43 of 43 : o ds/shelly/acbcorrcspond Prior to Adoption of Growth Management Act. 1988 - Yelm and Thurston County begin work on Joint Planning to determine the future growth area of Yelm , , 1988-1990 - Public forums between Yelm and Thurston County Planning Commissions, Yelm City Council and Board of County Commissioners held to discuss transportation, utility planning and zoning in the area then referred to as "Yelm's Sphere of Influence" 1990 - Southwest Yelm Annexation area approved Washington State Adoption of Growth Management Act (GMA) 1990 - Growth Management Act (GMA) adopted Thurston County and its cities and towns required to adopt plans, as per GMA criteria 1991 - Thurston County adopts Yelm Joint Plan and Sphere of Influence (developed 1998-1990) until work is completed as per the GMA. 1991 - Work begins on Comprehensive Plan The following consultants were utilized to assist in the development of the plan o Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie - Urban Growth Boundary, Land Use, Critical Areas and overall GMA compliance, Tom Skillings - Utility Planning, Perry Shea - Transportation Planning. 1991 - February 1995 - As plan components were drafted, public work sessions and hearings were held to seek ir;1put to guide the plan development: Ye/m Planning Commission - held 9 public work sessions and 2 public hearings, Yelm City Council - held 7 public work sessions and 1 public hearing. Nisqually Valley News and Olympian published articles of plan progress including map showing short and long-term,urban growth boundaries and proposed zoning. February 1995 - "City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County" was adopted by Yelm City,Council and Board of County Commissioners. The Plan established the vision of the City of Yelm for the next 20 years Julv 1995 - Zoning Code drafted Reviewed and adopted by Planning Commission and City Council to begin implementation of policies and zoning identified in adopted Comprehensive Plan 1995 - Development Guidelines drafted Reviewed and adopted by Planning Commission and City Council to implement poli- cies and guide development as per the adopted Comprehensive Plan 1995 - Current - Capital Facilities Plan developed and updated identifying projects to implement Comprehensive ~Ian o Transportation, parks and open space, public facilities, water and sewer/reclamation projects planned, funded and:'completed all in response to 1995 Comprehensive Plan to provide services and facilities to meet the needs of the citizens of Yelm and urban growth area o o o r I VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COpy PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 : MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JANUARY 22,2002 TIME: 4 00 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Public Hearing(s): Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17.64, Adult Entertainment Facilities. 1. NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? (Indicate which public heari~g by the assigned numbers above) I I I I City ofYelm \ J 105 Ye/m Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 I \ \ \ \ \ AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 22,2002,4.00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes December 17,2001 minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3. Public Hearing - Amendment to Yelm Municipal Code Title 17 64 Adult Entertainment Facilities. Staff Report Enclosed ~ 4. Update - City Council Briefing of Hearing Examiner Ordinance J 5. 2002 Comprehensive Plan a. History of Comprehensive Plan Development - Shelly Badger b Overview of Requirements and Critical Areas Ordinance - Cathie Carlson 6. Other. Discussion of possible meeting date and time changes 7. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: , , , , , , , , MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4,2002 - 4:00 P.M. o City ofYelm 105 Ye/m Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/m, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLATION NOTICE The Januarv 7,2002, Planning Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W ,on TUESDAY, JANUARY 22,2002, at 4:00 pm. CJ If there are, any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST 6;1:4 y).AM.1te.'--- Agnes Bennick City ClerkfTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted Monday, December 31,2001 Published in the Nisqually Valley News Friday, January 4, 2002 Mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list. Monday, December 31, 2001 o \.,J ..c.--