Recommended Staff Procedures ; :'~\ , [ '. /,.y \ ..--- ~ \ \' " ). "'--. I v/ ( , ~.~ -, f~\ r" '\ ~j RECOMMENDED STAFF PROCEDURES FOR THE CllY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Staff shall perform two major roles in its work with the Planning Commission 1 The professional-technician role where staff planners initiate proposals and make recommendations consistent with the Citys adopted plans, ordinances, and standards and with accepted planning theory and practice, and 2. The traditional staff role in which the Staff Planners assist the Planning Commission in articulating their collective will Both of these roles involve research, ~act-finding, identification of alternatives, evaluation and recommendations. From time to time, these roles may lead to differing recommendations from the Planning Commission and Planning Staff On such occasions, it shall be the' responsibility of the Staff Planner to prepare a report to the City Council which includes both the Planning Commission and Planning Staff recommendations and any minority reports in which four / or more planning Commissioners concur Further, it shall be the responsibility of the Staff Planner to advise the Planning Commission Chairperson that the Planning Staff intends to present a separate recommendation to the City Council so that the Chairman or a representative can be in attendance to represent the Planning Commission The manner in which the Planning Staff provides its day-to-day service to the Planning Commission shall be redefined annually by the Planning Commission Essentially, the relationship between the Planning Staff and the Planning Commission shall be whatever the two entities negotiate between them Those negotiations result in an implicit contract which shall remain in effect until proposed changes are introduced at a subsequent annual review. The Planning Staffs work shall be confined to those projects and activities officially incorporated into the City's adopted work program and budget. The work program shall be developed in consultation with both the Planning Commission and the Planning Staff, but the final adoption authority rests solely with the City Council. If the Planning Commission should identify a new work task during the work year, the Planning Staff may pursue work on this task only if the City Council incorporates it into the adopted work program C:\WP51\50\CUENT\YElM\PROCEDRE.RUL F~"" ~ RULES OF PROCEDURE CllY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WE, THE MEMBERS of the Planning Commission of the City of Yelm, State of Washington, created by Ordinance No. 119 (1969), of the City of Yelm, pursuant to Chapter 44, Laws of 1935 (RCW 35 63) do hereby adopt, publish and declare the following rules of procedure. I NAME The official name shall be ''The City of Yelm Planning Commission II 1\ MEETINGS A. Regular meetings shall be held as per the schedule adopted by the Planning Commission and posted at the Planning Department office, and all meetings of the Planning Commission are subject to the Open Meetings Act. B Special meetings shall be at the call of the chairperson or by consensus /~ of the members at a regular meeting ~) C Except as modified by these rules of procedure, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of public hearings and the chairperson shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to a vote of the Planning Commission. 111 ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. The officers of the Planning Commission shall consist of a chairperson and a vice chairperson elected from the appointed members of the Planning Commission and. such other offices as the Planning Commission may, by the majority vote, approve and appoint. B The election of officers shall take place once each year on the occasion of the last meeting in November of each calendar year The term of each officer shall run from January 1 until December 31 of the following year C A Nominating Committee may be appointed no later than October of each year If appointed, this Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominations for the Planning Commission to consider at the next regularly scheduled meeting :i ..-----'" o In the event of the vacancy of the chair, the chairperson would be replaced by the vice chairperson, and the vice chairperson would be replaced by vote of the members of the Planning Commission. ( '1 ~ IV CHAIRPERSON ( -~ ~ A. The chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the Planning Commission and may exercise all the powers usually incident to the office, retaining, however, to himself or herself as a member of the Planning Commission, the full right to have his or her own vote recorded in all deliberations of the Planning Commission. B The chairperson shall have full power to create committees of one or more members Standing or temporary committees may be charged with such duties, examination, investigations and inquiries relative to one or more subjects of interest to the Planning Commission No committee shall have the power to commit the Planning Commission to the endorsement of any project, plan or program without the approval of the Planning Commission. C The chairperson shall perform the duties laid out in the attached Conduct of Business regarding the following and other matters committees of the whole, handling of meeting items and discussion, conflict of interest, suspension of meetings, timing for discussion of issues, clarification of issues and questions, etc V CHAIRPERSON'S ABSENCE c' The vice chairperson shall, in the absence of the chairperson, perform all the duties incumbent upon the chairperson The chairperson and vice chairperson, both being absent, the members present may elect from among themselves a temporary chairperson who shall have the full powers of the chairperson during the absence of the chairperson and the vice chairperson VI SECRETARY The Planning Staff shall perform the~'tJsu<f.1 and necessary secretarial functions. -"; \ \ VII RECORD OF MEETING All Planning Commission meetings shall be recorded electronically and official minutes prepared Official minutes shall contain the date, time, place and nature of the meeting (regular or special), the names of the members present; all motions except those withdrawn and the names of their maker and seconder; an objective abstract of all business discussed, actions taken and the results of such actions. Special meetings will also be recorded electronically and minutes prepared The official minutes of special meetings will normally consist of written notes. All Planning Commission minutes shall be signed by the chairperson of the Planning Commission Minutes for committees, if taken, shall be signed by the chairperson of the committee VIII QUORUM ~ A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business The Planning Commission can conduct business whenever a quorum is present. No action of the Planning Commission, however, may be taken without the \_-----/ . ------ L c r-- , "-...--/ concurrence of a majority of the current membership of the Commission. A public hearing may be held by the Planning Commission on any matters before the Planning Commission without a quorum, provided that the applicant and any interested party waive any objections and that, when action on the matter is taken, a quorum is present and those members that were not present for the public hearing state for the record prior to voting that they have reviewed the taped recording of the public hearing and any written document submitted for the record on the matter IX. VOTING Each Planning Commission member present shall vote for, against, or abstain from voting on all questions put to the Planning Commission Unless a member of the Planning Commission states that he or she is not voting, his or her silence shall be recorded as voting with the majority Any member may demand a roll call vote any time before or after any question is put and before a vote is taken. The demand needs no second and the chairperson must ask for a roll call vote on demand The motion is not debatable and may be applied to any questions. X. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS If a member is absent for two (2) consecutive regular meetings without excuse, or for thirty-five percent (35%) of all meetings (including committee meetings) in any six (6) month period, the member's record shall be forwarded by staff to the Mayor for consideration XI CONFLICT OF INTEREST A conflict of interest shall be handled as described in the attached Conduct of Business (Item 6) XII AGENDA An agenda shall be prepared by the Planning Staff for each meeting No item on the agenda may be added, deleted or moved without the approval of a majority of the Planning Commission Items of business shall include 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Call to order Roll Call Acceptance of Agenda Minutes Old Business New Business Other Business Communications from City Council Adjournment . L r-' ~ f"" ~ o XIII AMENDMENT These Rules of Procedure may be amended at any regular or called meeting of the Planning Commission by a majority vote of the entire membership if the proposed amendment is presented in writing at a preceding regular or called meeting