Conduct of Business
1 It shall be the policy that each Planning Commission member shall be familiar with
the Open Meetings Act, the appearance of fairness doctrine, and the Planning
Commission's Policies and Guidelines.
2. At the beginning of the meeting, the chairperson may state all the agenda items
and the timing for each within the meeting so that the length of discussion and the length
of the meeting may be controlled in an effort to adjourn within two hours of opening the
3 At the beginning of discussion on each item on the agenda, the chairperson shall
state the action needed or purpose of each item on the agenda (e g, a Planning
Commission vote to recommend to approve or to deny; for review only; no action
needed, or what action may be needed eventually, but not at this particular meeting)
4 The chairperson shall clarify to the Commissioners and the public the difference
between a public hearing and the committee meetings. This item should be discussed
with the entire Planning Commission.
5 Conflict of Interest and Appearance of Fairness. As a matter of procedure, the
chairperson should routinely ask the members at each meeting if they have a conflict of
interest on any item on the agenda. Any member of the Planning Commission who has
a conflict of interest with a particular matter should publicly announce this conflict at the
earliest possible opportunity or when the conflict is realized Such member shall not
partake in the discussion or voting on said case and shall remove himself or herself from
the room during the particular case in question
6 Any Planning Commission member who discusses a current matter which is the
subject of a public hearing with any person associated with the proposed project at any
time other than a public meeting shall report to the full Commission at the next meeting
by giving a report of the discussion
7 All persons wishing to speak to the Commission at a public hearing should sign
in on the program agenda provided, and indicate whether they are speaking pro or con
on the issue
8 All persons speaking to the Planning Commission at a public hearing should
stand, approach the microphone, if provided, and Identify themselves by name, address
and who they represent.
9 In the unusual event that the chairperson is unable to control the conduct of the
meeting, he or she has the right under the Open Meeting Act, to immediately suspend
or adjourn the meeting
10 When the full Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council which is
not a unanimous vote (i e , a split vote, or a recommendation which may be significant
or controversial), any Planning Commissioner may submit a minority report to
accompany the majority report to the City Council. This report should be submitted
through the Planning staff, and mailed to all Planning Commission members.