Agendas and Minutes n ,~- City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 CANCELLA TION NOTICE The DECEMBER 20. 2004, Planninq Commission meeting has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2005 at 4:00 pm. C If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 /)ST fJt~B,,"~ City ClerkfTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted TUESDAY DECEMBER 14,2004 Sent to the Plannrng Commission mailing list- TUESDAY DECEMBER 14,2004 c The City of Yelm lS an Equal Opportunzty Prov1der o o o City of Yelm Community Development Department MEMORANDUM To Yelm Planning Commission From Grant Beck, Director of Community Development Date December 15, 2004 Subj GMA Consistency Review The Growth Management Act requires periodic review of the Comprehensive Plan in order to ensure that it remains compliant with the GMA. Although some jurisdictions have taken the opportunity to revisit the basic policy directions in the comprehensive plan, the City of Yelm is simply reviewing its plan to ensure it is consistent with the GMA, including updates to the GMA by the Legislature The review process includes three basic steps review relevant plans and regulations, analyze the need for revisions, and adopt an appropriate resolution if compliance is found or amendments are needed for compliance The policies and regulations to review include those for' . Urban densities . Urban growth areas . Critical areas . Natural resource lands . Essential public facilities · Affordable housing for all income levels · Transportation, including levels of service and concurrency · Public facilities and services to meet future needs . Shoreline Master Program The City of Yelm has approached the consistency review as an evaluation of the policies and regulations listed above to ensure they remain consi~tent with the Growth Management Act rather than a reconsideration of the polices them~elves. Included in this review is an analysis of all new reqUirem~nts of the Growth Management Act that have been adopted by the legislature since 1994 I , I I I I I , , o Urban Densities GMA Goal - Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner [RCW 36 70A.020 (1)] GMA Goal - Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density development [RCW 36070A.020 (2)] GMA Requirement - Provide a range of urban densities and land uses Urban being development which is incompatible with natural resources or rural lands and require urban services such as community water and sewer systems GMA Requirement - Provide minimum densities of four units per acre Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies The Yelm Comprehensive Plan manages sprawl within the unincorporated portion of the Urban Growth Area by limiting development to one home to 5 acres until annexation and urban services are provided The Comprehensive Plan includes future zoning of the unincorporated UGA to establish urban densities upon annexation The Yelm Comprehensive Plan provides for residential densities ranging from 4 units per acre to 14 units per acre in residential districts Within the higher density districts, a 0 range of housing types is allowed A residential component is allowed as part of a mixed use development in most commercial districts Yelm Development Regulation Requirements The Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Code establish the following areas with the area of the Yelm UGA that is incorporated Density (units/gross acre) District Residential Allowed Minimum I Maximum Area Low Density Residential SFD/Duplex N/A 4 471 Moderate Density Residential Up to a 6plex 3 6 463 High Density Residential Multi-Family 6 14 127 Central Business District Multi-Family 6 16 57 Commercial Multi-Family (60% of N/A 16 386 a mixed use development) Heavy Commercial Multi-Family (60% of N/A 16 33 a mixed use development) Large Lot Commercial Multi-Family (60% of N/A 16 56 a mixed use ( :) December 15, 2004 Page 2 of 16 c o o development) Industrial N/A 190 Open Space/Institutional N/A 118 Master Planned Community Any type consistent N/A N/A 1,555 with Comprehensive Plan Analysis The Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code clearly allow and require urban level densities Recent development trends have seen an achieved density of approximately 6 units per acre within developments providing single family dwelling lots Infill within the central business district has been occurring with many duplex units on urban lots Conclusions Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations are consistent with the Growth Management Act. December 15, 2004 Page 3 of 16 o Urban Growth Areas GMA Goal - Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner [RCW 36 70A.020 (1 )] GMA Requirement - Define growth areas that include the cities and their adjacent urban and urbanizing lands The growth areas must provide adequate areas and densities to accommodate the urban growth expected for them in the succeeding twenty years GMA Requirement - The adequacy of these growth areas be re-evaluated and adjusted if needed at least every seven years, five in those counties required to prepare buildable lands reports GMA Requirement - Cities and counties are obliged to conduct their planning using population forecasts that are consistent with those developed for their county by the Office of Financial Management. This means that the forecasts used by each county must fall within the range of the High, Intermediate, and Low OFM series Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies 0 The Yelm Comprehensive Plan identifies the urban growth area and based the size of the UGA on the OFM population forecast. The unincorporated Yelm Urban Growth Area is managed as an 'urban reserve' with residential densities of one home per 5 acres until the property is annexed to the City and urban services become available YelmlThurston County Development Regulation Requirements Pursuant to the County-wide planning policies and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, Thurston County has zoned the residential areas of the unincorporated Yelm Urban Growth Area as Residential 1/5, which allows a density of one unit per five acres, which preserves the ability to redevelop at urban densities upon annexation and the provision of urban services Analysis Thurston County and all the cities and towns delegated population forecasting and buildable lands analysis to the Thurston Regional Planning Council In its County-Wide Planning Policies, Thurston County determines what forecast to use within the OFM range by relying on the forecasts of the Thurston Regional Planning Council Likewise, the County relies on TRPC to determine realistic allocations, in consultation with the cities o December 15, 2004 Page 4 of 16 o o o The most recent TRPC forecast was completed in 1999 The most recent OFM forecasts were released in January 2002, incorporating information from the 2000 Census For Thurston County, the OFM Intermediate Series forecast is virtually identical to the 1999 TRPC Medium Scenario-it differs by one percent or less in each of the forecast years. Because the TRPC and OFM forecasts for Thurston County are consistent, it is also not necessary to re-evaluate the population growth allocation targets for Yelm until Thurston County's UGA review based on the Buildable Lands analysis Conclusions The Yelm Urban Growth Area is consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. December 15, 2004 Page 5 of 16 I o Critical Areas GMA Goal - Critical areas include the following areas and ecosystems (a) Wetlands, (b) areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water; (c) fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, (d) frequently flooded areas, and (e) geologically hazardous areas" [RCW 36 70A.030 (5)] GMA Goal - Protect the environment and enhance the state's high quality of life, including air and water quality, and the availability of water" [RCW 36 70A.020 (10)] GMA Requirement - Protect environmentally sensitive areas with development regulations GMA Requirement - Critical Areas Codes should incorporate "Best Available Science" (BAS), with special consideration to measures needed to protect or enhance anadromous fisheries Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies The Yelm Comprehensive Plan at Chapter 12 provides policies that relate to the environment. The policies note that Yelm contains limited critical areas which include a critical aquifer recharge area, the floodplains associated with Yelm and Thompson 0 Creeks, and limited wetlands primarily associated with Yelm and Thompson Creeks The policies do not reference the use of best available science Yelm Development Regulation Requirements The Yelm Critical Area Code, Chapter 1408 YMC was first adopted in 1995, but has seen no major changes since that time It does address the major requirements of the Growth Management Act, however it does not utilize best available science in the establishment of wetland buffers or stream buffers Because of the nature of Yelm and Thompson Creeks, they are intermittent 'prairie' streams that have no in-stream flow much of the year, the floodplain regulations are typically more stringent and serve as the actual stream buffers The City conducted a comprehensive assessment of Yelm Creek and it's associated floodplain in 2001 The Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan contains analysis of the causes of flooding along Yelm Creek as well as identifying projects which both reduce flood hazard and restores habitat. Yelm participated in the adoption of the Nisqually Watershed Management Plan (WRIA 11), which contains a number of goals and policies related to managing the Nisqually watershed in a comprehensive manner The City has adopted a wellhead protection program as part of its Comprehensive Water System Plan update, whicih provides a policy basis for the adoption of wellhead o December 15, 2004 Page 6 of 16 " o o o protection standards This document is adopted by reference in the Comprehensive Plan Analysis The state Office of Community Development adopted new rules for what constitutes best available science in 2000 and Yelm has not updated its regulations The Comprehensive Plan should be amended to include a policy that critical areas regulations be based on best available science The Critical Areas Code needs to be updated to bring it into compliance Conclusions The Yelm Critical Areas Code should be updated to comply with the best available science requirements of the Growth Management Act in the areas of wetland and stream buffers The Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Management Plan and it's recommendations should be adopted as an appendix to the Comprehensive Pan The Nisqually Watershed Management Plan should be adopted as an appendix to the Comprehensive Plan December 15, 2004 Page 7 of 16 I o Resource Lands GMA Goal - Natural resource industries Maintain and enhance natural resource-based industries, including productive timber, agricultural, and fisheries industries Encourage the conservation of productive forest lands and productive agricultural lands, and discourage incompatible uses" [RCW 36 70A.020 (8)] GMA Requirement - Classify and protect farm, forestry, and mining areas from incompatible development. The guidelines for classifying natural resource lands are based on whether the land is currently in such uses, and whether the lands have long- term commercial significance Long term commercial significance includes a consideration of the proximity of urban, suburban, or rural settlements Thus these provisions are focused mainly on rural areas substantially devoted to farming, forestry, and mining GMA Requirement - Lands designated for long-term natural resource use must be protected from the adverse impact of development on or near the resource lands Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies As there are no resource lands of long term commercial significance within the 0 Yelm Urban Growth Area, Thurston County has not designated any resource lands within 5 miles of the Yelm Urban Growth Area Yelm Development Regulation Requirements N/A Analysis Resource lands of long-term commercial significance are not found in urban areas, although the City and County have coordinated through the County Wide Planning Policies to ensure that the urban area has no impact on such lands within the County Conclusions The Yelm Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act relating to resource lands o December 15, 2004 Page 8 of 16 '. o o o Essential Public Facilities GMA Goal - Essential public facilities include those facilities that are typically difficult to site, such as airports, state education facilities and state or regional transportation facilities as defined in RCW 47 06 140, state and local correctional facilities, solid waste handling facilities, and in-patient facilities including substance abuse facilities, mental health facilities, group homes, and secure community transition facilities as defined in RCW 71 09 020" [RCW 36 70A.200] GMA Requirement - Include a process to identify and site essential public facilities, in both their comprehensive plan and their development regulations GMA Requirement - No local comprehensive plan or development regulation may preclude the siting of essential public facilities. GMA Requirement - Provide for the siting of secure community transition facilities Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies Chapter 9 of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan provides a policy framework for the location of both local and state wide essential public facilities Additionally, elements of the Comprehensive Plan include the Essential Public Facilities Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Water Plan, the Comprehensive Sewer Plan, and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Yelm Development Regulation Requirements The Yelm Zoning Code allows essential public facilities in all zoning districts in the City provided they are consistent with capital facilities plans for the service provider The Zoning Code was amended in 2002 to provide for the location of secure community transitional facilities within Yelm Analysis The Compressive Plan and Zoning Code both aI/ow for the siting of essential public facilities, including secure community transitional facilities The City may consider an amendment to the Zoning Code to streamline the permitting process for essential public facilities that are identified in an approved Capital Facilities Plan Conclusions The Yelm Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the Growth Management requirements for the siting of essential public facilities, although the City may consider streamlining the approval process for facilities identified in an adopted Capital Facilities Plan December 15, 2004 Page 9 of 16 Affordable Housing GMA Goal - Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population of this state, promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock. GMA Requirement - Include a housing element in their comprehensive plans which · Includes an inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs, · includes a statement of goals, policies, objectives, and mandatory provisions for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing, including single- family residences, · identifies sufficient land for housing, including, but not limited to, government- assisted housing, housing for low-income families, manufactured housing, multifamily housing, and group homes and foster care facilities, and · makes adequate provisions for existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community" (RCW 36 70A.070) Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies The required inventory of existing housing and analysis of projected housing needs is located in Chapter Four of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan This chapter projects the need for affordable housing and establishes policies that promote such housing through encouraging a variety of housing types and densities and conserving and improving the existing housing stock and neighborhoods The housing inventory is somewhat out of date. but the projections are still valid, as verified by the latest buildable lands report from the Thurston Regional Planning Council, as noted in the urban growth area section Yelm Development Regulation Requirements The Yelm Zoning Code allows a range of housing densities from 4 units per acre to 16 units per acre in a range of housing styles from single family dwellings to multi-family The Code also allows manufactured housing on any residential lot and contains provisions for the siting of new manufactured housing communities Analysis Although the inventory of housing should be updated with the latest census information and the buildable lands report from the Thurston Regional Planning Council, the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations do allow and promote affordable housing in Yelm December 15, 2004 Page 10 of 16 j o o o c c c The amount of affordable housing that the City of Yelm and Thurston County targets to provide is still valid as it is a function of the population distribution as part of the population forecasts As noted before, the latest information from the US Census and the Thurston Regional Planning Council validate the population forecasts in the original Comprehensive Plan Conclusions The Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the provIsions of the Growth Management Act as they relate to affordable housing The housing inventory should be updated with more current information that is available now December 15, 2004 Page 11 of 16 I , o Transportation GMA Goal - Encourage efficient multimodal transportation systems that are based on regional priorities and coordinated with county and city comprehensive plans GMA Requirement - A transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan which . includes land use assumptions used in estimating travel . estimates local traffic impacts on state-owned transportation facilities . identifies facility and services needs, including an inventory of facilities, level of service standards (LOS), specific actions needed to bring into compliance any local facilities that are below the relevant LOS, forecasts of traffic for at least ten years, and identification of state and local system needs to meet current and future demands . includes a multi-year financing plan, including a discussion of what to do if probable funding falls short of identified needs . promotes intergovernmental coordination efforts · identifies demand-management strategies 0 GMA Requirement - Adopt concurrency regulations These regulations prohibit approval of new development unless there will be adequate transportation facilities to accommodate them concurrent with the development. Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies The Comprehensive Plan at Chapter six adopts the level of service for the street system with the Yelm Urban Growth Area Adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan, as exhibits and appendices are the Regional Transportation Improvement Plan, which was updated by the Thurston Regional Planning Council in 2004 and the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan, which was updated in 2001 The land use assumptions used for travel forecasting are found in Chapter 3, Land Use Along with the land use assumptions of the other jurisdictions in Thurston County, they form the basis for the travel demand modeling of the TRPC Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) This county-wide model is used by all the local jurisdictions, which all use each others' land use plans and zoning to define a common and integrated county-wide set of modeling assumptions The RTP addresses freeways, major arterials, collectors, and transit service This modeling also addresses impacts of local traffic on state facilities, such as State Route 507 and State route 510 in Yelm The inventory of facilities is found in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan The accepted level of service standards are listed in the policies of the plan There are no local facilities currently failing to meet their adopted level of service C December 15, 2004 Page 12 of 16 c c c Intergovernmental coordination is accomplished mainly through using a common area- wide transportation planning program, the Regional Transportation Plan Yelm Development Regulation Requirements Chapter 1540 Yelm Municipal Code contains concurrency requirements for the transportation system A traffic facilities charge is required for all new development, as is street frontage improvements and off-site improvements attributable to impacts from a proposed development. The City annually adopts a six-year transportation improvement plan, based on the Transportation Comprehensive Plan Conclusions The Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the transportation requirements of the Growth Management Act. December 15, 2004 Page 13 of 16 o Public Facilities GMA Goal - Ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be adequate to serve the development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards GMA Requirement - Identify facility needs, the costs to provide them, and how to finance them The Capital Facilities Element of the Plan must include · An inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public entities, showing the locations and capacities of the capital facilities, . a forecast of the future needs for such capital facilities, · the proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new capital facilities, . at least a six-year plan that will finance such capital facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies sources of public money for such purposes, and · a requirement to reassess the land use element if probable funding falls short of meeting existing needs and to ensure that the land use element, capital facilities 0 plan element, and financing plan within the capital facilities plan element are coordinated and consistent. Park and recreation facilities shall be included in the capital facilities plan element. Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies The Yelm Comprehensive Plan at Chapter 5 identifies public facilities, including municipal sewer and water infrastructure, private utilities such as natural gas and telephone, and schools Further, the Comprehensive Plan adopts as Appendices the following documents, which contain inventories and improvement plans for the specific utility. . Yelm Comprehensive Water Plan, amended in 2002 . Yelm Comprehensive Sewer Plan . Yelm Parks Plan Chapter 10 of the Comprehensive Plan is the Capital Facilities Plan Yelm Development Regulation Requirements Annual capital facility planning and budgeting implements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they relate to public facilities c December 15, 2004 Page 14 of 16 c c c Analysis The City has adopted concurrency management as Chapter 15 40 YMC This chapter requires a finding of concurrency for sewer, water, parks, and schools before a development may be approved The Parks Plan and the Capital Facilities Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan should be updated The City is working towards adopting a Comprehensive Reclaimed Water Plan Conclusions The Yelm Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the provisions of the Growth Management Act relating to public facilities December 15, 2004 Page 15 of 16 o Shoreline Master Program GMA Requirement - The goals of the Shoreline Management Act are adopted as goals of the Growth Management Act. The goals and policies of the local Shoreline Master Programs to be part of local GMA comprehensive plans The regulations of the local Shoreline Master Programs are also considered by state law to be development regulations of the local communities GMA Requirement - Adoption or amendment of Shoreline Master Programs must also be conducted pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90 58), rather than the Growth Management Act (RCW 36 70A) GMA Requirement - The State Department of Ecology has issued guidelines for updating and amending local Shoreline Master Programs Thurston County and the cities within must update their Shoreline Master Programs by a deadline of 2011 Yelm Comprehensive Plan Policies The Comprehensive Plan at Chapter 12 indicates that Yelm Creek should not be designated a shoreline of the state and that the Centralia power canal should Neither the City or Washington Department of Ecology has initiated a review of these two water 0 bodies to determine if they are appropriately designated Yelm Development Regulation Requirements Yelm has adopted the Shoreline Master Program for the Thurston Region, adopted in 1990 Yelm Creek is the only shoreline of the state identified within the Yelm Urban Growth Area Conclusions The Comprehensive Plan is currently consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act as they relate to shorelines, as updates to the Shoreline Master Program are not due until 2011 The City should request the Department of Ecology review Yelm Creek to determine if it meets the minimum flows for a shoreline of the state o December 15, 2004 Page 16 of 16 n ,~- C7 c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm CANCELLA TION NOTICE The NOVEMBER 15, 2004, Plannlnq Commission meetinq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Plannrng Commission will be held In Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2004 at 4 00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATTEST /1,11 J{~ / AL Ut... /j, I/( V \..:/ { It, Z if.-. (' Agnes Bennick City ClerkfTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2004 Sent to the Planning Commission mailing list: FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2004 The City of Yelm lS an Equal Opportumty ProVlder n .~- c o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm CANCELLA TION NOTICE The OCTOBER 18, 2004, Planninq Commission meetlnq has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2004 at 400 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 ATT71 '((J~ xJ ~.tAm0 Agnes Bennick City ClerkfTreasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13,2004 Sent to the Planning Commission mailing list. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2004 The C1ty of Yelm is an Equal Opportumty ProVlder 0- o (\ l----.J City of Yelm Community Development Department 105 Yelm Avenue West P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 CANCELLATION NOTICE The SEPTEMBER 20. 2004. PlannlnQ Commission meetlnQ has been CANCELLED The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on MONDAY. OCTOBER 18.2004 at 4:00 pm. If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Posted WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 Sent to the Planning Commission mailing list: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 (360) 458-3835 (360) 458-3144 FAX www.ci.yelm.wa.us AT}EST icfri '( " '" ' I.' t./~/4~.. . /t/JUti'1- Agnes Bennick City ClerklTreasurer c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 30, 2004, 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 04 P m Members present: John Thomson, Don Carney, Norman Allard, Greg Mattocks, Everette Schirman, Glen Cunningham, and John Graver Staff' Grant Beck, and Tami Merriman Members Absent. Motion No Mr. Thomson introduced new Planning Commission Member John Graver Mr Graver was appointed by the Mayor at the August 22, 2004 City Council Meeting Approval of Minutes. 04-16 MOTION MADE BY GREG MATTOCKS, SECONDED BY NORMAN ALLARD TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 16, 2004 MEETING MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. None Public Hearings. None ~.\ (] Worksession. State Route 510 Yelm Loop Project: Mr. Beck introduced Perry Shea, and Susan Graham from Parametrix Parametrix is the engineenng firm hired by WADOT to design the HWY 510 Yelm Loop Mr. Shea, and Ms. Graham gave a history of the Y2 - Y3 Environmental Study, and discusses the placement of and reasons for the placement of proposed intersections This Highway is to be a "limited access" highway, with no direct dnveway accesses If funding continues for the property acquisition and construction, we could open the road in 2010 John Thomson inquired if thiS route will be a designated truck route Mr Shea responded that at this time it is not planned to be the designated route, however signing it as a truck route is a very good idea Glen Cunninqham inquired about the possibility of shifting the route if a property owner refuses to negotiate a sale Mr. Shea responded that shifting is not a possibility at this time Mr. Shea stated that at this point, the Environmental Assessment will be updated and reviewed for changes such as ESA Issues, and noise evaluation A meeting will be held for the affected property owners on September 14, 2004 at the Yelm Community Services center 04-17 MOTION MADE BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY NORM ALLARD TO ADJOURN MOTION CARRIED, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5 00 P M Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner c John Thomson, Chair Date ) I:lm Plalllllng. CommlSSlun AlI~lIst 10 20U4 Page I o o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o Please sIgn m and mdIcate If you wIsh to be added to the Plannmg CommIssIOn Emall lIst to reCelve future agendas and mInutes All Plannmg CommIssIOn meetmgs are audIO taped. For mformatIOn on obtammg a copy please call the Yelm Commumty Development Department at (360) 458-3835 MEETING Yelm Plannmg CommIssIOn DATE August 30, 2004 TIME 4 00 PM LOCATION Yelm CIty Hall Name & Address Email Email Address List? D D D D D D D D c A Short Course in Planning It' 5 FREE, it' 5 Fu n and it' 5 I N FORMATIVE To all local jUrisdictions interested In training for your Planning Commission, we have organized a short course presented by CTED. This course is designed for Planning Commission members as an introduction to planning or as a refresher for veteran members. For more Info, call Marci at the City of Lacey, 360-491-5642. September 9, 2004 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM Lacey Community Center at Woodland Creek Park C 6729 Pacific Avenue SE, Lacey C c M1 Sustainable Redevelopment M2 Natural Resource Protection in the Great NW- Comparing Methods M6 Successful Design Strategies M7 Sustainability: Theory & Practice Conference Check-in (until 5:00 P.M.) ~--.....,...-,.-.- - , ._ "T" . 'I ,12 .~-' The WillameUe River Basin: ,Pas~ Present " & Three Plausible '-.'1;- Futures 1,"'" 'LL' ;1 A:. (;1 17 Creating the Best Available Science . for Salmon 'j cont,~at~.n.Planning _~"I l'~,- , . 1'1.' 116 New Innovations in Streets & Public Places . i~:- -T11"~;~ ;'"" land Trust Success Stories M3 Freight Mobility: Efforts to Keep the Economy Moving M4 Agricultural land Preservation M5 Effective Project Management for Planners MW1 Central City I'Ilrtland Walking Tour (2:00-- '4:00 P.M.) Beverage Break with Exhibitors M8 M9 Crossing the Columbia: The GMA & Bi-State Transporta~on Senate Bill 1 00-" Then & Now Rumba and Raffle-Opening Night Reception Sponsored by Parametrix . I . ,!:-" M10 Connected at last in CoolTown Networking Breakfast- Planning & Diversity (until 8:20 A.M.) 15 ,', !:MW3 Things Never Taught .,;, Phoenix Rising: in Planning School: NE Alberta Street- :1 Communication & -; ~ ._J ~evitalization & Gen~ficatiori.' Presentation Skills '~"': ,.,.:/1,,(9:00--11 :00 A.M.) ,That ReaIlYWOr,k~;I';' 'r'". .. c; ,.' {Part 1}. ~ ,<f. . ':,,' ' 110 .!. Things Never Taught in Planning School: :(ommunication & .,' "Presentation Skills ,That Really Work , (Part 2) _T. Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors n High Speed Passenger Rail in the Pacific Northwest 14 Key legal Rulings in Oregon '& Washington ~...~. ::t/.T2O' t:.-"~ ~~$ Coliaboratlve Pennlltmg' 'Strategies for 'Working Together ,}.. Oregon APA Legislative & Policy Affairs Committee (LPAC) Breakfast Meeting (until 7:45 A.M.) ::Ljij~:~I=:y>;:~E~:~ ,~kil:~~i:'J>~"I~::~t~:~ ShrinkingBudge~ &::i ~~_ Success~: 'fJ; ~~~. j "MAX: i,4i1 .the Charrene Process "., ,Redevelopment, ;" AYellow ;rt; !~~:~~; ';l;~~.In~~~~~;; ~~1jf:~1} ,1, _ ....4;i.' 4'. ...,": Beverage Break with Exhibitors T8 " 19 Tough Choices: , A Tale ofTwo Regions: Priori~zing Transportation 'p Vision 2020 & .. , .Erojects >;.~egio~ 2040 " 'hI.:- ..l..1' ' t",:; 'i; ,;i 113 Transportation: ~ ~.: ;; u.: lessons In "'. ,;'- ~~~~riba7~:~~;:ents.).r':. ?I (O~~.1~i; .;~~:~ . P, 8everage Break with Exhibitors :l. ';~ .T18 '1~:1i~t' ;~,~, ;~ T19 l;;~;' :~; Multi-Modal ~\ 1 Planning for h-; ,E"; , Transportation Corridor";:'" ,. Economic Development Two Case Studies I I . . : fun Walk/Run Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors ,; ,~ -\ '~~\;:~:~~~agem:;1~. r~ ~~p~:g ~~Hi:i . 'C'" .on a Human Scale '~:::cState Mandates fat ~ ':;~~~;~;c~ (~."""- o City of Yelm c c Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Monday, August 30, 2004 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL 105 YELM AVE WEST 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes August 16, 2004, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearings None 4 State Route 510 Yelm Loop Project 5 Other 6 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Plannmg Commission meetmgs are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: Monday, September 20,2004 - 400 P M Yelm City Hall Council Chambers c ;\ o c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: PLACE: PURPOSE. Monday, August 30, 2004, 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA Special Meeting to Discuss State Route 510 Yelm Loop Project. The Yelm Planning CommissIOn wIll hold a speCIal meeting. Any related documents are available for public revIew during normal business hours at the CIty ofYelm, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm W A. For additIonal informatIOn, please contact Grant Beck at 458-8408 The City ofYelm provIdes reasonable accommodatIOns to persons With disabIlitIes. If you need speCIal accommodations to attend or partIcIpate, call the City Clerk, Agnes BennIck, at (360) 458-8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting, ATTEST Agnes Bennick CIty Clerk/Treasurer DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published In the Nlsqually Valley News Fnday, August 27, 2004 MaIled to Planmng commiSSIOn Mailing LIst: Tuesday, August 17,2004 Posted In Public Areas. Tuesday, August 17,2004 The C1ty of Yelm 1S an Equal Opportumty ProVlder c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 16, 2004, 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 03 P m Members present: John Thomson, Don Carney, Norman Allard, and Greg Mattocks Staff. Grant Beck, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Everette Schirman Excused, and Glen Cunningham, Unexcused Motion No Approval of Minutes: 04-14 MOTION MADE BY GREG MATTOCKS, SECONDED BY NORMAN ALLARD TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 21, 2004 MEETING MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. Mr. Beck informed the Commission that Larrv Hanson has Public Hearings. None c Worksession State Route 510 Yelm Loop Project: Grant Beck distributed to the Commission, copies of the Environmental Assessment Summary, and other documents relating to the history of the 510 Loop (Also known as the Y3 Corridor) Mr. Beck discussed the history of the creation of the Y3 corridor study, and the status of the funding for the corridor At this time, Parametrix has been chosen by WADOT to provide the engineering design for the Corridor Parametrix would like to meet with the Commission to discuss in further detail, intersection accessed proposed on the corridor After meeting with the Planning Commission on August 30, 2004, Parametrix will then present their recommendations to the City Council Other: Mr. Beck informed the Commission of the City of Lacey's invitation for Planning Commissioners to attend a Short Course on Local Planning to be held at the Lacey Community Center on September 9, 2004 Mr. Beck informed the Commission of the APA Conference to be held in Portland, OR in October 2004 Mr. Beck updated the Commission about the proposal sent to ISC, from local citizens and the Mayor, inviting ISC to look at Yelm as a possible location for a NASCAR track in Yelm At this time there has been no word from ISC as to their position in choosing a possible site If and/or when ISC makes an official application to the City to locate a track, then a full public input process will begin 04-15 MOTION MADE BY GREG MATTOCKS, SECONDED BY DON CARNEY TO ADJOURN MOTION CARRIED, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 4 50 P M Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner o 4 I! Cz( &/3 (:/ /0 'f- Date Yelm Planning Commission August] 6, 2004 Page 1 c c c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sIgn m and mdIcate If you wIsh to be added to the Planmng CommIssIOn Emml lIst to receIve future agendas and mmutes All Plannmg CommIssIOn meetmgs are audIO taped. For mformatIOn on obtammg a copy please call the Yelm Commumty Development Department at (360) 458-3835 MEETING DATE TIME LOCATION Yelm Plannmg CommIssIOn August 16, 2004 4 00 PM Yelm CIty Hall Name Email Email Address Address List? D D 0 D 0 0 D D c City of Yelm o o Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, August 16,2004 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL 105 YELM AVE WEST 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes July 19, 2004 meeting cancelled - no minutes June 21,2004, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or tOpiCS for which public heanngs have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearrngs None 4 Worksession State Route 510 Loop 5 Other 6 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It IS the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days pnor to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For Information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: Monday, September 20,2004 - 400 P M Yelm City Hall Council Chambers c NOTICE THIS IS THE LAST AGENDA THAT WILL BE MAILED OUT TO THE PUBLIC VIA U.S. MAIL. In the interest of conserving public funds, the Community Development Department of the City of Yelm will no longer be mailing the Planning Commission agendas and minutes to interested parties Instead, we will be emailing the agendas and minutes to those that are interested If you would like to continue to receive the Planning Commission agendas and minutes, via email, please send your emall address to robertaa@cLyelm.wa us The agenda packet will also be available at the City's website at www cl.yelm.wa us And, of course, all public documents are always available for viewing at the Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West. 1-'" lJ Mailed to Planning Commission mailing list Tuesday, August 10, 2004 o c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 19, 2004,400 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Meeting was cancelled Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner John Thomson, Chair Date /f-,\ V o Yelm Planning Commission July 19 2004 Page 1 c City of Yelm o o 1 Planning Commission AGENDA Monday, July 19,2004 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL 105 YELM AVE WES;r Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Mlnutes/ June 21, 2004, minutes enclo;~o/ Public Communications (Not assoc~~ with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) \ Public Hearings \ ~ I 0 None \\..d\~ Worksesslon \;\}l \ ~l~"\\ \~ \l)~ 2. 3 4 5 Other 6 Adjourn ble to non-Commission members upon request. It IS the City of Y. 1m's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If ou are a person with a disability In need of accommodations to conduct buslnes~, or 0 participate In government processes or actIVIties, please contact Agnes Bennick, a 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Pia? ing Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy "please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: Monday, August 16, 2004 - 400 P M Yelm City Hall Council Chambers o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 21,2004,400 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: John Thomson, Glen Cunningham, Larry Hanson, Don Carney, and Greg Mattocks Staff' Grant Beck, Gary Carlson, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Everette Schirman and Norman Allard, Unexcused Motion No Approval of Minutes. 04-11 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSON, SECONDED BY GREG MATTOCKS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE MAY 17,2004 MEETING MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. There were no public communications Public Hearings. None o Worksession. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15.24 Sign Code Grant Beck informed the Commission that the Sign Code Subcommittee reviewed the City of Lacey's Sign Code, and public testimony as requested at the May 17, 2004 meeting The subcommittee found that the Lacey sign code did allow more wall signage, however does not allow free standing signs, and their monument sign size allowance is smaller Overall, the proposed sign code allows as much or more than the City of Lacey The subcommittee discussed the types of commercial uses that would most likely come to the City in the future, and feels that the code as proposed meets the needs of new businesses as well as the old The subcommittee also discussed the examples presented by the Chamber of Commerce and finds that there are ways to address their needs without changing the current regulations, such as adding awnings in alleyways for signage, and the variance process for unique businesses Ms Cecelia Jenkins entered the meeting and gave Chairman John Thomson a copy of the proposed sign code, with suggestions for changes The Commission reviewed the suggestions and commented as follows Animated signs, the chamber wishes to allow computer message reader signs This is allowed under the proposed sign code Off Premise Signs, the chamber wishes to allow off premise signs regulated by current allowed signage The commission agrees that off-premise signs should not be allowed Special Event Signs, the chamber wishes to allow off premise signs for special events The Commission agrees that off premise signs should not be allowed Sandwich board Signs, the chamber wishes to allow sandwich board signs anywhere in the City The commission agrees that sandwich board signs should only be allowed in pedestrian oriented businesses Illuminated signs, the chamber wishes to allow illuminated signs. This is allowed under the current sign code Banners, the chamber wishes to allow banners for special community events. This is allowed under the current sign code c John Thomson asked the Commission for their comments on the proposed sign code Don Carney feels the sign code is ready to be presented to City Council with recommendation for adoption Greq Mattocks feels the sign code is ready to be presented to City Council with recommendation for adoption Yelm Planning Commission June 21 2004 Page I c Larry Hanson feels the sign code is ready to be presented to City Council with recommendation for adoption Glen Cunninqham no comment. 04-12 MOTION MADE BY GREG MATTOCKS, SECONDED BY LARRY HANSON TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE SIGN CODE UPDATE AS WRITTEN FOUR VOTED FOR, GLEN CUNNINGHAM ABSTAINED, MOTION CARRIED Worksession. 6-Year Transportation Improvement Plan Grant Beck presented to the Commission the 6-year transportation plan as prepared by City staff Mr Beck explained the process and requirements of the 6-year plan, and how it is used for planning and grant funding purposes There are 15 transportation projects on this plan, listed in priority of needed improvements The commission is please with the list and priority schedule 04-13 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSON, SECONDED BY DON CARNEY TO ADJOURN MOTION CARRIED, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5 23 P M Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner o 8(;,IC/F Date c Yelm Planning Commission June 21 2004 Page 2 o o o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate If you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (360)458-3835 MEETING. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE JUNE 21,2004 TIME 400 PM LOCATION. YELM PUBLIC WORKS NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? o City of Yelm o (\. U Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, June 21, 2004 4 00 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM 901 RHOTON ROAD 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes May 17, 2004, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearings 4 Other a Worksesslon - Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15 24 Sign Code b Worksesslon - Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate In government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be' Monday, July 19, 2004 - 4 00 P M Yelm City Hall Council Chambers o o o City of Yelm Community Development Department STAFF REPORT To Yelm Planning Commi~sion ~ From Grant Beck, DirectorV' Date June 15, 2004 SubJ Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Attached for the Planning CommIssions review is the annual update of the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) This year, the City established a TransportatIon CommIttee to update the STIP and deal With transportation related issues throughout the year This committee reviewed last years STIP and made a couple additIons and changes to list of planned Improvements and the order In which they appear Key features of this years list Include . The SR 510 Yelm Loop (Y3 Corndor) is funded for engineering! . The Stevens Street connector will be constructed this year . The Y4 connector (Stevens Street from 1st to Edwards) was added to the list. . Yelm Avenue West widening was extended from Solberg to 93rd . Mill Road was split into two projects, the intersectIon and the vertical alignment at Mill Pond School The STIP Will be presented to the City Council at a study session in June and a public heanng in July Comments from the Planning Commission on the draft STIP WIll be part of the packet for Council review o o o AII\1Il!l!ll. WI Agency' Co. No. City No Yelm 34 1495 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2005 to 2010 Washington State Department of Transportation Co. Name. Thurston Co MPO/RTPO NONfTRPC Hearing Date: Amend Date: Adoption Date. Resolution No Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. e .::: tII Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only '" C, '" -c '" (Local Agency) - ~ Em tII t: 0 '" no c "' Z'a.> C. Project Title ",- E <II U co Federal Funding RfW .Q tIl .C ..0 >'" no ...J .c oc. ~ ll.. ~ no .Q E D Street/Road Name or Number a..~ U5 to Required u- Phase Federal Federal State 4th cU ~:::J '0 1:5 State Local Total Envir :J o..z E. Beginning MP or road Ending MP or road .5 :5 Start Fund Cost by Fund Date u.. . I- '" 1st 2nd 3rd Thru Type 'Q Funds Funds Funds (MMIYY) F Describe Work to be Done It (mm/dd/yyyy) Code Phase Code 6th 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I I I I I I I I I 06 1 01 S 3 C ALL! 61112005 I I I I 24840 I I 24840 I I I EA SR 510 Yelm Loop G Yes P from: SR 507 to: SR510 T Construct new Loop Road around Yelm. W Totals 24840 24840 07 2 03 S .210 0 ALL I I I I 1 10001 I 1000/ I I I EA Stevens Avenue Connection Yes from: 1 st Street to: 400 feet east of 4th Street Widen existing roadway to Collector standards and construct connection between Srd Street and 4th Street Totals 1000 1000 00 3 07 S CE Road Resurfacing No from: City Wide to: Chip Seai and Fog Coat Totals 06 4 03 P .2 C ALLI I I I I 6831 I 6831 I I I 1 03rd Avenue G No P from: West Road to: Creek Street T Reconstruct to Collector standards. W Totals 683 683 Report Date: July 25 2001 Page 1 Supersedes previous editions o o o Agency' Co No.. City No. Yelm 34 1495 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2005 to 2010 ~ Wi Washington State Department of Transportation Co. Name' MPO/RTPO' Thurston Co. NONITRPC Hearing Date: Amend Date. Adoption Date: Resolution No. Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. e .c '" Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only C, " "- "C <l> (Local Agency) ro ~:v E '" '" c: 0 <n c: '" C. Project Title ,,- .a " () ro Federal Funding Rrw .2 <Ii 'cD ~~ '" -' .c t5~ .QE D. Street/Road Name or Number a.~ en ro ~ 0.. Phase Federal Federal State Required !3() ~=> "0 U 4th Q.z E. Beginning MP or road Ending MP or road ~ 5 Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total Envir Date u.. - f- <l> 1st 2nd 3rd Thru Type "0 (mm/dd/yyyy) Code Phase Code Funds Funds Funds 6th (MM/YY) F Describe Work to be Done a: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 I I I I I 06 5 03 P ALL I I I I 1 8561 I 856 I 1 I Stevens Street Connection from: 1 st Street to: Edwards Widen Stevens Street to Collector standards and construct new connection between 1 st Street and Railroad Avenue, including rail crossing. Totals 856 856 6 P ALL I I I I 1 3151 1 3151 1 1 I Mosman Realignment from: Edwards Street to: SR 507 Realign roadway and widen to Collector standards. Totals 315 315 7 P 1.5 C ALLJ I I I I 129601 1 129601 I I I SR 507 Yelm Loop G P from: SR 507 to SR 507 T New southern loop road. W Totals 12960 12960 06 8 03 P 1.2 C ALL I I I I SCP! 46801 I 46801 I 1 I Yelm Avenue West (SR 507) Widening G Yes P from: 1 st Street to: 93rd Street S Widen roadway to Urban Arterial standards W Totals 4680 4680 Report Date: July 25, 2001 Page 2 Supersedes previous editions o o o AIlIIIl'o. VIi Agency' Co No. City No Yelm 34 1495 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2005 to 2010 Washington State Department of Transportation Co. Name' MPO/RTPO' Thurston Co. NONrrRPC Hearing Date: Amend Date' Adoption Date: Resolution No.. Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. e .<:: VI Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only ~., C, Q) <l.I 'C (Local Agency) Cii ~ Ul c: 0 <f) e '" .ew C. Project Title ~Q) .a Q) () co Federal Funding Rrw .Q (J) 'C .D 00. '" -' .c .Q E ~ a.. u..!!! D. Street/Road Name or Number 5.~ Ci) Cii Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required ell ~::J '0 ti State Local Total Envir Date ::l o...z E. Beginning MP or road Ending MP or road .s :5 Start Fund Fund l.L. - I- <l.I Cost by 1st 2nd 3rd Thru Type '0' (mm/dd/yyyy) Code Phase Code Funds Funds Funds 6th (MMIYY) F Describe Work to be Done G:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I I I 07 9 03 P C ALLI I I I scpl 1050/ I 1050 I I I Solberg StreetIMosman Street Connection G No p from: SR 507 to: Edwards T Widen roadway to Collector standards with planter stripfsidewalk on north W side of Mosman. Totals 1050 1050 07 10 04 P 1.00 C ALL I I I I scpl 24161 I 24161 I I I Mill Road/SR 507 Intersection Realignment 06 G Yes 07 P from: SR 507 to: 109th 12 T Realign intersection of Mill Road and SR 507 to collector standards with a W dedicated left turn lane on Mill and a left turn pocket on SR 507 Totals 2416 2416 06 11 12 P ALL [ I STP I I SCPI I I I I I [ Mill Road Vertical Realignment 03 Yes Mill Road from: 104th to: 107th Reconstruct Mill Road with appropriate vertical alignmentl for traffic safety, reconstruct to Collector standards. Totals 06 12 05 P .360 C ALLI I I I scpl 5991 I 5991 I I I CE West Road Improvements G Yes p from: Creek Street to. 103rd Avenue T Complete half street improvements to Collector standands. W Totals 599 599 Report Date. July 25, 2001 Page 3 Supersedes previous editions o C) o ~ WI Agency' Co. No.. City No. Yelm 34 1495 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2005 to 2010 Washington State Department of Transportation Co. Name: Thurston Co. MPO/RTPO' NONfTRPC Hearing Date: Amend Date' Adoption Date: Resolution No.. Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. e: J: Ul Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only C, '" ~"' -0 OJ (Local Agency) ro .em Ul " 0 <JJ c: Ul C. Project Title ~Qi' .a '" u C1l Federal Funding Rf\IV .Q (1) oc ..a '" ..J ..c; 00. ~ Q.. t5E! .Q E D. Street/Road Name or Number ~~ <il 5 Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required c:<.) ~:J 0 0 State Local Total Envir Date ::> n..z E. Beginning MP or road Ending MP or road ~ 5 Start Fund Cost by Fund u.. - I- OJ 1st 2nd 3rd Thru Type B (mm/dd/ywy) Code Phase Code Funds Funds Funds 6th (MM/YY) F Describe Work to be Done ct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I I I I 07 13 03 P 740 C ALL / I I I scpl 30831 1 3083 I 1 I I Rhoton Road Improvements G Yes T from: 1st Street to: Canal Road W Widen roadway to Collector standards. Totals 3083 3083 07 14 03 P .550 T ALL I I I I sepl 1838/ I 1838/ I I I NP Road Improvements W Yes from: Rhoton Road to: Canal Road Widen roadway to Collector standards, railroad crossing, new intersection alignment and lighting. Totals 1838 1838 07 15 03 P .230 C ALLI I I I scpl 2631 I 2631 I I I CE Mosman Street Connection G No p from: SR 507 to: 2nd T Widen roadway to Collector standards W Totals 263 263 07 16 03 P ALL/ I I I sepl 4731 I 4731 I I I 2nd Street Improvements No from: Mosman Street to: Yelm Avenue (SR 510) Widen roadway to Collector standards. Totals 473 473 Report Date: July 25, 2001 Page 4 Supersedes previous editions o o o Agency Co. No.. City No.. Yelm 34 1495 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2005 to 2010 AII!il. W Washington State Department of Transportation Co. Name: MPO/RTPO' Thurston Co. NONfTRPC Hearing Date. Amend Date: Adoption Date: Resolution No.. Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. e: .s "' Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only '" "'- Cl " Q) (Local Agency) ro ~Q; E '" "' " 0 <J) Federal Funding .Q ~ G. Project Title ",- .a '" (.) ro R/W .C ..0 > "' ...J ..c oc. III ~ t3~ .QE D. Street/Road Name or Number c.~ lil n; CL Phase Federal Federal State 4th Required 3(.) ~::l (5 1:5 Envir o.z E. Beginning MP or road Ending MP or road .E :5 Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total Date ll.. - I- Q) 1st 2nd 3rd Thru "e- (mm/dd/yyyy) Code Phase Code Funds Funds Funds 6th Type (MM/YY) F Describe Work to be Done CL 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 20 21 I I I I i 06 17 04 P C ALLI I I I scpl 2501 I 250 I I Killion Road Realignment 01 G Yes 12 P from: SR 507 to: T Widen roadway to Collector standards, realign with SR 507 install traffic W signal. Totals 250 250 Grand Totals for Yelm 55303 55303 Report Date July 25, 2001 Page 5 Supersedes previous editions o l03rd Avenue Improvements Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total 1300 Collector o o West Road to Creek Street. Widen roadway to urban standards $ $ $ $ $ 455,000 00 113,75000 113,750 00 682,500.00 West Road Improvements Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) c Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total 1800 Collector 7 o 4th Street to 103rd Widen east side to commercial collector standards and portions of west side to match built section $ $ $ $ $ 315,00000 126,00000 78,750 00 78,750 00 598,50000 Note Construction cost halved due to frontage improvements at Prairie Plaza Mosman Street/SR507 Realignment Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total c 600 Collector o o SR 507 to Railroad Realign roadway to neighborhood collector standards $ $ $ $ $ 210,00000 Note Modify Collector design to utilize existing ROW (50') 52,500 00 52,500 00 315,00000 o Mosman Street Improvements c c Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total 500 Collector o o SR 507 to 2nd Street. Widen roadway to neighborhood collector standards $ $ $ $ $ 175,000 00 Note Modify Collector design to utilize existing ROW (50') on Mosman Eliminate sidewalk on north side of Mosman 43,75000 43,75000 262,500 00 Solberg/Mosman Improvements 2000 Collector o o SR 507 to SR 510 Widen roadway to neighborhood collector standards Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total $ 700,00000 $ $ 175,00000 $ 175,00000 $ 1,050,000 00 Second Street Improvements Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total 900 Collector o o Yelm Avenue to Mosman Improve to commercial collector standards $ $ $ $ $ 315,00000 78,75000 78,75000 472,500 00 o Yelm Avenue West Improvements Description Length of Improvement 1700 Classification Arterial Commercial ROW (If) 12 Residential ROW (If) 0 Estimated Cost Construction $ 680,00000 Right of Way $ 204,000 00 Engineering $ 170,00000 Utility/Contingency $ 170,00000 Total $ 1,224,000 00 Mill Road Description Length of Improvement 3700 Classification Collector Commercial ROW (If) 0 Residential ROW (If) 16 C Estimated Cost Construction $ 1,295,00000 Right of Way $ 473,600 00 Engineering $ 323,750 00 Utility/Contingency $ 323,750 00 Total $ 2,416,10000 Solberg to First Street. Widen roadway to urban arterial standards Note Minor frontage improvements have been made by development. SR 507 to 109th Align, pave, drainage, sidewalks, lighting Note Some frontage near SR 507 has been completed by development. NP Road Improvements Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) 3500 Collector o o Rhoton Road to Canal Road Widen roadway, railroad crossing, new intersection alignment and lighting Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total $ 1,225,00000 $ $ 306,250 00 $ 306,250 00 $ 1,837,500 00 o o Rhoton Road Improvements c o Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total 4500 Collector 16 o First Street to Canal Road Widen roadway, drainage, lighting, resurfacing $ 1,575,000 00 $ 720,00000 $ 393,750 00 $ 393,750 00 $ 3,082,500 00 Yelm Avenue West/93rd Avenue Intersection o Collector o o Widen roadway, safety improvements, re- alignment. Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total $ $ $ $ $ Note On WSDOT's STIP, currently unfunded Yelm Avenue West/Killion Road Intersection o Collector o o Widen roadway, safety improvements, re- alignment. Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total $ $ $ $ $ Note Some ROW aquired and some contribution from Cherry Meadows o Stevens Street Connection (Y 4) Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) 1000 Collector 10800 $ 223,333 33 o Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total $ $ $ $ $ 350,00000 331,333 33 87,500 00 87,50000 856,333.33 1st Street to Edwards Street. Improve to collector standard and make new east/west connection Note ROW estimate based on area and assessed value of 2 buildings (tripled) Yelm Avenue West Reconstruction Description Length of Improvement 6500 Classification Arterial Commercial ROW (If) 12 Residential ROW (If) 0 0 Estimated Cost Construction $ 2,600,000 00 Right of Way $ 780,000 00 Engineering $ 650,000 00 Utility/Contingency $ 650,000 00 Total $ 4,680,000 00 SR 510 Loop Description Length of Improvement 23000 Classification Arterial Commercial ROW (If) 0 Residential ROW (If) 60 Estimated Cost Construction $ 9,200,00000 Right of Way $ 11,040,000 00 Engineering $ 2,300,000 00 Utility/Contingency $ 2,300,00000 Total $ 24,840,000 00 o 1 st Street to 93rd Reconstruct to urban arterial standards o SR 507 Loop c o Description Length of Improvement Classification Commercial ROW (If) Residential ROW (If) Estimated Cost Construction Right of Way Engineering Utility/Contingency Total 12000 Arterial o 60 $ 4,800,000 00 $ 5,760,00000 $ 1,200,000 00 $ 1,200,000 00 $ 12,960,00000 o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 17, 2004, 400 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 02 P m Members present: John Thomson, Glen Cunningham, Larry Hanson, Everette Schirman, Norman Allard, Don Carney, and Greg Mattocks Staff' Grant Beck, Gary Carlson, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Motion No Approval of Minutes 04-07 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSON, SECONDED BY EVERETTE SCHIRMAN TO APPIROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 19, 2004 MEETING MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. There were no public communications Public Hearings. Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15.24 Sign Code Update John Thomson opened the public hearing at 4 04 pm, and called for a staff report. Grant Beck reviewed the updates to the sign code based on subcommittee recommendation, and public comments from the March 15, 2004 meeting The final addition to the code update is an addition of regulations for community event signs John Thomson called for public testimony o Steve Ruff, Yelm Chamber of Commerce presented a list of 5 items of concern 1) That signs should be allowed for alleyways 2) Sandwich board signs should not be limited either by number of signs, or proximity to sidewalks 3) Cross road banner signs should not be limit sponsorship advertising 4) Landscaping should not be required around monument signs and 5) Wall si!Jns should not be limited by building frontage Glen Cunninqham stated that his preference is that off-premise signs should be allowed, and sandwich board signs should not be regulated Larry Hanson stated that if sandwich board signs are not regulated, they become a pedestrian and vehicular hazard, and that wall signs should be regulated by frontage, as property ownlsrs pay more money for the amount of building or road frontage Steve Ruff stated that the sign code should be minimal, and let other codes regulate the signs such as the building code Grant Beck responded to Steve Ruff's comments, 1) Allowance for alleyway signs is in the proposed update 2) Sandwich board sign regulations are geared for pedestrian traffic, such as found in a multi-unit or building complexes, and the central downtown, not vehicular on the highway 3) The cross-road banner regulations are meant for community events, not for retail advertisement. 4) the current code does not require landscaping around a monument sign, providing landscaping at the monument sign qualifies the applicant for bonus signage area 5) Wall signs are added signage over what is allowed for a freestanding or monument sign It is based on the building frontage, not total sign allowance ~ U Mike Strope, Sign Solutions, Inc , stated he owns a sign company and that this proposed code is one of the most restrictive Wall signs should be based on each wall's square footage, not only the front wall A One-to-One ratio is too small and restrictive for most businesses Freestanding and monument signs should not be based on gross floor area of the building 'r elm Planning Commission May 17 2004 Page 1 o Cecelia Jenkins stated that the code shouldn't restrict buildings with multiple sides to only 150% total Each side of a building should be allowed to have signage Mike Strope stated that other communities are more flexible and allow signs based on the elevation of each wall, all sides of the building should be allowed signage Steve Ruff "the City is growing, allow more alley way signage, push the limits and give local businesses a chance, allow more signage with less restrictions" Mike Strope stated that Lacey allows for wall signs based on the square footage of each wall The larger amount of square footage increases the amount of wall signage Mr Strope also stated that business owners can't afford too much signage, so it would never go overboard anyway Steve Ruff asked that sandwich board signs not be limited to 1 per business John Thomson closed the public hearing at 4 53 P m 04-08 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSON, SECONDED BY DON CARNEY TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE SIGN CODE UPDATE AS WRITTEN TWO VOTED FOR, FOUR VOTED AGAINST, MOTION FAILED 04-09 MOTION MADE BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY LARRY HANSON TO TABLE THE SIGN ORDINANCE TO ALLOW THE SUBCOMMITTEE TO MEET TO REVIEW PUBLIC TESTIMONY MOTION CARRIED o 04-10 MOTION MADE BY GREG MATTOCKS, SECONDED BY EVERETTE SCHIRMAN TO ADJOURN MOTION CARRIED, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5 00 P M Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner 6/2-1 /~<r Date o Yelm Planning Commission June 18,2001 R:IPlanning CommissionlMinutes and AgendaslPC 2004105 1704 min.doc Page 2 c' Chapter 15.24 SIGNS SectIOns c 15.24 0] 0 Intent. 15.24 020 DefinitIOns and abbreviations ] 5.24 030 Permits and fees reqUired. 15.24 040 Permit - ReqUirements ] 5.24 050 Permit - ApplicatIOns 15.24060 Fee schedule 15.24070 ExemptIOns. 15.24080 Prohibited signs. ] 5.24090 Temporary signs. ] 5.24 100 Structural reqUirements. 15.24 110 E]ectncal reqUirements 15.24 120 IlluminatIOn 15.24 130 Mamtenance 15.24 140 Landscapmg for freestanding and monument signs. 15.24 ]50 InspectIOn 15.24 160 More restnctive provIsIOn to apply 15.24 170 BUildings faCing on two paralle] streets or corner 15.24 180 Slgnage on aWnings and marquees 15.24 190 Dlstnct regulatlOns. 15.24 ] 95 Off-site banners 15.24.]97 Commumty Sllms 15.24.200 Vanances ] 5.24.210 Legal nonconforming signs ] 5.21.220 TerminatIOn of signs. 15.24.230 Admmlstrator - Appomtment - Powers and duties generally 15.24.240 Administrator - InspectIOn authonty 15.24.250 Conflict and severability 15.24.260 Violation - Penalty ] 5.24.270 Removal of unlawful signs. 15.24.280 Sign area - Square footage maximums 15.24.290 Grand opening/special event sign area. o Yelm Sign Code - Public Hearing Draft May 11,2004 Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 o 15.24.010 Intent. The Intent of this chapter IS to provIde mInimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulatIng the number, SIze, desIgn, quality of matenals, constructIOn, locatIOn, electnficatlOn and maIntenance of all sIgns and sIgn structures, to preserve and Improve the appearance of the cIty as a place m whIch to live and as an attraction to nonreSIdents who come to VISIt or trade, to encourage sound signIng practices as an aId to business and for publIc informatIOn but to prevent excessIve and confusIng signIng displays 15.24 020 Definitions and abbreviations. For the purpose of thIS chapter, defimtlOns as defined In Chapter 17 06 YMC and certaIn abbreVIatIOns, terms, phrases, words and theIr denvatlves shall be construed as speCIfied In thIS sectIOn. "Abandoned sIgn" means any sIgn whIch IS located on property whIch becomes vacant and unoccupIed for a penod of SIX months or more, or any sIgn which relates to any occupant or busIness unrelated to the present occupant or their bus mess, or any sign whIch pertaIns to a time, event or purpose whIch no longer applies "AdmInIstrator" means the BUIlding OffiCIal for the CIty of Yelm or hIs/her deSIgnee. "AdvertIsing vehIcles" means any vehIcle or traIler on a public nght-of-way whIch has attached thereto, or located thereon, any sign or advertlsll1g device for the basIc purpose of providIng advertisement of products or dlrectmg people to a busIness or activIty located on the same or nearby property or any other premises ThiS provISIon IS not to be construed as prohibltmg the IdentIficatIon of a firm or ItS pnnclpal products on a vehicle operatIng dunng normal course of busIness. FranchIsed buses or taxIs are exempt from thiS chapter o c "Animated sign" means any sign which Includes actIOn or motIon or the optIcal illUSIOn of action or motIOn, or color changes of all or any part of the sIgn facIng, reqUlnng electncal energy, or set In motIOn by movement of the atmosphere Excluded from the definitIOn are public service sIgns, changIng message center signs, searchlights and flags. "A wn mg" means a shelter supported entIrely from the extenor wall of a bUIld mg. "Bulletm board (reader board)" means a sIgn so designed that the message may be changed by removal or addItion of speCIally desIgned letters that attach to the face ofthe sIgn "Changll1g message center sIgns" means an electromcally or electncally controlled sign where dIfferent automatic changIng messages are shown on the same lamp bank. "ConstructIOn sign" means any sign used to Identify the architects, engmeers, contractors or other mdlvlduals or firms Involved wIth the constructIOn of a bulldmg and announce the character of the bulldmg or the purpose for whICh the buildIng IS mtended. "FlashIng sIgn" means any sIgn whIch contaInS an mtermlttent or flashmg lIght source or which Includes the illUSIOn of Intermittent or flashIng light by means of animatIOn or an externally mounted Intermittent light source Excluded from the defimtlOn are publIc servIce and changIng message center sIgns. "FreestandIng sign" means any sign whIch IS supported by one or more upnghts, poles or braces In or upon the ground "Garage sale sIgns" (I e., yard sales, moving sales, patIO sales) means temporary sIgns used to announce a sale of used Items. "Grade" means the elevatIOn or level of the street closest to the sign to whIch - Page 2 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 c reference IS made, as measured at the street's centerlme, or the relatIve ground level m the Immediate vlcmlty of the SIgn "Grand openmg displays" means temporary SIgns, posters, banners, stnngs of lights, clusters of flags, balloons and searchlIghts used to announce the opemng of a completely new enterpnse or the openmg of an enterpnse under new management. "Height" or "heIght of sign" means the vertical distance from the grade to the highest pomt of a SIgn or any vertical projectIOn thereof, lI1c1udmg ItS supportmg columns "Landscapmg" means any matenal used as a decoratIve feature, such as shrubbery or plantmg matenals, planter boxes, concrete bases, bnck work, decoratIve frammg or pole covers, used 111 conjunctIOn with a sign whIch expresses the theme of the sIgn and related structure but does not contam advertlsll1g copy "Legal nonconformll1g sIgn" means a sIgn which ] On the effective date of the ordll1ance codified 111 thIS chapter was lawfully mall1tamed and had been lawfully erected m accordance wIth the provIsIons of any pnor sIgn ordmance or code but whIch sIgn does not conform to the applIcable lImItatIOns establIshed by thiS chapter; or 2 On or after the effective date of the ordmance codified m thiS chapter was lawfully mamtall1ed and erected m accordance with the provIsions oft/liS chapter but which sign, by reason of amendment of the ordll1ance codified 111 thiS chapter after the effectIve date thereof, does not conform to the applicable limitatIons established by the amendment of thiS chapter "Mansard roof" means a sloped roof or roof-like facade architecturally able to be treated as a building wall "Marquee" means a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the bulldmg and projectmg over publIc property o "Marquee SIgn" means any sign attached to or supported by a marquee "Monument SIgn" means a ground- mounted sign whIch IS higher than three feet above the average ground elevatIOn and which IS attached to the ground by means of a wIde base of solid appearance "MultIple-bmldmg complex" means a group of structures housmg at least one retail busmess, office, commercial venture or mdependent or separate part of a busll1ess which shares the access and/or parkmg facilIties "Multiple-occupancy buildmg" means a smgle structure housmg more than one retail bus mess, office or commercial venture "PolItical sign" means a sIgn advertlsmg a candIdate or candIdates for public electIve office, or a political party, or signs urgmg a partIcular vote on a public Issue deCIded by ballot. "Portable (mobile) sIgn" means a sIgn made of any matena], whIch by ItS deSign, IS readily movable and IS eqUipped WIth wheels, casters or rollers or whIch IS not permanently affixed to the ground, structure or buJldlllg. (Also mcludes SIdewalks or sandWIch board sIgns, and sIgns mounted upon the tops of vehIcles ) "Projectmg sIgn" means a sign other than a flat wall sIgn, whIch IS attached to and projects from a bUlldmg wall or other structure not specifically deSigned to support the sIgn o "Public service signs" means an electromcally or electrically controlled public service sIgn or portIOn of a larger sign which conveys only mformatlon such as time, date, temperature, atmosphenc conditIOn or general news - Page 3 of 16 - Yelm SIgn Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11,2004 c mformatlOn where different alternatmg copy changes are shown on the same lamp bank matnx. "Real estate or property for sale, rental or lease sign" means any sIgn pertammg to the sale, lease or rental of land or buIldmgs. "Roof sign" means any sIgn erected upon, agamst or dIrectly above a roof or on top of or above the parapet of a buIldmg. "SearchlIght" means an apparatus contammg an electnc lIght and reflector on a sWivel for proJectmg a far-reachmg beam 10 any desIred dIrectIOn Shoppmg Center See "MuItIple-bUlldmg complex" above "Sign" means any commercial commUl1lcatIOn devlce, structure or fixture that IS extended to aid an establIshment m IdentIficatIOn and to advertise and/or promote a busIness, service, activity or Interest. For the purpose of this chapter, a sign shall not be considered to be buildmg or structural design, but shall be restncted solely to graphics, 15.24030 15-14 symbols or wntten copy that IS meant to be used In the aforementIOned way "Sign area" means the entire area of a sign on which copy IS to be placed. Only one Side of a double- faced sign shall be Included The area of pamted signs, 10dlvIdual letter sIgns, and other mdlrectly IlIum mated signs shall be calculated on the basIs of the smallest rectangle, cIrcle or sphencal figure that WIll enclose the entire copy area of the sign Any such calculatIon shall mclude the areas between letters and lInes, as well as the areas of any devices, I1lummated or nOl1lllumInated, which are mtended to attract attention "Structural AlteratIOn" means anv action that changes the height. size. or shaDe of the Sign or anv actIOn that affects the base or SUDDOrt( s) of the Sign. "Temporary sign" means any sign, banner, pennant, valance, flags (not mtended to Include flags of any natIon, state, City or other governmental agency, or nonprofit orgaI1IZatlon), searchlIghts, balloons or other aIr- or gas-filled figures or advertlsmg dIsplay constructed of cloth, canvas, lIght fabnc, cardboard, wallboard or other lIght matenals, with or wIthout frame, mtended to be dIsplayed for a lImIted penod of tIme only DIfferent types of temporary sIgns Included In thIS category are constructIon, grand openmg dIsplays, real estate, speCIal event, polItical and garage sale "Wall" means any member or group of members, WhICh defines the extenor boundanes of a bUildIng and whIch has a slope of 60 degrees or greater with the honzontal plane The height of a wall shall be measured as the two- dimensIOnal height from the average fimsh grade of the particular archItectural buIldmg elevatIOn adjacent to the wall to the fil1lsh roof plane "Wall sign" means any sign attached to or paInted directly on the wall or erected against the wall of a bUIldIng beIng parallel or approximately parallel to said wall, and does not exceed a distance of 15 Inches from Said wall 15.24.030 Permits and fees required. No sign permIt shall be issued unless the sign Installer has a valId WashIngton State contractor's lIcense; provided, however, an applicant may obtam a permit to mstall a sign on theIr own property without a state lIcense o o "Special event signs" means temporary signs used to announce a CIrcus, a carnival, festIvals, business activitIes or other simIlar events 15.24.040 Permit - Requirements. No sIgn governed by the provISIons of thIS code shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated by any person, firm or corporatIon after the date of adoptIon of - Page 4 ofl6 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 o thIs code wIthout a permIt Issued by the CIty (wIth the exceptIons as noted) No new permIt IS reqUIred for sIgns which have permIts and whIch conform with the reqUIrements of thIs code on the date of ItS adoptIon unless and untIl the sIgn IS structurally altered or relocated. 15.24 050 Permit - Applications. A. All sums re!:wlated by thIs chaoter shall reqUIre Issuance of a Sllm oerm]t by the Admm]strator. orovlded that real estate SIgns. oohtIcal SIgns. and garage sale SHms whIch meet the proVIsIons of thIS chaoter do not regUlre Issuance of a SIgn oerm]t. B. Apphcat]ons for permIts shall contam the name and address of the owner and user of the sIgn, the name and address of the owner of the property on whIch the sIgn IS to be located, the locatIon of the sIgn structure, drawmgs or photographs showmg the desIgn and d]menslOns of the sIgn and detaIls of ItS proposed placement and such other pertment mformatlOn as the admllllStrator of thiS code may requIre" to Insure complIance \vlth thIs code and other apphcable ordmances. PermIt apphcatlOns shall be avaIlable for mspectlon by the publIc upon request. C. SIgn oermlts shall be Issued no later than two weeks from the date of a complete aoohcatlOn.Upon completIOn of a permIt apphcatlOn, the apphcatlon shall be acted on wlth10 two weeks unless there IS a reqUIrement for further time under SEPA. 15.24.060 Fee schedule. Fees for sIgn permits shall be estabhshed by resolutIOn of the CIty CouncIl.tIre buIldmg officlUl as determmed by the UllIform BuIldmg Code (adopted edItIOn). 15.24070 Exemptions. The followmg sIgns do not require a sIgn permIt (unless noted), nor shall the area and number of such signs be mcluded in c o the area and number of sIgns permItted for any sIte or use ThIS shall not be construed as relIevmg the owner of the sign from the responsibIlIty of ItS erectIOn and mamtenance and ItS comphance with the prOVISIOns of thiS chapter or any other law or ordmance A. The flag, emblem or mSlgma of a natIon or other governmental umt or nonprofit orgamzatlOn subject to the gUldelmes concernmg theIr use set forth by the government or organ]zatlon whIch they represent. Flag poles reqUIre Q sIgn permIt for structural rev lev,' B MemOrIal sIgns or tablets, names of buIld1l1g, stamed glass wmdows and dates of erection when cut mto the surface or the facade of the bUlldmg or when projectmg not more than two mches C Traffic or other mUlllclpal sIgns, sIgns reqUired by law or emergency, raIlroad crossmg sIgns, legal notIces, and any temporary, or nonadvertIsll1g sIgns as may be authonzed by the City council D Signs of pubhc utlhty compames II1dlcatmg danger or whIch serve as an aId to pubhc safety or whIch show the locatIon of underground facIlItIes or of publIc telephones E Flush-mounted wall sIgns, used to Identify the name and address of the occupant for each dwell 10g proVIded the sIgn does not exceed two square feet m sIgn area F Signs located In the mtenor of any bUIldIng or wlthm an enclosed lobby or court of any bUlldll1g or group of bUIldIngs, which sIgns are deSIgned and located to be VIewed exclUSIvely by patrons of such use or uses GOne bulletm board not over 50 square feet 111 sIgn area for each pubhc, charitable or rehglOus II1stItutlOn where the same are located on the - Page 5 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May II, 2004 o premIses of said instItutIOn. (A sign ponmt IS reqUired) H. DecoratIOns Such signs In the nature of decoratIOn, clearly incidental and customary and commonly associated wIth any natIOnal, local or religious holtday 1. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertIsing structure or the changmg of the advel11smg copy of message thereon shall not be considered an erectIOn or alteratIOn whIch reqUires a sign permit unless a structural change IS made E Advertlsmg vehlcles, F Signs whIch purport to be, or are, an ImitatIOn of, or resemble an offiCial traffic sIgn or signal, or which bear the words "stop," "cautIOn," "danger," "warnmg," or slmJlar words, J Sculptures, fountams, mosaics and design features which do not 111corporate advertIsmg or IdentificatIOn G Signs WhiCh, by reason of their Size, locatIOn, movement, content, colonng or manner of illummatlOn may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or radiO eqUipment vehicle, or which obstruct the visibility of traffic or street sign or signal device, H. Signs which are located upon or projectmg over public streets, Sidewalks, or nghts-of-way, except as proVIded for awnmgs and marquees 111 YMC 15.24.280, I. Signs attached to utility poles, J Off-premises signs, K. Stnngs of banners, pennants, and other graffiti-like matenal 15.24090 Temporary signs. The follOWing signs are classified as temporary (nonpermanent) Temporary signs are permitted subject to the applicable limitatIOns A. ConstructIOn Signs. ,^. sign permit IS reqUired. Such signs may be displayed only after a bUilding permit IS obta1l1ed and dunng the penod of constructIOn on the constructIOn site Only one such sign IS permItted per construction project for each public street upon whIch the project fronts. The applicable limits are as follows In all zones other than s1l1gle- family reSidential zones, no constructIOn sign shall exceed 32 square feet In sign area (pnnted copy on one Side only) or 10 feet in height, nor be located closer than 10 feet from the property lme or closer than 30 feet from the o K. "No trespassmg," "no dumping," "no parkmg," "pnvate," signs Identlfymg essential public needs such as fr.&.-; restrooms, entrance, eXit, and telephone, etc.) and other 1l1fOrmatlOnal warn1l1g signs, whICh s.fl.a.I.l--do not exceed two square feet 111 surface area L DIrectIOnal signs erected by the CIty on publIC streets dlrectmg the public to emergency, public, CIVIC or nonprofit faCilitIes Such sign may have an arrow and the type of service avadable Such sign shall not exceed two square feet. 15.24.080 Prohibited signs. ProhibIted signs are subject to removal (except legal non conform 111g signs as defined by thIS chapter) by the CIty at the owner's or user's expense c The followmg signs or dIsplays are prohibited. A. Roof signs, B Al11mated sIgns, C Flashmg signs, D Portable signs, except as prOVIded under temporary signs, - Page 6 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11,2004 o property lme from the abuttmg owner to the penaltIes as provIded in thiS code Search lIghts may be permitted by any bus mess or enterprIse provIded the beam of lIght does not flash against any bUlldmg or does not sweep an arch of more than 45 degrees from vertIcal D Real Estate SIgns No SIgn permIt IS reqUIred. All exterIor real estate sIgns must be of wood or plastIC or other durable materIal The permItted sIgns, wIth applIcable lImIts, are as follows o 2 In smgle-famIly resIdentIal zones, no construction sIgn shall exceed 32 square feet 111 sIgn area (prInted copy on one sIde only) or 10 feet m heIght, nor be located closer than 10 feet from the property lme of the abuttmg owner B Grand Openmg DIsplays A no fee sIgn permIt IS reqUIred. Such temporary sIgns, posters, banners strIngs of lIghts, clusters of flags, balJoons or other aIr- or gas-filled figures, and searchlIghts are permItted on premIses only and for a perIod of 14 days only to announce the openmg of a completely new enterprIse or the openmg of an enterprIse under new management. Square footage of allowable temporary sign area IS provided m YMC 15.24.290 SandwIch board sIgns are permItted provIded each sIde does not exceed two and one half feet by four feet. All such materIals shall be removed ImmedIately upon the expIratIon of 14 days. Search lIghts may be permitted by any busmess or enterprIse provided the beam of lIght does not flash agamst any bUlldmg or does not sweep an arc of more than 45 degrees from vertIcal C SpeCIal Event SIgns for Busll1esses and OrgaIllzatlOns. A no fee sIgn permit IS reqUIred. Such temporary signs may be placed on premises only and shall not be larger than 20 square feet. Sandwich board sIgns are permItted provIded each sIde does not exceed two and one-half feet by four feet. SaId sIgns shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other publIc utIlIty faCIlItIes. Such sIgns may be permitted on premIses only and for a perIod of 14 days only SpeCial events are lImIted to four per year The event committee for which the sIgn IS displayed shall be responsible for ItS removal and subject Residential "for sale," "open house" and "sold" sIgns such signs shall be lImIted to one sign per street frontage not to exceed five square feet m Sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a heIght of seven feet. r\ U 2 ResIdentIal dIrectIOnal "open house" sIgns advertlsm!2: resIdentIal develooments wlthm the CltV of Yelm shall be permItted dUrIng daylIght hours on weekends only and must be placed out of the way of pedestrIan traffic 3 Undeveloped commercIal and ll1dustrIal property "for sale or rent" sIgns one sIgn per street frontage advertlsll1g undeveloped commercial and mdustnal property for sale or rent. The sIgn shalJ not exceed 32 square feet m sIgn area and 10 feet to top of sign 4 Developed commercIal and mdustnal property "for sale or rent" sIgns one sign per street frontage advertlsmg a commercIal or Il1dustrIal bUlldmg for rent or sale IS permItted whIle the bUlldmg IS actualJy for rent or sale If one face of the bUlldmg IS less than 10 feet from the property lme, the sIgn shall be placed on the bUlldmg or m a window The sIgn shall not exceed 10 feet to top of - Page 7 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 o sign, If freestandmg, shall be located more than 15 feet from any abuttmg property lme and a public nght-of-way line Said sign shall not exceed 32 square feet In sign area. person or persons for which the sign IS displayed shall be responsible for ItS removal and subject to the penalties as provided m thiS code No mdlvldual shall be permitted to have more than two garage sales per calendar year and shall not exceed five consecutlveslx combmed days. G. Sandwich Board Sums. Busmesses that cater to pedestnans such as. restaurants. retail busmesses that sell clothmg. gifts. accessones. small markets. or other similar uses as determmed bv the Admmlstrator shall be allowed to have sandwich board sll;!:ns. Such sums shall onlv be oedestnan onented In nature and busmesses wIll onlv be allowed a maxImum of one sandwich board Sign. Sandwich board Signs are subJect to the folloWIng conditions. I. Proof of liabIlity msurance shall be furnished wIth the Sign permit m the mmlmum aggregate sum of $500.000.00 and that the CltV of Yelm IS named as an additional msured on such oohcv. 2. The area of the sandwIch board shall not exceed SIX square feet oer sIde m sIze and shall not be wider than two feet. 3. Sandwich boards shall be constructed out of matenals able to withstand tyOlcal northwest weather such as metal. finIshed wood. chalkboard. whlteboard. or olastIc. Sandwich boards shall be mamtaIned m a le!?:ible and mtact manner. c 5 Undeveloped residential property "for sale" signs one on-premises sign per street frontage advertlSlng undeveloped resIdential property for sale IS permitted not exceedmg 32 square feet In sign area. Said sign must be placed more than 30 feet from the abuttmg owner's property Ime and may not exceed a height of 10 feet to top of sign E PolItIcal SIgns No sign permit IS reqUIred Pohtlcal signs or posters may be placed upon pm'ate property only aHEl-shall not be larger than 10 square feet of sign area and shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles~ or other public utility facilities Such signs may be displayed no sooner than the next to the last Monday m July pnor to an electIOn (except for specwl electIOns ',vhlch may dIsplay such sIgns no sooner than 45 days pnor to the electIOn) and must be removed seven days after the electIOn m which the candidate or Issue advertised on a sign has been determmed For a successful candidate m a pnmary electIOn the sign may remain until the final electIOn, but shall be removed wlthm scven days after the electIon. The candidate or committee for which the sign IS dIsplayed shall be responSible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided 111 thiS code F Garage Sale (Yard Sales, Movmg Sales, Patio Sales) No slgn permIt IS reqUIred. Such slgn shall be limIted to one sIgn on the premIses. No such sIgn shall exceed four square feet III the sign area. The sign may be displayed only durll1g the sale and must be removed the day the sale ends The 4. SandWich boards mav onlv be dlsolaved dunng busmess hours. If busmess hours contmue oast davhght hours. precautions should be taken to olace the Sign m a location where It IS readllv Visible after dark. SandWich boards shall not be wIred for IIghtmg. o - Page 8 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code o S. SandwIch boards advertlsmg bus messes wIth bUlldm~s dlrectlv adlacent to a oubhc sIdewalk mav be located m front of the bUlldmg m whIch the bus mess IS located. 6. SandwIch boards advertlsmg bus messes m multlOle occuoancv bUlldmgs mav be located no further than twelve feet from the entrance of the bus mess and must be located on a oedestnan oathway, 7. SandwIch boards shall not be placed m a locatIOn whIch IS wlthm the vIsIon tnangle or any locatIOn whIch wIll Imoede vehIcular traffic. Further. such SIgns shall not be olaced m a manner whIch will block or otherwIse obstruct the safe use of sIdewalks. bUlldmg entrances or staIrs by oedestnans. mcludmg oedestnans who are vlsuallv Imoalred or otherwise handlcapoed. H. Temoorarv CommunIty Event SIgns. SIgns that oromote a commUnIty event sanctIoned bv resolutIOn of the Cltv Council and soonsored bv a commUnIty onented non-orofit organIzatIOn are allowed sublect to the followmg condItIons. I. Each SIgn IS no greater than 2 square feet In area. (\ V c 2. The name. teleohone number. and oomt of contact of the soonsonng organIzatIon IS dlsolaved on the SIgn m at least % mch letters on the face ofthe SIgn. 3. The Signs are located entlrelv on onvate orooertv outsIde the oubhc rIlzht-of-wav. 4. The SIgns mav be olaced no earher than 2 weeks ( 14 calendar davs) before the event. 5. All sIgns must be removed no later than 2 davs after the event. Public Hearing Draft - May 11,2004 15.24100 Structural requirements. The structure and erectIOn of sIgns or flag poles withIn the CIty shall be governed by the currently adooted bUlldmg code.Umform BuIldIng Code, 1991 EdItIon (or any supersedmg edItIOn adopted by the city). 15.24110 Electrical requirements. Electncal reqUIrements for sIgns wlthm the CIty shall be regulated by the Department of Labor and Industnes 15.24 120 Illumination. IIlummatIon from or upon any sIgn shall be shaded, shIelded, dIrected or reduced so as to aVOId undue bnghtness, glare or reflectIOn of hght on pnvate or publIC property m the surroundmg area, and so as to aVOId unreasonable dlstractmg pedestnans or motonsts. "Undue bnghtness" is IllumInatIon m excess of that whIch IS reasonably necessary to make the sIgn reasonably VIsible to the average person on an adjacent street. 15.24 130 Maintenance. All sIgns, Includmg sIgns heretofore mstalled shall be constantly mamtamed m a state of security, safety, appearance and repair If any sIgn IS found not to be so mamtamed or IS msecurely fastened or otherwIse dangerous, It shall be the duty of the owner and/or occupant of the premIses on whIch the sIgn IS erected to repaIr or remove the sIgn WIthIn 15 days after receIving notice from the bUlldmg offiCIal The premIses surroundmg a freestandmg sIgn shall be free and clear of rubbIsh and the landscapmg area mamtamed m a tIdy manner 15.24140 Landscaping for freestanding and monument signs. All freestandmg and monument sIgns shall mclude as part of theIr deSIgn landscapmg about theIr base so as to Improve the overall appearance of the mstallatlon Landscapmg areas shall consist of the following: 50 percent of the sIgn area of - Page 9 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code o which 50 percent shrubs (minImum 50 percent flowenng decoratIve shrubs), 50 percent groundcover, or cultivated flower beds (grass not allowed) 15.24 150 Inspection. All sIgn users shall permIt the penodlc 1I1spectIon of theIr sIgn by the cIty upon city request. 15.24 160 More restrictive provision to apply Whenever two provIsIOns of thIS code overlap or conflIct wIth regard to the sIze or placement of a sIgn, the more restnctIve provIsIon shall apply For those bUlldmgs on the Yelm hlstonc regIster, the hlstonc name pamted or affixed to the bUIlding shall not be Included m the sIgn calculations c 15.24 170 Buildings facing on two parallel streets or corner A. S1I1gle- or multIple-occupancy bUlldmgs whose premIses extend through a block to face onto parallel streets wIth customer entrances on each street are permitted signs per street frontage as per YMC 15.24 190, provided, however, that each sIgn IS located on different street frontages and are separated more than 100 feet measured m a straIght lIne between the sIgns B. Smlrle- or multlOle-occuoancv buddmlrs m the Central Business Dlstnct whICh extend throulrh a block to face onto an allev WIth a customer entrance are oermltted 120 oercent of the allowed swn area. oer YMC 15.24.280. WIth a maxImum 30 percent of area on the allev and a maxImum 100 oercent of area on the street frontalre. C. Slgnage for bUlldll1gs located on corner streets shall be permItted 150 percent of the allowed sign area, per YMC 15.24.280, WIth a maximum 100 percent of area on one street frontage o Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 15.24 180 Signage on awnings and marquees. Slgnage will be allowed on awnmgs and marquees m commercial and mdustnal zones of the cIty Such slgnage shall be lImIted to 30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee or one square foot for each Imeal foot of the front of the marquee, whIchever IS less The slgnage area shall be calculated on the baSIS of the smallest rectangle, Circle or sphencal figure that WIll enclose the entire copy area of the sIgn Any such calculatIOns shall mclude the areas between letters and lInes as well as the areas of any deVIces whIch are mtended to attract attentIOn. Slgnage area shall be mcluded 111 the overall calculatIOn of total allowable for the bUlldmg. 15.24.190 District ~regulations. A General. ThIS sectIon shall apply to all zones deSIgnated m YMC Title 17 BA. SIze and Type Home OccupatIons. Home occupatIon sIgns relate to "home occupatIOn" as defined m the zonmg Zonmlr ordmanceCode The SIgn shall be wall-mounted and shall not exceed four square feet In area, and cannot be Internally IllumInated, but may be IndIrectly dlummated 2 Smgle FaITIllyResldentIal SubdIVIsions. Two sIgns Identdymg a subdIVISIon may be permItted per entrance from an access street, prOVided SaId sIgns do not exceed 18 square feet m sIgn area each and five feet IfI heIght. Such sIgns can be monument, freestandmg or fence mounted. 3 MultifamIly Complex. Each multifamily complex IS permItted two signs per entrance from an access street identifymg the complex, prOVIded said signs do - Page 10 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 o not exceed 18 square feet m sign area each and five feet m height. 4 Commercial, Industnal and QpeH Space/InstitutIOnal DlstnctsPubhc Uses a. Each smgle-occupancy buddmg not m a multlple- bUlldmg complex IS permitted one monument or freestandmg sign, per YMC 15.24.280 and one of any of the followmg signs awnmg, marquee or wall, per YMC 15.24.280 b Each multiple-occupancy buddmg not m a multlOle- buddmf?; como lex IS permitted one monument or freestandmg sign per bUlldmg, plus one wall sign for pnmary extenor entrances as provided m YMC 15.24.280 official Dlrectory- type signs not to exceed SIX square feet m height are permitted only wlthm multlple- bUlldmg complexes such as busmess parks and governmental centers as an aid m chent onentatlon, o Wall Signs The surface area of any buddmg- mounted sign or canopy- mounted sign shall not exceed the figures denved from YMC 15.24.280 E Illummatlon IlIummation, if used, shall be what IS known as a white or yellow bulb and shall not be blmking, fluctuatmg or movmg. Light rays shall shme only upon the sign or upon the property wlthm the premises and shall not spill over the property Imes, many directIOn, except by mdlrect reflectIOn F Corner Signs. Corner signs shall be permitted, subject to the followmg cntena. d. Each multlOle-buddmlr como lex IS oermltted two monument or freestandmlr Sllrns oer entrance oer YMC 15.24.280. If corner parcel with two street frontages and entrances on both streets and multibUlldmg complex, a monument sign placed at the corner of the property can be a two- or three-faced sign, or 2 If corner parcel with two street frontages and entrances on both streets and multibmldmg complex, regular monument signs are permitted at each entrance 15.24.195 Off-site banners. This procedural statement outlines the gUldehnes for the use and coordmatlOn of banner cablcs for nonprofit orgaOlzatlOn event advertlSmg. Banner locatIOns shall be utdized for the purpose of hangmg banners ad','ertlslllg commuI1lty events deSigned for the general pubhc mterest. A Banner mstallatlOns shall be allowed at ~deslgnated publIc areas as approved by the ettyCitv B Wntten requests for the use of the banner locations shall be submitted to the public works c c Each buddmlr wlthm a multlple-buddmg complex IS permitted one monument or freestandmg sign per bUlldmg, plus one wall sign for pnmary extenor entrances as provided m YMC 15.24.280 c 5. CommerCial SubdiviSIOns and Busmess Park Dlstnct. Each commercial subdIvISion or bus mess park IS permitted h'/o signs per entrance, one \-vall SIgn per tenant, per YMC 15.21.280. C Location Freestandlllg signs may be permitted anywhere on the premises except for wlthm the Sight trIangle estabhshed by the Yelm bUlldmg offiCial Monument signs can be located adjacent to property lmes but not wlthm the Sight triangle estabhshed by the Yelm bmldmg - Page 11 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May] ], 2004 o departmentCommunItv Develooment Deoartment, usmg the form provIded by the CIty The request shall mclude pertment mformatlOn such as the nature of the event being advertIsed, the length of time the banner IS to be hung, a descrIptIOn of the banner, who wlil Install the banner, a contact person responsible for the banner and phone number of that person In case of emergency,-ete C Banners shall be used to advertIse commumty Interest events, and not for the advertIsing of the organIzatIOn or ItS products No requests shall be approved for banners advertlsmg the following type of events ReligIOus events, 2 PolItIcal events, 3 CommercIal product sales or events F Installation and removal of the banners shall be the sole responsibIlity of the applicant. Arrangements by the applicant must be made for the installatIOn and removal of the banner bv an Installer aporoved bv the ~wlth one of the folhNmg approved sources: 1. Puget Sound Energy; 2. T.C.I. CablevlSlon; 3 Others as approved by publIc works department. G It IS recommended that applIcants coord mate iInstallatlOn and removal of tltetf-banner~ shall be coordinated WIth that-of other applIcants~, for ease of m stall atIOn and removal by the mstaller. H Banners shall be 21 tono !.!reater than 30 feet In wIdth (maxImum SIze 30 feet.t-and no !.!reater than three and one-half feet 10 heIght for all locatIOns and shall have tlhe approved message shall aooear on both sIdes of the banner Up to and Includmg No !.!reater than M-15 percent of the sIgn area, per sIde, may Include advertIsement of the sIgn sponsor(s) 1. Banners shall be desl!.!ned and Installed 10 accordance WIth !.!U1delmes meoared bv the AdmlnIstrator.Grommets must be placed along the top edges of the banner and one at each bottom end. The mInimum grommet SIze shall be one half Inch (mslde measurement) and the grommets shall be placed a maXImum of two feet apart. ,^dr holes must be placed m the banner (minimum size of aIr holes should be comparable to tho dIameter of a three pound coffee can or mmlmum SIX Inches m dIameter and spaced two to four feet apart). J. Mounting hardv,'are shall be supplied by the applicant. ThiS wlil mclude a minImUm of a fiveand one sixteenth lOch 11l1k or comparable for each grommet, plus 1\.\'0 nylon type o o D Schedulmg for installatIOn InstallatIOn of banners shall be scheduled on a first-come, first-served.,.--- =basls. Applicants are lImIted to four events per year Requests must be receIved three weeks prIor to the date the banners wlil be Installed No banner will be scheduled v,'lthout a WrItten request. The b~anners shall be fl.tmg lImIted to fuF--a maxImum tIme of two weeks. The time lImIt shall begm ~!.!lnmng on a Monday and end at the tIme the banner IS removed on a Monday. Shorter periods of ono week WIll be allowed \\'Ith the same beglnnmg and endmg days. E PubliC worksCommumtv Develooment staff wlil schedule the banner for the requested tIme provldmg there has not been prIor WrItten applIcation for the same date~ If prior applIcatIOn has been made, staff \vIII notIfy the new applIcant of the pnor approval no later than seven workmg days of receIving their request. o - Page ]2 of] 6 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11,2004 o cords of adequate length for both bottom ends, for use as tic do\'ms. K. Use of the banner cables IS subject to availabilIty of banner cables, aVUllablhty of an approved mstaller and condition of banner cables. If weather conditions pose a danger to mstallation personnel, banners '.vIlI not be hung until It IS safe to do so. L If the request IS approved, the apphcant should take the banner (ll1c1udll1g all hardware) to the mstaller a mllllmum of three days prior to mstallatlon or by the schedule agreed upon by that mstaller. Ml City staff may request that tlhe applIcant shall repair or remove their banner at any time when notified bv the Admll1lstrator that the banner may pose a danger to pubhc safety due to banner detenoratlOn, storms, hIgh \vmds, etc If the applIcant fails to respond to such a request remove the banner wlthm five days, staff shall remove the banner or cause It to be removed, and will bill the orgal11zatlOn apolIcant for the cost of removal 15.24.197 Community Sif!ns A. A smflle. ~fln IIstll1fl Yelm CIVIC Orflal1lZatlons may be mstalled on mooertv owned bv a CIVIC Offlal11ZatlOn or the CltV of Yelm bv the Chamber of Commerce. The Slfln shall be lImIted to 10 sauare feet If a freestandmfl Slfln less than 8 feet m heiflht and 20 sauare feet If a monument Slfln. B. Commul11ty Events wlthm the City of Yelm soonsored bv the CIty of Yelm or a CIVIC Orflal1lZatlOn may be allowed on oropertv owned bv a CIVIC QIgal11Zatlon or the CIty of Yelm. provIded that the Slfln IS less than 20 square feet m area. IS erected no earlIer than three weeks onor to the advertised event and IS removed wlthm two days of the end of the event. c o C. Slflns located on the outfield fences of baseball fields owned and ooerated bv CIVIC Offlal11ZatlOns are allowed. orovided that such Slflns are onmanlv onented towards the ballfield and are not mtended to advertise off-Site. 15.24.200 Variances. Vanances from provIsions of thiS chapter may be granted by the heanng examll1erHeannfl Exammer m accordance with Chapter 1796 YMC 15.24.210 Legal nonconforming signs. A. Leflal nonconformmfl Slflns are those Slflns which were lawful nnor to the date of adontlon ofthe ordmance codified m thiS chanter. but whIch would be orohiblted. reflulated. or restncted under the terms of this chaQteL Contmuance. Any sign '.vhlch IS m conformance with the eXlstll1g code may be contmued to be m operatIon and be mamtamed after the effective date of the ordmance codified m thiS chapter and shall become a legal nonconformmg sign provided: No such sIgn shall be changed m any manner that mcreases the noncomplIance of such SIgn wIth the provIslOn~ of ordmance codified m thIS chapter estabhshed for SIgns m the dIstnct m wlllch the SIgn IS located, 2 The burden of establishmg a sign to be legally nonconformmg under thIS sectIOn rests upon the person or persons, firm or corporation c1aImmg legal nonconformmfl status for a sIgn, 3 "Structural alteratIOn" means any actIOn that changes the hOlght, size or shape of the SIgn or any action that affects the base or support(s) of the SIgn. When a A sign that IS structurally altered, It ceases to be a legal nonconformmg sign and - Page 13 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11,2004 o must conform with #le---all provIsIOns oftllls chapter; 4 When a business or actIvity containing a legal nonconforming sIgn IS enlarged or remodeled to a value of 60 percent or more of eXisting value of real property Improvements, then such sign must be brought In conformIty With all orOVlSlons ofthls chapter; 5 When a business or actIvIty containing a legal nonconforming sIgn changes the tyj3e-slgn face or name of the business, then such sIgn must be brought Into conformance WIth all nrOVISIOnS of thIS chapter; 6. The use of temporary and/or specIal event signs such as banners, \vhlch were purchased prIor to the adoptIOn date of thIS code may be continued unttl such tune the sIgn IS replaced. Proof of purchase date IS the responslblltty ofthe appltcant. B By-VIOlatlon of the Chapter Any vIOlatIon of thIs chapter shall terminate ImmedIately the rIght to maintain a ~nonconformIng sIgn C. No nersonS shall maintaIn or nermlt to be maintained On anY nremlses owned or controlled by him/her anV Sign whIch has been abandoned. D. The right to maintain anV legal nonconforImng SIgn shall termInate and shall cease to eXIst whenever the SIgn IS. c o 1. Damaged or destroved bevond 50 oercent. The determinatIon whether a SIgn IS damaged or destroved beyond 50 nercent shall rest With the bUlldmg officIal and shall be based unon the actual cost ofreplacmg saId SIgn. and/or 2. Structurallv substandard under anv aonlicable ordmance of the CIty to the extent that the SIgn becomes a hazard or danger. 15.24.220 Termination of signs. i\.. By ,^.bandonment. No persons shall mamtam or permit to be maintaIned on any premISes O\vned or controlled by hIm/her any Sign whIch has been abandoned. B. By DestructIOn, Damage, Obsolescence or Danger. The rIght to maintaIn any legal nonconformIng Sign shall termmate and shall cease to O)(Ist '.vhenever the sIgn IS: 1. Damaged or destroyed beyond 50 percent. The determmatIOn '",hether a sIgn IS damaged or destroyed beyond 50 percent shall rest \vlth the bUIlding offiCIal and shall be based upon the actual cost of replaCing sUld sIgn; and/or 2. Structurally substandard under any appltcable ordinance of the cIty to the e)(tent that the SIgn becomes a hazard or danger. 15.24.230 Administrator f1ppointment -Powers and duties generally The butldmg offiCial shall be appomted and removed by the cIty admmlstrator. The admmlstrator IS authOrIzed and dIrected to enforce and carry out all proVISIOns of thIS eeeechanter, both m letter and Sptrlt, WIth VIgIlance and WIth all due speed. To that end, the administrator is authorized to formulate procedures conSIstent WIth the purpose of thIS code. The admInIstrator is further empo'.vered to delegate the dutlOs and powers granted to and Imposed upon him under thiS code. ,^.s used m the code, "admInIstrator of thIS code" or "admmlstrator" shall mclude theIr authOrIzed representatl'le 15.24.240 Administrator - Inspection authority. The admil1lstrator is empowered to enter or inspect any bUlldmg, structure of premises m the city, upon whIch or m connectIOn - Page 14 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 o wIth whIch a sIgn, as defined by thIs code, IS located, for the purpose of InspectIOn of the sIgn, ItS structural and electrical connectIOns and to Insure complIance wIth the provIsIons of thIs code Such InspectIons shall be carned out dUrIng busIness hours unless an emergency eXIsts c 15.24.250 Conflict and severability If any provIsIon of thIs code IS found to be In conflIct wIth any other provIsIon of any zonIng, buIldIng, fire, safety or health ordInance or code of the CIty, the provIsIon whIch estabhshes the hIgher standard shall prevaIl 15.24.260 Violation - Penalty. A. VIOlatIon of the provISIons of thIs code or faIlure to comply wIth any of ItS requIrements shall constItute a mIsdemeanor, and such vIOlatIon shall be pUnIshed as prOVIded by the statutes of the state of WashIngton for the commISSIOn of a mIsdemeanor Each day such vIolatIOn contInues shall be conSIdered a separate offense B The erector, owner or user of an unlawful sIgn or the owner of the property on whIch an unlawful sIgn IS located and maIntams such vIOlatIon may each be found gUIlty of a separate offense and suffer the penaltIes as prOVIded for In subsectIon A of thIs sectIon c 15.24.270 Removal of unlawful signs. A. Any unlawful permanent type sIgn whIch has not been removed wlthm 30 days after conYlctIon of vIOlatIon or IInposltlOn of CIvIl penaltynotlce of vIOlatIOn, may be removed by the CIty and the costs charged to the violator If removal costs have not been paId and the sIgn reclaImed wlthm 30 days of ItS removal by the CIty, the CIty may sell or otherwIse dIspose of the sIgn and apply the proceeds toward costs of removal Any proceeds In excess of costs of removal shall be paId to the owner of the SIgn B Unlawful SIgns \"hlch the admmlstrator finds upon on pubhc streets, sIdewalks, rights-of-way, nower noles. telenhone noles. street sl!ms. or other pubhc property or whIch wheresoever located present an Immediate and serIOUS danger to the pubhc because of theIr unsafe condItIon may be ImmedIately removed by the admInIstrator WIthout prIor notIce C Any unlawful temporary or portable- type sIgn located on prIvate property whIch has not been removed aftef withIn 24 hours from notIficatIon may after notIce of vIOlatIon mav be removed by the CIty The sIgn may be reclaImed by the owner after a CIVIl penalty of $100 00 has been paId If the sIgn has not been reclaImed WIthIn 30 days of ItS removal by the city, the CIty may sell or otherwIse dIspose of the sIgn and apply the proceeds toward costs of the removal. Any proceeds In excess of costs of the removal shall be paId to the owner of the sIgn D. NeIther tlhe CIty flef-or any of ItS agents shall not be hable for any damage to tHe-a sIgn when removed under thIS sectIon - Page 15 of 16 - Yelm SIgn Code Public Hearing Draft - May 11, 2004 c 15.24.280 Sign area - Square footage maximums. BIdg.!Gross Sign Sign Area Property Line Floor Area Height (Per Side) Setback 5,000 sq. ft. or less FS - 8 ft. FS - 20 sq. ft. 5 ft. MS - 5 ft. MS - 40 sq ft. 5001 -10,000 sq ft. FS - 8 ft. FS - 30 sq ft. 5 ft. MS - 5 ft. MS - 50 sq. ft. 10,001-35,000sq ft. FS - lOft. FS - 35 sq. ft. 10 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 50 sq. ft. 35,001 - 60,000 sq ft. FS - 10 ft. FS - 40 sq ft. 10 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 72 sq ft. 60001 - 75,000 sq ft. FS - 15 ft. FS - 75 sq. ft. 10 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 90 sq. ft. 75001 - 100,000 sq ft. FS-15ft. FS-100sq ft. 15 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 120 sq ft. 100,000+ sq. ft. FS - 20 ft. FS - 150 sq. ft. J 5 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 120 sq. f1. 15.24.290 Grand opening/special event sign area. c FS - Freestandmg sign MS - Monument sign A. Flush-mounted wall signs one square foot for each lmeal foot of store (occupant) frontage (mam pomt of entry) One IdentIfier sign for bus lOesses with a separate delivery access will be allowed, not to exceed two square feet. B Marquee sign one square foot for each IlOeal foot of the front of the marquee or 30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever IS less. e AwnlOg: one square foot for each llOeal foot of the front of the marquee or 30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whIchever IS less. D. Bonus Sign Area. Monument signs mav be IOcreased as follows. I . Twenty percent (20%) when the Sign for a multiple-occupancv bUlldlOg or multIOle-buIldmg complex utilizes uOlform colonng, matenal. and letterlOg for all establishments 10 the bmldmg or complex, 2. Ten percent (10%) when the Sign IS Installed In a landscaped planter havInli! an area four times the area of the SIgn, BId .!Gross Floor 5,000 s ft. or less 5,001 - 10,000 sq ft. 10,001-35,000 s ft. 35,001 - 60,000 s . ft. 60,001 -75,000 s ft. 75,001 - 100,000 s ft. 100,000 + S ft. o Property Line Setback 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. IO ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. - Page 16 of 16 - c o c' VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate If you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes I I ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT 360-458-3835 MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE MAY 17, 2004 TIME 400 PM LOCATION. YELM CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Hearing. 1. YELM MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 15.24 SIGN CODE UPDATE NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? I SPEAKER? (Indicate which public hearing by the assigned numbers above) L( fLf'L't eA q n-t b {L 6P Cofl1 Jf/1e tLCfL S;nv E fLliFF 1tRj~ j~~ ~~~/ o [) c HEARING AND DECISION GUIDE \1 ('(\ ~ ~\~V\ evcLL 0 pcbJ-c- 15 d~ (TITLE) OPEN HEARING IDENTIFY YOURSELF STATE THE DATE; TIME; AND PLACE STATE THE SUBJECT OF THE HEARING - ASK SPEAKERS TO SIGN UP Y...ASK IF ANY 1.1H'lBER HAS A POSSTBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST, r-....... ASK IF ANYONE IN THe AUDIENCE OBJECTS TO Ai'lYONE PARr-€IF-A-T-I.N.G AS1< IF AN"f-MEMBER HAS RECEIVED INFORMA TION P~HEARItiG CALL FOR STAFF REPORT GAt-t ON ArrtICANT ~ CALL FOR COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC ASK MEMBERS IF THEY HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CLOSE HEARING STATE WHETHER COUNCIL WILL REVIEW COMMISSION DECISION REMIND AUDIENCE THEY MAY SIGN UP FOP NOTICE OR COpy OF DECISION RECORD OF DECISION (PASS TO SECRETARY) Decision (approve, conditionally approve deny) Flndlngs and concluslons Staff report adooted? Conditions of approval? o City of Yelm o o Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, May17, 2004 4 00 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM 901 RHOTON ROAD 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes April 19, 2004, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearings Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15 24 Sign Code A public Hearing to receive comments regarding an update to the sign code 4 Other 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person With a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be Monday, June 21, 2004 - 4 00 P M PLANNING PACKETS EVERYTHING o Updated 5/14/03 JOHN THOMSON 11317 KATHRYN LN SE YELM W A 98597 GLEN CUNNINGHAM POBOX 2005 YELM, W A 98597 DON CARNEY PO BOX 1246 YELM W A 98597 LARRY HANSON POBOX 1338 YELM, W A 98597 EVERETTESCHIRMAN 13242 ROCKING SLANE SE , YELM, WA 98597-9580 NORMAN ALLARD 13206 MORRIS ROAD SE YELM W A 98597 GREG MATTOCKS PO BOX 5390 YELM W A 98597 NISQUALL Y VALLEY NEWS PO BOX 597 YELM W A 98597 AGNES BENNICK CITY CLERK GRANT BECK DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SHELL Y BADGER CITY ADMINISTRATOR TIM PETERSON PW DIRECTOR T AMI MERRIMAN ASSISTANT PLANNER JIM GIBSON YELM CITY ENGINEER c JANET REINER 7111-2 COOPER PT RD N W OLYMPIA W A 98502 RUTH LONGORIA DAILY OLYMPIAN PO BOX 1219 OLYMPIA WA 98507-1219 GARY CARLSON YELM BUILDING DEPT PLANNING PACKETS AGENDA/MINUTES ONLY MA YOR ADAM RIVAS HENRY DRAGT 14848 LONGMIRE ST SE YELM W A 98597 KEN GARMANN PO BOX 1242 YELM W A 98597 RENATE CHICK POBOX 1326 MCKENNA, W A 98558 JOANNE K CALDWELL PO BOX 548 YELM W A 98597 MARY LOU CLEMENS 15030 LONGMIRE ST SE YELM W A 98597 MARIE GOSS 3432 BELVIDERE AVE SW SEATTLE WA 98126-2227 GARY STEDMAN, PUBLIC WKS A TTN AFZH-DEP-P BOX 339500 FORT LEWIS W A 98433 OJULIE GALLAGHER 1510 COLLEGE ST SE F-7 LACEY W A 98503 BOB COYNE BENUM ENTERPRISES, INC PO BOX 73130 PUYALLUP WA 98373 CINDY CECIL YELM COMMUNITY SERVICES PO BOX 5320 YELM W A 98597 KEVIN WILSON 13811 93RD AVENUE SE GELM W A 98597 INTERCITY TRANSIT A TTN DENNIS BLOOM PO BOX 659 OLYMPIA W A 98507 , I OLYMPIA THURSTON CO RE 510 STOLL RD I OLYMPIA W A 98501 I SKILLINGS - CONNOLLY, INC A TTN TOM SKILLINGS PO BOX 5080 LACEY WA 98503-0180 FRANK & JACKIE JONES 714 CRYSTAL SPRINGS ST YELM W A 98597 JOHN STEPHENSON PO BOX 718 YELM W A 98597 LEO LEFEBVRE PO BOX 1056 YELM W A 98597 SCA ENGINEERING CRAIG STEEPY PO BOX 3485 LACEY W A 98509 ANTONIO BORGES 808 MTN AIRE LANE NW YELM W A 98597 OWENS DAVIES ATTN BRENT DILLE PO BOX 187 OLYMPIA W A 98507 YCOM Networks A TTN KEN BECKMAN PO BOX 593 YELM W A 98597 ERLING BIRKLAND FACILITIES DIRECTOR, YCS PO BOX 476 YELM W A 98597 ALAN M BURKE PO BOX 986 MCKENNA W A 98558 MR & MRS REEDER 1412 CRYSTAL SPRINGS RD YELM W A 98597 THURSTON CO DEV SERVICES JENNIFER HAYES 2000 LAKERIDGE DR SW ' OLYMPIA W A 98502-60451 o ROBERT W DROLL 4405 7th AVE SE SUITE 203 LACEY W A 98503 YELM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PO BOX 444 YELM W A 98597 ROLAND & SANDY VERRONE 8925 BURNETT RD SE YELM W A 98597 RANDALL WALKER, A TTY PO BOX 5140 YELM W A 98597 BEV & MIKE MALAN PO BOX 747 YELM W A 98597 MICHAEL WELTER THURSTON COUNTY PARKS 2617-A 12th CT SW OL YMPIA W A 98502 KA Y DOTSON 16440 MIDDLE RD SE YELM W A 98597 PAT WHEELER PO BOX 28 YELM W A 98597 JOHN THOMPSON WILLIAMS GROUP, LLC PO BOX 5210 YELM W A 98597 RICHARD C REHN PO BOX 57 PUY ALLUP W A 98371 MICHAEL BROWN PO BOX 593 YELM WA 98597 CECELlA NGUYEN TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE PO BOX 11000 TACOMA WA 9841 1 OENTRANCO PAT ALLEN 724 COLUMBIA ST., STE 140 OLYMPIA WA 98501 KRISTIN BLALACK TIMBERLAND LIBRARY 210 PRAIRIE PARK STREET YELM W A 98597 ROBERTA LONGMIRE PO BOX 499 YELM W A 98597 o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 19, 2004, 4 00 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: John Thomson, Glen Cunningham, Larry Hansen, Everette Schirman, Norman Allard, and Greg Mattocks Staff' Grant Beck, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Don Carney, Unexcused Motion No Approval of Minutes: 04-05 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSEN, SECONDED BY GREG MATTOCKS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE MARCH 15, 2004 MEETING MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. There were no public communications Public Hearin~s No public hearing scheduled Worksession. Si~n Code Update Mr. Beck discussed the results of the subcommittees meeting regarding public input from the March 15, 2004 meeting The subcommittee added language regulating temporary community event signage, such as the Chamber of Commerce Home Show The event must be sanctioned by the City Council, and sponsored by a community oriented non-profit organization Sign size, timing, and organization contact information is addressed c Mr. Thomson opened the meeting to Commission discussion After each Commissioner stated their opinion on the updated sign code, it was determined that a public hearing would be held at the May 17, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting 04-06 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSEN, SECONDED BY NORMAN ALLARD TO ADJOURN MOTION CARRIED, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 4 22 P M Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner sit] /Dq Date o Yelm Planning Commission April 19 2004 Page 1 o City of Yelm c: c Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, Apnl 19,2004 4 00 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM 901 RHOTON ROAD 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes March 15, 2004, minutes enclosed 2. Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public '.c hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) _., I 3 Public Hearings .. f' 4 Other ~":~ Workshop on Sign Code. I 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or actiVities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped. For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: Monday, May 17, 2004 - 400 P M at Yelm Public Works ,A I ( STAFF REPORT c o o To From Date Subj City of Yelm Community Development Department Yelm Planning Comm~ssi~ Grant Beck, Directorlf April 13,2004 Sign Code Update At the last Planning Commission meeting, the Commission held an open house with the public to solicit comments regarding the draft sign code The comments received are summarized in the minutes of that meeting, as follows Cecelia Jenkins spoke on behalf of members of the Yelm Chamber of Commerce Members would like a provision to allow off-premise signs for businesses that are located off of Yelm Ave Members would agree to comply with signage requirements to assure professional looking signs Members would like a provision to allow temporary special event signs for non-profit activities such as a chili feed, or garden show Members would like extra slgnage allowance for businesses whose buildings are oriented with multiple sides visible to the public Mike Malan would like provisIons for off-site real estate signage, and a more fair enforcement of sign regulations Marqaret Clapp stated that she liked the idea for temporary special event signs, as stated by Ms Jenkins Ms Clapp would like to see more signage area allowed John Peterson would like a provisIon to allow off-site real estate open house signs during the week, not only on the weekend Bill Trull requested clarification of using banners as signage, such as what he uses currently at his site Mr Trull thinks that basing the signage allowed on building square footage is unfair to businesses that use outdoor space as part of their business Mr Trull would like A-board signs to be allowed In all areas, not just pedestrian areas Mr Trull also stated that Violation of the sign code, such as puttIng up an A-board sign where not allowed I would then make any non-conforming sIgn required to be brought mto compliance Page 1 of 2 April 13 2004 Mike Malan asked if real estate agents needed to have the additional insurance for their open house signs The SIgn Subcommittee met and reviewed the comments received and recommended additIonal language be included in the code to address advertising community events The new section would be inserted at Section 15 24 090 subsection H H Temporary Community Event Signs Signs that promote a community event sanctioned by resolution of the City Council and sponsored by a community oriented non-profit organization are allowed subject to the following conditions 1 Each sign is no greater than 2 square feet in area 2 The name, telephone number, and point of contact of the sponsoring organization is displayed on the sign in at least % inch letters on the face of the sign 3 The signs are located entirely on pnvate property outside the public right-of-way 4 The signs may be placed no earlier than 2 weeks (14 calendar days) before the event. 5 All signs must be removed no later than 2 days after the event. It was determined that changes relating to the other comments received were not warranted at this time April 13 2004 Page 2 of 2 ~~ o o o _..h .1 . '" MM~ 1 q zon4 _.~ w c J olm Graver Windennere Real Estate 709 Y elm Ave East Yelm WA 98597 To The Yelm Plannmg Comnllttee I apologIze for not bemg able to attend Monday afternoons publIc forum I was m a meetmg I could not reschedule I would like to say that I am a member of the Yelm Chamber and that I am not m agreement wIth more sIgnage I agree that specIal events may need some exposure and I do favor that If tastefully done. I was part of the ongmal SIgn ordmance COlTIlmttee, and we spent many hours lookmg_at dIfferent SIgnS and theIr Impact on Yelm. I appreciate that tlungs never stay the same and CIrcumstance change but I hope that any changes to the SIgn ordmance are for the benefit of the CIty ofYelm and It'S beauty, and not for the monetary benefit of a few PropertIes WIth alley's should be allowe~ some sIgnage but only for the alley there should not be an mcreases m the mam SIgn because of the alley A boards for pedestnan busmess are great a Idea but smce that benefits my company I WIll understand If that IS not put m. Open house SIgnS should remam only on weekends My expenence has been that agents open a C vacant home not as much to sell but ~o act more like an office. There have been a lot of new developments m Yelm and those managed to sell wIthout cluttenng the SIde walks dunng the week. When the SIgn SIzes were created It was based on buildmg and lot SIze, wIth Yelm's esthetICS III mmd. If a bmldmg has more than one busmess, that should not gIve reason to an mcrease III SIgn Size I have two bus mess m my bmldmg my real estate company and my rental company We have one Sign m front whIch IS a marque SIgn, I would expect that 1fT was ill need to advertIze more than the real estate company I would have to rework the SIgn to contmue to stay wlthm the eXltmg gmdelmes Any busmess that comes mto our area would contact the CIty about the SIgn reqUIrements and If It Isn't somethmg they can lIve wIth they won't open. I know It'S a tough Job trymg to make everyone happy, all I asks IS that Yelm's beauty be thought of first, busmess WIll always be drawn to a good lookmg town, and WIth the populatIOn base that Yelm has the CIty can be pICky The last thmg I would like to say IS that the SIgn ordmance commIttee purposed the SIgn gmde lmes WIth safety and VIsual ease m mmd. The marque SIgnS are not Just better lookmg they are also at ~~.Jevey. makmg It eaSIer to see from the car and less dIstractmg. Tha~1J("Y ou f~r YOu~tl 1ft /j Sn'icerelv' / J0. / ,r;J .; I I 1/ . /:: / 1/;/ / //. Ii//. , ?4/CW!&Yfl O~JOhn Graver /60-458- 3855 MAR J 8 2004 c John Graver W mdem1ere Real Estate 709 Y elm Ave East Yelm WA 98597 To The Yelm Plannmg CommIttee I apologIze for not bemg able to attend Monday afternoons publIc forum I was m a meetmg I could not reschedule I would lIke to say that I am a member of the Yelm Chamber and that I am not m agreement WIth more sIgnage I agree that speCIal events may need some exposure and I do favor that Iftastefully done I was part of the ongmal SIgn ordmance commIttee, and we spent many hours lookmg at dIfferent SIgnS and theIr Impact on Yelm, I appreCIate that thmgs never stay the same and CIrcumstance change but I hope that any changes to the SIgn ordmance are for the benefit of the CIty ofYelm and It'S beauty, and not for the monetary benefit of a few PropertIes WIth alley's should be allowe~ some SIgn age but only for the alley there should not be an mcreases m the mam SIgn because of the alley A boards for pedestnan busmess are great a Idea but smce that benefits my company I WIll understand If that IS not put m. Open house SIgnS should remam only on weekends. My expenence has been that agents open a vacant home not as much to sell but ~o act more like an office. There have been a lot of new C developments m Yelm and those managed to sell WIthout cluttenng the SIde walks dunng the week. When the SIgn SIZeS were created It was based on bUIldmg and lot SIze, WIth Yelm' s esthetics m mmd. If a bUIldmg has more than one busmess, that should not gIve reason to an mcrease m SIgn SIze I have two busmess m my bUIldmg my real estate company and my rental company We have one SIgn m front WhICh IS a marque SIgn, I would expect that If! was m need to advertIze more than the real estate company I would have to rework the SIgn to contmue to stay wIthm the eXItmg gUIdelmes. Any busll1ess that comes mto our area would contact the CIty about the SIgn reqUIrements and If It Isn't somethmg they can lIve WIth they won't open, I know It'S a tough Job tryll1g to make everyone happy, all I asks IS that Yelm's beauty be thought of first, busmess WIll always be drawn to a good lookmg town, and WIth the populatIOn base that Yelm has the CIty can be pIcky The last thll1g I would like to say IS that the SIgn ordll1ance commIttee purposed the SIgn gUIde lInes WIth safety and VIsual ease m mmd, The marque SIgnS are not Just better lookmg they are also at~lev~ makmg It eaSIer to see from the car and less dIstractmg. Thm)k ou fsr your tI~ /7 SIncerely; .' I Al ~( / Il /Nnflt ( .. /~~ Q!u~ ~;--""""""---J<?l1n Graver ~.J /60-458-3855 o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 15,2004,4.00 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: John Thomson, Glen Cunningham, Larry Hansen, Everette Schirman, Don Carney, Norman Allard, and Greg Mattocks Staff Grant Beck, Gary Carlson, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Motion No Approval of Minutes: 04-03 MOTION MADE BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY EVERETTE SCHIRMAN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 20, 2004 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. There were no public communications o Public Hearinas. No public hearing scheduled Open Public Meetina. Sian Code Update Mr. Thomson opened a public meeting to accept public comment on the proposed sign code revisions Mr. Grant summarized the changes as proposed by the Planning Commission sign code subcommittee These include, special provisions for A-board or sandwich signs, allowihg them in pedestrian oriented areas and special insurance required, allowance for additiolilal signage on alleys, bonus signage for substantially landscaped free standing or monument sigms, allowance for community civic organization signage, and general housekeeping changes to organize the sign code Mr. Allard asked if these changes had been proposed and rejected previously Mr. Beck stated that these were new changes proposed since the last update in 1996 Mr. Thomson inquired about A-board signs for organizations other than real estate open house signs that are allowed on the weekends There is no provision proposed at this time to allpw them Mr. Thomson asked for public comment. Cecelia Jenkins spoke on behalf of members of the Yelm Chamber of Commerce Members would like a provision to allow off-premise signs for businesses that are located off of Yelm Ai/e Members would agree to comply with signage requirements to assure professional looking sighs Members would like a provision to allow temporary special event signs for non-profit activities such as a chili feed, or garden show Members would like extra signage allowance for businesses whose buildings are oriented with multiple sides visible to the public. Mike Malan would like provisions for off-site real estate signage, and a more fair enforcement of sign regulations o Mr. Beck informed the Commission and public that the City is currently advertising for a Code Enforcement Officer to help remedy that issue Maraaret Clapp stated that she liked the idea for temporary special event signs, as stated by Ms Jenkins Ms Clapp would like to see more signage area allowed John Peterson would like a provision to allow off-site real estate open house signs during the week, not only on the weekend c o c Bill Trull requested clarification of using banners as signage, such as what he uses currently at his site Mr Trull thinks that basing the signage allowed on building square footage is unfair to businesses that use outdoor space as part of their business Mr Trull would like A-board signs to be allowed in all areas, not just pedestrian areas Mr Trull also stated that violation of the sign code, such as putting up an A-board sign where not allowed, would then make any non- conforming sign required to be brought into compliance Mike Malan asked if real estate agents needed to have the additional insurance for their open house signs Mr. Beck replied that the real estate signs did not fall into that category Mr. Thomson thanked the public for their input. The Commission formed a subcommittee to review the public comment and bring any additional changes back to the Commission at the next Commission meeting scheduled for April 19, 2004 The Commission will then schedule a public hearing to receive testimony on the final code update Mr. Beck informed the Commission that the State approved, and sent to the Governor for approval, 1 2 Million Dollars to begin engineering plans for the 507/510 Loop Mr. Beck updated the Commission on the current status of the possibility of a NASCAR track being located in Yelm Representatives from the City, local organizations, County, and Tribe are meeting to bring together information to present to the community to see if the community would support this Mr. Carney informed the Commission that there will be a local meeting regarding the use of Low Impact Development procedures in local development regulations, and how this affects stormwater requirements 04-04 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSEN, SECONDED BY EVERETTE SCHIRMAN TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5"05 P M Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner II 9z- 1-( Ilcr / Oc{ Date c\ c o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate If you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COpy PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (360)458-3835 MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: MARCH 15, 2004 TIME. 4 00 PM LOCATION: YELM PUBLIC WORKS NAME & ADDRESS MAILING lIST? ~EAKER? G>o fu)( Wlf, ~ >\ ~ ?'6Sy# ~~ ~ ~ L\ "1<0 \ \ , Po ~OX 1~{Od '-!e~Vv\, -(l}V~~q~ /Vll !(: [tvJ ~ ~U , t>Of\. Sd-\O ~ /?o at 7Y7- !:e/~ '-=:s-~~~ ~t- cm::>r-. 'Po ""B~ <::;:;9-7 ......( .a.. vt.-. o City of Yelm c c Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, March 15, 2004 4 00 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM 901 RHOTON ROAD "-, 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes January 20, 2004, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or tOpiCS for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearings 4 Other Open Public Meeting regarding proposed sign code updates. 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It IS the City of Yelm's policy to proVide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability In need of accommodations to conduct bUSiness, or to partiCipate in government processes or actiVIties, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For Information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: Monday, Apn119, 2004 - 400 P M at Yelm Public Works o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 17, 2004, 400 PM YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Members present: Glen Cunningham, Everette Schirman, and Don Carney Staff Grant Beck, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Larry Hansen, John Thomson, Unexcused No minutes were recorded, as there was not a quorum o o o c o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (360)458-3835 MEETING. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE:FEBRUARY17,2004 TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? o ~. City of Yelm o o Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2004 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE WEST 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes January 20, 2004, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearings 4 Other Sign Code Update Permit Database "State of the City" 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: Monday, March 15, 2004 - 400 P M at Yelm Public Works c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 20,2004,400 P M YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY John Thomson called the meeting to order at 4 00 P m Members present: John Thomson, Glen Cunningham, Larry Hansen, and Everette Schirman Staff. Grant Beck, and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Don Carney, Excused Motion No Approval of Minutes. 04-01 MOTION MADE BY EVERETTE SCHIRMAN, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 17, 2003 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED Public Communications. There were no public communications Public Hearings. No public hearing scheduled Other: Sign Code Update Mr. Beck updated the Commission on the proposed changes to the Sign code, as a result of the Sign Code Subcommittee meetings The proposal makes clarification, definition and general housekeeping updates Major changes to the code include the allowance of sandwich board or A-board signs under certain circumstances, clarification of corner building, or multiple road frontage building allowances, banner signs, community activity signs, and political signs o Mr. Beck would like to provide the Chamber of Commerce members a copy of the proposed changes for review, as well as alerting all business license holders within the City the opportunity to review the proposed changes The Commission will hold an open public meeting to receive comments on the proposal at their regularly scheduled meeting in March 2004 Permit Database. Mr. Beck provided an update to the Commission regarding the permit tracking system developed for the City of Yelm The tracking system is currently in the testing mode, with staff inputting information to test the system The permit tracking system will be available to City staff, City Council, and Planning Commission members, and in the future, to citizens by web access Other: The Commission discussed land use development in general, discussing process and the ability of the City to require developer improvements 04-02 MOTION MADE BY LARRY HANSEN, SECONDED BY EVERETTE SCHIRMAN TO ADJOURN MOTION CARRIED, MEETING ADJOURNED AT S.OS P.M Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner o .~ Thomson, Chair "3/15/0y Date Yelm Planning Commission November 17 2003 Page 1 c o o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes ALL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE AUDIO TAPED FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A COPY PLEASE CALL YELM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (360)458-38351 MEETING. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE. JANUARY 20, 2004 I , , I TIME: 400 PM LOCATION: YELM PUBLIC WORKS I NAME & ADDRESS MAILING LIST? / SPEAKER? o City of Yelm o o Planning Commission AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 20,2004 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE WEST 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes November 17, 2003, minutes enclosed 2 Public Communications (Not associated with measures or topics for which public hearings have been held or for which are anticipated) 3 Public Hearings 4 Other Sign Code Update Permit Database "State of the City" 5 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835 Next regular meeting shall be: Tuesday, February17, 2004 - 400 P M o c o City of Yelm Community Development Department STAFF REPORT To Yelm Planning Commission From Grant Beck, Director! "~ l. ," Date January 14, 2004 Subj Work session - Sign Code Update Attached for the Planning Commission's review is the draft sign code update as reviewed by the Sign Subcommittee After the Planning Commission reviews the proposed changes, the Department will forward a copy proposed update to the Chamber of Commerce, business owners, and other interested parties in order to solicit comments on the proposed changes and either conduct an open house workshop or a public hearing before the Planning Commission, depending on the comments received Chapter 15.24 SIGNS Sections 15,24 010 Intent. 15.24020 Defimtions and abbrevIations. 15,24030 PerIIllts and fees requITed. 15.24 040 Permit - ReqUlrements. 15.24.050 Permit - ApphcatlOns. 15.24 060 Fee schedule. 15.24 070 ExemptlOns. 15.24.080 ProhibIted SIgnS 15.24 090 Temporary signs. 15,24 100 Structural requirements. 15.24110 Electncal reqUlrements. 15.24 120 illumination, 15.24 130 Mallltenance. 15.24 140 Landscaplllg for freestandlllg and monument signs 15,24 150 InspectlOn. 15,24 160 More restrictIve provislOn to apply 15.24 170 Buildings facmg on two parallel streets or corner 15.24180 Slgnage on awmngs and marquees. 15,24 190 DIstnct regulatlons. 15.24 195 Off-site banners. 15.24.197 Commumty Sums 15.24.200 Vanances. 15.24.210 Legal nonconfonrung sIgns. 15,21.220 TermmatIOn of SIgnS. 15,24.230 Administrator - Appollltment - Powers and dutIes generally 15.24.240 Administrator - Inspectlon authonty 15.24.250 Conflict and severability 15.24.260 ViolatlOn - Penalty 15.24,270 Removal of unlawful signs. 15.24.280 SIgn area - Square footage maXImums 15.24.290 Grand opemnglspecIal event SIgn area. o o o Yelm Sign Code - PlannIng Commission Draft January 14, 2004 Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2004 o 15.24.010 Intent. o The mtent of thIS chapter is to provIde mimmum standards to safeguard hfe, health, property and pubhc welfare by regulatmg the number, SlZe, design, qualIty of materials, constructlOn, 10catlOn, electrification and mamtenance of all SIgnS and SIgn structures, to preserve and Improve the appearance of the city as a place m whIch to lIve and as an attraction to nonresIdents who come to ViSIt or trade, to encourage sound sIgning practlces as an aId to busmess and for publIc mformatlOn but to prevent exceSSIve and confusmg sIgnmg displays. 15.24.020 Definitions and abbreviations. For the purpose of thIS chapter, defimtions as defined in Chapter 17 06 YMC and certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and theIr denvatives shall be construed as specified in thIS sectIOn. "Abandoned sign" means any SIgn whIch is located on property WhICh becomes vacant and unoccupIed for a penod of SIX months or more, or any SIgn whIch relates to any occupant or busmess unrelated to the present occupant or their business, or any sign WhICh pertams to a tIme, event or purpose whIch no longer applIes "AdmInistrator" means the BuildInll OffiCial for the Cltv of Yelm or his/her desl~ o "Advertlsmg vehicles" means any vehIcle or traIler on a publIc right-of-way whIch has attached thereto, or located thereon, any SIgn or advertlsmg devIce for the basIc purpose of provIdmg advertIsement of products or dIrectIng people to a busmess or actIVIty located on the same or nearby property or any other premIses. ThIS provlslOn IS not to be construed as prohibItIng the IdentIficatIOn of a firm or ItS pnnclpal products on a vehIcle operatmg dunng normal course of busmess FranchIsed buses or taXIS are exempt from thiS chapter "Ammated SIgn" means any SIgn whIch includes action or motion or the optical illUSlOn of action or motIon, or color changes of all or any part of the sign facmg, requmng electncal energy, or set in motIon by movement of the atmosphere. Excluded from the defimtion are public servIce SIgnS, changing message center signs, searchlights and flags. "Awmng" means a shelter supported entIrely from the exterior wall of a buildmg. "Bulletin board (reader board)" means a sign so deSIgned that the message may be changed by removal or addItIon of specially deSIgned letters that attach to the face of the sign. "ChangIng message center signs" means an electromcally or electncally controlled SIgn where different automatIC changmg messages are shown on the same lamp bank. "ConstructIOn SIgn" means any sign used to IdentIfy the archItects, engmeers, contractors or other mdIvlduals or firms Involved WIth the constructlOn of a buildmg and announce the character of the bUIldmg or the purpose for WhICh the building IS intended. "Flashmg SIgn" means any SIgn whIch contams an intemuttent or flashmg lIght source or whIch mcludes the illUSlOn of mterrmttent or flashmg hght by means of ammatlOn or an externally mounted mterrmttent light source. Excluded from the defimtIon are publIc servIce and changmg message center signs "Freestandmg SIgn" means any SIgn whIch IS supported by one or more upnghts, poles or braces 1D or upon the ground. "Garage sale SIgns" (i,e, yard sales, movmg sales, patIO sales) means temporary signs used to announce a sale of used Items "Grade" means the elevatIOn or level of the street closest to the sign to whIch - Page 2 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2003 reference is made, as measured at the street's centerline, or the relative ground level in the immedIate VIClllity of the sign. "Grand opemng displays" means temporary signs, posters, banners, stnngs of lIghts, clusters of flags, balloons and searchlIghts used to announce the opening of a completely new enterpnse or the opemng of an enterprise under new management. "Height" or "height of Sign" means the vertIcal distance from the grade to the highest point of a Sign or any vertical prOjectIOn thereof, includlllg ItS supporting columns. "Landscaplllg" means any matenal used as a decoratIve feature, such as shrubbery or plantlllg materials, planter boxes, concrete bases, brick work, decoratIve framlllg or pole covers, used in conjUnctIOn With a Sign which expresses the theme of the SIgn and related structure but does not contalll advertislllg copy "Marquee" means a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the buildlllg and projectlllg over publIc property "Marquee SIgn" means any Sign attached to or supported by a marquee. "Monument sign" means a ground- mounted Sign which IS higher than three feet above the average ground elevatIOn and which IS attached to the ground by means of a wIde base of solId appearance. "Multiple-buildlllg complex" means a group of structures houSlllg at least one retail business, office, commerCIal venture or independent or separate part of a busllless which shares the access and/or parking facilities. "MultIple-occupancy building" means a slllgle structure housing more than one retail busllless, office or commercIal venture "PolitIcal sign" means a SIgn advertIsing a candidate or candIdates for publIc electIve office, or a polItIcal party, or SIgnS urglllg a partIcular vote on a publIc Issue deCIded by ballot. "Portable (mobile) sign" means a SIgn made of any matenal, whIch by its design, IS readily movable and is eqmpped WIth wheels, casters or rollers or which IS not permanently affixed to the ground, structure or buildlllg. (Also mcludes SIdewalks or sandWIch board signs, and SIgnS mounted upon the tops of vehIcles) "Projectmg sign" means a sign other than a flat wall Sign, which is attached to and projects from a buildmg wall or other structure not speCIfically deSIgned to support the Sign. "Public serVice Signs" means an electromcally or electncally controlled public servIce SIgn or portiOn of a larger Sign which conveys only mformatlon such as tIme, date, temperature, atmosphenc condition or general news "Legal nonconfornung Sign" means a SIgn whIch 1 On the effective date of the ordmance codified in this chapter was lawfully maintained and had been lawfully erected in accordance WIth the prOVISIons of any pnor Sign ordlllance or code but which SIgn does not conform to the applicable lInutatlOns establIshed by thIS chapter; or 2. On or after the effectIve date of the ordinance codified III thIS chapter was lawfully maintamed and erected in accordance WIth the proViSiOns of thIS chapter but which SIgn, by reason of amendment of the ordmance codified m thiS chapter after the effectIve date thereof, does not conform to the applIcable lImItatIons establIshed by the amendment of thIS chapter "Mansard roof' means a sloped roof or roof-lIke facade architecturally able to be treated as a buildmg wall. - Page 3 of ] 6 - o o o .,~".\ Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2003 o mformatIOn where different alternating copy changes are shown on the same lamp bank matrix. "Real estate or property for sale, rental or lease sign" means any SIgn pertainIng to the sale, lease or rental of land or buildmgs. "Roof SIgn" means any sIgn erected upon, agamst or directly above a roof or on top of or above the parapet of a building. "Searchlight" means an apparatus containmg an electnc light and reflector on a sWIvel for projecting a far-reachmg beam in any desrred dIrection. Shopping Center See "MultIple-building complex" above. "Sign" means any commerCIal commUnIcatIon deVIce, structure or fixture that is extended to aId an establIshment m identification and to advertIse and/or promote a busmess, servIce, actIvity or mterest. For the purpose of thIS chapter, a SIgn shall not be conSIdered to be buildmg or structural deSIgn, but shall be restncted solely to graphICS, 15.24030 15-14 symbols or wntten copy that is meant to be used m the aforementioned way "SIgn area" means the entIre area of a SIgn on WhIch copy IS to be placed. Only one side of a double- faced sign shall be mcluded. The area of pamted SIgns, llldIvidual letter SIgnS, and other mdrrectly illuminated SIgns shall be calculated on the baSIS of the smallest rectangle, CIrcle or sphencal figure that will enclose the entue copy area of the SIgn Any such calculatIOn shall mc1ude the areas between letters and hnes, as well as the areas of any deVIces, Illurrunated or nomllurrunated, whIch are mtended to attract attentIOn. "Structural AlteratIOn" means anv actIOn that changes the height. SIze. or shane of the SI2J1 or anv action that affects the base or su?nort(s) of the SI2J1. "Temporary SIgn" means any sign, banner, pennant, valance, flags (not mtended to include flags of any natIon, state, CIty or other governmental agency, or nonprofit organizatIon), searchlIghts, balloons or other alT- or gas-filled figures or advertIsmg dIsplay constructed of cloth, canvas, lIght fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other lIght materials, WIth or without frame, intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only DIfferent types of temporary SIgnS mcluded m thls category are constructIOn, grand opemng dIsplays, real estate, speCIal event, politIcal and garage sale. "Wall" means any member or group of members, which defines the exterior boundanes of a buildmg and whIch has a slope of 60 degrees or greater WIth the horizontal plane The heIght of a wall shall be measured as the two- dImensional heIght from the average fimsh grade of the particular archItectural building elevatIOn adjacent to the wall to the finIsh roof plane "Wall SIgn" means any SIgn attached to or pamted dIrectly on the wall or erected agamst the wall of a buildmg bemg parallel or approxImately parallel to s3J.d wall, and does not exceed a dIstance of 15 mches from SaId wall. 15.24.030 Permits and fees required. No SIgn permIt shall be issued unless the sign mstaller has a valid Washmgton State contractor's lIcense, prOVIded, however, an applIcant may obtain a perrmt to mstall a SIgn on theIr own property WIthout a state lIcense. o o "SpeCIal event SignS" means temporary SIgns used to announce a cucus, a carmval, festivals, busmess activities or other snDIlar events. 15.24.040 Permit - Requirements. No sign governed by the proViSIons of thIS code shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated by any person, firm or corporatIOn after the date of adoptIOn of - Page 4 of 16 - Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2003 this code without a perlTIlt issued by the CIty (with the exceptions as noted). No new perlTIlt IS reqmred for signs which have perlTIlts and which conform with the requirements of thIS code on the date of its adoptIOn unless and until the SIgn IS structurally altered or relocated. 15.24.050 Permit - Applications. A. All SIgnS regulated bv thIS chanter shall require issuance of a SIgn nennIt bv the AdmmIstrator. nrovIded that real estate SIgnS. nolItIcal SIgnS. and garage sale SIgnS whIch meet the prOVISIons of thIS chanter do not reQmre Issuance of a SIgn nennIt. B. Applications for permits shall contain the name and address of the owner and user of the SIgn, the name and address of the owner of the property on whIch the sign is to be located, the location of the sign structure, drawmgs or photographs showmg the desIgn and dimenSIOns of the SIgn and details of its proposed placement and such other pertment mformatIon as the adlTIllllstrator of thIS code may reqmre~, to msure complulllce with thIS code and other applIcable ordmances. PennIt applIcatIOns shall be available for mspeetIOn by the publIc upon request. C. Sum nermIts shall be Issued no later than two weeks from the date of a comnlete annhcatIOn.Upon completIOn of a permIt appbcatIOn, the appbcatIOn shall be acted on '.vIthm 1\....0 weeks unless there IS a reqUIrement for further tIme under SEP,'\. the area and number of signs permitted for any site or use This shall not be construed as rel1evmg the owner of the sign from the responsibilIty of Its erectIOn and maintenance and Its compliance WIth the provisions of thIS chapter or any other law or ordinance A. The flag, emblem or inSIgnIa of a nation or other governmental urnt or nonprofit orgarnzation subject to the guidelines concerning their use set forth by the government or orgarnzation whIch they represent. Flag poles reqmre a SIgn penmt for structural reYIe',V B. Memonal SIgnS or tablets, names of building, stamed glass wmdows and dates of erection when cut into the surface or the facade of the bmldmg or when projectmg not more than two mches. C. Traffic or other murncIpal signs, SIgnS reqmred by law or emergency, railroad crossmg SIgnS, legal notices, and any temporary, or nonadvertIsmg SIgns as may be authonzed by the CIty council. D SIgnS of publIc utilIty compames mdicatmg danger or whIch serve as an aId to publIc safety or whIch show the locatIOn of underground facilitIes or of publIc telephones E. Flush-mounted wall SIgns, used to identIfy the name and address of the occupant for each dwellmg provided the SIgn does not exceed two square feet m SIgn area F SIgns located in the intenor of any bmldmg or within an enclosed lobby or court of any bmldmg or group of bUIldings, whIch SIgnS are deSIgned and located to be VIewed exclUSIvely by patrons of such use or uses GOne bulletm board not over 50 square feet In SIgn area for each publIc, chantable or religIOUS institution where the same are located on the 15.24.060 Fee schedule. Fees for SIgn permIts shall be establIshed by resolutIOn of the CIty Councll.tfl.e bUlldmg offiCIal as determmed by the lJlllform BUlldmg Code (adopted edItIon). 15.24 070 Exemptions. The followmg SIgnS do not requlfe a SIgn permit (unless noted), nor shall the area and number of such SIgns be mcluded In - Page 5 of 16 - o o o Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2003 o premises of said instltution. V~ SIgn permIt is required) H. DecoratIOns. Such SIgnS in the nature of decoratIOn, clearly InCIdental and customary and commonly assocIated with any natIonal, local or relIgious holIday 1. Paintmg, repaintmg or cleamng of an advertismg structure or the changing of the advertIsmg copy of message thereon shall not be consIdered an erection or alteration whIch requITes a SIgn perlllit unless a structural change is made J Sculptures, fountams, mosaics and desIgn features which do not incorporate advertising or Identification E. Advertising vehicles, F SIgnS which purport to be, or are, an Illlitation of, or resemble an officIal traffic SIgn or sIgnal, or which bear the words "stop," "cautIon," "danger," "warmng," or similar words, o K, "No trespassmg," "no dumpmg," "no parlang," "pnvate," signs IdentIfymg essential publIc needs such as ~ restrooms, entrance, eXIt, and telephone, etc.) and other informational warmng SIgnS, whIch shall-do not exceed two square feet in surface area G SIgnS whIch, by reason of theIr sIZe, locatIOn, movement, content, colonng or manner of illummation may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the lIght of an emergency or radIO equipment vehIcle, or which obstruct the visibilIty of traffic or street sign or sIgnal device, H. SIgnS which are located upon or proJectmg over publIc streets, sIdewalks, or nghts-of-way, except as provided for awnings and marquees m YMC 15.24.280; 1. SIgnS attached to utility poles, Off-premises signs, J K. Stnngs of banners, pennants, and other graffiti-like material. 15.24.090 Temporary signs. o L. Directional SIgns erected by the city on publIc streets duectmg the public to emergency, publIc, CIVIC or nonprofit facilItIes. Such SIgn may have an arrow and the type of serVIce avaIlable, Such SIgn shall not exceed two square feet. 15.24.080 Prohibited signs. Prohibited signs are subject to removal (except legal nonconformmg SIgns as defined by this chapter) by the CIty at the owner's or user's expense. The followmg SIgns or dIsplays are prohibIted. A. Roof SIgns, B. Ammated signs, C. Flashmg SIgns, D Portable SIgns, except as provIded under temporary SIgns, The followmg SIgns are classIfied as temporary (nonpermanent) Temporary signs are perlllitted subject to the applicable lIlllitatlOns. A. Constructlon SIgnS. J.^. SIgn permIt IS reqUIred. Such SIgnS may be dIsplayed only after a bUIlding perlllit is obtamed and dunng the period of constructIOn on the constructIOn SIte Only one such SIgn is permitted per constructIOn project for each publIc street upon whIch the project fronts The apphcable lImIts are as follows 1 In all zones other than smgle- family reSIdentIal zones, no constructIOn SIgn shall exceed 32 square feet 1D SIgn area (pnnted copy on one SIde only) or 10 feet m heIght, nor be located closer than 10 feet from the property lme or closer than 30 feet from the -Pagc6of16- Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2003 property line from the abutting owner to the penaltIes as provided in thIS code. Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterpnse provided the beam of lIght does not flash agamst any buildmg or does not sweep an arch of more than 45 degrees from vertical. D Real Estate SIgnS No SIgn permIt IS reqUIred. All extenor real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material. The permitted SIgnS, WIth applIcable limits, are as follows. 1 ResIdential "for sale," "open house" and "sold" SIgnS such SIgnS shall be lmuted to one SIgn per street frontage not to exceed five square feet m sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven feet. o 2. In single-fanuly resIdential zones, no constructIOn sign shall exceed 32 square feet m sign area (pnnted copy on one SIde only) or 10 feet m height, nor be located closer than 10 feet from the property lme of the abuttmg owner B Grand Opening Displays. j\ no feo SIgn permIt IS requITed. Such temporary SIgnS, posters, banners stnngs of lIghts, clusters of flags, balloons or other air- or gas-filled figures, and searchlIghts are pernutted on premises only and for a period of 14 days only to announce the opemng of a completely new enterpnse or the opening of an enterprise under new management. Square footage of allowable temporary SIgn area IS proVIded m YMC 15.24.290. Sandwich board signs are pernutted provided each SIde does not exceed two and one half feet by four feet. All such matenals shall be removed Immediately upon the expIration of 14 days. Search lights may be pernutted by any busmess or enterprise provIded the beam of light does not flash agamst any buildmg or does not sweep an arc of more than 45 degrees from vertlcal. C. SpeCIal Event Signs for Busmesses and Orgamzations. .\ no fee SIgn permIt IS reqUIred. Such temporary SIgnS may be placed on prerruses only and shall not be larger than 20 square feet. SandWIch board SIgns are perrrutted prOVIded each SIde does not exceed two and one-half feet by four feet. Sald SIgns shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other publIc utilIty faCIlItIes. Such signs may be permItted on prerruses only and for a peflod of 14 days only SpeCIal events are lImIted to four per year The event commIttee for whIch the sIgn IS dIsplayed shall be responsible for ItS removal and subject 2. ReSIdential dlfectional "open house" signs advertlSlng residential develooments wlthm the City of Yelm shall be perrrutted dunng daylIght hours on weekends only and must be placed out of the way of pedestnan traffic. 3 Undeveloped commerCIal and mdustnal property "for sale or rent" signs one SIgn per street frontage advertismg undeveloped commerCIal and mdustrial property for sale or rent. The sign shall not exceed 32 square feet m SIgn area and 10 feet to top of SIgn. o 4 Developed commerCIal and industrial property "for sale or rent" SIgns one sign per street frontage advertlsmg a commerCIal or industnal bUlldmg for rent or sale IS perrrutted while the bUlldmg IS actually for rent or sale If one face of the buIldmg IS less than 10 feet from the property lIne, the sIgn shall be placed on the buIldmg or m a wmdow The SIgn shall not exceed 10 feet to top of o - Page 7 of Hi - Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2003 o SIgn, if freestanding, shall be located more than 15 feet from any abutting property lme and a public nght-of-way lIne Said sign shall not exceed 32 square feet m SIgn area. o 5 Undeveloped resIdentIal property "for sale" SIgnS one on-prenuses sign per street frontage advertismg undeveloped resIdentIal property for sale IS penmtted not exceedmg 32 square feet m sign area. SaId SIgn must be placed more than 30 feet from the abuttmg owner's property line and may not exceed a height of 10 feet to top of SIgn. E. PolItical SIgnS. No sign permit IS reqUIred. Political signs or posters may be placed upon pm'ate property only afid-shall not be larger than 10 square feet of SIgn area and shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles~ or other publIc utilIty facilItIes. Such signs may be displayed no sooner than the next to the last Monday m July prIor to an electIOn (except for speCIal electIOns v.'hich may dIsplay such SIgnS no sooner than 45 days prIor to the election) and must be removed seven days after the electIon m which the candIdate or Issue advertised on a SIgn has been deternuned. For a successful candidate m a prImary electIOn the sign may remam until the final election, but shall be removcd "Ylthm seven days after the electIOn. The candIdate or comnuttee for whIch the SIgn is dIsplayed shall be responsible for ItS removal and subject to the penaltIes as proVided in thIS code F Garage Sale (Yard Sales, Movmg Sales, PatIO Sales) No SIgn perTmt IS reqUIred. Such SIgn shall be lImited to one sign on the premises No such SIgn shall exceed four square feet In the sign area. The SIgn may be dIsplayed only dunng the sale and must be removed the day the sale ends The o person or persons for wluch the SIgn is dIsplayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penaltIes as provided m this code. No mdividual shall be pernutted to have more than two garage sales per calendar year and shall not exceed five consecutlveSlX combmed days. G. SandWich Board Sums. Busmesses that cater to oedestnans such as. restaurants. retail busmesses that sell clothmg. gifts. acceSSOrIes. small markets. or other SImIlar uses as determmed bv the Admmlstrator shall be allowed to have sandWIch board silpls. Such SlQJ1S shall onlv be oedestrIan onented In nature and bUSInesses will onlv be allowed a maximum of one sandWich board Sign. SandWIch board SIgnS are sublect to the follOWIng conditIOns. a. Proof of lIabilIty Insurance shall be furnished WIth the Sign oermlt In the mimmum aggregate sum of $500.000.00 and that the CIty of Yelm IS named as an additIOnal msured on such oohcv. b. The area of the sandWich board shall not exceed SIX sauare feet oer Side In SIze and shall not be WIder than two feet. c. SandWich boards shall be constructed out of matenals able to WIthstand tvoical northwest weather such as metaL fimshed wood. chalkboard. whlteboard. or olastlc. SandWIch boards shall be mamtamed m a leQ:ible and mtact manner. d. SandWich boards mav onlv be dlsJ2lg~d dunng busmess hours. If bus mess hours contmue Rast davlJght hours. orecautIonuhllidd be taken to olace the sign m a location where It IS readllv Visible aft~Q[lL.2iill.d\YldLbmrrds~11.aU not be Wired for IIgh!mj.'" - Page 8 of 10 - Yelm Sign Code January 14 2003 e. SandwIch boards advertISmg busmesses with bUIldmgs dIrectlv ad1acent to a oublic sIdewalk mav be located m front of the bUIldmg m WhICh the busmess IS located. f. Sandwich boards advertismg busmesses m multmle occuoancv buildIllgs mav be located no further than twelve feet from the entrance of the bus mess and must be located on a oedestrIan oathwav. g:. Sandwich boards shall not be olaced III a location WhICh IS wIthIll the VISIOn trIangle or anv locatIOn whIch will Imoede vehicular traffic. Further. such siQJ1s shall not be olaced m a manner whIch will block or otherwIse obstruct the safe use of SIdewalks. buildmg: entrances or staIrs bv pedestrians. mcludmg oedestnans who are vIsuallv ImoaIred or otherwIse handIcaooed. 15.24.100 Structural requirements. The structure and erectIon of SIgns or flag poles WIthin the CIty shall be governed by the currently adooted buildmg code.Umform Buildmg Code, 1991 EdItiOn (or any supcrscding edItion adopted by the CIty). 15.24.110 Electrical requirements. Electncal requIrements for SIgnS WIthin the CIty shall be regulated by the Department of Labor and Industnes. sign reasonably visible to the average person on an adjacent street. 15.24.130 Maintenance. All SIgnS, mcludmg SIgnS heretofore mstalled shall be constantly main tamed m a state of secunty, safety, appearance and repair If any sign IS found not to be so maintamed or is msecurely fastened or otherwise dangerous, it shall be the duty of the owner and/or occupant of the prenuses on whIch the sign is erected to repaIr or remove the sign wIthm 15 days after receIvmg notice from the building offiCIal. The prenuses surroundmg a freestandmg SIgn shall be free and clear of rubbish and the landscapmg area maintained in a tidy manner 15.24.140 Landscaping for freestanding and monument signs. All freestandmg and monument signs shall mclude as part of theIr deSIgn landscapmg about their base so as to Improve the overall appearance of the installation, Landscapmg areas shall conSIst of the followmg: 50 percent of the SIgn area of WhICh 50 percent shrubs (nummum 50 percent flowenng decorative shrubs), 50 percent groundcover, or cultivated flower beds (grass not allowed) 15.24.150 Inspection. All SIgn users shall pernut the penodIc mspection of their SIgn by the CIty upon CIty request. 15.24.160 More restrictive provision to apply. Whenever two proVISIons of thIS code overlap or conflIct WIth regard to the SIze or placement of a SIgn, the more restnctIve proVISIOn shall apply For those bUIldmgs on the Yelm hIstonc regIster, the hIstonc name pamted or affixed to the bUIldmg shall not be mcluded 1D the SIgn calculatIOns 15.24.120 Illumination. IllummatlOn from or upon any SIgn shall be shaded, shIelded, duected or reduced so as to aVOId undue bnghtness, glare or reflectIon of lIght on pnvate or publIc property m the surroundmg area, and so as to aVOId unreasonable dIstractmg pedestnans or motonsts, "Undue bnghtness" IS Illununahon III excess of that whIch IS reasonably necessary to make the 15.24 170 Buildings facing on two parallel streets or corner - Page 9 of 16 - o o o Yelm Sign Code o ~Smgle- or multiple-occupancy - buildmgs whose premises extend through a block to face onto parallel streets wIth customer entrances on each street are perrmtted signs per street frontage as per YMC 15.24 19?, provided, however, that each SIgn IS located on dIfferent street frontages and are separated more than 100 feet measured in a straight lme between the SIgnS. B. Sm!lle- or multmle-occuoancv bmldm!ls m the Central Busmess DIstrIct which extend throu!lh a block to face onto an allev with a customer entrance are nenmtted 120 nercent of the allowed sum area. ner YMC 15.24.280. wIth a maXImum 30 percent of area on the allev and a maXImum 100 nercent of area on the street fronta~ LSlgnage for buildings located on -corner streets shall be permitted 150 percent of the allowed SIgn area, per YMC 15,24.280, wIth a maximum 100 percent of area on one street frontage 15.24.180 Signage on awnings and marquees. Slgnage WIll be allowed on awnmgs and marquees m commercIal and mdustnal zones of the CIty Such signage shall be liImted to 30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee or one square foot for each lmeal foot of the front of the marquee, whIchever IS less. The sIgnage area shall be calculated on the basis of the smallest rectangle, circle or sphencal figure that wIll enclose the entue copy area of the SIgn. Any such calculatIOns shall mclude the areas between letters and hnes as well as the areas of any deVIces whIch are mtended to attract attentIOn. Slgnage area shall be mcluded m the overall calculatIOn of total allowable for the buddmg. 15.24 190 District ~regulations. /\. General. TIllS sectIOn shall apply to nil zonc~ dCS13nated 1I1 YMC Title 17 o o January 14,2003 Size and Type Home Occupations Home occupatIOn SIgnS relate to "home occupatIOn" as defined in the zonmg Zonm!l ordmanceCode The SIgn shall be wall-mounted and shall not exceed four square feet m area, and cannot be internally illuminated, but may be mdirectly illuminated. 2. Smgle FamilyResIdentIal SubdIVIsIOns. Two SIgnS identifymg a subdIVIsion may be permitted per entrance from an access street, provided saId signs do not exceed 18 square feet m SHm area each and five feet m I:> height. Such signs can be monument, freestandmg or fence mounted. :gA. 1 3 Multlfarmly Complex. Each multifamily complex IS perrmtted two SIgns per entrance from an access street identifymg the complex, prOVIded Said SIgnS do not exceed 18 square feet m SIgn area each and five feet m height. 4 Commercial, Industrial and Gpefl Space/InstItutIOnal DIstnctsPubhc Uses. a. Each smgle-occupancy buildmg not m a multlple- building complex IS perrmtted one monument or freestandmg SIgn, per YMC 15.24.280 and one of any of the followmg SIgns awning, marquee or wall, per YMC 15.24.280 b Each multIple-occupancy bUlldma not III a multlDle- I:> buJldlll~m~ls perrrutted one monument or freestandmg SIgn per buIldll1g, plus one wall SIgn for pnmary extenor entrances as prOVIded m YMC 15.24.280 -Pag<:10oflo- Yelm Sign Code January 14,2003 c, Each buildmQ wlthm a multIple-buildmg complex IS permitted one monument or freestandmg SIgn per building, plus one wall sign for primary exterior entrances as provided m YMC 15.24.280 1 If corner parcel wIth two street frontages and entrances on both streets and multibuildmg complex, a monument sign placed at the corner of the property can be a two- or three-faced sign, or 2. If corner parcel wIth two street frontages and entrances on both streets and multibuilding complex, regular monument SIgnS are permitted at each entrance. 15.24.195 Off-site banners. ThIS procedural statement outlines the gmdclrnes for the use and coordmatlOn of banner cables for nonprofit orgalllzatIon event ad'.'ertIsmg. Banner locatIOns shall be utilIzed for the purpose of hanging banners advertIsmg commulllty events designed for the general publIc mterest. A. Banner mstallatIOns shall be allowed at four desIgnated publIc areas as approved by the €ity~ B Written requests for the use of the banner locatIOns shall be submitted to the pubhc ',1,'orks departmentCommumtv Develooment Deoartment, usmg the form provIded by the CIty The request shall include pertment mformatIOn such as the nature of the event bemg advertIsed, the length of tIme the banner IS to be hung, a descnptIOn of the banner, who WIll install the banner, a contact person responsible for the banner and phone number of that person m case of emergency,--ete C Banners shall be used to advertIse commumty mterest events, and not for the advertIsmg of the orgamzatIOn or Its products. No requests shall be approved for banners advertlsing the followmg type of events 1 RelIgIOUS events, 2. Pohtlcal events, 3 CommerCial product sales or events. d. Each multmle-buildmQ como lex IS oenmtted two monument or freestandm!! sums oer entrance oer YMC 15.24.280. 5. Commercml Subdl'nsions and BusmesG Purk DIStrICt. Each commercml subdIVIsIon or bus mess purk IS penmtted two SIgnS per entrance, one wall sign per tenant, per YMC 15.21.280. C. Location, Freestanding signs may be perIllitted anywhere on the premises except for wlthm the sight triangle establIshed by the Yelm buildmg offiCIal. Monument SIgns can be located adjacent to property lInes but not within the SIght tnangle establIshed by the Yelm buildmg official. Dlrectory- type SIgnS not to exceed SIX square feet m height are perIllitted only wlthm multlple- buildmg complexes such as busmess parks and governmental centers as an aId m clIent onentatIon, D Wall Signs. The surface area of any bUlldmg- mounted SIgn or canopy- mounted sign shall not exceed the figures denved from YMC 15.24.280 E. IlluIllinatIOn. IlluIllinatIOn, if used, shall be what IS known as a whIte or yellow bulb and shall not be blmkmg, fluctuatIng or movmg. LIght rays shall shme only upon the SIgn or upon the property wIthm the premIses and shall not splil over the property lInes, many direction, except by mduect reflectIOn F Corner SIgns. Corner SIgnS shall be permItted, subject to the followmg cntena - Page 11 of 16 - o o o Yelm Sign Code January 14,2003 c D Schedulmg for mstallation InstallatiOn of banners shall be scheduled on a first-come, first-served,-- basIs. ApplIcants are lIffilted to four events per year Requests must be received three weeks pnor to the date the banners will be mstalled. No banner will be scheduled ''vIthout a '.WItten request. The bl;!anners shall be ffim.g lImIted to .fef-a maximum time of two weeks. The tIme lImIt shall begin be2:mmn2: on a Monday and end at the tilTIe the banner IS removed on a Monday. Shorter peflods of one week will be allowed V{1th the same begmnmg and endmg days. E. PublIc vlor1csCommumtv Develonment staff will schedule the banner for the requested tIme providing there has not been pnor written applicatIOn for the same date~. If prIor applIcatIOn has been made, staff will notIfy the new applIcant of the prIor approval no later than seven workmg days of receIvmg theIr request. F Installation and removal of the banners shall be the sole responsibilIty of the applIcant. Arrangements by the applIcant must be made for the lTIstallatIon and removal of the banner bv an mstaller anoroved bv the CItv.WIth one of the follov,'1ng approved sources: 1. Puget Sound Energy; 2. T.C.I. CablcvIsIon; 3. Others as approved by publIc '.vorks department. G It IS recommended that applicants coordInate ilnstallatIon and removal of thetf-banner~ shall be coordInated WIth tfl.ffi-of other applIcants", for case of InstallatIon and removal by the Installer. H. Banners shall be 2'1 tOlill.-.-gITiller than 30 feet In WIdth (maximum sIze 30 feett-and no gr~gter than three and one-half feet In heIght" for all locatIOns and shall have tlhe approved message shall annear on both sides of the banner Up to and mcludmg No Q:feater than +G-15 percent of the sign area, per SIde, may mclude advertisement of the sign sponsor( s). 1. Banners shall be deSI2:Ded and mstalled m accordance WIth 2:Uldelmes orenared bv the Admmlstrator.Grommets must be placed along the top edges of the banner and one at each bottom end. The mmImum grommet SIze shall be one half mch (in::ade measurement) and the grommets shall be placed a ma.'CImum of two feet apart. }dr holes must be placed m the banner (mlTIImUm SIze of mr holes should be comparable to the dIameter of a thrce pound coffee can or mmImum six mches in dlUmeter and spaced 1\\'0 to four feet apart). J. Mountmg hardware shall be supplIed by the applicant. ThIS 'will mclude a mmImum of a fiveand one sIxteenth mch lmk or comparable for each grommet, plus two nylon type cords of adequate length for both bottom ends, for use as tIe downs. K. Use of the banner cables IS subject to avmlabilIty of banner cables, availabilIty of an approved mstaller and condItIOn of banner cables. If weather condItIOns pose a danger to mstallatIon personnel, banners WIll not be hune; untIl it IS ~afe to do so. L. If the request IS approved, the applicant should take the banner (includmg all hardware) to the Installer a mmlmum of three days pnor to InstallatIOn or by the schedule agreed upon by that mstaller MI CIty staff may request that t1he applIcant shall repaIr or remove theu banner at any tIme when notified by ~mmlstrator that the banner may pose a danger to publIc safety due to banner deterioratIOn, St0n11S, high wlDd~, etc If the applIcant falls to rc~pond to ~uch a reque~t L~.Jllil..Y...e-.J;I1-e. o c -Pagc12of16- Yelm Sign Code January 14,2003 banner within five days, staff shall remove the banner or cause It to be removed, and will bill the orgamzatlOn aoolIcant for the cost of removal. 15.24.197 Community SiQ"ns A. A slll2:le. JOmt SI2:D lIstm2: Yelm CIVIC omamzatIOns mav be mstalled on orooertv owned bv a ciVIC or2:amzatIOn or the CItv of Yelm bv the Chamber of Commerce. The SI2:D shall be lImIted to 10 square feet If a freestandm2: SI2:D less than 8 feet m hel2:ht and 20 square feet If a monument SI~. B. Commumtv Events within the City of Yelm soonsored bv the CIty of Yelm or a CiVIC orgamzatIOn mav be allowed on orooertv owned bv a CIVIC orgamzatIOn or the CIty of Yelm. orovlded that the SI2:D IS less than 20 square feet III area. IS erected no earlIer than three weeks orior to the advertIsed event and is removed wlthm two davs of the end of the event. C. SI2:llS located on the outfield fences of baseball fields owned and ooerated bv CIVIC or2:amzatIons are allowed. orovlded that si2:DS oflmanlv onented towards the ballfield and IS not mtended to advertIse off-SIte. chapter and shall become a legal nonconformmg SIgn provided: 1 No such sign shall be changed III any manner that increases the noncomplIance of such SIgn WIth the provisIOn~ of ordmance codificd III thIS chaptcr e~tablished for SIgnS m the dIstnct ill 'l;hich the SIgn IS located, 2. The burden of establishmg a SIgn to be legally nonconforming under this sectIOn rests upon the person or persons, firm or corporation claiming legal nonconformm2: status for a SIgn, 3 "Structural alteratIOn" means any actiOn that changes the heIght, SIZC or shape of thc SIgn or any actIOn that affects the base or support( s) of the SIgn. \Vhen a A sign that is structurally altered, It ccases to bc a legal nonconformmg SIgn and must conform WIth the-all prOVISIons of this chapter; 4 When a business or actIVIty con taming a legal nonconformmg sign IS enlarged or remodeled to a value of 60 percent or more of eXIsting value of real property improvements, then such SIgn must be brought III conformity WIth all orovlslons of thIS chapter; 5 When a busmess or actIVIty contammg a legal nonconforming SIgn changes the type-si",.on face or name of the bus mess, then such SIgn must be brought mto conformance WIth all orovlslons of thIS chapter; 6 The use of temporary and/or speCIal event SIgns such as banners, whIch 'sere purchased prIor to the adoptiOn date of tlllS code may be contmued until such time the SISTI IS replaced. Proof of purchase date IS the responsibIlity of the applIcant. 15.24.200 Variances. Vanances from proVISIOns of thIS chapter may be granted by the heanng examInerHearIn2: Exammer m accordance WIth Chapter 17.96 YMC. 15.24.210 Legal nonconforming signs. A. Le2:al nonconformIng Sl~ those SIgnS whIch were lawful onor to the date of adootlOn of the ordmance codIfied m thIS chaoter. but whIch would be prohibIted. re~d. or restncted IJ.nd~r the terms of thIs chaoter. ContInuance. ,'\ny ~:;Jgn whIch IS In conformance WIth the eXlstmg code may be contmued to be 111 operatIOn and be mamtamcd after the effectIve date of the ordmance codified m tIllS - Pag\: 13 of Hi - o o o Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2003 o B. By- Violation of the Chapter ArIy vIOlatIOn of this chapter shall ternnnate ImmedlUtely the nght to maintam a le2:al nonconfornnng SIgn. C. No oersons shall mamtam or oermIt to be mamtamed on anv oremlses owned or controlled bv him/her anv SI2:n whIch has been abandoned. D. The f12:ht to mamtam anv le2:al nonconformm2: SI2:D shall term mate and shall cease to eXIst whenever the SI2:D IS: o I. Dama2:ed or destroved bevond 50 ~ercent. The determmatIOn whether a SI2:D is dama2:ed or destroved bevond 50 oercent shall rest WIth the buildm~ officIal and shall be based uoon the actual cost of reolacmg saId si2:n. and/or 2. Structurally substandard under any aophcable ordmance of the Citv to the extent that the Si2:D becomes a hazard or dan2:er. 15.24.220 Termination of signs. .\. By Abandonment. No persons shall maIntam or permit to be mamtamed on any premIses ovmed or controlled by hun/her any SIgn '.vhlch has been abandoned. o B. By DestructIOn, Damage, Obsolescence or Danger. The flght to maintam uny legal nonconformmg sIgn shall term mate and shall cease to eXIst '.vhencver the sIgn IS: 1. Damaged or destroyed beyond 50 percent. The detcrmmatlon '.vhether a sign is damaged or destroyed beyond 50 percent shall rest ';"Ith the bUlldmg officlUl and shall be based upon the actual cost of replacm6 sUld S16n; and/or :2 Structurally substandard under any applIcable ordmance of the cIty to the extent that the slgn becomes a hazard or danger. 15.24.230 Administrator .\ppointment -Powers and duties generally. The buildmg officlUl shall be appomted and removed by the CIty admmistrator. The administrator is authonzed and dIrected to enforce and carry out all proviSIons of this eedechaoter, both m letter and spmt, ';nth VIgilance and \vIth all due spced. To that end, the admmistrator is authOrIzed to formulate procedures conSIstent '.vIth the purpose of this code. The admIlllstrator IS further empov/ercd to delegate the dutIeS and pOVlers granted to and lIllposed upon hIm under thIS code. .\s used ill the code, "admmIstrator of thIS code" or "admmIstrator" shall mclude theIr authOrIzed representatIVe 15.24.240 Administrator - Inspection authority. The adnnmstrator IS empowered to enter or mspect any buildmg, structure of premises m the city, upon whIch or m connectIOn WIth which a SIgn, as defined by thIS code, IS located, for the purpose of mspection of the SIgn, ItS structural and electncal connections and to msure compliance with the proVIsions of this code Such mspectlons shall be carned out dunng busmess hours unless an emergency eXIsts 15.24.250 Conflict and severability. If any prOVISIOn of thIS code is found to be m conflict WIth any other proviSIon of any zomng, buildmg, fire, safety or health ordmance or code of the CIty, the proVISIOn whIch establIshes the hIgher standard shall prevail. 15.24.260 Violation - Penalty. A. Violatlon of the proVISIons of thIS code or failure to comply WIth any of Its requirements shall constItute a rrusdemeanor, and such VIOlatIOn shall be pumshed as proVIded by the statutes of the state of Washmgton for the commISSIon of a rrusdemeanor Each day such violatIon contmues shall be conSIdered a separate offense - Page 14 of16 - Yelm Sign Code January 14,2003 B. The erector, owner or user of an unlawful sign or the owner of the property on which an unlawful SIgn is located and maintains such violatIon may each be found guilty of a separate offense and suffer the penaltIes as provided for in subsectIon A of this sectIOn. D. Neither tlhe city flef-Or any of Its agents shall not be lIable for any damage to the-a sign when removed under thIS section. o 15.24.270 Removal of unlawful signs. A. Any unlawful permanent type sign whIch has not been removed WIthin 30 days after convictIOn of VIOlatIOn or ImpOSitIon of CIyil penaltynotIce of violatIon, may be removed by the CIty and the costs charged to the VIolator If removal costs have not been paid and the SIgn reclaimed WIthin 30 days of ItS removal by the city, the city may sell or otherwIse dIspose of the SIgn and apply the proceeds toward costs of removal. Any proceeds m excess of costs of removal shall be paid to the owner of the SIgn. B. Unlawful SIgns '.vhich the admmIstrator finds upon on publIc streets, SIdewalks, rights-of-way~ Dower Doles. teleohone ooles. street SI2:DS. or other publIc property or whIch wheresoever located present an ImmedIate and senous danger to the public because of theIr unsafe conditlon may be immediately removed by the administrator without pnor notIce C. Any unlawful temporary or portable- type sign located on pnvate property which has not been removed after wlthm 24 hours from notIficatIOn may after notIce of VIOlatIon mav be removed by the City The SIgn may be reclaimed by the owner after a Civil penalty of $10000 has been paid. If the SIgn has not been reclaimed withm 30 days of ItS removal by the city, the CIty may sell or otherwIse dIspose of the SIgn and apply the proceeds toward costs of the removal Any proceeds m excess of costs of the removal shall be pard to the owner of the sIgn o o -PagcI5ofI6- Yelm Sign Code January 14, 2004 o 15.24.280 Sign area.... Square footage maximums. Bldg./Gross Sign Sign Area Property Line Floor Area Height (Per Side) Setback 5,000 sq. ft. or less FS - 8 ft. FS - 20 sq ft. 5 ft. MS - 5 ft. MS - 40 SQ. ft. 5,001- 10,000 sq. ft. FS-8ft. FS - 30 sq ft. 5 ft. MS - 5 ft. MS - 50 SQ ft. 10,001 - 35,000 sq ft. FS - 10 ft. FS - 35 sq. ft. 10 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 50 SQ ft. 35,001 - 60,000 sq ft. FS - 10 ft. FS - 40 sq ft. 10 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 72 SQ ft. 60,001 - 75,000 sq ft. FS - 15 ft. FS - 75 sq ft. 10 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 90 so ft. 75,001 - 100,000 sq ft. FS - 15 ft. FS - 100 sq ft. 15 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 120 SQ. ft. 100,000+ sq. ft. FS-20ft. FS - 150 sq ft. 15 ft. MS - 6 ft. MS - 120 SQ ft. 15.24.290 Grand opening/special event sign area. o FS - Freestandmg sign MS - Monument SIgn A. Flush-mounted wall SIgnS one square foot for each lmeal foot of store (occupant) frontage (main pomt of entry) One identIfier sign for busmesses wIth a separate delIvery access will be allowed, not to exceed two square feet. B. Marquee SIgn one square foot for each lmeal foot of the front of the marquee or 30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whIchever IS less C. A wmng: one square foot for each lmeal foot of the front of the marquee or 30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whIchever IS less. D. Bonus Sl2:D Area. Monument SIgns may be mcreased as follows. o 1. Twenty oercent (20%) when the S1gn for a multmle-occuoancv bUlldlllg or multmle-bUlldmg comolex utIlizes unIform colonng. matenal. and letterIng for all establIshments In the buildInfLQI como lex. 2. Ten oercent (10%) when the SIlD} IS lllstalled III a landscape..d..J21anter IUr'-/!.llR.-an area fO~lr tlmeS the area of the SlgJl, Property Line Setback 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. - Page 16 of 10 -