03-08-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 2 . 95-47 3. 95-48 4. 95-49 5./6. 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Martha Parsons. Absent: Bob Gallagher and Don Miller. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Justin Johnson, Scout Troop 270; and Debra Delzell, Skillings Connolly. John Huddleston, Creative Homes; Mark Carpenter, Shepherd Corporation; Dean Hooper; and Jay and Jan Tripplett. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, and Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes of February 22, 1995. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS *17855-17951, TOTALLING $110,231.41. CARRIED. Vacant 7 . Public Comment - Jay Tripplett commented on the bid opening scheduled for road improvements on SR510. Mr. Tripplett feels that the work should include an intersection realignment at Yelm High School and Mt. View Road. Mr. Tripplett provided plans to be passed along to DOT. Ken Garmann indicated he would pass the plans on and added that DOT's position on the project is that they are doing an asphalt overlay only. Justin Johnson, Scout Troop 270 introduced himself and explained that he was observing the meeting as a requirement for his Citizenship in the Community Badge. 8. New Business: a. Sewer Service Expansion - Shelly Badger explained that the original sewer service boundary was established based on estimated ERUs. Some requests were received from area property owners asking to be included in the boundary. Measurement of the volume passing through the treatment plant indicates additional capacity availability. Letters sent to those who had expressed interest in CITY COUNCIL MARCH 8, 1995 PAGE 1 sewer service availability generated in responses from the Burnett Road area and the Mill Rd/SR507 area. Farm Home Administration was very supportive of assisting with funding for sewer service to Mill Pond School/Fire Station due to the proposed development of an affordable housing II self help" project for that area, staff recommended approval of expanding the sewer service boundary to include requests from this area. (Maps, A/B). Requests from Burnett Road area would be cost prohibitive at this time. Due to the hydraulics of pressurized systems. A major trunk line would be needed in the Killion Road area. 95-50 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY THAT THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPANSION OF THE SEWER SERVICE BOUNDARY TO INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL 90 ERUS IN THE MILL ROADISR 507 AREA BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED. Shelly Badger advised that additional expansion requests would be brought to City Council for approval as development projects are ready to come on line. b. Economic Development Council - '95 budget request. Mayor Wolf explained that EDC was requesting a $150 increase to $3,150 in their '95 budget request to provide basic services. Councilmembers agreed that as no increases have occurred in the past few years the $150 increase for basic services seems reasonable. Increased services being offered by EDC include a proposal to include Yelm in an aggressive marketing proposal promoting communities in Thurston County for an additional $1,000. Recent services provided by EDC include tours of the Yelm area for 4 or 5 companies considering locating in Thurston County. Yelm's biggest drawback is the distance to I-5. However, rail availability is a real plus. We are currently working with EDC on developing a fact sheet emphasizing rail availability. Council would like staff to begin dialogue with EDC to determine value to Yelm of services provided by the additional service proposal. c. Thurston Regional Planning Council Economic Development Project. Mayor Wolf explained that requesting that Councilmembers support adequate funding for transportation to our legislators. This should be done as an individual, not as a municipality. d. Sister City Request - Ferns, Ireland. Shelly Badger explained that an unofficial request had been received and that it could entail as little or much interaction as desired. Mayor Wolf explained that other citizens may have ideas in this area and that in light of the fact that staff is drowning in tasks this could wait until a later date. Councilmember Parsons felt that more contact was necessary before any consideration was given. Councilmember Lawton felt staff had enough to do right now. e. Staffing Shelly Badger requested an increase in time for CITY COUNCIL MARCH 8, 1995 PAGE 2 95-51 95-52 95-53 95-54 office assistant Shari Gemmill from 3 to 4 days per week. Council requested that an ordinance be prepared for the next meeting. f. Resolution No. 325 - Mayor Wolf explained that this resolution recognizes the importance of AMTRAK and high speed rail funding. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 325 SUPPORTING FUNDING FOR AMTRAK AND HIGH SPEED RAIL. CARRIED. g. Park Use Requests - MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS FOR 3/15/95 - CUB SCOUTS RAINGUTTER REGATTA AND 3/12/95 BIRTHDAY PARTY. CARRIED. h. Ordinance No. 551 - Mayor Wolf read Court Administrator Hanni Lilly's request for a part-time replacement at $9.00 p/hour for the period she will be out of the office. Mayor Wolf requested and received consensus from Councilmembers. Ordinance No. 551 will be scheduled for the next meeting. i. Contract with Helix Architects for Phase II of the UCBO project. Mayor Wolf explained that as lead agency Yelm must sign the contract. Shelly Badger explained that process in selecting the architect for the community center addition and food bank/thrift shop building. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING SIGNING THE CONTRACT WITH HELIX ARCHITECTS FOR THE UCBO COMMUNITY CENTER ADDITIONIFOOD BANKITHRIFT SHOP. CARRIED. 9 . Old Business: a. Resolution No. 326 - Aquifer Protection Area. Mayor Wolf explained that passage of this resolution would allow the Aquifer Protection Area proposal to be added to the ballot for considered by Yelm voters. Ken Garmann reported on a meeting with Gordon White concerning this program. Key discussion items were commission voting (6 votes) to protect smaller cities; that dollars raised in Yelm be spent here; and that Yelm could provide data due to Yelm's testing needs. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 326 ALLOWING THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TO THE BALLOT. CARRIED. b. Hookup Fees - Ken Garmann reported that he had been gathering information from other areas including Lacey, Centralia, Rainier, Olympia and Tumwater. High end is $1,800, low $1,000; Yelm is at $600. A rate increase proposal will be prepared for consideration at the next meeting. The increase will help fund upgrades needed as new users are added to the system. 10. Reports: a. Planning - An updated growth and planning information sheet was mailed to Councilmembers. The Planning Commission held the first public hearing on Phase II of the Comp Plan development regulations, and zoning ordinance and map. The hearing was continued to the next meeting with a work session planned for tomorrow. It is expected to be before Council in April. When this work is completed, Yelm will be in compliance with the Growth Management Act. CITY COUNCIL MARCH 8, 1995 PAGE 3 Shelly Badger explained that a hearing date of March 22, had been set by the Department of Commerce for the Free Trade Zone Application. Councilmembers were encouraged to attend if possible. If approved, this will allow payment of duties to be deferred from the time they are imported to the time they are exported. b. Police - Chief Dunnam is working on completion of a COPS FAST Grant. $75,000 possible over a three year period. c. Public Works - Councilmember Parsons reported that due to work being done on grants, she had not met with Ken Garmann. Ken Garmann reported on the following items: 1) A meeting with the Lion's Club re a drainage problem at the scout cabin. The City will work with them as best as we can to help alleviate the situation. 2) Automated meter reading equipment, approximate cost $15,900. 3) Staffing to perform required Wastewater Treatment Plant testing (NPDES) on weekends. As a need exists to have additional staff members trained in testing procedures and employee Terry Vandiver is willing to perform the tests on weekends for $100 net per month, staff recommended approval of this option. Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance for the next Council meeting. Seven day per week staffing will be required when the reuse system is on line. 4) Well #3, all possible tests have been done. All, except clarity of water, were OK, nitrate levels have dropped. Well #3 will remain off line and monitoring will continue. 5) Finalizing parking lot design at 2nd and Washington, construction should begin the first of April. 12 of the 22 parking stalls will be for Yelm Telephone Co. YTC will also assist with alley improvements. d. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported that the new planner will start Monday, the 2/95 court report and the court closure on 3/30/95 for computer training. Meetings attended: AWC Legislative Conference, Nisqually River Council, local citizens, Economic Development Council Board Meeting, Capital Medical Center; Nisqually River Foundation; Thurston Regional Planning Council, and the Mayor's Forum. Lacey Mayor, Jon Halvorson requested letters be sent to Senators Gorton and Murray re support of the Summer Youth Employment Program. Contact Agnes for copies. e. Council - Councilmember Curry reported that discussion at the Parks Advisory Committee meeting had concerned the Canal Road Park and committee vacancies. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 13. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm. "f:U~ In/)/~ Kathryn M. Wolf,ayor A t(;Ze : . {:1it; ;/) {1;-" Iu Agn P. Colombo, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MARCH 8, 1995 PAGE 4