06-27-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 2 . 95-109 3 . 95-110 4. 95-111 95-112 95-113 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1995 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Absent: Bob Gallagher. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Kristin Blalack, Yelm-Timberland Library; and Jim Blundell, Owens Davies Mackie. Dave Wilson, Lee Orchard, and Sandy Slack. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann, Cathie Carlson and Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF 2A INTRODUCTION BY CHIEF DUNNAM, 9B MEDIC I CONTRACT AND 9C ANIMAL CUSTODY. CARRIED. a. Chief Dunnam introduced Stacy Denham, Yelm' s newest police officer. Chief Dunnam hopes a slot will be available for Officer Denham to attend the academy in August or September. Officer Denham was welcomed by Mayor Wolf and Councilmembers. Minutes of June 14, 1995. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Approval of Payroll MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE PAYROLL FOR JUNE 1995. CARRIED. 5. Approval of Vouchers. Voucher 18349 as approved by telephone contact with Councilmembers on 7/15/95: MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHER #18349, TOTALLING $117,780.27. CARRIED. Vouchers 18352-18358 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #18352-18358, TOTALLING $1,959.71. CARRIED. 6. Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Code, Map and Development Regulations. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7: 38 pm. Shelly Badger explained that the zoning code, map and development regulations must be amended to be consistent with the adopted Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County which identifies land use within Yelm's growth area for the next 20 years. Correspondence entered into the record: (1) Mr. & Mrs. Reeder, Crystal Springs Rd. concerning replacing a mobile home on property proposed for R-4 zoning. (2) Richard Jolley, SR507, PAGE 1 requesting a change from Commercial to Agricultural due to his intent to use the property for residential uses only and for property tax relief. Shelly Badger explained that she spoke with the Thurston Co. Assessor and that a zone change from R/A to Commercial generally results in an increase in land value and a decrease in structure value. The increase experienced by Mr. Jolley was due to a scheduled and the first reevaluation reflecting the changed zoning. Surrounding property values and zoning are components in determining assessed value. Zoning is looked at first. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission approved the zoning map as is with the recommendation that the Reeder property be added to the R-6 zone. Also approved was the Zoning Code, Title 17 and accompanying Titles 14, 15 and 16. Jim Blundell was introduced and gave an overview of Titles 14, 15 and 16. Title 14, Environment changes included SEPA Ordinance changes that were allowed due to changes in the State Environmental Policy Act. Changes include: responsible official, threshold criteria, incorporation of (interim) Critical Areas Ordinance , with stream buffer /rating additions; decreased wetlands buffers; addition of Open Space and Parks Ordinance from the Subdivision Ordinance. Title 15.40 Concurrency Management. Sets forth requirements to assure that urban services are in place at the time of development or that there is a financial plan in place to provide services within six years, as in the case of transportation. Title 15.44 Vesting of Development Rights. Puts a system into place that is responsive to developers and identifies at what point the application process is complete. Title 16 Subdivisions. Changes increase the number of lots allowed in a short subdivision from four to nine lots. 16.10 Master Plan Review. Moves text to Zoning Code Chapter 17.85. Chapter 16.12.170 Subdivision. Requires written findings to insure that urban services are concurrent with development. Cathie Carlson gave an overview of Title 17, Yelm Zoning Code, which includes chapters addressing residential, commercial, industrial, development or overlay, miscellaneous and administrative sections. Residential zones are intended to provide housing for a variety of social and economic needs and include: R-4, 4 units/acre; R-6, 6 units/acre and R-10, 10 units/acre. CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1995 PAGE 2 Four Commercial Zones include: Central Business District, which is geared towards pedestrian traffic; C-1, where vehicular traffic would be expected; and C-2 (Heavy Commercial) and C-3 (Large-lot Commercial) which are intended for heavy vehicle traffic uses. Two Industrial Zones: Industrial/Warehouse, for lighter uses and Industrial District. Both are currently identified only as IIIndustrial1l on the zoning map. Other sections identify Development/Overlay Zones that augment or complement the underlying zone and include Planned Residential Development, Mixed Use Development and Mobile/Manufactured Homes. Miscellaneous Uses, which would be evaluated site by site and include Special Uses, Day Care Facilities, Churches. And Administrative and Enforcement related sections. Questions and Comments: Sandy Slack - suggested that the Central Business District provide off street parking and making the downtown totally free of cars. Cathie Carlson responded that off site parking requirements are included in the zoning code and that the CBD zone is intended to be more pedestrian oriented. Councilmembers Parsons and Miller clarified for Mr. Slack that the City doesn't control parking, traffic devices etc. on the two state highways going through the City. While the City may make a request to DOT, DOT makes the final determination. Jim Blundell added that contained in the Building/Construction Title, also being adopted by reference, are requirements for building and construction of roads, streetlights etc. for new developments. Lee Orchard - explained that he would like to open a car lot next to Dirty Dave's Restaurant. Proposed is a nice, landscaped facility that would be a benefit to the community. Mr. Orchard explained that servicing would be provided only for the autos he would be selling. Cathie Carlson added that the C-1 zone does not allow this use outright although there are quite a few related auto services allowed. Staff isn't clear at this point if Council would want an auto-sales at a minor or major level in the C-1 areas. Mayor Wolf identified this as a discussion topic for a brief work session following the public hearing. Dave Wilson - pointed out that Mr. Orchard's uncle had the first auto sales facility in Yelm 40 years ago. CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1995 PAGE 3 Shelly Badger added that current uses in the area are more C-2 in nature and that C-1 does not permit auto repair of a minor nature. Joe Kendez explained that the C-l zone appropriate for what they are proposing to do. are more of a store front facility dependent access. It would be more retail in nature than type facility. was really Their plans on drive by an auto mall Mayor Wolf added she had spoken with a Planning Commission member concerning placement of mobile/manufactured homes and that this individual felt very strongly that the City must think of affordable housing and pointed out there really wasn't much difference between the two types considering the other restrictions including age, width, foundation that exist in the proposed code. Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:27 pm and Council held a short work session. #1 Minor Auto Sales in a C-1 - Councilmember Miller pointed out that there was not a lot of difference between permitted uses in C-1 and C-2 zones. Shelly Badger added that the intent of the planning commission is that C-2 is meant for auto mall type of activities. When Mr. Orchard was asked the maximum number of vehicles expected for his business he responded that on one acre probably 50-55 because you need display space. Council consensus was that staff add minor auto sales with a definition setting a limit on the number of vehicles permitted. #2 Mobile/Manufactured Homes Council discussed the differences, quality and standards of today's product, Planning Commission views, requirements of M/M homes vs. stick built and control through "health and safetyll/llquality of life II areas. Council consensus was that staff make changes to allow mobile/manufactured homes in any residential zones. If Council approves the Zoning Code at the 7/12/95 meeting, the new Code will take effect on 7/25/95. #3 Jolley request Council discussed spot zoning and possible effects on property assessment when surrounded by commercial property. Council consensus was that no zone change occur. Cathie Carlson added that a tax relief program exists that may help. She will contact Mr. Jolley with information. Minor clarifications/changes: 17.26.2, #8 &19; Set backs 15' front yard changed to 20' from right-of-way to garage; Mixed Use Planned Development from allowed commercial uses would refer back to C-l. 7. Public Comment/Questions - Mayor Wolf explained that speakers are limited to three minutes and that issues raised during public comment are taken under consideration and assigned to CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1995 PAGE 4 95-114 95-115 95-116 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1995 staff to gather information and/or follow-up as appropriate. Sandy Slade - provided a workup on Olympia's Youth/Teen Programs. He feels Yelm needs a similar, but less extensive program. And spoke in support of the arcade. Mayor Wolf explained that the City works with the UCBO on Youth Activities and tries to provide for our young people. 8. New Business: a. Bob's Tavern Cabaret License Application - Agnes Colombo explained that the building department has completed an inspection and approved this use. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FOR BOB'S TAVERN. CARRIED. b. Resolution 330 - Shelly Badger explained that the alley extension behind the First Community Bank had never been properly vacated. This action, would begin the process to do so by setting a public hearing date. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION 330 SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ALLEY VACATION REQUEST FOR THE AUGUST 9, 1995 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. c. Ordinance No. 556 - Agnes Colombo explained that approval would increase the amount of the change/imprest fund to $100. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 556 INCREASING THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CHANGEIIMPREST FUND TO $100. CARRIED. 9 . Old Business: a. Executive Session - Mayor Wolf announced that Council would be going to executive session for approximately 10 minutes to discuss possible litigation and closed the regular meeting at 9:07 pm. The meeting was reopened at 9:14 pm. b. Medic I Contract - Mayor Wolf and Shelly Badger have been working on a Medic I Contract and requested Council's approval of the direction they were taking. The local district share is 20%. Yelm's '95 budgeted cost was $33,000, 25% of the District #2 Medic I budget portion. Figures for calls within the City support a 3% increase (to 28%) for the '96 budget or $37 ,500. Straight number of calls should not be the only criteria as most of the District's Schools are located in the City. Some adjustment would be needed to reach a fair balance for service use by City residents. Proposed is that beginning in '97 the annual amount be based on the average of the past 3 years City calls. The City would also request City participation in the Districts base budget preparation/decisions. Councilmembers supported the direction being taken in negotiations. PAGE 5 c. Animal Custody - Shelly Badger explained that additional time was needed and requested extension to the August 9, City Council meeting. 95-117 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON EXTENDING THE ANIMAL CUSTODY REPORT TO THE AUGUST 9, 1995 COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. 10. Reports: a. Planning - A thank you letter to the Yelm Planning Commission was circulated for Council signatures. b. Library Report - Librarian Kristin Blalack reported on May activity including increases in circulation and new patrons and the Sasquatch presentation. Ms. Blalack requested Council's feelings on her approaching the Friends of the Library to see if an interest exists to place a gazebo or arbor type of structure in the grassy area by the trees, behind the parking lot. The structure would be used for activities like story time. This activity is currently held outside of normal operating hours due to the distraction it would create to other library patrons. Mayor Wolf suggested that City Park be considered as an option for these purposes. Council censuses supported having Ms. Blalack bring this matter to Friends of the Library for funding consideration and if approved, bringing plans back to Council for consideration. c. Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall/Court - Mayor Wolf announced that the Court would be closed on November 27 and 28 to complete the computer conversion to the DISCUS System and staff training. 2) Public Works - Ken Garmann reported that the parking lot should be ready to turn over on Friday. Cochrane Park enhancement project; Road Work - DOT will begin work preparing Yelm Ave. E. for chip sealing in August and Thurston County is scheduled to begin work in the 5 corners area. DOT and County phone numbers have been made available to staff to pass on to callers. In July, public works staff will begin 3 weeks of preparation of 2.5 miles of city streets for chip sealing. A list of the roads to be worked on will be provided. Mayor Wolf commented on the improvements by Prairie Security Bank. 3) Police - No additional matters for discussion. d. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on attending a Chamber of Commerce meeting to discuss use of the Yelm Logo; Interview with a young man from Rainier; Nisqually River Council Meeting; work session; and that she will be attending the AWC Convention beginning tomorrow. Mayor Wolf and Shelly Badger will be gone next week and Mayor Pro-Tem Martha Parsons will be available. Correspondence received included a letter from Charlotte Taylor, Lacey City Clerk, concerning the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Scholarship CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1995 PAGE 6 awarded to Agnes Colombo; Thurston County Fair Egg Laying Contest (contact Agnes); Invitation to participate in the Tenino Organ Trail Day Parade on 7/22 (contact Agnes); resignation of Faith Hagenhofer as Yelm's representative to the Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights; and appointment of Geraldine Baldwin to the Yelm Historic Preservation Commission. Mayor Wolf requested more frequent checks of City Park during the evening hours. Mayor Wolf announced that the UCBO did not receive funding for their housing project construction phase. They will reapply for the next round of funding. Shelly Badger explained that the funding for the purchase of property to site the UCBO housing project was on hold until the final funding distribution is announced. If funding is not awarded for both the land purchase and the construction phases, no project is possible and the property purchase award would not be made. e. Council - Councilmember Curry reported that she met with the Senior Center Board and they are looking for ways to raise money. Councilmember Miller reported on attending a CAPCOM meting and Law and Justice Council meetings. Chief Dunnam added that facilities being looked into include a new jail and juvenile detention center and that bond issues may not be favorably received. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm. K~~~ ~ll~r Attest: Clerk CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1995 PAGE 7