07-12-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 2 . 95-118 3 . 95-119 4. 95-120 5. 95-121 CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Absent: Bob Gallagher. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly, Perry Shea, Chamberlain & Associates; and Dennis Su, KCM. Margie Rodriquez, Larry Schrno, Mike Edwards and John Huddleston. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann, Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes of June 28, 1995. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING MINUTES OF JUNE 28, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Approval of Payroll MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE PAYROLL FOR JULY 1995. CARRIED. Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #183560-18465, TOTALLING $206,583.55. CARRIED. 6 . Public Hearing - Six-Year Transportation Program. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:33 pm. Ken Garmann introduced Perry Shea, who explained that the program is prepared yearly and has been condensed from 40 to 14 projects that are prioritized by need. Projects 1 (Stevens Ave.) & 2 (Edwards St.) - did not received Transportation Improvement Board funding due to the limited availability of funds. Projects are generally very competitive and need a substantial dollar match. We will attempt to increase the City's match to earn extra points. Project 3 (Y-2 Connector) - Grant awarded in 1993. Hope to begin study by the end of the year. Project 4 (Yelm Ave./Bald Hills Rd. Traffic Signal) - Funding is being accumulated through impact fees calculated on the number of vehicle trips generated. PAGE 1 Project 5 (Yelm Ave. Improvements) - For road improvements to the south side of the roadway. project 6 (Mosman St/) - Realignment of intersection at 1st St. Project 7 (Second St.) - from Yelm Ave. to Mosman repair shoulders, pave, drainage, walks and lighting. Project 8 (Creek St.) - the developers are working with the City to discuss the process and funding. Hope to have work done the end of next year. Probably 100% of the funding will come from private sources. Project 9 - 14 are scheduled for improvements during the 3rd to 6th year of the program. Mayor Wolf requested public comment on the program. John Huddleston - asked how to get a project added to the program. It was suggested that the first contact be with City staff. However, projects are part of a regional plan with yearly updating permitted. Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:51 pm. 95-122 a. Resolution No. 332. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ACCEPTING RESOLUTION 332 APPROVING THE 1996-2001 SIX-YEAR STREET PROGRAM. CARRIED. 7 . Public Comment/Questions John Huddleston - Asked if comments would be accepted during discussion of 9 b. Mayor Wolf responded that comment had been received during two public hearings and open work sessions. Shelly Badger added that accepting comment on the agenda item would in essence open an unadvertised public hearing. Mr. Huddleston commented that he felt the commercial development parking requirements, which he had believed were being written to allow a trade off for mixed use and benefits were actually going to be made more restrictive than current regulations with 1 parking stall required per 150 sq. ft. of development. Mr. Huddleston believes this conflicts with the vision's plan intent and will increase development costs. Shelly Badger commented that the Planning Commission recommendation does increase gross parking requirements by 25% (pg. 17 .26.5) . Staff recommended that the ordinance be adopted as is and that the parking issue then be referred to the Planning Commission. CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 2 95-123 CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 Mike Edwards - suggested a wording change from ownership to tenants to the parking requirements found in 17.24.140 B-2 which addresses adjoining parking facilities developed and designed as one parking facility and permits a reduction of up to 15% of the total combined required parking spaces in such situations. Mr. Edwards expressed concern that a mixed use provision is not included in the ordinance for businesses that don't require much parking; that section 17.24.140 B-3, alternative programs considered for site plan review, does not include specific amounts of parking reductions for such programs, and that the criteria does not have a commercial/retail use application; and that creating additional parking spaces conflicts with the Public Transportation Policy's goal to increase public transit. Also questioned were drainage standards. Yelm has matched Thurston County's, which are more restrictive than the standards established by the Department of Ecology. Mr. Edwards felt that many opportunities could be lost by these issues that present the community as not being open to managed growth and being overly restrictive. Larry Schorno - questioned why the City would change from the current 1 parking space per 200 sq. ft. of developed space to a more restrictive parking requirement? There were no additional comments/questions. 8 . New Business: a. Resolution 331 Agnes Colombo explained that this resolution will permit purchases of up to $15,000 without formal bid procedures. The resolution has specific guidelines on the number of vendors to be contacted and basic information to be obtained. Funds in excess of $1,500 must be approved by the CAO/Mayor. The policy should result in reduced advertising costs and staff time. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ACCEPTING RESOLUTION 331 SETTING PROCEDURES FOR PROCUREMENTS COSTING LESS THAN $15,000. CARRIED. 9 . Old Business: a. Animal Custody scheduled for 8/9/95. b. Ordinance 555 - Zoning Ordinance and Map and Development Regulations. Changes made to the ordinance as the result of discussion at public hearings included: 17.06-5 17.12-1 Major/minor auto sales definitions Permitting mobile/manufactured housing in all residential zones on single lots. PAGE 3 17.20.050-B. Establishing a minimum 20 ft. driveway approach and 15' setback on local streets. Auto sales, minor as a permitted use in C-1 Requiring foundations for mobile homes Stormwater retention/detention area vegetation. 17.26.030-A. 17.63.050-A. 17.80.050-F.2. Comments from the state were received late today and will be given to the Planning Commission for consideration along with any changes to be incorporated into the ordinance. Shelly Badger suggested that Council could adopt the ordinance without the drainage chapter allowing additional study time or adopt exclusive of sections. Tom Skillings - commented that Thurston County had adopted drainage criteria that is more restrictive than DOE's because aquifer protection is critical due to porous soils and a sensitive aquifer. As the same conditions apply to Yelm, Yelm has used Thurston County's Drainage Manual for several years. 95-124 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE 555 LESS THE PARKING AND STORMWATER DRAINAGE SECTIONS AND REFERRING THESE SECTIONS ALONG WITH THE STATE RESPONSE TO THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION AND THEIR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Yelm's existing parking and stormwater drainage regulations will remain in place. 95-125 c. Resolution 333 - civil Service Rules & Regulations MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ACCEPTING RESOLUTION 333 THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. d. Executive Session. Mayor Wolf closed the meeting at 3: 35 pm and announced that Council would be going into executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss litigation and a real estate transaction consideration. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular meeting at 8:56 pm. 95-126 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO ENTER INTO A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT FOR $500 IN THE STAFFORD VS. CITY OF YELM CASE PENDING BEFORE THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, UNDER THE GENERAL TERMS AGREED UPON. ANY SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATIONS FROM THE CURRENTLY NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. CARRIED. 10. Reports: a. Planning - Vision Plan consultant Makers will do a presentation at 4:00 on the 7/17 Planning Commission meeting. b. Parks - Mayor Wolf thanked Kristina Lord for the nice playground article in the Nisqually Valley News. CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 4 Councilmember Parsons noted recent contributions. Shelly Badger requested that anyone available attend the Canal Park Closing at 10 am tomorrow. Council was asked to consider increasing the park kitchen deposit from $25 to $40 with $20 refundable if the kitchen is left in order. This would help offset costs associated with use of the kitchen. Council consensus was that the increase would be fair. Also requested was Council's view on either hiring an independent landscape architect or entering into an interlocal agreement. Council consensus supported entering into an interlocal agreement. Park use requests. Council recommended that the Lion's Club be contacted prior to notification of approval of the 7/24 request to avoid any possible conflict. 95-127 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING SIX PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. c. Police - Chief Dunnam's report: computer failure, an officer leaving and going to work for Thurston County, activity report to be carried in the Olympian, and request for asked about an IT sponsored DARE bus. d. Public Works - Ken Garmann reported that 2 bids had been received in response to an advertisement for meter reading equipment, minor sewer leaks being repaired, parking lot progress, drainage during Sunday's downpour, and chip sealing. e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on activities and workshops she had attended at the AWC Convention. Issues presented included Initiative 164, street improvements, Waste Water Treatment Plants, park/playground equipment issues, and operating with limited resources. Mayor Wolf noted that a lot of the problems other jurisdictions are facing, Yelm has already addressed. Observations also reinforced the benefits Yelm's Water Reuse Project will have on other communities. Items/information received by mail and available include HUD's state community ranking for CDBG, Building Industry Association's '95 Legal Victories, Office of Financial Management's '95 Official Population (2,095), and CAPCOM's newsletter and annual report. Mayor Wolf indicated that she had negotiated with Gene Borges and he will continue with Yelm through '95 working 4 days per week; two work days and two vacation days. His goal is to get all funding pieces for the design phase of the Water Reuse project in place before he leaves. Council and staff were asked to consider riding in the prairie Day's Parade. Informational flyers were distributed. Council Councilmember Curry attended Thurston Regional Planning Council and Councilmember Miller attended an IT CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 5 meeting where they adopted a bus shelter placement and high capacity transit program. Councilmember Miller questioned the South Thurston Mobility Program Award to UCBO for the purchase of two vans and lnsurance difficulties being encountered. Shelly Badger reported that a meeting has been scheduled with DOT, IT, UCBO and the City concerning the insurance issue. g. The Treasurer's Quarterly Report was distributed. h. Court activity for June '95 showed 122 tickets received; 55 criminal citations and 67 infractions. Agnes Colombo reported that the end of the garbage service trial period is approaching. The last newsletter contained a form requesting comments from residents. Up to this point fewer than five complaints have been received. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 pm. }Jl .Jl~ . Wolf, Ma Attest: /'1 A~~~!I~ ./~lO~0i~~~ Clerk CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 6