08-23-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 95-139 95-140 95-141 95-142 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 23, 1995 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7: 00 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Don Miller and Bob Gallagher. Absent: Amos Lawton. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Debra Delzell, Skillings Connolly; Margie Rodriques, The Olympian; Harold Robertson and Mark Foutch, Thurston Regional Planning Council; and Dean Hooper. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, and Agnes Colombo. 2 . Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3 . Minutes of August 9, 1995. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING MINUTES OF AUGUST 9, 1995 AS CORRECTED ON PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH 4 TO READ 2015 INSTEAD OF 1915. CARRIED. 4. Approval of Payroll. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AUGUST 1995 PAYROLL. CARRIED. 5. Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS, APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 18585-18591 TOTALLING $19,183.35. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions. None 7. New Business a. Budget Calendar. Agnes Colombo explained that the target date for approval of the ' 96 budget is December 14. Preliminary budget estimate worksheets have been distributed to department heads. Shelly has set aside 9/31 to meet with department heads individually. Councilmembers were asked to consider possible budget worksession dates during October, maybe two PAGE 1 for overall budget work and two for personnel items. Council was also asked consider the change of date for the Thanksgiving week regular meeting. 95-143 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY CHANGING THE COUNCIL MEETING DATE FROM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 TO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1995. CARRIED. b. Viacom Agreement with TCI. Agnes Colombo reported on a recent meeting between Viacom and the City. Diane Lachele, Viacom, explained the pending sale of Viacom to TCI to Shelly and Agnes. The City's options are to negotiate a new franchise agreement with viacom or to wait until after the sale and negotiate with TCI. As these agreements cover a 12-15 year period, staff recommended waiting to allow time to investigate what services are desired and to evaluate what kinds of revenue sources should be included in the next agreement. As an example, the last agreement negotiated was based upon existing service offerings. Consequently, fees have never been received for expanded services like pay-per-view or for advertising revenues paid to the cable company. An AWC video addressing some of these issues will be ordered for Councilmembers to view. Council support was voiced for waiting until after the sale to negotiate the franchise agreement. c. Thurston Regional Planning Council - see page 3. 8. a. UCBO Request to Thurston County for Property Rezone. Councilmembers read correspondence from the Board of County Commissioners explaining that the County is bound by the state Growth Management Act to adopt zoning that is consistent with the adopted Joint Plan and cannot make the change requested by the UCBO. Shelly Badger explained that she and Cindy Cecil (UCBO) had met with Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (DCTED) concerning this issue and have been allowed to 12/31 to submit an alternative site that would be evaluated on the same basis. The project would provide a 24 unit housing complex for low income and special needs population. Cindy Cecil is searching for an alternate 4-8 acre site at this time and working hard on getting the necessary funding. Ms. Cecil has been very successful in obtaining grant money for our area. CDBG funding was awarded for the current site and building and for design and construction of the expansion project. The expansion project construction has gone to bid with opening scheduled for 9/7/95. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 23, 1995 PAGE 2 Mayor Wolf added that Thurston Regional Planning Council would like to be the CDBG lead agency for Thurston County. Ms. Cecil will communicate her thoughts on this proposal. 9. a. Planning - Shelly Badger reported that the 8/21/95 meeting was cancelled due to the la~k of a quorum. The Parking and Stormwater Public Hearing will be rescheduled for the next meeting and will be scheduled for Council consideration and action in the future. Mayor Wolf expressed concern at the lack of quorum and asked if it was possible to send reminders. Shelly Badger indicated that reminder phone calls are possible. b. Library - Agnes Colombo explained that Kristin Blalack is out of town and no report is available at this time. c. Council Liaison Reports: 1) City Hall/Court - None 2) Public Works - Martha Parsons announced that Yelm has been awarded a $7,000 DOT grant to assist in the funding match for the Y-2 pre-design study. Yelm now has $28,875.00 available as its match towards the $213,873.00 project cost. Garmann indicated a late December or early January start on the Y-2 predesign project. And said that Bob Holcolm (DOT) would like to be involved with the process and project thru completion. Ken Garmann also reported an early September start on construction of the Ft. Stevens pedestrian bridge crossing Yelm Creek. Work will be done by staff members. Tim Peterson will serve as lead on the project with Jon Yanasak, who has a background in carpentry, working on the technical issues. At some point in the future the bridge will also carry a water line from well 3 across the road that will result in improved fire flow. Ken Garmann indicated that Yelm had been contacted by Olympia to participate with other jurisdictions in a round table concerning STEP systems. Jon Yanasak will be participating. In response to Councilmember Miller's inquiry, Garmann replied that the selection process has begun for purchase of replacement meters approved at the last meeting. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 23, 1995 PAGE 3 7 . CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 23, 1995 3) Police - Councilmember Miller reported that Chief Dunnam is still on vacation and expected back the end of the week, and that the department was operating without difficulty. d. Financial - Councilmember Gallagher reported that we are 58% thru the year and appear to be on target, and that staff responds to his questions. e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on attending meetings of the Nisqually River Council, MEDIC I dedication, '95 Car Show, and the Nisqually River Council. Upcoming meetings needing a representative to attend include TRPC, Social Services Meeting on 9/21; Thurston Mason County Chemical Dependency Community Planning Effort on 8/29 and Olympia/Thurston County Chamber on 9/6. c. Thurston Regional Planning Council - Mark Foutch and Harold Robertson representing Thurston Regional Planning Council arrived. Mark Foutch explained that starting in about 1967 TRPC started working mainly to do regional transportation planning in order to get federal transportation funding. During this process a number of capabilities such as data processing and land use planning emerged. TRPC's mission and functions have changed as needed to meet the region's needs. Transportation is still the biggest program and is about 50% of what TRPC does. Yelm's local bus service was part of the Regional Transportation Plan adopted in 1993. In 1/95 TRPC certified Yelm's Transportation Element as being consistent with the regional plan. Updating of the Regional Transportation Plan to reflect new comprehensive plan changes is expected to be completed in 1997 and will include a reevaluation of level of service policies. Mr. Foutch continued by saYlng that developing a regional funding strategy lS a big part of TRPC program. And that as SR510/507 are key connections in south county and important parts of the regional network they will be considered in any regional funding strategy. The real challenge is finding dollars to fund projects. The Transportation Policy Board concluded that for the next two years we should draw upon federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds for planning. TRPC also programs STP funding to projects. 1994-1996 saw $185,300 of STP funds awarded to Yelm for the SR507 and five corners connector and PAGE 4 EIS. Other TRPC activities resulted in $21,500 to Yelm towards meeting costs of developing the new comprehensive plan required by the state Growth Management Act. TRPC also produces the Thurston County Profile which provides state, federal and local data. And work has just been completed on model ordinances for transferring development rights. TRPC is investigating how to get Thurston County designated as a federal block grant entitlement county. This would mean that the county would be entitled to approximately the same amount of federal Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant money each year. This would eliminate the need to compete at the state level for these funds. TRPC is also establishing indicators and bench marks to serve as a checklist for evaluating comprehensive plan implementation. Other ideas being considered are the addition of demographics on seniors and youth to the Profile; a regional strategy for parks, open space, and regional facilities; and examining long term needs for capital improvements and the impact on the taxpayers of associated bonds/funding. In answering some of the questions presented, Mr. Foutch explained that regional meant Thurston County, although TRPC does have a seat on the puget Sound Council and Transportation Policy Board and the Cascade Retraining Task Force. Harold Robertson explained some of the pros and cons of becoming an entitlement county. and the impact of congressional budget cuts on regional transportation planning. f. Council - Meetings attended: Councilmember Curry, the Senior Center Board Meeting and Councilmember Gallagher, TRPC Transportation Policy Board. g. Parks- 95-144 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING A PARK USE REQUEST FOR THE WALKER BIRTHDAY PARTY ON 9/3/95 FROM 1-4 PM. CARRIED. 10. Correspondence reviewed included the AWC Final Legislative Bulletin, Pool Line, Awe Regional Meeting, American Planning Association Conference and Water Reuse Project Summary. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 23, 1995 PAGE 5 11. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm. ~~I In J/;ciI- Ka ryn M~ Wolf, Mayo Attest: Clerk CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 23, 1995 PAGE 6