10-11-95 Meeting CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, and Bob Gallagher. Absent: Don Miller. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Dean Hooper, and Allen Morris. Staff: Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann, and Agnes Colombo. 2 . 95-161 Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED BY THE ADDITION OF 4.A, AND DELETION OF 6. CARRIED. 3. 95-162 Minutes: September 27, 1995. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. 95-163 Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING PAYMENT VOUCHERS 18703-18821 TOTALLING $105,076.88. CARRIED. a. New Police Officer Introduction. Mayor Wolf introduced and welcomed Yelm's newest police officer Jim Esslinger and his wife Melanie. Officer Esslinger expressed his pleasure at becoming part of the Yelm Police Force. 5. Public Hearing - Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:35 pm to consider the UCBO's request for a side yard setback requirement reduction from 10 to 5 feet. No objections to participants or conflict of interest was voiced. Using a map, Ken Garmann showed the location of the playground, property line, and adjacent driveway. The request is being made to allow installations of a shelter over the Head Start playground without a variance. Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:37 pm. 95-164 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON TO GRANT THE UCBO SIDE YARD VARIANCE AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 11, 1995 PAGE 1 7. Public Comment/Questions. Dean Hooper - reminded everyone that the Friends of the Library would be holding a book sale at the Masonic Hall on Saturday from 9-4 pm. Raffle tickets for an afghan and quilt will also be available. 8. New Business: a. City Policy re Collection of Past Due Bills - Agnes Colombo reported that in view of recent events City policy concerning past due bills was being examined and that Daisy Lawton would be preparing information and options for Council to consider at the next meeting. b. Washington Rideshare Week Proclamation. Mayor Wolf read the Proclamation. Council consensus was given. 9. Old Business: a. Ordinance No. 559 - Council had previously approved the Yelm Water Reuse Project Design Facilities Plan. 95-165 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 559, THE YELM WATER REUSE PROJECT DESIGN FACILITIES PLAN, VOLUME I AND II. CARRIED. 10. a. Planning - Councilmember Lawton was unable to attend. Mayor Wolf reported that a new Planning Dept. update had been prepared Cathie Carlson for the recent Leadership Thurston Co. tour. b. Parks - Councilmember Curry reported that most of the last meeting was devoted to preparations for Christmas in the Park. c. Police - Chief Dunnam reported that the department has been busy and that the Yelm Telephone Company agreed to a match grant of up to $3,500 for the Skateboard Park. d. Public Works - Councilmember Parsons announced that Steve Gemmill passed the Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's Certification Exam; Kelly Eaton passed the Water Operator Level I Certification Program testing; and read a letter from DOE congratulating Jon Yanasak on the performance level of the Wastewater Treatment Plant laboratory. Ken Garmann reported on a lawn mower purchase, and updated Council on the City Park ADA sidewalk project scheduled to begin on Tuesday. Estimated cost $6-7,000. e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on meetings attended including the Mayor's Forum and the Festival of Waters CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 11, 1995 PAGE 2 held for the first time in the park. Upcoming meetings/events include Thurston Regional Planning Council's '96 Budget; and Saturday's Heart Walk. Mayor Wolf read a letter from Deanna Krell at AWC thanking Chief Dunnam for speaking to the Small Cities Advisory Committee about Yelm's successes dealing with juvenile issues, and a letter from Bremerton' s Mayor concerning the Save the Missouri Committee's campaign and the plan to keep the Missouri in Bremerton. Councilmember Parsons agreed to represent the City at the Tumwater Closing Ceremony. f. Council Councilmember Gallagher reported on transportation funding and provided copies of Washington's Transportation Plan with a request that individuals complete the survey. $303,000 will be available in '96 for projects, Yelm will be applying for funding. g. Financial - Councilmember Gallagher reported that everything is about where expected. h. Court - the September ' 95 report showed a total of 102 Citations and 56 Infractions. Yelm Municipal Court tickets; 46 Criminal 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. ~ )n JI'~ Ka ~yn :'Wolf, Ma~ Attest: J (%ml ~ Colombo, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 11, 1995 PAGE 3