11-08-95 Meeting CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 2 . 95-186 3. 95-187 4. 95-188 95-189 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, and Don Miller. Absent: Bob Gallagher . Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Diane Lachel, Viacom, and Gay Newby. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Daisy Lawton, and Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes: October 25, 1995. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Approval of Vouchers #18833-18941, Totalling $132,090.26. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS, APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #18833-18941, TOTALLING $132,090.26. CARRIED. 5. Public Comment/Questions - None 6 . New Business: a. Resolution 337 - Viacom Extension MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 337 AS MODIFIED TO EXTEND VIACOM'S FRANCHISE EXPIRATION DATE THRU APRIL 14, 1997. CARRIED. viacom Rate Change. Councilmembers received and reviewed information concerning rate increases for 1996. With the planned 1996 increase of .33, the basic service rates remain .41 under the 1993 level. b. Ordinance No. 562 95-190 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 562 REDUCING THE NUMBER OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM 11 TO 9. CARRIED. 7. Old Business: a. Suggested Changes to Water/Sewer Policy. CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 1 95-191 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 8, 1995 8 . Daisy Lawton prepared a written report and told Councilmembers that while current water deposits are adequate to meet outstanding bills, sewer deposits fall short of meeting the accumulated outstanding balance. Due to the billing cycle a second month's billing accumulates during the period between the original meter reading and termination of service for nonpayment. Some improvement is possible by reducing the amount of time between the due date and mailing of delinquency notices and by reducing the amount of time between mailing of the delinquency notices and termination of services to 5 days. In addition to the timing policy change recommended, she also recommended increasing the sewer deposit amount to $50 for new and/or delinquent residential customers. (Ordinance amendment required.) Current customers in good standing would not be affected. Other recommendations included incorporating into the current water ordinance the RCW sections defining landlord responsibility for bills and the City's right to placement of liens for outstanding bills. (Ordinance amendment required.) Discussion followed with Council approving the changes recommended to be applied evenly to commercial and residential customers. Reports: a. Planning - none b. park- MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE PARK USE REQUEST FOR CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK. CARRIED. c. Police - Chief Dunnam had not arrived. d. Public Works Councilmember Parsons read the announcement of a $14,437.50 award to complete the SR507/5 Corners project. Shelly Badger added that this funding permits the City to move forward on the Y-2 corridor study. Ken Garmann reported on attending a 96-97 funding seminar and passed along information concerning TIB funding for study and predesign phases. Both are ineligible for funding. e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf requested a Councilmember to respond to the Housing Authority/Commissioners invitation PAGE 2 to attend the '95 Annual Meeting and Open House on Wednesday, November 15 from 4-6 pm. (Contact Agnes to RSVP.) The date selected for the Viacom Holiday Message Taping is Wednesday, 11/29, 4 pm. Members were asked to check calendars and try to attend Historic Society meeting. Correspondence/informational items: letter from Ft. Lewis re illegal dumping (Agnes to follow-up); Thurston Regional Planning Council '96 assessments, status of projects and reorganization; Networking Committee, Chief Dunnam and Cindy Cecil are area representatives; and TRPC distribution of growth management funds. Meetings attended included: Mayor's Forum, Nisqually River Interpretative Committee, Budget, and TRPC. Mayor Wolf announced that HeartWalk results are official and that Councilmember Martha Parsons was the top dollar raiser, the Yelm team was the highest fundraiser in Thurston Co. and Mayor Wolf as team leader. The $200 award will be donated back to the Heart Association. Mayor Wolf read a letter from Lieutenant Jesse Maynard, Thurston Co. Sheriff's Office, commending Officer Adam Wood's professionalism, good judgement and self control in a recent incident in which Officer Wood responded as backup to Thurston County. f. Council - no report 9. Correspondence was reviewed and Councilmembers were informed of a Drug & Alcohol Awareness Workshop on 11/15/95. Councilmember Lawton will attend. 10. Adjourn: 8:20 pm. '~~/ In:d(~ Ka hryn M. Wolf, M yor Attest: /J \/) /). (/{< CJ1t fA i ~ L/:; in) ~() AgnJs P. Colombo, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 3