12-13-95 Meeting CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Bob Gallagher and Don Miller. Visitors: Bernadean Broadous, Thurston Co. Prosecutor; Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; and Sarah Moore, Olympian. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, Brian Asmus and Agnes Colombo. 2. Agenda additions/deletions. 95-207 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. Minutes: November 21 1995. 95-208 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21, 1995 WITH NAME CORRECTIONS ON PAGES 3 AND 4. CARRIED. 4. Approval of Vouchers #18957-19088, Totalling $463,604.46. 95-209 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON, APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #18957-198088, TOTALLING $463,604.46. CARRIED. 5. Bernadean Broadous, Thurston County Prosecutor explained that she requested to meet with Council to receive feed back and to find out how her position can help the community. She stressed that what is important in Yelm is important to her. Ms. Broadous gave an overview of changes implemented in her office to streamline operations and be more efficient. New programs added/emphasized include: 1) A Victim's Advocate Program to help victims of all crimes. The program will help with process clarification and referral to specific services. 2) The Gang Investigation & Prosecution, started with federal grant funding. It evaluates gang activity and recommends training 12/13/95 Council Minutes ac\wp51\cc Page 1 95-210 95-211 95-212 95-213 95-214 structured to local needs/activity. The program strives for consistency using a coordinated effort throughout the county. As part of this program accelerated sentencing is always requested for gang related crimes, and cases are handled within 3-4 days to stress immediate accountability. 6 . Public Comment/Questions - none 7 . New Business: a. December 27, 1995 Meeting MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO CANCEL THE DECEMBER 27, 1995 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. 1) Payroll: December 1995 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE DECEMBER '95 PAYROLL. CARRIED. b. YMC request for Temporary PIT Computer Data Entry Person. Memo from Judge Meyer/Hanni Lilly explaining that installation of the new computer system required data entry going back to 1986. Current staffing levels do not permit time for this function. Shelly Badger explained that the request is for an additional position to be added to the '96 Budget. Payment would be from funding allocated for ' 96. No increase in the department budget is being requested. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE COURT'S REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY PART-TIME DATA ENTRY PERSON. CARRIED. c. Ordinance 570 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 570 AN INTERFUND LOAN FROM U.D.A.G. (198) TO WATER REUSE (420) TO COVER EXPENSES WHILE AWAITING RECEIPT OF FUNDING. CARRIED. 8. Old Business: a. Ordinance 566 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING ORDINANCE 566 CLARIFYING LANDLORD RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT OF OUTSTANDING UTILITY BILLS AND CHANGING THE BILLING DUE DATE FROM THE 18TH TO THE 15TH. CARRIED. 12/13/95 Council Minutes ac\wp51\cc Page 2 b. Ordinance 567 Agnes Colombo explained that this ordinance doubling the sewer deposit works along with #566 to reduce utility bill outstanding amounts at time of service disconnect for nonpayment. 95-215 MOTION BY APPROVING CARRIED. BOB GALLAGHER, ORDINANCE 567 SECONDED DOUBLING BY AMOS LAWTON SEWER DEPOSITS. c. Ordinance 568, 1996 Budget Sergeant Brian Asmus, representing the Yelm Police Department Guild explained that police officers were requesting a 2% Cost of Living Adjustment in addition to each officers Step Increase of $50-$125 p/month, p/officer, depending on length of service. Shelly Badger and Mayor Wolf explained that due to budget constraints non-guild employee increases for '96 are being limited to a 2% COLA increase with no step increase. The negotiation committee's recommendation is to grant Guild Members a 1~% COLA increase in addition to their '95 level Step Increase. '96 Budget figures are based on 1~%. Sergeant Asmus pointed out that morale problems might result if officers don't receive the requested 2%, and that officers believe their pay is lagging behind that of other similar size communities. Mayor Wolf pointed out that benefits should also be considered in the overall compensation package. Sgt. Asmus expressed concern that in '95 officers accepted the '95 Step + 3% COLA and were told that the Guild could request a new Step Scale in '96. Discussion showed that in '95 non-Guild employees, with some catch up exceptions, recieved the greater of 3% or $50. It was pointed out that morale problems could also result due to COLA increases only for non-Guild employees. Discussion continued with Councilmember Gallagher pointing out that Yelm must move towards a city-wide step plan to avoid this problem every year. He pointed out that for '96, with the 1~% COLA Guild Members would receive a 4.2% increase while non-Guild Members recieve only 2%. Councilmember Gallagher then suggested that perhaps the City could monitor revenue levels and set aside a portion of any increases for 1997 salary consideration. 12/13/95 Council Minutes ac\wp51\cc Page 3 95-216 95-217 95-218 95-219 95-220 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER THAT 331J.t% OF ANY EXCESS REVENUES BE SET ASIDE FOR 1997 SALARY INCREASES. CARRIED. Shelly Badger pointed out that the employee share of the Medical Benefit Package had been reduced from last year's $17.88 p/m for employees with a spouse and child. The '96 share will be $5.20 p/m startomg with employee's who also have a spouse covered. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING THE 1996 BUDGET WITH THE ADDITION OF TEMPORARY, P IT COURT COMPUTER ENTRY PERSON. CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER LAWTON OPPOSED. e. Resolution 339 Agnes Colombo gave an overview of the Waste Collection & Recycling Agreement resulting from the meeting with Councilmember Gallagher and Norm LeMay. Rates will be tied to those set by the utilities and Transportation Commission, Spring Clean-up will be reinstated with the number of dumpsters based on the number of households, and the recycling payment will be $1,000 p/quarter. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING RESOLUTION 339 FOR WASTE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING. CARRIED. 9. Reports: a. Planning - No report from Councilmember Lawton. Shelly Badger reported that the Planning Commission had approved a request to reduce the landscaping requirements for Yelm Builders Supply. b. Parks - Councilmember Curry reported on the success of Christmas in the Park and requested that a letter be sent to City staff recognizing their efforts to make the event a success. Park Use Request - Eagles, Springfest, May 3,4,5, 1996 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE 1996 SPRINGFEST REQUEST. CARRIED. Council approval was requested to remove some trees from Cochrane Park. The money from sale of the trees would be earmarked for use in that park only. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AUTHORIZING THE PARK COMMITTEE TO APPROVE REMOVAL OF SOME TREES AT COCHRANE PARK. CARRIED. 12/13/95 Council Minutes ac\wp51\cc Page 4 Mayor Wolf congratulated and thanked the Park Board for their efforts towards making Christmas in the Park successful. Councilmember Parsons was thanked for attending as Mayor Pro-Tem. 8:37 Councilmember Miller arrived. c. Police - Three letters were read praising Sgt. Asmus/Officer Mercer for their professionalism and for involvement in DARE activities. Chief Dunnam commended the public works crew for staying on the job all night to deal with the windstorm and Donna McCann for remaining in the office until 10:00 to assist. The storm provided a good test for the Emergency Management Manual. d. Public Works - Ken Garmann commended the Public Works staff for their outstanding job in dealing with the windstorm damage. Overall damage was minimal considering the destructive potential of the storm. Public works staff members were on duty or on call all night. Projects include: Berry Valley Estates Construction; a request to WSDOT to lower the speed limit to 35 mph on SR507 from McKenna to Yelm; well #3 has been taken off- line for the winter, a sensing system is being considered to pull it back on line to provide additional fire flow if needed. Councilmember Gallagher requested that a letter be prepared thanking the Public Works staff for a job well done. e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported that meetings attended included: an EDC Meeting; Nisqually River Interpretative Center Luncheon; Discussion Mtg. - re pierce Co sewer upgrading using a regional approach; viacom taping, holiday message and Water Reuse Video; Lacey Rotary; Thurston Regional Planning Council; and Regional Arts Council Auction. 1996 Council Liaison and committee representation appointments by Mayor Wolf included: Councilmember: Miller - Public Works, CAPCOM, IT, Law & Justice Parsons - City Hall, Police Department, Mayor Pro-Tem Curry - Parks, Seniors, Jail Committee Lawton - Court, Planning Commission, Community Cares 12/13/95 Council Minutes ac\wp51\cc Page 5 Gallagher - Financial, Water Reuse, Transportation Policy Board Mayor - Nisqually Regional Council, Thurston Regional Planning Council, Economic Development Council f. Council - Councilmember Gallagher indicated that the Transportation Policy Board meeting had been cancelled. Councilmember Miller Legislative Breakfast attended an IT meeting and g. Financial - Councilmember Gallagher reported that the target percentage use thru the end of November is be 91.67%. Actual Year to Date: Expenditures - 91.08% and Revenues - 99.62% 9. Correspondence was reviewed and Councilmembers were informed of a WSDOT Pacific NW Rail Corridor Community Workshop scheduled for 7-9 pm, 2/21/96 in the cafeteria at Yelm High School. 10. Adjourn: 9:10 pm. ",-,1// ;' ,n ",':L ; ," ,)/) > .I ' IJ Cf'bi--/'v' J.{l / / ,'} ./~"c" Kathryn MI. Wolf, Maydr Attest: , ) {;~;;YJ/ J] Colombo, City Clerk 12/13/95 Council Minutes ac\wp51\cc Page 6