05-23-12 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2012 5:00 P.M. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. at the Water Reclamation Plant. Present: Joe Baker, Mike McGowan, Tracey Wood, J.W. Foster and Russ Hendrickson. Staff; Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tim Peterson, Jim Doty, Janine Schnepf and Stephanie Ray. Excused: Ken Garmann and Bob Isom. 3. Agenda Approval 4. Presentations a. Water Reclamation Plant Tour Jim Doty, Wastewater Treatment Facility Manager led the group through the processes of the treatment plant and explained how the reclaimed water is produced from the beginning to the end. The tour ended with discussion on how the plant has recently been brought into compliance and is producing the reclaimed water again. There have been system modifications that have helped bring the plant back into compliance and produce the reclaimed water. This is a continued effort with city staff and Parametrix. Group moved to the Public Safety Building from the Water Reclamation Plant to resume the meeting. Grant gave an update on the Fire Impact Fee which is collected at the time of permitting for new development. With the final payment on the fire truck that was purchased through the collection of the impact fees and the formation of the Regional Fire Authority (RFA), staff is looking for direction from Council if they would like to continue to collect Fire Impact Fees or not. Council Consensus is that any equipment needed by the Fire Department should be pay for by all parties that benefit from their service and not just from new development. Staff will bring a Resolution to a future Council meeting for approval to change the impact fees to zero at this time. 5. Mayor Report - Discussion on the procedures for Executive Sessions. Proposed Community Center discussion was held, new construction versus purchasing an existing building. Council consensus is for Stephanie Ray, Project Manager to pick a qualified engineering firm to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the proposed Community Center. Shelly Badger gave an update on the Court Amnesty Program. 6. Council Initiatives- Councilmember Woods brought up concerns about the safety of pedestrians on Mill Road at the top of the hill. Mayor Harding directed staff to get costs for solar flashing lights. Councilmember Hendrickson has been approached by citizens regarding dogs and dog waste in Longmire Park. :,,djou, n: 8:38 p.m Ron Hadering, Mayor U Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk