01/22/03 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2003 1. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Absent: Bob Isom 3. 03-06 Agenda Approval MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA. CARRIED. 4. a. Joe Williams, Rail Committee Chairman updated Council on the progress of the train rail in Yelm and its possible future connections with Tacoma Rail. He requested consideration of equipment purchases so Public Works can maintain the area along the track including scotch broom control, grade restoration and grading a trail/service road along track as part of the grant agreement. After some discussion, Shelly Badger recommended that this item be a topic of discussion at January 25 Council workshop. She added the rail committee will be revisited for members, focus and goals. b. Special Presentations -Mayor Rivas presented a Prairie Days Proclamation to the Lion's Club officially recognizing Prairie Days as a citywide festival sponsored by the Lion's Club. The official status provided by the proclamation would benefit the community and the events by involving the business community in activities as well as other service agencies. 5. Public Comment - Rita Hutcheson, Chief of Administration and Mark King, Chief of Operations of the Yelm Fire District introduced themselves as a management team indicating they look forward to attending council meetings on a regular basis. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes: January 8, 2003 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 19252-19346, totaling $97,012.02 1) Manual Checks 19252-19282, totaling $7,698.14 2) Claims Checks 19283-19346, totaling $89,313.88 Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/0 1-22-03 Page 1 of 4 c. Payroll: Preliminary January 2003 d. Park Use Requests - YCP, 3/1-6/30/03, Nisqually Basin Little League T-Ball, 5-8 Fridays & 9-6 Saturdays, 35+/- YCP, 5/26/03, Yelm Chamber Circus, All Day, Open to Public YCP, 6/6/03, Wash. State Scottish Terrier Club Dog Show, 7-5, 55+/- YCP, 7/24-27/03, American Legion Chili Cook-off, All Day, Open to Public YCP, 7/27/03, YHS '53 Class Reunion, All Day, 75+/- CMP, 8/2103, Beguin Wedding, 100 +/- YCP, 8/1 0/03, Bentley Family Reunion, 10-?, YCP, 10/17,18,19/03, American Legion Oktoberfest, 10-9, Open to Public e. Financial Reports - December 2002 End of Month/Quarter/Year 03-07 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERL Y APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing(s) - No public hearings were scheduled. 8. New Business a. Stevens Street Project. Stephanie Conners reported that the City budgeted funds in 2003 and applied for grant funding for the Stevens Street to West Road connection and improvements and for 103 rd St. improvements. The 103 rd St. grant was not successful. The Stevens St. project's estimated cost is $695,000. The City was awarded a $500,000 Transportation Improvement Board grant, leaving a City match of$195,000. To meet the match the City budgeted $75,000 and submitted a Hazard Elimination Safety grant application for $120,000. The HES grant was not successful and she recommended the $106,000 budgeted for the 103rd St. project be transferred to the Stevens St. project and that the remaining $14,000 shortfall come from the Transportation Facilities Charge reserve line. Discussion followed regarding the future of the 103rd Street project. Stephanie Conners stated other options would be researched as 103 rd moves toward higher scores in the grant process. 03-08 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING $106,000 FROM THE 103RD PROJECT TO BE USED FOR THE STEVENS STREET PROJECT AND FOR AN ADDITIONAL $14,000 FROM THE FUND 120 RESERVE LINE ITEM. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/0) -22-03 Page 2 of 4 03-09 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD PROJECT FUNDING STATUS FORM AND THE TIB GRANT CONTRACT. CARRIED 03-10 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SELECT QUALIFIED FIRMS FROM THE ENGINEERING ROSTER AND PROCEED WITH THE INTERVIEW PROCESS. CARRIED. 9. Old Business - No Old Business was scheduled. 10. Board/Commission Business - None 11. Executive Session - No executive session was scheduled or conducted. 12. Mayor and Council Reports/Initiatives 1) Mayor Rivas reminded Council of the Saturday meeting January 25. 2) Councilmember Miller attended Fire District meeting and commended Mayor Rivas on the State of the City address. 3) Councilmember Thompson attended Economic Summit. 4) Councilmember Harding attended an IT meeting with Grant Beck where they discussed Yelm' s Saturday route. Invited Council to ride on the bus at the grand opening to show support and encourage citizens and business to get involved to promote the service. Consensus by Council that everyone would volunteer to ride on opening day to promote rider ship. Mayor Rivas commended Councilmember Harding on the great work and valiant effort with Inter City Transit for Y elm's interests. 5) Councilmember Fetterly invited City ofYelm staff and Council to consider '''Walk for Cancer" with the Chamber of Commerce team in July. Discussion followed regarding water rates affect on small businesses as Councilmember Fetterly had been approached by a few. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/0 1-22-03 Page 3 of 4 Mayor Rivas stated he spoke with one business owner today about the usage and Stephanie Conners and Shelly Badger spoke about the need for conservation and education about water as a valuable resource. Shelly Badger added this would be a topic for the retreat. a. Correspondence was provided. 13. Adam R vas, Mayor Attest: Minutes: Janine Schnepf Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/0 1-22-03 Page 4 of 4