03/26/03 Minutes 1. 2. 3. 03-27 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1) 2) c. d. e. 03-28 7. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 26, 2003 Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding, Pat Fetterly. Excused: Don Miller Agenda Approval. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations - none Public Comment. Jamie Rondon, addressed the Council asking for assistance in using the Yelm City Park and Thurston County Trail for a fund raising walk/run. Funds raised would benefit, "Kids Can Free the Children", a foundation concerned with child labor and building schools for children in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Mayor Rivas explained the procedure for reserving the City Park. Frances Chadick greeted the Mayor and Council. She expressed her concern for the presence of a readiness plan in regard to dangers from biochemical and nuclear attacks in the Yelm area. She indicated that simple measures, including use of warning sirens, could be taken and all would benefit from education on what to do in the case of such attacks. Alana Love, representing a sUNival store, added her support and shared her vision of safety through education and preparedness. She cited examples of specific products and survival kits. She also offered catalogs of products and offered assistance in setting up a plan. Mayor Rivas indicated that the City of Yelm has an Emergency Disaster Plan in place. There was some question as to the appropriateness of promoting commercial products at a Council meeting. Consent Agenda Council Minutes - March 12, 2003 Regular Meeting, Payables: Checks 19733-19800, totaling $56,047.05 Manual Checks: 19733-19746, totaling $495.00 Claims Checks: 19747-19800, totaling $55,552.05 Payroll: Preliminary Payroll, March, 2003 Park Use Requests: YCP, July 5,2003, Smith Family Reunion, 8-6 p.m., #100. Financial Report, February 2003 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearings - None Scheduled Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city cQuncil/2003/03-26-03 Page 1 of 3 8. 03-29 b. 03-30 9. 10. New Business a. Stevens Street Improvement Consultant Selection. Stephanie Conners reported that the consultant selection committee completed interviews with seven engineering firms. Their recommendation was to select Gray and Osborne Inc. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING STAFF TO BEGIN CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH GRAY AND OSBORNE FOR THE STEVENS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 775, Yelm Development Regulation Update Amending Zoning Code, SEPA, Concurrency Management, Subdivision and the Development Guidelines. Grant Beck reviewed items from the written report. The report was a review of the regulations that have come up over the past year that are unclear or difficult to administer. Specific topics discussed included; transportation facility charges moved from building permit process to tenant occupancy and improvements, landscaping issues with developers and temporary uses section added for clarification. There were questions about the new section on temporary uses to deal with increase in those activities that are restricted by the current regulations. Permits would not be required but would be subject to the essence of a pre- submission meeting. Existing non conforming uses would be subject to the new temporary use section. Question on Attachment A., pg 3 of 7, (6.110) Backflow prevention change to: Inspection may be done by anyone holding a certificate. Effectively, make compliance citywide with both existing properties and the requirements already in place for new developments. Traffic and street definitions were clarified. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 775 AMENDING THE CITY OF YELM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, INCLUDING ZONING CODE, SEPA, CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT, SUBDIVISION AND THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES. CARRIED. Old Business - none Board/Commission Business Councilmember Thompson reported he attended SWAK meeting where they discussed a new Chehalis plant for Thurston County. He attended a dinner in Vancouver where Agnes Bennick received the WMCA Clerk of the Year award. Councilmember Harding also attended the awards ceremony. He participated in an AWC Workshop, Making a Difference on Council Communications. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/03-26-03 Page 2 of 3 11. Executive Session -None 12. Mayor and Council Reports/lnitiatives. Mayor Rivas reported that he attended the Clerk's Conference and the award dinner for Yelm's City Clerk Treasurer, Agnes Bennick. He related how he was struck by the genuine outpouring of congratulations that he saw from the group to Agnes for her deserving award as Washington Municipal Clerk of the Year. Agnes was surprised to see Councilmembers, staff and family there to congratulate and celebrate with her. Mayor Rivas asked Councilmember Isom if he would be able to attend an upcoming Home Consortium meeting of elected officials. Mayor Rivas would like someone to attend if he is unavailable. Grant Beck added the topic would be regarding available monies from Housing and Urban Development for affordable housing. The Housing Authority is the lead agency. The next meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2003. Mayor Rivas reported that Thurston County Auditor Kim Wyman is asking for letter of approval to hold a primary by mail if council is in agreement. Consensus by council supporting letter of approval for holding a primary by mail. Councilmember Fetterly, Harding and Isom volunteered to be voting delegates at the upcoming AWC Conference. a. Correspondence was provided including a reminder that Council's Personal Financial Affairs Statements (F1 or F1A forms) are due April 15, 2003 to the Public Disclosure Commission. Copies of the forms are available or can be found on-line. Shelly Badger stressed the importance of getting the forms back in a timely manner. Grant Beck added that the web-page is close to completion with Roberta Allen's help and is looking for council's contribution to their bio and current pictures. 13. Iva7-Mayor / (/i/'. ;/1 /j;, <" 1 Attest - 'C)"' j{ It II " ( Ie Agnes P. ennick, City Clerk Minutes Prepared by Janine A. Schnepf Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city cQuncil/2003/03-26-03 Page 3 of 3