03/27/03 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2003 6:00 P.M., PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM 2. Roll Call Present: Pat Fetterly, Ron Harding, Bob Isom and John Thompson Excused: Don Miller Staff Present: Shelly Badger, Stephanie Conners, Tim Peterson, Kevin Ray 3. The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by Ron Harding, second by Bob Isom. 4. Special Presentations - None 5. Mayor/Council Initiatives Introduced/Discussed a. Councilmember Isom - Thanked Tim Peterson for spearheading the placement of the street lights from Longmire to Yelm High School. 6. Old Business a. Cross Connection Control Program: Staff present provided an overview of the additional research conducted and a recommended implementation approach of the Cross Connection Control Program. Council asked for additional research related to how the program is funded. b. Water Ordinance Revision: No discussion 7. New Business 8. a. Water Revenue Bond Overview: Tom Skillings (Skillings-Connolly, Inc.), Shelly Badger and Stephanie Conners overviewed a power-point presentation. Summarized where the upcoming planned capital improvements; the 3 major funding sources (revenue bond, low interest loans from Departments of Health and Ecology) to complete the imp~ovements; projected revenues and expenditures to support the upcom~! 9 ,eb~.Je;~ment; and a comparison of the City's water rates to neigh.o~ng tvfisdictions.- I ,/ / / iLl(! Attest: Agnes P. Bennick, City Clerk