06/11/03 Minutes 1. 2. .., _1. 03-49 4. 5. 6. c. d. 03-50 7. 8. 03-51 9. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, HiNE 11,2003 Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller. John ThOlTIpSOn, Bob Isom, Ron Harding. Absent: Pat Fetterly Agenda Approval M()TION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations - None Public Con1ment - There was no response to the call for comments. a. b. Consent Agenda Council Minutes: May 28, 200] Payables: Checks 20175- 20292, totaling $94,745.38 1 ) 1'v1anual Checks 20175 - 20214, totaling $7,411.68 2) ClailTIs Checks 20215 - 20292. totaling $87,333.70 Payroll: Final May 2003, Checks 6968 - 7076, totaling $170,805.38 Park Use Requests - none MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) - None a. New Business Ordinance No. 780 Amending the 2003 Budget to Accommodate the Stevens Street Road Project. Agnes Bennick reported that this was a housekeeping item to bring project funding from various funds into one location for tracking project revenue and expenses. M()TION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING ADOPTING BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NO. 780 COMBINING FlJNDING SOURCES FOR THE STEVENS STREET PROJECT INTO ()NE FUND. Old Business - None Yelrn City Council Minutes ahicit; couI1cil.<W03 h (103 Page 1 of2 10. Board/Commission Business - None 11. Executive Session - None 12. Mayor and Council Reports/Initiatives Councilmember Miller attended a chamber meeting and the play at Yelm High School. Councilmember Thompson attended the chamber meeting and the My Home Town taping. Councilnlenlber lsom suggested coverage in the NVN to advertise the Yelm Police Department Citizen Patrol Program and suggested providing the information to the VFW and other service organizations. Councihnember Harding announced that the Prairie Day's Parade float decorating meeting will be at 5:00 on June 24 at the Public Works Facility. One city entry sign has been completed and will be installed by city hall. Council requested that the signs be added to the next Study Session agenda. Mayor Rivas attended the My Home Town taping and indicated that the process was not completed yet. b. Correspondence reviewed included information concerning activities/classes for next week's A WC Conference. 13. Adjourn: 7:45 Attest: -} il/ ' /} 1) ~ 1f) i 'v \ ' ", , L / t / It L'j / \ ,-!:,.){ )eA.../. Agnes Bennick. City Clerk-Treasurer Yelm City Council Minutes ah/cit) COlJIlcW2003 h 1103 Page 2 of2