07/23/03 Minutes 1. 2. 3. 03 -61 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1) 2) c. d. 03-62 7. 8. a. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2003 Mayor Pro Tern Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. John Thompson as Mayor Pro Tern. Mayor Rivas is expected to arrive late. Agenda Approval MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF DISCUSSION OF MEETING ON SEWER SYSTEM CONNECTION WITH OTHER CITIES AS ITEM 8 E. CARRIED. Special Presentations - None Public Comment - There was no response to the call for comments. Consent Agenda Council Minutes: Regular Meeting, July 9, 2003 Payables: Checks 20501-20581 totaling $71,357.63 Manual Checks 20501-20517, totaling $2,042.03 Claims Checks 20518-20581, totaling $69,315.60 Payroll: Preliminary Payroll July 2003 Park Use Requests were approved for use of Yelm City Park for Martial Arts Demo Competition on 08-23-03. MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) - None New Business ORDINANCE 784 Budget Amendment Transferring $30,000 from Current/General Fund Reserve to Planning/Community Development for Computer Equipment Software Permit Tracking and Increasing Revenue and Expenditure for Building Department Plan Review and Plan Review Services by $10,000. Grant Beck reviewed the staff report indicating that $30,000 was appropriated for the project in 2002. The funds were not spent due to a billing delay and were carried forward at the end of the year as beginning net cash. The request would reappropriate the unspent funding to 2003. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/07-23-03 Page 1 of 5 Discussion included questions about expectations, progress on implementation, and staff availability to do data entry. Mr. Beck responded that the system would move all the current information to one repository of data that would be easily accessible, tracking all uses of a parcel including permit information, LID/ERU, business license, final inspections, internet access, progress, etc. He added the template is done and testing will begin in a week or so with completion anticipated the end of August. 03-63 The building department revenue exceeds the 2003 estimates due to the volume of construction. Expenditures for reviews rise along with revenue for this function. The appropriation would increases both the revenue and expenditure sides of the budget. MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ADOPTING ORDINANCE 784 AMENDING THE 2003 BUDGET BY MOVING $30,000 FROM THE GENERAL FUND RESERVE TO PLANNING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR PERMIT TRACKING AND INCREASE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BY $10,000 IN BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR PLAN REVIEW. CARRIED. b. Second and Third Street Sidewalk Project Construction Deemed Complete to Release Retainage to Looker and Associates. Stephanie Conners began her report with an update of three ongoing projects; 1) City of Yelm received a $1000.00 Loss Control Grant from A WC to be used for sidewalk repairs. 2) Touch Meter Read System is out to bid with opening on 07-29-03. 3) Stevens Street Project moving forward. Preliminary Plan Meeting with property owners scheduled for 07-28-03, 6:00 p.m. at the Public Works Facility. Mayor Pro Tern Thompson turned the meeting over to Mayor Rivas at 7:43 p.m. Councilmember Thompson returned to his position on the Council. Stephanie Conners continued reporting that the Second and Third Street Sidewalk Project has been completed successfully under the contract price, therefore requesting release of the retainage to Looker & Associates. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city counci1l2003!07-23-03 Page 2 of5 03 -64 Councilman Thompson noted that there are trees that have not survived. The trees were donated by the Tree Board and not part of this retainage. Tim Peterson indicated they would be replaced if they did not come back when expected. MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON DEEMING SECOND AND THIRD STREET SIDEWALK PROJECT COMPLETE AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF $3,253.45 RETAINAGE TO LOOKER & ASSOCIATES. CARRIED c. Engineering Service Contract Approval Request for Skillings/Connelly Scope of Work on the Water Comprehensive Plan. Stephanie Conners reported that the Scope of Work provided is the second piece in the plan and included four phases of the Comprehensive Plan. It does not include the fifth phase that would be addressed at another date. The Scope of Work outlines the phases and costs associated. It would begin with the design phase and construction of the reuse line in the Spring. Councilmembers expressed concern about Phase One and the possibility of additional fieldwork needed and costs associated if asbuilts are not available at the school to complete the connection from the new reuse line to the Yelm High School irrigation. Tom Skillings indicated that they hoped to work closely with the school to complete the connection. Shelly Badger added that Land Use for the school's expansion will require use of reuse irrigation. The completed connection will be of benefit to both the school in savings on water expense as well as the city's reclaiming a source of potable water for future connections and extending the life of Y elm's water rights. Discussion continued about the alignment of this reuse line and availability to owners to make connections along the route. It was suggested that a future comprehensive plan is needed to review the entire City with consideration for the best route for any new reuse line. 03-65 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH SKILLINGS/CONNELLY IN THE AMOUNT OF $237,612.00 TO PERFORM THE REQUIRED ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS IDENTIFIED IN THE WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND REVENUE BOND WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PHASE 5. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city counci1/2003/07 -23-03 Page 3 of 5 d. 03-66 e. 9. 03-67 10. Ordinance 785- Budget Amendment Creating a Temporary Part-Time Public Works Office Assistant Position. Stephanie Conners provided a staff report indicating a temporary office assistant was needed to fill in for a full time employee who was out for a three week period. MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINANCE 785 AMENDING THE 2003 BUDGET CREATING A TEMPORARY PART TIME PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE ASSISTANT POSITION. CARRIED. Opposed: Pat Fetterly. Preliminary discussion with Roy and Rainier regarding feasibility of connection with Yelm Sewer/ Reuse was added as an agenda item by Motion #03-61. Councilmember Isom expressed his disappointment with how he was notified after the fact that a meeting with Roy, Rainier and Yelm Mayors took place. He felt the interest in meeting on this subject with the other Mayors should have been discussed with the Council, possibly in a work session prior to the meeting. Councilmembers Fetterly and Harding expressed similar feelings of concern. Mayor Rivas responded that this meeting was part of his day to day operation and mayoral authority and that the e-mail sent was in line with the "no surprise rule" as defined in the Council handbook. He explained that the cities of Roy and Rainier called for the meeting and that the purpose was to gather information to bring back to the Council if there was any interest. Old Business a. ORDINANCE 783 Budget Amendment. This item is a follow-up to a directive to prepare an ordinance creating a Permanent Full Time Position for WWTP Reuse Operator Assistant in the Sewer Department. MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE 783 AMENDING THE 2003 BUDGET CREATING A PERMANENT FULL TIME POSITION FOR WWTP REUSE OPERA TOR ASSISTANT IN THE SEWER DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business. Councilmember Isom provided correspondence for distribution to the Council in Study Session packet regarding request for cities to host a Diversity Resource Roundtable during Race Equality Week, Sept 29- Oct 3, 2003. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/07-23-03 Page 4 of5 11. Executive Session - none 12. Correspondence reviewed. Staff reminded Council of public meeting scheduled for August 27,2003 at 6:00 p.m. prior to regular City Council Meeting. This meeting is hosted by Thurston County Auditor's Office to receive input from the public and elected officials on Election Ballot Change Options. 13. Adjourn: 8:36 p.m. --------- Attest: / 1/ / It ..v' /) ( .. / JliJi~~~~~~l!;Y~;;~~( K Agnes P. Bennick, CityClerk/Treasurer Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/07 -23-03 Page 5 of 5