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10 28 2014 Updated Agenda Packet
AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not haattachments. Call to Order 1. Roll Call 2. Appointment to Council Position #4 ACTION 3. MOTION TO CONFIRM APPOINTMENT OF JENNIFER LITTLEFIELD TO a. YELM CITY COUNCIL POSITION #4 FOR THE TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 2015 b. Oath of Office c. Agenda Approval ACTION Special Presentations- 4. Relay for Life presentation to local sponsors South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Update (STEDI)- Michael Cade, Thurston County EDC Executive Director 5. Public Comment the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speakers (five) are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. Consent Agenda ACTION 6. Minutes; Regular Meeting October 14, 2014 a. Payables Checks #63468 - #63532 Totaling $573,230.06 b. YCP, Annual Christmas in the Park, December 5 & 6, 2014, Open to the c. Public 7. Public Hearing- none scheduled 8. New Business- none scheduled a. Contract Award Stetz Construction, Inc Yelm Community Center ACTION 10 min Project Phase 1 Presenter: Stephanie Ray Attachments: Staff Report, Contract BCRA Contract Amendment #1 Yelm Community Center Project ACTION b. Phase 1 10 min Presenter: Stephanie Ray Attachments: Staff Report, Amendment 9. Old Business none scheduled 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Solid Waste Yelm Finance Committee Advisory Committee (SWAC) Councilmember Baker represents Yelm on the following committees. Intercity Transit Board Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development Council Committee (TRPC) Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Position 4 - Vacant Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. Transportation Committee (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember Garmann represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Economic Yelm Finance Committee Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Yelm Transportation Committee Forum Yelm Economic Development Committee (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board Executive Session- none scheduled 11. 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request.) AWC Cityvoice Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Thurston County Bountiful Byway Celebration October 13, 3:00-4pm, Schilter Family Farm, Olympia AWC Legislative Bulletin #18, October 17, 2014 Ask Municipal Research Services Center (MRSC), October 2014 Williams Washington Expansion Project Update-Third Quarter 2014 Notice to reschedule Yelm City Council meeting from Tuesday, November 11, 2014 to Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce November Forum & Luncheon, Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:30-1, Prairie Hotel-Yelm Thurston Regional Planning Council Friday, November 7, 2014 8:30am 10:30am Thurston PSE Update, October 27, 2014 Small Business Workshop Thursday, November 6, 2014 8-9am Tenino Thurston Economic Development Council Upcoming, Events October 2 2014 13. Adjourn Upcoming Meetings Council Study Session Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Please note November 11, 2014 Council meeting is moved to Wednesday, November 12, 2014 due CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape or CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please ca Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with s speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to cote in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.4 scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provid The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014 5:00 P.M . Call to Order 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Approval 3. Presentations 4. a.Topic: Unified Development Code (UDC)-continued discussion b2015 Preliminary Budget discussion . Mayor Report 5. Council Initiatives 6. Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building NO STUDY SESSIONS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Meeting Information It a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodati in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. . The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are availabl www.ci.yelm.wa.us Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 3 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: J. W. Foster, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Tracey Wood, Ken Ga and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 14-087 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations Substance Abuse Prevention Month- Mayor Harding proclaimed October 2014 as National Substance Abus Month and call upon the citizens of Yelm to recognize the import prevention in promoting safe and healthy communities and commend along with their partners, for 25 years of landmark prevention w County. Meghan Sullivan, Executive Director for TOGETHER accepte proclamation and thanked the Mayor and Council for bringing awar important issue. Substance Abuse affects everyone in one way or Sullivan stated that parents are the number one influence in whe people choose to use. Councilmember Foster asked how Yelm compar communities that do not have the TOGETHER program. Ms. Sullivan that because there are only two freestanding nonprofit TOGETHER available statewide, a lot of prevention work happens at the loc departments. The funds for the TOGETHER program are very limited messaging from parents and the community is important to prevent abuse among our youth. It takes a community to prevent substance Councilmember Isom asked if the TOGETHER program had any plans t marijuana use now that it is legal in the state of Washington. Ms. Sullivan stated with all the mixed messages surrounding marijuana that she expec increased youth use across the board. Recreational marijuana use under 21 is illegal. 5. Public Comment none 6. Consent Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting September 23, 2014 & Study Session September 24 2014 Payables Checks #63342 - #63467 Totaling $ 784,375.22. 14-088 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing none scheduled 8. New Business a.Design Contract Amendment 2014 Asbestos Cement Water Main Replacement Ryan Johnstone stated the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) appr of the current water system plan contains water replacement proj to increase the reliability and efficiency of the potable water By replacing old AC, water main with new PVC or ductile iron wat Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 3 way to do this. Council approved the contract with BHC on July 2 amount of $84,369. As the design of the current water main repla began, that there were additional areas that were identified as that should be added to the current project. Design of the previously approved water main sections is underway. If the addition of Areas No. 1 approved, design will begin immediately. It is anticipated that design work will push the design completion date to February 201 the additional water main replacement areas will increase the de total from $84,369 to $132,710. Councilmember Isom asked for mor regarding option 1. Councilmember Foster asked what the project after the AC line replacement but before WSDOT came through with Mr. Johnstone did not think there would be any impact to traffic along the sides of the roadway. 14-089 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $48,341 WITH BHC CONSULTANTS FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR ASBESTOS CEMENT (AC) WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT. CARRIED. 9. Old Business none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the Watershed Festival on September 27 at the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. On September 28, he met with the Yelm nd Farmers Market Manager and will be attending the 2 Annual Eatonville Salmon Festival on October 18. On October 20, Councilmember Foster will interview at City Hall with the Washington State Auditor and cit Councilmember Isom spent three weeks in Ireland and visited our Sister City, Ferns where he met with business people and delivered a letter f and a Key to City of Yelm. Councilmember Isom would be happy to interested in Ireland. Councilmember Wood attended the Transportation Policy Board Committee (TRPC) meeting where they discussed building a new Washington St facility in Olympia. Councilmember Wood also attended the TComm Board meeting and discussed the preliminary budget. Mayor Harding attended the meeting was held to discuss the challenges of their cities. Mayo the Transportation Policy Board Committee meeting (TRPC) where t funding sources and the Yelm Emergency Operations Board meeting. with the Yelm Farmers Market manager and was satisfied with the 11. Executive Session At 6:34 pm, Mayor Harding announced that Council would go into an E Session for approximately 30 minutes for the purpose of evaluati qualifications of a candidate for appointment to Yelm City Counc 42.30.110 (h)). At 7:03 pm, Mayor Harding closed the Executive Session and recon regular meeting. Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 3 of 3 Mayor Harding called for nominations for Yelm City Council Posit. Councilmember Foster nominated Jennifer Littlefield for Council Position #4. Seconded. Councilmember Wood nominated Tad Stillwell for Council Position #4. Seconded. Mayor Harding called for any further nominations. Seeing none, h vote. Councilmember Foster-Jennifer Littlefield, Councilmember Baker-Jennifer Littlefield, Councilmember Isom-Jennifer Littlefield, Councilmember Wood-Tad Stillwell, Councilmember Garmann-Tad Stillwell and Councilmember Hendrickson-Tad Stillwell. A majority vote is required. In the case of a tie vote, the Mayo break the tie. Mayor Harding cast the deciding vote: Jennifer Li Council Position #4. Jennifer Littlefield will be sworn in to Councilmember Position meeting on October 28, 2014. 12. Correspondence included AWC Cityvoice Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Thurston County Bountiful Byway Celebration October 13, 3:00-4pm Family Farm, Olympia 13. Adjourn 7:10 pm. ___________________________ Attest: _________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item 6 b. VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of checks approved for payment at October 28th council PR Draw Direct Deposit9999999999$23,167.94 PR Draw Checks6346863471$2,691.40 Payroll Draw AP Checks/EFT9999999999$7,386.65 Vouchers6347263532$539,984.07 Utility RefundsNANA$- TOTAL$573,230.06 ____________________________ /_______________________________/________________________________ Mayor Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________/________________________________/________________________________ Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________/_______________________________ Council member Councilmember ATTEST:_____________________________ CITY CLERK:_______________________________________ The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by______________________________________________at a regular council meeting held this 28th day of October 2014 1 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 2 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 3 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 4 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 5 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 6 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 7 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 8 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 9 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 10 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 11 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 12 of 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 13 of 13 Agenda Item 6. c. Park Request Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item 6. c. Park Request Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 8. a. Stetz Construction Contract Page 1 of 4 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council From:Stephanie Ray, Project Manager Date:October 20, 2014(for October 28th, 2014City Council Meeting) Subj:Contract Award StetzConstruction, Inc.- Yelm Community Center ProjectPhase I Recommendation To authorize Mayor Harding to sign a contractwith StetzConstruction, Inc.in the amount of (one million eight hundred seventy nine thousand eight hundred sixty nine dollars) $1,879,869.00 for construction services related to the Yelm Community Center Phase I Project. Background On February 5, 2014 Council authorized BCRA to begin the design of Phase I of the Yelm Community Center. The scope of work included full design through the bid processand some limited construction services. The final design of the community center was complete at the end of August, 2014 and let to bid on th September 5,2014. Current thth and September 12, 2014in the Nisqually Valley News, Seattle The project was bid on September 5 Daily Journal of Commerce, ARC Plan Center, Builder’s Exchange and the City website. Bids were opened on September 25, 2014.There were fourteen bids received. Andy Johnson & Co $2,253,000.00 HHJ, Inc. $2,313,339.00 Schwiesow Const $2,007,000.00 Westmark Const. $2,151,000.00 Merit Construction NW $2,146,000.00 Jones & Roberts Co. $2,169,000.00 Alderizh & Assocs. $2,152,000.00 Forma Construction Co. $2,128,500.00 Lincoln Construction $2,248,480.00 Par Tech $1,938,400.00 Pease Construction $2,137,900.00 Porter Brothers $2,249,000.00 Berschauer Construction$2,261,000.00 Stetz Construction $1,879,869.00 Referencesfor Stetz Constructionhave been checked and BCRA’sletter of recommendationis included. Staff recommends awarding the construction contractto Stetz Construction, Inc. Agenda Item 8. a. Stetz Construction Contract Page 2 of 4 The estimated project total including contingency, construction management and other necessary costs (furnishings, security, insurance, survey, Geotech, commercial power install/transformer, telecommunications)is$2,298,075. Funding for the project: Municipal Building Fund:$1,826,669 Cumulative (Capital) Reserve$ 389,326 Park Reserve $ 12,000 Water Reserve $ 11,780 Sewer Reserve $ 58,300 Agenda Item 8. a. Stetz Construction Contract Page 3 of 4 October 6, 2014 Ms. Stephanie Ray, Project Manager City of Yelm 105 Yelm Ave W. Yelm, WA 98597 Re: Construction Contract Award for Yelm Community Center Dear Ms. Ray; As a result of the public bid process, a total of fourteen respoand opened on September 25, 2014. Stetz Construction has submitted the apparen Subsequent to the bid opening, we requested reference contacts f bid projects with roughly equivalent contract amounts. The resul herewith. In our brief discussion with these references, we found nothing contracts, which would cause us to disqualify their bid for this We therefore recommend approval of the bid amount and contract award to Stetz Construct It would be prudent for our team, BCRA + City of Yelm, to be in throughout the construction phase of work. Keeping the project well managed wil our level of service. We appreciate the foresight you have exerc our agreement to allow for an increased level of project represe Please note that nearly 50% of the bids we received were from we whose bids were in a tight range between $2,137,000.00 and $2,16uld recommend a construction contingency which when added to Stetzs bid, approaches these contract amounts for a final contract sum. We look forward to getting this project underway for the City of Respectfully Kent McLaren, Architect Sr. Project Manager BCRA Cc: Chris Spadafore, Project Architect - BCRA Agenda Item 8. a. Stetz Construction Contract Page 4 of 4 October 3, 2014 Reference Checks / Stetz Construction Contact: Travis White* Re: Lewis Hall Renovation Contract Amount $1,649,502.00 Workmanship: Good Schedule: On time Project Management: OK wholesale staff change at one time during middle of project. Administrative controls: OK Project Close-out: N/A not complete yet. Change Order record: nothing extraordinary Contact: Troy Christensen* Re: Randall Townsend Apartments Contract Amount $1,400,000.00 Workmanship: Good Schedule: Significant delays largely due to additional abatement of hazardous materials Project Management: Not good at managing subcontractors Administrative controls: Good, timely Project Close-out: N/A not complete yet. Change Order record: Far too many change orders Contact: Alan Gozart* Re: Grays Harbor Community College Renovation Contract Amount $1,300,000.00 Workmanship: Good Schedule: Delivered the project on schedule. Project Management: Superintendent really good at managing subs Administrative controls: Decent Project Close-out: Adequate some. I would work with the *Reference calls made by Kent McLaren. Footer Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 8. b. BRCA Contract Amendment Page 1 of 5 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council From:Stephanie Ray, Project Manager Date:October 22nd, 2014(for October 28thCity Council Meeting) Subj:BCRA Fee Agreement Amendment No. 1 – Yelm Community Center Phase I Recommendation Authorize Mayor Harding to sign Amendment No. 1 with BCRA, Inc.in the amount of $30,000 for additionalconstruction management services required to complete Phase I of the City’s Community Center. Background In February of 2014, Council authorized BCRA to begin full design of the community center project. The initial scope of work with BCRA included full design and limited construction management services. The design was complete in August of 2014 and the project was bid in September of 2014. Current The attached Amendment No. 1 includes increased construction management services for the entire length of the project. Staff recommends approving Amendment No. 1 Agenda Item 8. b. BRCA Contract Amendment Page 2 of 5 October 20, 2014 Stephanie Ray City of Yelm 105 Yelm Ave W. Yelm, WA 98597 Re: Yelm Community Center / Contract Amendment No. 1 (CA Service Amendment to Contract Documents dated Feb 3 rd, 2014 Dear Stephanie, Pursuant to our recent communications, we are requesting a contra and Civil CA services. To keep in line with the level of effort expected, we propose to Construction Administration from $33,975 to $63,975. The increase of $30,000 breaks down as follows: Current __ Architecture CA fee: $25,000 42,000 Civil CA fee: $5,000 $18,000 Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical CA fees to remain (respec We are confident in the level of service and the collaborative m project on your behalf. I trust that your review of this request consideration. Sincerely, Accepted, City of Yelm ______________________________________ Kent McLaren, Architect Date: Sr Project Manager, BCRA Ron Harding, Mayor Agenda Item 8. b. BRCA Contract Amendment Page 3 of 5 Agenda Item 8. b. BRCA Contract Amendment Page 4 of 5 Agenda Item 8. b. BRCA Contract Amendment Page 5 of 5 RE: BCRA P14013 Yelm Community Center BCRA Civil Original Construction Administration Scope: Provide minor construction phase services to assist City during 8 submittals and 5 (approximately 36 hours) Additional Construction Administration Scope: The construction administration scope has been increased as foll construction support anticipated for the onsite improvements as : Assist with one bid addendum; assist with answering 10-12 two additional times during construction to observe construction of the biorete, provide roughly 12 hours of consultation via email and phone with the architect, o contractor. (Approximately 100 hours additional) Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 1 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE YELM CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 11, 2014 MEETING RE-SCHEDULED TO NOVEMBER 12, 2014 The November 11, 2014City Council meeting has been re-scheduled to Wednesday, November 12, 2014 in observation of the Veteran’s Day Holiday. The meetings are held at the Public Safety Building, 206 McKenzie Ave at 6:00 p.m. For additional information, please contact Janine Schnepf at 360-458-8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360-458-8402at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled event. Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Posted; City Buildings PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Distribution: City Council Packets: Mayor:Ron Harding Councilmembers:JW Foster Joe Baker Robert Isom Position 4 Tracey Wood Ken Garmann Russ Hendrickson City Administrator Shelly Badger Posted Yelm City Hall Public Safety Building Yelm Timberland Library Published: NVN 10/31/14 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 2 of 3 You're invited to the November Chamber Luncheon & Forum Please join us for our November Chamber forum & luncheon. Chad Pearson will be presenting the Employment Security Department's Shared Work Program. Trish Becerra will be highlighting her business, Inspirah. Lunch will be catered by Casa Mia. Cost for the forum & luncheon When WEDNESDAY November 12, 2014 From 11:30 am to 1 pm Where PRAIRIE HOTEL 701 Prairie Park Lane Yelm, WA 98597 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 3 of 3 ESD's Shared Work Program: Keeping momentum when business slows It can happen to any business. Demand for your product or service slips. Maybe the market goes in the tank. All you know is your business is in a fix, and you've got hard decisions to make. You don't want to lay off your skilled employees, but what else can you do to cut costs? Employment Security has an alternative called the "Shared Work Program" Learn why more than 96 percent of enrolled employers would recommend it to other businesses. About our Presenter: Chad Pearson grew up in Gig Harbor, WA and is a proud WSU Cougar. After representing two different private employers in the hospitality the West coast for 20 years, he exchanged the sunshine and smog California for the rain and fog of Olympia in 2011. Mr. Pearson Washington promoting the Employment Security Department's "Shared Work Program" to employers. Mr. Pearson likes 60s muscle cars and dis Forward this email STAY CONNECTED TRPC Members & Representatives City of Lacey Virgil Clarkson PRE-AGENDA City of Olympia Friday, November 7, 2014 Nathaniel Jones 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. City of Rainier Dennis McVey The pre-agenda providesmembers the opportunity to review the topics of the upcoming TRP This information is forwarded in advance to afford your councilssion City of Tenino at your regular meetings. This will provide your designated representative with informatio Bret Brodersen for their participation in the TRPC meeting. For more information, visit our website at www.trpc.org. City of Tumwater Consent Calendar ACTION Tom Oliva These items were presented at the previous meeting. They are action i City of Yelm on consent unless pulled for further discussion. Robert Isom a. Approval of Minutes October 3, 2014 Confederated Tribes of the b. Approval of Vouchers Chehalis Reservation Amy Loudermilk Introduction of New StaffPRESENTATION Nisqually Indian Tribe A new transportation modeler has been hired to fill a vacant position. Aaron Grimes, our James Slape new modeler, comes to us from King County with over 20 years of experience in Town of Bucoda and transportation planning. Alan Vanell Presentation of APA/PAWAwardPRESENTATION Thurston County th On Friday, October 17TRPC staff accepted a plaque from the American Planning Sandra Romero Association/Planning Association of Washington (APA/PAW) at their annual conference in North Thurston Public Spokane. The award recognizes the Sustainable Thurston planning Schools effort. Representatives from the APA/PAW will be on hand to present the Chuck Namit members of TRPC for their involvement in the project. Olympia School District Amendment to 2014 Budget ACTION Allen Miller Every year staff reviews the budget at mid-year to evaluate if it is necessary to make a Intercity Transit budget revision. For 2014, staff is proposing a small budget amendment to account Karen Valenzuela new projects and unanticipated revenues. This budget amendment will be presented for LOTT Clean Water Alliance approval. Cynthia Pratt Draft 2015 Work Program DISCUSSION Port of Olympia th The work program subcommittee met on October 9 and reviewed staffs proposal for Bill McGregor 2015. They are recommending that staff continue working on the prioritestablished in PUD No. 1 of Thurston County 2014 regarding functional collaboration between jurisdictions an Chris Stearns valuation. The functional collaboration subcommittee met on 10/15 and estab process to move forward with fact finding and planning in 2015 td lead to a project that can be accomplished in 2016. Both subcommittees will report out their recommendations and engage the council in discussion. Associate Members Regional Coordinated Public Transit & Human Services Economic Development ST Council of Thurston County Transportation Plan for the Thurston Region Prioritized Project List 1 REVIEW Michael Cade The Council was briefed on this plan update at its September mee The update includes a prioritized project list that must be adopted prior t Lacey Fire District #3 application deadlines in mid-November. The Council will take action to update the Plan in Gene Dobry December. Puget Sound Regional Council Vacant 2015 Legislative PrioritiesDISCUSSION The TRPC legislative subcommittee created a list of priority iss TCOMM 9-1-1 the Council Ed Hildreth Membership Sustainability Update UPDATE The Evergreen State College Jeanne Rynne This agenda item is to allow TRPC members an opportunity to shar actions or planning efforts underway which are incorporating or Timberland Regional Library Sustainability plan visions and/or goals. Cheryl Heywood wÒ©· t{9 ¦7·; Good morning, It was a busy weekend for PSE crews as the storm that came throu over 140,000 customers throughout our region. PSE opened our Thurston storm base on Saturday evening and kept it open through last night. Thurston County experienced a lot of we were able to energize all customers in Thurston by late last Now that all of our transmission lines and substations are operare focusing on restoring power in neighborhoods. Currently, there a outage locations affecting about 6,700 customers, nearly all of Additional crews joining restoration efforts this morning. You or your constituents can check pse.com/outagemap for the latest and most detailed information. Constituents can continue to report outages at pse.com or by calling 1-888-225-5773. If you or any constituents have any questions or concerns, ple by cell or email. Thank you for all of your patience through this storm event. Bryan McConaughy Senior Local Government Representative Puget Sound Energy Cell phone: (360) 688-4091 Bryan.mcconaughy@pse.com HOW TO NEGOTIATE ANYTHING IN BUSINESS JOIN US FOR A FREE SMALL BUSINESS WORKSHOP Thurs, November 6 Every day, all over the world, businesses 8 - 9 am with coaching afterwards Sandstone Café want to accomplish a particular task, clarify 273 W Sussex Ave, Tenino a relationship, or simply achieve more than they might by making a deal with someone SPEAKER else. They need to get from their starting Victoria Wortberg, WCWB Program Manager point to their objective. This workshop will Training is free, but pre-registration is encouraged. Call (360) 956-7575 or email evanderf@trpc.org. help participants understand and utilize a process that is fundamental to business (and life in general). South Thurston Economic Development Initiative 4®¯¨¢ - ³±¨· ³ 3®´³§ 3®´£ 3´¢¢¤²² Keynote: Sarah Victory: How To Double Your Business in One Year or Less Opening Sales & Accounting & Lunch Legal & HR Critical Soft Closing Comments Marketing Finance Skills for Keynote Success Time 8:30 to 9:00 10:30 to 11:20 11:30 to 12:20 12:30 to 1:15 1:30 to 2:20 2:30 to 3:20 3:30 to 4:30 9:00 to 10:150 Level 1 Welcome and A Marketing Integrating How To Is Business Resources Opening Plan for the Goals for Choose the Ownership Available at Remarks(EDC) New Business Financial Best Legal Right for You EDC/SPSCC (Terry Snyder) Stability Structure for (Bob Hale) and closing (Nancy Your Business comments Keynote: LaPointe) and What (Michael Cade) How to Double Makes a Good Your Business Contract TBD) in One Year or ( Less (Sarah Level 2 Social Media: Changes in Intellectual Systems and Victory) Turning SBA Lending Property 101 Structures for Customers (Linda Laws) (Jim Haugen) Success (Daryl into a Murrow) Volunteer Marketing Army (Laurie Owen) Level 3 Increase Your The Art of Hiring and Networking Business Structuring a Firing for Introverts through Business Loan Guidelines for (Beth Buelow) Government (Ron Nielsen) Business Contracts (Jessica (Stephanie Jensen) Scott) Level 4 Get More Crowd Succession Leading Your Traction from Funding, Angel Planning and Team to the Your Website. Investors, and the Impact of Next Level Discover the other new Business (Rozanne Secrets that funding Valuation Garman) Engage strategies to (Sam Armour) Visitors, grow your Generate business. Interest, (John Inquiries and Sechrest) Sales. (Amy Posner) 1 Exact titles could still change. Price at (360) 754-6320 or pprice@thurstonedc.com. View this email in your browser National Speakers to Keynote Upcoming Conferences The EDC is committed to bringing relevant and exciting training, networking and workshop opportunities to the community. We are pleased to present the following nationally recognized speakers! South Sound Success Business Conference Wednesday, November 5, 2014 8 am - 4:30 pm South Puget Sound Community College 2100 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512 - Building 35 (Natural Sciences Building) Cost: $59 Thank you to our Presenting Sponsored: Want to learn how to make your company more successful? Join us November 5. This full-day conference is designed for all levels of entrepreneurs, from startup to sca 16 workshops in four tracks - sales & marketing; accounting & finance; legal & human resources - will take place throughout the day, presented by regionally and nationally known experts. The keynote for this exciting event is Sarah Victory, a Chicagol-based business coach, consultant, motivational speaker and author of Double Your and. Business in One Year or Less Do Something Brave Every Day http//thevictorycompany.com For more information, and to register, please visit: www.southsoundsuccess.com Or call Victoria Wortberg at (360) 754-6320 PLUS A special offer for attendees of South Sound Success! Get pre-release FREE tickets to hear Zev Siegl, co- founder of Starbucks Coffee Company, international speaker and business coach with your registration at South Sound Success! Wisdom and Chocolate: A Series for All Entrepreneurs Who Want to Build Successful Companies Tuesday, November 18, 2014 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Saint Martin's University 5300 Pacific Avenue, Lacey, WA 98503 - Norman Worthington Conference Center There is no substitute for having the chance to hear firsthand f that resonate with who they are. In this series, you can talk wi what they have learned. Fifteen minutes of insights could eliminate mont Wisdom and Chocolate. Zev Siegl, co-founder of Starbucks Coffee Company, international speaker and business coach. Zev is committed to and passionate about enabling young entrepreneurs around the world to make good descions regarding s acquiring and growing small and medium-sized enterprises. www.zevsiegl.com A special thanks to Saint Martin's University for hosting this event! This event is part of , the world's Global Entrepreneur Week largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare. Get access to both of these exclusive events for only $59! Business Opportunities in Brazil Monday, November 17 2:30pm - 4:15 pm Saint Martin's University 5300 Pacific Avenue Lacey, WA 98503 - Norman Worthington Conference Center Cost: $25 Saint Martin's University and the Thurston EDC are proud to announce the first business conference in the South Sound addressing Business Opportunities in Brazil. Brazil is quickly emerging as an economic engine, it is currently the seventh largest economy in the world, and is already directly linked to Washington's economy. The Thurston EDC and Saint Martin's University are pleased to provide South Sound businesses a seminar to learn more about exploring business opportunities with this rapidly emerging and exciting market. Confirmed speakers include: Stephen Murphy, Senior Advisor, Latin America, Pacific Northwest Advisors J. Marcio Da Cruz, R&D Technical Manager, Starbucks Coffee Company Pedro Magalhaes Castro, Principle, Magellan Architects Pedro Augusto Leite Costa, Honorary Consul of Brazil, Seattle Young Oh, U.S. Commercial Officer, U.S. Department of Commerce www.thurstonedc.com/event/business-opportunities-in-brazil/ Thank You to Our South Sound Success Presenting Sponsor: WSECU To sponsor any of these events, please contact Pearlita Price at (360) 754-6320 or pprice@thurstonedc.com . Copyright © 2014 Thurston Economic Development Council, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: 665 Woodland Square Loop SE Lacey, WA 98503 Phone: (360) 754-6320 unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences